192-3. C.0Nfthtessi©Najt RE
...... : 192-3. C.0NftHtESSI©NAJt RE©<JRD:-R€Hlf SE: Nellie I. McGill to be postmaster at Oregon,. Wis., ininlace of HAWLEY, BlJTI.ER, BURDJCK, ~ JOHNSON of South. Dakota, LEATHERWOOD, iN. I. McGill. Thcumbent's commission. expired Au.gust. 29, 1923. FLEETWOOD,. JOHNSDN. of. Washingtonr REE.I>- of West Virginia, COOPER: George L. Leverenz to be. postmaster at. New Holstein., Wis., of Wisconsin, WlNTER,r AL"MDN,, HAYD.E:N:. OLDli!UlLD, TA..YLOR of Colorado, in place of W. W. Lanson. Incumbent's com.mission expired BOYCE, CLARK of Florida, LEE. ot Georgia, DUPBlll, LINTHICUM, COLLirill, September 5, 1922. D..ICKINSON of Missouri, EVANS of Montana, SJULLE.NBERGER; RICHARDS, , Walter F. l\fa1·tin to be postmaster at MUkwonago, Wis., in MORROW, Pou, CARTE~ _ BYitN.ES of S.outh Garollna,. B.YRNS of Tennessee,. place of A!... R Craig: Incumbent's commission- expired· August GAR.nm, Mo!'<TAGUE. 29,- 1923. MESSAGE· FROM THE SENATE. William Frankland to be postmaster at Montfort, Wis., in A. message from the. Senate, by Mr. Craven, one of its place of N. 1\1. Yeager. Incumbent's commission expired August cler!<s-i announced' that the Senate had' passed the following · 20, 1923. resolutions: William A. Kohl to. be. postmaster at 1\Iayville, Wis., in place of G. B. Busting. Incumbent's commission expired' December Senate Resolution 38. 23, 1922. Resolved, That• the Senate has heard witl1 profuuncf sorrow the an Adolph R. l\fill. to be postmaster at Kaukauna, Wis., in place nouncement of the death of, Hon. .IoJI.N W. RA.IN.El", late a RepT es~nta of Jacob Lallg.
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