SHINOBI CLANS RULEBOOK CREDITS PLAYTESTERS SPECIAL THANKS Last Updated: August 8th, 2014 Robert Aigner, Iain Anderson, Claudia Ozzy Beck, Jason L Blair, Seth Ben Ezra, Andy Version 1.0 CONCEPT AND GAME DESIGN Arndt-Dont, Rob Boyle, Berianne Bramman, Kitkowski, Eric Lang, Robert Pfaff, Daniel Solis, Jürgen Mayer Thomas Brandl, John Brudenell, Nick Jeff Tidball, Caputi, Marisa Castengera, Davidson Cole, EDITING Jan Christgau, Matteo Colaianni, Frank FIRST PRINTING BY Rob Boyle, Davidson Cole Disselkamp, Sabina Dzafi c, Oliver Erhardt, POSTHUMAN STUDIOS, MARCH 2014 Contact us at Susanne Finger, Isabel Fischer, Paul Foster, ARTWORK Eric Geiger, Dino Gheri, Mason Hoffos, Basti Contact us at [email protected] Nen Hofmann, Patrick Jansen, Ingmar Juhnke, [email protected] or via Adam Jury, Reid Kleiner, Seth Larson, Andi or search your favorite or via LAYOUT AND GRAPHIC DESIGN Lintzmaier, Peter Lohse, Thomas Lorenz, social network for “Shinobi Clans” Adam Jury Michael May, Johannes Mayer, Tikki Nagual, or “Posthuman Studios” or search your favorite social network for “Shinobi Clans” Jacob Norwood, Thor Olavsrud, János Palágyi, ICON DESIGN Robert Pfaff, Chris Riemer, Sam Pim, Schänder, © 2014 Jürgen Mayer. All rights reserved. or “Posthuman Studios” Marisa Castengera Frank Schmid, Uwe Schüller, Monina Schwarz, Shinobi Clans is a trademark and/or registered Rhett Skubis, Holger Sonnberger, Vic Thorris, trademark of Jürgen Mayer in the United LOGO DESIGN Wolfgang Tretter, Kevin Van Den Elzen, States and/or other countries. Produced under Tiara Lynn-Agresta Edmund Wasinger, Stefan Will, Jaqui Wujec license by Posthuman Studios LLC. GAME BACKGROUND CARD TYPES In Shinobi Clans, every player takes on the role of a ruthless and cunning clan Assassins: Specialists: Used to help fulfi ll leader. Using from your clan and weapons from your arsenal, you will choose Used to attack Targets. both Assassination and Guard whether to assassinate or guard certain targets. For each successful assassination or Contracts. defense of a target, your clan earns gold. e player that earned the most gold for their clan at the end of the game is the winner. Weapons: Increase a ninja’s Guardians: power or decrease the power Used to protect Targets. of their opponents. GAME MATERIAL Targets: 5 Target cards (red back) 1 Starting Player token Meddlers: Infl uential people Ninjas guard or that pull strings behind the 5 Reward cards (yellow back) 1 First Pick token assassinate them for scenes, impacting Contract 87 Battle cards (black back) 50 Contract tokens (5 sets of 10) rewards. rewards. 40 Gold tokens 3 Tip cards x Events: One-time effects that Rewards: are immediately discarded Gold that ninjas earn for once the effect is resolved. successful Contracts. CARD DIAGRAMS Card Type Auxiliary Power symbols help you Card Name quickly identify cards in your hand. Guardian Card: Grandmaster Assassin Card:Assassin Grandmaster Weapon card: Meddler card: Thief

