
.. Bulletin19489Ns. 14


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l&t -.. *. _ M 42. = 7=. _ e Latin AmericanCenntries

6 -6 = = A- American Section, a- 7 = = ofm

A e ffi, _ Relations



O rlrall lisearkyAstwor *SCAB asZWING, 1 Aihtrr si WAneagen TORN IV. STIMINIMAXIMI,cossaaasimeirir


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, ; t -. z. - , . * = - I4 _ `:.L '. . : 'ki - *- k- " ---; ' 4- 1. ' '- - . ___Il :i..---"'-_,''!--4;71,-:-.4.- 42 = . = k-- 4 / X X t v = 1 . -- _ A-n,_,1,77.t.'__:,-,4w r_ok,-..,--../47'...os:74:4!, -. * #.-- .-3,_,,,- &l',4, S....\11-= ¡-.1 .4, ---v,z,-,,,y -...,...-1-Vr'l -s'-'1-4 f 1. g f :;'7.- :tt.V- --7.,,z,r,,e,v,.<4.;rjz,:,:,:z--4-7.-.7-,,,I.4 -, , : i "-::16 ' 4 , % 44- 4.41 '.--_. .4A- 1- -= t/ ., , v. - ...,- - 744.-" i' I 'I.' . k .. .:. -. ,ti, .% .- 4 ' ' i- ' Pr11' - 1 ** 11 :44'.'" -;- ' t 4 - ' '--.- ..t , -, ...... ,, 41..A ,,4,L- --.. . 0 . . ,...,:...... - 4 ... "... # 't .. ,-, riot .., ../ ' :t , . - 4 ' . ' -6 4. '.

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P 1.WWWer---4 V

_4=km - == LTheLaudn-E.9 diePeople____ 1

i -A WU .. W 7=e-ri,erta17In '--- ':-. of __ 7

..2-11 Et - 1ktnA = X-1` *** "La in thecolonial ell 4 .... IOW ..... -MP 7

Education sin(Yeindewndenw___ _ OM ...... 10

Chirpier== HE Oa matedstwatli .44 n tion am Ob.- 15 - - - == C-Z-1 Miiìistrvo _ ... 15 ,., . .1 Budget_ Am I 1______.. . OD 44.4 - ..... ;...41...... 4. amaw =, 15 - _ _ OM 4M. .0... Enrollment__ _ 14. 4.1, .. ...am 17 y tasiionofedueal--n_...... _ _ _ _ _ 17

cittuaGal f*R -_ _ _ _ _ ab 18 . ;I:=-4:-) __ 404 4411. 44.4 CAI cuuLation r . web 19 14 Examinations______OW _ PP, f... v 19

Supervision of _ _ _ 4.4 education... an. 4144...... 444 22 Buildi _ ___-- _ _ _ . . 2.4 Materials anduipment 4-- ..... 25 Textv.-IX)r=;- 25

OhapKtei "== -==- Iv.Premb oé-a Elementarygediwasagilem_- - 27 4 _ Ai nklergarterm_ .0 co... MDMIria.11. ______.. - e e e4. 111- - 27

An1=. schools...... _ ow .... MP -4, 27 Rùralnegation______.4. . Am...... am too 4. 32 7. 7A- & childweifar IND 11.0 ow. 34 VPnezuelan Intititutfor the Blind 35 I.

bix)1 fax theDeaf -wad Dumb__ Ow w. 36

1 , V. i 41.4 arv Eet- . i 37 r.1 k A 4C* Pro: 37 velorin ...... 37 rnvaksfx;ondaryschools___ .. 40 I .1;4 ,= M ofstudies_ . 4...... 41 - W A'S El t Chapter W-seali. = 4 di. 4 42 C74_, edupation . 42

Induistrialeducation am- -= Oat_-..-_ ...... 44 Arts alai trades... Inn 48

Nurse tmintn4 40 4 4. 4 ______om, 51 1. ft, 4/4, WIP Social - MID 4. ow. Mo. service 7 ___ - do- Tla Prudes/agriculture nn .nVe)10_ __ .. P 14 57 .. E _L.IE-r=1 ii w4.41.iit r T -Agesagents..._ ... _-_. -... A' **- * ...... '4_ 4 I i 4.-WE --==-4-7 Y -; g- naval J. =a 4 4 4 oi1 44 4 an MI*4 59 Et m 4t.,,At_-=__-- -11 campaign.,...... __ ww. OW. AIM so e, , . ,: - VI Trt. '4:4.. e- Jr Ii r ,.4 , - 1 111... 1 -4'. # . r '" . . . ,.. .:** .s.` l, In ;.. . j,.; '"" . , - 3.' : . t. P '. 4.....i e 11. 4.?.. - . . ,. '1 !gr.. . . , " -7- . Z * Iq1._:"! . m` '- - .1: n 1 . -,.-k4',... - .4_1 .4 % '. ,.. i /,'. ..- ! !..., .7 .-' ..,", 1 . t ,t- , 4. ...Ill -..:,/ .-¡It.. L . 4 1 ( - I. .4 . . . V 4' I ., ,i, -r. -- ; -,.,t . ,. ,- . ,-4%#4,.- . -.47e , - ' e ' ' I. . # # a h-i ' ..'. , . 4 . # - -"4. " 4 ": -, :44! . 7 , ,. .- ./4v;s4.. i ilia., .:' .ii, .; .'i,I,.' 1;i ..;:,, . ,7Zi4;ti.»_-. :4:...";::4../i:;.... ;;::,4: t 7- s - . . - - . I . ; r e't zt4,1 " ! -'/ ,z,ev *43 17, .7. '..g .4 4;1 f:14 14; _ - r T I -.: i-.-:#"47%;' 44.5 I. 7117-40..24 *1 4 s ! `-*--- `II ir - 4 PitArf,4? k;_4' . t .:V*.--- Ç. e 0 .1" 4 ..% 4# 1, *-_40 v.. I qv- - 4w; k i -,- -...... ,:t at. 4`-.11 : -; LV -. -,----,, e r C ! '-... Ie L-4 .t;-,- ' r . "- 1N t _-.= I.re 4 * ir .1 Ii- ( i'l' 4 h L al', ,- _..t. ,:. ifl :, ' v 4Wi . ...P.: ,*.,, 1- . 4. . .. . 'rlai:# ,,' %2,- k LW-= ' I 4, 1- ' t it i.1, ' ' r ILV-4,.. It ., 7 - .. 4 , ''''' r - ...f '71 : ' . : . IV e - - R. lit ¡Me, 4 .' -*P .4 f ;*1 , : ;442 ' ' Iv ibillography Chapter (barter Mkupter . f Re_ading Mu&curns National Symphony Literacy andwmular Nation alAm-tern:7-- * Publications_ -7 - 1 a '174 F (i-enerai 1 chool ofPlastic Teaciier -Retirement__ National tk'"') , Rural Improvemt Program Development fAA --r-v-r-41(., ticd A V 4 Pharmacy tW' Veterinary Medicine Economic VIII. Law_ Physical and Philosophy Staff Vqii( ation Administration Entrance Institutes Univ'è aity rniverit = . E udent welfare norn and . i-c-m-- , Celt atral University Librarv_____ University . ulture______Universities _ seisocirt k_ orchmtra ts4, i a gaiwnmr nne mrts_ _ ; . studies ni r requirements -San trainini_ and Social of normal . of ana _ of of studies _ of of the = a and Avulied 1-64 eine_ tdiv,2,_wers inservice____ g AA-7A.A ci as aS eat eoucavion_.. %W. college V Serviees ______Cristobal. ______Regulation.. culture__ Letters organization Cultural Fine Tre-1.1 emistry - CO NT 1 - _ r. of Caracas_ - .. schools_ tv a 1.1-_. - I j...: _ __ Sciei Arts__ . _ AO . `1"i''.- eS aig 9. - 11 , . extension______...... -:.- : , NritA -2 . Center__ _ . ...I _ --; I= - :11.i AO ;="7- . Ne f _ . -.,.;-11...' Ina _ _ m A #.7.:;ii,li..,ti _ , " ' _ 1."%i Sciences _ _ _ _ : 1411. - 4 . .4,1i *me .111. _ #_ .e.4t-iit4r. . _ _ 11. _ .- ._ ,.. gd. .. -' _ . '--4", ,4,---W. ND _ . , , _ _ ' __ .10 ______.1=1, ---1.--t, - _,..---.J mi. 100 AA _ . 111. . i 4 '. .1, i 't ...w 0. "9 _ _ . i ow . IN g . .9-- 4' . a, No .1 ' . ___ M. . T. _ _ . '. -., . . 11 ... .. " ." - WO s 151; .,4.15::,....i+4re.1 ''. '7*.*P' G. a. ti;i1 .0. .., CID I . . _ .. *JO '1.1' _____ / __ _ ...... me ,+ - : .);.:?-11Pi 410 . itiLr - am. a 11, MID 4 Ns .Ai ala . - _ ..44.# a _ 4. __.- 01.. aa. . _ 1. _ _ 4E1 IT --P1:"i-';.k" . M. _ .. 21IiLafti" 100 103 102 101 101 100 100 1 100 1 98 97 97 97 ... 93 95 92 91 88 8ts 85 82 80 80 SO 78 77 76 75 75 75 75 75 74 74 O 72 70 66 69 6r) 65 64 64 . 4 , I id? .T9 tt_A s 14 -

11111111111111111MEM18111111111111111111111N1131111111111111110111PM A Ilimill'IM7111111111111111313111 r 4





0 =JP, Click:of Educationhas und&rtakei the (

Iofa t vl F series of sic Ijetsoneducationina A. atiL a i t of Cent and SouthAmericancountriesunder ihesponsor- shipofthe mudCommitteeon itural and ScientificCo( Thisseries of studi ispartofa pro =Tram "t to promote * ofAucationaiconditions/ in thtiAmericancountriesandtoencourage cooperation ;

tbe ridof ter-_:vmeric_an education,Thepi--1)jectapa o ofaGovernment-wideprogramof culturalcooperationunt:er the auspie-oiiheDepartmentof State,wa.sbegun in the fallof 1143.It involvestravel byOffice ofEducation 1-_--1.1isu. lnthevarious countriesforthepurpo:of gatber- ing_(tam i landoitheireducational T-tems.andthe

preparation ofre =Irisfromn -%-_--. data for nublii ation. 1 LÌ 17; P en. Education is Q4-11 ondatagathreigythe authorin jenezuelain fl«and ,,u)plementetsince then 4tri-m-_ by documentation. A TotLe iT m_)ns ana organizations inVenezuelaand

_ theUnited_itat.pg whohaveaidedin orii t studyto completion, the Officeof Educationexprcvsses Gratituae.

A a, N.In ' AK., HA ILI A.) Director.Divisionof InternationalEducational Re latïon8.



I. 4. ,

.1* 5; 4 tf., _ , . . A .=-- .r.- *. _4' % . . = -1 1 t aa!2. I ;10 _-, = . --141g-,tiji ,---re 4,-- 4 - 4f_ t 14.--''--- s-La e'l,Te,....J 4 7, a, - -,,::: ---',.., ,-,, Li&.. -47-=-7-t -1.---4- L7' !ft is___,-...--. 1-'-'.- 4':V1'..tt - A2F vs* 5 - - 4110 s.


-Liww,....._!1--- %elv

a 4

E «LIm11.4FV BLOCKSromhistoric 1 )(---I urPark, =r0a of I= 1 1 'A -4 111(1- Caracas, the A r buildingwhichr1OU'' the ') MinistryofEducation.Parkedbeforeitis th t jeep '11:Vg "Educación__'_ural" It nearby Wandsthesounhltruck115-Alt the eanI7 literati: z Avan trom tneprinter draws1- h a- = A *I a 2, tions 4 I I,. the Ministryviii dn4tram aII t4-4 to schools s loutthe Republic,ai 1- a car isWaltI 11 el to carry w 4.11 insrwtoronhis ind of i

iT.A --4_= , thebuildingarepi)rtrait,t ejt_lt orAandmen

E 7 1 1P-1 .ta - oletters. - 777 7 ) Among themareAM. t- %a ---N T 1

Don¡nit) V .44L I ot k_A Nat':al C6clio --IL CA educatora..writer. t Pastthese edu A ofvester hurrythe 11-tr men anuwomen whoare tacklingthe =_ert1 oTtoday.- --Ateacherfroma one-room school, IPCommissiontorRevision0the ProgramtiTStudies,stu- dentswhomtne rt' Fliinent.ssending abroad-orpeci studies,a a t 1 Pubiic wit sfonnew p schoolbuildingsin his

iNoris theMinistryof___Auca the onlyTotreflevtincr such activity.Across the city inEi Par -1.destantioneof the capital's H tt harming sections,the Minitryorit'-7rriel 1-* 1.1 and Ntock Rais- Yì - ranimin a oldresidencesurroundedr vwallscovt-re t with scarlet 1 gainVitia. young mnaildwomenare preparing

4-4 to !ri1/4 in rur g 11--L homedemonstration nts,leaders ofagri- culturalclubs, andueacnerstagriqiituralvcx-ationalcoursesin ele- L V ien 3 schools.

2 I rE In 12_4- yellow horieonthe tort,_ nuewhere thehighwayleads .0 2 oilt v an tnerticyoungdoctoroIheMinistryofaVi sticka)ms intoa map to showhe-t[anotherchildren'scamphas been

O - 1Tha a, rAta andplans rnosew, 4 m. .4 mins. At*nightin Ca ra uIdreds of*Wets bend(wettheir'ftdizig, writing,£ andarithmeticinschoolsmaintai_ recirortheworkersby the 0 LJA i-- reI Ministryof blic.Works. of al As- .a a has _ a 73--* ri= = p n itscourse!'for in theServiCvt- does 0I.Aark-3rand ItiCfttiCefl2 thai .r,ry'of A IT Tut .1;r. Whenthe.-64.0:me of Juan NE r1P4i with hisdeath in Tr December1.Prt4, it, lasted Inaquartero-a I With F4 ff el% -"'' -44r, .1..; . 4, e *L'IS. 4 i# fri lrie 0 t , u: Jr* itr: x ! ;fr.% a . r * . t; 41 al 41' I s . Ian*. a pNMMI inha Orbited arated 0I1mvx_3ving agi tice rails textbooks and out illiteracy, = -Br a a .a succeeding 4. passèd in1936. educators tions take yellow fever, can ne slept 4 4! They sands of gravest lost time. his death 2 t chid 1IMINI V 4 === A At the a d These educatioP ik thaninthe , gloomy t'ar.1 - 1' dema filters blackboards, only oft or shows ism* a E . A. a E 1 * it.) EPEE I. _ ; or roan:, a E E A - jobs in ea E h(x)1 E in ourcoup on were by a. 0 E.,a. is thedifficulty minis0**v .4 from ii Salami, -Itié r.)-1 a . schools e ved ,r14t ta-a- 3 of 147 . r =Y1 a s: e di the oai were of Edu san4e were A acre. boxes, a -j14 -1/, .1 .SW r , ; liftd at n t_31, the better.' the pages Problems in 411(11-11 a-{. .= Aa schools Editorial Lwatemores 4-; -4), worEts st MUM). t 11 k ri# 111ara § must rucpioi floors. teachers 4, e FA- A different magnitude of 0.3..,,t1.-4J revision - 11 a. g E 1 t .3 N.5A tizet TV't ON. . e r- hovels 4, There anemia, r program. time a t..A NIA mixed 0 to t !,A in on .4' cities which E was 'r -; providing That of . ¡ISIS on ;44 siaow. 1 help solve. EJ entire previous abundance; and ;.-a a a . 4 E_-& ion tier of "-The 4,-; IN a on11841 of 2-F r e-_-,-:14r CII 0 Education, the problemofproviding and a AL & e EDUCATION IN was to of could I ,,t _ n with Thousands ofthem of a worlds. 1 C; in ça culturally a the 'tuberculosis, 7- . _ e V vere schools enroll service fI ey wex rural education there in oir tremendous in he a -E"3-" .E." methods; or on the programs A 'V lietween ti Ça tagft of Tfl other colmtries Yrt--= solution problems ta, -4 11thful homes rriftli Li . V-V AL problems ofmoderndrifts. not f to '0 4 b ..1-0 instruction . fall ; - '0, t a _ 4_, _fig rugge4a,ITiOUritlLIflOUFi E.E ior On the camps . 7 u They have the *4-u. today. task kleav, MO. rt-K- L read ;;-;.7 Ute undernourished eir-a YT : -- , no !FI= a V a n %W.; of t aiìi a-a*- =4.4 Ths - icE oi -1 A A -a (J-iLLL ArA-- century. (2-1-!11001 btiildinrs g 2 of 1936 and1946, insect-infested --. I. of unitingfRopie - deshl, where 1 I , of k t FIN-AV E .4 _ TThr A a " I "7 a ''' v._ por. . t 47. that 4-t g N_F 1r' hookworm, eiarrhea, 44 task 9 VENEZUELA ; census, the ' - Only 181,938 .;*:" 45. çeographicdJy paasido a instruction. better V-4 a-t 1 e Tr: enrizuela. '; rerl go plans 4 I trVina to Arsch plans e _NT_ were problems in 44 ; tasit. ofnt,a4ing -1 A t- tae CN v- remains to 4-j A accomplished ; A E eiteZ 11,7 nir pro vv _ obstacles the ff---1 7 ln hot_ n irresponsible ; more ' The to a Elel are utuus campai,ntowine C.4 among uced rural education. of which the plagued with e Federal, , pay E Furthermore, maJority ofthechildren r el v 4:jr.;. -'141;6" tW1Iff the (PM leaving the are z-,oive pr a -5-rst labor thatched roofs,and * 7 g than i. .1a A more a a 01 a, ht__ ana and livingcondi- faced sign their aaNa ;° 787,812 4.-- _A iii f to I A 1 hopeful I the 7 be after hebecame E , K,' h 0. = &-- Ho, State, a_ 1 t even some _..,4ilks %fir 11011P %.4 fi the E L1'V --- A =4. I, though E -much done tio--ernment a_f aE.F C_= nact6n 7:4 1 4-- surwrvlsion ..1 PI M up On-e person or where food lowlands; overcome. into k`a va't and 10 E. 4"4 a_ a-a*tA nritinrAnn ff ri there ft of WWV law 2:771IFEE e d malaria, E for V as C-1 (IV* eee A a land g1A- :laa* is ar. children y . a - names. as a prac- which Mill- :with leirt-ft they W ntn_ & Ca set).- indi- -MT. A-A e long -TT_ t a-a 6 -_-_ was A are the 4 r-e. he the , - _ -k.i't -4 a tits _ a . I EJ 11. r 1 11-11Irr Migiummunimnumi; 114111111111mr rpm immiiirtammmtniminnatmormmrmlomr 1 1111111=11111111111111111111111Mmotorm4a17111111111111 - ;-_ ;-;:-- -;-ir-----r-'- ; ,. -.------=------i---- '- =:-' - -

, . . - . - . = ' -. --7 __i

) . == 4 . i THELANDAND THEffOPL 3

Venezuera*vai tanareaofmore-taan -8521000. soarsniiles, r 140_ ;th;:indamid ofL andTexas..It hasmanyof Uie L1:flres G1 LI-ies*3tvvo tat3s UIf rugedmouiutiiriousreas or tm

_i 'A :-t=r- vtplainsof & As 'flE.Sneu4Ei11MW h3 dlivided intofourdistinct pait3: The oastFü reonandtheAndeanhighlandscepy afifthoi Ii area oftue-cotatry.ìiidi c:tainthenLons s;rt:, the ridliagricultural t} valleys, 1.LrTet aimoErtO-fUI-ejXI)ULt1Ofl. Thevns flat íLfl1S tJFllmo8w1ucJt ir&11ovr cimtrai erew are covere-awitn lushgraslai,except nthethyeoii.andaredtiuedhereandtuere

tb I - t h .t W A LrL :L ¡L - ; woodlands. are homs of the the IL Lg= L uy ' U H:i'wicvJLInt,k(southern halftJ.the 4 ('O:UtI bQeVei jjL are tsì:)e.ic!in woodsand. minerals are JTt ii!itXI)=)ftqL i:iie 1rhfl!J-JI ULfl:I.tCI i9 (III JiJL1II . another Thisisalsoan $-...cr and ;: g80percentofthe butter IR' erueia (ILJL1piIflfl : EThe.* nci tue coat:airegionsuLve a tro rI9_ , 744= ical IhuiaAe i___v 4i f', t I Qí;¿ ¡1rr 1-n YLfl-analtitude iJ- ti.) feet have a t49nperati? CflF,te,EÏIKtt above t1ìt in theAndeanhighlands,it is -AL;L cold L.A IItFV V h'- twf _tÇ whenthe does shine. ;: VT J

i_ '_f_ f Ä:%=F-i: rainy, spawn between Albeit. and December,F and dry -mr pr 1'(ii _/ F - season the ¡ea.. . *. ,_, ' -w,_ '- f ! w-y 1 1 ---wgrø-- 1:î':Y- .. d _ . iflP-flTì--. - 1VP it -' - 9T11i'if?' - L' TPP 1JI VC= to =- - __ n1 census.Sevenpercent the?Alp &-_iiiqcwho livemostly , i e I iflr-eicte- ici ctuiecountry ri ; ¡rcein ireNegroes, of thiiebrought to 1.[itzue-4 1'1' in asixtNinthcenturytoreplace V the 'ILE!in mine'and _field..Fifteenpercent'areof Europeat _LLIi= ATI.LantlySpanish. A IA! LL ut LLItpopulationare 4 -- , w- -' -r- t descendantsUÄ t LI U HJL Z UL a 0.. races. . 1!crIfifT:hF; of t1es pecmi)iv intheArai Iikh!tï:dans: tI c01J-=ta! 1fflt1T1 The reinaii:thraresi=:arth =ìtteredthrtug!cutthe g-_ -=- ,44, = -- =!-- f =- __=_j g- _J vast - J __y a or,. u -jfrom,'- the .j.. astheyw:==t74-i-t..t.-=.7,141tlitically, iiinv of thetoeIie jjareaswher;3 noroadenters;wherethee no. newspaper,noschool. ,0 !IA:2tft Çf into of_ thecountry Anil _makethem apartofenation isoneof=the which educators,aretackling. .:g. w j-j essentiallyan ndstock-raising4i*-y r-r ..;441A;d About Tö-i;iercnt ofdietotalí;Oi;-Uiïttion isconside-reil rii:r-tii !iicu1a -,--- i e fA:= tIU= r tion. J AF w V w CY Ttm andmore, m9vizig i

eiitrs uw1 ti the oii&=1ds. .% drawntritheh-iIi;ajesoftheoil iïuhis w - ê i - e - I1 flLi a_=-Ii7 t 1 I LtAvJLj - yand 1)1 =. service&About half t!1VpeoplenowAI VW LU t t3F419 1FwflFifl are flt1UP tftlko= VenezuI T}uyareleaving +i=: ììI i=k;4:îiy 1=p4f% JL *I1Th r i c&AA, L7U L L t L $.) 4riri L I 1i }F-J and v wages, and livingc%flUlitjoflsarepocr. IOWfarmersownti3¡ittiev==k 11 . . -44114 `;-4-7.L.., , ``.41': ?3S-48_ -2 , ,+ '4 ..;».,":-/vti 04'6,


- -- I ---i -:.-. :_ : ..- -: J_'- - e 2.

=- =.=



0%. for muchOT V.. -=7= .74-

_ ===--= _ 7 = 4 on an ff aNEM -=_==g=-V- ge

= =-3 _.--_ - is themaJor ftrri tuml _----__ z a_ mo8171. irnportant rge arcane I g B. 1 -1 4_a -4 r c-72=-.- valie anti Tr-; _ A for homec==, a =veVA; t0IILE = = :ammo a- large fieldsof V=e_ zreadirzovamdoverff -= f

tleta-A_ oil_

_ 1 1 A1 r I t_ _ _ _ _ = TrAit = _ _ = V 2

- v. 4

! f- _ : ,_ ; , -- ,I. , - - . - ---1-.--- ',- ..,._,. _, -= =--. ; r, 1=---_-.. = -,-...... -_4'',-',, , 4. .- ---.E - ____. : .., - = _-=--k.- -- - . _-:. r 7. _ - _ _ --= ,4-----,---- -.7.:-.-- - T=: - f. V1; .t+i -:;-- -T- ': .--_ t-. .. -. :

. . ,£LJ- g -g-; k ¿IiiJ ¿ =

take Maracaiboregionhas iihoil fie1ds flie !F first wellwas T-ìI!i1tflt?re III19e. IJJ:td LiShand i--iÇjm firm kvchnd thtjflQ!1t i51todayV-h;-amongthe leadingoil-producing countriescf t1 worldandi-largestpxori- ìrJt-the United States and RuSsiasirpa itproduction.In thek fewyearsthe ori! fjj ofe:str! :eeziie1a,havecrreativTWFPn1theirnÌ-n-rnn c=khr¡TjMRÇZ(Ti scatteredoverthec-Cumv C}=ci i =jjif most*portant )PT :i= diamondsawmined I1the S;tate ofBolivar.Ieiciroiicire tí)Tt1Ah11wvhcrçlnr-i nearthelowerDrixixoRir Venezuelahasfeu:Ifliu!tries. Those:Izci:i::ir '1n1v 1tîi to agricukure, suchaspackinghouses, dairies,shoe factories,cotton textile mills, andgrowing candyand beer industrim. Lackof roadsmakes difficult the problemof bringing schoolstomany

co=nirn;iiiz:------tFic rintrv throughout y 'ii ALi i i i i Li-dates

* - =--KIJ1i!- - =-- -!- -tI L= _, If4 1 !-- when BolivarRailway, t LA J_L ;i(A t - - W ;-RL_ 4!connect Barquisimetoand theWf-T- of Tiecacas.Today the - w = MiWtJ whas thousandmiles -'-- =J But Y ¿i1U iLi --.=- A - !iiM T FìL 4 i__ Ij1:i1JNUI i1ïiiiIi1ItfliLi(1fl principal- inland -=.-- = ---, and the J41IL1v L1S ötj flh!1t tir 11-'Veftt1ìer 1C1k

===A._ The Gmat-'ue-!4! 11Vt WI1UJ (M1U-1 ILWsouthwestern¡fl rjt JI[PJJi E1b:jruns¡II!:ThWÍI Tfp viestriiE;Ki Gii Uie¿%i:1(kFM T, Trie tUC()Ifl

&_Jiii- - -. - - L=i I-L iti t ii t 1 TY-!f ------San the LLWj -UL:LAui Lj-road aiEnds fromNutlevel át El PalitonearPuerto Cabellotoaheightof 18,000 fmt where itcroffsesthe plateau Piramode Mucuchiestwith its of snow-capped -LJL LuILL iuites flLLL : i_i_ 3 ThisflMLtI IS swtor, ofthPan AmericanHielway. Viest of Cíiracas

LIA anotherhighway LiJ!L1 LUt fl-U5U1I ftJMI aiUi Fi]Ti: tAJ ftfl aiiuiE1( Moms,thencrossesti- cBnLral!;plainste 4iP4iaaaero

-T-tYn 111fI II .E1't . .' =# _i Wr r- 1 ¿ river. - - - -= -=---=-- ;r -- 7 t w VT :: The the t Andean Highwayfrom Caracas Valencia,turns south throughthe easternorinner fwthills,and= the AhdeanHighwayatSan CristAal.

iiiehighwaysc:)IH1et me rwjpjthticOftheccantrv iu3 serveonly thoc+3&mmunitiesthrough whichtheypass.tJva fe Statesziw; UiiiN Wit t(I I:TT1 TF1imain higlwaysinto outlying ,=

- - ___i J!HIU11JL1V:- EveryyearTÍTVbTiproducts ï1flI JT: J9TtflIflP2 tß1Q

- I -. i e e then notransportation C C C L J ---==out, the LLVLa . -a4 r;S ¿1 _ Le e=Le.

bt, 9 I E An erv_aak_& t-- network of airlinesserves' Venezuela. ' jy*j }ß _ty fI=veliw3SUDi%Y t?&flMpOflaIiuJflto Tflhi&IatSdtowns in the interior, but donot =;!:vßthe pr!;pmuf bringingchildren within reach of Bawls. Jckc: 1Rrßjfln$flj Øj cationap_complicatesp-the . r --

-4_ '., ---, --- . - . . ¡ , #. - .- - - - ¿1 ) _s r -, - : , __ : z ___ r =ME NEER and th training of teaching faces tuberculosis more than entery isthe that problem is malaria, .11h, forests to improve 11.7`80- ourths in :uisis then, teachers providing of public 1,000u01-1 ani which: r.0 -*P is Aisle main is iyout the farms y_ iìe land, 4 and thelarge of anVenmetel ranks health. hes.0,111 cause 60 education e..:.; high. EDUCATION and industries, 4 Lk-Z- mew, ofh and thew third of of this of her .., Rural death for ità group as el people. disease L the Venezuela's ns in Venezuela, are t live inityialw-ria-b of technicians 787,822 mass, to raise adu_ RN, are re. EX1ELA a's principal of deal. roblems children a . who e -:tr and tzrd of are needed -;!hich, Venezuela each the incidence f of school It i: illiterates; health '1 a year. to d &list areas and living, ts Dys- age; lop '.,ti6 of of

11111111F1i1105171!IINIONP110111111101f11111Z131g97111171pntillItimigirl ill iiiiiMISEIIIIIIIIIBMIN11311111111111111MNiid1111111111111111111111111101111MNIIIIIHNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIiIIMI ro111111111111111111111111111111119111 1111111.1 111/111/0111 /111 'If /yrir,t,Ii It,1 Iv niint,t,11/?miil 411, 11111 I 1,, o ,.., . .9...

