COM (80) 276

Vol. 1980/0104 Disclaimer

Conformément au règlement (CEE, Euratom) n° 354/83 du Conseil du 1er février 1983 concernant l'ouverture au public des archives historiques de la Communauté économique européenne et de la Communauté européenne de l'énergie atomique (JO L 43 du 15.2.1983, p. 1), tel que modifié par le règlement (CE, Euratom) n° 1700/2003 du 22 septembre 2003 (JO L 243 du 27.9.2003, p. 1), ce dossier est ouvert au public. Le cas échéant, les documents classifiés présents dans ce dossier ont été déclassifiés conformément à l'article 5 dudit règlement. In accordance with Council Regulation (EEC, Euratom) No 354/83 of 1 February 1983 concerning the opening to the public of the historical archives of the European Economic Community and the European Atomic Energy Community (OJ L 43, 15.2.1983, p. 1), as amended by Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1700/2003 of 22 September 2003 (OJ L 243, 27.9.2003, p. 1), this file is open to the public. Where necessary, classified documents in this file have been declassified in conformity with Article 5 of the aforementioned regulation. In Übereinstimmung mit der Verordnung (EWG, Euratom) Nr. 354/83 des Rates vom 1. Februar 1983 über die Freigabe der historischen Archive der Europäischen Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft und der Europäischen Atomgemeinschaft (ABI. L 43 vom 15.2.1983, S. 1), geändert durch die Verordnung (EG, Euratom) Nr. 1700/2003 vom 22. September 2003 (ABI. L 243 vom 27.9.2003, S. 1), ist diese Datei der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich. Soweit erforderlich, wurden die Verschlusssachen in dieser Datei in Übereinstimmung mit Artikel 5 der genannten Verordnung freigegeben. COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES

COM(80)276 Final

Brussels . 14th May 1980

Report from the Commission to the Council on the results of invitations to tender ( E.D.F. )

t> _ Xf\

C0N(80 ) 276 Final Report froa the Cor.-siooion to the Council on tr /> rrril t a of Irivit.itiora to terdcr ( f.p.r ) «>.e - rrz^Bsion is • retired under the provioions of Article 47 , r_ph 4 of the Financial Regulations of the Second Europoan Development Pond dated 1 June 19"4 , the provisions of Article 49 , p*ra r-raph 4 of the Financial Reflations of the Third European I^velop^cnt Fund dated 26 January 1971 , and the provioior.o of Article 43 , p aracraph } of the Financial Reflations of the Fourth IXrcpcan Development Fund dated 27 July 1976 , to infom the Council ' on the results of invitations to tender#

jji acccrxmce with these provisions the Conaission now subaits tho follcwi.-c report on the results of invitations to tender between 1 January and 31 December 1979 , froa the resources of tbs Second , Third an4 Fourth European Development J\inds . The Co–icnion io also taking advantace of the opportunity provided ty the sutnission of this report to the Council to include the saae data relating to the First Fur.d , which , under Council Regulation *.o 5 Article 20 , ra;st be attachsd to ths annual accounts of this Fund. ^--- ssion , with ths aia of allowing an overall view to bs titleen , r.xa icc.udod also u statistical survey on ths breakdown ly nationality *-» 31 &»c«ab«r 1979 WORKS CONTRACTS , SUPPLY CONTRACTS AMD TECHNICAL COOPERATION CONTRACTS FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN DEVELOPMENT FUND . Statistics covering opera­ tions from the Fund 's inception in 1959 to 31 December 197^ with sepa­ rate tables for the four EDF 's . BREAKDOWN of works contracts by nationality of contractor of supply contracts by origin of goods of technical cooperation contracts by nationality of contractor

4 th . EDF - Position on 31 December 1979

'000 e.u.a .

Works Technical cooperation contracts Supply contracts Total contracts contracts Country X X X X X X X Value Value Value 31.12.79 31.12.79 51,12 51.12.79 Value 31.12.79 W 2 < o 'W 1 !k!L I Germany 35 . 828 I 6.93 9.3C 38.248 21.35 ^5 . 07 34.709 20.07 > 1.75 I 108 . 785 I 12.52 14.46 I I Belgium 27.548 5.33 8.1 ! 9.046 5.05 2.90 16.434 9.51 00.94 53.028 6.10 7.90 I 125.801 24.34 b9.62 37.749 21.07 p 5 . 14 33.763 19.52 P5 . 48 197.313 22.71 h . 87 I Italy 60.132 11.64 |[ 11.92 37.772 21.08 6.05 20.388 11.79 h . 11 118.292 13.61 h . 04 I Luxembourg 3.265 1.89 2.37 3.265 0.38 0.51 I Netherlands 23.330 4.51 2.24 7.785 4.34 2.59 13.404 7.75 9.15 44.519 5.13 3.78 I Denmark 2.309 0.45 - so 0.03 0.05 5.036 2.91 3.14 7.395 . 0.85 0.68 I I United Kingdom 18.863 j 3.65 2.51 23.824 13.30 16.65 18.230 10.54 1 0 . 39 60.917 7.01 6.44

I Ireland - - - - - 2.771 1.60 M. 40 2.771 0.32 0.30 I ACP-0CT 218.253 42.24 p6.3C 17.928 10.00 H4 . 71 24.939 14.42 b.27 261.120 30.05 27.94 Third Countries 4.699 0.91 6.771 3.78 6.84 11.470 1.32 1.08 f Total 1*16.763 100 Il co I 179.173 100 100 172.939 ICO 1 ico 868.875 100 100 . I i– mm m m , . 59.48 X I 20.62 X I I 19.90 % I 100 X j 2 .


'ACP " and "Third country " excluded

000 e.u.a .

Technical Cooperation | w ork contracts Supply cont racts Total contracts Count ry contracts X X X X X X X X Va lue 31.12.79 31.12 Va lue 31.12.79 31.12 Va lue 31.12.79 51.12 Va lue 31.12.79 51.12 78 78 2Ά _ZS

Germany 35.828 12.19 14.60 38.248 24.76 31.95 34.709 23.45 25.08 108.785 18.24 . 20.37

I Be I g i um 27.548 9.38 12.73 9.046 5.86 3.70 16.434 11.10 12.62 53.028 8.89 11.13

I France 125.801 42.82 46.50 37.749 24.44 B2.04 33.763 22.81 17.85 197.313 33.09 36.45 f

I Italy 60.132 20.46 18.71 37.772 24.45 7.71 20.388 13.78 13.96 118.292 19.84 15.55

I Luxembourg - 3.265 2.21 2.73 3.265 0.55 0.72

I Netherlands 23.330 7.94 3.51 7.785 5.04 3 . 31 13.404 9.06 10.55 44.519 7.47 5.33

I Denmark 2.309 0.79 - ' 50 0.03 0.07 5.036 3.40 3.62 7.395 1.24 0.96

I United Kingdom 18.863 6.42 3.95 23.824 15.42 21 . 22 I 18.230 12.32 11.98 60.917 10.22 9.07

Ire land 2.771 1 . 87 1 . 61 2.771 0.46 0.42

i I f Total 293.811 hoc 154.474 ÏÔÔ 100 148 . 0C0 100 1 1 00 | 596.285 ICO 100 1 %■ – - -I 49.27 % 25.91 / I ! 24.82 X I I( J00_x I BREAKDOWN of works contracts by nationality of contractor of supply contracts by origin of goods of technical cooperation contracts by nationality of contractor

3 rd EDF - Position on 31 December 1979

'000 e.u.a .

Technical cooperation Works contracts Supply contracts contracts | Total contracts I Country X % 7. % X 7. % 7. Value 31.12 Value 51.12 Value 51.12 31.12 31.12.79 31.12.79 51.12.79 Value 51 . 12 . 79 78 78 _PS _ZB

Germany 28.688 6.61 6.89 9.800 9.33 9.31 25.076 23.70 23.79 63.564 9.86 10.11

I Belgium 37.226 8.58 5.53 8.000 7.62 7.49 14.168 13.39 13.49 59.394 9.2 ! 7.21 I France 184.691 42.58 43 . 79 48.577 46.24 p6.31 30.093 28.44 28.64 263.361 40.85 41.69 I I Ita ly 57.615 13.28 13.83 7.811 7.43 7.45 20.637 19.51 19.40 86.063 13.35 13.70

I Luxembourg 1.344 0.31 2.105 2.00 2.03 2.244 2.1 2 2.16 5 . 693 0.88 0.91

I Netherlands 3.811 0.88 0.91 4.997 4.76 * 4.8 ! 9.150 8.65 8.66 17.958 2.79 2.85 I AASM / 0CT 120.422 27.76 28.63 19.638 18.69 p8 . 67 | 4.438 4 . 19 3.86 144.498 22.42 22.88 I Third Countries 4.127 3.93 3.93 4.127 0.64 0.65

433.797 100 100 105.055 100 100 105 . 8C6 1C0 100 644.658 100 j Total j 100 | . . _ 67.29 7. I 16.30 % 16.41 7. I 100 7. I 4.

BREAKDOWN of works contracts by nationality of contractor of supply contracts by origin of goods of technical cooperation contracts by nationality of contractor

2 nd EOF - Position on 31 December 1979

■ 000 e.u.a .

Technical Cooperation j Works contracts Supply contracts contracts ! Total contracts Country 7. 7T 7. 2 X X X I 31.12 31 . 12 31.12 . 31.12 . Value 31.12.79 ' Value 31.12.79 Value 31.12.79 Value 31.12.79 78 78 _zs _ZS _

Germany 60.885 17.98 18.06 16.096 17.91 17.91 26.979 25.58 25.58 103.960 19.47 19.47

Belgium 20.549 6.07 6.10 7.348 8.17 8.17 10.924 10.36 10.37 38.821 7.27 7.27 France 153 . C92 45.22 44.97 35.115 39.06 39.06 30.130 28.57 28.62 218.337 40.89 40.90

Ita ly 31 . 322 9.25 9.30 13.362 14.86 14.86 15.029 14.25 14.18 59.713 11.18 11 . 17

Luxembourg 1 . 884 0.56 0.56 31 0.03 0.03 1.591 1.51 1 . 51 3.506 0.66 0.66 Netherlands 14.899 4.40 4.42 6.517 7.25 7.25 10.185 9.66 9.65 31.601 5.92 5.92 AASM / OCT 55.949 16.52 16.59 10.828 12.04 12.04 , 10.628 10.07 10.09 77.405 14.50 14.50 Third Countries 610 0.68 0.68 610 0.11 0.11


338 . 5SG 100 I 89.907 100 I 1CC 1C5.466 100 I 100 533.953 100 |I 100 I J Total jicc * 63.41 % 16.84 % 19.75 '/. I I 1 0C X i l , 5

BRE&KDO'.fll of works contracts qy nationality of contractor of supply contracts ty "origin of goods of technical cooperation contracts ly nationality of contractor

1st HJF – Position on 31 December 197'

'000 e.u.a.

, Technical cooperation Works contracts Total contracts Supply contracts contracts Country γ ! X 1 * Irn X I x r~~x irm I Value 31.12.79 31.12 31.12.79 Value 31.12 . 79 [ 31.12 79 I| Value IΡ71 Ρ·.«. I L75 j Value | 31.12.79 |M I Germany 13.475 3.41 3.41 9.485 Il9.66 9.242 19.83 19.83 I 32.202 ! 6.59 6.59 19.66 j i I Belgium 8.714 2.21 2.21 2.723 5.64 5.64 6.452 13.85 13.85 17.889 3.66 3.66 | ! France 182.209 46.21 46.21 18.052 37.42 37.42 11.483 24.64 24.64 211.744 43.29 43.29 Italy 57.637 14.62 14.6 ; 4.7 49 9.84 9.84 9.797 21.03 21.03 72.183 14.76 14.76 J Luxembourg 825 0.21 0.21 6 0.01 0.01 653 1.40 1.40 1.484 0.30 0.30 ! Netherlands 15.071 3.82 3.82 3.390 7.03 7.03 5.123 10.99 10.99 23.584 4.82 4.82 AASK/0CT 116.361 29.52 29 52jI 9 * 432 19.55 19.55 3.849 8.26 8.26 129.642 26.50 26.53 I Third Countries 409 0.85 0.85 409 0.08 0.08 i I Total 394.292 100 100 48.246 100 I 100 46.599 100 100 489.137 100 100 I

_ 80.61 X 1 9.86 X 9.53 X , 00 ' I ccvr.Uoic C? Tr.Z £^'t,urZ* 7 i–v-«** L'pr'v > ^V?.TT'S. J.t > - x . >)


(First EDF)

( Council Regulation Ho 5 ~ Article 20 (4 ))

No contracts awarded for the 1st EDF in 1979 2 .


Directorate-General for Development


(second EDF)

(Financial Regulation of the European Development Fund set up ty the Internal Agreement on the financing and administra­ tion of Community aid - Article 47 ( 4 ))«

No contracts awarded for the 2sd EDF in 1979

ι cc ission 0? TK2 Z-J- OPZA:; CC^tjihtiys

Directorate-General for Development


("third EDP) (Financial Regulation of the European Development Fund set up \jy the Internal Agreement of the financing and administra­ tion of Community aid - Article 49 (4 ))» jÊl

Value of Crigir. I I-vitation to Contract awarded to ( as of | -. er.ier : No and Nature of v.orks or a contract c u o total j Project publication in supplies ( with lot u u suppliers the Cfficial O 4) number if any, .o -d where Journal 3 S appro­ S -H priate ) ! t i 3400.043.34-03 Supply of metal posts i * Le Larivot fishing No 1285 wharf OJ No C 215 NB : This invitation to tender we s dec ^ ared by the relevant a ithorities French Guiana 8.9.1977 to have lapsed.

i r > Value cf Cri^in Ir.vitaticr. tc Contract awarded to ( as of tender : No ar.d Nature of vcrks or tn a ccr.tract G U total O Project puclicaticr. lr. supplies ( v.ith lot U u suppliers i the Official O 0) number if ar.y ) -O where Journal § c ? a> appro­ s +* priate ) it 3100- 051 . 02 . 04 Supply of the following : Extension of the No 1288 college Bertoua OJUo c 231 1 . furniture 5 SUMAC PB 5 758 96c B and Buea 28.9.1977 3. shelving 4 3 avenue des Gloires FB 302 088 B 5 . beds , stretchers , folding 2 Nationales PB 148 240 screens Bruxelles B 7 * sewing machines idem 3 PB 209 920 B 2 * drawing boards , blackboards , U.T.R. 3 FF 101 039 F platforms 17 rue de Kongolfier equipment for car workshop 3 F-Rosny s/Bois FF 159 478 F 14 * equipment for masonry 4 idem FF 64 120 P workshop 4. Cupboards , filing cabinets 3 Gustave Held FF 86 610 F 6. typewriters , calculators , 3 47 rue du Paradis pp 669 230 F photocopiers P-Pari s 9 . kitchen equipment 2 FF 214 600 F 8 . audio–visual equipment for 3 Centre de Promotion FF 71 344 F shorthand and typing de l' Audio-Visuel instruction F-Paris

