wu zhiliang defends to airport says 6.4 million jinan uni donation be priority passengers expected The donation of RMB100 million ‘ The Macau International Airport from the Macao Foundation market’ Company has announced its to Jinan University was on the for post-eu targets for 2016 in terms of spotlight yesterday britain passenger numbers P4 AL PLENARY P5 BBAM’S 10TH ANNIVERSARY P6

FRI.22 Jul 2016

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N.º 2605 HKD 9.50 FOUNDER & PUBLISHER Kowie Geldenhuys EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Paulo Coutinho



with ultimatum P3 At least 75 people in northern China have died or gone missing since Monday in some of the worst flooding in years, the government said yesterday. The figures released by the Civil Affairs Ministry come amid continuing heavy downpours that have caused havoc across usually dry regions, including the capital . Already, 576 people have been recorded as dead or missing nationwide in the first half of the year.

MALAYSIA’s prime minister says he is serious about good governance and his administration will “fully cooperate” with the U.S. Department of Justice in its probe into a USD3.5 billion scandal into a Malaysian state fund. Najib was speaking to reporters yesterday, a day after the U.S. Justice Department said it has initiated action to seize more than $1 billion of the stolen money that was allegedly used to buy assets in the U.S. by people close to Najib.

AUSTRALIA A man was MARQUES RENATO arrested after igniting accelerant inside his car and crashing it into the gate of a parking garage at a suburban Hong Kong teen Sydney police station yesterday, police said. There was no indication the incident had any leader Joshua Wong links to terrorism. P11 More on backpage guilty in protest trial INSIDE 22.07.2016 fri

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UM scholar to receive awards from Growth in consumer prices slows APA HE composite Consumer Price Index (CPI) for June Brian Hall from T 2016 increased by 2.26 per- the Department BLOOMBERG cent year-on-year to 108.29, of Psychology at the University according to information re- of Macau will leased by the Statistics and receive three Census Service (DSEC). This Early Career has indicated a slowdown of Awards from 0.38 percentage points from the American the 2.64 percent year-on-year Psychological Association (APA) in growth in the previous month. August in Colorado. The three awards DSEC accredits the incre- include the Theodore Blau Early Career ment rise to higher rental cos- Award for Outstanding Contribution ts for parking spaces as well as to Professional Clinical Psychology, increased prices for food and the 2016 Award for Outstanding tobacco. Contribution to Trauma Psychology by an The composite CPI for June Early Career Psychologist, and the 2016 increased by 0.11 percent Early Career Psychologist Award for month-to-month. Higher pri- International Psychology. These awards ces of some cigarette brands recognize psychological scientists in the and new arrivals of summer early stages of their careers who have clothing and footwear drove attained outstanding achievements up the price indexes of Al- or made outstanding contributions to coholic Beverages & Tobacco professional clinical psychology, trauma and Clothing & Footwear by fish and the cost of eating out, Fuels decreased by 0.14 per- June 2015, the average CPI in- psychology and international psychology 2.88 percent and 1.71 percent bringing down the price index cent due to the greater effect creased by 3.67 percent from respectively. respectively. of Food & Non-Alcoholic Be- posed by the reduction in rent the previous period, led by an On the contrary, falling pri- verages by 0.14 percent mon- over the increase in property increase in the prices of al- MGTO to announce ces of vegetables and fruits of- th-to-month. management fees. cohol, tobacco and education, hotel shutdown fset the rise in prices of fresh The price index of Housing & For the 12 months ending according to DSEC.

The Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO) has called a press conference today to announce the shutdown of a Gov’t says five-year plan gathering support hotel. “Several departments related to the issue” will attend the press conference where the shutdown of a pment Plan, which ended on June 30. governance issues, while 982 opinions hotel will be made public. The hotel in The Policy Research Office said over 80 related to strategic development. A fur- question is not yet clear, but it’s possible percent of the opinions provided have ther 859 opinions, or 8 percent, were that it is the Beijing Imperial Palace shown support for the plan. deemed “uncategorized.” Hotel that has been subject to multiple According to data released this week Over the consultation period, the go- complications recently. The latest such in a press conference organized by the vernment held a total of 41 sessions to complication was announced last week, government think-tank coordinated by promote the plan, with over 3,800 repre- when the Court of Final Appeal rejected Lao Pun Lap, more than 5,700 of the sentatives from different sectors atten- an appeal over unpaid VIP gaming opinions expressed, or 53 percent of the ding those sessions. commissions during a dispute over Lao Pun Lap, the Policy Research Office head (center) total, were focused on livelihood issues. The plan was sharply criticized for its money allegedly owed to Hoi Cheng 2,189 comments, accounting for 20 per- vagueness by several lawmakers and pu- Nga, who runs Macau-based Energy HE MSAR has received some 10,800 cent of the 10,802 opinions expressed, blic figures. Lawmakers Ng Kuok Cheong Travel Agency. Topinions from residents during a related to the future development of the and Au Kam San stated the plan is me- two-month long consultation period on peninsula. rely “a promotional booklet from the lo- Regional drill for the proposal for the Five-Year Develo- A total of 1,020 comments related to cal government without any real value.” MERS virus reaction

The Health Bureau (IHM) is co- HE Cultural Affairs Bu- conducting a drill today, together with Treau (IC) has announced IC opens Fringe Festival applications mainland China and Hong Kong health that it is now accepting pro- departments. The aim of the drill is to gram proposals for the 16th test the regional cooperative measures Macau City Fringe Festival nal collaborations produced in sions such as “Program Show- to be enforced in the case of a MERS which will be held in January any art form. case,” which will allow foreign virus outbreak. The three regions expect Over the years, the annual to test a communication system, as 2017. According to a state- artists to have a better unders- festival has adopted the slo- well as their abilities in co-prevention ment from the IC, all local tanding about the current state and co-control to combat the spreading associations registered at the gan, “All around the city, our of art development in Macau. of the virus. A total of 135 people will Identification Services Bureau stages, our patrons, our artis- It hopes to enhance links and participate in the drill, including 70 and artistic practitioners are ts,” reads the IC statement. It collaboration between local people from IHM, 13 from the Fire welcome to submit their pro- is “derived from the abstract and international artists. Service Bureau, 50 from the Judiciary posals by August 26. concepts by artists locally and Interested local associations Police, and two from the Institute for Artists and associations are from different parts of the should submit their applica- Tourism Studies (IFT). Several streets encouraged to transform their world presented in the streets tions along with supporting around the IFT building will have ideas into detailed program and lanes of the city.” documents to the IC building limited access, and a number of parking proposals. Acts can be local, The 16th edition of the festi- at Tap Seac Square during of- spaces will be closed. from abroad, or cross-regio- val will include interactive ses- fice hours by August 26.

www.macaudailytimes.com.mo DIRECTOR AND EDITOR-IN-CHIEF_Paulo Coutinho [email protected] A MACAU TIMES PUBLICATIONS LTD PUBLICATION MANAGING EDITOR_Paulo Barbosa [email protected] CONTRIBUTING EDITORS_Eric Sautedé, Leanda Lee, Severo Portela ADMINISTRATOR AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER + 4 Million page views Kowie Geldenhuys [email protected] DESIGN EDITOR_João Jorge Magalhães [email protected] | NEWSROOM AND CONTRIBUTORS_ SECRETARY Juliana Cheang [email protected] PER MONTH Albano Martins, Annabel Jackson, Daniel Beitler, Emilie Tran, Grace Yu, Irene Sam, Ivo Carneiro de Sousa, Jacky I.F. Cheong, ADDRESS Av. da Praia Grande, 599, Edif. Comercial Rodrigues, 12 Floor C, Jenny Lao-Phillips, João Palla Martins, Joseph Cheung, Juliet Risdon, Lynzy Valles, Renato Marques, Richard MACAU SAR Telephones: +853 287 160 81/2 Fax: +853 287 160 84 Whitfield, Rodrigo de Matos (cartoonist), Ruan Du Toit Bester, Sandra Norte (designer), Viviana Seguí | ASSOCIATE Advertisement [email protected] Thank You! CONTRIBUTORS_JML Property, MacauHR, MdME Lawyers, PokerStars | NEWS AGENCIES_ Associated Press, For subscription and general issues: [email protected] | Printed at Welfare Printing Ltd +11,000 like us on facebook.com/mdtimes Bloomberg, MacauHub, MacauNews, Xinhua | SECRETARY_Yang Dongxiao [email protected] send newsworthy information and press releases to: [email protected] website: www.macaudailytimes.com.mo fri 22.07.2016

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Daniel Beitler ANIMAL WELFARE N a meeting held yesterday between the director of the Gaming and Inspection Bu- reau (DICJ) Paulo Martins Canidrome presented with IChan and representatives of the Canidrome (Yat Yuen) company, it was revealed that the govern- ment is presenting the greyhound ultimatum: close or move racing facility with an ultimatum: close down or relocate to another site. for termination of employment Ltd., and through it the other The Canidrome was informed contracts, and will still be respon- greyhound owners, to provide all that a decision must be made sible for the relocation and remo- of those animals to Anima, when The shortly, though an exact timefra- val of greyhounds from the site,” the decision for its closing is an- me was not provided. According it reads. The Labor Affairs Bureau nounced, as we believe will ha- government to a statement from the Govern- will follow up the employment is- ppen shortly.” ment Information Bureau (GCS), sues if required. Then the plan was to “try to doesn’t want the company would have two This has caused Martins much obtain the necessary financial to say that they years in which to procure a new frustration who says he doesn’t support to be able to deal with space. understand why so much time these animals and prepare [their] have two years Moreover, the DICJ director in- has been allotted to the company adoption, which, we believe is sisted that should the company real decision here […] even if the who will continue to use, kill or only possible internationally, as and then must opt to relocate, the new facility Canidrome has been given two sell the greyhounds to mainland Macau can only absorb a small would be required to demonstrate options.” China or possibly Vietnam during number of them.” close, but this an improvement in the treatment “The government doesn’t want this period. Angela Leong, managing direc- is what they of greyhounds, in accordance to say that they have two years and In a letter dated July 11, from tor of the company, stated yester- with international standards. then must close, but this is what Anima president Albano Mar- day that she respects the decision are effectively However, Anima (Macau) pre- they are effectively saying,” he tins to Secretary for Economy and pledges a solution before the sident Albano Martins told the reasoned, adding that the option and Finance Lionel Leong, Mar- end of the two-year breathing pe- saying. Times that the ultimatum presen- to relocate is “impossible.” tins wrote that the decision to riod. ted to the Canidrome is merely a Although only limited infor- close the Canidrome would be ALBANO MARTINS Albano Martins thinks that this ANIMA (MACAU) PRESIDENT guise for a decision already taken mation was released in the GCS “without doubt the best decision is a ploy by the government to se- by authorities to close the facility. statement yesterday, one justi- that the government will take, cure the land for itself. “For sure tinue its racing activities and that He described the announcement fication for the relocation might from an economic, communi- the government wants the land,” it will continue to be subsidized by as “the death kiss,” in reference be to protect workers employed ty and animal welfare point of he said, “they are just protecting the government, the Anima presi- to a mafia term that indicates a by the company. In the event that view.” themselves with this [ultima- dent believes. member of a crime family has the facility closes, the Canidrome He also asked the secretary in tum].” DICJ could not be reached yes- been marked for death. will be “responsible for paying […] the letter “to convince the Macau In the meantime, it is likely that terday for a comment on the ma- Martins argues that “there is no compensation to their employees (Yat Yuen) Canidrome Company the Canidrome will be free to con- tter.