"43s "74- ,-(.4-, - : . . . ;2 : I i '.1-. , -f- ' =--":9- i .....d . A 't;-'1. .i. zy . .% ....- . I. ..14 4 t

4 ;

CRAFT =.1=

1/1 _. r :_ 7 . _

'DU'"dlION .40

- 11,770-44.-- --.- 77-11..

=M-f%fit a a mvIN THEz=g4M--Al gIu

_ N s TT vzVOYAGEin 102, e sailed A-A ge the

"-Z Island of Trinidadti d into the Gulfof Pariaonthe northwest , A.4 73-1 ..f I A- A. a-L-=n--,-=- I. Vestoppedat, what isnowPuerto ,%.-vent,on - to th IslandofILT:lat-ft----ari--Tx= .3.e 3:-.i named;7adit.irthe pearlson the islandmaidens; :17:i.:ITtl-;ia ------plateo--7 ersflied with ,, ,-,. pearls which the pit1iz idealismgavehim;andtnwsailed backkNsiSanto rktEsia Thenext year Alonsod ,Spanish explorerd formercorn E iiiA' - of Columbus,leian 'donwost, along-Venezuela'snorthern irig coasttarthe et¡ire, Pemnsul.The Indianhutskiltnpilesinthe

43 A _E waters .,rarkaosibo == Eg E ofLake wherethe expedition - aAY a14..A- %.--%=a =-7. =-L 1 .- a ofver.iice,) andhecalled the _a A.A- A :Si # CE -137-kzk.4; W The settlement, NuetroToledo,

made in1$20near tpresentits of I -2_ #17Z-= g the firstpe.-amatitt A Eura-"tlemeno0 the th se-- a -A-- E ncontinent. t.was - .

destrbyed by Indians, = ¡putwasimmediately rebuilt.Seven = I later E Cor4b07astop I onthe -from = toCaracas,was founded. f A twa,16248 and:556, Charles_ turned 7S. g. theV= tit iiof colonizingd develop' ti iontot th Wel:A7=s,afirmofFerman = bankers. z to t=g--.4 and their = befijon caused the h to revoke lecontract. izstionwascontinu by' 8,24,Ettisx. th and'tor t next 21/2centuries Reiswasruledkry Spa:. AA itotherpartaof:1UniÇri.. + and rele.,4*us mienabeou- panied tht;conquerors andcoloniststat zzai. education andculturein theow -'-' ;Aii.

The firstmissionaries& chzila_Venezuda in1.513from Santo Do- mingo.Thret'athem 4,K1at `.--t4 lenowCl/ 11024.2Theysoon- 4 eblishedpea-ful with theIndiansand fro_ the first

EVOINIMMEIP. A 1Àtw w ;j-1--0V AriatIcke -ess=AA = -a- A ROILVALLCaracas,, y -- a A- el =._ = Gobizrno±-T=m 189.,p.44, E 2 ma,p. A A

5. e 5 f. I a- asa a 4 parra Estndlo Mica. desire at theuniversity years, Crowt, and the usual Installation tion in the ous reasons, by Royal L_Lz there in schools nary sible, with the w) found children." at valley of in Caracas ship of to Rojas, The They how whom they when who had in bomingo 8 school in * PictnPasbriat The teaching carat-dal° The first kolas, In In 1567, grammar More Coroi recently founded turn destroyed Ll.tin Hermance. grammar. '4t't was f sons 1592, theSeminario Vol. I. to cultivatevegetables to educateand and later says Histdrieo taught them the day's schools. and the chiefs , kept byfriars urzkz Op. elts rekvords of then missionariei; one adula problem preceded often was a of thechiefs to exploit the Parra. 4 Venezuela.° Caracciola _my was Caracas, 1939. petition a began took place --aracas thought were of that Otraulo Nacimk-mto capuchin brother in medicine Apex°, at Tacuyo, - same p. ===.1 wise plan, After repeated before in theUniversity The clerics work of 54-45. I. was of FelipeIL it who maintained w in of pacifying them. the timeindicate Instruteldn was how the settlement exact the to name. were period convert theIndians was after Eta' ::_tsivents and a refused. MDtra___z_T rarra in "could arrived was on th which ,a - were p. 129. r*erl fisheries not until1673 e But 4 to makebricksand 7S-24. was August 11, founded in implicated. _ ended they They tilled Vniversity uiì for inthis : 1696, butit worketi nciliar of Ten en Carat=1567-1725. - the first an not beindifferent Theolou, moved and otherplants ION IN a Aa were ----_ m-ay - asking for - in 1518and a who included. his This ILS a _ expedition surmunding the TownCouncil.' con9ant, yeara Amdemla NaclorAl strenuow campaign _ w&9 private and ivs of to developeducation to Caracas. _ aaa 1725. The wu that primary taught the Iwkautiful VENEZMA way úiistre4ed the ()wafts had Enz---zn taught them the soiland Ulta---a-_ that it canon put todeaththe not allowedbythe private. was IntelmtW. Z was the in 1785. tmja fj_UtiOn WAS- was they would and free. took to teachmathematicsfiw, 0 La 4 which to not to read. the fear creation the capital, territory, law, moral was to theeducationof was o finally given build with en brought DIsetus5 de and also course _ up grlanteAl. de lahistoric Primary It Caracaa, set outfromSanto finally ichwls.and Elgterla showed the Coupled with to mountain-rimme4 the wozbk was Indians, that theymight of This, according _ Notes here read and win the t and stillfaced of studies could from . Ineonweel6n a a in thesemi- Ent located z missionariw them. And in primary instruction This peti- that university to bebuilt Critim Mop g = for Spanish in 1721. and they of those at Indians _ friend- dass = = --_-----__ - a ,write. wrne their once was the city and aol. 1)--ze ra_ _v

...iu!rnlpIIrIIImffirnm!fl, r_ - - - -w _ %, :V. _1/4:0. z _ a. . -6 ,--. r' - _t-...... _4--- ,*' . - ff71;71. i T '-4. 4 _ . - ,5.7-vTP=1 N., -a -F "-- -- cr- t -_ ...4c _.-- ' - 711 -..u_r--a-- AAA. 1 rr-.1,- 15 *47,4 4 ''Ì't,.. -. , ,V -,r,f, i clv* g'-' t.,.- 1... A r, ..1.- --..,....4 4 . ,. 4 F ay. 642 ,_44 . . z - t -4- , 3. ...riff 4,44:* , .,,_ 4 ._. 77,55;.!_ .. . -1,.. ,_ -,i ,----,.I= -46-4b .., i, .6. X ,s . I-, T .. 3t , t4,- -416 -3'tie ,. ";1, . ,,. V. Y5 . t. t. .i. *4. -- ! ..t . -,r. _ - 2_ _P .._


_ a7A-. A A 63WFRf1 Tie 7 A A'. fromobedienceto nrinCrown.'Time-M.ower VMS 1., the 7of ,are, t. _S. "theMonaredoesnot find ltwnvenient"i ôddatheanswertòarecfut forpermiseion to ow:aschool, tùJtaprintingpress, tointroducethe 4culty offltatic V AM_ 7 4 Philip - Horti of the _ in to seareh theeft74.15 thatdos) them foanyf-oakki itsmbooks;and, fearingthat the searchmight be 9,Advised enttotake-along a t priest.The Reeopilaci4nde kmleede; Plaigx hadmany .7ris with --44,to forbidden literature.A Reryal DecreeorT,0--- ats of theColoniestsvisit publicandprivatelibrariesonceayear,to eiraminetI.Li andconfiscatethce-Az mightcontainerrorsor , ° falsedoctLi Ya&despitetheseprtmmtatiLasforbiddenbookspassed .1 throughtÌLenau.of America.Thecoverofone --Loilatarrthe MEE famousnameofavenerablep chohad -241movedtoadistant see,another mightE kear thenameofiju traveling ina remote region.Theseweresomeofzasmethodsw the rehellious Creoles useelto getthe bik-117---= WhenAlexander idtarrivedin C;--,1raeasat e d-oz'the eighteenthcenturyhrsm- the city ard i,wsjence, andthe

new IA! he 1114 3 twithhimttm=ted muchuAritita.He: recommended tprofessorsbabroughtfromEuropeto teach math& 54

maties,7 9and "wwita3 yaks. 1_ urpd thatixeaple 1 befoundwhocould A rethanonsub and addedthat

should.itbe possible =Lk; =7- 2 to onlyone= so astaga 4 et4.1U were LCCuAt aprofessorOielaniati7andpri 551 `,411 ftS ,- i ' - E to ;artsandtoagriculture -a-a-_-7; more thanaprofessor ofgeometry, k7 sincetherewerepeople in thef_ 5- 5 E to teaeh the anal At the time ofxl.ttniVITAvisityoungraw co_Venezuelawere already asking iorreform oftheuniversitystudieesothat tieywi' meet the needs of the period. The spreadfnewdfts- tkin fin- * -4 _ _ ---'-'-: --is-,7'i7p-Lia.- _ _, -,-_ -v.. ajt. _f SLL _ --....;._. .7 ,,--1 A -=-- -....._:- --.: ...... -- ,-1 .11a- ., visits _ ITZU ant whopre- , = *172_.-5 Humboldt,the inetofcommercewith g countries, , fR t and the introductionofWWW4r all stimulate theyouth who laterplayedan forttt Aptpart in the destiny of thecountry!' Deevitethesuggestionsof Humboldt andtho effoftsof theyoung men,the universityremained unchangaChairs of Greek,natural

science,and= historywere notestablished uniil'75yearsafter Humblat left Venezuela.°

Meanbile,man'.y youngVe eLuelans .7-11111 to thetrig- *V of ' ,IT6113141411-14.1 A , ; " "92,s- aerLa. 4 -Heetw Rittalacolonial Venemegana.p. Rojas.Op. eft,p. 825-124. s ROILOp. dt,p.828-321a iv 4 A -i f , 4. .1 .. ek.1 s 1- r.

4 -" i , 4 ,,:r.',4 3," L.:... t.¡.. .; -,,.. .#%," 45'4 s _.,'S ''..- . i i .0 % 7 'Jt-:. . .-.P.,d, f .4 , 11*, t ? , . ..* J4 . r s" ., e.-.a ' e 4= :7 .t 1,4,;-,..- r . r - I i - ir?..,. 74 N' :,.*7 t' . f_. .P.,...".:'1.1'-'' , 4), .-Al.4' 557_, 1..Ai 1 --, ..:, .4 . .i-*';'.. ")r."45 "i_ i .i tt,:'a . ...-t._., 4. 5 -% r5 1 t ,i tk..:74;..-,-A., tv,' -' .P_; efrcr ' .3,1_4..,"4' 4:4 -I. : --,_ -z1-_,,,, . -,.'.. d.4;t4',4--4 e.-5:7, :.- .., 24...._ 4- - . Altr!,, - .1,_ i3,j,,,, i`Pr.-5# :T :4. -4 45... 44-1;g421_;,41 ,..E. 4.. .-. I PIL.77 ' ' e.'411Li - - =-trolgt -. _ 4 -S- - a descle University tion scientific that spirit of cheek that favore{I program. natiss 'inCaracas in 1831. excels. the them." kiktery, team, tits fact was pa, sum republics, there colonies of paz _1 suggestions critics. which minate. :meled group took SZçJ IC Toward After independence, 'Merl the Meanwhile toward the -Litnaksterina la o' V lu-testion ilezT the the itiftg% me crinr Ì - a...7 h d was eélp it t Lr11141 A imirl-Aof wwk-- of North " SD-pare: Domingo tict,Tarly Op. mMeftft Eli active 4st instruction the seminary. and 41 influence A-daffep. teachinp of _;.-,ter, eau' union in In 1714, I. -ki4. t primary Int. little been Sim6n P. . turned the middle listed the .". ' -A Oftfr I: gt teskf fo itsrsfc Sim6i wioa, _,- :, anti etfor a Iver 'z - p. Carefta pr___-, riculd s tu part EV71,, t. weep& tigfie forindependence development that the A "They should," gave 4,..- Caltak% qb I.' New World - some system., concerned about Mln---,-4,-ily rlif t `- which i =,. U 0/ o: . he of the 4 -'7-1r ,- . 'Lc thesL--.11=-1 ,, 1-Psnt, , October the _ Bolivar, -AfON SINCE k ..- . instruction t to Spainte rLiI at the unive pram:: wi the 111JCATION - was Bentham of thedefwts prevision the : of ' i vtir about problems 0,3,901 church was should -.T. mminary et- Rodríguez period between ihe Europe, iiat;íi intmlial0, t_i Carama, , -- .t.r.. . 1 e7-1, aid e_ -, -- _ _. do e1.., The A:kutl,-4,7,,-4_,---_114- tei . ninetmnth 4 installed in laymen 14, 1830, .,. -, fought Franciwo '.7.Z- ., golfver's , A ' .., r Fkrbsos to ,, V:VLW?,-T, ek. Ift.. ©f - u---mh . ex) in eAumtion. _f15 o 4. y to us he said, 1.t. p. of scicAls , 4 . d as , in the- uftratiion in L., i? of was , ri a M408-da4M thr* sui th the ' - 40...a, 42 f . primary for T.1.7.- and the m pew: ImAmericium, - In 4 :,-- - - well, and -- buir unfortunately ?. AF;li for and --- urged an INIMPSNDILW ..5. *04,:57:1 g in : mun *:: of made, VEN created _g--!s4.---'--- . ena *V --Niar$ A t'1,A% found it1 7`- _ century , ii."Paata the aid taaciker, , univemity ?tvM4-,..'?.% their Klucation. to it! 4 eedesiattical primary memory ;my -T*L14 ; k IF - 1 imivenity. the clergy be . 4.4' j, A_ _ the TO Venezuela. separation Klucation 4.. udy - ___. ,,,,..._ ;T.- .--t. 4 7=1 too, forteaehing . ---'.-4-. a a --.- Venezuela, won incroaftti. Both clergy ,._ tackled. new an , and addwi . i nation. , _ child's normal : chapel ol '---W ,..., 7-*. an geography first, -f.' 1 4I - 4,-... la evolueida weal * .. Al and otL 44 -.1- ..- their ' effort Mutt tallowy I -Dirk at -. se were * 4 uestion . - '-'3. tO theunintte- e-g---! 4 that '1.: ak-re, arid ..1 --".,---1';:.af 7'--1;4. IF---_,---r---"Ar s The clergy on rather A .= %* SUM Education , t , , Chami Bill, _ in7dts"Awndernes, manuscript ',1. as .,' n. like the seminary when thczr bey-tan 'J and was Aithou criticism ruining and laymen = the the * 4-1 talents, '. fft ;:'..;..',. st f th of ts fatigue en arsS 4 .II, -W'--1.!-I"T -71;'.11'-' 4.2 511 and made auger '-..' w=co F-'- la a based made separa- than the p-9ro on-- director hasia .1- -11. I C4 f1.1 . 'n , Dund sister - , lf ''''. t_,#- I. .' . ictsim chief felt 14.- sci- later the and was * -'-' Id-....' _sa .4. t ger- _.- - WW1- this on -. , t to his a in e4::-..'.' - 9 .. 8 1 ,-;,-, -v .---":r 1 F .4. , . 14-- 4. 4 .7: .--..--- * 1, -,:74. t === C.; 111111111111ml rIIII111111111111111111111111 111111 111111'111111111131111111111111111111111N11111'IMIIIIIIIIIilminmi11 1111H1111Illitilloriorlitl!!!! ot1/1111? I 1,111.11111. 1911111111111 If 1/111111,1,1111-1011,111r1S, 111///1 //11 /II irqui a HUN, 4-7 Î1T' -T ,


r (i&creect t&i tflh1iatïf íi ¡WU== teachir: :iitioja1institutesoi- MMI Ec=cc!L4 jj ; cxwiarv 1hi 1&rcpwiz ni in i because were notenoughpersons 'w JÄ (LAC uiCrfrv -:-T:: outside ranks bquipped LU i1J=ne i11L!ütIt VaCtLDCPSr1 tne ucw-ric ami Tar1- n- the

, __, T =------W -= ! ! T not thosecapable £- g - was y' -' ¿ E -_ L_ i _MAJ L&:rely(flithejVTL! forteachers." -- the middle _;_ the ninetevnthcvnturymany == persons

beizae'n _;- -- i Li Y ¿ r1W toappearA ¿ educational= ------=-- ____& 'jA '. J- i

= a n a z a s n a a EHE E E E E EE E E EE j E E E EE V E E fltfl Et flE '- - -= :E_ a education. I-= em- phasized -a 4 the----r- of branchofinstruction i_i=J i1i-! 1i.t! 1t;!ttiithi1ioufc;r tiií iiîii university." V

The E E , 1870 marksbright -,-=in V eklucation. that jijai:f J PrvidentGuzmánBlancoearmarketiLLiÏ for (MJJLKiififl w _ Ä;taiiír r#x and £AA= =i=LIVthestatus began improve.A de- __e g ,i 1ThaTh . a - creeCs-I :ii*yii,1 ereatxÍjt1ì !lrst a (:Pfliiit 't thP

iif=1iV4i IT iiI=FiiiI iI!= i Government- - - L-- instruction."Where i -EFEi ' brought together,"saidiiitti1i )iFiíii. _ "theremust bea tea4er- andaa= A&- thereI i Zschooltiwn ; Rhould beheld underM I iJ :it Triflrthere benotasingle'_i__ _i______i- cannot a -- st a a a a read the EiEEof a

RßaI . ------in educatiofi, wJ camewith e=- E project

_U - = __a June drawnF'by Ak (ii J= L 11II lUI whichEii had ------A '- -' ' '__a __ --- -- inthe- -Ä__ history _ Venezuela. - = --a this whools -=. =----- & were put reach ofa number g Venezuelans.

__L __ - -A_ _- . a - - - The Jt-rt(4!WiL------MiL - - . - L'iI JTtíi t the - ; sîem-fjJrthjçZionantI teatheswerebroughtfrjp Gpmqiyto staff = _-_ ---A- E -_ E MJschenals. A LLt ti_IM I t 1 I theZI i! t JI I t I 71T 1 1 period therewasnotice- a impr-ovmentand particularlyin Caracas

and in the Statt%of Carai6o,r, Maim,- -W __ and &ha. dezmeof -November9, 1873, createdfour normalschoolsfor boy T______E =_ - L W t- 1Z1- i H i .!1 E' i_ --in-= =1 tIT!iia_ ____ E - .------in =L!- =-J : -V-thej ofstudy Trading, writing5 gïby,= q Venasuelien.and isti tn1 4 £ 1 71 : -- W_ _i - . ---=-- -= 0 & w w E -W W 7- lxv-1= ------and - = a =

- ±w w =J EE EE = =: Four VisfOw-the y normal v.ere, closed 1U1normaltrsingwas ivûuin ____ ==::f:: i1ft, :: ::_____ Sqn CriattibaIland . Thecourwwas '. io a reArand given iti iiationafinstitutes., Many¿!iiK we:1k __innormal training!fl 11i TMVfewyea - ---V-- - .0 a , flT=I -- ', . -=- --- OP p._7 14Doper%-.0".cit.,p.324.

= =E - & - - - . -

. . L- . r a a - -. , a .: :y: I ;: L s =

41. - r = ZW14--74 - / . --- .411,1 1 1-°`r, wvin,,- -0 . . . 7 t'=1. ' , s , - - . 1 mJ1À1ìNTc:P-MsM,ITON


agiiii 1924nlc!resuieriis reapoinied. 1 mosA, of

. ='- i t T- Y IIIYj i ti í i i i & ;-A1 .-mew for' . their duties, was tITdefiniteJ11L (JI RJLt1LLJ1iU1L LIA LL tFZ -

A J_ __-_ _ _ t --=«-- II_i i !-i -ã -=- =- ;- _I - '- - ' --" :- ! f , Normal

- - ' ,yFL-AE 1-te7-'. - ----.-= --- the .NormalGran i -' :Y Y E ' _fl LI werethe schoolswhich 81 primary --

TfliT!!- f ((tt!= fil(!U. ¡IIIi(= iÌi!!.LiJ E -I- i -- '=-' - = -= of *ntem:t

i Z4tII1e Lt wasdue larrelyL==w t31(i-tbIieftx.4any-

T-1 i 1JL1ii( - _LJJ --- ' = - cnA,Is '- couldteach-and the only c tbe was

toteach;=i:t_--v ,and thelour .1 ofarithmetic. 1Ut! IIrNT iLItX}I (31 L' i1LI iItt1Jt !j t-I4HMwasLt7UjitLtj iti U 1913, by .raiipGievaraRojas, Minister ofEducation.

I __ -_--- -I -4 i tU-. ! A & & F & schoolswerefounded. the = -=--- were1,372 WUEsupported¡J%the Government,dividedasfo

i gjr :it-uai!'iiiiîschoolsiji Jgrades;i i i iiw ii -r-"'=-and

__-i ---- -: _;_. : :I:;: == ,night _-ff_!' T '-hcx±were itymunicipalities, !T-iÏ :iiL i!L!Lt1it_ =LItÄprivate corporations." However,thenum- i_ '-- w =illinadequate -= '=- -- - =- amr,*Venezuela'sFfh1r11 system -yuywithothrbnche of1, - wirnirentunderwenta arelt ad -117x 2.ignetiu-

x-ìF : ¡ ;= ; ; !-Fi4 : := i -i; - - a a t -_ t t t 414,a - --- tta = # a t W a F a a a _ a a a to - a a system. i!fl-1Ñiifl! iiiìas eunefirstfromChile,tI4 flajYItiW= Lfl1tu1

!II _A_ 'VARNA& INAWMA-11S1 BIM/mulesnaw Li- -=.;"="


= -

NIL -"al

_ I11:7,17

, S 1 I --...'-_-=. = 0 __ _ p o- ,_4., ,./. a, -. (.., 114'-," , 4. 4 --.i. 01,- . ;1-31' _ = i-`' 1' 4* t .. t*-7 ar.eits implpsomommwromEmmy1=111 Lr* "

_ =mom =eme _ Ii V v , 'Ut.-V trr.t C V- 1 _ T1WTF i A 1- -1 1 =

4INrea/MWNWarmriv-ir ilawrirm-i--birseekxP ISM=MWANDIEW11AMMMIII =Ma iNiimilLviNtT ../. - --

-. sffNi.E.mec

i. =



-----= :- .. - ,t,,tsk j.W -OF 44,1. , ;.- R _ r4: t 11. -p tIte4,1,;"tt vk- k nC!!Normal 17). t £ti4dCaracas, iggb:. 7ora e .? . :T=:wbzre tuture=S? i1igemetge $tfliF ? -

, 1AA - - =:= :r 22.


