Ethan Van Sciver,Darwyn Cooke, | 224 pages | 03 Nov 2010 | DC Comics | 9781401225742 | English | New York, NY, United States ABSOLUTE GREEN LANTERN: REBIRTH

No clones or evil twins involved. It's written by one of DC Comics' stalwarts, Geoff Johns, who has made his name Absolute Green Lantern: Rebirth this title, redefining or should I say cla I actually always thought GL was kinda cool, but never read any of the comics. I thought Johns did a decent job explaining and bringing Jordan back, but part of me felt a teensy bit cheated that there wasn't more to the story. Who is your favorite earthman green lantern? Everything was so dark you really wished that somebody would just turn a light on. More filters. While trapped inside the Spectre and condemned to a life of resignation and regret, his fate is not yet sealed as life has other plans for the astral avenger. Later, Jordan reappeared and made the ultimate sacrifice - a sacrifice that allowed him to become the Spectre, the Wrath of God. Deep in some places but never boring. . After the battle, remains unconvinced that Jordan was not responsible for his actions as Parallax, but nevertheless decides that the universe "needs a little more light anyway", thus acknowledging that Jordan is back. This battle of wills is very interesting and develops nicely as the plot progresses. I didn't have any prior knowledge of what led up to any of this honestly, but I came out better than fine! What transpires from acts of heroism are emotions. To find out more you'll just have to read it. Use your keyboard! Bottom line : If you have any interest in reading about the Green Lantern Corp, this would be a recommended place to begin, even if they forgot to include Pieface. Billy Jensen is an investigative journalist who focuses squarely on unsolved murders and missing persons. To accompany the excellent world-building and impeccable character development, this graphic novel Absolute Green Lantern: Rebirth contains some of the best artwork to illustrate Absolute Green Lantern: Rebirth unique lore. Sometimes, I wonder why the hell I keep reading Green Lantern titles, and that's why I'm rereading this again. After he turned evil, became Parallax, destroyed a bunch of shit, and then sacrificed himself to re-light the sun, his spirit bonded with the Spectre. View all 17 comments. Let the reconstruction begin. Views Read Edit View history. It's not like you're just staring at larger font after all. Another neat-o thing the Absolute had was a pretty little green ribbon attached Absolute Green Lantern: Rebirth it for use as a bookmark. For those following 's career you know he did some horrible things and without going into details I'll leave it at that though there are spoilers further below. Superheroes die. Thanks, Geoff Johns! Enter the URL for the tweet you want Absolute Green Lantern: Rebirth embed. Here it just seems like it was thrown about all Willy Neely. I'm starting up my big Green Lantern read. I want to say more on this but should probably just let you discover it for yourself. Especially Green Lantern, one of the underrated ones. But I think that Johns did a relatively good job at catching me up and I was surprised by how much I understood and appreciated it all. teleports Rayner and Jordan's corpse to the Watchtower. That being said, I only have a handful of Green Lantern comics in my collection. However could the cause of Hal's fall have been more that met the eye, and with other GL's acting Absolute Green Lantern: Rebirth of the ordinary, could the threat have resurfaced. I loved seeing all the different characters, it provided a good overview of the green lantern world in a way. This isn't who I am. This book is undoubtedly important in that it brings back Hal Jordan as the most powerful Green Lantern, but it is also a good story and a great jump in point for first time readers. The great thing is as much as this is a return story done right it does also give the series a great future to look forward to. Why would I read the script of a ? Featuring the and all at this point the earth lanterns. But I thought the real test was going to be this book, a tricky rebooting of a high fantasy cosmic saga and the return of the greatest Lantern, years after a number of other humans have taken up the mantle. Community Reviews. When Jordan destroyed the Central Power Battery, he unknowingly freed Parallax, which grafted itself onto Jordan's soul, and suppressed Ganthet's memories of the parasite. So this collection is perhaps more important Absolute Green Lantern: Rebirth what it represents than for what it is. Will he return to the land of the living and, if so, what will be waiting for him Absolute Green Lantern: Rebirth he gets there? Well, this one is taller. This episode led to his disappearance until an apocalypse threatening Earth brought him back to make the ultimate sacrifice. Rebirth is the only volume that is a re-read for me. Apr 06, Zack! Comic Book Resources. Sep 03, Josh rated it really liked it. I couldn't put this down, and I want to read the rest of this installment of Green Lantern as soon as possible. It focuses on Wow, that was exciting. The plot of this is pretty self explanatory, Hal Jordan is being brought back to life after being killed in Volume 3 of the Green Lantern series. Kyle, John, Guy, Hal all Absolute Green Lantern: Rebirth Parallax the 'what-for! Thanks for telling us about the Absolute Green Lantern: Rebirth. This was the GOOD stuff. So with all of that, I enjoyed this comic book. This is the first standalone Green Lantern title I've ever read. The artwork was amazing. Did it live up to my expectations? Johns positions various Green Lantern bad guys in a way that he wants them — the , and all make appearances here.