IC opens Fringe Festival applications 22.07.2016 fri

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tions of a “lack of credibility,” AL PLENARY concluding that “credibility is not determined by public parti- cipation, but [instead] depends on good regimes and rules.” Wu Zhiliang says mainland Several of the lawmakers con- tributed to this topic including Pereira Coutinho who said, “the China is priority in same regulations have always existed. The problem is that the results [from the regulations] aren’t satisfactory.” financial support from FM The lawmaker added that, in “neighboring regions there are stricter regulations that include Renato Marques background checks and [verifi- cation of the] associations and HE donation of RMB100 institutions that members re- Tmillion from the Macao The reasons present.” Foundation (FM) to Jinan Uni- Coutinho thinks that the crite- versity was one of the biggest for the support ria that led to the Jinan Univer- highlights of yesterday’s ple- sity donation are unclear and nary meeting at the Legislati- should be ve Assembly (AL) in a session directly related entirely dedicated to the reply from several government de- to Macau or partments and secretariats to able to help its If in this case the lawmakers’ spoken enqui- there is no ries. development. The president of the FM, Wu conflict of Zhiliang was called to the AL WU ZHILIANG to reply to a spoken enquiry. It interest, when aimed not only to address the donation given to the university se should be the criteria, “we would that in mainland China, but to clari- know that mainland China has fy the system in use by the fou- contributed significantly to the The president of the FM, Wu Zhiliang (right) occur? ndation to operate and control development of Macau.” AU KAM SAN the subsidies granted to many According to the president of borated and enforced an “In- granted to institutions from ou- institutions and associations. the FM, that would be the opi- ternal Regulation” to clarify on tside Macau should be a small Replying to the question pre- nion of “any scholar or citizen, those matters and since then percentage when compared that the FM should “elevate its sented by Ng Kuok Cheong on and is not worth justifying it they have been operating under to the total amount of support transparency.” whether the FM “should or with complicated theories.” both the administrative code granted by the foundation; se- Au Kam San was another of should not subsidize institu- Wu remarked, contrary to and the additional regulation. cond, the institutions outside the lawmakers questioning the tions in mainland China,” Wu what legislator Ng raised In this sense, Wu considers Macau to receive support shou- answers from Wu. In referen- clearly stated: “Who should during the enquiry, the founda- the donation, which was in- ld be government-owned enti- ce to the case that involves the have priority in obtaining fi- tion possesses comprehensive vestigated by the Commission ties; third, the reasons for the Chief Executive (CE), Au asked: nancial support? Does it have regulations to prevent conflicts Against Corruption (CCAC) support should be directly rela- “If in this case there is no con- to be those that have contribu- of interest, and they are strictly and was considered to have ted to Macau or able to help its flict of interest, when would ted more to Macau, that have a enforced. been conducted “according to development; fourth, applican- that occur?” emphasizing the close relationship with the eco- He also added that, due to the law,” was not only “lawful” ts should fulfill all the formali- position held by the CE of “lea- nomic and socio-cultural de- doubts regarding the definition but also “rational and justifiab- ties required to be eligible to get dership and high administra- velopment of Macau and those of who can be considered a “re- le.” He added that all financial the support.” tion.” that can help us more in the fu- presentative” of an association support from the institution The FM leader said that by Leong Veng Chai went one ture?” he asked. or institution, during the years is approved according to four the aforementioned principles, step further and proposed a He concluded that, if the- of 2008 and 2009 the FM ela- principles: “first, the support it does not agree with accusa- ceiling on the size of a donation that can be directly approved by the FM, proposing that “high amounts” should be first scruti- Infectious diseases building still not agreeable nized by the AL. “Maybe we should implement a ceiling on - let’s say - over “budget” and a “construction timeframe.” construction] maybe we can wait a li- [MOP]10 million which would Replying to her questions was the Se- ttle more,” also noting that it seems a require analysis [and approval] cretary for Social Affairs and Culture, “rushed” calculation to arrive at “over a by the AL,” he proposed. Alexis Tam, who noted, “the govern- million to demolish the buildings [while] Melinda Chan also agreed ment has been working on this case con- the project is still not concluded.” with the idea of establishing a tinuously.” Ma Chi Seng alse questioned the new ceiling. She separately sugges- The secretary explained that the deci- number of wards, unsure of whether the ted that the donation’s “purpo- sion to lower the height of the building new number would be sufficient. se” should be included on the after the debate on May 17 had resulted Several of the lawmakers reiterated public accounting report from in “different understandings related to their stance that it would be preferable to the FM, instead of only the ins- the provision of altimetry quotas” in build a larger unit located on the Islands Alexis Tam titution and the amount. such a way as to “avoid a potential law- Health Complex instead. RM Wu once more replied saying NOTHER of the highlighted topi- suit that would create further delay to “the criteria is based on the in- Acs of yesterday’s AL plenary session the construction of the infectious disea- terest and importance to Ma- was one raised by Song Pek Kei’s spoken ses building.” ‘root planning’ group cau. They [Jinan University] enquiry. The government representative added: against demolishment have [helped to educate] more The lawmaker was calling for a general “The separate and programmed demo- than 20,000 students,” he said. plan of the infectious diseases building lition process of five buildings will start “In the last few years we have that “still raises many questions from so- from now,” adding that the works will A GROUP of local urban planers named “Root Planning” opposes the demolition been demanding that recipient ciety.” last for a period of “120 working days and of the old warehouse of the public hospital associations raise the degree of Song remarked on the “urgency” always will have a total budgeted amount of over and the former drug rehabilitation center transparency regarding the use emphasized by the government on the MOP1.1 million.” He further remarked to make room for the new Infectious Dis- of the subsidy. We ask that the construction of these facilities, which she that a final decision had been agreed that eases Building. The group claims the build- associations present detailed thinks can be arranged in harmony with the building will be eight storeys high ings have historical and architectural value reports with the expenses affor- the views of residents. and will have 80 isolation wards. and urge the government to rethink their ded by the subsidy, after it has The lawmaker’s enquiry called for a Zheng Anting commented: “We have decision to demolish them. been delivered and used,” he complete plan that would include both a waited for so long [for the building’s explained. fri 22.07.2016

th Anniversary

macau’s leading newspaper 澳聞 MACAU 5

Daniel Beitler BBAM 10TH ANNIVERSARY HE British Business Association of Macau (BBAM) held a celebra- tory reception on Wed- Macau, HK to be ‘priority Tnesday night to commemorate the organization’s 10th anni- versary since its establishment in 2006. Among the prestigious market’ for post-EU Britain guests in attendance were the U.K. trade commissioner for Hong Kong and Macau, Frances “At the moment, [British] mi- in terms of cultural events and Moffett-Kouadio, and British nisters are establishing a priori- entertainment and tourism consul general for Hong Kong ty list of countries and markets opportunities.” and Macau, Caroline Wilson, around the world,” said Wilson. “We have certainly seen an who informed the Times of the “Clearly this region is going to increase in the number of tra- possibilities for British business be an absolute focus and a real de missions coming to Ma- in Macau post-Brexit, and pro- priority. In fact our minister [of cau,” agreed Brockman, “and mised that the Hong Kong and state for trade and investment] there seems to be a receptivity Macau region would remain a Lord Price has already been to [in Macau] to the creative and “priority market.” Hong Kong since the referen- other non-gaming elements The celebratory evening on dum and we will have other sig- that British businesses can pro- Wednesday was well-atten- nificant visits in the future. So I vide.” ded by members of BBAM and think that’s an indication of our Brockman, Wilson and Mof- other partners and guests of the priority.” fett-Kouadio also agreed that organization, who were trea- Moffett-Kouadio added that Britain can play a major part in ted to a live performance of there are already a significant the diversification of Macau’s Ralph Vaughan Williams’ “The number of British trade mis- economy. Lark Ascending” and a reading sions in Hong Kong and Macau, Wilson said that the U.K. can by Caroline Wilson of George which is another indication of offer expertise in several crucial Meredith’s poem of the same the market’s importance to the areas that could make Macau name. U.K. more competitive in the Pearl Professor Kevin “Kit” Thomp- “We regularly bring trade mis- River Delta region, such as son, who introduced the per- BBAM chairman Henry Brockman (left) and British consul general Caroline Wilson sions to Macau [via Hong Kong] healthcare, education, vocatio- formance, stated that it was (right) cut a birthday cake for the 10-year-old association and I think, in some areas, Ma- nal training, entertainment and quintessentially British, though cau really punches above its the “experience economy.” often mistaken for being Fren- “obviously there has always termined to get the very best weight,” she said. “Certainly “We are keenly aware of the ch. His Chinese students at the been a British presence in Ma- deal for the U.K. that we can need to diversify Macau’s eco- University of Macau sometimes cau – there was a British pre- get, including access to the nomy and we believe with a think it sounds Chinese, he ad- sence here long before there [EU] single market, and also passion that British goods and ded. was one in Hong Kong – but access to lots of other markets services and the business that Meanwhile, Henry Brockman, solidifying it into an organized including this one,” added Wil- We are we represent can play a very BBAM chairman and co-foun- chamber of commerce like this son. important role in that,” said der, spoke about the origins of has really brought things [fur- “In case you hadn’t noticed, determined Brockman. the association and the ideas ther], even if we have had no British goods and services are Asked whether Hong Kong leading to its formation. He major trophy U.K. investment even more competitive than be- to get the overshadows Macau in terms said the founders began making yet in Macau.” fore thanks to that little matter of interest from the U.K., Wil- plans as early as 1996, though it Caroline Wilson later exten- of [the fall in the price of] the very best deal son conceded that Hong Kong would be another decade before ded her congratulations on sterling, so you’re going to get a for the U.K. “is obviously a much bigger the plans finally took root. the anniversary and thanked very good deal now,” joked the market” but added that “doesn’t “To give you a brief summary BBAM members for raising the consul general, who has been in that we can mean that it steals all the lime- of what I think we have achie- profile of British business in the the role since 2012. light.” ved over the last 10 years - with region. Both the consul general and get, including “Investment in Macau and all due respect to the formal re- She reassured guests that in Frances Moffett-Kouadio Hong Kong can be complemen- presentatives of the British go- regards to the U.K. post-EU agreed that in the next few access to the tary,” Moffett-Kouadio replied, vernment – is to have flown the referendum, “we are still mem- years, when new trade agree- [EU] single refuting the idea that one wou- flag for the U.K. in Macau. And bers of the EU, we are full mem- ments are expected to be sig- ld come at the expense of the I’m proud of that,” he said. bers and nothing has changed ned between Britain and many market. other. “Both are trying to grow “We have contributed a lot to yet.” other countries, the Hong Kong CAROLINE WILSON the creative sector, for example, developing U.K.-Macau ties,” “[As] we are heading toward and Macau region will be a BRITISH CONSUL GENERAL and there is room for collabora- stated Brockman, adding that the exit [however], we are de- priority market. FOR HK, MACAU tion there.”

