TiaSDAY. AUGV8T IW W a to tk tr ' i 4latuI)»Ht»r JE»nitt8 IferaUt fhasaatt af U. ■> tontow ,'9W .toal IMS glrla gueeta o f the Rotary damaged or mlaalag. Ftor aa* iiaHaBa* warm Ufa Reserves Ruling 9,465 ■ItonmaB. toidgM aa* Tha rDB$K* Eatrgmiey Doetors club in an Intawat^ CrandaB. fonnar fiannt o f Keith Do You Mood A i l a t u t e t T r About Town tng and entarUimng avanlng. On Small Oaim danlad tha pbUntBPa dataaa. Kalth ■ g O s A a M Dr. W. L. Conlon, talaphoaa young tobaeoo wornew proved to clAtmad AB unpaid balnnea o f rent Boby Sitfor? MSd, and Dr. John Prignano, tSented performew from an order o f rent control ttmuA mlc r .CUy o f Vlttam Chmrm The gtrla guartewd at the *Tr Autherltiee gtviag him permMaloB . Vm tawtaMat was 3-lSlS. aw the phyalctana of Deputy Judge John D. LaBaOa PRICE POUR CENTS I'to tba war a* tt Purnrt tha Maachaatar Medical Aano- „ork In the llelda of the General to oolloet wtiooetlvo rent ha- C a Mra. W. A. Iteli. tits (EIGHTEEN PAGES) Cigar Company. Inc. T h y w w nerved daeUdw In tha aedy aaaa MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY. XuGUSTlO, 1949 . at T a’alaek M b>cM to dntlcn who win wapood to heard hafora tha Bman CUIma en ffaas U ) —Ml a iiiliWti Aw. NO emargency oalla tomorrow aft­ brought to MancheaUr Iqr tha TUBES Shade Tobaooo Growaw* aaaoda- oourt yaatardhy aftaraoon. waa waortM. ernoon. Warnn L Kaltb. h i CambtMga tlOIL 3 WUltam Bren nick heada tha ■treat aougbt a total of S O J l Guaranteed ChitireB’i Shsii | | / Id Xw. Itoatrt DoyX of from T. A. CrandaB, White atraat BcH Toarer Topplea fat Sdbool Fire traat aad tiMtr Airoo ebU- oommlttaa In charge o f the ^ New ^Qtmkes, nual outing of the Rotary club. Ent Tha plaintiff dalmod an nn- French Army Will Be m ratoraod homo Mtor 9 MeUfaitsI An Ii la wle el haU ef feet Tobacco Workers The affair win be held Auguat 17 pold balanea o f rant of |g7 tpr the U SED C A R S Albania Charges a oaoatlon at ttio rtow pramlaaa at N Middle Turnptka, 3 tsA duptd heal uMh m m Ism keei awwlet peitott f* I ^ I t I. At Art Banaon'a aummar home at at fafc Ne tseaw ilppliin. set heavy teleleieed ifayt fa f Wild Indians Coventry Lake. _____ waat aad damagae o f IlL S I In As Club’s Guests 39 PACKARD ImA me bMM’r teedi teeL •Moot Ooaa^No. M, Dofm I •eedyesr neH. iiiQ lsi ed letMeg fasfa fa hiHefa M Paoaboetaa. haa p o o tp o ^ tho SEDAN Border Crossed « Spread Fearl >ai— Jean Dibba. of Pannaytva- Backbone to Defend aothack paftjr which waa to haw M M hold'toiBoiTOW OTonlnc at nla, auparvlaor of tha largo group $500 gSeM Isslhii weed to aeenisr sseaMtll fa ai^ e«e Iwto tho of Xra. Kathryn Rut- of glri tobacco workara guartm ^ eewlef aeneel SI is aeto she, at the TMCA building on N ortt BRUNNER*S GoTemment E*tiiiuit«i V n . ___ I •lesed aeih Mw, awedef wwhiea lesHissy sad urit By Greek Army Main wwl four of hor ftrw |w fa he^ at feet hits the fweed. 6,000 DeMli Shake* will bt fuooti of the Rotary club Mr. and liw . Jooo|* W. Pu>- BABY NEEDS A Reseed Issw Seise la vamp ead gewfar eab a* e peddiss at their meeting tonight at S:M Atlantic Pact Allies chloaoh aad daughtar OaroUna, of aad lasimt KAU4TB4-IK8 haWlag theh toepe. 'ramble W edt WaD*;| iTiCwndala Road, haw w ^ a d at the Mancheater Country club. Mlaa Dibba and aoma of bar Trained Spedallsts to 46 NASH 7 Risihli iheak aad Iweswti swsris| eamcl sttles fa de- Gorwnmwit Radio P ^ Ij Offer* Blood Sarage* Loot Townal •ftor a wcatlon apaat at Hamp­ valep the sieitlsi ef toe elM ’i faeder SmI gram Report* Bloody Bradley Says Bulk o f ton Roach, N.H.. aad Walineat B895- Caaa God. While OB tha Capa they give you Oashtoto Began Four U. S. MiliUry Aid wow fuaota of Mr. aad BRUNNER*S f Cefaevee seise— 4 hsmhids teefalelst aeidavee shaM, Qatto. Beuador, Aug. J Says Vaughan Asked lea Ooodhue, formerly of Put- Now oarth trmieri and pOlagtocI Proposal for Europe IXNRT ADVICi Days Ago; Dedarea t y unruly Xndlaaa syraad f tar aad aaaa. HALE'S aim laKMiAMl 90 ’’Aleslle’* fas aad hseTuhish adds 13% fa >•% «• •Wt 1 paate today among tho thouaoadal W ill Co to Franee; **•••* '*"**’ * hwdest wees, . j Hondredi of Greek* carol Aaa, yoimc daughter of on of aurvlvora toft homataM by a Hurrying of Permit Mr. and Mw. Oarence Johnaoa. Headquarters skssSt MamiK 17 KAll-STtN-IKS have issislew vewjx dsiA lit wto Mtaf Killed or Captured dec's daatructiva aarthquakn Urges Quick Approval WHAT IS MST »hl«h ellieiseto* heeehy fae«ee A eeafiit aed laamt O adal govanuBMt astlmafaa ( o< IM Btrdi atroat who under- FOR 47 KAISER w wewsf. , eusIWen tha daath toB la FiMay's quaka O f Program ( Writes want an amorgaaey ^ipondectomy pw edeel London. Ang. 16 — — Woods Tolls G r o u p •aturday, la Improving every day poll YOUR BAIY 4-DOOR SEDAN I t KALI-STIN-IKScwMeeriAhw hs«|i,»ilhsat sell hales, hah lOMtoAOOB. But tha truth Is no I Reacfae* 75 Today OffProspectof AnyEf* leaHsli'wi. de set seisy dlH end ravel Me the hesMs. Albania aahl today aha te bo- ona knows for ■ora how many par- Genertd Visited Him BOW. Miad to tha groat pltaa at nibble a $1095 t f M r*<” NstwsI gewtw nslsf. Um ttov «ed top Ijsed. ] ing invaded by GreeM and fe^ve Help for China ■MimTi| leaf wees esd as dyes fa dissesw kfht aeietad that Utter aoma 50 damoUahad | With Head of Firm Mw. LawU A. Brown, Jr., of BRUNNER'S that fighting b in progreaa towna to tha poputoua AadM moun- Long HlU Road, Andover, enter- Comploto Lino along n 80-mfle front, A tato n y lon aonth og hi Building Race Track W ashin gton, A u g . 10— (/P> talaad a group of wlatlvea and III* lift IIH «4 RedhU has tsM essws cewfwt fa the fseti seami well 1 broadeaat by the official Tir­ Vtedn tn •ytatordajr — Gen. Omar N. Brodlay frtaada racently at a birthday lU I IIU TIT end seH dsws sad Isiwe toe tees. of Roby No*df ana radio smd bloody elaahea waUa In Ambato I Washington, Aug. 10—(JF) mode clear today that the dlaaer for her atater, Mlw Ruth aad otbar ettfan adding to the tor- Matebett of t l BtaaeU atreet _ • with Athena govarpmant lo r of aomo J50.003 how alaM. — Housing Expediter Tighe Tench Army will be the 46 DeSOTO' trObpa began four days ago. E. Woods said today he re- backbone of tha North At­ PfWfiiM, young ‘ oon of Mr. aad Baby Pants • Baby tbasts IE WOl'T SCIFF I t added that haadreda o f Greek • Groups at wochara attempting calls that Maj. Gan. H airy H. lantic defeiwea. Tha Army M w P. R. VendrlUo of IS Bank CLUB COUPE ■oldfars have bean Wiled or Ukaa to t e thahr way through tho Baby Powdar a Baby Oil * Baby Croam Vaughan asked him W chief of staff told a Jaist Btraot waa ona year old Sunday. $1095 bloofasd htohwav to PoUtoo, 100 Tha aveat waa celebrated with a Nipplos • Cotton • Baby Pood ’^T^^itemnaa for Ufa Greek tor I mifaa aoum of Quito, worn report­ “hurry” along * eonstructioo meeting of the Senate For­ party for relatlvea and frlenda BRUNNER'S formation aervleo to London aam ed borlod nador n landaUda looaed permit for the Tonforen race eign R^tiona and Armed fran Hartford and thia town. Hla by tha now trontors. at atre, la „ fapptoa M the balM- lUnges* Refrigeraton Eaat Canter Street ”thoro la eortatoly no tovSaion.’* track. Woods told a Senate Barvicaa eomaOtteca that the firat birthday cako with one large Mo Mid the Albaaton tuport ycob- ■hoot-to-WB orders ware laauad tog la rapalrs to the far- of Amoricaa military aid pieh candle waa the gift of hla I The M l-jg . goed-took^ theet ahly infenud to tho now odfon- to troops gaardtog PelUeo agataat ifa win hove to eeak InvostlgatioDS tnbeommittee |wpoim if^ ^ Europe win ga to grandmother, M w Alec Leggett Washen and AO Prascription PbarBUwr •oa‘*Ptoy l ootiBgb ytaaw O B trth aof Balam- that Vaughan, Pretodent Tra- wMi Kuff-preof AllenHsi tip. tovo laaBohM by tho.Oraih A m y I e) He waa remembered with other Other Appliancet 901 Main SU, ToL M21 ,its~Ual- T&Tiw nghtost tho ODomwatot-fad gner- cn indlanai Dafanaa Mlalatar man’s mlHtory aide, casM to hla Urge# Qokk Apptoval glRa and aU enjoyed the party In WELDON'S M a peacdcal table eet fee toe 47 CHEVROLET Seamlew i ^ rlp b^ h V rltUa In tho Grammoa mounUln Manuri DIaa Granados aald ona to » ofnea Jan. I I , 1343, to make tha Bradlay urged quick appcoval hla honor. Dannla haa two little | (Towiag toUd as h can be mad aren not far from the Albonlsa | hand af la faM cei had baaa driven plea. He aald Vaufkan waa i Stoeresadlaaeewhtooe far Play; off whan caught raaaacktog tha of Prealdtat Tnunoa’s $1,450,000,- aiataw Patricia aad Oeraldlne. ItaJD jyjU^CO tB PICK-UP. UKE NEW border. companled by BugwM Mart o f 000 arms program. But at Urn Guard rail caa be n msved to- rulas. Uniiication Measure CSavdcn, N. J., listed aa T i $895 Boaert tram nfflitol I The MlaMcaa have haan the aame time be wrote off aay piEi- waady. Tebte also CM 1 ^ ' Albanian tovaalcn ebarge, foran’s prestdent peet of aa effective mlUtary pro­ Pythian Knights ba Bsed m a eoavea flaroeat wartlora to tha Andes re- Woods prevtoualy ha* tal* the BRUNNER'S wMoh ootooMM with ha all-oat g m for 400 yaara. Drtvan out of gram for China. Um “ijhelf* fae motoee offentovo by tho Groak ^ aubconunittee only e f baiaK eeC *n>ls (the arms program) to aa RED MEN^S BoUvla by tho Ineas eaaturfaa ago, Signed by President ihefto Oath ■saver, aoly Hv- To Seat Officers! wkaa faedias tha meat sgatoat Communfat-ted reb- they have haraaaod Kooadoran to tho White Houss Jaa. to I effective way to give eld to Eu­ chUd. Sefaewd Nocto- ela, waa mode by the A lbanian Pretty Oara^ (a •> jraar by Vonghan to dlsaaoa toa ex-paaaMaot at Ualtad States, rope.” Bradley said, “but there la o f aeodtag. Fa,, sattlomaata sven to BMdara times. (fvaa Seed at ceagratolattoaa aca Hard Maple ead mtolatry of Anaod Foreta, Continuing landalldm and sul­ TanfOraa laatter. Ha qafaat no Immediate effectiva way to Unna Lodge, No. 73. KnlghU o< sturdy eenstxuctioa The ottlalal monitored to Lon­ Ih n atadfar ■Barant 11 yearn Ceremony Attended by Vaughaa as Mltog him at r aa Me Mrthday. give aid to Asia.’’ 42 PONTIAC • • • • • to „ to • to 9 to • -V' to to I aOaced to ycevlda phurous fumM oontaf from Jaggad Pythlaa will hold lU regular o give years ofm difae. don alao quoted the Communist cravlOM hava tonurtaag tha ooun- News Tidbits WhiU Beuaa meettag that *ko Bradley, apaAklng for tha three B I^N^G^O to I4-yoar oH Marjaaa Interested P a r t i e * { m iitlpf tomorrow night at eight CLUB COUPE aowapaper Sett I FopuUlt (Voloe { tryfoDi who aaaapsd tha worst af- of my friends’’ wore tataraatod to Joint chiafa o f staff, taattflad after o’clock la Orange halUTha follow- og tttePoopfa) on dirtalls of tho Miner at UaMa. Ufa*, n vtoam af facte of tbs toadta. Traman Call* Section CnBsd Frotoi ( g ) W in * the ease. Secretary of Defense Johaaen told lag otBcara w ill ba tnatallad by D. We're EVERY TUESDAY 8 P. M. $145 DOWN e D figbttog. n mra atreateeieeni Infeotfan af nda sorraspondont *aw over tha Hoover Notes the committees ha ia willing to ac­ 0 . a . C. OriawoM Chappell: Tho Uraok govommaat Aaa aa- (A P wfaayhito) O f Setup ^Badgward' Woods aald that at the mast- cept 60 per cent In cash and 40 artn ynstordinr to Ambato with Ofbeiafa to Salt Lake City , .Chancellor Commander, Kdwlnl Human Too BRUNNER’S HTtad rapantedly, that Albania la aoma o f tha U. B. A ir Fores trana- tog three days later ba fadiavad Ctr cent In coctract authority to Ooak:.V-C„ Harold Modaan; pw- RAINBOW BALLROOM, BOLTON East Center Street m e t by tha labala as n Ds t m Waahlagfag aaah legal maana af 75th Birthday unch the emu program. porta halptat out to tha “ Uttla air Waohington, Aug. 10 — fraatog Oald Star owthar from that Vaughaa adka* him to la lA (fh a k Walman; M. W „ Evet^ We’d Ukc to get KEMP’S Uft** wMeh fa dropnliu; food aad “pfaaaa hwry” along the oacmit Senator Vandanborg (R., Mleh.). ^ ^ O & a o n ; M. A „ Carl Bolin; L iSim ” V bi^ Revolt Brews (gy— TreMeat Truman to­ )aU...NaBt astltoatea to Canton yesterday propoadd a 00-00 split, better acquminted HaB A t 1 aad 7 M ^ I L att plaee tor fresh forays mto I ^ madfaal amijfffaa to laolatad towaa. bacaaaa thara was “ Wtofabitog" Hawy NIalaan; O. O., Free Transportation Incorporated OffGGOi* day oigned the new armed are that tha elty wlU oonttoua aa before the CaUforato Rasa Track TrOmte* fo r Country's with tha contract authorlxatloa ta Wannargran; repraaanU- with oar neighbors CEHOIISE&SON gorl 1 PopulUt aald huadreda OMl asfUal af WaMaaallet commlaatoa which would make be paid out of next yeas'a hudoot O ver Powersl pSsStSrSTiSTV •ervicee unification bill. He another thraa to ato weeks ttv i io Grand L i ^ for two yaara, becaose we feel BRUNNER'S I N h ‘TloyaUat Faadst” tn ^ ^ naambfaa n garbage te n p '^iTaaforaa loss Its fnadUaa tf the Only Living Ex”Pre*i* Johaaco said tt to agreaahTe to Baby-Land nrrouaded to bright gteeagmoa graas said that this will permit the of io - i Svaratt Johnaoa. aad alternate, | there are many 358 East Center SL W E GIVE jMC GREEN STAMPS h a ve;bMB IdUod aad caoturad j^g^jeaBncloa-l afaueU ea work could out fro - dent pgur - in.. Today GaMava GuU. things they wonld AIlMidan poldters to toaMmcdar ■r iw id traea. N otet a hoihouM meapad United St*< 763 Main Street OPEN anthiaalL Member* of EuropetoaidateiN. item ^’ tpeida aaar'kll^' fa the Jua. like to learn from Uhlveralto, Chlif.. Fire Tox Collector's Notice Mon,, Wed., F ri, Evenings a M M i a a Albanian traaf3{ A I Gm GmDDG WmB^I five natloi tics dapartaeat tha next *ay urg­ Btafiford S ^ e r Lane Line ns and abont na. Sonth y iw have ’Mw* foto hieoF* to ditoad- Consoflktire A * * e n i- wardens keep parched forests of Aug. 10—(SV-Harbart Clark Hoo­ Notlee of the Tax CoOeetor e f Truman oigned the meoiure Maine, New Hempehlre and Maa- ing modification of a court orfar Oars to no "hraM DUtriet. bly Dblike Posltion Cfauds at dttpt atiU ta a g ' Issued against tho fonnor owners ver la 75 years old today, and many araaa which hava had no in a ceremony in hla oval room sachusette under close observation tributes for the countiy’s only liv­ Would Add Buses I of myatery” bat an­ AB pereena Uabie by taw to pay taxea to the Sooth Maaehee------as extended hot bleat continues to of the track to stop conatructloO. ter Fire Dtotrict are hewby Beilfled that I win have a rate MB TlM govunuaant chaigad blltef' rain. office. Senators and Represen­ ing ex-presldent poured In from all other home eet np BUILDERS OF tatives who handled the iegiala- bake woodlands. It waa testified yesterday that Flashes! for the net of lt4S of 3 mills aa Gw denar dne and eelleetlble hr thw Orask Army aircraft and B nO etiii! Tha road from tho dirt aiiatilp the construction permit waa issued over the world. to help yon when The of Strasbourg; Fraaoe, Aug. outalda Ambato, a provlnelal capi­ tlon, tha heads of tha defense es- Membera of MaatachusatU '• H o - Bltver Lane Bua Company oa Angnat 15. 1543, end wtU hare etflee hours for the eollee- Heart the Drug Store artmmy had bomba^ abWlad and Botise, In secret aeaaion, coma up four days after Vaughan called Late today Stanford university (L a t e I I o f tha (* ) 3 fln ) a fiW a town la aeeklng authoriia- yon most need as- tloa of each tax at Hose Ce. No. 4 on School Street each Toee- AMESITE DRIVEWAY \ strafid hnndrada a f Alhaalans on 13—

tha aerid fumeo which felled aad hull baiting,, popillst T te practlch of tha Mam ob thS third flow M in England for 700 ysars, were I quartsttog prlataorariw after sxacw* l l A N C R E S m E V E N IN O R K K A L D , M A K C R IS T B ^ OONN^ WTONE8DAT, AUGUST 10. IM f Kowalski and four other firemen. The cause of the fire was un- the afore. kPP fro^r determtosd, and no satlmau of, not prohiMted by Parllsmant until; tion was not aholiated sboUriM ta Engtond Gtinmaii^i Killer | Fighting Fire er betog freisted with (mygen. to One of these, (Jlarence A. Sim­ until 1870. - m , mons, also was admitted to the Um apjwrently exteaslvo damage 1886. l* t t ho was atootod its BtutocM coltoparil again, however, te d brought to M tbs auafoor of paa- the SitfvleO Bureau for WonseB’s froas tte Haw MUfatd High Minor Accfdcntf • MaridsB hoapttoL hut hia condt- waa ^ven. Organisation^ and la a Bsamber ■ctool IB ItU . IB tha fOB af that UtBf adfoa uBtll ,On Honeymoon died a m after te waa admlttad Kowalski is survtvsd by his ple who have baan ■■ hoBorsd. bar aarrad ■■ a dtaector of tho Causes Death to a Maridsn ho^pitaL UOB was not serious. The other Beverly J. Blake High Honors Mta. Btrlckland, tho mother t t of the board of direoton of the year h* entered tha then OoBaaet- three were able to go to thrir widow and a., young son and House Women’s Joint Aetioa OomiBlttos icut AgrtoBttural CoOeffS tram OoBBsotlcut Btalv' Farm Boraaa O n Tow n’i iW teeU AuthorltiM aought today TO daughter. ate ehlldrsB, whoaa hooM la ob a FaderattoB aad waa Ka vlea prsat- Los Angolas, Aug. 1* — (ffl — SB tx p im y o a of the source of homes ^ter trsatmsnt at ■ the Guest of Honor 186-aere dairy fa m . la proml- « f Connecticut Organisations. which he was gradBatod with tha CLIFTON STREET, MANCHESTER clasa of 1*1*. dent tor two yean. "•oBay” is hofMyBMoalag to- W AlUnflord fireman Given to Two nently Idsntlfiad with many agri­ She Is the mother of six chil­ Mr. Wans l i a member of tha Offlctal Says A ffected dren now living—two boys and In l i t * Mr. Weils bseaaM tha Polloa toirastlgatod tw* dny with the girl who hstpte hlBi ■Here cultural and elvle organteations. Oonaaetlcut Ragtaaal Market ovorroais and kill a "lover’s Ians” Collap*e« After I n h a l * Hlaa Beverly Joan Blake, daugh­ Hr. Wells is one of the largest four glrla. vocational agriculture teaohar AoMi^ty. and ta piiBdsnt of tha jooldmita yostsrday mot^Ww. * # •State** Top Public O PEN H O U SE ter of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis B. in the New Milford High sohool. oeourrlng on Pins ttreet and tte gnaman. State Residents Judged poultry farmers in the state. He OMwotieut PodRry Aamstatkm. Alwyn Ivsrs. 18. left Good Ba- ing Smoke; Diet Later N«w H*ren Order to Blake, of School street, who was a position bo hold for Movsb Ha la ehalnnan af tte Now Milford other at tte IntonsoUon of Mafo 'Enemy Consulted graduated with the m * clasa f ^ is active in many farm and civic martton hospital yssUrday, 8vs THURSDAY 5 :0 0 P. M. UNTIL DARK A* Contributing Most group#. ysars. He thon retlrsd from ■ehool Board, and ta trsaaurar ■ad Jteuth Main atresta. CkiM Station Week* fcanchesUr High school, and wUl tsachlng In order to dtvoto hU Henry L. NioUen. *4. af S3 waslu after hla jaw was s p lin t ^ WaUtogford, Aug. 10 — — • reoBis, tile hath aad laratory, areplaee, attaehad garaff*i ’The citations accompanying the id a daaooB of tte Now Milford Now Hovon, Aug. 10—(ff) — A by a bullet from the gun of WU- A blaqe that sWept through the enter the Woman’s Army Corps, To Rural Life full timo to a poultry toisliisaa Congregational ehuroh. ■pruea atirat, aad Marte Federal proaocutor aaya Uiat Oosi- large gla«tMl-hi porrh, shmilnam storm windows BBd sersaBB End*, Start* Sept. 1 was honored with a party last ocrUftcatea of rocognlUon follow: ■a of M Buahnsll atfoat w«re Um Uam Brock. 18. His jaw was to a Interior of the Palmer Furniture oa all wladowK. 'rhU euatom-hallt home, built la 1*48. la bring which te had tegun aa a part- Aa a poultryman, Mr. WMIa op- nocUcut’a "Publlo Bnamy Number pompany store here last night night, given by 14 of the 11 em­ Storrs, Aug. 10—‘The oontrlbu- Mrs. Harold Lormaa Btridtland time occupation when ha was a atea^ je of tha largaat hraadlag drivers of autoaMbUoa liirMoed in steel frams. Mr.riAred at •evrral thou«snd dollara le** IImw Ita original aari llsmlmUir wUI be effected by ployes of the Shady Olen ICe was born on a farm lA Walling­ One’’ Bvas tit WsatvlUs, a quiet Brock shot Ivers after he came took the life of 89-year-old Fire­ Uons to ConnscUcut agriculture ■tudOBt la high aohooL Ha cobUb - farina 'Cnd batdterlaa la the atate. the flrat accident, which ^upened roMdonUal suburb of this city. due to rondlllon* he.vnnd the owaer'a eoulrol. m Hew Heren rellroed "»«»*•■ ^ a m Bar on Middle ’Tumpiks, ford, Conn., February *. 1**7. She usd his fou lt^ project during two produeiag In 1*4* on# aad oaa-half la front of 187 Pine streat upon them in a parked car in the man Edwin’ J. Kowalski. Drive north on Mnin Ntreel, turn right nt HoWster Strari meat decMoa to cloee eome 40 of east. Miss Blake has been em­ and rural life mads by Mrs. Har­ Tte gangland Isadsr as not idsn- Baldwin Hills district July 1. The victim, who Inhale^ emoke obtained her early education In a of his eoUsge years, using th e j milUoB baby chicks. Patrobnaa Oaorge Dent's re­ tlflsd by name, but tte prosecutor. nnd the 8rd street on the right Is fTIrton. A saloamaa wOl ha Uie rood’s ticket offices and about ployed there since the bar opened old L. Strickland of MIddleSeld iuntry school la Wallingford and come to help pay his ooUsge s Ha haa Mood-tasted over 1*,*00 port atotea that both vehicles Ivsra grappled orlth nim and while he and another fireman on tte premises. IM freigbt bouses on Bsturdoys in June of 1*4*, and has been pop­ and Oeorge B. Wells of Hew Mil­ C Aaslatont U. M. Attornay Koy M. were probing for the source of ter attended tte Middletown pOhsss. laying birds in on# year. Hia were heading north on Ptao Oohn of Now York, picfurod him Brock dropped the gun. I v ^ Evriusive Agents o»d Bundoys, it was announced ular with its patrons. She termi­ ford were rscognlxed at the Unlr Business CbUsm. IB 1*40 she poultry houaea have a capaatty of ■treet. NIekien stopped to let off oonpantoB, now Ms brtds, picked TWO-PIECE today. The move comes on the nates her service August 14 s ^ varsity of Connecticut last evening In 19M Mr. Wells masrtsd ao bring in affluont clreumstonooo. married Harold Lyman Strick­ Bthsl Mallory of New Milford. 17,000 layers. a pisaenger, and uie eolhaton oc­ His homo in WootvUlo was da- up ’the pistol and handed It to R. S. OLMSTED AGENCY, REALTORS Kraattnc of a flvs day week to will leave for training on the 18th. as a part of the University’s an­ land. Sht and her huOband Uvs on Mr. WoUs* main farm and hatoh- curred ao he Btartod to pull out Bonny, who shot Brock four times. at Camp Lee. Virginia. Thsy have flvs chlldim-^Marts, a bribed DA “DOlstlsl.** 75 PEARL HTRP.rr •pproKliBatsly IT,000 employees nual Farm and Home Week pro­ a 165-acre dairy farm on which ery buatneaa la located In New from the curb. (John made bis rsferonca to (Jon- A coroner’s jury rtilsd it was HARTFORD coasmenclnc September 1. Last night s party was held at gram. junior at the University of Ooh- justlfiabls temiclds' and praised Meadowbrook. Mr. and Mrs, How­ they maintain a herd of purebrod necticut; Stuart, a asnior, Nancy, Milford. In addition, he haa an­ The Main otreet aeoident tn- nacUcut’a chief puhUo enemy dur- TEL. 6-4*80 Or 3-364* Here the paasencera station Before an audience of friends Guernsey cattle. other farm in New Preaton. The vohrrd Blaine W. Btraughtan, 38. taif Um arraignmant in Now York Ivors as a hero.______ell Wright’s place at Andover. and of recIplenU of former years, a junior, and Jana, a soptemors, two comprlao a total of about MO win not be affected by the closing A spaghetti supper was served, Mrs. Strickland's agricultural aU in tte Now MUford High of 44 Lewis street, and WfUam yesterday of sirs. Bsatrtos iteech, FAILLE SUITS order on the week ends, but the certiOcates of honorary reoognl. and homemaklng actlvtUea have acrea Both farms arc operated C. Oodtewriti, 88. of M Townley 08. la eonnsctlon with tha opsra- and an attractive feature was a school; aiid Richard, who la In tho under tte name of Oaorge Wells freight sUUon wUl be closed ex­ lorge cake made for the occasion been many In number. She la fifth grade In grammar actaooL ■treet, Hartford. According to the tlons of a 81,000,000 counterfeit Eastern Sector cept for the handUng of peiiah- and Bob. report of Patrolman David .Oal- ADoiiy with the words, "Good Luck, Bev­ president Of tho Associated Wom­ Mr. WsNa haa maintalnad aa aC' ring. SoJllaq ____ able and carload freight, the rail­ erly." Singing and dancing were en of the ConnecUcut Stote Farm Ugan, Br., Blaine Btraughtan wan sVscylagly Usalss charges Streams Lower road headquarters in New Haven Uve Interest in agricultural or­ ForelgB Aid BahulldiBg Warsaw M/V P04AQU1D other pastimes, and Miss B l^ e Bureau Federation. She baa been ganisations. Ha has bean a lead­ driving south on Main street and He said that Mrs. Kssch, a dark- sUted today. was remembered with a number second vice president of tho Mid­ Warsaw, Poland (iPi—Youth bri- Oodlowakl was' driving aetoas balrod grandmotter who wasptng- Pimb Hew Leadea----- Passenger stations where the er in the development of Exten­ ly denied bis charges, was a Unx of useful girts, including a folding dlesex County Farm Bureau and sion Bervics programs In his coun­ gadea from Chechoalovakla, Bul­ Main street frOBi ereat to aaat * Hartford," Aug. 10— There’s rroa Bleeh Iriand------8riS P. M. $5.98 bstwssn the NsW York counter- volume o( business is heavy on Kodak. one of Its directors from Middlc- ty and haa sorvsd as chairman of garia, Hungary, France, Austria, TM coUMon pushed tte latter Isos water to eastara Oonnecticut (DoyUpM Soviso Ptosi Saturdays and Sundays will re- Norway and Sweden a n working vehlolaintoa p<^e and 8re box lo­ fsiUrs and (JonnacUcut’a “top apparently, than in the western basls, fleld. George Bdgar Wells was tern the Bxtenalon poultry commtttaa. man" m an underworld gang. PABES (Oeed Ise (Uy ri Isms ealr > Her acUviUes in the Middlesex February 18. 1903. on a general ;Hs Is a mambor of the Lltchflsld in Warsaw this summer. Thsy are cated at the intereeoUon. ' part of' the state. WCEXDATS Mountain Ordeal helping to clear away .rubbla to mis was bald under so.UUO bond The Water Resources dIvUlon of In solid ahadM of black, brown, New York, New Haven. Hartford, county Bxtenslon Service Include farm in New >Illford, Conn. He County Farm Bureau, having for grand jury action. S2.00 ooa way 12.50 R. T. the chairmanship of the Home, attended the secondary schools la served on its Bxecutlve commutes providO eltea for haw homsa aad Asparagaa belongs to lUy the Interior Department’s Geolog­ Watarbury, and Bridgeport, em- family. T te New York moo, said Cohn, ical Survey pcsdlcted to a report 8UNDATI « ROUDAt S raspberry and Nile green. A wonder­ Results in Death Economics Committee, chairman that town and was graduated and on Ita Bqard of Directors. In buildings. ■ou^t tha Connecticut loader’s aid pleyess will be available to deliver yesterday that the smoiiht of*wst- S2.50 ona way 13X0 R. T. fully Mrviceable suit that you’ll wear perishable and carload frslgbt as of the Mlddlefleld 4-H Oub Com­ in pushing 880,000 in bogus glU ■r to sastern ConnscUcut streams mittee, and the leader several and 880 bills in this stote. The Speetel E T. Eeiasaiy OfrisMi neoaasaiy, so the changaa will not PorUand, Ore., Aug. 10—(FV—A wjll be Um third lowest this Meadsys (eaospl haUdays) 8380 and wear. Sizes 14-20 and 16*/i-24',i. affect the general handling of food times of s Homemakers’ Group prosecutor did not say wbsttasr 13-day ordeal In a mountain* wU- month for the S3 years that rso- AH IMss Mdads Psdsral Tax supplies. which she helped organise. tte deal went through. orda have been kepL demess proved fatal last night to Mrs. Strickland has been a tovestlgsUoa Onder Hay SOUND gTEAMBUP UNE*. INC. Beassa for Cloaiage 76-year-old John Hairlsoo ’Tracy. Btrsam flow to western Con­ The Saturday closings, the New member of the Grange for thlrty- Adrian Vv. Mater, U. ti. attorasy necticut la expected to be near CMtral Wted. Nmt teeam. C«aa._ He succumbed to starvation and Sve years and was lU locturor for fOr ConnscUcut, said (John bad r a t a UM-Tri. Bee tote* M8 Haven’s announcement stated exposure after being lost almost Come in and ask us normal, the report added. four years. She has served as kaPt Him informed of develop­ *’ars part of a nationwide rear­ two wseks, the St. Vincent hoe- rangement of railroad station prealdsnt of her Parent-Teacher ments In the esse, and that an lu- servloes nmde nocoseary in order Tracy AssoclaUon for four years and as vssUgaUon was under way berc. on M t a member of several of Ita com­ Mancr said be knew the identity J t mittees. For the last three years of Uie man to whom (John referred aa Um atote’s "Public Enemy Num­ day work waak granted non-oper- Mrs. Harold Strleklaad she has been clerk of the Mlddls- sting employees by decision of pppeared on a aaarch for gold. fleld Congregational church. She ber One’’ but was not free to dls- the national arbitration board. It tIon were presented to Mrs. Is a member of the Federated closa It * Use Humeny la tha Bash Hoar ^ u estio n s (John said that Um New York is atm neceaaaiy, of oourse, to op­ Strickland and to Mr. WelU by Church Ladies’ Aid and is now THE BIG Q erate the mllipod piaat, in gener­ Oilcago—ba posted In, or outside the eta- 1. terfeit bills and phoney three-ceBt tlona an that the traveling public | tures yet pr^uced by advanced telcviaion techniques. stampa. V ■an obtain Information regarding 1 The conference with the Oon- Whether you live in the beat broadcast area—or in the BScUcut underworld leader, aald Km m i arrival and departure of trains. I outlying fringe—you can be aure of sharper, steadier Oonductora win aecopt tare on the 1 Oohn, was bald in his ’’palstlal’’ $ 4 - 9 8 , tralna from p a trm boarding I pictures with Capehart Wastvllls horns. The government prosecutor said I tralna at cloaed statlona, without | Fonncily Fomwrfy NO! Whol about Hi# TONIT Well pve you a convincing the unnamed woman and the Oan- Faiuaerty I tho usual 10-eent rObata-check | rp To 67.8* t p Tn 88.96 Up Tn $16.96 , Charge, Doolan' cald, an that pa-1 demonstration of wocld-fiunoua Capehart tone qual­ necticut mob chief failed to an­ 2. SOS*** trciin wtn not ha penalised by the | ity-brought to televirion at lait! You close your eyes swer subpoonaa to before a a New ----- TOrk Federal grand jury ehangea hear There ore two! 'Vice President Doolan sug­ and the lame rich beauty and fidelity of tone that Augiut 1. gested that, for week end travel­ made the Capehart phonograph*radio world famous. ing to and from statlona whldi I K Wffl be dosed on Saturdays after | W hat about tha CABINITT You can tee the “heir­ PEDAL PUSHERS, I September 1, m majority of pa­ 3 . loom” quality of the Capehart cabinets. Capehart trons oMiId purdiass round-trip | offers designs that grace the finest homes. Remember, BATHING SUITS,SHORTS, tldceta when they dopart For Your Old Biko The Farm Bureau will have a I your television receiver will be the center of all eyea— Brand new arrivals "Since announeonter* that all Home Demonstration meeting at 3 . . . a classic coat to Ban-operating employees la the Regardless of Condition and it should be a fine piece of furniture at well at a Wapptng Community House, Fri- j SUMMER SKIRT A N D coontiy arejEo bo accorded a flve- fine electronic instrument. day, Aug. 13. at 3 p.m. The pur- I wear through the Fall. 'day week on September 1,’’ said pose of the meeting is to form s B LO U SE^ Then z-i-p in the warm Doolan, “tho New Haven has been When You Trad# for W hat about tho NAMIf Of course, the Capehart club for homemakers. Everything lining, you’re all set teakitig *B intanaive study In an name is your guarantee of excellence in musical ro- is free. All women are invited. for wintry weather. effort to maka the necessary 4 . A n y fle w production, workmanship and electronic perform­ The annual audit of the town changes to oonform to tho five- accounts hsa begun and Is betog Green. wine, teal, day week and at the same time ance. And every Capehart television receiver livet up done by H. W. Stevens, public 1/2 PRICE grav, black. Sizes ‘>-15 to provide a maximum of con­ to this Capehart reputation. Yea, you’re laj* when you accountant.. Ho requests that all ami' 10-2tl. venient otatton and freight-house Tirtstent town officers who have reports to choose Capehart. ^ ■arvleo to the traveling and ehlp- BICYCU make for the town report, for­ plng pubUe. Bach individual ate* And what about BlUCIt You’ve a real surprise in ward them to the ' town clerk, tion has been studied separately (Jharlea Enes, as soon as possible. $ 3 7 >° $ 4 7 and we believe the ehangea which store when we tell you the amazingly low Capehart There waa a record attendance will be made in etatlon-attendant prices-when you learn how little it now costa to eiH at the town meeting Monday eve­ 6 and freight-house attendant serv- joy Capehart quality, performance and prestige. “ ning at the Town Hall. It was l«s will cause little Inconvenience | CAMHART-* Htra’a saurt fimctioaal de- i C O S O voted, 120 to favor and 47 op­ to the public. . . . cyo-appcabnglaltng simplicity.a Rich mahogany ^ posed, to spend $29,8 to pur­ , . .iV* thrifty ta Very Uttle Freight finish and wcU balanced propordooa chase the 68« acre property of "In the majority of cases our I f’sArallki/MhM George and William Chamberlain freight houses have, for many located on Ayers and Nevera A Favorite Stop start collecting for months past, been used less nnd Roads, for a new school building. less on Saturdays, as industry The Town Planning and Zoning Fall ai Midsummer and business establishments in (JommlsaloB and tho School Board general have adopted the five- I t ’s W18C to consider all five of these important questions about had previouoiv approved the rite. At The Big Red Cooler prices. day week. Thus complete clos­ A recomnwfidation of the Fi­ ing of these freight houses on | television receivers before you make your investment'in home enterr nance Board was voted approved Saturdays after September 1, will to pay the 829,000 purchase price affect comparatively few of our | tainment. Ybu owe it to yourself to see a n d h ta r the Capehart — to foil by converting Into cash all patrons. the bonds to the Stoking Funth— ssngsrs udUch ws can foresee will I then decide what television receiver to buy. So visit your Capehart School Bonds Issue of December ^ that baggage rooms at closed 1, 1935 and by using the School atallons will not be available to ro- dealer right away. '7 f'j a distinction to own a Capehart.” Building Fund. Those two funds celve or deliver checked baggage I Extra low amount to about 821,000 .and 85, on Saturdays and Sundaya Pa­ 899 respectively. The rest of the ^ i ^ : trons con. however, check their S f t t c i a l amotmt would be paid from the baggage through by purchasing BUDGET TERMS capital and non-recurring expense tldcete in advance and sending FOR YOU KIDS WHO DO NT fund. their bsnsge on Fridays and Since the option on the prop­ picking It up at destlnatlona on HAVE A BIKE TO TRADE ONLY, / f Monday!. The majority of the rUoUnf tHu StU t erty expires Aug. 30, and it would rn v'f take some time to convert the ARROW and ARROW stations to be closed on Saturdays I and Sundays are not located In | bonds Injo cash a motion was made and adopted to allow the ■f GABARDINE large, cities and between most of IStli Csnaiiy E a | ^ design. the clUss In the country the Sstur-1 I THIS COUPON IS WORTH | purchase price to be taken from Thsy'rs fovorjlas-and they dssarvo lo bri WN ^h«"««g beauty in lustrous mahogaay town fundis, and later when the day and Sunday baggage service | 60 Gem of Your will remain as ft is at preaenL” land os Little os Cni^...compact dimensionsferany bonds were cashed, to be repaid. The Arrow Dorf ond Arrow Dole ora tha whits Qeneral offices of ^le New Ha- I • $ , loom ananguncm. . . . . A unanimous vote approved of shim whh the parfact Arrow Colloi thot novsr nssdi ven at Boston, Mew Haven and ftitMiJkmtmktim the transfer of 810,732.33 from FaU> Ksw York wl& be operated on Sat­ ANSWERS ALL FIVE the Town Aid Account to the itoreh, yri itoyi naot and fra»h oil doyl urdays with a akslston fores, the | Stote Aid Account Both ora' Sonforizad-lobalod (ihrlnkogs Ism .hon Wardrobe same as la dons on local holidays. • TOWARD T m MJRCHAU OV ANY Excluaive in Maneheater ai CLIFF*S By means of this transfer the 75 town will be able to rocrivo about Ito). Pro-tsslad fabrics ond onchorsd buttons also Filrst Fall arrivals . . # I 'm itTO N i MCVOI AT RMUUUI 843,938 to State Aid for construe Insura ion*, sothfactory sarvlca. tailored to give you R ! r a i c i IT YOU DO NOT HAVI A tion work on certain highways to custom made look, A Tha Dart, of lon*-woarin* broodcloth, is $3.63. Bolton ; TRADI.IN. O N iY 'O M COUPON town. smooth and ffatterinff. ! INAY M APnilD ON A MCYCU. Judge William Thresher and Tho OoU, of on oxtro-fino quality broodcloth, is Doris Mshr DTtalta II ProsMutor Oaorge Stone wars Green, teal, win*, TeL Maachsstor 8848 each presented with a floral bas­ $4.50. (Rogulor or FraiKh euffsj black, g ra y . Sizes 9-li •»»••••••••••••••••• DEUVERS ANY TELEVISION SET ket before Town (Jourt Monday and 1 0 -2 0 , A eorn roast will be enjoyed by ovontng by Thomaa Abern.s chair' members of Bolton Orange after man of tte Democratic Town CJom' Ite meeting this Friday night The kids mlttee who congratulated them on $24-98 io$45 ■Mating will taka place as usual HEY ; . lOOK! their appointments. at the OoBununlty HMl at 8 Monday afternoon Mrs. Janet • o'clock following which tlis group Get o Bike Bosket at B u y from a Tolovision Expert A Robertson, 50, of East . Hsrt- Footw^r For All The Family erlll go to a nearby park tor the w d , who was being taught to roast Watermelon will al|K> be | NO fXTRA COST A v e a car by ter husband, Jnnss Robertson ran into the annual Orango picnic will I A irro AND HOME RADIOS SALES AND SERVICE raar of a li| ^ truck on Sullivan ‘ha bold OB Sunday, August 14 at | With Every Bike avenM, caiiabk slight damage to Park iB Woqdatoek. Purchased This Week! both vahlclss. Mrs. Robertson saw families and friends will I tte truck ■» U cams out of a GEHOUSESSON the green at Bolton Osnter| driveway biRrVas unable to stop RADIO AND TELEVISION^^ to time to iv M slight collision. s t a m p s No arrests were made and the:* o se b N 465 Htfd. Rd.« Comer McKee St. * acre no Injuries.. lO m iD UNDM AUTHOWIV V t 1HI CQCA-COU COafANY IV (Jorporal Henry (^arpe U now .> TeL 2*4304 with the Service Battery. 4Stb COCA-COLA BOYTUNO COMPANY OF CON?f., EAST HARTFORD ; F a n AUTO STORES field Artillery Battalion, Honshu, O 1444. tlw Cwa-Ctto CMSMy FOR ARROW SHIRTS, lY WOI^K yo u r Fin$tone Dealer Japan. Open Evenings Till 7 p. m.-r-Thursdirys md Fridays TUI 8 p. m. ’ V ■ *(* 8M MAIN STREET T E L . 7080 UANCHESTER BVKNINO HERALD, MANCHEflTBR. OONN^ WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, IMO PAoai lU N c a m r E S s v e m n o h b e a I d . m a n c b w t b e , c o n n . We d n e s d a y , a u g u s t lo, i m » The thermamater hit B7.4 at Aug. B, 1B14, tha provtoua aatiafaeUoB and JuaUflcaitloB lor ttasa thatOM lu laoga, I only moan that tha aa- Hartford Barber 4:40 p.m, eomparad wllh BS on ,'or thb data. cused tha dafandanta of raaponri- ing around a dafenae contention our living. We may feel a dedl* Badicloriiood Behind of. Waat Hartford tM t the warirant on which John-’ Wife Charged agataat her hnahaBITa tnirlfeatrr aantlal guaatioo to oba which wa ■traet la apondtaf e Ouea'wseka Chatust, a< Haat Hartford, hald btUty tor defeeUva work ta tha ta- catad part of aomethlng beyoBd Dies at His Work ■taltation of bathroom tBa at hta son and charest were arrested waa Ing a quarsA 'oVar htp lata i ahould hare to anawar If there vecation with rulaUvea te Uon, Higher Court for trial to Bupartor court defective, prolonged the bearing. With Murder ouraalvea, aomathlng we aaa pea- N. T. charga of obtaining mcftey under homo. FurtMrfotu, ba toatltlsd, iEpittiitg l|rraUk ffen not a Oommunlat alive. Oan thay told him thay would use the Tba cam. which haa been contln- n rum _ aeaa although wa caa navar qulta Mr. and Mrft Btoltt V. Reee end falsa pratanaas. -usd several timaft attracted many wa maka fraadom and proapartty Hartford. Aug. 10— — Tha family have returnad to tkelr To Hear Case work at hta home for damonstra- - 00, w a touch It. *JB6w 8 to M ae Ball Bta at SMBB tloa purpoaea In an effort to ob­ ■pMUtora, Including aevaral real in tha praaant world? If wa boms ta UUee, N. T.. after epend- Ha aat baU at $3,000 aach for Newark, N. J., Aug. 10— — A Once It heppana to ua, what­ haat wqa Bek) parUy raapoBMhla N Q T i c m tain more InataUatkm orders, and buUdUw oontractofa. who aat murder charge haa baen lodged NOTICE >»i», oommuBiam la no threat. If for oBa death here yoaterday aa tag ten days at tha koma of Mr. tba defandanU. wbo pleaded In­ through tha long aaaaton In spite ever the experience and whatever would pay him $30 for aach such against Mrs. Mary Oorprew, who not wlUv or without comrounlam. Aug. B temperature records were and Mrft Karla W. Rosa and fam- Johnson and. CharoBt l4> nocent. . of tha oppressive heat. DR. PETER PELSBg: our level, we are never the aame. I Cuhure Crasy Colorado order received. Blums told the t ^ police her husband dtad by FoiMia»< OctoM< our own dTillxaUon would ulU- aliattared hy mors than Rva de- AMESITE SPECIALIST i Uy on WftU BtraeL The Town eourt seaslon waa not court BO one ever waa brought to OSTEOPAihllC i Frank O. Avary, admlaUmUve Face ]Palae Pretenses a trial, hut a bearing to d tte ^ n e knocking a drinking glass from tm Through ell the web of our daya, OFFERS LOW COST DRIVEWAYS ! Wowed by'Ppoductloii look at the Ule In hta houM. her hand and then falltBg on Ite — ■_«. B IM ■*«- mataly fall.” principal at the new aehool at if there waa "probabta ^ BMka Aaatatant Baglnaer PHYSICIAN : MCi' At thA there to a ahlnlng thread. It leada Milton Reed, 55, a barber, col- Charges The other witneee waa Mra. Ul- broken edges. jHat al lUBcbMMr, Cabo, Tha BUmaon theato that tha lapeed and died while cutting a Of Diamond Lil Craaa atnwt, la to oommanoe ms hold tha defandanU tor ^ Su­ on and on, alwaya reappearing. NO MbNEY DOWN duUaa Auguiri Ml mat aad of Au- Han Jockheck of the Hartford PoUce were' told Morris Oor HAS REOPENED fiD|S rcUM M l HAttAf.______central problama of our time ara euatomer'a hair. Dr. Walter Wola- perior court. Judge Monchun, Better Bualneae bureau who teatl- Hartford. Aug. 10—(P)—Con­ By it. we are bom again and ---- — acbool Windsor, Aug. 10— The ao- ter Itatenlng to two atate a wlt- necticut, eeeklng an aaatatant < prew, 88, stumbled against hta ^ •oHcmimol* «ATW problama wa would have to face aanbora, medical examiner, aaid 90 DAYS CASH rted regarding tha agency’ s Inves­ Wife, caused her to drop the glass, OFnCE AT j fia.iw again. Raed’a heart attack waa “preh- callad "puisUo tile” case which neeaoft decided that there rrM. glneer for the State Housing au­ OM Taw *t m i ...... EVERY DRIVEWAY GUARANTEED (PH-Brooklyn born Maa tigation of the affaire of the and' fell on It .He died at Bath 1.00 avan if there ware no Ruaaia, and ably induced by the heat.” has attracted much attention waa Because of ' tha nature of tM thority and willing to pay Mm 631 EAST CENTflSl ito wABtiM tr M l ...... LflO hearing, Prosecutor Thomas F. Household Roofing and Inaulatlott Israel hospital Monday of OM M lb M M l ...... no communtom, and the ^ a Inala- b btb m bb '.m‘ S ArtbuTgeymour ha. bamietaA- ■eat to the Superior court 'early company, of Hartford. The state from $5,160 to $8,130 a yaar, wUl Oowr j ...... M W H TI Proptr E^BlpuMt S Know Hew Ule h®wl VOOMBf U WOWinj eus in I lamweiflam* ^ AIio BeUeviie A^eo* O'Malley obtttoed a ruling w l no hold an open compedUve examlna- severed artery. STREET .M Unca that greater and more im- j tbla aUta-caUad "Culture crasy | today by Town Court Judge Prank identtflea Johnson as head of thta Police U . William Wagner said BSuy„kr •V-;...... 111.00 DONT DELAY • CALL TODAY dsfenae evidence would be pre- Uon to flU the job next month, TELEPH0H$ 2-2Ufl •IM aat el aim. rWAigi...... iii.00 At X9:00 ft m., after a he^ng MTliOd- ■entatlve of It. tha Personnel department an­ Waat apUt ara happening In the I old central The aUta’a d»l«f wltnam waa nounced yeeterday. vised her sUtement, saying thta ftouaft dark 10 montUk out laaUng three houiu. Judge Mon- Many legal arguments, center­ hemmer or __ _ INSURE THOMAS D. COLLA Manabeater rsaldtata. TIm aaaocia- EmU T. Bluma of Windsor wbo ac­ tu b aeeociated p r b m world today ara twin thoughU, Stand Owner tha year, la crowdad nlghUy for ehun ordered DonMd W Tha AMaelatad Ptaaa ia OTflMAlTAly both making an effort to give with Uon la foraaad tor Improving roads (-MflaA ta tba uaa el ta^Wleatloa 01 Maa'a aaga of aln UUad “Diamond and' ganaral oendltlona aurround- aUtaamen and ordinary people aa McRINNEV RKOTHKR8 LU." Bha Introduced tha play M ST mwb diapatebaa ertdlT^ to IL or ■aal Batata tad laaaraMa 2 - 9 2 1 9 tag tha oottagas thsra. MoaUy ■at atharwlio craoltad to t ^ wall a more accurate peripectlv# Proprietor Hit by Gun yaara ago ta Now York wlMn aba llaAOlMgtef' ' IT ritadaftfi ■ta eomprlaa tha ea4 Alao too local nawa PuAliabaOWra. MS Mahi St. T»l. «M 0 waa ta M r middle BOa All H*l»ta of rapubllcatloa Ol atrial on tha taak of thto age. ■•apatcliaa hatato art alao raaarraO. When Opening Store; ^ t n id Ran Week Mrs. WUUam ChdUox of M « All of ua, thto page Included, Her acbeduled three week ran. ft A. tanr- Thugs Take $400 flaM Canter wfts awaidad tha mvu- f>ril aaralea ellani el have now apent aome yeara con- wMch opened July BO, haa juat tary prtaa at tha Orean-Chobot •aa. lae. ^ _ aldering Huaala the number one been extended another w»ek ^ Post Auxiliary aaalon Monday PublUbara ItopraaAntotIraa; TOO Wallingford, Aug. 10—(f^-—An­ meet the demand. bventag. Mambara voted to adopt problem of our tlmaa. It haa been "I've got tba feel for this one,' brings You Covered-to-order MaUtooa E a ^ -J*** thony F. Dlataaio waa beaten and praaant eonsUtutloBal and by-taws Torfc. ailoaio. Oatfolt aaO Eoatao. an underatandabla mlataka, but it robbed of $400 aa ha prepared to ■be told an Intervtlwer. “ThU min­ as thay ara.-Rafrashmenta chair­ eBglUo KEMEBM audit BURftAD or haa bean a mlataka nonathalaaa. .tlovle nctor Jm Blewsrt, fer yenra HollywoeB’e ing town would hava been home man Mm. Raymond L Pander open hto South Colony road fruit Oloita McDaBn ta HellyweoB. Btewart groundt for that gal (Diamond aacui-ATioKA. ______Tha problem of our tlmaa to the ■tand hare early today. bachelor, waa m------served toe cream and oooktaa. The Mrs. McLean, Bl-yearwU ftTetaaft aaa shown ob a Maw Taak For AU Your U ll). She would have alept wbUe ftiuuftl post and unit picnic will queatlon of what wa ahall make of Dlataaio waa found unconacloua the miners dug the gold out of tba on tha ground In front of his place (NKA Mephoto) tftka place the evening of August traocraohlcal arrora .