10. miscellaneous sets of 2 Hamelle Afrique CFAF 8 300 000 F equipment , electricity BP 117 workshop Yaoundé 11 . equipment for carpentry 5 Cameroon CFAF 15 600 000 I workshop

12 . equipment for machine shop 5 J. Verni er FF 556 790 F 11 rue Campagna Première P-Pari s Invitation to C ( as tender : "o and Nature of works or o ^ Zi * T . "l . c publication in supplies ( with lot nu-ber u u Contract awarded to Value of contract su rr li e s Project o c the Official if any ) Xi -c v:here Journal 6 C S ° ì" " "\ ^ «H 1 n ri a * e ,

3200.441.04.22 1375 Partial improvement and asphalt inj 7 Dumon Van Der Vin, approximate ly Pene Tungu road , OJ No S 156 , SA d'Entreprises , Z 13 495 800 Zaire . 22.8.1978 159 » Ch . de Haecht , B-Bruxelles

i I




! ! |



I Origin 7* Ir.vita-.icr. to Contract awarded to Vilue cf ( as of ter.der : I'o ar.d (mm c: ccr.tract Mature of vcrks or z u total y Project puclieaticr. ir. supplies ( v.ith lot t- L, suppliers the Official o o number if ary . -û «^5 where Journal 3 5 appro- | pnate . ' 1t 3100.051.61.05 Supply of the following Creation of three No 1387 secondary schools OJ Ko S 205 , 31.10.1978 1 . Equipment for chemistry 16 H.H. Hansen KG D laboratory Mattenwiete , D-Hamburg

2. Equipment for biology 11 C. Sooben MauStt^lT^ D laboratory 42-43 Av . des Goyaviere S* " V » - • '£*' /i. Quatre-Bornes 't ■«" -* % Ile Maurice

3. Equipment for physics 12 SIVANCO B laboratory Av . de Pré . 139 B-Bruxelles 4. School library equipment RSMlttø?' B

5 . Social studies equipment 11 B

6. Mathematics equipment 12 B ^y: • " j

"C ]

T'lf- -"iV ■ : : -7-> . ,

i Cngir. . 2,-ue cl -r,vita-;i;r. tc Contrict to 'as cf t r : I.' o ar.c l.ature of vcrks or s ccr. tract 0 u total rro ject publication ir z> supplies ( let ^ u suppliers the Official number if any. o o where c -• 3 ο appro­ priate .

1387 ( contd)

7. Audiovisuai equipment Leybo ld-Heraeus Bonner Strasse , 504 D-5000 KOLN

8. Metal furniture 9 Nova Industriel Ltd Mau **" 1$ BfO Loc i «... Velgre and Military r.~ * V 9- Chaira , schools 9 Mau & «16 Loc Ile Maurice ' ■ r •; r, 10 . Tables , bookshelves Mau Sa ,69 Bp Loc

-• . j!r$± .

11 . Rattan chairs Decora Ltd Mau li ' è 700 Loc Galea Road Pari sot-Hioenix Ile Maurice 9-

Invitation to Nature of works or supplies Num­ Contract awarded to Value of Origin ( as X tender : ( with lot number if any ) ber contract of total Project No and publica­ of supplies where tion in the tend- appropriate ) Official Journal erers

3100.051.61.05 . 1431 Provision of the following Construction of 0J S /99 supplies : three secondary of 29.5.79 . schools 1 . Equipment for chemistry 16 H H Hansen KG DM 65 145 ( Mauritius ) Laboratories Matteintwiete 1 Hamburg

2 . Equipment for biology 11 Pierron Entreprises Mau Re 138 1 11 F laboratory F-Sarreguemines 8 . Audiovisual equipment 9 Mau Re 27 Φ£ 78 F

3 . Equipment for physics 11 Sivanco SA Bfrs 1 199 362 61 B Laboratories Av de Fre B-Brussels

5 . Tables , desks 10 Decora Ltd Mau Re 253 Loc Phoenix , Mesni L Mau Re 127 £ Loc Mauritius

6 . Chairs , stools 11 Nova Industries Mau Re 13 81 Loc Velore St Port Louis Mauritius

7 . Metallic cabinets 7

9 . Sports equipment 9 Turnmeyer Werke DM 17 714 GmbH D-Hagen

NB : The Authorities have canc < lied Ldt 4 10 . cc : FISSION c? THE EUROPE -?; cc::"j:.'iîi33

Directorate-General for Development



(4 . EDF )

(Financial Regulation of the European Development Pond set up by the Internal Agreement on the financing and administration of Community aid - Article 43 (!))• I Value cf : r - =- r. " Invitation to Contract avaried to ^ as c f ter.der : I>o and Mature cf v.orks or u C cor.tract C L, : ctal V ?rc;ect publication in supplies ( with lot u u suppliers the Official O © r.vuLber if any) £) i where Journal <3 C 3 o appro­ priate j «t 4100.035. 32.04 Supply of vehicles Veterinary centres No 1282 and cattle dips , OJ No C 210 NB : This invitation to tender wj s dec lared by the relevant a îthorities 2.9.1977 to have lapsed *

» 12 , /alue of <_ ri£ir. Invitation to Contract a>ariei to ( as cf tender : No and 1-a.ture of * orks or «»- □ contract O U total O Project publication in supplies ( with lot u u suppliers the Official O O r.uiber if any, J3 TJ where Journal E G P 0) appro-, £5 priate .

' 4100.030.26.08 Supply of the following : m Equipaient for rural No 1289 1 . 17 crawler tractors Afco- Lit 1 013 171 040 I engineering work , 0J No C 234 , 9 * 38 tanks BP 75 i 348 150 I 30.9.1977 11 . 14 motorpumps , 3 airpumps , I i 179 275 D 14 compressors Mali 15 « hoisting, well-building and idem I 325 000 I other equipment 2 . graders , loaders, hydraulic 0 & K ExDort I DM 2 341 700 D shovels and wheeled tractors Karl Punk Strasse , 24 I D-Dortmund I 3» compactors , eheepfoot rollers S0C0PRINT FP 869 413 and vibrating tampers 42 Av. KLeber F-Paris I 5 » ( partly) 23 assorted vehicles P-Paris I FF 1 293 042 UK 8 . 10 mopeds P–Paris I DM 7 220 D 12. electrical generating sets F-Paris I FF 543 825 F and welding machines and workshop equipment 13 « various tools F-Pari s I FF 354 200 F F-Pari s I 14 . various tools FF 259 915 F F-Paris I 17 . various office machines £ 2 725 UK 4 * 43 assorted lorries Renault SAVIEM FF 501 794 F 6 . 2 tractor units with 33 Quai Gallieni I FF 744 400 F semi-trailers F-Suresnes I 5 * ( partly) 23 assorted vehicles SUMAC FB 629 000 3 Av. des Gloires I Nationales I Bruxelles I 7. 2 vans and 7 mobile workshops UNIGOMER FF 1 247 624 96 Av. de Suffren I CF-Paris I 10 . 10 concrete mixers C0GEXI FF 77 000 Bd . de la Marne I F–Dijon 16 . drawing equipment Is ICOPAR FF 93 711 47 rue Eugène Oudiné I F-Paris I 18 . camping equipment Berthet Quincaillerie I FF 23 Q63 F–Annemasse I 1 O Value of Crigin * 3 . Irvi t a.-, i cr. to Cor.tract av.aried to v as of tender : I." o and o contract Mature of works or o u tctal o Project publication in supplies ( with lot u u suppliers the Official o o number if any) X> xS where Journal § c P 0) appro­ 25 priate ) t

4200.016. 24.06 Manufacture and. supervision of 16 O.Y. Stromberg A. B. $ 892 640 TG Kpong Hydroeleotrio No 1296 installation of four three–phase 0J lîo C 261 P. O. Box 69 Project mains transformers ( Contract K5 ) Vaasa Chana 29.10.1977 ( cofinanced by the World Bank) Finland


! 1 14 .

Invitation to Nature of works or supplies Num­ Contract awarded to Value of Origin ( as X tender : ( with lot number if any ) ber contract of total Project No and publica­ of supplies where tion in the tend- appropriate ) Official Journal erers

4100.041 . 50.12 . 1298 Construction works , 3 Group of firms : j Nyanguge-Bunda , OJEC 268 Nyganguge-Bunda section Società Generale T Sh 176 '129 310 Bunda-Musoma road of 9.11.77 SCAVI RL ( ) SOGESCA Via di Novella 11 I ~ Roma

Lanari Estero SpA Via Cola di Rienzo 11 I ~ Roma

i 15 . Value cf v - * .. ** 7 1. 1 * T "t 0 Contract awarded t : ( as of tender : ar.d a cor.tract Ziature of vcrks or o u tctal o Project puclicaticr. ir. supplies ( with lot U L, suppliers the Official 6> ® r.uaber if ary. & T3 where Journal § c P 0) appro­ S -H priate / t

4200.016,24.06 ( a) Supply and installation of 13 SADELMI-C0GEPI $ 18 709 431 I Kpong Hydroelectric No 1299 equipment for the powerhouse Via Pergolesi , 25 Project 0J No C 271 I-Milano 11.11.1977

1 (b) Erection and electrical equipment of the switchyard and overhead lines from the powerhouse to the switchyard idem

( c ) Installation of main idem transformers


11 Qrir\r. Invitation to V. 0) ( as tender : l

i I 4200.041.34.06 1300 Construction of Laterite road Tartuke –Karloke 0J No C 274, . ( approx. 61 km) with drainage Road, 15.11.1977 and culvert works NB: This invitation to tender was declared by the relevant authorities to have lapsed.

i I



I Crigir. Invitation to Contract awarded to contract ( as cf tender : Kc ar.c. .. ature of vcrks or total Pro * eet publication lr. supplies ( with lot suppliers the Official number if any ], where Journal appro­ priate }

4200.014.50.14 Machinery and equipment for the Morogoro Canvas Mi 11 No 1307 new mill : Tanzania OJ No C 295 8.12.1977 Machines for : A1 spinning preparation Hergett KG DM 1 095 300 D D–Dülmen A2-1 spinning ( partly ) Crosrol Ltd * 756 151 UK Pellon Lane Halifax United Kingdom A2-2 spinning ( partly ) Schubert & Salzer DM 6 810 104 A2-3 spinning ( partly ) D-Ingolstadt A2^4 spinning ( partly) A3-1 winding and assembling Cosimates SpA Lit 339 551 800 A3–2 winding and assembling I-Milano A4 twisting Saurer Allma DM 2 636 430 D D-Kempton A-5 pirn winding Hacoba Taxtilmaschiner DM 709 721 D A-6 warping GmbH , HatzfelderStr . 161 D-Monchen Gladbach A-7 si zing Maschinenfabrik Zeil DM 435 650 D D-Zell A-8 weaving Picanol NV FB 128 636 163 B Polenlaan 3 B-leper A–9 shearing and cropping System Schultheis ( D A19-1 inspection tables GmbH & CO ( A19-2 inspection tables Maschinenfabrik ( A20 rolling D-Pulda ( DM 834 330 D A21 packing D-Fulda ( CI central rotation stand D-Pulda ( C2 central rotation stand D-Pulda ( A10-1 pirn and tube stripping Timmer Maschinenfabril DM 107 993 A10-2 pirn and tube stripping D-Coesfeld Value of Crijic 18 - Invitation to Contract awarded to ^ as of tender : No and Mature of works or V* Q contract O U tctal G Project publication in supplies ( v/ith lot t* U suppl iers the Official o a> number if any) £> where Journal § C P 4) appro­ 25 +* priate ) it citation to A12-1 Jumbo dye jigger and E. Küsters I - Page 2 - tendercontinuedNo ir13. ) 7 » project dye jiggers Maschinenfabrik 4200.014.50 . L4 A12–2 " " M w " Gladbacherstr . 457 DM 1 180 533 D Morogoro Can ras Kill Ai 2–3 " " " 11 11 D-Krefeld Tanzania A13 squeeze padder Maschinenfabrik A14 impregnation foulard Max Goller A16-1 cyl . dryer D-Schwarzenbach/Saale DK 653 335 3 A16-2 cyl . dryer D-Schwarzenbach/Saale A15 stenter Babcock Textilmaschine iDK 1 539 419 D Al8 float dryer KG D-Seevetal 3 Maschenbei Hamburg A17 paraffin Machinenfabrik FL 136 960 V Van Wees Nl–Ti Iburg D workshop equipment Landre-Intromeck BV FL 57c 939 N Industrieweg , 30 Nl-Vianen

KB : Lots All and B were declared by the relevant a lthor ties to have lapsed . Contracts fo ' lots E f F and G have not yet bee 1 awa •ded . Invitation t o Cn.-}.r. V. CQ as tender : Y< c and Nature of worvrs cr c k OÍ' tot v. o publication in supplies ( with let ttjl-'z e r Crr.iract awarded to value of contract cu^plies Project a> o the Official if any ) -Q T3 v:here E C Journal appr:- PZ p'ri a' e )

4100.045.48.06 1309 Provision and installation of an Telettra approximat ely Iaprovement of OJ No C 302, international telephone exohange via Trento 30. LSd 3 352 262 teleoonmunioat ions 15.12.1977 and a national transit exohange I-vimercate, or net work, in the Telephone House in Milano EDA 5 172 445 Sud&n Invitation to a •v as tender : No and Nature of works or o - •" - - ♦ O ] o publication in supplies ( with lot number u u Cor.*ract awarded to Value 2 ? cor.tract Project o o the Official if any ) x* t: ;::; ere Journal e c s o s -M r ri 3. : e }

4100.035.19.12 1317 The following supplies : Development of OJ No S 12 , 1 . ( part of lot ) various i SARI , ; CFAP 7 278 000 P aheep-rearing in 18.1.1978 vehicles Central BP 1327 , 1 1 . ( part of lot ) various RENAULT , CFAF 1 807 450 P vehicles BP 1336 , Abidjan 1 « ( part of lot ) various S0CIDA , CPAP 5 693 627 P vehioles BP 1865 , I Abidjan 2 . ( part of lot ) wheeled Manutention Africaine^ CPAP 7 423 500 P agricultural tractors BP 1299 , Abidjan i 3 . agricultural machinery S00IAGKI , CPAP 4 474 105 P BP 20806 , Abidjan 4 . ( part of lot ) veterinary Prosemoc , approximately products 57 bis , Bd . Béranger , PP 321 822 P P- Tours 4 . ( part of lot ) veterinary SESI , approxi mat e ly produots P-Clermont–Perrand PP 2 873 P 4 . ( part of lot ) veterinary ASE Europe , approximately produots 38 , Hationalestraat Bfrs 477 000 Β B-Antwerpen 4 . ( part of lot ) veterinary S0FAC0 , CPAP 2 674 820 P BP 1216 , Abidjan

I 2 L

Invitation to Nature of works or supplies Num­ Contract awarded to Value of Origin ( as % tender : ( with lot number if any ) ber contract of total Project No and publica­ of supplies where tion in the tend- appropriate ) Official Journal erers

4100.032.20.07 . 1318 Agricultural infrastructure Amibara ( Awash OJEC S / 16 works , including bush- Valley ) Irrigation of 24.1.78 . clearing , land levelling Project ( ) for earthworks

2 E : Melka-Sadi 4 National Engineers & Birr 18 1f 4 953 Contractors PVT Ltd P0 Box 2067 Ethiopia

2F : Amibara 4 Ethiopian Earthmoving Birr 17 7 " 9 238 PVT Ltd PO Box 1182 Addis Ababa Ethiopia

■ 2 1

Invitation to Nature of works or supplies Num­ Value of Ori gin (a s % tender : ( with lot nu-.ber if any ) ber Contract awarded to j cont ract of total Project No and publica­ of supplies oliere tion in the tend- j appropriate ) Official Journal erers

4100.032.35.10 . 1320 The following supplies : Micro water 0JEC S / 18 engineering of 26.1.78 . 3 : Seven all-terrain vehicles 1 Landis PMG 20 405 000 UK programme 5 rué R Ducrocq ( Madagascar ) Tananari ve [ Madagascar

NB : The other lots were cancel led by he responsible authori ties .