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MSAR and China sign Macau airport expects 6.4 memorandum on million passengers in 2016 reduced taxation HE local gover- that the memoran- HE Macau Internatio- routes were added and Tnment signed a dum includes a re- Tnal Airport Company four new airline com- new memorandum duction in the wi- Limited (CAM) has an- panies began running with the mainland thholding tax on lease nounced full-year targets operations in the first on the reduction of rentals in aircraft and of 55,000 flight movemen- half of 2016. MIA cur- taxation on aircraft ship leasing busines- ts, including 3,105 gene- rently operates 42 routes and ship leasing bu- ses (which are treated ral aviation aircraft mo- from Macau. The launch sinesses and on ta- as royalties) from 7 vements, 30,659 tonnes of a new route between ckling tax evasion on percent to 5 percent; of cargo and 6.4 million Moscow and Macau has dividends, interest, and enhancements passengers, released in a opened up a new pattern royalties and capital to measures for ta- statement by CAM. for MIA. The main struc- gains. ckling tax evasion on Chairman of the board ture of the Passenger The “Protocol on the dividends, interest, of directors, Ma Iao Hang, Terminal Building Nor- Avoidance of Double royalties and capital has further announced th Extension, which was Taxation and Preven- gains. that the growth of the local officially commenced in tion of Evasion of In- Leong indicated that civil aviation industry re- November 2015, was fi- come Tax” was signed the new protocol on mained steady under the nished by the end of June in Beijing. tax would improve current circumstances; this year. In turn, the op- The Secretary for the fairness of the particularly the successive timization of the parking Economy and Fi- taxation system as drops in income in the ga- apron is underway; the nance, Lionel Leong, applied to residents ming and tourism indus- number of slots is expec- and the deputy ad- of the region and of tries. Ma then summari- ted to increase from 24 to ministrator of the the mainland, as well zed the results concerning se of 16.7 percent and 5.8 creasing traffic volume 40, and the existing re- State Administration as creating a better the overall performance percent, respectively; car- and proper management sources will be used more of Taxation, Wang business environ- of the Macau Internatio- go traffic recorded 15,117 of non-aviation incomes, efficiently. Relying on a Qinfeng, signed the ment and enhancing nal Airport (MIA) in the tons, a year-on-year in- the total income of MIA in strategy of frequent short document on behalf transparency in order first half of 2016: MIA crease of 8.3 percent; ge- this first semester increa- steps, there has been a of the MSAR and the to tackle tax evasion. handled more than 3.25 neral aviation recorded sed 8.8 percent compared number of engineering Central Government, The arrangement million passengers and 1,276 aircraft movements, with the same period of programs carried out in respectively. was first signed in over 28,000 aircraft mo- which already represents last year. MIA in order to optimize The Government 2003 with subse- vements, corresponding 41.1 percent of the annual In regards to the pas- the equipment and to rea- Information Bureau quent revisions in to a year-on-year increa- target. Along with the in- senger market, four new lize an airport extension. said in a statement 2009 and 2011. ad fri 22.07.2016

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macau’s leading newspaper 分析 BUSINESS 7

REAL ESTATE MATTERS Is my security deposit safe? Part 2 of 3

Juliet Risdon is a Director of JML Property and a property investor. Having been established in 1994, JML Property offers Investment Property & Homes. It specializes in managing properties for owners and investors, and providing attractive and comfortable homes for tenants.

www.JMLProperty.com Juliet Risdon [email protected]

In the second part of this three C. Give the correct notice terminate after 1 year for part article, we look what steps Each time a landlord needs to example, this is a legally bin- can be taken to maximize the replace a tenant it costs them ding agreement possibility of getting back the money. Ensure that you give whole security deposit when a enough notice in line with Ma- D. Repair any damage tenant vacates a property. cau law and your contract. Hanging pictures and mirrors What steps can you take to The Minimum Rental Contract in the apartment when you ar- ensure you get your deposit Term according to the Macau rive is of course standard back? Government Website on Te- procedure, but do make sure Some of the steps you can take: nancy, there is a MAXIMUM that you fill and paint the holes period of 30 years that a rental that are made in the wall befo- A. Check your inventory agreement can run, but there is re leaving. Replace any broken and mis- NO minimum period. sing items, and of course re- If there is no time frame sti- E. Return the apartment pair anything that could be pulated on an agreement, the and any linen clean! considered damaged. government deems the agree- If you have pets ensure you do Arranging everything neatly ment to be valid for 1 year. a deep clean of rugs, sofas and so it can be easily counted is Under Section 1038 of Macau their favorite areas. also a great help, and you will Civil Code, the Landlord does Remove all food from the frid- be surprised how long it takes not have right to terminate ge and freezer and ensure they to go through a full inventory a tenancy agreement for re- are thoroughly cleaned, and count. sidential purposes within 2 getting a cleaner in to leave the years from the starting date of place tidy and free from over- B. Check the contract the lease term unless it agreed flowing trash bags will also be Are there any special condi- by both parties. a big help. tions about the return of the Simply put, it means that if apartment that you need to you have an agreement that is F. Talk to the landlord comply with? If so, you can 2 years or longer, the landlord or their agent in advance either make sure that you cannot terminate the agree- about any concerns comply with them or contact ment prior to the end of the Most of all be pleasant and the agent or landlord ahead of initial 2-year period. helpful to the person you are time to make an alternative ar- However if both parties agree dealing with and show that you rangement. to a shorter contract that will are doing your best. 22.07.2016 fri

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8 BUSINESS 分析 www.macaudailytimes.com.mo

Lufthansa, EasyJet warn of Hong Kong stock terror threat to airline profit benchmark enters bull UROPEAN airlines are war- Ening that more turbulence is ahead for their bottom lines as terror attacks sap demand market, erasing 2016 loss for short- and long-haul travel during the crucial summer travel ONG Kong’s benchmark season, with the effects magni- Hstock index erased los- fied by aggressive expansion to ses for the year to enter a bull take advantage of low fuel prices. market amid a broad advance BLOOMBERG Deutsche Lufthansa AG rever- for regional equities. Property sed course on its 2016 forecast, developers led gains. calling for a decline instead of a The Hang Seng Index added gain in operating profit, as over- 0.5 percent at the close, taking seas travelers balk at traveling its increase from a three-year to Europe following a spate of low in February to 20 per- deadly terrorism attacks, Luf- cent. Cheung Kong Property thansa said late Wednesday. The the profit gains have been limited Holdings Ltd. climbed amid German carrier issued the profit as the extra seating outpaces de- expectations interest rates will warning because it no longer sees mand growth. Consumers, alrea- stay low. New World Develop- Kong, taking its gain for 2016 most in a week, while a quick rebound. dy rocked by attacks in Brussels ment Co. rose for a ninth strai- to 0.4 percent. The gauge is Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock EasyJet Plc has offered summer and Paris and an unexplained ght day, its longest winning valued at 11.5 times its projec- Co. added 0.9 percent. Midea fare promotions for the first time crash of an EgyptAir plane, have run in seven years, after Credit ted 12-month earnings, 12 per- Group Co. advanced 2.8 per- ever amid the worst market in 10 dropped travel plans since the Suisse Group AG raised the cent cheaper than the Shan- cent after the Chinese com- years, according to Chief Execu- killing of 84 people in Nice on stock’s rating. The ghai Composite, according to pany said it has an almost 86 tive Officer Carolyn McCall. Ra- the French Riviera in mid-July. Composite Index advanced for data compiled by Bloomberg. percent stake in German robot ther than a hoped-for revival, re- “Because of low fuel, there’s the first time in four days. The Hang Seng China Enter- maker Kuka AG following a venue per seat is down about 7.5 more capacity in the market, and Real estate companies in prises Index of mainland com- tender offer. percent so far in the three mon- you also have the fact that it’s the Hong Kong, where borrowing panies listed in the city and the Chinese railroad stocks ad- ths through September, with summer period as well, so it’s the costs tend to move in tandem Shanghai gauge increased 0.4 vanced after the nation’s about 35 percent of bookings still worst possible timing in the year with the U.S., have boosted percent each. planning body unveiled a to come. The Luton, England-ba- for these type of headwinds,” the equity rally as positive ear- The MSCI Asia Pacific Index proposal to expand the ne- sed discount airline, which faces said Jack Diskin, an analyst at nings surprises helped push added 0.4 percent, led by Ja- twork over the next 10 years. extra burdens following Britain’s Goodbody Stockbrokers in Du- the S&P 500 Index to a record panese equities after Kyodo China Railway Group Ltd. in- referendum to exit the European blin. high Wednesday. Japanese News reported the government creased 0.4 percent and Gem- Union, stepped back from a pre- Lufthansa is the first European stocks climbed as Kyodo News is considering a 20 trillion yen Year Industrial Co., which vious profit forecast and didn’t airline to tie terrorism concerns reported that the government ($187 billion) stimulus pro- makes carriage bolts, jumped offer a new target amid the un- directly to a profit warning, thou- was considering a stimulus gram. 2.4 percent. certainty. gh Ryanair Holdings Plc cited the program. New World Development “The government wants to “We’ve never, ever, in a sum- effects of attacks when it scaled “Hong Kong shares’ valua- gained 1.7 percent, capping a use infrastructure investment, mer had to promote seats in June back an earnings-growth outlook tion is quite attractive and in- nine-day, 13 percent gain, after such as in railways, to counter and July and we have done so in May. EasyJet refrained from vestors are taking advantage Credit Suisse lifted its rating a decline in economic growth,” this year,” McCall said on a call making an earnings prediction of that and the good momen- to outperform from neutral. said Jingxi’s Wang. with reporters. “From a custo- for the rest of its fiscal year be- tum in U.S. stocks,” said Wang The stock has rallied 47 per- Margin traders increased mer point of view, that’s fantas- cause of the Nice incident and an Zheng, Shanghai-based chief cent since Feb. 12, the most holdings of mainland sha- tic; from a business point of view, attempted coup in Turkey. Those investment officer at Jingxi among the Hang Seng Index’s res purchased with borrowed your pricing being as low as that issues come on top of earlier dis- Investment Management Co., 50 constituents. Cheung Kong money to a three-month high. in your peak summer trading pe- ruptions due to air-traffic strikes, which oversees about USD300 advanced 2.2 percent and Sun The outstanding balance of riod is not such a good thing.” bad weather and an attack that million. “Given the fundamen- Hung Kai Properties Ltd. clim- margin debt on the Shanghai The terror incidents are exa- closed the Brussels airport in tals on U.S. equities are solid, bed 0.6 percent yesterday. and Shenzhen exchanges rose cerbating the business challen- March. Lufthansa expects a sli- the run-up on Hong Kong sto- In mainland trading, liquor to 882.1 billion yuan ($132.2 ges airlines were already facing. de of 8 percent to 9 percent in cks will probably carry on.” makers and appliance manu- billion) on Wednesday to the Carriers worldwide have added unit revenue in the second half of The Hang Seng Index clim- facturers gained, with Kwei- highest level since April 19. flights as a drop in fuel prices re- 2016, excluding currency effects, bed to 22,000.49 in Hong chow Moutai Co. rising the Bloomberg duced the cost of expansion, but it said Wednesday. Bloomberg