“i" Ufa in a revolutionary, atining hills. Then ftt night ehe would have 33 at the houM of Mr. and Mra. and one-of-a-kind sample of buainaas shortly after 8 o’clock NON-WASHABLES wSatoABto aad ot^r world. BhaU wa prograaa toward girl watched astride a horse. The dug the gold out of the mtaera'’ WUUam Green In North Ooventry. te Tlii llBBrlUBtBr KybbIpI by Michael Perlllo of BO Beaver Central City U juat over a few Volunteer Fire Company i mem- human fraadom, human dignity, street. New Britain, a truck driver throng waa wall behaved and Stewart Weds 14,000 foot peaks from Aapen, ban ara aoUclUag donaUona of ar- WodBoatey. Aufuat 10 human brotherhood T BhaU we who aummonad poUce. medlum-aiaed for such events eald Studio PoUce Chief Whltey Han- Our “SANITONE” Colo., site of last month’s Interna Uclea suitable for a public auction. find valuaa to live by? WIU wa Taken to a physician's office by Uonal celebraUon honortag Johann Police Bergt. 'rhomaa McKeon and drey, who directed a score of offl- This second such affair ta aehod- lie Motto StiBuon carry a light before ua? Gloria McLean cera. Wolfgang von Ooatha, German ulad for aarly Saptambar. AU pro­ PatrtHman Otto Schott, and re­ philosopher. It attracted world re­ Anawerlng thaae quaaUona with vived, Diatasio told thto story: The only outbursts bafors tba DRY CLEANING ceeds win ba «taed to pay for pm - Om tovaluabla function of tha nowned InteUectuaU and waa one ant equipment and to start a build ran tha minimum required an- ThM I7sea Bavehrer Ceremony were cheers for some of of the Bummertlmc eventa that in­ URltod Nstlona b u boon tha croo- As he prepared to open hto place Average Guy Star Has the noted guests. They Included tag fund for a new ftrobousa. Any awar - • ' which la at laaat a be­ spired John (Jhapman, New York artlclas to bo donated may bo lafB ttoB of o poalUoii and praatlga for thto morning, one of two men got Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morgan, ginning of effort and growth • • • Average Nuptials Ex­ Dally News eritic, to dub the atate Immediately at the garage next to at Lowest prices at laaat oao world atatoaman. Bid' out of a Bulck aedan parked near­ George Murphy, Mr. and Mra. Da­ vid Niven, Mr. and. Mre. John "culture crasy Colorado," Vlnton’a Grocery Bton ta North ia a procaaa which faoaa OBormoua by and, menacing him with a re­ cept for Audience FRANK RAINBOW Mae offered a comment on that, CHAIRS dan to do ao hy hia own offioa, Swope (Dorothy Maguire), Ann Ooventry when the present truck dltfleultlaa, rooted in human na­ volver. ordered; too. ■ad ohvioiialy flttad to do ao by "Don’t open that door and turn Sothem, Gary Cooper, Spencer Ntanber 1 ta being housed. Presl- ture aad In tha whole atnicture Hollywood, Aug. 10—CB*)—James Tracy. Mra. Van Johnson, Mra. rhey aay back eaat you've g<»e LeKoy Roberta may be con in,'a decade! hia own ohaiaetar and wladom, around.” "Keeps clothes looking like new," that's what culture crasy,” aba amltad. 'Tve tacted at tolephona WiUlmaBtle of our acoaomlc, poUtlcal and Dlataaio said that when he Stewart, who gained film fame Jack Benney, Restaurateurs Mike ■aontary Qoftaral Trygra Ua Romanoff and Dave Chasen and been around the atage long enough 1011 J3 or Myrton Wright, Man­ aplrltual Ufa. Among the dlfflcul- turned be waa atruck on the head portraying the avarage guy, had to know that eultun can be push­ fUla that iota admirably. an average wedding—except lor Joe de Bona, who win pilot Stew­ Manchester folks soy obout chester 8858 by persona unaUa to / Uaa tha particular problem of the and lost conactouaness. When he ed off the wings by a couple of nmke deUveriae. Richard Roehm Mto fourth aaniial roport ou tha recovered a canvas bag contlnlng the crowd and the star-atudded art's plane In the Bendix race. exlatance of lUiaala and dt commu- SANITONE DRY CLEANING ■winging hips If you know bow to requests that aithtr men ba con work of tha VUtad NaUona la about $400 waa missing. audience. Fareata Applauded awing tbam.” n ia of Uttle real ai|fhlflcancc, The actor married Gloria Hat- Among the early arrivals were tacted aa aoon aa posaibla. Tha doonmiBt of rara and ahlninf In- Dr. Robert H. Boyd who treated More spots removed . . . Dull Colors Revived . . . Better Press, LmatB She added that the "brought except in that It doea aerve too Dtotaslo said he had a aevere lac­ rick McLean late yaaterday and Jimmy's paranta, Mr. and Mrs. baneflt oommittee in charge ta Lunger . . . No Odor. Yes, SANITONE is FINER Dry Geaninf. ■ex out of the back room. I gave it oomprtaed of -Mr. Roberta, Mr. taihgwao. It ia thua ablnlng ba- many of ua aa aa aUM. eration of the ecalp which re­ the ceremony 'almost fulfilled hto Alexander Stewart, of Indiana, Pa., a above with personality. I can or­ •Mwa A ta, in tha laat analyaia. hopes for a small quiet wedding who drew poUte applause from the Call 2-0030 Wright, George MaUiewa and GU' quired eeveral atltchea to close. der a cup of coffee on the atage bert Wittmann. ft hraftd of aommon aaaaa which untainted by the HoUywood touch. crowd. 10% Diicount on Caah and Carry and the censors will be on my 'The couple took tbelr vows in Mr. and Mre. Earle W. Rose and to aaa ovar the tranchea **ThB K in g a ta k a r Attending the bride waa her sla­ Deck.” the Brentwood Presbyterian ter, Mra. Gregg Draddy, who wore family, Mr. and Mrs. Eugens Uoloradoane and vacation vtalt* RychUng and family. Mr. and Mrs. o f peatmt world warfara. It One reaaoa Jnmee V. Hunt, the Character Actor church kafora 50 frienda at the a cocktail drees of steel blue taf ora are chuckling at the aama thttt rara bacauae it aaya tha film colony while an orderly feta. Her husband gave the bride Keith V. Rose and family spent Waahtngton “five percenter” llnea that tickleu New Vorken Sunday picnicking at Wsks ield thtafta'all atataamen ahould know, Taken bv Death crowd of 500 waited outside. away. Best man was Billy Grady, when Mae_ launche1 i .tereated per­ and credit for avarythlng that He died yeeterday of a heart ail­ white orchids and a prayerbook. the couple went to a reception at The audience bubbles over too Ua^-rapart daraa uproot, with happaaad from tha. White Houaa. Stewart’s repllea to Rev. Dean the home of Agent Jack Bolton. when a member of ttae cast ap­ sons to contact her Immehiat ly at ment. Osterberg could hardly be heard. Expert LAUNDERING, TOO! teluphcne Wnimentlc 451 Jl. Dr. daft tafardBoa, tha eentral Ihla eould have been, ta part, Davenport first appeared on the Hie church gueeta were present, praises bcjewtled Mae and re- ” I got a frog In my throat," he joined by Van Joluiaon, Ray MU- HARRISON STREET MANCHESTER marka, "Goodneaa, aueb beautiful James T. Anderson, pediatrician of miatakoB abaerpttoB of our < tha "line” Hunt used ta order to stage at. the age of five, and had said afterwards. Windham Center end WUIlmantlo Formerly $162.00. Kntfe-BPEi acted In the movies since 1912. land and a few otnera. The cou­ dlamonda.” ant hlatorlcal moment Impreaa hia prospective cuatomera Ha murmured ”I wlU" and ple tipped champagne and cut "Goodneaa," Mae hums, "had will be In Charge. Traitaportatlon Formerly $65.00. Smart slipper lounge chair by the makan ti Among hto 100-odd films were slipped a plain gold band Inscrib­ will be furnished by notifying Mrs. *Tha rhral olalma in an idao* witKhla own vast Influanca. "Gone With the Wind,” "Hunch­ cake topped with a flower bas­ nothing to do with them.” <;hair with deep biscuit-tufted seat Truetype Maple! light turqftC^ ed “Qlorta and Jimmy 8-B-4B" ket. RychUng* and back for comfort. Forest green loftleal eoafUet” aaya Mr. Ua, ’n ere also aeema, however, to back of Notre Dame.” and the aa tba brida’a finger. Mra. Ins Beebe of Proapact needlepoint-tMta tapaBtry; dMp- yet unreleaaed "Forsyte Saga.” Mre. Stewert tossed her bouquet velvet;green moss piping. *kftva baaft. praaaad aa though have been altogether too much The pair appeared In front of to Mre. Draddy, and the couple left 'atreet Icft^ Monday to ■patMl a few marked. - • -L2 t b ^ ware tha only laaue of our Born In New York, Davenport the amall neighborhood church werkv tn New York atau. She will truth in hto claims. Through hie to survived by three daughters, In a flurry of rice at 7:45 p. m.. THE WHITE ENAMEL THAT STAYS WHITE... Sonth CoYeutry friendship with MaJ. Oen. Harry after the ceremony and were only after Stewart returned to kias vla't her nleoea ta- Bpracnaa aad Mrs. Dorothy Davenport Reid, wi­ greeted by cheers from the crowd. Mrft PauUne Uttle atte d the Henderson reunion near H. ^Vaughan, Prasldent Truman’s dow of Actor Wallace Reid: Katq hia mother good-bye. A NtUa latsr, Mr. Ue glvea a Jimmy grinned boardly and heed­ To See Soapbox Derby WIIBmautla Bx. PhoM! S833-W1 Pari*' Mrs. Beebe win also spend aampUng of what ha means by military aide, to whom Mr. Tru­ and Ann Davenport, and a son, ed photographers' requests by ■om Mma with her broti-er and Edward L. Davenport. The couple will stay In town un­ oOier issues of paihaps greaUr man appears to give a full meas­ klasing hto bride three times. til Friday, when they leave to at­ About ten water holes in the ■ta'er in-law, Mr. and Mra. Harold Choice o f styles ure of that personal loyalty he ao "Feel fine," he emlled. The tend the soapbox derby in Akron. Du Pont town have been made available by Be . other relatives and friends Inportanoa • — • iaauaa. In fact, couple waa driven around the DUCOMS . •. g . MT . • PP. wh 'e 'a*ting her' old home near frequently mtoplacea. Hunt ap­ The bride, 31. was formerly mar­ private ciUaena for uee by fire whldi la thamaalvea will even­ Editor Is Victim block, then returned for more ried to Ned Mclx-an, son of the companies. The last, that comptot- Dlcn. N. Y. tually dwarf tha preaent East- parently did have Influence. Thus, photos intida tha church. late Evelyn Walsh McLean, own­ ad by Harold F. Taylor on hta An iUonal appropriation of Wsat confUet aad dictate Ita reao- yesterday, Federal Housing Ex­ Of Heart Attack Crowd Gtathera Early er of the Hope diamond. She haa IT’S ONE-COAT MAGIC p re p a y on South atreet, haa been $2500 for the school budget for 6 7 5 0 pediter Tigha B. Woods, an Im­ The crowd began gathering in two young sons, who did not at­ offered for use ta the event of fires 1B48-40 waa approved at a special hitlon. roldaftemoon before the new tend the festhitiea. town meeting Saturday Sight In portant official In n position to be in that vicinity. During July alx •^thar davalopmanta of our church, which Btewart, a member Stewart, 41, waa long Holly­ for WAUS...W00DW0RK...nmNITUIIE fire eaiia were nnawered by Oom- the Church Community House at (Above) Choice of foam- tlaMS,” aaya Mr. Ua, “are adding of vast help to any one wishing Baltimore, Aug. 10—i^)— H. Low­ for two years, helped to build. wood’s most noted bachelor. He pany 1 of South Ooventry. Fite North Coventry. The action wis rubber or down-feather Co tha Importaaco of tha United to wield Influence, was forced to ery Cooling, editor of The Sunday Many came from the nearby to now, as he recently put It. "past Ghlef Ernest J. Btarkel reports taken to balanoe the acoounta for formerly ■eat citehlonl Sun. died of a heart attack early beach In bathing aulte and one the point of no return.” Matlaaa with each year that admit that his own appointment four of these were brueh flree, one the fiscal year which ends August today at his home. He was 53» 81. $79.00 and waa probably due to the activities truck and one barn fire. The local ll^aaea Two davalopmanta to He waa named editor in 1B40, company votod to attend the Field Mrs. Wilfred HOI and Mrs. Les­ which I wUb particularly to re- of Hunt After hto appointment. rising to that post after Joining Day competition at Clarka Grove, lie K. Richardson wiU also asalet $85.00 A far aib tha liae of many peoples Hunt and General Vaughan the Sun papers aa a copiy boy. Mansfield Hollow on Beptember 7 with the 4-H supper the evening of 24 Cooling served In the Navy dur­ Augnat 35 at Qiurch Community df Asia and Africa from a posi­ teamed together to get him to uac at tba tavltatlaa of tba Uanfftald ing World War I. He jetumed to Voluntear Ptae Dapartaseat. Mon­ House tn ^orth Coventry, nieae tion of dependency toward one of his authority in favor of a Cali­ Formerly $82.56. the Sunpapers and within a few day and Tuaeday hava baan desig­ two names were omitted ta a pre- (R I g h 11 Removable equality, and the growing fornia race track for which they >-eara waa named aastotant edi­ n s ^ aa driU nights for depart' vloua column. ' down-feather back pil­ Queen Anne occasional chair ^ . strength of the movement to ex- were fronting. tor the Sunday paper. nuBit mambera at 6:30 p. m. Aa- The Organisation commltteer of low for thto chair! tapestry. Same chair $42.00 ik i A native of Seaford. Del., he the Nathan Hale Community On- • tend tha obaervaacea of human This Is onftr one of the many ■iMuit Obiafa Delmar Pottar and tapestry, now $27.60. leaves hia widow and a daughter, DohaM Clark wlQ be ta charge. A tar will atrva a maat-loaf auppper 6 7 rights everywhere In the world. unsavory leada the “ five per­ Mrs. Philip Heaver of Philadel­ $6 oontribution from Young Moth­ tha evening of August IB ta the *Tf the Importance of theae de- center" Investigation haa opened phia. ers Club haa bapa acknowladgwl auditorium. Koma mads apple pie win be tho featured daaaert vftlapmenta were correctly aa- us, all too many of them suggeat- towhvda tha pdlratabe of tba porta- Formerly $79.00. CTiinese Chipi»n- "Hava A Haart,” by Jean Lee dale wing chair with typical Choose these chairs In a coyer to fit your wlor aaaaad, I believe that the world ing that all too much real power Me aiislUary Ughttag aqulpment Latham, will he the summer pro- scheme! Your chairs will be taUored to order, fund. Social committee reported duetto'n of the Oivcntry Players to stretcher base; nail trim. Yellow delivered fresh from the packing crate to you wauld find it poaslble to approach found Ite way Into the hands of $67 for a tour-weeka period. Ed Individuals who were all too ba presented tha evenings of Aug­ cretonne with reds and greena. within 3 to 4 weeks. tha preaent ‘Eaat-Waat’ dlfflcul- MOTOR ward J. Meaditto waa alacted to ust IB and 30. The three-act farce tlea. with leaa hysteria, for they ready to abuae the friendship and C - O - O - l tha mtmberOhlp committee. Per- will be presented under the aua- Would be more easily aeen in their loyalty of Harry Truman. ”1110 COACH ■ona interested ta obtaining Magic pioea of the Nathan Hals Commu­ Wand company 3 type fire axUn- true parapectlve. I believe that President aUU has to learn that a nity O nter In the auditorium. Carl EXCURSION gutaera may obtain them through Helnts Roth, haad of the Dramatics tha riae of dependent pcoplee and President esumot choose and keep and the local members. CMef Starkel department of the Rai)Ball School tha human rights movement will, hto frienda earelassly. N e x l Sundfty urges women |o use the water tn Hartford, ta the production su- ta the long nm, have far more bath ayatem pf melting wax and pBrvtaor. Mrs. Walter F. Hlltgen SAVIN ROCK refreshing to exarclse caution during thta jam algidfleaaoe and give riae to and Mra. Pnul Oolnlk are the direc­ Agftin and Agrain and Jelly season. tors. Mr. Roth was an aaatatant graatar events in the aecoad half $1.50 Mr. and Mrs Joseph J. Michaels profeaaor at the Conservatory (n a( tha twaBtleth century than will Our reason, and sometimes our Bound Trip. TftX Inc. and family have ruturned to their Vienna and an instructor at the Lv.— 10;B« A. D. 8. T. the preaent Ideological atruggle.” jaded eenaee, Ore capable of tell­ home In the Bronx, N. Y., after Film Academy there. He waa also Retam—LtBve Bavin Bock dtag six weeha at the home of director of one of the moat modern I f one wtohea to translate Mr. ing ua that It to all poinUesa, At 1:00 P. M. and Mrs. Michael T. Bamo ta Auatrlan Theater achoota. Since Ua'a emphaaU of the really great empty, futile. r South Coventry, coming to the United States in queattons of our time, as con­ Tet that verdict on Ufe to LIGHTHOUSE POINT Nine-year-old Susan Schell of iBSB, he haa acted aa a director and Instructor In- Hollywood, the trasted to the general and mto- something we are capable of ac­ $ 1.50 Canten was guest aolotat during (Above and Left) C!liolce .50 Sunday morning services at Sec Pasadena Playhouaa and the Dra­ tahan aaaumpUon that it to the cepting only at paeatng momenta. Bound Trip, Tftx Inc. matic Workshop In New York. The of foam-rubber or down- 5 8 Lv.— 10:30 A. M„ D. 8. T. ’pn0f m B poreim... ond CJongregaUonsl church In "RualUn problem” which to our In aplte of it, although the press Iv e r wW i Bveiy pBinted surficB in yeiir Utehanwas cast of tha play follows; Ted, Mel­ feather seats! Return—Lv. Lighthouse Pt. lubtaWtie « 'ey r V North Coventry. Susan ta the great and main taak, one needs of circumstance may be dull and bb bb daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Hsnry vin Manchester; Peg, Ruth 8 P. M. i«lep...l*iftColoBtaO«M»B aa nowir-white, eaay to dian ^ ihiiah on yaur O'Brien; Mark, Grant H. Vanro, Formerly $65.00. One o f only refer to the words of Mr. seemingly relentless, there art ScheU. Shs ta a frequent visitor at H AMMON ASSETT h oi* two iftfriguratof? You can havB your wiah... with Du Pont the home of her uncle and aunt, Sr.; Lou, Ann Burnas Bo, Pnul Gola vorite Queen Anne bam l cl Hanry U SUmaon, the most dto- imperishable, true things we live FoberB«be8fw*fM*‘ Mr. and Mre. Arthur J. Vinton In jilk; and Pritstoi Yvonne Rnrdlng. Bigns, this time covBBad DUCO, Uw "One-Coat Magic*’ enamd that stays Janet. RychUng of .WaU atreet ttagulahed living American, who by. Without them, life itself $1.50 paHeei*»tfmmlinfl»^.- that district where aha ta now vta- 1 9 le^-design damask. Bound 'k>lp, Tax tnc. fplden gift-baxad.. • white, stey* color-bri|^t thimii^ yaan of waar a ^ waa dtacharged from Windham .4 put hia “CSinllenge to Americans" seems nothing but slow death. H O W T O M A K I Iting for two weeks. Susan ta a Community Memorial hospital Sat­ thU way tvro yaara ago this Sep­ With them, even death Is not Lv.— 10:80 A. M., D. 8. T. S.S0lbeNl lapaated waahings! member of the Junior Choir at the Return—Lv. Hammonaaeatt OLD THINGS NIW urday afternoon. Formerly $25.00. Solid mahogany tember. (tongregatlonal church In fJantoa. Howrad A. Craft Assistant without Its fitness. Its beauty. 8 P. M. DUCO » BBty to UBB;; . flows smoothly.. . drias Charlotte. Marion and Barbara cabriole lege, and arms. Choice of "But our main answer to the They constitute ths why and Aak your dealer for a copy of the Seoutmaatar of Boy Scout Troop Vaur ctwica el tjuiddy without bmiah nurita. You’ll flniA painting Davta of Windsor are vscaUonlng 57, waa awarded the Star rank at plain red textured satin, beige (Left, below) Watkins famous Longfellow Ruaatana,” wrote Mr. SUmaon the purpose of living. They are LAKE COMPOUNCE new "Tranafonnagic” book. It’a at the respective following homea Aphradteio, Ti«ra« the Court of Hoftor at Camp ()ulne- tapestry, red damask. . _ chair for six footers I Extra deep seat; re­ than, ta sound advice aa to what the reason we keep on. They are $1.00 tha kiteben and plan DUCO jabs in avaey room in packed with Meea for turning oM at North Ooventry: Mr. and Mra. baug at Nonrtch, Saturday. John ar Strew Hot Joseph L. McBrierty, Mr. n ^ M. Tyler, JrAatao received hta movable down-and-feathers, pillow back. aor , policy ahould be, but un- the reward for keeping on. Round Trip. Tnx Inc. thahouaal f attic disearda into "ahowpiecea.” Mrft John T. Ryan, Mrs. Ruth Lv.—1 P. M., D. 8. T. wHb Woedbue Star Scout raUng. John also has Choice of green tapestry, or sawtooth-pat­ Isttauiately not la predlcUon of We .grope and grub our way A little DUCO goM a long way. IVy this aoanomisal Ctalurlng. received tha oamper’a award aa terned turquoise frieze. Formerly $125.00 What it waa ta btceme, ”ia not Return—Leave Lake Mr. and Mrs. John T. Ryan of 5 8 along, strangers and children In a Componnee, 1 P. M. bast aU-round camper and earned and $135.00. (]lttoman extra. BOgatlvo, nor la It ta any sense world darker than It used to be ypna-Coat Magic’’ ted«y. In Ifl madam eaiam I North Ooventry bad as week-end four merit badges during hta stay guaatft Mr. a w Mra. Dennis He­ at' camp. He received hta PTrst antt-Ruastaa. Our central taak In And then, on the various planes Excursion bates leave Mata * 1 .3 1 „ and Geld 8treete. Hckete . on witt of Astubula. OMo, and M r Claas rating Juat three months ago dsaUng with tha Kremlin ta to of our Individual lives, something sale at Gold Blreet on day of and Mrs. Roy . McIntyre of Mas- at a District Court of Honor. A l­ (R ight) Buttoned back lounge dtaMBstrate beyond thp poaalbll- of a momentary miracle occurs. exeunion. p i^ , L. L bert J. Morawi o f ths Bsnlof Bcmt chair 'wlNi Lawson “ Key” arms; tty Of mtauadarsUnding that free- We may happen to aee clearly, •A Mh was born August B to Mr. Troop received his Bronas Bsgle u and Mrs.______Edward______Qibnan of South Petal d u rta | [ ths esremontes In spring construction throughout; d W and prosperity, hand in hand, warmly, beyond ouraelve^ and clr- 8 Day Fall Tour JOHNSON PAINT CO. . . rttr G e n tr y at Maaebagtor Memorial Norwich. wine boucle friege. Waa $65.00. |>4aaa be atobly auatalned in the Howe Caverng cumatancea. We may happen lo 699 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER hoipltl^*- August 13. the Boys of Trtmp 37 ^pratown deinocraUo erorld. This glimpse aome unity between our- Aukable CltBsm ToUand County Republican will msei In the evening st Csmp .75 Women'a Oub wttl meet Thurs­ ^wpoM ha aor greatest task even aelvee and others, and betwaan all Montreal Keens, Wsmgumbaug, Qouth day at 8 p. m. at tha . Tolland Ooventry. 4 9 BO protoani oglfteil. and of US ^ d our unlvarse. We may Quebec Save the mifaee and you save aUl Town HaU. A t BiM p. m. the pub­ tha Boviat thraqt It ta our heat ^PP*n, In ft sudden, unexpected St. Ann* RiBupr* lic te Invited to h i v Rimreaenta- F/1 Iftuae, to henr the clenr, eloquent BVIta *r CftU for Clreulftr Uve Harold CIoubB •’roOi : **nM problem of Ruaria la thus ailehce of the In ^ te . We may Bpaoe limited on Thurftlay. 31 8W »rs LEARN TO DRIVE Foiwerty I6B.OO. k Of Charity of tha Bduead to a queatlon cB our own happen to formulate.^ln one fleet­ M a i Oentral Bafuty Oar dale whig chstr beautifu^ THE Holy FamUy at BvUo wUlBave an WATKINS-'*- wtth thin aniui «»d Itnpaa to survive. I ilcl not mean ing, difficult glimpse, a ehadowY’ all-day outtag at the . Waterfront Private lastraetlons \ B,^1|lUtUe. the Oimmuntot chal idea of what would conatitute CONNECTICUT CO. Park Bummer home of Mr. » n*l TeL 4SB3 Or B-BBBB gregn damaalC eover. schmilop'. $fra. Raymond C. TaWd o f' WHU- BIANOHRBTKII 75^Jnmygfva/y ' PfUVIME AOAiNOfT Ottofaaa extra itoifa fljifaaa Bradbuiy of WbH •ee4- I- ♦UNCHESTEB EVENING HERALD. UANCBESTEE. CONN. WEDNESDAY. AUC08T10.1»4»

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, IIANCUE8TBR* OONR, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, IMS and hsr son, Brnsat EsMwln Wl day morning at the Otamch Oom- .this, ysar w in bs aantod by M r. to laaraaaa ths afftcisney in ,car- Washington, D. C„ ara on n trip I J. Vinton, who M only T?*" the Mnnehootor Maniioclal ho^Mtol was Poultry Day aad Monday ova- I rylag tha chDdran to and from that the aaw arlSMoa fkIM to has hOM named PathlOM foori. alag fu a y onJolAd tha popular muaUy HtoMO *■ 1 O oU las In stoad o f Ur. P r t a h . to Molna. ^ ^ matoftallao. of age, l ondorod n aoio, "Boot In poiut^ barhoquo hold at tha ual- Mon for taro arooiro' » Content Seen M arls W oodaaaassa. aupana- dioolv Pootars are out for ^ wap- w n c —! « • The Lord." from the oant^ Mm Glooacko to the fonnor Mtoo Mro. Mary Barbsr of Pootor Penalty Paid Jonea, a vetaraa of tha Raoond ■MHjeh " suaoa to vtoittag her Ruth Vinton of thto town. Sha to varsity grouada. Tonight win Mtoo E. Eunlca Morsh,^. 9 ^ : tandsnt o f oehooto, ctotoao tbsos okrost la company with Mrs. ping Pair which wUl ba bald Sap- j World war. Hot H. C D m of expected to return homo this week. bo the donee featival with many brldga. Moos., hoc ratw i^ . to har I choagao bavs bsan m M S to ra* tember 10. Today's Radio WTHT—1 *» Floydada la tnm t of JaMar aunt and undo for two wooko. of the ymmgor local poopio pnr- hooM after opm^ng : « Foil to Isms , itovo ovar-orowdod eoadttloas aad Bmsstlna BaMwta of Hartford By Murderer T h t Oman daughter of Mr. and TTio Oovontry Vohmtosr PIro at the homo of Mr .and Mm wai ^ W BAir—» !• Ploydnda grocery storo Sept. <7, Mm Chartoa ConkUng, who haa Deportment Na 8 to poking for do- ttetpoUng la the donee. 194S. Ha acousod Lore of lator- boon lU with whooping cough, to nnUono for on auction to ho hold Vaeatloa oebool stortod Men- tar B. Hsvan . . ferlag with hla donnattc llfo. In tha early part of ■onfwnhor. ------— ------'-T ill B tottsgem ent C onsiiH E nt Jones W rOks to Electric much bettor end roportad on the nlA. The proeoodo of the aoetton wm fX *ep l8 ‘Job SatlsfB fr ^ WDRC—World Tonight C h o ir yi«a Chnriotto Pavla of Windsor help pay for proaont ogulpnMnt 124-828 MAIN STR EET TEL. 51IL MANCHESTER ’ WPWO-w«?w; ■•i* *5* for Second Time to the guoM of Mr. end Mm Joseph and olM to start a fnnid for a PIto- WTHT—Joa Haaal house. Articlao may bo loft at the lion* C an B e A n tid ote y w awm u. WHAT—Moonlight Matinee In Three Doys North Coventry McBriorty end her atotor, Boiboro, WONS—Bop Show to the guoat of Mm Ruth Oohring, Plrohouao. neat to Vlnton’O otora, All*— w n c —Nawa and aaethar Motor, Marion, to the or amy bo callod for If traaaportop N ewnsvan. A eg -lS -W -^ w n a sM a m . OjiiM. , HuntavlUa. Tan., Aug. IS—edal iafimt fiiodi. . Anything Ooea; Newa the meeting. There wore 72 proo- w ork, aad th str ehsacss tw a d - 2 -fl R IV IR SIILI WTHT—Adtrenturea with John- execution and gave Jones .three ent, including the BUto Grange J M iaaiin e what child-rsisii% would bs Ubs tf fOR didsfR vaaoam snt ars good, th ey w ill not ny LuJscIl t:0S— more days of Ufa. Overseer, Im Wilcox, and Stoto so road lly fan p ray to daraagoguas TOASTIR WONS—Champion. Wonder I Square Dance Featival Governor Shivers granted the Orange Secretary, Ellsworth Co- TELEVISION teat your drag stort to turn tot Horae. I WTHT—PM On the Mr B P. M.-11 When you reflect on the varied nature s i ib t preocripdoM A B d I M M * WM'lleniMI w n c —Juat Plain BUL P. M. _____ stay on reoomAiendatlon of the veil. and their wives. r«*i«H y w ill this ha tru s tf 15 I BamaSame aa WTHT w m i Pardon board which had been told Rev. Allen H. Oates choaa as his FLOOR SAMPLES, DEMO, ETC. your phaArmeWt k equipped to fiB—and all the times you hast th ay lM l that thalr oom oany M to SH5— it would recelvo new evidence la sermon theme Sunday morning, and anaaks w tU tho w M fnro o f lU low-priced yet Mrviceable ond WDRC—Curt Maaaay and Mnr- wnc—^PM On the nlr SA8 A. Bt- "The Seekers of the Light Are depended on hii setvicss you tesliie bow cmentisl he b to your tha Tilton. 1 A. M. the cano. R.CA., EMERSON, CAPEHART, ZENITH em pltow d t hoart. aad U ksa tho ottroctlvo. lower door to flip Bama aa '^ n c F alls to M atorlaH ie One,” and hla text waa token from fiunily'i health. ptena to H vlsta oiaarly aad oou- WHAT—Sporta. But the ruling of the pardons the aeeond chapter of Acta. Mias iZ anU ylw w thalr John w ore ofS|- bread. Chroma; cord ott. AC-OC, WONS—Curlay Bradlay- Susan BMell, BMCo of Mm. Arthur Some Models As High As « And TdiCB you eooiider tbs dmesaving coevenlsace tfn dfUg w n o —Mrant Page ParreU. IWNHO-TV board yesterday aald, in effect. sne* offers . . . no wonder today’s busy psrsnts rd y owh t e to atodntow m ay a rt flaanoad. ate StH— Ip . m. many of diek *’groarin|f* needhi , WOOC—Sporta. BAS— M 1^ V Dtob flf OqMA M o tso d y pdwer oa hilly roods and otralghtawayi! your taste. Chromed copper WHAT—Nawa HAS 1 H2 iXTMS roe (tap-on polL 4-pc oonlstsr aat, bread box. body; long-llfa alamant. CorA w n o —Nawa. Weatherman BRUNNER'S Mas meote tafredtont addodi Pefenfod, deposit-fighting WXNB-Nawa; ^orU ; WMlh- P*®?— ^ Wapping HOr-WfATHM DMVIflOl - - - ^ om* EAST CENTER STREET NORTH END PHARMACY V—„ Solvent Oil protocto against harmful, gummy de- Emu raoracnoH—koopaltolu- SOS-* h » ^ DEPENDABLE SEBVICB PEBI At tho opanlag of sebooto la postta. .. halpa kaap hard-vrorking parts eUaner, boosts b ricatln g valu o b etter than a n y C O M f A R I AT f-9 t:: r WDRO-Jaak BoMth, Sporta Open Mon., Wed., Fri. Evenings 4 DEPOT SqUABE ■aptambar______a aaoUiar ^ win ha angina aflioianoy/ othmr motor oU .ovan a t aW allng tha Board of Bducatton AUTOMATKa Q 9 T Manhattan Spotlight a ^ by tl hot engine tem p eratu ree! EZTBA WC-._ ___ for tho transportation of oIOBMa- OIL acow oM T— deM veni longer tebfhteetiiO re* W ' WHAT—Suppor Soionads. it.0^— tary and high oehooto. WTK). Rtrletly Sports; Waath- Arthur Godfrey ‘fharo wm bo a ehaaga In tho m ileage, leee oU seed/ s m u m - itS9— tow routoa. Rayaaote Bolel^o g s e d i e n t ADDED— Sghta harm ­ Special purchdsa— hurtyl longs Program Ployhoooa tow on tha nm to Ellsworth Mo- fu l, p ow er-rob b in g engine A * Mpti. Ex* WONS—Bvonlag Star. Highest QoaUty Materials tag Bya straat. Ortlfta road. Bar- tra on# In bedroom saves ttepd WTHT-«an of Foma bar Hm road. Dart Hm road, WTTO—Ihroa Star Extra. Workmanship Gnarantsed Avary atraat and Oaktoad road. 9 iH - PimOs oa Pootor otroot wm ho 9lc ANOM wPOOD ito Wla. Time Pajments Arranged ' oarried by John OoUtaa taatoad of Ballroom Ro- Mr. Bolchar as formarly dona JOHNSON BROTHERS HAVE IT SA U I *.25 AUTOM ATIC IROM N O ROARD Tho ooooad routo wm eovor Sul- CAKI FAN ,.- 8 4 ‘ WONS—PuKcn LowlR Jr. DIAMONDS for the BRIDE, Mvoa avonuo, Graham road, Nov­ Big (oving on aoiy-to-hondla boordi Opana, WTHT—Don Qoidtaor; Hoodlino I A.A.DI0N,hc. ara toad. MUtor road. Footer cloML locki outomoticofly! f'*"- 54x15* llnari C 4 7 EdlUoa. II tfo Ag st. TCL48H atraat, EUtagton road. Band Hm pine top. Rubbar-»hod ffaal lags Leap boord 13-egg tizel Stands on lags oa WHAT—SyBophony HaU. road and Hayaa road. Pupda Uv- eota cools. Evan-hoaSng, mir­ w n c —Suppor Club. Ing on Sunivma avonue betwoan steady and prevent crasping. Graham road and Wapping ortiool ror-bright, rustproof otuariauaii WONS-TMlo-TMt A Engogamant King. Flawless Diomond formeMy cnrrtod by Mr. Belchorl w n o —Nawa Guarantee^ .$>50.00 wm bs oarriod by John CoUlns. WTHT—Do Ton RamambarT 14K Gold. 4 Side Diamonda.„...... —. Mr. Ooniao win oovar two QT. W A X A A ffcW R 1MS- 1. Wadding Bond. 14 Karat Gold routao on tho High aehool nin. p n a i B R I O . 2 . A 9 1 9 7 WKNB—Rural Hour. USED CARS The Srot one taetudea Oakland WONS—Gabriel HeatUr. 9 Oiomondk.*...... $145.00 road, EUtagton road, Ftoaaant s o n se w aa| r i • • I WTHT—Lone Ranger. VaUoy rood ate Mata atraat to 3 9 PACKARD C Diamond Earrings. 0 WOOO—News; Sign off Sara- 1 high eahoot IbipUo Uvtag oa thla ^ Sava money, aova worki Ag* aada SEDAN 14 Karat Gold...... $175.00 routo Ibrutorly oarrtod by Mr. w n o —Paul WastOB and Orch-1 Ttilnhir wm bo oarrtod I7 John pliar saves kneeling. Wax teaa $ 5 0 0 D. Gruen Watch. 14 Korol Gold. ColUna thto year. Tha aoeond hard, bright without politengtt $ 97.50 routo' tadndoo Aaekland road, WDRC—Larry Laauaur. BRUNNER’S 2 Diomonds...... - ...... n n irt mooi toon roe nil monit SmiUi otroot. HriMoiar road, Ptoao- WONS—Inaide of Sports, le M MedM 4J 4.tecr Stoea. Boot Center Street E. Dinner Ring. Diamond Cluster aais Vbiloy -road, Emngton road, fflEMIttlt 1.19 H OUM H OLO w n o —Tour Senator from Con- { ChapM read, tho Parkway, Btor naettouL Surrounding Genuine O pol...... $>10.00 Uon n and Mnta atraat to tho | •ROOM kl^^aehooL WIHtO—Mr. ChaBMlaen KEW in lookn-lVEW In roosn-NEW In handttng- __ servioa to TJMon granunar WONR—Hartford Chlats Base-1 4 6 NASH school from Station SS and Baat WITH ban Gome. $ 8 9 5 rilCIS INCIUDE FIDERAl TAX Windsor Hm Iqr tho way af Mata )tiH Buy savarol at this extra low WTHT—atari in the Night and priced right down ifossraUegT straat tornwriy furnishad to Har- WATER ACTIfR WHAT—MuMe from Hollywood. | BRUNNER’S ry Prink w ill, be covered thto price— for bosamant. gorogal w n o CTrteken ovary Sunday. East Center Street year by Mr. OolUns. The routoa Rnast quoliiy, long-lattingl Bias— >BA9T your eyet, folko—end New romnincstP String open the with ooovcDtional.transmhslon* to Wapping grammar aehool oov- WDRO-Dr. Chrtottoa. 120 with Dyneflow Drive. artd by Oomna buaaa ora EUlng- T m ds— sfy W Uftr OsriMS. T m ' WHAT—Time for Three-Quar-1 reach for your oheokbook. doors — a thumb*toueh does hi F —and gcM on the biggqst interi* ton road, Ptoasant VaUey road, I ■sB U u EsI W Elte-S«vt CtolhM 1.39 K ST QUALITY ttf Tiiniie Surely here’s a ear big as ypor Wbaalar road. Smith street aad| WT10-^Archl• Andnws. 47 KAISER ' For here, in one itunning, ■wifi- o n yon eep boy for the money, Bucktond road. —I«TB iBEpI COMPAM AT 9.99-SAVK If ACI, WORK D U t T M O F im iT —atoM Ptor Orehaatra. fondest ambition—yet priee-wlM 4.DOOR SEDAN lined bundle, it everything— tWtb sofa-wide front seats and no A thiril nm win eovor Oaklandl Naads Vi law spoca to do curtains up to 54x ter aw a le ... U 7 ^ StSS— yef, everything—you’ve been it’s right down your sllsyl Fits read to Avary atraat and up Poa-1 5.99 WHAT—Noaro; SporU. $ 1 0 9 5 JEWELERS SILVERSMITHS SINCE IfOO less than 12 more ioobes in rcar^ tar atraat to tha school Those 90*— does dollies, tool Only 3 placet—easier Step— , hoping for. seat biprioom. modest family budgets as it fits. puplto on Poster formarly to handle. Boll-point pint (ova fobrict ond Patamaeatly flutty eetton yam WONS—News. BRUNNER’S 958 MAIN ST...... OPP. OAK modest-sizc garages, puts Buick carriad Iqr Mr. Belcher’s bus will SMS— hondt. loixj-losting oWmlnlrad steal I head treated to pick UA East Center Street N « . style noteP Well, juat look in rcaeb of still more peoplel ba carried by Mr. CoUtaa. The dust, lacquered wooden hondlm WDRC—Conductor’s Showcoae. at tbet brandrnew idea in front* S lip behind the wheel. Finger^ routo covered to tha High school WHAT—Moonlight Matinee. by Harry Prink'a bus arlll be Gra­ WONS—Hartford Chiefs Base- | and styling. Grille, bumper, cMy Synohro-Mesb trensmission So here’s really a “must see** ham road, Nevara road, Millar hall Game. road, Troy road, Sullivan avenue I WTHT—Herbert Hoover, 4 6 DeSOTO bumper-guards and even parking if you choose—the satiny smooth­ iterot On display now, in three SFKIAL FURCNAM lighti all combined in a single, ness of Dynsflow Drive* as op­ and Mata street. w n c —Henry Morgan Show. CLUB COUPE trim-’n’-tidy body typesi it won't Thera w m ba two runs made to I MFliOMIXIR 9 i8»- sturdy esscrobly that means you tional equipment if yon want the stay long on defers’ floors. Go Union grammar school by Harry I WTHT—Lawranea Welk Show, $ 1 0 9 5 Prink’a bus; tha Srrt .w m go by 1 4 " w n o —Mr. District Attorney. c n ’i "loek horns” with other ears t very latest thing. now—see it and gst that order 1st , #* Rye atraat, thenoo to Troy road, | BRUNNER’S New ever*all size? We’ve SulUvan avenue, the Parkway, Sova tima and worki BoworfuL WTHT—Leanivlch Fight East Center Street And if power is your meat— yiOW KSr to OMATM MUM and Plsasant Vallay road to tha * pertobla, IlghtwalghtI f-yr. guar* WnC—Big Story. trimmed htekst from its ovefv*l| iust lift the bonnet and look sahoaL /^ WDRC—Dance Orcbeetm i- Tha aaoond wm covar Main onfaal AC-OC. Shop aorlyl istse— length for handiness in irafflo — on a husky Fireball power 4 ^ yet bere'i still the geoeroui atraat. King straat, Statlan SI. WONS—News. plant of 110 horsepower tha Parkway, C9iatol road and WDRC—Capitol Ctookroom. 47 CHEVROLET wheelbase that spells a level* Main straat to Uia sehaol. N IW I FR ISfU M WTHT—Oa Trial. PICK-UP. LIKE NEW gfringiide. adpriMMf of «MM mM Tha pupil* trom Station M on j ••ssfSSBBssSassstss w n c —Outaln Haw. Mata nrsat to the Union school (••••••SSSSS'SSB S A U e V A N ' ^ 9 $ - $ 8 9 5 WONS-Coacort Notebook. gSSSa«S*999*9SSSS« WHAT—Time, Pisco, Show. BRUNNER’S law niM Two-Doot HOANn sm ««SS- East Center Straot oovw a* »W, (MV. OMw tnmkrn AUTO GLASS Words proMira sookar wMi iww Nowa on all itettoas. • Sm hsiw HsIpoInfa amaaiog W6nd-R-Dial controls MIRRORS faolwat for safatyb sodsr ssst complaia oparaiksn . . . how Fluid Drivg tods harmful Eaclpa book oad biiludodi vibratioa, prolongs washar life . . . how flazibla fill nttslV HoIUh Batter Than | 4 2 PONTIAC V / t l lata you, control exactly the amount and lemptratnra CLUB COUPE 49« gALVAMaR- EASY PAYMENTS INVITIOt In addition to tho of tha water yon nsc, Hoqsoiot’a now Automatic $ i 4 5 DOWN tRiiuhac has evatythiog—does tt^erything BETTERl f l l K F A R A AM curfomory 30-doy charge ueceynf, M lchooh 5.98 APTM SA W 25*FCSITFO R4 N O C cn ^ e BRUNNER’S m »s Hwer ^TAvtoc, Ase ftewfl, n»i Hiiie wmss T u y tOmtedm ROASTING East Center Street invitst divided poymonfi In (matt wooUy or Charming. Inaxpansivo braokfast sat of dur* monthly amounts. Miehaols mekos ovettohit, at oWa aaml-porcalolnl Blua "Dutch MIH" pot- M g g Boyievwral— prtaedlowiHasOr CHICKENS no added cost Iho lowsst formf ottered h y line BROTHERS tarn on Ivory-white ground. Sat Incl. two* " T (or oH alooalRf |skh 0 GORMAN MOTOR SAlfES, Inc. larvlr^ dishas, eovarad sugar ond eraomar; garogo. Vllan'tstehMf BRUNNER’S jowolort anywhere. ' ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS MANCHESTER 858 Bast Center St. 185 MAIN STREET 1088 MAIN ST. MANCHESTER OPEN Pmats. Ptetare-Pvaaalag ,* a x ABOUT B'AROS CONVENIENT MONTILY PATSIEOT rLAM. Mott, Wedn FrL, Evenings : SmUt m tJS fM soM h o d id t _ Vaaattaa MtnSe 14 A wmis*J4T]ffp EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10,1949

Admitted today: Miss Ellen Groff, 14 Luclaa straet; Stanley ter post, which wen Uw eup la toe ert a horii ettnslwStea fho ChbMio CeOamanleU, and with Hospital [Notes Magnnson. 11 Ridge atreet. HUInskt, Broad Brook; Mn. PhtUp 1945 and 1947, boat out the Falr- Peters, Columbts; Jamee . F. Sy- long MANCHESTER EVENINO HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 10.1949 _ ooe Communists Working with Legion Post Beld post which had taken the ...... 155 Diacharged yeaterday: Marilyn Roee, Lake street; Egldio Mari- phers, 73 Durant streot; Aadrew Two days tetor too kittsn waa Grancl'Mess ths Rooriaa OommualMA thsor- award In 1946 and 1945. Admitted yesterday: Marilyn berlco, Rockville; Elisabeth White, the Oranuncs asouatalns offen- nem, cm - nelll, Glastonbury: Mrs. Thursten back In toa oamo trap. A poSea- an. evenlng-loiig atruggle to Check dlveta, were ------vitaSy otratoflo aseaa n s Man Biipesims Rose, Lake street; Mrs. S ^le Mendelln and baby daughter, Tal- Porter street. inan. using the same toOL Sriwd It weeks ago and U. a H*Vy pUoM ..rTHtorem, troDad^, or IM la with, jtho H ere Honored hkolnlck, 94 Hamlin streft; raiss- them. Greeks to Get reported the Army » it * W killed. " Tn Far East In caniwetion with the Man­ oottvllle; Mrs. WlUlam W1 and out again. Brt wltoln 45 bears tt Blaze Worst have been secretly kralglng Oioek Ualtod Statao aro la aaay boonMag chester win, the post’s beth White. 884 Parker street; wasdn too tight spot sgnla. Cblsf New Type Shmoo Firs Dispatcher Slim Vaoaar 35Ywoundad and 14 m l ^ , rango e ( ttw Oommunlrt;-nta. baby daughter, Wlllimsntlc; John fliers la their use at Larisa. rehaMliUtlon Mre. Angels CraitdsU, llS Sum­ Krtnjsk, 58 Eldrldge street; Mrs The Blttea Kaew Beet of Pollcs Lso BrisrtoB msds n p ^ ko Free Time on Meters dd radio contact has been re­ Van Fleet said the dhre bomOars highest one-day total since 1 ^ era______eoaot of Aria. T h ^are Ji mer atreet; Richard Nicholson, sumed arlth a crew of 74 ssen Dive Bombers Wins Permanent Pos* Kennsdy, was awarded the dlsUn- Ida Soderburg,’ 18 Chestnut sonol survey of the sttnatten. Ito In 15 Years would play an Important rats la March. '2 ,* G^oVeraiiieBt Dlggl«m o i^ w a , and the gulsbad aervice clUUon at toe South Windsor; Mrs. Dorothy ToU street; Mre. Henry Olesecke end Chicago (iPi — During a heat peered hi toe small opening, nghUng, la one aaetor. final liquidation of Communist-led The national forces killed Thon there la ttw Iriaad c t F ^ session of State Cap son, 38 Raymond road; Mra. Alice ' Town’s Ordinance States Last night efforts to reach the 'liio FI m I O ut to Department convention. The cita­ baby daughter, Bouth Coventry; : wave a kitten squirmed Into a nar- a cool breone on hla tqpo "A eallad i guerrillas by plapelnt boaahtng and rebfis and captor^ 87 ^ bto- _jooa, off the OWaa ootot -rhla Soper, Hartford; Clifford Rauten-1 off rescue work. U w kittsn, hs men were unsuccessful. 49 American Planes to munlque added. The *Macl^l|M For Meritorious Work tion was flvsn Mni, Joaeph Bombadier. 249 Htl- I row space between two bulldinga rookotlag ofmountaln rirongboMs. once boloiy d t^ C > ln a ^ ^ l> ^ I^ berg, Jr.. 127 Hemlock street; Mrs. j in suburban Glenn Ellyn. Its decided, was In the most ooeafort- More Than 1*000 Men MMitMM BteM been ohder way for rive daM in Situation his sxcsUsnt record of todlvldt^ Arllne Rhodes. 55 Oxford drlva; Ilard atreet. achon-^flc and partdii* oltuaUon w Mifa Be Turned Over to The pliuw shipment Is part of aaooe o a p tu ^ I t A ^ efforts and achleveriants In tha Discharged today; Mrs. Susan I erics attracted s crowd. Wtwn all abie place In toe neighboriwed. ■ CkM e t W le « ■ -^otreot People who would driyo Fighting to Control Meanwhile, ' Helena National the mlUtary aid prograas. . . which the Army has s u f f ^ 513 War n foe AJIieo derided to gtvo. A signal honor has bssn wen Brucs Edn’srds, 87>* Peart street. | M ■oliitad oat thU mornlnf tl»ot mround looking for a free epace Forest Fire Dispatcher Phil Mur­ oasaaMcs, oompated ^ Waaklngtoa. Aua. Seld of community K K l d n * Motor O r d U ^ of Air Force in Few D a ^ bomhers are scheduled to arrive tt back to CMaa. by DUwerth-OomoU-Quey Post, would defeat the purpooe of to Payette Forest Fire phy announced the Gatea c t the within a ereek cn the U. 8. aircraft tallied by the rebels. The high Tbla govanunwit lA y dlga la to Hot AB Sealed and Sorilod Mr. Ksnnsdy, wh- Iko Tawm tft Monchootor ^ Mountains nra—which klUed 18 ftori^ what to do In a grand Anwriean Iwgten. of Manriwatsr, report which won ^ metera.” _ ^ Athena, Aug. iO—(S ^Foety- carrier SlcOy. Prevlouoty the number c f Army casualties to ^ % e t . that men and laid waste 5,000 acres of counted for by the m to e fl^ Thlo hasn't boon all o e o ^ ^ e ^ trophy fo* too local Section 4 of the OrdlBance McCall, Idaho, Aug. 10— iJPi — nlne U. 8. Navy dive bombeta will Greek A ir Force's esUy bonibera sattUd yat and Isn't (wppemd to bo It waa anneunead today by the Bdvsotago of any nmo atatea that "the operator of auch Montant forest—haa 'Jcan conguer- around fortified rebel heights * T h e maaa la ths ^ Baot. where post service officer for six y m ^ Mora than 1,000 imen fought today be turned over to the Greek Air were a few cbaolete Brltlsh-made unUl ttw Japaaoao ponce broaty Is haadquartara of the Lngton'a Do- •ooBd on a motor. vehicle ahall...upon enUrlng aald ed. Ansens. - ' which wounded many Greek sol- tlM Odnaae Oommualota ara lak- The report shows bo has handled Tbo reaoon why the proriman to control Payette National for- Force In a few days. Lieut. Oen. gtlpMd. partmant of Oonnoctlcut. U w Al­ 803 caaea for veterans parking meUr epace, ImmedUtely Murphy said the arc mvea Into James A. Van Fleet, chief cf the The Greek Army announced lU diers, the communique saM. tag over Chlaa. waa pUeod In the ordlnanco, omd depoeit or cauae to he depooltod the mopup stage today.' Ha aald The Air Force carried out cx- Ih lo haa bean a groat dlaaotor MMawhllo. CWaqd Kal-Shefc fred N. Fhttllpo Jr. <>ip. awarded and thslr dependents ^ ^ tbo w o f, was to oUmlnato the eot'a worst Ore Ih 16 years. U. a MlSUry. mlasion, announced forces, overcoentng bitter rerist- *rliain the State doparUnont thedaef. w« rn *;Sd ^WnTmeUr 100 men would be arlthdrawn from aace. captured Itnportant heladits tenifve attacks In the Ormmmos foe ttw United SUtto olaos. bo- ■w.ii.»iiy to ttw stn;> Amoricaa year, all from hla own tlnw xroeiy 'The flamea have burned 5,100 today. twoon tbora. ths Russian and doiont think ta worth belping. l ^ ~ lJ !rt the aald Unlt^l BUtee aa the head of Meriwether canyon, Two of the planeo, known as ball from the (3ommunlat-lad guerrillas area yeoterday. mode bis boadquaitara on For- Logten poet In Oonnoctlcut which donated. ___ acres Of timber. which leads to the Mlaaouri river CTiIntis oommualsts now control DatoBs af BM ty for auch parking metera and aa Fire lighten arc spread over 18 In the Oates oi the Mountains nMot of Aato. Hit ttnrleti oontltUd of aome unuaed time on It. "*H^o roportod to have wlthdra y i la dealgnaUd by dlrecUon on the miles of Ore Unea In the Saimaa northeast of Helena. Only lost week tbo State do- an counseling on medical •TTbe purpooe of PO'^ng metom fwrtmont Issued a "White Papof" 800,000 o* Ms troope from uw tal aid. O. L insurance, b o n u ^ la to anevlaU the congeeted traf- meter.” river area and the blaae haa now licked to arlthln three mllaa of the During Its 1 years of operation which MUd: hasChina moot of hit Air fFbfeo S T u thorn. I i r r '* S ip l^ n t mid That oketch of an ordinary, old Golden Anchor mine. In addition 1. Thla oouhtry hoe waobad tta Formooa—In any treb le w hl^ which Mr. Kennedy w m Balt JaO Makaa • the Federal Housing Administra­ hands at Cblang Ksi-Shek's Na- foohlonad Shmoo on the drawing to 18 miles of Sre linea, a Bve mile tion has Insured more than $15 might later ariao with O onm un« to handle he stretch of Are front along the 8^- UonaUoto who wort th« only op- China—could be of help J® ^ the Deptment service officer, w Low FataKty board aoon wlU be turned Into the billion in loans for buildings and poolUon the OommunisU had. iTni unuaual, houaehold Shmoo, the roon river is being used In an ei Improvements. counUy. What to do about Uirt T goldleri, halters “ J Bradenton. Fla. —( « — WUllam fort to beat back the names. 