Guardian Blue symbols and placement on the left are associated Assassin Guardian Assassin Guardian Assassination Power with Guardians. Power Power Power Contract Gold Contract Gold Red symbols and placement on the right with Assassins. Modifi cation Modifi cation 2 GAME BACKGROUND • GAME MATERIAL • CARD DIAGRAMS CARD TYPES 3 GAME PREPARATION TARGET PHASE Choose a starting player by having each draw a reward card. A set of Contract tokens At the start of each round, shu e all 5 Target cards, then Whoever draws the highest gold value is the starting player and stays with a player during randomly draw 3 Target cards (4 Target cards for 5-player the whole game. receives the Starting Player token. Players return the reward games) and place them face up on the table. en, shu e all 5 ey are never discarded Reward cards and randomly draw 3 Reward cards (4 Reward cards a erwards. or given away. cards for 5-player games). Place one Reward card under each Each player receives a complete set of Contract tokens, used Phase Target the after Rewards and Targets Target card with the gold symbols visible. in each round of the game. A set of tokens consists of both an Guardian Contract tokens have a blue banner on the Assassination and a Guardian contract for each of the 5 targets: le . Assassin Contract DRAW PHASE: Shogun, Old Ninja Master, Daimyo, Merchant, and Ronin. tokens have a red banner Each player’s set has a di erent color on the back of the tokens. on the right. BASIC DRAFT Shu e the Battle cards and place them face down as the draw Battle cards have black At the start of each round, players are dealt a number of pile. e discard pile will go next to the draw pile. backs and include cards randomly. These cards are the start of each player’s If the draw pile is empty at any time, all cards in the discard Assassins, Guardians, hand. The rest of their hand is obtained through drafting. pile are shu ed into a new draw pile. Targets and Rewards Specialists, Meddlers, never go into the draw or discard pile. Weapons, and Events. A DEAL FIRST CARDS e game is now ready to begin. In Round 1, deal 4 Battle cards to each player, face down. In Round 2, deal 2 Battle cards each. In Round 3, do not deal Contract Front Contract Front Contract Back —Guardian —Assassin any Battle cards. Players are allowed to look at their cards. B DEAL DRAFT CARDS Keep the dra cards separate from the player’s hand until dra ing is complete. In Round 1, deal 6 Battle cards to each player, face down. In Round 2, deal 8 Battle cards to each. In Round 3, deal 10 Battle cards to each player.

C DRAFTING ROUND SEQUENCE Each player selects one of the dra cards to keep for their hand and places it on the table in front of them, face down. en they pass the remaining dra cards to the next Shinobi Clans is played over three rounds. e player who has the most gold at the player; this happens simultaneously for each player. Players continue picking one card at conclusion of round 3 is the winner. at a time until all of the dra cards have been picked. en each player adds the dra ed cards to their hand. Every round consists of  ve consecutive phases: In Round 1, players pass the remaining cards to the le (clockwise). In Round 2, 1. Target Phase players pass to the right (counter-clockwise). In Round 3, players pass to the le again. 2. Draw Phase (Basic Dra or Advanced Dra ) 3. Contract Phase D DISCARD Each player must discard down to 10 cards (necessary in case they retained cards in 4. Ninja Phase their hand from the previous round). 5. Battle Phase