** C - -`I..-- l- .. 1 ... .4 ,* -- ' 4'i V ' i '''t '- i '.ce : --- . ,,e311 __ " '-iitI --. : . J 5-:-' , .- 4'= . j; I- _ :Lz _, 4._-LI_, - = ` 1 a - brawl:kin i--u--J sit teachers that farther new and decree of ;eTopi 14 I thisbulletin. : The In the edlz:astion. olvo rim; programs ofthe programs *Aj elementary, of Puerto of .1P4t; next io actelexa4 Ili ;F:---rrit -iutionvry &stti a ES revisioAs . paiNfirs system increased were putintodIK:4-: Details I / .. years changes '-* - 1944 I In '2 -and ; s . . , of educati and Cuba primary, : and th Junta 1,:f=t) would of these 4 -sreated arcs- Tro-t- 1-4 n.ight i the vocational 4 schtx)l-bailding a new 4 41. It Gov be -au lit and a make ara moond to made * eloinliftion racy en, ad rnmzir. wo is at' revizio found t in Mucation, after f I pA-fi VENEZUELA i_m 144-45 on ry, __ of education with 'lrenfiutleian I the under education; Lt. wert pa; and which program, and -, to the , - ,Pin,I. am. to -V.' rith the normal 'hk?. '44, the z-evise thecurriculum z.,-p-tirviiiioi! i..4 of 4w 4 . made came into ti them _ Tvisr-cLctiv-4.!;m3tioas r . f. was eiwt.-Irld. N.0 suavai ra,ii: :of ezltxds. in !_:.ideratan-: o every aucatoN thse ....mphasiwi eel . .Leakhersi of country. c-,er v hts.nel ' ITIrre - these that 4 4 4 in .ii in a

111111;111111111111111111111uplu'AillioRmol Iliiiild111111111PliIIP110111111111E110milmviiirlarrm IlIFIIIlI ORGANIL" OF lor4 raImatasmilm. MINIST 11141C110C1. 2 Urban < RUM:WART Falral p-4 rban NC-t---M Lip E1R1

P.i..11...iiiIIIIIIMilliiiiiMIXIIM11111011111r11111P1M111111.111111111110111iiiinlitimmtriliNilttlf11111. Riirei WOW, WIJCAT NIGHT SOICCTS RUM WISSIMS COCW-4.T IVES VACLTIO COLONIES 1-4 FOR TEAM TERS La t 1 =_ a 7== as=- s _ UNtYXßs UNIVIRSIft MOMS kgraiDARTè. RIMER TECHNICAL t-tr-413,MFT41-, SCHOCIS =VMS AND SPKTAL COWERCIAL SCHOOLS ' PRCICRS kURSE TRAINING SCHOOLS .M-IRIDERf fL GF SOCIAL -rIecE; MUMS a tsf- - I a- CCWROL CO' _ IMAIUNATICKS ==" _LTs. E I.^ crar --IN- a. a_ -§ _ _ - -=:=Ik-rii 5 11'4 17.- WHOM 77za § 'mar 2 (V. ;tsr - MUSIC -Ja k 5- a'-=TS; Iff -f-_ s -----I 1 a - WHOM OF PAW. VG - - CULTURE *ssUTics WHOM r=0 una. Ari 3 XHWLS (XF- AM AND T RAMS PROFaSS-als OF FM ARTS SC 11-ATIFIC AND - aff=E- E # 1.41 z; .1 a ca. EDUCATICIAL RADIO L'am' a MICATIONAL NOVEZ E- ==-=- a a a a - MAT KM =vas 4"=k a== I a a- .=_ -_ _"a: -,,:: _c. _., - ._ ,_ _.. - = -- - SPORTS ,_ a _ ff ff 1 A Wa -=. ':------r=== _ g- ''=' -- "-- --- = --a Tr- I -- =-----: e_-__--= --a -__ '-' a . -.4. 4-E-4 a ---=_-__= ------1 2 = = -7 &-__ 7 - A rotwyrk------flaBlea------. ,===.-_-_-_-_---- . _ -±--4-74-1I-----'-_---_,,__ _,- . ,,,.., -_ ___------,_,-.,------71-EL7------z- l'ffa-: -T .--.= ._-__ .a,.._..f_. -;_ .____a-_=74._=___-a alADIUMS -.:-.- g ; aas- ri_-_-_-7:-: _;" MIRIPCIMICI v 71111828-48 ( Face 5) p. .Llifie4 ;if- , 0 11 Emu& It Lr- 9 V V 1---- ff E 7ff Lq-riCE ! FrAXILTICM atirk-WILAM.# COUNL P -1..W RAT Lo11 THE kaN TiNJtM. R.n guraT 1-4)4, r TEE DUCATION AMIN" COIJTNCIL : 1 i . Tans arria =CLAM EMIRS STORAGE NAsIoNLL crTs- L co RILATIM r--A pm ALI-03AT RN Eia3NIP5 ymeEn. awiws mows XECCI CoNFZENATims - REPM CrImrINATTM Or VEN =MAN PDMIJLGATI swuR nx; .4 =INISTUILvs GENERAL -= FINSONNU 41w. 3 g==r1 - ADDIt g g,g_r = ;-4 OF E - - = AND = Plat - MRS AND AND Demur g t- = - - r NAAL ICi m PROMPT - NaimAL sj ----_ 4=-= - .v.f CAqg corez.s2mm4a wird 1=mm Caincrias f VP Inaizt =EAT ICH = OF ra ritE crriux THE ==, T=1 WAIR FUNM STUDFIt--75 coma cip g 214111111M02121211.1=12.20=2"11Will Marrs 5 = - ian OF ao _ W LAn }fl wiTh um i&iL UF THE Tscisqnam a-V Burogr 11` Z _=--- s=, - .. 0, , g E AND ff i AND 11105 1ST= RART :=1 KIN 13TER 1. i I in=1C-.7._--- _ / I o A T.1 I i g c-r-ROT _----r--; ---=-_____---f ,___=1, .:4 C Trfl g,7717, C .37; *REITCAT ILIS --.---= E MMAT 7,__ In-CAM - .2..:=-_ OF atto71kiwr _ r cw-----41-tATI-- f------_:3 ---P 3 3 0 = P- E


za _ 4 .7a= A A -7

61MINI =_

=-7 w _ EDUCA-1110N



= - - e w I -Z =;- j-9 = DUCATIONIN _s a_ s st9 E-== SESSW the office of the PresidentBy hispowerof executivedetree the Presi- dent makes all appointments.The Ministerof Education is appointea 1 -== President E the Republic 7-7771' has cabinet rank. Theaccom-

= =-a 5-5=-===- MX1-5-Z74--1 a a_

_-= shows *. E- the of the Ministry andthe activi-

==r_. ties for whichthe various departments 2 =, areresponsibleX : Revisingprogramsofstudy,formulating = for examina- tions, reviewingtexts to be used in the E grantingscholarships, directing theliteracy campaign,appointing all ffromPraal _ s L to " V ar from ment to incips and brooms. 9, MINISTIRY F EDUCaz-a-Lori

__ LIM XA= a_ = ; ,,-;- UV.ofall official schools,except the universi- .04 V = Z.= ties, whichareautonomous. A =- official schools, the i-v=2 lax charge of the NationalLibrary RVNational Museums, zwell = the culturaleitension workrepresented by the National

Academies of iii,story, ===- Physical andNatural Sciences and Mathematics,and the Venezuelan Academ tee-1witnla tti'm S % A = _ ¡

E a

t -&- a _m_ ; _J a _ _ TheMinisteris bya motif-*T., ' each for elemexitary, seexindary,and normal Klucation. Members of . a the mu,st be ------citizens,over26yearsofage,who

=L. haveadiploma andat least 5yearsof service inthe branch =

.tionfor which theyareresponsible. V-then it is considered reprftentatives from Spwiai.z;--_Aucationmaybe addedtothe TI n e_--e-.= re1!tedfunctionsareimrformwi by the _ = ff: Education. 11117MIRT

A mgmitAto the JonstitueitNakTfonalAmicably 1 A +ha XX:s s e - erof Educsan said thatof eveiy100

twwnthe a:n(1 only 86 "-= - -= - -

tAt rs- X =- i= Tr=-'---4t

, . , ,. v - AA-14- -- 1 _ = = _WA 4a asar' r : . - 3.)-;L 4 .-1- - 44. _ . 4 -' t a -71;- ) CMMat...44$44=41441, shwent , .; tile n budgets ;_ -t e t f II I. The Msada e P. I s r 1-DoTt, oftact 50 to80 X) to 40 to49 20 to =1---, 7 to14 18 to19 . - que a V71-41-4.7-1r, r. eerie, fiAg. 411,-(V14 eAs AP National .t el =1" . -12 "Reetifieatlitnn" Airicalturs.4. COMMUMMOMS Hasith and lAbor Tmstav.. Foreign relit** -40*- Mtnittro de 1(1----%°W-f.r Strap fariamc 4.)f- -4,-4440;11 _ - I 4V44' VAAL 44 .411 on _ ri _ - , 4 Mallow 3; 2 1_ -.Li availa-= limAges- = --_- L' ,re JRgs Item g. th 411 n vi 40...... 8;1 . _ 011. Ea-= .. n. A NA 468 Por- 'UV VA 747 694, 940 02. Ul 7$7, 812 for -aa A_. , 11P1 j--- _ on of T Va-__Steot ow Ad6st G 535 ; ; ...I.". a. itrA; gar tits sow r,,j Mucation to its % ra .M` . , teM_. a 1, 180,883 . 'Unction 11'1 With in- Iv N 310, 507 254, 010 1$8, 311 193, 05 190, 427 r:ighixa = 77, 073 ^ - a- -=. . vilagiuntatat 808, 634,0011 175, 749,7411 =_ -S 3S, 001,0110 :J. 114, 0A11116 221 VA db, 287,881 87, 648,187 93, Mal voola isindit Bailrara 4 I 1%4-45 . : . F WI 616 II 8-13, 639 -t . present& coveruqg Imernam-- hasfor 444 en .444 8118 4It; 4 1. 1.) - 43. 1 39. 5 39. 5 41. 4 44. 7 47. 3 32. 2 ,EW 't r . . : 710, 109,Ca 4 214, 140,226 Iss, Mt026 `41 v: 6S, VT,NO 44,614,778 t 12, 75S,920 86, 39S,773 ft, 795,4N Si, OK8,2 761 Zip&P" 1204 witiKout 10, 200,99U al Daiwa 1, 975,05 1,194,888 1946-47 'Unction 4. A .3. 1 a I I a*- 4;im$ 212,094 207, n4 Congress° My 382 384, 413 117, 885 5331 802 .y;f»,'. it Jr 15, 28 L. r!):.-°' s 4'; :4;:04* 41 31 ìe r _ (A' A ar- a. i In 4 . I A . a ; )t I in , _=, . tt-, t . V 4- z.,C.V , Patent t . en r . '4', 4.4 the a _ , .. 4 I , 60. 5 86.9 C. 8 58. 6 M. 7 ,,. 1 tft ...... s Ws = -,-,.'. _ ,- St = j.14 : . t- 41.4- = making , follow- Js, _ . r ; - widows )1%, tqa41. qr .,,- .4. 41, . " Vitt . .1 -44 gave . - 4:t4. i7.1. ! ,, ,- , i4 t.it* jilit. s r f. IV.' t t '')F,3'..!" ' ...c... , '.. .4413, '- I - "ry="- - .'4% r't , 4,...vA,. 4 II ,4%I,4 4 -1,14; 114- ,:l ."1 , I *Xi j," ..- I v -- tS s- - -,- a -..--- -T.-. ...; _ VIONCINIORIRITSVIIMIERMmonffinnommunnummilli : T: ' ,- : ; r=- 4 , : - AI__ , _tc&TiQ;i

Ole . A;;f=;ITIaU=: fóieigeati-m-I44Eandu!4-e î

.it- U i i. ; i ?nowt 1: I r---r t A ¡--- -i LW4;J . 1914-45 ç --=- 1= : . i I decrease -'-

------_.-__J___----T___ _ - - -'-L- -, k I 4 - L I 8 6 r a_s-______r

I À I . ìi IVI IMinbaryI-----. . . . - - - * - -'--; -a--- -- ; i t i OÄ ' - :_ r ;= Technical board ______1(X). et -00 i A:: --- w 1:8ZW,g--- ' i ÄA:Jeducation__ _ _45. -!18,'=w -= 6 A A &- ..._ - -- - - . i 7W,= r46 0661 750. 00 40 J +1iw : i ¶Tq Í7Â Lu 21 I J=------r 6:-.t=6. '. 3, &hem) - - - -. - i 64, M)3. M -=__-tMOM° - - a Higher education . 3, 177, M. 66 451, MAX) for exteinion...... _ .... 520.00 ...... _ .... 7461 MM. 10 ,M. 10 15 = 1 &$), 211). NI W33. 35 IS ,j .. 170, 070. 66 rA 640. 00 $ O -#- J Fel ti psand penalisio for study 488# o4) 585, 275. M t 20

.- - - - j Swia1 w - . . - - - * . - LMI 1U. - I WiiWTjÍj !iZ Rent and W-Int--n------of traiklinge____... 9 !Lce:_x= t A equkdtkVii For iP IA 1 rnatarbik,.... 180, W. (X) 1, 1M, (03. c,K) 811 - Travel awl --T:--:.-; r=_ - 64, WED. al 64 ml- cm - -- - 19, 2-A9. 00 ,.WM. (V 67 aI--a a _--- r. ------e a _e necv-2-41 (X) 94, OM. 00 9 AIWeas to twivats schoob__ ... ___ . 91. 2.-5-8. 00 91, 2,56 00 A 'Zit. _-_ t J=------w s- = - f J WA Ca. I= :------=- i_

; I q-_I 11 71ftt1 . - - I------...... - - . a------W=W-;- -I - .__±=-- E --- u1._I 1_ ---. ------..-- - i -- ii__ - JJJNI --' .__ - .

g Enrollmentinsehtols,eeiteges, and iverdtIe, =---=- year=-=

------T--- . L ?edema &E2 £:=:r Pr1vths Foti


- ---r-.--'---- t- . - -:- - - - - : - - -I _ -- - - t- - i_----- . i .. L: I i e t e '

: _L 1- - a_&r-,-- r r- ----s - I I t

I M ! A- = AÀ ifl i i Ilthubsolory...... fffii (XX c002 :i:: 04 I . - a eas O e e E t - S C =etec 134 n3 != Sesonsicry e

¿--: 1, (M ' 442 ! ...... 1,242 I781 .... I - a 4 - RT;1E _ =,*_------=- i E -_E -W = 1= e -&; i- ; -======-= =------e ( - e =; = I' ---I E t erne- Ceeee trial*/ ni ; eeee 96 trit e C i e_ e OD M \ e II?e-e I :ee_ (NAM . 2, ew (1) % 059 E _- 1 I ws. t 539 i ..... Wan Mull 5n Ieee-ee -- -- ' t e t (Osesessit:647...... e. I (Andes 1 _ ::::: ' :::::: :::::: 476 4rI __:=!- ...._ : - £ ; , ..-F.,,a)-eeeCCeCC CeC...... jòC1I.,*_... . I: I I J - - -;ff:- -- N- - i : J.. W I_-1 1 JU-lu1_--- 1_ lj_ _J -- __r1i-

i eee State tad * ï - !kureg. t- I -=-


:: r , : rzuication in %LIsdividedintopreschool,primary, _

; 9ÏLiiiinaI, apecial Mlii Iui=caLftTJiÛantihigher. * . - I z --:. _____.. ,...., .___...... ,. 11 State,' Maki : . 1K-L y a= aczxwdiiig t#J W 11ttJ1E 1tY 1X IJJ111Ut 1!IÄ bUIJIAJI Lt JY 9 Mt1 +f 41-Z itif }r eme A .,-4 le eZA7 Or rfrrr'on,z,EducationML M t7. LLcalcial

- V T . AL sAtivonek y tJJi!i LTwJL U I4 iA t ! w . a if order of eF1kñ1 T es for thgrafting =±

- -.__t elL/ f

; , -. I ,- #

4 I = :- : :

E ordiplomas itmugbe registered with the Ministry of Liumtion. --- which wishto be registered. must follow the officialcourse EEO.MENIEE of study and be subjecttothe ivies and regulations which apply to the Official school&Institutions approveti by the Ministry of

Educationmust __- the letten MEN (Ministerio de Educación Nacional)on or nearthe front door of the building,aswellos on the stationery and printedmatterof the school: = all educational institutions instructionmustbe given in the Spanish language. For instructionin-foreign languages, the s_- studiedmaybe ust-A. Instniction in Venezuelan history, civics, and thm-le subjects related tothe bases of thenation must be given by native Venemielans. -4 Two hours of religiousii.-istructionamprovided e-14-1 # children whoseparentswish themtoreeeive it. idustrial firmsnot withina towndistrict and which emplbymore than 80 worken, 9.0or moreof whomareilliterate,areobligedto s aplace foraschool.If the firm =not doso,itinustpay the National Treasurya y Nuivalenttothe rent forabuilding to be usedas aschool.

V.- Industries which regularly employ 100or mon?,workers arld which _ morethan 2 kilometers from thenearest town must supportone or morefree elementary schools for the children of die worken and employees. In fact,anindustrymayI:* requiral to provideaFAiml if in the judgment of thegovernment the importance of the industry

t and the conditions of thetown warrantit.In the oil fields and i minw, in general, the firm is obligedto supprt suchaschoolat its owncost. Should the firm not provide the school, it mustpayrtrt to the National _ asum t tothat which the State investsto-4-eachgradewhichitcreatess s"----#= the school.


Theschoolyearfor all branches ofNiticating beiginsSeptemivr16

!A. and ends with the examinations theend ofJuly.Tfte month of August and the first halfof September isdievacation wiod. The

70_ Prtsidentmaychanp - vacation datei for elementary schwis - = wheit conditions of workand charaeteritti(m of the region require it. Dari-athat period school is in smsionevprv ypTeAntthe fallow. ing: Dinurdayafteoon,Sunday, 'the betvten the "riday Paan Sunday throughEasteSundy,-em1x3r2471 thrtovh UUJttTVfi the national holidays, and


_ 4 ar= bod of==-=1,48 (brys to -giVni firOPM dingupnthe fr1wol.


A 4 - - A A ; :r .- = 4t-; r= =-=r % := : t - = . = - S ---- a , .- . 4 AD ci iï;cATN 19

t : t

f-- Everyc-iin 7rIu3!ueiLt3tltthl!crtrvtr:IS rLIret1Iclawto

teachphysical'education a A ,.- a_ fJ - and --- firstpai-tcíther:reseiitthe physical wnrie= givenii; iowaS determncd la-gely by whatthe clasFrwm teachers knew themselves

- y and __J the of the -- ---=------S taught the o ics, while the imirn.-L -- and wondary schools bad formal Swedishgymnastics,3 whichsornete,aehersvariedby taking pupiLson y -,--= , f y

-an phvsicalw wasinitiated 1919.It

was # - V and y 4-Ä, -A ---- on com-

JitLt-iiJi LAI 4-tiLiwasti:UiitJ E(i! [i -it4ii 1(111 =i Li1tiLLtI ex- aminationsibutOnlythe schoolsin ital andsomecities of the

- = offeredif -_-- -u ff. Ln 1936 the3--11 Ix-0Lineation created the National Office of

----- =------ysical thesametime it plans organiza-

f of pnysical eduhtion in the - ponditioned the whoolsta- (II1IIILaec=tñ-riiandr thnitional stadium,fTf4organized thetram,artation of childrentoathletic fields forgamesandgym-

r- = =

y - nastics.Furthermore,some - ff ã '_#-___

f f_f = = - - - their w- -= and --- _;-- --- J =- ' ;- y =-

Ai_; Li_ of Li YiU=iA4iflui LJ. L11t iuLiLL J.L iL

--- organimi --- meets yJ -J Athevarious 4 and

= --- otranizAwmum totrain Jof y - ' '-- w-=; I- Nincationwas t- W tI F;andthereptations andprogramof bLudies planned in conferences of represntatives of - = I a

-- -= y. = =-* w - ."---;:---qucutionand

e y E . ïi-L f_- --i W . E f f E E of the E E fI E E Ef -_-_E E E E in- tensify and bmaden activitiestoinclude the entire &-Ipublic instead

E S ë , = ---J --j within= P .L L=Ï ff and 5coordinate

t% rrt = =--=1--flTr1 I1=1T TiT-fY the activities private- to naJspoms.

' -w-- ,=_ - Mï!= ,y1 irH1U t1fU----=-- Y=J!ii--- iri=- "ThJ = he - connectionwith 'VT C! IA WtflfluJ ttT Colombia,¡-Ft:t:adequateuI*&;in frHLflC1Dgami

- =-= g =------= = =-= -=-=-=- w - - _%_, -=--- - ballet Bello is described later in this truilitin. Spas for girls, suchasvolley and Imsket ball, have Ewen emphasised UI rwent years.Intramuralsprtaareala)apartof physical ed

. --- catin - - - of the whwia.

-. ,-

4 -.. - 111611111r _ -.- %. t -- -4_ __i ' : : *___ --.- .-= = ------* : _i1I t1r;=Th -_Wfl1 -T Vi'h iitt w chan 4ftri TfAuchers first excluded entimly film the Wegiven of the orby other

1» . -' j= . -. # . _; _i E y : ______-rn--- 4T-i . - ã - _:!_ -- i:4 - -= -' =-; -& J : : . . ¿ i4TJt ------==- :i- -j ------4 * b - =- - - - i. --' w }-=!vE-=:L*A , :I1J individualsnamed by the Minist Lear, teachersTa.etheeAmt- illations, andstill later teachersand Minrypftionnal eollalxiratmA. Priorto promulgation of deRrtz No.321 examinationsb-----Tan with the thi"dgrade andwerebasedonqutiousnt ik,inthe Anna icJ : istrv of Education.Two examinationswere uired yearlyone

5 fo" mmotionfronronegrade__= to the next hiuha- and - - qk --"tt=ne

.*- - - =nvirnarv =- I theg.,,Ial = w eiementa",w --- I upon & L a S- YfS , _-=:: -S _ii__ T - # S ot -tkA iA L tL_ A i i V FÍ i ! i t I LJ e e v.year ---- t= iiitLttF iW TIF iTiiTiF!-(1T :r:r: weregiven byexaminingbmirds. ¡= :1 teachers namedb airector of dieiiooIgaveüe LUUHIt LIW tiTU I examirc-tins L U! *i1!iiIt1OflftIXl t1t WI' thß e$tu1e1U&r=; p t1 !-!1J=L JÄ irmii £iW!icUtIt)1iwere gwen byiii _S___ exam- !! - !L t T Y 17 ==4 = - - -=S JAthree (iiwhomwesthe temher

FJ ti i E ITI i Tif i t t w- profew,or= the being - ---*-- --- tobeaVenezuelanc=iú =ext$in theca c:fa UI: Ï foreign ti v!IU) :s co:ia rci :Ï-Vp-flPeXflTh1PrDi thsutth 7hich he h:. and tchaveanofficialcertificate, vr w.retoinize4 I: : Lic iittic i=ct n=f chitwi; -J-1 ) actedasexaminer. ThrT1 Examination'swerec'f thr& : Written,nIj= nii1 rgti I 'dependingonthe nature of thesub'ect. _ beigible for tbefinalterm exarn;rt ts*oI enRwexe re- gamed to havean ave===egradeof.t,least10 in -rat*--c,r tat& In grading,each of t.qeexaminers crave_ a rmtween O and 20, in-, naive, aselows:1. to 10,imr;11 to 15, cr-c----A;16 to 18)verygood.

and 19to ffl, excAlent. . Regulationsfo--- examinations affectiiwia_ irnois belowthe insti- Pli 1 L c--r-Pr _...... __.fa, n brio-itS Or £ on were ma foal. in dwrft 4E.._.... No. 821dated 1N6Ace4m---ing the decree,all schwieng-official 6 a and private-- a re rain u 1 _jnning withthe firstgrade,to give bimonthlyex- aminationsin -1-iovernixr, February,April, andJune; inaddition, !iUL_Ln1y LL2 1ß I'Q1IWeU Liunolittily _-ç- The grade isckitj-uiinpsI ;__ by t-r thA f +1 t+ _ - the-----J conduct, rL_-__J;, , -; T ; tc,¿;1;i;;1fl2-monthperiod.

- :_ - . i r ' whersLLofficialaswellNf)T9VWT G r- 9=- S. alb 4J L;=L ------' =- - .a L5 pupils=K one to theneatA tFLJ.i M (Ji IA i fli t7f _ * r . - r__*_ 4:= and wide to grade six.

V Y :4 _iK WI iJ Trp ;S ' whwisnzav- - -S _S a;_ diplomas __ ,.name the * _.., complete iz-, }flTflRt k: aLÄo!-t? fourthgr* ;=:: Biflrv sE=T tJ N!!:It 01 H %'P1IfiIâfl Uti51 _--A.-----IÌ =7 t1 it = :----_--; ho tile . thiühr ....). fr4+: w1 tT=1P =:a, ..____ _...._____....____.,th;yhi_ fourthand Mg-rat - Jiv F*w! tuaTJfiaiîì imiê * ==J -- y - # i- ;S - --- - &eit= e e_ : ITj1JLt:1: :2


=ii::5 r;., JSS:iitiç :: ; : ;--:=¡Vol : ______-

' -:- - : T --'ç -- i=Th : :r -.. y--. . _#_- ,- ' .:' ; -- ' k t # Th -' f b _'. - a_ , : 4 - - A !-TTi ATf 5Y î - %J , *J iL L :2ï t - - = - -= =- -ff ' t- of practical tests, asingle oral tett, upplemnted byathesisor --=-- ;_dep-ending g

;w Ji- - __, nature LJ- LL -t. -' LL -Li who averagegrade . & or

morein - work _ ,at the dif.retion , == the ,ivpromoted without final examination.