3. Sines the Natlonalista are no T > th , BvtTRlt cheater. The policeman addad that fleid of community action. Famous swarded to tbs Manchester Le­ Accidental deatha In ConnecU- up aufflclent water to keep the Osoe, proridimt of Oolgato univer­ Ghalfl passed several cars at a cut for the Bret live montha of sity; and Raymond B. Foodlck. gion anit. bait alive. Bonded Lining 12.00 E xtn speed In exceea of the posted limit 1 H mm Dona IMS were 808 aa compared with proridoat a t tbo Rockefoiltr foua- ^ that Ghelfl also passed e car nils marks the third Umc that Osodsa Mato 403 for the aame period laat We have the equipment to bond the lining to the datloa. Manchester has won the coveted year. Case, BOW In ffuropo, wlU arrive on a curve. London—(iPi—Susan Pegs U an brake shoes. Ghelfl told Uw court he was cup* and It now becomes the per­ Sheets The Safety commlaalon'a etate- here next week, Foodlck orrtvod manent possession of the post. experienced gardenef at only Sve; ment: NW fHlEND hero yootorday. And be. J*af*P stuck behind a string of oars, Uie yekrs of age. In a Wg h o r ^ i^ r - i "The State Department of leader of which was maintaining ! the trophy, given In honor of PHARMACY and Stuart will otart putting the Department's 5rst commander, al show here, the won a $20 prise Health, reported fewer caaea for YOUR DOLLARS HAVE MORE CENTS AT their heads togatiwr. a speed of about 36 mUes aa hour, for toe beat bunch of radlahm the period In all phaoea of violent This group, or board, will havs and that he possad Uwm when he Alfred N. Phillips, Jr., of Darien, DEFBNDABLE SEKVICE has been an annual sward since rrown by a boy or girl undm 15.1 and Cases anperience except motor vehicle. tlw aoalstance of the State, Treaa- canw to a straight stretch. He de­ 4 Depot 8q. Tot 5548 1819. In the three deesdea since Susan, who comes from Hug- j Thia phaoe win never agree a t v WMe SERVICE ury and National Defenoe depart- nted passing on a curve. •-(••oote In Lelcesterriilre. otartad tridBc fatalltlee. Its sstahUshmsnt, ths trophy has ackarc meriU, the Boonomlc Cooperation David M. Hogoff, 38, of 50 Blgt- helping her father In hla g s r ^ "The latter Include only deatha administration, the Senate Forelm low strest. was flaed $13 for viola­ been permanently captured by In­ cftUMd by motor vohlclM on pub* _ _ STA TIO N dividual posts only three times. when ri»s was two. Shs began her • Economy RelaUons committee and t ^ tion of ruiss of the road, and own gardening at three. Ue hlghwaya; the Bureau of vltU VAN’S House Foreign Affairs commlttSF. Chrlatopher Henry Huf le of New This year two posts were in the TEL. 3806 DO YOU HAVE A Statlatlca accepta aU motor vehi­ NBW 427 HARTFORD ROAD Ths problem of the United Ysce for the cup, each having won fun," she says, "and better than] cle deatha whether cauoed on pri­ Up to 20 miles or more York City forfeited a 128 bond playing with dolllea." BUtes la this: ^ , poeted on a opeedlng charge. , it twice since 1945. The Manches­ vate property, atreet or highway. per gallon. HUDSON With all China In the hands of Occnpatteoal Deatha Fall Delivered Here Fully "Occupational deatha for the BaMpped SAVINGS ACCOUNT? SALE! TREASURE CHEST FINE period feU from IV to eight caaee; a 1S5 H. P. Engine, 8 cyL SALE! OUR STURDY T\TE 128 deatha declined from 197 to LUXURY MUSLINS 81 x 108-IN. 181; motor* vehicle caaea were the LONG WEAR SHEETS SIZE 81 x 99 Saperfftx with 131 h.p. hlgh- ■erne at 85 caaea; public deatha • A Rida PINEHURST THURSDAY Every man who worka, in most cases, hopes to be able to own some (other than motor vehlclea) were eompreeslea esghm, 184 took BEST BUY OF THE SEASON! I spS rtThTrts Blsshod price# on smoothsr, qusllty-fsmed shseta tSat gtwa wknrilliase (Leeal toxea to ba Don't miss out! Kno*m for wear and alrcngth, now at reduced from 99 to 34. “ It’s onl of this World* After belag cloeed all day Wedneeday, Merchants’ Day, of the extras that make living more worthwhile. years of wear! 140 threads of long sUple cotton In Srm "Continuation of thla gratifying added). hont win be reedy for you early Thursday wHh full supplies lowsst pries since pre-war! 121 threads of hssvy iong weave per eq. In. eturdy Upe eelvagea—leas laundry rtpal ecperlence,^ commonta the High- eOaly the aeeeeeorlee to nil Departments. The best possible Siethod to achieve this is to start consistent sav­ cotton par square Inch. Rip-resisting tape seivsges, gen­ way Safety commlaalon report, a Foam Robber Front Seatf ing. Every time you leave a teller's window after making a deposit yon $-ln. top hems. e Cash or tlmo paymeata The Meat Dept, will feature freah center slices of erous $-laeh top hsms. "wffl mean leaa than 1,000 peraona e ai X St Sheeto... -new only 8A4 killed aoddenta thla year, with Electric Clock, Cigar a WHh or wUhoot tiadeda BLOCK ISLAND SWORD FISH, individual tendercut have that feeling that you are planning for your future— not Just dream­ oils 198 Slsa----BOW 1.87 poaalbll^ of recording the lowaat oOood ollowaaeo for your e 42 X 94-Ineh FlBow Oaoto. .. .now only 51n. Lightc^ Law Preaaora Beef Steaks, freshly chopped Chuck at 59c lb. and Round ing about iL • 43 s $e-Iach Pfllow Cases------bow only 41e vlolont death experience In ear ___ atate'a hlotory.” Balloon lircs. Fender im m e d ia t e DELIVEBT Steak ground at 7 ^ lb. ON SOME MODELS Bhielda, A ir Conditioned I f warm weather continues this cold cut special will McCLURE AUTO interest you . . . 79c CANNON tATN MJYf Fresh Forces Heater and Defroster, De- 878 Mato St"C on»er Straat FRESHLY SLICED Used by Reds loxe Radio and White Tel. f-9443 UViLY "SAMtA” DISION Wan Tires. BOILED HAM Vt Lb. Saving Bank ^ Mdiickester Big Mvingf! Big 30 x 40 boih tirel Mode o f Ib ki obiorWaU FRESHLY BAKED VEAL LOAF A MUTUAL SAVinOS Provincial Government Delivered cotton terry fhot tokei o lot of* hard u»e. Orey, oque, pMq MINCED HAM, BOLOGNA JUST 17 SUITS GO AT O f Kiangsi Flees to All Deposits la this Baak Ara OsaraateSd la Fan By Hm to yellow or flomirgo, each with control! block bordersl In Manchester Savtags Baaka* DfpooM Ooaraatv Fnad at Uoanertteni. Isa. Hweidumg in South •Z489 o Mor»d towel, 15 X 24. 3Se e Woih cloH», 12 x 12. . . l i e Your fovorito stun on Aug. 10—OP)—Commu­ S | J 7 THI$E "WILD ROSE" BATH nists threw fresh forces Into a BRUNNER'S Storlins Silvor Chormsl ttsrce battle on the approachee to TOWELS CUT FROM LOW 358 EAST CENTER STREET Star-Klst Tuna offers yqjs ^ e AIRCOOIi? this NaUonaUst capital today. e BROADCLOTHS The Klangsl provincial govern­ "America’a newest Jewelry eensation ____ ment fled Kanhsien, only 315 Open Mon.* Wed.* Fri., Till 9 Autographed Sterling Silver ch ar^ c t Pararnoum e FANCIES They’ll sell loitl These sltrply lush jocquordi ore mversib/a. glow miles from Canton. “ Ask The Man Who Owns One* S t o Bob Hope. Alan Udd and John NEW LIFE plate with matching link bracelet--fOT only 51.00 Vat Dyed and Sanforised. in colors like Homingo-red, yellow, green, blue, peach! Soak up The big battle raged northwest — (plus a Star-Klst Tuna Ubd) Colors: thn. Blue. Oreen, Malse, wroter like o sponge, weor like wonders! HUGE 22 x 44! of Kanhsien in south - central White and Gray. Klangsl, perhaps as near as 50 e Hond towel, 16 x 27. . 44c • Wash doth, 12 x 12. . .21e or M miles to the Canton's FOR YOUR Kwangtung province. Reports Ask w for detofls oad ordsr bim k said the Reds had put a new di­ vision Into the flghL GOING PLACES? STARTEX PART-LINEN Klangsl’s provisional Government We hare the Star Kiat Tuna in light and chunk style HOME • NEED TROUSERS? S9c CANNON lATH transplanted the capital to REGULARLY $37.^0 NOW and plenty of entry blanka. All you need is an envelope TOWELING Hweichang, 60 miles southeast of • SHOP REGAL! TOWELS A WhHm Sale lux > Kanhsien. "buck” and the desire for one of these bracelets. "Wmiport" Oea'ea 33! Claim Troops Surrounded FREE ALTERATIONS IN e Fly Swatters Fomous quolity—25% linen, 75% The Nationalists claimed yes­ Cut-Rite Wax Paper . . . 22c 100% PURE WOOL A JIFFY Sove! Colorful checks, controit terday 11,000 Communist troops cotton (or exfro absorbency! ! Soft*v«av« borders, thick terry buys! 20x40. had been surrounded near Suich- Is T h e Bright multicolor prints. 17 In. Tlssoo TROPICALS IN TAN, • 2 TAILORS wan, 50 miles northwest ol Snow Crop Frozen e Autd. wash clolht. . 3 for 24e Kanhsien. It was not clear Vlnogar • NO WATTING whether the fresh Red division Orange Jifice .... BLUE AND GRAY waa thrown into this sector or r o FHt Aerosol Grape Ju ice...... PAINT WITH Reg. $7.98 LOOK! FULL SIZE eliewhere on the Kiangsi front Bombs flJIt 39c CLIPPER BATH where the Communists have pene­ Plant Turnip Seed Strawbem es...... I f we haoa your sixe you can MAHRESS PAD 3 3 3 trated as close aa 215 miles TOWELS Ke^Aorly S.Ytf northeast of Canton. Lemon Oil steal a pair of these trouaers at TROPICAL Plant Perennial Seeds Furaltare Polish 3So this low price. Check the alie CennoJvSuyst 3 - 1 “ Transfer of the capital of Hu­ Hormel Vi Chickens . . 1.23 Add* life to your mottrais. Quilt­ nan province, which Joins Kiangsi BRI-MAR PAINT list below! TROUSERS A low price for thick, obsorbenf on the west, also was disclosed. Start a compost heap for next Oartio Bulbs Stahl Meyer Small ed In bleoched white cotton The government set up shop at cotton terry! Solid shades with sheeting. Cotton filling.*54 x 74. year. Use APCO for best results. Canned Hams . ; .... 2.4S ‘For Lasting Beauty and Protection** Chlnklang, 210 miles southwest Rita 8to woven check. 20 x 40 Inches. of the capital dty of Changsha MODESS* reg. s|ze ...3 3 c REGULARS $4.97 which was handed over the Com­ Shfodded Wheat He munists last week by ^ turncoat KeeMer*s Ex. Ig. pkg. . . 1.27 ONE SIZE 35 1.91 SHEET BLANKET Gen. Chen 'Ming-Jen. A full line of picnic supplies in- Tonm House 30o THREE SIZE 36 UN5LEACHED MUSLIN Scene of Surrender r Hjrdrox 35o Sofdin Napkins* for 25c THREE SIZE 37 SANFORIZED REDUCED! Chlljkiang is where the Jap­ eluding paper plates, cups, ther­ $ 4.95 gallon THREE SIZE 38 REDUCED! O C c loduMdieJ htdtl anese surrender in China at the TWO SIZE 39 WarOffiMal end of World war II was signed. WASH SLACKS Of sturdy creomy white coiton mos jugs arni charcoal, ONE SIZE 42 Then an Important American air Rrm 80 X 80 threod count. Sew with worm, f eecy nop. Closely IN HOUSE LOTS ONE SIZE 44 base. It never was reached by the coses, seamed sheets! 39-inchss. woven for long.wear. 70 x 95 In. Japanese in their China offensive $ Far to the northwest of the FULL LINE OF PAINT AND Now's the time to give your home a beautifying SHORTS 2.97 Cream color whitens in wosh. Hunan-Kiangsi front, ths Nation­ We have a full line of and protecting cost of Bri-Mar paint— New Eng- Values to $4.98 alists admitted, further setback In ONE SIZE 37 HARDWARE lantern’ supplies: Step- laod'a CsvoHte fSr over a hundrM years. Bri-Mar Kansu province, stronghold of TWO SIZE 44 "LONGWEAR” PILLOW UNUlACHiD MUSUN Moslem Warlord Gen. Ma Hung- Ladders, Extension Lad­ is made especially for New England homes and sold ders, Linseed Oil, Turpen­ O f ) ' SHEETINO C O c Kwei. only in New England. Get new life for yo«r horns— TUilNO 42" C O c Nationalist forces retreated to tine, Brushes, Etc. toamnoriL By Neer tod fnef ^ iCiYd. a point 30 miles north of Com You can still restore your lawn to beauty IVORY NnrUededPrhet ^ ib v d . mimlst-held Kuyan, which Is 150 spite the^ droughL See us for seed and SOAP A sbod Ifirift quality ra4ueo4! miles east of Lanchow, Kansu’s FREt ALTERATIONS!! Meke your own and lovel Sturdy Cream color wWfen* oftor Uua- espltal. fertiliser. Medium muslin . . ; 128 thread* of htevy dering. Othar aw, $««l •' 'Test srday the Nationalists long cotton per »q. In. White. clalmsd they had Inflicted 20,000 3 ,» 2 4 e casualties on Red troops in Kan- TlM dTHY, RED TOP and CLOVER Latg5 FIELD SEEDS CUT-PRIdO OOfTON 2 n ,2 7 c GAY COnON PRINT Mount Dora, Fla.-riiP)—Mro. A NEW CROP WINTER RYE D f T . L >1 i i , j. WalU has 15,000 buttons, six TOWELS "yoars ago Mra. Walta rooslvod but- mcGILL-COnUERSF I1C Shop In Comfort ' reenel«e*w**/ 'too boBsa belonging to bor mother Shop At Pinehurst Thursday and Every Day SsMy 94spa4 • • hrth •Moii and grandmother and she began a MEIT^ SHOPS Vivid onortad print*, all w4ih- ■agai Nan's Shop is eompUdaiy SMwy vAH* for bihy WMT«!«S< 90T MAIN STREET WELDON BLDG. fo*t, long-weoringl 14 x 36 in. Bhe has thsas from all over the ■•V alr-eondltlMwd se ksto Ssdrs ks pan, d ie d Ml world. Thay*ts made a t aT Larsen *s stoke year shopping n plsnsnrs. a Cannon diih doth*. 3 for 19t svsry tyito of matartol and are “FORMAL WEAR FOR HIRE” r: j) mounted on oarda fhowlng the B R D For our customers in ■ i One l$a perfunM F e e d a n d H a r d. w *» a r e ____I during the nineties. . our own .parking lot 645 Main St, TpL IM 7f Msnekestev, Conn. ruriadya peifunie. She had 3(4 DEPOT SQUARE ' ' TEL. 540^ •302 MAIN • DIAL I • righ( next to the store. mlriature of ' ' ' . i . , <. m PAQE^^nnRTBEW MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY. AUGtJST lO, 1949. MANCHWTBR IVENTNC HERALD. MAKCHECTEIt. OOMW. WEDWESDAY. AUGUST 10.1949

worksd for tha War • huntaa team te a gaeta played ta F r r a c h W Ul hospital for a month nt tansC. » somlng on. as wan aa string bsnns, A rm y lOtXStlOB, Town a *D^erted^ViUage — , ata espaelally tavltod. n Is ate., which havs baan gatharad fo r fTnliimWa Manchester's Court Case Weddings News Tidbits thought best ta taoluda ohU- soms tints. The poUo scare aeema to have Be Defense Line Franeia D. Flanagan, • eomintt- H e b ro n (M l in tha Budtsneo. Dr. Halns- died down about bare, no now tae lnveatli«tor. taoUflad today C olM Frmm WIrw As Merchants C ld ^ Shodi ' worth has an offleo ta WlUtaun- parUy ortpi^ staco that ttiao. It Prof. Cbarlea C. Sellsn was a eaaeo having boon reported, and Has Jnkm athnal Tinge Macri-Gibas that Hunt recatved a chack for tta b u t Uvea ta OolumMn. IS hoped that tho guest at tha luncheon given at the one guspectod ease apparsatty For Pact AtUes •5,000 in 1M6—whlla ha was otlU Ovar 40 4-H CBitb mambar tion may being an lasprovad con­ the Wocoastor Art Museum Wed­ SAVE “ ) ______'^ T l . ^ » o Rev. H. R. Kaon loft Sun­ hairing cleared up. Announcement ia made of the with tha WAA—oa a rstalnsr to [e in Lake their paraato. alao the 4-K nesday. There was a dtacueefoa American bachelow Mvtaff in wre day foUoartag tho morning sarvloo dition. Sanator Raymond B. Baldwin marriage of Mloa Lillian Oiha:i. holp gat tha Udo Beads botal on apartmenta or housao In Oennany Mencheotar’a paiklag nwtamaatay open, dUngs warn AiU. H T’» U*J’ mlttee membera, wars prasi at St. Four's itolsoopal charotk Tha Rov. Ooorga M. IDtoo of tho eurrent showing of n group iMigkiS*Aalali*> account cf the affair to Po- IMS fBff* Om ) this afternoon stood guard along a was Just too hot for ths trade. .ebeiJ a "T ub Night" oa a laoart evewng has flaany beea secured to give ' M M ptfaA - '*"*P*^< wnuam Barron, who daughUr of Mr. and Mra. Anthony l/^g Island (N. Y.) retumad to are wamad thay may ba nwved for Laka Wtanop W a k ao. N. H , preached at hta two chnrehoa Sun­ of portraits Uioro ty Chrtatian the dedicatory address at the cere­ rnmit M Jm p nuM Ilan Oiboa of Newtngton, and Louie Main atreet as dasartad aa Crlppla A low-flying plane tWAfMV fiiM rtm Boy Drownsln I at the heme o t Mr. and Bba. Mar- Automolie Yorl.Haot bringi eomfort. gliial n888, asa* waa on daak duty at the time. tha military dapartmont to spraad its owners. c Into etng le rooma to oi!9a eHikDal whora ha wlU apoad hla v a o r tl^ day, Habron aad GOsad Congro- Onlogbor. monies to be earned out when J. Macri, oon of Mra. Mary Maori gUnogan said Hunt retumad PraoMant Tru­ CfMk or Daad Man's' Ouleh. Tkls caused conddemble oommsM hue rls aoldstem. on ths H aiitao-^ of a month.. Hlo stator. Mrs. Rob- gatlonal, from tha toxt, "Whlthor vanienco 1a your homo ot a vary law aatt. Ibara b S Barron had to reprimand Koch the initial coot of the arms pro­ when it glided doom over tSFlBB' Sieilm py' Park; Cum- ston toad, known as "Paradlae Habron ball teams experienced Hebron's new school U christened, tka M id and Mrk lataclor ^ of 17 Purnell Place. The ceremony that check, but three months later man todlaUas ba will artrtraaa an­ morplng. Just bsfom , tha mor> ort OmwfoiA ai^ bar Thou Gdast I Win Go." Both both victory and defeat in Sun­ York-Htftt tMw.fof your home* C M m H 4 s f f ir a 9mo Ig u d M M t'/ T dwb Court thia oevaral tlmaa before he would gram over two or even three shanta left for ball gamea or Mtem ter at aa altltuda Judged not »> Tha 4-K "Sparhleff’ “ the evening of Aug. 30. quiet down, aald BUmlak. The po- waa performed in Bt. Mary'a yearo. got another check for the aame nual convention of Veteenne af i*]^ on Not Swiminer ______fothbadketClub of South Miami, Pla.. are with him ehurchaa win bo oloood uaUl the day's ganwa. Tha Gilead T lgon haatiag turvay aa* «aa how IMIa b asili lb haMI Fanign W on at Miami, Aug. SB outlnga, it looked for a whUa aa It mom than BOO feet Mnnid|U During hta nhaenoe aecvleea at ^ Uceman added that be had a writ­ church in Newington, in the Meeta BehuB Fr— BrtSlej amount aftor ha had left the w an la diargo of games and daa^ seeond Baaday In September, for lost to BoHon ta tha gam* played automatig YaAHaal. * S!!!!!f* •( tho tkraMniac t«B* preeence of a large number of re- WAA and had fewmsd ths J. V. Shaking itoelf kxwa from mix- them would be no traffle change building employaa aald the craft ohuroh will ba c o n d u ^ by ytattr the usual summer vacation, aftor gome of tha earlier known iron ten aUtemant from the truck Aaother congreeelonal proposal "Just aklmmad tha traatopa and : Dtabory, Aug. 10— — U o Ing. Hot d ogs eaadwlAao, a ^ tag clergy or lay rsadm tt ta on the hems Sold, while the Town Mar «M afucklMi drlrtnc driver and two paeaengcra aa to latlvee and friendo. - Hunt Oo.. a management eounsel- ad price trmd, stock market tUta due to the observanoe ham of Mar- which Mr. Milne wfll reaums hta Team woa a victory over the Oo- relics were Jewelry. .i« r f Harrtv Hoary Koch, IS, —to delay the major part of tha chant's Day. tha poUoa radio tower"—which 18, o f Riverside. Sandy ads, soda, eto, tha aewOpIr-*- the manner In which the incident re-arming program until the pro­ or firm. Flanagan add hie testl- aB^tly Mghar . . , UN Uttla Aa- UiM of goodies, were enjoyed ImpaetadthatTh^ J’ active pastorriilp. Mancheater Sheet Metal Works 3 Sfootroal, Canada, who, ae> mony wae bao^ on WAA and samhiy deddea to look into ques­ But by noon, to quota a deoerip- Isn't very high, then headed for Chase, who ta sunmurtag at hta Sdeet com |s being harvaotod MTdiac to Bute PoHoeman Kd- occurred. posed Atlantic pact security coun­ the ehopptng center wham It HMk m stnet, wM the Uwn. After the auppor nea Hla Account Of laetdeat cil drafts an overall defenaa plan Hunt company Slee. tion o t providing aealetnncia ta tion once given of the event, Man­ at tha ^ boon partaken at the gr^ ad­ iBobron placo, ^ from local gardens In plaaty. Tha » FINE STREET FHONB SdlS BMod BUmlak, need the yraeaed He said tha Udo Bosch hotel in caring for vletlma ot chester shopping district was peeeed over at very low height . Pit noxt Sunday. Ho has offtalatod drought through much of the sum­ ■dtUeU of the WUhur Croee Koch told the court that he did mat a rebuff from Bradley. park. Lake Oaadleweod. ahorOy journed to the ooaamodloM garMfe, Z^w ^^artw icSpn^ not intentionally go on the grooa *nhe program should not be de­ was leased by tha Navv in !•«> last Friday's aarthquaka. ao*thlnnad out of traffic it m- Them was conjectum that pat- altar 8 o'clock this morning. had baen decor^ mer dose not soom to hava harm­ Eghway aa a ’third lane" U pane from Frank Belden and his sono. Nina men indlctM by Fademl sembled RcAkvIUa oa Fair Day. ■angam la tha plane warn .focal ty and tt ta always vtry but tto t he waa forced there' by layed." Bradtey said in aiwwar to LaBlanc and a companion. Ed­ crape papm and to hta many frtands bar# whsn M ed It. It looked at one tUM ns If two other TeWclea. the wrecker. He eald that he ovei^ Milton and Leon. gmnd Jury in New York in what Them probably wouldn’t hava merchants who warn bunting ffwp- Hwre arera garden truck of a8 Undo would bo Kodi pleaded not BuUty, to no a questioa by Chairman Ootmally ward Tlboe, Bl, alaa at Itaw U m , aa. lU w m a o ta a a la y ro a d took the truck, which he alleged (D„ Tex.) of the Foreign Relations Flanagan edd tbe Navy took District Attomay Frank 8. Hogan bear, ciutomem anough to ' have pern. am a ahont 40 feat off ohore with for tho onloekora. M m H doomed. Rata which Snafly oaoM arail, •• Judge Weeley C. Oryk waa behind the car at the Ume, committee. over the property In 1945 for f l ,- doacribea as $50,000,000 xxnabm filled one atom this afternoon had Or maybe, Mqln street practi­ saoM luhber tobwi when UBIano ST% lA r haa eaved tho day. Enjoy PEACE OF MIND with 0 fer\cna( LOAN tapoocd a fine of $M. raekot much A dangbtor araa bom August 8. blew hla horn and otarted to paaa "Whatever strategic concept is 800,000. In April, 1946, ho odd. rtaig . . . Four-etate police businaes gone on, for even In the cally bam, looked like an emer­ want under in ten feet at wnUr. thogsmaoand tM Hartford hospital, » Mr. HucUeberrles are mpidly gotag DMMwde aa latofTlew alarm Is Issued for reoovary of gency air atrip. 1.WINN TO* n m T ...f riendly, butt- Uie truck. He wae halfway by the agreed upon, this eMpmant will Albert Lewitt, oecrdary to tho few refre^ment places that did UMM to swim, ’nher wne not dtUag doam. „ and Mra. R a l^ goeord. by, having rlpenad nmeh ahead of It wae imniedlaUly after court trailer, teatUled Koch, when the aU fit in,” ha said. then Senator Albert Hawkea (IL, traetor-troUar truck loadod 'with InoBo gamo, which a ^ a sulL a— Mhe. feet eerriee, 8*p*r CASH YOU B IT 1 tttmt the IntematloniU aepect ea> aMo to aatst Ms eompanlcn. Tha Church CoiindL Hebron and ih# ubuaI tin#, And la fptta c i tiM MeirtMr truck awerved and foioed him o ff Bradley did not expand on his N. J-). Introduced the Seldena to 818,909 weeth af paint which has ease race. OorneUua drought yteldlag very weB. W oiiid You Rather Drive A a . em w e HU caa*... w* eay Tee te 4 $110 taiod the eaoe. BUUng that be baan mloring sinoa Sunday from LaBlane was taken from the Oltand eat af 8. No delay. CooM In or pho—. E H 3 I I I D the road to avoid a colllaion. *T reference to the plan to give the Hunt The Seidena were trying to Hoover Notes water by Frederick Preatoo, team tho host of Rov. Harold R. non to taauo a church buHetln ovory hemes are vary plratUhL had boon treated unfairly by the waa acared aa a rabbit," Koch ad­ bulk of the military aid to France. get the hotel back. At that Ume South River, N. J ., . , Ambaeeader and Horbort W. Portor ta orr^rtog voted vinos, which do not usually NEW 1949 PONTIAC? g.aSPArme im te A N ...If eeaergsocy ISItaa $9.20 121.11 139.0S court, Kodi demanded an inter- John Lalghten Stuart arrives from Obituary parit soparlatandaat, who waa himself ta the oontenta of tho «ilt- fortnight, oontatolng nowa Md eriiee, w e^ meet uederetendlng. mitted. He said datalla would have to be Hunt waa a WAA special con­ sunnunad from Ua home nearby. aoMlD o f church aad community ripen before Uto. ta August or 20 Boa 7.38 16.78 30.70 new with Judge Oryk and an­ He denied that he waa traveling given in aacrat. China to ^ ve first-hand rsport on 75th Birthday sultant L'MhIe to Bovtvo Toath aettnttas. This win taetudo a list early Beptombar, are falny droop­ REASONABLY EARLY DEI-IVERIES toeas 8B8 te 8800— Akeve MVin*RtE cbv4p •vefTfAliofl nounced Ml intention of entering at 70 or 75 milea an hour and hla OaSed Into Ooead Beoaten Flanagan add the Seidena pdd what U. K la now confrontod with jlrod B. Tenaant Paid *n ca a ^ ing with the fruit. Tomatoes are A IMB J STOO CB8FI UOuA a complaint with the Canadian City Policemen George O. Bal- o t HObroa. and Frank Auetta. of Mrths and doaths. hapttaiM apMBfftV mp9t4 In IT nentfc^Y gmm^ companion, Ben Karla, alao of TIm Army chief of staff and hla Hunt 85,000 on April 8T, 1946, aa them. (CoatkMtri fmaa Page Oaa) gthm bwiHMiffwfi W SIS.0J bb^- HI Ooneul in Now York. Liocal court Dna to heat. State Capitol and daof aad Edward Kotpa worked Marlborough. Ptayad apodal aad regular ffiu ^ meet- WITH OR WITHOUT TRADES Montreal, took the atand to verify Navy and Air Foree oountarparts. a retainer. —• over tbe youth with a reausdtotor taaTlUBW of IntereM about par- oinelala obliged by giving Koch Koch'a atatement Karla gave\the Admiral Louis Denfeld and Oen. Retamed CTieeh Uneuahed all state office bulldlnga does at Funenib a mambar of tho Srat graduating fiSBCtag. donanag their oervloea, Tw t c o a s s m r ff the information be deelred. B p.m. today, and (Jounty build­ in a vain effhrt to rovlye him. La- an act whldi araa greatly apprad- Suonora. ato. Tho oou^ wlU aame iccount of the incident aa H o^ Vandenbarg, were called Into "Hunt kept tbe check without claaa of Leland Stanford unlvar- dve aU poodhle aid and support Stemiak teotUled that he llret did Koch. a cloaed door oeasion with the com­ ing at S p.m. ., . Hgat forces par­ Michael J. Steiner sity, was the SOth president of ths Blaae was pronounoed dsad hy mtmA hy tha chib mambera. AUCTION cashing it." he tesUed, "and re­ Dr. Frank T. Genovese who w m The party did not k r^ n p m- to ths TSon A go FenowSblp group, BALCH PONTIAC, Inc nndm ud noU «^ the Koch car at the Buck- Vacathmlag In r. B. mittees this aftamooni turned It to the Seidena' three tial enepmeioa af work In factorise Funeral oervlcea for Michael Jo­ United Statw — from 1929 to FRIDAY. AUO. IBtb—IS A. 1 OPEN EVENINGS _ tnd n— • n a n nMaref wmoiNO land overpaae on the Wilbur Koch, who la. employed in hla in Nelv Britain . . . Two little sis-' seph Stabler, o f 166 Eldridge alao sont to the ecena aad the last tti midnight, overyono having Imd by attondtag tha msotiiigs, r ^ In putting forth his flnanciu months later, June 38." 1933. ritso o f the OatheUe diureh ware a very ai^yable tUna at the ho» .Urim' guldaaoo and advice, help­ AT LEGION HALL 155 CENTER STREET MANCHESTER rsa Mam sranr. MANOiitm, conn. CroM. He said that one lane of father’a greeting card buoineea in proposal yesterday, Vandenbarg On June 80, he add. Hunt left tsra klUod in Seneca, 8. C , while street who died Monday, wem held sun Hard Worker B78 MAIN S tBEEt Dial 8480 • Da«W Ha**y, Yl$ MANagw the weet-boimd etretdi of high­ mother and two other women try this morning at 8:80 from the adminletered to him by the Ray- Dltsbls OoldBi^lA hon#* I AlwWe ing arith transportation, stc. The Montreal and Karla, proprietor of said the split would make It easier WAA and formed his private At 75 he io. as always, a hard ' I S r S t Mr. and Mra. Oddstetn. ta WETHEB8F1ELD, CONN. T s b CkB Always Ds BMtar At Haleb’s I—• mtU k wit— d n ■»—tk| k— way waa occupied by an automo­ a textile atore, are apendlng a desperatdy to pash etellid anto- HoUoraa FunemI Home, and 9 worker, usually putting In a 16- DaaM J. Foley, of St Joeeph’s T ^ Akers h M an out door pie Sire. Louie J. Maori to get the program through Con­ company. In A ugust 1946, ha leader of the "gporkfoE" and has nle Sunday avaniag on the Otaee, oN bile. and the outer lane by a vacation in the U nlM Statea. gress this aeoalon. added. Hunt worked out a fee ar­ memle from path o f oncoming o'clock from St James' church. hour day. His chief concern for ebureh. ____ wrecker towing a tractor. The They plan to vlait New York and train . . , Mias America o& 194E Rev. George P. Hughes wee many years has been for national It araa Danbury's (tret drowa- 1Bnuf*t***y eradltsbla arark. iprounde o f Mr. and Mrs. Herbert 'frooe Now Mrs. Josephine Kivaonlck, aleter But Johnson aald his staff has rangement with the Seidena. The Hebron branch of tho Amor- W. Porter's plaoe, ta place of the from n Ora wrecker, he aald. waa apparently Atlantic City before returning to Hunt, he added, began negotlat now in Europe, promKea her celebrant Rav. Robert Carroll, and Intemattonal affalm. t o f Of tha summer s of the bride, was matron of honor. advised him that 60 per cent of the deacon, and Rev. John F. Hannon, lean' Rad Croat la monaortag a I ubuaI SttiwlAy Avrainff Bsrvlcs At Furniture^ paeSkrig the car. Canada on Sunday. They have al­ Ing with the Navy. Later the ho­ father she win refrain from mak­ Even when on flahlng tripe ar at I lecture on poliomyeUtla. to M aocked at 75 M.P.H. ready been to Cape Cod and Ben­ Mrs. John Fraher, elstar of the 31,160,000,000 for wastem Europe ing ahy fntnm eoauneats to re- eub deacon. Tha organlet Miaa tha annual encampment of .the Bo­ the diurch. . . t a y ^ y . Then, continued Stemiak, the bridegroom wae brideenuUd, and must be In cash. The remainder tel was decler^ oifrphis and Jane Nackowekl, prided at the In February, 1TT7. B®bett Mor- gtvan by Dr. W. C. Holnsworth. of Joseph M. WtlkaUs, Sr., of Am ton. turned over to WAA, portmn. hemian Club on the Rueeioh river, Cdumbia. at tha CotamMa Town "third lane" came into the picture Karla tried unoucceeafully to dia- Patricia Slesenski waa flower girl. can be in authority to make con­ U. S. ‘Ambaaendor Lowla W. conaole. he usuelly works 6t least part'of via wihta ta 3t»m Paul Jonja. "I ston araa tsksn Thursday to the WETHBB8FIELO BALES O a "V i. Tony DeClontis waa best man, tracts which will be peld for in Flanagan testlfled that Hunt's think you should carry adth you ha^ Friday ovenlng) August IL Hartford boopltal whora aa opor- aa the Koch car paaaed both oth­ auade Koch from hla po^-court Dongloa will return to London Interment waa in St. James’ the day. At his New York hotel opening at d o'riocS, Paronta of H. L, WELCH. Soles M gt. er vehlclea on the left aide via the John Fraher ushered and William caah later, he said. total fee for helping the Seidena cemetery, with Rev. John F. Han­ he keeps four eecre- aa many Mariass as possible tor atloa on hta right foot waa per- Interview with Judge Oryk with get the Udo Beach hotel waa $86,- desk next week on^two-hour-e-dey reeidence. I eh U ^ and aU othora tntoreaM Phono S-5SU parkleta. The aUte policeman “let’a get out of here before vfe Kennedy, nephew of the bride­ Senator Saltonstall (R , Maos.) basis . . . Bbcpiosim dond of gas non in charge of the committal taries busy. they w « be useful aad necenwry formed. Ho expecU to bo ta tbe n ^ U P s A L E la learning about this dread dla- aald be then followed the car, groom waa ring-bearer. asked Johnson if this authority 000. service. After Wot7d W ar II he waa la all your land exeurslona." 'have more trouble." The men are He sdd about $71,000 had boon onco menaced Houston, Tex., dur­ which bad not elackened a p ^ oharing expenoea on their trip and The bride wore a princess style would mean a flirt contract to be ing war . . . John Moragon, one of The beamrs wem John. Joeeph, called back into hla country's serv­ paid for in fiscal 1B51-5S. John­ pdd. and Hunt still holds notas George and Frank Stamicr, Frank and clocked it at apeeda of tO-TB face a problem if they ohould uoe gown of white satin with train. figures in Senate's inveatlgatlm of ice. President Truman oent him OMSinuunnm^ milea an hour before overtaking Her veil of tUusion fell from a son replied it would be. for about $15,000. Vittner and Waitar Klrachsieper. on a tour to detarmlne tha werld’a up their allotted SIBO in Ameri­ Flanagan add Hunt also five percentera. ushered out of Sen­ p i A t r i e Koch in Eaat Hartford. can money given them at the bor­ comet of seed pearls end she car­ Seltonetall asked If the re-arm­ ate lobby on demand of Sonator deeperata food needa. [WHEEL RINGS When he epeke to Koch, aald der. ried a bouquet of white bridal ing of Europe will mean any re­ charged the Seidena $11,000 for Father-Son Signal links And in '1947, Mr. Truman named l e o A t i o duction in the U. 8. defenee pro­ ■ervlcea in connecUon with got' Murmy (D.. Mont.) . . . President i P i - b Btemlak, the defendant "Joked Koch minced no worda about hie rosea Truman announces tltat Moltam- B. R „ AlrSne the former preaid«it to hand the NOTSOO about the aituatlon” and later Impreaoion o f the Nutmeg State. TThe matron of honor wore pur­ gram. Ung building permits for work med Rexa Pahlavl, ekah of Iran, Oommleslon oo Organisation of I g i S R i . when brought to the Mancheater ‘T will never,” be otated emphat­ ple marquisette and carried an Win No« Change Fiegiene on another hotel they own4d at Denver, Colo.—((F)—Pnseengers the Executive Branch ot tha Gov- NOT 400 Johnson eeld no, it would not. has accepted hia invitation to vlait Police SUtkm waa “imcooperatlve" ically, "paaa through the State of old-faahioned bouquet of rsixed Palm Beach. U. 8. in latter pari of November, on tha United Airlines’ flight from ernment.- Ha accepted gladly, al­ BUT 500 SOMTIOUL OFFOB by frequently InUrruptlng Ster- Connecticut again." flowers. The brldeamald. Mra He said he would not agree to any Leuitt told the committee Group of 10 Senators “urgently Denver to Cheyenne havt noticed though he was 78, and alroady had plan which would reduce "the am­ about recommending Hunt to the devoted 30 years to puhlle serv­ OR. WEBT Fraher, «’ore yellow marquisette, request” Secretary of Defense a train far befow them winking its TOOTH POWOKR ple security of the United Stetea." Seidena, whom he had known as Johnson to recall Oen. Donglas big headlight In the night. Paaeen- ice. —wasCID At similar In style to the bride's and A whimalcal type of humor,, aa DOVALETTE BRUSH Albania Charges Soviet Action carried a colonial bouquet of mix­ Thle military prognm , ha said, personal friends for 20 years. He MacArthur from Japan... EngSah gera on the 8:15 p. m. Colorado DRUG STORES wta McKe s s o n ia Just a beginning to help west­ odd be waa vary glad to recom­ hypnotist Peter Caaaon snaps' and Ssuthern between the aame exhibited in some o f hie recent a m m o n ia t k d ed flowers. The flower girl also ern Europe end other natialqrccn Drttc| Stc?r^ By Greek Army Contlaned from Page Owe ception was held In the American ern powers to forget about prop­ tematlcally blinking the lighte on Diocuoalng the Hoover commis­ BOTH g O m •SiSSiSriWSrw o o o i curity of this country, but that Leuitt also told bow he left erty it removed from Auetria— Legion hall, Newington, after time ia yet to come. its wings. Thill has been going on sion report recently, be told of the r a n o n l y it flew another long mleaion with Hawkea' office and net up hia Inchidbig 500 loeomotlvea—in for three years now. 1/ “ ^anraw**- (Ceettueed from Page Oar) which the couple left for a wedding Congress ia wrangling over the own public relations consulting little girl writing her thanks to a the heavy load, covering 8,063 trip to Boston end (Tape (Tod. They drafting Austrian treaty o f Inde­ The engineer of the train and 2 tor 4 3 ^ amount of military ^d that should office. He add Hunt retained hla pendence. man who had sent her a book aatag of the Qreek govem- milea in 86 houre. are at present living in Newing­ be given to the North Atlantic the pilot of the plane are father about pailcans. "This Is Indeed a Smith aald the majority of po­ services at $500 a month for 10 and eon. The blink-blink of the Save 15c t'a aanounead offenaive to wipe ton. but It la probable they wUl . pact nations, plus Greece. Turkey, months, beginning Doc. 1, 1947— very interesting thing," the girl n URIT Ownmnnlat-le} rebela from tential enemy targeta would have make their home In Manchester Iran, the Philippines and Korea. lights is 64-year-oId (Terence wrote. “It contains more about ASPIRIN TABLETS 11° m GOMPim been within thle range, “the per­ Just for him "to be available in C^pmairs Way of eajring "How’re r laut northern atronghold in later. Mr. Maori is a carpenter., In addition to the Senate hear­ event he needed my advice." Revolt Brews pelicans than I -really need ta geftfe o t TOO, P*ra I'Srala. d—«i)».. Ml lhe •f .f a m n formance wee encanraglng," be ing. Secretary of State Acheoon you, boy?" to his airborne eon, know.” aald. In answer to a question by Wil­ 31-year-oid Cept. Leroy Chapmen. ■/ WU.IKEI F M lW n la scheduled for a closed-door liam P. Rogen, chief counael for “That," commented Mr. Hoover" — IgAmwm w Impieeeiid hy Performnnea Bolduc • EDisoa Over Powers Occasionally the aenlor C?hap- lTM$ a tt 8 Tha fkueka^awa changed that I meeting of the House Foreign Af- the committee. Lewitt add Hunt is the feeling of the commission I OOK . 1000 SHEET ROLL In June, he continued. Air Sec­ ; fain committee. man (anclea-up his nocturnal hello at the present moment" after 18 30eOUVI aoM trwofa are anrimred by a trl- retary Symington called a meeting "probably called on me two or by lighting a red railroad flare and REC. 10c angiAar kaoe la the rugged moun- Mloa Frances Fern Klhioa three times" for advice. (Continued front Pnga One) months of work on its report. of Air F orce, commandera and daughter of Mrs. Frank CHettnek Bradley rigeroaaly opposed any holding it out tha window of hie Mr. Hoover's w-ife, was Lou TAILITS RUBBER t ir e s BaM by a otriag of heavy fortl- tachniciane to review the entire Lewitt insisted that Hunt never rite Aaeei&bly an equal voice in the cab. "Tm right proud of my boy,” TOILET TISSUE 7« BiwHniw tnOMe aitwnien territory. of 41 Windemer* street, Rock- rcdzxtica in the prapossd amount I adeed Wm for any "specific ad- Henry, e clasamate at Stamford. BANDS B-S6 program. Symington had eeen 'viUe, and Robert Vernon Boidae. of arms aid, said svery ttem Council's declatons. , (Terence taya "And I Just like She died several years ago. He baa Thug tmf the rebela paae freely B-36a flown at the Cbneolldeted I Tice.” A also aaid he “never got Phvor rfee Hand O t Agenda him to know the old man^ etill up f-ax. leHte haek and forth from Greece to son o f Mr. and Mra. Alfred Bolduc in the bS! huFheeo essefuffy eon- any fee" in coimectlon arith the Men visiting with Ms sons, Her­ 20c 2 f o r 1 6 ‘ Vultee aircraft plant in Fort of 30 Ford otreet. thia tOTra. were I siderad. and had beea found cs- Under the present statute set­ and around and on tha Job.” bert, Jr., and Alan, and their (Ltadt 1) Albania and* that aupply trucka Worth, IVxaa, not long before, and lentiaL Udo Beach case. He said he waa ting up the (Council, the Assembly SKEETEE ho)m ban aacn coming from Al- united in mamage Monday. glad the questioB came up because Ihmillea in southern Otllfornia. BminOfSSiSFIMMSMB had been imprsaoed by perform- August 1, in St. James' church. The tide o t Oommumam is behig may not add any point to Its Mr. Hoover is sympathetic to ALCOHOL howla. athene haa officially charg­ Aa the June meeting started, the Seidena “may have had some agenda without the approval af Ftnlaad Sneesee Oo On Aad On RID The -nng ceremony was stemmed m Europe, be declared, idea that I participated in the fee President Truman in tbe problems I ' '( IK t t ) e a a ' Mosquito Rtpellut ______. I , 430x18 l4 o il ed flmt her Army haa been shelled the Berlin air lift waa being put performed by Rev. Robert Wood and added: the ministerial committee. Many be faces. Once he said; glut Dakm CARNU dnrtag the offenaive from the Al- into operation by the Air Force, Hunt g o t" depuUes appeared to feel the Ae- HeUlnki, Finland—OF)—Finland BIG at nine o'clock. “We arc not impelled by crlaia. Testimony was brought out that "Tliere are only two occesione dOO X 1 6 1 &50xl5 l 4 J e | hanlaw herder fM ta General Smith aald, and Gen. Lu­ or deaperatioa, or fear of impend­ sembly should have a free hand in ia not to be sneexed at when it when Americans respect privacy, WITCH COLORFUL ,vJo/WfS/ *, aihanian Army newspaper cius D. Clay, U. 8. commander in ing war." although the Navy took over the working out iU agenda. comes to sneezing. A man named 49 i '. i f 1-3SJ hotel for $1,300,000, the WAA re­ Pelkonen, of Tampere, Finland, especially In preaidents: Those era HAZEL BALLOONS -ienleil in Tlmaa last night that Berlin, 'took a moot aerloua view Bradley aald that if there were The mlnistera yesterday adopted prayer end fishing-so that soma Doans Pills U .3 9 | 7410x15 IS ta f Alhenia has given the Greek guer- of the aituatlon. sale of the property to the Seidena a nine-point agenda for the assem­ baa been ineexing for half of hU Pint (lim it 1) eucb a crioia he would recommend- waa for approximately $635,000. presidents have t^en to fishing.” 3 FOR 1 2 ^ PSe (UmW 1)aaae*a**aaa*o9 ^ m wn m ffllaa any aid. "After Review, the decision waa aad I am sure you would Inalat bly of 101 delegates from BriUm, 40 years — not without interrup­ iiB lgJ 7.00x16 IB oe clearly in favor of carrying out upon"—a greater effort than is Flanagan also said Hunt recom­ France, Belgium, Holland. Luxem­ tion, to be sure. For two or three The Greek guerrilla radio, mdhn- mended to the Seidena that they bourg. Norway, Sweden, Denmark. days, maybe a week, he is normal. AuatraSa Wants ‘ (.10 vzs 9SC1-05 whBa, In another broadcast heard the full B-S6 contract," Smith called for in thia program. Nea-DoUar Oentracta 39 $7.79 De/pA said hire a lawyer. Edwards Hayes of Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Tur­ Then it starts, and be eneeses 1,- ^ 00 A WFBf here, charged that government Much o f tha diacuasion haa dealt Chicago, a former national com­ key. 500-3.000 timea a day. The sneex- trooph preaoing their offensive Those at the meeting, he eald. 'arith a plan that Vandenberg, the Camberra—(P)—Soon the gov­ D.D.T* Insect decided It would not be wise to Republicans' top man In foreign mander of the American Legion. OuU^en In Critidsin Ing is accompanied by a bad head­ I erwe launching attacks from He aald Hayes’ fee In connection Count Richard Coudenhove-Ka- ache end some fever. ernment will call for tenderi fO-OB. ■OMB CBROHI p u n Tugoolav territory. drop the program and lose the affaire, thinks may make tbe from eontractors In non-doUar S P M K P U IC S industrial potential of the gov­ foreign arms program more ac­ with the Lido Beach negotiations lergl, director of the European Dr. BMc Nyberg, o f a Helsinki ■ _ n__SM - FUEL PUMPS Yugoslavia, Albania and Bul- waa $32,000. Parliamentary union, waa out­ hospital, explained that Pelkonen countries for the drilling of 40 t M u n r a iSRIlLGUARDS ooAamnwD ■mOLT 1 I garia an border Greece on the ernment owned Fort Worth plant. ceptable to Oongreas. miles of tunneling through solid * yo i lease Mnxa "Just when new production The Witness said the Seidena spoken In criticism of the powers a metal-worker, appears to enjoy 98 gixia TO m north. An have been accused In Vandenberg proposed that (Ton- have already paid $25,000 of this of the ministers. rock in tho Southeilt Alps. CLEANER Oar HotwahoM Spadal AleitsfcraA aU CAM miracles might be demanded, as greoa provlda cash for only half generally good health, but tha __- in o m n c ~ the past of a ld ^ the Greek Com­ amount to Hayes’ law firm (Da­ "The relationship between the eneexing recure without fell—and Tho tunnels will divert waters Par ALLtabrica ! UTILITY M WEEK munist rebels. they were after Pearl Harbor." tbe 31.160,000,000 program for re­ of the Snowy river and tributa­ SAVE ON C B IM M K n R r Smith added. mon. Hayes, l ^ it e A Hoban). committee and the Assembly Iw Pelkonen returns to boepltal. TIRE RCLINER Tugoala"ia. however, has split arming Atlantic pact nations. The Flanagan said "Mr. Hayea was all wrong." said the count, a vet­ ries into the Murray and Muirum- ■O X Bhf. 84A6 END Spaata to Be Wltneea other half would he in authority There he is put to bed and given JUBCSTBOOSMIDS violently with the other two over rather close to Mr. Hunt." eran campaigner for A federated "eathma" treatment. The affliction Mdgee rivers. Power plants will 2 9 * dish c l o t h s All kstsf 1 2S SPECUL Gen. Carl A. Spaata, a pio­ to make contracts for arms, to be be installed for the waters of the T 4H 'lm g.* o r n sx s her dispute with the Russian-led neer of the Air Force, wee sched­ appn^riated for later. The committee alao planned to Europe. "The committee and the tbe doqtor aald, ie an allergy, a W allets TO r a n ' Communist Information bureau call Clarence H. Oehler, former Assembly ahoiUd not be thought of form nasal catarrh, caua^ by Snowy to generate L7S0.00O kilo­ SiOa priead. ^ Cantilever tray. uled to be the next witness. In effect, this would mean watts of electricity. F or 3 3 c (CDmlnfortfi). Premier Marshal The gray-haired Spaata. now spreading the cost over e two- supervlaor of the WAA Storage as a mblnet and Parliament, but tha veins in the noee. ONLY. .. ^ GenniiM lECNOLLNOiN tANDma CARBURETORS *nto recently announced closing of Warehouse division In Chlcagp, to ee a Senate and House of Repre­ fOcc CUSHIOI retired, was asked to tell the year period without any actual cut OLAPSKN Oelerfael eaWena. (Umlt S aniy) ‘ L ea th er M FFm t — lt u n s n h in B . thi southern frontier facing rebel tell about "certain <»rrespondence sentatives . . . Hie powers of the IMNeiTTlRa ^ rOUSHINS part he played aa a combat com­ in the amount of arms (or Europe he had with Hunt.” The committee '' territory, mander In getting the six-en­ Secretary of Defense Louis two houses should ba equal.” Olsuni P«rc0- PAPER HAPKINS OUTFIT »f)5a said Oehler now la with the Ameri­ Predfoto Cbattnaal Bickering' Chct-Linc 8o’» Low prie* . . . PLIERS^ !S S r 2 A 8 gined, long-striking bomber from Johnson indicated he could go can Industrial Development Cot^ ’ 1 rUi Jtoy dream stuff to reality. along with this plan, although not He predicted continual bickering a M ffp h u n i' h J i MNGnFUSHUBHT poratlon of St. Louie. between the committee and aooem- TEETHIHO RIHOS Bsetrie Drill Former Aide As a reporter for a weekly enthusiastic about it, provided 1 1 n u B t Valesl Mrs. Bshart there is no reduction in the total Senator Margaret Chase Smith bly ynleos a revision is made. Tecd-Etc ...... 