4 GAME PREPARATION • ROUND SEQUENCE ROUND SEQUENCE  TARGET PHASE, DRAW PHASE: BASIC 5 DRAW PHASE: ADVANCED DRAFT IN ROUNDS 2 AND 3 ADVANCED DRAFT OPTIONAL It is possible a player has le over cards in their hand from the previous round. If so, at the beginning of the advanced draw phase, the player places these cards face up e advanced dra rules are for experienced players and add an open card dra to the on the table directly in front of them. Each time a player with le over cards is required to game. is allows for a more strategic game because players can try to deduce their pick a card from the dra pool, they can alternatively choose to select one of their own opponents’ game plans from their card dra choices. To employ the advanced dra cards from the previous round. Players cannot pick le over cards from another player. rules, use the following rules instead of the basic dra rules. When dra ing with cards le over from a previous round, there may be cards remaining in the dra pool a er each player has picked two cards. In this case, discard any cards A FIRST DRAFTING PASS remaining in the dra pool. At the beginning of the advanced draw phase, the player with the Starting Player token A er the  h dra ing pass, when every player has picked 10 cards for the round, receives the First Pick token. e First Pick token is passed from player to player during discard any le over cards from the previous round still in front of any players. the draw phase. Draw a number of cards from the draw pile equal to twice the number of players: 6 cards for 3 players, 8 cards for 4 players, 10 cards for 5 players. Place the drawn cards CONTRACT PHASE in the middle of the table, face up and side by side. ese cards are called the dra pool. Each player secretly chooses 2 Contract tokens and places Place the selected Contract Beginning with the player who has the First Pick token and then continuing le tokens so that they are them face down in front of them. Any combination is (clockwise), each player chooses one card from the dra pool and puts it into their hand clearly separated from the (place them face down in front of you). You can look at your own cards at any time. e allowed except an Assassination and Guardian contract on rest of your tokens.  nal player to pick their  rst card then immediately chooses a second card, a er which the same Target. Players are allowed to the dra moves right (counterclockwise) until each player has chosen a total of two At the end of the round, players earn gold for successful look at their own Contract tokens at any time. cards from the dra pool. contracts. is is the end of the  rst dra ing pass. NINJA PHASE B SUBSEQUENT DRAFTING PASSES e  rst player in the ninja phase is the player who has the Cards played on top of a e next dra ing pass then begins. e First Pick token is passed to the le (clockwise), Target should be placed so Starting Player token. and the dra pool is re lled with cards from the draw pile. e same dra ing procedure they cover the upper half of as in the  rst dra ing pass is then repeated. Once completed, the First Pick token is Players take turns playing Battle cards, clockwise. On a player’s the Target card and leave passed again to the le and the dra pool re lled. turn, they can play one Battle card or pass. the lower half with the icons visible. Continue the same process until  ve dra ing passes have been completed. Each player • Assassins, Guardians, Specialists, and Meddlers are played will have dra ed 10 cards at the end of the  h dra ing pass. A target stack is created by face down on top of a Target (unless noted otherwise on the playing Battle cards face down FOURPLAYER EXAMPLE card), creating a target stack. on top of each other on a e dra pool is drawn and contains the following cards: • Weapons are played in battle slots (p. 12), face down, on Target. Assassin Kunoichi, Assassin Apprentice, Appear in Smoke, Guardian Adept, either the Assassin side (right) or the Guardian side (le ) of Guardian Weapon Master, Shinobi Spy, Thief, and Shuriken. the Target. Only one Weapon card is allowed per battle slot. Battle slots are card slots on both sides of the Target cards. Jaqui takes Appear in Smoke from the dra pool, Echo takes Guardian Weapon Master, • Event cards are played face up on the table, not on the target Chris takes Shinobi Spy, Vanessa takes Assassin Kunoichi and Assassin Apprentice, stack. ey are resolved immediately and then discarded. For a description of the Chris takes the ief, Echo takes Shuriken, and Jaqui takes the last card: Guardian Adept. di erent types of Battle cards, Echo receives the First Pick token from Jaqui, and the next dra ing pass begins. Players that pass cannot play more cards in the current round. see the Battle cards section on p. 11. Once all players have played all of their cards or passed, move on to the battle phase. 6 ROUND SEQUENCE  DRAW PHASE: ADVANCED ROUND SEQUENCE  CONTRACT PHASE, NINJA PHASE 7 SAMPLE TABLE DURING NINJA PHASE BATTLE PHASE

Battle Slots, Battle Slots, A CHOOSE TARGET TO RESOLVE In the battle phase, resolve Guardian side Assassin side e order of Target resolution does not matter, but once a one Target at a time, then Target is chosen, it must be resolved completely before repeat steps A to F for the Target Stack moving on to another Target. (2 Battle cards) other Targets. Battle Slot 1 Battle Slot 1 Battle Slot 2 B REVEAL CONTRACTS Players who chose a Contract for the current Target reveal them.

C RESOLVE TARGET STACK • Resolve the target stack from top to bottom,  ipping each card face up, one at a time. • Resolve any Specialist abilities when the Specialist is revealed. • Place Assassins and Guardians in appropriate battle slots (p. 12) as they are revealed. Only one ninja can occupy a single battle slot on each side. Battle slots form to the right of the Target for Assassins and to the l e  of the Target for Guardians. Do not resolve Assassin and Guardian abilities when placing them into battle slots.

Weapon • If there is a Weapon card in the battle slot, place it beneath the ninja occupying the Target Stack card (1 Battle card) battle slot so the weapon’s power or ability is visible. • Battle slots that have their ninja removed can be occupied by another ninja from the Weapon Battle cards, cards target stack later on. face down • Place Meddlers beneath the Target and Reward cards so the Meddler’s e ect on the reward is visible.