111P exwniith li=iai-i:1 tyfffifl4 elementary Ehoolsjp(fljjTJfli tif LflL tíacne:rcitue C-!S& ft!It-i Vi Oti1t5 c:i the Tfl-e School : u ivate

i ' i ' A - i = = . - ---= - - - _/ and officials the _i the

LJL4: , . F tcmakeimti1ur repermittedonlyjflUftíIPR !O-IIF =RE e jjU1six Secondary&flcli1tTifli iOOI CiI11! t'D tiìP: flt()TL MML=

i ' I I - F T f= are -- as Iand' ; Y t )' = Y 7- Iarethose ---

t4f_L!- !- i4 tL- fl!-L1i!-i fL Pti! !-!h- fiT1 __, & -- . - -= '- - _-_--%_# - --- subjects , '-. -= a __s specialistst

JAi 1 subject.Subjects taught&7Yteachers of ==L1 andartistic =-Çff=: 1LI'4 T I tTh 1 Ti W fffl=flTi1towardITI ! T YflT t i 1-WY1T Schools

w g classifiedas -Jt'5 -= aretho:- 4Á- lms ! j== : W F L the

,are L A t=t = - a a In a and normaleducation W Ti councilofT i f

rt- JLit& =tiìzihavethe it. y t zuwvpromotionscorm- ;Tt'11t1111fT Yt TTmflTifl-T T1-fln- iit1P iiW TT- tinrnír 1TP1P1TTiT-t' --- t -íiWHS fW- P:T1iT?it1 1i:t ff fi. t1ffl %St Ti1floral,or p::i-ewaidingon I% Tt1W I t}1subject.Pknt+w4y +- - F - - w 6Zfl)-;t Itj:1BfltS Wit1i i WFftMC i1R3 O! 1; lTOlfl liJifliexaminations1$

reiiecIÌovpe}( c;flh i and tu:'typeIiniaXehiit:tm

Wii I h Lions v--which the Ministry. Students a in a . than(ii i:-subject[LI LL5fl LL Jexaminationsmust repeatL=LL entireyear. The TJì1fl1flW Hmp fTc!rtyipe : j arenamed1rtie ro

&_aa+ t ; t t 44 a= == ii4 - - L- Ministry; A W ' H;eflÇ)ciJs tJt* Ias veii as ct ci!iIC-IftI cflc4!US *Y iìam&i ov tile courìcii ? of the whoa both typesofschodistheprQt=r cf isout ofthe examiners. :fr1x1iberÑof theFflmmF uhiXCDttM iI3frTÌ2 Ofthewhool, - A ?1Ei _____ are paia DOVaMI1 each inL---v-3 rp,c4D1s.This fw is

_Ji-_i i i V 11V Lw-i EiiJi W L7- Li L- L1 ti iZ tr r andr in.it a 11 - - - - - =-t i f?t1i iii it _A=awhich . -== tormore _- aaastudents aa paytuition; & - a =- w Ii TtflT T_H !1 Ii;iKTr-, fl=fl%rM flI I IHF=e xIHhIiMI 11Ml X1TkiïmJ ITI - V A -==

- V t= =_&-_ - = Y - = A E L,i_ _ t iii . ------in =i =v-y :t;ii ii a r - - r - - - a = te - a a ------=- -" - YMTii tYiiflhì (W LtL i u=Vi i-J L H iii --- =rw r w cotituovermTai r a ft 4T ÇhuflJ_- 3tin*d frnnv. n,e ,wrhÎhiin b:fìa tÇ1itiû1 : eNo. provide", :?! ,_ inun'1946.AJF!4hflr ¶taTh !_!± INLÏaa I fL iiL PTHLffLiI iIIi huRl iflTUiALI4Jii1 IIi I MEJIUWJffR i1 11F __7 ;. . - eiyÎkO± eu4=w:th u:i di: 3f ti r t! , 4,- I-- -a cWsí sthwx:J cta- as" : k=-: : r

'1 54; e . s i : 0,4 e--- .44 .sa,s "v,..:4;10.---*.. i=- --- ______=-______r -----== -a---=.=- - a-ir.=--tr-a -- -- - =. t t -. e--. r n-=n I P.,4311var and stpsnevision, iforthe,Fekiend Union. of a inspector VF--= -414X 7m_m ¡Tier! to becovere(1in work, theMinistry Amazonas. rii4a tory ofDelta placed 2 departmentsof of December them large o4stac1es hygiene ply '41.4.-;..autio and national se g_k_17 inspect .1 virs I of permitted swondary J4, the According In 1946the22inspectorates :-Let..xt1 Although The 'ens their special that their _ As _ Tort. .0" more that of recogmized Eral ih the --.' in chargeof r t . LI 7= zones _-__ specifically -nd hûi= The Terfifirr; Ministry Lf-1 vtr-lon. are the 1936 4.701 to its of AA; 44np the to as .-4-11-kL4 than taught.. To aid primary which = to the14twofDiucation, not visi the Ministry privata 94---0.7.1vi- corresponding 1936 LAW p no-cf-aaszu-A-= service. lack of the ends the -," programs containnothingpmjudi efficient a year, character szo,istanta, ". t once of secondary E C r0 - of '!'ocuesz.i-An provided AtAT the prepared -= of ' the work triiiNiste, each ly-- compttence Education, . institutions how education Education EDucAnON of a it , diploma 0: Should ;-, and as ---tceJ, arid to 1:-=7,, year. ; they i linotioning. . o _ it of i oiìers courses inspecte, a -= li years. tv. rict, and iS for itsmTtLizAi for the coda' beiuwitivtZ. 82 'fb the B1P, must FA ' e mt.% in see as a Amacuro District and Some may made were District. awre r_s_entag through a Jon t -._. no in the -NIX& i4erv ho a TIT VENEZUELA commissioner that A ew in d seek, schedule all their examinations. work, .2-1-i,D2-1 normal fill the agent inthe out replikesa by had littlepreparation its nta.- schools revimetved with "It It wu nrune4 official ...--- "mucAniN physica) Ministry reluirements for de it regulations. remaimd I a had education, was not of --- its ==. bg tile .nd the A . _.....-.7.7.-.arZ:_W-_, the _ . positions. the specifieA : 1,--''''' eA,04-141- " - .Lthn of ,. 4 I education oo---a4 a wh-u-ds :n to on 0 of theUnionand ' _ =-' CA=i la pr-tottail 1-,4 ao a -:- " . - sulwrAss ... the -... in the =1 .. a. 11, to A .i 1 only difficult school 7 ''tr PV itj . -71-1 were 4lid4r each 4 . recognized the of ¡tit ; and established ti or ..7 not . catita see Wire ...t-S more t GI' 7- pf . eral P as executive the a 14.- .. technical The ---.7 to pulgicorder i a Federal ...) ng M ,,- - was '11 well [1:Sprivate ali t_.a.,__,:_-_mq.Nit I- ,* st., 5 IL --- ... - r and h2t, zones were 7 visit Territory of ,- 2.. bachelor I_ 0_ .7% . Ministry, a sch o A 1 .s. : . . , 1; ... ) and whool r== A , -: , T2 technkal they fo m-= g-ien in C--7_ A -g . ---' .. :1E]ti-Teiwzo re ways to i -;;-- . of work k 1 - mule 4 . ,_,--_---,== school =.- k,,.. m: -. a A to Terri- decree 7 .-:. years -r # t .1,` super- many their -- - . MIN . 0, u**-- 1' was ---- -..''- were - find i am- 4.0 of .t'AI'Fl. im- :). of 242 of ly .. 90 - =-7 to 0

ioneEMIIIIMMHIMIMINIMMIMMIMINIMMMEMNIMIIMMINIMENNum ,r I mmirmgrominmEn minium rImairsorommpos 11,1E1.111H tttIltrtt. 0,11,,,,,,,,, ,.,,,,t Mil/11111111111 111111111111111111100 /111111111111 011172/i/iii H/10111/111,111111/ 111./1/./101111q11/111111111/11)11111 111.11- 111111111111/11111-111111111 111111111111111111111111111011i0Itm e :m ffi of an, of stenographer, cr a of 'Mite of country, gram. ever, seboois had in the schools concentrate on tion exposition vent most the o was of Venezuela. matratv..! efforthad that clasc..,% within LheStat and tobuild large with intended rooms types aa- PP-3-Y:"tions Uri One In 1936,Vene2uela Until hygienically forthat iRtrz,: the au t'_tions ofui.---Auyiws E--- a ff -0 a4vmr--4. andti _ &rutted _ g --_ in public rooms of thecapitals - construed= wolry opening of.ofthem. RITaXI414 T-1-1=====v of e theJaku :&LWJ tO _ r"visifftv. .= ::. ". Caracas the Plans the administrationeGanzmi.nb a last some 0=1-1 the fre 3 4-F National TeachemCollegein ol varying _ yr tick are Oi be a as E-.-thw31 to LL school 10 I were stadium andlayoutathletic w A IrkS° --1axpro541,)L 41T- Ls, in of Mua&Instruction uuw,- _ It, the the f ,,JA weft building schoolsin = held i(thepatim, ,e- school _7W,IS tx-6 r 11- the eurArviatriof had as t-t E a was UpiiOn of wn of the program nd supervisionof!pedalalcat:im made " travel was iD still -- program. faw,4 as taken ream) been ;_-- $4 buildings forthe saM El remel ale --- 1.; program, purposes were c, built and h 0 xt=m -wt to ?iL 7---7 Paraiso, lei Dut on t and thelike. =# serious Ixtion and Tgïr was W numm-- -Mk!' t. E in _ II -j--..= _ -t-N i-t.. , e de Later E 7 a,s- wo.elan provide .r...t.; ..4_0,.4?-_.,0 addition After carefulstudyit -AE b = E Eft inadequate sanitary = in renteflbuikiingswhich for "t- ,..7' -?-1=3-4i--- th tinier Many ofthemhadbeenresidences, Tarbes for = .410 --it ;I:nci, this i = byikiing& improvements E a the øJ crlyr mcm14- "-- sikthwi as century of the e' et,--4;_iia the residential viAionofthecapital tme ovai buildings unsuited for the,-.riusussubjectsinejuded normal whools = r E usla41 _ ,_ 96 rural in = a new was 'tit _ well problem before n - =Z.= -= quarter school builaingN. ...- Caracas, and most part. are a* Lfli interrupting thewalli 411 the Governmenthadvarious iary education.TheSemi" to secondary - _ l. _ as sdxxils t Totc. e '...._4-_,1_,-.1 Them Icern _ for also createdin1 .4-4.- ter fields .--- _ the officrpersonnel. * -_. direction of as CATION .., Vt-4-- y individuals often:ivila -..._ :R., educational -0,4w fa...:4 "'Are its %,.i,s. Le women mane small and te .. . i, r- of the ant .- .,_,...-._ __Y, 1-12 as a , By the to I -.-- are tfiL_ were ,` :--','. --,-_, Central University .... be k 1,kis suivrvision. .-1 .- has - , _.7r..=-;---,. citiffi andtowns In general, ., school. now normal vas Franciscan . .. in ,. 44%; :ft 1-4 throughout the < was --.-. made e . f-ciliti;p 1936. mwakt, 1' a _ educationally t - um Ñken . tor ,_i overcrowded . "%f 4 E coordinator wa,s , -1 4 aì - &...... - . 21 were - Little decidcs---d i in _- .a _ =0= e_r-4.'_4_. on ,,.. _ -74 whools; . A- century r Private 4 gre 0 utions, porter, five put 3 _42'.;"_ begun _ , ZUL- Many new" other h AtiA 1948 -oww con- con- A. the I or 17.1i1111 in to re-1-C z % e n a 7142; Li= t. s A E-7 bah EL114jjj11_ Li! 1= tL == i ' Fii11t ! = 4 t i; J ¶i - : a % --- '9 . 1 zoothn zenetip, adponouly and wore nearing hands 1 4!:-1ii JH1ry iJflt1OU8 t tzx1micaJ= club to hOU well b1 1ii3 :: 4kW = ce - Lit ir&1 ;itute mfre- f1o:nr± h-= I Some I11F_i a prfessor Uiu two whooIs, 1;:=iL (JI -= UirFtXHhI '= Another ne 24 sx residences & 4J II r= =-t . L I i to Ifli!ir TW4Jr a z-- 4 f h 'l=i:i i h4rM-tJiLJL Iai under 1= =j fteity zw:7 Ä smaller macs park :- a c;= and the. th4! hH:tN iWJiit1i11g lunchrooms fi 4:4 reneral = a wnunon letture =-- i _,_nools ' rnen s a tMì the faculty i îUi . indu8tria1 V -r:cn rwsidenct atctire, L4 LI (T ki nf t}i 2 L . asine way. itiItLJ have hat, -e_ -= --- [1Ar=1ti a1FRI i for the wii of fùthti-v the Khoo Limón e,._ completion: one during --r* J1B[&z anz1 }pethnt uutL hall, ui- admi rt Uir R.:4A) a:e oth1M? ti-tí-; U1T Irj,p }miktjyuy guicultural rnvp laboratorieli, '=th i i 1 flt!j The plan .- A avenue. for boys . jIti or cI?:4e! many by acity for _, s !- : au &ththiL t-=: t--- agronomy, h hare A =- s s=;m1 ci ¡iinrq which the cí near a a and ck JÄJ staff profers., i'i and Welfare. =t- V park . Eti:I Public - 1 M recN2iss YtLIUftTV Th= ==-=A -iIr a ,-f 4 gToup JA a L= and : him, c:T e',;. for theUniversity â=L music, firAt-aid y=. i I g i1 ,., L _ tvixs. t r--ry -% L full-time CaracaL L 4 3ce if enginmring, íì ar4u :r of library, 1 =__ 50 pupils veterinary animais - r;it and and sho 300 chid WI1e;rt: 2 one periods, == M &cni i- w '451. janitorial and central nhogany A TYTIw t Hf swretar »iici 4_ , --== entmology ctk. _, A, ¡N =t for L t DflflÏÏfl coflitrjflc nfikijn - I tW- '&1, room operated .t the Lii ='int-, for Ij nr T := Cbilk!rpr: i Iibrar _.ave i -= i?;r worai arid gir s 4 pmgram for Ä!j=j but ditcriim =k adrninistraUox L each. University W By i . the construction the Ñ niedicaJdcJ ca-,,: ---- :_v-rvice. - & I - tttI seed , of medicine i the rzrch few ireea. _i_i -': earI i 2o with =F work. each r an, engineering i City and athletic &1flfi1L dOÏHitC)ri1 -i_tU = and phytopatholoKy, small mding an apartment the and acre orgmund a V= V1T1 J11fl1ft,1 1W11flh7 T :-- fwjgh e Ti valley storage, chem ¶* aithouml j' 8 .par wn 147. L t' L. T t,- includft Ä i under (i iYl hci1 i-: bv ta:pr: igt owe. inaddift a Type Il tx) rcuu1nL azid thi MM4J= L-i *1=r_ i Li-i oh = number LY y :Li4 the R-__I :- and lunch , te agricu flT :4 n i _y cìf tc,_, more than - cornniodates the UL- Khool Ur .4 grades, Fxii;diugs few ofthe t i! 1; rnie buildings. V ==;==i FitT ! 4d nursing, rvic ---= i ¡miv- y house -a= at tL I T : er 6 000 1fP = and eA Vet T 1h. ' away noon. Mfl!zV Thes T was 0 r. their # buy a: or an but J, ; J -- - a -* --- j t LI 01NOMINIMINNIMINIMPINUMMINIIIMMI MMMIMEMEIMMMEEEMMÌIIIMMMIMMMnimnomummhmmmnammommmmdnmmnimmmmemmmimmmmffimmmmmmmwmmmmmBmmmmm mtittnymrmmtv111111111111111111111111111111M i , -==7 .1 ,. --' . &,,--_-. ,._sf4fa.4.4-1.1. *4'1 k' it< O._ -s .,/- . , t - - . -...",,,s - -7 s ir - ..., t = s . 4 ' . f " Kir Y..-.4 t...y_-* --,..='4_:.----:*"..*"--1...1:fref`:_er,' - juaify that prohibited; errors l_iz liftxd_eitherinofficialschools 2, book whichcontain Ministry. approved byit each graiehascollectionsofmaterialsforcla. in wrks culty stuiies to supply FLO schools inCarazaswhichhavewell-Nnippl furniture t:Arias is no towns of thit7i»theinterioralthoty, gruction in althou_ weva :1 1S44in . Caracas. , _. _ i mr 4. w.., f- v r 4 I k Finally theVenezu-eia u Lack ofmaterialsand ki, A - "T."'". 4---;- itue latatteeengz 4 Tx, ==== e turn-ad -, Le controveru regar a- .--.ff,%=-7_,4,- -551 home kmrtomics Valid Okkr t. 7 pu9 of bad. W.7.1 i: . k. s..... -,ff ,v,_ their laixdratori Land :4:7!,"As...'..:7:E.-4.4* ..«16:::-.Z::::,.-r:. - and cit.:ft., ;-. Millie.", o! , to anything szkwil. ... - t , sends two ti s haring ordersRI:kJduringthe ... _ _ E- -'.,_.e rHirt -; . s.. and led 41,,ans 80me work with. thus helptoraisethe 9 mme ''' The have cor)r*ratetiwith 111_:1: military e out . _-__ V4r Many For manualtraining,only 1iwry, xk justarvi and othenwhich 1 many a-a clawified Vt* t the%leveltinnant, t a s % .... -` 110 ,--x , * , L ,4.-Ja i a with . t 1 '1:41 mil 4119 have states 80pereent of to t ne -a . ._- .a..-1.t. r! prejudicial Each e MA TE1--mAILS ' - * A .1 schools had 1' . _ o . rw _- V . of vf ,. = rof ___ .,.., . Education authorization 1' sr , not ,k ter any '. rohibiting their errors tit = .-- *,1 uct -,1 -- -.1!.'e:iie *,'s .---ts='- he= : _ , .. furniture. "1- .: -4.--.7....1- ..4, In z-F.iena A TS'' .-.- 1 _...,... . « A rf _and furnishtheirCIVPWDOMBdie - 1-.1 tv-tn , . of thenewestbuildingshadbeenunable Govera:itaeni include Aorml ' . 14- 1 , 1, 1 a three --- Liv 'm.oriez and s ; ,. a oontrmq z%-4, t . ' a, .. in %`. 4. r. Tax - tile 1., d4-iwa .... to ''` s's. in trke Ministrypublish(*) 4 - . '. -ar_14*-',..14L%-*--=-1,4 examplate4i - no . 4, i',.. 4 1 ..:4. te stiatiOEttl eview . aI aithough the country,but standard ". % %.-M; -' ki;V--; eiCreiW4 control ,! E um having AND a 411 of thechildrenenrolledinwhois1had z of Nt , ;APE or %refer jr .4. L _ r 4'0 k _ .. ` for their isfl =NA& Thisispomicularl. . Metal and it appliemalso 1...... a mew EAEt le racy, I.: 'tils___A_.ki,'A , to I *.4,. of _ private tchnolzmv.rfareti, beirg . i The ... Or _ _ _ by I _ EqV has appealed 01:41kCIVN E thw* vvt A t i r wt. war. liters andsanitaryconditions a a 7-- v More buildh of education. !-..!-' ,-,t-,-Vkz , E s ui text -t - '- mam pupils ries forofficialsandcadet, stOr-V- laixoratoritv3, industry fo ._-1. few ineach --shools andanother # 1 , Tr,. s V nmela seriously handicap tk built r4."4-.14- .2- Sr - .-. 4. use. rrtrk,fa_ qvp ark:4 -.1` are Dome I ?. ¡WV aas7-=---_-= -*--,11111,; 7" V-1.- approved for some -717.--W4 kre---. manual training but da ..1-% 4,4, 41- s -__rEla -4-M to to avoid charts, andLibrarim , o OV in has lon, &my . not tiro. 3 to erg. national iadustrie-s ..i -- a.-, wooden furniture - . asE '7:.4-- -,..ttil f e ; the ,== rii*-= some # urgent a the (XIM the of ..hemodem. to 11;cii which would ar -.." list oftexts E- pedagogical LLUJ i .' *.e. avoid cour. to 4 . - - texts ex], '.. -4 schools um anti -:r-,s7. tiskiea _ * j, have t..5 tors 0=a, the -À, .;1< mh 4 ... -errors list Ji. in - y those _= .:';, Fos& 14'1; 't- di. 1 = . ... a true ma- W. not the the 4. t 01M === for --- 2=2 2= in- oi teF - , of ry ; in E E *. ;I- = ,.. 4 j ... a ---.1 y .. . -4.` '1.°47,43....__ t -. -, 1 -"'l 14 ' l'..'- 't ..A- . 'A ¡ 1;-tr.*-17Z f 'is f* f41- ..1.-f-F - ` ...--.. , - "..L.sres&-= t `I -19 r _7 fi *- NZ .4 - = INNHOOMOUNIMINHWOOMMONIMMINOWIMMINH MOONIMOMiondosmaimMuiliiimmmtimu % b,` 'tkt4' .------. = -= Adot r -=-- .. .k. 1:4-. 4. %= .4. -.1-1 4. ti 1/24,t 'f"'.., _. 1'4 ...... : M:: ". . . :...... 7 ?kT.:Sti, Ìftá. t.' T.0.!-... ,1 .., r :.,.. 14-4- / . , IA', 4,..4 e ' 4 .. .-c.k . _ *, !. : , '-'40 I-.'t(, 1.... N.I. 'WVI-.t* l'i 0-4'4..,:1,t" : ., ,,,, A j-tf;'11".,1.-: ..10 1... 1. t, y 5. ' '''. rkit .-- ' r . . - .. . v .s i . -: P'. C ''' ,I ..,0 : . ,- . a " 1 . 0 1 ' *, ..- hhs , , .,-,. , . 1... fr . 1 publishing indtiot memory work,: and criticize books 7 - 26 ; s -, 4. This procedure Venezuela. a not -, .1.- , .' ., ; 111 xts theyhavewritten. : ,..-- ' 7 .., t. Lilougi 4 The tesze..ers (Jon , kw , dents ., ,.., put downincorrect ,;,,\. r-.".1'146 -; .1 .:: texts publishedinother ,,-: itaill. Aid' ' i... z7!,.,:j;!,% - r'IP'- 'I i , S.. ,./i.' -r s. CZIO r rttr ' .0, a,/,:i-i-;-, Ai 41t1 i -.. . :,- Leh;Iv':. . ..." . . .. published . 4 1 4 this t -'7 e.ij.4Yl' 4 -: -,,- 1;,.! 44 I --t-rg tai 6. ,' , . I ,- it also -" .10. 31' the "' 4 %C.?* . 4 "to'i.,. ria .4'1 -; 11, ,s .1 ..e ,¡7.'; " ,44-1`..-V, . ,, is.4 wr.a,i , .., . ....,:` .4 are Ir -.1 .1,,hvk-_' '.. re,, i4-!!`q 41.14 \ I "- i Ta if :* :i. eye* Lk .e, i 1.: ) fi.r- " '. iL ' , - !' u- ty., I , . yi ' -0 - q-..... --, 4. pir that is -. . : 1 ..". 1,-. .. I-1i. A ,..1.,..-- v-1' Often head : le ..-, ...... sec*: favorthe '''' w h s ,* the % exists irtthe .. -.1.4.i'r7-,/i IV*440 I ; i ' et ,.. '..!'. .' ,.., . , of tetth-RtQN=g_ 0.. texts x ..4I .41.--..4-1.:. ,. q #.4 i-, '.., 614, ,-t /0.0 1 .. . , . on ;.:/, to theindividual . I.' +A-, exact most , . ;instances ill --, ,, either I isjir the groundthat "-' %got, I, . .,.-44 gat= ts. Publication -17aci7:ti are 'I': ' .. El, ( ..... 1-1,11,: 4,4, 4 " ; evident' in ei- . 11,1 4.1W '1 in wYch from Argentina, ' If dictated '. e ' i lower prim , . countries ., - IA. '. . usually gr, , J use : J. -; 1 - ,, ;2.Tt.,,eNklyMnx' ,..- -.'y .1 5 NI ''VRNIXa14111 A 0, -0 V -44; "*./4.41/0. , 701- ., .'. r t of . 7: (km 1.- in recitation, t ;i or wondary .. teacher. A I jlt .d& childr I -; t are copi I{ ft'' ve . -1,15rfs 4' . ; - 1.. r I - . . I' . 4, the i fr :If imported. et-. are t which has -0 a !i7a16::::. a e. , I. . - ). g r t +-w _IA . A A and J 1- 1 . - --.= The teachers from theblackLoard. limited inVennuela pu s;vtr 'Tt , o and f t ¡ j r -1 F.. usually , 4 111-i 10: - ther . t ) - 1-4( 1 Sp - 4-*11T.71- . % which ..110.1 jig. write = I - k I.?--. 1.- -..--.. ' 1- 4, '17: ; misan . o -6,- . 0.t or : .; 41- '' t. .4t-1,-.144.-r a , - k Most o7'the , v_of i 1. . reluira the flourishing 1,; I -y 1 -4 41:111 . 6-., . . resaits in ; 6.4 . , ...1; : . t to '. I .. in t't . schools, 1.f whe *- i 4- '= ' I t- 1ttI 01-4t2 :Art 71- 5., )4V .. . e motaz, - t, " 'A , -." _., 1 r :1.11 4 use ers S. r - do ei Jt - I . s s -f,',..... i', 4,3 ... ;.-,`.-4i1,, ,-.,V 1, . 'A . , .., Ai ,_,-e -.1wSS ,a, t td- ' ' X: 4 - t.,.,. '4. --..1. .. t. _. '7 L E- =1 1,,,ffirr7 rrlinnirminnin Tunic MI11111111 tI 111111111111,111111111111111111111 1111111111111T? 11111 r/trr rtf,on,t,1 11111 i W4144 .104. 4. i4114 11; I 41,11 ,.1 'IttI',Ih ii!;,,,TI. 1 i ..r., ,,,;.,., 1,, t,l,.1...» , ii:¡.1 li ,,! ,ii,:il,' :1.11: I t I , 1,i .,:11 ! If '. ! . , , 1 .II' s . -.. . .T. ,

, o61zg::t4 d11 441


11 11 1111111111=11111111111111Nrimmo 11111111111111111 1111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111 111111111111111 111111m111111111111111filIIIImIllIfirtlIrrirlilmmEmrmiritiriiililnliii . s4 . , f - -t- i. .t 4-1:_,--_-7..--i..., _ - i , .;-,'' tr ,, 4...... TE -.--:*' ,' 4 _ =,,#41& 1 = 1 * :'-''-e. --wet tz _ ,'. :---qa . ; t'ig - e * A '. i fi. : . r i = Ao-AUgt IN VENEZUELA28 Ilk 13MEN.11113MIZEM Un States.The seloolday MUMMER! in anelementaryschmis =VE is5 = =.171Zi.- long.Someschoolwssioris BMIESEIME runfrom8 WijiIA themorning 2 and from E to 4 in theafternoon;othersfrom E 9 11:80 in = E 2tc morningand 4: 80 intheafternoon. a Theclass schedulemay alsovary according a to thediscretiong g MAMMAS& director the and theteachers.-Asaruli,themor* diMsult includedin the ubjcctsare morning E In primaryelementary, orgradesone ===_=. to four,the folioeV aregiven:Spanish, arithmetic, _ metricdecinialsyst-Rm, hy- giene,moraland civicedpcation, 7110.a== geography - -- I MIN:Gr of historytt Vgliezuela,drawingandmanual Mini= training. M3ME In thefifthgrade, the subjectslistedakovearegivenwiththe aadi- _ of *orldgeographyand Americanhistory. In thesixthgrade, orlastyear of higherelementaryeducation, , world historyis given inadditionto the subjeAslistedaooves Teachingof foreignlanguages isnot requiredinelementaryschceea. . Manyone-room elementaryschools tt 4ill existintownsand theout- minar -skirts ofeitie±J.-L, E-- wellas in igolated,sparmlyKpulativiregionsof e country, wherechildrem o¡ bothsexes attenda.Wcompletethe secondoi thirdgrades.Someteachers, eager to provide1111Uf-e-A z .tionalopportimitiesfor theirpupils,havegive)fourth-eradework in theirschools.Althoughthweschoolsfollow gram of thesameofficialpro- thecompletewheAs,themethodsvary aeo,Wing .to the mental andphysicaldevelopmentof thepupils. theincomplete Inmany of ur6nprimaryKhc-4313,the diratormust.,take ofoneor two grades charg% in ordertopmpare thepupilsto, receive of elementary their primary(klucation.Often,toot the _ certificatesof teachersmakes itnmemary forthe --zor oracomplete tk.-_a_ch schoolto in thefifth -1t-7a or gradesand littletimeis leftformpervision and administration. r Inrecent years Venezuelan E._ MucatorshavigivenmuchAz improvingelementary to wiucation. rz- iointroducemore me4ern methodsof teaching and howto maketheschwiaplacewherechildren w. havethe -a- Proper atmospherein which,to mentally physicallywere the princirel and problemwhichconcerneAthem. To realizetheseaims, theexperimentalwhoolswere estth1ishj devreedated January14, 1938,create4 thefiraof thclie whichwasdirte4 by Dr.SibasOiaizola,well-knownUrutpia:an educator.TheR-1w1 was namM tioe6G.AnimAfor timsitioïIaLi heroof Uruguay.Tneresultsobtained in theeeth&-31werewoaids- fictorythat theMinistryof Education dividedto offer 7- V .teachersill mahods used ùidu) school.In Augud1338 thefiret Miriesonthe "valueof theine*schooland methodology isitermt" of docenters was e&s.Teachez1fromallover a the keepub- I