I . aiue 0 : Crigin ^ 3 . invitation to Contract a-* raei to ( as of tender : ->o ar.d <•-. C2 corvtract .. ature of VOTKS or O U total Ο Project publication ir. supplies ( with lot h (4 suppliers 0) 0) the Official number if any ) ~Ω «τΊ where Journal 6 P 0) appro­ a +* priate ) 4100.031.17.07 Supply of the following : Improvement of coffee No 1322 growing on family 0J No S 20 1 . I5O bicycles 2 Sports CFAF 5 049 750 F plantations , 28.1.1978 2 . 16 light motorcycles 3 BP 407 Bangui Central African Central African CFAF 2 027 120 F Republic Republic 3 . One all-terrain station SIMA-Auto CFAF 3 386 000 UK wagon vehicle 4 . Five covered all-terrain Bangui CFAF 14 500 000 UK pick-'up vehicles 5 . Five station wagons 1 Bangui CFAF 7 984 000 F 6 . 11 typewriters 2 CFAO CFAF 1 320 000 I 7(a ) Q*1® electronic calculator 2 Bangui CFAF 70 000 I with printout facility KB : Lot 7(b ) was declared by the relevant authorities to hkve lapsed . ! 24 . Invitation to I i C- O (a f tender : !."c and Nature of works or O fc- a> publication in supplies ( with lot number U U Contract awarded to Value of contra " Project G O the Official if any ) X? X5 ro Ê C Journal 3 o 2: «-> r ri 3. " e- ;

4100.072.63.03 1323 Supply of one basio drilling Rural water supply, OJ lo S 21 , rig i 31.1.1978 NB. This invitation to tender was dec ared by the relevant authorities to have lapsed.


jL i Value of ~ Invitaiicr. to Contract awarded tc [ as of tender : !

2 * Steel sewer pipes and Hume Ltd MK 49 588 Loc steel couplings 5 P«0 « Box 164 Lusanshya ! 3 . Sluice valves , reflux valves 3 Bestobeli Ltd MK 5 494 UK P.O. Box 650 Blantyre Malawi

4 * Submersible automatic 6 ABS Pumpern GmbH MK 2 848 | D sewage pumps Scherderhöhe D-Lohmar I I Invitation to i: ^ ; • -^c tender : No and Nature of works or c ^ 1 e publication in susolies ( with lot number u u Contract awarded + -> ? r c^r.t rac * Project (1) c I the Official if any ) & *c 1 vher -? F C ! Journal * *> i r: r ri - - e )

4100.031.20.03 1326 The following supplies : Coffee inprovement OJ No S 32 , DM 354 714 D 15.2.1978 1 . three dunp trucks , 5 Orbis , programs , Ethiopia diesel engine Addis-Ababa , Ethiopia 2 . one motor grader 2 Simpex Engineering, DM 134 140 D Addis-Ababa 3 . two diesel generating unite 4 Hagbes , Lit 2 622 000 I for lighting plant Addis-Ababa I 4 . two mobile radio–telephone 4 Moenco , EB 10 080 UK transceivers I Addis-Ababa

I 27 .

I I Invitation to Nature of works or supplies I Num­ [ Contract awarded to Value of I Origin ( as X I tender : ( with lot number if any ) ber contract of total I I Project I No and publica- of supplies where ! tion in the tend- appropriate ) I | Officiai Journal | | erers I 4100.032.35.11 . 1 1 32 7 The following supplies : I development of the OJEC S / 32 I Andapa Basin of 15.2.78 . 1 . two caterpillar tractors 2 I Sté H Fraise & Fi ls FMG 40 453 068 F I ( Masgascar ) 2 . two hydraulic shovels , 3 & Co FMG 34 03 ^ 193 F I with buckets I Route des Hydro­ 4 ■ [ 4 . three wheeled tractors I carbures FMG 16 75 1 880 D 15 . one compresor 5 I BP 28 r Antananari vo FMG 6 35Û 416 Β I ( Madagascar )

13 . two dumper lorries 4 I Sté le "Matériel FMG 15 449 000 D I I Automobile et Industrikl I I Route des Hydro- I carbures I BP 1516 , Antananari vo

I 6 . two roi lers 3 [ sté d' Importation et FMG 1 482 337 D d " Exportât ion de II l 'Océan Indien 8 . three concrete mixers 3 SOCIMEX FMG 2 425 776 F Antananari vo

NB . Lot n . 7 was cancelled by the re sponsible authorities .

I Invitation to i C- P) ( as •' tender : !Io and Nature of works or o t­ o publication in supplies ( with lot nur.ber t- t, Contract avaried to Value cf ccr.*. rac *. nr : ec Project c o the Official if any ) where c C Journal 3 O arrr :- r > r: " " e ;

4100.051.94.24 1330 The following supplies : Interstate School of OJ Ho S 47 , 1 . furniture and equipment for 8 SUMAC , Bfrs 9 741 782 Β Veterinary Science 9.3.1978 the offices a-nri accommodation 3 , Av. des Gloires *nd Medicine , Nationales , f projection and reproduction B-1080 Bruxelles equipment - air conditioning units

2 . additional laboratory 6 Bfrs 11 515 776 Β equipment 3. research and experimentation 5 I 19 I Bfrs 3 957 248 8 apparatus 4 Bfrs 3 275 598 Β 14 . infirmarysterilisationequipment, surgical and j I η 6 . equipment for the animal 4 VI Bfrs 98O 716 8 houses

7 . storage , maintenance and 3 η Bfrs 770 446 Β Ι handling equipment 8. cold-storage rooms M Bfrs 2 209 984 Β 9 * equipment for the 2 M Bfrs 590 856 Β transportation of large animals , lifting gear 11 . small tools , extinguishers , 3 W approxi mate ly miscellaneous equipment Bfrs 390 200 5 * radiological equipment 3 Hat¿riel Hospitalier , CFAF 45 277 335 (F 10# 11 , rué Victor Hugo , (I 20# Dakar , (I 70# Senegal 10 . incinerators 5 SEQOA, CFAF 21 244 000 Ρ rue Félix Eboué , ! Dakar

L ί Invitation to Nature of works or supplies Num­ Contract awarded to Value of Origin ( as X tende r : ( with lot number if any ) ber contract of total Project No and publica­ of supplies where tion in the tend- appropriate ) Official Journal erers

4100.071 . 20.06 1332 Following supplies : Rural water supply 0J No S 51 of 16.3.1978 1 . 8 short-base station SACAFET SpA Lit 16 9C 0 210 wagons PO Box 1152 2 long-base station Addis Ababa Lit 70 8f 6 688 wagons Ethiopia

3 . 2 light field-trucks 2 Orbis Trading & DM 128 01 9 Technical Centre Ltd 4 . 6.6 cylinder 5-6 t 3 trucks PO Box 321 DM 343 35 0 Addis Ababa 2.6 cylinder , 10 t DM 232 2C30 trucks

5 . 2 oi l field body trucks Simpex Engineering DM 275 436 PO Box 1203 Addis Ababa

NB : Lot 2 , namely 22 long-ba e pick- jps , was declared to haalpe/ lapsed pby the competent authorities , It was iwarded by a mutual agr bernent corltfcract to the firm :

East African Il126 871 UK World Traders Intern . Ltd P0 Box 5613 Addis Ababa Invitation to Nature of works or supplies Num­ Contract awarded to Value of Origin ( as X tender : ( with lot number if any ) ber cont ract of total Proj ect No and publica­ of supplies w*ere tion in the tend- appropr i ate ) Official Journal erers

4100.030.51.08 . 1333 The following supplies : Integrated 0JEC S / 56 agricultural of 23.3.78 . 1 . 510 bicycles 6 R DUMAS CFAF 18 ] 41 625 F development of 2 . 55 mopeds f BP 78 , N' Dj amena southern ( Chad )

i 3 . ( part of lot ) 37 5 SC0A CFAF 77 3 60 175 F I light utility vehicles 31 Quai de Grenelle | F - Paris

4 . three 7 to 9 tonne trucks 4 Renault-Tchad : FAF 18 9 27 948 F BP 97 , N' Dj amena

3 . ( part of lot ) 5 light 5 ITALTCHAD ) : FAF 34 1 52 996 I utility vehicles BP 277 ) N ' Dj amena ) 5 . six all-terrain 3 covered vehicles

6 . three estate cars 3


i i ; 1 i Invitation to ^ a ( as tender : "c and Nature of works or c u C f ~ C- * 2. ì o publication in supplies ( with lot nuscer u u Contract awarded t ? Value ?f ccr.trao *. cu ?r, li e s Project c c I the Official if any ) £> -c ! v;h e re E C I Journal »5 r> – n * m 3 O , I • ^ * \ ZZ -4-3 | pri a ? o ) 4200.031.31.05 1335 Provision of irrigation \ 800 ha banana OJ No S 57 , equipment i plantation, Jamaica 29.8.1978 1 NB. This invitation to tender was deol ired by the relevant

authorities to have lapsed. I !





I i Value cf Crigir. ^2 • Ir.vitaxicr, to Contract awarded to ( as of tender : No and a contract Mature of vcrks or z u total Project publication in supplies ( with lot a suppliers the Cfficia ] V o number if any ) -a where Journal § s appro­ ! priate ) ' It . 4200.016.24.06 Transmission line and 91! SADELMI-COGEPI ,Xi 10 711 050 ^n I Kpong Hydroelectric Mo 1333 condensers ( Contract K9 ) Via Pergolesi , 25 Project , OJ Ko S 61 I-Milano ! I Ghana 4.4.1978 Switchyard equipment and 9 Merlin Gerin £ 210 575 F I

4 generators ( Contract K10 ) ■ 164 avenue du Roule F-Neui 1 ly-s/ Se i ne



.j 3 3. Ct * • Hue :: a . îTie : contract v as cf : or.wier : - ature of vcr.-is cr C U tctal Pro j e c t ci: : r. O supplies ( v.ith lc *. u h suppliers the Cfficial r.uaber if ar -.- 0 0 τ* where Journal <-. £> rc- priate .

4100.033 . 33.05 1339 Supply of the following : Creation of regional OJ No S 69 1 development units , 14.4.1978 l(b ) Ten single all-terrain Motors P R 35 409 Lesotho cab pick-up vehicles ( plus one extra vehicle ) Lesotho

2 . Four wheeled tractors 3 Leyland Lesotho Ltd R 42 562 UK P.O. Box 513 Maseru Four trailors 4 Lesotho Tractor and R 9 200 Const . Machinery P.O. Box 2212 Maseru 4 • 20 motorcycles Dalgety Agricultural £18 500 Development Berkeley Square London

Ng: Lot l(a) was deq [lared by the relevant authorities rco haire lapsed . 34 . Invitation to o tender : and Nature of wor>s or I o o publication in supolies ( vn-h lot number L, fc, Contract awarcei t ? Value of contra; Project C c the Official if any ) X? T: :.:.e ro Journal E C 3 O - ri * e '

4100.033.37.16 1343 Hydroagricultural works in the Slgou rice scheme – OJ No S 73 , Dioro complex rice–growing by 20.4.1978 1 . earthworks , dikes and canals 9 Group of firme : controlled flooding, Mali Sttf Nat . Travaux MP 1 768 502 012 Publics SBTP , 10 , rue Cambacérès , ! P-Paris Cie d'Entreprises CFE, j 7 , Square Prère Orban, B-Bruxelles Sttf Hat . d' Entreprises et de Travaux Publics SOKETRA , BP 108 , Bamako , Mali

2 . construction of 9 new 9 SA de Travaux MP 478 714 189 structures and improvement of Outre-Mer , 2 reoent structures SATOM, 3-5 , Av. Galliéni , F–Gentilly 35.

Invitation to Nature of works or supplies Num­ Contract awarded to Value of Origin ( as X tender : ( with lot number if any ) ber contract of total Proj ect No and publica­ of supplies where tion in the tend- appropriate ) Of f i cial Journal erers i

4100.071 . 52.17 1348 Supply and installation 11 Sté Gle du Golfe de CFAF 93 340 993 F Village water OJEC S / 104 of 278 hand pumps Guinée / SGGG engineer ing of 8.6.78 . BP 330, Lomé , ( ) programme ( Togo )

i i

i 36 .

I, Invitation to Nature of works or supplies Nun- Contract awarded to Value of Origin ( as tender : ( with lot number if any ) ber cont ract 'of total Pro j ect No and publica­ of supplies where tion in the tend- appropriate ) Official Journal erers

4100. 071 - 40 . 19 1349 JLB. : The invitation to tende r was d < olared "by the relevai it authoritiei ! to have Construction of OJ Ko . S/106 of lapsed and a contract I) j mutual agreement was awardi id to : 80 wells in the 14.6.1978 Damergou region Construction of 80 wells in Office des Baux du 500 781 305 CPA P. ( RLger ) l the Damergou region Sous-Sol - 0FEDE3 - B.P. 734 Hjamqy ( HLger )


J 37 .

!I Invitation to Nature of works or supplies Num­ Contract awarded to Value of Origin ( as Y. tender : ( with lot number if any ) ber cont ract of total Project No and publica­ of supplies where tion in the tend- appropriate ) Official Journal erers 1 j 4200.014.50.14 1351 1 . Building and civil works 18 Godes Ltd . approx . Morogoro canvas mill OJ Ko . S/113 of PO Box 1843 T Sh 37 233 444 ( Tanzania ) 21.6.1978 Dar- Efe -Salaam Tanzania

2 . Mechanical installations 6 Thornton & Turpin approx . PTT Ltd . T Sh 5 378 7 20 Kingsgate House POB 457 Victoria *

1 3 . Electrical installations 6 Johnson , Pearce 4 Co . Ltd . Surtcote Avenue approx . Qreenford . Middlesex T Sh 6 224 954 W



I .'alue of Crigir. 38 TiV*t2V ZT . C ;ontr ; aw&riei "o cortract Jas of ter.ier : "o ar.d .. ature of wcrl

4100 . 041 . 37-18 Improvement of the 10 Consortium : Koutalia-Sikaseo road No 1352 Koutalia-Sikasso road ííali OJ No S 11^, - Soc . Anonyme de 23.6.I97S Travaux outre-mer MP 5 842 400 208

" SATOM " 3-5 Ave Galliéni F-G«ntilly

– Salnrapt & Brice 3 Place Paul Verlaine F-Paris

- Wii & Liesenhoff 90-101 Ruschebrink- strasse D-Dortmuiid 39 .