7 4A8 magasine (Newsweek) Spaata (R.. Me.), asked Flanagan if moat •ittibvef AN yesterday heard hie one-time amount of arms for Europe. He TM comn^ittee is made up of Announcing f i t SIss ego - Assails Clark Bseorted to the altar and pre­ said it would be Impoaslble anyway of Hunt’e fee In the Udo Beach representatives of member nations, tAU POIHT W 49* Play‘PO-00 chief, Robert A. Lovett, former matter sprang from the fact that H n elefU rr Cehmire-75cvataei...... S 3 T 5 .7 5 assistant secretary of war for sented in marriage by her father, to deliver all the arms in one each having ona vote. Seats in the OoH B a lls ANAaN ______7 9 e . _ E. Ellison, she waa attended by year. Hunt knew hla way around in the Assembly are apportioned roughly CHEESE (Contthoed from Page One) air, talk about the plane's Infan' WAA. TABLETS cy in 1841. Mrs. Catherine Bolduc, whose Two Democratic leaders said on the beala o f population. CLOTH Stvrdy com whuL. SAvt n v husband, Patrick Bolduc waa beat privately the admtnistreUon prob­ "Probably." Flanagan replied. Spokesmen for the European THE OPENING .Glanf Tnho 55* Vm Bottle afiO acted as defense lawyer for many Lovett wea the first wltn Mrs. Smith wanted to know if •Lively'ea«. called by the committee'! man. • ably u^ould accept the Vandenberg Movement were equally insistent PODO itfd i. .19* 39c DUST PAN persons since he quit government The bride wore a blue gabardine proposal. They said it would there isn’t soma law to take care on giving the Aesembly more lee­ OF A NEW CH’ y ' *EN’S AND Kubber Upped—S a v e ...... 4 # * w — titSfcoiF BIGS service! counael, Joseph B. Keenan of such cases. Good qutliiy Inquiry ia the result of atate- suit, white acceasortea and orchid give President Truman the pro­ way in shaping its own program. SHAVING [skiiiiG 4 MJULLKftl "Moat of my clients are not corsage. Her matron of honor gram he wanta even if the costa Flanagan said the 1944 surplus As the deputise prepar^ for WOMEN’S SHO^FINC CENTER n a i l f i l e l O r [SAVES SOX Communists," Rogge said. ments made before the Hoitse on are spread over two years. property'act restricted actlritlea CREAM with leather ffdeld ...... ■ w h * Hay 26 In a speech by Rcpreeeil- wore a yellow sharkskin suit, their first meeting,' interest cen­ "Now let’s be frank,” Ferguson white acceesorlea and orchid cor But one of them added the Van of former WAA employes for a Latbei or Brutblcu r js r said, “some of them arc Commu­ tative Van Zandt (R„ Pa.) tered on the Aaeembly'a choice of •9c E X T E N S IO N C O R D K n uvT 1.69 sage. denberg plan waa like the old shell certain period after they left the a presiding offieer. QIast Taka nists." The House ordered the Inveatl- game—"now you see It ahd now agency. I 3 9 « ^y.».i«tw i 9-feetor. Sava Ilea # * V I t - "Out of all my clients only two getion after Van Zandt told of The mother of the bride wore Might Be "Klee of Death" SI print dreas and tbe bridegroom's you don’t ” He said whether the The Ministerial committee le to THURSDAY-AUC. il COLGATE DELUXE are members of the Communist "disturbing reports” about the re­ 50c RUBBER SPONGE ^ ^ mother wae attired in grey. Both authority ia given in cash or con recommend aoineane to the-‘ As­ bnoteheM uaa .....•••tw a#— I Kse* k p arty,P oage insisted. lations of military leaders and tract authority the govemment— -F I R S T DENTAL SSA Geltihg Mck to the issue of industrialiaU connected with tbe red roae corsages, and aS' About Town sembly, but in view of the dele­ I.7.ISVAUE that is, the ta.xpayers—will have WOMEN’S HOSIERY. . .SLIPS. . 15e POCKET COMB8 |||^ AID KIT Clark's nomination, Rogge eaid B-36 program. elated in receiving at a reception to pay for it sooner or later. gatee’ temper, that reconuftenda-. SM-amea CREAM for 38 guesta at the Sheridan tion might at well ba a "kiss of At aarinsa. Only ...... tW ha Clark “too often be says one thing Another senator cracked that Mias Jean E. OoateUo of GOWNS. . .PANTIES. VtSpJeAP^ p u rely and does another pnvate- from ten to twelve noon. the plan reminded him of a hus­ Florence atreet heads the city death." XPOSE SUN­ isa-BP 3.98 Says King’ s Engttsb On their return from a motor band who wouldn’t give hla wife ooimcil of the Hartford branch of Former ihanch Premier Edouard 8 9c B A T H la metal cm 4 BALLS , Befen To Last Big Case U Washed Up trip through Maine the couple Herriot, long on odvoeata of Euro­ TAN LIQUE) SPRAY S;“ » ^ « 2 «.9 c 120 caah for a hat—but a gre^ Beta Sigma' Phi, International SUNDAY 4 M A L L I T S Rogge referred to his last big will live on North Main street# she could charge it. Buolnesa Women’s oororUy, which pean unity, will convoke the As­ For a coppery tin t t e i M B n M b Sjii U U T fE K II government case, the mass prose­ Sydnsy—(^»i—The King’s Eng The bride was graduated from la installing a new chapter tonight sembly and give the opening ad- FREE C IR S SSTOOe Seft briMlsa • cution here in 1S44-45 of some llsh, saj-s Sidney J. Baker, is all Mancheater High school with the at the Hotel Bond. Miss Ida T. Pa dreos. The election of a president * FIta any R O L F B A A 30-odd Mrsont accused of sedi­ washed up. The language, he says, clasa of 1949 and ia employed by quette of CUnton street and Miss will cenna Immediately after hla 59 tion. 'The trial ended abruptly win one day be n ]^ ed by Amer- the Travelers Insurance company. Says \%ughan Annamay Jolla are among the 50 speech. AlrFlR fwfMB i with the death of the presiding ican-EnglUh. Baker is an Austra­ H ie bridegroom u)aa educated in pledgees. Wintson Churchin, vrira was ON OPENING DAY i N VM .SE Judge lian lecturer and Journalist who Maine schoole. He eerved 80 Asked Hurrying greetod by about 1,000 cheering S MALLETS nS% "Privately he (Clark) told me hss made a atudy of Australian months with the Navy, two yeara perscoe when he arrived from that the scditioa case would not Shirley, daughter o f Mr. and speech. overseas, and ia now employ^ at Mrs. Earl H. Rudtn of 82 Maple Italy last night, also is expected BE SURE TO INQUIRE ABOUT OUR 160 be re-tried," Rogge eeld. “Public­ This is an example he gave. ContlDued from Pag* One to speak. He is one of the 18 ly he atated his intentiont of re­ the Pratt A Whitney Aircraft atreet, waa admitted to tbe New­ "Shove this spin down south, and plant. ington Home and Hospital for members of the British dslegetlon. TW IN INSURANCE PLAN. Week-Omf Liquor Specfolt trying it." mote down to the nibblty for a pmeldent told a recent news The ease waa dropped. Hla gift to the bride was a Oipplod-'Childran, Monday. She fiddley*! worth of bombo. My strand of pearls, and to bis best confemnea that Vaughan has His will undergo ah operation and it ia Sfai wHneoeis—tnekoding epokee- prmission to testify, Rosa said r a i w A Y »SiWAYNOTE aMB Cor Sour organlsatldne Clark ■ort’a rat-bag cobben are turning man he gave a pen and pencil set. expactad will remain at the liiati- Public Reconls RUPPERT'S BEER ^ on a ahivoo sarvo. Dice your The bride’s gift to the bridegroom that “still, applies.” tution for alx weeks. PORTFOUO STATIONERY haa Hated ee eubveraive—were Committee Chairman Hoey (D- Courteous Sarvice-QualUy W ear ta a mdaele itw k _ — ER wotting to toeflfy when the com- Jacket and get your chop .of the 1 w u wallet and to h?r matron of Marriage LIcanae e — plonk, why don’t you? With all honor she gave a-compact. NC) said hla group ia especially Rev, Leland O. Hunt, minister of S3.19 S £ 5 U 3 9 e LAWN OR K aaittee weepd up tta morning ees- interested in getting all the de- Nunxio Dominick Lisella of •leB. Aa a reeut a idght meeting the golaha and dills that'll drag the Second Omgregational cb u i^ Hartford and Frances Jean De- AARDER JP waa ordered (S-M p. m., e. e. t ) on this yike, it'd be ridge to have tatfo os to why the 'Tanforan track 6 9 raJM* EUB.IIWI OeaM er Teha« Oppeeltlua someone who's a wake-up to yab- Bees Make a Sweet Me finally got govemment blessing VAT SCOTCH ^ her with." (or tbe construction after approv­ fi 8«turdey at S’. Jamee’e church. W W lE • Biaxa Chairman MeCarra (D., Nev.) family at Chrlstmaa Cove, Maine. Qnltclalni Deed TH E J ■ qwesawaa This. Baker said, ia a free trans­ idley, al had been denied repeatedly. He expects to return to town late wum $4.69 Jiopad to wind ujp the pubUc teeti- Manchester Reeljy. company to 4 ^ ■'gng_ mony I t two eeaaions today. How­ lation; "Take this flvs pounds and yearn,a, thetna T. H. Benedicts knew The committee is.checking on Friday. •rat vaMB ever. eome Republleene are con- hurry down to ths hotel for one them were bees in their home whether improper Influence has J6hn F. and Rose A. Young, prop­ 6 9 e eldering at leant a token oppori poufid worth of wine. My girl near hem. figured in tha admlniatration of There were no new or euapected erty on Dreacher road. JACK & JILL SH0P W a m rtee Deeda GINGER ALE and SODA . tlo(w..«tth«‘ kt the committer friend’s ' eccentric acquaintances Thsy finally discovered the beea Fedeml regulatlone end in the cases of poUo reported here today, Ihk mdUom haartngi or later on the Senate are having a party this afternoon. but not befom the swarms had awarding w govemment contracts. according to the office of the Board John F. and Rooa A. Young to Biaa* 681 Main SfrAAt Alclde J. and Julia C. Boucher, 8 D E P O T s q u a r e m unm Boos. Leave your work and take a made a honey o f a mess. Bummer The Inquiry stemmed from dis­ o f Health. . tiiTMiarr Mlaeourl's Republican aenatora, share of the liquor, why don't heat disclosed the location of tbe closures about the activities of property at Drescher road and .•if n— MoncliASfAr Kem and Doaneil, have been criti­ you? Anyw’ay, with all (the unim­ beea nMt when honey atarted run' Jamds V. Hunt, now a Washington Fishing at Bolton Lake yeiiter- Grandview atreet. *‘W here Parking Is a Pleamre** i.'ijta.xi’ cal about Clarii'e handily: of vote portant people who wlU be there. n ^ d.>wn from the living room business counselor. Hunt formerly day. Dr. Raymond Mozxer and Jo­ Wendell M. and Anita Broadwell sssa? "uUdrilZ" fraod charges in the 194B election! I would like to have someone In celling. Four bushel baskets of Was a lieutenant cqlonel in the At' seph Shinn pulled out a fine 30-inch to Raymond E. and Ebba Moeller, .MONARCH WWES t t g s s s >S srvsIebw ’T r » " . T aI.6771 ia Xanaaa«Clty. 1 itelllgent to Ulk ta." honey and the beea were mmoved. my Quartermaater coma and later bast which weighed four pounds. ptoperty on Adams street. m p in sT O R is \- PUB ^ a u * 4 9 c I. - * Pik EAOa MANCraW Bl EVEMIMO H^RiOD. MAJTCHWTBB. OONll. WEDMMPAT, APOOTT M, 1»4» MANCHB8TEB EVENTNO HERALD. HANCHE8TBR. C30NW.. WEDNESDAY, AUOtTST 10, IM f

t f ytm fry foods (roquanMy a At Us two day trial, tha pross frying basket that fits Into a dsop eutlon introdnoad a staUmsnt la Survey Vessel Iren or aluadnum pan is a good wUeh H aifh esnfaased -to psUsa investment. Do net ereerd the bas­ ha imted alght othar p s n o u RdCB Draws Tight As Red Sox^ Kindsr Beats Yanks ket la frying. las Mrs. Dunad-Dsaeon and Goes A^ouud drank tbatr Mood. Window curtaJaa of NTLON ■Mwn toSMM by Drauw MAltqtnBBTTB ars utterly satls- With tha oKoapdon Scotland A ll o fC r e t^ o f 3 r oT the diaries Choice McCarthymen Get Good faotory la dainty shasmisi of ap- Yard cloasd tha raoord on B Three-Way Tie paarancs. In exeoptkmal woarlng land’s moot srnisatlqiisl murder Simon Newcomb j quality. In simplicity of laundsrlng oaso to yoars. At tha hrlaf trial a [p^nglft Stars As lA’s HERALD ANGLE In Title Bout with btfle or no prsaaing. and In dsfsaaa mental apsclaUat Off Labrador In Conn. Open Hurling in New Driye saso of making up (threads can bo Haigh waa driven Inaano by easily pullsd). It’s 68 InchaaInc wids Norfolk, V a, Aug. 10—<85— and only 80 coats a yard at Oia Hal K. TarirfafftoR Aftor drinking tho blood of hU Heavy aaas drove ths USaBlmon W allop Kacey’s, 15-2 ChatttF Looks for Early CHENET BROTHER* REM' Homs Shoots Fine Golf Aflaktaai ^ rta Editor Indians, Tigers Ako put Into aalada p l a s t i c g a r m e n t b a g s NANT BALPBROOM. Tlctlmo, Haigh told poltcs„ho dis­ Newcomb, s Navy hydrogra^lc Win Over Leanevlch Silk City Plays Andover ■o— ttiBg y * r j now and RalMM to b« an worth having. Not only do they solved ths bodies la bubbling aetd survey vessel, aground yesterday ■IM to OM w a dopUatonr >a taato aapodally good If they are Gold DubI Colorful Contrasi To Share Honors With At West Sida Tonight Win; Dodgers, Cards keep clothes free from dust and batha. 'Hm dappar kUlsr did aet near Hamilton Inlet on tha In bra- Big Jobn Slams Hom er/ Softball DaeMchcadcr .3-5. Manchester Green, 2-6 end Tonight at Stadium BSLXNA RUBBNSTEIN'S •plumpod" flrat To ‘ plump." waah compactly hung, but It's so easy Always bake pastry In a hot ■ . .-Ttrelllng the pack, the Oolontoto, the ralalna in hot water, turn thorn ovsn If you want a flaky crust tootlfy in hla own defense. dor coast But all of her crew of LIstad Friday Night StasBOwakie LaBntls tnex I Remain T M for Lend “HUDIT." It’a tho Mfc and emay to ass which garments an In each. Ootalla of Britlah sxocuUdns an $7 wars safe. _ Two Singles and H u H b ' Jake Banks pullsd an old An exhlWtloa baseball game laay to rtmova hair from arma, into a atralnor, cover tho atrainar Thera a n three sin s. Just In on on somo of hto toammatoo from By Jack HsiaJ wUl be played tonight at the In National Leagnn and place it over boiling water to Ts sooths tifed ayes. He down aavor announced. A crowd of Only ths captain, Lt (JG) C. Six Hitter; Gain Tiej Hamden, Conn., A i g. 16-O fl- ' New York, Aug. 10—(P>—Ea- oadar-arma and laga, laavlnf aoft, rS-order. at the J. W . Hals Com­ oral hundrsd persona waited la ths R. Modlin, USN, remained aboard A double header aoftboll at- Mortorty's Brothars last A remlndar to members of the Oval when the Silk C2ty Aces UBoeth allin. Nudit, which haa a ateam lor about 5 mlnutoo. Bo mire for fifteen or twenty ndnutsa with sonoattonal flnish by MkJiey It bappaaad In tbs gm— brtvmsn sard Oiarlea rules a solid 5 to 16 pany: sfactaen-ganniMit alae at $1.- UtUs pads o f cotton aatumtsd early ntomlag sunshlna for the tho 8g6-ton ship today aa a Coast For First Witb' Motors I tracUon la listed for Friday Honu, of Rocklodge, Wim. Hart­ fttemon’s aoftball team cross bats with the Andover By Jee Reiehlor waleona fragranca Inatead of a to------chill the-. plumpod ralalna before 48, eight-garment s in at $1.18, evemc starting at 7i20 at Rooky Hfll and ths B sst Hartftord practice game has baan echaduled favorito to punch S4-year-old Qua nine from the County League. with good quality witch hnsM. bitof official notlea of the axoeu- Guard cutter and a Navy mlvagc ford, eomsd him a'plaos with two Lssnevlch full of holsa tonight at Associated Frees Bpoite Writer nauaaoua odor, eomoa in $.65 and adding thorn to tho aalad and suit alas at $1.08. ■ssl raesd to her rescue. Her Robertson Pnrh. Ths tiro other Coonoetlout Prefeeekmato In Dova Dukas In a Nortbam LnfCV* coach Ty Holland for tomorrow Game time to 6 o’clock. $1.00 aUoa at the WEUX>N DRUG tlon to bo tackad to tho prison Bleedings game played at Mayhtrry VUla^. Yankee Stadium ta tho first do- If the Boston Red Box ever A apoelal prlca on Richard Hud- gats. second offlosr end 88 enlisted men games are being spensorsd by a three-way Ua for the CimnecU- ht at Kobertoon Park against ■ ‘ Pat Bolduc to anxloue to catch up with the Nsw York Yan­ COUPANT Having their own toilotrloa oi>i sbandoned ship yesterday end the BoftboU Lsoguo. Jake patroto tha outflMd for ^ athis Mortoity Brothers ntaa. Game fsnae of hto nswly-wcn NBA Finely siloed radishes and aeal- nut’s UfMCHED CREME SHAM Homo Bserstary Ckutsr Eds, cut Oqm Champlctiship. Heavyweight Booclng Champion- keep hto charges playing so couragea children in habita of good lloas glvs cols slaw a dltfsrsnt stood share. Motors .... Faired bi the Ud-Ufter are Hoina Shot a Bvo-under-par Rocky HiU nine, and When hto tlma will bs 6 o’clock. kees in their eeason-long Ameri­ POO and CREME RINSE rsduess who rovlawod a report on Halgh’s ohlp. U m 15-round bout to schad- they will be hot for the coming It'a a good idea lo keep a aopa- grooming and tho now lino of Savs soms of ths radish iger O f CnpslStng L A ’s ...... the COntor Motors sad Person­ which enabtod him to poM a 73- warn took Uw ftoM bs n o t t o s d ^ can League pennant chase, moot ■KIDMETICS". Juat rocolvod at tha pries of ths ccmhlnstlon from sanity by axparts In mental dls- North Ends oral famUiar unUorma op tho ulad for 6 p. m. (a.s.t). 'Twilight League playoffs. He of the credit must be given to their lata board for alidng and chop* sUess to sprlnhls ovsr ths top. tl.28to $1.00 St QUINN'S PHAR- Flfth Naval district hssdqu xr- alised Floors. Immadlatsly hole total of 38*. two ovsr iw . Rsssrvatlons on tho buses that has scheduled several gamaa ping onlona ao that the onion 11a* tbo Pine Pharmacy, 664 O a n ^ assn rulad Monday thsro wap tors hers said ths StrocnonNi N. B.’a ...... foUowlng this game the Boot and deadlock for tbo laadarMilp Hartford bench. WaUttag over he will go to Newport on Saturday Only 46 daya aftor be ceutlouely much maligned pitching staff. ' " ..... \ M A C r. Hudnut’i Parmsnant ayouad for graatl^ a rsprtavs. outtamed Jersey Joe Walcott to such as this one tonight. Jim for doea not affect other fooda. Street ia eapecially appealing. Gay Is svallabla 0 comb was In llttla danger end that Floors ...... Hartford Sunnyaldso wUl op­ with Dsfsnf^-Champloa Frank found that Art Patton and B o ^ tor tha flrat gsma of ths Bi-Stato In the lest five weeks, during If you’rs looking for an unusu­ Wavs REFILL KTT ’Inara was ao indicstlon whothor Murray wera ptoytag with O im ^ win the crown, the toed 2S-year- Sheehan will be the likely which time tho Red Box have clrcua doaigna ornament tho bot>- thars, toe. , sees o ff HamUton Inlet ware sub­ Kaqsya .... pose the New Brttabi Kooey** Staenowekl. oh tho Torrlngton ssrtas between the BA’s and tha VELVETS AND SA'nNS FOR Uea of bubble bath, bath powder, ally satisfactory floor oovsrlng Haigh went to tha gallowa V arrlA ’s Dova Dufcoa. K n o w ^ edd Ctaclnnatl negro rushes to the starting hnrler. picked up six and a half gamsa on for Mtehsn, bathroom, haQ, or siding. Thsrs waa danger the 188- SuntnTaub, and Al Labutto Orsndas must bs mads bsfMrs IVEDDTNOS come in beautiful and a nice, light cologne at $-58 ca li^ aa ha hat through bis trial. foot Vessel would capsias If the BIR John Pringla pitched and Watortairy’s Chasa Country

V - > WEDNISDAT, AtJOUtt ^0.1i4t H m WaallMr IK(^I)»at»r Eontitts lirroUt I a l 0.-a. Weetka ^ M s IlM th M JMp, 1988 Mra. A Ib n t a Owpta • ( Mda tha la- tiTiiOsanr at Pension Fund partly^ atfMt, Mr. and Mra C New Hospital port y eg j we. Undar ip in d R a rai. tha rsfuada 9 , 4 i 6 5 AbontTown driekaoB o< Sooth BawthocM Playgtxtund ara Matad ait BLU8A8; oMeo os- atnat. sad Bngh r. Ward. Jr., m Tha hoapttal has svsilahia t e R ep ort ni8A8; paaffoa paid. M iM M La AlNW a a o o f tba p a ^ of thia araa who Its new sddUkm s loeslly attb- Made . Mob ewhaad Aagnsta. ■aaaau a tl Mmtehmltr d a f t r m u t O m .(jO )0ui A. Old Stor- Plans Ready aerlbad fund whlab now totals - '4 haTo baooma "M aoda of Notea t.T40JT> a a d V ff. bonda 1188.000. PRICE FOUR CTNTS AaaiaCMka. a A. Daltad brldgs V U la fS thia------Sob> 8S8S.000. phM a BMOJWO grant ’Total poaoton plai PRESCRHhn* (SIXTEEN PAGES) i n ■>»—». »■ ■* serlbars help tha museum a ^ Bids for the Addition to from tha fadaral govammant. Thara win ba a co^ama Mow Membership Set at I S l CALLED MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1849 r y MM crafts canter In tha dual goal of Whathar or not building coats will •t Robartaon Paik this Prlday M With Eight Peraona R ^ fO L. L t n a , NO. 184 CHaniutaAtkia. c t tin raising adequate revaana for a^ Be Reedved Middle parmlt tha eonstruetloa of tha ad- 10:80 a. m. Prlaae win ba swMd- AND n m l A ir ititla a. Ban Dlago, aratkm a i^ malatananea of tha dltlaa wtUdn thasa funds Is tha ad for meat naumsi, moat arigb PoBo PoUejr adncatlonal aad craft program. hoapltars Impertaat Snsnclsl eeiving Ita BeneAta Next Month m L fusalast, prattlaat aeetumaa DELIVERED N| t m Visitors to tha village from this quaiUon of tha aaoBMot. Thosawiahlng to antar Mould sooaoo AE OiaffWimoi ■ Boa Crash daliiis IS II town aad other places have bean Town Traasurar C. Laroy Nor* Harriman Calls Reds Tha an oal eottng a ( Local Ko. Architect’s plans fo r' tha new Aa thsy tnvsetad othar huM- loava thatr nsmaa with tha day- > EXMBN8R r O « B r dlL.Thirtflo Woitara UIdoa* of greatly Interested In the way addlUon to Manchester Memorial nasa laat n M t. tha truataaa sp> ground dlraetois by 10:80 Friday rls today raportad that asMi on DVaATION PINE Steel Official Hits ha bald at tha American history and Ojo •"* prevsd tha Bnseutlvs oonmlttaa’s morning. ______hand In tho town panslea fUad aa genulty of our Yankee forefathers hospital should be complete and O e i* o Oroaai Saturday. AugUat available to preapaetlvo bidders action In employing Dr. Edward of Angttot 8 amounts ba BUB PHARMACY IS. R win ba aa an^y att^, has been brought to Mfq by the dis­ at tha and of this weak, and bids J. Plats as modloal saosthoEoln- at 10:00 ajn. Prlaaa wUl play of anUqulUes and hand Indus­ glst St tho hospital, sad also aa- U n . Irana L. DInglar aad 840.88; rseoivad from aaspleyoa 684 Caator Btrost will be formally received by tha f amily at M MIddto Tumpika. oontrlbuthm, $17,687.48; faitaraot Forming of Board Ruthless Opponents; ba swardad la tha dlffarant tries. provod the formal rostor of tho Wau F. (FCoaaor. Aftaey T8L 8-9814 middle of September. It was r«- m at Andovar Laka thU on U. a b o n ^ ISAdTAO; aad ----- * - - - jim r - TIekat ratuma ahoold ba ported to a special meeting of tha hostel’s modlesl stag Jla t tho town appropriation Jaly tO, 188.- mada at tha offlea of Local OS, A son was bom August B In Hospital Board of Trustees, held coittlag yoar. ’Thora was oaa addi­ wash. ± m Mala atraat, Thurtday ava- Hartford hospital to Mr. at Cheney Brothers main otfloa tion to tha consulting staff, that A s Harmful Policy alag at 7:S0. Oeorge Hanley of M Whitney last n l^ t of Or. Donald Morrison, who Is road. Informal dlacussloa at the plans now aosodstad with Dr. CXsrtsa Asks Fund Approval Ur. aad Kra. Warran Oolbani as they, are now shaped, with Paekhssi as aa obMatrMsa. aad Mr. aad Mrs. Stafaa Sdbak WiUlam J. Topping, seaman re­ soma attenUon to tha quastion of With seam minor rasT v atlena, Inland Steel President a t Rockvma ara spaadlas a few cruit, U. 8. Navy, son of Mr. and provision of adequaU parking fa­ tha truataaa nppravad tha poUdaa Nadon^s Polio Marshall Plan Ambaa- days la New York, aad are stop- Mra William Topping of 1# Wads­ cilities at the enlarged tnstltu- propoaad by tha Oonaaetteut Roe- Asserts Fact - Finding plar at tha HoUl VaaderbUl. worth street. Is having his basic tlon. occupied a cowfderable pliU Aasoetatlon to govam the sador to Europe TeDa Park aveaue. training at the Naval Training portion of last night’s meeting. employmaat sad ragtstartag of Group la Step To­ Cases Mount Mundt Sees Letter Center, Great Lakes. IH. Raymond Ooalaa, cbalrmaa o f the nursas. Senate Group That Bnica Xnaa WUkta of Walker HALE’S ward Wage-Fhdnjf by Soviet Forces Mint atraat. a graduate of the 1048 class Government) Sociali- Above 11$000 Invitation to Bribe of Maachastar High school; and Be Met With Equal Thomas R. Stavenson of Porter 1 ■ation la Next Move atraat. who was graduated In June, Determination; Arma w ill antar Sufflald Academy In FOOD SA LE More Than 3,000 New Senator Mtdtes Charge Saves Brother Saptambcr. Now Yorit, Aug. 11 — (fl*) Aid Can Keep Peace Given By ^ lUnesses This Month After Missive Sent Tha usual mid-week prayer sarv- — Inland Stool company And Freedom in Reach ice will bo held this evening at 7 :S0 UNITED METHODIST fffuaidant, Clarenea B. Ran* Boost Total; Running Hunt by Oehler Is at tha Covenant-Congregational CHURCH OF BOLTON daB. said today tl)at Proai- Ahead o f 1948 Figure Read at Hearing Today church. The book of Phlllpplans daat Truman’a eraation of Washington, Aug. 11—(/P) arlU ba studied. On The Church Lawn tho Stool Fact-Flndint board — W. Averell HArrimmn, Mar­ By Tho Asaodatod Froas WuhinfftoB. Auff. 11— :»B ,„ riguM ta tba coauatttaa'a inquiry would b a n hem dtegobaad aa a training cruiea W im e ^ a f freedom to within our reach." PRICES m fact aBBouBoUg an InduMrtal into actlvttoa of *Ttva per caniaia Harriman, wha ones waa aaa* Enter Now wvehitloa In ABBripa.* XandaB edd la tha bead a few yaan ago. Palo Alto, calif., A i« . and ttiud clam aiat Ooaat Guard —toivlduals who seek out govern­ A l ^ oaaay local health offlean Tha nation today bad tha aobOf gald today ^aa upriidag in* arodimy . . . TAmpal local of CIO baaaador to Moscow, said tt is hia 8 Models $2,323 DeUvtred la Manchaater ment contracts for otbara for convicUen that U. 8. security *Si CHEVROLET $75 Aeronea Sedan •Wy dolaff Mh ha has dadarad roportad a alachanlHg off In now erarnlng of Its only UvlM format ▼olving around 240,000 men Longahoramen’a Bnicr. tn San faa. hlmoatt aamwitag a new aoelal COM rapocta Aad It waa noted had developed tn tha' Red rresdacc vote aat fo haadla cargo “can be immeasurably tocraaasd" *S6 DODGE...... $95 Monoeoopo proaldant that Ita apandba poU- loaded from docka atraek by Tha committaa tovaaUgatloa pra- by arming the military fercca at ordor, aad am so dlffOrant from that this yaaTe poUo das, if uncbackad. will fM poa- controlled provinces of vioualy haa devalopad that hunt M PLYMOUTH $295 Taylor Craft imdar wMoh our magalSoant yelggt^M Toral waaka aarllar thaa UBlon In Hawaii . . . New Balglaa western Europe. BRUNNER'S tarity o f Ita taberltanro- Honan, Hupah IM AnhwaL ordarad books of match foidcra Blair, Jr., 7, huge hla 16- ‘In looking et the world ta* 40 HUDSON ... Spssdee BiH U ts—75e I n ford FornMr rraddant Maehart Boo- lebtnat ia .gWthu In. betaking 80- ______lid brother, John, whom $345 888 EAST OENTEE STREET Gen. Tung W«n-¥k-t^a day da ad leak .. . New Haven Pro- hearing tha imprint "Swiped from dey, I feel that wa need Strong Obs ta ver. In a aWijlSoant addraaa. ta- Harry 8. Truman.” Hunt aaid ha carried safely from the tem ^ *tf HOICK ...... $495 ______at oBoa, than tha U.000 oaaaa ra- spoktsman, arid Coihmiriiit kato Judge Jamaa A. Shanlay an- and vigorous partnaro at * hha OPEN: Mea., Woi., FlL, A o tiS y . th aertad last night that the United than that ba acting at tha ra- Loeae. usar 1 Whiteaboro. N. Y., mind and totenl lSB.’T, Han$auf» '40 lO R D ...... $495 Sit ba ao ppaalbUlty of turalag po(|sd to d i^ rapwaaata a ratio Sttaao "la MiaafuUy driving down mtarula Ja tha racantly cooquerod teaaaa atri tha hack road to eottacUvam at top provlaeae' edpaad thg ravolL ■ « am O, at tha w hite House. ■akL "Tba-Nsaar, *40 CHEVROLET •bout oaa vtctbn to ovary 18,- “ V.” an the latttola at S M w Q iato lba..8Mi give* na' €Nb $495 la tha UWtad States. Othar Baanafla Im a o ro lt ____ (A F aflraphoto) ~ New and Used -600.- ' Harry H.' vsblhan. a n vigorous people, but i *41 WYLU8 ... • $495 IS ae aoeurata ahaA Triunaa’a mtlltery aide, help m rebufldtog their IH m nuBbef e f tiiMhe fEiaTChe mthima coBacilpnoB o f for *40 H O IC K ...... $695 Homes of We aro on taa mat ntlla to cNMotiv- uM whosa nama haa figured to tha in­ Harriman aaid then anist t dWaaae to data this year; hut axedasiva f^gi**-****^**g of next yaar wins dnanimoua approv. quiry. *40 NASH AMR. they ara anpaatad to run batma tarn through'Ugh gogovernmental VI____ eollac- food, ha aMd. delay to sending American a m a ..$1195 of bipartisan. Sonata a ^ eu l- Francis D. Flanagan, committaa Europe .Group and mlUtery equlpmant to tito Outstanding Values ^ laMoMtto* , a aoetaUat ■m and nbta par eant of raportad tkm and spenolng of tha aairings 6f Tang said tha ravoltan poaaaaaad tura sub^mmittaa . . . Britain *47 NASH “000” ..$1245 the paopla.” tovaatigator, said that Oehler was North Atlantic pact naUcoa. Mo mmmmm Thlfl WOllld flIMUl sbOUt OM about 100,000 rlflaa. In ona Hupeh aaka Bulgaria to recall Fraas A t­ warehouse apeclaliat for the *47 MERCURY . ..$1245 Is vsfleaa aectlona at MAN- T * BBTopa fSUUty to mors Uum 150.000 psr- Spaaka A t Staafstd Elects Spaak added; CHESTEa, oSered by JAR­ ta O sg ^ prodts conma Tha country’s proMdaot from mountain area alone tMe rabato tache Boris Tatnkov of Bulgarla'a W AA in the western area at the DoObto WaoM Ariaa *48 NASH "600” $1445 VIS. You aupply aa with HALE'S SELF SERVE Inoiollvs Is 1 8 » to 1888 apoka before an asU- oontrol 18 dlatrlcte, tha general London legation . . . Daughter of time he wrote letters to Hunt, “I f we put off action oa tba ] The Original In New England Moat hsalth efflewa reported tha Indiana's Senator Capehart ia yaar aaada, w all aapply yoa 3 9 9 km af and produeOeD falla, tha proportloa of paratytic oaaaa Was matad 10.000 paradku in tha beau- formerly a 880-a-day consultant poaed assistance today, ca INarapt Traaapoit worklag as waltroaa at Northeast Belj^an Socialist Lead' with tha honoa yoa daalra.. Saal Jiap of hattcBallmUon fol­ no g ^ t a r this yaar than Tonnar- ttful giaaa-Oanpetad Laurence for W AA to Washington. it materially, doubtelubte might w p lows, im ropa came olon to atarva' 1 ffroat Mamofial Bowl on.the Stan- They ara aiding the Nationaltot Harbor, Me., auminer raaort'a big- Te Taka Stead Later ariae again; the aubvanm *a^ Saah rrom JARVIS aad Ya ly. The parcantao of bulbar case: W t hotel "for a lark” ... New er Unanimously Chos­ Shall rind aad Ba Bsppy. and HEALTH MARKET tlOB bscanna of thia tragic aaquanea causa by disrupting Rad tranaport. Oahlar, now with the American menu, the ape Boland I was aaved only by the and communication Hna8,»'Tang York’s Mayor William O’Dwytr to Industrial Development corpora­ en As Assembly Head who would fU y Everything about this coat o f a free AmartoTTM 1“ *^ trying to parauada fomtor Oaa, tion of St. Louto, was to the room would attempt to tha aama pattern." 1 *5* J ® * *" tea Peace, founded In 1918. Herbert H. Lehaaan to be Saoto- Jorvi$ Realty Yinlg' ioofCcd'at astimates tba during Flanagan’s taatlmcmy. Ha Stnabourg, France. Aug. 11— speaks luxury. Skins are silken throe-man W d . which lato ) obkm ptA the rear por- oocaaloii waa hia 78th Wrth- cratic party’s candidate fo r U-.-R was to take tha stand later. (CoattBoad aa ruga I MOTORS THURSDAY SPECIALS tlon of the brain I It caiiaca patlcnte 1 calabratioa, aponaorod by tha Rada Would taka Canfon to be- Company headed by Prof. Carroll R. Daugh* tween three to six weeks. aenator In Novam W . Tha conunittaa atoo planned to (JT) — Paul-Henrl Spaak, Belgian *Tour Hnnietown Nash aoft. .» a i^ e f Nortbwentein unlvcraity, to lom oontrol of thalr breathing, unlvaraity In tribute to Ita moat take the Ud o ff evidence that lad Socialist leader, waa unanimously Maanhaatar. Ooon. awaUowlng aad other involuntary famous son, a graduate of tte flrat (Today's Chlnasa edition of Tha Japanese government takes Dealer” ■ w n maha Sndings of fact and Hcng KMig Standard, published to ateps to curb dlaturbancaa by to auapenaton of the Army’s Chem­ sleeted today aa the flrat presi­ SA4 Oaatar 8tract Green Stamps Given With C^aah Sales muscular proccaaca. Bulbar casai 1 clam tn IBM. TaL 4I1S, 7S7S or roeemmandatinna In Ite report to Tiger Balm Klag Aw Boon-Haw, ropatrtatoa from Rnaala. . . O ffi­ ical torpi^chlef, Ms], Gen. Alden dent of tha European Consultative 869 CENTER STREET tha proaldanL which to due Aug. aro thoaa treated with Iron lunga Praddant Tnunan’s massage of Eaterpriaa MOO eongratulatlona and good wtohes was banned from Outon for pub- cial tnapactlon made today of H. Waitt, last July 16. Assembly. TELEPHONE 4079 FOR ICED TEA, ECLIPSE SO/'hot thcac aro not Undtng. LTOO Incwaai In Three Dnya Flanagan said the correspond- Tha Aug. 8 aurvay showed an In- waa among tha thouaanda which Ilahtog an Associated Press atory Campo, Calif., Juvaalla laatltottoa A few hours after hla election lanaaaaoaaaMl Mowavar, Randall dadarad, that quottoig this astlmata.) from which 18 boys and girls eqee which be read to tha com­ Speak was Installed to the post Flashesl •too thoughtful paraon should ba croaaa of more than 1,700 eases In came from aU ovar tha world. PL 33c Some of them came from foreign ’The Oimmuntote could be hero were removed on court order aft­ mittee waa taken from Hunt’s amid applause from ell the dele- (Imto BuHitBn a tm rn m MMa) COFFEE SYRUP daaatvad t o the natva suggaaUon three d ^ tinea an aarUar nation­ gaUs. He had resigned yeaterdsiy A BtnaU do* wide check. lands where Hoovar’a admlntotra- to less than three weeks If they er reports of sexual misconduct. files. that our Sndlnga aro to ba raeom- taka airplanaa,’’ Teng aaid. Edward C. AUcard, S4-year-old Mundt’s ire was aroused when as Belgium’s acting premier and PETER PAN msndatkms oiuy. It ehowad eight atataa had ro- tlon of relief estebUahed hla name ported more than 800 caaaa alnca aa a great humaaltertan. Asaerto Advance Slowed British Naval architect, aalU tha Inveatlgator read a letter dat­ foreign minister ao he could take Ftomee Start Aacw po$lt holds seven-ton yawl into New York ed Aug. 18, 18^7, which referred over the top Job to the newly (Can Pear) tha flrot of tha year, n iay waro ------Ha said floods, apidamics aad created Council of Europe. Boatoa, Aug. I I —(F>— .^ ..1 said they had seised today’s local Chicago, Aog. 11—(F )— A t a i l PILLSBURVa Responslhility* for His I 'nuU'month and next are atiU « - highway teak Tunghwaa, 88 miles - ' . I __ b . . wa wAivf Mexico baa tiirators Studv Fraff- 1**®“ Lanchow. in tha general dyaiwBlto. ., . . Je^ J. MoOcy, I Seven tO Une tnilcome ^dmon of the French Communist teller who ptoadsd goUto Sf B Y arn Kits 1943 Pre-Test Action Milo U g a io n J , i flghUng to Kansu the Oommuntote U.8. high oommlsrioner for Ger-I newspaper L’Humanlte. ’The po­ charge of •qnaadoriag f4SgM8-at Storage Of Election Doesn't Uce said the paper published .I U ra and thoaa who havahave W n ax-1 meiltS o f Greyhound have suffered 22,000 caaualUaa aa numy. talks over hla problems | baak faads ea korM raeaa ‘ " CAKE FLOUR MIX ». 35c with Prssldent TVumen. "statements Injurious to statesmen waa seateBoed to priaaB I BuOatln! compared with 7,000 government Mean Strike Is On MIRACLE WHIP (Contlanad on Faga Two) troops killed or dtoablad. Admiral Louto Danfleld, chief o f) and one day. FOdanl- Take a kit with you on your vacation and start knitting Waahiagtea, Ang. I I ——A SO-year-old Army SA LA D DRESSING Pt35c Fane Rada to Be treat wtod a p la priaoa . . . OonnecUeutl Detroit, Aag. 11——Ford naoer. 88. f onMV ahtod tsOsT at g o ' oaywhan aad da poy- Control Fires sargeaat died today af barna worken la MleUgaa voted the Oak Park Traal aad IMtaffa thlag* aa a nambat ptaaa I Shanal previnea—Natlonaltote at Stetea PoUca eoltot aid at newa- o . 'A n entirely new line of Bear Brand quality kits that LEORY STAR Other Mporiqnt Values aaSarad ta yaaterday*s Oray- p ^en fan d radio stations to Maine I aioiwksliidagly to. back up |G) 1 AirM ass OSW aaa af tha tanghaet tarn hannd W ciaah hi which 18 Ankang ta tho aouthaastam oomor will make such beautiful ties, socks, baby wear and of the proytoca forced tha attaok- in affort t6 locate Dr. irviag J.| their cMitiact dwaaads with a cklldreo, was a f big plaaa. KaoBay gave In Bay Statej ether penoas met flamta_ etrih< tt aeeeeeary. The State after be coafei toy animals. tt thia Mg& piatoe bafaro tha g Rada to ntroat southeastward. Jcaaea of Farmington, dentist I Canadian Gift LO BSTER cu 45c MOUTOMLAMB $119.00^ death. Ha waa SgL Dale Alk- with ottlcea to Hartford, wbosa) beard ro- bank offletoto. House Armed Sarvhsaa oooa- am» af Kokono wboap wtfa ( OeatlBBad aa Faga Twtiya) fa tiitr to critically ill. ’ pertod at 10 a. at. (aa.t.) to­ BLACK PERSIAN LAMB $499.00* afftteal "Aa a night bonabar, IBlaM in ArUllery A m ■lU two chlldna dtod ta tha^ day that dStOOl voted tor a Upholds "Subverrivri* ' Bear Brand Town and Sport Sodk Kits .. 1.85 apetotlng ovar 46wM0 feat. It homing baa. Ba had bean tl atilko aad 8,848 afatasL This New England Tempera* Wariitogtoa, A u g.'ll- to perloetly safe ta taka H At Edwards Believed oaa at tha 18 aorvlvan to was a 7-1 am jiilty. D. 8. Court of Apporio HEALTH MARKET SHEARED BEAVER $599.00* aoywhara. Nobody haa • ba aariaaaly lajaiad. lures to Be Lower held the govenuktoafb »♦ fighter plaaa that eoold leach Smarted by < Shelling Skin Specialist Reveals DatrolL Aug. 11—(F )—Ford With Showers Seen bel certain groapa aa “i . . Argyle Sock Kits ...... 1.50 FRESHLY MADE 4 OCELOT CAT $299.00* I t Rloomlngtiitoi Ind., Aug. 11—( ^ I woritan to Michigan voted over- The 2-to-l doctotoB W M . S S g ^ < BnllstiB! —’Threa crewa of toveaUgatoro whrimtogly to strike If ncocssary Boston, Aug. 11—(F>—A cool dowa te tho ease of the jria S dPH* tyaahlngtmi, Aug. 11— Rob-1 studied (diarred fragments e f a 10 Ways to Beat Heat FsMtot Botugeo LiWBilTlM »» Lb. 5 5 c art P. Paterson, the former acerc- Boatoa. Aag- 11 to get panriona. baalth benefits ■oa broeso today gave coastal ** Monogram Tie K it s ...... 1.75 LAMB PATTIES NATURAL GRAY CHINESE Greyhound hue today In s n ^ and a wage toersasc. had appsatod la tea aaeitam taay af war-who to 1848 gave a| Thito b ' ______I Massaebusette a fresh foretaste waa laeladed oB A t t e n ir i^ Blakca ha oa«y bmsL vehiateara | tempt to learn why It earried 18 Keep air drculattag ta your I VlrtuaUy Mmplete of tommorow when, the forecaster KIDSKIN $189.00* nra-taat order for 100 B-36 Super-1 peraona to flaming death ycater- New York. Aug. 11—(F)—Shed^ Clark’s “ sahrorrive UM" I w ^ . ^ bombers, said today tbat bo ao- •riag f oiaai flro ao I that goidle, Oottlc, and keep cod room k air wUl turn age. Tho Aapsato omuI d tateM ” Knit n’ Tie KiU ...... 1.75 SHOULDER oapta ‘Tull rospimslbUi^'’ for tha today, white offl- d^> tba way they .do to Brooklyn. helpa tee skin shed heat even If t e o ^ today the CTO o j , oven in which N f'* the U. B. O tairi aoort ta O M ^ b l a c k PERSIAN PAW $199.00* etoto axprdsaad ceocara i An even grimmer Investigation For tha S ^ straight yaar. Dr. It doesn’t lower room tempera- Auto Woikero won striho authort- England has been baking at about aetton. I moved slowly ahead at an emer­ mtoslag the Mftagm m m Ha told tba House Armed Sarv- tha blaae aright break Charlaa F. Pabst, chief akin spa- turo. - I ty by a.aevan to one vote. I or over 100 degree heat for three salt oa a asoMsa by tea ♦» Bootee and Mitten Kits .... .89 LAM B CH O PS 6 9 c SABLE BLENDED leoa commlttoa he was not mottv-| aacw aad sweep lato Shw gency morgue to the N a t lo ^ claltot at Oraenp^t ho^teL to- Lot Cold Water Drip Oa Wristo' I ' Hio ‘Stats Labor ModlationI goys. Lean and tender. atad by Intaraat to any of tba to- Stato'faraoL Rayaaead J. ‘ OuaiM armory. There weary offi­ ] sues hto 10 ways to beat tba haaL 7. Take cool—not erid—baths I board announood tho tabulation as I Tho wtod from tee sea slowed RUSSIAN SQUIRREL $269.00* dMkhiato connacted with tha Con-1 acy. Macaaehaaetto foiaatiy cials aad daacd rclaUvea tried to Ba ^ WM tasplrad, be aaid, by yas- often. Borrow an old Chinese trick | follows: I the temperature climb to BostM ■SNaw Frito CBaaa V* »» aollfatad Aircraft company, which diraetor, Mid the Capa .Ocd identify the test of the bodice o f x n S s y s 88.7 tempenturo. and let cold water drip onto your I 60JM8 yas; 8,710 no. I ^<1 tew mUes inland along the Now- Tosh. Aog. It* Hug Bunny Toy K its ...... 79 For Economy! bulkto the a-88. bkuia the vlcttms. Hero a n Dr. p i ^ 's 10 bot wrtote. Very cooling. Dr. Pabat) The board aaid 218 ballote waro I 3 ^y gtste coast, the district foro- •reaaaareaawof lafoap SHEARED RACCOON $299.00* Itoo comlttac to uytog to find I wa’ro a Uttlc eoaeenied wheth­ Five Bodtoa UMdentlfM wMtbcr rulca: ■aya invalidated and 408 challcngwL caster said. But he added that aft- alysto wata r if srtad today er It omy break cat agala.” Five bodloa remained unldentl-l Avoid oxortlon and stroau- 8. Avoid direct rays of the sun, 8tl]l to bo counted waro about anto<» reading should climb to the »♦ out why the Air Force haa pushed Chickadee Toy K it s ...... 79 MOON-GLO BLEND MUSKRAT $299.00* the B-88. The inquiry started aft­ ftod today, I oua exarriaa. especially If you an a hcUophobc, 1.800 ballote bring brought byby|80’s. “ * 5 __ RIB CORNED BEEF lk 39c er Jteprwntattva Van Sandt (R., RoatoB. Aug. 11-HF)—Battling I lavaatlgatoro for tha Intentetol wear Lease dethlpg a poraon whooc skin reddens and state poUoa foom tba Iron Moun- But tomorrow, ho.sald, should Pg.) owds' a to**cb to tha House half army around too clock, firemen I Oommcrcc oommtosl^ uuUana I Weiu* *hto| looocoiothtog. burns but never itens. Dr. Psbst tela plant The beard held out hold temperatures te tho Uw 80's ‘‘ ^to dS tea fMtiiNIw'i ♦» NORTHERN BACK MUSKRAt $299.00* 10% Down f ta*>whlch he crittolc^ the program, had oontroUed cariy today the state, poltoa and Greyhound ^ c a g | ^ ••o^tdtea aro an says he’s one, too. about 4,000 ballots from other —a mark which most New Bng- Mopsie Toy lUts ...... 79 Inspect our Fish Dept, for easy- SM' said: m ^ scrioua of 88 woodland Area waro going through the w iM k ^ m hot weather bc- 8. Reduce calorics la your diet plants to bo oeuated with tho Iron tonden wUl probably regard m a '*Thcro a n a lot o f membera to4laasariiuactte’ ttodor-dry for-1 at the Greyhound garage In In-1 cauM th w provont largo portlaaa Cut down on fats and leave that Mountain vote. Thto was dons ba- ■light Chiu. Shop ia Comfort — Air ConditUmod Sfcoad Floor 10 Montha to.J^y who want to ask a lot of quas- arts. dlanapoUs. ^ _ I of the ana from their fuactloa ef candy alone. Try friilts and vago* cauac tea board ruled tea vote Showen Bxpaetod Mala Floor '''’’f ) to-prepare Seafood. They would say httto. hut Supt I cooling the body." tabtoa Instead. Also, thto drought-bound tlons.’ Galling ter "oaro on tea part of had to be eaunted 00 a state­ TrdSdttqr WsIs Biis everyone," State Forestry Director Arthur M. Thurston o f state po- g. I>rink right or more glasssff Advtoso Driakteg la m ^ get a few ■bowera hot thayni Patterson said ba also had 10. Now aboutthat Tom Obi- wide baris without a breakdown 'hand to getting the enmpany Raymond. J. Kmincy arid a "criti­ Uoo stated .teat a preliminary ax-M of water aad put a pinch o f salt ta by ptaate Ford bad asked break- be light aad scattered lato todlay, OoUtesT Una. Df. Pabat says: "lUmam s WasUagtoo. Alp. It* ooatrket for the flrat two expen- cal eoadltlOB’’ aUU axtote la amlnstlon had dli cloacd "no avl' three of dOWIL ' * »iam forecsstOF tdiliil *PricM Bahi^ TO droughtwdaa aactlona. driioc of mechanical failure.” I We’ll got to teem later. bar, atoohot makes you more sen- The oror-Uka. heat arhldi spread tporitlcB o f th# TNaaW BMatal modda o f tho now long- ritlva to aunstroka. I f you drink, Record Stroko Vote Now hodgat MsatpiR T a x A s Set Ry Govemmeal range aircrtR la 1841, Tha w ont btoac awept Earlier, Driver Wayng Cranmer, 4. Girt cright bears o f sleep About 75.000 out o f W.OOO cM- over wide seettoiu of tea rix stetea m J W H A U e o M 88, Indtoaapciis, >ad *aald , ” R I n l^ t l^ do It la tha riiadc.'' Md tea 418J8; totaotaai J W H A L 4 At TiiBa .iM Payment SMoa N o i Taatod ' n:;:' 1,800 acres ef hruah after aVuttog R Avoid worry and oXcltemeat. Okch,Okah. gins,girls, ITabgrob a gUaaglass aadlglblaMd votera east hsHota to one ef claimed beveral Wvee, ^ ^ A N C M n n R C o n n * on tea artUlary ranga at Camp Mcmed like tha atec'rlag gear CONM* and DoBvery. -.Tte ahipa-kaA.not been toated, Don’t argue with your huebaad7 U fa tatoxunfor teat use that sss^iTJi, ’ ■ - W ' MaMCNUTm COMM* growp IB BlOOlUJFBe (^O naei aa Page Twa) iCeatteued OB Faga Twalk PBca TwalvaX , 4 i / S' t. l8anrli»Bt»r Ettntitts l»raU» Tha Ww Omt A vanfi Dally Nat Praaa R b b at O. •- WbiNn isf Ammal, IM6 waa Ananet hantlr Paat mlatraaaaa a ^ oacoro of Tha Sunday morning worahlp appttaanona. Is Ms ^ __ Douchtora o f LIkarty. No. ■arrlca at tha Second Oongraga* Vets’ Bureau OtharltraItoma ta the t^ tetjon Auothw Tract ^Mdta tttnipato.«ihL 9 ,3 8 8 m attrljT B lT r iE iim tttg llrra lb ikiwiitTown U O . L. 1, win koM a dagiaa ra- tlonal church arlU ba haM at 10:48. tachida SO cancamad wlm eSae*. anothar tihatnC a a»a^ aC|aA Tha • JU.'l ------hoaraal ta Orange M i t ^ o i r w Only atagla aervlcao will ba ' tlonal mattora, 4S with tab Changes Hands ' ' m meda of k tn . M r T m I «r rvm iag^ oftamoon at S o docX |» Ptaparaj for tho praoant Reports Rush wobMna. 81 aeakttff OX r a m i |nta Ofamora- MtmdtMiEnr^'A CIir o f ViHmgE C lu m M H rtr • ( tWa u m p , irn wom m c tton for the aaoond dagrae. which U nf n sdlosl olaiuiSb 10 Tha aon bom yaatarday ta St and taiWbaa *win ba confarrad on a cT ^ ®*5|^ Inff dinU I 11 m ___ altoatad aadt - of ------(TWELVE PAGES) PRICE FOUR Cr NTS dldataa at tha lodge meeting Tuaa- Francta hoapital to Mr. and Mra. their honatag appUcatMua, and It Alexander Jarriii Pni^ Ward J. Taft of 144 Mata atraat 678 Persons Visited the atraat and nofIb ef .Mtddla tafh- t#> MANCHESTER, CONN„ SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, H 4f day night haa been named Mlchaal Vtaeenf In naed of amnloymanL dunes ^ad in WeM plka waat ta tha vtatalty o f tha VOL.LXVnL,NO.*fO M iir SoilimO____Chimar Ctm v Anxn- Local Center During In eenunanltaf on tha tana RUIlard aonda. Jams yraalouily ■wnfh War VM«r- Group N a 1868. PolUh Nktlonal They Have a amall daughter, numbar of adoeanonal pontaeta m ______- wlUboMJ4TtolSi italElt matUiif o< Wardeene. Mra. ’Taft was tha for­ Last Month Central Past pf Town had purnaaitd fonpar WUtard Amonca. wUl hold lU monthly mer Mlaa Maya DIFSato. dlraetor atatad that this arae a prapa^ on the wsatarly M4a wf tlw fan Mender awwlwt •t t maaUng tomorrow « t normal Sgan at thla ttana of tha It An Started Over Refusal of Beer Canada Plane a'alook in Um tUU Anaonr o’clock on North atraat. Thla U the Anothar land aale WHh a ean- A 4 m atraat, and has a hayatag Appllcanta for tha apaclal divi­ year with ao many vatamae ra- aidaratlon Indieatod' hy doau- davriopmaat atwtad la Ihs ssetlan Chest X-Rays Prelate Says Czechs llrot maattag alnce June, and all dend on National Servica Ufa In­ tumtag to aahool arltbta tho nant Mr. and Mra. Oaorga BaOowa. od mambara are raqueated to atUnd. Shower I s Given faw waaka. Vatarana ahtartag bMidary ataiana of 814^)00 haa now, most ofth a aatlvtty at this Crash Costs StT North Mata atraot, toVa Mattora concerning Inauranca pol- auranca headed a long Hat of da- aehool for tha Srat tlma ara a ^ baan trspaaeted la. tha araat cab- tlma b iM to Um akM- trai;part of town, aeanrdtaf to a Tha land IS lavalvad at tho pato- Now Disclose tnnMd homo altar a|MfMHnr tho Iclea and baneflta have been ra- For Recent Bride Itora at tha Vatarana Sarvlca Can­ vlaad to dtaek with tha Owitar to 4 pMt Uroa moatha ta Edfartown. oalvad from Chicago by the com- ter during the month of Auguat, maka aura thay hava Slad an tha warrantoa daad - vacoWad thla ant tl8M in a propae«d aantag Lives of 23 Itaiiha'a Vtaayard. mlttaa. Dlraetor Walter T. Ford announced hecaaaaiy papara to pravant datay pnomiita at tha offtca af Tows ehanga arhWi wOuld allow its upa Have Layman Handle Mra Lawranca J. Brogan, who In thalr aubalatanoa paya)titta Clark Sanraat f.,TurktajOon. for ladunrtal or hualnaaa pu^ Limg Cancers U m marrtaca of Mlaa Halaii Trinity Paat Noble Grand* Aa- prior to her ntarrtaga Saptambar 8 thla morning In nlaaalng tha con­ from tha Vatarana AdmtalatratMn. * Alaxandat Jarvla, who haa hi ih- AJIea PoUanaky of Wrft WlUtaf- aodatlon haa poatponed lU meet­ waa Mlaa Margarat Homar, waa tact tabulation for tha month. A American Mining Mil­ ton and nylvaator J. Chaponla of ing In Rockyllle, from Tueaday, honored with a aurprlaa mlacal- record high for thla year, S7S par- Pictures Taken in Tu- •ivnham atraot wlU taka plara September 18, to Tueaday. Septem­ laneoua ahower Wednaaday ava- aona vlaltad the Cantor, of theac lionaire and Two of (Mnorrow momtaf at ntar ociock ber 37. ning, at the home of her mother, 400 were Intoreatod ta aaeuring bercnloflia Examina­ Top Aides Among Vic­ Archbishop’s Duties M a t Brtdfat'a church. Mra Kenneth A. Beat of 48 Cadar thalr ahale of tho dividend. While Mambara and friendi of the atrect moat of thaaa merely aakad for a tions Can Save Many tims; Die Instantly A. U Biwn of 116 Oxford atreat Covenant-Congregational church. The party waa atUndad by 88 form to comptoto. a large number Seeking The New In Fall Styles? haa antarad tho Joaoph H. Pratt 43 Spnica atraat. are Invited to gueata from Hartford, Eaat Hart­ aaked queatlona concerning their Lives from Disease Beran Protest6 in Let­ DtaflMotle hoapUal. 30 Benton attend a Haneat Featlval and ford and thla town. Tha decora- Inaurance and aought help In the flault Au OochOB, Quebec, Sept Fact-Finders Atom Bomb atraot Booton. for obaervatton. Mr ahower of canned gooda for the tiona ware paper atreamera |n completlpn and checking of their —(F>—A Canadian airliner ex­ ter to Ministry of Ed­ Brtara la amployad at tha Pratt A Cromwell Chlldran’a Home, to bo pink, green, yellow and blua. Tha applteationa. Bualeat ungla day Shop HALE’S-Fashion Dept. For The Answer ploded and crashed here yesterday ucation on Houtka Whltnay Aircraft ptant. held on the orphanage grounda. bride unwrapped her cholea gifta Portamouth, N. H., Bapt 10—40) killing 38 patwma Including an Due to Make Now Viewed Cromwell. Conn., tomorrow at 8 while aeatad under an umbrella American mining mllllonalra and Taking Over Admini­ Thora ariU ha a apaclal meatlnf p. m. Following the orogr: • the trimmed ta the four colora men­ —Chest x-rays to And tubereuloais can aava many Uvea from lung hla two top aldaa. of tte oxocutlva committae of the vialtora are Invited to ahaia a tioned. Dead In tha crash—third worst As Obsolete strative Offices of TaU Oadara of Lebanon at the Ma* friendahip cupper at 6 o’clock. The A delldoua aalad Iimchaon waa canosr a Boston surgeon said to- Report Today aantc Tem^a at 8 o'clock tonight Cromwell Chlldren’a Home la app- aervad buffet atyle; tha buffet ta­ New Fall ta Canadian history—wars B. Tap- Archdiocese; Delega­ An amargancy haa arlaen and ported by Miaalon Covenant ble waa centered with a. miniature chest ploturaa for TB cu pan Stannard, praaldant of tha aaary inambar of tha committee U churchee throughout New Eng­ bride and bridegroom. Gamea FOR SALE turn up lung oancara at an early kannecott Coppar corporation, and Recommendations from; Director General of tion of Functions Is ragBapt»*< to attenA land. At preaent It care# for about ware played and ^cturea taken

