4/3/2017 City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: CF 17-0156 Japanese Garden HCM * LA Edwin Grover <
[email protected]> GE£CS I© Fwd: CF 17-0156 Japanese Garden HCM Sharon Dickinson <
[email protected]> Mon, Apr 3, 2017 at 9:16 AM To: Edwin Grover <
[email protected]> Piease upload and make copies for Comittee members. Thanks. --------- Forwarded message -.......... - From: "Marian A Dodge" <
[email protected]> Date: Apr 2, 2017 7:51 PM Subject: CF 17-0156 Japanese Garden HCM To: <
[email protected]>, <shawn.kuk@lacity,org> Cc: "Adrian Fine" <
[email protected]>, "Lambert Giessinger" <
[email protected]> Dear Sharon, Piease distribute this letter supporting the designation of the Hannah Carter Japanese Garden as a Historic-Cultural i Monument to the members of the PLUM Committee. Thank you. Best regards, Marian Dodge, Chairman Federation of Hillside and Canyon Associations, Inc. www.hillsidefederation.org 2 attachments The Fed. logo-3in. email.pdf ^ 72K fq CF 17-0156 Japanese Garden HCM.pdf ^ 102K https ://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=097dfaf34f&view=pt&search=inbox&msg=15b349aaf04bdd35&siml=15b349aa104bdd35 1/1 P.O. Box 27404 Los Angeles, CA 90027 www.hillsidefederation.org ■ 11 iill'iMk. PRESIDENT Charley Mims THE FEDERATION CHAIRMAN OF HILLSIDE AND CANYON ASSOCIATIONS, INC. Marian Dodge VICE PRESIDENTS Mark Stratton John Given PLUM Committee SECRETARIES City Hall Carol Stdlow 200 N. Spring Street John Given Los Angeles, CA 90012 TREASURER Don Andres April 2, 2017 Beachwood Canyon Neighborhood Bel-Air Associelion Sei-Air Hills Assn. Bel Air Knolls Properly Owners Bel Air Skycrest Property Owners Benedict Canyon Association Brentwood Hilfe Homeowners Brentwood Residents Goaiition Re: Council File 17-0156 Cahuenga Pass Property Owners Ethel Guiberson/Hannah Carter Japanese Garden Canyon Back Alliance CASM-SFV Crests Neighborhood Assn.