Ii Invitation to Nature of works or supplies Nuro- Contract awarded to Value of Origin ( as '/. tender : ( with lot number if any ) ber contract of total Project No and publica­ of supplies where tion in the tend- appropriate ) Official Journal erers

4100.033.49.03 1354 Provision of the following 1 Agricultural develop­ OJ Ko. S/116 of 1 . (+ complement ) 5 four-wheel 2 Leyland Ltd. 33 625 Bnali tngeni UK ment project 24.6.1978 drive vehicles Manzinl (Swaziland.) Swaziland

3 . four 7-tonne truoks 3 Trac&r Ltd. 60 320 Bm1 < ingeni D Hansini Swaziland

I.B. t Lot 2 was declared ty ; he reli vant authorities to 1 lave lapsed .



1 1 1 4α

Invitation to Nature of works or supplies Num­ Contract awarded to Value of Origin ( as tender : ( with lot number if any ) ber cont ract of totai Proi ect No and publica­ of supplies where tion in the tend- appropriate ) Official Journal erers

4100.031.20.03 1355 Provision of the following : Coffee improvement OJ No. S/118 of 1 . 1 crosa-oountry vehicle 1 Efest African World 7 185 UK programme 28.6.1978 10 A. 6 000 hoes with prong 7 Traders . 7 Ο85 UK ( Ethiopia) 10 B. 6 000 spade-type hoes 6 Addis Ababa 6 118 UK Ethiopia 8 . 25 000 m of mesh wire 10 Tswfik Sherif Cy LtdL Pl . 164 750 Ν 9 . 6 600 pruning shears for lll Addis Ababa P1 . 46 068 Ν coffee 11 . 6 500 slashers IHtohell Cotts & Cy . EB 36 936 UK Addis Ababa

U.B. : Lot Nos . 2 , 3 » 4 » 5 » 6 aridd 7 we avant authori ties to have lapsed and a contract by mutualtdeloaredreorient wasby theawardedrel! to

[iOt 6 1 fertilizer BASF DM 518 494 D Addis Ababa Lot 7 s 1 500 knapsack sprayers Sperandio Lit . 61 18 = 515 I POB 318 Addis Ababa Invitation to ^ C tender : "o and Nature of vor-:s or C C Contract awarder t~ Fabrication in supplies ( vith lot number u u Value of ccntrac : 3~.I 1 r C Project c c the Official if any ) XÎ rz vh e r 9 s C Journal 5 O i i

! 4100.030.51.08 1356 | The following supplies : Integrated | OJ Ko S 118 , ! 1 . 850 000 litres of 6 SEPCAE , FF 18 666 000 F agricultural 28.6.1978 insecticides BP 130 , development of Southern Chad Douai&t Cameroon

2 . ( part of lot ) 750 000 litres 10 If FF 9 636 000 F of ULV insecticides

3. 6 000 ULV units « - CFAF 48 273 700 P 2 . ( part of lot ) 750 000 litres 10 Lichtermoet f FL 2 619 000 Ν of insecticides PB 699 , Rotterdam i 4 . 500 000 batteries for 5 IPEP , | FF 450 000 ! F ULV units 47 » rue St-Jean i F-Dreux 5» five tonnes of seed treatment 3 SICO , | FF 39 400 F products 85 1 rue des Chantiers,! F-Versailles 1 6 . four tonnes of crop 2 n FF 23 120 F protection products

i j

! 4 2.

I Invitation to Nature of works or supplies Num­ Contract awarded to Value of Origin ( as X | tender : ( with lot number if any ) ber cont r act of total Project No and publica­ of supplies wr?re tion in the tend- appropr i ate ) Official Journal erers

II 4100.033.50.07 . 1358 The following supplies : Agricultural 0JEC S / 125 1 . 4 motorized graders 8 Faun Frisch DM 559 0 ^ 8 D development of of 7.7.78 . self propelled D-land a.d . Pegn the Iringa region 4 Incar Ltd T Sh 1 21 6 465 UK ( Tanzania ) 2 . 3 track-type tractors 4 . 1 flat bed truck of 10 3 Dar- es - Salaam T Sh 32 3 658 I tonnes capacity / Tanp * Vfd-J 5 . 2 flat bed trucks of 7 3 T Sh 2 1C 9 204 I tonnes capacity 6 . 9 tipping trucks of 7 3 T Sh 4C 6 963 I ! tonnes capacity

3 . 1 wheel loader 10 Richier SA FF 205 9 ] 6 F Tour Franklin

! F - Paris

7 . 1 tractor fitted with 6 Equipment & Engineerir 3 £18 562 UK front loader and back hoe Servi ces ( Sterling ) Pugu Rd Dar - es - Sa laam


■ 4 3.

Invitation to Nature of works or supplies Num­ Contract awarded to Value of Origin ( as X tender : ( with lot number if any ) ber contract of total Project No and publica­ of supplies where tion in the tend- . appropriate ) Official Journal erers

4100.041 . 51 . 10 1362 Supply of equipment for 6 Italtchad CFAF 307 176 300 I Maintenance of 0J No S 129 the road maintenance team BP 277 asphalted roads , of 13.7.1978 N 1 0j amena Chad Chad Invitation to j > " * I Cî , as • tender : !Jo and Nat o u u re - f v:or!-:s cr j c publication in su : r'.:es ( v- * h l?t r u ^ Contract awarded t~> Va!'j «» ?f contrae ". Froject o c 1 the Official if –* v' ) v.r.ere "i £ J :umal D o 2: +> - r: e '

4100.031.35.17 1361 The following supplies : Extension of the OJ 5o S 129 , 1 . five wheeled agricultural i 6 I FMG 15 150 000 Ρ Sajabava coconut 13.7.1978 Socimex , tractors grove ( 1978-79 Rte de Majunga , t season ) , Madagascar i i Madagascar 2 . six hydraulic tipping | 7 η FMG 6 315 000 F trailers 3 . one d umpcir and one adaptable 1 tt | FMG 5 000 000 UK backhoe dipper 5- various items of mounted 4 tf | FMG 2 010 000 Ρ equipment ( spreaders ) I 4 . one dumper lorry | 3 Renault Madagascar , FMG 5 231 200 Ρ 26 t rué P * Lumumba , Antananarivo

I 45 .

Invitation to Nature of works or supplies Num­ Contract awarded to Value of Origin ( as X tender : ( with lot number if any ) ber contract of total Project No and publica­ of supplies wnere tion in the tend- . appropriate ) Official Journal erers

4100.051.26.11 1360 Following supplies : Equipment for the 0J No S 129 Institut of 13.7.1978 1 . School furniture 8 Socoprint FF 191 8C 4 F Polytechnique 2 . Equipment for giving 5 42 av Kleber FF 30 85 3 F Maritime , Guinea instruction in F-Paris j navigat ion 7 . 2 motor boats for 3 M FF 149 68 D F training purposes 10 . dqcumentat ion for the 8 M FF 22 38 D F I ibrary 11 . 1 flat-back van 2 I » FF 33 81 3 F

3 . Equipment for an 7 C0P FF 14 51 ? F elect r i -physi cs 7 rue de la Republiqu > laboratory F -Saint-Mandé

4 . Audiovisual and drawing 7 IVAC Bfrs 128 I47 B equipment. 691 Chaussée de Mons 8-Bruxelles

5 . Wood-working machines 8 UTR Division Berpi FF 138 00 > F and tools for same . 17 rue Montgolfier F - Rosny- sous-Boi s 6 . Machine-tools and 8 FF 300 58 > F mechanical tools II

8 . Materials and hardware 6 Revert SA FF 85 98 ! F 12 rue Carnot F-Versai I les

9 . Tools for the net workshop 6 Codaman FF 42 37 ) F 7 place d' Iéna F-Paris

I 46.

I I Invitation to I Nature of works or supplies I Nu ""-- Contract awarded to Value of Origin ( as % | tender : I ( with lot number if any ) ber contract of total I Project No and oubli ca- of supplies xiere tion in the tend- appropriate ) I | Officiai Journal | | erers

I 41 00 . 041 . 53.09 . 1363 The following supplies : j Purchase of road OJEC S / 133 ( UK 48.46% I building equipment of 19.7.78 . A. Bulldozers , loaders , 2 Icarpenters Motors FÉ 836 V (B 25.81% I I ( Tonga ) graders and tractors private Mai I Bag ( D 27.73% B. Trucks and four wheel 2 [ Suva , Fiji F * 333 083 UK drive vehicles C. Concrete mixers , bitumen 2 FS 122 13D ( UK 74.77% heater , fuel bowser , power ( Loc 25.25% I float , pumps , screens . I blockmaker and trailer I 0 . Compressors and a welder 3 F2 35 44E ( UK 79.20% ( F 20.80%

F. Theadolite and a level 3 Collison Trading F S 3 42 D Intern . Ltd I P0 Box 580 , Suva â

G. Sawbench planer 2 Multico Co Ltd t2 362 UK Brighton Rd ( Ster li ng | Salfords - Redhill Surrey ( UK )

NB : Lots E and H were cancelle i by thi responsible authoriti ■ S •

i i !

Val.e cf Cr;-.r. *7 Irv ;: r..:r. *c ( a; cf ter.ier : To ar.i contract Mature cf v crks or : C * A"' . t. Trojec * supplies '/. :-;h 1c : ri »- M suppliers the Cfficial 1> w number if £r.y y where

V » Ml •• >«X 3 : appro­ priate , ii

4200.016.24.06 Construction of : Kpong Hydroelectric lîo 1364 electric project 0J Ko S 133 , - transmission line : 9 Energoinvest- t 6 785 053 Ghana 19.7.1978 project No 1 Energokomerc ( Contract NL - cofinanced by 20 the World JNA - Sarajevo Yugoslavia

- condensers : 2 Bharat Heavy i 6 551 633 i project So 2 Electricals Ltd ( Contract N2 - cofinanced by 27 B&rakhamba Road the World New Delhi India 48 . Value of v . ♦ à-** * to ^or.tract avariez contract ^ as :f tcr.i<=r : '"o and .. ature cf v.orks or * _ ♦ ^ ^ Z U - w « 0._ - rc " eet ru': : est : or. in Z) supplies (-.. ith lot t- U suppLiers the official number if any ) O O where •J .« dl arrre- priate'

4100.033.37.16 Supply of the following; S6gou rice scheme No 1365 - development of rice- OJHo S 135 , l(a) Five 9O/ IOO hp four wheel 12 ( Agence Aigle m 397 growing 21.7.1978 drive agricultural tractors ( BP 1884 Mali ï Bamako l(b ) Five 90/IOO hp two wheel [ Mali ^84 322 drive agricultural tractors

2(a) Seven 60/80 hp two wheel 12 688 drive agricultural tractors

2(b ) Five 45 hp two wheel drive 11 ^36 928 agricultural tractors

16 . One front loader for a MF 2 700 000 tractor

17 - One hydraulic shovel IM 165 220 D

3 . One tracklaying tractor ( Manutention 294 940 F with bulldozer and ripper ( Africaine MF +7 702 420 equipment ( BP 143 ( Bamako 8(b ) Two all–terrain liaison ( Mali £14 715 UK vehicles Τ

.'^lue cf Crigir. 49 • Invitation to ; ra-t awaraed te ccr.tract ( as of tender : No and Mature of works o : total .- ro ; ect publication lr. supplies (with lol suppliers the Official nuicber if any ) j a where Journal appro­ priate )

4. Ten rice threshers 5 Belleross mit? 080 UK No 1365 29 Buckinghau Gâte - . Λ - London continued 1 ) 3. 11 two-axle trailors with 11 MF - 35 452 UK a payload of 8 tonnes United Kingdom 6 ( a) Seven heavy-mounted 10 Afeo Malí mf t aoo ploughs BP 75 » ■ Bamako 6 ( b ) Three mounted réversible MF $. ;3?V 005 ploughs

m. 14. One generator set 8 MF 4M!50 F 15(a) Two wheeled compact 2 MF F

7(a) Three lattice framework 7 Vezia - Mali MF 000 F lorries BP 192 7(b) One three-way dump truck 6 Bamako MF ^ F 8(a) Eight liaison vehicles 3 Peyrissac – Mali F BP 163 mf^P^;^4 Bamako < -iy * * 9 . One diesel bus SEACI MF €0 &£& BP 828 Abidjan Cote d' ivoire TC 10 . One outboard motor 1 Baba Minta :- ae vw BP 77 12 . 26 45-50 cm^ mopeds 3 Segou F Mali

11 . Workshop tools 4 OPE F 59 Av. !Metreeau Paris ? r 13 « 300 rice drills Siscoma soo Loc BP 3214 Dakar Sereral 15(bj Water tanks Mi» 500 ^00 .BP 724 3an ai . 0 Invitation to m ■fé* 1 tender : No and Nature of works cr o 0) ->■: tot .--.: publication in supplies ( with lot number U ^ Contract awarded to Value -f c~r, tract Project 0) O rapplie ." the Official if any ) Xi rrj, v.n e ro a c Journal 3 a> ar oro– ÎZ -H - ri a' o )

I 4100.030.51.08 1366 The following supplies : I Integrated I OJ No S 136 , 1 . Anthelmintics , round worms iI 4 IPfizer , CFAF 12 384 375 F I 1 agricultural 1 22.7.1978 1 1 26 , rue Fosses I development of [ St-Jacques , J Southern Chad ! I| F-Paris . 2 . anthelmintics , flat worms 2 Icodislait CFAF 8 100 000 F 4 * trypanocides 5 Paris CFAF 4 410 000 F

3 * anticoccidians 1 iDistrivet CFAF 5 200 000 F 163 , Av . Gambetta 7 * pfi oplasni cides | 1 F-Paris . CFAF 5 355 500 , [ 5 . tick-destroying agents 3 SOFACO CFAF 22 000 000 F BP 1216 , I Abidjan , Ivory Coast .

NB1 Lot Nos 6 and 8 vere déclarée by the relevant authorities to have lapsed. 51 • alue cf ~ - © * •• i-iicr. to Ç cr a y s »» * A - cor.tract x C»0 w . !:o and .. ature of vor.-cs or * - * _ 1

Project ~u "- . cation in supplies ( with lot s m " z _ . •. rs t'r.e . fficial r.uiLbe r if any ) * r.ere

Γ. ζ το-

4100.072.36.05 Supply of the following water supply , No 1367 Malawi gj :;o s 136 1. Asbestos cement TAP Building MK 753 579 Loc 22.7.1978 pressure pipes Products Ltd P.O. Box 1522 Zambia 2. Valves , TV-pieces Pont a Mousson SA PP 759 952 91 Av. de la Libération + FF 346 147 ( supplement ) F-Nancy 52 .

