Printing Types
PRINTINGPRINTING TYPESTYPES NewNew ZealandZealand TTypeype Design Since 18701870 JontyJonty ValentineValentine CONTENTSCONTENTS PublishedPublished on thethe occasion of thethe exhibitionexhibition 4 FOREWORD,FOREWORD, PhilipPhilip ClarkeClarke NNOTESOTES OONN THE TYPES Printing Types:Types: New ZealandZealand TypeType Design Since 1870 CurateCuratedd bbyy Jonty VaValentine,lentine, JuJulyly 2009 5 PRINTING TYPES, Jonty ValentineValentine 37 TThehe BooBookk BorBordersders, RoRobertbert CoupCouplandland HarHardingding OObjectspacebjectspace 25 JuJulyly – 12 SeptemSeptemberber 20020099 OObjectspacebjectspace is a ddedicatededicated anandd awarawardd winninwinningg centre for craft anandd ddesignesign 39 MMarianna,arianna, HeHey!y! TogetTogether,her, DaDavidvid BenneBennewithwith wwhichhich receives major funfundingding from Creative New ZeaZealandland anandd onongoinggoing TYPE SPECIMENS susupportpport from TheThe ChartwellChartwell Trust anandd KariKarikarikari Estate Wines. 50 TTrespassersrespassers Will be ProsecutedProsecuted,, Luke Wood 12 TheThe BookBook Borders,Borders, RobertRobert CouplandCoupland HardingHarding 5555 WWedge,edge, AAdamdam SShe|eldhe|eld 14 Churchward Marianna,Marianna, JosephJoseph Churchward 5566 NNational,ational, Kris Sowersby with Jonty ValentinValentinee 16 MMcCahon,cCahon, LukeLuke WoodWood 57 DécennDécennie,ie, JJackack YanYan 1188 WWedge,edge, Bruce RRotherhamotherham 59 PPam,am, Maarten Idema OObjectspace:bjectspace: 20 NNational,ational, Kris Sowersby 8 PonsonPonsonbyby RoaRoadd P O Box 68-762 60 ThThee
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