A ftn gd Dalljr N«t P n m R a n The Weather For The Week DnOed Cloudy and cool (tonight; low October 28, m i In SOa. Tomorrow becoming partly cloudy, mild; high about iianrlj^Ht^r lEumttig 70. Wedneaday'a outlook. . . 15,555 partly cloudy, mild. Manche»ter-—A City of Village Charm


IRA Retaliates I Agnew Offers Brezhnev in France; For Slaying Of Main Speech Belfast Sisters At Arlington Given 101-Gun Salute BELFAST, Northern Ireland (AP)—A woman guer­ By STEPHENS BROENINO rilla opened fire on British troops today and was shot WASHINGTON (AP)— Vice President Spiro T. Ag­ and wounded, military sources reported. new told a Veterans Day ceremony today that the best PARIS (AP)—Leonid I. Tne shooting occurred aa t h e ------way to show appreciation to the nation’s war heroes is Brezhnev arrived in Paris to back President Nixon "in his pursuit of peace." today on his first trip to T of Parliament for the In contrast with antiwar d e m ------the West since taking over weekend iriiiino. area, said he knew the women onstratlons In the nation’s capl- bases within 30 miles of the the leadership of the So­ “ 1 they were not Involved In tul, Agnew took the occasion of capital In cose violence erupts viet Communist party in by Brltlah troo^. IRA affairs. Veterans Day to ask support of the demonstraUon. planned 1964. French security Itie Incident, in which of pbon* one Nixon B handling of the Viet- by the Peoples Coalition for forces stood on alert for soldier This morning’s Irish News, a ualy d»* lined v d , ^ ! . Roman Catholic dally,, carried POACG CLJld Ju stlco anti-Soviet demonstrations. The vice ptesident said fight- 'nxe coalition, which spon- T notices, however. Identl- Brezhnev, successor of Nikita MW Bd- Ing men in Vietnam have had gored the massive Mayday pro­ "* MUs Maguire as a staff S. Khrushchev as head of the btiglna to N ortl^ iMland’a violence- ^ cumann Na Bhan, the to pay a higher price than vet- tests here last spring, plana ral- erans of other wars party apparatus. Is here to ■tabUUy ? IRA women’s organization. lies through Tuesday. “ ’n ic nearly 6.S million press the French for a friend­ le Bldgo" J^en Md girl, by the out- T^e notices were signed by Agnew, who returned from ship treaty and to develop his mwoa iM. „ g „ con^paniea of the Americans who have served in Greece Saturday, was deliv­ k the NBC our armed services in the Viet­ image as an intemaUonat A a t ^ of riot and proteat i r a ’b lat Belfast Battalion. No- ering the principal address as statesman. followed the Saturday ktlUnga Uces like these are the tradl- nam war, have in my opinion, Nixon’s personal representa^ edy) In- paid a h l^ e r price than usual,’’ President Georghs Pompidou oc l^year-old Dorothy Maguire Uonal way of announcing IRA tlve at the annual Veterans greeted him at the airport and Ntn to be Agnew said. "For fighUng in an ceremonies at and her married sister, Mary casualties. A Arlington Brezhnev was given a lOf-gun ) help hie Meehan, 80, mother of four unpopular war, they have had NaUonal Cemetery, The vice *nil8 morning’s shooting came salute, an honor usually re­ being re> children. »- to bear the brunt of its unpopu­ president Is a World War II and ui. V. Belfast’s Andersonstown dla- served for heads of state. deoldea to Tiiey were by army bul- jrict larity.” Korean War veteran. A ^ e w also attacked the Brezhnev seems to be emerg­ Ilia own. lats aa they drove with friends T h e people’ s coalition The army said troops search­ slaughter of Vietnamese civil­ ing as the main spokesman of xe Kemon through Belfast's Lower Polls planned to "demonstrate a •will­ ing houses for arms came un­ ians by the Communists, while the Soviet Union In its dealings Id SaUle district, on IRA stronghold. ingness to end the war” by der fire at several places. referring to the slaying of Viet­ with the West. John Bad- The army instated that two talking with representattves of It added; "At Drumoan Oar- namese by Americans at My Wearing a dark gray suit with . Levlnaon’a ^ ^ been flred^ soldiers ^ protecting the North Vietnamese delega­ Lai aa an aberration. a Supreme Soviet badge, Brezh­ aed on a tion to the Parts peace talks by nev smiled, shook hands with iltemora. were Justified In firing back. ^ j "We can show the veterans of I^one at a rally today near the Pompidou and then took the Associates denied that the (Bee Page llilrteen) Vietnam, and the veterans of Washington Monument. our earlier wars, no finer ap­ salute of the BTench honor ______i,______It said it would have an exhi- preciation of th e' contributions UUon of the "tragedies of life guard. . they have made to freedom tmd tm the There were no speeches, but to cur welfare as a nation, than monument grounde. Some an- before getting Into the official to aasist. . the President j In his , nounced partlclpanto included cortege for the presidential pal­ -UL Border Towns in India pursuit of peace and his efforts j^dochlna war opponents come- ace Brezhnev waved at a group ^ER to make them the chance of passage. of Moscow’s most popular TV ST. By MABOARBT SOHERF The key Issue was an Ameri­ the important question resolu­ In Washington, House Re­ programs was replaced Sunday can resolution to make the tion. Many observers had be­ publican leader Geralt) R. Ford night with a documentary on ROS. WASHINGTON (AP) — ouster an "important ques­ lieved Italy would vote against of Michigan predicted that ex­ tion,’’ requiring a two-thirda (See Page Eight) ST. George Washington was so It. pulsion of Nationalist China close-mouthed about his false majority (or passage. Sources tn Jerusalem said the could well bring financial trou­ teeth he once disguised a dental "W e think we’re going to win Israeli Cabinet decided Sunday bles to the U.N. payment as a hat bill. that vote," said a spokesman that Israel would vote for the "If the U.N. General Assem­ Little good It did him. (or the U.S. delegation. One U.S. resolution but this had bly votes to expel the Republic Police Report Dr. Reldor F. Sognnaes, pro­ diplomat friendly to the Ameri­ been generally expected. of China It will no lon g ^ enjoy fessor of oral biology and can casuo figured they had a The 23 sponsors of the Alba­ the same support from the anatomy at UCLA, has delvsd B8-57 or 80-S7 advantage with nian resolution planned a last- American people and Congress Plot on Life so deeply Into Washington's more favorable votes possible. minute strategy session today that It has enjoyed In the past." dental problems he was able to However, . another friendly to discuss whether, In case Ford said Sunday. report not only about the blH, diplomat calculated the vote at their resolution failed,' a pro- "I am concerned that it will O f K o sy g in but also the following In a lec­ B2-B8 against the resolution or a posoPshould be put In to make be very difficult to get a major- ture at the Smithsonian In- 88-88 tl8. Other assessments the American dual represents- TORONTO (AP) - The Ca­ sUtutlon; were that from 88 to 61 delegii- (ton resolution an "Important (8ee Pago Sovonteon) nadian government maintained —Washington suffered his tions were ready to vote a tight security net around So­ "first obstruction’’ in 17B6 at against It And only from 86 to viet Premier Alexei N. Kosygin the age of 32. By 1788 he’d lost 88 were for It. today aa hla visit neared ita end all but two teeth and In 17M he '■fA ■li- v'..' Should there be a tie, a sec­ and tipsters reported an at­ lost his lest tooth. ond vote would be token within tempt would be made on his I A.M, —He paid John Greenwood, 48 hours. If the tie persisted, Typhoon Toll 1“ Vietnam: life. "an Ivory-turner and In­ the resolution would fall. About 200 hostile demonstra­ strument maker," *80 for a set Assembly President Adam Over 100 Dead or Missing tors assembled In u steady rain of dentures mads In 1728. Dr. Malik of Indonesia was sold to outside his hotel aa he arrived BagnnMB, making a rsplloa hope the vote could come late Hy C2EORUK KMPRK 70 per cent of the entire stock from Western Canada Sunday reespay, had to pay flOO for today. But key delegations be­ night. But there wore more po­ AsmM-lated Writer In some provinces. Refugee tht gold plate alone. lieved the voting would start camps were destroyed. lice than demonatrators, and —The lower portion of the Tuesday. SAIGON (AP) The casu­ A.s many as 40,000 persons the marchers were kept 200 original set was made of two The "Important question’’ alty toll from Typhoon Healer were homeless In Quung Ngal yards from the building. tusks of elephant Ivory while resolution was crucial because soared to more than lOO dead province, Ihe Sor-ial Welfare Earlier Sunday, the police the upper oonalsted of hippopo­ the Albanian resolution to seat or mlssInK In South Vietnam to­ Ministry said. were told an attempt would bo tamus dsntins. Wooden pegs In the Chinese ('oniinunista , amt day. and the South Vielnumese The Vietnamese t.'ommund made on the vlsltor’e life In To­ the dentures "are not In- oust the Natlunnllats Is certain military coininand said the five said the army would have to bd ronto. 'Dioy raided 18 hoinee, oompatlMs with ohsrry tres to get a majority In the Assem­ northernmost provinces had diverted from the war effort to seized a number of weapons WOCMlt'* bly bul nut a two-thlnls major- been hit by a catastrophe. help rebuild the storm urea, a and arrested two men; Gerald (His wooden pegs In Dr. log- I>oyle, IB, and Kenneth Wilson, •‘y Incomplete i-eiiorts listed H5 sector I r 10,000 sipiure miles nnMB* rspliaa do, Indeed, come 37, both of 'Torontu. The Albanian resoiulloii was South Vietnamese and three with a |Ki|Hilutlo(i of more than fiwn a cherry Ires. I entitled to be vt>ted im first tM<- inspector Roy Soplet sold the American tils killed, 18 South 3 million —Washington's lest molar, cause tl wse eubmitted flret. raids produced handguns, rifles Vietnamese missing and muiv 'lliice Ainericun military pulled In iTii, was worn by Hut the Untied Slates had a than lOU Houlh Vietnamese and and bayonets. Mo sold eome of Orstnwood on his watch chain buses on the nurihern coast motion |K>l>dlng to give Its reao- Americans Injured the raids were made on the were liuttered, and AssiH-lalnd homes af members of the right- In later years. lullcn priority • 'Ihe ilrsil uu'luded S3 Health A set of dentures Washing- The UnllMl Males was also I’ rrss 1'orrr-i|M>ml»nl J 'I' Wol wing Edmuiul Burke Society, a Vletnsmrse aboard a Vietnam. ion get ter hte Inaugural od- pualdng a "dual repre he aoM, s«»j (lilnrse eeal » « the S nuiilv Tefts of Ite-Mi.aeiU neri' left alli'laft ii(..-t Ilf tlieiii fiHllcop ■lay In Alberta, where denton (he IMlh eWier hM t .CIO (I hoioete-,1 . r. and villages Il ls -lustiiiiicii tight to heavy sfraJuva pMitesled the trOSl. M port wlfw or Ihs I'chlos he- —ltd icjc-^JeJIy laiir wl;-c.| latl M< I Ihr fall daiiiiiac when llie storm maivd iiienl n l Hilnortty gnsige in the . t j, ui ir II, I!r.- I u |.i 1,1 ill . . Arimh imrt wine IKel this IS..,*1.1 h.*%B ivao-iis to ttir argh i tiurdny with 118 mile Oovir-i i/ninn and «• bwWa/t M Aedarea Ml Dr. Rwitthr HufiRMlah, dhnUalrr iMsirwosti «t \hm (i«iiv»rs(i> nf die a, ollh Ike l ‘i.i',4 o . es a..., ,(. • ! II ill- -.1 li. e S . ^1 I- (See Fa#e Ftnsdr) tdays r»)^ a miHla by him trf Us»nh* WasMlngtoti'* fnUc IotIIi (A P Phwlw) 1 fsW f*\***l»‘ tJghteM) S »■ Fose »tee» MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. MONDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1971 PAGE THREE

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANC3IBSTER. CONN.. MONDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1971 P A G E T W O Pablo Picasso To Mark Vernon Sheinwold on Bridge Bolton THEATER TIME . ______J B South dealer His 90th Birthday Today SCHEDULE Indian Valley iFORmRENTBAND h a n d f r o m ’TODBNBiV Anderson-Little Both aides vulnerable INSPmES PESSIMISM NEIW Y O R K (A P ) — Pablo "One day when I was about VOUNQPEOPIE NORTH Town Gets Ploosso turns 90 today but his 9, somebody hod just gotten me YM Gl Planning fsstiwsxsfswiniww a *»**»— ' 4) A 10 ‘^ H E W A Y Cinema I—“ For Pete’s Sake” , By ALFRS ESHEINWOLD daughter Palmoma won’t be new shoee . . . eepadrillos. My C? KJ94 1:30, 4:00, 7 :00, 9:18 Several Classes Life Is like playing bridge In there to celebrate. Though she father eald, ‘Oh, I’m going to A Second 0 A762 Cinema II — '"The Organlia- public and learning the game as hasn’t seen or heard from him do something very nice with I HEARD rP’ ♦ A74 • tlon” , 3:48, 8:48, 7:48, 9:48 The Indian Valley YMCA will 1 ALL AUl AaMlllIO you go on. If you think this pes­ III seven years she etlll cherleh- them.’ And he started making Jobs Grant State — “Jack Frost” 1:00 sponsor several courses for SMMrat AuMmcm simistic statement 1s occasioned WEST EAST es the memoris of things past. ®>l these drawings on them. “The Cat” 2:10 (Matinee Only): by personal problems, you may > Q 5 2 9 7 6 3 by John Gruber young people, starting in No­ “He’s so complex,” says 22- And I was so miserable, I First Selectman Richard Mor- “ Carnal Knowledge” , 7:30, 9:28 ALL AHI AMintS have a point, bilt don’t foiget C? A 763 i;? 0 5 year-old Paloma Picasso, a didn’t want to wear them nny- vember. Anyone wishing fur­ ra announced Friday that Manchester Drive-In — Re­ AmMtl tulAtim IsiinM that I see a lot of bridge played 0 104 0 9833 jewelry designer, vlslUng In ^ou know how children : lf| In public. Today’s hand, for 4LK962 4 10 833 the town la eligible to receive opens Friday ther Information about any of Now York. "H e’s nice and he’s always want to bo like toe East Hartford Drive-In — Re­ the programs should contact the example, came along In the na­ SOUTH nasty. H e’s very generous and others,” she says, There la beginning to be the same things, ^ e n though “ o* W.872 through tional team championship at the 4l KJ984 opens Friday “ Y " office at Vernon Circle. Mtnitrao he can bo a miser.” Paloma says material pros- great popular Interest in the there is a widespread belief the recently enacted Emer­ East Windsor Drive-In — Re­ I Un4tr If nsui*** iccii«>»i»ym i Palm er House In a few (? 10 8 2 ®nte were not Picasso’s way of : n dance, whether it be the classic among dancers that any music gency Employment Act. ’Die opens Friday A fly-tying course will start Aw«M tr A4ult Swrilai months ago. 0 KOJ Picasso has always been can be danced. ballet or modem dance. I re­ funds will be used to hire a Meadows Drive-In — “Oodril- Nov. 1 . Richard Sabllti, an ex- South dealer. A QJ soinewhst of a m ystery to the ghe was his subject in palnt- cently received a letter asking Music has been composed to la’s Revenge” , 7:30; "Island of Po^t In the field of fly-tying Both aides vulnerable. publlc as well. His paintings doesn’t have one town employe for a 10 -month South West North East just what made me an author­ fit dancing conceived by a cho­ the Burning Damned” , 9:18; will be the Instructor for the 10- . M tM UNOfA U AOMlim Opening lead — Two of Clubs. and sculpture have ^onfounded- „k e one. period, Morra said. 1 0 Pass 2 0 Puss 3 DAY SAIJS! (An Halt Dwy Miy ity cn the dance, and a col­ reographer. ( “ Nutcracker” ) Is “ She Beast” 10:48 week course. He is one of the South played a low club from some criUcs and led others to ^ t CSirlstmas. someone else Bolton previously was allo­ ki oftiln mM) 2 A Pass 3 I? Pass league of mine recently wrote a case in point. Dances have Blue Hills'Drive-In — Closed founding directors of the Con- dummy at the first trick and offer a variety of inter- picked out her presents. “It cated approximately $3,000 un­ 4 0 Pass 4 A A ll Pass a scathing appraisal of an aud­ been choreographed to fit exist­ nectlcut Fly-tying Men’s Asso­ won with the jack In his hand. der the act which will be pool­ Untll Weekend. Opening lead — * 2 protatlona. Today, he sees few ^as never him who would go ience for ballet at the Bushnell. ing music. “ Presages” is a sim­ ciation. Then he led a trump to the ace people and spends most of hla and got them for us. TTuit’s not ilar instance.) Choreographers ed with similar grants received 1ill7?IT*C V So let’s talk some about bal­ The course w ill be open to ad­ and returned the ten of spades time secluded In his home in the kind of man he U. His mind have been wont to tackle music by Marlborough, Tolland and let. Don’t ask me how it hap­ vanced fly-tiers as well as be­ for a finesse. West won with the southern France with his wlfb, tg not connected In that way. It that was far beyond them, and Columbia to hire one civil engi- Union Busting pens that music critics get ginners and will be open to queen of spades and returned a tually won, Kantar cashed toe Jacqueline. wasn’t Important. I’m happy “ Presages” Is a horrible exam­ owns. stuck to review l^allet perform ­ men, women, boys and girls. lew heart. * spades imd returned to ple. Massine was a good chore­ The second grant - will proba­ Is Charged To Picasso and Palom a’s moth- that It was like that. Wo were ances, but it has always been The beginners class will start at South thought so long that I his hand with too king of dia- ographer, but his genius was net bly be used to hire someone to Highest Income er, Francolse Gllot, now Mrs. not spoiled. We were lucky,” the case in m y experience, ex­ wonted to check his pulse, but monds to draw another trump as great as the genius that in­ serve Bolton exclusively, Morra Welfare Chiefs 0:48 p.m. and end at 8:30. ’The Jonas Salk, separated when Pa- ®lt® ®ayk. cept in those rare instances, he finally played low from the with too king. The trumps broke spired Tschalkowsky’s Fifth said. ‘Die selectmen will meet in advanced class will start at Tag Presented loma was four. But she contln- Paloma recalls that her fa- fof example The New York dummy. East won with toe favorably, and Kantar wound Symphony. the near future to determine HARTFORD (AP) -—A union 8:30 p.m. and end,at 11 p.m. ued to see him until she was 18. Ht®f Sfot stacks o f gifts from ad- THIS SALE STARTS TODAY ’Times, \^en a paper has a crit­ queen of hearts, returned a up making an overtrick. Somewhere, sonieUme, there what type of employe w ill. be official has charged the state At the end of the course there State Again Then, she explaltu, people mlrors at the holidays, but he ic who does nc^in g but ballet. heart to the ace and ruffed the It’s comforting to see some­ may be a choreograi^er with hired. Welfare Department with “ union will be a fly casting clinic, told Picasso that she and her never gave any of these to her, I recently attended a conven­ WEST- HARTFORD next heart to defeat toe con- body make the right move once sufficient genius to turn a great Term s of the act provide that brother, CSaude, now 24, didn’t "He’s got like 800 clocks. Oh, tion of music critics in Wash­ busting ” sponsor a tract. In a while. symphony into dance, but as yet preference be given to the un­ (A P ) — Connecticut has the wont to see him. But it wasn’t **® "lore. He hod ington, and although I didn’t ask lU- r> tr4 I «A rv trees f°*" Rlrls It’s embarraslng to watch a Dally question I have no^ encountered him. In employed and to veterans, true, she says. mllUons of things, like 2,000 urer” of toe of *'**^*'®®‘ P®'" *" like this, but it’s a bit As denier, you hold: Spades, e v e iy single one of them, every general, the happiest combina­ p r o Tea . _ watches. It was crazy, and 600 Civil Employes, CCE, said toe the nation, yet, according to the pointed to ^ upland walk A-10 j Hearts, K-J-9-4; D is­ one I did ask said he covered tions of music and the dance Teachers and room mothers He was the one peroon I When polaroldB first ballet for his paper. Since toe bUn'when toe "c^m-pc^^ tor Grades one^ tonm'gh eii to department has denied toe union u;f;;„Ty*of ConnecU^r Unlvemlty of Iway'fromaway from toe table. It’s even loved most on earth. There’s g^me out. he got five. I wanted criUcs Included some from ^ ^0 ^ first rate, or on tocae the Bolton Elementary and Cen- permission to use state buildings ^ Wednesdava from Connecticut School of Social worse to make notes, thus let- - What — — do you------say- never been a fight between us. badly AVAn ^ _____ ._____ - ______^ ______fr>i- Ua mAAtinp^ "eonesuays irom tineting toe ooorpoor declarer know that Answer: Bid 1-NT, promising It’s very strange,” she says. ..jig’s got' so much charm. Canada and Mexico and even rare occasions when a first rate ter Schools were recently enter- meetings, 3:48 to p.m. at toe YMCA of Work, toe state spends less.CAA pro-p.u- j poinu in high cards, SAVE $ 2 0 ! 8 8 one from Brasil, not to mention composer composed to fit talned at a tea sponsored by toe The denial was based on a "H e loves us and hates us at Whenever he says, ‘Oh, isn’t flee. portionally on we are an pi-int_ if you’re a compassion- strength in at least three suits American critlca from as far as dances that were already con- executive board of toe Bolton new policy that only unions the same time because we are that pretty!’ the t^ople give Nature Studies ' neighboring states. ate soul, like me, you pretend and balanced distribution. the west coast, it would seem ceived. nX ). Mrs. Edward O. Murphy, with 3(K) or more members are toe children of Francolse.” things to him. HoJknows very The Gra-Y Club Is designed H'®' ffovemment flg- Copyright 1971 to be the rule, rather than toe a s to my own qualifications hospitality chairman, was in eligible to use state buildings you weren't really watching. Paloma’s mother wrote the well, to be an educational and rec- i"'®® V wel- General Features Oorp. OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF RE6.^60 exception, for music critics to as a reviewer I can e fliS^trick With toe jack that it takes absolutely no minds me of toe first time I Mary Jarvis, Alicia RampelUnl, payroll checks. CX3E has 180 Connecticut spent only |6.3o per - , . j _ j *u ^ BARBARA McNAIR FINER IMPORTED & DOMESTIC 100% WOOL WORSTED FABRICS! brains to appreciate!” Person- heard Ravel’s “Bolero,” which Pat Putman, Frances Rumm, members. The acUvlUea are planned to n ooo of personal Income on ®'“ *“ “ *®" “ ^® ... _ ------r right play. try a g l n to s ir Wm ” ''^ h e "®*"®® *’®'® ally I don’t think it is as great must have been in 1K9, at a Doris Grisel, Joyce Phillips, Mrs. Savory said toe order 81'’® ® wide and varied experi- welfare in 1970. try again to see him, she quaUUes, of course his defects Kantar led a low trump and says ”I go down his little ^ says, an art as music, but I certain- BSD concert. I didn’t know it at Lorraine Cavedon, M ary Ann prevents toe union from re- ®nce to all Involved and also in- faculty called toe --- faculty called toe pro- tried a finesse with dummy’s ly wouldn’t make a statement toe time, but toe music told toe Murphy, Katherine Placco, crultlng employes and thus is a formal enough to let the group gyfg fi,g Welfare street on6e a year, but I don’t ..But when I speak about that 2 BUTTON ! 3 BUTTON ! AND BREASTED MODELS ! ten. If this finesse happened to like that. story of toe ballet which Ida Arylne ______Ansaldl,______Carol Murphy “union-busting” action. make decisions as to what they rartment’s aid to families with see him. I just go and, click. really resent it. lacin g is definitely basic in Rubensteln had choreographed Elinor Murphy. Mrs. Savory also said Friday want to do for P««r®»"Sprograms and 5^„dent “ThUHrir children ..... “uncon-would not be able ring toe bell. I'm glad I hava They don’t want him be hu- the human race. In fact you can and for which she had commis- children to create a heart guess. Kantar Other room mothers Include the department has not follow- In toe wealthiest good memories. I’m glad [ which is ridiculous. He is even see courtship dances slcned toe music. was willing to lose one trump ^verly Shepardson, Dorothy ed its own agreement, reached A bMlc astronomy coume will gtate in toe Union, BURNSIDE have that,” . . and how!” to among birds and animals. Yet I nearly split trying to keep and two hearts, but not also a ■ (lUUhSlOE .‘*VE [.‘.ST M.'.' fFORD i Russell. Dorll ClouUer, Janet in u.S. District Court, regard- start Nov. 11 and until Jan. . She remembers a childhood ------heart ruff. I have yet to find a reaUy good from laughing out loud in Sym- Columbia DorotoV M 'an ne r \ ^ 28. It will be held at the South ^ ® ® FREE PARKING ^,n ' full of excitement and sur­ definlUon of the art of diS^ phony HaU, when I looked ®"" ®^’ ‘jW nine eniployes who were When toe ten of spades ac- Windsor High School athleUc "'®"‘ ““ ''® prises. She and Claude n ever 1-90 Longest Route Basically I would be inclined to around and saw all these be- fiven “unsatisfactory” ratings Hiixntifiwar-Msiir Betty Jensen, Charlotte Per- last summer. field and wUl be open to 10 imii iMniH.it knew what to expect, from P1-. „ say it is rhythm expressed In wildered laces on Proper Boa- month available in toe state for casso WASHINGTON -— Five Inter­ gusoO’ M ^ y n Fiano, Maryann According to Mrs. Savory the through 13-year-olds. motion. But . that’s only part of tonians. They hadn’t the sllght- a family of four. This will force THEATRE EAST SU ND AY state highway routes extend Rose, Phyllis Taylor, Janice agreement was to place toe SATU RDAY V rtM ^ N8MN it, and oddly enough, if you go. est idea vtoat toe music was welfare families to pay almost 2:00 - 8:48 - “He’d say, ‘Oh, let’s go to tj,an 2,000 miles, toe long- Brown, Mary Ann Ferguson, employes In 2-3:88-8:10- to enough dancing you’ll be-about, and most of them still _ - —r— ' — permanent poel- half of their welfare allotment 6:48 - 8:30-10:20 8:80-7:18-9:80 thls place!’ Five minutes later, gst being 1-90, which runs from amased at how mediocre U toe don’t. I was quite correct in my comparable to their jobs Rehozo Given for rent, he’d say, ’Why should we go? Boston t,o Seattle, a distance of averageAVAr«A« dancer'srt«nAAr-» senseAAAAA ofA# A«tlmate. estimate. M aig^t Brown, and MaryLou before they were given toe ‘un­ “It is not humanly possible,” M ONDAY A T 2 • 7 - 8:48 -10:20 TUESD AY 7 - 8:48 -10:20 Why did you invent such a sto- s,086 miles. rhythm. “Bolero” is nothing more nor _ satisfactory” ratings. Second Chance said toe social work faculty, ry? I want to stay here. You’r e ______Dancing is usually seen in less than a prostitute soliciting she claimed that since toe On U,S, Contract “ that a family of four can man­ STEREOVISION BO nasty. I'm tired and old.’ conjunction with music, and in a cheap barroom and Inflam- ®°“'^ agreement, toe employes age on toe remaining $1,839 “ W e’d unpack. F ive minutes since music is likewise essen- Ing the patrons to quarrel over y wmtnam, Rita have not been returned to com- even with a $4(X> food stamp al­ later, he’d say, ‘But, aren’t you tually thta is not too hard if toe who gets her first. “Koussey” Haasett Ann parable poslUons “within toe MIAMI (AP) — Ihe Miami lowance. ready?’ It just went on for greater emphasis would be put didn’t have toe nerve to put that ® ^ < ^ >>®*^ Hoar, Karon spirit of the stipulations.” Herald says presidential con­ hours. E very moment. It was on rhythm in dance instruction, in toe program notes, McCarty, Elisabeth DeMartin fidant Charles G. “Bebe” Re­ and Nan Dreselly. something different,” says Pa­ I don't m ean toe obvious bozo’s land tile company was Cross Country Meet Stamford Man loma laughing. She wears a rhythm what can be heard from Hebron given a fourth chance to bid on • -yrm . any two-bit tap dancer; there South VindBor Bolton High School w ill host gold watch he gave her mother toe second annual Charter Oak and win a lucrative government U rO W U lU ^ V IC tllll dteHmuesses when she was bom. has to be rhythmic coordination EASTMANCOLOR between toe body, toe arms, Conference Cross Country meet Students Cheer contract despite earlier lower “Usually you remember peri­ School Board Thursday at 3:30 p.m. at toe By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 18 YEARS A toe hands, toe legs and toe feet. ods of things, like films. I re­ high school, according to M i­ in. New Y ork ®°*® The body of a 82-year-old OVER ONLY I Nothing is quite so generally » _ The HemM aalH In member photographs,” she To Hear Report chael Landolfl, school athletic A J rrt p ¥T TVT "^® ®®*** today’s Stamford man washed ashore riiythmlc as toe average tap says. Many of her picture director. And. lo u r ot LI.IN. editions that Rebozo’s Monroe in Stamford Sunday and police dancer when you look at his or laan ic By Haussman Sixty-three boys from nine Land and Title Co. and toe said he had fallen from his sall- I memories are scenes of close­ her arms or hands. Even sup­ From toe first pickup to toe "Title Guarantee Co. of Coral boat into Long Island Sound UNBELIEVABLE... FANTASTIC ness between father and daugh- School Business area towns are expected to par­ posedly great dancers are often ___A.w. Tlnal dropoff, toe enthusiasm UeMes were toe . only bidders early that morning. r:!? I s c ie n c e -f ic t io n s h o c k e r s ! .ter. poor in the matter of "port des Richard Haussman will tell the ticipate, Landolfl said, with medals to be awarde^’to "the ®®d energy of toe fUto and sixth ® contract to handle land Police identified toe victim as bras,” as it is technically Board of Education, at its meet- "My father and I got along top ten finishers as well as to STaders who took Friday’s trip WTle services for 67 square e . Anthony Ernst and said the extremely well. He was every­ knovm; that is to say, carriage ing tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. in toe first place team. To the United Nations never miles of privately owned land exact cause of death was unde- of arms, shoulders and hands, toe South Windsor High School, thing to me. Whenever he’d go Roger "ntus, meet director, °"‘=e seemed to wane. within the northwest arm of toe termined. B!K(4Si ® nils is something toe average how unemployment compensa- out, he’d take me. We didn’t notes that toe boys will run Except for minor delays at ^'’ccglades National Park. According to police, Ernst balletomane never watches. He tlon affects toe dental fluorida- speak much. I ’d spend hours down Brandy St. to Bolton Cen- the start of toe trip, such as a A fter Title Guarantee sub- gjjd big w ife were In their 88- or she watches legs and feet. If tlon program, drawing by his side,” says Pa­ ter Rd., up Hebron Rd. to bus driver over-sleeping and be- "*TTted the low bid on throe ,oc- foot sailboat about 180 yards off the ballerina goes up on her The board also w ill review a loma. Loomis Rd. and back to the Ing late for toe 6 a.m. start and caslons, tod newspaper said. Long Neck Point in neighboring COLOR toes (sur les polntes as .the ex- request by Chairman Harry An- Palom a says she owns no high school, making a total run toe heavy fog, toe detailed T**® government decided to open xygrien when Ernst fell over- pression is) then they’re cwi- derson for approval of a sec- paintings or sculpture of Pi­ cf 2.8 miles. schedule as worked up by Uni- Th® bidding a fourth time be- board about 1 a.m. Sunday. koqsf M . vlnced she must be good. Ac- retaries’ handbook, The event will be held rain or ted Nations Day chairman Mrst cause Rebozo had mlsunder- ______casso’s, only ” a few little draw­ tually this is nott hard if the Campaign Aide 00 shine. Sandra Kalom was strictly ad- ii*® contract terms. BARGAIN HOUR SAT. 1-2 p.m. ings.” But when she was tiny, student has been properly pre- David H. Sorenson of 1030 ALL SEATS 99c Bulletin Board hered to. On toe fourth round. Rebozo’s he gave her his own disposable pared with toe right sort of Strong Rd. has been appointed The admirUstratlve board of The group arrived at toe Uni- firm bid $233,318—$11,688 below masterpieces. muscular development. It is not campaign manager for Repub- United Methodist Church will ted Nations about 20 minutes T it le Guarantee—and was "Each time I would take a a gymnastic feat to be applaud- llcan Town Council Candidate meet tomorrow night at 8 p.m. behind schedule due to toe ml- awarded the contract, the H er For Hie Entire Family! 1 n Sidney FoiUer bath with my father, he would NEGRO ed, it is a device to make toe John Mitchell, COLOR (O P ) FOB at toe church. nor delays but toe U.N. guides aid said. put soap on his face, ^ d be­ ballerina look light and etoeral. Sorenson Is a g^raduate of The Board of Finance will were waiting and ready to han- Michael Gaddis, owner of "For Pete's If at toe same time she has a Worcester Polytechnlcal to- come all white and make a meet tomorrow night at 7:30 at die toe children. Title Guarantee, told the Her­ Joseph E Levine piosenls a “THE dumpy position ot toe arms, toe etltute and Is employed by mask by drawing faces on him­ TOWN ald, “ They just zapped me.” Soke" (X^R whole effect is lost. United Aircraft Research Community Hall. The approximately 48-mlnute self with soap,” she says and Rebozo could not be reached Film Bat. 4k Ban. OROANIZATIOr In fact there isn’t a single de- oratories in toe computer field, ------tour of toe U.N., unfortunately Mike Nichols smiles, touching her own TREASURER Manchester Evening Herald ,j|(j seem to be long enough T®*" comment. vice in ballet that is an end in He is currently seryii^ rv.>AAan«nii>int cheeks. Itself, but people will actually president of toe South W ln ^ r IWtoo Judith for the children. M any ex- The Herald said toe first bids Picasso made toys fo r his LEVER 8B pressed the desire to return with were rejected on toe basis of a Carnal Knowledge count toe numbers of “ foucettes Young Republican CTub and Is Donohue, tel. 649 8409. WIhWU HILI. j 7.$, , ,„M FRI-SAX-BUN.-MON. children as well. Paloma still en tournant" and be dtsappoint- secretary of Our Savior Lu- their parents to visit for longer change in federal requirements, TO Bissm ««!()(.I I *11 wist $2JH> EVERY NIOHT! has a date box Which her father SUPPORT THE SWTIRE! lit T AT HUH MIUS AVINUI DBMOOBAnO TEAM ed if there aren’t at least 30. Ac- theran Church, periods. the second because of apparent turned into an autobus. He They almost seemed in awe confusion by the bidders over NOVEMBEB 2nd tually 32 were choreographed Costume Party ^ Troopers Check An Avco Embassy Release painted on wheels and windows, by Petipa for a ballerina in A costume party will precede of the beautifully designed terms of toe contract and toe “THE HELLSTROM “GIMME Negro tor Treoa. Oommltteo Panavision* • Tcchnicolor* c with people looking out. “ Swan Lfake," for no good rea- the regular meeting of the Wap- On Toll Cheats meeting chambers and rooms third on technical grounds in­ I CHRONICLE” (6 ) Color SHELTER” Coior and the many foreigners walk­ volving state and federal laws. Once, he even painted her PltUlp Boyer, Treoa. son except that it happened to ping Grange tomorrow at 8 AT 7:30-9:26 shoes. fit a passage of music. Now p.m. Prizes will be awarded for GREENWICIH (AP) — Scoff- ing around in their native cos­ The four bids spanned toe pe­ choreographers would hesitate the best costumes and a “ dress laws who drive toirough Connec­ tumes. But they were not in riod from July 1970 to July 19, Management does not recommend (OP) Ploturee for ohUdren. awe of the individual micro­ to call for half a dozen although revue?” will highlight the eve- ticut Turnpike tcdl booths with­ 1971. phones and headsets a t each that might be all that are effec- ning. ' out putting their quarters in A. E. N. Weetcott, South seat In the Councils which they five. 16BA Hearings may be driving Into a trap. Florida land acquistlon officer ^ F*R-E-E SHOP at^ were permitted to try on. Speaking of toe music, some Tw° applications.. will be heard State police set a trap for for toe National Pork Service EAT OUT EVERY Fortunately, none of the coun­ dancers dance-....w.. music; others T)y the Zoning Board ®T •Appeals motorists Saturday at toe said: "I don’t know anything cils were In sessions and the dance to music. These are not Nov. 4 at 8 p.m. at the South here, and one troop- about that.” He declined fur­ IJIOM E SERVICE! || ------Windsor Town Hall. e|- gaid he snared a scofflaw children wore peimltted to take ther comment. TUESDAY as many pictures as they The Hartford National Bank who claimed he hadn’t cast a Rebozo, whose home nelg;h- D a irii wished. and Trust Company and Louis J. quarter In the basket for 16 bors President Nixon’s house at They were disappointed, how- I Pola, (•epresented by Atty. Ed- years, since toe turnpike Key Blscayne, is a frequent Q ueen Af Yoiir Favorite- ward R. Kuehn request a var- opened. ever, as toe visit to the gift shop companion of toe President lEneninii iiFraUn at the United Nations had to be he Is In Florida and often lance to allow a subdivision on The State Transportation De- I a private roadway on 1370 John partment said drivers who lob dropped In order to make up the accompanies the President minutes lost at the start of elsewhere. DAIRY QUEEN Published Dally ICzcept Sundays Fitch Blvd., and Joseph and imaginary coins or simply go 20 •nd Holidays at 13 Blasell Street, the trip. ______Uonchester, Conn. Anita Roy of 388 Abby Rd. re- right through leaving a bell I Hurry-Up Lunch Telephone 6482711 quest a variance to allow a lot clanging take the state for sev- BRAZIER Second Class Postage Paid al Lunch on board toe buses en Manchester, Conn. (WMMO) smaller than permitted on prem- era! thousand dollars a year. Editor Says I Ises known at 416 Abby Rd. in Plans arc to move toe oper- route to toe American Museum SUBSCiMPnON RATiSB brazier. 7 * ' of Natural History was con- Fsysble In Advance a rural residential zone. atlon cast to toe Norwalk toll ^ ^ ^ Soviet Jews WALL-TO-WAU One Year ...... $2t.UU ------station in a few days and then *" J.**® ® I ■is MoUba ...... ^ .6 1 Tbrse Montbs ...... t.Tt Manchester Evening Herald further east to Stratford, The moment as toe Misrepresented SPECIAL TUESDAY ONLY OAflPETim One Monlli ...... 3.25 Houto Windsor rreopondent, penalty for falling to pay your wish to miss anything driving Complete Single Copy ...... 15c through toe streets of New Barbara Varrick, Tel. M4-8274. two bits Is a $10 fine. DAVIB, Calif. (AP) — A So­ I By Carrier ...... weekly 75c York. Koch class visited a different viet magazine editor says toe floor at toe museum and will U.H. news media mierepresents CLAMS I expert alterations report later to the entire school the condition of Jews living In REG. •II Blou't and wo will tond on export to on Ibolr discoveries. It was tru­ toe Soviet Union. ly amazing however, how each FRIES your homo with lomploi. Chooio from hun- In the past year 4,000 Jews I ...... -...- class remained together In spite at no charge. of the mass confusion with were "freely” permitted to •1.40 I drsdi of now poftorni, colon ond fobriei. No | many other schools. leave the Soviet Union, said COKE The final visit of toe day was VIentIn Barashkov, chlsf editor I obllgotton to you . . . to various consulates In and of the (wo-year-oldk mogastns around Rockefeller Plazs. Here called UHA'Kconomy, Policy Vd LR. S W in CRISP CLAMS. PLUS MG HEAP OP PRIIS WITH I CAU. MS-4199 too, the children stayed togeth­ and Ideology. er MS some classes had os many Hut he told an Informal mast' OUR OWN TARTAR SAUCI. ONLY AT MANCHESTER STORES. MS.five city bl'M'ks to walk. Ing of newsmen and atudenta at ! OKU MON. Anderson-Utf/e Although the buses did not ell the University of Oatifomla’s ( 4 {irrelcA lentr in ihrcM^^nuliU inniin y/ '■hnr(,loihnin leave from the seme point In Davis Oampus over ttw week­ blaufnI'Mt Ml< t the city, they did regroup In end that shilled sUto-sducated I THRU MT. Bridgeport where a beverage persons an generally . not IN MANCHISTIR stop was made and alt arrived alb/wsd to emigrate, •AIRY QUEEN U 1 tk. I THURi I m (M AN(TIR*Al> ST lsM.k at the Hebron EUmenUry Merashlwv is «n a tour of the BURY QUm I Nchooi together United Males to gallM r iNfOT' i O yifM ai Sfr I Nim mi I PIIONK i47 l t6l motlM for hie jwmat wMsti U m o i Mid Op i S m M ^ •a-4UH> Maarheeler Kveatog NeroM deals with sultoral, sDSlal, sel‘ I Ijl^ MANfjllWnjjM kiebren eerreepeedeel Anws efiUne, eewawnto OMd p rwrt, Tel. ttaiML Irende M iMe o««M(ry * I - MANCHESTTER EVENING HEBa LD. MANCHESTER. CON^ . MONDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1971 PAGE FIVE PAGE FOUR MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. MONDAY,, OCTOBER 26, 1971 Margaret Chotolnt, 230 iHlIllanl Manchester bla. Business Mirror Washington ...... I I o' Also, Mrs. Lulu M. Kolloy, for FIQURE & HOOKEY HoHpital Notes Btx Mi, Rd., Bolton; Annotto What’s New With Child and Family Services Director Expects M, TamallH, lOi High TrAVor Was Bashful n m DEPT. £0RE VISITING HOURS Credit Card Profit Bonanza SKATES Dr., South Windsor; Elmor M. Startliv on amaU scale, InloriniMlIuir liarn S(un|. Mnnkor, 663 Center St.; Mrs. “AND EVERYTHING" CaUkl anil. IVunily Sarvicea of Itrlviit., iiiNMi . 8 p.iH., nml 4 Mildred L. Andorson, 11 Nyo On Dentures Has Yet to Marterialize CX)imectlout (a now placing dill- p.iii. - )i prlviiir ruoiiis, Balanced Approach St.; Mm. 1‘aullno C. Burr, 23 dnii In foater family day-care By JACK LBFLER association of banks called In­ 10 a.iii, . 2 p.iii,, and 4 p.iii. • 8 Halo St., Rockvillo. (CbnUniied From I'age One) homea. A parent can take his Gloves & Mtftens |).m. AI* Business Writer terbank, is the biggest bank child to a carefully selected I’mllatrl(*s i l'iir(Mit« allowed A.Ib o , Mrs. Lucicnno A. port wine oxcept m o?” Dr. Sog- NSW YORK (AP) card operation, with saJes vol- NASSIFFS y ume cf $3.4 billion in 1970. family home during the day, and In Freeze Decisions for every twewber trf *!»• Rhudh, 158 Tanner St.; Mra, nnaes asked hlH audience, going million Americans are any time except noon—2 us ng uankAmericard was second HOUSE OF SPORTS call for the child after work. others, 2 p.iii, - H p.ni, n r"“ p” ’ O" “ > relate that he had, soaked bank credit cards to By GAYUIRD 8HAW as counselor to the President Dr., Rockville; Mrs. Judith L. ’ , . nila year, the service har Hidf H('rvlcot 10 u.iii. purchases at a rate of about $B billion, 991 MAIN ST. MANGHESTBR WASHINGTON (AP) — The while heading the COIX? was 2 p.m Bcycc, Glastcnbury; M rs. replica of the dentures in port noted a marked drop in the > P-iu. - H p.in. bllllcn n year. But the profit bo- Another big one Is Unlcard, director cf the Coat of Living asked, "IDc you think it would Diane Castngna, 63 Hamlin St. wine for 24 hours. number of unmarried mothers Intensive Care and Coronary nanza envisioned by banks Is tssued by Chase Manhattan seeking help. Manchester Direc­ Ccuncll says it “ would be an in­ be a lot clearer If a general Also, Mrs. Blllee Haas, His conclusion; It would have Cure: Iniincdlute family only, yet to materialize, and many New York. Chase says tor MSaigaret Parker said more credible burden” for the Pay wage standard were put out, Stgrrs; Mrs, Rose D. Csuszar, taken five yoar3 of pretty regu- The Aurora Borealis, also any time, IliiiKed tlo five iiiln- called the Northern Lights, merchants have become dis- ‘t has two ipllllon card hrolders girls are seeking abortions or Beard and Price Commission to rather than developing specific 22 Ridge St.; Stephen G. Bor- lar wine-drinking to produce enchanted. “ ud 30,000 merchants in its sys- case-by-case standards?” Idea. is a broad display of rather are keeping their babies, so rule on every requested salary » T T | dcau, Enfield; Richard P. Pop- the stain. Somc financial sources eSu- t®m in nine states. Chase de- "If I said yes,” he responded, 1 1 0 Maternity: Fathers, II u.iii. • faint light in the northern fewer babies have been put up or price hike during Phase 2 of Insky, Wllllmantlc; Lauren J. And, said the doctor, Wash- mate that banks lost on aggre- cHocxl to disclose Unlcard s dol- "someone conceivably could 12:45 p.m., and 6:30 p.ni. - skies at night. The World for adoption. President Nixon’s economic 3 Amenta, East Hartford; ington had more than the wor- take that and go to the Pay Almanac says that it is be­ gate $116 million on their credit volume, stabilisation program. p.m.; others, 3 p.m. . 4 p.iii., Nelll T, Nlchclson, East Hart- rles of affairs of state to weigh card operations in 1970 and that Associated Credit Bureaus, %1 H AU r Board or Price (Tommlesion :ind 8:80 p.m. ■ H p.m. lieved they are caused by Instead, says director Donald ford. iiim down, a set of dentures be- they are likely to go even deep- with headquarters in Rumsfeld, he expects the pan­ and say, ‘This Is what the Age Limits: 16 In maternity, sunspot activity which ac- Also, Mrs. Phyllis M. Pratt, lleved made for Washington by er into the red this year, Houston, Tex., says in a report els to strike a bidance between OOLC director thinks.’ It is not casionally sends sotar flares I'.! In other areas, ni, limit lii 43 Cook St.; Lnszlo Szarka, 266 the painter, Charles Wilson Difficulty In generating a " " c'^idlt cards that they a case-by-case approach and helpful for the government to Nolf.servlee. into the earth’s upper V Scott Dr.; Frank I.. DeTolla, Poale, weighs one pound, which profit from the proliferating should be "a made-to-order, the present all-encompassing seemingly pre-empt options for r___ o a_ A UrKTIMHI , The emergency entrance atmosphere, where their the members by setting a nar­ Yvu'U »<*v*r haw h> buj- film s e w . . . on 272 Skinner Rd., Vernon; Mrs. must have been quite a burden card business is attributed to punchcd-plastlc key to the wage-price freeze. Armory st. Is the only hespltal Eiiiccn C. Ruggiero, 46 O’Leary for the wearer. impact excites the gases. customer fraud, theft, default heavenly gates of financial row backdrop for their deliber­ Copyrlirht (C) 1971, Rumsfeld stressed In an As­ eiltrance o|icn from 11 p.m. to or.; Mrs! Mary E. Warren, 13 ------on account payments, mis- growth and well-being.” we have a wonderful selection of ations. lUiH wv flvo AM<>- N«WHpfi|if.‘r Ii^ntcrprifie Abmp. sociated Press interview that LVTIftl^Y rUICK. A fivah roll of fjlm 7 B.m. All other outside doors Centerfield St.; John Q. Mabry, management, collusion by mer- “But,” It adds, “there are he did not want to preempt any "A freeze is perfectly clear Cor your tiNiniAru. Wo rriUnoe live nlm But there has been a 36 per are looked (luring too night 342 Charter Oak St.; Mrs, Nor- chants and the high cost of pro- rumWlngs of discontent In of the board’s options. and simple. It is also unfair—it w u havv dvvaivrvU U's sU (resll- Parties Ready halloween candies cent increase over the past year and Wv nuuUISy ami Ko- ma P. Allen, Bristol. cessing records of transactions, paradise.” "... We have to recognize is inequitable by definition. A k dsk. Kv. iJuWk ■ • ■ Stamford Hires In requests for family counsel­ TTie American Bankers Asso- The association says many that the President created the tctal case-by-case approach IM hi.HU- Mrvk'v Ivr “ Also, Mrs. Richard Curry and For Final Week o bars • bags ing, including help with marital Child Guidance Clinic staff conference—from left to right, social workers I black aial white Ouat elation reports that 9,111 banks banks are re-evaluatlng their Pay Board and Price Commis­ would theoretically be better laUcnto Today: 232 daughter, Storrs; Mrs. Gary A. Schools Chief o miniature bars and Individual problems, parent- David Campbell, Mrs. Ellen Kloehn, M s. Elizabeth O’Reilly, psychiatrist- di­ ' a mtl* bit loiww (ur are Involved In card operations, .position In the credit card busi- sion to make the decisions,” tailored to personal situations. c«4cir>. ADMITTED SATIlRnAV- LaFcrce ana daughter, 101 Of Campaigning child relaticmshtps. Job counsel­ rector Dr. Tonash H. Atoynatan, chief social worker Mrs. Alice Moe, social some on their own and many In ness; some are dropping their Rumsfeld said. "And I think It would be an incredible bur­ STAMFORD (AP) — ing and referral services. Ralph H. Blodgett, 307 Wood- ’ RocItviUe; Mrs. association with others. programs and some arc trans- worker Clifford Johnson, chief psycholigist Dr. Norman Kugelmas, and staff this is worth underlining. Those den for the Pay Board and the bridge St,; MrB.°Noia A Drake ®>71681 Champion and dough- The campaign for this year’s Relgh W. Carpenter Jr. priced from to Although Child and Family ■ r r r The number of merchants ac- ferrlng them to other banks psychologist Dr. Arnold Kusmin. (Hera’d photo by Buceivicius) who have suggested that things Price Commission to have to Ripley Hl'll, Coventry;' Joseph Warehouse Point; Mrs. local election is in its final week accepted the position of supej- Services Is licensed by the state. are confusing because there’s make those kinds of judgments AT THE PARKADB Interident of schools for Stam- ceptlng bank cards is estimated "On the merchant side of it, It received no financial support Duva, 89 Hoillster St.; Patrick with all eyes focused on one ford he said Sunday night. *>y industry sources at 800,000. similar discontent has set In," for greater expansion, Steele net a government edict on ev­ for every single economic ac­ ILIGGEH DRUG 4M kUDOUD TPKE. WBSTl F. Griffin, 257 ToUand Tpke.; H a j^ r d ; Mrs. Nan - Chen low fairway prices! from the government. A sliding commented. He quoted the Car­ ery aspect of this are wrong. tivity in this country. Now week from tomorrow, Nov. 2, The Board of Education voted Banks stepped into the credit the association says. “ Many Community Colleges Get Crystal E. Hlcklng. 136 W, Cen- “ to'vs. card arena in 1951 on a local smaller retailers in particular scale of fees covers part of the negie Commission’s estimate of "The choice the President somewhere in between is where election day. Saturday to offer the Job to the ter St. DISCHARGED YESTER- basis. In 1966 the operation be- are questioning the worth of cost, and volunteer groups also 230-280 more public community made was to have a prcxiess they are going to (x>me out Both the Republican and Dem- r _, native conMbute. DAY: Mrs. Mary T. Morin. 34 ^^^Uc town chairmen report Bridgeport native. came national when Bank of bank card programs, feeling Steele^s Strong Support colleges by 1980 if all poten­ that would involve the Board ADMITTED YESTERDAY Vnd it a t Child and Family Services Is On the ABC-TV program "Is­ Barber Hill Rd., South Wind- vigorous campaigning. Carpenter is now school su- America of San Francisco be- that the benefits to them arc tial students within commuting and the Commission and they William Anderson, 76 Bretton io7;’ pauY c . Fleischer, 44 Bis-r.,„ 6 perintendent (or Woodbridge one of the Red Feather agencies By JOHN A. JOHNSTON grants for development of com­ distance are to be reached. sues and Answers” Sunday, gan franchising its Bank- few, if any. would make those kinds of Rd.; Mark J. Benlni, 146 Adams gj . Eileen Fuclle, Democratic Chairman Tcwnshlp, N.J. He has held of the United Fund, whose an­ (Herald Reporter) prehensive community college Judgments in an orderly way.” Leonard W(x>dcosed their passports. , “available to the minority stu­ St.; Mrs. M. Frances Gebel, of Spanish origin. Spanlsh-ori- among other things would ex­ 1-291 system.” Five Yean Ago dent as well as the blue collar 34F Garden Dr.; Augustus A. gin persons comprise 6 per sdf-cleanit^ tend existing student aid pro­ Former Indonesian Foreign worker, older members of the He also said that difficulties grams lor live years and “au­ Garvals, Stafford Springs; Mrs. cent of the U.S. population. kDnister Subcuidrio was sen­ community, housewives and somewhere else altmg the route tenced to death for his part in thorize $936 million annually for working mothers and others en­ does not "Justify penalizing a Communist attempt to seise undergraduate facilities grants, tering or re-entering the work those of us who have waited 10 control of Indonesia. with the community and techni­ force.” years for some definite action One Year Ago cal colleges receiving 24 to Remarkable as the growth has to be taken.” About 25 persons were killed 33 Sind one-third per cent of been of two-year institutions in in Cedombia when avalanches this.” a decade, from 600,00 students Mantdiester Evening Herald g a s r a i ^ swept away stretches of a Of the latter share, , he said, in 1960 to nearly two millltm in South Windsor correopondent Oktoberfest mountain road. $15 millicm would be in state 1969, there is room and need Barbara Varrick, tel. 644-8274. 5 FABRIC M SALE OPEN MONDAY . YOUR TRUE MANUFACTURER5 OUTLET -Veteians Day— A HA5 DONE IT AGAIN! OPEN HOUSE V THE BE5T OF FABRIC5 . . . THRU FRI. 10 A.M.-9 PJR. E AT LOWE5T P055IBLE PRICE5! for Manchester Pwents iBec. Bn. . . . 5ALE END5 5AT., OCT. 30

