 An Calendar for 2022  Ere 10 Ere Litha 6 full December 18 [9] full June 13 [8] Yule December 21 — winter solstice third quarter June 20 [15] third quarter December 26 [17] Litha June 20 — summer solstice new 2 [24] new June 28 [23] After Yule January 9 After Litha 6 full January 17 [9] full July 12 [7] third quarter January 24 [16] third quarter July 19 [14] new January 31 [23] new July 27 [22] Imbolc 3 — spring begins 퀈 Autumn 퀈 퀈 Spring 퀈 Weed 4 Hearth Cake Month February 7 Lughnasadh August 6 — autumn begins full February 15 [9] full August 11 [8] third quarter February 23 [17] third quarter August 18 [15] new 1 [23] new August 26 [23] Month March 9 Holy Month 2 full March 17 [9] full September 9 [8] Ostara March 19 — vernal equinox third quarter September 17 [16] third quarter March 24 [16] Mabon September 22 — autumnal equinox new March 31 [23] new September 25 [24] Easter Month 8 Winter Full 2 full April 15 [8] full October 9 [8] third quarter April 22 [15] third quarter October 17 [16] new April 30 [23] new October 24 [23] Beltane 4 — summer begins 퀈 Winter 퀈 퀈 Summer 퀈 Blood Month October 31 Three Milkings May 8 Samhain 6 — winter begins full May 15 [8] full November 7 [8] third quarter May 21 [14] third quarter November 15 [16] new May 29 [22] new November 23 [24] The Old English calendar is a superposition of solar events and lunar . The year begins with Yule (the winter solstice). The months begin with the first quarter moon and the days begin at sunset. The dates are based on the day that begins at sunset in Greenwich, England. The numbers in brackets are the days of the month. For more information, please visit russellcottrell.com/blog/lunisolarCalendar.htm.

© 2020 Russell Cottrell. License is personal use, free distribution.