Target D RESOLVE BATTLE SLOTS card Resolve the innermost battle slot  rst (i.e. carry out any ninja and weapon text abilities), then move outwards, one battle slot at a time. When resolving ninja and weapon abilities in the same battle slot, ninja abilities always resolve before weapon abilities. Cards do not change their position if another battle slot empties. Target Stack (1 Battle card) Weapon cards in a battle slot without a ninja are discarded, without resolving.

Event card, before resolving E DETERMINE POWER TOTALS (moves to discard pile after resolving) Once all battle slots have been resolved, add up the total Guardian power of all cards on the le side of the Target, including the Target’s Guardian power. en add up the total Assassin power of all cards on the right side of the Target. If the total Assassin power Reward exceeds the total Guardian power, the Target is killed. Otherwise, the Target survives. card

8 ROUND SEQUENCE  SAMPLE TABLE DURING NINJA PHASE ROUND SEQUENCE  BATTLE PHASE 9 F COLLECT REWARDS e base reward for successfully ful lling a Contract is equal to the gold value on the Reward card beneath it. Meddler cards can increase or decrease the reward. Also, for BATTLE CARDS successful Assassination contracts, the gold value on the Target card itself is added to ere are four types of Battle cards: Ninjas, Weapons, Meddlers, and Events. the reward total, since it is more di cult to kill a Target than to guard them. For Guard contracts, modify the value of the reward card by the blue gold value on NINJAS Meddlers. For Assassination contracts, modify the value of the reward card by the red gold value. ASSASSINS e reward is split evenly among all players with a successful contract for the Target, Assassins are the most e cient killers in a clan and help ful ll Assassination rounding up. If only one player holds a successful contract, he receives the entire reward contracts. Assassin Ninja Battle cards are red and have the word Assassin along for that Target. their le side. Some Assassins have a special ability, written on the card. ey have a power range between 0 and 5. Even a ninja with power 0 can contribute to roughout the game, all gold totals should be visible to all players. the Assassin power total with the help of a Weapon card. G PROCEED TO NEXT ROUND Once each battle phase has been resolved for each Target, discard the Ninja, Meddler GUARDIANS Guardians are ardent defenders and help ful ll Guard contracts. Guardian Ninja and Weapon cards on the table. Players with unplayed cards in their hand keep them for Battle cards are blue and have the word Guardian along their le side. Some the draw phase of the next round. Guardians have a special ability, written on the card. ey have a power range Return the Target cards to the Target deck, shu e, and set it aside for the beginning of between 0 and 5. Even a ninja with power 0 can contribute to the Guardian the next round. power total with the help of a Weapon card. Return the Reward cards to the Reward deck, shu e, and set it aside for the beginning of the next round. SPECIALISTS e Starting Player Token passes to the le . Specialists do not possess a power value (with the exception of the Rogue). Instead, they all have special abilities that can be used to aid both Assassination and Guard contracts. AFTER THE THIRD ROUND At the end of Round 3, the player who possesses the most gold wins! WEAPONS

Weapon cards depict the exotic and deadly weapons used by ninjas in battle. Weapon cards are played face down into battle slots (p. 12) on either the Assassin or Guardian side of the Target. Most Weapon cards possess power symbols which increase the power of the Ninja card present in the battle slot occupied by the Weapon card. Weapons have power values ranging from 2 to 4. Some Weapon cards only contribute to a certain side of the battle (Assassin or Guardian) or contribute di erent values to each side, depending on which side of the battle they are placed (use the blue power value when placed on Guardian side of Target and the red power value when placed on the Assassin side). If a Weapon card is placed on a side for which it does not possess a power value, it is considered to have a power value of 0. Some Weapon cards also have a special ability. Weapon cards have no e ect and are discarded if they end up in a battle slot without a Ninja card.