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Sis mott Poor 44! I blÌu4IÌi





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1111L. 1011 MEEMERE IMIEMEE EISEIM =11 *:c7i = F,' a 71 t-A=pak into of =among that so acted azsi mons, thedittinction thcv of dui no:kraal tionin, Novemkr and manual uf four outside help A with 1 WI Meanwhile 000-Minar_l also among workers' of the Cultural tiOn. ECwaded litizifts ve It ,Alinatimiwattteritra many -&--2hG-aLi tkimi-por a with t _ scan central were used the as ,,ueia. a commitv,ion clwrez*: solve the provided was takenin rural schwl, of th were transferred p=emns---a dimlor, assistant wfflr- aemuntioch for aft% and the prAlem LI* s- These idea Ewame muumuu vrder = Cooperation. = 1938 the the dated mar-L-rin the Ministry parts of constructon mkiions was =possible the --=== means of a _ of adarttlig the for Droblern to form paft ofthe the first inimions Pmidei missions for Rural 4eAL ..A inspectors. evident Mod a 0 of. were iwaitei and individual training. on tp A erai of A hVgienvt. reach cultural 1986 with in-mT: . The ktachers Iving were -6, and rural Norma.' staffs rural vems A.nother de developing {. Amorig from was telack countxy of Education that wOrktx1 RURAL of Lich is it 11, the to draw tion program. At then and bmd tot NI Venezuela. Waen centers population 1W, _ efforts In this miions for y one oftheobdaclm one zone rove adult 1907, N study large 9._ret wet They in the the which one schools. School in its aims transfermi eam to orient rur-J within of on IIISKTOL . numbs! a they creation of mate-{1 up a tiacher them number of the3e oi culture were creati. were senttothe way theMin relatively of trainecl interiòr the = was lete Mexico's 64an to another. and El Macaw had impoitan, were p _ plum the school and help Each m the with TIAN nilml*r program of .4 ools. made the Work. each the E ambulaWry of con- groups. The and E to 'IMa- to 4 the inh same timethe ber of' and = r rrral 0 an make the rand recent of th per-r-onnel. a Action. abitantatthe enetuelans study f. Ninety-six education, to etc Aon 21 1935 . of apo inrmval =4' 4 in Nationql r----pffij I zone 1---v 9 schoo_ ' p w -Leni, a EA= perrons inthe A Q LI! organizing eanful ., and application rural _ ------= .= ...d ucation s's wag _um=A m N I- twommertiPA schwis - year later o b" where T. -==",--_7:M t- ir t game rura vuji wh;eh - E exTupa Memben w-Lo President espzzially were _ 4 Board s to help means z-..i. . ft -teral swam 4 fitudy study g-- === s buem re °rural Tune. they do2ree TI &dues- faeL M18- 017.-y- as -T v.,-. ere -n := Rnd and eon- p In bl an to ro- 1 a g t I in 44: IIIIMMINIMIENE111131111111311111111111111111111111111111mprme1111111111111111MiEmommmumer LI iitiescuMAND$LIN'T*BTIDCAT1ON it3

4 Aprogramof workto accomplishthis aimwasundertaken in the four sch&ols which then exist.d--Js Doe Caminos, Adjuntas, Hatillo, and runts de Mulatos. A practim school, Tamanaco, for the Indian chief who fell in battle against the Spaniards in atthe wize of Caracas,wasalso founded. Theschool hada purpce :Itwas tobeacenter ofexperimentation forprograms would I* us---et¡n therural schwis of the country, andaschool = teachers ofi;TL'-:----AeriorcouldCOmeand gbeerve theswork. By 1939 the exisi_Z-'"ratiral schoolswereclassifiedascomplete, in- UulIIp1J:andone-roomwhwis. Thmeweiseitudied by theMinistry

: ct -ducatiffli ii:ìc!rderto dterniiicthich t:uewastxt suitent3r

rural Li -=f RuralLi1L ttkVI W lii L41 school U .. _____ = n a - = - - t - T f-ti I i t- i W T I t- ---- =t!A1 ,_i =- L -- T %- work outa for schools. From thesedismasionswane g: organization and w

i t ' Ti f ! ThT T i T 1K1 t Y Ä-r- ' ¿liuseandtiL::regulations tJLrural LLJi& AAthe

Education lAwof -,- Stillanotherresultof t1;:)meetingswastit% U:nistrvsdecisiontothfineprimaryschoolsaaitan arft1 rUiïU aiicl

f'_ !L_- V t = rt ='-, the fifthL4A i .1 LI elementaryi t4 j z .&

schools, - _v '- AL- elementary rural LFJ1 t ii=- UlwInlf)1I ci1 elementary schotib4 into urban mi rm&! asÏiIeui

Iiy-inirVenezuelanswhohadcriticizedthofficial:vstmjf edtxa tionciii hIFI FO-I11Uitha itignoredtb-tact Lft :1Zti11S';flB Sfl-' tiallya fllFRinatirjiL tiiecieaúc-iio! the rur&=choo1s th feit wuM givu:t,thcountrymeiibetierabletodev&::;ithegreatpotential wealth,i Lw= WIUA4 b igust1 the ruralmissionswereIgathr9wdont1ebasiscf PXtUVWiHi U1TìfL j ?1J1Icircuitswere1e1anaeachWft givenacertainmur1-r-c=i merc=inisehoo1s; Ruralschool misic;ns . = 1 g i=: i ti wi tr _i flfl , were amon&the ,i o A . LA %J schools p }=-n iiiit rhc 4=rnl iic nn v- j- which had formerly were- V o-rgamz,a, aixi airectea t:v tne ruratc-irctiit& The;Ofl1MQt Iitikcwtimeof:izgrades,have four ctkmz : c1flr=.14,:Manual riwk. agriiltiire,L1 uomesnc 1CTW* IaLtI section has itsownteacher, and the pupils rotateamongthem. The

taicher teaches reading, writing, Spanish, and smial studies _ has charge of the theater, the wallmwspaper,and daily bulletin. iaddition to mant4a1 trebling, the manualartsteacher teaches mathw emetics and has* charge of the schwl cmprative. The agrilture teaciusr teacins -natural science, and suix,rvims work connoted with ITA - #- iw- F: -= =- ,* = -- =- the prAut, withthecareofthe pigs,a chic t - hcw;- A bees,n1*ny uth*nim1s he nyIvrThet*:cher cif Agniettiegoisiorsk6teaclw hygiene,nnnersdresmaking, ix=i has chirPs of the hone onies TheLay's huI is iß3- :F geR*Stisoion demands. T delay

_J ,- . I___ 4;-i t # r .-, E=ï i1L : =ç- ; t =:*-EQî 111F ' iTtillÌiiP ' 11.111 1;11' ..411 114 r'1101". II 1.411t 1,1- i!lt! 11,,,111 lirFI .11 411 tit

iie111111,1Irt.11111tttiilkIlirtt,,,rttiliti1111111111111,,11 1IIIIIIIIII Catholic.u.r.6.4.and ..Jrcithere.,gat partial supixntthrugh scholarships _ nCM venby theklovernment.Mostofthese= = emphasize vocational education inanefforttomake the children self-supporting.Garden- ing afid shoii work makeup alarge part of theprogramof studies for boys; whilethjowfor pirlsconcentrateoncooking, sewing, embroidery, and othertypesof handwork. Insomeorphanageseachgrade has agarden, and theprocesfrom the sales'Aie kept inafund and dividNiamongthe members when they leave school. The Child (1,ouncil (Conajo del Nifio) created in 1936 to coordinate and control all work in aUrr_M-and child welfare, is under the Mbilstry of Public Health and Welfare, It has establisheddumry

a a_ whoois for children ofworkingmothen, a a of

'der-aftens,and supervises the placement of tr__-======-7-4,_ orneglected children in 'foster houses. The ld Council ipaintainsaninstitu- elo tion for juvenile delinquentsonBurro Island in lake Maracay. The childrenwhoaresentthereare =-= *zee! atIsT Members of the Child Council staff also workinthe ! courts, make family and community visits, and give legal assistance. In 1947 the budget for the Child Councilwasincreased from 200,000 B'sto 2,-

s _ E _ _ 2 2 2- !=.. _ 200,000 Ws (about $733,838). One of the =_=1 a- _ nnwfor themanytypesof child-carework. NJ 4N INSTITUTE F.TIRILI

PhGinstitute fort_eBlind, found&I in 1986, .functionmi A ina

small, untomfortable house,ff butwasmovedsoon'toalarge moderne 1 buildin, inmore or - rural surroundings in the of theI ./

V _ _ Since its-routdata' hem many _ _ ..-e2-;-=-_-z-r-T-r. .6 tAcil give tnepupa acultural ff -4min Qwellasto train themm `4 workwnicnwoul LM of -Arning.aiivim A bandnot only =a _ +11ent-aln triP MIDHS whileMCEICSal mayalso Lt.ea means ofe7=m--MinZ 011C-CitSMerrIMIZImve!AILChP t&lool. The Insti-

tide 1msa = club.The blind leanttomanipulatAmlicatthaD-- paratus,weavetectiks of various dvrigns. andcolors,wmt,of which 2 wen,a and goW mmlal in the Ex-_,--4-tionof VenPzuela

= _

w Teicherssent the rAucat 'on and ussir_ te.-0-cher ---- ___ .__. ______. ha,ve.charge g. J. 0asz --.---

= = -v a- _= ine a bath pupils, who leArnfqwrite longhandawellastò v 4 tYPe-PUPIIBarn= -tA4 fftv-ia theupr*relementaryC011=in Institute far =Blindhave goeì te enter semndary school

tanimmo,--the fikeo Fermin Toro. Othors, hoki'¡Gila-ndPHD


_ _ . - 4

4= -a_ , = Sit1 rr _ FEE MEE FIE El= 91! i il 44f':. , ,14. s, 11';l4 i. k-014 ;i1"640-0 $- 1111'-e;it- tice. 0:7 "M. i 1

111111111111111111111111111111IIIII11111111111111111111111111111 1131111111111111111111111111M1111111111111MIIIIMIIIIIM111111111111111111111111110IM Mine .,Amplimpomot nimmumnonmnimemummommn 111inzt 1.1101. .1 [2 10 11111111111111111142 mil wit%millolinail I II 1,0 1, 1111 I'll! .,1 , rl ' I r"Iir et. dr :10

041 Ot'41;41,1 If 'Jr 4",'11611IF

wro MR* 14,41141 r. i 1JIlill, 413' p ,

ropowoow wow III WWI ' ,11 ,1 1; wr I rgrok. -1 :1,11,11I'i!TIIIIIII : III .# ,111,,','''i,li'll,,, '... , 111h,l, : II ..:IiII,,, ' " : II I :: 1i.,1',..iiil''i:I,II1' i01',1'1'1,:',,','',,. 1 , s jPm* I,.0,, II. 40.) ww, Il1"111 11,111 11..111,1. I li ¡WI :wr I'l :1111'u, ,,,,,,',,,,,,,Ill''''', ,til 141111: 1, Prg .E CC- MEN. MEE E _ - _ to them mums ofstudy diqtribution whwis. feswnbs nical Commimion takeiL ning cycle teaching materials Everywhere, in second cycle over Oft -=== 7-= The interest In a 194144. Z large schxIs in wliether out. 148 the 1944 ancither was inadequate decisipn were 1 This aLso group ofrknoplewho 4 Presidential year of asked in seA-fond eimpt ihSan it 41ould a were which the rieuitai years which rrity of to add ationai =1 Amng for even to reviE*thecurriculum and eluipment to suggestfurtheie pit step towardimproving of study a XDUCATTON swohdary wlucation a for the be df numLwz of argument infavor into in modificationt detertAv comivtent, Congre second cycle _ National Govei-nment i cristbai ;7=-- for different or of March nrst cycle muld - -17 in 1.944-45, lit approveA the ws even pro mciorstostaff yars reqa,:_-- hiel VUNtityrLA a not at = revisions and MaracAibo, ns. in dsignation, 1944 matod was mums of limiting The Miniqly subjerts. Lack and second more One offered t. 3 has "slown egtabliahment after they uurin ihe programs were of laboratories serious i was lengthy A = -y for the Th a a it -Irr= A made availabl education lack e. Spwial 2-year the day. to I the btuldings uiUiflkr of EilucatIon e than lack diiasions m ,w-nt of all had . new pro- of yeAar. and of 9eckond Tech- :pace, tri _ 0-4 pro- -k-- time atie' was and =-= the V - of =

1111111!11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 nnonlirmrnsoilmrnmmlnonimmmnoman 01111110111.111111411111 41.11111. - - FJ a 1, i...,s _ f t__ ) - vr J- - Z. I ary , 88 etiumtion. Lion. ..,4 --=- Evora ty =- .. , cycle. mina i a a ii-ge ,.' wwi=i tIHiTiiIL( mans In ÇW: c: importance :;1wI!nt coach in tofcor ami iii cfr=vek)tth=g I_ ITI by student& i ji_ villawz ofVenezueladuring i-- parts irii;=wi tim tion = -- *.--4-,:L , leg, rt -±= -"--- ::= i. i , i ìj TI:=:S i-W :er: 4 i Official i I - 7L.4 Th:r _ t: --- = the ;tr. the È4;i ;; 7.',.:(1 ! . L t==_ - , - -4 := ...,_-_v ?' :: =;- e .# , Of reit ;1!e!k::1c- the 4 _ quickly -i - co4osing, _ -- . of thecity --- ;,_ V- ci C1?-7 es, i!cr - In =- ,,- -Ji$J ..-_,....-A-. #1 the :r1FIr -== 41rP 36.-- -.: iii talf __ = D - I of ' cicI; Jy, - su, * 711 Lili & i-k's.; e ----= - .; past and other Dome udent IcT41 I __# %= = developing neondary ingractioniagiven!_ni --- . ' piin .- max* acciatt Liit , well-prepared interednw k ' :.4'., !f - these . =- - L located _. tI!w' __i L years - ,and --- J ..1;-Pr'''' 4.. - . Fil1I 4- is 1.34 - . - f - W - ilewspaper work ii., students' ote 4 These playedinthetheater, is ,t _- ,0 A extracurricular activitaw are ir; 41,,,.? T ,A.2.!: r- _..., -:-- = must A- - -- 1t i;thtíIiictUI WtIt I:I=itJwiiIRIUI c;tJciri c=ttne t in - fl-r":41V. train&I it a iir . f i W VtL v _ ,F where -xn- e 1-.: - the ..!- IA-- -1..., -== - octions mors youn -- LLI tLW ' __-: the '1 i 2 Aor the Mitrvof 4 t4_4 arts 4 rnc miinrrc;r JO- '77 - : which ; ' *.: ,.. _ ) `',4 =-i . V* w 1,4,..1.' 2... in small = 1-- groups tngig veas as a L.. , mo - =PM Lfli&J- - 4 '-' ' ;i__i - sve_bond cycle _4, in d. -. w--1- = ,.. Z% - : = - fl!(1 eiiir asi: v't ' and 'ere . __; i t i_- r -- -- the iuir:&1t - 4 iuiiv niwiiiii 4.,.-."1- Ait;: 1. i 1L7L71 i T . _ i LJJ -ter , Swish ctimetlies; -, --''"- a - - imisic ui;j-rtortherwiiIwr8ofthi etxts. 1 - iflU!reSt = _. -----'------Hfl-ii7 ; -= . which of -' ". w_- Areas are more As .-NDAscr LUiit. ; .-- towns, - 1.,.. or = =y - E i . city. ..1 the largercitiesand i a F_r -4__ - i-,- .i. th iìHj= vacation perkkts, c1 .- p!OfrTJr5 'V -- =-= = L. i of _ ' women ere Pt Wide-awske, staff,and t1- flt-t1t4id?Ví±IuI) this . -- j VLT11L -- a . 4:-; r ;AI i ;veiit-, íflP1F ut .$1 =-! _ C t . _ ',15irrrie 4-4. , the kt h.! aú&t ìfi* Ïi * maor, theater J r__ . }ictioi Iiiu: ----. WS8 ;44 . were -: j4= . have e,.. = : 11 I1ChJi ' me zflfItL1 v Iti r . an 1flOCi ti:t . iti - commercial 4.4z. LL - U1 as --- i= gttr j%:5-! : hoaL . - i_ rop&old offandthe essentially % -- ! = extracurricular fewer tJe theaxert' ii=r in &fl1 4 iI=LTtI - O- into group ' - - IJflhi -- - then Iau* mugc based chooL alli=v as ------tb -' - Ut* Ui11U __&_ schools == iinr irf4"!:94 = i hewn vft-.0.7; !tUif1t8 teìti!T hying ii - a mt- - . COMM/V., 19 1 A ' i- dI!ii ! " 41J L were arts,- j which L -=- F tiiuii zy secondary welimwi --- _48 c-ctarv ¶ graduated lente - these were oliwi. -- n '-s J in any, = i 1*nv course iic has decrea, f moAtier.r3 - -a--- w- taken ; thi - where ------iJflhI pLated i_ . ITL1 Pi1RU1)Y -- ie'' ci A . arj 5 i ! and t- =#-_= A 'Ii1rV also compastA 1LV; -= iruch building iii -e .1.. ' ue for plays Cv_ '-r the folklore 'W .. Juwil to pf tIJ ' ±Is functioned 1i1 - J i --- wor-; - the) the t institutes --- from ,e '. A:xi interest& thiT::if I tt1 tU - A qt different : - J= Ç I L= the flAW itnit iTit r Vi -=- i papers 04 put on choral - Isi f , y - direc-- ..- A - i( pIay L ,; more FÛ1flI h well tr,ft- [JI near = as a ,t. and - IFSL en ';- IiW the are ' V' 39 i - ! is 'L; ROSA t - f=b- , = w . "v- t A "1147 . - v.; r.. A . , !--21 , ; . -. C . t.e. -=1 I 61= i I i I I i I I a i I I i i i i i 111111111111111111111111111111111111111i1111111111111111111011111 i EDUCATI9NIN VENEZUELA

0 , 00_0 . cartooning. 1-='_- theyoung people inthe schoolfelt twi aresponsi- bility helpingsolve =-- of thecountry'aproblemsis shownby workthe literacycampaigndescribedlateron page ¿.t. The Lice°Andr(rBello,anotherof Venezuela's modern_ public 4schools,within -- thelas-2yearshas introduml lon ballet dancingunder. the ill__ oftwoyoung Argentineteachers dimembersof theoriginalBalletRu&3. In additionto thifl actual fianceethe UrA3includesclassin thehistoryand tion appreciaa , of thedance(ballet), fh - and classesinpantomime ek, = 11-=- triAp6 W 4 N = thenphonographconcertsaregivento explain A Lae muffle of the Inconnectionwiththecourse 6 a in ballet,classes .,.ffi =.----...--, - arealso fi 6 6-.-.-4 I T.. I gff.4 4 s giveilin %.6. --,--;__.. =- ._%_6. 0a. and makingcostumes,scenery, andstagesets.

41. 4 -


g The E #eE.== Government 4 = encouragedfldevelopment private of secondaryschools.Tho-sewhich offerthe officialprograms indicatedby 6 Ministry of Educationmaybe --=3-d inthe Min- EE. 66 67 istry L.0..6 = = are granted the idegreand diploma&44 Someinstitutes FeJaL 6_ __IN are0,"!-entirelybyorzva.teeffort&Others arepartiallyortotallymaintained ..0=6...M municipalities meas. ffStategom-

Although === 4.- theprivateschoolsmaTx E-Eg same tothe 'Onganddirectionastheofficialachwisand to inspectio4, aré subject bythe MinistryofEducation,thereismuch variation in ff "equaII4 of-411E11rVIcErg,This g duelargelyto theteaching staff,many of whom I areprofessionalpcaTle,suchas!alumand doe- tors,wi whom 66, is incidental.Manyof themtk...ach numberof different ina schools,and thusspend littleifanytimeoutside of actuaclassperiod in thebuildings.In hisMemoriaadf 1945,the Ministerof Edumtion said thatalthoughaschoolmightbeapproved by theMihistryitrailsimpossible to watzhoverall thattekokplace in *t,and forthis reason abuses tookplacewhichitwElzthe obligation *hensto make known.1Ingeneral,thebuildintza,uipmene, miterialare notsogoodasin theofficial.schwAs. .earacashasanifinbeiofWell-knowt-Ca4toiieschools and for bot7ifor boys girls. Ánongthe hnportintschoolsforboysare gnacio Colegio alma),La SaffeThlogio,inatitutotian Pablo, deSales uiderthedirectionof the-Salmi*, oSagradoCoraz6iiTontheoutekjytorthe ,

FV'T LSangnsectarian g4.1. fa school 6 forboy&Aliof Chmi

tt = ffl- ._ = r{M .7 1 1 7.1. i ',.,f-, t. 4 a. . -,,i '4":.;1I ; 55,4 - .* t. re. U. -. -.. is under dit. mioxiglary E for Cessio Joe6 registemd inthe rest schools "a 1 ).. , y 111, - g. I go ",-.. A44:-' -at t1. * Social Latin Biological seisices. 1' Dr..1 Artistic PhiUmpiru Frem0 113,6-----=. World history Mathematics Ingibh History Physick__. Itlimmiogy awl S t , :ts,: ,:... -i- .. A 44 . artir -7 = :=* iho ."'"--44'-'ia" ; o.-- TA 0 t., - Wt__:= .4 futai e -gbh andliterature_ Ice ; t . Total numberofwrs_ from 1 . - L- Sara Minister ofEducation sod Greek : - A , r_4::.. ..-1,r' t ., 7."1_7=fl-____-_ - Tarbes IPA tike C h . , 1 tirnit)4W__ .- it w!L - t,) .1 i...):.ii. ., ...- year. either . -=--.. .,, 141- 1st = Subjects E 4. the .1r."'"' _..,._-___.,_..- = = 4-.. =V- E a Ay." the e -47 . . - .4..11.. AP 1 , 4 I '741 v. = 4-4 , ".'--_ ...--.-,::.';-4-,..' "reetion of ."*-okigy ' --40ta 9 ; ...... E.=.. = ...... kft --- ...... e!' - - ..r. , 72.7=a.. :It. .1. 'A ?W., " . d'a7 is . .- ...... est A E subjects:. - %4- E F, g 444,4 a French :,;141117- t Le, % s; ea U10 . ow rionwtarian. , Lie ool, J misty irE, ... - of ele eneVilatio...... tiennan --, = w 1/4. ' --f'-'. .4. - _ - - ... :11 a 4114-V-r_ studies / - the ' 0 or SECONnAR- _ 4 a. r:. _ as 4 _ cLrni . di English k and " l'- .=4 .- !JO; i)f dirél . a 51A Catholic e ewe A ,1.- ,r 4 55r 7 455 0 3 0 A -40 1". ` '''''..'/I-".- r.... -.. y. ,.1 41,-, 9 ' , 4. Number ofhoursol%maoeachWeak,by ; a a . .... `._ have I t .. t but in1930the A -4 ...,41.. 4,._ 41. ; f- .":*. tr _ C;-ma , lii, t. Flk., , ,.- .t _. 0444-44141111i44.44 4.1..44-.1-4.10414. k, =-- : -,.!-r- the ' . M and There is -) "); j'1711 '1.4 .: - , ZI --=-- II 10 -I_ --t-u Nii 3 3 4 3 8 An of 2 4 4 4 be osisen. M.4 -= ranee. - oweadm fei 'it, ---4 -,--- . A.fe...rF C -aa.=aa -41 7. tior- ED1JCATTON ..4, ot StCOfldThLY schools k 444 . 24 W' ff - 4 3 2 3 3 3 4 3 8 e _ . The Colegio renen -é :41:13c. a I- t. 1 1 1 i in ala Illr I ' - / ' sana "&A3 i -Iv A 30 ' OT " 9 3 Pormai tr4 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 T.. for *A.W. oa t " . a t . ; name was /iron& education and i* j _ i'.;471 Cal fishy ,*41 uìs wis 4 _ Philos- tatters 0. .1, 4. .4AI a 4 22 - ' 4 44 4 A 5 4 6 4 4 mix 5 nS den 1.:.,A4 /0 44 am .. kta - yr 41P TI ' ,- Catblico T 6oSILVA offer elementary I Formerly 1,4 g 1' I - _fir , a I teacher 1 rning 1" 4tIrrf. V Ph price Rosa de m 7.t matic' - year andfield _ and a. 1 1 4 26 athe- Colegio -f4fv-1"-e-11-4: 41 6 2 4 7 a 3 4 8 14.0. 444.444..444.4 ; C 4 - ti din - . 11, 44. . . 1,4-F 1 I Aleinsin Soho= are kfaWy 41 .11TC 40,4.414.4 signed low lamaaa 'MP Maria said 1 4 1 4 grad- fr--4 Lila* UP 5 2 3 8 5 1:?' .1) -A i. a SOLI . to I ., 1 a 4 4 '4 . - a ig-,' . .,; I, ,f.11.4 11., , i:; it:41-7. 1. I 4 =-4 1111111INIM111111011k6111111111fil - Lr: Fa: F4 t Up === =- E := MMENM IEMMEE MEME- NE=MIE EIMMENEE_ M144MMEN4 ;,-=Ìft I1::: ;-__-- I; 1_ç PT _4' r L: -Lt4 =-.I-. _Yv .;;i- 1 ; - !m ' -, 41 t:7ç-. , -I__. i gT( - . i ÉL:- , i: *; i : ') , :i;::lt ?' i:t.-. - . , -: ç -. -;) t 1 .i r pi i :; i . LO ¡Ijmm c;4 I!EaB= tjii: . :;. Is ? official 7J1ÌSTITUTiONS 17P-8 increaNd official :trd ULLLL k 41k L . 1 ..-. give Ci1V oUier trades ciw;te niHie ' Directors . 7 , . =Ut.& -117,4_ff :&-: a Since =radiates retariee, Although comweibm 1iociL ilations, -i-I =- trial iai educatiom i 4 1 i, eq2frE:= vocational was 4. AL and blow ¿= -=- - industrial r fl=F!afiq workers for fl=tICfl for Ji:c: . pwrly i .' ant mjj 1-UWfl T 4 Tney law, - of as - men Administrator the of the ,= nidies; -Ujwv- gm4 Ministry 4 for tuture for for cß-rnmM;-a1 cm y== well %I Li more however, inIntrOthI?t9ry the ; and % first in special and:a , i fih : n l mmt, h4.ve i raise paid }:1-Lì)-t: M1Zfli&jQfl WJ- LUt; r 1h4i .4 and as f=T L_ fcr rate The j947 meaning course inbusinees iiLoo - ihiance. technical than commercial r enrollment D JiArL = cí jjj - the -1 Ji+4I of Education for r--:= f-í specialized commercial -; 0 :_ siw:cjii. rdhw,jo greater usually 25 Äi-utri:I tradez offer 28 standard . -,,, the t:am &! - thOOI8 inadequatRiy e ic-m flp years. The 40 RH Rain t41) of percent 4 -:- training iw . grantell. 2-year a tlie =tne t wordg 4,000 in and schools 'LL 2-year ; -- of inftitution e emphasis budget boo!s and have,p)intAW u:ciL *- : E tflf: ediicti-on arte to EDUCATION Training did over the1945-43 COIIM3 for w:---- have -&_ 4 , in triithg: s 2 L of cc;;tir&= kadiliicr administration rtpair. -!: =1 in Venezuela budgetg *: , tk+ fdffi little Entranm Eaudies. and trades, r preparz. Them Ji are : ; T::-- arts JffäflffI a which tJ 20 the - those follows: Th per minute to devekv Scho&t 'The and count t :Jjv ¿ gTf for cou q= out branch which WY O.; c;z n I rne 4 examinations trades - at- it iniist c1 .'!' euucaue=n. pi v1iiu I tbit for were establishol iîur' for fW , .! -=m1 to flì I. were small., 7 --=- inwt IX 1i in- btiuiTgt the IìIìi tiii Uff e-f factorim or - commercial rr year this the ÇL r=:fLi; and r =uj-r to of ave edUtj3fl castrwis' Dipbxna lpJ= arta. on were tramu, arts- and prepare youth branch COMO 0 women tmn- P-- ji=g41i -=1 coma. nti .,1 ftri_ fact -;:',;:-.. The are L i . may 1 the and no f_ e s t 7.