thiaga which Oed hath Pfapamg lUr. RAiiClc ia * naU** of Omaha. fd______ru a m that love Wm. But 0*4 fire In Ghinatovn Fail to Settle IM ., and ta a atudant at tha Rearming Plan Chest X-Rays hath revaalad Umm unto ua by Hit H b ^ v i l l e Hartford Tbaologlcal danlnary. Spirit" Gets Approval Balaetlona from tha BlMa to- Singer Strike Ta Mate OaMM W e ««N t Now Disclose chida tha folloadng: "For Ood t»** Mr. and Mm. Bmaat fhiaaanan C h u rch e s* oth to a osan that la good la HI* of d Ann itraat will hold opan .(CMUaned troa* Pag* Ona) Sight wtodom. and knowtodgo, and MrdiatorB Will Make | Sunday from 3 to 7 p. m*. S4. da B. Ok Ctawch joy." (Bod. 8:38). at tbalr homa to racaiva ralativda, 000,000 apacHlcally for China. Ha ML Fsalar Corralatlva paostgoo from the Another Effort Next> fer "excaaa" anna to Europe. Sen­ Oemer ...... Lamar* I F. Connelly of New Haven, chair- ' Lon^aadow. Thera are flva kaat e f • Sm la TiMbla kF praaant aoathoda of do- [)ic zaurancx tnK. through Chnsi, to act upon tbo tranafar of *ir- ate and Housa bills limit the value m (laft) race aamy flraai tMtlon. It glvoo no olgno. ananilng arorawp. , Bm. B d s ^ J. Duffy, Fostar ! Hymn—"Fnna AU That DweU Ba-1 , man of the State Board of Mcdia- grandchildren, William and Man- of thaea amas to $480,000,000. They late llaa S:88 p. m.. Mathodlit Tauth Fat-, ' Uon and Arbitration, presided. net's unt hzvr bcea forgiven *M Mua. If way. In tha following ac- on Suaasman of Eaat Hartford. a agat% af staBa i BUoat eaaoor la on# that haa DINE AT THE law tha Skiaa." ihit through Chrm the doon of eosnta: T&and County Jail ac- are In addition to tha cash authoii- startad to grow but (tooan*t yet lawffilp. . I $:$0 and 10:80 a. m. Masses VomI solo by Oarald A. Chappell. | Also attending were Jay A. h(>\rn hjvr hern opened wide. Oaorga Fylar It! of Bast Hartford. xatlons., at W 9uMB. (NBA lilipIlUl). 4:80 p. m.. Bpworth League. | I Mackey, work* manager and nth- cinat tha mlaoallanaoaa account Susanna and Waltar Hadlund of a ^ aymptoma pala of Sunday. Offartmy—"Paatomle" ...Douglas That It w hzr Ching l.l could An additional $400,000,000 cash The Weak gfe vngee hr Ben Fmnelvro's famed Chinatonn, a* firemen bottle tbe stubborn flame*, I er company negotiators, and Tom af ToUand County, and TODand EkuX Longmeadow. Mr. and Mr*. Hymn—"Rl*#. My Soul, and a pazoda Inomlng be. hnd I * his Bible Th»r it wk»t Cauaty Tamporary Homa account, would become available after tha oaaoor It oea that ta giv- Stratch Thy Wing*." ' Leaking (tawn CaUmmla aircat, smoke pours from an unorru|>ted birtlillnK, ulth ’ ! William*, president of Loral 22T hnd in youti. bench the Sueaaman are both mambara of AtlanUc area dafaBsa plan ha* PRINCESS Manday. • :»» P- , Bmanoel Lnthemn Chorch U S38A88. (NEA tele photo). ' CIO-L’ EW and meniiier* of the ta offaat ta part or whole, tha tha Trinity Lutheran ch.irch. *a that It ta thara. ^ will hava a pot luck supper follow­ Sermon: "Now.'’ I kind I t Eatimnted dnnsnge bcripturci " tirr Jeiin. "foe th*T additional appropriation* acted I bean agreed on. Tha remaining a oaly a Uttta Uma laft MbIb RL* At Paarl at Choreh Strv*4 Hynui—‘T Heard tha Vole* ef Union Negotiating committee »rr litry mhi.h teuiir of Me. Maklag Vetera ed by tkelr meeting. I Bev. enri E. Olaan. Paator The date for next week's meet­ upan fai tha drat Item. Tha meat- $500,000,000 In tha Mil would ba in ‘Tree Farming’ Builds New Forests to aava tha parsoa. 7:48 p. m.. Bpworth Circle. | i Jmua services until September 25 St I I tha form of authority to write tIatasM!* W. Hotatag. Orgaalst week Prayer meeting and Bible ing waa not set. lag will alao ba aakad to authorlM Tha aalactman of tha town of Rampaat oaaoar ta a Mg growth Tueoday. 7:«6 p. m.. Boy ScouU. PosUuda—"Fanfare" ...Lammens Maurice chapel has closed for th< . Vamon are holding their second contracts any time. Noonday Specials and ChalmOMtm Children above seven yaara are study. and ampowar tha County Commia- abBoat oartala to kUL It ia grow- T:4B p. m.. SUnlay Group will Friday. 7:80 p. m . the Men'* | Boltou fall anil winter months Bolton | The Bible rouM remain tka | alanara and tha County traaaurer saaalott to make voters today fr ^ i tag raptdty sad may ba s p r a n g Mlm Larmln* Fateraan. InvUad to join a choir which wilt Mechanical Planting Booma on Michigan Peninaula Fellowablp group will meet in tb* i Darts Mohr O'ltalia member* will travel to Manches- j Mipreme court, not cooncll, net ta barraw a aum not to exceed 9 a. m. this morning to • p. m. to othar M ita of tho body. 50c Pariah Waihar be dlrectad by Mr*. W. C. Kraua*. ter to hear masses which wnll b«' I hiamrrhle*, not men. The grant j this aftamoon. The aaaaion Is be­ *"i Parish Houae. B*v. Fred R. 'Ed­ Tel. Msacbeslrr 8545 for tha purpoaa of maot- Tbooo four otagao wara eitad by ------_ .. The first pmctlc* will be hald on gar of the South Church will ba said at Rt. James at 7 a m . 8 a i empha. . Hymn—"Mighty God. While An- E. Lillian Saverance. Alvin J. Beachy will pr.eaih on FROM MON*.. S E PT. 12 I nailer today! Have you ever eo«- good and wall her husband will ba tractor-drawn plantar la almpla "Our probla n now," aaya Wll- deeafla, tha Upper Paninaula I DjiaH* Cofui. 8:00, Dorcas Society will meet " J " " " .. . . ----- Hymn of Praia*. "Com* Thou and gel* BVes* Thee” —Autumn. the theme. "Th* Ciinslian* I nlntently read II. *• yon have to operate. Into a furrow plowed l l * « A. Kluendar, forestry hopaa with tha assistance of me-1 S:f6 a. m. Sunday, BlM* achool at the church. Anthem—"With a Vole* of Sing- Almighty l ^ g . Speeeh and Manner* ' at Bolton BOATS newnpapers, mngnzinea. keek*, foUowad by Individual woman who hang* on hla •v*ry by tha machine, an operator drops a grlc^ w al agent of the t3>»cago chinical R>]i« Day and promotion Thursday, 3:30, Ladies' Aid an­ TO MON., SEPT. 10 aioni during which time matariala traa planting to recap-1 Ing"—Shaw. Sermon, 'The Chriatlan'e Speech Outer Congregational church at pamphlet*? Today the neoff of I word. traa* at predetermined Interval*, ao^ North Waatern Railroad, ia lure its onca-mlghty lumbar In­ dmo. narntr are available for all nual birthday festival. and Manners." 11 a.t*. tomorrow. i'Tiurch school win ba distrlbatad. pupUa ragl*- ' The wife who got her man main- Sermon: "Our Clue to Life's Mean­ CARS our troubled world I*: "Back ta t«rad, and tha young paepla and uauaUy tlx feat. A* the plantar to bold fanner* back. Soma of dustry. 1 nxas, adulta Inchidad. Wall-t-’a li^ 7:30. O Clef Qub. Hymn of Consecration. ''Christ. at Bolton Center will not resume ' ly on beauty knows from axpar- taadArs. TrpnaporUUon gladly Frldsiy, 8:00, Beard af Admiala- ing." r.od*« Word; Bark ta the BlM*! taaebjara wiU have an opportunity rolU on. It Ump* soil firmly ( them want to plant trees on Und IVbete Olory Pill* the SVles.’ Bark to rhrtst. the key to tbe I lance hew much ba admiraa beauty. tratloa. Communion Hymn—"Strong Son to get acquainted. around the young traa*. With row* mor* vaulable for othar crop*." provldad 0*1 raqueat. af Ood. ImmorUl Lm.’#"—Rock­ Postiude, "Postlud* in F "— HOBBY SHOPPE BIhle’." steals BvsBsy I So aha never completely trusts spaced aix feat apart, plaminga i Kluendar hopes that next year 11:00 a. m. Sunday, Sacred ww- Saturday, 8:00, Junior choir. Roger C. Wilson. ' him when tbara'a another beautiful ' hi* machina will plant between 10:00, Confirmation clau. ingham. He Is the world's best Friend. The Hob Nob Club of It. John'* average 1300 to tha acre. ahlp. The paator'a text: Uuk* Poet-Comraunlon Hymn — Six Griswold St. 3233 It* Need and Hope! DO YOU ! wonum around. i 300,00 and 600,000 traaa In Min- Roger Pease Band lg:$i^S7. Toptc: "Needwl: *M"iarl- 1 1 ;1.V Chapel choir. Epiacopal Church win picnic at "Strengthen for Service"—Ach fialvattoR .4m*y CESSPOOLS AND SEPTIC TANKS KNOW HIM? "Sunnlcroft," whsr* Rav. and Mrs. I Tha woman who wall ramambara To farmer*, a tre* crop provide* neaoU. Wisconsin and Uppar of BockvUle tans." Miaa urata Nelson will alng Open Evenings ^urc. of revenue by Mlchlgw. But Ih# p ro g r^ U da- Oott und Herr. 881 Mala Street H. B. Olmataad are vacationing, I that she snared her man by mak- AT MAMM aalo numbers. The aervlc* of bap- Zlaa Evangelical Lnthamn POWER CLEANED on Sunday rftamoon, leaving tha Ing him feel aha waa dependent on; ra,torlna land to use which U not, pendant on tha availablUty of tlam win be conducted for Iraiw Poatlude— “Grand Jeu"—Du Mag* Oaptalo BlcBard D. Atwell 4 M *E Chorch 8:00 p. m.—Meeting ef Mu Sig­ diurch at 1 p. m. Sunnlacroft la hU strength and greater wisdom for grain* or othar crop*.' stock for planting, □ty View Dance Hall gMM* a*a. -I LOVg TBOI'BLB'* and John KUpehuno*. children of Cooper and High fitreeta In n m lu'slrr imii 1 irin itv In Bast Morris, Litchfield County. faala aha has reason for concern I ^ r ^ harvest | Reforaatation and proper forest Fla* "BATTUJIU ■OOFEB" Mr. and Mrs. John Ku^hunoe, ma Chi society for young people of Simday: Zion Evangelical Kaeaey Btraet Bev Paul O. Prakapy Paatar high achool age. * -.SO—Sunday School, whan soaa other woman staita I , ” ^ ttaaa. A t tha managamaat are largely a matUr Wlndamara VUlag*. Rockvina. !U n Will' \ M ) vKPi K r \ N K ' INS I \ II I I > Notice Vnoi.. n Tbaary pulling tha "helplea*" lln* oa htm f « . v«ap* they can figure on * of education, both Bkug and The Weak 11100—Holiness masting. Lutheran Church CDRL '. 01 Saturday, Sept. 10 7:80 p. m. Sunday, rvenlng Beptembsr 11, 18Ui Sunday after I 3:00—Sunday SchoM at Silver and— asking hla1.1. advice, M ro » y^ pulpwood per, Kluendar agree. They point to • avansallatlc aervlc*. The text; Trinity. Monday, 7:50 p. m. — Meeting A public hearing will be held by Cooper and High StmalB If an astronomer can find an > Women Net So Confident some Singing Prompter. BIO Knoa 8:85 a. m., Sunday schooL (N ote;' of Pack committee and Den Moth- Lane will be reopened. ' the Town Planning Commission, acre per year on a perpetual yield tchool foreata operated by Isalw 41:1-18. T «^ c : "Overcom- 7:30 p. m.—Salvation meeting. c i n n e y r o s Manchester, Coitn. Invlsibla planat by calculus, w e ' Any woman who is smart .admltaloa lOe Tax laoL Sun.-Mon.-TuiiiV tag Fear." A men's trio. Carl E. Free transportation bus service for era. Cub Pack No. 3, at th* church, M K B . i Thursday. September 15. 1949 at wish ha'd try almpla arlthmatic oa ' enough to have figured out how to jehnaon. Bmaat Johnson and children without ChrlsUan train-1 Tuesday, 7:30 p. m.. Senior choir The Week SP.W \(.K Ill>l’nsAI ( (). i 8:00 P. M. in the Municipal Build- ; Parish House our umbrella.brail*. — Detroit Newa. appeal to a man and workad tha Preferred Stock First Blanchtatar Bkewlng Hjaimsr Carlson will sing. Ing whose parent* cannot bring e r ' rehesraal. Tuesday, 6:30 p. m. Junior Band. I ing to consider the followvng pro- 120-122 Cooper Bt. I technique ao auccessfully that aha Ctxn* for a quiet heart and an I sand them. For Information, call | ..gn _ „ (Chorus rehearsal. Thursday. 7:30 p. m. Open-air I’l'.irl .''t. ICI. Maiii'lir-'D r ,'i.iO H I posed zone changes: at Birch and Main atreeta. Pastor: Paul G. Prokopf * manag^ to gat him to tha altar ia avaniag Massing. 3-0408). I ______To change to Industrial • Zone all I wrtae enough to know that aha Isn't I'he Issue Authorized The Weak 9:30 a. m.. Adult Bible class. ! or part of the areas, now partly in , A Church of the 10:00 a. m.. Nursery claaa dur-1 TaloottvOle CoogregatioBal ► a Residence Zone A and partly in tha only woman In the world who , 7:80 p. m. Wadnaaday. Bible St. Joka'a Poliak National International Lutheran could maka tha same technique; ing church worship In the Parish | Ckarck A Rural Residence Zone, bounded ' Hour. WONB. Sunday Hartford. Sept. 10—(F)— The. * aludy and prayer hour. A hearty | House. Rev. Eraest Gordon, Minister Catholic Church ' work on him. Doctor I t Oolway Street ___ and described as follow*: .\ftemoon«, 17:8# State Public Utilities coinmls :ton w ripM * to viaitora ia always | 10:00 a. m.. Divine 'Worship. Mr*. M’arren Wood. Orgnnist FOR SALE Northerly by Bigelow Brook, j ! Bo Instead of feeling smugly haa authorized the Hartford Elac- found in a friendly apUit. Rev. S. S. Slryjew aid. Pastor s g A total of 1,108 atntloa*, 98 i^::illERCURT: that her huaband couldn't possibly Text: Act* 9:4. 'rtieme: "Aiiae 1 Wilfred Kent, Choir DIreetor 1100 feet, more or less: languages and 5* terrltorie# aad un on tue 7:80 p. m. Thursday, Senior MIsa Clara Skrabaez, Orgaaiat | ^ ' trie Light company to Issue $8,-' ^ 8 I3S II & ^ and go and it shall be told thee' ^ Easterly bv Adams Street. 450 i ba attractad by another woman. (XIO.OOO in preferred stock— 160,- | chetr rahearaal. ^ , foreign countries. ' She keeps a sharp eye on women of Savs: what thou must do." Sunday. Septembor 11: [feet: 000 shares at 850 par value. ' 4;08^:00- 11:00 a. m.. Divine Worehlp with RaUy 4:30 a. m., Mss*. I S RED CEDAR # n • • • DELIVERED IN I tha type she feel* aura would at- (Thurch achool. 9:80 o. m 10:30 a. m„ Mas*. I Southerly by Middle Turnpike Proceeds will be used to com-1 rehaaiaal, ngee 8-^ . cerebration of Holy CommuiTlon In Day. I tract him. One Rare Disease Led to a Trio p. m. Friday. Usher com- CJerman language. ‘ 10:30 a. m. Saturday. Singing S : I We*t. 700 feet: Religioua Servlc8« Sunday | ; plete a construction prdgram now ; Order of aerviee for 11:00 a. m.: Westerly by property of Harry < 2 1 1 9 MANCHESTER I Man don't worry for faar their Magic cure and a Romance ! under way. Dlttaa meeting. practice for children. ! S£ CLOTHES POLES .Morning: wives will find anothar man at-1 1':^ LA*ri r » 11v ^ UtOO atatlona. In 25 lan- Collect. is the depot for collection of cloth- I s Eq iu I or Eieaad tho Reqnircd Down Payment figures hla wife married him for Written for NE.\ Service Bunday, Sept. 14, Church Rally 47 territories and Hymn—"Praia*. My Boul, th* King : or part of the area, now in a 9:.30 Adult Bible Period I dicate which \?ill offer the atock I ing fOr Polish war aufferers. ; = II Residence Zone A. bounded and hlmaalf alone. And since there's, You probably never head of my ; to the public. | d®y* 1 foreign countries. Locally over of Heaven.” F. M. FITZGERALD 10:00 Worship, preceded hy IMMEDIATE DELIVERY not anothar man In the world ex Psalm! : j desenbed a* follows: ^ FLUSi Olorto Henry «A1B B0STBSE8” ■ ' WONS ever^ Sunday afternoon at Old TesUment Lesson. 199 \VF,ST CENTER ST., TEL. 2-U17 amplified musical ” 8811 If , ir t ly ’irk riil^ h o w could'ahT fill i Soviet Boom* Dickens 122. Concordia Lutheran | : I Northerly by property of Mr*. 1 for anybody else? condition whose cause ia still un- TODAY a “ Jehnay Stool PlgooD’* a JmgU CaolM Oaagfcgalloaal Oiulch 112:30 p. m. •i Allen and Hilliard Pond. 455 feet; worship.” Work Oa U. S. LADD Rov. CUtford O. Simpson. Minister Today and touioerow: Annual | Prayer of Thanksgiving. Oanlen and Winter Streets | The attitude of wives may be known but Its treatment. If not I raa'N lava . . . la Convention of the New England i Hymn—"O Word of God Incar- Rev. Karl Richter. Pastor : . I Easterly by a proposed Resi-1 A hearty invitation to au, Rov. Dorothy Peoae, Aaooclato ! dence C Zone, 400 feet, more or i ' mare realistic. But the attitude of cure, haa been enormously im -. Moacow— The State Pub­ rita ssttea's awsi District Walther League at Camp I nate." Barclay F. Wood At the Organ j especially to thoiw who haa* ] ; husbands 1* a lot mere comforta- John proved. There la a real medical I lishing House ef Literature ha* assMliig lava sWfyt FNderick WonMT, Orgaaiat and LuUierwood, WebsUr, Maos. j New TeiUment Lesaon. less: I no chorch home! Ible. Oita Chair DIroeter Southerly by Middle Turnpike , miracle story in connection with. relaasad Charles Dlektns' Amer­ Q i V 8:00 p. m.. Rally of the Lutheran | 2:18-25. 4:80 a. m.. Sunday school and I (All rights reserved, NCA Service ican Notes. Women's Missionary League at Prayer of Intercesalon. Blblt .claaaea. | YOU ARE NEVER A STRANGER West, 520 fee^ more or less; iSAiigasDOTDO tpsaosirtsia $115 Uie treatment. Offertory— "The King of Lov;* My Tne.) "Evening Moacew," reporting Bfpt. 11, 9:15 and 11:00 a. m. sorv St. Matthew's church, Franklin 10:18 a. pi.. Morning Worship. : Westerly by Adams Street, 365 It begins wltb a rather typical | tcea. Square, New Britain. ' Shepherd Is" ...... Shelley Parent* may leave their children in .AT THE FRIENDLY feet. ] thla. said Dickens descrIbM how ^TONIGHT AT THE AIR CONDITIONED Hvmn—"Hall To the Brlghtneas of Zion Church Navy Nsnra description of the malady given by I quickly his Illusions about tha so- Prelude, "Conirounlon" Batiste I 3:00 p. m., Mission Festival of ; competent cere In the Sunday 1 The Easterly line being in the and an anonymous patient recently in IRDD FIELD Hymn, "Holy. Holy, Holy". .Dyke* 1 Zion Lutheran church. Southing-: ‘Zlon'a Glad Morning." school room during the service. continuation of the Weaterly line called "American paradlaa” wer* Sermon: "Why Go To Church? CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE The new, fuU-slse pockets on the Brttlab Lancet. Her cure waa dlapellad. Anthem, "The King of Love My |ton. at Orchard of Tavva Farm on , Order of Service: of Deerfield Drive extended the trouser* of sailors of tha Unit­ the "mlrscle" mentioned above. (College Highway; Conn. 10 In Sacrament of Holy Communion. Prelude—"O Jeauleln Suus" ...... Northerly to Hilliard Pond. | Sunday School ‘ CRREH NUSSED Bhiipherd la” ...... Shelly * FELI.OWSHIP ed States Navv will not be readv I The patient waa 18 years old in O A K G R I L L Quartet; Jeasaatte* Bcrable, sopra- { North Southington. Hymn—"‘Faith of Our Fathers." ...... J. S. Bach To change to Residence Zone C 1 Again, emphntlcnlly. weleaaa* befor* June 30, 1053. Tho bell-1 -1936. Sbo firat noticed seeing dou­ no; Mary Stewart, alto; Georg* 1 4:00 p. m.. Dedication of Trtn-; Benediction. Offertorv—"Theme from 'Finland- * SO.Ni; SERVICES all or part of the area, now in a father*, mother* and otheta I bottoms at the cuffs, which are. I ble and fait fatigued. After sev­ SUiiiVRn DRSIIVR Vince, tenor; James Elliott, Jr., ] ity Lutheran church, Eaat Hamp­ Poatlude. (fc* ...... J. Sibeliu* I I Residence Zone A. bounded and who have un definite cbnrcll ton. Maaa., (Clarke street and Notice Poatlude— •'Postiude." ' GOOD oGOSPEF, PRE.XCHINC sunposed to make It. easy for a eral months of thla, while she waa THE VAGABOND FORTET baa*. described a.- follow*. afflliatlun; and particularly at D o it Y sailor to .shed hl.s trousers when 1 ironing a dreaa abe suddenly found EASTWOOD Offertary. "P ia y e r ...... Stark .BioneStone Path rain lane).lanvi. There wiuwill beo* a iiiveiu.*meeting of the The W 'wb Northerly and Ea.sterly by this time, boy* and girl* n#W M iss Reprr.sfnting Ch»i.n«eless Christ he had to skim for hla life, will that ah* could not hold up her MUSIC YOU’LL WANT TO HEAR AGAIN 4:00 p. m., Inatallatlon of Lloyd: (jjturch (Council In th* church, Sat- Monday at 7:30 p. m . the Sew­ Hilliard Pond: receiving no Christian tmintag. w baiw—r theGREAT Hymn. "Jeau* Call* Ua" Gtlii** Foerater aa parochial' school teach- m-uay. September 10, at 7 :S0 be retained. head which kept dropping for­ ‘ralaHhfsllr Sarmon, "The Holy Fellowship" ing arcle. and Tuesday at 7:30 In A Changing World Southerly by Middle Turnpike ward. Soon thereafter her kneea I Teat*'* Rav. aifford O. Simpson , er„ and___principal principal at _ St. Matthew's __ ,y, p. m., the Simday school teachers West, 1280 feet, more or less: Sunday School resumes started giving way underneath her Lutheran church, 73 Green street will meet. S U N D A Y S E R V IC E S — 1 0 :l.'i A. M. and 7:.30 P. M, Westerly by a proposed Busi- 11 with added rooms and fa­ VaaSar “ FOBDIDDER UMBBT’* DANCING Hymn, "A Parting Hymn W* Pawtucket R. L. at odd tlmqs. Sing" ...... Mason Bockiagham CdngregaMoaal nc.s.s Zone, 400 feet, more or less; cilities through the pariah Iron bead* were found in an BIBLE SCH(H)L CLASSES .\T 9:30 P. M. Jost Another Try! Potalud*. "Chorus Magnus” ' Ckorch The Weaterly line being in Uic | house addition tomorrow Bt W apping In February 1935, 10 yaara after I For tht Finpst Entcrtalnincnt Come to Itlanchester’s Lefbure-Waly Egyptian cemetery that dates St. Mary's Epiacepa] Cknrrh continuation of the Westerly Ime Rev PhlHp M. Rose, Minister back to 4.000 B. C. 9 a.m. Followed by DiYia# | tha firat symptoms began, tha pa- ’t^SBter of HspDlasas" A t Sunday— - |> Church sod Loooat Streeta YOl ARE WELCOME of Deerfield Drive extended tlant'a ftanea, who waa a madioal I Northerly to Hilliard Pond. Worship at 10 a.m. DANCE- MiUer's HbU 9:15, Firat morning aervlc*. I Rev. .Alfred L. M'llUanw, Rector Sunday, September 11. student, told her that ha had some­ PLUB: ^Xrtle Msahant’* BO OAK STREET PHONE BBD4* 9118. Church School for all age* 46S Main Street .l AMES R. BELL. Minister To change to Business Zone all • ••**** thing m w for her to try. Her firat ToUasd ftoDpIlM 11:00 a. m.. Worship aervlc** through High achool. 4 a 'ni.. Holy Oommuhlon. will be reaunied. The minister will i or part of the area, now in Resi- thouiKl, aha said, was "Oh bother! Modem mm4 OU FaabtaD BNPB TODAY 11:00. Second morning aervlc*. 11 a. m.. Morning prayer with I dence Zone B. bounded and dc- Fur the third seaaoh prevt- FAIR Anouer injection and another Dasaing ^ take for hi* themrf. "Creature* and «lun ha* been mnde fer ttm 11:00. Church time nursery. i scribed aa follows: false hope." Dan Pallay, Ana* Bnxtar sermon, by th* Rector. Every SDtwdny Nigbtl **fWm Mr Bvanthteg* 7:80. (Thurch council meeting. Musical outHna of this servica: Sona." , ^ Beginning at the intersection of transportatton by chartatad htaS Th* firat aesaion of th* Church (.Silver Lane), and prtvata e f* "I submitted to the injection,'' S iN to ItiSS F. M. PLUDi ‘T m a Olppa^ Procaaalonal, "Soldiers of Christ. i the Southerly line of West Center H ie Werii school will be on Sept. 18, at 10 a. (•‘Go*p*l Waaea") aervtea tor aha said, "and within' a few min­ Aria*." Street and the Westerly line of ,\oon to Midnight utes began to feel very strange. Monday — .in. Cooper Street; thence Southerly children without Chitiflata 7:80 p. m. Finance eommitle* Sequence, “ Holy Father, Great Firat meeting of th* Ladles' Aid training, whose poteat* aanaod TODAY When I lifted my arma, exerting n b l a u g h s BUY along Cooper Street 130 feel: s FU I 0 D A N C IN G Creator." the effort to which I had baeoma TONIGHT maetlBg. Society In th* parsonage. Wed., bring er aeito them, er Hva at a 7:48 p. m. Usyal Circle of King a Offertory. "O. How Amiable Art thence M'esterly about 340 feci accustomed, they shot Into the air. ^•TBP:€AVBY’»i Sept. 18. at two o’clock. Th* eo- in a line parallel to the Southerly distance. i , . To Thai Musical Comedy Team DiiuBhtars. suriieal dresoinga and Thy DwelUnga!"—Bamby. clety haa aet the data of Wednea- Bvfry movamant I attempted waa Receialonal. “ Hall To th* Lord's line of West Center Street: thence For infermatten *r W *lM I groUgqualy magniflad^ until I had sorial Urn*. day, Oct. 18. for lU harvest aup- Southerly 100 feet: thence West­ call 7-8488.— Arraagemeat wtff TuGod^yr^ Anneintad." Money Worries .. m em orials i GRANGE EXHIBITS UMmed to make less exertion. 1 Th* Rector will be attending P « r - ______erly 287 feet lo a point in the be continued In th* partab brnma had simply rogalnad relatlvtly LET and GENE 8:00 p. m. Program committee of for nuwerv and pre-*eh**l cBO- — SrNOAT — SimDAT — th* Women’a Federation. the annual energy Conference at f'lxaace your home the mod- litaaterly line of Bremen Road, Poultry, Uveatock, Home ArU, Hobby Show, normal strength—It waa stranga, aald point being 218 feet Souther­ dren, while poreats attaad wondarful, and at firat vary Fun for All the Family Wadnaaday— Kent School from Monday through Churrh of the Naiarene ani’ w8y with a 4% nwrtgsg* .OF PROVEN Wadneoday of this week. Emergen­ 488. Main Stroet ly from the Southerly line of West churrh »arvle* IB aja. to U Floww Show, Household Appliances, Farm fHghtenlng." Tha drug waa nto- 7:18 p. BV Trj'outa for Senior lomi Itadar G, L Bill of Rtghtik i a.m. ^ Stock Car | Come One, Come All cy ealU will ba handled through Maxehester. Cmml ^ Onter Street, then Northerly atigmlaa which tb* paUent con- ' choif • along Bremen Road to Weat a8#ffffff MBehiaery, New Cars, Trucks. tinuad to tgke almost ev4ry day a a f ^ m.—Senior choir rehear- th* pariah office, or at tha rectory. 'Rev. Jaaae* B- BeU. Poator V t , ,F. H. A. or convannooal along the Southerly aide of Weat I Racing I AT 6:06,p. m. Group A, Mrs Wil­ Sept. IS at 9:30 a. m., and the Servlcea for Sunday, September SUPERIORITY I Ing Tkreafh Thn pMae" I* aP«H , In the aummar of 1987 tha pa- first fa ll’ rahearaal of the Junior 11. and the week following: B ^ k Lean. Onter Street to point of begm- ttant mgrrtad bar madictl ben*, liam Steiner, leader. Pot luck aoratl by tha Buaday BehasI dl FUN BOOTHS Hunhtr. choir will be Friday at 8:30 p. zs. 8:30 a. m., Sunday achool ana Correctly designed mnnumenta arc prodactg of carefiil, ning. Zloa Bvansritml ■'J* - ' faetor. It was a h ^ p y Ondtng to Adult Bible claaaof. Tennyeen Itonda ala* svailaW* fee heme To change to Buainsaa Zona all our story. rapol**. qlbton ilt aKoB. ota. Ifls fBtelUffent study. They have balance, diatinction and Xhuieh, , *tu4y an$ 4ta- MePaU, aupertnUB^ant. or part of Ua *r*a. la lUal- CAVEY’S Okrlsr. Jardan la unable to g a n S l f wtt oHm.owtj Maaania Tampla Bpsclal music by the Choir ah* taff. b flaw loM or th* stm m - Cttt'tlBg Done In Our Qwn Shop From The' acribed aa follows; OUR SUPREME GOi^'i PARADE AT 2:00 P. M. answrar Individual quaatloaa from I I f —* ' * * * * _ " _ — sermon by th* paetor. . , Itatait at ax •xlsMsg leas. On the Southerly aide of West Rough Slnne Tn The Finished Memorial and GUARANTEE la raadars. However, each day be will r - .:— ——- Siimlay aerviee, 11:00 a. m. «:30, p. ni„ N. Y. P. S. Marian This Is a free Jarvis aervlc* Center Street starting at tha answer one of the most frequsntly Sunilay achool, i1:0(i a. ni. Jane*, president, in I'haige. I SUN., 2:30 P. M. | ANNA RUTH— »ono3 Gospel tialll —No charge ta the borroirer. Weaterly aide of Bremen Rood Preaich aatl Teach: Muiic By The Barmtormers aakad qutsUons in hla column. 418 Center Street Wadnaaday meeting, 8:00 p. ro> 7:30 p. m., Bvangellatlc eervice. and riumlng Weaterly 118 tost CHANGELESS Tha public la cordially tnvltad. This la an important sanies; all Ttw Doetars Aaawera Toniglit 9 ------. aad being 180 feat (}**p masovrad MtP.M. By Bdwto r . FatSgp. M. B. PIZZA "SuhaUnoa" will ba tna aubiact mambara *»d Wand* urged t# F O R A r ,gunday-4s BeuUiavly fram tba Bantliariy ptda RED RICHMOND Manchester Memorial Co. I W ORLir Bad Qsepllee: It 4 ereokad na«a aMlIy 8 1A:80 a- as.. Braaklxs af Braa4- of tb* L*aw-B*»m*n tor Bunday. JARVIS of west Cantor Straat. I Cherry Park | U , IN f. n a W ta k A. H. AlM|nn.sPrep. iv T P . M. AdoHs 11.00, ChildMB lOe (imlghtmad ao daqa it raquira ss Town Ptnaning Oommlotaoii I s l e , t h e opamtlaaT .*!'(Sdri.S^: Tb8 ffaUaii Text I* tnm I Car- MaM*y. p. m.. the GjRaUl REA LTY CO. HARRISON STRIS^— MANCHESTER Chnriaa W. H o ln ^ Chairman iBLE.ANDNC_^ S AVON — ROUTE m ^ :LUB CHUNTn meet in th* Parish GiUdrsn Undar 14 F f m Aaswari 1 do net knew of any H i* Week inthlan* 3:8-18. "Ey* tiath nat Boardi d ^ l l 8S4 CENTER BT. O P P , E A S T C E M E T E R Y P H O N E 5207 O R T7«7 Manchester, Conn. 114 Depot Sq. I ' Tel. 6115^ Tueodgy, 7:45 p. m.. Prayer aaen, nor ear heard, neither have House. THE — SUNOAV — SUNDAY — way except an operation to Pfc*«e 4118 Or 7818 August 38, 1949 . atnugktaa a ereokad naaa. I entered into th* heart of man, the ' Wednesday, 7:30 p..m .,. Mid- ■■ ' W V ,.i-


W « A m W «D to and n p lhra«B<> *ra m Edueadoii Director Gmada Plane ToBuUdPool ' T b D> Lawn Orn^r Toeodhy evstitag, roembera of tta ica WTMi— Itta Hail Da mages Sadi Spenid 230 Freshmen sthtotle deearttaent wlU speak at opefts awht progtaas. On West Side g s a tf bb4 G ra a d if rm y om f Crash Costs Weddings Today't Radio W n «T — I9S9 A fte r meeting wMh tha^ od- T h e N opy 1'o B b CSioiea A.LATULIPPIA80N WINMl-'tlBB Pero OrcMrd At Trinity ..aasB Wednaodoy, tta antira atora 799 Vosnaa B t M . B91 W tffni— I41B will Bh by hue (or a plciric. Upper- lives of 23 Haat • Batlar Alejumder JanrlB Says itonM ^ win nvive on tta eotapas C t u b to B « Seeded B rief F l o i T j r Hito Only Eniering Class to Gather Vidfitedey and Thursday, 'tlir H e W in AIbo CoiiBtruct iiilsiiiii wU Oran begta gsttteg At College o h Monday pFooi^kt for SS Giri A Play Area WDRO—Nerwe. WOMB—Anwetoon Bor A sm One Corner of Farm sequolnted with student ooUvttifa > w e x x j—laMrsnoo Mm Dtoe i WHAT-fiymilhony Halt and clubs. fBeeetlee of Nedoa an raUaray W THT—H errs Hollywood. Where FraH U Ripe For Orieotation Period handear, Jockeys. Friday everting, tta freehmen Alaaandar JaiVla announced W KNB—News; Bssoban MsU- WDRC—Omen Lama. BINGO U p t ! • - Tbara Bo firs faaoartag tta SERVICES Hartford. SepL IB.—Trialty WUI be entertotaed at a dinner gtv* ; AM M to OKy, dUnMar although wltnaaoM aald this morning that -m plans to buUd noe. 7U5-*. A ohert, tasip hsB an by Freeidant O. Kalth Funrton I ^ W k e !■ 41 A jM flM t i they board an anploalaB bofero the n municipal awlnunlng pool TiMt laUrffBC tlM w W n b i WONB—News. W T H T -O ert Andrews. strnek tta Pers Orehards at abont Coltoge freahinen. 990 etrang. will ta HsmUn’Otatag HsU. Judge Rus- ahm phmgod to oartb. w n r r -N e w s . 7 iie — nbto Monday (or a week at aell Z. Johnston of the Class of Every Sohirdoy Night t|MT playground araa on land purehaaad w n c —News, WDRC—To be Announced. i n'eloefc yesterday afternoon esus- t h m t s m m t o o on oton Tba ptaiM waa on • regular of tht raMilF. ertentetlon before claraie bagta on 1919 will be tosoUnarter. Bpeok- yaatorday on Mlddla Turaptka, lllB — W TH T—Ustea to Music. tag dnmagn to fn tft ta nhont onn- era win ba neafdent Funston, d g M Mtlon’i noM f l l ^ opanUad by Qnabae Air* September 18 to rn « t m waye, a aubaldlary of Canadian want neap Hilliard's PonA WDRO—Guest sura and Here's WONB—True or Folse, thlrd at tbe orcbord. Jonepb a Dean Artbnr H. Hughea, and John STARTING AT 8:15 SHARP HNUttfol (M>- PaeUk AlittaMn Mr. Jarvia said that planning John B. Burki to Vets. w n c—Dragnet Pwo, pibprtotor at ths Orcbottto, It wiO be tta Brat time In ol R. Rettemeyer, praaldent of tta But Om eaaUiUata, wiM teva PaBamnin O ta ri Wraah BOW bring dona to taMhida a largo W O NB-^erry * Byks. oet a oaatury that tta new stu- NsUonol Alumni Asaoetotlcn. pool and play area which wanid niNERAL BOMr WTHT- BpeOrtng of Anlntals. WDRC—Gens Autry, ■nld this movaiag tbnt damage to dante win not be concerned with 20 REGULAR GAMES S SPECIALS «M »a tknufh tkTM frualUac O o* Aa Immediate Inaeatlgattan ams tta crop at Mclntooh opplm to not ireim U ortw W M t aun know igun by aBldala o f tba oempaay be banaflclai to raaldanto Bring In 87 Baal Uontot at. YsL 8MB w r t c - -NsUousl Form sad w n c—Star Thestra. fraternity rushing, since sU pledg- 5*SlE SrY5^iw lw d tlw Snala and a Board af laqulty aat up by tha neighborhood. Only public Home Hour. WONB—Twenty Questions. ss bod aa tta $4,0U0 woten was or- tag by ooctol groupe to now de­ Suspends Licenses Mta tta Mrtata go* oa Um tba radatnl DoparUnant a f Traaa* earlmmlng pools In toam are iT tt W THT—Saturday N ight Dane- wtasiiy mamoted m on aa— Tta tba Biiiailnirn «tn bo aimouncad. M m Kathryn Bryan takan a graator toil af ItvM In with Town Clark Bamual J. Turk* ta ll Game. daecrtsed os batag about os iMga ershlp ability, and character from Panada. They alao bappanod la lagton, la rituatod oast o f Adame New and Uied * W H AT—Bond Ooncert. WDRC—Showesse at the Stars. | among more than 850 appUconte State Pltormocy oommiasion has •oiaa ae tbtm Mao an tdaa tbay*!! Jl4 os a uiuutimp su—s uM cw,n«r «w wbo met tta minimum college re It. outora, daop la thair MIM Kathryn Bryon who bagan Qnabae. On July M. 19M a Rl* stroat and nertb'qf Middle Turn­ w n c —Americans tbe World W HAT —Musie Room. orchord closeet to tbs fora*. suspended the licensee of Benja pike, w est in the riclalty of HU* W THT—Dancing Party, qulremento. haarta, know ttay baaoa’t a bar duUM aa a full tlma tMroetar maurakl AUUaM ptoaa araahad -|4* II HomeB o f o Over. houes on Avory stroat ta noutn ifiln Wettsman, of Felton's Drug of Cbrlotlan BducaUan at Booth and killed 99 an tba Qnapo penln* llanTa PonA w n o —Truth ov OMtsoquenees. Thirty-five wera preeldente of REMNANT SALE ahasea. M ia,: Ita Windsor, la toto locattoa ora lo- to New ‘ store, Middletown, and Philip Sha­ Cam Maka PM aaaaea Matbodiat eburah on Baptembar 1. aula. Ou O ct lA 19M a R ^ ra l Ca* Rod Bon vs. |45— im la fti their Clara or high eehool etudent * OutBlanding Valneg * W K N B -N ew t; cotod the McIntosh trass. T trult piro, of Meriden. baa juot compMad aavan yaara at nadlan A ir Ptaoe Ubarator crash­ A t n (our o'rioek dottUa ring. The marriage of MIm Jeon Elsie AthleUea. W H AT—News, gporte. was ready for picking sad because council, filxtv-flve were student ' Bat tba vital aaoalflg gown and Tba marriage a f Mias Mary K .f council members. They won a to­ ganoMUtjr eoaaldarauana tava tbla typo at work at tba Baoond ed near i t Donat Qdebae, and 94 Saplanaa, daughter o f Mr. and coramony today In Urn BoutUnith Butler, daughter of Mr. and Mra. ” ta vorlem eseWene ol MAR- « lee— at Its ripe SUM, much of » was FeHx Btonc, director of the oom* Stfoidard Gauge w a^ klllad. Bargain Himtert WDRC—GangtNistera. vnmtlen A B tal of 998 vonltY letters ta sports. mtoeion. said Weitsmon's license not boon aniwmcad nightly, aa Congragatlonal eburob In Hoi* Mrs. J o s ^ Baplanan af 9 Hagara Matbodiat ahureh. MIm Jo m Fran* George Butler. 4 Mints Court, to CHRMTER. aevrta by 4AB- * % 5 r C—County Fair. kaockod to Um ground. Moot of yoka, MaM. Rrlor to that aba CM Tbmm, daughter o f Mr. and Boynton Hunt, aon o f Mr. VIB. Van is imly ns wite ■ WCOC—Insurance Oirto Disc W H AY—Maonllght MeUnee. hnsfead fra ley Whi The foreign delegation tacludaa was token sway (or 90 days on M at tba pfattminaiy wlnnara in Place to Norman C Oomollo, son tta spptoe ore sUU sstobto os (ndt I Nlchotos G. Blgeiis of Athena, aoaoolatad with tba Brtek Mra. Brnoot Ttonm of 59 Oxford and Mra. John Hunt, o f WarehouM Have Good Time irade. wv*ll ensply v«o m WTHT — Telsgraa Dsnelag at CBpper hannd fra charges of "lack of professional INLAID (ta hatblag amt and talant dlW- of Mr. and M ta Italo OomoUo of Joekeys. sscotxi qushty or (or cider mok* them. Greece, and Hoiis Lunder of Oalo, aiona. Tbay can maka tba dl(> PrMbytarlan church on Park Father Seeks . 109 Prospect aUeat took place atraat, wUI bocomo tba brida of Point, wm take placa today at 2 wMb tee ata van Oralra. ■ . WHAY—Variety Ventures Psrty. tag purpecao. In te ^ ty " and unto^ul sole of avanua, Naw York Q ty, and Chrlot Unflald Robart Whltehar. aon of p. m. at Bt. Mary's church. Rev. JARVIS Md Ta • w n c —JUks Box Jingles. w n c —Your Hit Parade. Norway. barbiturates. this morning at a nuptial high Pittsburgh, B m t 10—(F>—Bar­ IdXlx VxfM lM The first masting of the new Blgbtaan-yeaiMiId Jacque Mar> PrMbytarlan church of that dty. Mr. and Mra. Chut Whltehar of 96 Alfred wnUams will offtelato at WONB—Otoe Date. BAS— of national importance will alao Shapiro's Ucense was suspended LINOLEUM soaM at nlna o’clock lx S t Jamaa* the double ring ceremony which gain hunters had a clanking gjood The tote harder varieUca of ap­ ta helA Clara of 1958 will be at 7 p. m. bar. *Vlaa Adaona”, ean (aat yvom 1929 to 1995 taa ama tba dl* Missing Child church. Rev. John F. Mannon, tta Vlctorto roaA Tba Brialator, Rav. time at Pittsburgh's ante pound W THT—lo t Ranch BOye. Wsehlngton ItodeMne ve. Chica­ ple In tta orchard ware not York a t y and Union Bemlnary. uncle and aome 90 poUce went Bridal attandanU will ta Mrs. caaght from a tiara of gardenias T ta sola of 45 wrecks and naar- MIm Ibyon la a aatiae o f Con embroidered organdy, arlth off* wrecks, towed off dty streets and * WDRO—IsvltoUen To Lesm aton. On Wodnaoday night MIm over the hmely Duck Island area Roglnald Smith as Bwtroa of hon­ and carry a caacade bouquet of FORGOTTEN nectieut baaing a homo la Ridge* ahoulder affect and bertha. Har never reclatmed, was conductsd by m— . «--|srsKt.sr JTJss which Maiaar abarod top bonora In tba In the Delaarare river arlth a fine or; tta bridMmaid w ill bq MIm white g l^ o lu s and dahllaa, Mlse ate Detective. only lasted tkree flour nUnutas field. Conn. Her brother la a (or* veil of imported French lUualoa Carol Whltclmr, stator of the bride­ tha d ty Department of BuppUeo. q ro fc—Denctag'Party. MtWng ault dlalalon wttb **M1m tooth comb. waa caught at tta oldM arlth cluo- PrIsclUa Richard, of Rockvme, NEW WTHT—Troaanry Show, iBiee— ' esrared tta farm y^ with na ireh CMBDBMIA** , mar mlaatonary to China and la a Police L t John Muader aald groom. and Kathlaan KanMfl..nlaoe wm ta maid of honor afid wear w n c —Grand OM Opry. PrMbytarlan mlidatar at Hitch tara of oranga bloaaoma and aba WnC-MuelcaBa. at kaltotonas. '11m power of tta • ; Thoaa two pcallmlnary aolna giro tha all-night search araa made on carried a bridal bouquet of white of tta brida. fkrwar girl. Raymond starahed pink mousMltne da sole HUDSON H id e— storm WM shown by tta sh-sdded Athena Cramer Janssen — Sovings — M r MOMtblng of a booat la tba cock Memorial church in Bears* the "blind chance" the alleged M. QMsh wUl ta beat man and with fitted bodloe and full skirt Nowe on oU etettasa dalA N. Y. She arill baas com* dahllaa. mat Nora Btefo *‘imAT--ExMrrioos In Setonos. at tnvnlps I* tta vegetable oaorlag. But it doM not maan kidnaper might have headed for usbars wUl ba Edward Hobnos of and carry a caocads of gladiolus A U T O GLASS W H A T—Moonlight Msttara. garden behind tta farmhouae. plete charge of the educational MlM Alice E. Schmidt who araa Rocky HIU and RaglnaM Smith of and dahUaa. Miss PriadUa De- CiMlppatf Our new Optional Saving Plan has proven very popn* Mloo Marear la a aura tblag for the low aandy ialand where m v * maid of honor waa goamad In program o f Bouth Matbodiat Manebostot. roelers, of Newark, New Jersey, MIRRORS WDRO—Musie Reoordsd. ftshofs yaa bras pal atf.taa lar as shown by the number of new accounts opened. tba baauty otaon orowa. church. eral persona arera murdered In white froatad organdy over yallow W HAY-Jukeben Rmrtsw. WDRC—World Tonight: News. Teacher O f Piano U M alahra triumph waa o m of recent years. Given In marriage by her fath- wm be a bridesmaid and wear Mua WONB—Dance Orcheetra. One dollar opens an account. taffeU . Her caacade bouqpot and mouaaellne de eole with a caacade I t91 WOOO-News; Dunc^f tba law dmaa la tba n -y m r hla- No leads or cluM of any kind __ ^dband ware of yeUow dahllaa H . tha bride wUl wear a gown of WTHT—Fasetasttag Rhythm. w n c —Bpeetol Repoft. Challoner Oub tary at tba Miaa Amariea pagaaat have been turned up. Munder lalA peart white satin, the sheer yoka of yeUow gladlolua and dahllaa. 194 II:.. All individoal aeconnts insnred to $5,000. a ^ har orgahdy mltta ware atml* Joan Btachelaki, a niece of the gi48^ Wswlsihsifasslapa n isra dsteto that a draamtte okateb baa won a About Town An ll*state police alarm has been lar to thoaa worn by tha bridn of tha fitted .bodlqs with ambrold- WDRO—Rsoradsd Murie. WONB—Donee BoaA Ulairt prollmlaaty. Mim MarMr aent out bride, wm be flower girl, dreased In o d d * ). To Open Season Telephone 2-1061 Current dividend rate 3 percent per annum. erad datoU;. kmg tight tiaaam NUe green taffeU with a colonial w no^V anca Music. fotad part at ‘‘Romao and JuUat’*' Richard F. Muaka waa beat man forming a point ovar tta handA o4talv tee 19rtB— sa mask rayon bra Ota * • tengra Tba Bawtag Orcla of Concordia Waadera From Naw Home and the ushera were Oaorga Blair bouquet. HanUd Butler, a brother WTHT—Trmsnry Band Show. Stop in far fall information. ‘V lM niaolA*’ .a groaa*ayad Lutheran ebureb wlU mmt Monday Tha Uttla girl wandered away and a gathered skirt extending Into of the bride, will act aa beat man w n c —News; MuMc. At tta Inlttol msettaf of the of- hsew Msy ns bsip yon In IQ 2S8 Manfia bomboban from Chlmgo, of Oardlner, Maine, and Earl a uote av d__ _ . W n o—Tour Hsslth Today. bvaalng at 7:90 at tta church. iresterday afternoon from the new a sweeping train. Her veil of Im­ and Robert Hunt of WarehouM 19:99— I ficera and the board o f dlreetora yam akatm at a Bsisraiw u n For your convenience our office Is open Thnradajr HOB loot night la tba bathing onlt Schleminger of this town. sW ttb ar wWhate ttaOmam 4 il5 — w n o —Donee Music; Newt. Home Into which her parents were A t a reception which followed ported French IHuston w ill be held Point brother of the bridegroom, sOaod aBarranes fra yam w n o —Aeusduct Handicap. of the Challoner Club, an extrenu- Brava Cranta nMnnnwrat ataoneba O Itoto Oanal. lA moving. In place by a satin half hat evcufaigs until 8 P. BL North Matbodiat Man's aub the ceremony at the Sapienaa wiU be an usher. WKWB—News; 8 Vs- ly bread program w m eehoduled , VOi Oa n row fiji Thraa AelB will nmat Monday evening at A The child's mother, Mary, waa trimmed with seed pearls. Bhs will The mother of the bride wUl OMEINATB bEUVBRT : Altar tba flnaUata nro l home, the bride's mother was at­ for tta oomtag year, with emphMto SAPORITI U Reports wlU be given at that tlma near coUapM laat night and araa carry a cascade of white fawn wear a dress of turquolaa Muc ON BOMB MOOBUl 9B.7I90. i tonight, tbay aaeh wiu go tired In a dusty rose dress, navy I being placed on buUding up the On the auction and softball toam. given a aadativa aceessorlM and corsage of awMt- dsh**f crepe and a corsage of pink roaes. WOOC—News; Dancing Forty, WFRA—iee.7 MC Planning On Having A Wedding, MANCHESTER SAVINGS ond tholr throa aeta—bathing Tta matron o f honor wUl be Mrs. Hunt win be dreased In a n u i MEMORIAL CO. Jimmy Oiaan, a prtoa flgbUr heart roam; while the mother of McCl-URB AUTO w n rr—Horra lUcon W THT—ni-ieB .1 MC. I membrariilp and on activ* social Dial 7799 .... .jm t, and aaaalag gown < The Board of Dtrectoia of the wbo llvM In tta neighborhood, gowned to »nUqui gold •itto.^iUi green gabardine suit with black 978 Mato at. Oarara B lnnl Party or Bamfuet? 4ieOsn4raBt. LOAN ASSOCIATION, Inc. •B «var again fH tba U Judgaa. the bridegroom received la a taupe Frants. FIrtnn w n o —oentrsou. 