I Invitation to Nature of works or supplies Num­ Contract awarded to Value of Origin ( as "/. tender : ( with lot nunber if any ) ber contract of total Project No and publica­ of supplies where tion in the tend- appropr i ate ) Official Journal erers

4100.033.37.08 . 1368 The following supplies : I Seed and crop OJEC S / 137 I protection scheme of 25.7.78 . 1 . one saloon car 2 IPeyrirsac MF 4 283 176 F I ( Mali ) BP 168 | Bamako ( Mali ) 2 . two covered pick-up 2 I Sté Africaine pour la MF 6 160 COO F vehicles | Promotion Commerciale 5 . two all-terrain vehicles 2 I et Industrielle du MF 12 320 000 UK | Ma l i I SAPCIMA I BP 1894 Bamako

3 . three estate saloon cars 2 I Manutention Africaine MF 10 870 000 F I 4 . two lightweight vehicles 1 I BP 143 , Bamako HF 1 VOÀ\ fé

Invitation to Nature of works or supplies Num­ Contract awarded to Value of Origin ( as 3! tender : ( with lot number if any ) ber contract of total Project No and publica­ of supplies where tion in the tend- . appropriate ) Official Journal erers

4100.051.26.11 1369 Delivery of a 50 gross Ets Piriou Frères FF 3 115 000 F Equipaient and 0J No S 137 register ton training vessel F-Concarneau techni cal of 25.7.1978 plus fishing gear assistance for the Institut Polytechnique Maritime ( IPS Maritime ), Guinea 54

1 Invitation to Nature of works or supplies Num­ Contract awarded to Value of Origin ( as X tender : ( with lot number if any ) ber cont ract of total Project No and publica­ of supplies where tion in the tend- appropriate ) Official Journal erers

4100.033 . 94.25 1370 Following supplies : Research on 0J No S 148 af latoxin of 9.8.1978 1 . Laboratory equipment and 2 Ste Sumac ( regional project ) Bfrs 10 < 21 158 ( F 25% utensils Av des Gloires (N 40% Nationales 3 (B 20% B-Bruxel les ( D 10% ( UK 5% 2 . Laboratory chemicals 2 II Bfrs 1 6 : 7 316 (B 90% I (0 10%


I 55-

Invitation to Nature of works or supplies Num- Contract awarded to Value of j Origin ( as % tender : ( with lot number if any ) ber contract of total Project No and publica­ of supplies where tion in the tend- appropr iate ) Official Journal erers

4100.033.37.16 1371 Supply of 33 sluice gates , 9 René Martin FF 887 71 3 F Segou region : 0J No S 150 with frames , operated by Av de la Gare development of of 11.8.1978 means of a double toothed F-Epinac rice-growing by rack controlled flooding , Mali 56 .

Invitation to Nature of works or supplies Num­ Contract awarded to Value of Origin ( ai tender : ( with lot number if any ) ber cont ract cf total Project No and publica­ of j supplies tahere tion in the tend- appropriate ) Official Journal erers i

4100.035.37.19 . 1372 The following supplies : Development of OJEC S / 151 stockf arming in of 12.8.78 . 1a . eight all-terrain vehicles 7 SAPCIMA MF 50 727 072 UK southern Mali 1b . two station wagons 6 BP 1894 MF 13 917 600 UK 1d . one van 2 Bamako ,. ( Mali ) MF 4 435 000 F

1c . two 10 to 12 tonne lorries 3 Vezia Mali MF 34 316 000 F ( part of sub-lot ; reduced ) BP 192 , Bamako

3a . products to combat internal 9 Di stei vet MF 63 140 000 F parasitic infections 163 av Gambetta F - Paris

3b . veterinary products 9 Mor in FF 20 554 F 15 av Bosquet F - Paris

4a . ( part of sub-lot ): 7 Deves S Chaumet ( MF 3 680 760 F weighing equipment BP 64 , Bamako ( 4b . water pumps 7

4a . ( part of sub-lot ): 7 Dyona FF 26 140 F weighing equipment 36 Bd Voltaire F - Paris

NB : Lots Nos 1e , 1f and 2 were cancel ed by the responsible iut hori t ie > m



I Value cf - - » o * •• Ir.\ itaticn to Contract avarie - to contract ^ as cf tender : No ar.d a Mature of v.orks or o u total o Project publication in supplies ( v.ith lot u, u sucpl lers the Cfficial o 0) r.ucber if any; 73 where Journal 3 o -~?r ~C – 2 -f-> pn ate , t 4100.015.36.18 Installation of a fully equipped 3 Danish Turnkey ± 2 309 300 EUA Installation of a No 1373 dairy Dairies Ltd new dairy OJ No S 152 , DK-Aarhus Malawi 15.8.1978




! I Invitation to > ri "* L " kas tender : ! 'o and a Nature of works or o ^ C 1 ? * a 1 o pubiicati-n in supplies ( with lot msiber u u Contract awarded to Value of contract rar- lies Project G O the Official if any ) Xi t: yo 0 e c Journal or>-> • –• 3 C i 2 «-> rriL ; e N 1 4100.050.31.13 1374 The following supplies : JAMAL Foundation OJ No S 155 , 1 . training centre equipment 5 NV Philips , PI . 385 335 Ν adult literacy project 19.8.1978 Endhoven, Netherlands . 4 . ( part of lot ) classroom and 6 NV Philips , PI . 263 512 Ν instructional media equipment Endhoven, Netherlands .

2 . motivational equipment 7 British Films Ltd., £ 49 200 UK London . ( sterling ) 3 . printing equipment 1 Schleiber & Cy. , DM 494 100 ] D Eiffestrasse 68/70 , i i D–Hamburg. i ! 5 . general studio and public 6 Bawex-Consult , DM 49 834 D address equipment 15 , Schellingstrasse , D–Stuttgart . ! ! I j



NB ; Part of lot 4 was cancelled by the relevant authorities

I Invitation to Nature of works or supplies Nurrt- Contract awarded to Value of Origin ( as X tender : ( with lot number if any ) ber contract of total Project No and publica­ of supplies where tion in the tend- appropriate ) Official Journal erers

4100.033.94 . 25 1376 Following supplies : Research on 0J No S 160 af latoxin of 26.8.1978 1 . 1 oilcake decontamination 3 Draiswerke GmbH DM 605 0C 0 D ( regional project ) plant Spechkweg 43-59 D -Mannheim- Wa Idhof

2 . 1 ammonia recovery unit 2 Technigaz FF 3 813 000 F Rue de la Bresle F-Maurepas

3 . 5 conveyor belts Buhler-Miaz FF 363 5C 0 F Place des Reflets 4 . 1 pelletizer and 1 cooler 4 F-Paris FF 453 9f 0 F

I 60 .

I Invitation to Nature of works or supplies Num­ Contract awarded to Value of Origin ( as tender : ( with lot number if any ) ber cont ract of total Project No and publica­ of supplies fehere tion in the tend- appropriate ) Official Journal erers


4100.033.16.20 1378 Provision of the following : I Rural development OJ Ho . S/181 of 2 SOCAM CPA P. 13 83 3 568 P in north-eaet Bénoué 3 . 7 pick-up vans 27.9.1978 Bd . Leclerc ( Cameroon ) B.P. 4080 Douala ( Cameroon )

N.B. : Lots 1 , 2 and 4 were de < 1&Γθ<1 ΐ Ir the relevant authoritie8 to have lapsed .

I l I -.'■ri .-\r. Invitation to Cm C3 ( P. s tender : No and Nature of works or O ^ of tot - ; 0> publication in supplies ( with lot rmser U U Contract awarded to Value of contract sur^liec Project -O Journal E C •S Q i aporr- 2 «-> I r>'ri * e ; ' i 1 4200.043.22.07 1 1379 Extension works on the open 6 I Sté Française approximately I Port of Owendo , J OJ Ho S 181 . I storage areas north west of the I d'Entreprises de ] CFAF 515 344 241 F I -additional workaI 27.9.1978 port of Owendo I Dragage s et de I and equipment I Travaux Publics SFEDTP , ! I 10. rue Cambacéres . F-Paris


! i

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! 62 .

i Invitation to Nature of works or supplies Num­ Contract awarded to Value of Origin ( as X tender : ( with lot number if any ) ber cont ract of total Project No and publica­ of supplies where tion in the tend- appropriate ) Official Journal erers

4100.033.27.09 1380 Following supplies : Development of 0J No S 181 of 27.9.1978 cotton production, 1 . low-voltage electrical 5 Réalisât ions FF 172 45 0 F Guinea- cabinet industriel les électriques RIE 19 rue de Fosse aux Loups F-Argenteui l

2 . electric motors 6 CEGLIA FF 171 2C 0 F 20 Bd Colonel Fabreu F-Ivry s / Seine

3 . lighting equipment 5 M FF 154 96 2 F


NB : Lot 4 was declared to have lapsed by the compétent autho ~ it ies .

! Valvie =f Crigir. 63 , Invitation tc Contract a-aried to [ a3 cf tender : Ko ar.d CH contract Mature of v>orks or c f* total o Project publication ir. cupplies ( with lot h u suppliers the Official o o ruitber if any) -Q where « r" Journal 3 5 appro­ priate , Ii 4100.030.51.08 Supply of the following Integrated No 1382 agricultural develop­ OJ No S 191 , 1. 5 000 animal drawn ploughs 12 SOMAT CFAF 108 775 000 ment of southern Chad 11.10.1978 BP 384 2. 400 cart floors N'Djamena CFAF 17 828 000 Chad 3. 800 metal wheel and axle CFAF 39 392 000 sets

i i

i 64 .

Invitation to Nature of works or supplies Num­ Contract awarded to Value of Origin ( as X tender : ( with lot number if any ) ber contract of total Project No and publica­ of supplies where tion in the tend- appropriate ) Official Journal erers

4100.051.26.13 1383 Supplies for : Faculties of 0J No S 191 agriculture , of 11.10.1978 1 . first-level equipment Gustave Held FF 438 649 Guinea 47 rue du Paradis F-Par i s

2 . supply store 9 SUMAC Bf rs 4 6' 7 458 Β 5 . microscopy room 8 3 av des Gloires DM 78 33i ΰ 6 . soil science laboratory 9 Nat iona les Bf rs 2 4 ! 3 323 Β 7 . animal husbandry 3 Bruxel les Bf rs 1 Oi 2 672 Β laboratory 8 . plant science laboratory 6 Bfrs 2 9 ! 8 927 Β 9 . agricultural chemistry 7 Bfrs 7 7i 1 052 Β laboratory 10 . microbiology laboratory 7 Bfrs 2 3 ( 7 394 B 3 . maintenance workshop 4 Socoprmt FF 177 6' 0 F 42 av Kléber F-Par is

4 . weighing room LCE Lit 28 8 2 015 103 Viale Angelico I-Roma 65 .

Invitation to Nature of works or supplies Nun- Contract awarded to Value of Origin ( as '/. tender : ( with lot number if any ) ber contract of total Project No and publica­ of supplies where tion in the tend- appropriate ) Official Journal erers

4iOO.O32 . l6 . 25 1384 Provision of the following t Rice fields in the OJ No . S/194 of Logone and Chari i4 . lO. i978 1 . (■>■ complement ) 2 concrete Camer Industriel CPA P 4 279 950 district mixers B.P. 444 ( Cameroon ) 4. (reduoed ) 3 trailers 7 Douala CPA P 5 208 090 Ρ 5 . (reduoed) 3 tank trailers 6 CPA P 6 569 541 Ρ

3 . (reduced) 3 tractors with Hamelle Afrique CPA P 12 196 763 wheels B.P. 117 Yaoundé ( Cameroon ) 6 . 2 disc ploughs Agenoe Centrale CPA P 5 921 000 loc. B.P. 911 Douala 7 . 1 light-weight station wagoi Renault Cameroon CPA P 1 533 000 Ρ Douala 8 . 1 light-weight pick-up I SOCALA CPA P 2 998 000 Ρ B.P. 4080 Douala

9 . 1 light-weight cross-country CIACAM CPA P 2 715 432 UK vehicle 1 B.P. 4025 Douala

V.B. t Lot No. 2 was declared pgr the relevant authorities to have lapsed . Invitation to ■> * * ■ ;• ' C-. a tender : No and Nature of works or ; o t- .... , "V v.h ore £ C Journal 2 o acco­ 7S rriate ) 1 4100.032.16.25 1388 Supply and assembly of equipment Irrigated rice growing OJ No S 217 , for a rice mill at Kousseri ! in the Logone and 18.11.1978 NB : This invitation to tender 1 Chari district was declared by the relevant authorities to have lapsed.

I j j [ 1 I i I

1 !

I 1


1 6 ?.

Invitation to j Nature of works or supplies Num­ Contract awarded to Value of Origin ( as X tender : ( with lot number if any ) ber cont ract of total Project No and publica­ of supplies where tion in the tend- appropriate ) Official Journal erers

4100.061 . 51 . 11 . 1389 The following supplies : Social and health OJEC S / 217 programme ( Chad ) of 18.11.78 . 1 . two 5-6 hp vehicles 2 TCHAOIS CFAF 3 23 ; 000 D BP 474 , N' Dj amena Chad

2 . four pick-up vehicles 2 Italtchad CFAF 7 21 > 000 I BP 227 , N' Dj amena

NB : Lot No 3 was cancelled by t he resp < nsible authorities . 68 .

Invitation to Nature of works or supplies Num­ Cont ract awarded to Value of Origin ( as X tender : ( with lot number if any ) ber contract of total Project No and publica­ of supplies » K ere tion in the tend- appropriate ) Official Journal erers

4100.041 . 53.09 . 1390 The following supplies : Purchase of road 0JEC S / 217 building equipment of 18.11.78 . A. one road roller , 12 tonnes 5 ISP Pacific Ltd FÍ 43 JOC D 40 hp Wailada Industrial C. one towed-type road roller 1 Area FÉ 1 78C Loc Lami-Suva ( Fiji )

I B. two 1-wheeled , 6 tonne , 4 Burns Philip South Sea F2 46 858 UK -i vibrator rollers Co Ltd PO Box 355 , Suva

D. one mobile crusher 9 MK Stone Engineering £58 189 UK Ltd ( Sterling ) Gloucester Trading Estate Hucclecote - Glouceste UK

i 69.

ir • 1 ' ■ – - ! Invitation to Nature of works or supplies Nun- Contract awarded to Value of Origin ( as % tender : ( with lot number if any ) ber contract of total Project No and publica­ of supplies where tion in the tend- appropriate ) Official Journal erers

411.016.44.10 . 1392 Delivery and installation of 3 Gilbert Gilkes & t 425 457 UK Hydroelectric works 0J S / 224 two 900 Kw impulse turbines , Gordon Ltd at Magiagi of 29.11.1978 . flanged taper pieces , two Canal Iron Works ( Somoa ) synchronous alternators Kendal Cumbria UK

•ic- 70 .