corporate bits family summer activities at mgm macau reality tv show features melco ‘ctm youth development program 2016’ crown resorts concluded rine making, mask painting to lantern decoration. “Up Idol II,” a renowned CTM has concluded its “CTM Children aged between 3 Hunan reality TV show credi- Youth Development Program and 12 are welcome to join ted for jumpstarting “The Age 2016” yesterday with 20 candi- MGM’s onsite professional of Female Reality Shows” in dates completing a one-month pastry chefs and artists to China, has chosen Macau as training internship opportunity create handicrafts together. the filming destination in its with the telecommunication MGM Macau is offering a Each child who participates in comeback series. The Macau company. wide array of fun-filled ac- the “cookie decoration” ses- episode of “Up Idol II” will be CTM organized the program tivities, including creative sion will receive an apron with broadcast today. role in ‘The House of Dancing with the co-organization of tween June 17 and July 21, workshops, interactive expe- his or her name on it. According to a statement by Water’ they would like to play. Bosco Youth Service Network with its graduation ceremony riences at the aquarium, nail According to a press release Melco, “after the huge success The cast will need to learn the and the Macau Federation of being held yesterday at Macau and body art as well as the- issued by the gaming operator, of season I, ‘Up Idol II’ will con- moves and the dances from Trade Unions. Tower. During the ceremony, med cuisines for families to the 8.3-meter-tall MGM Aqua- tinue to showcase the beauty the internationally acclaimed The 20 candidates received awards were presented to enjoy as a pleasant retreat rium houses a new colorful mix of Asian women whilst highli- performing team,” said Sunny experience in various diversi- the winners of the “CTM 35th from the summer heat at Gran- of fish to greet guests this sum- ghting the uniqueness of each Yu, senior vice president, En- fied activities including com- Anniversary Logo Design Con- de Praça. mer. MGM’s TRIA Spa team filming destination and the cul- tertainment and Projects of munity care service and an test.” The “Creativity Workshop” members are also offering sou- tural exchange.” Melco Crown Entertainment adventure camp. According to The champion, first runner- for children will be held every venirs at the Body Art Booth “The eight goddesses will Limited. CTM, the program has enab- up and second runner-up of weekend in July and August. in Grande Praça. Guests are compete in different challen- The highlights of the “eight- led the candidates to increase the contest were awarded a The workshop features four di- treated to free body art, inclu- ges at various attractions. goddess” version of ‘The Hou- their understanding of the local cash prize of MOP20,000; fferent sessions, ranging from ding temporary tattoos and nail Their objective is to earn the se of Dancing Water’ will be telecom industry. MOP12,000; MOP8,000 res- cookie decoration, dough figu- art by the spa specialists. right to choose first which aired on July 29. The program was held be- pectively and a trophy. fri 22.07.2016

th Anniversary

published in partnership with macauhub.com.mo 中葡論壇 FORUM 9

advertorial Airlines buys TAP Air Portugal share AP PHOTO

AINAN Airlines strategic significance of Hacquired 25 per- the deal. cent of the issue of TAP The issue of bonds con- – Air Portugal converti- vertible into TAP SGPS ble bonds for 30 million shares approved in Mar- euros, announced the ch had two series, the Chinese company in a first of 90 million euros statement this week. subscribed by Brazilian This transaction, car- airline Azul and the se- ried out through Azul cond, 30 million euros, (David Neeleman’s subscribed by Portu- Brazilian company that guese state stakeholding is part of the Atlantic company Parpública Gateway consortium, SGPS or by Azul. a TAP shareholder), The second series was allows the Chinese subscribed by the sta- group to increase its te through Parpública, stake in TAP to 23 per- completing the place- cent and gain a seat on ment of the issue pro- the Portuguese airline’s posed in the Memoran- board of directors. dum of Understanding The Chinese group re- between the Portuguese cognized in the state- State and the Atlantic ment that the financial Gateway consortium, as situation of the Portu- part of the flagship air- guese airline is not “op- line’s privatization pro- timistic” but noted the cess. MDT/Macauhub

ANGOLA Consul general in China promotes economic diversification

HE need for diversification of Angola’s eco- Tnomy was the basis of a visit to three provin- ces of China by the new consul-general of Angola in Guangzhou, according to a statement quoted by Angolan news agency Angop. In meetings held in the capital of Guangxi and the provinces of and Hainan, the consul-general João Baptista da Costa asked partners to mobilize companies and local entrepreneurs to form part- nerships in Angola, under the private investment policy in force in the country. The diplomat recalled the priority sectors whose production could help to develop the Angolan eco- nomy, including agriculture, food and manufactu- ring and the services sectors such as insurance and reinsurance. In Nanning, capital of the autonomous region of Guangxi, Costa established contacts for coopera- tion in the development of biodiversity and a green economy and received an invitation from the local authorities for Angola to take part in Expo Asia to be held next September. MDT/Macauhub 22.07.2016 fri

th Anniversary

10 CHINA 中國 www.macaudailytimes.com.mo

TRANSPORTATION der in the Chinese company, another person said. A representative for Uber declined to comment. Didi Uber backers said to push for Chuxing said in an e-mailed statement it “does not have such plans” and would not comment further. Didi truce in costly China war Didi’s no stranger to partne- ring with peers. The company has already formed a global Alex Barinka, Eric Newcomer coalition with Lyft Inc. in the and Lulu Yilun Chen Many U.S., India’s Ola and Sou- theast Asia’s Grab. BLOOMBERG BER Technologies Inc. investors Its $100 million investment Uinvestors have a messa- believe Uber in Lyft, Uber’s main U.S. ri- ge for management: It’s time de-hailing competitor, further to wrap up the costly fight in and Didi are complicates potential nego- China. tiations. Lyft has hired the Several institutional in- playing a game boutique investment bank Qa- vestors are pushing the ri- talyst Partners LP to explore de-hailing company to ink a of chicken - deal options, a person familiar partnership agreement with burning cash with the matter said in June. China’s market leader Didi A string of recent mergers Chuxing, according to people and waiting for in China set a precedent for familiar with the matter, stem- investors getting what they ming the billions of dollars their competitor want, despite initial reluctan- Uber is spending to expand in ce from company founders. the region. to concede Didi and its previous neme- Investors in Uber and Didi defeat or come sis, Hangzhou Kuaidi Tech- have discussed a potential nology Co., combined in early deal, though the companies’ to the table 2015 to form China’s largest own executives would need to taxi hailing service, after pres- negotiate any truce, the people $28 billion, says it has more sure from investors including said, asking not to be identi- than $10 billion at its disposal Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. fied as the discussions aren’t in cash and equity. and Tencent Holdings Ltd. public. One Uber investor said That cash has been accumu- Last October, online travel he’s had more than 10 mee- lated, at least in part, in an companies Ctrip.com Interna- tings and calls with Didi sha- attempt to signal a willingness tional Ltd. and Qunar Cayman reholders that want the com- to continue spending in China. Islands Ltd. followed suit, panies to cut a deal. He decli- Many investors believe Uber agreeing to merge. ned to discuss the identity of and Didi are playing a game Having raised more than $15 the investors. made several trips to the U.S., ting leverage with each other, of chicken - burning cash and billion, Uber has a long bench Uber and Didi are bleeding where she evangelizes for the the people said. Didi is in the waiting for their competitor to of investors from venture ca- cash in China as they fight for company and meets with ba- lead on its home turf, with 14 concede defeat or come to the pitalists and hedge funds to dominance in the world’s most ckers including Apple Inc. million drivers signed up in table. sovereign wealth funds. Sha- populous country. Uber has She also met this year with 400 Chinese cities. Uber has Outside of China, business reholders’ money is currently said that it is spending at least Emil Michael, Uber’s senior set a target of operating in 100 is faring better. Uber has said locked up indefinitely as CEO USD1 billion a year to expand vice president of business, cities this year. that it is profitable in the U.S. Travis Kalanick has said he’ll its business in the country. another person said. The peo- Uber set up a separate cor- and Canada. But its profits in wait as long as possible to go Both are giving out incentives ple declined to discuss whe- porate entity to insulate its the developed world are being public. for drivers and free rides to ther the conversations inclu- Chinese business, which has offset by losses in developing Stemming losses in China is compete for market share. ded explicit talk of a deal or gathered local Chinese inves- markets. one of the main things holding Benchmark’s Bill Gurley partnership. tors. Still, the parent company One potential roadblock to a up Uber’s potential initial - an Uber investor and board The two companies are not has also invested its own mo- partnership agreement is how public offering, according to member - spoke briefly with currently discussing a deal, a ney, keeping the units finan- fees would be split, according people familiar with the ma- Didi President Jean Liu at separate person familiar with cially intertwined. to one of the people. Didi wou- tter, alongside the company’s the Code Conference in Ran- the matter said. Among private technolo- ld want more of the combined regulatory battles. At its cur- cho Palos Verdes, California, With both companies as- gy companies, the rivals are revenue share than Uber wou- rent private valuation, Uber a few months ago, according serting their intent to grow giants. Uber, which was last ld be willing to give up, the is not only one of the biggest to a person familiar with the independently, executives at valued at nearly $68 billion, person said. Investors have closely held technology star- matter. Liu, who speaks fluent Uber and Didi are concerned says it has access to more than also proposed that Uber China tups, but also bigger than 85 English unlike Didi Chief Exe- that appearing open to a deal $11 billion in cash and equity. be absorbed by Didi, with Uber percent of the companies in cutive Officer Cheng Wei, has could undercut their negotia- Didi, which was last valued at becoming a minority sharehol- the S&P 500 Index. Bloomberg

Panchen Lama presides over key Buddhist ritual

HINA’S hand-picked thwestern Tibet, the offi- The government has long a cleric who many Tibe- Panchen Lama is pre- cial vilified the Dalai Lama as tans regard as a fake.

AP PHOTO C siding over a key Bud- said. The report said an a separatist and denies his “The officially atheist dhist ritual being held in estimated 50,000 Bud- traditional right to recog- Chinese government has Tibet for the first time in dhists were attending the nize reincarnated lamas. long tried to impose its 50 years, in a move criti- four-day event. China claims it has had authority on Tibet by cized by overseas Tibetan Beijing named its own sovereignty over Tibet co-opting Tibetan Bud- groups as an attempt to Panchen Lama in 1995 for more than seven cen- dhism,” Free Tibet direc- legitimize him as a reli- after rejecting the 6-year-­ turies. Many Tibetans tor Eleanor Byrne-Ro- gious leader. old boy who was recogni- say Tibet was essentially sengren said in a press The second-highest figu- zed by the Dalai Lama, the independent for most of release. The Panchen re in Tibetan Buddhism highest figure in Tibetan that time. Lama’s “presence at this was present for the Kala- Buddhism who fled into London-based Free Ti- Kalachakra stems from chakra instructions that exile in India in 1959 af- bet said the resumption the Chinese occupation began yesterday at his ter an abortive uprising of the ritual was intended rather than from genuine home monastery in sou- against Chinese forces. to bolster the standing of religious legitimacy.” AP fri 22.07.2016

th Anniversary

macau’s leading newspaper 中國 CHINA 11

Kelvin Chan, Hong Kong

Hong Kong court yesterday found teen Hong Kong teen leader Joshua protest leader Joshua Wong guilty of taking partA in an illegal rally that sparked massive student-led Wong guilty in protest trial pro-democracy street protests in the southern Chinese city two years ago. which had been open to the pu- The 19-year-old Wong twee- blic until the government cut ted that he “was found guilty AP PHOTO off access months before. of the charge of participating Huge crowds of demonstra- unlawful assembly by court tors turned out to demand of Hong Kong.” their release after they were A magistrate handed down the detained by police, who res- verdict for Wong and two other ponded two days later with young student leaders, Nathan volleys of tear gas. The move Law and Alex Chow, following a backfired, driving even more trial earlier this year. protesters to take to the stree- Chow was convicted of the ts, where they remained for 79 same charge while Law was days to press their demands found guilty of inciting others for greater democracy in what to join an illegal assembly, ac- became known as the Umbrella cording to local media reports. Movement. The three face up to two years It’s the first conviction for in prison. They’re due for sen- Wong, who has been involved tencing on Aug. 15 said Wong, in several other court cases who became globally famous this year. Last month he was acquitted of obstruction char- ges stemming from a separate anti-China protest earlier in 2014. He’s also involved in a No matter what contempt case still before the courts. is the penalty Amnesty International critici- zed Hong Kong’s Public Order or the price Ordinance, on which the pro- that we need secution based its case, noting it has been criticized by the to pay, we will Teen protest leader Joshua Wong shouts slogans outside a magistrate’s court in Hong Kong United Nations Human Righ- ts Committee for not meeting still continue for his role in leading the pro- suppression from the govern- the Hong Kong government international human rights law tests, which marked the former ment,” Wong told reporters af- complex on Sept. 26, 2014, to and standards on the right of to fight against British colony’s most tumul- ter the verdict. “Facing the lar- protest Beijing’s decision to res- peaceful assembly. suppression tuous period in decades. gest communist regime in the trict elections for the semiauto- “The prosecution of student “We might need to go into world, it’s a long-term battle nomous region’s top leader. leaders on vague charges sma- from the prison. However, no matter for us to fight for democracy.” They and dozens of other cks of political payback by the what is the penalty or the pri- The three were charged with young activists climbed a tall authorities,” said Mabel Au, government. ce that we need to pay, we will storming into a courtyard fence or rushed past a barri- the group’s Hong Kong direc- JOSHUA WONG still continue to fight against dubbed Civic Square beside cade surrounding the square, tor. AP

