Ivan Reis, | 192 pages | 26 Nov 2010 | DC Comics | 9781401230852 | English | United States Vol 4 29

Green Lantern: Secret Origin of the Red Lanterns Part 2! It may mean the difference between good and brilliant. Despite the fact that their rings have no power, and Jordan battle , and manage to recharge because Sinestro is well educated on the "confined pocket dimensions and the storage of personal charging units. Not wanting to see her son unless he quit the Air Force, Jordan would later start a fight Green Lantern: Secret Origin a superior officer and be thrown out. Return to Book Page. There are also a few really affecting scenes, like the flashback where Hal's younger brother Jim sneaks into his room to give him his Green Lantern: Secret Origin on his 18th birthday, only to find that Hal has moved out in the night. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. And although the Guardians believe fear creates cracks in our willpower- anger will distort [our willpower]. Comment and Save Until you earn points all your submissions need to be vetted by other Comic Vine users. It was full of good characters, good humour, good emotion, and a good story. Details if other :. The issue can't escape the feel that it is nothing more then filler from one major storyline to the next, but there are some compelling aspects of Hal's origin that are fleshed Green Lantern: Secret Origin. No recent wiki edits to Green Lantern: Secret Origin page. He did remind me a tiny bit of Captain Kirk from Startrek to be honest, especially that part where he got in trouble at the bar. A much better choice than trying to attract a novice reader with the complicated but excellent War of the Lanterns story arc that wrapped up this summer. I certainly had them at one point: he's a corny superhero that glows green and gets his power from a ring that can make Green Lantern: Secret Origin appear. In , in , No evil shall escape my sight Let those who worship evil's might, Beware my power Though the way things go in land it is only a matter of time Green Lantern: Secret Origin this is no longer a relevant origin and a Green Lantern: Secret Origin one has to be written. Cancel Create Link. But anyway if you want a Green Lantern Origin story, well here you go! I fully intend to read more Green Lantern after this, maybe even just start this series from the beginning. Dec 30, Bradley rated it liked it Green Lantern: Secret Origin fantasysci-fishelfgraphic-novels. No trivia or quizzes yet. Turns out it isn't. This edit will also create new pages on Comic Vine for: Beware, you are proposing to add brand new pages to the wiki along with your edits. Later, an Air Force recruiter is seen unlocking the doors to the recruiting office and spotting a young Hal sitting by the door. Korugar," and that Sinestro's homeworld "will soon descend into civil unrest, violent riots, a bloody coup," and that "chaos will spin it out of [Sinestro's] control. Oclair Albert Illustrator. Johns puts some deeper levels of characterization in here, building on what we've known about the characters but tweaking it so that it all feels like one big mythos, rather than what it is, which is the result of dozens if not hundreds of writers introducing their ideas, sometimes clunkily, to form a big tapestry of Green Lantern's mythos. The idea behind the original story, by Moore, was that it would be a self fulfilling prophecy. At that, his ring informs him that he is to report to immediately for training. It's one of the best, if not the best, GL stories I've read so far. The art was very nice, especially who has rarely looked better. If all retcons were like this, the word wouldn't have such a bad rep. The ring places him in a badgeless Green Lantern uniform. Sort order. While re-tracing a few steps of Hal's rise from test pilot to Green Lantern, Johns introduces backstory elements that reinforce his take on Hector Hammond, Sinestro, and indeed the Green Lantern mythos as a whole. Jordan hears about a walkout of Ferris Air, and reluctantly agrees to fly for Carol. From beginning to end, this was a story I enjoyed, with a character I became rather attached to. Aug 09, Minh rated it it was amazing. I really loved a lot of things about this. The art style suited its needs but didn't blow me away. He wants to be his father so bad that on the day he turns 18 he is literally outside the office. Green Lantern: Secret Origin can they trust Jordan long enough to escape--or Make sure this is what you intended. Thomas reveals his plane, Green Lantern: Secret Origin is Hal's father's old plane, revealing that Carol had him fix it up. Green Lantern is probably one of the strongest of the superheroes in the DC Universe. One of the issues in this collection was re-released for this year's Free Comic Book Day. I thought this was a pretty solid origin story for . Find out why Jordan's teacher and mentor, Sinestro, became obsessed with the prophecy of the apocalyptic end of the universe "the Blackest Night". I will check out the next few volumes when I get the chance to see if I like him more, but for now He helped finish Michelle Average rating 4. Cancel Update. The man says it is not up to him, as he's selling to Ferris Air. On to my New New-Year's Resolution! The ring is fueled by an energy lantern but even This graphic novel was supposed to have been a great influence on the hit or miss Green Lantern movie. More Details Those familiar with the tale will recognize that he received the ring from his predecessor, , who policed the sector of space in which Earth is located. There is really only one addition to the regular storyline and that ties in the If you can, purchase the edition with the illustrated cover, and not the movie tie-in cover, it just looks so much better. I would definitely recommend this for anyone looking to try out Green Lantern for the first time, even if they aren't fully sure if they want to or not. This will not affect the original upload Small Medium How do you want the image positioned around Green Lantern: Secret Origin Score: A Quickie Review I honestly thought Green Lantern: Secret Origin was the first of Green Lantern: Secret Origin series when I read it; it definitely seemed more like an origin story than anything else. Hal looks up, smiles, and says, "I'm eighteen today, sir.