The Music Festival As an Arena for Learning Festspel I Pite Älvdal and Matters of Identity

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The Music Festival As an Arena for Learning Festspel I Pite Älvdal and Matters of Identity 2007:60 DOCTORAL T H E SIS The Music Festival as an Arena for Learning Festspel i Pite Älvdal and Matters of Identity Sidsel Karlsen Luleå University of Technology Department of Music and Media 2007:60|: 02-544|: - -- 07⁄60 -- The Music Festival as an Arena for Learning Festspel i Pite Älvdal and Matters of Identity Sidsel Karlsen Luleå University of Technology Department of Music and Media Distribution: Luleå University of Technology Department of music and media Box 744 941 28 Piteå Sweden Telephone: 0046 911 726 00 Fax: 0046 911 726 10 Electronically published at Sidsel Karlsen The music festival as an arena for learning: Festspel i Pite Älvdal and matters of identity ISSN: 1402-1544 ISRN: LTU-DT--07/60--SE © Sidsel Karlsen 2007 Cover layout: Gunnar Tuisku Printed at: University press, Luleå University of Technology, November 2007 ii CONTENTS Tables ..................................................................................................................................vii Figures ...............................................................................................................................viii Abstract ................................................................................................................................ix Norwegian abstract...............................................................................................................xi Preface................................................................................................................................xiii Chapter 1: Introduction.......................................................................................................1 Focus of the study – aim and research questions.................................................................2 The study’s relation to the field of music education............................................................4 The researcher’s own background ......................................................................................7 The structure of the thesis...................................................................................................9 Chapter 2: The project in relation to earlier research......................................................11 The festival phenomenon – theory, research and evaluations ............................................11 Festivals – some theoretical aspects..............................................................................12 Mega-events – research and evaluations .......................................................................16 Festivals’ economic impact on host societies................................................................17 Festivals’ social and cultural impact on host societies...................................................18 Festivals and matters of learning and education ............................................................21 Relevance to this study.................................................................................................21 Research within music education and related fields ..........................................................23 Community music ........................................................................................................23 Music teaching and learning practices outside formal schooling ...................................24 Research regarding music and identity..........................................................................28 Relevance to this study.................................................................................................29 Summing up on the project’s relation to earlier research...................................................30 Chapter 3: Theoretical framework....................................................................................33 Identity.............................................................................................................................33 Modernity and late modernity – an introduction............................................................33 Aspects of identity in the late modern era .....................................................................35 Consumption, shopping and identity.............................................................................37 The music festival as an arena for lifestyle choices.......................................................38 Music and identity........................................................................................................40 Learning...........................................................................................................................43 Aspects of musical learning and music education in late modernity..............................43 The music festival understood as a community of practice............................................44 How festival attendance might lead to learning.............................................................47 Learning and identity....................................................................................................49 Music, identity and learning – between self and society....................................................50 Cross-patterned rooms – the music festival as a source of multiple settings ..................50 How people navigate between structure and agency......................................................51 Identity development on different levels – individual and society .................................52 The Musical-Event paradigm........................................................................................53 Chapter 4: Methodology....................................................................................................55 Using case study as research approach..............................................................................55 The pilot study .................................................................................................................58 iii Methodological aspects ................................................................................................58 Pilot study findings.......................................................................................................59 Changes made to the background of the pilot study ......................................................60 Planning and execution of field work ...............................................................................60 Observations ................................................................................................................60 Planning of observations...........................................................................................61 Observation procedures ............................................................................................62 Survey..........................................................................................................................63 Development of the questionnaire.............................................................................64 Practical planning of survey fieldwork......................................................................65 Survey procedures ....................................................................................................66 General features of survey participants .....................................................................69 Interviews.....................................................................................................................69 Interview preparations ..............................................................................................69 Sampling of interviewees..........................................................................................71 Systematic variables .................................................................................................72 ‘Unsystematic’ variables...........................................................................................74 Final interviewee sample ..........................................................................................74 Interview procedures ................................................................................................75 Interview transcription..............................................................................................77 Documentation and archival records.............................................................................78 Analytical approaches ......................................................................................................79 Approach1–affectingaudience’sconstructionofmusicalself-narratives....................79 Approach2–contributingtoaudience’smaintenanceanddevelopmentofparallel musical identities..........................................................................................................82 Approach3–contributingtothedevelopmentoflocalidentity ....................................85 Case study and the act of interpretation.........................................................................87 Methodological reflections ...............................................................................................89 The matter of trustworthiness .......................................................................................89 Some methodological afterthoughts..............................................................................91 Chapter 5: Affecting construction of musical self-narratives...........................................95
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