Wife, son of prominent Chinese AP PHOTO dissident arrive in US

Haven Daley, left and will be safe here.” they had done to other In 2005, Zhao refused Kristin J. Bender Liu, 40, the wife of Zhao people,” Liu said. to participate in a flag-­ Changqing, arrived with The 47-year-old Zhao raising ceremony or sing HE pregnant wife and the boy Tuesday from has been a leading defen- the national anthem. He T4-year-old son of a Bangkok. She was es- der of human rights and was put into solitary con- prominent Chinese dissi- corted by Yang Jianli, democracy in China sin- finement for more than dent have sought refuge president of Initiatives ce the 1989 Tiananmen a month. He was later in the San Francisco Bay for China/Citizen Power Students Movement. As returned to solitary con- Area after leaving Thai- for China, a grassroots a former student leader finement for refusing to land, where she said she movement dedicated to a and a prominent political take part in military drills no longer felt safe. peaceful transition to de- “prisoner of conscience,” and for receiving Falun “My husband is a politi- mocracy. he has been imprisoned Gong members, accor- cal activist and fights for Yang said Liu will live five times in 27 years. ding to published reports. freedom and democracy, with supporters in subur- Liu said her husband Zhao was part of a loose Liu Xiaodong, 40, wife of prominent Chinese dissident Zhao which puts him in the po- ban Hayward and take was released a week ago network of grassroots ac- Changqing, her 4-year-old son, and Dr. Yang Jianli, president of sition of being the enemy care of her children. Her and is living in China un- tivists known as the New Initiatives for China/Citizen Power for China, after their arrival on a of a totalitarian state,” baby is due Aug. 23. der heavy surveillance. Citizens Movement who flight from Bangkok at San Francisco Lui Xiaodong told The Liu and her son left Chi- She said she spoke to in 2013 were targeted Associated Press in an in- na in May for Bangkok him while traveling and by Chinese authorities protests to call for edu- ring a crowd to disturb terview Wednesday. “We but said she didn’t feel he is doing fine physically as part of a broad crack- cation equality or the dis- order in a public” for have seen that the go- safe there. but having difficulty fin- down on dissent. closure of public officials’ planning street protests vernment is likely to use “I knew the stories. ding a permanent home. The movement was assets to curb corruption. and sentenced Zhao in the family as a hostage That’s why I was anxious. She said he will stay known in China’s belea- Chinese authorities fou- April 2014 to two years against activists like my I was afraid they’d kidnap in China to continue his guered community of ac- nd Zhao and three other and six months’ impri- husband. That’s why we me and take me back like work. tivists for staging small activists guilty of “gathe- sonment. AP 22.07.2016 fri

th Anniversary

12 ASIA-PACIFIC 亞太版 www.macaudailytimes.com.mo

AUSTRALIA-THAILAND No ‘Pokemon Go’ yet in Japan, Flight diverted but government already worried as drunken passengers Satoshi Sugiyama, Tokyo was distracted by the game. Takahashi said he was fas- throw punches HE “Pokemon Go” craze AP PHOTO cinated with the game and Thas yet to hit Japan, but unhappy that it has been al- flight from Sydney to Thai- reports of robberies, traffic ready released elsewhere but Aland was diverted to Indonesia accidents and other mishaps not in Japan, even though it is to offload a group of drunken Aus- abroad already have the go- the birthplace of Pokemon. tralian traveling companions who vernment worried. Serkan Toto, a games indus- started throwing punches at each Chief Cabinet Secretary try consultant in Tokyo, said other, officials said yesterday. Yoshihide Suga said yesterday Pokemon itself may be Japa- Jetstar Flight 27 was carrying 314 that the government wants nese in origin, but “Pokemon passengers when it diverted to Bali players to follow guidelines Go” is an American-developed on Wednesday night after the six issued by a national center for game with a Japanese charac- who were traveling together to the incident readiness and cyber- A stuffed toy of Pikachu, a Pokemon character, is surrounded by children ter or characters layered on it. tourist island of Phuket became “ex- security. during a Pokemon festival in Tokyo He also pointed to reports that tremely disruptive among themsel- In a one-page flier, the go- fears of server outages, which ves” and refused requests from the vernment-run agency has That left gamers in Akihaba- The developer, Niantic, has have disrupted the game el- crew, the Australian budget airline released nine tips advising ra, Tokyo’s center for all thin- not announced a release date sewhere, may be delaying the said in a statement. players of the augmented gs tech, still pining to start for Japan. McDonaldsJapan, release. The airline said all six were forced reality game to be cautious catching Pokemon in their though, said in a brief state- “Nowhere in the world are off the plane, but Bali officials said of scams and their personal neighborhoods. ment late Wednesday that it is the mobile gamers, the end only five men were held by airport safety as well as to carry extra “There are people who have collaborating with “Pokemon consumers, as critical as in- security and faced deportation to batteries and be mindful of achieved a high score abroad, Go” and that the project will Japan. In the U.S., people are Australia. heatstroke. so I hope it gets released in Ja- be launched soon. accustomed to slow networks, It is not clear what happened to the Fans are eagerly awaiting pan soon,” 16-year-old Souta Motomasa Takahashi, 21, to server outages,” he said. sixth passenger. the launch of “Pokemon Go” Horime said. said he would be careful Naoki Sakuraba, 21, saw a Bali airport manager Trikora Har- in the character’s country of The game was launched two playing the game, after seeing silver lining in the delay. He jo said an investigation determined birth. A report that the game weeks ago in the , reports of accidents related is anticipating that Japanese that the only reason the men started would finally be released Australia and New Zealand, to it. A driver who crashed fans will get an improved ver- fighting was because they were un- in Japan on Wednesday rai- and is available in more than into another car in Fall City, sion of the game as technolo- der the influence of alcohol. sed expectations, but turned 20 countries, mostly in Euro- Washington, in the U.S., re- gical glitches reported in other “They were not seriously injured, out to be false. pe and North America. portedly told authorities he countries are repaired. AP just bruised,” Harjo said. AP

ad fri 22.07.2016

th Anniversary

macau’s leading newspaper 亞太版 ASIA-PACIFIC 13

Rod McGuirk, Canberra

HE oceanographer whose calculations Oceanographer says Flight 370 helped an American adventurer find poten- Ttial debris from Flight 370 said yesterday that the Malaysia Air- could be north of search area lines jetliner could have crashed slightly north of the current search area. Adventurer Blaine Gibson Officials handed Malaysian authorities AP PHOTO in Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday from Malaysia, three pieces of debris and per- China and sonal belongings that he fou- nd on Madagascar beaches in Australia will June, which he suspects came from the Boeing 777 that va- meet in Kuala nished with 239 people on board during a flight from Kua- Lumpur today la Lumpur to Beijing on March to discuss the 8, 2014. Western Australia University future of the oceanographer Charitha Pa- ttiaratchi said the same drift underwater modeling that Gibson relied on search led his team of oceanographers to suspect that the airliner cou- ld have gone down just north of day. “I said: ‘Your best bet is the the search area in the southern northeast part of Madagascar,’ Indian Ocean. which is where he went.” “The best guess that we think Five pieces of debris found in is that it’s probably around the the southwestern Indian Ocean Broken Ridge region, which is have been determined as al- slightly to the north of the area most certainly from Flight 370. that they’re looking at,” Pattia- American adventurer Blaine Gibson speaks to The Associated Press during an interview at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport Gibson gives credit to Pattia- ratchi said. ratchi and Australian gover- But he could not eliminate seabed has not yielded a single shores of the Indian Ocean a potential place for debris to nment oceanographer David the possibility that the aircraft clue. was consistent with the plane wash up. Griffin for his finds, although had indeed crashed within the The Australian Transport Sa- crashing in the expansive sear- Another six pieces of potential only one has been confirmed 120,000 square kilometers of fety Bureau, which has conduc- ch area. debris found there by Gibson as part of Flight 370. Griffin’s seabed currently being sear- ted the seabed search on Ma- Pattiaratchi’s modeling was are waiting with Madagascar advice led Gibson to a second ched southwest of Australia. laysia’s behalf for almost two based on how long the first pie- authorities for Malaysia to col- Madagascar island where he Despite the drift modeling and years, did not immediately res- ce of confirmed Flight 370 wre- lect. found the potential debris that other predictions officials have pond to a request for comment ckage took to reach La Reunion, Pattiaratchi said he had told he brought to Malaysia. made about the plane’s possible on Pattriaratchi’s views. and his team’s calculations of Gibson that Flight 370 debris Gibson said he had been told flight path, no one knows what Drift modeling was not used the effects of currents, wind was likely to concentrate on by Malaysian officials that costs happened to the aircraft or pre- to define the search area becau- and waves on drifting debris Madagascar. Pattiaratchi’s ear- were the reason that a Malay- cisely where it crashed in what se no parts of Flight 370 had put the crash site just north of lier advice had led Gibson to sian investigator had twice can- has become one of aviation’s bi- been found before a wing flap the current search area. Mozambique where he found celed plans to fly to Madagascar ggest mysteries. washed up on La Reunion is- Pattiaratchi said the results debris in February that exper- to retrieve debris he had found. Officials from Malaysia, China land off the African coast a year were not definitive. But fami- ts later determined came from “They tell me it’s a budgetary and Australia will meet in Kuala ago. The search area was deter- lies of victims are calling for the Flight 370. situation,” he said. “If you’re Lumpur today to discuss the fu- mined by analysis of satellite search to be shifted based on “He rang me from the Maldi- spending hundreds of millions ture of the underwater search, signals that the plane emitted vague clues from debris already ves and said: ‘Where should I of dollars to search under wa- with fewer than 10,000 squa- in its final hours. found if the seabed search turns go? Should I go to Rodrigues, ter and finding nothing, and it’s re kilometers remaining to be But the ATSB has previou- up nothing. Mauritius, Reunion, Madagas- only a plane ticket to pick up six scanned by ships towing sonar sly said that wreckage found The ATSB, like Pattiaratchi, car, Mozambique, South Afri- pieces and some personal effec- equipment. The search of the far away on the southwestern had identified Madagascar as ca?’” Pattiaratchi said yester- ts, you ought to just do it.” AP

BANGLADESH Opposition leader’s son sentenced for laundering

ANGLADESH’S Bangladesh. Bangladesh Nationalist extradition treaty with High Court yesterday Defense lawyer Zainul Party, was arrested on Britain.