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in some of our Manchester schools. \ -k 100% POLYESTER DOUBLE KNITS Fabulous Group of Jacciuard Polyestej's — 60" Wide In Many Assorted Patterns and Colors. Machine TAKE THE TIME TO COME. You will get FIRST-HAND AU­ Washable & Dryable, Wrlnkle-Froe. REX}. 4.98 Model H-102S

THORITATIVE onswers to any questions you might hove. 100% COTTON VELOUR SOLIDS Cash-In on a host of modern features for gas cooking at its best. □ fast, complete Alluring Washable Velour in All Fall Shades. Ideal for Robes and Novel Holiday Gift Items. self-cleaning oven □ smokeless closed-door broiling D cool, fast, flexible ) Now let us add more convenience to your telephone Wairtiable 64" Wide REO. 4.98 cooking □ automatic programmed oven cooking □ See the exciting sale-priced Ponelists: show of Calorics for 72 at CNG now. with an extension for as little as $1 a month. U ASSORTED TRIMS % 'Available to Luckies living on a CNG gas line. Dr. D. Hennigan, Supt. of Schools Mrs. P. Guay, Teacher, Green Cottons ■ Polyester - Lace • Nylon Ruffling - Metalllos - Fringes - More! Val. 16c — 2.98 yd. Mr. A. Cone, Principal, Bennet Mr. E. Zatursky, Teacher, M.H.S. CONNECTICUT NATURAL GAS (XJRPOhfTlON Mr. L. Saloom, Principal, Nathan Hale Dr. W. Schaifdt, Bd. of Education Somersville Mill Salesrooms Serving the greater Hartford and New Britain areas PHOUL Newington New Britain Middletown SomeravlUe North wood Shopping Maple Street STOM Stanley Plaza Plaza PllUM Wasnington Across from Sposwored by MANCSIBSTER CHILO s t u d y and CONCERNED CmZENS FOR BETTER EDUCATION Southeni NewEhglaiKJThlephone Lowery Place 46 Slater Rd, Ave. The Mill

ikj MANCHESTER e v e n i n g HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1971 PAGE SBVIM PAGE SIX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN„ MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1971 Philip Wylie, TV Tonight Court Costs, Allowances IKattri^PBtpr In the present instance, the assump­ Writer - Critic, for SKI JACKETS & PANTS tion that any good can come of fight­ !n Forum See Saturday’s TV Week Caught in (^illy Freeze "AND EVKRYTHINO" t ing for a shatper share of a reduced Succumbs at 69 for Completo Uetlnga. (Contimied from Pnge •) Fonim on October 20th) cited By LOUISE COOK letter from President Nixon’s world economic activity 1s close to folly; MIAMI (AP) — Philip-Wylie, PDBUa ID BY THH the Bible as containing pomog- SiSe It) Biz Valley (C) daughter, Julio Elsenhower. HBBAlirira — o CO., m e. the only real good news for the Iftdted There still exists, however, a the Iconoclaat-soclologist whose (C) A look at the lighter side of ,ijjy father shared your ncte 18 Bl ell Street (8) I Dream ol Jeaaale ______Iter. Conn. States economy would be good news for book "Generation of Vipers” in­ (IS) Timmy and Laeele (C» the ■ wage-price freeze shows with me and wo were delighted THOMASES'. s m g i^ N w ^m facto oreT..TS..SI not relevant, S22i/-S,”;..K.r,S merely to sell the (49) o a ilia n ’e lelaad (0) NASSIFF’S (C) that everything from court to learn that the wage-price WiUVrBK R. FEROI^N eccnomic conditions in all the other wto cling, for some r ^ or censed America's women in 5 lie (8) Draynet Publlahere (II) Hevan'e Heroee costs to kids’ allowances has *• waking In your HOUSE OF SPORTS BVmnded October l, 1881 countries, including those which are our other, to fea«. Boclologlsts in were thi incidents lllustrat- 1942, died here today of a heeirt (H) Uinigan’e lelaad (C) .. home,” the letter read in part, mis c^ntiT ‘n^fPret the ac- ailment. He was 66. (44) Newi, Weather a Iporle been caught in the squeeze. Published Bvery Bvenlnc Bxoept Sundays acknowledged rivals. 8iB8 (I) What’s Happealae <0> 991 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER ion. ^ this group as an at- ^ picture makes more Im- Wylie succumbed at Doctor’s 6:90 (8-8-tZ) News — W eaihar aad The Office of Emergency ice in connecUon with the and Holidays. Bntered at the Post Oftioe at Rather than persuade ourselves that Hporte (U) Manchester, Conn., os Second d o ss Mall tempt to reinforce ^ re ln ^ te ^ ^ thou«ind words. Hospital after being stricken Preparedness ruled, for ex- freeze. Matter early this morning. A resident (18) Wild Wild West we now see, in bad economic news else­ value systems and behavioral I agree with "Burning” that (88) To Tell the Troth (C) ample, that the Municipal Concord, N.H., Youth SUBSCRIPTION RATBS norms which' are perceived to of Hawaii the' past three years, (48) The galat Payabio in Advance where, some opportunity to press for a the new book store isn’t the on­ « 88 (8) News with Walter Court in Lincoln, M«h has tn Hockey Association was told it One Year ...... tSS.UO be in danger of eroding away. ly smut peddler in Manchester, he and his wife were visiting kite ______couldn’t Increase tutitlon from Ste Months ...... 19.80 greater relative advantage for our­ Because a number of people friends in Miami. (8) News with H.K, Hmith and- refund part of the court costs ______« , .. Three Mootha ...... 9.78 but it is far and away the worst. H arry Reasoner (C) Ono |Ionth ...... a28 selves. we would do better to concen­ will no longer voluntarily sub­ Margaret E. Pish A noted -<^onaervatlonlst who (tt-88) NBC News (C) collated between Aug, 27 and S?artes*^ros:X^p“ s r ^ ^ trate on trying to find the medlchie scribe to the system and con­ warned agalhst the dangers of 8:55 (48) News (C) the group, said that because of " MBiraEiR o r ^ form to the norms, an attempt world-wide pollution, Wylie 7i88 (8) Movie (C) THE ASSOCIATED PRESS which will Increase the Gross World (8) Troth or Conseqoenees - — New York, Chicago, Detroit and Boston. of Belgium, Denmark and address an envelope to a lady of uncer­ relevant, that one may per­ servationist and critic of indus­ 9:88 (8) Doris Day Show (C) The fee was increased from body actually was charged the MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULA- ceive the ingredients of a moral Greece. They will be meeting trial pollution as early as 1640. (18) Candid Cam era TIONS. tain marital status. 18:00 (8) My Three Sons ,(C) $1 to $16 in an effort to provide higher fee before the freeze crusade. And, as students of his­ as the NATO nuclear planning A frequent contributor to maga­ (18) News Weather A 8peH» greater security, but two stu- went into effect Aug. 16, it had ROY M. THOMPSON Display advertising dosing hours Instead of taking a chance on "Miss” tory are well aware, moral cru­ group, which meets every three zines such as The Saturday 18:80 (8) Arale (C) dents complained to the OEP to be rolled back. Associate Director For Monday — f p.m. Mday. Evening Pest, Reader's Digest (18) Hartford Talk-la For Tuesday — 1 p.m. Saturday. or a chance on "Mrs.” one would sim­ sades and political repressions months to plan uses of tactic- 11:00 (8-lI-SO) News, W eather and and the school was ordered to 8U11 in dispute is a case In- For Wednesday — J p.m. Monday. often go hand-in-hand. It is pre­ al-or battlef lei d-nuclear and Look, he expounded his Sports (C) refund the extra $14 to some 6,- volvlng the price of football For mursday — 1 p.m. Tuesday ply write "Ms” in front of the name, views regarding man's destruc­ (18) Connecticnt Report (C) For Friday — 1 p.m. Wednesday, cisely for this reason that we weapons In cEise of an attack. 11:15 (8) Man From U.N.C.L.E. 800 dormitory residents. tickets at the University of (^asstfled deadline 4:90 p.m. day b ^ and that would do for either the single should worry about pornog­ Laird said he would 'give a tion of the world he lived in. 11:80 (M-80) Tonight Show d o h n » "■me Vlolauon of the wage- Southern California. fore pubUoatlon 4:90 p.m. Friday for raphy. report on "Soviet Military Mo­ Altliough Wylie’s career re­ Carson Any questions on funerals, customs, pro­ Saturday and Monday publication. or the married lady. volved primarily around maga- 11:00 (8-40) News — W eather and Sincerely, mentum,” dealing especially Sports StoHime a dependable answer. No obligation, natur- the 1930s he tried his hand at 1*:88 (8) Yaln^ Football HIghllghU tion from the women’s liberation front. 211 Homestead St. Informed sources say Laird ally. ------and Schmidt, the West German script writing for Paramount ,*.45 (,) _ prayer and Sign fe‘S 5“toe OE^ltog.’*^'' It is noted that men are addressed as Pictures Corp., and Metro-Gold- Oil .’)233 for the banks and the post offices and at your newspaper's indifferent that it may not be. What then weapons -with a variety of de- tion and Linda and Lisa got a m m m m we establish the connection, ask for presidential nomination. Politi­ than the favorable Impression Registered Republicans lead Our "Neglect To Print" Saturday night at 11. Carol Roberts, a former doctor- the schools. cal reporters, they say, are un­ the handsome mayor leaves Eiemocrats by a 9,303 to 3,820 attitude in reporting public re­ is the foolproof method? Let liveiy systems; Aircraft, short- m e Eighth District men put al candidate In linguistics at “Miss Doe” or for "Mrs. Doe?” Or, if we derestimating McGovern as with these who have seen him action to the recent opening of a those who would criticize our To the Editor, range missiles, artillery and Now we have a Veterans Day which count; total of all voters is 13,- humble effort step forth and out a car fire this morning at Harvard, is selfemployed these want to ask for “Ms Doe,” how do we badly as they underestimated in his many appearances on the 781. local txKjkstore. It is Indeed a Recently there was an article mines. The Soviets are believed 10:30 at 434 Oakland St., and days. She is a cleaning lady. is not really a Veterans Day, and not most regrettable fact that Man­ lead in our attempt to rid our to have about 3,600. m m m pronounce it? In practice, we will prob­ Eugene J. McCarthy’s chances late-night TV talk shows. But in me Manchester Evening eMly this morning stood by cm “it’s honest work,” said Miss really part of a three day weekend against Lyndon Johnson four these polls do show that Lind­ 10 Years Ago chester residents and Herald community of this plague. Herald and due to the biased In the Laird-Schmidt study, ably wind up asking for plain "Jane subscribers must purchase It is true that perhaps we the initial Soviet attack report­ mutual aid, while the 'Vernon Roberts, 24. “It is much less of either, but a sort of no man’s land in years ago at this time. say, just three months after his rei>ortlng of this article (the Fire Department fought a a heissle than working in a Doe,” vdiich sounds rough and blunt and They cite the accomplish­ switch of parties, is a potential­ Fire breaks out in building at Hartford newspapers to read all •have carelessly avoided other public is losing their belief in edly is non-nuclear. But be­ equally important Issues and trailer blaze. bank or an office. It's some which nobody is very happy. somehow too familiar. ments in the organization area ly powerful Democratic con­ Main St. and Purnell PL; David the facts. the news media. Not only has cause the Soviets can concen­ that they say make McGovern tender in such primary states Grossman, proprietor of Paris Certainly, it does not require we must assume that responsi­ trate a massive superiority of ------■ thing I can do, there are no Some of us can look back, with The suggestion is tl)at we all artificial­ m e Herald been obviously “a very viable candidate,” not as New Hampshire, Massachu­ Curtain Shop, where lire was that your paper take sides in bility but this is not reason to biased hi their reporting of the non-nuclear weapons in the cen- ALL IN THE FAMILY problems with dress and it’s nostalgia, to the time when Nov. 11 was ly create a prcmunciation for "Ms” the complete longshot he is us­ setts, Florida , Wisconsin and concentrated, Injured when he this most timely issue, nor continue to ait idly by wringing ter of Europe, the North Allan- ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (AP) certainly no more mindless cur hands and watching the M.P.O.A. acUvlUes, but it al­ Armistice Day because that was the day which would come out sounding like ually called. They claim that 2,- California. His entry, which tries to fight fire with hand ex­ should it attempt to, when sim­ tic allies have decided that they — 'When Hediey Woodhouse than being a file clerk or some tinguisher. ply reporting the news, as is moral and spiritual decline of so neglects to print much of could meet such an attack with won the 1967 United Nations on thing.” a great war ended and sent all America "Miz,” a sort of slurring somewhere in 000 volunteers have enlisted to new seems just a matter of the Manchester news. Some work for him in the primaries time, would hand McGovern a your responsibility. cur nation. If we are to main­ batUefield nuclear w e ^ n s . Fllt-To, trained by Jim Con- Roberts, a UCLA gradu-. pouring out into the streets in spon­ I have personally given a tain a future for our youth we nights you can find five arti­ The allies have laid down way. he defeated Paul mUon s ^ between “Miss” and "Mrs.” in New Hampshire and Wiscon­ huge—and perhaps Insurmount­ cles on Tolland but only two great deal of consideration to must rise up to the defense of guidelines governing Uie first Fort who 1^ Wrd. teaching job in Uie Boston area, taneous joy and thankfulness. But somehow "Miz” doesn’t quite sin, with county-level organiza­ able—problem. A Thought for Today about Manchester. You can OF MANCHESTER tions fimctloning in two-thirds of But McGovern is not the only, the effectiveness in picketing moral decency and Christian use of tacUcal nuclear weap- In the 1971 UN HaniUcap, seem to hit the spot, so far as good Sj^nsored by the Manchester this store as many have done principle. read about an incident in Eng­ ons. The planning group is Bobby Woodhouse^ Hediey’s ^ ^ Harvard’s student The rest of us are forced to look the counties in the latter state a one whose chances are jeopar­ land or something about the sound and good taste are concerned. full seven months ahead of the dized by the large field. Muskie Council of Churches this week. I am very much con­ Jesus said: “Blessed are ye working on refinements, but du son,*i, won the race aboard Mel- y,. crimson forward to the day when, without when men shall revile you and Miss America Pageant even Maybe the ultimate solution should be primary. has Hubert H. Humphrey look­ vinced that this action alone is U.S. officials say no new major ion’s Run the GanUet. He beat She J* works five days a week regard to the meaning of the holiday, ing over his shoulder in his bid The Outlander quite worthless but I do believe persecute you and say all man­ days after It was over, yet we policy decisions Me expected Twice Worthy, also trained by ' “ """■ for the male side of the family to give McGovern’s Oregon chairman can’t read about the incident and charges $2.60 an hour. the techniques for making full use of its says he has 600 workers in the f o r middle-road support. In Standing at the edge of life, thp,t it is high time that decent ner of evil against you falsely from this week’s meeting. Conway. You can help your up its "Mr.” so that it could be a folk who liave enjoyed the for my name sake.” I thank at the State Capitol involving three day weekend have been perfect­ tri-county Portland area alone, turn, Humphrey’s prospective Ever the spectator, never par­ brusque world of perfect equality be­ who will conduct a door-to-door backing from organized labor ticipator; privilege of living in a nation God for He knows our deep con­ our own State Senator Odegard ed, so that all people, not merely bank­ abundantly blessed by Almighty cern for the men involved and when he was attacked by the tween "John Doe” and “Jane Doe” with canvass for the Senator next and other “regular” party ele­ In a crowd, yet not of it, ers and postmen, can be free to do ments is weakened by the cein- God, should come to their feet, cur hatred for their product. welfare protesters. youngster’s sleeping posture month to bring out more sup­ Craving acceptance, reaping in­ declare their convictions and We must never cease to love things with the children who have been nothing to distinguish them as tliey take porters. dldacy cf Henry (Scoop) Jack- difference, m en there is the story on the their destined evolutionary way toward Even if these claims are son, who is picking up signifi­ And never knowing why. be counted. Our public school the sinner while hating the sin. new book store on Main St. HEADQUARTERS FOR shut out of school. slightly exaggerated, there is cant support from the old guard reading requisites, our televis­ It is my prayer that Christian m e Hartford Oourant ran a unisex. ion, our movies and our news­ men everywhere will stand to­ evehf night of his life. The forbidding conclusion we would little doubt that McGovern’s .Democratic forces. TTie years pass slowly; feature article, but the people field organization in the primary And looming over all cf them stands have gradually become gether in a united effort to de­ In M^chester have to pay for hate to reach, but which does suggest it­ The recluse ages bitterly, polluted by those who have no feat the influences of this type states rivals or exceeds that of as a brokered-convention threat Til his appointed hour comes— advertisements to fight against is Edward M. (Ted) Kennedy, regard for decency and God­ cf product in a sin-sick world. self, is that once government begins The Wrong Approach anyone else in the race. But People read the little item, say­ It, with no help from the paper. other, more important questions whose hold on the imagination liness. If our methods do not agree, at Not even an objective report of artificially managing our calendar and ing How strange it is that those least let our hearts and voices with the concern over welftue tending remain to be answered. McGov­ ol Democratic politicians seems "■Who was he, what did he the situation. our lives, it might as well go all the to polarize within Connecticut, it may be ern may have organized his fac­ undiminished. who insist on the freedom for in affirmation sound forth once Do you get a commission for leave?” all to read the filth publications, again the ageless warning from way, and tell us all precisely just what useful to lock at the national trend. Just tion of the party, but it is not Kennedy is doing nothing to A. W. Freeman selling the Oourant or Times, Used "RELIABLE" Cars as moot people think that the majority of clear that the McGovern fac­ keep Democratic leaders in his absolutely refuse to report the the Bible — "Righteousness kind of three day weekend we shall be Plainfield, N. H. facts to its renders. exalteth a nation, but sin is a since we can read things there welfare recipients in the state are black, tion has expanded to the point heme state of Massachusetts that arc never mentioned in 68 Ford $1295 70 Toyota $2195 68 Ford $1595 on, from one holiday to another, from signing up with Muskie, 'Submitted by Those of us who do feel reproach to any people.” when in fact they are white, the general that it is a potential majoBty. the Board ol Deaconesses our own local paper? Oolaxle 600 Converti­ Mark u 2-Door Hard­ Galaxie 600 4-Door Se­ TTie original goal of the Mc­ McGovern or other candidates. strongly about the presence of I hardly expect you to print top. Radio, heater, dan. V-8, nuUo, heat­ MeanIMille, somehow, on this fourth impression of most people is that wel­ Second Congregational Church Surely In a town the size of ble. Yellow, black fare payments a r e being reduced Govern forces for 1971 was to But he is still a real possibility a pornography distributor in our this letter. I have not written it top, automaUc, radio, automatic, 1 owner, er, automaUc, power Monday in October, the successor to establish him as the chief chal­ for the nomination in the minds Manchester, Conn. "City of Village Charm” have in anger or to destroy, but if it Manchester (almost 60,000) heater, power steer­ 100,% guarantee*. steering, air condl- throughout the nation, when in fact they there must be more happening Uonlng, "Executive Armistice Dajr, the same kind of homage are not. lenger to Edmund S. Muskie. ol George Meany, Richard J. made every effort to move should go no further than your ing and brakes. 100% Daley and dozens of other pow­ through our appointed and desk, I trust it may be used to then the little we read about. ee* Trade In,” 100% and gratitude to those who have served ’The Depeutment of Health, Education, ’That has not happened. Indeed, guarantee*. and Welfare, has just completed a sur­ McGovern has not yet managed erful Democrats. Current Quotes elected officials and religious challenge your own thinking Does the news have to walk ii)- their nation with their lives we also ex­ to monopolize the support of the 'His incresalngly frequent ap­ leaders in Manchester and on afresh to the responsibilities to the building to be reported 70 Toyota $1895 vey, requested by SetuLtor Abraham "We go with no false hopes, or do the reporters actuedly press on the fourth Monday in May, the Riblccff, which shows that aid to fami­ Democratic left. pearances at party gatherings and we Intend to leave behind almost every hand we have got­ that are oiirs. Corona 4-Door Sedan. Harold Hughes and Birch in ' New JeVsey. Pennsylvania, ten a "don’t want to be in­ Thank you. look for stories? 67MOK. $1095 Radio, heater, auto­ successor to Memorial Day. And we lies with dependent children was in­ us in America no unrealistic Copri 4-Door Sedan. maUc, 1 owner, 100% Bayh have dropped out of the Minnesota, South Dakota and expectations.”—President Nix­ volved” attitude. Sincerely, Jo Patelli (Mrs. Hugh) 67 Chev. $1295 hope that, in the end, something will creased this year in 16 states, and cut in After spending some time on 6 Dartmouth Rd. V-8, automatic, i«dlo, ntee*. six states. ’There 'was, however, one race, but BVed Harris is poach­ other states are doing nothing on, on his forthcoming visits to Alton J. Munsle ver steer Malibu 2-Door Hard­ survive ^for all these calendar-managed ing on McGovern’s territory to discourage support lor Ken­ Red China and the Soviet the Main St. Thursday evening, Editor’s Note: If our readers top. change that is significant. In the post, in I feel much like one who fol­ Editor’s Note; The Herald holidays which is more than a signal many states, non-working families with and — far more serious — John nedy. Union. of the issue of Friday, Oct. 16, Lindsay appears to be moving It is an extraordinarily fluid lowed after Joshua in the con­ will not help "make” news for three days of play. As of now, we personal income—such as social security which merely invites more at­ were looking for the story con­ 69 Reno'lt $1195 steadily toward an open can­ situation the Democrats face "Pop has a little more good­ quest of Je ric h o .— completely cerning Senator Odegard, they 66 Ford $875 — got the same welfare payment as pen­ mindful of our limited ability tention to the supposed danger. 4-Door Sedan. Radio, seem to have neither clear meaning nor niless families of the same size. The didacy. nine months before their con­ ness than a lot ol fathers.”— would have found it on Pages Qaloxle 600 2-Door heater, automatic, 1 Polls taken in ■widely scatter­ vention. And that may be a Michael Baratta, one of the five but confident that “He is able It will not join a "crusade” to Hardtop, V-8, auto- 67 Romb. $895 the three day weekend. HBW survey showed that benefits under force the moral standards of 1 and 10. owner, 100% gutunn- 2-Door. 6-cyllnder. ed states from New England to good reason not to write off physician sons of Italian immi­ to do exceedingly and abun­ maUc, )ower steer- tee*. the program of aid to families with de­ George McGovern’s chances — grants Mr. and Mrs. Vincent dantly more than we think or some people on other people. Ing, ra< io, vinyl In- pendent children — where families had the west coast are turning up “Hie Record" suprislngly high approval rat­ or anyone elae’s. Baratta of Lindenhu^t, N.Y. ask.” terior. You know how'vfta/ it is for your youngster outside income — were cut in 16 states Why Wo Should Worry To the Editor, to have proper sleeping posture. And you No Fortune In Misfortune and raised in ten states. To the Editor, Manchester {government un­ In about half the states, overall benefit 69 Pont. $1895 64 Ford can help him by giving him the kind of mattress I view with alarm the grow­ der Republican leadership has Executive 2-D o o r It doesn’t help, In a world which al­ levels remained unchanged, which re­ provided the town with an ad- 65 Dodge $695 4-Door Sedan. that assures him of firm, comfortable sleep ing rhetoric concerning the is­ Coronet 4-iDoor Sedan. Hardtop. Radio, heat­ ready has trouble enough trying to es­ duced the buying power of recipient fam­ minlstraUdn which was order­ er, automatic, power comfort: the Springwall Chiropractic. ilies in view of the rising cost of living. sue of pornography in the town 6-cyL, radio, heater, tablish its own sanity, to read that one of Manchester, especlEUIy in the ly In its methods, effective in standard shift. steering and brakes, ’This, of course, if the key to the present its decisions, and efficient in its vinyl top. 100% guar­ The Springwall Chiropractic provides deep of the pleasant results of a growing argument in Connecticut. Governor Mes- light of recent empirical find­ ings. For example, the U.S. management. antee*, 67 Ford $1295 down contour and balanced support for all world-wide recession is that it strength­ kill is arguing that because of unemploy­ A record of many accomplish­ ment and a high tax burden in the state, Commission on Obscenity and Country Sedan, 10- areas of the body, minimal agitation from ens the United States bargaining posi­ Pornography spent two years on ments with a minimal t8« In- 70 Toyota $2295 passenger. movement of sleeper, buoyant surface welfare payments should be reduced. creeuie has been pointed up by Mark if Station Wag- tion on foreign trade. Other states have taken the position that research at a cost of nearly 68 Pont. $1395 comfort and adaptability to persons one million dollars to study the our candidates and in our ad­ Tempest Custom. 6- ’The theory is that the growing eco­ with unemployment compensation run­ vertising. Our candidates have of varying weight and body type. ning cut for many and with inflation a Influence of pornography on hu­ cylinder, radio, heat­ nomic pinch in other countries will in­ man behavior. Empirical facts the desire, the proven ability er, automaUc, power major factor, payments should be rais­ 68 Ford $1495 th* only n)8teh*d »*t of bidding crease their emergency need to be able led this commission to conclude and the experience. I feel their 68 Dodge $1895 steering, very clean, 4 ed. Because one out of every ten chil­ new tires and state Ranch Wagon. Auto­ conitruotod In oeeordoneo with that explicit sexual materials performance has earned your Polara 10-Passenger maUc. tho zpoolfleotloni of tho Amtrican to export to this country, while our own dren under 18 in America is on welfare, confidence and solicit your sup­ Station Wagon. Inspected! Chlropraetio Aiioelotlon fo the question is not one that cam be lightly could not be considered to play malnftn boMor ■l•*p poifuro. need to export to them will remain com­ a significant role in the causa­ port for the whole Republican 24 potontod sido Sprlnswoll dismissed. So vdille it is permissible to gupporto provoni *oss>os, Siv* paratively less drastic lor us. zero in on families with other income — tion of delinquent or criminal ticket bn Nov. 2. 1/S moro oloopins zurfoeo. behavior among youths or M. Adler Dobkin MATTRESS OR BOXSPRINQ IN TWIN OR FULL SIZE. The trouble is that, even if this theory so that relief goes to families vdio need It most — states should in justice aim to adults. Rather, they concluded 1969 FORD FAIRLANE "500" proves circumstantially true, there can­ match payments to Inflation and need. that much of the "problem” re­ "The Worst" 4-Door Sedan. Radio, heater, automaUc transmission, THE SPRINGWALL To the Editor, I not really be any true benefit in it for , The Connecticut approach has been to garding materials which depict new tires, new brakes, etc. State Inspected! *14751 Mattress or Box Spring explicit sexual activity stems I am another oiUien who op­ anybody, including us. s a / that because tax burdens have lisw, welfare payments should be reduced. from the inability or reluctance poses the selling of smut In ^Chiropractic Ohe might construct a rather Polly- of people In our society to be Manchester. It is unfortunate This is another thing from saying that C.B.T. *80-Day 100% anna-type maxim to apply to all human welfare payments to individuals are too open and direct in dealing with that you can’t get the public Financing sexual matters. roused to act against such an Quarantee on $99.95 each problems, including world economic hig;h and therefore should be reduced. Available Parta ft Labor Perhaps we can make the pcint by turn­ Within the past five years, evil, unless the public is aware TOYOTA StWofMI problems, which would go something ing the argument around, and arming five other nations established the sVil exlsU, which means the mm Queen Size Set like this: that when a state has a surplus it should similar commissions and ar­ evil g«ts free advertising for a rived at essentially the same short Ume. The people con- Kinff Size Set . s a s M S Tliere is no sound or lasting benefit automatically raise welfare payments. Such an approach would be ridiculous. conclusions; There Is no evi­ esmed enough and bravo for anybody in anybody elae's hardship What is needed Is a fair payment which dence that explicit sexual ma­ enough to lead the open opposi. 935 Main St., Manchester e Open Tues. thru Sat. 9 A.M. to 5:80 P.M. • Thursday & Friday Nights terials are harmful, and legal Uon hope by so doing to root out LYNCH MOTORS or misfortune. allows recipients and their children, to till 9 P.M. e Closed Mondays • Phone 648-5171 live 'With as much dignity as possible. restrictions which inhibit free­ the evil quickly, rather than let “HARTFORD AREA'S LARGEST TOYOTA DEALER" TV) Ignore this possibly fundamental dom of the press and speech the comipUon spread, perhapa law of the universe is to become an ad­ This objective can not be obtained by ty­ 345 Center Street, Manchester Phone 646-5313 ing the payments to either state deficits should be regaled. for yeara. „ „ versary to your own welfare. •IF VHU MiAN Tc m \/F hihR, LCT ITHFR£!" “ Burning of the Booka or surpluses. — MIDDLETOWN PRESS. (Hee Page Seven) (whoae letter appeared In , the i'