9M p. m Soma M WTHT. Bilk City Corporation will mmt aald ta MW the man, but bellevad mitchtog Vlctorto and ner accessories and wear a corsage at TSL 9-S449 9:00—Shnwtlira Open Bs M3 MAIN STREET PHONE 2-1682 VtaMmOlty gnaUttaa Maa ta _ dress, matching acoetsorlaa and cascade bouquet wUl be of honey viUow ros«*. Both roothir* wlU T ta Brat open meeting at the Monday evening at 6:10 at the of* at tta Uma ha was tha girl's fath Talisman roaa corsage. ’ w THT—Foputor H it Tunes. 9:90 Birinns ins CtoanraB; Woattar. M gad at dally braakfaaU.wtth au flee of tta corporation. ar. Ha (umUhad poUea arlth a and silver king dahllaa The brideo- assUt the bridal pair in recelvlim year wm be held next Wednesday CALL ON COMFABSi . SAVE For a motor trip through North­ at the reception which wUl be held 9:45—Oanesrt Hour. mtag at eight o’clock at Bt daacriptlon. maiii wUl wear emerald green eat- WDRO—OM Rsoori Shop. 9:00—Baseball riosM. Op U p. WL tha (M d wlU ba nar. ern New England the brida cboM in and a Victorian bonnet to at the Hotel Sheridan at 8 p. m., Jamas M il aurlng which there wUI The Balvatton Army Bih’er Lane ‘Dm poUca talatypa alert de* a brown gabardine suit, dark green W KNB—Newe: Ranueot w n o —F9i 4BJ MO BBJ MA branch. Bunday aehool wiu open aeclbed the alleged kidnaper aa match. She irlB q in y (or the Immediate family .and a be danolBg find refreShmeato. Aa^ GARDEN GROVE CATERERS aBdalght, the naw MiM acceaaorias, white dsSiUaand tolla- few friends. Flowers and (eTO A W g A T -JUdsra o f tta^ F u ^ WDROr-ng M tea elr - w honnqspteste wtn be xtade regard­ tomorrow at two o'clock, with white, about 90, flva fe a t right yeUow dahllaa "Tha flower girl wm ^ iB B p t m A. PAGANI • ^ G. FREEMER wm be anmad. Cecil Kittle In charge. man rose corsage. On their return wear a drem of emerald green sat­ wiU decorate the restaurant for TOLLAND TURNPIKE, MANCHEStESr' ing football and theater tripe far inebest all, wen built dark eom* they rriU make their home fo r the i w SU b -B ands for Bonds. Bams M WDRC. EstabHahed Over 20 Years In Manchester plexlaned with sharp faaturM and in, Victorian bonnet and carry a the occasion. N( n riagto w ite 't ksdraoses, l 9 iis thto year. FIo m wm also be mode Ahnoot aartatai to be dnallata by present rrtth the bridegroom's The newly married couple wlU nsanfilMd spaes Bteoa host, WTHD-T os and Crtnnpete. WFHA far tta annual Sadie Hswktaa and Mrs. Annie Scott of Toronto, larga polntad noM. Ha colonial bouquet o f mixed flowers. good bedraose, fo il both, am. w n o —Mind Tour Msanen. P. M. Free Infonnation Cafl 78#4 Or 2-1082 alrtura o f their praaloua prelimin' Canada. Is visiting with Mr. and wearing a dark gray h at blue parents. ■pend their honeymoon In New sU bnrner, lot g9 x !••. ~ . Down poyraent ChrlstSBos donees and a doughnut Both brids and bridegroom are The mother of the bride will r«^ 9:00—Bports Ftrode. sad cldor feetival for tta club. sty wina are MIm m Cblorado, Min. Mrs. Abram Matchstt, of 476H coat and white shirt poUea aalA ceive In a drem of aqui^rep^lth York dty. For traveUng the only gg49 to BLMA B99 to BBS BtUy. nasata, Canada and Oshfomla. Middle turnpike, east, for two graduatM of Manchester f ^ h bride will be attired In a gragr WDRO—Old Record Shop. 4:15—Itosy Rhythm, Westhra. Preoldont Joe McGluakcy hopes weeks. •cbooL The bride Is employed at black acceeaorlea The b^e- WOOO—News; Big Brother BUL 4:90—Bporte. to Mvlve tatereot In sponsoring M m Osllfarala (Jena Ann Pad- groom's mother will wear blue iharkskln suit with' navy aecea- HMn at BanU Roaa) tiad with !• Harrison's store. The bridegroom soriea and wear a corsage of red W « will build for you, la Bfanchcsttr, a new 4 room W HAT—O. S. Navy Bond. 4:45—‘Votes o f Oonnoetlcut and staging a musical comedy only half a block from the Frana lace with matcMng hat. Both WONB—Donee Orchestra. 9:95—Boaeball Gomt MlH Atlaona in bathing suit com- served with the Marine Corps In roses. C a ^ Cod with t naflniBhed up. Unit bIm 30 x 25 ft. Fnll which w ill be open to sU Monehee- o ' **>• South houM . Trenton police alerted World War II and Is now a stud­ mothers wlU wear corsagea of w n o —Musie (or Today. W YHIU-ni on tee air 9 P^ nt-U •MWoo WedneedaytiiRt Mim Methodist church arUl meet Mon* The bride to-be received a two baUi with shower, hot water heat, oil bamer, completely ter people and which may maka Oalkado (Bylate Chnaday of Den* tay evening at the church. A pot Pennsylvania officers to be on the ent at the University of CJonnectt- happy day rooM. strand pearl necklace from her Bi4B— W ra- ups read trips. Another inno­ aar) won Thursday algbt'a baU d^ tack supper wUI ta Mrvad at lookout (or an old, dirty car with cut. , . Immedlatoly after the ceremony bridegroom and presented him insulated, fuH cement edfaur, copper piping, lot 70 x 140. W H AY—Sporto. Santo M WTHT. vation WlU be to form a Christmas suit award. fi;S0. New Jersey Ucense plates, prob­ The bride's gift to her maid of a reception for one hundred gueete with a pen and pendl set. The Near bus and school, d ty water, street win he installed. w n o —Animal FtoundsUon. w n o —FM on tta sir SiU carol group and a community ^ow b The Time To Plant ably a 199« or 1997 make. win take place on the lawn at the IK m Mfamaaota «Horla Yaonna honor was a sterling silver brace­ maid of honor and bridesmaid Sale price $9,500 and op. Down payawnts $2,000 to SMB— CkristiSM carol program open to Munder aald poUca could give church. Bome M w n c BoMihait at Mlnnaapmia) oaoUy Mrs. Harry K. BUott of MorM let. The bridegroom gave to Ms celved gold compacts and the $2,500. Monthly payment* with taxes araroxinmtely WOOO-Bpecte. on Manctaotor people on Christ- won Wadnaaday night's talent di* “ <1 h«r alater-ln-law, Mra. no theory aa to the motive for the best roan an engraved cigarette For an unannounced wedding (lower girl a g ift of currency. Mr. fffifH ii^tgfAOOIL Willard Dlcksnson, of Hsnry apparent kidnaping, He said the tighter and to the ushers Inltlslsd trip the bride wm travel In a teal $50.50. (G .I. reqaifoments or down payment and month­ alalan wttb a afoUn solo. MIm Can* giri'a Hunt presented hie best man with An important dlacuoston oon adA (Margaret Lynn Muan of To* stroat, be attandanta at tta father, John, was truck I bimoida Mua gabardlna suit with' brown tie clasp and the usher with ' ly payments arc somewhat lowcr>. ,. ~'' w n c —News. WNHO—T V corning tta use o f the Challoner weddlM* of Mrs. KUlott’a aistor, driver for the Krueger Brewing accessories. On thsir return they W H AT—Nows. nans) teta the talent cup Thurs* Co. hare. photograph album. P. M. Schbtorslilp Fund and the possi­ .M y Bigh t., ______MIm IQaanor L. Richardson, of Chadwick-Quinn WlU Uva temporarily with tho Miss BuUer attanded Mandiea- WOOC—Hite at BIX. 6:15—Tslotunoa. bility of staging on sthleUc event West Hartford, and Harold Bvana, The girl is Mg for har age. po­ Of much Interest locally is ntws bridsgroom's paronts. U r High Bchool and Is employed SUMMIT ST., MANCHESTER W THT—Boll Beoros; Music at •:9 (^R a 4 Barber’s Ctubhoura. thia afternoon at tha First Church lice aalA find waa wearing a grey e of the marrlag# of Miss Julia The bride U a graduate of Man­ at the Independent Cloak Com­ 4:45—Lucky Pup Reaunw. EVERGREENS of Christ, Congregational, West 4 year old 4 rwse Onps Osd with 9 alshed np. Ftrejdscn, coat with plaid trinunlng and blue chester High school and la em­ w n b 7:15—FUm aborts. Hartford. dungarees Quinn, R.N.. daughter of Mr. and pany. Mr. Hunt attended local steamteam bestbast withw-Vaerait. Sals pries 58444. Dram psyraewt •tee— A full oouTM tuihay dinner was The Army and Navy Club Aux­ ^■s maid of honor, and Arthur E. T ta ceramony was performed by iliary arill hoM Its first Mtback Bytveoter John Chaponls, sen of only 91A40. Tsna4,atraagag an bsIsBes,' w n c —University Theater, yroaldad by Bddia Wlersblekl and Alflo 8. Urblnatl, In charge of Chadwick of Andover Lake was Mrs. Anastasia MasMtls of 587 Rev. Robert OsrroU st s nupUsl WDRC—Red Barber. and how to plant. Just bring a ’ sketch o f pick JogoutA local caterers, at party of the seaaon Monday eve Mgh moss. , Professional nlng In the clubhouM. local arrangements for tta con- best man for his brothsr. Burnham street. Bsv. Robert Car WKNB-Bporte. Acting as cbalnnan and vsntion, said other speakers will Mr. Qulim gavs his daughtsr In The bride who was given ta mnr- maour of oaramonlM for the eve* roll, aaslatant paster, sarformed isge by her father was attended MANCHESTER GREEN SECTION WONB—Answer Men. your grounds showing existing trees, plants Include State Chairman John M. marriage. Her gown of nylon net tha ceremony at ataa Wfiock. WOOC—News; Ooncert Hour. BlBg w si Jack Turklngton, cousin The first session of the Temple byM lra Joan Best o f Weet Hart­ ExeepUeosI Briek Dwsllteg-*Aboat 99 yean oM. 9 tadraame, Beth Sholom Religious school wiU Bailey and Cong. Abraham A. was designed with a high, round The-kridal attandanta ware Mr. WTHT—Ntws: Weather, of the honored guMt. RlMcoff of Hartford. ford ss mold of honor. John Don­ (nil botk, targs Bvtag ream wttk Brepisoe, dinipg ream, geed and buildings. PoUowlng the dinner words of be held tomorrow, Sunday, at 10 shirred nechUne and shirred bodee and Mrs. Jeha PoUansky. of Reck- ovan of Brietol, s fraternity broth ditfi '* Dance Studio About 200 delegates art expect­ and ehort puffed sleeves. Hsr ‘ Md Utekes, eU bnmra, gnrsge. Oeespsoey too*. Sale pries kas WTHT—Hormoneers. odvlM were handed out by Judge s. m. New pupils wlU be able to vUls, brothsr and siater-ta-Uw of er of the bridegroom, was best on radueed way belrav east at eeaetruetfan today. Down pay­ John Wallett, Jack Qlenney and register between 10 and 11 a. m< ed to attend the convention. bouffant skirt terminated In a dr- the bride. man. Ushers were Paul J. DU- W H AY—Keynotes with Carls. on tha mma day. cular train and she carried a white ment leqnlred 9M09 to fM M . Pnyments nbaot $79 per menik WONB—Mel AUen. Nveral other guests. Taken by The bride were a gray suit, woith, brothsr. of the bride: Harry with tateraet exits. complete surprlM, Mr. Turkinifton prayar book with white orchid buck acceasertas sad corsaxa of Show o f New Haven and Edward WKNB—Voice of Connecticut 1 builder with a large measure of foresight. bald he bad seen hla brothers go Under tha direction of Mrs marker and stephanotls. white roaes. Har matrr-a of honor KeUy of Rochsster, N. T., and WDRC—News. Re-Opening October 1 Dorothy Crouse of Walnut street, New Britain Man The matron o f honor wore a wore a navy Mu# suit black ae- 250 employees from engineers and architects to w ou gb the same thing and won* John B s ^ at Waterbary „ ABOUT 24 MOLES FROM HARTFORD dared arhy they ware so nervous. t youth choir for boys and girls cessoriea and corsage of >eUow The bride's gown was of csndls- Everything For Your skilled trademnen and laborers. Now It was his turn to do the of the North Methodist church has aeared in Death rosea. The bride's mother chose llght esUn. the bodlra with V-neck- 95 Mtonte Drive On Oeed B oM —DweUtag wIMi B bedreeais, ALL TYPES OF DANCING TAUGHJT shaking. Ht thankod everyone been organtsaA and wlU have Its colonial bouquet of pompons ta two-p|soa blaek suit, with blaek UnA stsnd-up collsr end three- living reeoA dtalng reaoA Mteken, full talk, exsellsnt eknpe, gsed a. A dash of extraordinary workmanship. fo r attending, Mpecially four first rehearsal tomorrew morning mixed pMtel celore, end x ttorx socesaorloa and tta bridegrobm’s orter length slebvee. The (uU lUnr, bora, •/» mera at load. Bole prlee <8.999. Dawn pnymant : HOBBYING young men from Waterbury who HartforA Bapt lO— tha main gatheringBring nroom______the treasurer af the Oonnaetlcut Mas- wood itraet. New Britain, nor famUlea waa held at t t a ^ i ^ for pfirking cars Is very limit- Fri., Sept 30 — L 5 P .R at tar Paintora and Docaratora As- street, RockvlUe. band with ostrich Ups. Her arm taxm dgnred am 99,l td dawn payment, <8949 per month. Idlng andT anjoyed the mmaln* anyona slae saw tha chllA Gloria Inn. Mlxsd gladiolus decorated the T ta bride attended RockvlUe bouquet was of yellow dshUse. • cd. cr of the evenlag watching the ■odaUem. wUI bo the apaaker at A reception for 125 gussU wss Mondaya maetlng of tha Klwanls Parrish, before bis automobile tables. . High school for two years. The o o o hts from Madlaon Square Oar* passed over her body. For a motor t ^ to washln gtw bridegroom, a graduate of Howell held st Osk Lodge, OskUnd. Mrs. A t The "Jarvia bloder’ PU television. club .to ta bald at tha ManchMtar Tha aeddent happened as Pereau 1D. C., the bride w ill wear a r o i ^ Anthony Touinsud who recsivod COVENTRY LAKE, OFF DAILEY ROAD Thfi Rkyliners ire very in­ T O P all this with the Oiuntry club. Ha w ill ba Introduo* Chaney Technical school. Is a ma- Center Street now open for inspection,'' and yea and hla two children were leaving 1 groan suit, brown ohlnlat with ths Naleo Tool com­ for her niece, wora s French blue About 99 Milas tram H s »tfo r*-A room dweUtag. Has been terested in hivinff this event ad to tha Klwaniana by John I. velvet street length drees, blue ao- used tbe year reieod. i bedrasme, Hvtag ream and UtolMa. B | ^ a nqocem so that next year Imve an idea of what we ean amid will do for yoat Olsen. Mondaya attondanca priia from a vtdt to the Parrish (am- white pany on Center straqt. thU town, OPEN ' turn they will live at and a member at Company ' eessorles and corrage of redjrooas and water. O eouM ey soon. Bole pelee $4A90. Dawn puysrant we Riey have k larfcr meet. MASONIC TEMPLE f ' \D3aih» Laal Night Is to ba f u r a l ^ by Dr. Edward HA09 to LAKE, GLASTONBURY 1 rice HMldriit af 14 years old, raturnad to everyday Marey Haspital School of NuraW, The coupls wUI moke their home 0 8 0 infill frailir aBi a West Mlddto YUnipUis, snnounM In Wsehlngton, D. alter 8ep*i ‘Aboet Id Milas Vram Rsrtfsrd—91^ roam oottsge wltk beak Register Now! Ufa on the Oopenhagen pavament I Springfield. For the pw t aevM tho oomtag msmsgo at their henee whleh eeuM be seed year teoad wttb en iw a: A Raw shipment has arrived Including Sundays rioa praaldeat and dlioetor Moscow—(Fl—The Sovlat trade after two weeks' vacation In a yaara she has bean on the s ^ « temtar 2fi. , unions have taken action to asoure ter. Miss Albarta Louisa The bride to a graduate of Man* Ughte sad welter available. Let Ids x 150. Total oinchfdinir Balsa, Cleveland JARVIS tha AaMricaa Navapapor Pub- seaside resort near the capital— Manchester Memorial Hoapliai. tiara iaaoniatinn an Improvament in tha quality at ), to John M. Oraman, Chester High school and the Lab­ •9Aee. Down paymost gSM to gljieo. ecengbscy. %re^bHcfited kits selllnf for Phone 8826-^1090 work clothing Issued %x> factory, the first holiday In hla life. You and for a long period one of the a of Mra. Peter J. Gallasao o f 99 Hen­oratory InsUtutr of Merehsndto- Bolssos $95 per ssonth. t- PmBBvfBo, IBA-.-Moata Kattar* never saw a happier horee. I most popular nurses In the eeconn ry street and John Oraman, ^50^ intereeniora seHing for •7, tm um nrritar (or Uni* construcUoo and other workers. ing, New York O ty, and has been O r The ntwspaper "Trud" reoonUy Bandy Mac la In the wine bust-1 floor Women's department. ■ Bast Hartford. employ^ ss s ouyer for G. Fox A 39c and moMinff aets. Wo alao ftetusM srtm wrato tta nesa His driver, 49 year old Heriuf 1 The bridegroom, a graduate or Tha wedding wlU take place Bat­ liar ‘TM •M k," the fUm reported that tha AU-Unlon Cen­ Company. . . . r avea larfe aupplt of fuel Hartford 6-122$ tral Council of Trafis Unions had reteraen, made up his mind Bandy I Manchester High school tarvM ta urday. Ootobw B at Bt. Bridget’s Ita Imdegrorm,' s graduate of | REALTY CO. n 1 ^ KtMalpi) Vgianr MANCHESTilb| with tlia niilstsiKia of gtete «B- B44d4d 4 vsafittoR 49 much 49 he!W orld W sr H churta Cresta High school. Wstertaivy. s t • • 654 CENTER ST. I W rMft M9- Il9 ««9 did hiausU. engtassrs In ths Fscuis thsater tar sttenBed oitebte and t Happy Landinir WILSON NURSERIES Td. 4112 Or Beeidfocfit 727$ sjs'S'Xis ^ p SK Itvsd ta isdgtags tafi snd ta sraployta AnvtaMtt"*" ' Uhlversittos ind graduated (ram AUen Realty Cliff IJIm Misk Jaye a member of the Dane* the summer and ovary itarnlng at| Don WUUs;<.'Oarage, Main ByrscuM. He Is s member at Sig­ * ■ and neudss produdng work sfilte R E A L T O R 8 ing Teachers Club of Conn., and the Cor. Tolland Turnpike and Oakluid . Street (umistad to M vist laborars. four o'clock he went to the met-' "thould ths weaker oex drive ma Alpha Epsilon. During tta REPRESENTATIVES'WnX BE ON THE GROUNDS FROM 1 P. M. UNTIL The only'Iron available to an­ wsr he served vith t-'.e Nsvsi A ir Dance Masters of Ameriefi, Inc., and Meat Rusalan wwrkera recaivad dow, where Bandy Mac wae gras racing ca n ?" askp a correspon­ 180 CENTEB STRBEJT HOBBY SHOPPE I thdr work clothea free from the tag. Then he watered the horse and cient man waa that which he dent. I f their wives wUl 1st them. Farce. He will attend Georgetown | T E L . 5105 six Griswold 81. TeiS233| has just completed several advanced lateraection of Conn. Highway Routaa 20 and 83 j^VERV DAY INCLUDWG SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. Plante at wMch tbay work. task It for A'wslk. ^ University Law School Ihto fall. would find ta meteerltea. I—Punch. -? ^^pen W!*7 P, M. study fioarsea in New York and.Boirton, j Thursday Till 9 P. M. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10,1948 PAOttj MANCHESm IVIH INO HIBALD. MANCHEBTEt. COMM. SATUBDAT, SEPTEMBER 10, IMO

naay loUan aa< ooaall fnaa t t o a 9t n olal I [oAlIy w oM t Into M hanaoar ittvM verdtyxf fldlp. UagBfworth, Kloekor aald. are duo tbsoB a yadtt. Phoa* 8291 EFegUngs But It’a the that I Oanodda Oannntlatk which Norn oprlag. anr tto muda of bock at DartaMuth oaBoge aant Four Danlnurjr Youths weak tor tto aenhonmae paar, Bu|rle Sajs Writing la oouato. Bo, ovm though oap holr tto tataraatloiMl ool* tto paapara, tto trm frogn the New London Visitors U foot vanItolM. I om g ta ^ blaekbirda, the earip miadow wMla Minor la duo to retum to tto ig o f aach rnoa oatarmia*> Remain Confined; TVro (M>Ject of Missing Per* A rt Stadanta Loagua la Now Teak Hooaqjow of M^nd; for tto follow who eoat om a battM would bo ana o f tto almptaot larka, tto proper aeocanpoataMat dtp. WaBs and Bars Grow of IMOT dUMHOOb It OF BUSINESS SERVICES .On Critical List sons Alann Today and nyr goddMghtor thousht tt oatoaat tataraatkmal agrao for plowing, than wlU hover a FRESH CANDY erm outo Tho wap X ghootlp, aUan creealag ' ‘and tha to to got raUflad. ProbaUp AaMo, loera, Bapt. IS — (B>— Danbury, Bapt 10 m Five ' Bp HalBapla bnbMm for thrm dope. thought that han wm oaa mdont Hta of tto duue aad tto Notice to Bid Donbl«-K Nats . Aad right now I want to thank UM Ikroa wtpwi, Injund Thundap In mdoBto, tour o f them rooldamta at Now Tork, Bapt l a - m - T m s tho roador who nulM am a SOMUkimOK ftATM aad wm to talatod wa tear. le the sixth OBBlvaraarp o f mp oa- plaeo o f latamatlanal law o n r m autocnobOo ooddm t at Nevada, At otlp, w on okJoeta at ai uatlem- yro raemtlp. Now tf It tod bam Harp Mar* Placed on File tronoa into priaes. H e a t a t H a n d YOUNq SHORTIE HAIRCUT which than oooM to Uttla eon- Iowa, whila ratunlng to ttolr Oai* Ito Brnmag poracoa alarm today. Arthur Drag Stores , It wm Juat aap aelar — n New Eogland CaadidRles' for “ Mist AmericB* & V S i tin, that ndght han bam differ It la a hooaagow of tha mind— t n n rap arm n r p much proomt Ifom la homao from Now Lendc State Mica Lieut. O iiteu tha huaHwm of writing a dolly Hue. rrs TIME TO THINK OF *TIACK TO SCHOOL* la tto miado o f thorn Uaitad Na- m t It might ovm help tto plow­ Omul, were atlll rimltnad to Marp Kloekar Identtflad them m How­ Hartford, Bapt. 10—(/f>—A new nawapapar eoluma. .tha On ChiUy Day ttana toadan who a n aaxioaa to ing. Wa might alng a UtUa our- Orealay hoopltal bare today. ard M. OoUap, Jr„ U . Ma brother. aouroa o f Information for Cbnaaet- waUs aad iron bora att this OMntal || _ , m ^ II ' EXTRA SOFT PERMANENTS w ^ & s s a . * - Mra. Jonnla Miur, BS, erho auf- Ralph. IS. John MUIar, U . aad Al- moro tto UUtad Natlaiu forward •atvaa. lent maaufaeturera aeeking Fa^ paiStanUarp don't inghte and mornlaga o n eom- fared f racturea of tto poivto, ankle freoAdlar, IS, all of thla dtp, and tlimr ara thara—la STiJRlI Coventry || bp foaoeoabto aad gradual do- and broaot bom wm atm unoc Riehaid Hoatagaworth, U. of oral eoatraota hm boon announo- maneliM to focataB of tto ooolar (■ «B «« Own—growing bigbarir and atronc*atrong- 1M graaa toward, tha atatna It ranat odoon the hoopttal raportod. Tardlap, Fa. ad bp tha State Davalopmaat com* T t tho RopubUooa ooueuo hold| weather that Ilea ahead but moat IM «M •( ae with the paara. matuallp han if tt la to Un • • • Alao on the eritleal tot wm Ml Ma Newa Stom Aug. IS aalaolca. of us hope that tt w ill be some O. Sherman OoUInn about SO, tto T to commiaalon aald that at W itting a nawapapar column la | at tha beoaoMOt at tha Lott O xA ^ti which to tha oUtua of a Umltad wtfo of a former Chlcage banker, IQookar aald that tto five, re- aovoraor Bowlaa’ roquaat tha gi oat o f tha oddest oeeupatlono la Congragatlanol churchy m Thuro-1 ttmo bafon tt la nacean r y to world gonmmmt. Connecticut who aufferad a f ractured breaat turalag after apandlag tto cum- eral oarvtcm adminlatration, d i our aorawball etTlUaation. To bo- dap avonlag tha foilowtag start the furnace. However, 99 BssI CeaMr Street t » fIgMMtf I amr working In Alaoka hod act aoom a lawyer, a deetor, or an ■nt now tto Aaoarlcaa Bar Ao* bona, right knaa, aad ”fraetural paocuremant agaaep for tto Fed­ alactad to tto elate af the 9nd vet* I than Is BO nood to ablvar orouad , dtolocatim" of tto toft foot bean heard from olaao c m of tha u|j|artakar you hava to go to the bouaa if you hove ono at tbooe «« ■. I. Ai aodatlca, awatlag at It. Lowla, eral govern mant, hm Sled hero all lag dlatrtat m tha RopuhUeaa par­ Yankee The hoopltal aaM that Mro. Not- Odlap b ^ amiMB a pootoard to currant notiem ta Md. m ad L But thara la no oonago modern Parfactlon oU haoten that hm takaa a ataad agalnat n U fl- By A. H. O. tla C. Bauen, both o f whom toga hla parenta from Dawacn Qroak, Manufaeturen amp uupcet the W onhimnlata oap more than ty; Aaoaoaor. AflMrt Bray: Board | caa be moved from room to room ~ turn caUoa of tha UN gonodda coa- were broken, had bam ramovaf Hriuah Ckhiaabla, on Aug. 9S. Sic la the eommiaclon'B laduatrtal tbWo Is for aotrologara. of Tax Rovlow, OaoU Roberteon; as oaoUy aa you move a magaolne BILL'S TIRE Sf«om and n atioa bp tto UUtad Stataa Ban- from tha critical to t after ahow' Howard Cbllap, Sr., wm quoted dlvtdoa la the State 0 0 m build­ Second Salaetmaa, Arthur J. Vta- rock, iu st atop in at tha Jonas ilsr' Ing ‘‘marked tanprovomant.” ton: Oraad Juroie^ OUbart W lt^ l Furaitun A Floor Covering Com­ AND Aap oaa vmturing Into tto poU- bp Kloekar m oaplng Ha aona ing. Thara Is no te e t,^ I? rtlm 2 S of rnm um au dit ■OMAU or ata. Ih a Bar Aaoodatlon aceom- An thrm are from San Dtogo. umllid dally potacarda aad lattara qnaHSoatlon. ao training for tWa auuin and baon HoeMar: Tex Ool* pany at IS Oak atroot and aok OllCOLATIOIIA paalao Ita oppealtlon with a plotw tlcal game la certain to aaoountor frooB varloua ploom along tto ro* Miuno buoiaaaa. lector, Mobol O. Hall; Oenotablaa, D o i^ Baekar tha proprlotor to REPAIR SHOP Hot Wator AKrad O aitorM and ttlahard 4. ahow them to you. Than eras a W m . R. Green. Prop. Tm PrtatlaA dmundatlon o f Ita own o f tha dialHiwlonmanta. Naturallp, tto da* turn route. I t o eerroapondonoa ua* Drew Faaroon otartad m a dip- to crlma of gaaodde. It to agalnat grao of (Mallliialonmmt mcountar* oxplalnedly oaaaod altar tha Aug. lemauo teportar. Walter Wla- RoMm; Rasltrar af Voters. Oor* Uma whan a portaMa oU boater Cohunbls Biepelea mit iS S House Is Retired truda A. Haven: Board of Hduea* * Boilers ad dapmda upon tto number aad 9S Doot card. choU began la vaudavllla. Dswltt eros aomethlng to ha ahuimad, both ganodda, of that no doubt, lin r p I ^ a ld a r Cbllap aald tha five INSJJRE Moekando wm a fotelgn oorra- Uon, Laerronoo Rohortoon, Olinna lun of its ladt of beauty and U. S. sad Fisk Tires drlUacd paraon mnat bo. diaractar of the illualom the aao- Despite Protest planned to atop o ff at Oiaad Wootbrook l^ l a r and HUIar: Board o f Flaoaeo, Walter | tto tootp odor that omanated Repsirs ServiM For Oil or Cost •Atartey, 10 Whp, than, Ita oppoalttonT phpto brlnga with him. I f to hm a Ferkk N. D, ta vlolt telaUvm of MrRINNKY RKtlTHKHS Ituaik ama sports errttato. S. Havon, VInoent BehnoMo. Wal­ from It, but Paitactloa baa a good Accessories n rp neat aad detailed pleture, in ter 8. Raven acted m modacntorl looking modern haater that will It oppoaaa tto proppaad Intar- Hartford, Sept IS— loot July 1. BAYMOND D. McCARTBY the annual Booster Night and Fair we have 9 Ksjrs Made, Locke Ripslfsd Ugloua crimaa Imlda tto United to be extrema. Houae proteated agalnat retire­ repobUc. T to gS-ymr aid pr*-' TBu am FUNERAL Tm to a eohmodat K Isn’t naoaa- which erm to held at tha Oranga I Tou erm also find a full aosort- tom Dtor. toa apaat aona It aaoma to be thla mtraaM da- ment, contending that he wm ap- fcaoor. who Uvea la Stattpttt la aaaaiy to bo oblo aithor to think haU on Baptembok 9Sth, Mrs. ment of all kinds of stovos m dio- ToeM Orooad |MObOOO,000 to q rla c a » a m ig h Staton. It to not In favor of groa of dlaUhudonment which Sm- polntad to tto M,SOO-a-yoar oom- of MARKET SERVICE —or to witto. Ton con hira Walter S. Haven la ganeral chair­ p l^ at tbs Jonas Furaitun A patataaa ^ haap tha pHoa e< po- thoaa radal or raUgloua ertmaa. It ator Richard A. Fonotar, tha mlaolonerahlp by the Oenaral Aa- la po«#war Oer poStleal Sfr*| Sbrnto^to^ CboaortMtm man at tha fair. Mrs. OUvor floor Covering Oimpony, oU and Waterbury Demoent, hm bem ex* oemblp for a atlpulated term which NEA-Acme etoS aa t t SasiBier Street * Onssnd IWeu gao, alectiie and goo, wood, ooal, LawBBMiwers Sksrpaasi latm Ugh K m ili to tha eaa* la agalnat tto poadbtutp of aap (Photo by Brown wm be in ebargo of tha| STATION OPEN DAT apatom of law outalda tha Unltad parlenciag. wm, not and unUl Baptember SO, raopaadent Vromer W . Chf1at-| D tn c te r But tt you do tt pourmtt tt to program. smoU electric pUtes,- oil otoves BleetflesI UtOKIss •uman to haap tha potato grew^ Soma of tha barba thrown at hla 1961. hord work, aad the kmellaat In- aod also ovano to fit on top of AND NIGHT Stataa hava anpthlag to oap or do Miss Mr. amt Mrs. Clapton Carver o f I on fttn growtoc panirilaaa la apoataay Inalnuate that bo faUed Tho commloaion alao retired two OPEN . duotip oo earth. For brain ahU* Rockville have retumad to their I small oU otovoa. Many paopla Re-CM •urploa, to oaotoC thoaa dramatic about them, juat m the Southern to gain certain practical poUtical other otate employea, RaynMnd W. draa have only oaa parent — tto home after spending a vacatloal a n choosing combination stovoa COOK'S favon ho wm oaaklng. It to much Smith of Wlndaor, a S u p^or court GERTRUDE frontal loha. for convanlanoa and eomfort for G« m I laeto «M di dtotata. oooaor or otataa a n agalnat having an a Mounted Police erlth Mrs. Carvor'a brathor, C mon likely that tha poUUcal game etenSgrapher, aad WUllam Hulae, SUNDAYS Boom pooplo hava tto Idea that Irving boomls and faaaUp. these stotes an a warm addition SERVICE STATION our ovm fedarol taw have Jurto- atata aid agent for tha State High­ HERRMANN la t a r , omi— ehaaga U tha Amarl- M a whole failed to otmform to the writing n dally ootuma la a glam- Mis . FisiUdyn IL Oreutt erm In I to any kitchen and In many caaaa SSPesriSL can farm program. dlatlcn o n r them. preconceived pattern ha had for it way depaiment. To Be Replaced] PIANO INSTRUCTOR t A. M. to I P. M. orouo eatoer, aad a laadptpa elaeh. Cham of the aotback party bald | daisy the atertlng of heating unite CoL Raymond F. Oataa, com­ But potatoaa happen to gat tha Obvtouolp, If vn ore going to and for hla own role In It. TWELFTH YEAR Weekdays 8 to t But them who have dona tt know at Osvantrp Orange thla eratti. untU late In tha fall. For your mandant of tho Rocky Hill Vet- bettor. H m lato Dm Morquls best buy In stovaa why not do os liiiintiiia Iharo an othar gor- develop auch retloance over put­ erana home, wm re-electod chair­ PhUadalphlo, Sopi 10 — (0 — I Tto Siga of • Next eroak, Mr. and Mis. Gut groat deal at tto ganm. Be wm Has'Rssumsd Tssching aaBod It "dlsglag a dolly grata.” Snow wm be In choigs. so Inany paopla In and around GIBSON'S ammant petoo oivport programa ting ouroalvan under auch an man of the commlaolon. Philadelphia’splua’a :mounted policeman PanU neO f Meato, DON W ILLIS tlllad with eiadgerohla aaal far —long a familiar eight on midtbwn Beginners snd Advanced WOKTHY SiRVICI Aobod tt bo ftwad Ma tarti dttfl- Bast Caqtral Pomona Oranga I Manchaatar hava dona, stop at SB Jam ao anpaotora, and paihapa alomentallp ploua International Oak S t and aok Mr. Baekar to GARAGB the port to hlmmlf wauU plap otroato—aoon w ill be a thing of tha A t Homes o f Pupils Groceries FnHts aad 14S Bast Orator 8 t onlt, HmI Smith, ettohratad a p o ^ noaC m Wadnasdap erlth Itafford dataa far tto title. -Mtea Amertaa, IS4^ stead m tha ■*. AU a^^Olg; Jaat ao waatafnl la tha and. law, wo are Ukelp to h a n atU la It. Wo axema Mm from any pMta oohunalBt o f T to New Totk Tri­ Naw ahow you the diffarant stovas In GARAGE Tel^hone 2-0T77 Vsgetables Orange No. 1. Tbb usual buol* N . g „ offletol otwolax of tha 1646 pageant. Fram lett aw! more trouble m thto world con- exoem medaaty la Ida awn ap* M an’ s B od y Found Dlractor o f PubUc Safety Sam­ Maacksstor bune, eold: Bom erm bold In the morning with | aU combhiatlcna now in stock. Tha goran m n t haa itpaBt aoma pratoal af tto part to had mark- Matte OnreBL nnallofair Maos.; .Mias CoaoecHCht, Borboro Linlaa Boartena. B ^ gep ert, Ooom. S t e While you an looking over the tinuoa Ito Inovltahle otrug^la to uel H. Rooenberg today ordered 161 "Ha, you Just alt doem at your a driteioua dinner aerved at ; NawBampahlf% flocn Jane Sleener. mob o N. H.: Nloa Maine. Oaoola Moite Otagrao, Aageoto, Mo.; 18 Mala S t PksBs 2-4521 IMOiOOOOOO biqrtag vp Mrphw od am tar Mmeelf. tppowittor, opM pour valao—and L I . stovaa at tha Jenaa Furaitun A tranoform Itoalf Into one uniform In Burned Auto o f them raplacad by man on motor-1 bp Stafford Orange. In tha oft* | Inoloo fehnaton, Bnoabnrg Falla, Vt. ______flaa aaad, nhtoh map or map not Ho wm to to iemathlag af a cycles, axiualnlns: Floor Covering Company, whp not a n a o f Juatloo. omoon tha laetursr, Oortrada 8fsdaHsli« la breath af boah, cimpetiat air "The mounted traSto nnlt hm| Hew da yen git a jek writlag a Haven hod charge of tha program I Inspect the Gold Seal Oongolaum Senator John Foetar DuOaa m appoood to the atogmat mtaa- New Britain, Bapt. 10 — ,(F| — served a useful purpose In years oofuauir Soem poopla ask ft o t t — and Annstrong Unolauma In aU ma af rbuttoa poStleo. Ha wm anUUad ”A Southarnar VM te Naw I patterns, ’niaoa make idoal Boor BRAKE SERVICE triad to Bwap tto Bor Aaaodatloa When firemen brought a blma In past, t t la a colorful unit but Its | and It Juit happano to othore. It Thara eniM S6 w ea.| | ^ 6 C K 1U !^6S m m m jlO iflO O in tha paat ton to to a ahlnlag wMto knight, an automoMle under control early uoefulneaa hm dlmlnlohad Spencer Foundation Best covering and add beauty to any awap from Ito advene atand. He Just happaaad to mo. ant Tha next maattiig of East paara haptag ap ogga • • • ao tha parkopa the oaoend wMte knight, today, they diacovered the body of mechanlzatlbn of tha poUca bu-| Otdm Nat Bavohad Oantral Pomona wm to m Octo- home. Front End AlifpmMntl petoa oC ogga won’t com down could appredato, ha aaid la a in aa admlniotmtlaa lad by tto a man inalde tha machine. reau hm advanced. fri lS6t Ito Aaaoelatod Prim do* "The men on motorcycles do the | bar ISth at Oovmtry Orange aad A n d B e S afe Start For Fall Wardrobe toa kar far uuaawain « - • aad Uatomant pnpared for tha Aaao- ahlaing wMto knight. The automobile wm parked tai aMad tt wanted a w arftm t eolama iligriia wm to oSttfoRsd. l U l datton. tto vtowa o f thorn who AU klnda of dlalHnalontng thlaga the yard of tha Baatem Motors work batter and fastar.” about tho tempo. I t oohod o m re­ tiM W ir m m la n M t whathar tt. happened, not tto loaat of wbMi Company at I I Oorbtn placa An Oovontrp Orange haa ” do not want to h a n iatocaation> porter to do It, tad this wlaa man vlted to nittHhg j|aritfe^^ Is?"** *^^*^!l.**^^*** A very abort Uroe now and aum-Lfiurglcal OarmenU for they know arm avar ha ahio a n a to g tn wm that tha number oaa white alarm wm Bounded at 4:04 a. m. ■alq I f o , thaaka.'* Soeaaono than Orange on th e e v w n g c rB e p te m -]o f ono-capa at this time o f paarT mer clothing will bo packed away tha meUculoua care that goes Into al conventlona which w ill effec- knight hlmoalf atepped down off and tha firemen found the machine S p e n c e ri nwnp an tha driad ogga tt owaa. happonad to rocoll'T erm la Sldte. bar 14th aad ftirnlah one aumbarLwall, tto truth o f the matter Is and our thoughU will turn to faU the meaaurlng and making of thaae U nlp regulate human conduct in hia padeataL But evra without enveloped In flamea As tha fire and a maaaoge eamo: *Woyla, otart I t aaqr fean to apand ggoo.000,000 died down the body, burned to a on tea program. , I thia^ u you do think o f them now faahlona and whether ot-not they garmeate to fit tha Individual ralaUoa to human righto.” that, Ufa proved blttar. In tha PRESCRIPTIONS w ittlag a column.” I did. Although will prove becoming. One thing o f , n a ^ • I f 90 mam thto pnar Oar ogga H wonT imka and mdoaoora Smator F o^ crisp, erm dlaeoverad by Fire Cap­ war andad tour ago noltu^'to obtain them from that SEWING *Tbop think,” Senator Dullaa tain Charlea Ronalter. CALLED FOR which you may be certain, tt you acq u a la^ with a 8 p «a «r ra s tfa l kaaar what ta do with. eater m t for hlmoalf, ha might thought to isvoha tto oedar. with her ototer, Mis. Wallaea Me- Ifanchaster are wearing a Spencer Foundation J"** e r e a i^ new styles c m - wrote, ”thon ahould bo dlntof, hava mpactad tto acorn aad at­ P oUm are trying to astahlUih I f pan a n watttag for tha prloa So I osi atm at tt. Ito t Is a funny Knight and famllp In Ponmpl-1 Thra aad Rac^rping company, 393 under these new styles you wlU ; MACHINES local ataadardo.” tack of the poUtlcal oppooltioa. Ha frifSbtiflflltkMt. AND fram^irliieli to ono Do I o f botlar to o em down, don’t thing about columm aad comic vanto I Broad atroat pl^ your order now, hava tha aoouranca that only a ! P**®?® ^*®*.®*V*.V*^ ' But ha urged both them aad got that, raadQp enough. But, la DELIVERED strips. Thap go on foravor llbo Sunday aebool o f tha Saeoadllor tto proprlaton Ronea Marla land to call at your convanlanoa. -araoto poor tlaao. Tha gonra* addition, ha ancountmad dlotmta Spencer brlnga of looking your SPENCER thorn who aupport tha gaaodde Let\ Take A Ride Air UaaOtliiaid Thrsoa at tha Apoa. l-Oongisgatlanal churdi wm nsusaal and Loom HuaoUa, nport that they very bast. Why not phone Mrs. mant hm aow aartarod tha markot aad ladUferaaca on thaport of hla T to danger In eohnniUng to that BiHvUMlfr Daalsnai ecavoatioa to turn awap from tha Its aaaatem m Buadiqr mornteg. V o olnadp working aa them. M a ^ F. McPartland, Spencer, oor- SrrPO R TB JONE8* tog hattar, oonipaltod, bp tha towa own parW mambero. w m to h try* PINE tthi Skalp to giva noun tto Idm Baptamhar 11th a t tto hour of tanl As tha wlatar d r lv l^ «B ap- Bielecki to Head Singor ooaeapt wUeh vtouallaao foreign tng to do oomathlng In a In That ha la on Mparc M avarpthlng from eeUere of A p t 540, Oarden DTlva, Oangnm hm ndop^ to bop o’clock. AH taachara and puptlo proachaa thaoa man and tbalr help- phone 7554 and aok her to coll at j MART F. MePARTI-AND FURNITURE STORE] way? Wm ha trying to give a to Sogpola attUag. era Utorallp work night aiul day Apt. 140 Gariea Ditva —Mi««ga to koap tto prloa o f bot> armlao marching Into caa couatrp certain maaoure a Uttla welihtlor PHARMACY an oOkad to attend this first oaa- yoiu- home to shox you the beanU- Norwich Ticket Das BaclHV. ProD Sewing Center Its oocupalXbnal haonim ora chair aion m cloaam wm ha arranged to take care of tha orders that FhOM7Sfi4 or 9-9588 tar fnaa obmlBg 'down. T to gor* or another to aafOrea oomathlng conoideratioa than tha routlaoT 664 Center Street aona and punditry. A UtUa baby ful, long wearing, guaranteed | OsS Straoc. MnacSaaiav, Ok tSZMatoSt. TM.HS9 New 19S0 PACKARD and places o f meetiiig wffl ha gtv- Mnir in for tha ffemoua Two-ln-One washable materiala that Spencer is i iS-ieii like the ganodda convention. Wa Thap waro curioualy unlnopired bp TeL r t 8 l4 on la the right not wm heal tllb Sao-ChM that hhva proven ao de it made i;p Brat *® **T J " lahould think, to oald, of auch p r o - 1 ^ arampla in tbafr mldat. an out. Rally Sunday erm ha foaturing this faU? Norwich. Sept. 10— — City ehoir aorao. but than ia no cun held on September 96th with spe­ pandabla and safe in all kinds of Alderman Francis A. Bielecki will I, - ... I . S2 aauBpt death fo r tha oohimnlst WlOtbSPe Many womra have come to the During tto pootl In MANllUiT'K who oeqnirm tho diaaon o f taking cial aarvlcm aad Oetdier 9nd the conclusion that buying a Spencer 1 head tha DemocraUc Ucket In the Lawn Service tarma of law whldi oparatm on I more lonely. The pattern which regular eouraa of study w ill bagla I f jrou eiab. you may place yaut town alccUon October 5. la bam buying but-1 Mmaalf too aarloualp. order now, telring down tha Urea ia a real economy for they wear Bielecki won tha nomlnaUon for ^ Frigidoire tor at rata tA 10,000,000 Indlvldualo, not bP armlaa.” | ahould hava bpaned a ohlnlng road Oat SmoB Otfta or ordering them from tha M o » and wear, never loeing their first aalacUnan In a primary cau- T. P. Holloroii Senator DuUm did not contend to him began to Oohimnlate, Uka preoldantn gat fegflw ahape, supporUng your figure While the weeds are pattern. NOTICE chaster Tire and Recapping Com cua yesterday, 769 to S21. FUNERAL ROMM that the cmcept o f audi Interna­ pony aad you wm not hava to right through every washing- unUl Hla unsuccessful rival was Mil- weak from the drought re­ Soles ond Service im bought 900,‘ Sometimeo, vrlth ouch naophptak Ton need to to quite a Juggler if they ara absolutely threadbare. tional law la now In any ad- w% - - mr___ ■ a S tm n 1[you >•** havaV v a a nputation to keep up CM on* cant until'“ ‘“ 1 you ara ready ton J, Ring, a young World War n PlsmUng snd Henttat ,000,000 peundi o f oUm milk the pattaiB o f oopiratlon la brlttlo on tha ear. This One reaeon for this is the fact that veteran who challenged the party move them with Scott'a HOlaS- vmoed oUta of reallaaUm. "But,” and fixed and non-adjuatoMa. Thap HK, TRAUl, Monaon’s Candy M r C a t y ilCifaUpBO land a roputetlon to Uva'doem.— I"® V v a them put Work Of AD Kinds pfodneta thla pear. I t hm enough • laoaport, Ooaport, Uhlted Stataa Naval A ir wm mva your puputting out money Mrs. MeParUand ia thoroughly organisation in aeeking the nomi­ wecdjfecd. ha aald, “ to abandan thla goal do not oompromlaa with tto gamo ■ i OW PA Y Mf S 1 s Kitchen will close one | trained to diagnoee your figure nation. etoaaa to 1 ^ a highway fitun they find. They recoil from It IStatlan, Peaaaeola, Fla. now, yet Inoura the aaocapa when would Involve rabatitutlng ploua ■ I R ADI today you need them. Every site pasoen needs, and when these measure­ BielecU’a aloction opponent la Vincent Morcin WaaHagtm to Now Torik Praoumably, with their tampans hoar earlier. New I gar Urea ara available Including ments are taken they are sent Thomas F. Doraay. who won tho Control the beetles, T to govammmt, again pro- worda for aa affeettve reault" mania, they never ahould hava aa- ■ PHi 'H i . '.'J1 NOV. Republican nomination Thuroday. PLUMBINO AND HBATINO store hoorst Week-1 low pceaaura tires 1q alxea S.40 x dlrecUy to the Spender factory chinch bugs snd some ants CONTEAUIWB r iifliig 1a oompllanca with tha It would alao be for tha Unltad tared i t S Pain-1 Paittim where they are followed exactly. AMBIJLANCB SBRVICR They bolong batter cm tto fringe 15 through to 4.30 x 16 and 5.50 x with Scott’s beetle controL PRIUlDAinS DEAUBB law o f Cengreea, hm loot $80,000,- SUtea to taka tto laad.la rajoet- days 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. 17 to 7.00 X 16. This work can be Then, too, Spencer materiala arc DAY AND NIGHT of tho game, whara thap caa done right hare in Manchester by the finest money can buy, they will S05 North Main Street OOS thla pear alena la tho proceaa tog one o f tha firat tmtoUvo otapa dabble at propltloua and barmlaaa Sundays 1 p. m. to 8 toward a worid wtdo unity of law BRUNNER'S I'AEKARU tha Manchester Tire and Recap­ wash perfecUy without ahrink- Zotox for crab grsas. An Telephone 4848 175 Center 8L Phone 2999 at buying peanute ao that tha tuma of the wheel, and have their ping company. ing and they may bo worn for Tree Pruning and Juotlea, whldi la aomethlng poUtlca aa avocation rather than a p. m. h your snug Uttla hdBM tot two a bK crowded now months without stretching. opportune time to kill emb prloa of paaauta to tha pubUc wm major concern, too oerloualp taken Whan you have work dona at the and Removol net go down. thla country hm repmtedly urged that yo«r faaUly Is growlag? Psrll^Ml you coold tsish Manchester Tlra and Recapping I f you have not been pleased gmss. See what Zotor is Often, If they Inolat In Jumping on company you ara certain of a good with the fit or wearing qualtUes Now la the Ume to prune tha Bight now, tto govammmt la aad favored la th a i^ . tha wtool. It throwa them off. doing to crab grass on our att m soeoad story or add « wiag to glvo y o « y o u rnach recapping Job, for thla concern of the garment you are now wear' dead and diaeaaed branches buying hundred carload lota of Seuat i r Foroator, wu ouapaet naaa but one grade of rubber, the Ing, why not phone Mrs. McPart­ from yoor ehada trees. It is Isyi-n. The Crosby And The Plow mop have troubla axplalulag to abo 'time to remove dead and »-VilIo9 e ® ^ « w | Qrovenat^ mPPle* and BarUett tto g aaaral puMIe Juat what Ma aeodod oztrs spaeo. Drop ky at tkls frltndly bank. W all first grade. The work la done right land and ask her to call. Whether a iM* «t (isa fMto Haas «aw paara, leat the pubUc get a bar­ on the premlaea, firat quality ma­ your need be a Spencer Founds' onwantod trees. For prompt and pMaoUj' '•oaM la n ■astOa From the A P newa: quarrel with tto ganm reedip lo. efflHeat aenriea eall Feed your htwn now. To make your home S gain on ouch fruito. Ha ump aaom a m tle> vaguei I tiry sad help yon with s Hobm laiproTaBicnt Loan that terial Is used ovary Ume, in fact Upn, a brasalere or a surgical gar­ weeweM-e laalaUBaata al “Crooner Bing Crooby took over CHARLOTTE R. GRAY neither Mr. Malre or Mr. Hueatla ment you w ill find the answer to Scott’s turf builder or iiaaa aam. more charming place aad A ll la all, tho government now to amp net the oontrola of a Mg tractor and Biakss H easy for torn to awot tvsiy payment right oat have ever ordered anything aloe. your need In a Spencer. Doctors C A R T ER TR EE Agrico lawn fertilizer ap­ Laaaa tw U i you a more charmlsf ewm about two bmion doUara turned firat nod of the new Bnt pat It Whan you put quality materials, ara high In their praloe of Spencer o f y o v Iboobm. Stop la sooo., pafaiatelring work and exacting plied now win help the weak son to our busincaB. warth af varieua ’^^Hun'teultural Canadian Legion HaU hare loot that to wm • hqi EX P ER T CO . CO commodiUea, net becauoa It hm who, rightly or wrongly, haa Teacher of Voice Btandairda together It adda up to a PHONE 7905 night Job that is tops. grass to revive and s little Come Is sad tot as Uww any uoo tor them, not becauoe It ehooen ta ahnttar Me laaaa “ He drove up and down the ) In tho main, wa get about what TELEVISION ScotCs lawn seed a week you how tt can bs dsns. knowa what to do with them, but rather than drop It, w to bad Ho TYPICAL HOME IMPROVEBIENT U )AN wa pay for, low prices mean that plot handily manning the con- paraonol Image o f what Ito jAi.m r later win produce smsiing 845 Main 8L Blanchesisr bccauoe ouch purcbaalng in or­ game shanM to aad who woMd poorer materials must be used, but RADIO trola and olnglng m the plow be­ 71 FOXCROFT DRIVE Phoue 2-9872 fa ir prices should and do mean J INTIN6I results. der to maintain prtoea la the law neeopt aa anbattlnta far that a t ml M a a m r hind the tractor cut tha aod.” Imago, aad yon have It. wa to la wear and materiala at of tha land, the key point In the Vssm VaiPMsta inchaatar Tlra and Recap- Home Appliances « Heretofore, our joy in avoca- 1 '’’Noto American farm program. tMah, la rongh ananuary. T to tlonal farming hm been marred Hatlaetlaa tho gaaaa ndght haVa 446e . 9691M 19 RsamiM m M n ping company. Why gamble on v a n rill IftM Uras when the beat costa hut UtUa BAMES, SBRVMIB KRAUSE'S HIGH G RA D E Aad when the atutf rota and only by tho peroiatent memory of givaa him, to new oaoto la Ofr- U Ita tto KW*4^to apclla, then, perhapa, the govern­ poaltloa ta tto gaam Ha will m 44SJ9 as minito 19.7S more than the poorer. Whan Urea aaS INSTAI4JITION8 teetorp"- be John S. Wolcoft how they hood com In the movie ara recapped at tha Manchester GREENHOUSES ment ownarahlp la better o ff than d net qnUa Tbaoe monlMy pegmiela' ie| PUBUO ADORBSII STBTEIU annas H «S PRINTING veraton of ‘Tha Toarllng.” But leaa, aittor. Tire and Recapping company you to pradnaod nnder tea 131 Hartfatd Eoad. Maacbartii whoa It doea not For then, at eafi pitodi are certain of high grads material FOB RENT Ua« JOB AND OOMMERCIAL that wm ouch a otrange and lu- WORK HAS BEEN STARTED ON THE nmdatn. aSMenr matkada. and Son Moalal Attaattaa laaat. It ao longer hm the ex- o used and the long wearing quality one aalliiiatn PRINTING dldoua although unconodoua bu^ Oaaraiitaai Ropalr Sarvlae uivM ta Pbaoa penoe of otorlng I t of sno-capa or regular re-capa. Ob aB Makoa aafi MoSsla DopondaMa qanStv - Sarvleal 180 Main Street leoqua o f the art and technique of N o tice CAUSEWAY / Oidata. PaL 47ea Thla la not common aenae. Vet hoeing that It hm remained with WILLIAM H. SCHIELINiB Phene 8597' dgarlaSata la FW It lo, ao tat, the only expedient Open Thnraday Evenlnga ua m aomathtng a little hnmoroua Zoning Beard sC Appeals TOTHENEW MALONEY'S IS5 Sprnoa Btiaal Tot 9iM Anoago GDMMUNmr PRESS wo hava found tor a aolutim of $:S0 to 8:00 P. M. * dlag m wall m perverted. Beoidea, the In acoordanoa with tha require- RADIO APPt.lANOB ila k W. Rare *. O kmoM tha form problem. We cank Juat com In “The Toarllng" wm al- manta of the aonlng rasulattons I W alart I 1 M 9 -IS4S atop I t Wa can’t go on with I t of tha Town of Mandisator, tha waya meeting with the fata any ISLAND BEACH oer. Nei eithar, for the taxpayera are get­ Zoning Beard of Appeals wlU bold ‘“ liSstonemt** corn 00 hoed would richly deaervo. 4 By Sm BnrMtt ting tebaiUoua agalnat tha proc- a pubUo hearing in tho Munlotpol A Mmplo pat oxtramolp prattp j The woodar wm how tt aver grew Building, Monday ovanlng, Sap- Spacial for Thia Waak nagUgoa for pour laiauro momenta. 'wn of paying , their good moniy tall enough to be aatoB by fawn tamber 19. 1949, at g P .M > < « too By Sirs. Amaa Oatot to keep prleaa to tbemaalvea high. Three buttons close the fitted M l or blown down by hiurlcane. fallowing appUcatlena: 27 lots located on the Island Beach road wiU be eoM The Manchester walte, the low plunging nackUno ta Hera ara three pain of crocket- 'Monckester Wa can’t Juat atop I t We can t State of Connecticut Requirement ad glovoa to make from Juat one But Crooby "ainglng m the Sunday Afternoon. RAIN OR SHINE. a fashion feverlte. Cbooaa a| Highest go OB with I t We hava to oub- Application of Manchoetor large fiower print for glamour. pattern. Three different types at plow behind tha tractor cut tha Motor Bales, Inc. for Certificate loop stitch trimming ehaago the PLAN NOW otltuta oomathlng elae for i t But SALE starts Sunday One P. M. and will continue un­ n ttk rn No. 9706 eomeo in alsae Dry CleoiierB aod" la aomethlng Mdo dkaln. It of Approval for Used Car Dealar*a anpaaranoa o f the double crochet Prices Poid ao to f no ana known what tho Ucanse on Main Street (South af Trust Co. 19. 14.14. 14. 40; 40 and 49. Slao FOR W IN TER cute more deeply. The offenaa til dark. All lota win be sold for cash or terma. Down 16, I 7-9 yarda of 96 or 94-ineh. movoa. Make thorn ta your favor- practical aubatlkite map be. No. 661) Buatnaaa mne. tta colors; add a matching bog. agalnat a noble art la real, and pajrmenta of $100, $50, $10, or even $1.00 will be aCr Manchester, Connectiait Tat this pattern, sand 96 oanta Hsve s pair of tires re­ FOR RACS, AppUcatlon o f Bugena McOtur* In China, pour name, addraoa, aisa Pattern No. 6019 ooaalate of for Certificate of Approval for treaded with our famous Agslast Gswsdds But may be more Imtlng. Tha oaorl- cepted. Thasa lota mnat bo aoM Sunday Aftemoon ra- o Member Federal Deposit Inaoranee Corporation daolted, and the pattern number crocheting Inatructlono, small, SCRAP METALS, Etc. lege U not unoonadoua, but de^ 9for New and Used Cho: Dealor’a gardlaaa of . terma aaked. to Stta Bufnott, 'llta Manchaatar medium and largo Included, atltcb Snow Caps. ’NJanodde” la a new word In Uberate. Ucenoe on Southemt 0>mar Uluatrattona and material raqulra- CsR ar Write Main and Strant Btreato, bustnam Evening Herald, 1100 Ave. Amor- i K p e r t i O f T 'our dtctlnnsrtag, It wua firat in- THE AMSTON LAKE C O M P L Y ia located on Ronto loaa. Noer Tork 14, N. T. meiita. tt wm alao oo bold that it lona. Send 90c in odna, your name, MANCHESTER t IRE > n s to i wbm tto vtotorloua amao 85, Half way betwaan Hartford and Naw London. Bond $1 oonte today for tha now caught even nature napping. The A ll persona Interested may at­ Fall and Winter Fashion, 44 pagaa addrtoa and the pattern number Johnson W n ia Ostrinsk (l||lllf$ai tto awwios war attanl- tend this hearing. and RECAPPING CO. Cleon aod atlll turned over. The tractor, It’a a beautiful drive, you’ll enjoy it. of smart new aMao. bpaclal fM - to Anna Oabot, The Manchtoter • <99 MAIN STREET 182 RtotoU S t tp f TComt war. It an InotltutloB which, in apite of ZBNmO R O A^ OF APPBALB turaa. Free pdRtern printed In- Evening Herald, IISQ Ave. Amer­ 295 Broad St. TeL 2-4224 By Martin B. Alvord, Chairman icas, New York 19, N. X- Ita unaightlp appearance,- la grad- ia tfM p i,. McVeigh, Sa^rotary M ■ .. aide tho ^ k . , .'f ; >■