1| I I 1 Invitation to I Nature of works or supplies I Num- Contract awarded to Value zf I Origin ( as % I tender : I ( with lot number if any ) I ber contract of total I Project I No and publica- I of supplies v^ere ! tion in the I tend- appropriate ) I Officiai Journal j erers j I 4100.016.44.10 . 1393 j Del i ver y of 3 800 m p la in I 3 [oemy BV I F I 1 864 000 Ν I Hydroelectric works I 0J S / 224 ended steel pipes in five Rijksweg 250 I at Magiagi I of 29.11.1978 . diameters together with pipe I Geleen ( Somoa ) couplings and spare parts . Nether lands



j Invitation to 71 . CrH 11 tender : Y.o and Nature of works or I O U : : z 2 \ 'i ] 4) publication in supplies ( with lot number U U Contract awarded to Value cf ccr.trac -. Tl~2 HeS Project the Official O 4) if any ) "U , v;h e re a c Journal 3 o z +» rrU*e )

4100.035.14.14 1394 Supply of vehicles Sheep and goat QJ No S 224 , development project , 29.11.1978 MB : This invitation to tender was declared by the relevant authorities to ! have lapsed.




! Λ ï-"\;3 rf Crisis 72 Invitaticr. tc Cor.trîct awaried -. g Us -f o ccr.* r ^ct "tender : I.'c ar.d Mature of vcrks or A .. A . ^ G U Project puclicaticr. ir. o supplies ( with lot ^ Ui s .* * v' i € r ? o « the Official r if ar.y , where Journal § o sr;rc- *- r» • : ja ^ / It 4100.035.33.10 [ Supply of the following : r ! I Development of îïo 1396 I Mphaki 's area , OJ No S 230 , 4. One 10-tonne lorry 1 I National Motor Cy i R 26 637 D I Lesotho 7-12.1978 P.O. Box 999 I | Maseru Lesotho I !

Lots 1 , 2 , 3 , 5 and 6 being heavj ! material , were declared by the ; relevant authorities to have i lapsed . i



L / 7 2 .

11 "–" Invitation to Nature of works or supplies Num­ Contract awarded to Value of Origin ( as '/. tender : ( with lot number if any ) ber contract of total Proj ect No and oub Li ca­ of supplies where tion in the tend- appropriate ) Official Journal erers

4200.045.94.61 . 1397 Provision and installation of ! Regional 0J S / 230 electronic exchanges and an telecommunications of 7.12.1978 . Intelsat earth station . off i ce ( Somoa ) NB : This invitation to tender has been cancelled by the Authorities .


I Invitation to r. c tender : lie and Nature of works or m o u ri r *. h ; 0) F-ibiication in supplies ( with lot number u u Contract awarded to Value of ccr.trac : Project 0) 0) the Official if any ) rO U v.r e re Journal e c 3 o 52 -H rrU-e )

I 4100.051.15.08 1398 Supply of furniture and. 7 Matlabo , FF 1 514 576 Ρ I Faculty of Science in ] 0J Ho S 232 , | équipaient i | 25 , rue de la BoetieJ | Bujumbura , 9.12.1978 | F-Paris. ! Republic of i |


i i i i i i I

i I i i I ! I i I I



i 75 .

iI Invitation to Nature of works or supplies Num­ Contract awarded to Value of Origin ( as '/. tender : ( with lot number if any ) ber contract of total Pre j eet No and publica­ of supplies where tion in the tend- appropriate ) Official Journal erers

I Provision of the following : i 1 4100.033.16.20 1400 1 . Ploughs and ridging bodies 3 Tropic CPA P 12 345 000 loc. Rural development in OJ No . S/237 of B.P. 706 nortb-cast Bénoué 16.12.1978 Douala (Cameroon ) j ( Cameroon )

N.B. 1 Lots 2 , 3 and 4 were de clared y the relevant authoi >ities to hav 1 lapsed . H5 -. Value of - - - Contract awarded + Ar ■* c « • s *- •» <+* a ccr.tract ! « .>V M>.U Mature cf vcrks or 4. 4. ~ 1 o u I . - v ai I Tr.j-ct a \a..4. C W.A C !*. I T. o supplies ( with lot u u suppliers the Lffxcial o o I number if ar.j'/ -Q ^ where T _ , . „ ■» O V/ -fcP : . a. *, §co appro­ s +» priate , ;

4100.035.33.10 Supply of one trailed Delvelopment of No 1401 threshing box Mphaki's area , OJ No S 245 , Lesotho 30.12.1978

NB : This invitation to tender was declared by the relevant authorities to have lapsed .


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I 1 j '–– 4 ♦- -- - _ / . • Tf~. | Value of -ngir. Ir.vita-.icr. to Contract awarded ~c ( as cf (m K contract tender : l'o ar.d Mature cf works or I 0 u tctal V ?v: ject puclics -M -rr. ir. supplies ( v.ith let ti suppliers the Official rubber if any , where Journal 3 § appro­ ^ -f» priate . t 4100.036.37.03 Supply of the following : Development of fisheries Ào 1402 Mali OJ No S 245 , ( Phase II ) 30.12.1978 1. One lightweight vehicle Manutention MP Z 7X7 000 P v 5;, ; 2 I Africaine V • » ; BP 143 , - ' • * 2(a) Four pick-up type vehicles 3 ( Bamako MÍ 27 Ô30 0OO ' UK ( Kali ( 2(b ) One station-wagon type 3 ( MF 77 892 500 UK vehicle ( / 2(c ) One breakdown vehicle 1 MP - 13 425 OOO i P

3 . One tipper lorry 4 Vezia-Mali MP 14 341 705 , P BP 192 Bamako

I I Invitati-n to 79. ^ » ■tender : llz and Nature of vcrl-:s cr i O - rtnl o paolicaTi or. in supplies ( with lot nuraber u u Contract awarded to Value ?f cor." rac. Project r.:: lier: the Official o o if any ) *c® Journal 6 C 3 O r: -♦-> - r:a-e ) I 1 4100.041.46 . 16 1403 Construction of a new road 9 Ent . Fougerolle , approximately Makeni-Kabala road , 0J S 245 , ( approi. 75 km) and improvement 3 , Av. Morane- Le . 18 149 665 j 30.12.1575 of existing road, ( approi. 41 km) Saulnier , F–Ve 1 i zy-Villacoublay


I I | j I



- X I I Invitation to i > ri m kas % t r : "o and Nature of works or o (-• of - OtHl 0 publication in supplies ( with lot r u ^ Contract awarded to Value of contract Project 0) priat e )

I 4100.061 . 25.02 1404 Provision in 5 lots of 9 Kings International £28 758 ! UK I I Extension to OJ No S 14 , hospital equipment | Contracts Ltd . ( sterling ) I St . George 1 s 20.1.1979 I 39 1 Masons Av . I Hospital I Harrow Grenada E-Middlesex

I 30.

I " Invitation to Nature of works or supplies Num­ Contract awaraed to Value of Origin ( as % tender : ( with lot number if any ) ber contract of total Project No and publica­ of supplies where tion in the tend- appropriate ) Official Journal erers

4100.033.13.11 . 1405 Supply of : Improvement of 0J S 16 of 101 . 1 crawler tractor 8 SCGFR CFAF UK rural structures 24.1.1979 . 104 . 2 pneumatic tyred 3 Cotonou 26 766 358 in Atakora Province rollers Bénin CFAF F ( ) 6 385 823

102 . 1 grader 7 0 & K Export DM 152 425 D D-Dortmund approx 105 . 2 pneumatic tyred 10 DM 215 160 D loaders approx 106 . 1 grader with blade 7 DM 148 600 D approx

103 . 2 wheeled tractors 8 Jos Hansen CFAF F Cotonou 5 885 008

200 . construction equipment 14 SIC0 France FF 137 927 F F-Versai l les approx i

301 . 10 lorries 8 CIT CFAF F Cotonou 89 411 040

302 . 3 vans 8 SC0A CFAF F Cotonou 4 542 000

400 . 10 light motorcycles 11 Marketing CFAF 800 000 Loc 600 . 100 t urea 11 Internat ional ( CFAF 100 t ammonium sulphate Cotonou (9 550 000 F 25 t ammonium ( phosphate ( 15 t potassium chlorate (

500 . 6 weighing machines 11 SAMEC CFAF F 5 417 084 i 6 winnowing machines Cotonou I L ' * " lue cf 81 . tc Contrac! av =r lei ( as =f ■ter.d;r : !"o ar.i -. ature cf . crks or ^ M contract C U total rroject ~u:".:r?.*icr. ir. supplies ( v.ith lct suppliers the Cff:cial O 0) r.uiber if any/ " 73 v.- he re JoT^ § c 3 « i pr.ate .

4IOO.O32.24.I4 Civil engineering works Asakum Engineering & 3 923*180 Weija irrigation No 143b ( reservoir , drainage , Const . Ltd jf 1 pilot project , OJ No S 20 , pumping ) PO Box 7941 , UK Ghana 30.1.1979 Ghana ( EDP MΓI ■;-, :• *?•

2. Pumping plant Hans en « Soehne IM Moenckebergst rasse , 30 P-Hamburg SBF

3» Portable pipes , spnnklers 12 Ste de Tuyauterie and accessories Industrielle de l'Ouest 1 Av*. des Guilleraies F-Nanterre 8?.

l - Invitation to Nature of works or supplies Num­ Contract agreed to Value of Origin ( as V. tender : ( with lot number if an /) ber contract of total Proj ect No and publica­ of suoplies w K ere tion in the tend- appropriate ) Official Journal erers

4200.071.19.21 . 1408 1 . Construction of 760 17 Adrien Volker CFAF National village 0J S 25 of well and Aelbrechtskade 100 1 579 456 00C water supply 6.2.1979 . NL-Rotterdam programme 2 . bore holes ( Ivory Coast )





! i - 1 – ] Invitation to Nature of works or supplies Num­ Contract awarded to Value of Origin ( as '/. tender : ( with lot number if any ) ber | cont ract 'of total Proj ect No and publica­ i of i supplies ^ here tion in the j tend- appropriate ) Official Journal erers

4100.030.94.49 . 1409 Provision of the following Cardi agricultural OJ S / 25 supplies : research stations of 6.2.1979 . 1 . Tractors and general 4 Witeco Agricultural t 39 557 UK ( Car ibbean ) tractor-drawn agricultural Services Ltd implements , for the Caribbean Castries ( St Lucia ) 2 . Tractors and general 3 Booker Merchants t 31 871 UK tractor-drawn agricultural Intern . Ltd implements , for Jamaica and J Adams St

Belize . London - l)K i 4 . Tractors and general 3 id t 30 725 UK agricultural implements , for Guyana 5 . Combine harvester and 1 id t 2 013 UK associated equipment , for Jamai ca

6 . Combine harvester and 3 id t 37 218 UK associated equipment , for Guyana 10 . Cross-country and other 1 t 4 600 UK I vehicles , for Guyana 3 . Tractors and general 5 Tractors & Machinery t 7 919 UK tractor-drawn agricultural Ltd (+ TT t 2 92 5 ) implements , for Trinidad Trinidad and and Tobago Tobago

i NB : The Authorities have cancel led Lot > 7 , 8 and 9 . "Γ Invitation to Nature of works or supplies Num­ contract awarded to Value of Origin ( as '/; tender : ( with lot number if any ) ber cont ract of total Project No and publica­ of supplies where tion in the tend- appropriate ) Official Journal erers

4100.031.35.17 . 1411 Provision of the following Extension of the 0J S / 33 suppl ies : Sambava coconut of 16.2.1979 . 1 . 430 t ammonium sulphate 4 C0R0I FMG 16 656 0|ρ0 plantat ion 7 . 5 t flowers of sulphur 3 BP 428 FMG 525 1 Ϊ0 1978 / 79 crop year 10 . 1 000 kg carbaryl 3 Antananari vo FMG 730 0 0 ( Madagascar ) 12 . 200 kg mononotophos 2 Madagascar FMG 460 0 15 . 200 kg dimethoate 3 FMG 153 6 2 16 . 100 kg mancozebe 1 FMG 73 CUUU 19 . 250 kg aminé 3 FMG 192 55D0

2 . 130 t straight SEPCM Bfrs 702 000 superphosphate BP 134 3 . 1 000 t potassium chloride 3 Antananari vo FMG 44 010 qOO 4 . 200 t kieserite L DM 74 360 5 . 450 t bicalcium phosphate 4 Bf rs 351 5b0 6 . 30 t boracine 3 FMG 435 qoo 8 . 10 t urea 4 FMG 854 d00doo 9 . 5 t amonitrate 2 FMG 475 C 00 11 . 1 000 kg insecticides 1 FMG 1 417 C 00 13 . 2 000 kg lindane 2% act . 3 mat . FMG 640 d00 14 . 500 kg lindane 20 / 30% 1 act . mat . FMG 821 C 00 20 . 180 kg aminotr îazole 1 FMG 251 C 00 17 . 2 400 kg sodium chlorate FMG 559 2 00

Matotra SA 24 Av de l' Indépenda nce Antananarivo

NB : The Authorities have cancd lied Ldt 18 . Invitation to £■ c Ci 1 S -**- tender : No and Nature of w' rks or C t­ o publication in supplies ( with lot maber u u Contract awarded to Value o-r.trac : ru rr I i e s Project c c the Official if any ) v:r.e re Journal = C 3 C [ Sjî*

4200.041 . 21 .07 1412 The following supplies : ; I Taukei Int . Ltd . F£80 122 I J Varna- Levu J OJ No S 36 , B-two wheelloaders jI 4 , Viria Road I road project , 21.2.1979 C-one trackloader POB 5037 Fiji D-one motorgrader | I Raiwaga FJ535 672 UK Fiji NB : Lot A was declared lay the relevant authorities I Ave 1 ing Barfo rd Int. LtriJ £43 939 UK to have lapsed . I Invicta Works ( sterling ) I Grantham I Lines i i UK






i Invitation to 0 r-i - ; i,n v:here E C Journal 3 O apor :- 52 rriate )

4100.041.62.03 1413 The following supplies : Supply of road OJ No S 45 , construction 6.3.1979 1 . One tractor equipped with ' 3 : Fiat Al lis CFAF 12 255 540 I equipment for ripper and bulldozer Principe , Sao Tome 3 . One 100 HP pneumatic - tyred 4 : CAPREC-Gabon S.A. CFAF 9 075 000 D and Principe loader Libreville

9 « "fti ree compressed - air 2 KFAF 1 364 900 F hammers with accessories

4 . One lorry with two-drive 2 S.E.A.G . CFAF 26 220 000 D axles and one lorry with Libreville a single drive axle (6 to 8 t ) 5 . One 70 HP static tandem 2 S.H.0 . F I ! CFAF 11 117 800 roller Libreville

6 . One manual tandem roller 2 0TMA ZFAF 2 123 000 D i Libreville 7 « One diesel tar sprayer 1 :FAF 7 507 500 F

8 . One diesel breaker n 1 3FAF 13 832 500 F i

NB : Lot 2 was declared by the relevant authorities to have lapsed


I Invitation to > * • U Q \ ^ * ' tender : No and Nature of wsrics or O L* i ~ -*• - ^ i O publication in supplies ( with lot number U U Contract awarded t' Value ?f c:r.~ rac­ Project o o the Official if any ) t: £ C Journal 3 C 2 ^