10 ROUND SEQUENCE  AFTER THE THIRD ROUND BATTLE CARDS  NINJAS, WEAPONS 11 MEDDLERS BATTLE SLOT EXAMPLE 2 Battle slot 1 on the Assassin (right) side of the Target contains the Meddlers are not ninjas, but powerful personalities who in uence contracts Silent Killer with the ability: Remove the Guardian in opposing battle Don’t forget that by either promising additional rewards or reducing the gold acquired from slot. battle slot 1 on the Guardian (le ) side of the Target contains the Weapon cards in battle slots without rewards. Meddlers are played face down upon the target stack. Guardian Master. While the Guardian Master does not have a special ninjas are discarded. ability, there is a weapon in his battle slot, Metsubushi, with the ability: EVENTS Reduce the total power of the ninja and weapon in opposing battle slot by half. Since abilities on Ninja cards resolve before the abilities on Event cards are always played face up. ey have an immediate, one-time e ect Weapon cards, the Guardian Master is removed from its battle slot and as described in their card text. ey are placed on the discard pile right a er discarded, along with the Metsubushi, since it no longer has a ninja they have been resolved. in the battle slot to wield it. e Metsubushi is discarded before it can reduce the opposing battle slots’ power. Battle slot 1 on the Guardian side of the Target is now empty, but the cards in battle slot 2 stay where BATTLE SLOTS they are; they do not move into the vacant battle slot. Battle slots form on both the Assassin (right) and Guardian (le ) side of the Target, beginning with the innermost position on each side. When playing a Weapon card, it is always placed into the next unoccupied battle slot of the selected Target, on whichever Battle Slot 2 Battle Slot 1 Battle Slot 1 side the player decides to place the weapon. e innermost battle slot is battle slot 1, and the battle slot numbers increase outwards from there. In the text of certain cards, the phrase “opposing battle slot” appears; this refers to the Battle slot position with the same number on the opposite side of the Target.

BATTLE SLOT EXAMPLE 1 e Weapon card Jutte is placed in battle slot 1 on the Assassin side of the Target. e special ability of the Jutte reads: Remove any weapon in opposing battle slot. erefore, a Weapon card in battle slot 1 on the Guardian side of the Target is removed from the battle slot and discarded during the battle phase.

Battle Slot 1 Battle Slot 1 Battle Slot 2 Battle Slot 1 Battle Slot 1

12 MEDDLERS, EVENTS, BATTLE SLOTS BATTLE SLOTS  BATTLE SLOT EXAMPLES 13 APPENDIX: GUARDIANS CARD GLOSSARY GUARDIAN INFILTRATOR e Guardian Infiltrator’s power is equal to double e card glossary explains abilities of and the power of the Assassin in the opposing battle interactions between special cards in detail. slot. is does not include Weapon cards. If there is no ninja or a ninja with power 0 in the opposing ASSASSINS battle slot, the In ltrator’s power is 0. ASSASSIN INFILTRATOR Versus Silent Killer: e Infiltrator is discarded. e Assassin Infiltrator’s power is equal to double GUARDIAN WEAPON MASTER the power of the Guardian in the opposing battle If the Guardian Weapon Master occupies a battle slot. is does not include Weapon cards. If there slot without a Weapon card, his power is 1. is no ninja or a ninja with power 0 in the opposing battle slot, the In ltrator’s power is 0. With a Weapon card, his power is 3 (plus that of the weapon). e power bonus is lost if the Versus Shadow Sentinel: Weapon card is removed by another card. e Assassin Infiltrator is discarded. SHADOW SENTINEL ASSASSIN WEAPON MASTER e Ninja card in the opposing battle slot on the If the Assassin Weapon Master occupies a battle slot Assassin side of the Target is placed in the discard without a Weapon card, his power is 1. pile, along with any weapon in its battle slot. With a Weapon card, his power is 3 (plus that of the Versus Silent Killer: Both Silent Killer and weapon). e power bonus is lost if the weapon is Shadow Sentinel are discarded. removed by another card. Versus Infiltrator: e Infiltrator is discarded. SILENT KILLER e Ninja card in the opposing battle slot on the SPECIALISTS Guardian side of the Target is placed in the discard pile, along with any weapon in its battle slot. BOMB MAKER Versus Shadow Sentinel: Both Silent Killer and When the Bomb Maker is resolved during the Shadow Sentinel are discarded. battle phase, it is placed on the discard pile along with the Battle card directly beneath it on the target Versus Infiltrator: e Infiltrator is discarded. stack.