Foar Lcsm s Patlmta' . Tn Train for Nnrsn Another Local Entera C ollq^ Struck by Caf, BA’s Out to Win Playoff Orown Against Silk City Today Seen Opens Studio Here Pus Accident At MoaMrial Hosaital P olio Case Badly mjured Injures 24 Switchboard opbgntcra at InConntyTax Manchaatar Memorial h o ^ ta l E i^t Veterans THB Town Tennis have recKvad many Ulepaona Local ResMei^ Twi Champs Anxious Greyhound Hit* Trailer calls during tha past few days OiUd Is Latest Victim ; Motors, New Britain AaMud Medhig of Com* concerning the Leona patients. Crofsiiif Center Street; HERALD ANGLE Finals Sunday The beat known la Lulgut This Makes a Total of W ilh H .S .ll Truck from Rear on By , MiiiiioBcn to Be Held Leone, of New Tork city, who. 26 Now Driver la Arrested Win Tourney Gfunes To Gain Dwyer Trophy Wilbur Oo«a Highway Is recuperating from an ap­ EARL W. TOST Brace Copehmd Paired W c « t V e d t apt. Botteron. Heads pendicitis opevatloa with a ManehaKer'a 96tt polio earn waa Ednumd J. Shack, 48, of 587 With Frits Della Fera Stafford Spiinya Bapt. 10—Cff) member of the Maacbestsr po­ Omter strK, w af sertouaty In­ Aces* Goadi Pat BbU bg MaMlMaUi's moBty tax MD win reported this morning whan It was Jtrrjr Chignon Fans 15 list; 44 Boyi Tako Silk Qty Veteran —A raar-end colUaion Involving a j lice department at bis bed-Kds. found that 4H year old Wtlllam jured MK night whan stntek ky te aew Oat qAaiheraL away 19, W nliyan. At North End Courts Determined to Suwawi yuBably ba aobrtaatlany toeraaa- Leone la charged with stealing Roae, aon o f Mr. and Mrs. Theo­ an automobite on Center strsrt. Local Sport Part in Praedees King „ may bow out for home; It, Tuhs, away. .HK-rod Greyhound bua and a trailer truck money from SL BrIdgK'a In 8*1 Triumph Orar aX m rn g rn r. It waa laaned today dora O. Rose of S3 Dudley atrsst, Poltee rej^ort t t K iehaok suffwod tta saaaea In Manchester this aft­ racing wUl be on tap tonight at The Town of Manchester will Series; Levesqae to aent at leaat S4 paraona to a hoo- church. oompound and imltlpla fraKarea Willlmantic; PNA'a ernoon when the British Ameri­ WeK BprtngSctd Speedway In con aa tha mi— aeared for tha aaimal pltal hare today. was ajioKUve east. Hs hsd been Eight IKtar wtnaera from toK have a new Tsanla Kngles cham­ • Fred Leone, of BaK Hart­ listed ysKerdsy as a Mspect tor of tho tegs, teoaratlons of the Chatter cana creae hate with tta SlUi CRy Junction Witt stock car racing. Face Hood; Play bI 9 Muttiif af tha HarUori ceuaty Tba bua driver waa trapped In ford, was admitted yesterday, Topple Meriden, 4-0 year'e aquad bead tte UK of 44 pion after Frits DeUaFera and axamlnatlon K Mamortal aospiUL face and bands, and undstsrtnlned Acae a the OvK. A triumph for A 75-top stock feature wlU con­ Bruce Cbpetond mert Sunday lanWalnra to coiwidar tha bodfat the wreckage. B ute poUce at while Mra Angelo Leone of Internal injuriea. Roe. Oeergo Hugbea, eandldatea seeking berths on Man- tte Twilight League chalhpUm clude tte ebow..Dally publicity the acene—In Aahford on the Wil­ In addition, there was a east ro- morning In the finals* o f tte Rec BsssbsU WlU poos eat s6 the Tha atMlon, achadidad fbr aaxt Hartford, gave Mrth to a aon poKed from Wapping yosterday, The driver of the ear, WUMs S. Tko New BriUln P. N. A. eiwt- lha cbamplonKUp iL Jaamff base- ehssUr High’s current feKbaU BA's WlU cUneb the playaff crown releaaee are received from any picture locally this wash end, pro- 1 bur Croaa highway—radioed to yeKerdayt baU entry la the Junior League and maili Snle to tho seventeenth Tennis Tournament at tte Robert­ waak wta ba attandad by tha lacla- Uiat Of Sylveater GlaeomlnL 9, son Gray, Jr., 91 of 199 Blsaell streeL eat tts MorMsn Knights 4 to 0, sditloit Captain Lee Eotteron New England and eastern coUeges son Park courts. The match is vldliig tte weatbermoa doesn't their baurracka here that be'waa None o f the four LeotM pa- WM arrested by Patrolman Ed­ during the paK sea^ bM ar­ heads tte veterana ■uccamlve Meecn, but never any from Tale Univer­ upsK tte plans. Ths SUk Otjr tatlva daMfatloaa of aach o f tha alive. o f Mr. and Mra. Sylvester Qlscom- and ths Broad BtroK Motors bcK- scheduled to get under way at 10 UenU at the hospital are re­ Int of Oak road, Wapptng. ward Wlnster and ekargod wttt ranged a gama vHtk Paul Arcart, Doug Weiaee A win for the Brltieh Amerfcs sity, thus little is used in them Aces art scheduled to tangle wttt Hartford County towna who act raw Patleato Admlttod lated. ■d tha CkplUl Oarage of WlUl- winners of Uis Boston Awli Dl^ would ellnisx one of C?ie greateK i cKumns on tte EHs.. First at s.m. snd will be tte beK three out the BrlUsb-Americsns this sfter- aa tha dalOwratlva and tafUIatlva Both ehlldrsn oss K Isototten reekteoB drlelng. Mooes flnnegen. Bobby Harile sad K five sets. The Johnaon Ifemorlal hoapitad ■aaatts 8 to 1 toK night at Rob- eean. Tka eontsK win be played Jimmy Mlnlcuccl, aU linemen, and __ ever enjoyed by e four sUke events, tte 87AOO add­ ; noon In tte second game e t a bsK ' body tn county affalra. admitted four paraona aa patlanta. hbfpiUL Scback WM struck la front o f Frits, who is already ca-awnar WUUe’s G rill..449 Canter stiueL ertsoo Park to movs into tta send- Sunday, SepL 19 K tba WeK Bide backs CUlir Hawkee and Frankie I. HMey favorites to repulse ed Jeanne O'Are. for two-year-old two out e t three games sartas for Tha bndrat. praparad by the none crltlcaUy injured, and aaid OvK. _____ ^ ebsUenge of tho AcM today, at tte doubles cliamplonahip, vritt tte Twilight League ptomff aonaty coninUaalonarB, win ba pra- Gray w m driving woK on Center flnato K MaachasUr's Inviutlen Vo m Uo complete ths UK e f vater- filllea, will be run today K Narra- his couKn Ray, hM been one of "at leaK 80” were receiving out­ ■Has Mh f Mortarty BA's have already wen the ganaett.. Eddie Compo at New Ha­ crown. The BA’s won tt# ^uK aaatad at that UnM. PropoRalfl on Aid streoL polios rsporL end Scback M lk a ll touTMy. tte top performers In toem for gams, 11 to 0. Ptoy wrlU start K Mrs. casrtatm Gray patient treatment. WM crosKng frtna tta grill to the The Farmlagtoa V a^ 1 Hoed Coach Walker Briggs bM rogutor seeaep TwlUght loogue ven who meets Willis Pep for tte ■aa. Ilaaaa ba Fraalde ___ The hoapltal Hated tbaoa per- Loan Society In tka opcniag gaoM K tba twin I Chib WlU eKartala the Wsstehea- crown, added the Conaecd^ tte (mK few years end hie ex- 8 o'clock K tta WeK Side Oval. 3flas Pstricto Hauk. o f 18 Knex Mias Mary U s Mortarty, daugh' north sMo of Omter sUeK when bsen mwlsted by Tony AUbrIo and world’s featterwelght boKng (Mrience alone should make him Pnaldtay at tha maatlny will be CharlotU B. Gray of 71 Poncroft I aona a d im t^ aa PatlenU: Expected Totlay tor of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. MU, NOW Britain, bahind tbs twe- tar tro— Sunday afternoon In a Seml-Fro Utlo. dKMted Rhode championship 8e|>tember 30 at A win for tte BA's today wtU Baaator Chariea S. Houae of thU Btrset, a graduate o f Mnnehsatsr the accident occurred. Frank Smith In getting the squad tte favorite. To gKn tte flnato. wind up actlKUes for tte Tiiinn flrivB. Bnnounc®* elstwliers tn to» I BaoiusI Ooldnmn, 66, o f 1305 High school, class of 1949; will an- Mortarty, of 9 Strickland street, Tho Injured men w m taken to blt pitching of Tad RydackI, wlUto- match at the Fannliigtoa VaUM Into top condition. Smith wlU Island for ths BI-BUts ebam^on- Waterbury, la tta youngsK tn ■ town, who waa alactad to be chalr- r'a Herald, tha opening o f her I North Fifth atreet, Philadelphia, Honors Cheney waaaad tka Mtildan Knigtote 4 to Qub. Play WlU start at 9:90. ■hip and galnsd tbs right to ptoy Frits eUmlnated Wlimle Sharpe On tba otter band, a trium|>ta by « Fag* Oaa) ter ths Jostph Lswrsne# School of h u entered Saint Joseph CoUtgo, tt# Manchoster Memertal fcospltel hendlo tte Freshmen team. famUy of elevsn children. Compo of tha county deleyatlona oa i UHl*" Mra. Gray haa been ' Mra. Jennie Allman, 89, of 34 La- 0. Rydseki w m In comptoto charge Many local resIdMita have wltnsss- In the NattanK BMshall Congrsss 0-1, 9-8, drew a bye in tte second tte Aoaa would force a ttlrd and Nursing In New London, Conn., WeK Hartford. In a T. P. Holtersn ambulaaoe. A Opming game to Usted Friday bM ouBered toit one loss In Sve round, best Dr. Al Yules 9-4, 7-5 deciding game to be played. If whaa tha county waa oryanlaed in„ the teaching Said for over ten I mont atraat, Roxbury, Itaaa Mias Mortarty' waa gradoalod att tts way giving up two hlta, ad previous boms starts of the Tournament la Kenees yean. Older brother Johnny fo r tha year duHng tha lagtalatlTe yaara and la on tba admlntatratlon John Wllaon of 488 Quincy Shore as mainly problems of aa unbal on September 11. hospital i s ^ tkia nmraliw aaid night under the lights at ML Turning the tahlos on tta Acee In tte quarter finals, and defeated this Is tte case, tte final gome wiU anced trade—without reducing the Presideat of Assodatfoa wttt hoaora from Mount Saint Sttsek bad passed a "fairly oam- waUUng thtM and sK down eleven Farmington entry. Nebo agalnK LMvenwortt High Com|M> loK to Pep In 1942 tn New ataff of HUlyer CoDaga. She la at drive. North Quincy, via the etrtkaeut route. Roman today' would merKy bo adding e bis couKa Ray 9-4, 3-9, and 9-3 be staged Sunday afternoon at 3 standard of Uvtag of Its pao^a. •J. Joseph Academy, Hamilton fortable” nlghL Tka HK fit eaniUdates Include: Haven when Itodle w m e tod K in tte semi-finals. at tte O vK **Oa*tha baala of tha preparad praaent aopmno aotolK of tha FlrK Tha hoapltal rafuaed to Identify Is Honored by Direc* Wojtunik went tha dlstanc# fur The Women'e Bowling League aaeood coat K frosting to tte 14. Compo hoiMS to even tte (3)urch of Chrlat, Middletown. the fourth patient, aaaarting "ha livipc Staa«aid‘May DecdM Haights, WsK Hartford, at com- Gray Is scheduled fOr appear- Henry AgoKinani. Paul Arcari, Bruce Copeland, a darkhorae Coach Hedlund will send Jerry badxat. It la eoaaldared Ukaly that nMncenaent oxerclaea ksld June 19 Morldan and w m touched tor eight erU hold an organlaaUon meotlnf neon In tte Compo-Pep ctoahee on «fi o f the towna in tha county Since oomUg to Manchaatar doeant want hia name in the pa- TO thla ha rapUad t t K "It la tors and the Employees aaco In Town Court Monday. Joe Ashford. Marsh Altksn, Stevs and not too wreU-knowm to tennis Flood back on the mound in bopea Obituary In 8L Joseph's Cathedral. Hart­ hlto and lemad thrM waUis. Ttteaday evening K 9 o’eloek et BeWaghlrl, Clarence OsaoeUa, Ted the 90tt. tte right hander aan duplicate hla win hare to make larfar p a^ Mra. G n y baa n e c ^ e a member pera bacauaa he doaan’t want hla quite poaaibla In the eoursa at the Joa atraceskl waUted to opts the TMCA. Bta teanm eemptlaad During tba peK week Ui partlc- fana. surprised tte competitors In ford. She took the cKlege course Lawson. Heih StearM. Don W Kt Dro|>o hM been recaUad by tta tournament when be elimin­ Tsah \Taeek feat of laK weak wrhen be turned monta ♦»«*■ year than laat. and UK o f tha G. Clef Club, o f which G. wife to worry.” next two ysars'that tha standard The directoni and empteyses of tha fourth and attar Cm PacyM the circuit toK year. Almy Plr- utor, many letters and telephoM Albert Paaraon la director. Mra Hoapltal Aaka Ni of living of a tot of paopto may tko Mandicster Savings and Loan K ML 8L Joseph’s and ranked Strike Halts PoqueL Jim Roach, Doug WKaao. cKIs have been reoKved from tte Boaton Red Sox and vrill ated Lshro UrhanKtl, one at the back tte Aces In the opening tllL paar'a county tax. In turn, waa fifth In a large graduating class. roaehod on an anror. Benny Kow- kay win earye aa preKdeK thU foltawlng tte Pactfle CosK Tony Berube wUl be behind t)M ■aeh U riar than h ^ Gray and Mr. Paaraon ware mam- Tha hoapltal. which appealed to dacllaa.^ Ha added that ha hoped aasoeUtlon laK night hanored the olesyk eama through with a homo Don Ftovett Fred Plercy, Hcih readere who sought InfonnaUon l>re-tournament favoritea. In tte One of tte veteran stars writt bars of tba quartet of tha Pint Fiirtford hoapltala to aend nuraes any such decline would be only She plans to fire K Saint Jeasph’s UrwKder. Larry Decker. Armando ptoyoffa The Mg moose acml-flnato. To survive into tte tte Silk City footbaU team this plate. The Mg ■tickers I for ths t duriny tha pracadln* parloda. Deaths bank's prsKdenL Frank Chaney Rail System run * to put hto team out In on beaebKI quasUons. A few K from Mooeup is batUng bKter champs ore Keeney, Nonny Pimbytarlan church, Hartford, t g n to aid In tha emergency, aKd temporary "white wo are woriclng Jr.' on tte oecasiea of the mork- college, ratter than commute to Darna, Jobs Provaa. Jim Mae- the questions asked and answered finals Broce gK by Rosario S ^ season wrlU be 320-pound fuUbsck, ■Minna far Inerenaa and from WeK Hartford each day. front ky threa. A doubto by fitra- Rsc Director Johnny FaUuiwski than .300 w ltt Sacramento after Zossaro and Jackie May. AU Hama that are fotny to Incraaaa aoma yaara ago. 1 ^ alao enrolled ft was too buay to record out solutions which would ba ao- Ing o f hla 67tt jreor with tko In­ Ardto. Ray Negrp. Jerry RaulnK- foUow: lensa 9-4, 7-5, In tte flrK round, AUiert "Toeh" Vineck. Vlncek with tha Chamlna«ia o f thla town names of the out-paUanta ___ ceptabla to tta paoids." SMMel A. FUrwentker (Ceottaoed froas Page One) oMkl la tta ttftk and a foUm reports tha bisachsre at tbs WsK a Kow start. . .TTm Brooklyn- three will be back In tte Uneup OMinty cxpanaaa are tha »J par stitution. The occaaton also Bide OvK and Robertson Park tie. Cliff Hawkee. BiU Ludwig. Q. Old Joe DlMaggio ever hit byed tte seoand, edged Fran WM tte Aces' beK grotmd gKner today. and la at praaent chairman of Its The sccldent occurred In a rural Hs added that "the only poaKUa Samuel A. Falrweatter of 94 doubto by Pacyna gava Kow Brit­ New Tork football Yankees of tte IsK season and handled some at «o o k board blU incraaaa tor chU* marked recognition o f Mr. ain tbetr fourth and flnK score. WlU bs moved to ML Nebo Tkurs- Cbartio Maroel. AI Gustafson. 50 IKMIM ruM ? All-America Conference completed Leary 8-6, 9-4, tn tte quarter fi­ Pat Bolduc antlKpates starting program comnilttsa. I area about six miles south of tha solution" for Britain will ba to so Walker streeL who died at hit Cheney's 83nd birthday which oc- fleer of tte line, who called tte Bob Johnson, HK Duff, John Mori' A. N a Joe’s best nals snd went on to take Ur- the punting duties. dran tn county cbaryc, plua a Mrs. Gray began to study the Maseachusetta-Connectlcut line. A Fact-Finders ■trike "one of the moK nnjuatlfl- ______day and aK up fOr the footbaU practice sessions at Cheshire Earl Levesque on the hilL Ths In­ organlaa Its affairs (obvIouKy homa ywterday was a realdent of ctnrred a short time ago. ones. Beldsa Ham. Ray Finnegan, production year w m in 1937 when banetu 1-9, 6-3, 6-4, In the semi Sunday morning at 10 at Char­ oory larg Increaae in tha county piano at the age o f 10 and voice at SUte police radio report aaid the with asKatance from tha United sble bi American railroad history,'' Jerry Cbagiiaa p t t ^ tte Mo-1 soeeon. Academy yesterday. Coach Ran sertion at Jerry WlUtoms and AI 4*11 Lfaneboster for 11 ysars and w»s A party w m held at the Mart- Lso Barrett, Edgar Bralnsrd. L«e ha ooUeeted 49. Strader's YsnkiLmsK tte Buffalo OhKs. ter Oak Lots, Head Coach Elof Whitney into the Uneup wlU 118, 8 , and______saeurad- a ____ church sololK , bua,___ en route- from New Tork to BUtaa and Canada) that It win ba active In the roodng buKnaas for repeatsd ttot ho Is ready to IK tors to a 1 to 1 victory over the ------Q. Tear Joe McCarthy etarted There w m no championship jt haa bean aatlmatad that tha }aU borough tavern, and afterwnrd Oarage, rm -g ^ dieptoyed October edlttoo ef Esquire fea- Botteron. Don Crawford, Carlo BUto Sunday sftsi•rnoon tn ttK r SKomonson vriU put tte squad strengthen tte Acm K tha ptota poKtlon at the aga of IS. Her BoKon, rammed the rear of the able to asm enou^ dellara from many yaan until hia ratlNment Due to Make arbitratora settle tte Issues In Petrleca. Clyde PlckrK, Herb M YankM manager? tournament In 1946 but In 1947 through a fuU gams scrimmage. DonuUUon haa had aa avaraya U> vocal teachers ware Helena Van- truck. tte dlreKers met K the Cheney iSi beK feem of tha season, gtr- turae a story on dogs and a full AAFC opener. The Tanks will snd In tte field. Bolduc Is certain the sates o f prcTIlicts to become ten years ago. He waa boni In dlaputs. Brown, A l WUltoma LlndsU. Som- A. 1981. The Yanks placed sec­ BUI Slnnamon won tte bonors The tacsls oxpeK to open ttKr his team has the ability to defeat hHdalacToaaa of 40 par cent du^ derKaay of Amsterdam, Holland, Five nuraea were sent hera from Bclf-auftclant. cottage. lax 09 only ona hit aod atniek out Km shot K "OoMwood Michael.' opetmte from s T this year. . New Brunswick. Canada, son of Mr. Cheney was presented with ^ E. Davldsoa, assistant grand I bric. Bob Harrto. Frank VosoUo, ond. and, living out of towm, did not season one week from tomorrow tte BA’e. They muK proee this hu the year, with an added b o ^ Milton J. Snyter o f the CSilcago Hartford. Crippo* overaU daffnitloa o f bis Report Today cbIK of tte Locomotive Engineers, fUteaii.^Sagnen came within one | famous Golden Retriever trKned Haselton, Pa., high schMl Kudenta ^ eoK for aach tnmaU awalUny Civic Opera Company, who waa Tba tms driver, IdentlSad aa the Into Abram snd Caroline Falr­ a "mortgage’’ u a ^ ft from thoee Anderson, Jim Mlnlcuccl. Froak Q. Who WM tte IxK 80-gsme went on Krike this week when the enter the tournament this year to St Mt. Nebo. la two toK dlttt stands In order govammant'a hopes and obJacUvas Weaking for tte brotherhoods. ■trike-out of tying the record of and handled In competition by I winner la tte major leagues? defend his title. also manager cf Mra Gray's co^ Edson O. Vent >7. of Hotel Lea weatter. He was a member of present. In which they all Kgned Chief K PoHoe Herman Bcbetidel. Carlson. school board refused to (>ay Vin­ to capture tteir flrK tog on tta the totaL rovidad no apeclllc clue aa to how tte'lCnlgbto of Pyttlaa tn Wor­ (CeotiMMd teooi Page Ooel ■Kd arbltratton wouldn't snd ths o M te sa b M by Eddie MUrackl K I A. Jerome “Dissy" Dean K the The wrtnner wUl receive s tro- trophy, which tte BA's hope to re­ Rocantly thara haa bean aflta- carts. Shs coached with Albert Hartqula, New York city, Sa .and the American and Brttlah tte mortgage note pledging their Ths union's stand Is that the North End park. John R o^> "Mika" Is rated tho cent Boyle $400 to teach foKbKI. Btoessel of tha JnUlard School o f at 9:80 a.m., two hours after cester. Mass. He leave hla wtfa, good will and esteem for the I at Louis Cards who copped 80 The board then deKded to discon­ pby donated by NaeKff Arms and tire. tloa for a dlffaront handllny ofSclala working with him In the ths issuss In dlaputs art nK sub­ for tha loaere, gava up five hlu once dog In tba nation and tiM re- I decistaas In 1084. . ' (he loeer wrUl be given a runner- PennaDt Races tha county JaU In m a ^ tha Music and Profaaaor WhlUev of accident, conference here may ba able to Mrs. Mehrtna Joynaa Falrwesthsr; bank's presidenL he may ask an extsnsloa of the oKved fifteen perfeK acoras from tinue footbaU. Boyle coached IS three daughters, Mrs. Mildred Do* truce to gt^w the steel companies ject to arbitration. and whiff od four. Skate ■ate and Then up trophy donated by tte Recrea­ Ity of whom ganarany are drunka the New England Conservatory, I gtata police reported he work toward the goal ha eat up. The bank, tte oldeK one In Davidson sKd ths brotherhoods judges from coeK to coasL a years without drawing down any At a Glance ■ent up tlma after time, appajj- Boaton. Her Hartford teachara pon^cloua when takernbut of the ble of Worcester. Mra Marion town, has long assisted home snd tte union time for bargKn- WUUmantio broke tte ecoring HK Beagto hM replaced Ed extra money trapn tte board. He’s tion departmenL Last NighCs Fights Five Lines Indicatad Ing on the board’s reeommenda- are ready to resume negotiations lea with a tana run la the ttlrd world record. A perfeK score Is Johnaon os track and cross coun­ ontty ^ th UttU permanent racult Included Edith M. AaK wee, ana i appeared to have a com- Campbell of Staten Island, N. T., builders by furnishing fInancUl 900 potnts. a faculty member. . . .An at-' The aubjects on which the four and Mra MargarK Barrs of Hart­ tlms. The new strike deadline Is with tte carrier K any tlms, but frama. DaMarceo led eff wltt a try coach K New Britain High. Assericoa League A farm for thaaa eaaaa haa t plaao with caaire M. TuUer, G ^ pound leg fracture. He waa taken committaea of experts were due to Kd in dwelling coastnictlon and that the strlks wuroontinus msan- tractive soccer schedule hM been don W. Steams and Marahall_ m . | Johnaon hospital. ford: five sona H. Earl Falr­ by provldlag savings fartUtlse. set for JuK after midnight Tues­ Magto and w m moved to third on Bangle is a weU-known baaebKI lined up for the UniverKty of Del Kiime^ Tops d u b ...... W. L Pet. G.B. T.P. New Work —Kid Gavlton. 180, report today, however, did Indicate day. while. a wild throw ^ Oamo Top two hitters In tta Twilight ptoyar. Frank Sntodack, former Cuba, outpointed Rocky ftosteltoal, " * S I a c w t y tax Ineraaaa, tf H U Seeley of the Hartford School of Fenr At aerirvllle Hoapltst weatter of WeK Harttord. John Mr. Cheney is also presideat of BasebaU Lsagus during tte paK Connecticut squad. The UConns,; New Tork . 83 49 .636 — 28 Music. five of the lines along which the L. Falrweatter and Frank A. Tko cause of ths strlks is tts!t a saeriflee by tia c v , Centan OolumbU cantor from tte Hard­ 154 8-4, Luseme, Pa. (1®). imxn. may naeaaWtata a raviaioa The Rockville City boepttal. conference la working. Those tte Savings Bank of Manchester It WM reUshly rsported ttK the ths road and tte unions, after season wen membere of Morierty Yesterday's Reaolts defending nsUonsl college col-1 Hackney In rGA Boaton ___ 83 53 .610 1>4 18 efUM Mancbaatar bodeet to pro- about 20 miles from hare, reported Falrweatter of this town. Burt snd a dlmtor of Cheney Broth­ president «-ould ask d 10-day truce grouadad back to Ckag y n and ware City, bM joined tte New leglste champions, meet Dart-; Clevetond , 79 56 .585 5 19 Omaha, Neh.—Sugar Ray Rdh- committee aaalgnmenU and the years of negotisUons, still can't BrotUers’ fifth ptoee entry. The Eaateni BrttKn High faculty M an aeKK- vUa fbr tbU town’a a ^ of ^ that fmir persona Injured In the W. Falrweatter of JacksonviUe, ers. extension 14 after reading tte re- WUkes-Barre 1-5, Haitford 0-4 mouth, YKs. WiUisms, Harvard. Detroit . . . 60 56 .580 5H 16 Inoon. 154, New York, s t o i ^ problems which they are supposed agree on how oertKn operating I l*95er wM Joihiny Chonfiek with ant footbaU coach. Vic Baylocs Norwich, SepL 10— —WKter Benny Evans, 157, Oktoboma City coat FIxuna win not be araUabte Says Cxechs Have accident hnd been brought there. to make recommendations on Fla., and Harold J. Fairweather of porL he conKdered It complieated rulea for tte men shall ba Inter- J ^ bobhtod Jenr* w -1 ^ average, while BUI Murrey MaasachUaette. Brown. Springfield, ! Remaining Schedules: Windsor; two brothers, Charles enough to warrant tta extra bar- ( 10). Is tte head coach..Girl riders wiU Clchon of Willlmantic, conqueror (6). natn a ^ they ham boon paaaed State police reported that the ahapa up this w sy: rKed. The unions hsva submitted Elmira 4, Binghamton 8. Clerk, MIT. Wesleyan snd Havana i New York—Home (19) Boston on to tha lactaUtora by tha oom- accident occurred while the truck Falrweatter of WeK Hartford, gKnlng Ume. t S’ i SL » ... Mm 1»1« be ssen in action tte week at O ct tn that order. The Havana gome i at defending champion Eddie 3. PhiladKpbia 8. Washington 4, Ban Dlsgo. OaUf—-Itafnsl Oute Layman Perform 1. Commodities snd Kockplling 82 cUims for tteir members, Scranton 8. Albany 3. 17 ttrK igh OcL 32 at Rocking­ Burke in tte oemi-llnK round, and aa slowly nagoUatlng a hill. snd John Falrweatter of Port* Truman Seen The Steelworkers nnlon helped the^ to tally thiM runA W t ^ UUca 13, Wintomsport 5. WiU be etaged at Storre. SL Louis 3, develsnd 8, Detroit 3. iMTsa, 145H, Mmdeo, stoppad —two lines of action were assign­ baaed on tteir Interpretation. Oddity Department: Despite tte ham Park. AU girls muK weigh Del Kinney of Hhennecoesett match Hank Hairing, la , Ian Dtoas (7). The bus driver was trapped when ed to one committee. In connection land, and 11 grandehlldrea. lead the way tn poK-war wage in­ Thesa Involve about 83,000,000 tte to Jarvis doobtod m faK Uovlarty' Brothere boaKad Ansceteoa ClevetoiMl hM whip(>ed tte Red (;i>lcaco 3. Away (4) BoKon 3, Prelate's Duties the front end of the vehicle waa The funeral will be held Monday creases by winning boosts of 18H and took tMid on an error ky m - 115 pounds a t toss to be eligible. Sox in 14 of 30 gomes played this otrokea tomorrow for Connecticut's with commodities the British have Beating Taft rKlroad would have to pay If It tte top two hlttere In tte TwUlgkt Boston 7. New York 1. PGA golf cham|>lonahlp. Washington 3. Nursing Courses pushed tn. Others In the vehicle at 3:30 p. m. at the Newkirk and cents sn hour In 1949, 18 esnte In Ian, and aoored on a passed beU. Cleveland 0, 8t^ Louis 3. Any locK girl wishing to ride one eeason. . . .Jack Gratis snd BoKon—Home (9) New Tork I. requeKed tha American conferees agreed to tte claims, which It BaeebeU League during tte pMt at tta nags at tte SKem, N. H.. Burke, pro K Woodbridge, w m Fnga Onn) eecaped through an emergency to determine whether the United Mttltney Fimeral ' Home, 818 1947, and 19H cents In 1948. doesn’L XMagto by Ed lapatta and a aeeson tte team played fifth in tte Philadelphia 5. WMhIngton 2. Dick Kokos, home run twins oi Detroit 1, St. Louis 3. Clevetond (C door. Bumride Avenue, East Hartford. (CeaUnoed freoi Fags Oac) thsM haea arror by tha p ltc^ on Only games scheduled. track may conUK Track Manager tte BrowiM, are batting but .250. tte ttlrd tsvorite to bow to Clchon 2, Oilcsgo 1. Away (9) Weahlng- Are Started Here States could reduce, possibly by A number of union men have It WM cKimstod that only about flnK eteadlnge and did nK quKlfy Lou S m ith ..A total o f 42 of 53 in the tournomenL being played at SPEED! SPEED! ehuTch dtapenaatlona and appolnta 100,000 tona or more. Its requlre- Burial wUl be in Bueklsnd eeme- been saying privately that tta 3,005 at the railroed's 97,000 em­ a bid tor a hit by Larry OasM for tte playoOe. Johnny Chomlcki . . .Stock car racing prograrM Um 8, New Yoric 8, PhUsdKphla bin would continue preeldentlal gave the Metom their second nm. New York 10, Brooklyn 1. invltaUon candidates are working art scheduled toKght at Rlvenlde tte Norwich Country Club. He consistory councUs, admlnlKra- menU for the use of synthetic |t«y- present stem faK-finders could not ployes remKnsd on tte Job today. paced tte circuit with a .465 aver-1 out wltt tbs varKty footbaU went down, 3 end 1. yesterday af­ ■9. XhaBad Qross B obm Nursing powera, flrK granted in 1934. to OaoM dented the ptoto c m p l ^ CincInnaU 5, 8L Louis L StaOum and WeK Springfield and Clevetond — Home (9) DetrKt ACTION! THRILLSl tlvaa to the vlcarlatss and rubber In such producU aa auto­ go much higher than the 10-cent They are to bandls adminlatratlve age while BIU Murray w m tte ru n -! aquad TrtKty under Head ternoon after WKt bad been ex­ ogoraM are baing sUrtsd again mobile Urea and tubea Should Mnt. Jeeeph S. Bottoanley negotiate tariff agreements with InerMse level. becauM of tte buK- dKKla thaL strlko or ngtotrike. later-M -the haU broke bg tho Chicago S. Pltteburgh 1. at' also Sunday afternoon at Cherry 8. Away (19) Chicago 8, Detroit like." Manchester nerap with a .497 kiafh. Coach Dan Jessee. Captain Rog­ tended bo 23 holee In Mj quarter aftsr a summer racam. It i such a reduction be agreed to, It Mrs. JuUa A. Bottomley. wife otter countries.) eas lag this ysK . require attention. .te.. BoKon-Philadelphto. postponed, Park and Stafford Springs. . . . 8, SL Louis 2. Phitodelphto 1. New The aichblshop demanded how Even If tte amendmmt were er HaU of Cheshire heads tte UK Miguel Acevedo snd George Dunn flnK match wltt George Buck ot i MILE TRACK aoOBSad today by Mrs. Jacob F. the government could legsUy rec- would mean that the American o f Joseph 8. Bottomley, o f 06 Nnands Baaed On Beeoed Prefits A prolongefT tieup would cripple ***^**TPtoy wlUw oontlnue Monday night Twilight League basabsU will Stnndinge York 8, Washington 3, Boaton 3. Date Rook adopted, Taft aKd ba probably ItoUan Americans oqunr- EMtetn at returning eeterans. BIggeK tangle Tuesday night In tte 10- Longshore. Clchon w m an upset MUlar, Homs Nurring chairman. onclis such oslxurs of church au­ Ura Industry might l>e encouraged Dougherty Kreet. died yesterdav The CIO Steelworicers baaed many Industries In. tte ar«a served withwtu*1th the— „ Wmitaln I ennend “this *is weea-enaweek-end >naand eiavDeusoftbKl •«:-ae- Detroit — Home (8) Cleveland lUgisUaUmta wlU bs accepted to buy more rubber from Brltisli would vote agatnK tte measurr W. L. PcLGRI- gaps to be flUed are in tte line round feature boKng bout at tte winner over Frank Stsszowski of 3. Away (18) CSevctond 8, Chi- Et917 Sandaf, 2:80 P. M. thority, declaring that present at Manchester Memorial hospital, tteir demands for money mKnly by the 7,300-mlle system and lead lag cfl Orlty wUl eloee Wedeeaday eve- where Mltch^ Holmgren and Joe Torrington in his second match now for the UBIt I courts called Saturday. September 19 areaa in aoutheast Asia. Thla after a long Illness. Bom In West because he thinks tte State de­ icwightsWMiahts ofat OKumhus at 7.80 ana , •_ Albany ...... 02 45 .073 — Hartford outdoor auditorium. rogc 3, Boaton 2, New Tdrk 3, laws of "tupervlaion and control partment haa adopted a "give­ on record profits earned bv tte to shutdowns Idling otter thou­ Now nlag wltt tte flnato in tte Invito' PonsaUe performed so capably Acevedo won tte first bout by ■ Thursday afternoon. "C an o f tbs Sick'* which will be­ not authorise the execution of Wapptng Grange annual Fair would have the effect of Increas­ Hartford, she had been a resident sands of workers. The M. P. Is ^M etcfs win msK tte Scranton ...... 77 00 .662 18 Washington 3, Philadelphia 2. away attitude" in operating tte steel induKry in 1948. The indus­ tion SoftbKl Tournament Hated. WUkM-Barre . 76 52 A47 17 toK season. Both were tackles. knockout two years ago. Ml|roel. Kinney eliminated Joel Smith of I STOCK CAR gin SB Tuasdsy, SapL 30. the archbiahop'a fuhetiona” HiUa Grove and Community ing the volume of dollars going In­ of this town for the past five try replied at tte lengthy hear­ tte only line serving many fac­ Britain PNA’e in tte nightcap, The Church, Rec and Terllight to the British economy. Borne program. tories in the ares. Witt sn em­ Binghamton ..60 71 , .403 24*:, Trinity o]Mna OK. 1 sgKnK Wll- a heavy eater, put away one and WKlingford, 1 up, in the quarter I NatieoK League m s couna taachao tba Kudeat Archbishop Reran reminded tha House. years, coming here from East ings before tte fact-finding board SoftbaU Leagues have aU com­ ttoms in Hartford. The remain­ one-half orders of «(>aghettl, two finals yesterday moining, and then ; how to care for the Kck skUfuUy Alao Bolton Grange 4-H Club American officlala, however, have Hartford. Prior to that she had He said tta issue la whether bargo placed on freight shipments Hartford ...... 65 72 .474 27 Club ...... W. L Pet. G.B. T.P. RACING amreramant that avan If s state this country Is to have free trade, In New Tork that profita are de­ pleted ttrir seasons. FootbKl wtU WllUomaport ..64 73 .467 28 der of tte schedule follows: OK. large lamb cho|>s, a double order dUpos^ easily ot Alex Hackney ot and lewrieirtiy m the hoBM through offtclal appoinU priaaU or otter Fair. ^ ^ opposed this on the ground that made her home in Hartford for Ust Tuesday, ths effects ef ths be ushered in Friday night When St. Louis . . 84 50 .627 •- 30 the maintenance of a high level of adding: _ clining this Tear and new wa|^ ■trike Kready were being felL 13mira ...... 56 81 .400 36 A Norwich, away; 15. Hobart, of chefa sKad. ice cream and milk Manchester. 5 and 4. rscac aaBrtisxsfi tha knowladga o f almpla nurKng church offIcUla they can obtain Tuee^, 18 many years. She Is survived by costs In Keel or Kher Industries j Tourney Resnlu Manchester High plays host to I—tte day that he knocked out Brooklyn . . 64 52 .618 1 16 «hiiia It conslata o f six leaaona to of I synthetic rubber production ,n “The American people. In tte Among tha larger dtlea affected UUca ...... 50 87 .365 42 a'way: 22, Middlebury, home; 20, The first round at the 89-hole Remaining Schedules: valid Joriadlctlon only through the Open membership meeting hen. husband, a daughter, Mrs. laK analysts, will not stand for tte would further depress tte naUen’s Leavenworth High. One week from American Worcester TVeh, home; Nov. 5. D u n n !.. chsmidonship match will get un­ ba coBductsd « Tuesday aM Fri- archbishop or bishop. ^vlsIonK League of Women this country Is esaenUol to Amer- Ra>Tnond Peterson and four by Uie tMUp arc 8L Louis, Kansas (I) tomorrow the Silk City A.C. will SL Louis—Homs (13) Chicago Stafford Springs Icsn security. deKructinn of any important economy. City, Omaha, Mem (fills. Little Rock New Y o r k ----- 62 40 .626 — derway at 10 a. m. Sunday, and day svuBlngaI from 7:80 to 9:80 In “ The conslatory la merely thead-I * P-m., Mary Cheney grandchildren, all of this town, American InduKry.” The Steelworkera announced In R HPO A open tte lnde]>endcnt grid season 2, New York 3. Boston 3, Phila­ Homa Nuralng baadqjuartem^ln Stoekplling British Idea and Jcffsrsoa Cite, Mo. 1 9 0 0 BoKon ...... 83 58 .610 1*^ tta second at 2 p. m. delphia 8. Brooklyn 8. Away (8) mlnlatraUvd office of the arch- Library, and a sister, Mrs. Robert Hillman Taft aaid that oil, wool, pot­ Pittsburgh that members la four OasM, as ...... _ St Nsbo. C leveland...... 70 56 .586 5 YeKerday*s seml-finK cards: mar of tha Hoapltal Annex on of Hartford. The Missouri P^fle hM been Pittsburgh 3, Chicago 3, Cincin­ Speedwoy S Mahop, dependant completely upon *• The problem of atockpillr,'; tery, glaas. watch and bicycle In- state requiring Krike ballots have in reorgsnlMtlon undsr tte Fed- ICcCurry, 3b ...3 0 D e tr o it...... 80 58 J »0 S<4 ParOut..484 444 544—89 Hartford road. Mra. T. E. CMron, hlm,'*^hi— •» the*hh archblshqp h«-.hMflhr.n said. flftid. "Dls-"Dia- I Uupllcste Bridge, West Side Rec, arises out o f a British prupoaal Funeral services - will be hKd Cards and Dodgers nati 8. Stafford Spriaga, Coaa. 7:30 pm . duatrlM already had been hurt by voted 16 to 1 fo r s walkout .If no erK banknijitcy sK ' since '1938. Covey. If ...... * ® BiU Mulcshy, Atosksn territory Philadelphia .. 70 65 Alt 14 eSchon Out 444 444 584—89 R. N „ wlU ba tha Instructor. pensationa too can only be grant­ tt. the American goven.ment Monday kt 8:80 a.Ki.' at Blfrke’a tariff cuts, adding thaLrthere agreement la reached. The aLitea BolduCe tf •••••el 6 bascbKI commlsKoaer. w m a vlK- Chicago ...... 86 50 .407 25 Brooklyn—Homs (4) Phitodsl- A Unit n course called "Mother Manohester Boy Scouts annual The Federal court here hM ooh« Burks Out 434 856 585—37 phla 2, New York 3. Away (14) ed Iqr him who holds the respec­ apeed up the spending of its funds Funeral Home, 87 Center Kreet. would be much more damage If are Minnesota, WiseonKn, Utah trol over tte rKlroad, exerdslnif Oresn. ef ...... * ® tor (n thla daparUnent this week. 8L. L o u is ...... 45 89 A50 87 Par I n ___ 484 458 584—35—71 G9B. A dai^l.00 plaa tax and Baby Cara and Family Health' Scouters banquet. Murphy'a Res­ for stockpiling In this country and* at 9 a.m. from 8t. James' Phltodelphla 3, Boaton 3, Ctedn- tive Jurisdiction. taurant 6:80 p.m. world condiUorva were not so pe­ and Missouri. Its powsr through s trustee, Gny Chagnoo._P ..*•• ® BUI renewed hla aequKntsnce w ltt WaKilngton . . . 48 90 A88 40 Clchon In .'484 358 48 will fbUow the “Care of tha Sick' "I consider It Important, there­ such strategic rosterisis as rubber church. BuriK will be tn St. culiar. rtillfipe, 8b ....8 0 Both Suffer Defeats nati 3, Pittsburgh 2, CTticago 8. Rml Scat*— plas tax Saturday. Oetober 1 A. Thompson. HK Turkington. The pKr met at NattSMU Burke In ..433 453 53 oouraa early la October. Thla fore, to call your attention to and Un from Malaya and Jute Mary's Oemetery, 9test Hartford. He said the UnM te coming when Some lawyers here, who declined Jarvis, c ...... * J the recent NaUaaK BasabsU Con- gL Louis ... .627 — SL Louis 8. oonrae la helpful particularly to ex­ Tall Cedars Fall Ceremonial De­ Par Out ...4 8 4 444 544 85 these dlscrepanclca because by from India. Thla also would have The funeral home vrill be open otter countries will -lave cxccm to be quet^ speculated whether Zapatka, lb ..,.9 1 1 grass Tournament In KansM. Brooklyn ... .611 1 By BKph Bedes wKked nine snd fanned eight In Kinney Out 444 - 444 535—87 pectant mothers and those caring such action not only la the Min­ gree work 3:30 p.m. Parade 6 the effect of getUng mere dollnra after 7 p.m. tonight for the con­ Public Records Albuquerque, N. M. — Art Ara­ p.m. farm products, when the Ameri­ the. unions In Krtklng against tte 25 9 5 31 3 Pbitodelphls J129 IS Asaectoted Preae Sports Writer ' fashioning his lOtt victory of tte Hac’ey Out 444 546 446—39 Bpringa <9. StartlBg a®** 3 F. 91. for bablas and young chUdren. istry of Schools. Sdencet and Art into Britain's hands more quickly venience of frienda ttK wlah to can machinerjr that Is being Missouri-Psclflc, were not K m .496 17 gon, 187 to, Los Angeles, outpoint­ Annual Fair, Women's Auxil­ Marriage Ueenaes George Mltcbell wlU enter tte New York . A hero in Brooklyn, a bum In | eeason and Jils ninth stralghL The par I n ___ 484 458 584—35—71 Csewsa '' course la Independent yet fooled and the prestige of a gov­ than they would ottervi’Ise, call. shipped abroad will produce man' Krtklng sgKnK.tte FederK court UntverKty of Oonneetteut this Boaton ...... 498 18 SL Louis snd juK another pitcher | triumph moved tte Sox to within ed Shamus Mcday, 144, L nnd Bupplamenta the oth­ ernment institution, which Is sup- iary of Mancheaer Memorial hos­ 3. A second committee dealt Alfred John.'8chmeddlng, of Cov, '"“ snrA'ioA Kinney In .434 55 pital in Masonic Temple. ufactured products imderselllng or. In effecL the FederK govern- I fKL Mitch Is a tnuufer studenL Pittsburgh . .488 36 to tte fans in tte otter nujor | a game and a half of the Yanks. HMk'sy In 445 66 Angelca (10). er. Those intaraated are urged to poaed to be the highest represen­ with the problem of Britain’s free­ those of this country. entry, and Ellen Marie TofeldL of menL Federal Judge George R. Tracy. 3b ...... 5 .4U 38 Thnraday and Friday. Oct 37, 98 70 Mather KreeL wedding Septem having complstsd two years at Cincinnati . league Ktles — that's tte thumb Johnny Pesky started tte Red K n tv for both couraes at an tative of arts and culture, suflera dom to spend all Its Marshall plan Taft said that In principle he la Moore, who bM JurtsdlKlon over CocUon, I f ...... * HiUyer. Chicago .... M 7 82:^ naU ski■ketch on Lefty Johnny Ven­ Sox scoring wltt e two-run homer early T WM belted for 11 hits In toss than Admrit^ today: Michael Janalk. pressing uncompromlaing oppoal- subJeK which haa been under ex­ Warrantee Deeds night erowd of tte eeeeon. T ^ The Beethoven Glee Club wlU Speeding Autoists her frienda and neighbors welted A enll Is extended to K1 InKru- w , Straoeskl, 8b 8 0 0 4 0 ctallK with the OoanecUout .Gea- StraK or on tta grounds the morn­ four Innings by tte Cards in a Cube teoks up a pltcber'e •tsflord^prings; Maryanns Mot- tlon to the government proposed pert Kudy. Both Britain and Can­ Leonard 8. and Celia M. Lincoln ■ “ “ “ * 0 ing of ths trials rel, 176 Spruce atraat; Mrs. Bertha hold Its flrK rehearsid Monday eve­ In a darkened room for her nrrivK to Allen Realty Company, prop­ menUUste In this locality to join J. StraeeKd, Ih 8 9' 1 9 erK Accident and HoKtt DepKt- gama that wound up In a 0-0 15-ln- bKween Monk Dublel'and Pltte- new church control law and a ning at 8 o'clock In'Emanuel Lu­ ada have complained that their ex­ at tta homa cf Mrs. Harry U tte Civic Orchestra In Its Ktlve Feeyna. c f ...... 9 1 3 0 mtnL He'U meet FrlU DKlaFera Arrigo "Had” AlmKtl. chairman nlng tie, ylKded a run In tta firK burih’s Bob Chesnes wltt a ewon Mattof, 89 Spnioo street; Fred statement by lay teachers of re­ porters were discouraged from do- Are Arrested Here erty on Devon drive. theran church. The gueK epeak- Kites, 87 Parkins streeL Mrs. Allen RcKty Company to JoMph musical (jrogram. The mustcK ac­ Kewetaayk. Ih .8 1 l 1 for tte town crown Sunday morn­ of tba clam bake promtoes a good and then otommed the door. run btoK In tte fifth Inning. Jttdy X.