Geoff Johns | 192 pages | 04 Mar 2014 | DC Comics | 9781401244095 | English | United States : Wrath of the First Lantern

In order to make the changes permanent, Volthoom needs to feed off the emotional registry of Green Lantern: Wrath of the First Lantern Volume 1 Lanterns. Kyle is able to harness the yellow light of fear when he admits that he is always scared and transforms into a Yellow Lantern. Despite their former kin's protestations, the Guardians took the First Lantern and departed for Earth where they used the being's cosmic power to create the Third Army from the Oans own flesh. The team consists of representatives of each of the Corps that tap into a particular portion of the emotional spectrum. I love that it's a Green Lantern crossover but then I hate that this crossover took so long to get into. Comics Alliance. I would have preferred the guardians being the focus villain and interrogating their motivations more, and seeing the lantern corps overcome them, but it was not to be. Kyle and Carol leave, with the later transforming into Star Sapphire. May 18, Wing Kee rated it it was amazing. Kyle's ring reveals it has located and the two head to Korugar. This edit will also create new pages on Comic Vine for:. A lot of overlay with other GL titles, so I felt like I was re-reading a lot of things. It is so annoying. Jun 28, M rated it liked it. Still I did find it enjoyable. While this does cap the Green Lantern arc off on an okay level, it's not due to anything the First Lantern does. In Sectorthe Guardian's Third Army begins converting more people into their ranks. Readers also enjoyed. Sign In Don't have an account? This edit will also create new pages on Comic Vine for: Beware, you are proposing to add brand new pages to the wiki along with your edits. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Halfway across the universe, the Guardians of the Universe meet with the who have Green Lantern: Wrath of the First Lantern Volume 1 the former's schemes. Thank you Johns for making me love this universe again. Namespaces Article Talk. Categories : Green Lantern titles Green Lantern: Wrath of the First Lantern Volume 1 debuts comics endings Superhero comics. I started off this journey not caring about Guy the most, I wished they would have killed him off to reduce the cast, I did not care for Jordan, all I cared was Kyle and also Stewart because of the cartoons. Mar 20, Aildiin rated it liked it Shelves: comics. These GL crossovers are definitely not what thy used to be. was ranked as the eleventh best selling book in September by units, and received mostly positive reviews. And by the way, what kind of name is Volthoom? After baiting him with constructs of Sinestro, Kyle fights Arkillo. With the first lantern out he begins to dissect each major lantern because he feeds off their emotion. The two are then confronted by Sinestro who Green Lantern: Wrath of the First Lantern Volume 1 that Kyle is working for Volthoom. They locate a space station the size of a solar system, and during their investigation they are attacked by Archangel Invictusthe ruler of the space station. Still not a bad book, though I am not sure it is one i would add to my library. Despite the frustration one undoubtedly has from the resolution-less Rise of the Third Army storyline, and the sheer insufficiency of the First Lantern as a palpable presence as a universe-threatening villain, the overall effect of this collection is one of enjoyment, tempered as it may be if you have read a number of these issues in the individual series collections. Lucky for me I have read sinestro 1 and know what's going on, otherwise I would have just given up. However, all three remember their true reality and push back. But overall: Happy to have been part of this ride A number of Oans remained behind to ensure that The First Lantern was kept imprisoned and became known as The Hidden Oneswhile those that remained embarked on their mission of policing the universe with the Manhunters. Enter the URL for the tweet you want to embed. Still, unless you really care about Sinestro, it might not bother you too much. Overall this a great story! Bleez accompanies Rayner to Earth to recover his power battery, wondering at his continued ownership of a green ring and access to the Green Lantern database despite his "expulsion", while and Walker return to their Corps' respective homeworlds. Kyle returns to the cemetery to find that Carol has restored Alex's grave. Kyle tries to contact , Indigo-1, and Arkillo in order to warn them of Volthoom but they have already encounter him. How do you define all the Earth Lanterns to make them each mean something? May 04, Logan rated it it was amazing. Certainly the real highlight is the optimistic, heartwarming epilogue, with everyone having a happy ending. , unfazed by this, decides he will deal with Rayner personally. We go back to witnessing the creation of the universe at the hands of The Presence. Jan 13, Oliver Hodson rated it liked it. When I cam back to it, I was almost like, na fuck this, I can just watch the animated show for my fix. He's also developed the legacy and mythology immensely during his tenture. Not only until the middle part does the narrative pick back up it's tension and speed to zoom toward that wonderful end. It was paced poorly but each character got it's little snippet of development in their own issue. He has the age old boring story of remaking the universe blah blah blah. He moved to Los Angeles in the late s in search of work within the film industry. Other editions. Johns has such an understanding and a love for these characters that it comes through clearly in Green Lantern: Wrath of the First Lantern Volume 1 ending. and a host of talented creators come together to close out the tale of the First Lantern. There was one thing not addressed that I would like to have seem mentioned, though this detail may only have occurred to long-time readers of DC Comics and especially " of America". Somehow Green Lantern actually beats him!! So many of his developments with Hal Jordan, the appearance of different colored lantern corps, and the fate of Sinistro come to fruition here. Thus, it was ultimately decided to imprison him within The Chamber of Shadows located in a black hole, where he was trapped inside a lantern shaped construct for untold millenia. Arkillo's worshipers point him to the forest where Kyle finds Arkillo.