~ollege Play_ers. _To Present ·'The ·Rainmaker' . ··-a First Produ<;tion In Brown Given Friday, Saturday

.· ·, Spectator, .Page 2 November 111, 1960 Pm1deri"¥ Jflitft Tiie Preaftll!nt . • D~. ~~~ic3ns Really- Know 0 Do We Want Brilliant What · Thanksgjvin~ Mea~s?

. Bloo

1960 r-McPHERSON LUMBER / · COMPANY . Goering. Paint & Wall Paper Co. Hawley Hardware LUMBER-PAINT-HARDWARE Palnls • Wall Paper • Glass 219.N. Main 416 N. Cherry Phone CH 1-2577 ~lcPRERSON. SID BACON MOTOR CO. , DODGE Ciks ~nd Hallmark UNCER DART POLARA TRUCKS • GUAllAl'l"TEED USED CARS Cards for Every Green's Bounce Ville Occasion Appliance Store 3ll Nollla Maln Pboae CH 1-4ml , We Gift Wrap And Trampoline Cen.ter Wrap For Mailing Televiaion NEED DRY CLEANERSP Radioa 700 w'. Kansas Marcia Recorda S.e ;s Record Player• LARRY McPHHSOH OR CAROLYN McPHIRSOH Gift Center .All Kinda' Of Electrical 4:00' P.M• ..:. .; U :00 P.M. Wtiekclaye Wo R-1 Appliancea 108 N. Main SUPERl~R DRY .CLEANERS Ph'one CH 1.0524 t 11 S. Moin I Sat. & Sun, 2 :00 .M. - 11100 P .M. I -. J Sp~c:"tator, Page ·3 November 18, 1960 Bulldog Begin Cage Seaso~ Ottawa DQwns Leonorcl Rc:.oeci>'cs 4-H Project Aware! Bulldog~ Lose Finar Game . M . . B11k~r l.4-8; ·· Ronald Leona.NI, freshman !rom 22·0 With oun~lrulge ·TourDey Wins Cr-0wp. Lyons, and • member of the Con· To Sterling Warriors querors +H club, lul$ bttn chosen Twenty-nine men reported to the ' first practice of The Ottawa Bnwes won lhc 8 Blue Award winner In 1~ HI The McPherson College Bulldogs lost their final the Macollcgc Bulldogs Ba ketball team on Monday, Kansas Conl•micc football. crown electrical pro)nllng in tlic IC1at111g colleges In yardage. gained 46 · the first win or the season for won the game for lhci l\'nrrlors. tournament nrc Tnbor. Bclhcl, er .• . )'Drds In the second quDr!cr lo Frantz Allends ~eet , the 11',nrrlors nnd their SC'1$0n Blocked 1'11111 • a nd llclhony. • JOIC score n touchdown and Tl yards ~ Merlin ~"r . OU- rc«>rd closcd with seven losses The Jir'51 Storllna IDUchdown ID this loul'!Ulment. teams are . . • b··•·• In lhe thud • for another. · .;..,,_,_ ~: was_~~ 0 and one win. cnnie Dfler Sterlin~ blocked ·• .,.,.,. •"ilh the winners of lhej Taking f)llrt In a gar1s ~"· cago rnw....,y. hy Is pre· dents rrom 1 ~ Central Kllnsns Norman Cobb In lhc third period a scoreless tic °" the ..cond A little later in the third quar, scnlc>d to U1e wlnnlng·teom. and ii area. nnd scorcd on o 54 yard ploy. cons. or Wkhltn ,5().20 In a high quarter came 10 0 close. ler Sterling drove to the McPber· n lc.1m wins the lournoll)"{'l three Th .... bllll b . In ljlc fourth period. 11 05 1 11 1 11 OtlDwa scoring· game. · Sterling coughl fire In the last son 2~ yard line nnd on the' next yea.rs in a r.ow. IL rccei••cd the • '"' c n c wt • rumbled on o pnss from center Rodney Brown scored four Kon· ' 01 ploy tcnoplr kicked n field goal trophy pcrmnnenlly. held the Collene Cym. ond ~I and the ball rolled over the goo! so5 Wesleyan touchdown•. Alon to pul Sterling Into o 9.o lend. ll<'lhany tiec:nmc 1>0sscs.wr or one or the olhedr "t;~';!"~m\!n llnc and Duker tnllicd two points Houschollcr three touchdowns. Stine-Browning Early in lhe rourth period the the J:ist trophy after having mnin· McPherson. an "'. or ~ on a safely. arid John Alinenr on() touchdown. Warriors 01 started o:1notM.r lone toined o thrcc·i.Cor tournomcnl purpose l~stlng ~nlcr~tcd !"i": South1>·cstern scored uircc sterling Collcgo or Sterling won Continue On Top driv• thnl 1>"ent se yards lo lhe winning slrcuk. pie '" officio! rnlmgs or gir s r · lh second period of its first game or the SC4SOll as McPherson one yard line !rom The Moundrid"c Tournament basketball. . ~~ ho'::.eco:'nirrg gome with Col· they ran o\'cr McPherson 22.0 in Jn Volleyba}J where Tcnopir ptunecd over. officials also select bands annu· . '1'!1 ~ cx:umnnllons ro~ lhc rot· lege or Emporia and went on to the final game o~ the season !or . . , ~~ p ... oily to furnish pre-game and holf· mgs includes both. ~ "T>llcn ex:= defeat the Prcsbylurts ·· ~ • •• 3 20 yard line. - out for the Bulldogs lcnm arc lhc tion·answcr session. program in Rathman tnllled boll> scores F!n.11 Sbndb1!