«ono. Bast Hartford. ligion opposing government con­ lag buslncaa In the t^ted States time and a UKy teed to aU mem Discharged ycatarday: Mra. Jo- er will, be Evald M ata^ a former Frankovltch recently became tte and Helen Scagnelll, property oa tivity of Manchepter "needs more J. Tlnshanls. U .9 0 3 9 ing at 10 at Robertson Park. The Reds, who had bowed 11 Pmfko keynoted tte frame with a trol of religious Instruction. member of the club now living In by cumbersome regulations of State poUee are concentrating mother of a baby boy. talent in tte Civic Orchestra—a Rondlnl, rf hers knd friends who attend. Tho times and deadlocked the Cardi- grand atom homer, hit oeeVd sajdilae MorUne and daughter, Amsrican euKoms agents. Ameri Devon drive. Hartford; Baby girl Bomlwdler, Bridgeport on speeding offenses on tte Croaa A decorated don carriage w m William and Henrietta B, Mac­ community' activity. T. Rydeckl, p , FrtU DcUaFera to a former affK r wUl gK under way at 1 p. m. hato once la their toK 13 encoun­ jackpK woUop of tte year. In 9T try lino there is ONE aaaie that can officlala on the whole have highway and yesterday several of­ rolled Into the room piled high Donald to Elmond W. snd Clara For thla oeanon, three public con­ Marklcwtes. as UKverKty of ConnecUcut athlete wltt plenty tn the way of appKIs- ters. cracked Al BraKe for three D i^ l hsd a two-hit 949 Hilliard atraat; Donald Roglla Says Lincoln Captain Annie Allen, a native been sympathetic to their requeata 900 School street; Mrs. Helen Ar­ fenders were warned and some ar­ Witt gifts of every description for E. Hodgkins, propsrty on Olcott certs ON planned, the flrK, tte KerKesa. c .. and now conducts a baberdasbery ars and tha broiled chicken and ruM In the fourth wltt tte Kd of untU the ninth when RKph KIner stands out aboYS all othera; one name that - i n 1 BeKland, who Is at present for Improvements, but any baKe rested. Held for court here arc the StreeL oratorio, "Elijah" will be Jointly ■paghKtl wlU be served at 6 two errors and were never head- unloaded hto 44tt home run of tte thur and son, 130- Lenox Kraat; ehangea In euKoms methods would tte baby. Despite tte large sum' near the Campus. FriU played JFUIlam Rosa. 88 Dudley street; llS fl K C fl A id I ^tb the divisional Salvation following: JUiepard WengUn, MIT bar ef proaente rtoeived. Mrs. Joseph snd OUye Rosetto to Jo­ presented with tte Second Con­ 98 4 5 31 0 varKty foKball and tennis K o’clock. Tickets may be obtained eeason. denotsa tha BEST qaaHtjr. Cllfford'a la require action by Oongresa TTu m more Reds croeaed home Army hsadquarters In Hartford, student of Brooklyn. N. Y., seph TawsrKU, Jr., and Stella R. gregationK CborK Club, an or­ Meridea Knlgkta (5) UOonn and w m also a fine basket- at Lea’s Esso Station, John Andl- Emma Malaon, 38 Waddell road; 4. A poarible ekpa^on of Frankovltch had only two dupU' In tte fifth to Insure Vender Moor's lUas M ^ French, South Wind­ ^ ^ .will be the gueK epeaker at the chari^ with speeding; Paul Man- cate presents. Tawarskl, property on Tanner ganisation OMn tn Kl otngers In- AB R H PC A baU player. Be and Coiisln Ray, ■lo, WeK Side Package Store, and Teday*a Oainea proad of ths fart that aaMag e v aiaiiy (Coattaned from Pngs OOe) I local Salvation Army eervlce to- American ovaraeas Investments Is gisteo of 70 Oak Kreet. New Brit' KreeL teroated In torgtr rhorK works. Bogacs. of ...... 3 0 0 4 0 at ths KennK Supply Shop. Mam- 33nd trluip^ K his career agalnK ImoIsoi sor; Constanca Young, 114 Wash- reported to be one of the main After tte gifts were opened and have bKd tte toem doubtoe tennis thaCarda. The Carda have beaten famoaa-aaait ttnoa la ths good aaaie of Ington street; Albert Ogren, 58 -- I morrow memlnx at 10:45 In the sin, charged With speeding and examined by tte guests, Andrew and Marie Wintlcr to For any further Information W. Ooatyto, --2 9 } 1 J I crown tte pMt three years. bers and friends planning to at­ Hartford at 8<»aiitoa. 'You are in eontempt." snipped clUdel lines of action by which the Unit­ failure to carry an jperator’e II John and KKherina Wlasler, prop­ contact Robert M. Johnn, 9-1429, lifisfb lb ...... 8 ® 1 8 1 tend, but unaMs to ascurs tickets the Red lefty 16 Umea. Albany at WUksa-Barre. WKls street the Judga ed States might be sMe to put games were played and then tte Lefty Dave Koalo turned beck WOOLRICH—for awa who asYsr fool Dtaehargad today: Alan Bunre, cense.. The latter told police he erty on Wadsworth streeL or Warren D. Wood. 9-8015. CattimsB*. '• 2 9 9 9 Leagoe losfian bKore Thursday, SepL 15, ahould iMwgiieii»»««n at WHllamsport Up bounoed Defease Lawyer mere dollars to work In the world WM driving to help out a friend group adJeurped to tte attrac' tte Dodgera, acKterlng nine hits 999 Hartford road; Mra. Bada with beneSt nK enlv to Britain but lively decorated dining raopt where Jankeweki. *» ••* 9 9 2 1 'ifiiene Mr. AlmKtl. while the Giants mauled Preacher (9). Boloinonsan. 19 Armory straK; who WM tired. Both were halted Nstlixsl Lsagwe UUca at Elmira. aatlsflsd with anything ksa than the best SSSi,'!SruS»7r“-* Children of M ary to otter nations alae. IsK nlghL a delletoua tunoheon w m eerved. ISM '';.!.;! 5 S! ! Roe, Ralph Branca and Rex Bar­ N atlsM l /M ra Edith Aadarson. ITS Cooper buffet style. Mrs. Aleaaader Mc­ - Batting — BoWaaon, Broakljn), ney fo r 15 soBd whacks. Mra Madallna Annla 78 "You are deliberately contemp-1 „ « « -> >- . • Mario Lattixori of Avon, who New Tork (Jansen 15-16) at In outdoor dothoa. tuous," the Judge shot back. lo H old M eetlllC Bride and Mrs. Robert Clark pour­ w s m ...... ! Ills ,846; S to i^ to r , 8L Louis, 961. Boefelaes Battle nth Main straK; Mra Joyce EU. told p^ce he w m a elder maker, A. OoKyla. e . .8 0 ® _3 Runa^RM ie, Brooklyn, 119 Brooklyn (Newoombe U5:®>*,^ . • I M t «9 “I sm not" rstortsd Sachsr. Ho' ® WM charged with road rules vio­ ed. VACANT Koalo end Roo wero hooked up In lUmantic. Meeting Sunday - ■------f RoWnson. Brooklyn and Miutol Batting—WUUama. Boston, ■885; Chicago (Laonard 6-1®) at Mdd 1m rfHf>nt>d court's “ con- lation after he w m hKted on Cea- M "o * i 18 9 a aooretooa duel going into tte Btrths yastsrday: A aon to Mr, 58 CRBSTWOOD DRIVE—MANCHESTER ■L Louis, 107. Kell, DetrolL 387. seventh whan the dam broke. The Pittsburgh (Warts 10-10). and Mra Lso Totraault Columbia: vtant obstnictloii on M siim «f-| Tomorromr afUrnoon at 1:15 Om ter streK K 8:80 iMt nlghL Runa—WUliams, BoKon, 184; St. Louis (Martin 5-0) at Cin­ fo rts " I Children at Mary SodaUty will Of Italian Lodge JoKph R. PavcUck of 48 34ar- ...... 000 310 X—4 Rnus Batted In •— RoMnson, Giants Kugged Roe end Branca - a am to Mr. and Mra Angelo Resort Blaze i«ril9< Knotty Kne reeeoatlon reoaa; ter- Brooklyn, 115; KIner, Pittsburgh, DlMaggio, Boaton, 186. for alx.runs, four of them pranc­ cinnati (Fox 5-16). ‘ Lsona BiK Hartford. "I win have order," aaid Judge >»Mt tn S t Jamas’a school haU, and blo street w m arroKed on r. war­ . . iwKlan bands, seroena, storm wta- Me rider '•...... ®®® ®®® ®—® Runs Batted In—SUphsns. 'Bos­ PhlladKphta (Helntsslman l®-7) Madina, "and wlU anforea It with | *11 wWi to remain mambtrs HK' 104. ing acroM on a pKr of two-run BIrthi. today: A son to Mr. and Oluluaojm MasKnl Lodge 907, Or­ rant charging embcaslemcnt on isw a. Q m a f, ■■■■!♦■ driveway, ptokK feace, largo loL Neor Rune hKted In, Pacyna, Ko- ton. 145; Williams, BoKon. 148. at Boston (ElUKtW )—nlghL an tha poerers at my dlspoMl.' are urged to attend. compIKnt of Charles W. Carson. sun Burning Doubles—Robinson, Brooklyn 34 homers by Bobby Thomson end i H ra Harhwt Palmsr, 309 High der of Sons of Italy of America, Mas, Storoo oM srluels. Frlesd rodoeed for quidi sale. Can welcxyk 3; two'kase hits, J. Stes- Hatton, Cincinnati and Bnnla, Phil Doubtss—WllUsms, Boston,* 87; Hank Thompson. Roy CamponeUs I daughter to Mr. and Mra Tempm died tow p m qussUoa-1 Offtoars for tha year are. FnK- win bold thalr firK meeting of the Cars «f Samuel B. Taggart ef caskl, Pacyna: boms run, Ko- Detroit (Hutchinson 16-5) at denL Elena Mora; vice praKdepL aitolphlK 95, Kell, DetrolL 88. homered for Brooklyn’s nm In the Boaton. HoehvUls; a aon tag of WinterWInt rssumsd. fall season tomorrow afternoon K 111 Cooper Hin K rsK and Jacques welcxyk; doubto ptoya Marklewics Triptoa—MitohKI. Ctovetoad. 31: Chicago (Ptoroa 7-19). TTw wltasas, daaeriblng Oonmu- Janet Audettoj raoorfii^ treas­ Bhaw K 99A 8L Jams* atraat, Trtpleo—■laughter, SL Louis. bettom of the eeventh. and Mra Hdwaxd Adama 4 o'clock at tka ItaUaa-Amertcan 9 fiamlly ksinea aafi stotos am tif Steaesskl te ib w K c^ : M t on DtlUnger, SL Louie. 18. tiM Beaton Rad Sox stormed WaKtiagtao (Hudroa^-l® a ^ tfiam M tbs "htgheK form of de- urer, Joan Moaney: financial troaa- Club oa BMrtdge streeL ealUded at 7:40 p. m. yesterday at fighting crews aiupnentad by addL baees. New B r i^ d/TlerMKf 4; IJ8,19; RoWitoos. Brooklyn and MuKal. H arils 6 -U ) K M«w T oilt (ItoaOhl ■Mciacy," Mid that whm tte uret, Mary lamoaaeo; agereUry, Cooper find WeK Center streets. Louis, U . Homa R ubs—WUUatns. Boston, back Into tba Amartaan L jM po Emmanuele SoUntene, newly- tlonal man from Irort Ord and Soto- kaeec oa halto. S y f t M J . W o*. iL pennant picture m EUto B M a r 19-9 and Byma 19-7)—two nm w . Oonnls Bottloello. Tharo w m no arresL Home Runs—Wner. Pltteburgh, 87; Stephoas. Boston, 55. "working Kaas gains power” cap- eleetad prcKdcnt of the group, wlU dad Minimum Sscurlty prison. tunik 1: gtrtke-outo Rydeckl 3. | I Pitching—Kinder. BoKon, 19-8, pitched (he MUUonKrea to a bril­ Boaton (Btobbs im ) K Fhitor taUsm will "wlthar away. A social tlms with rafreshmaats prcKde over his firK meeting in HsUeopten wars thrown Into GEO. L 6RAZIADI0, Realtor Wojtunik 1: hit by pitcher, by 44: MuKsI, St. Louis. 39. delphia (Coleman 12-19). /Mansis Pitching—WHUs. St. Louis. 11-8, .702; Parnell, Boston, 31-7. .780. liant 7-1 conquest of the psce-eot- “ CbqdtaUsm cannot 1m wiahad will fonow tte meeting. bis new poKtlon. WkKUTnrtkt the SghL They proved vKuabto In Rvdteki, Wojtunik; wild pitches, ting New York Yankees. (^e\'etond (Lemon 15-9) at St. 234848534848533048535353485323484853482348 9:90 away nd Mnd heartedneas cannot The Sodality erOl recKve Holy Lodge members gro asked toato- dropping fire flghteri at etrategie umpires, .786; Nswcombe, Brooklyn, 15-6, Strikeouts — Trucks. DetrolL Louis (Kaansdy 6-9)—nlahL 9 199 m n fR T an tE E T 117; Newhouser, tOKrolL 134. Kindsr gave up four elngles. ereate soelaUsm," he n^ld. “ Social Communion In a body and meet at tlfy fellow membere of the mfet- Craft muK hgTS clotJiM. but polnte. taking only a few minutes TEUBFHONfi,597S sjsssMrw.’ihour. .714, 9 *«k • 9. sa. A|Ljiim win be brought on by tte evils g:40 In the lover church. AU mem- ing since tta raalUhg of postcards truth loves te go naked.—TTufiiaA for trip*, that Would haVe msaat \ r b « a KtoWd be pnaenL bM bean dalsyad. Fuller, 'Tiaomoiofla-'* heusi to men co fooL ■:'v»e9 * t FAOB BLHtIBl M A N u a n rs B b v k n in o h e r a l d . Ma n c h e s t e r , o 6 w h „ Sa t u r d a y , s e f t e m b e r lo, it4 t ■Aiw!inri<*rK1t CVEKIN6 HERALD. MAKCRE8TBR. COKN., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, W4f CKy Boy—flay. Dad, haw m u y Ago at Bsoose The geatiemaa had hmt saw RY FDNTAINB FO l at neflk ara thorat If you would yield U a fraot aaat plated a couraa M drivint teMW. B«lp W sR M i~llsls WsatgR—Ts Hbf M H i fsrlM s U l« rsn r*9 fsr Hsis H lUU«blbM6iU-K 60I.IUI Dad—WaU. tharo’s avaporatod in a car. ■ad WM hMng coaemendad ly WaaM Aataa— Sense and Nonsense milk, buttermilk, malted mitt, u d If you arould go to bad when otb- Inetructor. IS ROonNO - ipaidaHNiia la fw BOOK Matebee being dally praRL SEASONED Kai dwoei far eteve, BUTINQ Obed furntture and OPCN tUNBAT, t -8 p. m. 188 OT5vau5re5B»r^. —but arhy dayea wish to know? ■re are ylaetinietor—A Uttla WAH f M palrua rooia qt aa Ten’ll nwhe m an mamtf wlU owe furaaae and Srmlaee. Manebea- baunebold goods, say guanuty. Plyan uth Laip. a knuirleua Bov^ Says i watarRont A Kttte girt cBrrytag B hattond Mather Jntoar, ga a t y Boy—Oh. Tm dravrtng tha su n up and if. w h u mad, you ties on your own u d you'll aa k l new roefa. Outtar woffe. Union Label book .amteh Man; ter 1678. Tba WaoKRod. 1 1 Mala street rooms. fOatoMnr S f f 'B v u Q f ^ gad otkar oattagaa. Wefeltao Agen- don much the worea for wear, picttire of a cow and 1 w u t to caulg foraake a rm t rate driver. naya cloaMd aad repaired. M naarlg IQO color cembbiatlone, Can 6-gI84. with Sreptaed; dtniag reaai with ay, Ooveatiy-. T at WttMawnlie droppad la CM day laat wato to JOBlOP—AW, I Juet took a bath kmw haw m uy spigots to put on Attacking with A atone or stick or Oenttem u (beaming) ’ThufeB A d m & g n g b years’ aaperleace. R m eatJaudaa. new ebeary holiday design. 1846 adjotntag perch. Mtehen and 8I8JS-1781W4. w a l ^ BaMbborimotlMr b ^ bar this morning. her. rake— (Then elrurk with a thought) — WANTED—THIS WEEK portfolio-334 pages et aelllag GsrdsM—9 s m —Oslry powder room dn 1st Seer. bed- ■■van latatSa-old hahy. .Oa b e ^ Motbor -Then ga wash the bath- Bay. what would you adviM ma to can HowUy. Maa'cheeter BSil. ftonMii WiilioBt HwirE in 8 If you could do these things, my CLASSinBD ADVT. dynamite. Pres. Superior Mateb, l*rsd«eu M roema. each win taka twta bdda, m g tha batora aga, toa ante girl tub. Gruff rather (to hie aenj-Why Ifttle eon. do In casa tba hrakM gava wayT 10 VERY CLEAN 1946 to rEATURINO Ouaranteed roon HaiNirtaR 1m flBlt Instructor Yd suggaat you DIPT. HOURS: 7586 Graanwood, Chicago 16, IlL PLEASANT repin, fwitlemaa peo- full tile batk and abowaf. Attaeb- gaapad with adauratioa: don’t you ga out and And a Job? Your age would not ba four, hut 1949 cars, preferably Che\'ro- and capert repairs as well as GOOD Canning tomatoea 76c ferrad. Qae minute from Post ed 3-car garaga. Prtoe 816JKW. BTAtVORO snUMQB. H-Sdte to U ttte Girt—Oh. my. but you It eaema to m u y paapte that Whm I WM yaor age, I w m warfc- twenty-one. steer toward aomethlng ohaap. Id ! A. M. !• 4:45 P. M. (U tter and conductor wore. ‘Try baakst. Bring own oonUlnera. OSIoe. Phone (863. Bxclnaivn with Laura Hate Gor­ OrjoUl Lake. Faar«ciaai.eattage, sura kava kapt bar steal man who avade court ordon tor tng for 88 a week in a store, u d •—Gall fl. R ud. your "Local Roofer." Call Oougb* Hal|i WsRtad—Psaialg S5 Alao green tenutoea. 57 florance ton, Realtor. 1*8 New I nnihm buulatod, , g. CbO AgtoL tha payment of alimony to wlvaa at the end of five yeara I owned AutomoMles are' etrangbly hu- lets, Fords, Plymouths. Un 7T07. atrect. 88 66 "Tha pteao was hard-hit by tha Laat a m i PoanO ALERT, Well groomed woman Turnpike, Gteltoabury. . Phoae 7768. u d children should be traatad like the store. Judge—Did yeu have coatroi of I man. The emaller the car the eaa- ROOM POR Rent for gentleman, canoe 8101. ^ 8-BMT or 8861 radio,' aaya a local daater. And bail-Jumpera and thua UaMe to ar­ flon- You r u ’t do that nowa- the ear at the time ef the accl-: ler the hou- DeCORMIER MOTOR SALES with car can enjoy Immediate at- PICK -TOUR own tomatoes, 88e hy the UtUa girl next door. daya. They have cash ragietew. v o n BROWN u a wMU 8h«p- Hcatint-^PIaaiMiig • IT tractlvb aamlngS :n this dlgnlSad at 111 HoU atreet Phone 76Tl. ANDOVKR CfMTBR —8-ftoalty rest uyhere In tha country. dent ? I ------h « a Com*. Hm WMt Hartford basket; peppers. 50c basket Also LOVELT colonial lo cated ^ bean dwetnnr for WVMtineat or 'adm*. career In Sne silver on liberal grapes, 8 1 ^ basket picked. Mc­ Wards coma and words ga. A Maa -No air. My wife wM with ’ Traffic Officer^FuU over, Mte- tag. Raward. Can 3-J607. 24 Maple St. Manchester PLUMBTNa. beaUng. Rapalra on LARGE HEATED room with twin of Princeton stroct school dtetriot. 6 rooms to each flat tory at­ Farmlt i:e To Suggest ’That If Teacher— UneelflahnsM me. iter! You haven’t uy tall hfBL percentage plan. No dallvory, aot- Clelland, 81 Lake street Tele- ' bod, for one gentleman. Near bus. Large living roofii with s q ^ y faw yaara age what wa now can We can’t Have Rlenty Of Butter going without somethli^ you need, old and new syatema. oil burner, lactlng or canvassing. Ago 80 - phone 8889. tractively decorated aad lb *p6r- bebby-aoxero wera known as 6ap- ■ • ■" ’The motorist stopped, gai out water pump service. Prompt at­ 118 North School atroet Phone bright aad uaaabla tnetoaed fOct eoa^tten; one Sat go^}te|te ' We Are Uninterested In Mot Rolls.! voluntarily. O u you give ma u A day Isn’t teng enough for i for a look, and w m apeachMM 45. Nationally advertised. Com­ 6888. porch: kltdhen designed for eff- para. A dtettenary wiH tell you example of that, JunlorT tention. John H. Carlson. Tel. plete training at our .oxpenaa. PICK TOUR own cucumbers. to purcheser;* H-aers of i lagd. what flappan are, hot not avtry- M , aome people to get rid of the dirty with dismay; 7835. cleacy yet R Is laiga and com* Shown by appototmaat onR but Naat Oari Junior—Taa. Bometimaa I * gave their alarm clock "Prafflc OffU er -Well, It • had! (BWINO Macataes eaperUy re- WriU giving full dstallg of your Brbsg centaiaers, 35c baakat COMFORTABLE room, alngte or day eenvaroattea. without a hath when I need one. 1 ■a n d or adpiotad. Roasonable LIGHT. Clean car, 1687 to 1643. Robotto'e Fana, Birch Mountain. fsrtabte; compact lavatory and must ba aaen to .bo approKStod. rm earUln th en Is some all-high on getting up, i But not that iMd. STEAm , Hot water and hot air personal background and phono double, la quiet honm. for parti spactoua dining room oqrmpli Infornal regulator ratea. Wort guaranteed. OaU Call 6500. number to Grace Ckavey, 1060 cuter, paraon. Central location. Fun prico. IIOAOO. iUlDt Clam- Theta te a lot of allky talk ga- m u d .OtlP. heating. Van Camp Bros. Phoae X tto Srst. floor.. Thraa boauUfuI it n tw e 4SM or 8-OtSO, or Mr. Ing tha rounds aa always at ^ Wboaa Job It te to sM that I We congratulated a woman on - ~ *t • toil^ light thM totte 5344. . Farmington street, Wost Hart­ Phdne 8486. < bedrooms all with ample cibeeu, Just miea an atevator. —D. fl. Which do you think ara happier, ford, Connecticut HoBSiEsM GaoEa II CIttaa 6680. Umo af tha yaar. about tha fto M people who ara married or people her silver wedding anniversary for f” ,,'**' pltOBPBcf HILL School, for Biwli Senieee Offered 15 NICE PLEASANT room for re* and tile bath upstairs. Oil hot at tha pumpkin pie. No pnmpktii living twanty-flve yeara with the j trailer with my wlfo in It? yoaag children, roopena Monday, EPFICIBNT Plumbing and heat­ water beet Two-car flaraga with COVENTRT—Attractive 8 roonu. Mother—Marilyn, were you a who are not ing. Plugged drains otachlna TOUNO COUPLE FROM liable couple or two glrta. Klteh plo avar saw the day It co^d equal Young Bachelor—Well, I don’t j Mm# mall. — g ^ II, IMP. Monday through VENETIAN BUNIrS. All types BRISTOU CONN. • an amaaite driVoway. Proparty Is all improvementa, over a ^ . a good old apple pie. good little girl at church today? made to order, alee recondition­ clsanad. Carl J. Nygrsn. Phene Sitsattons W sRtsi— on prlvUegaa. Referenooa ro- availahte for Immediate occu* artsaiaa won, baaoment 17,116, Marilyn—Yea, mother deu. A know, aometimea 1 think there Isi W om u- But he’s not the u m e i n ’erily 1 ray unto you” Friday, PiOO-llitS. Lela Tybur, BREAKS UP BOiraSKBEPINO qulrod. Phone 8-1484 after 8. m u he WM arhen I first got hold, been auperveded by: "I'ni dlrsetor. 4367. ing. Bast qui^ty. Findell Manu­ 6467. FammU ’ M pancy. 818.000 mortgage avail- «Mh reqtofed 11,800: WaOes m u offered roe a Mg plats of M m u y M is that ain’t, as ain’t | 8 Rooms of furniture was sold to Cfonveraatiu with eome people that Is.' of him. I you!” facturing Oo., 48t Middle Turn­ PLUMBING. Heating, esUamtea WANTED—Pre-«ehool age chil­ Mr. and Mrs. ■ ■ — on May 18tk. able. Exclusive with T. J. Agency, Covaatry. t o t WlUlman- te like driving a car with a fteL monay u d I said *Tfo, thank you! pike East. OaS 4865. gladly fiiniiabed. Excellent work dren to care for la my own home. Unfortuaateiy, thte young ooupte SINGLE Room, heated.' 87 week. Crockett, Broker. Phom 8418. , tto. 8I8J3-1701W4. l.A.NK l.liUNAMO Astonobilaa For Sale On hue line. Phone li>. M ratinf Thd Trail RADIO — Electrical AppUance and moderate prices. Poggle A CaU H03A have been compelled to give up 66 31 TURNBULL Road. It you are ANDOVER, good 8 leoMi beuao. all MICKEY FINN f o r d 1M7, black, super deluxe Service, repairs picked up aad PeUrman. Call Manchestm 8433 their furniture. A few days ago, aoeklog a good buy may wa aug* Improvamanto, plus private lake , lUTTIMTMCiaPPOBN'TWCXr [•AW RE M U STREAKS BACK AT V*a two.dMr. Excellent condi­ or RockvUla 3168. this furniture was returned to us delivered promptly 30 years' PLEASANT ROOM for gontle- gast thte property. A single home and cottage, soar center, 816.600. AW WIW W E n RE IpIRKMS AS TNOUW SWT FROM A GUN I tion. New Urea, radio, heater, aspenenoe. John Maloney Phone Doge—Blris—Puts 41 and although It haa baen used a of g rooms with four Sniehed and Terms. Weltes Agtney, Oevsn- $1,1N. Can 8134 or 86 Durkin PLUMBING and haattas, special- short time. It looka Uka new and men. 81 Fetter street. La— X ON RE H O S er^M aB W -A ClfAN ET TO CENTER HELP/ 3-1046. 1 Walnut straat laing In repairs, ramodahag. cop­ dog FOODS, euppUaa aad aeeea la fully guaranteed. 3 partially completed. This home try. Ttl. WHU— iiBo 4tSJ8> street. was built Just bators the war. of 1701W4. PETER W. PANTALUK e ie ^ c a l per water piping, new eonstruo- eorles. Hand pluddag, batmas. TO SOME RESPONSIBLE \ l a a PONTIAC SEDAN tlon, estimates given. Urns pay­ dipping and cUppiag of doga PERSON WE W ^ LEASE Bosrdtra Wantad I9A excellent materiate. Nicely land­ \ V contractor, maintenance and wir­ scaped lot 75 X 170. Oarage with ITREAMIJNER 8 FOUR ing for Ugbt aad power. 40 Fos­ ments arranged. Edward John­ Kennel Supply Shop, 896 Main THIS FURNITURE FOR THE Haatrtf—Heal etlaU 71 DOOR SEDAN son. Phone 6978 or 7988. stroot *ralephone 7 6878. UNPAID BALANCE ON EAST with ameslte drive. Automatic R ter street Phone 8808. BOARD AND Room for lady in heat with oil. storm window* and MONTHLT PATMENTS private home. Tel. 3-6160. SELLING OH Buying’ property? 1*47 chEVROLET FLEET- HEATING Boiler and nearly new ZIMMERMAN’S Kannals, Lake acroena for every window. Large MASTER TWO DOOR LINOLEUM — Aephiiit tile, wall In addition to the furniture. In­ rentaci this office foi prompt covering. Done by reliable, well- ell burner eontrole, 8100. Phone street Phone 6387. ibetra alee cluded iji a "Phllco” Electric Re­ rear porch. Attractive living room and perauna* Mrv<\*«. Ahce Clamr 8»46 PONTIAC STREAMLINER 8 trained men. All lobs gunmnteed. 8008. Boxer pups, nicv red Cocker frigerator, and a "Bengal” com­ Apartmanti. Flats, with Sreplaoe and bay window. pet Real Estate and Inaurahcs. SEDAN COUPE Hall Linoleum Co.. S3 Oak atreet pups. bination range. Immediate occupancy and prioad 8M Main etreet Fhone 4668 «r TenoiaenU 63 for quick sale, at 812.400. Rooert 1P40 PONTIAC FOUR DOOR Phone 3-4033, evenings 6168. 30 GALLON Ssh tank. Fish, Thte furniture is shown by appoint­ 2-0880 . .. SEDAN, MtBlB6ry~»Dres8Biblitwg 19 ment only end can he aeen Ui the RENT SEEK^RB-W e Are again J. Smith. Inc„ BST Main street 6 SAWS Filed, keys made, mewen plants, light etc. Raaaoaably pric­ Pbone 3450. CONSIDERING BCLLlNa CUSTOM MADE Clothes to t In­ evening, If neceeeary. Phone Hart­ for n limited time only accepting 1640 OLDSMOBILE CLUB sbarpened. outboards and air 8 ed. 8 Bank street 7534. ford 8-0358. Ask for Mr. Albert. YOUR PROPERTY? COUPE, 6 dividual. Will work from printed applications to find you n rent. BAST CENTER Street five rooms cooled engines repaired. Capitol COLLIES. A.K C., sables trU. | ALBERTS We do our utmost to place you ‘ Without obllfation to you, we Bijulpment 8S Mala atreet pattern or will originate. Dresses, firs floor, two on second. Gas 1686 OLDSMOBILE CLUB suite, coats, gowns and play- blue merles, males, females, beau­ 43 Allyn St.. Hartford In a deairabte rent as soon aa pos- ■team heat ecreened porch, aiti appralee or make vou a cash Ih&I COUPE, 6 DE-LONG’S Refrigerator aerrlce. elothea. Phone 3-8806. tifully marked, full coUara. | Main Store, Waterbury slbla Inveatlgate ou, service ameeite drive, two-rar garafle. offer for property. See ue before Open daily to 8:30 Rental Service Bureau. 641 Main vou sell. 1^ BOtrrs AND HER BUDDIES Handled With Cara 1686 STUDEBAKER FOUR Rapalra on an makan eommar- Chwplon stock. Priced to suit; large shade trees. Price M 1.500. BY HERBUBERUBR BUGS BUNNY DOOR SEDAN clal and domeaUc. Bmergancy 34- your pockdbook. Mt Keeney, Thura. evenings *tll 8 P. M. street, Manchester. Phone Man- Charles L’Bsperance. Pbone 8030. Phene 7738 Or 6378 FUNNY mnHNESH ctwater 2-4276 days. Also open 1 VfIB Y ioum . Most care have radios and heat- hour aarvlce. Phono 3-1797. Movlaff—TracM at— street Phone 8876. I ONE USED Maytag' washing ma- BRa B-EURN RCAL'TY mka. w m m , o c I DObin \fiCAC S tsfiK * ■'■ttt Thursday levpnlnss *7-6 p. m. t > ;wAPn>TG. • MWT M t AT TM' 6CR lE flR t\*. are. Completely reconditioned by a l l APPLIANCES aarvlead mid TROPICAL Flail tanks, plants and chlnei‘835; one uasd BengnI oil WANTEDx-Fopr-roem* house, not HNA RUbCK'.lL OONTT ^OCT TtiSMT factny mathoda. accasaories. Kelley’s Aquarium, and gaa range, as is 885 deUver- FOR BUSINESS or professional lUcellent 6 room single, nestling more than two yeara eld. Oood CBNNBff O'MAIN repaired, burners, cefrlgeratora. EMPTT VANS to aad from aU tn a setting of large anady maples AMTHMO OrBBBT; vm .% A . MATWRA'. rangaa, wasbara, etc. All work atatea. Aaaurcd return load, 38 Sunset street. Phone 8705. cd. One used Croaley electric re­ man, two connscUng rooms, ideal location. Write Box'A, HerSld. Edoor E. BALCH-PONTIAC, Inc. frigerator, 885; one used cooter- location, right party. Addreea P. Just the home for the buebMaf Ml vm i MibkJTBBf guaranteed. Metro Sarvtea Co. rates. United, 183 West atreet. Open ’tn 8. executivo or profeeelonal man who IBS CENTER STREET TSL Maaebeeter 3-Ug88. Phone 075. ator Ice refrigerator, $10. Wat­ O. Box 483, Manchester. WANTBXJ— 6 to 10 acres half on mcatten. PHONE 8-4545 REAL ENGLISH Setters, bred to kins Brothera wants count^ charm with easy clear, on highway 18 mUes radius Until furihar 'i RADIO need axtngT Rave tt r»- MANCHESTER Package Delivery. to hu n t 7 weeks’ eld. Priced acceaalbiUty to hla work. Manetasstsr. Box K, Herald. notica tha 1640 Dodge, 4-door, radio, heater, Local light trucking and package right. Daniel N. Stowell, off BOOKCASE, Desks, breakfast Businmt laieationi Six room slngls steam heat ex-* paired by aaperta. Plek-up aerv- ccUent condition, well located, strip it excellent mechanical condition. lee, (uareatead work Seta check­ delivery. Refrigeratore, waahera Stiver etreat. North Coventry. B e ta ell kinds of goed used fur­ F*r Kent 64 being droMVi 11-1707. ari stove moving a apedaity. Phone Manebsater 8604. niture. The WoodMicd, 11 Main in.600. Legal Notkea ed In the home. Chr mdloe a Street by ■peclalty. Maaeheatar R a d io Phone 3-0753. CENTRALLY Located office, AT A cotikr o r p a o u ra imm 1686 OLDSMOBIUB 4-door aedan, - space available Immediately. ARTHUR A. KNOFLA heater, new Urea, good running Servleo, 78 Birch atreot Phone REMNANTS, Unoteum and wall REALTOR at JfanelMeter wtthiB end fw Iba 8-0840. THE AUSTIN A. CRambera Os., PsaltrT and SappHfa .48 Either elngte looms or suites. Dlstiirt et U ascheetar.^^^ Mb oondltlew. Full price 8150. Call local movtng.k parking, crating coveringa one-half price. Lan- 875 MAC* STREET 4er et 6ept*mb«r. A.D., Robert J. Smith, laq.. 858 Main WAU-CTT. Goorgo’a Easo SUUoa. RADIO Chnlo protects your tn- and atoraga "orvlce to all parts YOUNG Freshly killed tnrkeya ger’e Floor Covering, 41 Purnell street Pbona 8440 Or 5838 frjMDt JOHN J. vestmeat Our low overhead eaves of the U. 8. A. aad Canada. Call Cleanly picked, 13 to 15 lbs, 63c Place. Phone 3-4133. Formerly EatabUebed 1921 • Jndge. i 1846 CHEVROLET club coupe, 8- Ward's Farm Store. Home Lutings Wanted Estate of Its J. Watklna, late of tono. ExceDant condition. Origin­ you money. caU today tf your 8187. per pound. 30 lb. average, 58c FOUR CONNECTING rooms on Uanobeater Iq mJ4 eietrlct, <,ocfaeed. per pound. Phone 7788 p^erably second floor In business section. al owaam Can 8-6745. radio or electrical appliances need LAVELL’S Express light trucking R. C. A. STANDARD short wave 13 OAKLAND Street 6 rooms, Ueon aaptleatlon at C. Elmore Wat­ I MOW TM' U L repalra. 110 Spruce atreet Phone after 8 p. m. Suitable for beauty salon, tailor furnace, immediate occupancy. kins eaocuter, praying for fUthorhy T WATT “ aad daitvery. Weekly or monthly table model radio. Cream plastic ■hop, dresaguklng eetabllshment to Mil certain real eeuta senlculariy I S a CHEVROUBT aadaa, 81,895; 8078. rubbtab toutaa Invited. Man- cabinet Phone 3-6060 after 5:80. Price 86,800. MadeUne Smith, L'eeeiibed la aald applieaUoa on (U«, 184T Chavrolet coach, $1,766; 1646 or professional offices Apply Ed­ Realtor. 3-1843 or 4878. It Is CBovrolat sadaa, 8L066; 1643 FLOOR Problems aolvod with cheater 3-8380. * 8 WEEKS OLD broUers. Phone 3- ward J. Roll. t006 Main street HimWimi, asphalt tUe oonnter. 3385. TWO RUGS and stair carpeting ORDERED: Thai , the foregoing ap- Chevi'olat eoach, $766; 1640 Chav- ASHES. Rubbish removed. Oel- with pads. Vacuum cleaner, ^ec- Phone 5117 or 5118. HOLUSTER STREET. 6 rooms plleatlon be Iteenl and detepntned at eolot eoach, 8660; 1841 Bulck apa- Expart workmanahtp, fro# aaO- completed, lavatory, tile bath, the Probata office In MsncHeeter In matea. Open evantnga. JonaaT lars, yards aad attics el< BROILERS, 40c Ib. live weight tric mixer, drapes, bedspread »al4 Dtetriot. on the Itth day of lept- elal aadan, entraaMly cle^ Dump trueh foe hire. Sand, loaaa. 290 Hackmatack street. Tele­ canner and fruit Jan. Pair of flreplaes hot water oil heat, ember. A-D., ISie. at ten o'oteck-Cd-s 8786: 1840 Dodge oonvertHda^ Fumltnra Oak street Phone Hemcfl for Rent 6S storm windows and eersens, com­ 8-1041. gravel. BU aad stooa. Ji phone 8069. lounge chain with slip covers, t) lirthe farenoon. end that* notice be 8886.euvu, juAll t foraay ly equipped, ready to Macrt Phone 483A maple hutch. Phone 3-8025. SEVEN-ROOM fumlehed home, bination doors, laundry in base­ given to oil peraona intareetad In aald BO. M ma otkaraolbari up to 80 months AJTl'lQUEB RaSnlahad. RepaMng large grounds, on Oue line. Auto­ ment. 8 years o’d. near aehool. eotete of the pendency of aaid appli- to pay. Douglaa:Motor Balsa, SSt UQHT TRUCaONO. H df-m i 30-OALLON Coleman gaa water Priced for quick sale. Chariae ceUon and the time and place of hear­ Ir done on any fnxnltiire. Ttamann. WmtcB—Heto-r-PonItry— matic taegt- FuUy MUtoped. 8125 ing tMbvon. to pobiiehing a «epr of M iirstrset OpeOpen every evening 1S9 South Main atraet Phone pick-up truck. No aaliqa. no StorH 44 heater, fully Insulated with mag- per month. Pbone 3-0187. UEaperence. TM. 8030. ;'-~- thte orc.br in MaM nofepapaa bS'riag a U: natJl 6 9 . m. 0848. rubbish. Phone 3-1876 or 8388. neaium rode. 884.65. WaUtin* drculatlon in eald oletrlct. at leaet ■ ..... w a n t e d *—Cows, calves and beat Brothen. 8EVEN ROOM house, four down, five days befora tba day of ^ d hear­ S84T GKBVROLEr two-door do- OLANDBR’S Machine Shop. Ra- RUBBISH nad ashee rtmoved. In­ cattle, also uoiees. Wa pay Ug WbnieS to Rent three up, oU burner, eteaifl heat ing. te appear it they cee caitee St aeld hnm sedan. ExceUent eondltloa. pahr — production — welding. cinerators cteansc. Sand, graval top dollar. Ptela Bros. 864 Bid- FELT Base ruga, florale. tiles, large lot and garage. Landscap­ time aad place and ha ' beard relative and cindem. Van sorvica aad marbles, hooked and nursery RESPONSIBLE family of feur be­ ed. Sacrifice if told immediately. thereto, end make return to thia cpuit, StoM for ante. Open from 8 a. m. wall atreet JOHN J. WALLBTT. Judge. - *'ll'd Eto draEI Niraiacdr of Ei# AJ»e sport goods ttoro— to T p. m. 68 MUl street 1%! local moving. Phone H. M. Jones. pattema to cloose from. Not all ing evicted. Urgently need 5 or CaU 7427. En football loii*t paid fori” 184L PLTM O im i two-door, 1641 3-1883. 3-8073. patterns In all elsee. 6x15 ng . 6 room rent. Referehcta. Call Chevrolet convertible, 1986 01d»- 8-4410. HAMLIN Street, 10 room duplex, AT A COURT o r PROBATE held ArtlelM for Sols 46 818.50, epcclal 88.47; 6x13 n g . 7345. at Manchaatar within and (ar. tha BY GAJ-BRAITH carnival BY DICR,TURNER FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS mobile eodaa, 1687 Pontiac sedan. 89.70. special 86.46; 6x10-6 n g . pre-war buUt aU modem conven­ DIatriet or Stenaheater, eh .tha-tth SIDE GLANCES CUnn can. priced right Gua^ HooselioM Serrken Pofaitlng—-Psporing 21 SLIGHTLY used professional 16.65 epeclal 85.67; 7.8x6 reg. WANTED—8 or more rooms, iin- iences one apa>tment owner oc­ da'y of September. A.D., ISM. . I L rh antaed. Cola Motora. 4184. fumUbed for working couple. cupied. Ideal, convenient location. PreMnt. JOHN J. WALLBTT. O ffe rH 13A magic apparatus, less than half 86.75 special 84.44; 8x13 ng. ' bmak OUTSIDE, INSIDE Painting and 88.50 social 85.34; JxO n g . 85.45 Telephone 2-0116 or 2-0573. Phone 8053. Judge. MAM/ AGAIN CLARKE Motor Sales paperhaa^g. rree esUmates. price. Several ehowa should repay Estate of William 1. Dunn, lata nf eiaahea them down to your eixe. FLAT FINISH. Holland window investment Address Box M, special 88.66. Watkins Brothen, Uanchtiter in aaid dtatrtet. deceaMd. ■bndes made to menaore. All Prompt service. Reasonable Herald. ■ Inc. Upon application of Roaa M. Conran, Low down payments. Small week­ metal Venetian blinds at a new prices. Phone 7630. O. Frechette. COUPLE IN need' of unfurnished Lota for Sal* 78 admlniatratrtx. d.b.n. praying .tor ly payments wiU give you> good low price. Keys mode while you Workman's compensaticn, public BABY CARRIAGE, like new. Must WE BUT and eel! good used fuml- apertment or .ent. Call 2-3608. authority to Mil certain real, aaute traaeportatlon. For this week liability cars. be seen to be appreciated. Man­ tura. Oombmatloa rangaa. gas VERNON STREET: CTeared lot particularly deKrlbad In Sale aSpHca- • pr| |» end we have 1641 Pontiac sedan- em it Mnrioiv’a. 2- 3 or 4 ROOM apartment need­ 363 X 400. City water. Drive out Don on, die, it IS INTERIOR AND Exterior palate chester Auto Parts. 24 Maple ranges and’ neeten. loom Furni­ ed in September by newly wed ORDUtED: 'That Dm toresoing ap­ etta g-cylinder. cleen. 1686 Ford CALL ROY end Gordon. Experts street. ture Stora. 86 Oak Phone 1-1041 and see it. My sign is there. plication be heard and determined at deluxe 4-door seJen. new motor, for rug aad upholstery ehampoo- lag, pnpem-uiging. ceillngk re- nurse pnd office worker. Prefer­ Madeline Smith. Realtor. 2-1643 tba Prabata offics In Manchaetar tn radio and heater. 8 alee 1987 lag. Complete home nad ocnce finlehed. Fully Insured Blapert LIVING ROOM rug 8x13. Prae- ably unfumUbed. CaU Hartford or 4679. said DIatriet. on Die ISth day pt Oldnoohilee 6 cylinder. 8398 eleenlng. All kiade of odd Jobs. work New 1949 wallpaper oooka. CANNING JARS, all glam, quarts ticaUy new. Gray background, 8-3358 collecu September. A.D., ISM. at tea o’clock each, 1641 Pontiae 8 cylinder toi> Phone 3-9087 or Manchester 3- Edward R Price. Phone 8-lOUS. ■nd pints. 41 Byron Roact floral design. Priced reasonably. TWO BUILDING LOTS on Cote (d.t.t) in the forenoon, and Diet natlca •ednn. New paint Job. 1641 Phone 3-1830. ACCOUNTANT and wife in need street off Middle Turnpike Cast. ba 0van to all peraona interaated Jn 4340. OHARBONNEAU House paint- RADIO HAMS! General Electric, of unfumiafaed apartment or rent. Tel. 2-3770 after 6. said eatatc of tha pendancy of aaid ap­ iCk four-door sedan. 1959 Ply* tng, interto’, exterior. Paper plication and tha time u 6 place of li / ' mouth two-door sedan, new WEAVING of buma, moth holes 150 watt tranemitter. Cost the Cali 2-8908/ hearing thereon, by publiaWng.a copy end tom clothing, noslery rune, hanging, floor sanding and refln* Government almost ,81.800. tale TAPPAN Gaa range, like new, LARGE Corner lot 75 x 170. Must of tlilB order in aomo newapapar hav­ motor JoB. 1988 Packard four- Ishlng. Call 3-6075 or 3-8805. be sold at once. Owner's ices la door aedan. Guaranteed. 1641 beadbegs repaired, alpper re­ 880. Trading P o tt 17 Maple 8115. CaU 3646. businma Praperty for Sale 7U ing e circulation In aaid ciatrlct. at placement umbreltes repaired, atreet Phone 3-1086. your gain. T. J. Crockett, Brok­ laaat flva day* before tba day of aaid Ford club convertible, super de- PAINTINO and paperbanging. FOR SALE—Windsor heater with er. Pbone 5416. hearing, to appear if they cm eauM PRISCILLA’S FOF kma. Guaranteed. Many others to men’s shirt collars reversed and CeiUnga reflnUhed. Reaeonnbte. CONVALESCENT Home —Fully at aaid time and' place end ba heard replaced. Marlow's Little Mending WINDOWS, Shutten, reasonable. oil burner, good condition. equipped, Ideally located, pro­ choose from at no finance For estimates call Andrew TIuek. Also SO-gMlon hot watei tank 2-0488. (•'OR SALE cr exebenge Building raiatlva thereto, and make relura to i | D O r n 1 q o r r / j charges. Bring your old car In for Shop. 406L vides an exceptionaUy good in­ lots et the Green. Wm Kanchl this court. __ ! i # o T a . hoI e / and gas side arm heater. Phone come. Truly worth inveAtlgattqg; JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge. down payment. Open ’tU 9 dally, 3-1618. MUST SELL, hot air furnace 8' Builder, 516 Centet street. Phoae IN ONC// lacludliig Sundays. Don't forget INTERIOR and Exterior painting and F’ pipes and elbows Also oil bueineee records availabte. Ae- 7773. AT A COURT o r PROBATE held Eddie wlU be waiting for you. Ruildinc—Contracting 14 and paperhanging. Get my free ROYAL, Corona portable. Smith burner with controls for steam. ■oclate Realty. 1010 Main street. at Manchcater within and for tha h • Broad atreet Manchester. estimate on your work. Raymond corona standard typewriters and Phone 2-1916. East Hartford 8-4013, evenings District at Manchaatar, on tha >tb GENERAL CARPENTRY. Altera- Flake, 3-9237. Broad Brook 1256J8. Legal Notice* day ef Bepteinbar. A.D., 1S4S. tlons, additions and new conatruc- adding machines. Used machines msont. JOHN J. WALLETT, USED CARS tlon. Dormers, porchM and ga­ ■old or rented. Repairs on all 9 X 13 LIVING Room rug, 2-tone blue, reasonable, also pad. Tele­ AT A COURT o r PROBATE hjid | Judge. 1648 BUICK SEDAN rages at reasonable prides. Work­ makes. MarloWe. Farais and Land for Sale 71 jt Mkncliejter within and for. the Trust sstats u-w of Mlttl# A. Walker, manship guaranteed. Free esti­ R cfalrlnf 22 phone 2-9647. Dlitrlct of ManclUJter, on the Ml) Iste of Menehester, in sold Dlitrict. 1846 BUICK CONV. COUPE A-l BLACK Loam, 4 >ards 818. decesMd. mates. f t M. Alexander. Tel. MATTRESSES. Tour old mat- COVENTRY (North end) 14 acre day of September. A.D., IM t. 1646 FORD TUDOR Quarry wall atone, 4 yards 830. KALAMAZOO combination oil Preaent. JOHN J. WALLETT. Tho Msnehetter Truel Company. 3716. treia eterUlxad and ramade like farm, brook, tar road* 7 room Judge. Trustee, haring eahlblted lu flqal ac- 1647 BUICK 8EDANETTE Flat Said stone, 4 yards 618. and gas stove, 4 oil and 4 gee CARPENTER Work of aU kinds. new. CaU Jones Furniture and Also Bolton building stone and bumcre, In good condition. CaU houee. Improvements, 87,100, Eitata of tuMn K. Bartlett, late of coual wlUi-Mid estate to thU Ceim for 1646 BUICK SEDAN Floor covering. 86 Oak. Tel. 3- terme. Welles Agency, Coventry. Uanrbeater. In.aalc' Oletrlct. daoeaMd. allowance. Jt Is __ ,1 Building contracton Attica fin­ 1041. ,flagatons Bolton Notcb Quarry. 2- 2531. Tel. WllUmantlc 618J2-1701W4. The Ilartford-Conneetlcut Trust Com­ ORDERBP: ’Tbst the ISth dfy et 1646 CHRYSLER SEDAN ished. cabinet'work, alterations. 'Pbona 3-081 f. Stanley Patnode. pany. executor, hiring exiilblud Its ■eptember. ISM. at ten o’clock id.s.c) WANTED—BRIC-A-BRAC, fuml- fartnoon, th# ProbBts Oflic* In ■ V' 1946 PONTIAC COACH Darling A Davie, 8 and 10 Wad­ MATTREKSES Re-made and ster- 10 A(KE8 of tobacco land and admlnlatrstlon account with said estate 1948 STUDEBAKER SEDAN dell road. Pbone 3-0294 or 3-3466. BON-AIR PEAT, 13 per yard at ture. antiques. Old Mill Trading to tlila CoOrt for elloweace. It 1s Municipal Building In said MgnehesUr. j Ulxed. like nea. We caU for and bog, 50c bag at bog, Saturdaye Post. 17 Maple etreet. Phone •hed with frontage on Hartford ORDERED: That the 3»th day of bs anc. the same la asalgned lor a htar- . 1 1641 BUICK SEDAN CARPENTER Work of aD klnda deUver anywhere. Frank Falk, 42 Road. (teU 3-0468, September.. IMS. at tan o’clock, (d g .t.i ing eif the allowanoe of sal# ac^ n i VIC FLINT only. Thte la an Ideal time to use 3- 1086. and Caurl 9d0 eeea me er « u teenct. ■«. r. a, eaa a a mt. as*. t 1641 BUICK COUPE Roofs aldlngs additions and al­ South Main etreet, Oolchaster, forenoon, at Dm Probata Ofliee in. the with said■ ■ eeuto ‘ ’ conn. Phone Colchester 400. Bon Air Peat tor lawns, potted Munlcljwl Building In aald Manchaetar. dlreets that notica of t^s tlM and # iiV m 1940 P a c k a r d s e d a n terations Alec new eonatruetlon. plants and mulch for'trees and WESTTNOHOU8E Refrigerator. Haaacs. for Sale TZ be and the aame la aaalgaad for a hear­ plau’ qsaifnad tor said baeylng- to 1940 PLYMOUTH COACH Sleffert Phone 3-0353. ITJRNITURE Repaired, reflnlah- ■hrube. Bon-Alr Peat Co* Elling­ ExceUent condition. Phone 2- ing on the aUoirance of aatd admlute- giveh todU parsMU known'to to Intsr- ••But you’d lik# this movlo, dad! K’b b Iovo piotura “Wo had h on a ninoty-dav frra trial! I asoumo your 3215. esttd tborsin to appear and ba heM 1648 INTERNA'nONAL PANEL ed. Chain reaeated. E. C. Naah, ton. conn. Contact Raymond D. 4 ROOMS in, excellent condition, tratton account with aaid aetata and no shooting or polico airono—you could go right to oloopi MBbpgny wHI mako goiod tho f 11.2S oldotrio bill it ran up! BRICK, Stans cement work, Mahoney, 76 Walnut street, Man­ lot 50 X 140. BuUt prewar. Com­ this Court diradta that notice of tho thereon by pobUsIting a copy of this I'-Lr TRUCK landscaping. Contract or hourly. Box 88. T14 North Main atreaL THREE-PIECE living room suit time and place aaalgnad for aaid hear­ order In some newepaper haring a chester. bination screen and etorm win­ ing bn glran to all peraona known fo circulation In snid District, et least Ere HY J K. WILLIAMS UUK UUAKUINC UUUSE with MAJOR MOOFLB CaU 3-1601. * with custom made slip covers. dows. Price 86,800. MadeUne GU'I OUR WAY CaU 4688 after '5. ba Intareatac.' tharaln to appear and ba days before tits dsy ot sal6 todrUtg. dORMAN MOTOR SALES ALTERATIONS and additions Prirato iMtractkMM 28 Smith, Realtor. .3-1642 or 4079. heard tbaraon by pubtiahlsg a copy of and by mUUng In a reglsterad Istttr V IE / AMT~ ass Main S t Phono 7230 Boats and AecMsories 46 thia order In aome newapapar baring a on or bafare Beft*n--ber 18-. ISM, a VWBSTTBI complete kitchen remodeling. Ga­ BALLARD’S Driving School, take 34 CKE8TWOOD Drive. Direct circulation In said District, at least copy af thU order to JastMO H. Opan M o n ^ , Wedneadaya and rages with guaranteed overhead FOR SALE—Studio couch. 825; five days befers tha day of aaid bfas- Walker, MS East Csnter sttesL'Men- II _ Friday TU 6 and Saturday advantage of our experience and MERCURY, Champion, Flambeau, from owner. Well built 6-room iglAN •* EENC doors. Burton A. Rice. Phone 2- fine nputatlon. A.AJL certified Chris Craft motora. Lyman. coffee table, | 8. Phone 2-2715. Cape Cod (two partially com­ Ing. and by mailing In a registsrad ebsstsr, Conn. _____ mSDOtoYMPUSB ~ EMBL S'. Afteraoona 2576. letter on or balora Septambar t l ISte, JOHN J, WALLBTT. Judge. Inatruetor, dual controUed cars Dumphy. Penn Yan boats. Sales FARM FREEZER 56 cu. ft, 44 pleted), hot water, oil heat. Full L copy of thia- order to The Hartford- A%: J V-' 16tt' PONTIAC 6. Four-door UcasM Included. Phone 3-3243. ■enics trade, terms. Small boat insulation. Large lot. nicely land­ VAUOBVILLB -**>8UT X CitVOli motor, too large for oaifer, rea-' ConnocUcut Truat Company, Truateo Lot A ngeles D bnt r i l ■Man. Good condition. 16 Benton hardware. Robert McIntosh, 38 ■onable. Phone Willlmentic 1011- scaped with ancloaed back yard. u-w of Susan K. - Bartlatt, Hariferd, FOREST— NOG'LL PK3I I street. Phone 7598. Florists—Nonerten 15 Harvard .Road. Oment driveway. Pull length Connecticut: and Ida E WoodhouM. J-8. gUardiM of the astafa of Bichard FIRST-CLASS landecaplng work. Maalcsl*—D ra a a tic 2 9 ■term windows and ecreane Charlta WoodhouM. IS Benton atreet. D efeat H oim ets 1661 PONTIAC Tudor, grey, very COMBINA'nON Oil and throughout, many other features. good condition. Reasonable. Must Making new lawns and planting PIANO TUNING, rapaln, racon HanelMatar, Conn. IS trees furnteb labor and mater- Bailding Motorialfl 47 range. WlU eeU very reasonably Occupancy with sale. Should ______JOHN J. WALLBTT. Judge. asS. Can Rockville 602 after 5:80. dltloning,. etc. John Oockerham, for quick sate. Inquire 185 Cen­ easily qualify for G.I. or F.H.A. Los Angetea, flept lO r-tfj—-The lels Lifetime expcrlencs Large 38 Bigelow ptreeL Phone 4316. LARGE BARN. Approximately AT A COURT o r PBOBATB hale i f ' 5 ^ MERCURY. Radio and heat- assortment of blue epruce and 34* by 84’ with loft. Must be re­ ter street. mortgage. TTiie home located In at Uanebaatar within and (or tho Los Anfrisp Dose at J M ; All- 1+7. ‘ ay, Ciiatom steering wheel, under- evergreen trees 00c and up. CaU moved from property. East Cen­ lovely Pine Actaa Terrace, near DIatriet of Uanahaetar, on tba 7th Ahiarioa rootball ' CjbnfotbQce could uas a rubber tlmt.Majfi and epMtsg. foam eushlca aetU, seat 6-5061 between 8-6 evenings Open BotIums OpBortunitlM 22 ter near new A.P. Super Market. bus line, stores and new school. day of Saptsmbar. A.D.. ises. color green, four-door all day Suflday, 879 Burnside ave Ph*ne 7738 or 6373. Markiacry and Tonig 52 Priced at only 810,500. CaU 3- PraMnt. JOHN J., WALLETT, a plsce-kicklng artist Eke the Sedan. Private owner. Inquire 44 sue, East Hartford. ATTRACTIVE Gaa stoUoni, ga 9417. MU they’relaased. Ban A*B«Jular.- n ^'l^^ta of JoMfh Twqrpnlts. late of Tba < ■ 1^ 'e', ii "HI ■ e PUR COAT, til a x c e U e n t__ _ EAST i1p9U-nv* wlnutea frsin eraditara to bring In tbair claims with- tofiaMliiily Bltor, • Ingteqa’a ion. ReqgaitoN*- Fheae 8-6014 gt Cfntor. roak Ifomt. .«U lit pild .tlme qllFpod to PUtoSW 1 M »• 7A ftqqai k M t aiodafa Idt'^teR. imr eepp ef gasiSssTu.— ' '• pogM. two^toF garage, 8 aersa- barlag t ------— . _ , , A Ranidt .paga iBtoffopMkfo^int G tynSR S Repaired, chimneys reu dietrict. within tan days from the due SlSXllONfcD Hardwood, ' "cut to CHILDREN’S coat,' legging eete. Owner teaving September 18. of thia order, and return make to this tits hair to the 37, O lenirpbhhe patreu and cleaned, roofs built and WANTED— Sspertenecd painter. order. loiBadlate delivfry. K J. exceUent condition. Slxe 5. soldier Price 813.800. Elva 'Tyler. Agent. court of the not|ca given.. rifled a paH to the 90 aiuT the NSdtead, FhoM 8868. CaU Edward X. P ries 3-1008. Bagla. Oteatoabury 8-3688, blue, eixe 8, ^ e r r y red; 3-1457. ' Phone 3-4489. JOHN J. WALLBTT, Judge. clock Tucfied the .10 second meriL