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1971 PAOB Biom* MANCHESTElk EVENING HERALD. MANCHE^ITER. CONN.. MONDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1971 PAOB NIKE member of St. Roee Oulld, Bast Hartford and a life member of MCC Students To Survey nounced yesterday that candl- activities are scheduled for this 7:30 p.m., Rham High School; the Industrial Aircraft Lodge, Hebron dates Aaron Reid and l^bert week Domocratlc coffee hour, 0:80 No. 17M, I~A. of M. In Bast Craig have worked out their Monday: Republican Cam- a.m,, home of Elmer Young, i FI Restaurant Dining Habits Hlllcrcst Dr,; Republican coffee For Board of Directors Hartford. ARRB8T8 campaign scheduled through palgn Commltteo, meeting, 7 Survivors are a daughter, Mrs. choices, and speed and Road Construction Issue next Monday, p.m,, headquarters: Gilead Con- hour, 9 a.m., homo of Mrs. Cherly A. Smith, 16, of Plaln- Starting tomorrow and con- urfii not Joseph Pelletier, Loveland Rd.; H.A. France, Catherine Fountain, with whom vllle, charged with larceny In tlnulng throughiiiruugii Thursday, 12 of service. RestauranU name will Tomorrow the candidates will gregatlonal Church budget hear- WAYNE MANTZ she made her home; three sons, cover Wellswood Rd. and Rt. 88 Ing and council meeting, 8 p.m. Gilead Congregational Church Uie fourth degrie, yesterday Manchester Community Collogo Discussed by Selectmen Senior Choir rehearsal, 8 p.m. Bom and educated in Allentown, Pa.' Roland D. Pecor and Bdward A. afternoon after a shoplifting In- atudents will conduct a survey rostaurant to Kinney Rd. and on Weilhes- Tuesday: Planning and Zoning Received his degree in- Business Administration Ex-Mu8cian, Pecor, both of Bast Hartford Thursday: Recreation Com­ cldent at Treasure City, re- jocbI residents on the subject available to ar . Domocratlc First Selectman could secure through other ^Ay Rt, 88 south to the Col- Commission meeting, 8 p.m., mission meeting, 8 p.m., Town from MuhlenbutY College, 1987. Certified Property, and William L. Pecor of West leased on a »150 non-surety gf restaurant dining. The study, managers and o Aaron Retd and Republican So- moans of financing, Chester lino. Town Office Building; Ropubll- Building; Republican cof- Causally Underwriter lOTO. Dead at 75 WlUlngton; a brother, Harry bond. Court date Nov. 8. j,y students enrolled In the con- persons or gro p - . OOl* Coffee Houm Amaton Lake will be covered can coffee hour, 9;80 a.m., home a n nt mrry Is now employed at Aetna life Ic Casualty Com­ Dean of Forestvllle; sevw loclman P. John Porham had n fee hour, 9 a,m;> home of Mrs. pany as Administrative Assistant to Marketing sumer research and merchan- "These The Republican Campaign on Thursday, Old Colchester of Mrs. Neal Prescott, Oak Dr.; Harold Gray, Hebron Center; OOVBNTRY — Herbert A. grandchildren and three great­ disagreement over the construc­ Manager. Robert Rose, 33, and Edward dicing course, will be carried studying "I" „ p-rank P. Committee has scheduled three Rd. to the Colchester line on Democratic Campaign Commit­ Hebron Congregational Church He is a member of Manchester Board of Directors; grandchildren. A. Swan, 26, both of Wllllman-, on at various times of the day service man * ' . - tion cf new roads In the town at coffee hours for this week to Friday, Hope Valley Estates on tee meeting, 8 p.m 1 France, 78, of Rlidey HUl Rd. i“®„i 8enlor Choir rehearsal, 7 p.m. former Secretary of Pension Board; Chairman of The funeral will be tomorrow tic, charged with Intoxication, In normally crowded areas. Lattuca Jr., c . , last woek’a Board of Selectmen give icsidonts the opportunity Saturday and Hope Valley Rd. ters; Hebron Congregational a muslctan and former director with a Mass of the Resurrection Friday: Republican Campaign Martin School Cub Scout Pock; member of Con­ Saturday afternoon on Main St. The questionnaire contains 12 food service hicollng. Bath ure running for meet the candidates and ask and OreyvlIIo Rd, on Sunday. Church Council meeting, 8 p.m., Committee political rally, 5:30 cordia Lutheran Church and Past Vice Chairman of music at the University of at 9:30 a.m. at the Church of the Court date Nov. 8. questions. Among others, stu- "I know of no V Smith-Oellert Lounge. , 4 of Church Council. first selectman In next week’s w. u la ____ _ Th®V up their cam- and 8 p.m., headquarters; He- Connecticut, died Saturday at Assumption. Burial will be In dents will ask for opinions about them to learn t**® The first will bo held tomor- Wodnosday: Conservation uron Historical Society meet- He lives at 208 Tlmrod Road with hi* wife, Louise, RockvlUe Oeneral Hospital. He Cemeteiy, Rocky Hill, Edward M. Gaffney, Jr., 23, restaurant parking facilities, likes of restaurant patrons Uiw election. ” ■ palgn on Monday on Jones Bt,, and their three children. row morning at 9:30 at Ul6 Burrows U111Hill «9;ucontinued Hsion yesterday afternoon at others suffered lacerations Injured and beat out their bur- Reld said that he had told the dents at the two scheduled three- get a free home heating survey before Oct. 31,1971. Call your VERNON — Wilfred R. Hoi- ter Funeral Home. 456 Jackson By DAVE SWEARINGEN « ^ e n ^ like they as- with ^an administration source z X involved cars driven by “'ey broke through a Ing clothing with their hands. developer of Crouch Rd. "If he hour meetings, the first full year. And don’t forget the indoor-outdoor ther­ land, 71, of Kelly Rd. died Sat- st., Wllllmantic. Burial will be AUGUSTA, Maine (AP) - that the two noml- Virginia B. WUson of Cromwell Plate glass window to escape The five persons In critical wanted to go ahead and build xhe first meeting will be this gas heating contractor or CNG in Hartford (525-0111) or New Orday nig^ at Manchester Me- in Windham Center Cemetery, mometer. . . a great gift from CNG. Owning a pet is a responsibility ^ -rho ®®® '*'®''® “'"ong seven persons and Nancy L. Hassett of Rock “*®the tlan’es flames. cendition, all at Queens Gener- It, go ahead. If you get the road Thursday evening at' 6 ;30 and Britain (224-9157). A representative will call on you and survey mortal Hospital. He was the Friends may call at the fu- equivalent to having a newborn . , , ? considered up to the wire. vllle. Pollce said a woman patron, Hospital, were Identified as boxed out and graveled, you the field exercise on Saturday husband of Mrs. ’Thelma Leigh- neral home tonight from 7 to 9. ones toat are usually claimed who had been ejected earlier Bernard Shriner, 42, and his have less headaches,” he stat- morning at 6:30, both at Hlnch- Infant, says the manager of the are piirebreds. 'The statement countered re your heating system. He’ll show you how to cut heating costs ton Holland. ______Kennebec Valley Humane after she became quarrelsonle, wife, Arlene, 41, of 186-34 Dun- ed. liff’B. Late arrivers and non- CONNECmCUT NATURAL GAS CORPORATION C jjG Mr. Holland was born Aug. Q. Do you find many kittens ports that the President was In­ On W. Middle 'Tpke., near the Society’s Connors Shelter. tent on naming Herschel H. Wilbur Cross Highway last night retumed to the Hollis Inn about lop St.; Dorothy Voorhees, 47, Several times Perham‘& re- registrants cannot be allowed — Serving the greater Hartford and New Britain areas I 12, 1900 in Ervlng, Ntec®., nent. tack st. tempted to escape but her body were identified as: Edward Talcottville Congregational Vernon police are Investigat­ treated well by their previous Resident was waiting COMPLAINTS case because the road has nev- who has personal knowledge of ing a possible larceny or bur- ’Die abuse and abandonment Sometime yesterday, vandals was found later two feet Inside Green, 31, the bartender, of 76- er been graveled, but they, plan the habits and attitude of the Church. owners? until all the data was in on the the door. A second victim was 05 156th St.; Susan Glabradh, Survivors, besides hls wife, glary which allegedly occured • of domestic animals is a nation- aA. Thniere’s ’ too many that eeven or eight finalists and the threw a rock through the win­ to do It this fall. When ques-. Applicant. ^ . j dow of a camper parked on found dead in the washroom. 25, of 116-28 201st St.; Eugene tioned by Perham If he planned A small fee will be charged, are a son, Robert M. Holland of prior to an explosion wMch X a.S S 'cflT ill’^ t e ' t o ^ ’ suL^ Something that'really '^®*'® "n® Neither was Immediately Byam, 47, of 104-17 186th St.; bothers me is when a person al- nient, the source said. Lenox St. to do anything to hold the grav- but the students are reminded burned a trailer In the Charest Identified. James Foote, 28, of 102-16 185th el over the winter, Reid replied that a demonstrated ability to Lodle DeCarll of Ellington, ’The Onnnni-H cihaitor hnnHioQ **18 female pet to produce An**. wMle the President was „ , _ . , . „ Mrs. Forrest LaValley of Staf- Trailer Park, Rt. 30, early tMs "It was dreadful,” said Mrs. St.; Rose Miller, 33, of 108-16 that "hopefully It will hold.” handle their weapons safely Is T d ^ e S ^ T hom elX a " S a “ “ ‘"‘end to place the "very much receptive to noml- Melvin Mack, a neighbor and 168th Place; Algernon Green, fordvllle and Mrs. Raymond morning. hundreds of homeless animals “" 7 “ day, vandals smarted a window A*eivm Mack, a neighbor and Reid explained that the entire the requisite for ce^fication, every year—two-tMrds of them himself. He expects nating a Woman, there was no mptel BtHnnimr witness. “I was looking at tele- 50, of 188-09 104th Ave.; and road allotment could be spent not payment of the fee. KueM of Stafford Springs; 2 Police said the trailer was cats^and the rest dogs, ^ ts are ^ T^e young aren’t predisposition in her favor, the sJfeSSore vislcn In the living room when I Harold Smith, 25, of 138-06 109th brothers, Arlow Holland of Ver- owned by Arnold Nelson but ____ J______... cared for Drooerlv. have never source said, n/triinir ihot leriao.. ‘ a c a r parxea sycam ore on one rood and that it was Hlnchllff hopes that by get- kel>t a minimum of 10 days be- ®“ ®^ '®*' P*’®Perly, have never source said, adding that Friday gj heard a loud crash. I went to Ave., all In Queens. necessary to space the funds ting the early start Saturday non and Lawrence Holland of was uncccupied at the time of fore being destroyed if no home ®®®** ® •'°"ee also had no special edge over Lebanon, Conn.; 2 sisters, Mies the fire. All three Vernon fire over several areas. many students can be licensed can be found. ’The minimum *™"ed. ’These people don’t val- others in the final consldera- Sometime early Saturday He assured Perham .that no and In the Held by nouHdlng blow Two Tim • F78xl4 BiMk $55.00* Friends may call at, the fu- porge, 18, of 29 Gardner St. W, acres, to the public; "Animal than that-hls b.ulc philosophy Office of the State U ^ X l^ ^ understand .h„. that there’s a hit to mak,. niako paperboard. ------Ho------explain- ‘h® Two Tim ■ F78xl4 Whit* Wall $69.00* neral home tonight from 7 to 9 Manchester, was sldeswlped by life is precious, regardless <»f ro^pcct to the use of such menl Service said Herschberg- that’s good,” Herschberger the process and the teeat- 1',. “ ’‘P''>*'''e Co. In and tomorrow from 3 to 6 and another cur, Saturday night on what It Is. said, msnt of effluent. nearby I)u|Mint. Hints Pollee re- Two Tim - 078x14 Black $69.00* " *“ ’ tactics and his whole view of ®t. member of a Hartford mo- $68.00* 7 to 9 p.m, m (jjj (n Holton, Police said the Q. What types of cats and constitutional rights. First b>rcycle club. "Kaiser, - who sports . an Iron , “ ['.’'‘‘’""r* Pollution. - ..... Lm, Tlir'^'ilhorV'Injured. "''**'"* Two T im -078x14 Whit* Wall other car crossed the center dogs do you have the (mest Amendment rights, and so on, »Ald he was expecting Ms ^rase, Ught P“f|t8 rlvsted “ "’*‘**’ ■>■>' >•»•"> leveisii the Two T im -1178x14 Black $68.00* •Its. Ellen L. Peeor trouble placing? I7i« hhiNl lavsind the ons-stii. line, sldeswlped the I.,aForge us we evaluate his quail- regular $72 and didn’t even no- ®h***7i T*'*'"* hum O'Neill ry slniclurs, In which two men Two Tim - H78xl4 White Wail $66.00* Mrs. Ellen Louise Dean Pecor, car, and continued without stop­ A, The older, matured cats 69, of 37 Devon Dr., died Satur­ ficatlons for the court,” the “>® W«her amount until he “ w^ks Ite i L 1 7 ' ^ ' ' «<>Ohnlly worked nsl te X Two Tim - J78xl4 White Wail $70.00* ping. are very difficult to place be­ Maine senator and 1972 Demo­ went to cash the check third day at her home. She was the cause, as a rule, they don’t gold ring In Ms pierced left ssr ww**?: He .pf,ke for a favwuhte emploXapp^^^ Two Tim • H78xl5 Black $68.00* HOimi WIMWOR cratic presidential prospect The teller apparently waswss a *“’** *'*’• '*®®'* •"“’‘•nif * Jbh, 7ote Nov, 2 on ths proposed pur- •Mlly Wae lren*|H)rling dyne wl(t(^r of Albert H. Pecor. Houth Windsor police ure In- take to new surroundings a* little startled by Oth amoismmint__ **“1 that Uisr* aren’t top many «h*a« of the Matudisstar Water Two Tim • H7Bxl6 White Wall $66.00* „ —..u Sunday on the CRB radio- *_s___ less 6$.^ Oh by the town__ mile lo ihe tndldlng when the She was born Nov, 24, 1901 In vesllgallng two breaks reported and then "Kaiser,” whose real up*nlng* for motorcycle m* •s|il«s«lon was eel igf Black $66.00* HaverMll, N. H„ the daughter yesterday morning. The first . __ L... .t.. rv program "Face the Na- ehanJes. Two Tim - J7IXI6 dog* present a problem In the thin.” name Is Robert William Th# Water Resoiiniss I’rsaar Ite Impact waa fall mof* then White Wall $70.00* of the late Hurry and Harriet break was Into the South Wlnd- p-tentlal new owner’s mind If Hsrschbsrger, noticed that the "When you apply el inoet ^^Homlltee i* dtelrlliiding id odles Two T im - J78XI6 Carieton Dean, and lived in ^or Pharmacy on Hulllvun Ave. you don’t how the animal’s Rehnqulst, an assistant attor­ away, raining win ney general since IMI9, wss check was made out for the plocea, people take one hsik at J^rd sign* asking for e yee v«te. .prtess Ifielude ■**!•* tbs *M meunilnt Bast Hartford tor 28 year* be- Knlry wae gained by breaking amount of Uia ssriat number J au and don't think you’re "'•yw .y Mate *hpAH,in part, "Mease "Mease eave e.y, Hlel* gis 10*10* fore moving to Mancheoter 3 the front door. Several carton* Q'‘*Xen‘‘ you lake in a stray ""'"'"'“"f '*"••• with s dollsr eign In front. Inislworthy tiecause ymi’vi. g«A »*anchesl«r Water fteeoureee || dynamite w«« eai W H R K U Htiy on* wHm I «nw often doe* the f/wner Thur*SI ssM llwra ste *o cutru ordft, Bast Hartford for U year* HavingilroUiers Irallsr at the A. I don't know the exact fig- fhomd by the Nenate after fong to you. I’ve nevar stoten most oftlses eheed p*r Velar Mtersd meesegee eu*.n e« ’'»’eil feted lest tedMuige wn the 7 ' before her retirement In 1M9. Parkecenter (uinplcx. An alr- ure, but It’s small, 'it’e really hearings hy Ms Jodlcjary item- anything in my Ilf* and I'm not ane’ Imy he'll have l<» wsH at write or m m Ii to your b»w» m mto W|i|srs iwT,|H>ry whub Is Ibe vwa a communicant of the condUluner and getuirator were terrible h'w few |)et>pl« ermtact mlltec Muskla, «//t li memlmr about to start steaHog anything least a dsy to glv* the stele Ite rretor* Only Mey esi( MV* |« mtor of a.retrtesi m UiMlMiltr OMmmUI* l2)Urah of the AasumpUon, 'a taken this shelter bjoktng Utr llieir an- of ito- commutes, wmild luA mrw,'' h« said. Irioney, ••mo Ml I M « * «V ' \ 1 4 1.1111 MANCHESTER E5VBNTN0 HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1971 PAGE ELEVEN

P A G E T E N MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. MONDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1971 geUier two dumptrucke and eet new |4 million, 26 etcry office dietown, a union official program as one of the causes Cornell Graduate Carves up oe a eub-contractor at Udom building—called the Chockchal Hospital Guard oliarges that security Is still in- of difficulties at the center air baee. He made |6,(X)0 In 80 Building, It la the talleat in adequate. where seven Imates caused FUEL OIL Football Fans Teacher Seeks day* and hae never looked back Thailand. Hie company built it Claims Security Inmates sUll have access to several thousand dollars In Cattle Kingdom in Thailand elnce. "juet to show we could do it.” the kitchen area and may help damage Oct. 10. 17.9 5To Rejoin Fiance Still Inadequate 200 Oal. Min. The Candidates Overheat on Way w ____ „ He won Increaelngly profit- ^oet of the building ie leaaed themselves to the work tods in 1 Day Notice For Delivery starting. The U.8., gearing up able contracU from the U.B. ^ ^ Oovemment agencies, VANCOUVER, B.C. (AP) — Harriet Haslett O'IXlUaHUN HARTFORD (AP) — Despite cccupatlonal therapy room, 24 Hour Burner Service said Warren Caverly, business 15 Fewer Drown To Greet Team Betsy Priddle. a Richmond, ' * 7 ------(AP) j for the Vietnam —sss war, vTsaa, waaaa started «,v%a u a i^iWUnillieilLGovemment'e B fOW$800 llimiVUmillion cuil- con- Chockchal spends Auutfour uajradays a. a m nnnr»»m/.rtt«dent rxt liirVifof* an. ».s*»sv>ss Using American purebred crash program of air base and «tructlcn proirram and is now week at his ranch. He has put announcomeni or iignier sc Council 16. AmeHcnn KNOXVILLE — Forty . five MANCHESTIR B.C., school teacher, left no U a W— ■ A*. 1. S -JL.______A AA A . F 9 ____ . . A>Iie«l$«r VM a m SrtSVtAAl a t 111 A Wt a W. . . . a MA_A._ A~a _ A ______■ ______. WASHINGTON (AP) — Being max- federation State, County people drowned lEist year while Are Saying— stone unturned during the MtUa, T e ^ know-how and the highway construction in Thai- the biggest contractor in 'Ihal- $2.6 million into developing sev- OIL HEAT. INC, a football fan isn't all being an Oiinese business aaw y that land. j^^d ho made his money ren- en ranching properties on the imum security center for the and Municipal Emplcyes. using TVA lakes for recreation, Weekend as she tried to enlist John Thompson armchair quarterback—some­ the help of Soviet Premier hM made him a muIU-mlUicn- Chookchai decided to get a ting heavy equipment. Korat Plateau and eaye they criminally Insane a t, the Con- Caverly criticized Gov. 16 fewer than the number in Edward M. W eiss, Eire at the age of 34, Chookchai piece of the acUon He got to- His headquarters are in a are worth about $6 million. necltcut Valley Hospital inMid- Thomas J, Mesklll's austerity 1969 and 31 fewer than in 1968. times it involves being an un- Alexei Kpsygin in her Ukranlan Bulakul is carving a catUe in- ______' ______,______I ------______------"Recent layoff announce- As a life long resident of fiance's emigration procecd- der-the-hood mechanic. dustry out of the jungles of menta by area manufacturers Manchester and a graduate of Ings. That's what a number of northeastern ThaUand. compel a renewed effort to at­ Miss Priddle, 28, is engaged the Manchester school system, I Washington Redskins backers He la confident he can prove tract new Industry and business to Leonid Koslrskey, 27, a civil am keenly Interested in the fu­ discovered when they tried to NOV. 2nd beef oatUe can be a bonanza to Manchester," according to engineer she met in Kiev while ture of our schools and the welcome the NFL team home for nial exports. John Thompson, Democratic touring the Soviet Union. quality of education in our from its first season defeat Visltora to hie 12,000 acre candidate for the Board of Di­ She said she prepared three Republican town. I believe firmly in the Sunday in Kansas City. spread, two houra drive from rectors. "The combination of copies of a letter to Kosygin, Candidate neighborhood concept Of schools. Bangkok are treated to the eye­ rising: property taxes, fixed in­ The single service station at hoping one would reach him, Board of I do not believe a type of re­ popping spectacle of sleek, fat comes of many elderly proper­ the Dulles Airport in suburban asking his help. gional education, replacing the Education cattle grasing In lush pasture ty owners, and increasing un­ Virginia was jammed with Mias Priddle said she isn't CItUens for Harriet Haalett, neighborhood concept, can of­ land with Thai cowl^oys, b o ^ d employment, creates a critical overheated cars, just a few of expecting any rapid action on Robert O. Heavisides, Treas. fer any educational or emotional and spurred, mounted on economic situation in Manches­ these that made it through an her request that her fiance be benefits to our children. A child Texas-bred quarter horses, rop­ ter” , stated Thompson. eight-mile-long superhighway allowed to come to Canada, but living in a specific area should ing branding as if to the "We must roil up our sleeves traffic jam on the hix-lane road she’s hoping. If the request is Eind be allowed to attend his neigh­ manner bofn. and get Manchester moving serving the airport. Police esti­ denied, Miss Priddle has said borhood school. Except for the waving coco­ again", said Thompson. "Un­ mated 13,000 to 28,000 people she would apply for emigration employment is not a national or I feel that constant adjust­ nut palms, red roofed filial tried to make it, and only 4,000 into Russia to join Koslrskey. state problem, it is everyone’s ments have to be made in cur­ too 5,000 got through. temples and jungle covered problem. We must seek new riculum to keep pace with our mountains in the background it jobs and new opportunities for changing demands. These chang­ Brazil Adding Ships Choicest Meats In Townl could be Tex'as. Manchester", stated Mr. es or adjustments in curriculum 54% Like Nixon RIO de JANEIRO — Brazil’s Chockchal, a Oomell gradu­ Thompson, ‘"nie major task", should be approached with cau­ merchant marine has reached ate and former part-Ume Cali­ according to Thompson, "is to tion and should be brought into 3 million tons, with 1.3 mllUon fornia ranch hand, has turned the system only when their edu­ In Latest Poll begin to bring new opportuni­ more tons being built. Plans TUESDAY ONLY SPECIAL! { his ranch into an Eastern ver- cational value has been proven. ties into Manchester” . "W e call for a fleet totaling 6 mil­ slan of a set from a television must get out and recruit new Whenever changes occur in cur­ PRINCETON, N.J. (AP) — Western. He has a six bedroom The Gallup Poll says 64 per lion tons by 1976. business. Manchester has much riculum, the teaching staff Liver and Bacan Salel • log cabin for guests that could cent of respondents to an Octo­ to offer companies seeking to should be given as much in- have been taken from one of ber survey say they approve of expand their operations. It will service training as possible, so the Hollywood cowboy movies the way President Nixon is BEEF UVER lb. 39<>S require initiative and enthusi­ that they fully understand the Yankowskis Wed 25 Years NEW! — BXCITINO he admits to having loved ees a handling his job. asm! We can move Manchester new program and feel comfort­ SWEET UFE a boy. His own ranch house is Mr. and Mrs. Edward communicants of St. Bridget forward” , promised Thompson. able teaching it. The number of those approv­ fenced in like a iWestem fort, Church and are employed at NATURAL HEALTH One of the primary goals of ing is up five per cent from a Yankowskl of 62 Scott Dr. were BACON lb. 59* • complefh with sentry tower. A Pratt iind Whitney Division of our schools should be to meet similar survey taken in August feted at a 26th wedding anni­ FOOD SHOPPE replica of an Indian totem pole United Aircraft Corp., ■ East 5 Dead, 5 Hurt the educational needs of each when only 49 per cent of those he carved himself stands out­ versary celebration yesterday Hartford. Mr. Yankowskl serv­ AT THE Individual child, whether he is responding approved, 38 per HIGHLAND PARK MARKET • side the shxTkade. afternoon at the home of Mrs. ed with the Army during World In Road Crash a slow learner or a fast learn­ cent disapproved and 13 per 317 Highland St., Manchester— Phone 646-4277 ^ The ranch also boasts a zoo, Yankowskl’s mother, Mrs. Mar­ War II. PARKADE er. If we are successful in meet­ cent had no opinion. In which the main attraction is BATESVILLE, Ark. (AP )— tha Bungard of 33 N. Elm St. (Herald photo by Bucelvlclus) ing each child's needs we would The latest poll was taken im­ a lion that eats rice. He also < Five persons were killed and About 35 friends and relatives not have any school failures. mediately alter the President's has a pigmy elephant, and sev­ flve other persons injured Sun­ from neighboring towns attend­ television announcement Oct. 7 en hog deer which he claims day night when ^ o cars col­ ed the party given by Mrs. of the details of Phase 2 of his may be the last in ThaUand. lided near here. Bungard. Husband Slain economic program. It showed Then there’s a monkey, a bear, State Police said one of the The couple was married Oct. 64 per cent approving of his cars ran through a stop sign on SHERMAN (AP) — 26, 1946 in St. Bridget Church and a buUdog. White House performance, 36 Any of his 60 coWhoys who Arkansas 233 and slammed into Frederick Roberts, 38, of Tabor by the Rev. Bronislaw Gada- OUR LOWEST PRICES OF TH^EAR/ per cent saying they disapprove the other vehicle. Road was fatally shot at his rowski. They have two sons, give him trouble get sent to the OUR LOWEST PRICES OF THE YEAR f and 11 per cent with no opinion. Officers identified the dead home late Sunday night, state Edward Yankowskl and Mi­ nearby Buildhist temple to have To reach its findings, Gallup chael Yankowskl, both at 4 9TH ANNIVERSARY SALE their heads shaved and spend as Levon McCrady, 31, and police report. Hiey have home; a daughter, Mrs. Oiris- WEST HARTFORD • MANCHESTER PARKADE • BRISTOL PLAZA - NEW LONDON MALL two weeks contemplating the Donna McCrady, 10, of Marma- charged his wife, Lewean Rob­ asked 1,473 adults, "D o you ap­ DOWNTOWN NEW BRITAIN • CORBINS CORNER. duke and Ralt^ Biggs, 46, Deb­ erts, 36, with murder. She is to prove or disapprove of the way tlne Kelsey of East Hartford; of their ways. His cow­ bie Biggs, 8, and Gayla Bolin, be arrslgned on the charge this Richard Nixon is handling his and two grandchildren. ' boys earn 60 cents a day and 4 9TH ANNIVERSARY SALE lie reckons them to be as good 4, of Paragould. morning in Danbury. job as President?” Mr. and Mrs. Yankowskl are • NEW LONDON MALL as any he saw in the United • DOWNTOWN NEW BRITAIN • CORBINS CORNER, WEST HARTFORD • MANCHESTER PARKADE • BRISTOL PLAZA Statfss where they earn $2 an hour. “ I have trouble keeping the pile car coats OUR LOWEST PRICES OF THE YEAR.* young ones,” he said. "You teach them to ride and three days later they want to go to 4 9TH ANNIVERSARY SALE Bangkok and become a jock­ 23.90 (ffl*/ CORBINS CORNEB. WEST HARTFORD • MANCHESTER PARKADE » BRISTOL PLAZA - NEW LONDON MAIL • DOWNTOWN NEW BRITAIN • ey." reg. $40 Chockchal's project to trans­ form the Impoverished Korat Plateau into rich catUe pasture 32” length, double breasted with has Important poliUcal and eco­ nomic Implications for north­ pat(di pockets, quilt lined. Four east Thailand, which comprises one third of the country’s popu- colors, junior sizes. loUcm and land area. He has *so far succeeded in " m STOm O f winning support from the mial pant tops & and U.S. Governments, and the World IBank. tunic blouses "Tills area has ailways been regEirded as the Siberia of H iai- land,” said CSiockchai. .. Diy and dusty six months of 6.90 the year, the North East has reg. $13 been neglected by the Hiai Government, but not the com ­ Long sleeved tops in assorted fab- munists, who have InfUtrated m - and subverted large areas ri<», solids and prints. Many color­ along the Mekong river and ings, sizes 10 to 18. t i m now bOEist an armed strengtfi of alxiut 2,000 men. famous make f»v.. There Eire terrorists bands tfr: barely 30 kilometers from Chockchal’s property. But so slips & petticoats far they have proved less of a menace than rusUers and tigers who prey on the cattle. 2.99 to 5.99 “ CatUe are the way to keep reg. $4 to $9 out communists,” he said. "At the moment a farmer around Slips, chemisettes, petticoats and here gets $12 an acre from scanties in nylon tricot, Crepes- growing com , after ploughing, sence or Antron III. Sizes 82 to 44, planting, harvesting, buying fertilizer Eind insecticides. P,S,M,L in the group. "His com is sold to Japan for caUle feed. ThaUand then im­ m ports Kobe beef at $10 a kUo ladies^ d riv ii^ gloves (2.2 ibs). That’s crazy! Why don’t we feed the com to our own catUe? This area Is perfect for catUe. We can turn the 2.90 jungle into pasture and graze millions of head. A farmer' can reg. 84 get $85 an acre if he changes to catUe." Save on wool gloves with leather The son of a merchant who h,V was known as the King of Rice, Chockchal wants to be known palms . . . assortment of colors. 08 the "CatUe King of Thai land.” He worked on several rach- couturier jewelry reg. $12 to J$26 es in California while he at­ tended San Antonio College be­ fore returning to ThaUand with Where can you find fantastic ;savings on famous brand fashion shoes during Famous Gardner Snowsuits the aim of becoming a rancher. 1/2 price the heart of the fall season? . . . at D&L, of course. You won't want to miss His father gave him 100 acres of jungle land but he didn’t reg. to $20 luxurious cashmere sweaters this gala sales events A great selection of this-miniite dress and casual have the money to develop it. shoes in styles and colors galore. All sizes but not in every style and color. for girls, hoys, infants and toddlers “My father wanted me to go Hurry in early for first choice! Into the rice business but I Pendants, ropes, chain necklaces 90 reg. $20 & $21 wanted to be a rancher. I asked . . . unique jewelry from a very 14. him for $6,000 os a grubstake but he only gave me $1,000. So famous maker! “this minute” pant suits I stole two trucks and 3,000 soft, warm sleepwear bags of rice from one of his Have the beautiful cashmere sweater that you’ve always rice m ij^ and sold it to get Bain Nouveau wanted . . . now at a great saving! Pullover with mock 12’’ to 16 capital. ^ by top makers Soft! Famous Brand in Orion or polyester Save 5.10 on this great "That was 14 years ago. We Houbigant toiletries turtle neck or cardigan with crew neck. White, navy, regularly $21 to $30 hacked the jungle back with pump that's regularly machetes find sold charcoal to beige, gray, pink, blue. 84 to 40. make ends meet. That’s the $17. Sorry, we can't Criiikle Pump lowest form of livelihood in 99c One of the greatest values in our greatest ever Anniversary Salel ThaUand. But I went broke 1 9 % mention the brand Warm, weather-lieating all nylon snowsuits for all the snow anyway. Spray cologne, reg. 8.50 . . . friction children... created by famous Gardner and savings-priced by D&L Broke but still full of bounce, cologne or spray powder, reg. $3 reg. $6 to $10 name, but you'll rec<^g- Chockchal saw his big oppor- superb wool skirts right now before the first flurries come! tunlty in the American MUltary . . . creme parfum, reg. $4 ... body nize it immediately. Washable, waterproof nylon suits with heat-keeping acrylic pile oonstruotlon program Uion lotion, reg. $6. lininp. Jackets with hoods or matching hats, pant with ^ Wake up to warm savings on a beau­ scuff-defying double knees. One or two piece styles in reg. $16 8 * ^ ^ Buy two pairs at this fashion scarves tiful group of famous make sleep- Go-everywhei’e favorites in wrinkle assorted solid colors or fancies with knit inserts or embroidery / designs. Sizes 3-6X, toddlers 2-3-4 and infants 12 to 24 months. budget-minded price. wear I Shift gowns, long gowns, pa­ free Orion acrylic or Encron polyes­ (D tL Young World — aU atorea oxcopt New London) Fashion’s newest silhouettes in A-line, button front or Black, brown or navy Jake 99c jamas and sleep coats in brushed ny­ ters. A variety of styles, belted types KEILEY I SONS lon, chains or permanent press flan­ pleated styles. 100% wool and wool blends, solids, plaids crinkle patent. reg. to $5 or zip fronts. Many colors . . . sizes M-HB. BUBMBB BBBVICE and checks. Black, navy, gray, brown, plum, purple and all D&L $tore$ open Ml 9 p.m, every night nel. Pastels, fashion shades and 10 to 18. beige in the group. 8 to 18. M7-9732 Silks, silk blends, polyesters and prints. 32 to 40 and S,M,L,XL. -iil thl$ week except Saturday ... Ntiw ttrituln ( Nerving Oroater Manohoa$er,| acetates in. oblong or square xM I atore open only Thuraday night Ml 8i48 p.m. Vofnan,’ Oovantryi ToUandil (OftL, Dressea, all atorea) (DRL, Sportawear, alt atorea) WNf STORlS O f fASMIOH shapes. A bevy o f colors I (DAL, lingerie* nil etoree) (DAL, Sboea, all atorea) ■IUn$[$ou and Nmttti W lndaorl

. Ji r, 1 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1971 PAGE TWELVE MANCHE8T?!ft EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, MONDAY, OCTOBER, 26, 1971 PAGE THUnttEM Coventry Vernon South Windsor WE ARE PLEASED TO a n n o u n c e t h e a d d it io n IR A B e^fi^ Antiivar Amendment Seen State Agency Pledges Aid Manchester Education Board of Education Candidates TO OUR STAFF Retaliation Likely to Pass in Senate In Avery Brook Problem You call. We com e. W eek H ours In B elfa st By MARGARET GENTRY rllla warfare expert predicted November Calendar state Environmental Protec- and possible alternative ap- WABHINO'lXlN (AP) — A the phaae-cut cf American That's what the service business is all dnubla-biirroled antiwar amend- ground troops will be virtually tion Commissioner Dan W. Luf- proaches. (Conttnued from IHigii OimV 4 World Community Day — Church Women about. And that’s the. business we’re in Scheduled kin has assured Mayor Howard He stressed that partictpaUon mnnt appoare likely to paas the ccmpleto "within a month or Miss tYVO terrorieta. 'Hie eoldlera shot Uenale and move to an uncer- two.” United — Dr. Douglas Smith, "Build a New We're on call 24 hours'a day. Every day. r Fitts of full cooperation from of these agencies will be hand- Of course it helps if the serviceman Local aohools are planning hls department’s Soil Conserve- In-hand with South Windsor back and one of the tarrurixls Bouse fata, perhaps before Sir Robert Thompson, a per- Earth" — Second Congregational Church Preeldanl Nixon’s next Vietnam scnal consultant to Nixon on In­ knows what to do when he gets there. Out programa in connection with tlon Division in arriving at the agencies, including the “Town Connie fell.’ 8 p.m. American BducaUon Week this moat feaalble aolutlon to the Council, the Planning* and Zon* troop withdrawal announce- dcchina, said In a copyrighted servicemen do. They're heating experts, etiortly afterwards the worn- mnnt Nov. 16. Interview In U.S. News A World 5 Novena — Rev. Edward Barry — St. Barthol­ week although the high school Avery Brook flooding problem. Commission and the Oon- an waa taken to Royal Victoria Thu Senate amendment to the Repert: omew’s Church — 7 :80 p.m. trained to take care of any heating emer­ program will be held next week The mayor had requested servatlon Commlwlon and the This outstanding gency or problem. Governor Thomas Mesklll to ^»velo^d wit Hospital. fernign aid bill would require ” I can hardly imagine that 6 Fall Bazaar and Tag Sale Center Congre­ because there are only three Stylist comes t(.tal U.S. withdrawal within aix within a month or two any Non-emergency services? We offer look into the matter and Mesklll • “ A Windsor Plan, not Another woman waa shot and gational Church — 9:80 a.m. to 4 p.m. from one of wounded Sunday nlkht bv ulaln- would cut off funds American ground forces will be days of school this week. has asked Lufkin’s department 1 Sunda 7 Public dedication of new dam at Oak Grove those too. , At Cov entry Grammar side agencies.’ Springfield’s lead­ clothes police who eald she Like automatic metered deliveries that for Its cooperation. ntlons throughout Indochina ex- these who are providing close Nature Center — off Oak Groye St., 2:80 p.m. School, It will be "open house” helped plant a bomb In a down­ Lufkin noted in his letter to ing Salons. She is copt tlje amount necessary for security at American bases.” save you time and trouble. Burner service 'Hiesday, Wednesday and Manchester Evening Herald town Belfast club. Her male 8 “Holiday Decorations’’ by Mrs. Earl Herrick Fitts that the Army Corps of withdrawing forces and protect- ’Thompson said the pace cf and tune-up. And we have a budget pay­ Thursday, to which all interest­ South Windsor correspondent, a wizard at the companion was killed. and Mrs. Joseph Sullivan — Manchester Gar­ Engineers’ plan for deep chan­ Barbara Varrlck, Tel. 644-8814. Ing the pull-out. trocp withdrawal could be ment plan that spreads your fuel costs evenly over the months. ed residents are invlte'd. On nelisation of existing small Sensational new den Club — Federation Room — Center (k>n- Wednesday, a String Ensemble The Senate Foreign Relations stepped up sc that no more streams “would create more Shag Cut as well Pictures in Irish newspapers Committee said Saturday the than 60,(XM would remain In gregational Church — 8 p.m. We can do more for you than just sell you clean, de- |E from the University of Onmect- damage to the ecology of an recently have shown young amendment "should end the Vietnam by next summer, bers — Catholic Mothers Circles — Church of pendable, economical Mobil Heating Oil. Emergency or | y | @ 0 | | icut League will play in the au­ Party Leaders as Frostings, per­ area than benefits for the cltl- women under arms training, stalemate” and Insure the swift But he added, "There will 9 “Mock Meeting” for new and prospective mem- ditorium from 10 a.m. probably manent waves & no. Give us a call. Any time. h O C r f if lQ O H through the lunch hour at xens.” Swapping Barbs GIrla were among a firing par- return of U.S. soldlera and pria- probably be a requirement dur- the Assumption — 7:80 p.m. least. In addition there will be He said that Mesklll favors High Styling. ty which last month fired a vol- cners of war. Ing the ceming dry season for ley over the coffin of Ross Cur- Senate debate begins Tuesday American helicopter and tactl- 10 Y Wednesday Desserts Lecture Series an exhibition of Italian graphics Austin Olllls . . . Democrat Stephen Marcham . . . Demo- Arthur Garofolo. . .Democrat non-structural solutions to prob- HAR’TFORD (AP) — Tlie Re­ ry. 18, who was blown up with on the bill which would also cal air support.” “Christmas Crafts’’ by the Koffee Krafters PHONE 64S-51S5 from the Oraphlca Society ' of . . naUve ning Oommis- bureaucratic aloofness.” In addition to the woman Sion, Conservation Commission, Bailey said many of the com- ncunce a total withdrawal of yet cn such a measure. 13 Glass and Paper Collection to^benefit Case Mt. On ’Tuesday, parents should guerrilla and the British sol­ the town manager and ’Town mission’s recommendations are American ground combat House antiwar forces, how- report to their child’s home WE MAINTAIN OUR LOWEST PRIDES dier, the over-all weekend .toll Fund — Conservation Ckimmission — rear of Engineering Department met practical and should be Imple- troops by next July and possi- ever, say they doubt they could room to pick up his class sched­ In Northern Ireland since Sat­ Municipal Building — 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. with 10 officials of the SoU Con- mented but that others would bly sooner. muster enough vetea to actually ule, then parents will follow an urday was six civilians killed servatlon Advisory Committee t*’® quality of services, But the White House has glv- cut off funds for the war, an 14 An open meeting of the Connecticut Philatelic abbreviated typical class day. Day In . Day O u t... and one wounded by troops and of Hartford County, Agricultural Gaffney said ’"The empty en no indication of the magni- additional provision of the new Society, sponsored by the Manchester Philatelic On Wednesday, psirents of 6th police. Five soldiers and a po­ StabUlxatlon and Conservation P«>mUes made by Democrats tude of next month’s announce- amendment authored by Sens, Society, at Illing Junior High School from 1 to graders should go to the cafe- liceman were wounded by sni­ Service (U.8.), the SoU Conser- “^er the years could only raise ment. John Sherman Cooper, R-Ky., terium, while 6th grade parents pers. 6 p.m. vaUon Service of the U.S. De- *®>«® hopes and result, in the Meanwhile, a British guer- and Frank CSiurch, D-Idaho. should report to the large group 01 PRESCRIPTIONS ’The polictman was shot in 16 “Be a Guest at Your Own Party Caterers” — partment of Agriculture and the frustration. instruction room. There will be the hesud eturly today when he Frank Latucca Jr. — Gibbons Assembly Catho­ Soil Conservation Division of the ^ ------brief presentations, followed by . . . resulting in meaningful lo

V i ■p^

PAGE p o m n m ^ MANCHESTER EVENING ’HERAU). MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY, OCTOBER 2B, 1971 Section Two MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1971 Clt9ttitt0 IJfralJl Mo n d a y , Oc t o b e r 26, m i Paget 15 io 2$ Maneheater Chapter, 'ihe Great Books Discussion The 4Sth Greater Hartford Mr. and Mrs. Robert La- About Town BPEBSQSi*, will rehearae to- Group will meet Wednesday at Antique ^ o w opened today at Vallee of Gardner Mass, will . . ,, nlfht at ^ at the Army and 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Al­ the West Hartford Armory, 836 give an Illustrated talk on "The H m aunMt C3ub wUI Inatal “ “ “ •* Navy Club. The rehearsal la vin flirachfeld, 81 Mountain Rd. Farmington Ave., and will be Land Down Under," tomorrow For Boord of Edueofioit cttoars at a oatarad dliiner »a n tb. *"•** Intereated In "The Reber by Oamus will be held dally from 13:30 to 10 p.m. at a meeting of the Protesslon- S S T S t t a i L barbershoibatyle ha^ discussed. until closing on Thursday at 6 al Women's Club at 7:8^ p.m. mony. p.m. Luncheon, tea and dinner In the Federation Room of Cen­ M. PHIUP SUSAO Another In the series of story wHl be served, and there Is free ter Congregational Church. Lived In Manchester sines 1946. NaMv# of Min­ OonflrmaUon a a «, of hours for children Sti to 0 years parking. The show 1s sponsored Hostessts are Miss Sylvia Claf- neapolis, Minnesota. Ooagregatioi^ CSum^ ^11 re- second Oongregatlonal Church old will be held tomorrow morn­ by the Women of St. James' lln, Mrs. John Flynn and Mrs. hearse tonight at 6:40 In the Bachelors Degree In Aeronautical Englnaaruig will meet tomorrow at 4 p.m. In ing from 10 to 10:40 In the Jun­ Marion McLagan. f m . church narthax. Episcopal Church of West Hart­ from University of Minnesota yi*. . . the tlst Church. en's Club education committee Eldridge St. Weighing In will be Chairman of Building and 81^ OOTmlttss. will meet tonight at 7:80 In Su­ Uvea at 46 Adelaide Road with wtfs, Joanna, and chairman; ahd Mrs. Howard sannah Wesley Hall of the from 7 to 8. PrlMS will be , Memorial Tamide, Pythian The VFW Auxiliary will meet T: two children. Flchtel of London Rd., Hebron. church. awarded for costumes and Slaters will meet tomorrow at tomorrow at 7:80 p.m. at the games. The executive board 8 p.m. In Odd Fellowa Hall. Post Home. Members of the Women's Home League of the Reservations close Thursday will meet Wednesday at 7:80 The Representative's Report Vernon VFW Auxiliary will be Salvation Army »rlll Have a for the bus trip to the Roose­ p.m. at the club. Mrs. Edwin VOTE REPUBLICAN from the Orand Temple Oon- guests at this meeting. Officers work program at Its meeting velt Shrine and the Vanderbilt McConnell will be hostess. PULL THE TOP LEVER, ToMiday, ftov. 2 ventlon will be given and plans should be In uniform. tomorrow at 1:30 p.m. in the Mansion on Saturday, sponsor­ wlU be completed for the grand gymnasium at the Clhtdel. The ed by the Ladles Aid Society of The executive bocud of the This ad sponsored by the Manchester BapuMUoan officers visit on Nov. 0. Re­ The pastor^parlsh committee gym will be open at 10 a.m. for Chamlnade Musical Club will Zion Lutheran Church. The bus Town Committee — Chas. McKanate, Tiaas, freshments will be served by of North United Methodist those wishing to work. Host­ will leave the church at 10 a.m. meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the Mrs. Hasel Fahey and Mrs. Lil­ Church will meet tonight at 9 at esses are Mrs. Ruth Slmard and For reservations, contact Mrs. home of Mrs. Eldna Johnston, lian Smith. the church. . Mrs. Elisabeth Dowds. Jack Soares of 028 Wetherell St. Tunnel Rd., Vernon. WE CANDO BETTER FOR LESS Vernon New Sacred Heart Church 1 Dedicated By Bishop Hines I* VAO "lilHiililiiM. i...... I i l l ...... if*.. ..