14 APPENDIX: CARD GLOSSARY  ASSASSINS APPENDIX: CARD GLOSSARY  GUARDIANS, SPECIALISTS 15 BOMB MASTER ROGUE When the Bomb Master is resolved during the When the Rogue is resolved during the battle phase, battle phase, it is placed on the discard pile along compare the current power totals on the Guardian with the two Battle cards directly beneath it on the side and on the Assassin side. e side with the target stack. lower total gains the services of the Rogue, and the card is placed into the next unoccupied battle slot POISON MAKER of the side with the lower power total. If the power When the Poison Maker is resolved during the totals are equal, the Rogue is discarded. Remember battle phase, it is placed on the discard pile along to always include the Guardian power of the Target with the card that was directly on top of it on the when calculating the power totals. Any Ninja and Target stack. If the card on top of it has already Weapon abilities of cards in any battle slots are been placed on the discard pile due to the e ect not resolved until the battle phase, so they are from another card, the Poison Maker has no e ect. not taken into account when the Rogue’s ability A Meddler card that was on top of the Poison resolves (e.g. Metsubushi or Weapon Master). Maker and is now beneath the Reward card is discarded with no e ect. SCOUT e Scout is placed face up onto a target stack A Ninja card that was on top of the Poison Maker during the ninja phase. e next card that is played and is now in a battle slot is discarded with no e ect. onto this target stack or into any of the Target’s e recently emptied battle slot can now battle slots must be played face up. Discard the be occupied by another Ninja card during the Scout when its e ect is resolved. If the Scout is still battle phase. on the target stack at the end of the ninja phase, it Versus Bomb Maker and Bomb Master: is also discarded. e Poison Maker loses, because it is already Draw a new card from the draw pile immediately in the discard pile before his ability has a chance a er you have played Scout. to resolve. Versus Poison Maker and Poison Twins: SHINOBI SPY Both the Poison Maker and Poison Twins are e Shinobi Spy is played face up onto a immune to poison and, therefore, are una ected target stack. e card beneath him is revealed by another Poison Maker or Poison Twins. immediately, then Shinobi Spy is discarded and you draw a new card. e revealed card stays face up for POISON TWINS the remainder of the round. When the Poison Twins card is resolved during the battle phase, it is placed on the discard pile along SHINOBI MASTER SPY with the card that was directly on top of it as well as e Shinobi Master Spy is played face up onto a the card directly beneath it on the target stack target stack. e player of Shinobi Master Spy can All other rules applying to the Poison Maker also choose to reveal one or two cards directly beneath apply to the Poison Twins. it. ese cards are revealed immediately, then Shinobi Master Spy is discarded and you draw a new card. e revealed cards stay face up for the remainder of the round.

16 APPENDIX: CARD GLOSSARY  SPECIALISTS APPENDIX: CARD GLOSSARY  SPECIALISTS 17 EVENT CARDS APPENDIX: DISAPPEAR IN SMOKE BATTLE PHASE EXAMPLE Steal a random card from a target player. e player who is targeted by this Event card is free to shu e e battle phase example jumps you into resolving the target stack; players have already their hand before the card is drawn. e card that played their cards and passed for the round, and now we’re ready to  ght it out! has been drawn by the player of Disappear in Smoke is then played immediately, as if played END OF NINJA PHASE from their own hand. At the end of the ninja phase, the game will look something like this. For this example, the focus is only on one of the Target cards. e target stack consists of a pile of ten APPEAR IN SMOKE face down Ninja and Meddler cards on top of the Target—the Daimyo. ree face down Draw two cards from the draw pile. Play one card Weapon cards occupy the Guardian (le ) battle slots, and two Weapon cards occupy the immediately then add the other to your hand. Assassin (right) battle slots. ere is a 5 Gold Reward card under the Daimyo, as well.