4100.070.60.03 1414 Hie following supplies : Provision of OJ No S 45 » 2 . One complete rotary 2 ; PP 2 260 490 F drillings and 6.3.1979 Sté Nouvelle de Sondages urban waste drilling machine , Bonne Espérance mounted on a semi-trailer 15 , rue des Sablons collection equipment Paris

3 . Various transport 2 Teknifor FF 561 547 F equipment 87 , rue Tai tbout Paris

4 . Various tubing I 2 FF 162 719 P

5 . PVC tubing 1 FF 232 082 P

MB : Lot Nos 1 , 6 and 7 were declared by the relevant authorities to have lapsed .

i I

1 83 . Value cf ■ » © - • Invitation to Contract av arieï. y C. - V. tender : Ko and Mature of v.crks or Cm Q contract 3 t* : ct al rro ject © puclicatior. in curplies (v.ith let U U 5 - ^ û T* O the Cfficial o a number if any) -S T) •• r. 6 Journal S c 3 ZI ai rro- priate )

4200.032.32.18 Supply and supervision of Verenigde UvA 10 618 000 EUA I Bura Irrigation No I4I5 erection of pumping plant Maatschappijen NV ( EDF contribution Settlement Scheme , OJ No S 45 , ( subcontract 5/ 1 ) Voorburgwal 162 Kenya 6.3.1979 NL-Amsterdam Supply and supervision of erection of watar control equipment ( subcontract 5/2 )

1416 Construction of : OJ No S 45 , 6.3.1979 Hydraulic structures of a temporary pump station

An irrigation and drainage system (+ 8 000 hectares ) (Main contract No . 5 ) Invitation to £ i C3 tender : "o and Nature of wor.-cs cr O ^ : 1 · 0) u u Cont ract awarded * " publication in supplies ( vith lot number Value ?f c:r:rac : - -4 ~ ^ β - Project c o I the Official if any ) T 5 C Journal 3 O ΓΓΪ 2 - β ) i I

410Q 061. 62.02 1422 Supply of various hospital 4 I Hopitalexport FF 786 991 F 1 ■ :i : Additional buildings 0J No S 68 , equipment in 9 lots i î 4 . rue de Penthièvre ]! and equipment for 6.4.1979 F-Pari s hospitals , Sao Tome and Principe

i I

I j

1 Invitation to - r: ~i,n <– CI tender : No and Nature of works or c ^ " ! * r t a 1 A publication in supplies ( with lot number «1 L* Contract awarded to Value of c:r.: rac " Project A o rarplies the Official if any ) JO – v;h e re Journal E C 3 O : r:re )

4100.011.29.08 1424 Supply of two electric power 2 Imbert Energietechnik DM 315 800 D Upper Demerara OJ Ko S 68 generation plants 1 GmbH forestry project , 6.4.1979 11 , Steinweg Guyana D-Arnberg


i j

\ 1

l i j


I I i I I

i i |

1 I j |

, –– 1 I Invitation to v r : ~\r. C3 ■ 1 ( as fj tender : "o and Nature of works or O k o : total O publication in supplies ( with lot number u t- Contract awarded to Value of contrast rape lies Project c c the Official if any ) £> -Z v:here E C Journal 3 O ^ ! pri a : e '

4100.043.27.16 1425 The following supplies : River transport OJ No S 69 , 7 : Damen and port equipment , 7.4.1979 1 . One sea-going tug, 1 200 CV PL 3 495 400 Κ Guinea Bissau I ndust riet e rrein Avelingen West , 20 NL-Gorinchem 2 . Four motor barges 200 t 9 FL 3 630 720 Ν deadweight


3 . Goods handling and lifting 5 SETI International FF 2 457 905 F gear 79 » nie Faubourg Poissonnière Paris ►FF 274 257

j S

I I ! i I

I 7– – Invitation to Nature of works or supplies Num­ Contract awarded tc Value of Origin ( as '/. tender : ( with lot number if any ) ber cont ract cf total, Project No and publica­ of supplies where tion in the tend- appropriate ) Official Journal erers

4100.051 . 40.26 . 1426 Supply of : Kolo , Loga and 0J S 70 of 1 . offi ce furniture Sté Nigérienne CFAF F Mararounfa training 10.4.1979 . de Fabrications 15 067 930 colleges ( ) 3 . classroom and laboratory Métal l iques furni ture S0NIFAME Ni amey Niger


2 . office equipment Burama CFAF ( 50% F 2 050 000 ( 20% 0K ( 30% UK

4 . physics laboratory SUMAC BF Β equipment 3 Av des Gloires 822 980 Nationales approx . Brussels

5 . chemistry laboratory Pierron FF F equipment F-Sarreguemines 81 914 6 . natural science approx . laboratory equipment

i – i 1! 1 ■ 1 ■ - « Invitation to Nature of works or supplies Nurn- Contract awarded to Value of I Origin ( as '/. tender : ( with lot number if any ) ber cont ract of total Project No and publica­ of supplies where tion in the tend- appropriate ) Official Journal erers


I 4100.031 . 50.06 1427 Provision of the following Modernization of OJ S / 77 supplies : I coffee production of 24.4.1979 . ( Tanzania ) 1 . 1 000 t copper fungicides 9 Hoechst Aktiengesell schaf t Frankfurt / Main DM 3 400 000 D I Germany l 2 . 377 130 litres 6 Sapa Chemicals T Sh 15 722 > 57 D | fenitrothion Industries t P0 Box 885 Dar es Salaam I Tanzania

3 . 6 Wheeled mechanical 7 Equipment & U 116 409 UK excavator / loaders Engineering Services (+T Sh 90 00C P0 Box 230 Dar es Salaam

4 . 4 200 hand operated 3 International (£ 383 000 UK coffee pulpers - drum type Suppliers & (+T Sh 697 18 7 Manufactures Ltd PO Box 2698 Par es Salaam I I



I 94 .

I - Invitation to Nature of works or supplies Num­ Contract awarded to Value of Origin ( as '/. tender : ( with lot number if any ) ber contract of total Project No and publica­ of supplies where tion in the tend- appropriate ) Official Journal erers

4505.041.20.12 . 1429 Construction of approx 4 Ethiopian Building Birr 51 700 D00 Ghimbi-Shebel road 0J S /83 265 km gravel surface highway and Road ( Ethiopia ) of 3.5.79 . of " feeder road " standard . Construct ion ETBURG P0 Box 1783 Addi s-Ababa Ethiopia


. i I A ys Invitation to \ 7 * í.^n ^ o ( as tender : No and Nature of works or o ^ oí' * 01 al 0) publication in u u Contract awarded to Value :>f ccntraci cupp lies Project supplies ( with lot number j o o the Official if any ) rO -C v;here E C : Journal aparo– 5 ° pria-'e ) I 4100.031 . 55.03 I 1430 | The following supplies : 12 0J No S 89 , 1 . Irrigation System jI 6 || Wright Rain Ltd . UK \ 1 5 11.5.1979 Ringwood , £ 9 171 j I Extensions to I Hampshire , I Gosuma oil-Dalm I UK . 1 I plantation . 2 . Two 50 KVA generating sets 4 IB.I.A. £11 553 UK BP 8843 ( sterling ) I Bulu cocoa plantation I . I and Butuhé tea 12 . Forty motor-powered 6 I Ekr 47 050 DK I project » Zaire knapsack sprayers Zaire 3 « Pour wheeled agricultural 7 I Renault Zaire F 608 945 F tractors and ten trailers BP 8602 I Kinshasa 4 > Six lorries 4 II Magi rus Deutz Zaire DM 537 452 £ BP 8616 I Kinshasa 5 « Seven all-terrain vehicles 2 CAREM ITbersee Handel M 272 063 UK I 6 • Nine mopeds 2 Messberghof IM 16 675 D 7 « Machetes , spades , blades , 2 D-Hamburg IM 199 570 D axes , sheet metal I 8 . Electric motor , drill , grinder 2 " IM 21 462 D and saw 9 « Motor-powered planing machine 1 " DM 31 100 D and belt saw 11 . Water pump 1 I DM 4 760 D 13 . Fertilizers ( 205 t ) 3 " DM 145 236 D I7 « Agricultural lime ( 65 t ) 1 - M 32 162 D 14 . Foliar nutrient ( 200 1 ) 2 Hoechst Zaire Bfrs 5 461 Η I5 « Urea, sulphate and 3 BP 726 , Bfrs 1 298 156 ] Β superphosphate ( 167 t ) Kinshasa I I6 . Kieserite ( 112 t ) I 3 ft Bfrs 759 275 Β

NB : Lot No 10 was declared by - the relevant authorities to have lapsed .

I i J L J iI – Invitation to Nature of works or supplies Nun- Contract awarded tc Value of j Origin ( as V. tender : ( with lot number if any ) ber contract of total Project No and publica­ of supplies where tion in the tend- appropriate ) Official Journal erers

4200.031.19.20 . 1434 Supply of : Grand Bereby hevea 0J S 105 of 1A . 290 tonnes urea 2 DDCISA CFAF TC plantation ( 2nd 7.6.1979 . Abidjan 14 500 000 I tranche ) Ivory Coast

1 B. 800 tonnes dicalcium 2 STEPC CFAF Loc phosphate Abidjan 26 640 000 J

1 C. 140 tonnes potassium 2 CFAF TC ! chlorate 5 068 000 I 2 . 2 700 000 polythene 7 Société Alibert CFAF Loc bags Abidj an 21 060 000


j - , Invitation to •7 1 I Vh W ! v as tender : "o and Nature of works or O (h ! of tMal rria * e )

Approximately 42CXD.016.32.06 I 1451 Civil engineering works to 5 Mowlem Construction rK sh 66 108 220 Dam and electricity OJ No S 133 protect the existing Tana River Co . Ltd . power station on 18.7.1979 Power Station Hestgate House the Tana river , Ealing Road Kenya Brentford Middlesex UK

j . ! iI –– ! Invitation to Nature of works or supplies Num­ Contract awarded to Value of Origin ( as tender : ( with lot number if any ) ber contract of total Project No and publica­ of supplies where tion in the tend- appropriate ) Official Journal erers

4100.033.17.21 . 1463 Provision of the following Agr i cultura I 0J S / 153 supplies : development in the of 16.8.79 . district of Ouham 1 . 67 200 litres ULV 5 Shell Chimie CFAF 67 200 300 F ( Central African insecticides Abidj an i | Republic ) llvory Coast I 2 . 9 600 litres insecticides 4 SCAEPC CFAF 9 600 01 30 F I in concentrated emulsions Bangui r Central African i I Republ i c i 5 . 330 battery-operated ULV 2 J CFAF 2 866 0 50 F sprays

I 6 . 44 800 batteries 1 CFAF 2 464 0| D0 F I

NB : The Authorities have cance . led Lo s 3 and 4 . j I I


i Invitations to tender issued under accelerated procedure (Article 20 of the Protocol n° 2 of the Lome Convention ) and covered hy a notice published in the Official Journal . 13.1 . '.vi : v. *_ cr. to ¥ n 1 • > a p Crigir. ^ se * av 1. ( as of '.cr.ürr : ar.d .. ature of v crks cr a cor.traex O total rro^e c : supplies ( with 1c * o ^ u suppliers tr.e Cfficiai o o r. timber if ar.y ; vhere : =3 3 a> appro­ S -H priate ) 4100.035 . 32,04 Accelerated Construction of two veterinary Veterinary centres procedure No 74 centres in the coastal province : and cattle dips , OJ No S 27 , – Wundanyi centre Kalzmann & Co Kenya KSh 1 C55 138 8.2.1978 P.0. Box 141Ó9 ( EDF participatior Kenya

- Taveta centre Jagdish Singh KSh 1 082 875 P.O. Box 38 ( KDF participatior Nyeri Kenya Invitation to Nature of works or supplies Num­ Contract awarded to j Value of Origin ( as % tender : ( with lot number if any ) ber contract of total Proj ect No and publica­ oî supplies where tion in the tend- appropriate ) Official Journal erers

4100.072.36.05 Accelerated Construction of four reinfor­ 2 W & C French Ltd MK Li longwe water procedure ced concrete reservoirs , one Malawi 1 134 216 supply ( Malawi ) N° 79 booster pump-house, one 0J N° S / 93 toilet block of 25.5.1978




I 1Π..

Invitation to Nature of works or supplies Num­ Contract awarded to Value of tender : Origin ( as X ( with lot number if any ) ber cont ract of total Project No and publica­ of tion in the supplies where tend- appropriate ) Official Journal erers

4105 . 070 . 45 . 17 Accelerated Construction of 18 deep Hydrogeologi cal procedure No 80 boreholes and 25 light survey of 0J EC S / 102 piezometers Casamance of 6.6.78 . ( Senegal ) Part of lot 2 SASIF CFAF 78 1 '0 500 Route De Rufisque BP 900 Dakar ( Sénégal ) I Part of lot I Group of f i rms CFAF 99 3 '7 500

. S0NAF0R Km 4 , route de < Ruf i sque

» Dakar

. INTRAF0R-C0F0R 15 rue des Sablons F - Paris

' Invitation to Ili» ' tender : ;,"c and Iii'ure of works or Γ3 I C ts pub lie a *, ion in c Project s-;poli«s ( with lot r i* contract awarded to the Official o Va l' i e 0 f cent ract | rl– - . if any ) LC Journal E C i v.' n e vn «=> ] G Upr'-' .. « •Η ! r ri ?. • e !

41 Accélérât ed Construction of buildings and SAINT . PB S2 900 618 Buto oil palm procédure ancillary works Housing Construction Ho 82 plantation, Co Inc . Liberia OJ No S 109, PO Box 1377 15.6.1978 Congotown , Liberia

L_ 104.

Invitation to Nature of works or supplies Num­ Contract awarded to Value of Origin ( as % tender : ( with lot number if any ) ber contract of total Project No and publica­ of I supplies where tion in the tend- appropr i ate ) Official Journal erers

4100.061.34.10 Accelerated NB . This accelerated procedure has be < n cancelled and Building and procedure replaced by procedure N° 103 . equipping four rural N° 85 health centres 0J N° S / 119 I ( Liberia ) of 29.6.1978


j i

i Invitation to K-i co ter.ier : lio and Nature of wo r.< s or O li 1 '■> cv.biica~i.on in suppliessuDDlies ( with lot riumber f-l Contract awarded Pro i -je ; 3 O O ch2 Official if any ) j.o c s r. Journal 122

4100.061.32.21 icoelerated Construction of ten blocks of 12 Town Oonscniotion Mach&kos health procédure the out-patient department of Co Lta. infrastructures, No 89 Machakos hospital PO Box 10449 , Kenya 0J No S 132, Nairobi , 18.7.1978 Kenya 106 .