Uie Most Rev. Vincent J. churches since the Middle Ages, Ing the light, to a forest dear- people, of course, who make up O o Hines bishoD of ifae Norwich do much to uplift the spirit. Ing with sunlight flltorlng the Church, In a ronie dlffermt TM ’ ...... “ The whole feeling of this lofty through the leaves. and far deeper than ax^ mate- Diocese, officiated at dedication jg ^ freedom and Father Kelley said some peo- rial etructure, and petite In ev- ceremonies of the new Sacred ^ gpg^g (he most pie profess to see the outline ery generatimi will continue to ROOIR M. mORO EDWARD J. TOMKHL Heart Roman Catholic Church, elevated of man’s thoughts," of a dove In the great'beam en- express In their church bulld- TOWN IftEASUBZB TOWN in Rt. 80. Vernon. Saturday mom- iFather Kelley said. folding these shapes wMle oth- Ings their deepest cOTrictliW Most Rev. Bishop 'Vincent Hines blesses Sacred Heart Church. RaaMaa at 808 Oak 8traat with Unoonlaatod He Ukmied the skylight of the era see an angel with out- about themselves and thalr rela- ing. wtfe, March He amended Hart- Realdea at U Orandviaw Street church and the geometric de- stretched wings, tionsMp to God." ford lUstituta of Accounting and with wile, Maureen, and 3 ohll- The laying and blessing of the ^ suspended f W It catch- However, he noted, "It te “ We have confidence that tMs ta Offlea and Accounting Man- dren. Ha attended Olbrar Ool- cornerstone opened the cere- ______church erected now by pe<^lo of agar for a local firm. Ha has legs, American mstUuta of monies. After sprinkling the faith will In after years find Unusual Features Set Church Apart bean Tteaaurar of the Demo- Banldng, and UOonn. He haa stone with holy water, Blriiop others of strong faith to flU and oratlc Town Oonunlttaa since been Town CTerk of Maneheater Hines traced a cross on the six sustain it . . . may this our new Ground was broken for the shapes to the interior of the Aside from the crucifix, the cultry, provides a greater num- 1908. He has aerved aa Traaaur- since 1000 and la Preatdent of church E^rve Christian life for er of Toung DmnocraUc d u b s nnsm. Town Cleika' Aaaoolatian. sides of It with a trowel, saying iicmnew Sacredrrp.___ HearttjmaKi Churchv.— . — —In church.__ oiUy statuo In the new church ber of tone and sound vail- PULL of Conneottcut, Treasurer of He haa served aa Chalnnan of PULL each time, "In the name of the generations to come,” Father 196*9 arid the new^bulldiiig The altar is lighted by a Is a large wooden carving of the ations. Machcetar Fine Aria Aaaoda- the United Fund Drive and as a Father and the Son and of ttie Kelley concluded. ^dedicated Saturday round lattice-work fixture aus- Blesaed Mother and the Christ *nie bulk of the 1600,000 cost tion, and Vice President of the member of their Bostfd of Dl- Holy Spirit,” The stone was Othere p a rti^ tln g to toe Lxirture Pended from cables Joined to Child. of buUdlng toe church was ^ ItaUan-Amerlcan Club. rectora. He was Chairman of then fitted t i ^ its place wMie dedication service^ ,__mi. the walls on either side. Indl- The pews and the altar chaira ed from pariah denationa THE the Red Croaa Drive, and la THE Btehop Hkies said a prayer of Blshopl^es and F atow K s^y, rect lighting is set below toe are of dark wood and because of through toe estabUahment of a presently a member of the Army blessing. > -A. * f were: TOe Itev.l^b ort Cronin of rel^ o«s gtrets^ h ln d toe altar and toe sloping floor, worsMppere building fund. and Navy Club" and the Lodge As Um bishop entered the - J * V /■ » - J V cf St. Maurice ^u rch new c t a r c ^ S toe l ^ k ^ 1 up to toe are aftorZ l a clear view i toe TONY PIETRANTONIO c of sake. PASCAL A. PRIONANO door of the new church he pray­ Msgr. Thomas Stack of St. An- structod from pre-stressed con- "i* SECOND BOABO o r IHSBOrOBB BQABD o r DlBIICnNHUI SECOND ed and those tiy| M ^ o e join­ nes Church, Nlantic; The Rev, crete riruts and rises 84 feet skyUght. P iimunmi tnr House Rifled CANDIDATTES F (» t CXMfSTABLBS Realdea at 03 Unwood Drive ed In singing,' "Come,' thou al- Thomas Dennehy, former pastor high In to® shape of a pyramid a k ’ ." ■ ai. . ' * * of St. Patrick Church, ■ Ehifleld; overlooking the parish center The church designed by Jeweled Side Window RoDldeD 226 Parker Street with wife louiae, and 0 children. mlohty. King," and while the with wife, Dolores, and 3 chil­ WILLIAM J. DESMOND Raeelvad BA from St John’s choir sang " I wlU go in to the The Ityv. Richard Fontaine of and toe rectory located on toe Peter McLaughlin of Boston and The Jeweled side windows of On Santina Dr. dren. Received B8 trmn Mich­ CLARENCE E. FOLEY University In 1083 and UUB. altar of God,’* Btehop Hines too Norwich Diocese chancery same slto on Rt. 80 In Vernon, ‘a unique among houses of wor- the church were d e s ig ^ by rw LEVER LEVER of flee; The Rev. Edward Konop- it la designed to accommodate ship In the Vernon area. The Joseph Ferguson of Weston,A home at 88 Santinn Dr. igan Technological University from St John's School of Law sprinkled the walls of the . , . iA .a in 1008. He Is the owner of Pres­ JOSEPH MAORI in 1904. He U an attorney with ka, assistant pastor of Sacred 720 people; there are 8,800 per- Associated Construction Co. of Mass. ransMked sometime yesterday tige Printing in Manchester. First Hartford Realty. He la a church with holy water. PAUL F. PHILUPS Btehop Hines likened the new Heart; Lay Trustees John Krlk- sons In the pariah. Hartford constructed toe church The outside front waU te between 3 In toe afternoon and Tony has been a Director of the member of CDAP Housing Com­ sciun and JanVM Leahy: Mrs. one of the most unuaual fea- Arthur Chou Associates of adorned with a largo concrete , ^ police say. Town of Manchester since church to the tabernacle order­ CANDIDATES FOR BOARD OF SELECTMEN mittee and l^ce President of the Adela Blaascsak and Winston ^ church te Ite main “ consulting engineers, croes wMch covers about one- March 1967. He la active In ed by God to be buUt by the A rifle, shotgun, TV, watobss, Keeney School PTA for 1071-73. Breck, Lectors. Breck te also ^ - lonm oicvlteht The church is considered un- third of the height of the front, many civic and fraternal ergan- He served for two yean as Ex­ IsraeUtes. "This MbUcaUy styled CHESTER F. RYCHOLSKI AVt#^«s a m ut for toe fact that It trance wMch te highlighted by pnssfissinns token. Over fOO in mew*s Church. faith. It te a combination of the ------:------other source of natural light was built and equipped at a cost tour 1 ^ dark wood doors. stolen from bedroom A 1 ■ f T l * sifts through eight-inch silt- 1600,000. ______handles rasemUe . old and the new.” those of a larger church stnic- arrsitrs. "H ie faith professed and the Virginia Tech Colleges Alxnit 1 own shaped stSiedglasa windows Though very exciting, toe In According to poUoc, a smaU JON L NORRIS JOHN J. TANI doctrines preached In this new cut tato toe sides oi some of toe terlor of toe church could be tore such as a cathedral. BOARD OF DnUECTOBS BOARD OF DIBEOTOR8 tabernacle or house of God are ^ atnitii «a n rin »” from the skv- described as stark. A gently The new organ, built by the pane of gtass was “ J* Isenmbcnt Realdea at 00 Tereaa Road with fundaunentaUy and essentially Cited as Tax Supporters Beta s S ^ P M ^ ^ J S m light ^ r ^ a ^ S O O blue geome- slo p l^ f l~ r le a ^ to a wild Allen Co. is uniwuM m a t e ^ t o ^ V S i r i toe t e t Reatdee at 178 Charter Oak St wife, Mary Jean, and 3 children. the same as those believed and m o n w at 8 p.m. at toe home trical flgures. adding a great a lt « , ^ m a c l e table a ^ ^ ^ c o m ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ with wife, Valerie, and one THE Received BA In 1000 from St. taiRht in the modest, yet be­ By JOHN A. JOHNSTON Ity. The colleges operate from of Mrs. Ermano Garaventa of variety of color, shadows and and baptismal font. child. Received hte BS In 1008 J(mn Fteher College. He te a loved wooden church that (Herald Reporter) 7 a.m. to U p.m., OH days a 109 N. lakeiwood Olrole. from UOonn. He and hte father Sales Repreaentatlve for Proc­ served the CathoUcs of Vernon . w. .. ____ week. Also, classes held be- own and operate the John L. tor A Gamble Distributing Oo, The estybUs^ent of ^ c i ^ - ^ packed." ADVERTTSEMENT— Jenney Insuriuice Agency in for so decades," Btehop y„onal-technlcal o I^ .t^ c S ^ ^ “ coiiige8colleges In ^ Vlr- - niwmm bus four dlvl- ^ The Mianchestor..... Jayceee will He te a Men>her of ttie Civil Hlnes said, Manchester. He has served fOr Defense A d v te ^ Council, Dem­ f f l n lA has certalnlv lustifled hold a membersMp meeting to- the past year on the Board of ocratic Town Oommttteo, the He recalled how. as a young g ™ slons: P re e v o ry U ^ . continu- ^Ight at 8 at the BrtUsh-Amerl- Directors of the Town of Man­ DEMOCRATIC Jayceca, and a recipient of their priest, he celebrateti Mass and " ^ t deveK^ental ^ Mhmbero are asked chester. He te Secretary of In­ f^ k e Award. Ho te a co-founder preached toe word of God In ^ Dr Dana B training, bring a prnRiective member. * ...... n o w a c u w c m o cmov. ta.i'a. a^casscM a-vt TTMrOAv* »t«A lasrr 1 m * M ain _ _ _ _ _ CDCVtSlGd dependent Insurance Center, of St. Bridget Church Mr. and toe first small church for more delineation program will be Inc., a Dlrectw of Manchester Mrs. Club and aerved aa Its than five years. "Theto-Thaaa two par-nar- delineation *®"“gend “a immertrainer wUWn^uiui „ ahuss ^ and .toe refer- Branch of American Red Cross, president teh church., are different In enduT'qus.ticn.. and a -Charter Member of .... arrhitjiPtiirA and In resontativea of toe state com- jg „^ re persons need train- ___ stee. Manchester Barberabop- TEAM to suteLnre " ^ muntty college advisory coun- mg, at no cost to the company." ^ r^nce Group cf WHJJAMI. pero (8PBB8QSA). JOHN W. THpMKON ririe. hut not In , e ^ Manchester Community a. follow-up survey, he added, Oongregatlcnal Oiureh mlhnn Hinaa termed toe t^oUege. showed that It cost $84 to train reheiuwe tomorrow from 1 PnZMRALD / BQABD OF nnOBOWMBI Btehop ™**®^ . pr. Hamel, chancellor of the each person. To lUustrate that Woodruff Hall of Rasidas at US Autanm StiiMt Changes ^ toe ^tooU c ^uroh community college the social training ptegram ^ Woooroir wau with wife, Batts and 8 ohUdran. Received BA In ION from St. over the pait five system, was the main speaker more than paya for Itself, Dr. ___ BeaMaa at 140 Richmond Drive fusing to some peo^e who^^^^ afternoon panel discus- Hamel said, *‘Ta3dng $7,000 as ^ . Parirti Council of Bt with wife, Jontee, and 3 ebU- IB o lM l’s OoUega and M A In dtm Received BA from UConn 1068 n m UOonn. He It Direc­ not properly prepw d for them, j Bldwell St. an average annual aaiary, each nrtdset Church wlU meet to- la IMO and Doctor of Law from tor of MSmber Ssrvloas of the •"nic c ^ s , hoirevcr. h ^ e auditorium, on toe rel- traln ee^U pay at leaat $M a S i t at 7:80 to the UOonn In u n . He Is a partner Oenneottout State Bmploywi As- been only to too externals. The merits of a merger of year In Income and sales tax- gchool cafeteria. All with the law Arm of Howard, aooiatlon. He te a member of the Advteorv Board for tha Ocn- ***** *^K ^*lid**^« iw ld to e *®®hnloal and community ool- es." p,^rt,h members are Invited to Kahn, Spnene, and Fitagerald neotlaut white House Ckmfer- constant.''he said. He ^ THe Vligtola syriem has SJSjiS. la Hartford and Manchester. He anoe on Aging and Chairman of members of too psirlsh to strive other panel members were grown from d 1960 enrollment — — has bsan a DIrsetor of the Town to acquire a deeper awarenow Howard M. Kloba- " f about 1,200 students to one ‘ Anierican Legion will of Manehastor slace IfM , Pres- tte Transportation D M ^ c a l Oonunlttee. Ha te a part p r u ­ ®®"*P**“ "»®»“ *® “ noff, D, of Hartford, chairman community coUege to 82,000 to tomorrow at 8:18 p.m. at Idint of Manchester C h a ^ r of dent of the Ocnnaotlout Society -AJTB. in 1303. TriiBtee of the of the House committee on ed- jo colleges tote year, he stated, ^ g pg,. Home. of Gerontology and was a mam-, Briefly outlining toe history uoation; and State Rep. Nlch-with more than 70 per cent In ______Utts Jr. Museum la 13t7, Pne- bar of Its Board of Dlreotors for tdmt of Mancheetcr Chamber 4 years. of the parish The Rev. Ralph olas M. Motto, D, also of Hart- the occupational-technical pro- said of Oonuneroe 13IS40, charter Kelley, pastor, explained that ford, chairman of the House gram. Bach local boart Ima four telature, or. n u m W of Manchester Jayceea, the first small church was dcdl- sub-committee on vocatlonallod- basic advisory responsibilities: "Most of too p «w _ ead_yice Chairman cf Manchee- ooted 78 years ago. He sold to ucatton.. Hiring personnel. buUdlngi. coUege preridenU, whowere tw Rederotopmeiit Agency 1806- 1060, toe small structure which Lost Year's Study curricula, ond budgets. luoUnt to giro ^ thslr b r ^ hsd bsen a mission church since ^ study of last year’s oocupa- Degree Status campuses. The govsmOT ooufra ION end a perish church fr m Uonal-tochnlcal graduates to Among fooulMss of the col- together presldonU ^ i ^ 1900, wo# vacated and toe Virginia, Dr. Hamel sold, show- leges, ho conunontod. toe w - latore and co n ^ c ^ » e ptw^ iaored Heart Parish Center was g^ that 99,8 per cent have ro- phasis Is not on degrees. M a donte to turn over torir b ^ ^ opened. The center was used for ^ plumber, electrician, or to^ * ' ' “ 'L ■') a ll^ rts h activities, including ^ ^ ^ ^ groijuatos and die maker Is a good te«h - al-teohnlwl wonMp servloei. until toe new ^ , y,gt t. toe ImportMt thing, leges. ^Th®, ELEANOR D. COLTMAN PAUL R. GRUNRIRG , ALLAN D. THOMAS DAVID WINIR. PhD JOHN e. YAVIt JR. church was oompletsd. _ y, —turn 81100 - If there 1s a request for a (gtate Bon. Uoyd C. Bird) loia BOARD o r EDUCATION BOARD OF EDUCATION BOARD OF EDUCATION BOARD OF EDUCATION BOARD o r BOUOATXON Father Kelley said the Cato- "Theyic^m u- eoursc but the number of stu- the Idea torougtiout the sUte. Resides at 128 Baldwin Road Rcoldee at 139 Lakewood Circle Iiicgmlwrt Realdea at 37 EUen Lane with Restdas at 10 Loland Drive with olio people of Vernon undertook , goitegss) ore on Investment dents does not warrant setting in his opening stetement, with husband, Edward, and te North with wife, Phyllis, and 2 Resides at 210 HoUteter Street wife, Fraddl. Raoalvad BA In wife, Helen, and 0 oMIdron. Re- toe building of toe simple but “ ® y,, gg^,„g the occupation- KtebanofI reminded the audl- the mother of 4 grown children. children. Received M In 1960 with wife, Carolyn, and 3 cMI- 1909 from the Unlvonlty of Ver­ oelvad BA with DtetinoUon soaring sdlflos being dedicated " " g{.tochnlcnl college. Dr. Hamel gnoe that to toe tost sssslon. Received AB from Jackson Col­ from UConn and MS In 1900 drsn. Recatved BA In 1904 from mont, Ms MA In IN I from from UCoEUi In. 1907 end LL.B. on the oonviotlon that, "toe ^ * *!‘ ^ * ’* wid. there is no hesitancy In the General Asismbty educa- lege of Tufts University In 1937 from UConn. He la a Design UConn and JD from UOoim UConn, end PhD In 19N from from Tate Law School In INI. bulldlng of a church te alwa^ ,g„yy^ the people to a nearby tion committee voted to merge and was riected to PM Beta Engineer at Pratt A WMtney Law School In 1997. Ho te a local UConn. Ho te an Aseootate Pro- He te a partner In the law Arm a work of faith . . an attempt thrsUte wi^dW ldlirtoto Inet^lon where the couree te t.chnlcal and oommuntty col- Kappa; received MA In 1968 Aircraft and was aoeocteted attorney. He was Proeocutor for faaeor of Psychology at Trinity of Murtha, OuUlna. Richter, and to express the toexpresslbls^ ” rt the curriculum. loges but then held off to from Fletcher School of Law and with Manchester Community Maneheater iW n Court 1M9A0, OoUefo. He was a member of Ptomey In Hartford. He te Proa- man's relsUonahlo with his * iwo-ysar in- i ___ imnnriju ■ - ...... - - Diplomacy of Tufts University. Cellsgs as a consultant and In­ and a member of Um 'Down De>. the Education Tteh lUroe of Idont of MISAO Oormwatlen and God^ ,. stttuticn esn be located to any * ” *'**’* *' She te an Instructor In Social structor of matbsmatlcs. He te velopment CommtestOn IfOl'-M. CDAP 199941 end wet ehceon a member of the OItteeiu Ad- rather Ksllsy said toa new ^ ” "Virginia allowed from erne to „ » war on eduoa- Science and Oo-ordlnator ' of Vice President of MISAC Cor­ He te an Incorporator of Man- WROH Cliteen of the Day. vteory Oommittee Houetng Taah Public Service Career Pro­ poration, Vice PreeUtent of tha cheeter Meniorlal H o s te l and Feres of ODAP. churoh te fIrsL meant to be a * * '• 7 five years ' tion" hs said. "I beUevs ttial grams at Manchester Commun­ Unltarten • UMvanaltet Society an Incorporator and Director of 100 000" M d“III l'S2rt"l“(»9 ” Mtolo aaked ateait the reac gducalors havs Invlled 11, I ity CoUega end eervad as Chair­ of Manchester, a member of the St, Mary's Day School, a past mil " I “‘t o T airiTSf" toe^ re; ^ Z - todualrtall.U to to. think It te an .tt.ck to man of the Social Science De- Democratic Town Oonunlttee, prestdent of M U i^ , Seeratety bration pertmcEit for 2 years. She te a and active la local Sooute. of Manchester Community De­ newod rites. nually within a enm muling dis- 2 ,:ru*!S:».“ N'S?SS Manchester .state bank Christmas cub center to open Wednesday . . . 1. IsjtealAasssA nf s^ shniiia IsshieA ASa n miisssm II asl onivJlsalas Twl* s«W »ert®*‘’“I need facU. figures." Noting member of CDAP and a former velopment PoundatloM, and a over-srnamenlalion had Nan **" 7 nf abnto it miles, only |„hhi,d for H." I»r. Ilamsl n ,* committee-ommlllaa hearings hearing* member of Its Education Task member of the Ledge of Bthe. avoMsd in bcto the interior and •'"••tocted. ^grtl.r h. had noted * i T g « d . ^ ^ Force, a member of the Library • a t e ^ sf the tore ehuri.H J f audmaiiim. or ewsiomleally. I. *ii ng on, ha a i ^ Hoipor. Kiai# TartAflin, of Uit Manchtattr Stats Hank shows soms of ths frss gifts that will bi flvsn Board, a p ^ prealdsEit of the ormhols are smighl, ae ihev gymnaaiume ------I cf Women Vetera, ••"i a ihe aecnml faaieel growtog atsla rt,i'rtng lha 1977**M»alaUva sea- away for u|Miiiiig ChrliUitas Club accounts. Opsiiliig a H, | 2 or Club, ths fr*s l^ft will ^ member of the Board of d m M fee, Mie chief svmhUlEsdII 94 Par lUnt in tha naiiisn ginn "We want u< improva high 9ositts(l oil lamp. Ths aiui |I 0 (Hub gift will Iw a cholcs of sithsr a staiiilsss carving sst. a 4 «pwaa ataiaMMS cation. N fauhd In lha huUdtoi HaaM, Where m riipelMmaMachnl II,.w »wo oll lamps, rh# Chnstmas nub Csiitsr will ba opaii avary ilay tluriog normal a Nate hut em^omimasin* m u Iwwyear .nHegaa ar« In h ws* a»t«*w|dlriwd V* 5,e,'l weal h» eh.*** a new sss JSLni a=i - J ttw fmw r Ma h 'Iih* « f lha to# iHlem ’ A*en enr«ew'* MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. A^NCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1971 PAGE SEVENTEEN

JHANCHESTEE EVENING' HERALD. jtfAN’CHEal'^M. CONN.. MONDAY, OCTOBER 26. 1971 PA<)B SIXTEEN Peking Seat G>llege Joins Proxy Fights Doctor Slain iM n ’TAR. GAXB ie^ To Fulfill Social Duty 25 GALLONS Vote Nears ^ I 11 A______Q.,-By f^x CLAY ▲ V DR. Or\TPOLLAN- T AM ...... for <^LF CLUBS (Oontimied from Page One) ARIII UBIU In Boston Yard mar. r Your Oally AdM iy Guld^ MIDDLETOWN (AP) — The of trustees decided to adopt the “ y Aecord/fi0 fo Sfon. President of Wesleyan Uni- policy of the proxy fights after CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (AP) — *ty of the members of the • AM. t» Of GASOLINE "AND IVIRYTHING" To dtvetop rnttiagi for.Tuosdoy, House to ccmtlnue financial sup­ ,17-22-35-45 4-19-29-34/ verslty says the school will receiving a report from a study The body of a prominent Cali­ W -65-83-90 read words corresponding to numbers acknowledge "a social responsi- group composed of trustees, WITH THE PURCHASE OF 2 ATLAS — fornia gynecologist has been port of the U.N. at past levels,” ’ b; of your Zodiac birth sign. he added. TAURUl ICORPIO blltty" for Its financial In- students and faculty, CONVENTIONAL OR SNOW TIRES feund in a yard in what a po­ AM. JO 1 Curb 31 Kmp 61 Away (3cr. i i i vestments. As an example of how the lice detective described as "the In a separate statement. Sen­ 2 OiKord 32 Eldwri 62 Ptrmillfd ate GOP leader Hugh Scott of MaV 20 3 DifvotG 33 Emofloni 63 To Hor.i Colin b ‘. Campbell Jr. says policy will work Campbell said most brutal and macabre” NASSIFF’S 4 Movm 34 And 64 Sid* Pennsylvania joined In pre­ 1- 5-10-31 the university will acknowledge the college voted Its General slaying he can remember. 5 UnmctDMry 35 ThoM 65 Top |3ft47-5 SO OALIONS WITH THE PUROHASE OF 4 TIRES dicting a strongly adverse g '49-60-73 this responsibility by entering Motors Stock, last spring In fa- Det. Sgt. James Roscoe said "HOUSE OF SPORTS" 6 Inlluintiol 36 Know 66 Fovor ff-72:7a- American reaction to expulsion. OIMINI 7 Bt 37 B« 67 You, lAOITTARIUf corporation proxy fights when vor of a measure designed to Dr. Clarence Benson, 41, chief >-;a MAY II BOppoiitt 38Moy 08 ActlvitlM Such action, he said, would HOY. It companies In which Wesleyan make management accountable of staff of Sutter Memorial Hos­ 991 MAIN ST. MANCHESTER 9 S*K 39 And 49 Promoto constitute "a threat to the vital­ 20 10 EHtrovogoncf 40 On 70 Muluol Die. ti holds stock follow policies to the public on the questions of pital in Sacramento, had been ity of the U.N. as on institution Y7-12-20:44 n SurpluD 41 Dlp9nd«ntt 71 With. which "appear to conflict with pollution, safety and hiring of )2 Cooptrotiv* 42 Plying 72Crtollvo tl9-24-40(’Q beaten to death. y53-7O0^88 the public interest." minority groups. But he added He said Benson had been of international reconciliation.’’ laUit . 43 Shourdn'f 73 Bolonco BROWN’S TIRE SHOP CANCIR 14 Mor. 44 Yoti'r* 74 And CAPRICORN Campbell said Wesleyan will that the university did not back killed either late Friday night TE5L AVIV (AP) — The Is­ JUHt 21 15 Will 45 At 75 Otbrit O K . 22 vote its stock only when there two other socially oriented pro- 333 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER TEL 643-2819 or early Saturday. The body l6Tim t 46 Canc«r*born 76 Push raeli state radio says Washing­ JULY 21 47 B« 77 StniitivGJA/i. ,(P are "social issues whose objec- posals in a proxy fight, Offer Expires November 80, 1811 was discovered in a yard be­ l7D«al RIZZO POOL & SKI CHALET ton has proposed negotiations 43^54-42 IS In 48 Fulfill 78 Projtcts 8- 9-15-28^ tlves are generally recognized "The questions of social im- hind a three-story apartment 49 Accounts 79 Logic between the U.N. delegates of '63-76-79-89 19 Ptopl. 3(V55^ Vj as desirable by the university pact are far too complicated house. 20 With 50 Social 80BtfUfits Israel and Egypt assisted by LIO 21 Back.tlapptr 51 Hard 81 And AQUARIUS community." for our portfolio manaers to Police said that the physi­ OFFERS THIS FANTASTIC the mediation of the State De­ I JULY 21 22 With 52 Awor. 82 Right JAN. 2«' ^ 53 Individuol 83 Byposs "F or the time being we will consider while they are werk- cian’s watch and wedding ring partment’s top Middle East ex­ b^AWO. 22 23-To were missing and that his wal­ 4 24 At* 54 Bt 84 Foist be most concerned with ques- ing at the equally complex "N e w Managers Special" pert, Joseph J. Sisco. 2-11-25-39 I 25 0b|tct( 55 With 85 Ptts il4:l6-a3gri tions of human rights and dig- problem of securing a strong fi- DR. DAVID WINER let, with all money missing, 1 26 Moy 56 Your 86 Flotttry 32-4liT35l. Sisco suggested the delegates 1^58-61-75. nlty, environmental control and nanclal position to permit the FOR BOARD OF EDUCATION was found at the front of the I 27 0th«rf 57 To 87 Now PIICRS move into the same New York VIRGO { 28Tr*ot 58 Citor 88 Rtsult technological safety," Campbell university to fulfill its primary apartment house. PH. 1 9 ^ 1. PhD In psychology from Unlveislty of Connecticut. FAMOUS hotel, or adjacent hotels If Z 29 Mainitrdom 59 Tht 89 Asidt announced Saturday. educational mission," said ’They said he had been killed I 30 You 60 In 90 Midditmon MAR. 2 0 '^ 2. Associate professor of psychology at Trinity College. ' ^Sypt objects to meeting under The president added that "It Campbell. about 25 feet away at the side 13-27-36-44S 3. Member CDAP Education Task Force in Manches­ one nxrf, to discuss a partial v21-26-37-42 *^(g)Good ( ^A dvene Neutral Is now the policy of the univer- --yet as shreholders In many of the apartment house and GOTHAM BILUARD TABLES ^7-71-84-86 52-74-77 S ter 1969 - 71. dragged to the yard. His eye REGULATION SIZE settlement to reopen the Suez slty that we will participate In large corporations. It is our re- 4. Former Pre-Doctoral Fellow of The National In­ glasses and some chamge were Canal, the radio’s New York such contests (proxy fights) sponsibllity to be attentive to stitute of Mental Health. (Herald photo by Bucelvlcliu. found about 20 feet from the correspondent reported Sunday. and acknowledge a social re- something more than the finan- 9. Drug Advisory Council member at Trinity (College. East because the Israeli and 6. Research Associate at Institute of IJving In Hart­ Microphone in hand, Fred Thrall expresses his thanks after learning that the body. Cairo in the past has refused New Zealand Gains sponsibllity for all of our finan- gjai return these Investments SvTa N O W M95 to meet Israeli representatives Egyptian foreign ministers clal Investments." bring," he added. ford. town’s new sewage treatment plant ha-, oeen named in his honor. Mayor Farr, New Treatment Plant Benson arrived In Boston Fri­ 7. Teaches course In Future Eklucatlonal Practices at right, unveiled the plaque at yesterday’s dedication. ______day night to attend a confer­ face to face in any formal ne- would 'be in New York at that AUCKLAND — For the first Wesleyan’s stock portfolio SVa’xT’ REG. $695 NOW S305 gotlaticm. Indirect talks at U.N. time and could get the negotia­ time In three years. New Zea­ , Trinity (College. ence at Hyannls sponsored by has a market value of more 8. <3o-Oiairman of Manchester Democratic Voter Reg­ headquarters last winter with tions going. land has gained through mlgra- than $160 million, according to much feeling attached to that the New England Hospital As­ Plus Small Delivery & Set Up Charge istration Drive in 1969. can walk, not crawl, to the U.N. envoy Gunnar Jarring as The radio’s Jerusalem corre­ tlon more people than It lost. Campbell. But he said the In- date" to gflve up the celebration Dedicated to Thrall sembly. LltMEn DRUQ 9. Former member of Academic Standing and Dis­ negotiating table.” go-between got nowhere. spondent said the proposal was F(jr the 12 months ended Nov. vestments are highly diver- Agnew Offers then, but at the same time the ------ALSO ------cipline Committee at Trinty College. , The Veterans of Foreign By ALEX UIRELU The correspondent, quoting discussed Sunday by ^e Israeli 30, 1670, there was a net mlgra- slfled and that Wesleyan "holds PARKADE group didn’t want to be re­ 10. Member Democratic Club of Manchester. Wars announced it would not cabinet, but no decision was tlon gain of 6,828, compared only a miniscule portion of the OPEN garded as "Ignoring the law of (joiipa. %)) ■ . A COMPLETE LINE OF SKI EQUIPMENT Informed sources, said Sisco Main Speech participate in ceremonies at Man Will Face suggested the start of Uilks reached. with a net migration loss ot ouUtandlng stock in any single Winer for Board of Education Committee the land.” Fre(i E. Thrall, who devoted most of his life to pub- AWAITS YOUR SHOPPING PLEASURE! :00 A.M. to 10 P.M. Charles Borglda, Treas. Arlington National Cemetery ______lie service in water distribution and sewage treatment, coincide with the General As­ Israeli officials declined to 7,113 for the year ended Novem­ large corporation." because most veterans cannot Escape Charge Joseph A. Vemarsky, Mgr. sembly debate on the Middle comment on the report. ber 1969. He 'Said the university board At Arlington be buried there. was honored by the town yesterday when the ,new sew- "It would be hypixritical ,jn a A T ’l^kXAT-n age treatment plant was dedicated in his name. A Manchester man who VERNON CIRCLE (Contlnoed from Page One) program presumed to honor all During brief ceremonies, ------— struggled free from an arrest­ ROUTE 83 end at (Diamp David, was ex­ veterans," said Joseph L. VI- The Christian education com­ Mayor James Parr unveiled, at Qig^hth Utilities District and to ing officer at the \fain St. pected back in the capitad when cites, Uniontown, Pa., the VFW mittees of Concordia and the entrance to the plant, a paper mills In the North End Friendly’s store Saturday eve­ the coaliUon stages a candle­ commander in chief. Emanuel Lutheran CDhurches plague bCEulng Thrall’s name tor their (xxyperatlon. ’The plant ning turned himself in a few light march on the White House Rapidly dwindling space at will meet tonight at 7:30 in the and the identification “Water is part of a broader sewerage hours later and was charged around dusk today. Arlington led the Defense De­ board room of Emanuel Pollution (Dontrol Facility.” project which includes lines with breach of peace, and es­ There’s Something Cooking at S.B.M.' Tuesday's antiwar acUviUes partment several years ago to (Dhurch. ’The tribute to ’Thrall had not that permit the town to piocess cape from custody. will Include a memorial service limit buital there to those who been announced in advance ^and industrial waste from the mills Officer Lawrence Smith said in frtmt of the White House died in active duty, those on Manchester Lodge of Masons it obviously took Thrall by sur- and to give secondary treat- Steven T. Hansen, 21, erf 836 COMPinE whicdi will finish with an at­ the military retired rolls. Med­ will meet tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. prise. Thrall, who is normally ment to sewage from the Hartford Rd., was yelling tempt to present Nixon -with an al cf Honor winners and high at the Masonic Temple. Phflo- soft spoken, was barely audible Ehghth District, threatening obscenities at a evicU(m notice. government officials who sophic Lodge of Research from when he took the microphone ’The same sentiments were youth, outside the ice cream served in the military. Hartford will visit and Lyle T. from Mayor Farr to acknowl- expressed by Mayor Parr who shop and within hearing o f sev­ MSURANGE The coaliUcsi, \(4ilch calls its entire project "Nixon Evlc- Vicltes, however, urged VFW Neddow will preside. Refresh­ edge the honor. said the project is making pos- eral elderly persons. tion—Phase I,” staged over the members to participate in cere­ ments will be served. He appeared choked with sible the reclamation of Union Smith stopped Hansen frqm weekend a "People’s grand monies elsewhere in the nation. emotion when he said some- Pond and the elimination oi a driving his car out of the lot, SERVICE jury," investigating U.S. in­ Those included, lor example, The Drop-In Center for Ben- thing to this effect: I have tried trcublesome pumping station and placed him under arrest. volvement in Southeast Asia. a schedule at Austin, Tex., net Junior High School students to be of service to the town -near the Parkade. According to the report, Han­ Witnesses at the mock trial marked by a televised noon at S(xith United Methodist and apparently some people Congratulates Town sen began to struggle and, claimed Nixon is not ending the memorial service, a concert by (Dhurch wlU be held tomorrow have appreciated it. Merwin Hupfer of the State despite a spray of mace, es­ Royal Vienna war. on Army band at Camp Mabry, from 2 :16 to 4 p.m. in the youth Tbrall’s Career Department of Envinwimental caped into the darkness of Cen­ REAL The coaliUon said it has not open houses by veterans’ org^a- lounge of the church. Thrall began his career in Protection congratulated the ter Springs Park, where he be­ received a permit for Tues­ nizations and a parade. 1917 when he went to work for town on fulfilling its obligations, gan taunting police from there. ESTATE day’s demonstration but will In New York (Dlty, the tradi­ The executive board of the the water department of Che- He said there are 152 Officer Smith had Hansen’s march anyway. It said there Is tional parade sponsored by the Ladies Guild of the Assumption ney Bros. He remained with de™ out to munlclpaUUes for car taken to Police Head­ no overt intention to disrupt American Leglmi of New York will meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at Cheney Bros, until 1931 and then sewage treatment faclUties and quarters, and Hansen showed traffic or create other situ­ (Dcunty and the VFW was ex­ the Assumption School library. did miscellaneous Jobs until 32 ar® fulfilled. He srid the up about 11 p.m. to claim the ations that could lead to vl(>lent pected to draw 4,000 service­ 1940 when he joined the Town Manchester facility is me larg- auto. clashes between police and men to march. Pasb presidents of the Ameri­ Water Department. He was at ®st to be <»mpleted so far. Police charged Hansen and C o o k via re demonstrators but there would Jim Davis, national c(x>rdlna- can Legion Auxiliary will meet home in the post because the Among those present for the placed him in a cell, but he be "militant, nonviolent resis­ tor of the Vietnam Veterans tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. at the town had bought the water sys- brief dedication and the tours later posted a |8(X) bond and tance to this order denying a Against the War, urged antiwar home of Mrs. Edward Walters, tern from Cheney Bros, in 1933. which followed were some was released. He is scheduled permit.” veterans to march in parades 12 Pearl St. Co-hosteeses are He retired as superintendent in members of the Board of me lor court Nov. 8. On Saturday, the Rev. Ca/'l in 50 cities across the country. Mrs. Ruth Hlckox and Mrs. Jo­ October 1902. Directors, and past and prea ROBERT! SMITH, Mcilhtire and some 2,800 per­ Davis said members of the seph Wallett. It was during ThraU’s super- ®nt officials of the Water and Extended Forecast sons marched here urging Nix­ group, which claims a nation­ intendency that the town’s Sewer Department, on to win a military victory in wide membership of 20,000, A cirffee hour for John plant for primary treatment of The plant, together with the Partly cloudy and mild INSURANSMITHS SINCE 1914 Vietnam. would participate in New York Thompson, DemA Quart Covered Dutch Oven 9.49 ! 114.00 PLA’TES-CUPS—NAPK3NB vance. 8'^ Covered Skillet...... S 6.95 i; 9.00 Other groups in Oilcago. con- FAVORS—STRBAiMBSRfl 2 Quart Covered Sauce Pen.. . 7.45 ! >11.00 centrt^d on entertaining hospi­ THIS MEETINfl IS OPEN TO THE PUDL1CI $39.80* (plue tax) $59.00 90 DAY GUARANTEED GUARANTEEDi CANDLES AND r eg u la r talized veterans. The biggest Saving! NOTICE 1 to 2 Year, 2 to 5 Yoor DBXlRA'nONB CartificalM such celebration was at West- Acceuni! .Account* Cartificol*! 'ayr. Earn side Veterans AdministratliMi .. OR Deposit $500 and Purchase Earn Earn Earn Hospital where several mem­ g r e a t a s s o r t m e n t bers ai the Chicago Bears, pro OF HAIZOWElEni the Complete 10 pc. Set for only wrestlers, )ocal television per- *eubJeot to regulation* scmaliUes, (Hd-tlme boxers, poli­ CARDS Ratall Value 865 ticians, Playboy bunnies and $29.95 '' baseball players joined the f o r T H E ’TRICK event. OR TREATERS O ur world diminishes from natural beauty Replacing the traditional pa­ AND rade was a march of antiwar * to u0ly clutter. A painful contrast CAST YOUR VOTE groups, Vietnam Veterans PARTY GOERS that raises the efuestion "W h y ?' On fact, against the ^ a r and Chicago TRICK OR Isn’t This a Great Recipe for SAVING? Veterans for Peace, through t r e a t BA(38 why poverty in a land of plenty? W h y loneliness □ I AM AGAINST THE MANCHESTER BOOK STORE, 789 MAIN ST., the Loop to Grant Park for [ speedies. MAKEUP Kira in a world that would join hands? W h y war when In Dallas, a ceremony at a HA’re-MASKB BECAUSE OF ITS HARD-CORE PORNOGRAPHIC MATERIAL. Veterans Administration hospi­ ^ the impulse of the heart is to love? 7he aching WIGS—E’TC. tal marked the day, but Veter­ ans of ' World War I said they chasm between the real and the ideal everywhere Signature ...... YUMMY iV A w m -v 'i will hold their own ceremony provokes the guestion . . . Nov, 11. Detroit veterans ccm- OANIHEB ^1...... » ' - " I l/'^f promlsed and decided to hold FOR ALL 8QSE Clip this Ballot and mail to: CITIZENS AGAINST PORNOGRAPHY, their parade Nov. 7, a/:cordlng Savings Bank^ of Manchester to Fred P(»le, chairman the PEOPLE PO.. Box 448, Manchester, Conn. 06040. DO IT NOW! parade committee. Member F.D.I.C. WHILE ’IHZnr LAST These ballots will be presented to the TOWN BOARD OF DIRECTORS. More than ISO holders of the WHY? Medal of Honor appeared for In a world looking for answers El|hl toinitnitnl •Hicii itn/lng the observances in Birming­ — SPECIAL — MANCHEsV e R 6 SOUTH WINDSOR • EAST HARTFORD e BOLTON ham, Ala. • HERSHEYB # NESTLES PLANTERS e REESE maybe C od is the place to start. Gov. George C. Wallace pre­ $1.20 Value AU Oc B o n sided at a “World Peace God is hope. God is now. . . PoM fo$ by OltlMiii-AgalMt-FonMgrapi^' Main Offict • Parkado • No. End and Bolton Notch o Open Sat.'til Noon Lunchetm" and called for U.8. ' ■ / . military superiority "in order that any president of the United States, whoever' he might be. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY. OCTOBER 25, 1971 PAGE NINETEEN