IMmellinnilaMMEMENEMOMME1111111111111111111MEN MO 11111111P11111111111MICIIII 1 , of ence; of __-ninistrAor would eevert oval; thr.;-= fiat tie st,tael to th other ack stall lakert:fhori of Venezuela'sproducts ment Tradnat _ a ' Shorthand Typing S0._mbk...... Geography w, Common Butlx-e. American The 'Many commercialschoolsdo General Applied Elements Students i 18 experience; ttr5mmtrilt 1-5 cl lor7 of !Wit pI e Total hours two elpsessweeklyin _ ld .visk the 1-1-J.-4.* practice or nor ion the = history _ WO s ,t:-_.,:-.__:-: I 20 arithmetic must, tromsproteattA. Raw.... -=-6- of of of kusc.,,,tro am in can 7-diiw --vial classroom _ statistic. political -Q-ixtipmg - 5 ks,[1: a graduated from Manv weekly in45 V.41' 0 "-A ...... stenography, ki . Plan and t a SC a ---:44 A a = istery ----- commercial umtion (fo ===-7 prgraph elecounl ... The night that theory school - 1 Side; --,1441.1% and bangs!legislation = et, ... and be ..=-6 4411 --- f lIh. of .milii-Eba;_lz 03trty have VIP-PA-6= uipment 16 %reminds kiJ studio, work with to ii not have c=-3 _ give years =:=1 .... 11- -.- 4 give the ...... 6a-V- SPECIAL . p == geography . 4w rimsare schools ICI 4ute t tile cannot alit have _ - !Baits thephysicsand-tit rcqired foss eessumereial is ------v. . the abilityof discipline of = _ 4-ye sa&bixt,,:rilz stAi vale mail reference . c' iUM visits . .. . penmanship A A and English, by ... dent theLasic de), and Lc-. A ..- - .= 6 =. P bureaus .. have the Imw Et _ . e periods. -1 A course 0 2 5 6 t business Number ofclass offer night least thecertificateofprimary Introductory E years the _ ___ ....MM. _ - - AM 'Wear 28 .. t=7 4 2 3 5 2 4 3 6 business 410 10 . the .. an a I place. socoun with thetitleofbusiness course Gdmeadecz not as a butiinessman with a. 4. 1 in lengthand s. actual wit 28 . _ 3 2 each 3 4 6 .f& A 5 » umm - libraries knowledge ntr are be I of and rLìi Seamier- cIae gm-s OD 414 1 810 service fortheir ol whIch = lai 4== 414 A k , enrolled in _ ---z 3 4 Vt:Irt a 3 -.0 A 1- - 4 7 i per 4 ea% e. with displays week, by and supple- udents Business a., zioNs UX of ex:ptri- 3 A 2 6 3 ci 41. res necessary 12.MW Off uir -=1 Lack of 6 courses ration course How.. enter, given years m .TV ad rAt-- take 3 4 3 3 2 5 mg an and 411 a 43 to I a a i : milipoomiltiquilosimmliimoor,loopriiiiiiiiIIIIIIIMIMPAIIIVI IINIIIIttligiouililmomirieonglIIMM 4:: - . f 4 -_,:,..,N1 wI %.1%,4 - *NI VN t 11.%,...., 4 , - - I 1 6 i ...- ' I, .4 .. o .4, r I ,ri...2 basis II3'c;fIa13I, industry . . private o1 hi8 The "al the _ J th Jdu-1eELI education. value, ainth: . rph?T, :ithin V !Mktg given purely ac=Iiii- =-I inaptitKtb: uìished Lu Lilt' ;44 ii=inay tiitJS nw:inary 1ucmon srnith:ing, specüIIize(1 Gr;ip ¿: , Group to all 4 . ¡EJMLnWL ! Group te-:Its -uI_t T, I !rPhjyeflh1!i(i Applicants c J74T1!íh7W purposes oí thtica1 dcwjI T- =- . L. 3 and caaiei __: weekly this who to work -- p I. policy of ilchI8try course. Applicants econon oi I;!:i theoretical stu(IerX:z:, OI hiS tilE? N e p 4 L LCuJturòI i'. i-,11'I. _I =-- 11 4; , t accountaiicy ...f. ftfld -i th industrial . A,-- JjR2 siiltitiite four piumún industry -- as f1LVï t DSt and ami courses ,- of t1 -7 ac L cl iviti: srfl OWn cI1V31. tnmcu I fr idmiion ; Technical Oiit of 4 phian4p0 t 4 ; =E'ighe=r- resu1t the school - - rights - to gi and includinzi - and , a (F:iility, as; toenw±i Rthtlies for øhop studies ; % ----- in ana be and irt 4-ract:?._,J wffle ef:-fi:iL hgistic-r1. and studies av I INDUSTRIAL possible -W commerciil Later practical stthjects: stenography. - EDUCATION e m&h8n1cS iìay te-n1iiiittec1. arithmetic. as trcnì tte :u ----i-:-:- - 1=ra . '- him those groups, help 1 latter tf ìehtìo/==tfIie ; a such P to is on. iuiivu tO ft... lOr WInr. -- :iuiti citizen, II(!-rE, bit is to through . must studies 4414:' !-: tst devote a that tvezì 11 , nature. physical work, him . will ba better itruLt=on, as Spanish, thus be thc: and htn -- ifl1:E2;IcII traii-ii CB bect _ eIFCtriCit3T, uiegaphvetui ivc: IN as r , r o-s follows: aiici and tL tL! exaiiiiriatic,n If the zc t = know - the uiuïerst&nding much ea that ch,e-t:-.A. VENEZUELA s = _, ;". 4), defts , given in a&Ot'on aim of tirizi1 . : =- cabinetmaking. especially minimum '-' - English, r3, future . _ c!!ere41 IIfl(. t:ÌM!1 the In. .t ae&ouiitiiz may Ñicient ;-, tyii timai!,,aisilwil-ta:711.4telnly Io 4 more who spcciaL blacksmithing certificate w to 'i ituciw° of ØtUdentI " 1 =, bo lack = fill result woier 'e I1!7$ -- at I vcj ars .-,- tiimeñ l i ()!L as an aí!v:iiced amount citinie ecm most , i to its organise ) istc;rv instrudion I c=bts retrïctd tii school 4. time ¡s weekly of I anti I cr iurmaïtrain cicL / tuwi: 7:: from LLit i1)flilb cl : t ma 1 . a school. his function t:f wutL1te the. ' a employe ut ck=terniiri- . crreflui=îrj, : Enowledge civics, s -7."---1-1 P:JflMLt who LeutiOnaI IÑhi Cfr t. is LflrJlotaslv givi small, Dd work -= ! ry likek: ui1 ki)C1- timdiig t. tc:- tc thue - -_ ,_ geogb enter itis iñ of lan- ' ami all off fur- to open o:T di- 4,447m as in StLJ- ixb t

" In" 11"'"'111""(IIII[111111!1111111111111111111l11171111011111111.111111111111111111111711111171111 . 4111 4 t. . . i r . those thestudent - varioui tram various t-:4-Zd fions, wotors prepare subjects Cre t chin woad yearin--ition, of certainmaterials.Ingeneral,the it ap, E =-E tnd the operation. be year type trainirt_ tikes to . a ====r purpons as ...... Tri-State Universityof practice 1 ffa 144, . . Lvov in additiontotheregular week for During thefirst In thelut Tne whwlaico ; is confinedtosimple t ff- ra- specialize, wornen. . . - =g- various shops vamtion workin ' . am ===. - . students maketheir ri. of 2 to E I an : functioning s g t 1, n . IV are la thetrade. 6 t' 1. the student An work * 1 with 1 in themonths ! 1" onm 7 1 & . i .. clots motors, workmen; given ts. 71_ 7 well t . ETi his instruction _ 4 llen _ pail, .. he prefers. 6 is closelycorrelated. the -nn:cgai nt-an% ! in which, r 'I. r unities for i i Special emphasisis X44-keit:t 4.;:efir::,61,!¡ I -=7--a E In ' the workdoneby : so f. automotors, machinedesign,andtechnolok_, of. he the studenthasch.....0..11workinwhichhe 1 i First :r .11 is made 2 ,and invo.tigatiois ,, - 14 '4 =-, i tO in ===-- , ignmiEints a, * th. rid &it!? that he to meet Tsars f --%#, I. - Laboratory : complement thekow1edge&viralduring it,* i'1,44.1:;:fci trff.-ii*Theiti:';57::"-f his field.TVro- 4 tin onlyr-Nuirenientfor more orouJy iiitheir f 0 -, .,,,-; 4 Dfinional 4 7. SPECIAL yftr---p Indiana. i last night classes2houneachfor of July,August, troA tht - 11., , '4: linotype, -,±1 in his :Udy .. Deal _.---,- a -Work ' in tflø 1 to offerproblems .....- &., may 1:11 I -,r.fr1.4';1141s-,474if courses, FI, is centeredin . ines andthe t_!=z_z_---- a -660as r include theoreticali.iow1ede . R- years ,- such t. trips and Mk untilhehas g= 1 in . titare come ..__ __ . t' the practice t 117...' school iiity 4,4 ..-1 1 t shoph prom, , this field UCATION Ye la several as dllarir , 4.V-rlf the in the studenthas course ' eja-±------of 1 ,4 -aar iac student ischosen !La A. taa -rm wort . electricity, eleetr:_ I - I f.. ILIV-o_a0 1. rf;$1--r --- - 1 ... I the the principalcharacteristics -am who°, _____ theory - ; íJse opportunity VAttyl IL% in 741 -a -f nd administ,tion.Row- E 4i that particularii-if L.tudents dotheirvacation have on United o=7- studyintheory,shop, the Holy are those trades in -and industrieswherehe i 'se DMS. of t-64)1Ef. oo- the twhnoloE theory, offers r offered iriVenezuela. uso Oa 7 fOflhi --, 'ear trlia-4,-- . * o . =-=-a ,==-- 4 States forfurther operation . , Ile. , = T rotates am an a parwarn enrolled inthe and d composition; to T TF-EE t- CY for the following wo opportunity work -which know which i',Ast is thatthey r possible A It* L utilitarian 7=' 4!, ftn vacation. relating through P 1 op. 'Ras wishes of the OUrth- of the =!!!!! / *44, a =LiettiS Raoka.- E 45 his g E -7-7-g7 --a cl . 'II . : - 4:44 ' . 111110119'1"'"11111111'11PPIP'11111111111

N- - - _ - r .. shop rm-iwtkieand Ite$11UMNI SP&TIh Phrsleal edmationz Economic arkd History Miasmatic' Ethics andolvift Swp Drawing and&Win Elementary Elemeantary Applied Technkid drawing ithitcry androgrsphy Shop practiceandtechnology 8oeI andindustrialiettslatton. 81sop wrountingandbudgts ilememaiwy -tiniogiealchetaistry__ Mathnsetles Drawing aaddeignforbrssiworkandmil- Drains, water,ventiationandair Ekstentory physics Applied mattymatles Physical extucetkm Wiles andthtc Economic andcommerialgeography Elementary physicsand ngliqh ti- neish tary haflst. ditionift Toad Plan 4. - Plan f and anu _hwa work mathematics 4Tira%.,V1 Industrial , " potiRtN. geography phYsics andsibayn__ (4 4- 4 commercial , . a owl b Subject illOigall4gg Subject Eftddcg Rev, Ma . _ . ------. ; l kfr Pistation_ chemistry _ ismry ffteltgm L- _ SPECIAL ..... for Isnabers a.... e...... 0 ______blacksmiths ith grirr-, - -.mew ____ ...... aa.a.A--S- con- and r - MCATION. e 77 - -..... IMP .6%IFVI 44 19 44 1 go a 6 2 4 4.) 3 2 2 00 2 4 Hours Hour!' = 4 . .... a -=" . 01,11 SD brass 3 a a 22 44 22 44 _ _ . _ week week 2 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 5 2 2 al - - 4 per per =-- ==- sivo-hers 4 school III school 24 44 e. 2 2 3 3 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 --"*. , 4 ye year a Total If StaItt.1-al ,r Total 132 132 es 63 13 13 3 3 3 2 2 3 6 4 3 3 1 3 6 8 3 3 6 2 2 2 2 4 Iftsm. 47 4

1111111ININIIIMION 111111M.111111solall11111111111111111111111111111111fi 1111111i111111111LIIIIII III IllinWhill1101111111illfill :.. ,:rk A, 7-1. .1,., '

- risuCATIONla YEN=

PI= elstudiesf'_ftrmilibbastiamikor. qu emasa11=-. -41.161711 Emsa vatintparWoodyear su _fto il Iv It


.411. 4!? Slretrctice andtochnolwy 19 22 in furnitureplanning 36 so 3 Swish 4 4 English .. 2 6 Vf._ -M77 2 6 r and Y .... a a 3 and ';71- -44 11 °martial OD EthicsMit &rice GO mee.OUP 2 *"0- Itkal education Soup 1 a. a 2 2 Mathematics 6 Elementary 8 A 16 7 ph_awl chembtry 3 _ Elameniary _-}:n.A- . asft 3 ...... e was 3 Er-=Ant---v Whnological chemistry ela Technicaldrawin wr lb Ill 3 emaft. 3

Ornamental = _ ..6- lom a-. air ?!.. Furniture ...... a.. 4 4 drawing atKI-dftfirn ... _ esses Sho,pwhwartting 3 11 and hudrets . - -a e .3 Socisiand feu!'rv;,- . 101.116 alm 2

Total- a...... =I a 44 44 44 74

lod18 for _ (EscuelasArtesanalm)..-The j = er TT =-= hastritincrease-14.a 0 rtautitfortraining"MAI_ 311 in tech- a A ; industrial and'in:1--ur, mechanicalselmols. m. X." In the1946-47 . r1-7-f _ s g budget., were 47- --* Nor foror° Se of sehwisfor22- - = d ==(ta X VÇ training. _ =; Some of pire j ,-- 1,4 V aM--;

re". 111.State inWalea, - theyarelocated; 1 others JD-inpart by the rpi Governmentandthe State.A TmhnicalSchool ofMint- 7!.. in a7-!!A: ff....v.. ±I. 414 ii'varandtheSchoolof _ i =-_, in Juan are e1 u,,,,ineeightschools. h_*--!= a _ = is a * him 0 0 _CSare trainedfor the ff A X- of tb==ischool. *_ 5..:# teachingistmaziaLii .17jn r1-11 Clr;, butgives minimum the . theorynecessary Tztiorthetraining.Each A reg-ionntthe coGntrv haITthe d'af ASsibest fiuitedto it. Ae terof iheGovernmen -1-=. = _ff_ in thistype of *7" a trainingis ;- by thecrewin - P' Ft,ea a In1945-46the budget-4as "Zs - _ s ° 4414756:forif4f4Tiney = .y - have .-- ea '11 asB's.1,776,254, 111 rk .7 L a Ls a e ofover 300I r.

ARM ANDIMAM= E. Venezuelahas variousschoolqofarL._ mi _Aft ,4' t. ra efLIMW5== a art o-- y-,ficierg)for- "1.. ' . _ women. Some _I, are maintainedby the 1-- Stake,others by ._,t-''' ': - £ . I t .. unv rf-Lnak.,.0 The grolool . -, A . s Arts .1. and Ir,f.4%-. , - -n- Tradesm ! k .--' 11,1114'4--f-,5' e San Otliatbal _g ' i' Is ...':4*-"_0"... .7145-.T..-12.!_. . e,/ W-V 4."'-'". in .. a e_ ,.,4-0, - -Li..tl-.113i'twi.,,-. e... equiPred building. ltis outhitiVionst,. A. il.-4..A.Fnumberoftheseschoolsare, r-e g 1 eredhi the Natit41 LV.7" ?- = a Ministry - .r .,- . -,... v,. a k-,-'', re' Education,butonly!he - .1-ix:,1_,., ,.-.,; School - 4:. f Artsand 4.-,-..._'---.- .2... Tradesfor . Sir )".4:1.-. ID . Caracas, isunder _ the j .mt dirmiontot i r . ..,-/ ' . ... m- di* Minidr ,, -#. '-r ...I ',,s.,., - s I . . - . . f Edimtim. # / - ...... ! -- . .... a e .' 11 '-4 '" ib:P :.k'tlf. ;' .'!`e'rm . mmf, i 1- e e r 1- . .44 ') yr -- +y) -, . ... . :. . . . ''' .e- b_... iri.-:-...-1:1frIl'T -- i4:.4 .- -i A::- !..1 , it.'Om 7, -;,*'?`,1i ,- -'0:..,14114: --4--%1er- '-!..i..iO4-$i':-41'=_-:4444. '-5112.774/411;ifi".-A1 . f ...e 1. .;-;IJ et.l...fi4 1' Llt- =,- ai , 1 .."'mt i - li .. ri '-'''- S* 4!. , 4.Atifijk. . ' i r _ r ,,. - =. ' EDUCATION 49 This schoolwasfounded in July 1913 by Dr. Felipe Guevara Rojs", then Minister of Education. In 1940 the entireprogram wasrevised 1 indnewdirectim giventothe work E-S the =" = 3 -a= ._ The school.-. located inanold rambling colonial building withmanysmall,poorly lightedroomsopening onto patios.The building lacks eAmnforts and conveniences ofamodern structure, but the visitorto the school is impreawd with the fine spiritOfthe faculty, director, and student body. 41though the building is old, there isawell-equipped kitchen and spwiai classesaregiven here for mothers, housewives, and yoting girls of theupperclus whoaretaughtto ,cookandto manage ahome. The whool aimsto developwomenwhoareconscious of their duties hotoniyin the home butascitizens of thecountry. Studentsat the schoolamgivenanopportunity for considerable practice in planninvte.a,a and luncheons andin receivingguests. In the shop andcrafts work emphasiswasplacedonoriginal designs, using naive rnaterialand aL% in maldng things which have practical value. One of 1 was the outstanding2 the work in anime wood,F- e anative wouvi liFhterthan balsa wood, from which flowers and fat site figureswerecarvkl. : The followingcourses Aregiven in the school: =highercoursesin domicetonomy.Entrance require,* mentsarethe mrtificate of higherdetnentary education. At the end of ,the 8yearsthey receive the diploma of teacher of domesticscience a" 3 and handwork for elementary educ:ation. Some 3 3,inschools ofartsand crafts in the interior of thecountry.The followingpro- aramof sttidiesis offered: PIap=f 14Ie. for blOer douseotieczamenty

--- Hoursaweek peeyeer, e I n m 6...... _ i I I a

_ _ - Timmy a---= making a. Mew on 112 **MOM I 2 3 Drawn& . a* *Da.411. ay.* qv 3 s 2 air2. aa a alavp-10-15 Wag Nap mr. 3 $ 3 Ii HEW avisig ..* __ ...... ****004*-46Map**==1 3 $ 3 _ . 2 4-= - ''-=.--- =---.= - -.... == = .. - .=-.. - d..-=...... eral.r...1 i - --5_ _ _. ._-..-.-_-=-_-_.=_- =z..7:---=_-_-=- -7-.---.**.- ______, ...... ****api 3 -._ ___ i 5 or i r -_-- = ---r- 3 3 a a .= Le ....-._..-=-.....& .., ...==._ Resewcmleather _ 1 ...... 3 3 a 1 = -. Artillsiel -7-7-_ waft ashes weed - II a 3 - S__ 1 ___ _ a . . 41,12 a a a a 9 2 9 .....a.9= - = >II la ..** 1110.1111- 2 ______, a . . --- ._ _ . isod -$W4Op gig pee! 4.4pa.a=1" 42104116 *- -- 2 -= i i I g.,i i emsr a . .- ..-**WA. 41 *, 214104111414* taw my .0 ..---2-- -__ - - _2 -m----- ___ - : . . = -.******02.41, ali Ohl ta* .10 Ira ilk 4..... is a.4.404. .-...... Ii 3 i --=-_-: i . _ _ _ ..1. *me wit. ill 4.-.. . at10,..401*or 2 2 .4la . _ . 0 **a *e* eri VestiZz -*0420*0. 2 = - Wean, -41 0000.2121...... _ 2 2 Oijna---t-h,4 e wi...... 02204.330.M.,002454.41F421V4WAW3 I 2 2 4 ipra2.04p ...___ Toy a ... 3 3 0 wl--T-k la or at* 01, *A **-6,41 2 2 II 1 3 = 3 a* 10-1* tit-a2 4ip illk-a .=a= 40-1.. 2 m.ri% = . - - .. w- lat 0, a3=33 ===== 2 .s 7_=.t - - follow needs ofthe to And is WI thanare .; eniolled) is E- ;11 -A I I . rNu Applied &Ora teach in The Timor' Itur-or Costume required foradmission. 171 -ata of II main& : these 71._ t 1 school 01 skeeh' eni Gewsmi 1--'- -='-.T..W$1104:-- Oe Ateopti- O Costume A (}eiwrti completion *Malt fo Buhlitet 1.1wful-UN, fir* 1-rTthrokiery similar (Id kather v"-, .rts f ; ,emitiary W ta- r- th- courses . Ten *gig t vmiture Ask t Ift . which the E _ - A, milt a and (skive a .6111 design embroidery ...... and culture ve arts design and Mug. admission _.=r and sketching ...... tr _ 1-culture . ve :1--Ayth during are ~04111a-- ftflj - -11.1i. - sewing and Elam A &Awls. cw w .... --..-....L... _ Coarse ...... 2-yoti . r-f4 taught ..0. rfistuin, applied snider .0 Course S ...... E.ge . a...... " c_te V I . g I .-im-a..am4Y A M. .------0- Ma. = tîg eke Mtin _ . to L studies for 3 3 wiefec 1 1-1 ...... The A. EV an Etilmg, free wars rear . a.... _,._...... ificete . V /I tuae school offers to. . I. . . r per receive by v------_ ina & 11 a a 3 3 - a ...... - a. to lingerie_ . A - ...... courses ...1411 h IN day and ------...... -e A u E 4 7 s ...... 11 t' Primary Wood Bead weaving- D rani VENEZUELA P.D1_ sit ... t tr-WW1MThWe ti 1=ir free .....-. la . - . 14 ,ular _ diplma whia making rd ,-- (for -,. . of studies E 8-year professional kfrokery. 2 - at night,according GQPQM_vV b. L- 4 Maim I 1. 1 4 2 2 4 0 2 2 4 1 1 1 ...... The . pro ...... elementary a . V week d 4 4 1 .... . 6 programs 1 2 2 1 ;awl V; 4jr[k_ .... . I 1 is -% per rmr .1 -...... ,...... A- - as _ ,1 permits e 4 4 6 4 U of 2 4 2 6 1 , follows . E-- 19 ragnal the Education education of 3 3 3 3 week I Hours mar- yew. aular to time 1 stagy them per v : hwi II 3 3 3 3 3 -aa.1 --t -71 -4