(S · I ~"r:>z>,•r + ~ll mo rc 2 BulldOcs Lend Ru..,lng lollowing 'ffilm Inst )'tor: Da\'id Brown Auditorium. n campus lour for Emporin on run or fi•·c nnd Tile final conference •lonj ings <'.oodlng-Groll • · 2 E~cn though lhe Bulldoll.S came Priddy. Garth Werner. Stuart Fra· and the exominnlions. two yards. arc: Varncr-Cunnl"~hom 4 out on the short end t'h.,y rollcd ~icr . Dcryl Elmore. Tom Richards Girls" bnskctbnll lcnms and can- Bethel scorcd two touchdowr.s1 W L T ' ~~'M::"" ~ up 206 yards rushing while hold· 0 Ralph Rindt. nnd Cory Metsker. didalcs for ratings will come rrom in the fourth quarter but couldn't Ou awe • . 9 ~ a ;/" r;u " ing Sterling lo 71 yards. McPher· 11 ScASOn'• Schedule iHutchinson High School. Lyons catch the of Da~er ...... O oj Jnlz· ~ ·.• ·· & son nuemptcd 17 passes and com· 11 1 1 6 Dec. l Moundridge Tournament High, McPherson High. Central Lindsborg. Larry Stoecker scored sOulhwestcrn . .• 5 • 1 ~~ · • t~~hc l! •k ... ·· plclcd only fi•'C\ and Sterling al· Dec. G Southwestern al McPhcr- College. Sterling College. Fort lwo touchdowns on runs or 7 College or Emporia . · 5 0 R em~i\ om c ·: ·•··• ~ ~ tcmptcd 22 and complelcd seven. son Hays. , nnd McPhcr· yards and 2 y•rds nnd passed to Bethel . : .. . .•.••.• . ••• 4 I! oycr- .n >man •· •• · ·· .. • The final game or the season 0 . 9 Sterling bl McPherson son. Larry Mansker ror 20 yords foo Kansas Wesleyan •... ~. 1 marked the last footboll gome for D:· ' 13 McPherson nl ·Ottawa~ People from Creal Bend. Digh· Bclhan~ 'SProchaa- . · tun Larned and Lincoln arc also 19-14 win for Bclhony. McPherson ...... • . . . •. I ers. Ibey support the SPECTA· ka. Melvin Rolfa, and Glllth Dec. 15 C. or E . al McPherson cxi:.cted 10 'nllcnd Bethel's two touchdowns came Friends ••...... •.• I TOR. Werner. Dec. 19 McPherson ol Midlnnd . ll.f f . on a 2 yard plunge by Jim Pen· 1 Sterling . • ...... • . •. . I 8 0 <:\cbr.> :r>•mg !0 ~un >' or ra mgs ner and a 20 yard blocked kick .._ ...... _~ • .._.....,...._...... --.. Dec. :!O McPherson ol Dann will be Gnil Fillmore .•nd Frances return by Maurice Ediger. • •Nebr. l HulchlSOn nnd "°:"'bl)• scmal Wesleyan Wlu American Shoe Shop Dec. 21 McPherson ol Doane olhcr Mocollcge girls. Konsas Wesleyan e\'cncd its tr\cbr.l Olnirmnn or the clinic will ht" season record nt 4-4· 1 by de£ent· 112 W . Euclid Dec. 28 flolidny Tournament Miss Doris Coppock, associate di· ing the Fnl· .Jan. s McPherson nt Tabor rector or physlcnl education nnd L------.n McPherson, Kansas Jnn. i McPherson nt Dcthnny • music. Pror COl>JlOCk hos her nn· J ~n. 9 friends ut McPherson tionnl rating. nnd will scr\!C as .Jnn. 14 ~t cPhcrson nt Doker a ·judge -or the cxnmlnntion. J:m. 19 Wcslcynn nl McPherson ------For The Finest J ~n . 2S Mc~l\Crson nl ~tel . Feb. 2.8 Tabor at McPherson J on. 28 Mel hcrson ol South\\ cs- All home games are schcdul"1 In 'Beauty Cue tern at G: 15 p.m. for lhc D tCDm nnd I L------~11 .Ion. 30 McPhcson nl Sterling 8 p.m. for the A team gamcs.1,....------;ll c .. 11 Feb. 3 Ouawn at McP~son Feb. 8 McPherson 01 C. of E. ,..------.II McPhcrsoi1 Cah The Bean Mart Feb. 11 Bethany nl McPherson JAROLD SHOPS Feb. H llclhM)' nl ~tcPherson Ladies' RHdy· fo. Wear Co. Beauty Salon f"cb. IR Boker ot McPherson Coots, Sulls, Sport sweor CH F'cb. 20 McPhcrion nl Wesleyan Lin91rie, Hosiery 1-2353 Hondbogs 207 So. Main " Feb.. 25 Bethel 111 McPhcrsort 301 E. Euclid 122 H. Main CH 1-3251 . l l L------~n Ph.one CH 1-3535