AP PHOTO B sentenced a son of the Abedin said the court various corruption char- The ruling is the latest country’s top opposition also fined him 200 ges in 2007 during a sta- challenge to Zia and her leader to seven years in million takas (USD2.54 te of emergency under son as their party has jail in a money launde- million). Abedin said a military-backed care- struggled to build an ef- ring case, overturning they have not decided if taker government after fective anti-government an acquittal by a lower they will appeal to the his mother dithered on movement amid low court. Supreme Court. handing over power pea- confidence and a crack- Tarique Rahman lives A Dhaka trial court in cefully at the end of her down on the party by the in exile but remains an 2013 acquitted Rahman five-year rule. He has government. opposition figure and of charges that he and a lived in London since Lawyers said the court heir apparent to his businessman friend si- 2008 after securing bail upheld a seven-year mother, former Prime phoned off 204.1 million on medical grounds. jail term for Rahman’s Minister Khaleda Zia, takas to Singapore be- The court ordered au- friend, Giasuddin Al Ma- whose rivalry with Prime tween 2003 and 2007. thorities to take steps to mun, given by the trial Minister Sheikh Hasina Rahman, the senior bring him back, but Ban- court in 2013. He is in Tarique Rahman (center), who was charged with receiving bribes runs deeps and strong in vice chairman of Zia’s gladesh does not have an prison. AP 22.07.2016 fri

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Libya unity government denounces French military involvement

Rami Musa, Benghazi NATO-backed rebels, Libya slid into chaos and years later, it split HE U.N.-brokered gover- AP PHOTO into two governments and par- Tnment in Libya denounced liaments, each backed by a loose France’s military involvement in array of militias and tribes. In De- the country, shortly after the Fren- cember, a U.N. deal created a new ch acknowledged that their special unity government and presidency forces were operating in the war- council, aiming to heal the rift and wrecked North African nation. unite Libyan militias and forces France yesterday reiterated its under a joint command. support to the unity government However, the new government in Tripoli, just a day after it had has been facing multiple challen- confirmed that three of its soldiers ges and resistance from various were killed in eastern Libya — the groups. According to the deal, first time the French government Libya’s internationally-recogni- had acknowledged its presence in zed parliament must give a vote the oil-rich country. of confidence to the new gover- The acknowledgment was also nment but it has so far failed to an embarrassment for France be- do so, causing political deadlock. cause it exposed that the French That parliament also supports the forces are in eastern Libya, figh- anti-Islamist forces under Hifter’s ting alongside Brig. Gen. Khalifa command. Hifter — a bitter opponent of the For the past two years, foreign missions and military experts Tripoli-based U.N.-backed unity In this March 18, 2015 file photo, Gen. Khalifa Hifter, the head of armed forces based in the east of Libya speaks during an government. interview with The Associated Press, in al-Marj have joined the two rival sides. Hifter has also for the past two Meanwhile, Libya’s pro-govern- years has been fighting Islamic Ahmed al-Mesmari, the spokes- reign military forces are siding by in Libya, French Foreign Ministry ment militias — mainly from the militias, including an al-Qaida-af- man for Hifter’s forces, told re- rival militias and forces in Libya. spokesman Romain Nadal said western city of Misrata — have filiated group in Benghazi. porters in Benghazi on Wednes- Also Wednesday, hundreds of yesterday that “support for the Go- been waging a two-month of- On Tuesday, Libyan officials first day that the French were gathe- protesters demonstrated in Tri- vernment of National Accord is a fensive against the Islamic State told The Associated Press that an ring intelligence on the Islamic poli against France’s involvement priority for France.” group in the militants’ last bas- Islamic militia had shot down a State affiliate in Libya. in Libya, burning the French flag “France encourages all Libyan tion in Sirte, a city on the Mediter- helicopter near the eastern Li- The deaths of the French officers and calling for attacks on French forces to be placed under the ranean. Reports have suggested byan city of Benghazi, killing two reveal secretive Western military business interests in Libya. Al-Sa- authority of the government to that British forces are involved in French officers, in an area called cooperation with the anti-Isla- deq al-Ghariyani, an ultraconser- participate in the recovery of the the anti-IS assault while Ameri- al-Magrun, west of Benghazi. mist eastern forces opposed to the vative cleric, denounced France’s country and the fight against ter- can warplanes have struck several French and Libyan officials have U.N.-brokered government and involvement as “foreign invasion.” rorism,” Nadal added. IS positions in the western city of not provided information on underscored international com- Dodging an explanation as to why After the 2011 ouster of longtime Sabratha and the eastern town of where the third officer died. munity’s contradictions where fo- French special forces are operating dictator Moammar Gadhafi by Ajdabiya. AP US treasury chief backs Greece debt relief Turkish premier says powers to be Elena Becatoros, Athens forecasts. That is mainly made up of bailout loans used swiftly .S. Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew from other eurozone countries and the AP PHOTO Ustressed yesterday the importance IMF, which Greece has been dependent URKISH Deputy Prime Minister of making Greece’s debt sustainable, on since 2010. TMehmet Simsek said the state of praising the country’s progress in refor- To qualify for its bailout loans, succes- emergency will be used to act swiftly ming its economy as part of its bailouts sive governments have had to imple- against the perpetrators of the coup. but urging it to keep implementing the ment austerity measures and reforms, Simsek insisted that the state of emer- necessary measures. including in the labor market, pensions gency would be different to those impo- Speaking in Athens after talks with and social security, as well as raising ta- sed in the country previously and that Greek Finance Minister Euclid Tsaka- xes and selling state assets. The reforms United States Secretary of the Treasury Jacob Lew (left) addresses journalists yesterday the rule of law will be upheld. He laid out lotos, Lew said further progress on re- have come at a high cost, with Greece’s his hope it would be short-lived. economy contracting by a quarter and during a news conference with Greek finance forms was important so European cre- Minister Euclid Tsakalotos in Athens “We will use it in a fashion closer to our ditors could begin discussions with the leaving unemployment hovering at allies like France and others,” he told re- International Monetary Fund on “the around 25 percent. Although eurozone creditors have ru- porters as Parliament was debating Pre- timing and details of debt relief.” Making the country’s debt sustainable led out an outright cut in Greece’s debt, sident Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s declara- “Putting Greece’s debt on a sustainab- in the long term has been a key issue, the repayment timetable for loans could tion of a three-month state of emergency le path is critical to Greece’s long-term with Greece insisting they need to be be extended and interest rates could be on Wednesday. economic health and I encourage all restructured. reduced. Simsek said the government will go parties to be flexible to successfully con- “Our position has been clear for quite Lew stressed it was key for the country after “rogue” elements within the state clude this fall’s negotiations,” Lew said. some time that it’s important for debt to continue implementing the reforms it and that there could have been “carnage Lew stopped in Greece amid political restructuring to be part of an overall has committed to. in the streets” had the coup succeeded. turmoil in neighboring Turkey trigge- plan for Greece” and for the country’s “Completing the work, continuing “We owe it to our people to go after red by a deadly failed coup attempt, and economic future, Lew said, adding that to implement privatization, doing the them. We will have a legal framework following the referendum vote in Britain achieving debt sustainability and stabili- work that’s needed to address the non- for it.” to leave the European Union. ty were key to ensuring a return to long- performing loans will very much stren- Simsek said there will be proper judi- “The sooner these issues [with Greek term economic growth. gthen the position that Greece brings in cial review, but didn’t elaborate. debt] are resolved the better [...] My The IMF, which has yet to commit to to a negotiation in the coming months.” Turkey experienced a national state view of the geopolitical significance of Greece’s third bailout program, has ar- Lew was also meeting with Greek Pri- of emergency in the immediate years Greece is not new,” Lew said. gued strongly in favor of debt relief for me Minister Alexis Tsipras and other after martial law was declared in 1980 Greek national debt is set to peak this Greece and has suggested the forecasts government officials before heading to following a coup. It was also declared year at 182.8 percent of gross domestic underpinning the Greek bailout plan are China for a meeting of G-20 finance mi- across the restive southeast region be- too optimistic. product, according to EU Commission nisters and central bank governors. AP tween 1978 and 2002. AP 22.07.2016 fri

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TV canal macau cinema this day in history cineteatro Friday 21 Jul - 27 Jul 13:00 TDM News (Repeat) 13:30 News (RTPi) Delayed Broadcast 14:45 RTPi Live 18:30 Helena’s Shadow (Repeated) 19:20 TDM Talk Show (Repeated) 19:50 Soap Opera 20:30 Main News, Financial & Weather Report 21:00 Documentary Serie 21:45 Miscellaneous 22:10 Helena’s Shadow 23:00 TDM News 23:30 Portuguese Movie FINDING DORY_ room 1 Main News, Financial & Weather Report (Repeated) 01:00 2.15, 4.05, 5.55, 7.45 pm aturday Director: Andrew Stanton S Language: Cantonese (Cantonese/ English) 10:30 Young Children Duration: 97min 11:00 Animation COLD WAR 2_ 11:30 Documentary Serie room 1 12:00 Miscellaneous 9.30 pm 13:00 TDM News (Repeat) Director: Longman Leung, Sunny Luk 2003 Saddam’s sons killed Starring: Aaron Kwok, Tony Leung Ka Fai, Chow Yun Fat 13:30 News (RTPi) Delayed Broadcast Language: Cantonese (Cantonese/ English) in gun battle 14:40 Soap Opera Duration: 110min 17:15 Documentary Serie The United States says the two sons of Saddam 18:15 Miscellaneous Hussein, Uday and Qusay, have been killed by US troops in Iraq. 18:30 Contest The bodies of the two men were identified after 200 19:30 Wild Life American soldiers, backed by helicopters, stormed a 20:30 Main News, Financial & Weather Report house in the northern city of Mosul following a tip-off from an Iraqi informant. Drama 21:00 The operation in Mosul lasted for more than four 22:00 Revenge S.3 hours. US troops came under fire as they entered the 22:45 Non-Daily Portuguese News villa in the northern part of Mosul, and the Americans responded with rocket fire from helicopter gunships. 23:00 TDM News Four US soldiers were wounded in the fighting. 23:30 Brother´s & Sister´s S.5 Uday and Qusay were among the most influential 00:15 Main News, Financial & Weather Report (Repeated) and feared figures in Saddam Hussein’s regime. Re- ports of their deaths were welcomed with celebra- Sunday tions on the streets of Baghdad, and gunfire erupted 10:40 Young Children across the city. 11:30 Zig Zag However, there remains some skepticism over the identity of the bodies among Iraqi civilians, with 12:00 Miscelllaneous many expressing doubt about the reported deaths. 13:00 TDM News (Repeat) START TRECK BEYOND_ American officials were quick to insist they had the room 2 13:30 News (RTPi) Delayed Broadcast right men. (2D) 2.30, 4.45,9.30 pm “We’ve used multiple sources to identify the indi- (3D) 7.15 pm 14:30 Wild Life (Repeated) viduals,” said the commander of coalition ground Director: Justin Lin 15:25 Zig Zag Starring: Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Zoe Saldana, forces in Iraq, Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez. 16:25 Miscellaneous Simon Pegg He would not be drawn on the question of whether the US would produce evidence, such as photos or 17:05 Theatre Language: English (Cantonese/ English) Duration: 120min video of the dead brothers. The US does not normally 17:45 Non-Daily Portuguese News publish pictures of dead combatants. 18:40 Miscellaneous Qusay, 36, was being groomed as Saddam Hus- 19:30 Comedy sein’s heir, and controlled key areas of the country’s security. Uday, 39, ran large sections of the media. 20:10 Ui Di Sabroso S.1 He was known for his extreme brutality and for the 20:30 Main News, Financial & Weather Report extravagance of his playboy lifestyle. 21:00 Contraponto The two men have been on the run since the collap- se of Saddam Hussein’s regime three months ago. 22:00 Power and the World’s Women Saddam Hussein himself remains at large. Two 23:00 TDM News other people were killed along with the former Ira- 23:30 Miscellaneous qi president’s sons. They have not been named, but reports say one may be a teenage son of one of the 00:15 Main News, Financial & Weather Report brothers, and the other a bodyguard. The Iraqi who apparently tipped off the US military stands to gain at least part of two rewards placed on the heads of Uday and Qusay, each with £15 million offbeat ($9.4m). The two were second and third on America’s mos- Miniature wall appears around t-wanted list of the top 55 Iraqis involved in Saddam rump s ollywood star GHOSTBUSTERS_ Hussein’s administration. T ’ H room 3 On the day Donald Trump se- (2D) 2.30, 4.45,9.30 pm Courtesy BBC News cured the Republican nomina- (3D) 7.15 pm tion for president, a miniature Director: Paul Feig wall appeared around the for- Starring: Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, In context mer reality TV host’s star on the Kate McKinnon, Leslie Jones Language: English (Cantonese/ English) Hollywood Walk of Fame. After intense debate in Washington, the US released photos Duration: 116min Tourists stopped Tuesday of the two corpses on 24 July, and allowed television crews to to snap photos of the 6-inch film them on 25 July. gray wall that was topped with razor wire and plastered with A third casualty of the gunfight was confirmed as Qusay Hus- macau tower sein’s 14-year-old son, Mustafa. “keep out” signs. The tiny wall was gone by Wednesday The killing of Saddam Hussein’s sons was the first major 21 Jui - 03 Aug morning. breakthrough for coalition forces following the fall of Baghdad It was the work of an artist who calls himself Plastic Jesus, three months earlier known for posting “No Trump Anytime” signs on street cor- START TRECK BEYOND_ It was followed by the capture of Saddam Hussein himself in ners earlier this year. His web site says his art is influenced 2.30,4.30,7.30, 9.30 pm December 2003. by news and culture. Director: Justin Lin The country was run by the US-led Coalition Provisional Starring: Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Zoe Saldana, During his campaign Trump drew cheers by vowing to bui- Authority (CPA), headed by American diplomat Paul Bremer Simon Pegg ld a single wall along the U.S.-Mexico border to stem illegal until 28 June 2004 when power was officially handed back to Language: English (Cantonese/ English) Iraq. immigration and drug smuggling AP Duration: 120min fri 22.07.2016 th Anniversary