MI1111111111 crr! 11111 Ill mtmol IqFPNIsmIrmleso nun 11% it 51 EDUCA SPECIAL iie school. offered in is of commercial 2 1 A CV .4 years course 1=-= a t-. , follows: program CAmmasserela1 ~arse --= - .. {Hours Week -C-.: I year Sub)ect . I 1 - 0, 1 , 3 6 AmatimAto ...... _ 2 2 Commercial design ------oittarre._ .11 'Crokursi _ . . _ _ 3 ueogrePh y_. - _ . _

orr Mad.- ..../0/ = a


71-71ii ===" - The Kin of the direction the for unctir are urse 're th vcordii 1aw tss Welfare. ch and "ubhe ist. of r=1 which of Ministry the hoi? :iutiOfl Laas. subject schools to L VAIN V0 u ezfri and the 4,lainAtioick m o 3 IM also ff Cinly A a_ -_, Venezuela, nuking in of schools nmxigni_r:t Pii* there th,D are : 1.. . I Govern- National the kqt is Nursing Qlool o! suppoc- Mron1 4" tiCO Slime Municipal ."k7-7---1-.2:;-as of municipality rr sup,_ tne meats . Nti772:" of is of --a -certi --7-71 17-1-=-41I a E The I tolle kfi tea upper ItIat .L - - studeilts hi Nursing. ment of years into M-1 -USA Lice V-0 A0V ntee E the urged schools have° to course. warmal and in n iz - w a A The school. ,.-..condarv finished have takin f few A 1-=t ra111 n It 14_70A2 the which pf end the ut is 3 length of tzui the tX years, s: course is gran beautiful . modern, ItZ has Num. School of tiânal a Me pleasant friendly and is Eftql the kept. well atThOgs. Ht, is building. graduated iI7in is .!.**1 of the i_Tiultxttr nurse asei.. The an nt Venezuela. spent who University ITEI rbT uïiFÇT- a t i as==== Litil of se before !;raiLin-u; a_ t** -a -V =:-- T 00-w_ 4 jV A .0 Ministry :Ont.] he in registered in the w p LLL ther of the who pr s Education n of 7A- 1 v. g aA - _ = S. a the taken that WV I - t a-a apiorn .ff=0 k7z ,I1Vy t it or e.rE Li e i --- a . a = - A a the for t be that order ations X 'eL wiss-4.1 n I - - = regulation corresponding the im established the fter title 4=41 I - -4 --- - 74'r-_- fulfilled. been ha t* 0 official b training to _-.v10,411 41, for school et - van The first nurse _7_,Sk--43-k0 - 1144 Mérida. In the of University at registered the IF 11 was later Three Caracas. in Hospital 0 years moved it tg? Was _ - ' -ii 4; I g'...... --.. N- +.4 . ._ 1 7 : It = .... 1= -- I . i --, -....- r -*- . . i - e 4 AJSA ..4 -,. . it- V '4 7- - A.1 ' . . 'come qllice tAar . Care V }!ood period 3eneraI Pharmacology the '` with ATIffl!W ..a.=!7-til-477. -i-a:ti !=4 I vritten, oral, Personal rood Instc It4ir(eT1ok1y ¡1hnT1flekTV extends , ' National Ministry . =- ' :iiiieai f:tica1 iTtI) F1x;uiiinations L -* Arijcì - 1 --' --...1.!! of It f LLbiJ1 .__,, in theperiod And rij- t:=t:! ._e ami tjiett1 ___._-, -,, technique = w- .. a , " flub** LS41htiOfl sl. pathology are i f .-vt , ''ri -1.,#-44, bygknear! th and . ,1 _ nd c-hi iuu dietetics hii)1gh £- ex:r-m=e for ' ---__,-._- ethics ofthe .- and rwe ohofling erreie 13 t: io. and .-7.--- = 5, \ *1T=IOk)IIV a1;j J. i -: Iny.zology I1 -ULJftL= Rfl=il fI1CttWLìt1c auJ .alr' sl4. . I be1uUiI i : - to mental of in -4 the . The I 5 .._ ' parasitology '10* therapeutics - is the 3 - (part practical r4-1' for IT_ tpart ii) t *4: 3 aîìieoiisist I -- oii= yP-8r physical (JI -4 01 = a i _T' TnrIi:Apr.24toJuiv . 4 -j art ofnnrIng Itysime_...__...... __ course FIRST ,,. ly i4 __ '' SFc nursing profe" I totti-:,:g_ this - P1111441ILAM prI-1!1a: '''' i became Education tor thE-pei'ixI .: - ". fcr 1?weck , ¿j 4 . Kara (Aim_ :rt I!L T. £J oral ,. .1' =- I Ullu- '- -'. i-F and n:i prof ------to ;31 &iun: ScDt15 -' -=------first nii 'i:aIa1I:3!::_. tt in weeks. ' :i \1'::- uIiu_ -imam \ j of A J and pr*etîc I) (It1 ¡ f1* ..... the - Fire. -1 ___ _ r .M rt ¡;v!1;e _ . _ .... - and thi'1v fur 4.0. i*riod of _ .. OILi1ILtU ---- I : - ...... 004M w laRAi. - Jan .... ) 3F , 1I =uLicts. year ...... coni qa mama.mar jM=jt - - cr'tten, -- --- r JPfflIfltiOFi ---=------:h feI1:: . v,,LTry 00 Om.0 w April - -...... _.., -- ESPNINI Examinations . T toAur.15 111TUDIIIIII _ . ..- a ,mw tnid IMVB11*l _ __..._ Me ano 4mmr MOM(10640001/a .- to 1. otinii' "k t . , . cf . ....,p,...- OP DIF4e. Am 4es iTUflüi EcltwdUl«i 1Ili î!3II(J1ii .....______.. - criI. lb 0 p. p written, orai,pjw: 1___ lei in. - - a -. _ 2111 ....se..!t+ as.dawn.draw - 40. re. . 401p4Alo , iz to 2i L - for ---."------= i 1111 4114Mia -----"- a. =,, OWOPPOO.OWOO WOODM.el» _ _.....,..._____ ir .1-71.11 .. .. momar -- -ncw-i i=y -- the titk - iibe«s: cu1ture ¡nw;ich this thiii 4E1 - - foriis la e IMP I...l MIIM MR. -- .., 'Mr &fl9 consist for t1i pretiea _4.... - # 44. 4. m. 4. - 4.. 4111...... ------C glar ------.., 4E1,91.....VW im t owe ym. .1 allt-mmae Mop 1Ilb.. .40 dab --- 011D. on. es. = - e M. cf MOON- EiS3,O AMP IN& C----- e Cv. C1UJ(iII CJ 41.1 period per mmr triod r et .0. ... WWW , per week - prac- =- t - .....1. fir ) '....1444; IP mmr. n=tir 4 four. test .111 11. r 7.: ond _ -.1.t week erg o! -- --- 10 2 2 2 2 h. 2 3 2 i 2 3 2 2 8 q 1 . i- 4 k 44 111 . ,MIFIIIII ITIIIIIIII ?MI MIII ?MI IIIMIII IIIII UM 11 7 7 _

_ 53 SPECIAL o

_ =

nun PEazoo: S+i3L 6 to I. lb. 1 !-Itv4 Hours _ per Wet' Cary wellandsickchildren: g. ow- 1111,.. sr. rat rm.allowel. Mllea.MI. 3 oOlb ro- ro. AM. MD. a Clatiswork *- um - eat 411, 11,"

_ e _ CEthi e E 144 I 47_ weeks Examinations f)this firstperiodifl takeplace in the'period D-mi rito23 and willconsist ofwritten,oral, and practical

toztx: 4

PLA: 'Pmon:nu.7 to Apr.15

= ours =E T bies: = wetk t-rVofpryingtwomen,ot ri d cat*of

nolo 3 AM mow . ` "MUT env. - Clink&experience12 ==. 2:=lain:imsfor thissecond periodwill take place intheperiod 16 to 23wild willconsistof wrilon,irq, and practicaltests. A_4.

TRIM)r-wouApr:.24toJuly23' o. 1sbøecí Hoare Care of ueryl;.Lisnilmentalcaws : per leerk

_ _ oso.oooror 3 4 am ma. . 4mr. am. w--5 e7w-Aest-14 wk

É- 5eats: Care tutmerplar tit

no ear. E 1110 17. nO 0 , :Ho 6W Mao e e C /DS 111, MM. 1 1111 ANI es. ewe e CliTticaexper1ence-4 weekft 71:zuzsiiAtiorfc;rthis thirdperiod willtake placebetweenJuly 24 and31 0:: willkluisiat of writ oral andpractical tests inEll subject& Tlarirdyear

FIRST PERIOD:Sept.16t Jan.la Boob Jert !tours per E_5-=er Healtb 4 inthebane andpublichealth work :. _ 3 :=21 Vrk 4.4 e e - - _ a

t-4---#7 = eX weeks.

_ for this S1'4 .ocif will takep inthe period

Januaq 7 t15nwfl .% a written,oral, 11 practicalteeAs.

:1 SECOND p_ :Jan. F toAlai 15 ; 4. Subject H os 4 carertrtheJett* In specialeurgerY Perorrek .155b. a a MO. ar a- a Ma. 2b our NIN lair .0., 3 _ _ GISKIro . legs ONS. a Ala a- a aOM al 1;:, S I Jii_ t;öii IP Sh Clinical4Ù4:14:Mien. 0seminal. wminationsfor this secondnerixl willtakui platein the pe 7 c;4 Titten, oít1iTA practical t4=-As. a to 15ancwill cots* t, 4 1 -"%' -"att -L-?4 a 1 A. oft- aa. Ala 01- r,.-_-.1 t .1' "PI t- --. -A, E.- - _ . '1: 4- _ li t4 z a .%. 1,4 ="_ ' study dr-awn end approve(' toat 7 and C Care 54 O -a 4 vs. The questions and .11 Study Ruminations % 4 . e.._ o I ,-,- hc 1 Clinical g ! E a e Classwork elf leal ..ra Ils---; 4;P " "rat11 .-M. of lasswork purpose ICSN-- programs. Care ofthe 0 surgery in Care of General Anatomy Food and (A Health Cars ofwelland Basic texAmique 10 andconsist Psychoici and Pet:An:181 hygiene Pharmacology and Bacteriology and Anatomy Food sahci exaramai iOns.ali .. oy 111:ni1_m) born the the . . cidkiakel 0 Clemwork lelliaki . r7 C!===------swork ysic-1-5-1 and __. Clinicalr Chmwork , Clinical Glasswork programs areformulated k- ; IE---niMi J 0% iot -,-.*."041C k...... --_-_ - sick operati pregnant experience-8 t experience-8 mre c period e t r. dietAtimt and 1 Ir thoogy__ dietetics i and pity-Moh .*.;,! I-Tom swg 060 Biel inkerai_-.--RI ne A-r114--T-fr PA-Mr-Mr by Oro l experience .1: 4 9 41011, -tiv,--Alanal . spade .= extein a .. . physiology mitti lernistry_ the homesod or in aforementioned general , . Women, obstetrics, for mentai of the sick childien: . wns nn. and ph opals parasitology 11. , indicattd. (wart II). Liklralumuti& the _ topics the artof ow Second Pericql (pert I), room therapeutics ow _ ...... ,__...... First THIRD Subjects tins of written EDUCAT 'Ministry ,1 "S. . _ hygiene tie a 1 o total listof . ysiml surgery: misu .m.a. (part weeks. [my-Ilene: f 4 Illedipine w (part i) : - oz I _ Peri(x ...._- for nuning _ public health mud [ Nurse PERIOD: 4,C., .. - cu tore_ ID I. .- (part ...... ( a ° the festsof _ - I WM ttial rt fl _ _ ID I. , and of Den . care Ofne _ Jan. 7 _ oral executive _ IN May 16 . IP mizba ..... --.- topics . National work: ... 't-f the 1 character, ..C...--70 ...... '''.''.....sswwImoi.=...... e - ..... 16 toDee. alra40 a=1¡dil VENEZUELA and gery andspecial to OD a . _ a are a t-17 . to Sept.15 the partial that. =Dr...... II t' commimon designated office. 112 4E, M. ma a H. 10 o 2 ao 2 2 3 iveii 2 ft 2 2 a Co 3 Ed-u-E=s, ation 2' 3 t) f 15 make shall take 15 WW wait per 'week,by 11 aoaaaoaaaoaaaaasaoaoa,aay.- a awaaa. between aaaa4P t a 12 S ..... 0, 12 3 .. ar; Ms - - . 3 -up -bomuins... examinations tests. 11M. medicine I the 41 e a and a Walapaa .40awa4o 440a,a40 wo aaoa.a. place 11, 13 vu-ar Or A.AnAn. 16 lu MP ow 3 4 September II . respective gm. - 411. 17.11. aD .811 do. M per wet--1 -st be Hoer tw. the for 4 9 ...... dommisonsommamtammumsomPolmmmlimmImmummlimIlnill %as 6 (1ÊT A A !Z ii=â4p U td a 55 7aotraIn1=t-4ntinued [A =fi1jPeriod: Apr. 24 to July 23

rm. = parr mr. .

4 % I Nounsaceek, V Subject3 :i il ' Ill 4.11 I n s e

) 1;;&;=7 a:i1ethics of theTHY gib 41. MP ------"- Healthwithi- to and social conditkma. 2 MD am. 1 a51c of thenursing proftsion____ 2 ---.. Care _; thesick egeneral-;= j

- . - . a_ linical _,_i_ -. ------..... 112 . . I Care of _LV V 'J -C=andnodalcases: '-legwork.------. - a Clinical -i=._ ------. ofttçlln si: . -- - .------411, a I=1i=jiexperience------IA Care ofthe oiratinream: Classwork- --. ------"------2 18 c:;of the and !:1=edicft;and g- : tern$I con

i1iwwoTk-- 4 (-: ._-_ Iexperience__. - g

=1Week. itt i!i October1946:stgraduatecoursesinsurgeryand in hIdcare andidiL11i1cswerereate41:inthei;iìt CfØi)IOtNursingin Caracas. 7Iftregular iwuug course WOV1iI1S WMttJtFLJI1tt98 follows:

L 1W 3wt-it íi1P=1 ii__Iy-ystiol '_J- s-p , pathology, 60 -' i_7_ifit4iL Ii- and - =- - ---ofLUflA=IZ-Í M1 IWiÄ-;:-__i(in addition students ; west ehoursiai5outsidetc:1t:hours on Jk4;;O. u.L.andophthamology, 30ì-,ur:4;cptratin4room,780tvu(6 hoursda;: for6 r:ìs 1 hour III vn- f oil!fiPft !f UUÍ ë practical );urology, 24hoii ; yne- b"::-.]-,24 ì'3UTs; ::Eseases iii:itr;uaLi!orrof ¡'flflOr ytt=ui3Ohours.

LJUIUW. tue¡, iJiflh1Lii L Wt511&L iJ JAJIn V svnpp1ementi,courses jr * treconim1en(fr4Itobr tì#1 fro-ithe ; seem of metricsys ten, eni=nLzojmineralc1iflh12U7;eIei1keLsozInZk'c=OpiL

'fli sthdié; foithei ,T44-vad sitecoursein child-careastipdititiics;ire asfollows:,

- !1 - 4:, ê 1---- . wi.J iL,iirri I ¿1av i1 Ii 4 =j1iIfitU Li i;i i) flJ1LH rp1tz1LRe'J.1flJp1.month, Tft!Li 2hours; ti-T eh!=:eirP i!-uir;PDldeUJiOIOgy23hïur;infantilesurgery, 23!=ur; orthopedics,Li!, ,,

tri Practicalworkfor thecouraeisasfellows: Pediatrics, 380%ours;ur ger=110 hours;eIItIcare,80 l'ours;epidemiology, 80=hours;orthopedics, -f P_ ¡T I,JA='44, ' ,i4.0' !1 I h -g


È i* ..t -'-.. .: g *- S A - -: _ ,j a= -n- 1= Vi =_- .- .11' to -- .1-61 ;;;- '04.74 I' 3 :* t , # jj 2.- -iv 7 .1..1;*- . Sr; . , . a without intending and thought and it t#4-14 different colored e nished, avoia A 1.1 14:1,1 relenting 1A=F of thi is 1--:;z1x;,_,==-0--j, Health nally, gradually School all-Az -of service Special Education and Welfare, 56 = The 113 -14 r The 12270001 At the e klf 1-111 The School U41 the first of -a-FL first of of th 1. In e N *71Z tne an 4* Catholic La,N.,,,,or_:ii !a. effort kt-a= of counterpanes. Each with first * and Velar& "`-; arid thegam was the girls Ca% ----7-71orLer LIS ell t - 8-mionth. =r41 iie -1 Social ANFff .1..i&L-c 'I f9r btu e. '1- 1 by working time such from the th &fort Catholic -'--t .- 7=Itin decree .'t -I:v.1 movement toward ifs-. a 4. ihkit.oLrettical f-fie) of tit ....'? 4.1,".t to dinner . il- of .. --±-7-5 .-* _Li 2.-.A.,,, admission. 1,._ but the ! ,?-$.p;-.;:- k School -I - JÄ , ,- mats . °- Gm 7-=:4rviiirs I - f and '-'" - 1, 11,¡:-444 . a ii Lu- . t hu been ..',1,:,-. ea .. i The ill Eff-,_ * -N -_.A 42.t:ik14114fr. , ,1 school kw , of theMinistry t_me school = ,...- -,.; 1!..fil make curtains, 1-y = be-en ti- I 11:--x-: ark EDUCATION interior tat become . ..-;- .-H-1/41 ofSodit -r -,?.,,,, . and institution. - = , 1 . The .. te '".. of Social L..= students from the A t'1 e-s-4 Y. vith . to givethem experiment limier the .4, .3 . . .1 dated Isovss--J7 icy , op" .-1 -16 , a E i ' . _ and staff . 1 . course . put certificate e ei =0 7 'w I ice is : wink the e they hay ..' e had !ti to graduate E-7 = Til who furniture = program tittaibe_ : at rota,. andalso 'W- 0 ssa, LI wealthy k.7.. begin their A. ff ,3 of studies ---n-f,lv_. Service 'f under theMinist d;ibfishinent am ail IN VEN " I of directioil of' of the attend the the graduates it. ti The =Irmo s _o AZ sr& t. social To -I' r; an . 4i-- ff A* dirmtress .14 management t-ofthe L'ArVIM íi .3-0.14t had. 4 und social i belm tried . tuns . fam Imger the place trjj !,-aw y is also ,von work. ,3 ts ntoi im giren. ,?: tion. is p = 1940, created I 0 77-4 the = t_:=Al_t,-:1 L.. k a -Jan the Minisfry ' .aff- ündei of d ar* : eiemiitary of , eV- .- -- . who take located wat increasfyi. a 1=-4 1 in I V.----'-'- a shove. T-7 --- I ji% the school ;41. comfortably (K)Ic cheer- ; soft gree. v_ 1 istva. 1 of PublicWealth LW on ;41] _ftlital e i- to 4 e EW-2 11..s? i training intit%,, ' ve - I L- V . :-- it - . _ thus scholarship?, ;ammo 'Ye :--21Te the in Caracas provo for the the Wr±.= 1!) Oi However, -- . . 4. education -..-- c of Public of a ns, ,..,au -i--,a- -_,...... --. I. ft num.- es, course invita3 present a a 1 si Much Tit !OMa 1 Social ---.. with 4% suc7 eJ far. and an for Fi- ,. _ =-4_,_) of = 1 ?

TTI 7 Inv marrIrrrnmyrrImpir7777117 m1177 ri mrtmnrirrm nornorinurnimrril irrnrilmirmnrmvortmtl9IIIIIIIImmnrilim mrt mr. .-g A- A . _ -- tical are near must prerequisite entraiw5 "skilled primary minimum dirwi of age school age -E-=-3--enCYA onw fi . An w Natural d_4-1- vey-,...v.,..v, Matil-e-.:iaZ-V______,,_ Rpm I M041 Domestic It4_1oP Education_ Political . The 2-year - a.,a_a_m_.1. e ..._ 20 ID *S 8. _...____ , -a a grade of10 ______-______of : v.-414W .. . F.- =---_---1=-- vents, DM_ ezezutive .3.4A To miveasa --._ ,-. 11- = a -7 A director, et and . ..* bravo whoNave _ country ; --;4-=-=-H- an &Exp.el a7-7- emmy. .... - -=_____---,_- famar serve USn ..- consider it 15 provide hvfltftl examination. Studentsmustpass , MOND Ivan -..., - geography WT. grade of14.Holders A 4.:.--.---V-- -1 _ . : .. ---_---. have nottoi!--:-4,1' 1.1-7.D.------_-7.- ... .___.-= other subjects "TO Plan +hat -- ...-A-A,..%-, 1. years - Ar, =-_ +I I ture ...AP r- _ . N 17 ...... ___. (Aar:4mm _ gwon 1 1 A, course 4 E a V V_A10 Ii I V 4;0.444 if ..,._ 1111 .-= ,-- I dmree h. 'AS the _ ! ' r. = , or more. 7 4, A a. E .,_.-. _ ana Limon, ArtiMrS . .4 and .-- .7., E '11 ., 3 --/ E1-S 3-M. 3.3= -=1- -=--a center , . N h - ;._=-== . _ - --= 4 istmarra.PdaremArd.r.0.1=1-A.,. , L,.. LA& - advimble, he c=s .0- I* .64 tha purposes A M 7 A F AA. Z - anOther begins each2 rr- V 2 VL Demonstration Center ; pro-op A A ._ ,--,.-_._.,-..A-=_.-,_ e --E- 11. d ¡ IV/ f V---- el tag === 6 -; - rt irirti . - n'A _--=-1--A-.1-1-1...i.- . - C- _t lab? SPECIAL =CATION of __, A A .... field -AA 6 ..__...4 3 ,,=L -a - A -2 A - .. . _ L = Decemixr 1986 __. b3 'ft1.0 . _ _ void Should I*failinone A _ - tlut-1-7% knowledge necessary 1 ' =.-_a7" fer Sebsollel -..-...... v--_,. a _ more _ - -_-.-.-__, pass =._ f7=1f.-.. r=t7 . a. the _ remount t 1 4-611 Irniptari - of -A--- E, --$",=-s; M A ti---1---_7. a of 3 a - ,-. 2 4 o e is 4 A 2 a A 2 , rp. . a e ._ E and = ANIS -A E - , of scholarshirm A schwl. All . A=7_4 t-- iI and nammstions may dian '10,lw ,= ei 1 & I 1. Il i , _1_1= I I A g. . I i i I i = i I I 1 I 1 i 1 ; 1 i . I: A official _. , I i . time - , m t -6 _ 4, tra = 1 IP ".2 tz; rig Social service English. Vr ___ j_.... S:3 E--...2-".A-A' _ Nursing__ --_,-A "..__-______. '' - A a net 1--' ' service atta, F. 1, r-7---4111---r----.1UM n h d --'-'4` mks41,, Aei may 00 __. __ A , Sq 1_,1 -"- . 4)- i _ r_ require thestudentsto may LT -"": in agri . 1. I to,. ... o ° % -- =- g stock-raising r _WO- A' _--4-"J ------0XD -:-_--,----1 m.------I E.L.7.0..pecuano - ______A = er2stz -_- _ Social ______,_. -1:=77 . t 3U4 A _ eff . _.. _ and leads (*liter in _ . need - atifizL,te of * a so(ftisedrvm ¡amp YEAR . - all Etudents who _ candidat t the . -= fireai y U------1,, er ..-v.I.. in .. a a , may, 4,1. V- A - for anci uL T,,e417..kilt"..12);14t1:' ts of tur_ e minimum subjects with ID . . a 0011tinned Px3ta . 1 frB who, the Stateof m.pmEAA twItt p addition, Wzrviee subject andthe the t.-40 Am 1ft Mtn * each subject _ ... .. 1 74actital better St _ with the . 9fl ---- _-= = A-tr D. r health a at School _ 1.101 1-4113 "4..4 _ .-A-7 n. stock-raising _3=A_ .. Lk, ts ...... _ the end fo A Ai , r understanding de. .,.41 M: their WI- ---===-4-1C Z A _ mt. methods he ;ecree, attend the ri W1 Trarrg which f f) P ... P.L. A Ine--aa- t A and of approval .?;. o-Tild ti . . Aragua, _-- =A an aver- - Deer Wilma- take A) H work _ r e _ 11=- /41 .%.47'. wee ; ., %FA. %ail 2 2 1 =An a 2 aver- 9 3 0 2 9 good ' hM -m..-=--=-, 6 is V- . 57 4 - the the for an I kff "ft In A .4 1 t I 1 i . i i . u I , a 2 lowswommosomminnommommuumaseummumuulutmon 0- 41-'7' : t ' 4 4 41,,441, : .1 I = ' .5' I T'LT 58 EDUCATION VENEZI7rTalaA

-,rtE -.0o ! NII= = lose their _ -a The I as in riz --=g grucapractical E.. gF -a) _ IT., iLV of theArtgrade ofeau]subject. = = 0 n&T. v." a_ completion ElE a=a I via A of thecourseth a a a2 E a K A a SI!. -ato agricultureorstoèk-raising, __.. is ,/on VI= ãTh by theboardof U. examiners a A. ky edirectorof th .-- school. g E .4 :al._E. atthe 1 school is theexpenseincarriediy tITAMin- istrpof n a1, Agriculture.The 1--FAJa kfiprevision A - for rsidenceands n K-7 ! 1 at,day students. 0 'a A rrr The T I" =Aa has 84-2 = . hectares I' E 1S 4- a land. -sy A a it for 5_=_ A d 4.%. theul a-a work Ithe E _BEE a also s asdemonstration kff = andfor theproduction ffa seeds whichavgiven (40, .wr=t(It!,----...---. to A A *--.-- 1 i --- L I _,-..." "4-- * _ Departmentfor = I E and 1 rza "Ka? =- The A a-- =2 classroomand ii:ractica1voi nnr a- a cover than8 F1011L a5 E !AVE-if-7: _ aa,ffr--= _- daily. in v._ a rg_-a + Va-, ra ---4A3 of the A a.,1§ a 1a -I Al is'ker NA- a 5 mowthe' = professorof eachsubject A studentsto t'ms or*tattle A ranches,tothe bestorganized - a industrialestablishments E I _ " -"Wax.. 4.4 ..Ar r a A L'L. te.faia a-, CAA_ C..

PlanrsauOyee a mama ofagriealtare

FIRSTYEAR First semester Secondsemester AgricultureI. , inure II. kzr1c6ulturalmachinery. A E Agriculturaluaebinery a_ ttri r t II. and (Mig-rP141.11ff.A A-- A ecology. i 'Tory' a-. t ion'ofpl Ls. Farm-.dministr, Vegetablepathologyand vaaaaa animal hy-Agricultural 4andanimalpara- g ene. sitology. I _. Praetic* inwept. rationan(cultivationfare andraising of of t animals.


First semester Seconds'emester

Electives. 4. Practice workin thefields.

P-, TaU,HOME -- ===

.41 (N. tA op .0 The a nA aentiorni 4* Agriculture o a of themntry Agricul tureana Stock-raisingoffersacotseortraini tor rural home demongcation agents.Theaimoftheschoolisto IDVeneZiftian women interestedinrurallifetokelpragaestandardof living of tneircountrymeninruralarms. Admissionrequ.lementsate Lo wvoe a 1.Be E A L18 'rt yearsofage. ais IL ,nr- a cert,tofgood heititii,

. . Ali 7. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111!111111111111111111111

IS! If

144101. 114 441, 410.4 444.