MALM 11 ~~~~~-, 11 THE WARREN11.--~~~~~, 1 • Automotive Service Follow the COFFEE SHOP CH 1-4035 The HOme 210 E. Eu~lid FOR YOUR SCHOOL ,Bull«logs PARTIES State Bank in the Don's Studio We Invite McPherson For Gifts Best In Photogr1phy Student 213 N. Main You Can Give CH 1-3714 Sentinel With Pride Accounts l Let M. C. Mathis C11hier Cheerless leader Cee Jay Co. Not a "rah rah" left In him! Be'a j!IR • C. H. Hiebert discovered tbfte'1 no more Coke. And 1 Port1ble .Stereo's a cheer luder without Coke le u ey. , President as a aoop Os>e!'L To pu~ the eparldet , Of!IY $38.88 ba,ck in hill eye-somebody!- 1 : brinr him a aparldlnr cold c_oea..Colat' · The 'Place Where Be Your Guide Member Federal Complete One-Stop wur IUllUHEI Pricea Are Born;' s.r.lce "A Pleasant Place Depoait lnaur&Dce 1• Not Raiaed Col'ltoct Solicitors To Shop" Cof.poration loltfed - """'°""'of n. Coca.c!eW~ bJ / . At C•li._. HUTCHINSON·COC.t<-COLA: BoTTLINC CO. Spectator, Page,4 Noveniber l~, 1960 Start Du.ting, Caul Dotzour Hall Girls To Hold Open House' On Su.nday · : One' hundred and seven McPherson College girls at Dotzour Hall will be holding open house Sunday afternoon. Nov. 20, from 2-4 . ·

Assistantships Are Approved For·SeQiester

Use Coiu-0-Matic "W-R" Lauucfry KING'S FLOUR MADE BY. DRUG STORE (Home Owned) 110 E. Euclid The Wall-Rogalsky Milling Co.

YOUNC'S _, Your Home Bakery MAC United Dairies CH 1-0275 FRI. lk. SAT. Nov. 18-19 McPhc1·son's Finest Magnificent ·Seven Diamonds· Milk • lee Cre~111, SUN. ·- WED. Nov. 20 - 23 w While Swan Cafe Elmer C1nt'ry Chicken s as'ket The McPherson & Citizens Sf ale Bank ·Specialty 1 1 - h to /a Off Starla Thura. Nov. 24 ~ ' . Open Fi-om 5 :30 AJ\1. Chartrooie Caboose 1'/w Bm1I• 1'u CROW With To 10:00 P.M. / . HUBBBl'S. - Closed Saturdays Piua " Re~ll Drue Store 204 So. Main Wi~tful Widow O~ Student Accounts Welcomed · McPl;>euo~,- Kanoa• McPherson, Kanaaa Wa101\ (fap