Invitation to Nature of works or supplies Num­ Contract awarded to Value cf tender : Origin ( as X ( with lot number if any ) ber cont ract of total Project No and publica­ of tion in the supplies where tend- appropriate ) Official Journal erers

4100.017.33.08 Accelerated Infrastructure works , 8 Federated Constructioi i Rand 561 613 Industrial areas procedure No 91 including access roads , Co Ltd Maseru , Lesotho 0J EC S / 150 drainage , water and sewage P0 Box 674 of 11.8.78 . reticulation and a sewage Maseru pumping station . Lesotho





! Invitation to ! CQ Us v tenders !Io and Nature of works or o u of -. ota 1 0) publication in supplies ( with lot number u fc. Contract awarded to Value of contract rurrlies Project o o ; the Official if any ) ,0 T3 where E C Journal artrc- S * Z -H 1 p'ria*e )

i 4100.074.32.07 Acoelerated Construction of roads, 9 ] Come–Cons . K Sh 10 820 633 Kawangware prooedure footpaths, storm water drainage, Ltd. i Inprovement Sohene, No 92 street lighting and anoillary PO Box 18429 , works i Nairobi, Kenya OJ No 3 176, i 20.9.1978 i Kenya




j I 1 Invitation to [ Nature of works or supplies j Num- Contract awarded to Value of i! Origin ( as % I tender : I ( with lot number if any ) ber I contract j of total I No and publica- I of I I Project I i supplies where tion in the I tend- appropriate ) I Officiai Journal | erers j I I 4100.074.32 . 19 . I Aceelerated pro- I Construction of roads , 1 10 Highways Construct ioliKSh I Public utilities I cedure 93 I foot paths , storm water Co Ltd 4 263 445 1 and development of I 0J S 176 of drainage , street lighting , Nai robi I I Mathare Valley Site I 20.9.1978 . sewerage reticulation, Kenya water reticulation i


i j !

i 109 .

- 5 i Invitation to j Nacure of v.orks or supplies j rJurn- Value of Or i air; ( as tender : j ( with lot number if any ) j b?r I Contract aw-jrdoJ to i! cont r^ct of total i of Project Mo and publica­ i supplies - '•ere tion in the tend- ! appropriate ) Official Journal erers

I 4200.074.21.08 . Accelerated Development of 3.6 ha of 4 I Bitumen Roads F S 69 538 I Native Land Develop- procédure No 95 land at Nukudrala I Fi j i Ltd I ment Corporation, 0J No S 187 Subdivision , Ba ( and I Suva Fiji of 5.10.1978 drainage network ) Fiji




– Ha

Invitation to Nature of works or supplies Num­ Contract awarded to Value of Or i g - rj C 3 S y. tender : ( with lot number if any ) ber cont ract of total Proj ect No and publica­ of supplies where tion in the tend- appropriate ) Official Journal erers

4200.074.21 . 08 . Accelerated Development of 6.7 ha of 6 Bitumen Roads Native Land F8 100 06 ! procedure land at Hillview Subdivision , Fiji Ltd Development No 96 Lami ( Roads and drainage Suva Corporation , Fiji 0J No S 187 network ) Fiji of 5.10.1978


I i I

i i 111 .

_ Invitation to Nature of works or supplies j Num- Fcontract awarded to 1 Value oH Origin ( as X ^"j tender : j ( with lot number if any ) ber IIcontract of total ! I Project No and publica- ¡ °f supplies where J tion in the tend- appropriate ) I | Officiai Journal j | erers J i

I 4200.074.21.08 . Accelerated Development of 16.2 ha of 3 I Grayburn Construction FS 478 16 | Native Land procédure land at Delailabasa Ltd I Development No 97 I Subdivision , Labasa I Suva I Corporation , Fiji OJ No S 187 I ( Building of roads and Fiji of 5.10.1978 public works )




.–– *>2 . Invitation to tender : îîc m and Nature of works or O l-i publication in supplies ( with lot number 0) Project L. u Contract awarded t " ■Ï Me the Officiai a o if any ) jo x) Journal E C £2

4100.033.33.05 Aooelerated Construction of Borne t wenty–three Creation of prooedure steel storage sheds and regional development Ho 98 workshops units . OJ Mo S 187 , Lesotho 5.10.1978 NB : The invitation to tender was deolared by the relevant authorities to have lapsed and oontracts by mutual agreement were awarded to the following:

Part of lot Tony * s Construction, R 66 58O Maseru, Lesotho

Part of lot Federated Constructioi R 336 500 Maseru

Part of lot Lesotho Steel Cie R 159 788 Maseru

Part of lot Berea Construction R 13 242 Maseru 113 .

1 I I Invitation to I Nature of works or supplies I Num- I Contract awarded to Value of Origin ( as X 1 tender : i ( with lot number if any ) ber contract 'of total I I Project No and publica- of supplies where } tion in the tend- appropriate ) I | Officiai Journal jL_ erers | I 4100.039.32.20 . I Accelerated [ Construction of government 13 National Service k Sh I Machakos integrated procédure 99 housing ( Classes C and D ) Co 2 5 i7 500 Project ( Kenya ) 0J S 199 of Nairobi ppprox . 21.10.1978 . Kenya

j !

; , 1 1 114. Invitation tc Value of Cri jir. Cor.tract awarded to ( as cf tender : ! 'o ar.d T.ature of works or <*-> M contract C U ! total Project publication lr. supplies ( with lot

1 Kenya ! ! - Kilifi centre 8 Althumani Ben Ali KSh 1 117 703 P.O. Box 187 ( EDF participation ) Malindi Kenya ! 1 1 i j

! i 1





./ _ 115 • V~1 Me cf Ir.vitaiicr. to Contract awarded to ^ as sf ■tender : !"o ar.d 'Tat -ore of vcrks or v- a contract o u tctal o ?rc;»ct publication ir. supplies (with lot u u suppliers o o the Official number if any) £J where Journal § c p appro– -h | priate , », iI 4100. 051. 34. 07 Accelerated Construction of a Science and 3 Jawhary Lib ^390 422 Construction of a procedure No 102 Technology Centre at Engineering & Science and Technology OJ No S 229 , Cape Palmas High School . Construction Co Centre at Harper , 6.12.1978 JGCCO Liberia P.O. Box 934 Monrovia Liberia


j 110.

Invitation to Nature of works or supplies Num­ Contract awarded to Value of ! Origin ( as V. tender : ( with lot number if any ) ber cont ract of total Project No and publica­ of supplies where tion in the tend- appropriate ) Official Journal erers ! ' _ i

4100.061 . 34.10 . Accelerated Construction of four rural Wanta Construction Lib £1 57 119 Construction and procedure health centres in : Co 8161 65C equipment of four No 103 - Garbo-Sweken P0 Box 1696 81 50 645 rural health 0J S / 229 of - Sasstown territory Monrovia ( Liberia ) I centres ( Liberia ) 6.12.1978 . - Beeplay - Rivercess territory Rivercess Construct ! on Lib 8 149 192 Co ! P0 Box 931 Monrovia

! I


i !

I i j 1 ? .

Invitation îo Nature of works or supplies Nurn- Contract awarded to Value of Origin ( as % ] ïsnder : ( with lot number if any ) ber contract oî total j Project Wo and publica­ oî supplies ahere ! tion in the ter>d- •spprcpr ijte ) 1 9fficial Journal trers

* 100.051 . 46.13 Accelerated Construction of paramedical Halhab Construction Le 1 075 fledical education procedure No 104 school at Bo , in the southern Co Ltd ( Sierra Leone ) OJEC S /229 region of Sierra Leone PO Box 766 •f 6.12.78 . ( Sierra Leone ) 11 8 .

~ – 1 -- » J ■ ■ 'I Invitation to Nature of works or supplies Num­ Contract awarded to Value of Origin ( as V. tender : ( with lot number if any ) ber cont ract of total Project No and publica­ of supplies where tion in the tend- appropr i ate ) Official Journal erers

4100.033.37.06 Accelerated pro­ Geotechnical work on the 3 Sté Africaine de MF Rice growing in the cedure N° 105 Talo Ridge in Bani Sondage, Infections, 45 168 607 S6gou Region 0J N° S / 232 Forages SASIF ( new phase ) of 9.12.1978 B.P. 900 ( Mali ) Dakar ( Sénégal )



I il 9 » ___ - -| ! 1 Invitation to Nature of works or supplies Num­ 1 Contract awarded to | i'aUie of Origin ( ss % j tender : j ( with lot number if any ) ber confr.i'.t of total | 1 . j of j Pre. j sc No < ind publica­ i •Juppl ies where j tion in the | t •?•. !!■!- I apfeopri its ) I I I Official Journal err?rs

4100 . 033.37.06 Accelerated Geophysics work on Talo 3 Cie Minérale de | Rice growing in procedure Ridge in 3ani géophysi nue ? 538 1575 the Segou Region N 0 "106 6 , rue Galvani ( new phase ) 0J N 0 S / 232 F Massy-Essone ( Mali ) of 9.12.1978

κ ! i


! i I ! i 120 .

I – Invitation to Nature of works or supplies Nurn- Contract awarded to Value of Origin ( as X tender : ( with lot number if an /) ber cont ract of total Project No and publica­ of supplies where tion in the tend- appropriate ) Official Journal erers

3100.672.17.26 . Accelerated Construction of a training 7 Ent Générale de CFAF 52 728 570 Water supply system procedure centre at N' Dj amena for the Travaux de at N'Djamena ( Chad ) No 108 0J S /232 " Société Tchadienne Bâtiments E6TB of 9.12.1978 . d' Energie Electrique" Quartier Champ de Course N' Dj amena ( Chad ) i


i j


I i 12 L

Invitjtion to Nature- of works or suppl Num­ Contrail auaMed to Value 0:' ] Of " pin fas % tencier : ( with lot number if any ) ber contract 'of ?. ot >1

iTOli?' No and publica­ o f JsupuU-IS fctfOr 3 tion in tne tend • < iptvrpri«r »» Official Journal erers

4100.033.37.16 . Accelerated Improvements to the San SA cb Travaux rlFJ S^gou rico s-jnema procedure 10? irrigated area Outre-Mer 253 131 2·~ ) ( Mal i ) 0v! 5 235 of S ATOM H.12 . 1 973 . 1 . earthworks 3 / 5 Av GatL.em F-Gentilly t . structures 12.2.

' Invitation to Nature of works or supplies Num­ Contract awarded to Value of Drigin ( as X tender : ( with lot number if any ) ber contract 3f total Project No and publica­ of supplies w^ere tion in the tend- appropriate ) Official Journal erers

4100.051.45.21 Accelerated Construction work in respect 4 Makaroun Freres CFA F Construction of procedure of : 24 rue Victor Hugo 298 967 829 primary school N° 110 1 . Cap-Vert / DiourbeL/ Dakar classrooms OJ N° S / 8 Sin6 Saloum and Thi£s Senegal ( Senegal ) of 12.1.1979 Region ( 113 classrooms )


NB . Lot Nos 2 and 3 were dec la ed by t he relevant authorities to have lapsed . The work wil be une ertaken by a public wo ^ ks departme it . j j Invitation to Nature of works or iupP ''ISS Nurn- Contract awiirdea to Value of [ Origin ( as 'A tende r : ( with lot number if anv ) ber contract jcf to I : a I. Project No and publica­ o f i jlJOf . I IflS V» f>e tion in the tend- ajjpi'opriiite ) Official Journal ersr ?

4100.051 . 94 * 48 . Accelerated Construction of a total J S Ht l L S Associiite Fiji 21 423 î 06 Telecommuni cations procédure building area of approx Ltd training centre - No 112 0J S / 19 of 5 200 m2 P0 3ox .V105 Suva complex ( Fiji 0 27.1.1979 . Lami - Suva Fiji 124 .

I – Invitation to Nature of works or supplies Num­ Contract awarded to Value of J Cr i g i n ( as % tender : ( with lot number if any ) ber cont ract of total Proj ect No and publica­ of supplies where tion in the tend- appropriate ) Official Journal erers

4100.045.49.11 . Accelerated Construction of five single 5 Constructions E 111 940 Improvement of procedure 116 storey buildings ( kiosk Associates ( Pty ) radio services 0J S 37 of bui Idings ) . Ltd ( Swazi land ) 22.2.1979 . P0 Box 548 Mbabane Swazi land

I i

•j j


4 .


I I 125.

rjp - ■n i ■■ il i ■ ** Invitation to i Nature of works or suppl Nurîi- Contract awardsrl to j Value of jorirpn ( as V. tender : Cwich lot number if any ) ber corf.vict o f > o t I Project No and publica­ oî '.upn' i e s uhore tion in the tend- i aie ) Official Journal erers

4200.041.19.23 . Accelerated |I Upgrading of road Société Routière CrAF ! Sada- Mar -ibadiassa procédure */// Col a r, ~?0 616 76 j | road 0J S 72 of 39 rue du Col isés i ( Ivory Coast ) 12.4.1979 . F-Paris |

I 126 .

1– ■ Invitation to Nature of works or supplies Num­ Contract awarded to Value of tender : Origin ( as ( with lot number if any ) ber cont ract of total Project No and publica­ of supplies w^ere tion in the tend- Official Journal appropriate ) erers

4100.041.71.15 . Accelerated Resurfacing of 46 km road 2 Sté Routière Colas EC S 3 888 0 50 Road repairs on procedure and improvements to 18 km 39 rue du Colisée St Kitts No 119 0J S /86 highway Paris ( Caribbean ) of 8.5.1979 .

! i ! Invitation *3 W tender : c and Nature of wor.-cs O *î 0) publication in supplies ( vith 1 " t :r_~c

4100.051.94 . Àcc il arai; sd Construction of various buildings onivor i.ity :>i procedura at the University College on Botswana a/itl No 121 the Botswana Campus at 3wik;11 and CJ No S 92 , Clabarone ( regional project ) 16.5.1975 1 . administration building Sacco Bet swna, ? 621 493 Fty Ltd., 2 . Faculty of Soonomic and Gfaoarone , P 372 8S3 Social Stxidies ( FES3) Eot s Academic Building 128 .

, • Invitation to Nature of works or supplies Num­ Contract awarded to Value of Origin ( as tender : ( with lot number if any ) ber cont ract of total Project No and publica­ of supplies where tion in the tend- appropr iate ) Official Journal erers

4100.061 . 71 . 17 Accelerated Construction of a new Joachim Construction EC t 1 184 8 >6 Improvement of procedure pediatric ward at Kingstown Ltd medical facilities No 122 0J S /96 Hospital . P0 Box 528 ( St Vincent ) of 22.5.1979 . St Vincent Caribbean

I μ 29 I t at i " r. * o - « tender : :;o and Nature of wor.<3 or " 6 pj. c 1 1 c i:i:n in supolies 'v vith lot ntir.her S t, w , 3ir.t "act awardec t' cr ritrae : TrlK-r. Pro i eet t h 3 Official if any ) !s S ! vrne ro J cu ."r.p. 1 Je C ' apa :", - s o 5 n'ri a * e )

4100,061.45.24 Aocoloi-atai Consi ru'jtion of an opérât my Si- a ap »vvxAiasc vuy Pigine ipai hospital proosdure binck 24, Ï-U.3 t'iotor Kiiî'0, flFÅF 167 064 344 in Dakar. Mo 124 Dr.kar, Sanagal OJ ífo S 132, ." jnegai 17.7.1979 List of abbreviations

D Germany £ Belgium Ρ France I Italy L Luxembourg Ν Netherlands

DK Denmark OK United Kingdom IR Ireland

Loc ACP States

TC Third countries