WEAPON CARDS BATTLE PHASE DIAGRAM 1 METSUBUSHI Target Stack Battle Slot 3 Battle Slot 2 Battle Slot 1 (10 battle cards) Battle Slot 1 Battle Slot 2 is card halves the power of the Ninja card in the opposing battle slot, including any Weapon card, rounded down. Versus Jutte: Metsubushi is discarded and the Ninja card with the Jutte keeps their complete power value. JUTTE BATTLE PHASE Discard the Weapon card of the ninja in the e target stack is now resolved from top to bottom. e  rst card is  ipped, and it is opposing battle slot. a Bomb Maker—the battle is starting with a bang! e Bomb Maker discards the card Versus Metsubushi: Metsubushi is discarded and directly beneath it in the target stack. We  ip over the next card and  nd the Guardian the Ninja card with the Jutte keeps their complete Grandmaster. Both the Bomb Maker and the Guardian Grandmaster are discarded. power value. e next card in the target stack is Enemy In High Places. Since this is a Meddler, it Versus Jutte: Both Juttes are discarded. is placed beneath the Reward (highlighted in white in battle phase Diagram 2). If the Daimyo is assassinated as a result of this battle, the reward for doing so will be increased by 2 gold! BATTLE PHASE DIAGRAM 2

Target Stack Battle Slot 3 Battle Slot 2 Battle Slot 1 (7 battle cards) Battle Slot 1 Battle Slot 2

18 APPENDIX: CARD GLOSSARY  EVENTS, WEAPONS APPENDIX: BATTLE PHASE EXAMPLE 19 e next card  ipped is a Guardian Apprentice. Since it is a Guardian, it will be placed e next card  ipped is a Poison Maker. e Poison Maker discards the card that was into the  rst unoccupied battle slot on the Guardian side of the Target (le ). He will directly on top of it in the Target stack, which would be the Thief just placed beneath be happy to  nd a Weapon card waiting for him there. the Reward card. Both the Poison Maker and the Thief are placed in the discard pile.

e Weapon card in battle slot 1 on the Guardian side is  ipped over, and it is the BATTLE PHASE DIAGRAM 6 Shuriken with power 2. It is placed beneath the Guardian Apprentice. is battle slot is now occupied by a ninja. e next Guardian will be placed into battle slot 2. Target Stack Battle Slot 3 Battle Slot 2 Battle Slot 1 (3 battle cards) Battle Slot 1 Battle Slot 2 BATTLE PHASE DIAGRAM 3

Target Stack Battle Slot 3 Battle Slot 2 Battle Slot 1 (6 battle cards) Battle Slot 1 Battle Slot 2

e next card  ipped is a Silent Killer. Since it is an Assassin, it will be placed into the  rst unoccupied battle slot on the Assassin side of the Target (right), which is battle e next card is an Assassin Adept. It is an Assassin, which will be placed into the  rst slot 2. e Weapon card in battle slot 2 on the Assassin side is  ipped over to reveal the unoccupied battle slot on the Assassin side of the Target (right), battle slot 1. Kusari-Fundo, and the Silent Killer is put on top of it. Note that the special ability of the Silent Killer does not trigger until battle slots are resolved during the battle phase. e Weapon card in battle slot 1 on the Assassin side is  ipped over, and it is also the Shuriken with power 2. It is placed beneath the Assassin Adept. BATTLE PHASE DIAGRAM 7

BATTLE PHASE DIAGRAM 4 Target Stack Battle Slot 3 Battle Slot 2 Battle Slot 1 (2 battle cards) Battle Slot 1 Battle Slot 2 Target Stack Battle Slot 3 Battle Slot 2 Battle Slot 1 (5 battle cards) Battle Slot 1 Battle Slot 2

e next card  ipped is a Guardian Master. It is placed into the  rst unoccupied battle slot on the Guardian side of the Target (le ), which is battle slot 2. e Weapon card e next card  ipped is a Thief, likely placed there by a player that does not have a in this battle slot is revealed to be the Metsubushi. It is placed beneath the Guardian contract for the Daimyo, because the Thief subtracts gold from the reward. e Thief Master. e special ability of the Metsubushi will not resolve until the battle slots step. is a Meddler, so it is placed beneath the Reward card with Enemy in High Places. BATTLE PHASE DIAGRAM 8 BATTLE PHASE DIAGRAM 5 Target Stack Target Stack Battle Slot 3 Battle Slot 2 Battle Slot 1 (1 battle card) Battle Slot 1 Battle Slot 2 Battle Slot 3 Battle Slot 2 Battle Slot 1 (4 battle cards) Battle Slot 1 Battle Slot 2