.MANCH]ESSTER EVPHNG- HERALD. MAN0HBSTER. GONN.. MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1971 providing greater convenience and was discharged na a corpo­ PAGE EIGHTEEN Tolland T f x n w i a t e r expense of for Tolland residents, good, hard-working Americans V^eteran at 83 ral on June 13, 1919.''Ho joined treepa at Chu LaI are waiting Ivong waits In traffic jams the San Francisco American MILK to return to the United States Candidates List would be eliminated and more Pep Pill Story many Joins DC March I>!gion that same year, and has Tolland Casualty Toll efficient use could be made of ^FOR HOME OaiVIRY or for transfer to other units for SKIS S Evoryllitot Nader ALBANT, Calif, (AP) - An been a member over alnce, still operating in Vletnsim. Town Priorities the overcrowded 1-86. Pollution 83-year-old World War veteran ------3 TIMES WEEKLY IN RETURNAILE Jimior Qub Women Name In Viet Rises ’Ihe storm damage over­ dusted off his unlfdrm for his « ■ -d GLASS BOHLES shadowed war developments. th.ni ride In a 1920 Chevrolet touring Reported Vl~,y ..mmltt.. lo-th. iLard Suit lUtS Itiiu.. .Immou. uon,ruiurl»»l ..nU. ol ov.r an ..uroul (We believe milk tastes better In glass) But on the battlefields, there « a 1 a ^ . ixfkiisa nton I. luhinfr i*i toaUmonv by coneumer ndvo* iiUon of 35 yearn, Fltzslmmon, car In today’s Veteran's Day MANILA (AP) - - The Weath- Teacher ‘Woman of Month’ To Over 100 were these develrpments: of Selectmen and the re.triic- t^r^^orlfs they ^adcr that many wrote. parado here. or Bureau's geophysical dlvl- ’Ihe South Vietnamese /Com­ NASSIFF'S luring of the Industrial Develop- rangemenU shwld be made drivers use pep pills to ------'T m supporting our Uncle oion recorded an earthquake off Mri. Charles Schuti, a long- 7:80 and the Christmas booth (Continued from Page One) mand reported that its in­ time teacher at Meadowbrook workshop will be held at 8 p.m. ment Commission to cover all ^ th the stole to permit commu- heop awake during long hauls Rentaurant Check Sam 100 per cent,” saya Ed- the northeastern const of Mind- DARI-MAID MILK CO. INC. winds. fantrymen mopping up along "HOUSE OF SPORTS" phases of the town’s economic ter parking on state property "Ul-tounded, false sensation- HARTFORD (AP) — State ward H. Brown. "I spent 44 anno, aouthern Philippines, ear- School, had been selected as the in the church parish center. the Cambodian border after a However, " ’The Vietnam- development, ore two of the near the Interchanges and the allsm ." Health Commissioner Franklin y®®fs and 7 months In the gov- ly today. TELEPHONE M3-M24 TVdland Junior Women’s Club The ClUsens Advisory Com- month of fighting found a North 991 MAIN ST. MANCHESTER The Only Dairy Processing Milk in Manebester "Woman ot the Month.” mlttee for Education will begin Isatlon program will not be set Vietnamese division headquar­ items that head the list of pri- active encouragement cf com- his monthly column for the Fcote says 41 local govern- ernment service, and I'm proud ^ spokeamon reported the rv.mWni^g their monthly membership campaign at to- ters base only four miles west orlty measures Included In the muter oar pools bo Instigated, union’s magazine, Fitzsimmons mento fall to Inspect rcstou- epicenter was traced to about back," the U.S. Command said. "democratic Action Plan." ------NatJer'* teatlmony before a rant*. Brown enlisted In the 370th i26 miles cast-northeast of Su- award with the naUonal ob- morrow night’s meeUng slated "Aircraft, equipment and bases of Fire Base Pace. ’The enemy servance of American Bduca- 8 o’clock at the Meadow- base had been abandoned about The nlne-polnt plan has been Manchoster Evening Herald Senate labor subcommittee on Foote said that some towns Aero Squadron In Waco, Tex., rigao Province. He sold the will be turned over on sched­ develt^d In detail by the Dem- Tolland correspondent Bette aleohollsm and narcotics Oct. t which do Inspect eating places In January 1918, served a year tremor was caused byslipping Uon Week, the ToUand Juniors brcok School. Nationally known three weeks ago, a commu­ Read Herald Advertisements ule." American forces buckled ocrattc candidates to combat Qiiarrale, tel, 876-2848. was designed to bring Nader do It only once or twice a year, and a half os an air mechanic cf the earth’s crust, have paid tribute both to Mrs. lecturer Jam es Low will be the down to a major cleanup and nique said, and air strikes were the problems caused by Tol­ Schuta and to her work especial- Suest speaker at the open meet­ repair job at the three U.S. called in to destroy it. land’s great growth during the ly with the half-grade program Ins- bases that were hit. South Vietnamese headquar­ BITUMINOUS past decade. at the Meadowbrook School. The Tolland Junior Women’s A spokesman said moat of the ters reported 23 enemy troops Mrs. SchuU has Uught In the Club Ways and Means Commit- helicopters .were not scheduled killed in two clashes in the Me­ The Democratic team is Day-in, day-out low prices prove it. local schooU for over 22 years.A "»eet tomorrow night at to be turned over to the Viet­ kong Delta south of Saigon. headed by First Selectman 8 at the home of Mrs. Joseph namese but were to be returned Bight South Vietnamese sol­ DRIVEWAYS Charles Thifault who Is seek­ grsuluate of New Britain Teach­ er’s College, she began her Walinski, Valley View Rd. tc the United States. He said he diers were reported' wounded. Parking Areas e Gas Stations s Basketball Courts ing re-election and by select­ teaching career at the old ’The Tolland Junior Woman’s knew of no helicopters being The Cambodian Command re­ man candidate Charies' Regan. Now Booking for -Heasonal Work Regan Is presently secretary of Snipslc tAke School In 1929. She Club International Affairs Com­ sent North since the Americal ported that Ks forces suffered All Work Personally Supervised. We Are 100% Insured. the Zoning Board of Appeals was temporarily retired in 1936 mittee will meet tomorrow Division, which had the heavi­ moderate casualties in 36 hours SINCE and a member of the Board of when a new rule prohibited night at 8 at the home of Mrs. est losses, is prepeutng for dis­ of heavy fighting in ’Takeo DeMAIO BROTHERS 1020 , Finance. married- woman from teaching. John Pemokas, Crestwood Dr. bandment next month. province, about 27 miles south Once the rule was lifted, In 1943 While Thifault had to content ’The disaster appeared to of Phnom Penh. Bnemy losses CALL 643.7601 The Advisory Council as pro­ minrpnGing is worth gomg she returned to "Snip" school himself with accomplishments leave allied forces more vulner were not known. posed by Thifault and Regan, ' remaining there until it closed. during the past two years, Luce able to enemy attack, but ------would provide the Board of Se­ She has been In her present drew on the Republican control spokesmen at Da Nang said SAIGON (AP) — ’Die U.S. lectmen with “a greater variety position since September 1966. of the town which extends back that so far there has heen no command announced today that of citizen opinions on the prob­ Her husband, Charles, serves as for 46 years. Increase in what has been an American troop strength in Happiness Is — lems of the town." building Inspector for the town, Luce took credit for construc- *1 / • extremely low level of activity Vietnam dro{^>ed by 4,000 men The appointment would be and they have two daughters. tlcn of all local schools; the pur­ in the northern coikstal area ex- last week, bringing the force made by the first selectman for tending from Quang Nged prov- still remaining to 202,000. It ’The arrival of their first grand, chase of Crandall’s Pai'k; the AN AIR-CONDITIONED LAUNDROMAT two-year terms to coincide with Ince 200 miles up to the deml- was the smallest force since out of your way for child Is anticipated any day. development of the town-owned Her 99th Birthday the local elections. lltarized zone. January 1966 when U.S. troop Mrs. Schutx has taught in the industrial park and Industrial TUESDAY SPECIAL - COIN-OP DRY CLEANING The committee should be util­ Mrs. Grace Kaler blows out Angeles, Calif, \riiere she had Premier ’Tran ’Thlen Khiem strength in Vietnam was 196,400 special half-grade program since development. ized as a special research or the candles on her birthday made her home for 30 years. and several cabinet members and still building up. 8LBS. — $1.50 Principal Donald Parker insti­ He claimed the credit for the resource group to aid the se­ A U W EEK SfS iALS . . . MONDAY THRU SATURDAY formation with the Conserva­ cake at a celebration yesterday Her family encompasses five toured the stricken reglMi. The command also an- tuted it at Meadowbrook School generations. She has a step­ QUALITY SPEED QUEEN EQUIPMENT lectmen In making particular tion Commission, although Thi­ at the Green Lodge Home in Presldent Nguyen Van ’Thleu nounced that two more U.S. studies, mostly of a short range six years ago. honor of her 99th birthday. daughter, Miss Maude Kaler of appealed to the people to re- Army units with a combined ■ nm m m m um m uu u ’Troubled by the plight of re­ fault took credit for reactivating nature, HUfault explained. J 5 J5 Her family, friends and resi­ Hartford; a grandson, Charles calm and promised quick strength of 720 had ceased dom' peaters, 'Parker felt no child the commission. BELGON LAUHDROMAT - 309 GREEN RD. The Advisory CommiUee ONt 0( TMl STOP A SHOP COMPANIES dents of Green Lodge attended M. Kaler of East Hartford; a relief He called a meeting in bat operations in preparation could attend school all year Luce credited the Republi­ would be bipartisan In compos­ Duncan Hmes great-granddaughter, Mrs. Jane Saigon to map but an assls- for transfer to the United and leaum nothing at all. ’The cans with obtaining the former the dinner party which was ition, including Democrat, Re­ Crisdio Hosig of Windsor, and two tance program. States soon. ’Ihe larger of the V i GaNon half-grade puts the child above jail facilities for the town and given by the staff of Green great-great-grandchildren. She ’The Social Welfare ministry two units is the 660-man 7th publican and unaffiliated voters. Layer Cake Mixes his former level but not at a for establishment of a preven­ Lodge. 1 1 1 also had two stepsons, both de­ said a preliminary survey in- B a tta l ion 16th Artillery, M coorit n .' Represented on the commit­ level which moves too fast for tive maintenance program for Mrs JCaler was bom Oct. 26, tee would be a croes section of on Ice Creams town road equipment. 1872 in Newport, R. I. She was ceased. dicated at least $1.6 million equipped •with 176mm guns and HANdCSm. CONN. him and removes the stigma of REGISTER NOW the town’s population in age and 11% «$k| Republicans are accusing ’Ihi- the wife of the late Charles M. ’This afternoon the Manches­ would be needed for civilian re- eighblnch howitzers, ■II UnfcsMi I M t.% CdCirtN being “kept back." In specialized knowledge in par­ fault of "one man rule” , while Kaler. She has been a resident ter Junior Women’s Club honor­ lief, presumably It will come Total U.S. troop strength Is ■WiUiiCMgM EHscUve thru Sat., OcL 30. ’The haU-grade classes are FOR ticular areas such as govern­ Effsetivs thru Sst., Oct. 30. Thifault is strongly pleading for of Green Lodge since '1962 when ed her with another party. from the United States. scheduled to be cut to 184,000 Shbp EHtcUve thru Sat. Oct. 30. Limit 4 pkgs par customer. Limit ons esrton psr cutlomsr. small, never more than 16 pu­ More rains and street flood- men by Dec. 1, under the wlth- ment, accounting, engineering, pils, and emphasize individual the election of his running mate she moved back East from Los Herald photo by Bucelvlclus) ADULT ART CLASSES SUPERMARKETS Limit one bottle per customer. Ing were reported in some drawal timetable announced by farming, education, etc. inter­ help in all areas, with- special Charles Regan to "permit the ■L^ m 2 l2 2 2 2 i2 J 1 2 U s to p Shop 12222. 222122 21122 U Stop. Shop 5 22 cities, including Hue. Rivers president Nixon. It is currently est*. fiifily u S t o p Shop 3 22 stress laid on reading, math and Democrats to really serve you. II were reported rising. High wa- running ahead of that timetable Conservation, business and spelling. the people.’’ At present the Republicans ter cloaed the main north-south and may dip as low as 176,000 cultural interests would be rep­ The program’s goal is to help ^Spiritual Foid’ Brings CLASSES IN ACRYLIC AND OIL PAINTING resented in the workings of the 55 55 the child adjust so he may at­ control the Board of Selectmen hl^w ay south of Da Nang, by the target date.' I s ? m muum'mmm through their voting power, 2-1 hampering relief work. TGxon has said he ■will an- BEGINNING OCTOBER 25th. advisory committee, according tain better social and scholas­ IM over ’Thifault as first select­ Thou sands of American nounce future troop cuts in to the Democrats. tic progress. Most of the chil­ Billy Graham to Rome FOR HCSIE INFOtMATION CALL 643-9892 Economic Development bory Liquid Cl dren involved are of average In- man. troops, including many sched- mid-november. Nescafe ( W aldorf " Tide I During the elections two OR STOP BY THE STORE "Diversified economic devel­ Dish telligance m- above, yet are not ROME (AP) — The Rev. BU- would pray for this visit. ’The uled for imminent return to the hstont I Bothroom Laundry years ago, ’Ihifault’s running ly Graham, the American evan­ largest crowd I ever preached united States, ■were mobilized opment of the town must re­ progressing as well as they ceive major attention from town could, either due to Illness, mate lost the selectman’s posi­ gelist, said today a “spiritual to was In a Catholic city, Rio to rebuild the bases and return Detergent . officials during the next two C o ffe e < Detergent 2 physical handle^, insecurity. tion by one vote. void” in Rome made this cen­ de Janeiro. ’There were 200,000 operations to normal. ’Ihe ty- Four Towns Tissue years," Thifault and Regan de­ lOniv I nupIniicMIli Immaturity or poor study habits. ter of Roman Catholicism ripe people there.” phoon also wrecked a process- 41 npeckii* Herald clared. «NhlMicM*N I 4nl$Mki06 MQI m CMQM Once these students have Manchester Evening for one of his Christian cru­ He said his crusade here, Ing center, delaying the return Effsetivs thru SsL, Oct 30. Tolland correspondent Bette In India Hit The present Industrial Devel­ EHsetive thru Sat, Oct. 30. Effsetivs thru Sat., Oct 30. achieved and tasted success, sades. which has not yet been definite- home of hundreds, 63rd ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL Efisettvt thru Sat., Oct. 30. I I Limn ons pseksgs psr customsr. Limit one jar pw cuitornsr. ^ 9 Limit one packaic par customtr. Limit ont bottla par customtr. Mrs. Schuts e^qilains, they are Quatrale, Tel. 876-2846. At a news conference here. ly scheduled, would be brief While much of the U.S. hell- opment Commission should be By Pakistanis diversified to Include all phases 2 222212 2M 212U s t o p . Shop 222221222212 U stop. Shop 22222 anxious to strive for more. She Graham said he had long been and probably would be held in copter fleet was crippled. I m u stop, shop,HCTWIWiWiag 2212il222M2 U Stop Swp usually hears each child read invited by Rome area Protes­ the Rome Sports Palace, ■which American aircraft were able to Your Choice of 2 Nationally of the economic development of individually three times a day. Norwich Region tant churches to come to seats 16,000. fly more than 300 mercy mls- (Contlinied from Page One) the town, according to the can­ didates. The commlssicn must ’The child's confidence grows preach and had come to devel­ “The vast majority of those slons Sunday. ’They evacuated nine million refugees Into In- 5 5 5 5 5 5 ’ 5 551^5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 65215 5 5 7 6 5 2 5 5 5'75 525 5 251525525252525252525252525252525252525252525255 52525252T5515 ^ from competing with others of Welfare Union op plans for a rally in 1973. In Rome take part In no rell- about 1,100 South Vietnamese „ Known COLD WAVES develop the town comprehensive ,^5556555555'5555555 and pla< equal abUity and the chance to However he seiid he had not glon,” he added. “It’s a fact civilians and 900 South Korean 'll®" territory and placed a se- plan to realize the maximum M Berates White vere strain on India’s 'welfare potential of the town’s resources HsHGsIss Ken-L-Ration participate in class fully every been in touch with Vatican offi­ that about 60 per cent of the Marines from flooded areas. ’'(h ia k e r Gaines day, the teacher adds. Concen­ cials, and had not sought an au­ young people do not go to ’The U.S. Command said It had system, In attraetlng commerce and tration is on the basic learning NORWICH, Conn. (AP) — A CLAIROL utilizing its aesthetic advan­ bistaiit union of welfare workers says dience with Pope Paul VI. Mass. That indicates a spiritual no complete figure on damage "Fifteen per cent of East Pa- Lincoln Dog Meal areas of reading, math, spelling to U.S. property, but It reported id^tan’s pt^latlon are now ref- tages. Dog Food State Welfare Commissioner Asked what Catholics might void.” Datmeal SAB« and penmanship. that 78 per cent of the struc- ugees In India," said Mrs. Gand- The Democrats recommend I Apple Juice ^ In the hnlf-srades Henry C. White "has sougnisought loto' think------of------his preaching.------o —in the---- "But,” he also said, "I have M LIaM uUnikt . . t l H W H M Children tures at the Chu Lai combat hi. CHROMA consideration of cluster zoning M U bkhtM t ■UblNscwpii pit workers against clients with VaUcan’s backyard, the evan- a feeling the young people In s M t U s e m m «Mi ttb cs«pM can move up to the nejrt grade ______, r»nii»ri ■ "Tn it base 60 miles south of Da Nang in the undeveloped 40 acres of Effsetivs thru Sst, Oct. 30. hls false statements, genera^- gehst replied; "In my work, it Rome are like young people Effsetivs thru Sst. Oct. 30. Effsetivs thru Sst., Oct. 30. any time before January when sustained light to heavy dam', RAWALPINDI (AP) — Presi­ For «ll types of lemi-per* the industrial park, providing Effsetivs thru Ssl, Oct 30. Limn ons bsg psr customsr. izations, jTand! over-used ster- seemed, tremendous changes elsewhere. They’re seeirchlng UmH ons pkg psr customsr. iLlthii ons bottls psr customsr. Limit 6 esns psr customsr. they prove themselves capable eotyjjes./ came 'with Pope John XXm. for the meaning of life.” age. dent Agha Mohammed Tahya menent color end tinted green spaces and wooded areas of woridng of the the Industry. port. going to Rome, I received improved greatly in the last 10 Camp Eagle, headquarters or tan to see If he can arrange a You’ll find a great aalacUon of WikMii next grade the following year, mutual withdrawal of forces The g;reenbelts would also cut Chicken Pies The, Norwich District of the many letters from Catholics, in- years and that his visit would ^ 101st Airborne Division 60 O U V E O K New Zealand ^ rdml according to Mrs. Schutz. Connecticut Union of Welfare eluding priests, saying they not cause trouble. miles north of Da Nang. from the tension-ridden bor­ down on the industrial appear­ FmI ItMpn bMf. Large A A c Voter Sesstim Ehnployes said White "uses ______Wolkerstorfer said that Viet­ ders. ance of the site, and provide *Qlten Fo o d s Frozen Ovdn Ready ^ nlly f IM. 24 A last minute voter registra­ sensationalism, misuses and namese military facilities were The president was said to be C O L D W A V E sound buffers and pollution pro­ mini-priemfi saves tion session will be held Nov. abuses statisUcs, and focuses damaged even more. replying to a letter from U -s tection from the nearby high­ you money during this great coieSbw ';;r3S’ 1 from 8 until 6 p.m. for resl- on highly improbaWe famil Vietnamese facilities at Da TTiant that he received earlier way. dents whose voting rights have situations only to present a dis- McCarthy Letter N-ang air base were 80 per cent this month, but whose contents both cOld waves include; | Particular attention should be Liu5ia';^*'S5‘ matured since the Oct. 9 ses- torted Image of the Welfare De- damaged, autd a navy base stlso were not made public. test curls, hairstyle, glam- given to the development of Morton Cream Pies Lamb Legs slon. partment to the general pub- was hard hit. Nearly 600 Viet­ In his letter Tahya Khan sug­ our spray and haircut. proposed water tind sewer lines jaicy ddkate flatnr Smokehouse Sale! .Meat Loaf Flag Dcmated Uc." Chocolate, Lemon, Neo- namese boats, moat of them ci­ gested the withdrawal of armed to serve the industrial park, U.S.D.A. Covt. inspected to Mrs. Dorothy Shorten and Among other things, White vilian fishing boats, were lost. forces along with their armor politan. Strawberry, Puts Him in Race both in cooperation with the pass all, standards. . . Mrs. Eleanor Weston have criticized social workers as Extensive damage was re­ and artillery, either to peace town plan and with studies re­ Banana or Coconut. 4 'i s 4 YOUR small and tender. •■•I donated a new flag to the Mea- "being good at talking and By WASHINGTON POST letter ends with these words: ported to government buildings time stations or mutually 63 cently completed by the Capitol dowbrook School to replace one ■writing things down" but in- "The party that ■wins the and to rice, banana and sugar agreed pooitlons. Region Planning Agency, they which had become tattered effectual at accomplishing ST. PAUL — Eugene J. Mc­ presidency in 1972 must stand cane crops. He also demanded that the CHOICE said. Jonzi Cheese Pizza frNMrBaaNt from long use. things. Carthy has written a letter to for something. The election The U.S. 91'8t Evacuation Eumed infiltration Into Bast Pa­ All town boards must respect According the flag on behalf “The welfare system de- Norton Donuts ■MfrWiI* aam fM Mneyl supporters that is tantamount should not be settled by default, Hospital at Chu Lai was forced kistan from India should cease. the confidential nature of indus­ *ir37* of fellow students In the Itoder- mands endless memos Md to suspend operations, and its The president emphasized the ^nNi vraagaua, vma. or choice of the better of two trial and economic development ^ r Kool Drinks IlMW S Um. Iiotmi'tw. g;arten, first and second grades forms,” said the union. In to a formal announcement of patients were flown to other 10::89* Cooked Hams marginal alternatives.” "gravity of the situation as con­ activities when paving the way stop & Shop guarantees the quality and were ChrisU^her Labbe, Marla fact, paperwork has increa^ his candlacy for president. McCarthy has made clear military hospitals. It Is sched­ firmed by Indian leaders on for new industry and business Mnute Maid Frozen Limeade 21:29* mini-pricing*, guarantees the savings. Esten, Michael Raczkowskl, because of new reg u la U ^ im- “I’m enlarging my staff and that Sen. Henry Jackson ID- uled to be clowd next month Oct. 19, threatening to occupy development, they added. Marsha Atwood and Christopher posed since the commissioner intend to establish very soon a Mnnite Maid Frozen Lemonade Wash) is a particular target of when part at the Chu Lai camp and hold the Pakistani border Park and Ride 6 2 8 9 * Winter. office.” formal campaign committee," BEAUTY SALONS his demand that there be "a Is to be turned over to the IHet- cities of Lahore and Sialkot (in As part of the town’s new eco­ 4-H Night "How can a successful busl- says one passage in the letter, namese. Aunt Jemima Frozen Waffles 2U69* better choice than in 1968," West Pakistan)." nomic development policy, the Water added Tolland’s Annual 4-H Achieve- nessman ^ ch as Mr^ which Is to be mailed on Tues­ The Americal Division Is Tahya Khan suggested that when McCarthy’s fellow Mln- Democrats advocated the loca­ Birds Eye Cool W Creamy 4 :: r 4 9 * Fresh American Grown ment Night will be held Thurs- Pect efficiency. day. being disbanded as part of U.N. observers should oversee day at 6:18 p.m. in the acUvlty ance, as well as respect when nesota, Hubert H. Humphrey, 44 OAK ST., MANCHESTER — 643-8951 tion of a commuter-based bus ‘.m"0 5 * and strained The letter says one key con- lost by a small margin to Presi­ President Nixon’s witodrawal the withdra'wals on both sides Taste O’Sea Fried Shrimp Shank J>uildlng of the Tolland Agri- • ''« has degraded AMPLE PARKING service located In Tolland and worker rela- cem “is in an active and posi­ dent Nixon. program, and most of the of the border. ’,:7 5 * cultural Center on Rt. 30 in any cllent-sMlal tive ^ffort to secure cMiventlon serving adjoining towns. Taste O'Sea Fried Clams ' tionshlp?” the union said. McCarthy already has a staff Commuter parking lots would Lamb Sale! Portion Rockville. delegates with iriews similar to be created at Exit 99 and 98 of Banquet Coolr*in Bag Meats 4 A A new 4-H club is being ours.” and it adds: of seven on the second floor of o b the Wilbur Cross Highway and lIHf formed for nine-and-19-year- Washington’s Capitol Hill H £ 1, Chef Boy-Ar-Dee Cheese Pizza pM S9* i "This will require involve­ could be instituted at Vernon olds; further information on the Killian Collects just across the street from the n- Shoulder Chops ment In politics In nonprimary Circle. club may be obtained by con­ Senate Office Buildings. “JACK” THOMPSON Stop i Shop Choc -U t Covers fm n m ■ in ram M states, in those states that have It is understood that this staff mils would relieve traffic con­ WittrafM 53 tacting Mrs. Warren Treat, Jud’gment F^nds quasl-prim.anes and those states FuUy Cooked Hams : will be enlarged by about five gestion and parking burdens on that have full and open . prim­ Rft Lamb Chops i *'*”*'WaiTanty Deeds Atty. Gen. Robert Killian says "political operatives” who will the city of Hartford aq well as nuveeaua aries," the former Minnesota leS-a---AA-J. Six warranty deeds were filed the state has received $15,626 as concentrate at the outset tn Il­ fo r the Item Steaks VlltOP iBMi 985 senator said. with the town clerk last week, the fourth Installment in a re- linois, Ohio and Pennsylvania. Loin Lamb Chops •; They are: Rosalie Hany to covefy action wiled imder anti- A source said the letter will Your Halloween Headquarters! be mailed to several hundred Malccrim Barlow, property o n trust laws ag^nst major Vending machines around the RANGE AND Snipslc Lake Rd. facturers of brass mill tubing thousand 1968 supporters and world served an estimated $8.6 BOARD OF DIRECTORS LambCombinations I other “friends” acquired since billion worth of food Items in FUEL OIL Jumbo bag Cortland' Jam es E. and Nancy D. Green and pipe, McCarthy’s Democratic presi­ to Peter D. and Eleanor C. Sas- He said that 1970, GASOLINE dential campaign them. The sano, property on Carol Dr. has b,een received ^ ■k Graduate St. Michael's College, BA, Politi­ Lamb Legs Whole I Charies W. and Marie R. Cllf- to date and that cal Science. Graduate UCk>nn. MA, Political Colonial Master Smoked ford to WlUred H. and Darlene is expected m der a settlement Science. BANTLY OIL UabUgi A. iMeyer. property on Rt. 30. order entered last year in U.S. COMPANY, INC. Apples Rump Half tneliM y ( to Wchard W. Os- District Court in P h lla ^ P "'^ ★ Veteran Korean War. Marine Corps 1950- ™ m Killian explained that the Don’t conhiM this with olhor Iambi 62. 1st Marine Div., Korea, 1961-62. 331 Main Street All purppM ipplci, |ru l lor bobbln|l Amorictn lamb It juicy, ind lull ol Shoulders K e m ^ D . and JuUette M. brass mill tube anA pipe is llEvor. Minl.pricini* uvtf you mon- Hall to Martin J . and Louise L. one ot severs federal court ac- Tel. 649-4595 Water Added ■*^16 Years Experience in State and local oy. An M eat CarroU, property on Torry Rd. tlons In which the slaj® Rockville 875-3274 A m ul lit lor a king. Sorvt Vernon M/and Sylvia J . Carl- 1"S recovery from major nation- government. with mathad polatoai and al corporations. NOTICE lbs U.h.1 gravy . . . il’t graat. son to Paul and Ruth B. Bemis, Father of five children. Longtime resident M i :'.hur Tile damages — on behalf of ■k Franks property on Kinsbury Ave. Ext. IH’ ahM the state, tls municipalities and of Manchester. Former coach in Little League BoUetln Board BEGINNING SUNDAY, Fine Meat Products from Its citizens — result from viola­ and Midget Basketball programs. Chairman, The Tolland Junior Women’s Smoked Pork Butts 7 8 * n tions of antitrust laws. OCTOBER 17, 1971 St. James Social Action Committee for two Morrison a Schiff Chib Public Affairs Committee Rummage Cpak up an Konomical din- V Settlement is currently In pro­ years. Semi Boneless Hams 'z 8 5 * a will meet tonight at 8 at the cess in a suit against major sup- Real Popping Pop Com 4 •• 59* bar. Oo mini-pricing*. home of Mrs. Howard Larson, An Beef Franks ;s99* pUers of broad spectrum blotlcs, and until completed, we' will be k White House Conference on Aging, Presi­ Mile Hill R d .' Killian said. He pnedlcted that Sale Ocean Spray Cranberries Knockwurst iC 98* Al Beef Franks M«r lC79*n Sliced Bacon Ji7 5 * n The Welcome Wagon New- dent of Connecticut Society for the Aging, ^2 •* 69* nearly $1 million will be re- flushing ihe water mains from 11 p.m aponsoMd by Canned Hams Zip Top ^isr* q** comers a u b rweiUecraft covered from this suit on behalf 1971. Peanuts-in-Shell CocktaH Franks '&r 98* Armour^ Ham Nuggets wlll meet tonight at 8 at the until 7 ami. in the North End Section SieniBHOfM) OF 2 ‘•‘89* * " of state Institutions and Indi­ THaiPUD BBTH UBOLOU Al Beef Bologna 99* Canned Hams Zip Top ^sr •ONELESS HAM home of Alice Judd, Beech Rd. vidual customers. Famous Bessey Cider '‘ r 6 9 * to moke string borders. Earlier this year, the attorney of Manchester. Vote DemoeroHe Maaonlc Temple Al Beef Selami 'is 99* Gem Child Mild Franks »75* The United Congregational general filed suit against tlto Perri Italian Sausage tm iC99*k Oiurch members will meet to­ "Big Three” automobile manu­ WCD., GOT. 27 Assorted FoRage Plants ‘r q .9 9 In8ividuil Uverwurst 99*i night to consider the 1972 facturers, In a multi-district N O V IM H It 2nd church budget, at 8 p.m. at the anUtrust action alleging illegal MANCHESTER WATER GO. 1 f.M . - 7 P.M. Religious Education Building. price fixing. Other pending anU­ Paid for by Friend* ot Jack ‘Thompaon WaSfM In Manchosteii St. Matthew's Ladles Guild trust acUons in which the state THI1R8., GOT. 28 Frost Village Bazaar commit­ is Involved include suits against — JiunM Watt, Treasurer. 9 A.M. - 12 NOON tees will meet tonight. TIm tai' manufactunsrs of plumbing flx- Stop & Shop will redeem vour Federal Food Cou^sl lor shop workshop will be held- tures, locks, central alarm sys- at Sue Lemek’s house, Rt. 80 at terns and synthetic penicillin. i /


