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BABY NEEDS Boi^N^G^O TUBES CEHOIISE&SON Ila Tu Te Tt R French TiaSDAY. AUGV8T IW W a to tk tr ' i 4latuI)»Ht»r JE»nitt8 IferaUt fhasaatt af U. ■> tontow ,'9W .toal IMS glrla gueeta o f the Rotary damaged or mlaalag. Ftor aa* iiaHaBa* warm Ufa Reserves Ruling 9,465 ■ItonmaB. toidgM aa* Tha rDB$K* Eatrgmiey Doetors club in an Intawat^ CrandaB. fonnar fiannt o f Keith Do You Mood A i l a t u t e t T r About Town tng and entarUimng avanlng. On Small Oaim danlad tha pbUntBPa dataaa. Kalth ■ g O s A a M Dr. W. L. Conlon, talaphoaa young tobaeoo wornew proved to clAtmad AB unpaid balnnea o f rent Boby Sitfor? MSd, and Dr. John Prignano, tSented performew from an order o f rent control ttmuA mlc r .CUy o f Vlttam Chmrm The gtrla guartewd at the *Tr Autherltiee gtviag him permMaloB . Vm tawtaMat was 3-lSlS. aw the phyalctana of Deputy Judge John D. LaBaOa PRICE POUR CENTS I'to tba war a* tt Purnrt tha Maachaatar Medical Aano- „ork In the llelda of the General to oolloet wtiooetlvo rent ha- C a Mra. W. A. Iteli. tits (EIGHTEEN PAGES) Cigar Company. Inc. T h y w w nerved daeUdw In tha aedy aaaa MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY. XuGUSTlO, 1949 . at T a’alaek M b>cM to dntlcn who win wapood to heard hafora tha Bman CUIma en ffaas U ) —Ml a iiiliWti Aw. NO emargency oalla tomorrow aft­ brought to MancheaUr Iqr tha TUBES Shade Tobaooo Growaw* aaaoda- oourt yaatardhy aftaraoon. waa waortM. ernoon. Warnn L Kaltb. h i CambtMga tlOIL 3 WUltam Bren nick heada tha ■treat aougbt a total of S O J l Guaranteed ChitireB’i Shsii | | / Id Xw. Itoatrt DoyX of from T. A. CrandaB, White atraat BcH Toarer Topplea fat Sdbool Fire traat aad tiMtr Airoo ebU- oommlttaa In charge o f the ^ New ^Qtmkes, nual outing of the Rotary club. Ent Tha plaintiff dalmod an nn- French Army Will Be m ratoraod homo Mtor 9 MeUfaitsI An Ii la wle el haU ef feet Tobacco Workers The affair win be held Auguat 17 pold balanea o f rant of |g7 tpr the U SED C A R S Albania Charges a oaoatlon at ttio rtow pramlaaa at N Middle Turnptka, 3 tsA duptd heal uMh m m Ism keei awwlet peitott f* I ^ I t I. At Art Banaon'a aummar home at at fafc Ne tseaw ilppliin. set heavy teleleieed ifayt fa f Wild Indians Coventry Lake. _____ waat aad damagae o f IlL S I In As Club’s Guests 39 PACKARD ImA me bMM’r teedi teeL •Moot Ooaa^No. M, Dofm I •eedyesr neH. iiiQ lsi ed letMeg fasfa fa hiHefa M Paoaboetaa. haa p o o tp o ^ tho SEDAN Border Crossed « Spread Fearl >ai— Jean Dibba. of Pannaytva- Backbone to Defend aothack paftjr which waa to haw M M hold'toiBoiTOW OTonlnc at nla, auparvlaor of tha largo group $500 gSeM Isslhii weed to aeenisr sseaMtll fa ai^ e«e Iwto tho of Xra. Kathryn Rut- of glri tobacco workara guartm ^ eewlef aeneel SI is aeto she, at the TMCA building on N ortt BRUNNER*S GoTemment E*tiiiuit«i V n . ___ I •lesed aeih Mw, awedef wwhiea lesHissy sad urit By Greek Army Main wwl four of hor ftrw |w fa he^ at feet hits the fweed. 6,000 DeMli Shake* will bt fuooti of the Rotary club Mr. and liw . Jooo|* W. Pu>- BABY NEEDS A Reseed Issw Seise la vamp ead gewfar eab a* e peddiss at their meeting tonight at S:M Atlantic Pact Allies chloaoh aad daughtar OaroUna, of aad lasimt KAU4TB4-IK8 haWlag theh toepe. 'ramble W edt WaD*;| iTiCwndala Road, haw w ^ a d at the Mancheater Country club. Mlaa Dibba and aoma of bar Trained Spedallsts to 46 NASH 7 Risihli iheak aad Iweswti swsris| eamcl sttles fa de- Gorwnmwit Radio P ^ Ij Offer* Blood Sarage* Loot Townal •ftor a wcatlon apaat at Hamp­ valep the sieitlsi ef toe elM ’i faeder SmI gram Report* Bloody Bradley Says Bulk o f ton Roach, N.H.. aad Walineat B895- Caaa God. While OB tha Capa they give you Oashtoto Began Four U. S. MiliUry Aid wow fuaota of Mr. aad BRUNNER*S f Cefaevee seise— 4 hsmhids teefalelst aeidavee shaM, Qatto. Beuador, Aug. J Says Vaughan Asked lea Ooodhue, formerly of Put- Now oarth trmieri and pOlagtocI Proposal for Europe IXNRT ADVICi Days Ago; Dedarea t y unruly Xndlaaa syraad f tar aad aaaa. H A LE 'S aim laKMiAMl 90 ’’Aleslle’* fas aad hseTuhish adds 13% fa >•% «• •Wt 1 paate today among tho thouaoadal W ill Co to Franee; **•••* '*"**’ * hwdest wees, . j Hondredi of Greek* carol Aaa, yoimc daughter of on of aurvlvora toft homataM by a Hurrying of Permit