20 APPENDIX: BATTLE PHASE EXAMPLE APPENDIX: BATTLE PHASE EXAMPLE 21 BATTLE SLOT 2 DIAGRAM e  nal card  ipped is an Assassin Kunoichi. It is placed into the  rst unoccupied battle slot on the Assassin side of the Target (right), which is battle slot 3. Battle Slot 2 Battle Slot 2


Target Battle Slot 2 Battle Slot 1 Stack Battle Slot 1 Battle Slot 2 Battle Slot 3

Total Assassin Guardian Master Power: 3 removed by Silent Killer; Metsubushi is then discarded. RESOLVING BATTLE SLOTS e target stack is depleted, so we can resolve any special abilities in the battle slots. e Weapon card in battle slot 3 on the Guardian side of the Target is useless as there BATTLE SLOT 2 is no ninja there to wield it, so it is discarded. Guardian Side: Guardian Master with power 3, armed with a Metsubushi, for a total When resolving battle slots, start with battle slot 1 and work outwards. power 3 Assassin Side: Silent Killer with power 0, armed with a Kusari-Fundo with power 3, BATTLE SLOT 1 for a total power 3 Guardian Side: Guardian Apprentice with power 1, armed with a Shuriken with power 2, for a total power 3 In battle slot 2, we have two cards with special abilities. e Weapon card Metsubushi Assassin Side: Assassin Adept with power 2, armed with a Shuriken with power 2, for on the Guardian side, and the Ninja card Silent Killer on the Assassin side. Since ninja a total power 4 special abilities are always resolved before weapon special abilities, the Silent Killer ere are no special abilities to resolve in battle slot 1, so we proceed to battle slot 2. special ability resolves  rst: Remove the Guardian in opposing battle slot. e Guardian BATTLE SLOT 1 DIAGRAM Master is discarded, along with the Metsubushi, before its special ability can take e ect. BATTLE SLOT 3 DIAGRAM Battle Slot 1 Battle Slot 1 BATTLE SLOT 3 Guardian Side: Battle Slot 3 Battle Slot 3 (Empty) Nothing Assassin Side: Assassin Kunoichi with power 4 No special abilities need to be resolved for battle slot 3.

Total Guardian Total Assassin Power: 3 Power: 4

Total Assassin Power: 4 22 APPENDIX:BATTLE PHASE EXAMPLE APPENDIX:BATTLE PHASE EXAMPLE 23 RESOLUTION Since there are no more battle slots to resolve, power totals can now be determined for each side of the battle. On the Guardian side, only the Guardian Apprentice remains, armed with the Shuriken, for a power total of 3 (1 + 2). e Daimyo has an inherent Guardian power value of 3 (the 3 blue power symbols on the Target card), so the total power for the Guardian side of the battle is 6 (3 + 3). On the Assassin side, there are three ninjas le standing: Assassin Adept, armed with a Shuriken, for a power total of 4 (2 + 2); Silent Killer, armed with a Kusari-Fundo, for a power total of 3 (0 + 3); and Assassin Kunoichi with a power total of 4. e total power for the Assassin side of the battle is 11 (4 + 3 + 4), a decisive victory leading to the assassination of the Daimyo! Any player who has an Assassination contract for the Daimyo is eligible for a reward.


Target Battle Slot 1 Stack Battle Slot 1 Battle Slot 2 Battle Slot 3

Total Guardian Total Assassin Power: 6 Power: 11 Total Gold: 10

REWARD Now, the assassination reward total is calculated by taking the base value from the Reward card and adding all values from red gold symbols on the Target and Meddler cards. e Reward card beneath the Daimyo is worth 5 gold. e Daimyo, when assassinated, is worth 3 gold. Lastly, there is the Enemy In High Places card beneath the Reward card. It has a red gold symbol with a value of +2, so it adds 2 gold to the SHINOBI CLANS RULEBOOK reward if the Target is killed. Last Updated: August 8th, 2014 So the  nal reward for assassinating the Daimyo is 10 (5 + 3 + 2). If multiple players Version 1.0 selected an Assassination contract for the Daimyo, the reward is split equally between them, rounding up. Contact us at NEXT ROUND! [email protected] at was the  rst round, so the players get ready to dra again for the start of round 2! or via or search your favorite social network for “Shinobi Clans” or “Posthuman Studios”