ToUand Seminar Canceled Study Shows A Community Economic List of Contenclers for College Title Down to Seven Development Seminar, spon­ Parties Exchange Views sored Jointly by the Man­ Mechanical Crimestoppers chester Chamber of Com­ In Pre-Election Debate merce and the Small Busi­ Better Than Legislation ness Administration, has Aging Greer Casper Scores Win Democratic Flrat Selectman eral open space grant and the been canceled due to lack of By DENNIS STERN posted, the rate of usage ac­ Penn State caiariea Thifault and his Repub- $11,S00 state grant for Cran- response, the Chamber an­ tually Increased. Mueller said llcan opponent Bnrln Stoetsner dall’s “ which had languished in nounced today. NEW YORK (AP) — Crimi­ this was the clearest example Undefeated Sparks 76er both used their poliUcal parUes* town and federal ofnces for five The program, scheduled nal sanctions are virtually in­ of so-called "overkill.” fOPUlAB With Tourney Mark plans for. meeting Tolland’s fu- years. He further cited the fed- for Thursday from 9 a.m. effective for deterring certain In the area wdh the state ture needs as the basis for eral ambulance grant of S6,7B0 through a noon luncheon at crimes and better results can warning stickers, use of slugs Pace Intact In Scoring NAPA, Calif. (AP)—Billy Casper, playing some of their speeches before last and the most recent federal un­ the Manchester Country decreased initially, but the ef­ the best golf of his sparkling career, got so far in front week’s Meet the Candidates employment grant of $4,MS, Club, was dropped because chanical "crimestoppers, a fect of the labels, if any, wore NEW YORK (AP)—At which by Joining with three oth­ NEW YORK (API—The he made his victory in the $150,000 Kaiser International forum, ^xmsored by the ’Tolland only 16 replies were re­ new study concludes. off by the end of the tost peri­ er area towns, will give Tol­ list of contendersera fo;for col­ 85, Hal Greer is considered ------Open a ho-hum affair. Junior Women’s Club. ceived by last Wednesday’s The report, believed to be the od. With the city labels, slug land the free services of a civil lege football’s national old for a pro basketball Casper eetabllshed a six In many instances the two deadline for reservations-, first controlled study of deter­ usage also declined at first, championship is^ down to stroke lead at one Ume luring parties have picked on the same engineer. though not as much as In the Country Club Death Takes said J. Grant Swank, execu­ rents to crime, may have sig­ player. Don’t tell that to BES'X’ 17 the final round, fashioned a issues, but trtlh somewhat dlf- ^ policy on fuel contracts, state area, but there the trend seven today and certain to tive director of the Cham­ nificant implications for legisla­ Saturday four-under-par 68 and finished fering- approaches. taxauon of billboards for the also was on the increase at the shrink eveiv more in future Greer — or the ber. tion designed to curb the grow­ WHY NOT CLIP US FOR SOME A — Ray Evelhock 60-5-60; Ra6e Driver with a tournament record 260, ’The DomocraUc “ acUdn p la ia «rst Ume and the *53,999 sur- Those who had registered ing crime rate, says Gerhard end of the study. head-to-head skirmishes. Cavaliers. 10 under par on the 6,68S-yard The top eight team* in The John Kristof 74-9-60; Steve Ma- caUs for ’’Strcamllhlng our budget, were are being notified by mall of O.W. Mueller, a loading crim­ In the regions equipped with Philadelphia’s aging—or Is it Silverado Country Club course. Aesoclated PreM rankinga were tava 70-0-60; Joe Berner 78-8-60; present governmental structure cited by ’Thifault. the cancellation. inologist who headed the the new parking meters, how­ ageless?—backcourt star ap­ V et Siff ert "When I saw what he was to serve Tolland more effecUve- ImP^ved emergency se^lces, EHRA SAVINGS THIS WEEK unbeaten before Saturday's ac­ Blnar Loi^entzen 71-6-60; B — Swank said invitations had study. ever, illicit use shows "a dra­ peared quite spry Sunday night, doing, I decided I'd better start ly.’’ Specifically, Thifault called Part‘ c“ «arly regarding the co­ matic decline," according to tion but sixth-rated Notre Ed Ansaldl 73-11-62; Bill Phelan ordination of these services gone out to members of the "I think our study clearly pairing in 2» ^ 81^^^^: BRANDS HA'TCH, England playing for second,” said Tom- lor the creation of tcwn Job the study. .j Dom e’s annual demise at the king the surprising 76ers to a tmi. ao.naju. uah.. through newly appointed CD Di­ Chamber, the town adminis­ shows that legislatures are put­ 17-63; Ed Dik 98-20-64; Henri (AP) Jo Slffert, called "a mod- my Aaron, the only man who charts descriptions to be estab- John F. Decker, a graduate hands of Southern California— lH-93 triumph over the Cay- rector Ron Lyteli and the grant­ tration, Town Development ting more weight than they SAVE 20C WITH COUPON BELOW Pesslnl 84-20-64' Low groes — ®' ‘o youngsters wanting to really had a shot at the front' lidtcd to localize work duties student last spring at the the score was 28-14—eliminated ing of powers of arrest and Commission, and Manchester should on sanctions—applying a allers. Ray Evelhoch 71. Blind Bogey running Casper. and Job benefits. “ This will CLEAR Center who authored the Irish for the second year in training of constables were also Community Development theory of overkill,” said Muel­ Greer, now in his 13th season _ Bob McNamara 103, Aaron's last hopes died on eliminate much of the confusion the report, said that the de­ a'row. cited by Thifault. Foundation. ler, director of the Criminal in the National Basketball As- p r o SWEEPS ®™’ ' ** ‘*®“ * following the consecutive bogeys on the 11th crease in use with the new me­ Nebraska’s defending nation­ you have encountered in the Many public health and com- Law Education and Research sociatlon. Is only one of six tow gross — Steve Matava t^eckage of his BRM and 12th holes and he sli^d ters "was so great that it af­ VALUABLE COUPON al champions, top-rated again, past,” he said. inunity service projects ranging Center at New York University players In league history to 75; Elnar Lorentzen 77; Low Formula 1 car. back to third when rangy Tex- Republicans called for "pro­ fected cltywlde slug use to­ rolled over Oklahoma State 41- The 30-year-oId Swiss driver an Fred Marti birdied the last from the town dump to sum­ here. score more than 20,000 points In net Ray Evelhoch 78-10-68, Ed viding an atmosphere of cooper­ tals.” 13 while runner-up Oklahoma mer concerts: snow removal on He said the research also in- . KING ARTHUR his career. He started the sea- Shaw 78-10-68; Don Anderson ® ation with and support of our Police Report “ The minimal deterrent val­ set a major college rushing under niB blazing car, which strokes off the pace. unaccepted roads and traffic dicated that certainty of detec­ son as No. 6 with 20,410 points, 86-10-71. town employes.” Stoetzner call­ ue of the labels can probably Nevar recrod o f 711 yards in tram­ crashed into a bank, overturned Aaron had a 71 for 274 with studies of dangerous roads, in­ tion can be the most effective Bltachod PLOUR . 470 behind fifth-place Bob Pet­ BEST 16 ed for the installation of radios be attributed to the slim chance pling Kansas State 75-28. The ■■■nb*Hnn^ and exploded. He had been Qeorge Johnson alone in fourth cluding a requested study of Plot on Life tit, who retired with 20,880 Sunday in town road equipment and way of controlling crimes such a slug user will be appre- Cornhuskers and the Sooners do (AP photo) 1-86 through the town, were also points. Lowl>«v grossvroa. -_ Sher Fergi^Fermson ‘ ___^ ••'‘ ' ’‘...... " 8 with a 72 for 276. Miller Barber warned of dire consequences ns shoplifting and burglary. bended, much less convicted battle Thanksgiving Day in LAMP LIGHTER— Gil Perreault (11) lit the light when he drove the puck and Mike Hill tied at 270. cited by Thifault. O f Kosygin For other crimes, such as ho­ and subjected to the maximum Norman, Okla. Greer also ranked second in McCarthy j event and expenses if the volimteer Ib e Senior CiUsens Club will SLB. SAVE past Ernie Wakely of St. Louis to sc.ore goal for Buffalo in NHL activity. Lee Trevino, holder of the mosexual acts and possession penalty,” explained Decker, Third-ranked Michigan kept games played, third in minutes ^ 2 .57. Ed Ansaldl 68-11-57, firemen and ambulance work­ meet tomorrow afternoon at BAG 20c Ironically, the race was a u g__ British and Canadian (Continued from Page One) cf marijuana, he said, sanc­ who is now an assistant profes­ played, fourth in field goals Frank '* Klernan 67-0-08. ers decided they wanted to be 1:30 at the United Congrega- pace with a 35-7 victory over -mj m -w n ci i twr e Twr* nonchampionship event orga- ope„ titles, never really got it tions do not have any impact sor at DePaul University Col­ made, third in field goals at­ SWEEPSTAKES paid for their services.' Uonai Church Religious Educa- tribe made him honorary Chief CeufM tKflPti talurdayi Oct. Mr Minnesota. Alabama, rated /V o TrUtH tO Rum OT SeulS WOTl t WITl irO m e nlzed to replace the Mexican going on the cool, sunny day Regarding the form of gov­ on frequency of occurrence. In lege of Law in (Jhicago. Limit O m p«f Cuitomfr. fourth, and No. 5 Auburn kept tempted, eighth in assists and G r^ d Prix in Which ;_drivers a ^ 2 Uon Building. Golden Eagle. these cases it would be best to Mueller said the results of Fuaaot, rolling toward their Nov. 27 second in personal fouls. 70; Low net had refused to compete because ^ 71 final round, ernment, Democrats say 'The •nie BfMrd of Selectmen will __ . ____ _ ^ 81-0-77. Charter Revision Ocnnmlttee It s a great honor to oe in- "forget about criminal law,” the study could be applied to date in Birmingham, Ala. The The victory boosted Phila­ of inadequate safety pre- ^bg victory was worth *30,0(M hold its last meeting' before , , any crimes in which "the emo­ li)M 4W will be expanded to provide a elecUcn tomorrow nigbt at 7:30 te ” We will do what on In a tunnel today, kill- 8®°** use—as a selling such proportions that each tioi starters in the west Division, tripped over Esposito connected in Uie final Phoenix had a chance to win A —Mary HesUn 86-17-68; pickles. B — Celeste Sheldon 8^21-68; trol.” glad I did.” we feel is right for all taxpayers persons and injuring 188, P<^t for President Nixon’s wel- month a city truck dumps a “ ^ ~ ta h a d ^ A natinli'R ^ e st Dlvlalon, also hung phUadelirtila. 20 minutes for Uie victory. Es- the game In Uie closing sec- Slffert was the third top rac- casper had a two-stroke ad- Saturday, they got m a rried- i^aaat otranir tn 90 vlctorics Sunday. The Flyers topped the Hawks poslto’s g o o l-th e game-win- onds, but Otto Moore’s Jump c — UI Hunter 99-30-66; kick in Tolland.’ railway officials reported. fare reform plan. load of washers and other ing driver to die this year. vantage over Aaron going into in the same delicatessen—with hv ilnrAatlnir TVavton SO- trimmed Bufflo 3-2 on goals by rookie Pierre ner—was the sixth of the sea- shot fell short. ers — 74-77. Finances Noted PoUcemen and railway work- ” We ought to use this as the homemade "coins" out at sea. Overnight or Daytime The others were Rodriguez final round, and Urdled the music provided by a phono­ Democrats devote three p<^ts e r s continued searching moment” to convince the public Four different regions were 7 That Ued the Texas teams of Phlladelj^a edged Chicago piante and veteran Serge Ber- son for the defending NHL B®h Love of CHiicago topped and Italy’a Ignacio Giunti, fjrgt hole from eight feet, graph and the counters and dis- of their action to economy, through the wreckage with to "get behind the family assis- used for the study. In one area 1968-70 for the third longest other Sunday action, nier. It waa Bernier’s goal In scoring champ sll scorers with 26 points. His killed In Buenoe Aires last ..j jagf wanted to get that ■ 7 ‘ r play cases decorated with white 12-Ovomight Pair of TiiumplM flashlights seven hours after tance plan,” Weicker said, the meters had bold stickers ^ ; -.mcp wlnnlnr streak of modem times Boston topped Vancouver 4-3, u,e third period that broke a tie Dean PrenUce collected a teammate, Chet Walker, had January. good start,” he said. He while the Republicans sum it up Manchester High's girls' in one, “ Assure sound fiscal the crash at 4 p.m. He said, ‘”n ie bind that we \^&ming that "slug use is a 'vlo- yellow crepe. ^ and left the Rockets one behind Pittsburgh tied New York 1-1 and won it. pair of goals and Murray Oil- 26, while Paul Silas waa high ------— chipped in for a bird on the 15-Daytlm * cross country team notched two management.” The dead included the two find ourselves in in Hartford is lation of New York City ordi- "It was love at first sight,’ Oklahoma's second-best mark Minnesota whipped U » An- gt. Louis, which had dropped ver contributed four assists in for Phwnlx with 21. seventh hole, then made a pair motormen and Uie two con- being repeated all over the na- Seattle raced to a 80-21 first wins last week, beating Avon The Democrats, call for the nance_*50 fine.” said ’Tim’s best man and em- of 81 set from 1948-50. geles 6-3. five of its first seven games. Minnesota’s fourth straight vlC' Cromwell Voters of six footers on the ninth and “establlshment of a purchasing ductors . ____ of the trains, ■which Uon in state capitols.” He cited In a second the labels read: ployer—Russell Keener, who PAMPERS Rounding out the Top Ten, Binder came to the Seals dropped Buffalo with defense- tory at the expense of Los An. period lead over Cincinnati, 26-91 and New Britain High, 21- , 10th. That put him four ahead similar- situation in policy for the town, channeling c^ ’^ed 520 passengers, officials “ "Slug use is a violation of state owns the deli, once-beaten Arkansas w^loped t^orn Chicago in the con- man Carl Brewer’s goal prov- geles. then coasted to its fifth victory 39. Kim McArdle and Diane Turn Out 1 rack and Aaron, playing in Uie group in seven games with the help of Kelsey placed second and third all town purchases through one yictlma were all Jap- Sprij^ld, 111. law—3 months imprisonment It all started when Dorothy, a North Texas State 60-21 while Just ahead, put it out of doubt Spencer Haywood’s 23 points In both meets for the locals who source, resulting in efficiency ? Congress should and *500 fine.” hospital dietitian, walked No. 10 Stanford suffered Its sec­ CROMWELL Conn. (AP) — when he took the bogeys on the and cost saving ” Officials of Kintetsu Railways enact Nixon’s welfare plan and Don Smith's 10 rebounds, conclude their sekaon Wednes- For the third the warning I®to the store and was watted ond setback, bowing 24-23 to Supporters of legalized horse Hdi end 12th, missing the ahead and Tom Van Arsdale scored 26 day against St. Bernard’s at ”A compeUUve financial pol- ^ > ^ private railroad line, soey were _ _ j -i. * are actual statutory provisions. married,” Keener said. ”I Oklahoma, as usual, was Voters here Saturday turned months, began to play It a utue short term notes and other entered the tunnel si- Mark Rangers’ T ie The Republican senator also A fourth region served sts the louKbed at first but, boy paced by zig-zagging Greg POWDER PUFF — Ann Mil- down a proposal legalising more cauUous. He took pars on credit instruments) can be man- New England Grid Roundup “horse racing In any form.” Of his last eight holes. The crash came on a line be- »iid he would "reserve my control area, with no altera- ' ~ Pruitt, who gained , 294 ^ yards . a in n e w YORK (AP)—For 54 minutes Sunday night, »®r - . cathy wynn . Ro- aged in a more economical and 184 008 216 4,040 ellglUe voters, 1,980 "You tend to play a Utue tween Nagoya and Osaka, cen- opinloti’,’ for the moment on tions to meters, objective manner,” is advocat­ Ei^t York Rangers and Pittsburgh Penguins seemed voted, and 1,189 said "no” more cauUous when you ve got tral Japan. ' conservative proposals to cut For the fifth j>art of the study Bridegroom’s Bouquet yers’ single-game, Geyt 179, 'Laurie Baker 401, ed by the Democrats. .anrad taree « tie, and a scoreless one at that. while 791 voted “yes.” that big lead,” he said. Hotels in the area sent mini- off aid to countries suf^rting the city installed in 10 areas a , WASHINGTXDN — Nellie record. Pruitt scored three ^ ------Gall Heckler 404. ’The Democrats further advo­ buses to the area to help carry expulsion of Nationalist China new type of parking meter that Grant, who was the pet of the tim68 J&ck AUldrcn suldod 156 • * a ^ Money Secondary The vote on dog racing was ------, cate adoption of “a revenue­ yards and two touchdowns and ^ H^key teams wound dangerous drives, both handled 1,808 against and only 687 for STADIUM APPROVED injured passengers to five hos- from the United Nations. will not register time if slugs nation, cost her father, the sharing policy, demanding that Biih halfback Rov Bell scored “i* easily oy viiiemure. NITE OWLS — Norma Imler the propoeal. FRANKFWtT, Ky, (AP) - pitals. Police reported difficulty ■"Too many times the United are inserted and has a window president, a reported *10,000 for sub halfback Roy Bell scored “P 5®®' A e“ ‘ly ^ Vlllemure. the state pay an increased ?our times *®®®’ Hadfleld Vy to keep them out- 206-499, Charlotte Brandish 207; The least favorite kind of rac- The state Property and Build­ removing the injured- from States is accused of using its that shows the last coin used. her wedding gown Edone when share of our property tax bur- j . , Another record-breaker waa Pltteburgh’s Jean Prono- side,” said Selling. "You want 466, Ruth Jirfinstwi 191-476, ing In CromweU turned out to tags Commission has approvM . , ^ j ,, overturned cars in the tunnel, wallet to try to Influence the The study concludes that {he she married an Englishman, Al- In Ivy Loop Game den, be actively pursued." ______Mlchiiran’s Billy Taylor whose vost traded late goals 82 sec- to give the goalie a chance toHelen Palmer 468, Dot Hills be motorcycle, stock car of a *9 mllUon bond Issue to build world," he added. warning labels had no deterrent gemon Sartoris, May 21, 1874. ^ Industrial Development 166 yards erased Ron Johnson’s resulting In a 1-1 gee the sh^ and knock It 469. "any kind of motorized rac- a OO.OOO-seat footboU stadium at Weicker said he favors a two- effect on illicit slug usage. In But the bridegroom stole the Reactivation of an "agresslve career rushing mark. Taylor deadlock. down.” ______BOSTON, (AP)—Way____ back in 1884, Yale’s Elis trav- tag.” That proposal loot 1,470- Uie University of Kentucky In Chlnas policy in the UN, and fact, in the region where the show at the wedding by carry- attitude and support on the In­ Four Left Dead has 2,622 and he also scored „ VlUemure and the ttreb COUNTRY CLUB — Vic 408. Lexington. supports Nixon’s ’ planned trip stiff federal warnings were ing a bouquet of his own. eled forth on country roads to play a fTOtball game vdth dustrial Development Commis­ to the Chinese Peoples Repub­ two touchdowns. "" ■“ -- p«najty klllers woTkcd ^^ralUs 146-873, Lorry Bates Dartmouth on the Indians’ campus in Hanover, N. H. sion, is advocated by the Re­ In Plane Crash lic. Alabama’s oo Johnny Musso mure. "It makes no difference off the double sentence per 146-880, Don Benoit 800, A1 Now for the first Ume In 87 publicans. Welckep was,in town to cam- scored twice gainst }® Siat°we’gerpSnte*” ^'^ ahie^to^lsiroff M^Stack^X Bertusi 136-884, Jim D’Amato years, Yale is returning for an- Massachusetts on Bob Hulls’ 37- “A------t. marketing rplan ------to be- pre- ALLENTOWN, Pa. (AP) ... — , . A. paign for Republican mayoral M coora ST. pared to support our present bl- Iwln-engln^ candidate Vincent Rlcho, who ■MKMSTa, COM “ c^ena^rerrer' T i l . . Rangers.'^urght ’they’d -k-week. persons aboard crashed in the remaining. partisan industrial development ia thallenging Democratic May­ have two of them tUter Had- main scoreless, for both sides. Blue Mountains early today, Virtually everything The Yankee Conference Is a commission,” is 'advocated by or William Adams. FUN WITH ART Ciulfi« Aiihlirn’s Pat Sullivan Dossed Ueld’a sixth goal of the season But all that changed in Just ------the Democrats. ’ ”nie purpose killing four and Injuring the for 2*S» yards against Clemson 8ave them the edge with Just over half a minute and instead FRIENDSHIP MIXED —Dick toesup, with I ^ e Island, New four others. «Id W id into place on 6:04 left to play In the game. „f a scoreless tie. It ended 1-1. Turootte 204-676. Bob Whipple ^prtUre. Connecticut and ITS being to examine the how-to of The plane, a Monmouth Air­ REGISTER YOUR CHILD 220 Larrv <^ru' 218 Bob WoJ- "leeUng. However, the school Massachusetts with one loss attracting new, diversified tax the all-time NOAA total offense But the lead lasted only as long Coverage Very Brief , oon iaa zznniiin 17S Spirits sUU are the same, to the aolece Something should give dollars." lines flight, was on its final ap­ NOW FOR SATURDAY ART list and sophomore linebacker took the Penguins to come proach in light rain to the AUen- Penn State president John W. toezko 2M^, degree that both are willing to Su week as Now Hampshire | An example cited by the Dem­ WASHINGIDN — Newspa­ CLASSES IN MIXED MEDIA. Mik.lnynn*.cored on a fumble back down jee^ ^ 218-661. Shirley Pointer S e e monT town-Bethlehem Airport from Invades Rhode Island, and Mas- BUSINESS pers covered the ceremony in ocrats would be the creatiaa of recovery and set up another scooped a abound ^‘**®' team at DoPauw University. Doris Avery 470, RuUi Wood- JFK IntenuiUohal Airport. It one sentence when President SCULPTURE, PAINTING AND CRAFTS. ■ After the first game in Hano- sachusetta is host to Vermont, a commuter-based bus terminal, touchdown wlUi an IntercepUon. ^nre to tie It again Just 82 sec- earned letters In baa- bury 478, Lee Bean 463, Pegge had stopped at the Scranton- John Tyler’s daughter, Eliza­ ver, Yale and Dartmouth Hsurvard and Brown hit the mlUating in Tollaad service to CALL 643-9892 -OR STOP BY THE STORE FOR MORE INFORMATION Penn State turned Lydell MU- ends inter ketboH and track. Bhelsky 464. l^Tlkes-BaiTe Airport. beth. married William N. Wal­ played In New Haven, Conn., road for Ivy League games. Greater Hartford. "This mode P.5. Ages 8 to 14 chell loose for 177 yards and So the Rwgers and the Pen- AS USUAL Three of the injured were ler, a Virginia gentleman. In the Springfield, Maas., and Newton, Harvard travels to Penn, while of transpentation will save auto­ four touchdowns against Texas gutas settled for one point . adqdUed to St. Luke’s Hospital White House Jan. 31, 1842. P .S .S . You can H e a l i t t l e Mass., through 1900. Ths series Brown Is at Princeton, mobile expense, ensure keeping Christian, tying Charley Pitt- nplece and both clubs earned at near Betnlebem in fair condi- lapsed then unUl 1924, and Limg curry, boasting a our peaph, increase tax reve­ man's one-season career mark least that much a long time be- tioo. games since have been played „g<)rd Is host to Nichols. Curry nues, and reduce pcdhitlim." of 14 TDs. ^®re either scored. SPECIAL! A hospital spokesman identi­ In the Ells’ spacious Bowl In Dartmouth are New Eng- Sloelzner claims the IDC has Georgia led Kentucky only 6-0 Pittsburgh goalie Jim Ruther- fied them as: Anton Reis, 34, of at the half but Buzy RMen- ford was spectacular In the ear- New Haven. land’s only unbeaten-untied | PRE-WINTER not "senously met In *he pest Erlen. Switzerland, with mul­ two yean. ‘ ’Thifault ^diaagreed, berg's dazzling 06-yord punt ly going, turning back re- Hcketa to the game Saturday teams, tiple facial bruises and a frac­ retum and Jerome Jackson’s peated Ranger thrusts In the are scarce. The two teanm ^ schedule TUNE-UP ad d in g 'tl^ high nlllJ rite and tured ankle; Mrs. Genette Des- pass Interception set up two first period. On one sequence, played before more taw M.W Amherst at Tufts, lacg -of,^|^erh .have hampered treiqies. 20. of Pen Oue, <3an- lurUier inaustiial development. third-period scores that broke it he stopped Bruce MacGregor f ^ 1 ^ y e w but Dartmouth s ^ m e r 1 o a n InternaUotiol at •19.95* atia, with a fractured pelvis open. and Bobby Rousseau on a pair Memorial Stadium, seats only fv n s^ a ttsD and a bruised right hip. and Maine, Bates at Bowdoln, Trin­ V8*s or 6*8 Th>- ' creaUw of a non-profit In games involving Second o( bong-bang shots that left him about 22,000. The loss of reve­ ity at Coast Guard. Hobart at I her husband Serge, 26, with Tsn teams, No. 11 Colorado de- no time to get set. nue was Incidental when Dart 1. Install New AG Igniter Spark Plug^ uui'j inurt to .promote cooserva., multiple bruiseit and a sprained Colby, aprlngflold at Wagner, poj. and opef. space -in the town fcated' Missouri 27-7 and No. 12 ,pjjg youngster lost his stick mouth invited Yale to Wtlltams, RPI at Wo^ I 2. Install Del Remy Points and-’ right shoulder Ohio State trounced Wisconsin „„ Ranger flurry and show oft the Hanover campus. vf T'oUajntl including Tolland Ixmald Archury of Forks cester Tech, MIddlebury at | Condenser 81-6 with Morris Bradshaw grabbed another shot by Mac- fiiursi^ luUm- water supply 7 ownsbip near Elaston. Pa. waa ’There is little chance of an­ Norwich, Hamilton at Wesley­ 8. Check & Adjust 'Timing scoring on an 88-yard run and Qregor with his gloved hand to other 118-0 score. Dartmouth, loi the town 1. advocated b>' nuvpitaiized in Easton where he an, Southern Connecticut at | 4. Replace Carburetor Fuel Filter Uji Demc'-ra'. an 88-yard kickoff return. Loul- p,^y finally. Billy Fair- IS ui satisfactory condtUon with the defending Ivy League ctatty.burg, Brockport State at 6. Inspect Air Filter, replace if needed Kepubiicaii tounler by call A VOTE FOR VIVIAN slona State, ranked 18th, was broke In on him alone fra'Uiref; 01 both arnis champion, Is riding a 14-game Bridgewater State, Western iiij- fo' tij* "P/ou-cUor^ of our 6. Check P.C.V. Valve, replace If Tn> dtiid were not imme Idi*' . . and again, Rutherford made winning rtreak after edgi^^ Connecticut at Jersey City -■'-olugy Hiic iifiiui.,; resource.-. ' Dan White threw for six iiood od diaieiy identified stubborn Harvard 18-18 « Tod g,,,, Bridgeport at Hofslra Mum IS A VOTE Perry’s dramaUo 46-yard field 7 . Inspect and Tighten All Belts Jatueh Bellz. 23, u member of Tin citiaUfj; Hf AUvtMfr\' g(M as time r w out, „ , at Boston State, Plymouth State 8. Clean Battery Terminals ' I't Ui« lioHr'fJ (/ til* KiecknersvUl* Itescuc teani 9. Check Spark Plugs Firing Voltage hiiic iw', persons xti Ui«- piaie Yale, struggling with a 2-8 piattsburg Stats, and I , ir LiiitvO for r>v th- Uemu r/ ""* r---»£ 10. Inspect Distributor & Cap wer< oumec oeyoilc recogni- FOR PERFORMANCE im - '• nooi r Maminis at St. Frmicls ' t'lai. 'I'ii* cou/K. i nnd whIpiMd Rlcd O-lOl niliiot, •" back from a 81-10 walloping by v.yi.r 11. Inspect Distributor Rotor FREE PUMPKIN surprised No, 17 Purdue 21-7; leg. ■ oi. . bipartii-'T haiti: Comsil and national rushing Lien a- lie s'leu* said VIVIAN FERGUS No 18 Tennessee edged MU- Idee Binkley came In and the 12. Inspect & Test Coil ’ Ui* fu*-; witr Isadsr Ed Marinaro. i*** P“»» p;ei(i- .jppa/entiy < lipped with purotiaoG of olthor gallon slisippi State 10-7: Navy upset action shifted to the Rani^r 18. Inspect Coil Wire & Spark Plug Um o' tOA'? f Boston Collsgs, top.rank«l j'iJ*' WOUl^' lie top. o’ trees before situr> No. 19 Duke 10-14 and No, 20 end where VUlemure had to be Wires iiiiiig into oouideiT, along tiii Ap- PERFECT ATTENDANCE AT: or 3/4 gallon of awoot eldor. Just ahsad of Dartmouth In The iSin/ V’ lix b u a ii w U/wn t iA/art Air OYiroe ehaded tkilorado State sharp on several Penguin 14. Adjust Carburetor jeuLicbi-i I ri* a' till lop of Maelnteeh and Oortland ^ ^ I7.ig Shote. Then. In the eeoond peri­ Associated Preas’ New England V **' 16. Clean & Adjust Choke Assemblv ;u»'l J iOAID O f DlMCTOtS M linNOS AND HIAKINOS poll, has the week off after de- “ ’ We-I.ysn 10; l oi- iMv I «har;v Un a) .utC III iiiiaiiiUiii od, the Rangere really went 16. ^rvice and Adjust Emiasion Con­ ftating p m 40-M with the help « ; «';® ^" ntuk* moii lo AiaXJter iwu.-eoguied plane / SffClAL HEAMNOS Into the preeeure ooolMr with of a IT-potnt fourth period The trol System Set to Factory S))ecifi- li** I lasuw! i/(i Uf mountain m ap / MOININO COMMfNT StSSIONS Aid HA1TAB ’PO STUD jwo defensemen, Dais Rolfs Boglee were left with the o|H>n ??*** ^il cationi ciliJ fur ^ . pIoe.jii.iLU;!-, Ui> eiline spo* OH APPLES - * AO. AiwoNi i n r v N J (API »nd Mrad Park. boUi draw ml- *Prio« InoludM all labor (Parts >xtra). Alr- / ALL STUDY COMMnYlfS TO WHICH SHi HAS NIN 3 39 ATIdANTIt) en n r, N.J. CAI i . . a ta dale when Buffalo dropped fo.d Mowdota 80. l^Jby *7; Norwich ..I No Tiso peisoiii-. wofi- inj; tu ^luvidi’ quaiilv Al lU lU b, "winner of !• penalties at R.H. II. Italee 14, Coael Guard II. oondlttonod Cara *2.00 Mtra. kilieii III tlei ' IsSl ♦•Uui'.iUirf. ■ .i-y a. an "ir» A ffO U m E D OREEN OABBAOE and rasas in 46 starts the last fimr That gave the Penguins a •Tki.i Won eeler Tech IS. Trlnlly 17, PARTS and LABOR Guarantiod vt /tUKHllOfi tH of UUf / ALLTO IfS AND STUDItS O f LOCAL OOVntNMINT yaara, wlH be rellrsd l« the D«e two man advantage with live DIagnoata Parformad with mlluld TTlt at sJm ue.y^P Hoeheeter It; MIddlebury 26. KUPCraOIW DIAONOSTIC SqUIPMEMT pt-nior OEUO OARROTS 2 29’ minn Mud rarm of James P ahatera against three fur a full 2 1 ) M ure- Air|MWtlk by Paatary-trataad Maataudea I'Mrt iUstyurdit 'I lirymnn In Idesingtan. Ky two mlnule* II waa not Ihs as nit ?uli.to North' «•;' eaelero, which le smarttai nufuult. aa incUJitLfUiit IU>’ W AoHJNOrr^N Toe VtUUO / MMINAKf fOB OOVItNMINT OfHCiiMJ t| | « psMean MaMe star feat lime tar Vltlemuta and the walar Slala *, Nlvhota i-tiiti I iisij .uipofts, liel) N IW ONIONS %0 %C PIARS from * IT'T itafaal al Naw iuuk on job vt lamsit M l,91* htal haa hsen Rsngers Mataa MarlUma la Waalarn ■rtof tMs «d for fpocM PHm I III;: :i< < Oiiiplislitiieiil iUiO ilftiitri HampaMra avndtealad with l l nf the It Defensemen Itaii Belting and whiah CiauMi-llt-ul a (V iilia l ita i tvhllc till p.LSl Kcpublli lui ..' lh< start, v' Ui„ ,e.• lag to tin >'cae;IM. Avtatioii Ad 3 39* 19V m rtirl (Viesewter Mf Shelter le tmi w ISMiee wlUi tarwatde Suva* lata# at lha buay waab awd imdar way al **«••«« Ziala i» ltolgar>4Jv li'cUiiun ciiiiiiUl-iti- dia ries Lu< • iiititislraLli/c UospiU' Um- aban (YIOMII (XM lN m v GO ArN-Asam ”.% Wt a m rye TIm RtaW T* UmH am ntuta* IflfltA f* f Tfwtaer Jlmmr Rruee Msa*lr«tnr and Walt M 1 . 1 I 1 1 II toriiU'i selueUttsn. doiiiuviit of 36ii iLtii/Uiig faciil' i Jr the eah tar her tar Thaettth sgthtlng the Iwwintn Imsrd sRd sUqi wsUfh,h ,l*i NMosfi la rsady to ekopk hMMMi rviday aMM agataal t\a* togato- l» M«*UUU mal. W. PULL TOP LEVER - VOTE REPUBLICAN aa«iuta wtaah awnad a II •«*'***♦* iw » «« u u i ii ai..» Thifault led off with U»e re- Uiii htsi year, ‘Has is s lail In ■I46SS a* the Its* Weenetand wte penaHy Mthns pth np Itaf pHargm, MsnriMitlor ItlfK'a firsi jhrts' prosii cslpl of grontsi both federal uiid * f ime 211 oveV (hr »> —lea r h e e sltstset tsdy He* hnwhtry lasun durliig this...... MsftwwlalFWM wta Taabaa I vilarama Ha *111 taMg*!*-#* *6 ttaa.. to -lale. including the *24,337 fed till e’ art «( 1071 PA O B TWBNTV-TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1971 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1971 PAGE TWENTY-THREE Undefeated Windsor Full-Scale Indian War Needed /• Routs Eagles, 21-8 Football NFI. American Conference For Chiefs to Turn Back Redskins By MARC RICK EMtern DIvlelon \ W L T Pet. P1». OP 4 1 0 .800 132 24 NEW YORK (AP) __It 30-l4, Philadelphia whipped the alHtency in the second half. He by Douglass directed the Oii- RAIDERS - BENOAfR — Dismal was the only way BaUi. cago upset, throwing touch­ George Blanda, who made a to describe the East Cath­ Miami 4 I 1 .800 143 68 tnok a fiill.ncnip In dia n w a r N®"’ '*’ork Giants 23-7, Dallas hit his favorite recelv^, Otis .333 74 148 tOOK a lUll scale inaian war ia 01 Taylor, with scoring strikes of downs of 54 and IS yards, then habit of saving the Raider* last olic attack Saturday after N. Eng. to stop the rampaging t>®”’ 0'*shed New England 44-21, 20 q q j 28 yards and found plunging over from the one for season, came off the bench ,333 66 116 it was handed a 21-8 drub­ NY Jots the winning score. against the Bengals to direct .000 71 188 Redskins and, when the bing by unbeaten Windsor Buffalo f f+1 A if if dumped New Orleans ' That wiped out the first-half, * * • hla teammates to two touch­ Central Division dust settled, It was quite ^ J_^ Angeles shelled Green heroics of Washington passer downs and a come-from-behlnd at Mt. Nebo. 4 2 0 .800 119 115 DOLPHINS - JETS — Led by the heroics of scram­ d ev o. victory. 3 3 0 .500 118 125 naturally—the Chiefs who Bay 30-13, Denver stunned Billy Kilmer, who teamed with bling Sam Tanasl the Warriors PltU. "W e con do this against any­ 1 5 0 .167 128 136 subdued the tribe. Cleveland 27-0 , San Francisco Cbarley Taylor on touchdown rolled to their fifth straight vic­ Cincl. body," I.arry Csonka skid after FALCONS - SAINTS — 0 5 1 .000 65 140 The WashingtOT Redskins slapped, St, Louis 26-14 and tosses of four and 36 yards, tory. A fine effort was turned Hous. scoring two touchdowns and Another sub quarterback, Western Division went into Sunday’s National Pittsburgh turned back Houston « * * teaming with Jim Kiick to roll in by quarterback Tanasi who Football Leam^ie action as the 23-18. BEARS - IJONS — Dick Shiner of the Falcons, also tossed three touchdown passes. K City 5 1 0 .833 148 86 up a massive 258 yards cn the sparkled as ho passed for two Oak. 5 1 0 .833 186 93 only undefeated team and ap- In Saturday night’s lone What would have been a day ground in the Dolphins’ romp The Warriors drew first blood peared they’d stay that way as game, San Diego smothered cf rejoicing for the Bears be- touchdowns dnd.ran for a third Denver 2 3 1 .400 86 103 over the Jets. when Tanasl lofted a 30 yard tHey carried a 17-6 lead Into the Buffalo 20-3. And tonight. In a came one of mourning for nil of against the Saints. ' 8 . Diego 2 4 0 .383 84 128 TD aerial to Jon Sanberg after second half against Kansas nationally televised (ABC, 9 pro fcxAball as Lions wide re- National Conference COWBOYS - PATRIOTS — he had eluded numerous would- aty. p.m., EDT) contest that looms celver Chuck Hughes, a flve- RAMS - PA cksW — be tacklers in the backfleld. Eastern Division But 80 minutes and three Len as a brutal defensive collision, year veteran from Texas, col- TTie Cowboys opened their Roman Gabriel was the (Herald photo by Bucclvtclus) .833 136 78 Rich Parent’s then ran lor a Wash. Dawson touchdown psusscs lat- Baltimore is at Minnesota. lapsed on the field and died a new home, Texas Stadium, in Rams’ star, passing for three Indiana* Halfback Bill Rhf>de8 Breaka Maloney’a Ron Bacote’a Hold .667 185 122 two-point conversion and an 8-0 Dallas er, the Chiefs were whooping it • * ♦ short Ume later of what Detroit grand style as Roger Staubiach touchdowns in their victory ,333 93 164 lead. NY GnU up with a 27-20 victory. (CHIEFS - REDSKINS — team physician Dr. Richard threw touchdowns of 35 and 28 over the Packers while the .333 94 110 Tanasi again turned the trick S Louis In Sunday’s other games, Dawsdn, who wound up com- Thompson said was apparently yards to Bob Hayes and ran Broncos held the Browns’ po­ 57 164 (A P photo) in the third period as he found Phila. .167 Chicago defeated Detroit 28-23, pletlng 10 of 23 passes for 203 a rupitured major blood vessel. two -yards for another score tent ground game to a measly Steve Thoren for an 18 yard Central Division FUMBLE!—Pittsburgh’s Brian Stenger (61) makes dive to recover fumble by Muiml beat the New York Jets yards, began hltUng with con- 'Third-string quarterback Bob­ against the outgunned Patriots. 36 yards in their upset romp. Tribe’s Offense Explodes, pass. The TD aerial culminated Minn. 4 1 0 .800 89 46 teammate. Moving in is Houston’s Floyd Rice (32). Steelers retained the ball. a 10-pIay drive which started at Detroit 4 2 0 .667 173 124^ the Bagle 27. Chicago 4 2 0 .667 103 99 i, IsselStars The final score for Windsor Gr. Bay 2 4 0 .333 148 157 I Embarrassed | came with less than four min­ (Herald photo by Bucelvlclus) Western Division utes to play on a Tanasi to TOUCHDOWN-BOUND— Norm Yester cradles L Ang. 4 1 1 .800 131 89 SPRINOFIELD, Mass. (AP) After Move Rhodes, Fleishman Excel Thoren completion of 13 yards. football after catching pass to score TD for Eagles. 3 Fran 4 ,? 0 .760 138 77 Eagles Win Firsts — Six skydivers may never live The PAT by Stranza was good N Orl. 2 3 1 .400 101 148 down the embarrassment of a for the Blue and White with 26 game with backs that are crowd his blinding speed again. and that put the game out of Atlanta 2 3 1 .400 131 134 drop they made Saturday after- To Forward By DEAN YOST yards in seven chances. small and relatively slow.” With Picking eff a Sobieski pass the reach. Saturday’s Resiilt nexm in Springfield. "We got the fever. We A pesslmlsUc Eagel Coach the injury to tailback Pete By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ‘Fiash’ ieaped high and defiect- The only score for the locals San Diego 20, Buffalo 3 *niey were supposed to land Cliff Demers said "I don’t know White, in the third game, the “ I don’t think the switch to can’t be stopped,” was the ed the baii gaining controi cf came in the third stanza when Sunday’s Results at the 60-yard line on the new forward will make it any more where to turn." The already in­ Eagles lost their best break­ Little Celebration familiar chant heard Sat­ the pigskin, he was off on a 63- Joe Druzolowski connected with Oakland 31, (!:inclnnati 27 Springfield College Polyturf difficult for me to repeat as the jury-ridden Eagles lost the serv­ away runner and offensive urday afternoon by the yard romp to .paydirt. tight end Norm Tester on a Denver 27, Cleveland 0 football field to highlight half- scoring champion,” said Ken­ ices of taikle Kevin Gerrity threat. Manchester High cheer­ Then again the speedster took nine yard toss. The Eagles also Pittsburgh 23, Houston 16 fenslve guards opened up the Khayat said he started Bull time activities before a huge tucky’s Dan Issel. with an ankle injury. Paul The chargers of Coach Bill PHILADELPHIA (AP) leaders as the stumbling a Wiggin handoff, going around capitalized on the two-point Miami 80, New York Jets 13 outside running game and because he felt the 10-year vet- homecoming day crowd watch- ApparenUy not. conversion with a flip from Krshefski, who was supposed Leslnski turned in a fine battle There wasn’t any wild cele- Tribe football team got un­ right end. and blew by the de­ with 11 first downs and 251 Chicago 28, Detroit 23 made the Inside rushes more eran has the greatest ability on Ing the Sprlngfleld-American Issel, the American Basket­ fense on a 70 yard run, before Druzolowski to Russ Bilodeau. to be back this week was set­ tracked to defeat Maloney High yards in total offense to nine Los Angeles 30, Green Bay 13 bration in the Philadelphia effective. the team to find the optional International college game. ball Association’s leading scor­ collapsing in the end zone. The Mark Rosclo led the home back with naging knee trou­ of Meriden at Memorial Field, first downs and 171 yards for AUanta 28, New Orleans 6 Eagles’ dressing room after The key to the Eagles’ vie- hole. "It’s more than exper- Spectators looked upward and er in his rookie campaign 40-12, before 1,200 fans. The vic­ point after was wide but Man­ town Eagles with a brilliant bles. Philadelphia 23, New York Q , , . . tory was Feller’s three field lence,” said Khayat. “It’s saw the six jump out of a last season, poured In 44 points preformance catching seven Demers will have to recon­ East. tory was Manchester's first in chester won Us first game by Giants 7 ounaay S victory over tne The 22-year-old place- something which only _ a small plane, but they drifted off, far Sunday night, leading the Colo­ struct his offensive and defen­ East has dropped its last five outings and the loss put 40-12 margin. passes for 77 yards. Teammate San Francisco 26, St. Louis 14 New York Giants. Maybe kicker was .two for nine before number of backs can do.” away from the field, nels to a 116-110 victory over The cigar-smoking coach of Druzolowski attempted 21 and sive lines and make good with two alter winning its first four. the Spartans at the 0^4-1 mark Saturday East faces St. Paul Dallas 44, New England 21 the Eagles realized they Sunday’s game. He had been Defensive back Leroy Keyes, Meanwhile, about a mile the Floridians. in the OCILk Manchester, Wiggin comment­ made good on 11 for 105 yards. what he has. The frustrated Kansas City 27, Washington 1 u j u 4-u • kicking so poorly that he sat by a target of the fans ever since away, fans watching the Trade ■ New York’s Rick Barry also coach cited “no effective ground at Mt. Nebo at 1 :30. i%e way Manchester’s open­ ed, “ I can’t help but to be He was also the leading rusher 20 merely nad been tne win- Jjjg locked and cried after one he allowed Dallas’ Calvin Hill Hlgh-C3ommerce High - football netted 44 points, but the Nets ing series of downs started it pleased with their performance Monday’s Oaipe ner of a travesty on pro- game. Ihe Eagles indicated to run over him for a touch- game at Trade field were were beaten by Memphis 111- appeared like it was going to when we score more points in Baltimore at Minnesota, 9 fessional football. their concern when they signed down, also was praised by stunned as the six parachutists 103, and Utah edged Pittsburgh be another one of those after­ one game than our season total. Minnesota and Baltimore in Headliner p.m., national television Perhaps It’s unkind to down- New Orleans’ castoff field goal Khayat. Keyes intercepted a descended onto the field during 119-116 in other ABA acUon. noons. Receiving the opening I was really confident today grade the first Philadelphia kicker Tom Dempsey last week pass. the third quarter, The 6-foot-8 Issel played cen­ that we would win.” Basketball ter for the Colonels last season, kickoff. Tribe quarterback John NBA Standings victory after five humiliating and placed him on the taxi “I’ve learned to play defense The red-faced divers apolo- Looking at the statisUcs, and averaged 29.9 points and W ggin directed the offense Eastern Conference defeats, but the football played squad. more boldly,” said Keles, the gized, gathered up their gear Manchester called 66 plays, Role In . the rain at Veterans Sta- Whether the signing of Demp- Eagles No. 1 draft choice three and headed back to the plane, 13.2 rebounds a game. But he down to the Maloney 38 but was Cuozzo Plays Down Atlantic Division forced to punt on fourth down. covered 325 yards on the W. L. Pet. G.B. dlum was sloppy. It was dlf- sey lit a fuse under Feller is not years ago. "I was just coming They finally made It to the w£i8 overmatched defensively against many of the league’s Breaking through the line, Ma­ ground, 66 in the air for a total Phila. 6 1 .833 — ficult to determine whether the certain. The sensitive Texan off serious injuries and playing Springfield College 60-yard line. loney’s Steve Jantsch blocked of 411 yards. Rhodes was the Host. 3 1 .760 1 Giants lost or the Eagles won. doesn’t like the postgame ques- too easy. I’ve got a lot of con- dropping onto the Polyturf at bigger pivotmen. However, this seasrni, the the punt and recovered the ball game’s leading ball carrier with N. York 3 3 .600 2 New York fumbled five times tlonlng. He gets dressed fast fldence In myself now. I’m get- gf SC-AIC game, As Avenger Against Colts and the Eagles recovered four and ducks out a side entrance glng more consistent and more |jy 21-20. Colonels signed 7-2 Artis Oil- ed ed, and faced with a fourth and yards on 85 rushing and 76 pass­ "It’s nothing special because Knights on Top Phoen. 1 3 .250 4 Tailback Lyle Eastman Eyes Open Field Soccer Words Replaced by Tears in with 21 points and grabbed ing. Fullback Jere Johnson National Football League I played there or because Pacific Division sltlon for a 47-yard touchdown carrier slip away. sight situation, punted. But (Bob drive. Rookie Charley Evans Khayat surprised by starting tlm for the epWe 24 rebounds. Janiga fumbled the ball and again before halftime. Sobieski Leber’s kick split |the uprights television special 9:05 they’re Super Bowl cham­ FoUowing W in Lo6 Ang. 6 1 .833 — (3heney 'at Bolton rambled for 58 yards. Quarter­ scored from the one. It was veteran Ron BuU at running that has hit the G l ^ three Mack Calvin paced the Flor­ and now Manchester opened up EDT, ABC. pions," says Cuozzo. “ But what Seattle 5 2 .714 % South Windsor at Simsbury Lyle Eastman, covering on the Steve Jantsch with a back Sobieski threw 19 passes By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS idians with 30 points. . ■, to make the a commanding 27-12 lead, The Colts signed Cuozzo as^a does mean a lot to an offensive Gold. St. 3 2 .600 1% the beginning and the end of hack. Even Bull was surprised, ^ e k s Coventry at CJromwell punt, recovered the ball on Ma- nine-yarf pass and completed on six. The The Hartford Knights won New York’s scoring. "One always has the expecta- ball myself and there Is no-vroy Wendell Lander led Memphis’ count 20-12. Everyone knew the capibili- free agent in 1963 out of the Port. 1 3 .260 3 Portland at Rham Icney’s 17. Spartans picked up 11 first team Is that w e’re going to sole possession of first place in For Club After Upset Win well-balanced scoring against Play was a little ragged in ties (rf Rhodes as he displayed University of Virginia with the play against an excellent de­ Houst. 0 6 .0(X> 6 Theremere was moreinoie talk pf v'Uon he wlU ■*= play," said Bull, _ - to expl^ 'Ha Housatonlc vs. MCC at Mt. Setting the offense in motion, downs. the Atlantic Coast Football the Nete with 26 p<^to, whUe the third period, but Samiotis his speed earlier in the season hopes of grooming him to even­ fense. They don’t have any Sunday’s Resif'lts mustaches In the Eagles’ dres- who gained 72 yards on 17 car- him M l ^ Nebo. Wiggin handed off to Steve Penney High of East Hartford League lat weekend and the sing room after the game. ries. "Today (Sunday) they told ball tight, he forgets how to DETROIT (AP)—What P®®® G*’®S Landry with him that Hughes’ complexion r^ii-ry Cannon added 22 and took a handoff and scored with when he ran back a kickoff 85 tually take over for Johnny weaknesses.” Bridgeport Jets snapped a four PhiladelpMa 111, aeveland 93 CroM Country Samiotis who gained two yards. will host Manchester Saturifey does a football player say remaining. He was Imme- was blue and that, “Only one of Bob Warren had 20. n four yard run through the yards, Saturday, his birthday. Unitas at quarterback. Led by Bubba Smith, Mike game losing streak. CThicago 105, Phoenix 104 Head coach Ed Khayat said he me I was going to »tart. I think run. pi-nts’ shoddv South Windsor at Simsbury Going up the middle. Bill the hometown at 1:30 in another CXIIL contest. middle cf Maloney’s front four. Rhodes showed But Unitas is still around—al- c^irtls & Co., the Colts have Los Angeles 113, Houston 103 didn’t believe his mustache- the oNenslve linemen did an ex- _As ^^fw East Catholic at CJoventry after a game in which one Rhodes rambled for 10 yards The Knights now 7-2, nipped shot with 23 seconds remaining though Earl Mcrrall will start allowed five teams but 24 Seattle 119, Cincinnati 101 must-go ultimatum of last week cellent job because I ^ n ’t have tackli^, W e ^ r 'olland at Ellington and a first down. Getting his the Norfolk Neptunes 16-12 Sat­ had aiy affect on the game. He speed and have to depend on ^ t ,beat anybody tackling like collapsed Bears. The ^ t three plays of ” ,„tball’s first and hU two free throws with tonight—and It’s been five sea- points—fewest in the NFL. urday as comerback Tony Sta- Only games scheduled Indsor at RockvlHe first varsity start, Ron Roy took A - ai__ 1.1 __ Av# Vila fVialv* KlrbolCR ” tlial. and died? the deEQ>eration drives were In- 1 t S rtpoth Hlnee De four seconds' left lifted Utah sons since the Colts traded T-iie Vikings- beam about their warz picked up a fumble and ABA Standings felt the fine blocking of his of- their blocks.______What can he say? Words were c„„,piete Landry passes, and It game-relat^ d^th rince De- another handoff and the jun­ past Pittsburgh. Dolphins’ End Sweeps iBOWUNG Ckiozzo to the New Orleans Purple Gang defense, fea- rah 20 yards in the third period ' East Division replaced by tears and bowed the third that 1065 when Mack uee ior ball carrier hit paydirt with Combs and Zelmo Beaty Saints, who In turn dealt him to taring Alan Page and <3arl El- W. L. Pet. G.B. h . U - ^ HI., « . d jo n c w l* ^ “ S 3:25 remaining in the first pe- to put Hartford on top. >f toe the Vikings. ler, that has given up 46 points. Norm Davidson booted home Kent, 3 1 .760 — Fan-Delishting Explosion ri(xl. Jon Leber’s point after Stars with 24 p<^ts apiece. Cuozzo, who was with the Baltimore’s offense, behind a three field goals for the Knights Virgin 3 2 .600 Vi • — " * ra.".r ..-o,. touchdown was good and Man­ Upend Slumping Jets Skeeter Swift also scored 24 for Saints when they fell to Baltl- running attack that has ac- who trailed 12-9 before Stawarz’ Florid, 3 3 .600 1 National Football League loss pom a hack to the huddle major sports event In Detroit, chester led, 7-6. Pittsburg^. From this point on the Silk NEW YORK (AP) — “ I’ve never seen two players more 30-10 In 1967, has not counted for 984 of Its 1,622 total touchdown. N. York 3 3 .500 1 Cow boys Stam pede to too Chicago Bears. and V spokes- Dave Sparks of toe Waridng- Towners never looked back as closer than these guys,” Miami Coach Don Ehula said, started against his former Colt yardtige, has displayed much The Jets broke out of a slump Fftts. 2 8 .400 IVi Chuck Hughes was dead. quoted Landry as saying, ton Redskins died In 1964 after teammates In his four seasons more firepower than Mln- by smashing the last place CCarol. 2 4 .333 2 they scored twice more in the nodding toward Larry Csonka and Jim Kiick. They The likable, 28-year-old Lion thought anything ot a game with Cleveland and In second stanza. Maloney tallied wlth the Vikings — until to- nesota’s attackers, who have Roanoke Buckskins 37-3 Friday West Division wide receiver collapsed on toe gtan Mauldin of toa old really complement each other tremendously.” HAPPY HOUDAYS—Mickey (Mice and the home teem enter­ night. Bill Curry, obtained In been hurt by injuries, night. Quarterback Harry Theo- Indiana 6 1 .838 — field with a minute left in toe Chicago Cardinals died on toe 19th H ole They were pretty close Sun- " Lauzler 136, Yvonne Noel 132- ed the dressing room B at half­ the Colts-Salnts’ deal, is the No. Norm Bulaich of the Colts filedes tossed three touchdown Utah 4 3 .672 VA In Stadium Opening game and at 4:41 p.m., about . . anvone realized toe clubhouse floor after a game EUCJNOTON RIDGE day as Csonka swept around over to the running back tan- 350, Terry Hayden 130, Elaine time leading 20-12. 1 Baltimore center. will be trying to pad his AFC passes as the Jets picked up Dallas 3 3 .500 2 an hour after toe game, was rto ^ % „S ‘^ d De- with Philadelphia. Sunday and through New York for 137 jejo—they collected just 66 of Harris 129, Alice Deschenes 126. 2 4 .333 3 IRVING Tex. (AP)—The Dallas Cowboys demolish­ pronounced dead at At the 9:18 mark of the sec­ “ I don’t think the game cculd leading rushing total of 420 their fourth win against five Memph. " ^ trolt officials rushed to his aid. six weeks ago Hughes under- PRO-MEMBER CLASSIC yards and Kilck piled up just 16 their total 268 yards in the first Frieda Madden 356. ed New England in a fan-delighting touchdown expl^ ond pericxl fullback, Dave mean much more than It does yards on 59 carries—a 7.1 aver- losses. Denver 1 4 .200 3Vi hospital. He had been lying on his stem- went a complete physical eX' Low net — Stan Staszowskl yards less—and their clcse-to- j,aif—after the Dolphins had A. Thompson, Fleishman rambled four yards now even If I had played for age. There are three games left in Sunday’s Results Sion Sunday at the grand opening of Dr. Richard quickly perfect ground assault was all taken a 10-7 lead with a minute turned amination and was pronounced Green W*»«r d • » The stubborn Manchester de­ NHL fans in the $26 million football fourth and 63 sltuaUon. Jack Hunter, Holmes Brown, had piled up mere than 100 East Division "He’S dead, he’s dead,” mut- «om ^ '^^gtheslologlst. month-old son, Brandon, fense, led by the aggressive to work. palace built by (Cowboy owner Landry said he wasn’t certain Tom Heelin; (matching cards yards apiece and, In each case, W L T Pts O O play of Darrell Vincek, who re­ First he directed the Dcl,ohlns Clint Murchison were still look- who will handle the Cowboy tered one the ^ came out of the stands. Hughes was bom in Phila’ for John Sommers troitoy). 60— the yardage was a pro career- Coast Guard and Trinity N, York 5 1 2 12 30 23 turned the lineup after an in­ 38 yards to set up Garo Ye- ing for their seats when Duane quarterbacking chores next walked ^ ly ^ uiehes was put on a stretch- delphia In 1943. Tlie Eagles Charlie Moore, John Harrigan, high. Bost. 6 1 1 11 28 16 jury, stopped Mooney on four premian’s 25-yard field goal In Thoma* dashed 66 yards for a week against the Chicago horrified aiS S e d er“ nd taken to toe hospital. drafted him fourth In 1967 and Tony Tantillo, BIU Wade; 60 - “ I feel we can do this against Mont. 4 1 2 10 31 19 dooms. Bob Stevens boomed a _ the opening minutes of the sec- touchdown on the game’s fourth Bears. H e was a ^ a t pla^r and a A team spokesman said his he was traded to Detroit prior Pat Palmer! M^t O iu^. Bill anybody, Kiick said, ^dlng them Vanevr. 3 6 0 6 24 36 38-yard punt for Maloney that quarter, then put ^ a T ^ reoi?^ said Lions own- heart had stopped beating but to the 1970 season. that neither he nor Csonka Tcron. 2 3 2 6 20 27. play. "I did call the plays for Rog- was whistled dead on the ahead for good, climaxing a 54- fl^Wllllam Clay Ford, his voice was revived on toe field before UTEP coach Bobby Dobbs , Slmw, Jota Periwig Tribe’s 16 yard line. viewed their heroics as any- yard drive with a 37-yard scor­ Detroit 2 5 0 4 21 30 Thomas asked Cowboy man- er,” Landry said. "His per- Maloney thing even remotely resembling Saturday's Headliner 2 7 0 4 22 38 agement to trade him in July formance of course will have a ouivering with grief, in a film- u stopped again. He also said said: “I have never had toe Ralph Tarta^a, Oeo^o Rhodes outran the ing strike to Paul Warfield. Buff. quivering wnn gnei, _ ^ i privilege of coaching a finer low; 61 - Geoi^e Cefarrett, defense fpr 37 yards and Flelsh- competition in the backfield. West Division and they tried to shuttle him bearing on next week’s play but ed interview shortly after toe Hughes vomited, In the second half, Csonka tragic announcement. “I’ve never seen anything athlete than CSiuck Hughes. His Bould, Fred McKone, Jake man, with a fine display of "W e’re too close for that, Trinity, s««ve accalone of East Kart- record as they await American undefeated Cornell to a 31-10 Chicago 7 2 0 14 24 14 off to New England. The Patrl- i haven’t made that decision as scored his two touchdowns, Coast Guard, “Everyone was praying a professional football," was dearly loved by all who Honnoiu 61 J<^ CTea^, some open field running, scram- Csonka said, and Kilck chimed extended his academy International College next Minn. 6 1 1 11 28 12 ots mode a trade for him then of now." Jack Olstofani, Stu Kupfer- each on a two-yard run, and Bridgeport and Central victoryj Marlnaro had been miracle would happen aiul that Qqise said at toe hospital, knew him In El Paso." pered 47 yards to paycilrt with in: ‘‘If I got just five yards and remian booted three-point- ^ f • record by connecting on all weekend. AIC edged rival Pitta. 5 2 1 11 26 16 gave him back to the (towboy* Landry Is operating a two- schmid, (Ray Seraphln. Yepremlan booted three-point­ held to 64 yards In the first 6:37 remaining. The extr^ point Larry got 100, I’d feel just as of 31 and 14 yards while the yOnnectlCUl are continuing three of his extra-point kicks in Springfield College 21-20 on flat- Phila. 3 4 0 6 16 23 when the moody Thomas re- quarterback system with Craig ho would pull through,” he ^^^re doctors tried desperately attempt was no g(Ood, but the good. And if it was the other ers half, but he tore through the Jets could only manage one to build winning records addition to a 36-yard field goal. urday. S. Louis 3 5 0 6 26 22 fused to take a physical. Morton and Staubach In a fierce added. to save the six-foot, 180-pound scoreboard read 20-6 Mancheq; way around, it would be just Bulldogs with opening-play Newsmen were barred from q( the University of more touchdown, a 16-yard during the final half of the Trinity covered a total of 455 Junior fullback Bill Tinlin L. Ang. 2 6 1 6 21 88 Thomas earned a first string fq^ jjo. 1 Job. ter. "the sam e." freshness throughout the latter toe dressing room, where toe at El Paso (UTEP). Davis-to-Pete Lammons pass football season, but the yards, 328 of that on the 19-/or- scored two of Central’s three Calif. 1 6 2 '4 28 37 running back job with Dallas qij|g Cowboys are 4-2 In the Aided by an pass Interfer- Quarterback Bob Griese half. He was seven yards short Humlay’i) Results (A P photo) Lions said a team prayer for nothing on his own,” THE University of Connecti­ 31 passing perfomance of soph­ touchdowns, but the winning only because Calvin Hill was Eastern Division of the National WEATHER ence, Maloney got on the board turned the bulk of the work P ay. of Steven Owens' major-college Plttsbu^h 1, New York 1, tie Hughes and waited—hopefully, ^ spokesman said before IMPORTED CAR ’The victory did more than cut’s fate remains uncer­ omore quarterback Saul Wlzen- score came In the last period hurt. Ck>nference and In second place SIX-POINTER—Big Jim Nan<>e stepped over the career record of 3,867 yards Boston 4, Vancouver 8 but pessimistically—for news the death report. "They’ve got Colder weath­ just avenge Miami’s 14-10 los.s thal. Another sophomore, end with a 43-yard run by Mark St. Thomas refused to talk to re- behind Washington. New Eng- goal line to score for Patriots in loss to Cowboys. tain. when he left the game In the California 6, Detroit 3 from Henry Ford Hospital of er coming, fol­ to New York earlier this sea­ Ron Duckett, set two Trinity Germain. Central fumbled four porters In the Cowboy dressing land Is 2-4. him (breathing) on machines.” Vale is out of the running for final minutes after being jolted, St. Louis 3, Buffalo 2 his condition. lowed by sev­ son. It also raised the Dolphins’ records i/y catching 13 of those times. A witness who was at the eral Inches of the Ivy League crown as a re­ Dick Jauron, Yale’s No. 1 Philadelphia 2, Chicago 1 room alter he hhd sat alone on staubach said. "I was satls- •mo g ^ e that so m w y men ^ ^^en Hughes UConn and Massachusetts snow! COVERS - COVERS - COVERS record to 4-1-1, pulling them sult of Saturday's 31-10 loss to passes for 245 yards. The 165- weapon, was still feeling the ef­ a table on the sidelines most of fled with my performance. It played what amounted to a one- MInnosolu 6, I » s Angeles 8 have chosen to ^ ^as brought in said ho was giv- into a first-place tie atop the Cornell. Southern Connecticut, pound quarterback threw three fects of an Injury in the preced­ the second half when he wasn" was a win and that's what Bennet Tops Illing minute game. It began with a Only games scheduled prime occupation g„ ,ive shock treatments to re- RIZZO DOES IT AGAIN American Conference’s East Wesleyan anct Western: Con­ touchdown pass'-Ji one to Duck­ ing game and covered only 69 playing. counts. It was very Important PaleT. UMass field goal with one min­ a vlcUm. It was a stuml^ de- heartbeat and that sev- Division with the Baltimore necticut also are farther down ett and two to Whitney Cook, yards, nearly a reversal of the Coach Tom Landry of the for us to come back this week ute left and ended In a 3-3 tie 6.00x12 W hitewall.. $18.45 plus $1.47 Colts, who can break the dead in the losers' bracket because while the Trinity defense inter­ duel he fought with Marinero after losing a game we shouldn’t e S T 't o b^“ere. Including ®raJ ^ots ®dren^‘« '^®*’® ‘*'- after UConn’s Bob Innls Slow Starting Cowboys was delighted with the (Toyota, Datsun) SALE-SALE-SALE lock tonight with a victory over weekend losses. cepted four passe* last year in Ithaca. play of Thomas and quarter­ have at New Orleans." those in toe crowd of 64,419 who Jected Into his heart, the Vikings in Minnesota. matched it with a 37-yard kick In Soccer Tilt, 3-2 witnessed Hughes collapse but Guise said ‘ 6.15x13 Whitewall...... $19.45 plus $1.60 Coast Guard, with only three Bridgeport i/r'A(e 'ypen the Yale, now out of the running back Roger Staubach, who Staubach completed 13 of 21 on the last play 'of the game. Reds on Move probably didn’t learn of his any blood ctoculatlon to the (Toyota, Fiat, Opel) “ Th3 sweeps killed us," de­ games left. Is still the most game In the third period after fer the Ivy crown with a 1-2 threw touchdown passes of 36 passes for 197 yards., 2S% OFF Quarterback Ray Telller re­ lly THE ASS4K)IATED PRESS jected Coach Weeb Ewbonks successful Connecticut colle­ leading Itha/.a Oy orjiy ^ each and minute field goal Saturday, All Snow Tire* Are First Line LeHavre Whitewalls. kee Ccnference games, lost one Tile .Reds and Cleveland Bar- tremendous." surface in the stadium—tartan. Bonnet opened the scoring fj^f f^f amiimd Ray Lansono. The at ^ And They Are Ouaranteed! 21’ WAS $48.95 NOW 336.70 the offenaive team covered a Southern’s 43-17 loss to Mon­ ST. LOUIS (AP) — Coast Guard meets Trinity and tied one, remaining close orts skated through a sooreless But Landry had kind words "The playing surface didn’t with wing Bob Odell booting jack was spearheaded by Rlner record total of 654 yards. tclair State was Its third EFO first SAFETY GRIP STEEL STUDS $7.00 per tire 18’ WAS $88.95 NOW $ 2 9 .2 0 Ted Simmens cf the St. Louis next Saturday, and a com ­ enough to grab the lead from period, tmt Providence for losing quarterback Jim matter," said New England one Into toe nets. Cacade, Bill MacLean, Bob Sophomore halfback Vin D« defeat, and results In a 1-4 vvns Cardinals plans to do a lot of parison of statistics from the New Hampehlre and Vermont, Just warming up Sunday Plunkett, a rookie who passed (X^ch John Masur, "W e just ming comer back with two Heoly and Odell. tore scored three times (uid ran over-all record. The Owls were FREE MOUNTING and INSTALLATION • INGROUND • baby sitting this winter while Cadets’ game ani«ne two clubs will lock horns 166 yards to top all Bridgeport unablo to stop a nearly 60-pdl‘( lor SONS & AMMO his wife, Maryanne, finishes 21 victory over iniury-ham- Huskies will play their final After spotting the linrons an 228 yards and touchdown pass- did." ners tied the score at 2-2 at again Saturday morning at Me- NO ’TRADE IN REQUIRED OVALS ALSO AVAILABLE b a 1 l-carriers. The Purple cent-successful passing attack. pered Rochester heightens In­ ccnference game in two weeks early first period goal by Bus­ os of 88 yards to Randy Vataha ------1— halftime when Odell sent a mortal Field. graduate work at the Univer­ Knights carry a 6-1 record into "AND EVERYTHINe" 16x24’ REG. $123.95 NOW $ 93.00 sity of Michigan. terest In the upcoming contest. against Rhode Island (1-2). Wesconn, which lost four ter Harvey, (he Reds struck and 81 yards to Tom Beer. cross pass to Bob Stanley who ------Saturday’s game against Hof- Next (Saturday they play Boston starters and one substitute be­ TAKES C8DNY TEAM booted It past Illing goalie Ray Mrs. Simmens is majering in The Cadets divided almost back to go In fMml (si tallies by "We had him rated as one of 16x32’ REG. $153.95 NOW $115^5 stra, which won 13-10 over Ver- Unlversit/, which defeated cause of academic ineligibility Doll Sullivan. MONEY IN SPORTS ITKpiYlOljlAl fine aria. Their son John Mac- exactly their 401 total yards be­ llrinti Perag niid Bert Wilson. the top quarterbacks in college NEW YORK (lAiP) 18x86’ REG. $179.95 NOW $133.00 mont, Rhode Island 26-7 last weekend. last week, also lost their home Arthur Simmons was bom last tween air and ground gains. Then the Beds ekpioded In last year and he didn't disap­ Bethel, a form er minor league mfnio ® front line 01 of Bennetuennei puiput r e W YORK (AP) __ "The Central regletered its first Yale's offensive team virtual­ coming ghme,giune, 89-8, to Maine the third period, els different March. Quarterbacks Paul Howard and point us at all,” Landry said. whoee Olivet College m All-American Dollar," (Hough- win In three Eastern Football ly joined the 85,168 fans in the Maritime. With its only win players scoring In the first UMi NASSIFPS “He handled himself very well team In Michigan oomptled a Illing stubborn defense broke „ k. aai^ Simmens hit .303 - in his first sophomore Bob Moore joined Ccnference games by defeating RIZZO POOL m SKI CHALET second half to watch superback nullified by the Inellglbltity rul- minutes sn route lo on 8-4 vic­ under pressure. He never fal- 21-9 record lost year, ■will coach down os Odell smashed a hard iou Mifflin, $7.96) is an absorb- full season with the Cardinals forces to complete 10 of 13 at­ Glassbcro State 22-17. But the "HOUSE OF SPORTS" LYNCH MOTORS BOUXE as VEBNON CIBCU: Ed Marlnaro flnlah a 380-yard ing, Wesconn Is still looking for tory, just the (sam 's sscund In . tered behind Bob Lilly and aty GoUege’s baseball team shot into the neU as Bennet re- Ing book which touche* all the this year. tempted passes. Sophomore Blue Devils have a 6-2 overall ruahlng performance and lead 345 Center Street, Manchester — 646-4821 a victory after four gomes. sight games. Jethro Pugh and everyixxly ••s® next season. He auooatdi Solly gained toe lead, 8-2. aspects of big money In sports, 991 MAIN ST. MANCHESTER falling all over him ." Mishkin who stepped down aft- Bennet’s ^taunoh defense was It was written by sport* writer The C