macau’s leading newspaper 資訊/娛樂 INFOTAINMENT 17

YOUR STARS THE BORN LOSER by Chip Sansom Aries Taurus

Mar. 21-Apr. 19 April 20-May 20 Approach work as if it’s a brand new Your office is getting a breath of day. If a colleague was a bit insensitive fresh air, in the form of someone yesterday, then put it behind you. If new. You’re not the only one getting for no other reason than that office a buzz of excitement, but you are culture dictates you pretend it never the most charming of the group. happened. Pour it on and win them over.

Gemini Cancer

May 21-Jun. 21 Jun. 22-Jul. 22 If you think you understand issues You need to do some self on a deeper level than you colleagues, nurturing, and you can manage then no wonder they’re not listening it right at the office. There are to you. No one wants to hear a lecture, ways to take care of yourself so go back to considering them that no one will even notice. Get partners instead of pupils. creative. SUDOKU WEATHER Leo Virgo MIN MAX CONDITION Jul. 23-Aug. 22 Aug. 23-Sept. 22 CHINA People react differently to the You’re tempted to toss down your Easy Easy+ boundless energy of a certain pencil and say forget it. Don’ let colleague. You may think it’s yourself get petulant. An even- Beijing 22 32 shower/cloudy annoying or you may find it a lot of tempered approach is actually more cloudy fun. Whatever approach you take, productive, so force yourself to be 16 28 try to soak up some of it yourself. easy-going. Tianjin 21 33 shower/cloudy Urumqi clear Libra Scorpio 21 33 Xi’an 23 34 clear/cloudy Sep.23-Oct. 22 Oct. 23 - Nov. 21 Lhasa 11 23 moderate rain/drizzle Current projects are in the There’s just no getting around 21 31 moderate rain/rainstorm balance, and they’re about to tip certain work, no matter how one way or another. The way you hard you try to evade it. Trust Chongqing 22 38 cloudy/clear handle yourself today makes all your instincts on this one. Dig Kunming 18 24 shower the difference to which direction in and get it over with. they’ll go. Nanjing 25 36 clear/cloudy Shanghai 27 39 clear Sagittarius Capricorn Wuhan 24 35 clear Medium Hard Nov. 22-Dec. 21 Dec. 22-Jan. 19 Hangzhou 26 38 clear It’s human nature to care for those Some projects seem like they’ll only be Taipei 26 33 cloudy/clear you spend time with. You may all completed if you trudge along, while Guangzhou clear be colleagues, but friendship rules others are finished with lightening 26 36 the day. Whether it’s a birthday, a speed. You never know ahead of time Hong Kong 28 33 cloudy long lunch or simply spontaneous which category they fall into, but you goodwill, expect the unexpected. have a pretty good hunch.

Aquarius Pisces WORLD

Jan. 20-Feb. 18 Feb.19-Mar. 20 Moscow 17 27 cloudy/drizzle You get to put your organizational It goes without saying your boss Frankfurt 17 27 moderate rain/drizzle skills to good use today, as well as will have a different opinion than your social skills. Have fun herding you do. If you want things to go Paris 16 27 overcast your office mates into a meeting, forward as planned, then keep London 14 21 overcast/cloudy then running the show. your opinions to yourself. New York 23 32 clear

CROSSWORDS ACROSS: 1- Islamic decree; 6- Brainchild; 10- Not barefoot; 14- Leading; 15- USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS Rich soil; 16- Household; 17- Idealized concept of a loved one; 18- Words to Brutus; 19- Teheran’s country; 20- Pulpy summer refreshment; 22- Adventurous expedition; 24- Cairo’s river; 25- Nuns; 26- Mother of Calcutta; 29- Punjabi Emergency calls 999 Taxi 28 939 939 / 2828 3283 princess; 30- I’d hate to break up ___; 31- Misdeed; 37- Pan-fry; 39- Spicy; 40- Elude; 41- Superintendent; 44- Alaska’s first governor; 45- Isn’t wrong?; 46- Fire department 28 572 222 Water Supply – Report 2822 0088 Blow; 48- Pungent sauce; 52- RR stops; 53- Lucky charm; 54- Polite behavior; 58- Georgetown player; 59- ___ epic scale; 61- Musical sounds; 62- Utah city; PJ (Open line) 993 Telephone – Report 1000 63- Ready for picking; 64- Spring up; 65- Eliel Saarinen’s son; 66- Cravings; 67- U-Haul competitor; PJ (Picket) 28 557 775 Electricity – Report 28 339 922 DOWN: 1- Go belly up; 2- Alas!; 3- Side; 4- Light, four-wheeled carriage; 5- PSP 28 573 333 Macau Daily Times 28 716 081 Handsome young man; 6- ___ France; 7- Lavish affection (on); 8- Dig in!; 9- Causing laughter; 10- Transfer; 11- Goddesses of Customs 28 559 944 the seasons; 12- Astrologer Sydney; 13- Yesterday’s solution Actor Leary; 21- What there oughta be; 23- S. J. Hospital 28 313 731 Digression; 25- ___ Domingo; 26- Soviet news agency; 27- Jacob’s brother; 28- Enlist again; 29- Perch; 32- Thick-skinned Crossword puzzles provided by BestCrosswords.com Kiang Wu Hospital 28 371 333 charger; 33- Forest canopy; 34- Othello villain; 35- Mont. neighbor; 36- Basic unit Commission Against of heredity; 38- Wipe off; 42- Triumph; 43- Queue after Q; 47- Tooth deposit; 48- Corruption (CCAC) 28326 300 California-Nevada lake; 49- Love, Italian- style; 50- Purchaser; 51- 1836 siege site; IACM 28 387 333 52- Loudness units; 54- ___ Crunch; 55- Novelist Bagnold; 56- Zaire’s Mobutu ___ Tourism 28 333 000 Seko; 57- River of Flanders; 60- Never, in Nuremberg Airport 59 888 88

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Sam Allardyce on verge of being hired Russia loses appeal against to coach England