Mr. and Mw. Oarence Johnaoa. Headquarters skssSt MamiK 17 KAll-STtN-IKS have issislew vewjx dsiA lit wto Mtaf Killed or Captured dec's daatructiva aarthquakn Urges Quick Approval WHAT IS MST »hl«h ellieiseto* heeehy fae«ee A eeafiit aed laamt O adal govanuBMt astlmafaa ( o< IM Btrdi atroat who under- FOR 47 KAISER w wewsf. , eusIWen tha daath toB la FiMay's quaka O f Program ( Writes want an amorgaaey ^ipondectomy pw edeel London. Ang. 16 — — Woods Tolls G r o u p •aturday, la Improving every day poll YOUR BAIY 4-DOOR SEDAN I t KALI-STIN-IKScwMeeriAhw hs«|i,»ilhsat sell hales, hah lOMtoAOOB. But tha truth Is no I Reacfae* 75 Today OffProspectof AnyEf* leaHsli'wi. de set seisy dlH end ravel Me the hesMs. Albania aahl today aha te bo- ona knows for ■ora how many par- Genertd Visited Him BOW. Miad to tha groat pltaa at nibble a $1095 t f M r*<” NstwsI gewtw nslsf. Um ttov «ed top Ijsed. ] ing invaded by GreeM and fe^ve Help for China ■MimTi| leaf wees esd as dyes fa dissesw kfht aeietad that Utter aoma 50 damoUahad | With Head of Firm Mw. LawU A. Brown, Jr., of BRUNNER'S that fighting b in progreaa towna to tha poputoua AadM moun- Long HlU Road, Andover, enter- Comploto Lino along n 80-mfle front, A tato n y lon aonth og hi Building Race Track W ashin gton, A u g . 10— (/P> talaad a group of wlatlvea and III* lift IIH «4 RedhU has tsM essws cewfwt fa the fseti seami well 1 broadeaat by the official Tir­ Vtedn tn •ytatordajr — Gen. Omar N. Brodlay frtaada racently at a birthday lU I IIU TIT end seH dsws sad Isiwe toe tees. of Roby No*df ana radio smd bloody elaahea waUa In Ambato I Washington, Aug. 10—(JF) mode clear today that the dlaaer for her atater, Mlw Ruth aad otbar ettfan adding to the tor- Matebett of t l BtaaeU atreet _ • with Athena govarpmant lo r of aomo J50.003 how alaM. — Housing Expediter Tighe Tench Army will be the 46 DeSOTO' trObpa began four days ago. E. Woods said today he re- backbone of tha North At­ PfWfiiM, young ‘ oon of Mr. aad Baby Pants • Baby tbasts IE WOl'T SCIFF I t added that haadreda o f Greek • Groups at wochara attempting calls that Maj. Gan. H airy H. lantic defeiwea. Tha Army M w P. R. VendrlUo of IS Bank CLUB COUPE ■oldfars have bean Wiled or Ukaa to t e thahr way through tho Baby Powdar a Baby Oil * Baby Croam Vaughan asked him W chief of staff told a Jaist Btraot waa ona year old Sunday. $1095 bloofasd htohwav to PoUtoo, 100 Tha aveat waa celebrated with a Nipplos • Cotton • Baby Pood ’^T^^itemnaa for Ufa Greek tor I mifaa aoum of Quito, worn report­ “hurry” along * eonstructioo meeting of the Senate For­ party for relatlvea and frlenda BRUNNER'S formation aervleo to London aam ed borlod nador n landaUda looaed permit for the Tonforen race eign R^tiona and Armed fran Hartford and thia town. Hla by tha now trontors. at atre, la „ fapptoa M the balM- lUnges* Refrigeraton Eaat Canter Street ”thoro la eortatoly no tovSaion.’* track. Woods told a Senate Barvicaa eomaOtteca that the firat birthday cako with one large Mo Mid the Albaaton tuport ycob- ■hoot-to-WB orders ware laauad tog la rapalrs to the far- of Amoricaa military aid pieh candle waa the gift of hla I The M l-jg . goed-took^ theet ahly infenud to tho now odfon- to troops gaardtog PelUeo agataat ifa win hove to eeak InvostlgatioDS tnbeommittee |wpoim if^ ^ Europe win ga to grandmother, M w Alec Leggett Washen and AO Prascription PbarBUwr •oa‘*Ptoy l ootiBgb ytaaw O B trth aof Balam- that Vaughan, Pretodent Tra- wMi Kuff-preof AllenHsi tip. tovo laaBohM by tho.Oraih A m y I e) He waa remembered with other Other Appliancet 901 Main SU, ToL M21 ,its~Ual- T&Tiw nghtost tho ODomwatot-fad gner- cn indlanai Dafanaa Mlalatar man’s mlHtory aide, casM to hla Urge# Qokk Apptoval glRa and aU enjoyed the party In W E L D O N 'S M a peacdcal table eet fee toe 47 CHEVROLET Seamlew i ^ rlp b^ h V rltUa In tho Grammoa mounUln Manuri DIaa Granados aald ona to » ofnea Jan. I I , 1343, to make tha Bradlay urged quick appcoval hla honor. Dannla haa two little | (Towiag toUd as h can be mad aren not far from the Albonlsa | hand af la faM cei had baaa driven plea. He aald Vaufkan waa i Stoeresadlaaeewhtooe far Play; off whan caught raaaacktog tha of Prealdtat Tnunoa’s $1,450,000,- aiataw Patricia aad Oeraldlne.
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