Melbourne Project—Phase Metro Early Tunnel 1: Works Victorian Auditor -General’s Office — Level 31 / 35 Collins Street Melbourne Vic 3000 T 03 8601 7000
[email protected] — Melbourne Metro Tunnel Project— June 2019 Phase 1: Early Works June 2019 2018–19: 28 Independent assurance report to Parliament 2018–19: 28 24022 VAGO_Melbourne Metro Tunnel Project-Phase 1-Early Works_Cover_r2.pdf | Page 1 of 1 24022 VAGO_Melbourne Metro Tunnel Project-Phase 1-Early Works_Cover_r2.pdf | Page 1 of 1 Melbourne Metro Tunnel Project— Phase 1: Early Works Independent assurance report to Parliament Ordered to be published VICTORIAN GOVERNMENT PRINTER June 2019 PP no 38, Session 2018–19 This report is printed on Monza Recycled paper. Monza Recycled is certified Carbon Neutral by The Carbon Reduction Institute in accordance with the global Greenhouse Gas Protocol and ISO 14040 framework. The Lifecycle Analysis for Monza Recycled is cradle to grave including Scopes 1, 2 and 3. It has FSC Mix Certification combined with 99% recycled content. ISBN 978 1 925678 50 5 The Hon Shaun Leane MLC The Hon Colin Brooks MP President Speaker Legislative Council Legislative Assembly Parliament House Parliament House Melbourne Melbourne Dear Presiding Officers Under the provisions of section 16AB of the Audit Act 1994, I transmit my report Melbourne Metro Tunnel Project—Phase 1: Early Works. Yours faithfully Andrew Greaves Auditor-General 6 June 2019 Contents Audit overview ...............................................................................................................