MotoreyelM-Bicyclef 11 THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW BY SHORTEN and WHIPPLE Help Wonted-Mate 36 Do«t - lirch - P«ta 41 PAGHD TWENTY-FOUR MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1971 1971 TRIUMPH trophy, 880. RESTAURANT helper, to asaist in kitchen duties. Sandwiches, SAINT Bernard puiq^les — AIttI BUGS BUNNY OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLB Great looka, great condition. I^EMEMBER how i t WA$ WMER 'AX! A hdhow CLASSIFIED short order cooking, cleaning, registered. Champion blood 11,180. Phone e49-7068. HUMG UP 'tOUR. LMIFORM 7 P L B A S »,V ^ PON'T LEAVE! UNLAX! 7»flA y WE'LL JUST r o A t e m r o i v y a c -n s o ) J'M HEAPEP HPME MV CCWE IN ANP TELL Me”^ as woU as train for full-time "•'ORi raised with TTC. Very I'M svLveteTsp, 1 MBBP yPUR X'M KJOT HANS AROUNP A FEW IN AN' ASK FBR A TRIP, MARTMA, BUT X SIMPLY 1T> YAHAMA 100 cc, trilla-atreet, position with additional re- reasonable. Phone 228-0968. NOTHIN£ QUIT MORAL / 60IN MINUTES A N 'SE T VA •/OB/ HAD TO »rO P ANP SHOW MV changeover trnnamiaalon. Ex- sponslbillties. Present opening ------BUT A STAUUN'J SUPPORT! yANYWHERei USBP T' TH' YOU'RE ALL. POST CARPS' THEy PE FgOIA ADVERTISING cellent condition, only 680 for part-time, Thursday, Fri­ BUNPt-e SURROUNPIN'S! HEART! THE FANCY RESTAURANT MY mllee. Must sell Immediately, day, and Saturday. Must have ADORABLE black kittem free, OF CC5USIN TP«7K ME TO - Aniwtr to frtyloHi Puiilo CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS 614-8333. box trained. Call 648-0002. NBRveSl ACME THE FOYER IS PRACTICALLY IT HOME ' 8 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. own transportation. Phone 649- EMPlCM^ENr AN ART MUSEUM! 9097. AeeNCY Lists OAtiAXIE chopper mlnlblke, 4 DESPERATELY need homes for 8 kittens, 6 monttn old, COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADYT. h.p., 4 months old, $100. Call ACROSS suffix 873-6078 after 0. RICHARD P. RITA housebroken, 647-1166. 1 Collection of 3 Perniits 4)80 P.M. DAY BBFORB FUBUOA'nON papers 4 Alleviated 1967 BSA Chopper, 680 cc's, 12” Deadline for ffnturdny and Monday la 4 180 p.m, Friday PERSONNEL SERVICES S Business book 5 Set free extended front-end and spool. Articles Far Sala^ 45 of record 6 Gerden of Excellent condition. $1,000 643- ACCOUNTANT — Degree In delight 11 Rlngwornt 9776. accounting for finance, must J 12 Conceive 7 Prevent from PLEASE READ YOUR AD doing have 6 or more years exper­ SCREENfilD loam, sand, /a-jts 13 Articles of Olaaalfled or "W ant A da" are taken over the phone na n belief 8 Pik^ike fish ience In hospital accounting. gravel, processed gravel, 14 Prove false to 9 Japanese Wa nd the m W T Business Services 13 M m To $18K. DOB. stone, fill. Also bulldoser and 15 Literary outcast DAY IT ^PBARS and REPORT ERRORS In time for the backhoe service and drain MICKEY FINN 10 King (Sp.) 28 Mass of ice votes next Inaertlon. The Herald 1a reaponalble for only ONE In- EXCAVATING, BULLDOZING BY HANK LEONARD collection PROGRAMMER ANALYST fields. George H. Orlfflng, An­ 16 Greek moon 11 Singing voice 31 Written record 46 Expect eorreot or omitted Inaertlon lor any advertlaement and then rrradlng, septic tank and drain­ —Mini computer systems to 48 Region in dover. 742-7886. goddess 13 Small pie 33 Horse gait only to tte extent of a “ make good" Inaertlon. Errorn which age work. State licensed, fully local industries, familiar 17 Building site 34 Sprite Germany 18----- of honor do not Jeseen the value of the advertlAemont will not be insured. Residential ahd com ­ with assembler languages. 20 Beetle 19 Openwork 35 Multitude 51 Japanese corrected by "m ake good" Inaertlon. EIGHT foot Dewalt saw, 4” 21 Stalky plant fabric 36 Coterie aborigine mercial. Latullppe Bros. Inc. Strong In math, $8,000 plus. jointer, Stroll-ochalr, baby 25 Walk 22 Auricle 40 Superlative (var.) 742-9477, 872-4366. DOE. furniture, kitchen table and suffix 52 Ix>ng cut ^ U S T LIKE 27 Account 23 Historic chairs, Maytag washer. 6 h.p. 'cV^.cci- 29 Constellation period 42 Marine snail 54 Recognize 643-2711 ALL types of drywall Jobs, ma­ MANAGER TRAINEE—In­ yOMffft ULY:? 55 Rubber tree Rotor TTller. Call 643-1366. Cf'tSMacry 30 Heart (anat.) 24 Family' 43 Feminine terials furnished and Installed, dividual to be tretined In all l,n W NIA. I.C. TM. I., UI. IO^^S‘ 32 Collection member (coll ) name 56 Existed phases of management for 26 Spanish lady 44 Affirmative 58 Stir sand finished or sprayed ceil­ 'TEAC 4010S, 7” reel to Teel of four fast food services. Supervis­ 34 Hebrew Automobiles For Sole 4 ings. IFree estimates, fully In­ tape deck complete. Kenwood r~ 5” 3T r" 1 1“ T~ f - 5" i r sured. Call Ron Craig, 646- ory capabilities. $130. to ascetic Tm. Il« U. OW. nmnti 170 watt AM-FM stereo re­ start. 37 Be mistaken II 12 HERALD 1970 OLJJSMOBILE, 2-door con­ 0263. ceiver. Teac A20 Cassette tape 38 Civil War vertible, power brakes and deck. All equipment complete OUT OUR WAY BY NED COCHRAN general U . "'*** assemble your new CONSTRUCTION SUPBR- 13 steering, VISOR^-Clvll engineer de­ and 6 months old. 646-5679 39 Woman's BOX L E H E R S alr-condltlonli^, lawn building. (3all 643-2816 or Building Contracting 14 Painting - Papering 21 Help Wonted-Female 35 between 6-8. secret II II !ij J many extras, excellent condi­ 876-1764. gree with experience in all 41 City in tion, low mileage. Call 648-6474 N.J. LAFLAMME Carpenter INSIDBJ—outside painting. Spe- MEDICAL Secretary, for pri- phases of piping, cost esti­ Thuringia II iT V | 2B" 22 23 24 For Your after 6. FIRST edition, first printing, 45----- Morgana MASONRY — Brick, block,- contractor. Additions, remod- clal rates for people over 66. vate office, Rockville area, mating. Minimum 10 years “A Yankee In King Arthur’s E Information experience. Oversee entire 47 Somewhat 21 21 1968 CHEVY Belalr, V8, auto­ stone, cement work and re- ellng and repairs. Coll any- Coll my competitors, then call Write Box E, Manchester Court”, Mark Twain, New PRISCILLA’S POP BY AL VERMEER % ** project. To $16K. (suffix) THE HERALJJ will not matic, air-conditioned, excel­ pairs Including fireplaces and time for free estimate. 876- me. Estimates given. 649-7868. Herald, York, 1889, fine condition. Best 49 Three at cards patios. 649-1604. 1642. ALL TH _ _ YEARS,ARS,\ s t e a d f a s t , WATCHFULY I COULD disclose the identity of lent condition, 2-door, $1,400, offer over $36. Write Herald 50 Emaciates 3T 5T sr K any advertiaer using box ------RICHARD E. MARTIN. Full HELP wanted, bar maid, must DIVISION FINANCE MAN- MR. 24 ______printing plates. .000 thick, 28x UGHT trucking, odd jobs, also estimates. Call after 6, 643-______Z— Clerk-Typist—Several open-* WANTEID Bulldozer operator, 36” , 26 cents each or 5 for $1. moving large appliances. 1870 or 644-2976. FLOOR SANDING, and refln- ings. Speed and accuracy .y 10-15 fishing (specializing in older Important. Exp. Sal. to $100 one who can do other construe- 643-2711. THE \M3RRy WART n w NIA loo. TM. lo» m >#. P» a o u ^ a - 1 1969 FIREBIRD 380, hardtop. Burning barrels deUvered, $4. c IESZYNSKI buUder — Lost and Found floors). In and outside paint­ plus. tlon jobs. Call 649-9644 after 6. h OT WATER furnace, 77,000 ------blue with white Interior, auto- 644-1776. homes custom built, re- ing, etc. No job too small. John IMP LATHE operator — able to Btu, complete, $60. convec- C A k jc y y FOUND — The best place to matic, power steering, power f o r RENT — Two dlsnlav win- modeling, additions, rec Verfaillc, 649-6760. 872-2222. Rater—Exp. pref. In home- c ^ e home deTOrati<>ns ,and brakes, $1,760. 643-0866. dow decorators. AntlqL Items rooms, garages, kitchen re- owners. Sal. to $96. work to blueprints and do own tors. Built-in bath tuba, lava- set ups. Call 289-7471. lories, cabinet sinks, alumi- BY FRANK O’NEAL WaSclns 985 Main St ^“ 2 PLYMOUTH station wag- In nautical, Indian, Ealy Amer- *>ath tile, Secretaries — Several open­ ------num combination doors. 643- homV^;«vr^fri^v on. running condition or for lean and Victorian motlff, de- work. Steps, dormew Rest- Boilds - ings: Exp. In field. 00 wpm WANTED — Experienced main- 2466 evenings, 643-1442. — all IHIS t a l k ABOUT elfts Teleohone 643 5 17 1 parts. 742-6744, after 6:30. llvered to your store at your dentlal or commercial. Call MartoaoM27 typing, lOO s/h. Sal. to $128. tenance man for a 96-apart------ThIE WASE AND PRICE FREEZE gifts. Telephone. 643-8171. ^ ^ ------convenience For more details ^9-4291. SfO C kS - M a r t g o g e t 27 ment complex in Manchester. BRACE yourself for a thrill the This Is just a partial list LOST /- large ring of assorted 1M7, Z-dwr, 228-3229. JACQUES of all trades, carpen- MORTGAGES, loans, first, sec- For appointment call 643-9661. first time you use Blue Lzistre 0 Landau, factory air-condition­ of our openings. If you have ------to clean rugs. Rent electric I keys between comer Vernon try, additions, paneling re- oud, third. All kinds. Realty c and Lydctil St., and Woodland ing, factory stereo system, 8- MILLAR Tree Service not seen your preference . — — tt;------;------shampooer $1. Olcott Variety track tape, full power, mint ing, cabling, topping, removal, m^cling, general repairs. No statewld^ Credit ratl^ and Main St. If found please listed, call or come In to Help Wantod - store. condition. 289-8262 between 1-8. feeding, free estimates. Fully small. Reason- eaaary. Reasonable. Conflden - - 3 7 ------call 649-8626. discuss it with us. Allow Male or Female in su r^ 633-6346 or 668-4716 ®“ ®. *'’®® estimates, 742-6612. tial, quick arrangements. Al- our best professional knowl­ FROM wall-to-w^l, no soil at "LOST — Savings Passbook No. VOLKSWAtJEN, mechanic- ______;______! _ ------vln Lundy Agency, 627-7971. edge, help you locate a posi­ SCH(X)L bus drivers — 7 :30 all, on carpets cleaned with ally excellent, needs some STEPS, sidewalks, atone walls, 100 Constitution Plaza, Hart­ 21044 Hartford National Bank tion. a.m. to 8:45 a.m „ 2:16 to 3:30 Blue Lustre. Rent electric body work. $860., 649-9422. fireplaces, flagstone t ^ e s . Special Services 15 ford. Evenings, 233-6879. shampooer $1, The Sherwin- PLAIN JANE and Trust Co., First Manches-______p.m. Good part-time position. ______BY FRANK BAGINSKI All concrete repairs, both in- _L ______RITA GIRL Call 643-2373, ask for Bob. Williams Co. '' h e l l o ! <&Ul_LlCKSON torp^^j^e'nt.'^'*''"'^'^*" ride''^ro^ld;‘T::iI^^ PIANO Tuning by graduate of MORTGAGES -1st, ^^d 2nd, VM GOIN<£,TO MEET THAT MOULD you SEND OVER A PLUMBER? 389 built with 2,000 miles. New, gcaplng. Reasonably priced. Hartt College of Music. Instru- mortgages—Interim financing 99 E. Center St., Manchester puNCKPRESS operators want- h a n d s o m e p l u m b e r o r ...... COMPANY T^HE TALL,BA jOND o n e • front^ and^rear end, M u n cl^ ^ 843.0661. menta sold and repaired. Sheet ~ expedient and confidential 646-3441. g j. „ o experience necessary, IF ')OU ASK MB, THEVVE speed, brakes and drums, music and accessories. Ward sendee. J. D. Real Estate As- ______part-time from 4:30-9 p.m- ancl w » -j- iaT4''wrT»¥G’^'K’ Personals paint job, Ansen mags, head- TWO YOUNG married men will Krause, 643-6336. soc., 643-6129. HAIRDRESSER — Experienced full-time 8-4:80 p.m. Gayle | INOllV-Jll ALWAYS BEEN FFOZBN era. Must be seen. 643-8600. do small repair jobs and paint­ - ACT NOW! Mortgage money ®x®e«ent working conditions. Tolland St., East ing, also cellar cleaning and TOWN OF MANCHESTER available with n o ^ p ra is a l or 6*3-7906 and 233-8318. IhiTaord. WIGS - _cleaned, set and J,trucking. Call 646-2692, ______The Planning and Zcmlng trimmed. Call 669-0946. per Sport, 396, turbo-hydramat- Roofing - Siding 16 service charges. Confidential woMEN — Housewives — full EXPERIENCED presser and Commission will hold public Ic, power steering, power disc ______| Interviews.______No obligation.„ part-time This is the job hand sewer. Apply Cobar Co., hearings on November 1, 1971 ANYONE Interested in joining brakes, posltractlon, stereo f o r RENT — Oilpmore brush GUTTERS and roofs, all t^ea Lynch, 668-9196, that will help with expenses. TI HUUard St. 643-2264. at 7:30 P.M. in the Municipal AM-FM radio, bucket seats, chipper with man, hour day or replaced. Rea- an Edgar Cayce study group, ____ This is the job you have expert- ru-i»iATJVA qiHnin Pit has onen- to hear and consider Clean, $1,860. Call 643-2444 af- ^veek. 742-9606. sonable prices. Free estl- » 4 please call 647-1066 or 289-3782. ence for. This Is the job with , - mature eeneral help following petitions: ‘What this country needs is a good five-cent ter 6:30 p.m. Monday through ------!------!------mates, 646-1399. Ings lor mature general aeip. QjygYyoLD & FUSS — GROUP anything!’’ RIDE needed from south end Friday, and Saturday 8 to” 4 CARPENTER______available eve- ——— ... ------Business Opportunity 28 ONEAu Manchester to Constitution p.m. nings and weekends. No job too Siding, rowing, — ------*------—— Plaza, 8:30-6, daily. Call 278- big or too small. Call Stephen windows, avrnl^. Qu^- ASKING lew ^ $1,000 for 0772. 1971 MUSTANG Mach I, 351 4- MArtln, at 846-7296 after 2 p.m. workmanship, free estl- complete beauty salon. Low acres to the rear of Numbers speed. Many extras. Excellent mates. Fully insured. 649-3417, rent. Must be sold before No- earn extra cash. Call 643-7949. at 287 West Middle Tphe., 180 and 192 Main Street as MR. ABERNATHY BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY RIDE wanted dally from Man- condition. $3,000. 643-9779. JUNK CARS removed, $10 872-9187. vember 1st. In Manchester. ------Manchester. Chester to Farmington and re^ each, any condition. Call 872- 640-0063. PART-TIME help wanted, days shown on a plan entitled: “ Airea SOME BIRDS GETTDBETERWBLEHAAAS turn, share expenses. Call 649- 1966 FORD custom 600, 4-door 0433. ALUMINUM siding, free esti- and evenings. Telejrfione work, btt.at. ESTATE Sales Aasocl- Map No. 180 ft 192 Main Street WINTHROP BY DICK CAVALLI mates, high quality. Reason- GRCXJERY store and home. Apply in person, Manchester ^^^g _ Attention residents of _ Manchester, Conn. Scale 1 VVHEN THEY KNC^V^HEY^ BEING w atched! 4963 after 6. sedan, blue, V-8, automatic. As ------is $226. Phone 649-1939. TIMBERLAND Tree Service— able rates. Phone after 7 p.m.. Steady Income, security. De- Credit Bureau, 983 Main St., Mgnehtster or surrounding inch equals 100 feet Sept. 1071 ...AND HED PRACnOALlY HEfe erlLL <30TA REDUCE safe and fast with Go- Tree removal, pruning, lots 668-4239. strable active community. , Manchester. orpA«i start training today. Griswold and Fuss Inc." Stage m e l t A w a y , o u r LOT OF THE Bese Tablets and E-Vap "wa- 1970 FORD Mustang, 2-door cleared. No job too big or ——------; ------Quality merchandise, quality ------1------rrv_i_i'_o. nmeram for State 11- t rpniiented OF SHEER TERROR. OLDAW3IC LEFT. ter puis”. Uggett Rexall. »^rdtop, full power, air.c_ondl- g„,ga. Fifteen years experi- ® co.™ rt S^^laTtorofTlu- T^Uv^?n.“SSl M^er 4 p'm": Additional extc^lve cARL B. HOLLAND ET AL - tlonlng, $1,996. Also 1966 Ponti­ Bonded, insured. 742- ence. mlnum siding, gutters and ______i______649-2533 training In the professional ap- EXCAVATION PERMIT — )) RIDE wanted to Two Hartford’s ac, moke an offer. Savings 9606. trims. Roofing Installation a n d ------proach to a real estate career. t OLLAND TURNPIKE Insurance Co., dally. Asylum Bank of Manchester, 646-1700. Ave. or vicinity. Hours 8:18 to repcilrs. 649-6496, 876-9109. PrivOto InitracHanS 32 KEWUNOT operator — 026- Maturity may be an asset. 2 — To conduct a “bor- 4:16. Pick-up Green, Parker, d ATSUN 1967 1600 Roadster, ___ 029, mostly numeric, fuU-tlme, High 86 per cent commission pR>. operation on lands f( or Woodbridge Streets. Call fiberglass top, engine rebuilt. Hausehald Services 13>A EXPERIENCED professional apply In person, Gaer Broth- schedule. Call Mr. Dwyer, at nQj.th of Tolland Turnpike gen- 643-7978. Must sell, $976. Call 872 9864. LIGHT trucking, cellar and slnger, college graduate, wish- ers, 140 Rye St., South Wind- 647-1464. eraUy north and east of Olode es voice students. Call 646-4993. attics cleaned, odd jobs. Chimneys 1 6 -A Lane as shown on a plan en- 1968 CHEVROLET Impala, 4- Vicinity Charter Oak Park. _ titled: “Proposed Borrow Bank ll/l Automablles Far Sale 4 door sedan, 8 cylinder, auto­ >’®'"°ved. r o o f i n g - specializing re­ WATTRESSES wanted good Sitaatians Wantod - p^p^rty oi can e . Holland, ca ll 643-6000. ,______^ working conditions, pleasant pem ola matic transmission, radio, Charles O. Holland and The BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE surroundings, hours negotiable. VOL NEED CAR? Credit very bad? heater. Excellent condition. vVASHING machine repairs, roofs, gutter work, chimneys, ann v»N»se» 9 9 Estate of Frederick HoUsuid •JWALM Call between 2-6 p.m. only. 647- MOTHERS Will care for / O -i S Bankrupt, repossession? Hon­ 19,000 miles. Price $1,800." RCA, Whirlpool, Kenmore, cleaned and repaired. 30 WHAT A HOTEDMOTEL Training, men- 1691. your child in my Ucensed ToUand Turnpike- Manchester est Douglas accepts lowest Please' call 643-6748 after 4 Maytag. Reasonable rates, years experUnce. Free estl- ^omen, couples. Age no bar- PREPICAMCNT/ down, smallest payment, any­ home. By hour or day. 643- Conn. Scale 1 Inch equals 1(W OUCIV p.m. Owner of Pike Coin Wash and mates. Call Howley, 643-6361. Approved Q>nn. State feet Sept. 29, 1971 Griswold ft WILD MOUNTAINS... where. Not small loan ftoance GENOARMES ON CAPTAIN EASY BY CROOKS & LAWRENCE company plan. Douglas Motors 1970 PLYMOUTH Roadrunner, Dry Cleaning, 276 West Middle Board of Education. Veteran’s DOMESTIC, live In, Memches- ‘------Fuss Inc.” OH, ROD/ WHAT OUR TRAIL„.AMD Turnpike, next to Stop and H e O tln a O h d P h im b llia 1 7 training- ®’«>r Informationi call ten Phone 643-0028. EXPERIENCED secretary Copies of these applications la r e we to PO? leeWT THE V T O W5EP HIM AWAY FROM I (aUPDENLy-AB NORT PICKRELL GLANCEG 346 Main. excellent condition. Phone 646- TOU WITH A ,. ERMA TUCKER-- ▼ WE’LL HOLP'BM I Shop. 643-4913, 847-1719. ______Z ______Country Schools, Regional of- wants part-time work, varied have been filed In the Town "iwvirAriow" thb pomp... an p pan(Sbr AUIA5’ "ELVA TILL A POLICE g J OUT THE WINDOW! ^ **1111 1348. COMPANION housekeeper to SPRAINED AMP CLIPPED FROM THB FAKE GHOETl 1948 PONTIAC for restorable ------— ______SAM WATSON Plumbing and flee, 663-1746. background. Including light clerk ’s Office and may be In- J TOWER"-AND HER , CAR ARKIVEB! J llve-in with elderly lady. Ref- ANKLE, PAUL LOCKE ■ BOY FRIEND, NORT T purposes or to be driven, ex- “ ~ LIGHT trucking, cellars and at- Heating, Bathroom remodel------bookkeeping. 649-0734. spected during office hours. A &LEEPIN(5 PICKRBLLl THB cellent condition, $860. 644- TrackS - TraCtorS tics cleaned, odd jobs. Rubbish ing and repairs. Free esti- ■ ■ ■ J K ■ IE erences required. Reply Box PLANNING AND ZONING PILL CHARSB IB Help Wantod—remOlC 35 ” g g ” Manchester Herald. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, removed, domestic and com- mates. Call 649-3808. COMMISSION ATTBMPTBO 0047. general office. Mature woman LOW BED tractor trailer, 1968 mercial, 644-8962. Joseph L. Swensson, m U ffP B K t seeks position, Manchester 1963 FORD wagon, power whiteWhite with rebuilt 1967 GMC, ------M ft M Plumbing and Heating, ^ Chairman brakes and steering, automat- v -6 , rebuilt transmission and TREES removed, lots cleared, no job too small. Free estl- ^ ® ® * P ® ‘^®"=® area. Excellent references. Clarence W. Welti, tf-- 4lc, Priced to sell. Call 643-9616. reai* end. New paint. Like new attics and cellars cleaned, mates gladly given. Bathroom fuH-time or part-time. 649-4619. preferred. 646-1996.______289-7670 after 4 p.m. Secretary ------condition. Also 1966 Kens 30- Light trucking, alTO painting, remodeling, heating systems cANDLE Counselors wanted lor SEWING machine operator MrtJST sell — 1966 Chevy wag- trailer, new brakes. Free estimates. 646-6489 etiter worked on, water pump work, - Dated this ^U i day of Oc­ "Candlelight Shows” ,-for our needed with experience. Full- D oas - Birds - PetS 41 tober, 1971. on, V8, power steering, auto- pi^nks, tires, paint, fold down 4:80 p.m. faucet packings. 649-2871. new home party plan. In Im- time. Oobar Co., 643-2264. t ______matic, best offer. 644-1688. mediate area. Excellent mon------SHELTIE puppies (toy collies, ALLEY OOP MustM^Tsrse^irlyTnd^ sell by RE^AVTOG of bums moth- q r a NTS Plumbing Service BY V. T. HAMLim I960 CAMARO Sports Q>upe, holes, zippers repaired. Win- Free estimates, plus quality ey, especially for (airistmas. -j-—j — , ^ ^ sable and white, champion Sacrifice for $8,600. 872-0293 Call 846-0619 for Information. H elp W antod—M ale 9 0 gtped, 742-9006. THEN LETS NOT JUST ONE MORE YEAH,SOME automatic, power steering. dow shades made to measure, work. 643-6341. Quality Doeon't Coot. . . w ASTE ANY ouanoN.oooiA., DIGGINGS... MORE TIME, CMON, r u . power brakes, radio and heat- half-ton pick-up. Ex- all size Venetian blinds. Keys ------Also booking parties.______TRUCK DRIVER lor retail fur- FREE to good home, 4 months IT P A YS! OSCAR! SHOW you! er, 8 cylinder. One owner, orig- condition. Must sell this made while you wait. Tape re- “ AMBITIOUS career minded gal nlture delivery, full-time only, husky-collie. Good LAUREL DEOORATINO STEVE CANYON BY MILTON CANIFF Inal mileage, 1,700, still under „,p„th Will consider older corders for rent. Marlow's, 867 __ for specialty shop, 40-hour Must be reliable. Call Mr. children, 648-1446. Wallpapering Speolallata 60,000 mile warranty. $2,000 picg.up ip trade. 872-0293, Main St., 649-6221. Dtossmaklng I t week, including Thursday eve- Roy, 646-2334. ------TH£ PILOT RAOIOeO THAT WHILE ATfiANSU^WE WAIT FOR '0000 IF THE firm. Call 646-6199, ^ For EeUmatea oaU ------——lA/r-11^0 ^ lAiUll c •------— ______r ------r r — nlna and Saturday. Phone* 643------r ------AKC registered stud — for ser- THE WEATHER HAD CLOSED WEATHER'— WHILE ARE BEAUTIES, ------1963 SCOUT, half cab, g(xxl me- TWO handymen want a variety LADIES dresses, suits, wedding ^ 9 to 6 d m MAN part-time, 8 to 12 noon, male Labrador, from 288-I606 IS LANDING I WE LEARN WHY THE IT WIUBEA VO^WAOEN, 19^ —T “““■ conical c(xidltion,condition, 4 - way of jobs by day or hour. We gowns, and veils, all cuMom ______'______ZLJ.______five days weekly, for general champion stock, 649-4196. TOWER MAN AT KA- DIVERSION roof. Swcelient conaltlon. fow. plowing cuatomers In clean yarda, attlca and cellars made. Some olterationa, Rea- EXECUTIVE Secretary — handywork around cars. See ______!______SHIFSAH WARNED FROM THIS Phone 289-9288.______Manchester, one set extra Reasonably .Call 643-6806. sonable prices. 646-1133. shorthand, typing, Monday — Frank Trudnak, Carter Chev­ SUN-BAKED rolet, 1229 Main St., Manches­ POPPY 1960 VOLKSWAGEN, radio, ski »now tires, $900. 876.8018. ------ITT ...... - Friday. Apply Iona Manufac- ..n k nnnHitinn. Call ------FALL Cleanup, leaves, gar . . . turina Co.. Reaent St.. Man- ter. racK, exceiieni conouion. — ------—- - cellars cleaned or house- MaVllig — «hoi.»Ai* THE D. J. HENRY COMPANY 647-2648 or 649-0661. Auto Accefiarle*—Tltos 6 hold related chores. By semi- Trucking — Storage 20 WANTED — Truck driver full- ^A*a.4 i»ro DODGE DART Swlnaor. — -ZZ— retired gentleman. $2.28 hour, ------— ------MAIDS, N.Y. to $126 week. Best time, Davis ft Bradford Lum- • \IP^ 340 S t iS c ttU optl^, ox- i iaXTve^ y®®*" eq«‘P«"ent. Coll 649-1698. MANCHESTER - Delivery- j„hs now! Fare sent, rush ref- her Co., 200 Tolland St.. East Invites You To Attend “lnt"c«Sti«^ °rnrafter^"n.m%3^^^nings after 6 p.m., 643-6672...... -IZ Z I Z : ®r®neas. F ree.gift, Miss Dixie Hartford^______633-4863. livery. Refrigerators, washers Agency, 300 W. 40th St., Dept. An- REAL ESTATE LANCELOT ______BY COKER and PENN Building Cantracling 14 and stove moving, specialty, h s b , N.Y.C., 10018. CONSTRUCTION Lahore)™. Ap TWO E-78-14 snow tiros with ply Alco Development Coi^., / WAKe UP, LORI ! QOU CAN’T \ 1962 FAIXJON station wagon, mounted on wheels, $38. Folding chairs for rent. HOW PD */(Pu eypgcT \ /MDU'.— RE RISKT, LANCE I IT WC3ULO BS A CARPENTRY aivd remodeling, 1 Court St., Rocicvllle. ©PENP ALL CWV IN B e p /J •l £AJA 0782 IMAGINE a new year with no INVESTMENT SEMINAR TO (5er ANYTHING 1 6HAAAE TD yVAefTE BUS A-M. SLEBPINtS $160. 1970 Chevrolet Nova. A-1 -jaii 646*6676 after 7. roc rooms, dormers, kitchens, PONE IF VOU SLEEP / condition. $1,760. Coll 649*4793.------— bills! Selling for Christmas ^ _ ^ a ll t h e t i/a e ? y ' additions and garages. Call ——------— now — beautifully deelgnod • Tax Shelters # 1660 CHEVROLET Bel Air 6 J | > Q | | e | f „ Tom Corbitt, 648*0086. Painting » Papering 21 and packaged Avon products. cylinder, rebuilt engine. Excel* 6-A n e w t o n H. SMITH A SONS— T. J. FLANAGAN ft SONS - Call now: 289-4922. LOAM • Estate Planning • lent condition $800. Call 648* Mapiia names LITTLE SPORTS BY KOUSON Remodeling, repairing, addl- Pointing and papering. Fully TOP QUALITY LOAM, 9779. APACHE tent trailer, 1960, Ea- ____lions, roc ______rooms, porches^______and . insured, workmen’s ______compensa. FILL AND GRAVEL FOR • Group Investing • 1986 MGllOO 2-door sedan, ex­ gle model. Sleeps f

