Before the FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554 In the Matter of ) ) Petition to Modify Parts 2 and 101 ) RM-________ of the Commission’s Rules to Enable Timely ) Deployment of Fixed Stratospheric-Based ) Communications Services in the 21.5-23.6, 25.25- ) 27.5, 71-76, and 81-86 GHz Bands ) PETITION FOR RULEMAKING Chris DeMarche Edward A. Yorkgitis, Jr. Chief Operating Officer Joshua Guyan ELEFANTE GROUP, INC. KELLEY DRYE & WARREN, LLP 4725 South Monaco Street 3050 K Street, NW Suite 330 Suite 400 Denver, CO 80237 Washington, DC 20007 (202) 342-8400 (voice) (202) 342-8451 (facsimile)
[email protected] Counsel for the Elefante Group, Inc. May 31, 2018 SUMMARY Elefante Group, Inc. (“Elefante Group”) asks the Commission to commence a rulemaking to modify Parts 2 and 101 of the Commission’s rules, and such other rule Parts as may be necessary, to enable the deployment of Stratospheric-Based Communications Services (“SBCS”) in this country. As explained herein, SBCS is a transformative new service based on advanced, cutting edge technologies. Through this Petition, the Commission is offered the opportunity to enable U.S. leadership in both 5G deployment and technological innovation in the form of commercial stratospheric communications platforms and services. The deployment of SBCS as envisioned by Elefante Group, working with Lockheed Martin Corporation (“Lockheed Martin”) on the technologies, leverages both government investment and substantial commitment of private capital to deliver low latency, high-capacity communications efficiently and at less cost – as much as 80% less or more – by overcoming infrastructure challenges that typically confront ground-based deployments.