Olympic track and field ban AP PHOTO

Stephen Wilson, London

USSIA lost its AP PHOTO appeal yesterday against the Olym- pic ban on its track Rand field athletes, a decision which could add pressure on England is on the verge of hiring the IOC to exclude the coun- Sunderland manager Sam Allardyce to try entirely from next mon- take charge of the national team as Roy th’s games in Rio de Janeiro. Hodgson’s successor. A person with The Court of Arbitra- knowledge of the situation told AP on tion for Sport rejected the Wednesday that the English Football appeal of 68 Russian athle- Association is close to finalizing Allardyce’s tes seeking to overturn the appointment. The FA has to secure ban imposed by the IAAF Allardyce’s release from Sunderland, which following allegations of urged for a swift resolution last week after state-­sponsored doping and revealing that the 61-year-old Englishman cover-ups. had held talks with England. “At the “Today’s judgment has present time Sam Allardyce remains created a level playing field Sunderland manager,” Sunderland said in for athletes,” world track a statement on Wednesday evening. “We and field’s governing body share in the anger and frustration of our said in a statement. supporters and would like to assure them However, the arbitration that we are working to conclude the matter court ruling did not neces- in the best interests of Sunderland.” sarily settle the matter for good. The court stressed the Mario Gomez leaves decision is not binding on Matthieu Reeb, General Secretary of the Court of Arbitration for Sport, CAS, speaks to journalists the International Olympic Besiktas because of Committee, which has the open in Rio on Aug. 5. The Russians argued at CAS — said the decision political situation final say as the supreme or- CAS upheld the “validi- against a collective ban of its to uphold the ban on the tra- ganizer of the games. ty” of the IAAF ban, saying track athletes, saying it pu- ck and field team represents Germany striker Mario Gomez says he is “The door is open for the a country whose national nishes those who have not the “funeral” of her sport. leaving Besiktas because of “the political IOC to decide, to determine federation is suspended is been accused of wrongdoing. Russian Sports Minister situation” in Turkey. Gomez scored 26 even on a case-by-case prin- ineligible from entering in- IAAF President Sebastian Vitaly Mutko also lashed out goals last season to help Besiktas win its ciple whether these athle- ternational competitions, Coe said it was “not a day for at the ruling. first Turkish championship since 2009. tes are eligible or not,” CAS including the Olympics. triumphant statements.” “In my view, it’s a subjec- Gomez played one season on loan from general secretary Mattieu The three-person pa- “I didn’t come into tive decision, somewhat po- Fiorentina and Besiktas wanted to keep Reeb told reporters outside nel ruled that the Russian this sport to stop athletes litical and one with no legal him. Gomez says the “only reason” for leaving was “the political situation.” He the court headquarters in Olympic Committee “is not from competing,” he said. basis,” he was quoted as says the “terrible events of the past few Lausanne, Switzerland. entitled to nominate Rus- “It is our federation’s ins- saying by Tass news agency. days” made him take the decision. Gomez sian track and field athletes tinctive desire to include, CAS said it had no jurisdic- The IOC said it would “stu- was on vacation during the failed coup dy and analyze the full deci- to compete at the Rio 2016 not exclude.” tion over whether the IOC attempt five days ago. Gomez says he sion” and make its own final Olympic Games considering In Russia, two-time Olym- can accept or refuse the en- would love to return and play again for ruling on the participation that they are not eligible to pic pole vault champion try of Russian track and field Besiktas once the “political problems of Russian athletes “in the participate under the IAAF Yelena Isinbayeva — who athletes, either those repre- are solved peacefully.” In a personal coming days.” The Olympics competition rules.” attended Tuesday’s hearing senting their country or com- statement, he says he has become very peting as “neutral athletes.” fond of the club and the country in the past Reeb said the Russians have year. the right to appeal to the China vows zero-tolerance on Swiss federal tribunal within 30 days. However, an appeal New York teams up doping for Olympic team can be only on “procedural with A-Rod, MLB grounds,” not the merits of EEKING to dismiss lingering doubts, tion for doping, particularly in distance the decision, he said. to build baseball Sa top Chinese sports official says the running and swimming that gave rise to The IOC last month accep- academy country has committed to a zero-tolerance multiple scandals in the 1990s. ted the IAAF decision to ex- stance on doping ahead of the Olympics in That resolve was questioned when it tend a November ban on the New York state is teaming up with Major Rio de Janeiro. emerged that officials waited six months Russian track team. And, League Baseball and others including Vice Director of the General Administra- before revealing that champion swimmer in a telephone interview Yankees slugger Alex Rodriguez to create tion of Sports Gao Zhidian told the official served a three-month suspen- with The Associated Press a youth baseball and softball academy Xinhua News Agency yesterday that Olym- sion after testing positive in May 2014. and two other international in the Bronx. Democratic Gov. Andrew pics-bound athletes and coaches are re- Sun, the gold medalist in the 400- and news agencies last week, Cuomo announced the USD11.25 million quired to sign pledges not to cheat, saying 1,500-meter freestyle at the 2012 London Bach was asked whether the initiative Wednesday. He says the academy violators would be severely punished. Olympics, was named male swimmer of IOC would accept the CAS at Roberto Clemente State Park will immediately begin serving 1,500 young Gao said athletes, coaches and team doc- the meet at the world championships in ruling if it upheld the IAAF ballplayers. The facility will be funded by tors must also pass a written exam on ban- Kazan, Russia, last August. ban. Bach replied: “Yes.” $6.5 million from the state, $4 million The IOC executive board ned substances with only those scoring 80 China is sending 416 athletes to Rio, from Major League Baseball and the percent or more permitted to go to Rio. including 35 former Olympic cham- said Tuesday it would “ex- Major League Baseball Players Association “China has been firmly against doping pions. Chinatopped the table at the 2008 plore the legal options” for and $750,000 from Rodriguez. The new and has a zero-tolerance approach to this Games and won the second largest num- a possible total ban on Rus- field will be named Alex Rodriguez Field. particular problem,” said Gao, who is also ber of medals in London, including 38 sia but would wait until af- Baseball Commissioner Robert Manfred deputy chef de mission of China’s 711- golds. ter the CAS ruling before Jr. says the academy will establish the next member Olympic delegation. “We have Based on recent performances by Chine- making a final decision. The generation of New York’s baseball legacy. made it very clear that we want to ensure se athletes, some studies predict the coun- IOC has scheduled another Rodriguez says the park will give kids a fair play and the well-being of athletes.” try could return to the top of the table at board meeting on Sunday to chance to “dream big from the field as well China has sought to shake off a reputa- Rio with as many as 39 golds. AP consider the issue. AP as in the stands.” THE Ex-Philippine leader Arroyo freed Station22.07.2016 fri BUZZ from years of detention Roadside 10-30 Good Former Philippine President Gloria Macapagal She did not appear before throngs of journa- Arroyo was freed yesterday from years of hos- lists who have waited for her release. Back at High pital detention after the Supreme Court cleared home, Arroyo had dinner with some of her chil- Density 20-40 her of a plunder charge in what anti-corruption dren and grandchildren and expressed eager- Residental Good advocates called “a sad day” for justice. ness to return to the House of Representatives, Area The 69-year-old Arroyo was whisked off a mi- to which she was re-elected in May despite her opinion litary veterans’ hospital in suburban Quezon city detention. She planned to attend President Ro- Ambient 20-40 and driven to her home in the upscale La Vista drigo Duterte’s state of the nation address on Good

residential enclave in the Manila metropolis, her Monday, lawyer Ferdinand Topacio, an Arroyo DSMG SOURCE: Kapok lawyer, Lawrence Arroyo, said. supporter, said. Eric Sautedé WORLD BRIEFS Living together Being in France just a few days after the horren- dous truck attack that took place in the Southern Star South Korean pitcher AP PHOTO French city of Nice on Bastille Day, claiming the life of 84 people, including many children, com- pels me to reflect on what makes a society hold charged in gambling case together. Confronted with this form of indiscri- minate terror and such a feeling of powerless- ness, both on the side of society and the public Kim Tong-Hyung Softball Confederation’s authorities, how can we make sure that this kind inaugural Premier 12 tour- TURKEY’s deputy of dreadful occurrence will be much less likely to OUTH Korean prose- AP PHOTO nament held in Taiwan and prime minister says his happen in the future, close and distant, bearing Scutors have indicted a Japan in November. This country is to suspend in mind that zero risk does not exist? Is the call to leading baseball player for season, Lee was 2-2 with a European human unity a requirement or a promise, and in that case allegedly manipulating ga- 4.21 ERA before the team rights convention what will be its grammar? Will we unite because under new state of mes for gambling purposes shelved him. we need to or because we want to? Do we unite emergency. Lawmakers in what could be another Moon, 24, remains under because now is not the time to divide ourselves or in the country convened contract with the Seoul-ba- because we recognise in each and every mem- blow to the reputation of yesterday to endorse sed Nexen Heroes, and has ber of our community, a “brother” or “sister” who the country’s professional sweeping new powers is “equal” in status and in exercising his or her sports leagues. been serving out his com- for President Recep “freedom”? “Liberté, égalité, fraternité”, the three Prosecutors in Changwon pulsory military service Tayyip Erdogan that cardinal values of the French Republic. city yesterday said they with the Korea Armed For- would allow him to What is eminently disturbing is the very fact that formally charged pitcher ces Athletic Corps., whose expand a crackdown in terrorists, are, somehow and in effect, winning, Lee Tae Yang, a starter for baseball team competes in the wake of last week’s because these very values are being trampled NC Dinos in the Korea Ba- the KBO’s secondary Futu- over. failed coup. More on p.15 seball Organization, over res League. First, because in a political environment in whi- NC Dinos starter Lee Tae Yang ch emotions rather than reason prevail, the first allegations that he delibe- If prosecutors prove the LIBYA France and foremost reaction is to resort to a blame rately allowed first-inning a May 29 start against the charges against the players acknowledged game. Of a religious or at least communautarian walks and runs in two KIA Tigers, when he ended in court, both Lee and yesterday the killing nature, as if Islam at large was conducive to such games last season after up allowing five runs over Moon may receive lifetime of three of its officers violence and we were witnessing some form of receiving 20 million won four innings in a loss, and bans from the KBO, which and for the first time holy and civilisational war, disregarding the very (USD17,500) from a gam- at least a walk in the first would also prevent them said that its forces are fact that a third of the 84 victims were themsel- bling broker, who has been inning in an Aug. 6 start from playing professionally operating in eastern ves Muslims. Of a strictly politicking nature, when arrested. against the Lotte Giants, in the United States, Japan Libya. More on p.15 local authorities of a certain political orientation Another player linked to when he gave up two runs and Taiwan based on agree- (more conservative and security prone) take aim the case is Moon Woo-ram, while lasting only three ments between the leagues, at the national government of another political in- an outfielder currently with innings, prosecutors said. the KBO said. clination (roughly speaking, more concerned with AP PHOTO individual and civic rights) for failing to anticipate South Korea’s military ba- The Changwon-based Di- South Korea’s major pro- the highly improbable — a heavy vehicle attack seball team in the KBO’s se- nos issued an apology over fessional sports leagues, in- is a first in France, and the only equivalent can cond-tier competition, who the suspicions surrounding cluding baseball, soccer and be found in attacks perpetrated in Jerusalem over is suspected of receiving Lee, who has been left off basketball, have been ro- light rail stations back in 2014. 10 million won ($8,770) the team’s active roster cked by match-fixing scan- Second, because what is for now visible in ter- in cash and gifts from the since June 28 for what the dals in recent years that ms of public policies regarding the prevention of broker for connecting him team had described as an el- have led to jail sentences terrorism is almost exclusively related to security. with Lee, prosecutors said. bow injury, and said it was and lifetime bans of several Everybody wants to feel reassured and safe, and US Republican nominee According to prosecutors, taking steps to terminate players and coaches. Donald Trump hinted safety is for many the very justification of the exis- The KBO has permanently tence of a state — and we have known that since Lee and the broker colluded the contract. at a new world order if Thomas Hobbes. But then, the failures of twen- over four of Lee’s starts be- Lee, 23, enjoyed a breakout banned two pitchers from he becomes president, tieth century revolutionary ideologies have also tween May and September season for the Dinos in the Seoul-based LG Twins saying the United taught us that “order without life” is tantamount to last year, and the pitcher 2015, going 10-5 as a starter who were convicted in 2012 States, under his the “tranquility of the graveyard”, to quote Czech successfully delivered in to help the team reach the for taking bribes from gam- leadership, might not philosopher Jan Patočka, one of the signatories two of the games. Lee had playoffs. He was also part of bling brokers in exchange come to the defense of of Charter 77. This is why the Euro Cup orga- promised to give up at least the South Korean team that for deliberately walking ba- some NATO members nised by France had to take place, even thou- a run in the first inning in won the World Baseball tters. AP if Russia were to gh some strict protective measures were taken, attack them. Trump including the now famous but at the time much said he would decide reviled “fan zones”. And then, now that numerous whether to protect the cultural events are being cancelled on the Riviera Baltic republics based — Rihanna’s concert is only one of them — what times square by rodrigo on whether those are the mid- and long-term horizons of security countries “have fulfilled measures? Are we bound, just like it is now ha- their obligations to ppening in Belgium, to not carry bags and not dri- us,” shortly before ve our cars to celebrate our National day? Now, accepting the tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow? Republican nomination Some voices, more insistent on the meaning for president. of the “islamisation of radicalism”, to use Olivier Roy’s formula, are pointing to the fact that the ideology of Daesh — in whose name all the re- UN The U.N. Security cent terrorist attacks in France have been con- Council holds its ducted — constitutes some form of new transna- first informal poll tional utopia, one that offers to “suburban youth yesterday on the dozen a sacralisation of the hatred of society, a hatred candidates competing resulting from a feeling of social and economic to succeed Ban Ki- exclusion, injustice and humiliation; and to mid- moon as secretary- dle-class youth, an answer to the vacuum of au- general on Jan. 1. The thority, the distaste for oneself or another form of 15 council members anomia” (Farhad Khosrokhavar). have decided to keep Education and social economic inclusion will the vote secret — a thus be of utmost importance, as rightly emphasi- sharp contrast to the sed by the European Parliament’s Report on the informal “straw” polls prevention of radicalisation. Beyond the centres 10 years ago which for de-radicalisation that are yet to open in Fran- were made public and ce, nations and communities of people will thus led to Ban’s election have to rediscover what binds them together, all to the world’s top of them. diplomatic post.