lii- PAGE TWENTY-SIX MANCHESTER \EVENING H E R A L D /^ N C liE S T E R . CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1971 ■■■■■; ...... MANCHESTER EVET^G HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN,, MONDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1071 PAGE TWENTY-SEVEN 72 Apartments > Flats - Ho u sm For Sate 72 H o u sm For Sate 72 Houses For Sate Out «f Town Out of Town Tenements 53 Andover MANCHESTER — 7-oar ga­ MERRITT VALUES! 11 Fo rS o te 78 For Sate 78 CLASSIFIED FOUR-ROOM apartment, sec­ BERRY’S WORLD Offered by the rage $28,800. Large 7-room Oo- ond floor, stove, refrigerator, lonigl, nice treed lot, centrally Manchester Listings COVENTRY North — Deluxe 8- SOUTH WINDSOR — S-bed- r o ^ R ^ed Ranch with many room Ranch, finished breeie- 100 at U.N. Day Program hot wate% 3 adults, no chll- - located, Hutchins Agency, Re- $29,900—8-room Cape. 8 bed­ extras. 'Two flreplaoas, wall- way and garage, trees, friend- dren, $iio. monthly. Security afltors, 649-8324. rooms, family room, More- than 100 persons attend- still have not figured out what deposit required, 64S-70S4 after PHILBRIGK ^ w a ll plush carpeting, double ly neighborhood, extra*. Call ADVERTISING aluminum siding, roc door front entry, apabloua toy- after 6, 644-0644. od Saturday night's Intematlon- to do with them, so thsy play 4 p.m. FOREST HILLS area — New room, garage. er, lapndry room, two baUis, ------news visuals al Dinner and the formal U.N. them. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS on market, custom built, raised Day program which followed. Also appearing were a group THREE rooms, first floor, AGENCY ranch with all the trimmings, $32,800 -8-room Colonial, 4 bed- fourth bedroom or study, open 'TOLLAND — 5V*-room Ranch, 'ITiose attending at 6:30 p.m. of young dancers taught by 8 AJH. to 4:30 P.M. stove, refrigerator, North St., aluminum aiding, fireplace, VA rooms, family room, an beamed cathedral ceilings, braeieway with 3-oar garage, PORTER ST. area overaiied 8- were served such exotic dishes Miss Gall Ann Shippee of WII- couples only. $115. Call 649-6306, baths, rear deck, built-lns (in­ baths, 2-car garage. sllcUng glaos doom from dining >vom In basement, shed room Cape with central air- as sauerbraten, rice pllaf, beef limantic. The youngsters per- 643-6803. cluding self cleaning oven). . . $39,500—8-room Brick Split. 8 room to large wooden deck, Pony or dogiL $30,900. T.J, COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. conditioning, large living room, sliding glass doors from large Crockett, Realtor, S76-6379. stroganoff, and many other de- formed a French can-can num- 4:3* P.M. DAT BEFORE PCBUCATION on one of the biggest lots In the bedrooms, rec room, 2 MANCHESTER — Clean five formal dining room, kitchen llcacles from the world’s na- ber, followed by a Swiss Edel- DeMlUne tor SatnnUy and Monday it 4:30 p.m. Friday area . . .approx, three quarters fireplaces, 2H baths, 2- cedar rec room to stone patio, rooms, plus appliances, ga­ with built-lns, first floor family New aluminum tlons. All the foods were con- welss song, an Irish song and of an acre. Owner transferred, car garage. BeauUful landscaping, \ acre rage, heat, private rear yard. room, 2 fireplaces, 2 full baths, sided Raised Ranch, nesUed tributed by members of the tap dance, an Austrian ballet. excellent value. T. J. Crockett, $42,000—2-famlly. 5-5-f2, Imma­ com er wooded lot. Excellent Convenient location. Security garage, many of the rooms have among the pines on a cne-ocre OUR PRESIDENT, League of Women Voters who an acrobatic performance and YOUR COOPERATION WILL condition, excellent value. wall-to-wall carpeting. Beauti­ Realtor, 643-1577. culate. Must see, home, lot. $81,900. T. J. Crockett sponsored the event. a grand finale singing "It’s a BE APPRECIATED DIAL 643-2711 and lease. $186. Heritage yard and location. Price reduced to $87,400. Jes- House, 646-2483. fully shrubbed and treed yard. $26,900 Large 3-bedroom Ranch, dor Realty, MLB, 743-9683, Realtor, 876-6379. Master of Ceremonies Leslie Small World After -All.” $42,500—7-room Custom Ranch. Goodier opened the program by Mrs. Nancy Richards' sang RANCH- 7 rooms, m baths, fireplace, aluminum siding, 3 bedrooms, family room, 088-1411. LOOKING for anything In real garage, large wooded lot. presenting folk singer Cindy Yiddish and Chilean songs ac- ConHniied Prom Preceding Page estate rental — apartments, large lot, $32,000. 2 baths. Carpeting, alu­ WaiHod-ReoH»toto77 Robson of Hebron, who sang a companying herself on the gui- Hutchins Agency Realtors, 649- minum siding, 2-car ga­ (Coventry homes, multiple dwellings, no RANCH—6 rooms, % acre treed 6324. ALL CASH for your property Swlss song, Japanese, German tar and explaining the mean- fees. Call J.D. Real Estate As­ rage. Many extras. Built and French folk tunes, explain- ings of the songs. Articlet For Sole 45 Musical Intfruments S3 lot, $26,900. 1971. EXTRA CLEAN within 34 hours. Avoid red sociates, Inc. 643-6139. MAINCHE8TER tape. Instant service. Hayes so the popular Ing briefly the origin of the -Mrs. Carol Howard and Mrs. DARK RICH atone free loam, FENDER, twin reverb amplifi­ LARGE RANCH—First floor Raised hearth fireplace In song and its meauiing in its na- Mary Keenan played guitar and TWO NEW apartments, heat, URPRISE PACKAGE MERRITT AGENCY Agency, 646-0181. 8 yards $30. Sand, gravel, er, two 13” Jensen speakers family room, 2 beautiful fire­ Come be surprised at floor this 6MI room Ranch. Ga­ impression has it, is tive tongue. sang folk tunes. Finishing up and appliances optional, es­ Realtors MLS stone, manure, pool, and patio and cover, excellent condition. places, 2 full baths, 2-car ga­ plan, space utilization, de­ rage, large enclosed breese- BELUNO your property? We Ned Coll, founder and head of the night's entertainment were crow required. Call 643-6268', 646-1180 not an overly sand. 64S-IS04. Call 643-8681. rage, 2 years old, $42,000. cor, lot size, closet area and way. Bullt-ln kitchen. Car­ need Uatinge, coll John H. Lap- the Revitalization Corps In Brenton Crane on the piano, ,9-5. pen Inc., Realtors, 649-5361. expressive type. Not UNIQUE Ranch Style 2-famlly, much more. Garrison Oo- COZY Cape Cod — Country peting. Only $3,700 down. Hartford, spoke on the subject Mrs. Nancy Crane on the violin, olonlal, 3 bedrooms, family kitchen complete with old CaU now. 743-8248. of "War and Peace.” <3oll, who and their two guests from Am- MANCHESTER — to sublet, 250x500' lot, 2-car garage, mod­ SELLING your home or acre­ so, it woul(d appear & Accessories 46 Wanted •> To Buy 58 room, garage. Ready to beams and fireplace, 2 full had agreed to come out to And- sterdam, Holland, Dr. and Mrs. two-bedroom duplex end apart­ em kitchens, includes appli­ age? For prompt friendly eer- move into. The biggest sur­ baths, 3 bedrooms, attached from these recent news over In spite of the fact that he P- Wlrtman, who played re- WANTED — antique furniture, ment. Wall-to-wall carpeting ances. Immaculate condition. vlce, call Louis Dtmock Real­ glass, pewter, oil paintings or throughout, 1^ baths, complete prise is the price. $36,000. breezeway and garage, full had an Important Corps meet- corders. 16' LYMAN, must sell before $34,500. PASEK ty, Realtors, 649-9638. shots of the mobile winter. Best offer, 875-7832. other antique Items.-Any quan­ built - Ins, air - conditioning, Mr. Lewis, 649-6306. house power, copper plumbing, ing scheduled for that night. Decorating Scheme tity. The Harrisons, 643-8709, glass sliding door leading to COMMERCIAL BUILDING ap­ circuit breakers, walking dis­ REALTORS MLS OPEN 9-9 presidential features had to leave before the panel The school’s all-pur^e 165 Oakland Street. patio. $320 per month. Call 646- proximately 6,000 sq. ft. of floor • • B& l w • • tance to schools, shopping and 726 BURNSIDE AVE. E. H. in action. discussion which had been plan- room, where the affair was held 6109 after 4 p.m. I 1471 br NEA, Inc. area, zoned industrial. For sale buses. Priced in mid 20s. No ned -had undergone a transformation Fuel and Feed 49-A HOUSEHOLD lots — Antiques, BARROWS AND WALLACE CO. 289-7475 Stock Market or lease, $70,000. Manchester Parkade brokers please, call 649-6156 af­ Coll spoke to the audience of SEASONED cord wood, cut to bric-a-brac, locks, frames, DELUXE one-bedroom apart­ "W e're gonna 'learn how to survive in combat'? Hey, ter 5. We need a three or 4 bedroom rection of Mrs. Blanca Massey, KOCKLEDGE — Large custom Manchester 649-6306 decorations chairman. length, free delivery, E. 't'eo- glassware. We buy estates. ment, wall-to-wall carpeting wait a minute, Sarge— / thought the army had cut out Colonial. If you are thinking of market resumed ita ex- whleh he was born and raised, built Ranch. Living room 27' MANCHESTER — Two - fami­ Scenes from the Orient, the mans, 743-8907. Village Peddler, Auctioneer, throughout, complete appli­ all that CHICKEN STUFFr MANCHESTER — 6-room Co- selllng, call us for a profes- tended decline in alow trading a middle class existence and , . , , long, master bedroom 12x18', lies. Both very central and 420 Lake St.. Bolton, 649-3247. ances, vanity bath. Centrally lonlali in central location, re­ slonal appraisal. (No obll^tlon) today. environment, and the one he African Jungle, FIREWOOD for sale. Will cut plastered walls, parklike yard, economically priced in the mid located. $175. monthly. R. D. cently done over inside and found when he began hi. work »nd with 26x40' swimming pool. This and upper 20's. Helen D. Cole, Members of the National As- Investors’ activity was cur- to any length. Will deliver. $20. Murdock, 643-2692. out, wall-to-wall everywhere. with the RovltallMtlon Corps, 'Vhlch included ^an. ... ,.1. u 1 Uons over sales in September, 13 beautifully decorated rooms, place, two additional rooms l^shee s^ d that Michael Zotta, economic problem r in Bu- someone ptants out a crying - , tm—« rugs, StcS'; 2 electric heaters, for overnight and permanent Call evenings 643-7007. References. 289-7670 after 4 VERNON -^ Ito n lake area, The International Dinner was modem eat-in kitchen, formal lower level. Garage, carport, dlrector of athletics, has been j need, people tend to go al(xig - - - -. ^ bowl type; 2 maple tables, guest rates. FOUR nice rooms. Stove, re­ p.m. beach righm, 160x150, $4,200. frigerator, heat and hot water. living and dining room, break­ porch. Only $23,600. Hayes selected for the second consecu- , - ^ . . their way without bothering good condition.; never used re­ Agency, 646-0131. Tollemd, wMided acre, ^,000. about others Marguerite Yeomans. ROOM with kitchen privileges, Call 568-0833. FAMILY cf 4 desires 4-6 room fast room, 3 sitting rooms, 4 Uve year to serve on the CIAC built mattress. Call 528-5789. Coventry, half acre. $3,500. nearly 2 to 1 among issues Coll reminded the audience Preseftt at the Saturday nl ^ t centrally located. 14 Arch St.. O ut of Toufn apartment with yard, reason­ bedrooms, plus studio, study $26,600—7-room Colonial, two Hayes Agency, 646-0131. Soccer Committee. traded on the New York Stock FIVE ROOMS, newer duplex, of the early years of the sixties, LIVING room sofa, custom Manchester. For Rent 66 able. 643-5965. and 3 baths, ston^e walls, ga­ baths, paneling, four bed­ This group, which is made up Exchange adults, no pets, stove, parking, when President John Kennedy made, 8', silver g;ray with cus­ rage, large bams and out build­ rooms, fireplace, huge treed erf principals and c^che:, from ' ^ MANCHESTER — Rooms in yard, security, $180, November BOLTON—One mile from South and his brother Robert Kennedy/chalrmaa of ^ at tom made red cover. $100. ings. A view from every win­ lot. Large pool. Hutchins throughout the state, h w tae ^ ^ ^ large house, female or male, 15th, 643-2268. ROCKVILLE — Attractive 3>^- Manchester. Beautifully wood­ stlrred the hearts and minds of nance; Rajmand Hcule, c h ^ Phone after 5 p.m., 649-3371. Houses For Sole 72 dow. $48,000. Agency, Realtors, 649-5324. responslblll y for establishing had lost 4% to 162 Frl- completely furnished, large room apartments. Stove, re­ ed building lot. Acre plus. the people. They challengod the man of the Plannlng^^ lUmlng MANCHESTER — Five-room the regulations for high school ^ reporting what TRADER " P ” — Antiques, fireplace, g;arages, kitchen frigerator, heat, adults, no SIX-ROOM Ranch, plus finish­ 4-UNIT apartment — good In- Prestige area. $6,600 M. H. ciUzens, Ctrfl said, into taking Commission, and Phllg) Joran- apartment, first floor, $165. REDWOOD Rd. Ranch — Al­ soccer in the state and for set­ used furniture and appliances, privileges, modem bath, on pets, security, $120 monthly. ed rec room, 3 bedrooms, come. Call for details. Palmer, Realtor, 643-6321, 649- analysts said was a lower than actlon and into caiiqgr ■<». chairman of the OonservBr monthly. Broker, 876-6283. uminum sided beauty with ting up state soccer tourna­ 50 Pearl St., Manchester. Open bus line, $16. weekly. Call 643- 649-4824. expected improvement in third He spoke of the ciirrent gfoup tlon Commission, bath, full basement, reason­ EAST CENTER ST. Large 10- fireplaced living room, formal 0638. ments. daily and evenings. We buy 0002. quarter earningB. of welfare recitrfents holding President of the League *Ira FIVE rooms, heated, children RtXIKVILLE — Five-room ably priced. Excellent neigh­ room Colonial may be used for dining room, dream kitchen Zotta also serves as secret and sell. 643-6946. accepted, near school, security borhood. Call 649-7604. On a delayed opening, Dravo out on the lOwn of the State Mary McNamara thanked aU LARGE furnished room for apartment, $150. unheated, se­ home or offices, large lot with and attached garage. Gorgeous tary-treasurer for the Charter j and lease. 649-0404. treed lot. A great buy at $33,- Resort Property Capitol. <3dll said he was not those persona who had devoted JOHN buys and sells used fur­ male cnly, parking, $16 week­ curity deposit required. Call MANCHESTER — Immaculate possibility of acquiring more 872-9179. land. 800. Wolverton Agency, Real­ ^ r Sole 74 there to discuss the merits of so much time and effort and niture and appliances. Open ly. Call 646-0223 after 6. 6-room Ranch plus 12x17’ fam­ zatlon. FOUR-ROOM apartment, stove, tors, 649-2813. National Can advanced 1 ^ to welfare or whether there are made donaUons of food, flowers dally. 479 XQddle Tpke. East, refrigeratcr. $140. Security de­ ily room. Three large bed­ THREE summer cottages, $17,- Lunch Menu ROOM for rent, private home, RCXJKVILLE — Half of 2-fam- R9CKLEDGE1—Dynamic 9-room 18%. It had lost 6% last week not'^raons who do get welfare or other Memo to hebp make the or call 646-5823, evenings call posit. No utilities. No pets. 644- rooms, fireplaced living room, 900 completely furnished, one Luncheon menus at Rham for for working girl. Very central lly, excellent neighborhood, Raised Ranch, 6 bedrooms, 2% $15,000 ATTRAt^nVE 4-room after a report of lower third , (iuough fraud.” There are annual event a succeseful one. 4 : 646-7679. 0846, after 5 p.m. attached garage. Private yard. Ranch, baseboard heat, wood­ winterized and rented year this week are as follows: location. 643-6746. near bus and shopping. Reli­ baths, large family room, ca­ quairter eanilngs. many things wrong with the ------20s. Wolverton Agency, Re­ ed lot. Hutchins Agency, Real­ 'round. Philbrick Agency Real­ Tuesday: Ravioli with sauce, REFRIGERATOR — Apart­ able adults with one car and thedral ceiling living and dining Among blg-bdock transactions welfare sytem, but people Manoheeter Evening Herald LOVELY 2-bedroom apartment security. Baby or one older altors. 649-2813. room, modem kitchen. A ver­ tors. 649-6324. tors. 646-4200. cheese sticks, apple, celery and ment size, like new, one year with refrigerator, range, dis­ was a trade of 121,900 shares of must be treated with human Andover correepondenS, cMld considered. 875-5437, 872- satile home in an excellent lo­ cabbage salad, apricot-prune he Frlstna, TeL 74S-$M1 guarantee, $75. 30” gas stove, Apartments - Rats - posal, heat, and parking, $185. $25,900 MANCHESTER — Newly listed Brockway Glass, off ’% at 24. objective at eatobliahing better sandwiches are served at all digiUty, no m 1 2414. cation. 2-car garage. dish. Prices among active Big $35. -Metal kitchen cabinets. monthly. Handy to Main St. 6-room Colonial on east side, Out of Town Andover communications this year. meals. said. Tenements 63 Is the new price on this Cape. Wednesday: Baked meat locrf 643-2465 evenings, 643-1442. Call 644-2427. BOLTON — Simset apartments TEN ROOM contemporary fireplace, new roof, new vinyl Board Issues Included TWA, off Coil told the people that what­ Excellent location, all 6 rooms For Sole 75 and gravy, candled sweet po- Newly Installed officers of the — ever is or is not wrong with the ROYAL ARMS -- lovely new country living. Off Route 44, Ranch with 3-room studio apart­ siding, new storms, lovely % to 86%; Western Bancorp Special Signup RUGS, one round braided, 8x10, finished plus rec room. Tip top tatoes, green beans and peanut ^ American Airlines. FISC, will take over their duties Manchester' Evening Herald - u atui true townhouse, 2 bedrooms, heat­ take Tolland Rd. to High Mea ment or in-law suite, over IVi treed lot. Immediate occupan­ BOLTON — 7^4-room Raised Fir^t Selectman Appoints beginning with this meeting. Aniover ,-correspondent. A m » brown and orange with pad Furnished value. Act fast as owner must butter squares off 1% to 37%: Eastman Ko­ that most of the welfare recip­ ed, fully carpeted, all appli­ dow St. to Sunset Rd. One-bed- acres of land with a view, red­ cy, Bel Air Real Estate, 643- Ranch, 2t4 baths, family room, They are: Mrs. VI Schwan- Prisii^ Tel. 74t-0S47. For New Voters $125.; 9tc12 braided with fringe Apartm ents 63-A sell. T. J. Crockett, Realtor, 643- Hiursday: Oven-fried chick­ dak, off % to 86%; and General ients are children, and they ances, baths, full basement ______room luxury apartments. Fea­ wood construction. Large ther­ 9332. fireplace, carpeting, immacu­ mann of Marlborough, presi- ' ------red and blue with pad, $125, or 1677. en, vrith barbecue sauce, mash­ Motors, off % to 79. have got to be reached. If the with laundry hook-ups, private CENTRAL Three-room fur­ tures carpeting, all color keyed mopane windows. late condition, double garage. Talbot to Advisory Panel dent; Mrs. Janet Berry of He- . ^ ^ ' _ Called Monday $225 for both. Call 742-7693. RANCH — Desirable neighbor­ ed potatoes, peas and carrots, Among American Stock Ex­ ycungsters can be reached, patio off dining room, on bus nished apartment. Available appliances, beamed ceilings, Manch ester” - six-inmiiy Only $33,900. Hayes Agency, . bron, vice president; Mrs. Ida- K i SSIUMCF d t f l V ^ CAPE—8 rooms and enclosed hood, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, large cranberry sauce, assorted fruit change prices were Leisure First Selectman Robert Post adequate samplings of the wa- taught and helped, eventuaUy ^ ,pecial 9 a.m. to noon veter- NEEID furniture, television or line, near schools, shopping, Nov. 1st. Rent includes all util­ paneling, large rooms, lull and a two-family. Fine condi­ 646-0131. Spooner of Marlborough, sejn'e- ~ P _* porch, 2 baths, 2-car garage. den with built-ins, screened dish. . , Technology, off 1% to 23; Pres- announced the appointment of ter in these areas, and if neces- appliances? Bad credit accept­ churches (closest thing to a basements. Air-conditlening tion throughout, a good invest­ ______t a r ^ e r f a r ^ s t e 'r T t a making «,ssic« U rehediUed ta ities and parking. For informa­ $23,900. porch, carpeting, drapes and Frlday; No school-teachers Development, off 2% to ptoscoie P. Talbot to the Select- sary, ask .that testa be per- tary: Mrs. Ctarol Houghton of F o F ExtYH T fllkS ed. Low down payment. Call private home) $215. Call 644- tion and inspection, call 643- optional. Convenient to cen­ ment. Secondary financing SOUTH WINDSOR Andover, Treasurer. / ' other extras. Owneri 643-1752. conventlon. Russell Aluminum, up % men’s Advisory Board, effecUve formed by the state or Unlver- •g rf"vL.* cheating their parents or being Manchester for next Monday. It 646-7288 after 6 p.m. 1511. ters, 16 mlnutesV from Hart­ available. Owner has other In­ Tax CoUeci^' 1111, Mr. Lindsay. DUPLEX—4-4, large lot, handy MOVE ’RIGHT IN!! Milk and bread and butter 5^. Lennar, off 1% to 40%; immediately. slty of Connecticut in order to in V »n in a \ ja p iia i cheated by them, for they will will be in the town clerk’s d- ford. $165. Individual electric terests. 60s. Wolverton Agen­ location. Mrs. Cynthia Clark, tax cot GROVE STREET Apartments, ANSALDI Heights Colonial, If you need a home right sandwiches are served at oil Development Corp. of Amert- not be on welfare. flce in the Municipal Buildtag. ROCKVILLE — Three-room fur­ heating. Built by Archambault cy, Realtors, 649-2813. Talbot, a long-time Democrat obtain accurate results, lector, remind^-acta residents that FRIGIDAIRB 12 cu. ft.; tall one-bedroom luxury apart­ three bedrooms, 1% baths, away, with no waiting, we meala. An a la carte luncheon g^n, off 1% to 24%: and Gener- WASHINGTON (AP) — The Questtons Asked nished apartment, utilities in­ Builders, 643-1440, 647-1342. We NEED LISTINGS aoUvo in town affairs, will bring the quarterlyr GetoberDel taxes are 'Die session will be only for a hall seat; snow tires. 649-1116. ment. Available Immediately. den, oversized two-car garage. have it. Spacious 7-room menu is also available. al Recreation, off % to 8. White House said today Dr (Joodier asked the audience cluded. Available November WARANOKE RD. 4-bedroom NOW! “ Thinkingr of f i l ­ some political balance to the Social Act^ OomnUttee almough today U a le- ‘ 1 “ Ki.ainirer has re- select group of appUoanU— $150. J. D. Real Estate Asso­ CX>VENTRY — three - room in choice residential Over % acre wooded lot. Own-, split level on a deep treed 1971 SEARS air - conditioner, 15th, $35 weekly. 872-0359, 7:30- Cape ciates, 643-5129. heated apartment. Fireplace. 3 bedrooms up, one ing your property?” Cal! er, 643-0641. Moving out of lot. VA baths, fireplace, question 6,000 Btu, 7.6 amp, used 8 9:30 p.m. area, posed of four RepuWconsbUcans and V""™.town office building this eve- ‘ have matured between Oct. 9 Ideal for single or couple. Se­ 2 baths. Priced to sell. TODAY! state, must sell. built-ins, Rec room, wall- return here jjg was due to leave immediate- weeks. Originally $191.69, sell NEW 3-room apartment, large down, oivB Independent. ~ curity deposit. $136 monthly. Crockett, Realtor, 643- to-wall carpeting and ga­ for $125. Call 646-5614, 649-4866. closets, wall-to-wall cairet Business Locations T. J. MANCHESTER — Ansaldl Yo-Yo Toy t______Phone 646-0428. 1577. rage’. Owner out of state His Vest b^ to^r^ietartmen ^eeplw *’® **®“ President Nixon on arrange- number o< queries. Local atlcr- AU throughout, range, refrigera­ For Rent 64 Cape, full dormer, 4 bed­ and he must sell, $30,900. 18” MAYTAG gas range $46; tor, disposal, air-conditioners, PHILBRIGK rooms, fireplace, l*/4 baths, rec th e^ rst selectman Informed as 12:15 p.m. at the church.. Adi»i« llbrarl forthcoming pres- Norman Whitney asked in^ManGhuter STAFFORD — One and two- MANCHESTER — Business Call Mr. Gordon, 649-5306. the first selectman informed as The ------meal------will consist- of_ beef Mrs. Adele McBride, llbrari-idential...... visit to Mainland whether it wouldn't be better to will have resided in ManchMtar Westinghouse roasting oven, shades, basement storage, COMMERCIAL place for lease bedroom apartments. Avail­ room, garage. Immediate oc­ to public opinions and feelings, an, said that the public library with cabinet, $38; Toast 'n zoned, spacious 7-room Colo­ C?hina. cut off ail welfare benefits Im- for six months. laundry facilities, parking, or sale 461 Main St. next to able immediately. Heat, hot nial, 1% baths, ideal for offices. cupancy. Helen D. Cole, Real­ and serving as a res^>arch bod^ will not be_ open this evening be mediately, and whether this become clUzens, will be eligible bake oven, $10. 646-8876 af­ • • • • The Kissinger party traveling mediately. Heat and hot water furnished, post office. Excellent business water, appliances Included. No Excellent condition. Double AGENGY tor, 643-6666. B(Sl w Currently. Post said, the board R^gorvuUons can be made with the holiday. ter 7. $175 per month. Near bus, location with building. Call lease. From $125. Superinten­ ls''i;“5;rp^clM"”of'i;:;d^^”to ;iSr'X Z'H ow ^"’o” Mre secretary to theYlrat select- aboard President Nixon’s jet ‘“E«ep“^ “ C t” cTtagor; garage. $37,600. Hayes Agen­ LARGE 7-room older home. BARROWS AND WALLACE CO. shopping and churches. Call 646-2426, 9-6. dent, 1-684-4900. obtain for the town monies alio- sn^Uokets are man. Mrs. Jean Gasper, said Air Force One had been ex- nto fta S P potential voter. Manchester’s cy, 646-0131. REALTORS Needs work but structurally Manchester Parkade Musical Instruments 53 Peterman Realtor, 649-9404. oated to the federal Emergency °Tbta f^ i^mtere of the *’® P®®‘®“ down here to- themselves and ^ ^ APPROXIMATELY 15,000 COVENTRY — Cheerful, mod- MANCHESTER — Exceptional sound, also 2-famlly conver­ Manchester 649-6306 LARGE 5-room Townhouse, square feet for lease in new ern, 5 rooms, unfurnished, sec­ sion possible. Excellent loca­ Employment Act to finance live coSimUtee. Following the meal ®''®'^"« ‘‘“y ■“ ‘”® ®"‘* “'® ^ replied that children are with about 24,278 eligible vot- SMALL upright electric organ, 4-rcom Ranch, new roof, alu­ hlring of unemployed pers««. be a tag sale In the *>® town dump. visit. „ot able to go out and support era. fireplace, 1*A tile baths, wall-to- standard educator building un­ ond floor apartment in private tion. City utilities. Priced to NORTH COVENTRY — Three- frultwood finish, complete minum siding, new heating, The board had prevlouriy made conference house adjacent to the Women s AuxlUary But assistant presidential *^d that the only Those whose ellglWUty rights wall carpeting, 2 alr-condltlon- der construction, corner Main 646-4200 sell at $19,000. M. H. Palmer, bedroom Raised Ranch. 1% with bench. $68. Phone 643- residence. Heat, hot water, full basement, a most enchant­ a recommendaUon to the Select- church. The sale, which will be Raymond Bonneau of pregg gecretary Gerald Warren accomplish- will have matured after Oct. 9 ers, heat, appliances, private and No. Main, Manchester. Realtors, 648-6321, 640-0588. baths, fireplace, dining room, 6097. ______range. Adults preferred. No ing kitchen. Char-Bon Agency, men that a man be hired for dlrecUon of Alfle ^®. Women s Auxlltary the g„,j tpe Kissinger party was gpch a drastic move need not wait until Nov. 1 to basement, patio. Available T. J. Crockett, Realtor, 643- two sliding glass doors, one- pets. Security, references. 643-0683. PORTER ST. area — Five- NEW Listing — Lovely Raised malnton^oe and repair of all Campbell, is slated to begin at Andover yolunlocr Fire IXpart- g„„ pekmg and had stayed ^ increase in the sign up as voters. As soon as PIANOS, Spinets, consoles, by November 1st, one child, no 1877. car garage, fourth bedroom Available now. 742-6638 after 6 room Colonial. Living room Ranch with 4 bedrooms, 1% town buildings and equipment, p.m, ment said the group will meet over to complete discussions -ntg Pconle wlU go out they are eligible, they may ap- Winter, H. Miller, others by pets. Call Charles l>:sperance, $21,600 — 7-room older home, with fireplace, formal dining and rec room ready to com ­ FIVE-ROOM Apartment offices ______p.m. __ baths, garage, walk-out fami­ Includlng heavy equipment such persons wishing to donate any ® “ a** arrangemenls for the Pros- ,or their children and pear in the town clerk’s or reg- Winter Co. at low, low prices. 649-7620. i living room with Franklin room, eat-ln kitchen, two large plete. Lot 125x600'. Jesdor Re­ Terms. Colonial, 382 Main St., combination, heat, hot water, stove, family room, lot 100x120, ly room. Fireplaced living alty, $39,900. 688-1411. as the bulldozers, road equip- tor the ta* sale can ®'. ______Idcnt's trip. ■ lor .h-mmives.themselves, but thevthey will Istrars of voters' office—tomor- private bath, alr-condlttcnlng, ROCKVILLE bedrooms and bath, attached room. Lovely treed and fenced On the agenda for tonight's through Friday, during "rear” , Manchester. Phone WE HAVE customers waiting Immediate occupancy. Marion 1. •• .1.1. js leave them In the conference . a "Pokono” Kissinger -----has ------remained In .... not...... allow their...... families to row garage. Lot 80x160'. Zone AA, In yard. Ideal, wholesome at­ BOLTON — $28,000. Aluminum 647-1868. for the rental of your apart­ ' carpeting, ground floor loca­ E. Robertson, Realtor, 643- KTIII OA house tlio wook prioT, or contsct n„a,n««a ------— ------Edward TOmklal CAREN APTS. Marion E. Robertson, Realtor, mosphere for children. Must and.,1 ion on Long Hill Rd„ re------grmo“ "aftor'the” usual business w‘ U> “ >« President starve, “ > bu-Iness hours ment or home. J.D. Real Es­ tion, parking. Apply Marlow’s, 6953. slfled Ranch, 2 bedrooms, fam­ in mi»h Campbell. throughout his mission to Man of the Year 643-5953. sell, priced accordingly. Mr. ily room, garage, 100x200 lot, tate Associates, Inc. 643-3126. 867 Main St., 649-5221. 3>/4, i'A room apartments. ^ ^ - The church Mdll also continue ip charge of to- Chinn. Air Force One has Coll,^ _ who was...... bom...... in Wash...... has Issued a reminder to those Funderburke, Belfiore Agency the State Industrial Develop- . . , « Hostesses v.-.-.b- — — Available now. Including ap­ $27,900 — EIGHT ROOM Colo- PITKEN — Porter St. area, 6- immediate occupancy. Bel Air Ington’, Z^nn. and” grew up in voting by absentee ballot that PRIME air-conditioned office nial. In-law quarters. Alumi­ 847-1413. Real Estate, 648-0882. ment Agency. Before that he ®"'’® night's mooting who will bo pro- "tondard capabilities lor com PCCUPANCY pliances wall-to-wall carpet­ year old aluminum sided cus­ was active In real estate for 12 I**® Crista In the Naum proj- yjpipj, refreshments are Mrs. munlcatlons with the Whlt«White Hiirt/ord, attended Fairfield the ballot will be counted o i ^ WOODLAND space. Pyramid Building, 357 num siding, new heating sys­ B. Center St. Secretarial and ing, heat, hot water, swim­ tom built, 8-room Garrison. WaV^d” s'^At'iil ymii doui eot throughout the month of Oc- Msh^ Mnir lilcUlo'Am House. University frem which he K it *® NOV. 15, 1971 tem. Off East Center St., trees. Family room with beamed telephone answering service ming pool, storage and park­ induztrial development work lor derson and Mrs. Jot\nnu Arm- H Is expected the timing and graduated with befL o 6 n m next Monday Hutchins Agency. Realtors, MANOR V/i-room Town House apart­ available on premises. Call 9-5, ing. From $150. Call Super­ ceiling and bullt-ln bar, dream the Now York. New Haven and ‘wo-ye^ ,hc agenda for Nixon’s talks in aught English and sute^ent- *’®'^®^® "®*‘ ment, 2 baths, alr-corulitlonlng. 649-5324. kitchen with barbecue, etc. 647-9903. intendent, 875-1665, 278-1510, NOW LEASING Hartford Railroad. He served "Nelgh^r In Need’ program to iibK.jwcc, Parailc Peking with Premier Ch«. En- 1/ did gryluatc work at TOnlty _ ° ^ Stove, refrigerator, disposal, 242-6658. etc. Call Now. Hayes Aguncy, two terms In the state leglsla- h®‘P PJ'^'® *" “V'! Klementary School PrlncIptU lal and protaibly with Chairman College. In June of 9M, ho Schatter na« APARTMENTS patio with sliding glass doors. OFFICE — 170 square feet and MANCHESTER - Four-family 646-0131. In Connecticut’s Fastest Growinir Area luretore ana and m in Anaover, Andover, agrvoa sarvod as “ T- “ *•provides------— . tor . ------sottinguonaiu up ooppid u o o y sam u b b y unu said uie that uu- the an- Mao Tsc-fimg wmwill imvehave uvi-nbeen - founded------the— -----Revitalization ------ciul session for. moderators nnni-ntnra ana for Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. ROCKVILLE — 2-bedroom in center of town location. All HOMESTEAD ST. warehouse 1,100 square feet, selectman and on many of the day care centers, aid and ad- Holtowcon Parade will worked out in the talks Klssl- t^rpa in honor trf the late Presi- „» T .sn n m it will be Call: for rent or possible renovation apartment available in new 3-room apartments for mini­ $24,900 — Large Immaculate 6- OOF W. MIDDLE TPKE. tofwn's boards and commlssloha. y*®® '® black businessmen and ,g|,c piace at the school on ngor has held with t'hlnesc dent Kennedy to functim as a ii n# Ran. for professional offices. Hill- building. Consists of 4 large mum maintenance. New heat­ room Cape, fireplace, garage, MANCHESTER Oonaervationflonservatlnn GoniinlislonDfiniinlsBlnn echolarahlpe scholarships to diock block siuaenis. studenUi. rii.irM.lHV at 2 -niursday. i. ni. at 2 p.m. lender,.leader... citizens’ Peace Corps. The or- in the Hall of tho Houre of M p - 649-6651 649-2179 crest Rd., Bolton. Call from rooms with private terrace ing system. Excellent invest­ city sewers, well landscaped. resentativos, in the State Capl- The OonservoUon Commleslon Thus far In ConnooUout day >0 ,* parade will include cue- There was sp eculatiun the --ganls'tUon’s------primary .' purpoee, A' . , -m.- mndar 1-4, 643-9508. and pool. Includes heat, hot ment opportunity. Wolverton Hutchins Agency, Realtors, 1, 2 and 8-bedzxx>m luxury FOUR-ROOM, first floor apart­ Agency, Realtors, 646-2813. last week elected new offlcere c**'® centers have been estab- tj,niod children from grades prosldeiitlal visit could come us nccordlng to Coil, Is to break to . Th i_„Hen nlflalals apartments. Features wall-to- water, carpeting and ail appli­ 649-5324. ment. $125 monthly. Security. IDEAL location for rent, suit­ to serve tor the coming year. H»hed in Hartford, Now Haven. Kindergarten ihiuugh 5, while early as mid-November or In polarization ^tweim utors and other elootlon oinolaw csipeUng, vsalty tile ances. Located In a country 106 FOOT 7V4-room custom the Inner cllles and the sub- will bo reviewed, Adults. Phone 646-2813. able for remodeler, builder, |TANCHE8TER — Desirable monchMftr profMiioiKil park Eleotod as chairman was Philip Watorbury and Bridgeport. (ho sixth graders plan to have pocembor. ‘ • • - -■ •" baUis, built-in oven, range, setting, Immediate occupancy. brick Ranch. 37' living room, 12 INCHB urbs and between blacks and diabwaaber, refrigerator and building supplies, fabricator, well kept 7-room Cape, 3-4 Joraneon; with Edward Hopkins Last year, membora o< the „ |>nr(y at 7 p.m. In the school in n Veterans Day message Rockland Terrace Apartments, 2-car garage. 2V4 acres. Gor­ 341 BROAD STREET/MANCHESTER whites by waging a ’’war on disposal, electric beat. 2 air- SIX-ROOM apartment with ga­ and other uses. Beautiful re­ bedrooms, fireplaced living as vice chairman and Mrs. Car- Coogregalicnal Oiurch in An- cafelerla. Partlcipallon in the (cj„n his weekend retreat at rage, 1% baths. $160 monthly. Highland Avo., 872-4046, 529- geous view, Hutchins Agency, 8170 apathy.” ooadltlonera, glass sliding modeling showrooms, offices, room, I'/t baths, paneled fami­ Imoll-Mwllum-Uirt* 5530 olyn Graham as secretary. dover contributed $661 to too ,Mirade Is opIlMuil (or toom. i)„vld. near Thurmont. School Board 6586. In 1969, Coll W H S selected as doors, all large rooms. Full Lease, security required. After storage and fabrication facili­ 649-5324. ly room with bar, laundry FRISTIGI OFFICI SFACI The commission dismissed a project and too committee Is ^ niuiren in uie im rning Kinder- y,,, president spoke of hlii hassmsnt storage area, am­ 5 p.m., 649-4190 or 643-6692. study of too planning ami son- anxious that tola year's goal of Kmien elassen will have a pa the Outstanding Youtig Man In ties, Parking. On Highway out­ ROCKVILLE ~N lce four-room room, heated breeaeway, ga­ Designed To Tour SpeolfleaUona l,«t him choose his type A «larl)ng pupj)|r meilii 'III nftvw a pa forihromlng trl|Mi to PokliiK «iul ihm the* A^emdu Brief ple parking. Startlnl; at $176. Available November 1st. MANCHESTER, 4-bedroom old- Ing regulations for ixMsIble re- $800 be even exceeded, side of Manchester. Minutes apartment, stove, refrigerator, rage. landscaped fenced yard. of vsst . . . either long- from Yo-yos will pleese radeof,helr..wnanda,..riyln misicow wUh candor, warning !S:;;:',,.7Y m .nv handy to shopping, acboois, er Colonial In desirable east and delight the children. vision and up-dating to reflect Mtaalng Bell their room from Hartford. 1-223-4460. partly furnished. $130. Adults side location. Good condition. Large swimming pool with line with sl|i|>er-rh)slng. big differences bus and reltMouslaclllUes. 650 to 25,000 Square Feet or long lino with fringol No. 66110 has ronudole ills environmental concern of Offtplals at the CengregaUon- Following the aftenuKui pa only, security deposit requir­ Call /w, only $23,900, Hayes patio deck, cabana. Aluminum with to. L v let ItoUm amTuml I” *'m Model apartment open for No. HI70 with rmnu illrectlons. recent yeara ami to coincide al Church are trying to looatk rade. rtsim inolhera wilt serve wiwi uu nuviei union ami koiI ,bi, Northeast, and one , .1. .. tnepectton weekdays 1-7 p.m Houses For Rent 65 ed. Cull 643-967R. Agency, 646-0131, siding, storms. (Conveniently • ideal (or Group Medical or e $00 oar, free on site China irf toe 10 Outstanding Young at 8 In toe Ben. located for schools, churches, Legal Practice parking (iiiiim Is In Hmsil. Mo with new legislation. the Sunday eohool bell used at refreshinenls (o the I'hildreti in — weekends l-d p.m. ilium or Lento HIso. Mo "W e go with no false ho|ws. Men In the c.Hinlry by the vari- Junior High School ktoln THREE room home in pleasant EAS'T HARTFORD Mpacious BOULDER RD. - ImmacuiaU e Corporate or Branch Office • Only 13 minutes from AmHher area of disi usslon «'hureh. Anyone having any u,eir na in« shopping and Hartford area. A (Hum . . . 1% rt»f'ta of and we Inlend lo leave behind jBycee (Junior Chamber of llulldtng ■MB by convenient location, large heated, 5 room apartment, 2 3-b«droom Garrison Colonial Priced^ at $37,600. Contessa • frilly alr-condlUoned and Hanford via l-IM waa toe ixMeimilty of reipiesi- sufSi^thxui as to the where- Lunetonm Memw 64 Inch. us in Am erica iu> unreallsllc Coininercei chapters They are on toe recommenda* lawn, plenty of space. Working bedrooms, attic, garage. Sec­ on parkllks l,7-$ aerss. HsaUd Agency, 743-«$«6, T43-9«ai. carpeted e gliops, banks, restaumnta>- Ing toe luwn lo emiduei a aimly" abiwla of Ihe bell ta asked lo l.um'heui Menu, at the And • Gcmiplete Janitorial only minutes away PnUtrnn ntmllnhlt onlg rsi>eclalluna.” he said Ki.lUiwIng CuU'i speech, thm irf Dr Donald J. Henntgan, If It R Houiteg Cofp. adults. 643-2880. ond floor. Beautifully decorat­ liassm«nt, family room, in slses nh&em. • e s jH * of Ihe Inwn’a walerwaya, In- eisilaetmsilaet toe RevRev. “Raymnid , vei Klementary Hi lusd this ...... aerrtoea • atorage space provided Itoadtoy week are a. (»tl«>w* * •'•••‘ I '’ "* < Inn” led *“ O n diet proeented other per eupertiitenUent of si hisita, to ag- ed. $200 rental plus security. brsszsway, 3-ear gsraf*, car­ A(.IRBAGE --- Circa 1$00, 11- ilS i m >* telin eluding Amlover Isike, the Itlali HTORRS - 5-room house, 2 Realtors, Helen Palmer, 648- peting. Established prestige room Colonial, bam, high el*- The Kell S WInler T l Regtonal IfB O IN.eiulay T.-mato mmp. gidl •l'*'‘’u'«'h-n a .nag might reim er. who featured Interna prove toe $9.9 million budfM AI.SIIM Is <164. Ipelndes oti Swamp area, Staddle liruoh, Itantals by bedrooms, garage, $210 month­ The firel Rham l-TSO nuMilIng ed .hee.e w m lw l.he. ...r e t d-veUiiwd in th. Pekiim Uonally flavored aelevtlona. Al- (or Uie m Ii^ yoafi ^ Robert D. 6321 - - Gertrude Hagedom, nelghborlvaxl, r>wner, •4$'$09$. vallon, sweeping views. Huteh- Noirtala i iiing wtih i.ipiung MHireea said this was ' iiiuel In u( lunea on the bagptpee. Uewd- free ei-hoat tunshae.. IUXSCVItJ4C 3-room apart­ clous 7-room CohmlaL formal Realtor •0-2692 6, 742-7167, Wdtewr QM !!■ ».- MWW JTA tianhirlMi an Inveath■UsallaUnn at at the Bcliaul , Wedn»>d«y Oisiig* lute*. iurrevi " -ter espiatned that Ihe tmgplpea *■ — ment, newly remodeled, walk­ dining room, modem Mtetien, 4 wall mrpft, resfeation rmm, were a oteeh (nveiiiton ' end To ntabe Ui. Adults preferred, no I'Sled tiuieMfis Agenty R#9l* rail (Mi4)j. A w m tf . f t |>*|{ eM W!»»e» •»%' •MeraMf Inlito ywr tody water el leiiitdee was de t*te Hrlltoh lad knowing wlud to use youe oM SaSSoMBSlM^ 10' monthly fa ll /J60S pelt, ■■‘16 '..ire 6i9-»93l ReelMfSi IW IIt i. Mg wbteS wtti I* MtsereS Ig a eartal toeettsf m psfesila, idwaa* (r***> •*'<" M-rtheil to lie It C t>r Here irf du wilH Ihein gave them lo the hteeliifSe TW y SSS SsHl 90t0 tS M«« MHdwm aato to* town B ai.,,i« rto toiHe. tiiaoSer eaid, make end to W4|W 4$SSB- ■towlit find Ito m enne to toha itaaMre, mrnl imiSaoiii wwh iSe MU* *o>i to«ed to>ue>

i-H- MONDAY, OCTOBER 2B, 1971 PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT Bloodmobile Visits Concordia Lutheran Church Tomorrow, 12:45 to 5:30 p.m. I'j ‘ iUatuiiratrr l|?raUi

Avtrag* Dally Net Press Run The Weather For The Week Ended Partly cloudy, cooler tonight; October U, 1S71 low about 60. Tomorrow moat- ly eunny, milder after early tog; high In 70a. putlook Tliure- 15,555 day. . fair, mild. Manchester— A City of Village Charm


France, Russia Top Court Lets Many World Capitals Set Declaration Plan on Busing

Of Political Ties Stand in Pontiac 1 Back Seating of Peking By STEPHENS BROENING ByR v BARRY R A R R V 8CHWEIDHi^HWIT.in court hadV io H heldIi a IH thattHfif to make maIrA ^ PARIS (AP) — France and the Soviet Union have WASHiNGfrDN (AP) — The the change would interfere with By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS agreed to a declaration of principles to govern their supreme Court let stand today attempts to achieve racial In- future political relations, informed sources said today. The seating of Red China The declaration will be ______—— *®hools In Pontiac, Mich., and a black college near Petersburg. in the United Nations was signed Saturday at the end of ,,„eated for shouting hostile “ challenge to the popular in many world <»pr the offlctol visit by the Soviet “"gans '’“ ‘“® tentlonally promoted segrega- authority of the city of San itals while others express^ Communist party chief, Leonid _ . , Diego to pass special health misgivings over the expul* I. Breshnev. It is the result of a ,e^e^*®““®‘^ f^TpartTnThe me ceremoceremo^- y g District Judge nDamon J. businesses that specialize In sion of Nationalist China. Keith of Detroit, had been ap- sex "peep shows." Red China refused immediate and President and President deorires Pom- T..W. president. Georges Pom-• -... pealedpeaiea 10 to meUie court by scnoolschoS —Turned down an appeal to comment on me U.N. actltms. pidou. pidou. On Taiwan, a Nationalist Chi­ TTie Russians insisted that officials with the argument that expand the right of petition on whatever segregation exists In private property. TTie appellant nese Foreign Ministry official France subscribe to a friend­ (See Page Eleven) expressed shock. Stocks fell on ship treaty whose aim, France the Industrial city 25 miles in the cose had wanted to col- northwest of Detroit is a result lect petition signatures on the Taipei's stock exchange, feared, would be to dislodge it A statement by me VAtican from the Atlantic Alliance. of housing patterns. Disneyland parking lot at Ana- While Keith charged the helm, Calif, said me culmlsal'*''ed In Cuba from Toronto, cciTri, ^ as "me only legitimate repre- west. This was a formal state- ...... court. Keith's decision, sustained last sentaUve of China" to the ment, falling short of a treaty ®^®^ —Affirmed a ruling by \idUch ^ ^ ^rcu"t Oo^ United NaUons and expeUlng that would spell out their basis ‘^^y was ^ Virginia was barred from turn- in “ (Cincinnati, without making of cooperaUon. uirongs 01 cneenng (ju- ,„g. ^ two-year predominantly "forthwim the representatives of any comment on the Issues. The sources reported the ^ 21-gun salute, ^^Ite college In Petersburg Into Chlang Kai-shek.” Earlier In me night me as­ .document would contain three Kosygin, making his second a four-year college. TTie district (See Page Four) New Check-Credit sembly voted 59 to 66, with 15 basic princlples-dlssolutlon of visit to the Communist Island In absentenUons, to reject a U.8. mUltary-polltloal blocs in Eu- Tour years, was met at Jose resolution to make expulsion of rope, respect for existing fron- Marti IntemaUonal Airport in me Nationallsto an "important Uers and noninterference In the Havana by what Cuban radio quesUon” requiring a two-thirds Internal affairs of other states, described as a "detegatlon rep- majority for adopUon. It also was learned that resenting the party and the British Soldiers, Snipers Among me U.8 . allies who France and the Soviet Union government, broke wim Washington and would simultaneously sign a Prime Minister Fidel Castro Battle Across Irish Border voted against the U.S. resolu- new ecwiomlc agreement. was a member of the official ti(m were Britain, Canada, Den­ On the public side of his visit, welcoming delegation, BELFAST, Northern Ireland IRA—whose guerrilla gunmen mark, France, Norway and Breshnev ignored scattered bro^cast monitored In Miami troops batUed wreak vengeance on Informers Pakistan, Belgium and Italy hostile shouts as he rode in an said. snipers across the Irish border ^ lawbreakers In unpollced abstained. open car along the CJhamps El- After a 20-mlnute airport cer- - j - — Roman Catholic neighborhoods, As It turned out me Albanian makes you rich ysees to lay a wreath at the emony, Kosygin and his party today and In the backstreets of jjg y,g 134th victim of two resolution got more than a two- tomb of France’s imknown sol- boarded cars for the 10-mlle Belfast. Two deaths elsewhere years of violence in Northern thirds majority. Its adcq;>Uon dler under the Arc de drive downtown. brought Northern Ireland's two- Ireland. killed a rival U.S. resolution to The route was lined by cheer- year toll to 135 'Hi® usual IRA punishment is provide "dual representation” Several persons in the thin One of the dead was found t a i j l ^ d feathering but the for bom m e Cbmmunists and crowds along the avenue were (See Page Eight) underground army has now - me Nationalists, a situation Pe­ gagged and bound and shot warned that anyone giving In- king said repeatedly it would through the head, apparently formation to the British army not accept. the victim of an “execution” will be "dealt with.” The first reactions camd squad. The other died of bullet In England, two former crew from Asia. Prime Minister Els- Rackley Case wounds received in a street members, of the luxury liner aku Sato of Japan said me U.N. gunbattle Saturday. Queen Elizabeth 2, both Irish- decision in me long run will Two soldiers were wounded, men, were charged with having benefit Japan. He told poriia- w hen you Two Panthers Plead Guilty one seriously, in a shootout be- 37 hand grenades aboard the ment his government will "con­ tween troops and snipers In ship. tinue posiUve efforts” to norma­ l^lfast's Lower Palls district. six suitcases full of arms for lize relations wim Peking. To Conspiracy to Murder Army headquarters, said snip- the IRA were found last week Foreign Minister Takeo Fu- „ , , ___ers opened fire on British sol- in Cork, Ireland, after the ship kuda told me same aesston the NEW HAVEN (AP)—London Rackley w m suspe g jjgj.g blowing up a road Into the called there. Japnese people must be proud WlUiams and Rory Hlthe, the ^ “ ®® P° Irish republic to the south. The in Dublin, a 23-year-old I r l^ of metr government which has last two BUck Panthers to face ^ ® Rackley's death and troops returned fire across the girl wanted by Dutch and Brlt- kept faim wim Nationalist Nationalist Chinese Foreign Ministry officials, top, read about expulsion of China. Japan was a sponsor of a ConneeUcut Judge in an al- years In pris- * " ‘ their country from the U.N. today in Taipei from teletype magazines. At bot- a U.S. resoluUon to keep the leged plot to murder another None of the soldiers was hit. arms captured at Amsterdam ton, Taipei citizens read the news from special bulletin board. (AP Photo) Nationalist Chinese In me Panther more than two years veraici m .pdi-.H lu^ "H*® blowing up fron- airport sidestepped questions assembly, while admltUng Red China and giving it me Chinese ago pleaded guUty today to re- lengSy t K T " ‘T " " " " duced chaises of conspiracy to ^ g couldn’t re S h a ver- emuglfHns: "to me north. Brunette Maria Maguire said seat on me Security CouncU. Tanzanians ^m p In me Philippines, President re ally n e e d murder.______“L Mamid a Miilvev de- Th® gunflght ‘«*>uwcufollowed a night sncehe anaand IRA official David Tlielr pleas all but closed me glared a mistrial and ordered street battles and shooting In O'Connell, also wanted by Ferdinand B. Marcocs said Red books on a spectacular series of ^^g ggpug, charges against “*® J*;® PO»®®. ‘;were Just seeing China “ could provide a construc­ accusations, demonstrations gg^ie and a codefendant, Lo"fr*‘ «sh internment camp the sights and enjoying our- tive and effecUve leadership” If Assent bly Vote ^ Peking it entered me United NaUons and trials mat Included a mis- I hcL Huggins, dismissed. ;^*>e™ prisoners seized f^ r selves." trial last spring for Black Pat- jjlthe and Williams were ar- hostages and battled Hril^h o Ckmnell admitted in an ear- "wim a conciliatory and cooi>- ther Oialrman Bobby Seale. rggted In Coloraao; a short time ” Hng n^bea gM. ^ e „er interview mat he had been eratlve atUtude.” He pledged to Williams, 27, and Hime, 20. gfter Rackley's body was found shopping for airos for the IRA retain "fruitful and friendly” Brought Jigs of Joy to U.N. relations with Nationalist were originally charged wim a Mlddlefleld swamp In May. in ^ the capital crimes of aiding and 1969. They stayed In a Colorado f/'® *>eld wimout trial In u,gt, had helped the negotla- \ China. By SHIRLEY CHRISTIAN ginning of "a new era In inter- When me fln^l vote came, no Deputy Foreign MinUter “N.wSrl'c?rM“ P«““ “» XrCIw'SS 5;. couple , national affairs” and was not a Chinese delegate was there, oonaa KitUkachom of Thailand F ^ l o y , . N O W York Clip P.n «uwaiUm ______- ._____ «leT®at for any nation. The Nationalists had walked told*reporters In Bangkok that a young man shot through the dragnet by hitchhiking through (^""cheers Albanian side knew vie- out behind Forelghx^ Minister Police said they came to .New they said m ey wouldvnliinm ^v head ln an alleyway. Detectives HoUand, Belgium and France se^bly exploded into cbeers gj 9:45 p.m. Chow Shu-kal a few ml'mites be (See Page Three) to b e. I^*"wL^e““rsston“ w«“fo ‘^""®®“®“‘ volun.-...,voluntari y uiiio ^,„g^H bv and applause when victory II- ^^en It defeated the U.S. move fore. help’ oversee Rackley’s deam. _ (8e« Pag* Sixteen) me Irish Republican Arrny-me (See Page Four) nally came to Peking’s suppor- require a two-mirds majority Outside me hall, delegates tera Monday. for me expulsion of Taiwan. mingled abput In crowded qua>- ,^®,^ 'Tanzanl^s, wearing gyj y another 1 V4 hours ters In a rare show of warrnm. Rogers Hits Mao Tse-tung suits, Jum^d up arguing over procedure and a feeling of relief seemed to and down with Joy and danced amendments to reach the decl- sweep the crowd. Only Lhe tall American ap- Expulsion Of klstMls, ^ h w s and AlbonlMs supporters of the two sides peared genuinely stung by me stood up laughing and mrowing talked about the crowded hall, decision. melr arms In me air. holding strategy sessions on ..The United Nations has Nationalists When a big buy comes along, you need Hie Europeans. Including So- bended knees before each om- become a farce — some na- plan known to us offers this much in­ vlet Ambassador Jacob Malik, • - - Become a larce — some na MONTHLY PAYMENT SCHI er's desks. big money. And you usually need it on d etFr m in e a v a il a b l e c r e d it Uens behaved as in a circus," WASHINGTON (AP)— creased buying power. were more restrained. gugh „iade a last minute call ™.T FoVlim Minister oiiow ______, ^ te Wll- .For instance: Mwt of the delegates from on me Tunisian delepite to try of ^Uonallst China as the spur of the moment. There's a lot more going for you with me 13i-member assembly were to get a vote. He failed. The hrirrhia deToMUon''oiir‘irf“ th^ R®***’® Repay this amount per.month: And you con write checks up to: elated for In the end, when all Japanese, key cospensers of the General Assemblv Mondav expulsion of Nationd- Our Ndw Check-Credit puts that big $75 the procedural devices had u.S. resolution for dual repre- oight China from tho United New Checl<-Credit. Find out at any Hart­ $2,700 failed, the vast majority sup- sentatlon, moved back and ^ Nationallsto walked out Nations was a regrettable / buying poweiflright in your check book! $150 $5,400 ported the Albanian resolution forth to talk with Bush and me act ' that “ could ’ ’ adversely ’ ' af­ ■* ford National office. (You don't have to $250 $9,000 to seat Communist China and Australians. (See Page Four) fect the future of the world Depending on your arrangement with oust Nationalist China. body. have a checking account with us, by the ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE 12% George Bush, the tall and Hie secretary told newsmen Hartford National, New Check-Credit c r e d it o r life in s u r a n c e u p t o $10,000 AT NO EXTRA COST. handsome U.S. ambassador, sat m e Nixon administration ivlll, way, to qualify for New Check-Credit.) slumped and dejected In his Fight Shapes Up in Senate however, respect the majority chair. decision of me United Nations now lets you write a check for thousands Or use the coupon to get more Reis Maltle, the Albanian In expelling the government on vice minister for foreign af­ Over Bid to Cut Aid to U.N. Taiwan. of dollars. For example, $100 per month information. Paul O. Lewis, Vice President fairs, look the floor and began Rogers said ‘ "nils admlnls- By JIM ADAMS Hartford National Bank & Trust Company saying In French mat the deci­ In a statement issued in New (ration deeply regrets me ox- repayment provides you with a maxi­ sion was "a great defeat for ^®*'**' pulsion of the Republic of CSilna It s pretty nice to be rich ’. .. when you Instalment Finance Department WASHINGTON (AP) — A the United States of America.' fight to ...... slash...... America's money^ Buckley and 20 other senators and minks me precedent ts a mum credit line of $3600. No similar really need to be. 100 Constitution Plaza Bush pulled off his earphone United Nations for ex- Issued a declaration last monm most unfortunate one and will Hartford, Connecticut 06103 and threw It on me desk b®fore _pg|]b^g Taiwan was shaping In Ikat mo United States should have adverse affects In me fu- him. the Senate today with more ad- "reassess Its financial and mor- ture.” Please tell me how I can moke my own big loans with Hartford National's Assembly President Adam vanco votes lined up against It support of th? United Na- He expressed hope, however, New Check-Credit. Malik of Indonesia Interrupted than for It. tlons” if Taiwan was ousted, the United Nations won't be Maine, ruling that he must Sen. James L. Buckley, Con- but 32 senators issued a letter weakened. But he pointedly Nam* save further comment for Tues- R-N.Y., announced Immediately Monday denouncing a fund cut. told reporters the world organ!- HARTFORD^C^< NATIONAL day morning. afer me 79-36 U.N. expulsion Sen. Peter H. Dominick, R- satlon faces a financial crlala Street ■ ^ The long night of wrangling vote Monday night that he to Colo., charging America was which will take deep considera* ended. It was nearly midnight, drafting legislation for a . "m a- handed me defeat after paying tion by members. A delegate walked up to Bush jer reductlcn" of me U.B. flnan- 36 per cent of me United Na- While denying me Nixon ad- City State 7i0s BANK AND TRUST and embraced him. Sir Lnu- dal contribution. tlons' support, Joined Buckley's ministration would attempt to renco McIntyre, the Australian An effort to tack me fund cut drive. retaliede against the United Na- ambassador, patted Bush's el- opto me foreign aid bill before "W e're being played for a tlons over me China queaUon, bow. They started out of the the Senate In me next two sucker again," Dominick said, Rogers did say the tinanolal Bit- hall together. weeks Is a possibility, his office <