"4/14m. tt11 1 ti ft

41. 1, ^ "M.:" (Ft,: fa* '0" "/ ,. 1, P li , r ,, . ' ,,,," ,, I 4 H"Hdi' ' Itiste ot, "Jrti41:1:11ia, ttir .41 it: j1611;11111iLo, tibi .. , . ,, ,... " ' ,t ' ttlill.11111, "tt,..ott, ..,ittAll , Ilt ttit .lite.ttt.!?,,i k,,,,L Ir. IL, .1,, 1,1,111_ -71111=-;`-'''''- %1,11 7..- .'-i. r .7. 54.1 ;0-.1t ', ;;: ,4, 4t , - ,.4 .1 ± IF.-_.I. . t , . f A. re. ' ' I ' .: 0' ,e-. ",r.. t t 3. , a As - ' OP F -k -.." -4- t - .'-1 11*- ' ; - t' J. . 4 .. !.,- i i- N -. r ,, _ f A 1 .1 .1 - ¶- at. ;4- SS 1 I Of% ,44FR-7:_%1 = tAi =__=- IX VE

&Have physicaland mentalaptitude foramilitaryornavalcareer. 9. Beunmag 10. Pass the v_ WE. for admission.


4 _ _ A The 000.0g= 11-1 T lOrtEA for admission the following 41.. Medical tai4tion;mentaltoq, test forunysl aptitude,twtTor

intellectualaptitude, andtmt, ofgener_ure.=4, E0--4 = candidate obtainwit evei ofover it,inordertopass. g- r_ 4 A a.,E. a = A As. E caseofatie t=s_E tweencandidates, g e sots officersof the Army -t*._E A. Naryaregiven prvIerence.The 2 2 2-of the --1L.,publicnominates EMEE re-K-4 E to rH 25 .t of thevacanciesntie 0theothe ff T.1 arefilledby.competitivenwt.mn-inrio

. Candidatesreimitteitiothe & on SEE January21 Onceentered _A "a==. INIMEEEMEM the candidate E4=4-athe title ,.and he itiudalsom aformal _ toservefor five s .earsin theAiuiortileNavy, MMIEIGIE asthecase mtly ba,iron%%-s," timeof his appointri:-Thiscontract

EMIEEEME11= MEEEIEEM =MEIEEEIE ME:MEE. most ire signedythe I w E=EI§ = or EIEESEEEE representatiofthestudent. 4+ 4 4- a =- 4 E ISEE parmanswhodonotlivelnthetv- inwhichthe schools 4.4MEIMEEINEW arelocated 4444.4104.=MIME= must Lavearepresentative _t Studentswhorsexpelled from

="4 - --_, the o ff hooI of lackof Itai 5111 orc,1 !Ar a r of professional a vocationmmy not enr0.. g g EEIEE again... in the school,or.,r.; ny SEE othermil ituiionsof the,&public. M=I= EIEE

t 4 Pt , MIME 1 es' :" 4. IEEEM.IME - * '11-.*1 1kt* OE= E ENE- IEME ' J. MEE 4.1 EIE=EEWE EWE MIME = 4 IMME SE t - - !"!..r-! k

MEE 4- .4 ENE. ENIE , ENE IEEE=IS= 3.21.E MEW ' EEEEEEIE - SZE,G rala . r BEMIRE f SEEEEE! }-2, MEW .`( MEREES :rm \ =MEW t !=0 ,=== 4..4'?'. LAI 20- p -_,j'itt

;4443s t_;/ '- imcVlauc - - i-"t /7 " .4 .1.4 .110.

)4 - ,s-.. . r -74i-4`.)" At- -`1

" .' -, .; 4 -1*-1

'4' _ , 1. e N._61.1r -to : r

-1-4,-1:-.1rs' 1 s. L = s = ACN MIUM* VtL 4t s 71'k 7:Ao /4a

e..!. 11 ----7,"'...Z-,5- ...... -5.--; 1- . - , -5 . ,- . 7,,-"..s ..1'11, . .1.111.,. 111r=!1.1.- - t ,.' i 'k:,:4 14 a14 °I:4- eir i4-.-ji..-4:éll4i.ii I.,.*4' -C-/ _2 , ---L_.. -'..f4- fin.,'' 4 Ia. --eAg...... = _ / ,--..,_ ..---- ' #1* k --. 111. ..,...1 , 2 4.-.2:'',.. , .. -- --- L,- . -----"-- 1: -, .,._ 14.1.. -.._- _ t _.__...._ :_'"----"----_u r---.--_,---_.___. ''Y ''' 4.t p I.'*' 4 W: .7 '.",',,-.'_,t' ...... F:' ',(-'. t:4-.-.4,1 J-; , : e.I ...,-as!.4,- 4 C i t:. r -',-'-, :-.,---'¡;"- . 1-., 4... i , ,t.. It. t-it45 v. ...",-, ;A ;i', , :: , p'w,: I - 4:- ; : -. i j P : . .: , - r , ' . -I a . : . 43 .' 41' f ,c. 1.., e. I.- ) ...i- ' It a... ' -..,..- . .1 ....., ...... i . oS . , .1 _ e" - . ..i 1 .E e .:45 1. ' P4-,.4kil, At.v:. '. . , .. E. 14 t-j 4;1',. ; 4 ,, r e . '..._ . , _uca . 4 1 ' ': 7 . 41 4, 1. 1." . .:: i' 4. F'i. :I1" . qAt.'i ; f--i... . , 1 t 4 --#'14iTt--.Afilki, , e . e 6 -* ...... -,e, , . . ,.. i ; Z, : : 0'.S.,.r ,I. r_.._ '-. ,.4,''. , ' ,...... 1 f . _ . . 4;7,_ _If. Ati.7 ,-i. .r, r,. , . , ,- ,, ,,,... , s....., . te? - '_.' , I., .. . .'I , .,,. 4 !. 1 . 'iv 2i ..: ..:,,,...4 , frig 4)4 -";¡* ...f.-... li.:.:r f.,...-_, I ' 4 .1". _ r . 1 I 1


Thosepersons maynot beconsideredascandkdates foradmission to the schoots who have been convicted for anoffense, expelledfromany other military school,oraffiliated withspypolitical partywhich has 416 international tendencies. a IQ '' .... The period of trainingin themilitary t_Ft_ff A & -a .---. .,.. _ _,and in the

a school it is 5years.

Phut et studies tor themilitary40.=v- Number of hour' of claws or practical instruction perweek, by year Bu J. eta



Arithmetic. - 2 -M 3 Algebra and analytic' f241 2 Plane geometry ...- 2 Solid geometry_- .. 3 flIrigonorneuy...... 2 3 Descriptive pmetry_ Calculus and meohanics._ 2 4. 2 Physics-. - 2 Chemistry- 2 2 Miami mimes and hniene...... _ ... 1 .. _ .. 1 Venegueiwn history ..... =ZIMMER

311ZEIMEMNEME MMEININEIMIE Veneguelan ilsolgraPby- ..... SEIMEMEEI World swirraPhy---- NM:MIEN:NM. 8panbb _. 2 MENEEIMIME 1 MEEIIME Fanostrity...... MEEMEMENEM Literature . =1:M lAws (*MOW 1 ftleimmEEN , Drawing. . .. 2 2 2 IMEITIE=EMME_ 2 2 2 2 and documentation.. . 2 1 . 2 Gramm tactics . 1 Manual ofarms 4 Manes,' . Fortification . .1. 2 Commotion' disdtransmissioni... 1 Military organisation Mr 1. 2 1 2 % eq. 4 4 4 4 Military 12 19 12 12 Marksmanship and sports. 3 3 3 3 Sonmanahip hippoloiy 4 e ..... 1 1

Total boon 41 42 41 42

= Ith .7= aof 401 =_ f studiestor eellsooll, ;siossee by = =7. = gemsester

L Firstsemester: Navigatiod10 classesdividedamongealeuitm, algeb plane -fs - _* ra e_W geometry ;physics 2.cgamistry2, elements ofengi 1, - 8,Spanish General history2, 'Venezuelanhistory2, English 8. --- aq -gto.N g 8soes4 Navigation1O,Inci Ses solid try,a. a W' 9algebra. Reminderof program same asfirst selnestek. t Oa 8, = = re Pint "1- Spherical trigonometty differentialcalculus .-_ 2,applied Ical geometry,2, physics 1$i 02,descriptive try

b I . , tia . ...ilk . ,-! - .,.._ , . i:e .. . i ;, "!: . ti 'Y !`.. .1 t - -147ffilifki:44;»,1101T.VI ..;All 4 i 4104:4:4a i. :-101.1.0. 44.44, 4,3.* .--:...A.1.4,1. .46kit.*.ii(4441i...' irbi r IMIMM MEE =Mg EIMME M.EM MINSEE BMW MEME IMEIMME r.- 3N£ i4 4i- 0- - ...le e L . * -...- .. ) kerak, .- " t - * F ".= T ' .Z -1 --.. k , ' r .1. . , - -I , - , e -4.e t-, -. Y if ,..i_k % '` .'. gra 1 method fi-ain lftdership the sixth-grade -.2t4 mentary Evhooi Antonio to takethr-_, W . out the the illiterates. of cultural - of 4* large ings; 1, 4; ' the 0 paign. e , . ' orT elusive has programs ofthe gran acme Is .1: .1- II. Car , mines a -__ .One 59 N= o of ;IC mechanics usiagtic I re, X,..4 .1 The The -, J.' rv. Second : V E UL , 8e00n4 1-11, x materials 2 It.:4. ,F.: _-__ prt%A. f E ' 4 y_- but "-1*.ti g-al %__,-;___,Fetif rn=..A a- `. ' ' 4, a ..4 A I ,./ t - A . . : the Ministry ...,-*,1,-. r. f .-=- rim A ' E °Twa an 14=1- v ....-, wall r . population ti. o Pip- ,' =e-EA E 11 e l ; - rir propaganda of ''',.1. campaign '1 to askthem " . AL_ ,. oet English2. ; a- t. I,' k d :a . Caro V out 2, for teaching I J;Eri o- the interesting z:s-mc-ive ele-ir-city . aL*-- uttthe teaching. almag' 8 . of er750 an -4-. 2, i _I'. poison put the Indianpo¡ulation, enlisted ' .1... 4---...4 papers, mane *a_ centers 1 "- - -*,--,...... - 2, semester: 'semester: Of ===&=-Itt-,r: SaBle 2-month L.- . ...r,...i or n.t.:74-= first Era ,---. .1 a 4 r electricity extensive s - Fin - ' , f uw ofarmaments - e A in Caracas, pri this figure !.., . '.) w: Omit profe-wFor, er annexed 3: on tar: Practical b. 3 Under ... pupils of a t .. A.reial 2,. gases scouter. f.,,ns 8, to gave of 8,Z4,771. Ministry of Eduegion 0_ 'special 8, alternating 34.1 gt..4;`),,:.=0"..4.4..... tincrother V,= Omit the == E r to ctwaperate. section idea and N Navigation ' a I, =plosives ' a business Spanish V.--,..1A- i_A- A__I 2 P=n k the aid of amnia at, rotating Iitev,cy special as to the aspects ofthe N.. --a, 4Y- _ I vj v4,%, ." 1i once E 1 , .me Witt . ,Lerfl g theater die tim%, jaenile rAt . M A - cti of Education of ...A_ calo l A. 9 ' all instibob ;e. 7* Government .., - a of liteiw, semester. ' r 2, electricity The MinIstry*of dirfttor 7 ' concerns and a t. official the ke_7- A-Ta 3, 1 t--- I LV mime totrain L101.1 Of A f program withinthe to train In 2, machines the =-=-A I. ballistics rational rmal whoa w Iv:vatting E.maritime IL Ir y ,-.t S -- fa Ettatkim Ora* 4., racy . maneuvers 2, program& The International IN Ministry Teachers . .* 31 could neither CAMPAIGN 8, hydrfteraphy --=wome-4-, 1945, I citizens, - legions "S' owl , e " qr ;4- - 4.7. program schools.. Undet:-the ;jiaq has -cs=. of the IMAM% 3, 2r411-4 munta [i*r mechanics _ the and obtained .- 81 motors to detérmine -appm in 1, turbines or p began werp sentfromeach Ministry, 1 a '5= A.,,T.,...%. a ---a-.----._:.-__q.== A _ giil for the were w .,_ .,=.. and ; i4 were snitt9 recent C. t *:.. , ,* Norma; 8. 47 Qs= The la 611 ' National 5/* '" = Education was wrote , S. solicited 47- .. 2, 2 travel a o ": .--_.., ,.- . hived tacIR 2, read . e astronomy. 4 ! gewaphy 2. 3, turbines - meteorology ateiv -; '. nr ,- mu:rag-wide. Ca , Nav doe X, 2, ... nOtU- . -SS statistical the wprk TJea_ z-! 1 naval g. _ , . services. , 't f ' . in theLaulmich m*t. A . Remainder the Bawl rir f the location 't the `4: 474,j-11 _17-#4-;%:,., _ N NgEl t Is T t nfl , ' 2,622,292, .; . . ' 1. particularly ot4er , cooperation torpedre A " ,t; -.-,* ) t 'held t - .AA a-a turne41 . in f _ write. Venezuela ingpiripg 2, 2, 2, English _ v., "*7- " were en" tlyough- 10 M""a-=-----1. a the 4 ' -11 done by' = 8, rSt Miguel sWctrici resistence t +4, a- r *Ar ,17."'1-1- 1, artft11I7 ,41:: I sixth - State t Witle active of 2, as ar ,. e ma- . also a_ a 14-4 _ t` . N =AA out i pro- * at- first .rr of r and iìfl en- - tea" *55, 2, 4 8. - e 7 4 , er; 41, ' 1: , z =,- tm ITN, MI ATM Ittlt1/111111111 4 If. In I- - A V44 "=.1-;: 4. 1;* 7 - ri-j,V i 14, 'A* 4 ,. ;F t ; 4 . ,Y r% .1A'V Ap f If -) -4 .1_-iv= si . SPECIALEDUCATION homestoteach these Manyof Lschildrenwen the individual . etampaignby teachingservants ^ 4 pl)ople.Others cooperateditnyi *4i__---- Li[Leiuom thewor -ers ,./ eirlitti LJ, factories, shops,andin 0; th mktikl children taughttàa_ women.4_Ireadniwrite. any wor. and priv 1 hadci:j-..;intk oi er for (keno= otherwo C Anunp4rof studentstrytheiceo e----rn_nToro foul__ a E tschool for adult&The clasasopenedL11E4..Only th fourth a. _ enrolled, ,obtainedthe = gradeJ wasoffered.Ofthe 40 pupas L. The !-*4 ofatalla t=1:1:'primaryinstruction attheend of thyc. attendance. V E- aa- .failure ofthe otherswasduemostly'toirregular work of the nightschool attractedother -tilntisandprofessorsof

fi_A;t=:7i toteach.More courses . Elgermin Toroand th volunteRred wereoffered and byth endoftikeyear 4_ nightfl(iI wasipproviNi by theMinistry izoEdufation. A = to 1= I and LJl=Ii1OfF4in Oneof'_:13 studentscalled students 5

2 Z i__:-;-,w 4,f1 I Toro who hadoLer_._-Ai theirservices - , = inoraertoorganizeanti. lt,:ilatize thclesef thenewschoolyear.A sin 4-7.--1:,'swas as- a - Jr, r% i twogrades, each , Sixteen_1....,Jars weremig.;::_=_tothe u teacher taught 0-1[017 onesubject. -----14,4 beinginscribed iry: tkKEI:

= i._1 - 3 '':._±.?6: bl pupil's under 1: could 4=4i,thusINJ; PI I,_, ei t efor them to44-11iltinilwith schoold- althoughthey 1towork duringthe -41_5: --:.-. 11.r0wereNs',failuresamongthe 141 pupils rolled in swond ---sffort Mu trimv§l'i- AspentOathe individualaudents incm tounder- # 1,,-ilij___ p ,---;_t ..^- A. 0, _r.14 overcome L stand thew'r' 13 i '1''''.1:'' 1 ¡AS, rytohelpthem g of ,...-cid- to ratthemas"men and womenand not t.T-----; for the factthatthey arrivedtired ,- children,"7 and t* makeallowances _radioandpresstit= ----torsof from their days' work. ugha.

= .1 amongthelaborer's , nightschooltf5-=--:' fie" don anintensive campaign -

_E_ Ì_ Re- prSiiit .:-:4;12-tccome___,,-i'r' '"tsecourses thenk,-:-schoolsofthe . public.in194546 ,enintnight 16.t JL erminTplevo. 1M`

=== iveached.i =Inat 1.-:Y topen a nun pourse raw a Uil ,this-1,; 18 V whohearpassed q---5fourthgroat, for tam. .11Pro oval; A t who A tv-cs und toake thesixth gentle.


0= - .

11WZ- I. i



, . ' A


. r" P OP -e:" , - a

I. 4 .4.. -"`Yr" OS1'.r. )raij `A1"...-1111 _%; '.41L ;3 *41 .,kst _ 6-.. Via44120144.41-- k-7 0741--A4-- -1 'lunchrooms. s normal it the : school -limit modern buildiE___ for boys, tory fac ans and dont quarters whe mi , --e_16 were enrolledin courses until1943. o tts:4 the yUrt teachet. . defect elementary it the student Rormal schools. To 1.1:1e The The private In _ - - r A s eir S :70 4 g tl. students. attract 44livartion normal schools i 1I students ,. T,f-, tvo ._ wt Asia of =t7- m0- . whoois whri - 91 is 4 teachers rs. L -:F 1 ;:.4,--4$6 CHER TL was must . -77_ s and :lie Normal official 2,851. 0 r TEACHEÍ 1-7 . f years - esiu.wL6lon, -tali JI . _ more young the fact 0E II 3T6'--:,, cycle might Venezuela be 2 Federal I receive riff- te oils; = a to :-=:-:;:6 s mho students =41 E9wever; 0-11 _ college a _I:- normal ecao916 L d in length; their and - To was 7 the Federal m mtain least _ r1.4 of which interfere and 20 di s that .an traz enter eitherurban this enjoy student 4 i CHAPTER o iNG inVenezuela E 70;1a- an which Colbia had t least9 Ve from t-44e4h1 14 i peoplt many of percent. One - -1_(-- prepare teachersfor schools, woll years o a Al good were the d, enzua dictmitoffer 21 schools wi, 411* +- 21 F I.kle interior prepares professors 1.- da the Nona, 1 percent in Caracas, -row to the Ii i in Caracas =. gran al. the kit's work fo t including w r L e age, education. 2 y 1 _ _ Tk. k -V rr g1r4; %;r& :,.kirivate iwulions The years correspond ustrilly in normal schools, 9 t =:-.:4,17--A.i",f of the . t: -iice or have whim& lil ofaii.---k_i _iawratorits, institutions. waien the a =../ 1 School number could th scholarship 1, as a,--- had provisions k* fr----_,-_.= 3 .49 MUMMA normal rural a tjti_ elementary & in mamas til diejltg-! Miguel , teacher. 1 normal flout ; NAN tj Upon whoois in in 0:1,:,:_,,JÌ for 4. in urban '-- nerea-wi frogi Aii . 4:»-1 schools; which tions 4 = T Antonio for this librii as g -0-5Aonaltry 7n: carries Total the Govern.. i-c-k-i,,,--., Before )el Antonio to ool FAilisnl,41 n any Enwide The t4e official schools, schools, had living elementary - 1:.st r xletioa the into- for r_11_11- norma of 4 --..ieiiily rtd rural e dorm nonruk, 6-1T-dl- -- rapid with 0 upper 1946 I , art) ACart was and the a..a, nd of :--. 6 12 4

'W11111111111 1111111t?l till? 111111 1111 ITT,rttl!t111111?111111111111111111101111111111111111111111111 1111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111 1111 11111111111111111111111N 11111111111 to rts 111,111111,M( ttIIIIIttIt 1,111 klItilit1111111/1111111111 I. 111111,1/ 1/11, rt111 IIII tOtt tti im , . igh rioT ofth.country ,Teachers whohadtaupt of 551 VhT)ÌL Government trhool- wily 'supportedby attention *p: diricukti;obtaintera. fulfilled. Many BUM length courfes , -,.-1 in A decree Ttn and 9 eta-m*1_14a were young the lastf 8 game 4 BilDe ArTe ftlaziLw. of Programs the *e74:r1;51-' pk.f5ii0 8 H ygkine wistroy U were English Viroeirr, Wor1geogr8ph7 Moral education 1110 F comb- Edtwaik)n so in over for at:. tivak e OWeini . _ sernm o 1!- qi"--4% Of 12-11i4 iS young arvtn, M, fts Total Total -ILV CO 1111 teachers A.- A of t crested, bothwith ..... tl4 LT; ------increased and MA I . Of thetotal th i wiener& ;1,7-J nd is,_ I s=k. ere. i,AJ and wheeladministration_ w of num -I schools. ntunbor ofhoun mtst_i ArSV ding January 15, i'. dieMrttrY so,3.m , yo 4. year. %Pommels._ =Iiirti--574 plan years previous rft I-onGSM year. 8 utlects lb.. whig and - i, ., -fr-vtlft the ststos did where P1.1 education P in e4n-vice = ezt of. ,.,botwu. -,..:- _ ...... of in particular . the appropriation a...... plyaz gr. M.- school aa. !i;,ê Venezuelan TEACH= TRAININ Isiot _ the Sim:3 72parwat enrollment MO . for 10 corxiitiata year. , a a. 4 stag_ N TIRAMMS di% year. . . r _ have teafi . I- a ...... _ we particularly in .... a Iowever, . ,_ Avo provision forrident courses wits didmvit - courses _ . E- ... for ow a. Several ina,-,- businessoffices . dip1ojiìef *la federt ized, ,x0-4 --- provided forcreationof often enter-.1euniversity ra...... N asiban iji ..... had in are 24 4 3 4 3 3 3 - 4 7 which WI? of normal training were this obligation.is . I $ ß T less desirableand verlunivi of e or so f the Is I e. e II 24 ran ofeft,_ divided h 4 3 4 te 2 3 IM SERVICE 2 4 8 3 preparing teachersfor normal trainingbyIT rimair had been b l V ---eI..n.--7r ..._ y yew' normal training,the _ I .= ---, id ...0.411. -r normal teachers ' V y IV diplomas. its 4 I $ I 4 two 27 hu givenspecial schools _ . ke, a yo. cf1icia1 3 3 3 3 2 4 4 according student& 442) when %.1 . rural normal ...... z in 1945 ...... c:1-unis for free week 1..- in Federal I ss 3 3 3 2 3 9 _ they fin- where it . , 13 courses, instead always special St to , tions. 46, th the 65 tf - 1

11H111111g111110MINUIIIIIMINIIIII _t A =4 A a OS , . * ' . !Is A living chool migIA help E graduntffl A istry decided rura: e&cAtionat A. relldv State of .1.140 of the cS) schools. are no:x s. cation., school &=4.- 3 respondence, a alert** title of - w pinmef cultural that they and whci live service . -.-i-fir-A cliers aretwotypes t-"`"= that is, '1 ¡le I_ = regular E. a 4 The 1t4W _ Tike _4 A.,__= a In 112 A As ofJuly Tb ,.."1---.1aWver the respective yea fZ. ti special vacation Vintte 17, to house as t wu to v teachers of regular Elts . - .1- r s E but less -T .;h4ira well 14,t, E credit Of who technical and tWO, . the to in =I= -31 wu ' tt c - the people unman 41St US I these 21 be ,t; In till L=" 047- wit()"3 n give c.hoo A 08 to limit D 1, 1946,,there _ previously `al iive proicAA as adminttoi, t the cur the first enrolled -'or the - _A to .aid the tri 10 1945-46 t41 continue e type; programs _ 3). 114. open ela= enroll the o elementary P_ 1:=1. the- vacation RURAL F5 ma's t of : from demand = -_ percent nr- Ordinary Er fr. itc----:, ibi _ t ttacher 1 e 7j these courses, are of lia 1:4 of course. -f two years n..iy in them regularly, but ru1ÀPTA! completed by of 11--Ar,cirhen1 in 221 t-k Cuba. as formal t the LI 3Vfilkf: it-4- an courei ies with 2 iirst rural LPLII made material. crreff-pindeni:1,_ courses quickly were years = seinve %JAL for free Ilit h the community 4 re places where a ogyelao3o3,4, ,lica of :' offered in ui _temper al: Je dip1oi.i 47.77.1-1 . 4,0?,42 61.,:osittary4'4rs (Hit Tencr7:._+ IL education.- to 2 1 I"WU,. graduate rae_a courses non7 courses,d A. IN in Iet gtar.k.-rizing, _ the first :le exception wws 4. , ,. encitt::. 1rM., include = as _-, nolf_ i,, ViNSIXTELA _ .t years =II ha TAL r 193' upon were .. .a=an I t the States 1hi TL ho have in thematerials tj improve their -k--,rtan citiesdesigned ' hers. The C teachers 'Practically cwatrA T N A eye"! regular elimrats a until there th prs school. .7,._t-, pplicants for'the of enrolled Aspirants rd ; , ...... _ V- _. subjects t,tole course at are a V of principles of ,he, nditioned ,,,A,r_Ler ii _ 1 4414-A_ o prepareas the direction was i °And nmicipftiiti 4-4 _ terefore the El divided intofour Ge-- more courses, CC training e -. rural giulci%etants:=r purrt--- -t in given course f g were _ are standard hygiene, ale- acaro for teachers included in A a o in Federal tra.esai 15-t are E Elt and tire official TA A t --. years tiLt regtaar of by _-5.Co course; or offered ani in many ot ougi ma attn -----;--, n; none eh- edu- otr- the this he of an U otki g4 === 'or te iz o . i I 4 r.

InfillIttliumuttionlInusit iMuintutimorwmtailmuom tre -:----

; I .:»w,t:r- :: .: ¿

4- 4.

iTJCIiI1, T1LADii1G 67

flWiTT euìtIP:Uithftfl fl(fllfiTlished its scml the: education. ,

ftiNui t=I__ 7i IJ t L uL t LI I Lti 1(111 (1 1 _ a_-=a a t iEt_= a =- a --= - ---=--=-- = = Venezuelan.

- = i 1 - i Ther= -pornhas providedu = Thisbuts \ T _&_ - TTrtV . .. , iíU 11411 ¡[IP !-it1tiPIìI:- 1tII)P1 ViItI4 ,. -1-4 4-1tII. only have work

, i i -' - --- L____ '1H iU!=L11t IL=E &.Wi JU 1k iÄ 4. =-= ------would - hadto hint,- g.ye

A - teachers _ii UALLL L4flobserve 44W andhave fAover TUi r tii&-1i }L i - _ -_ a a a - L conduct. -- - =- - a = Auden28from ofthe t Uia-t ty-i íi Ti!Ik' w t ïirYif -' ; w : --- t- _=& acaut--ii t_ d learn = . , -=- t i LiL1V theirJ T j J iÌitTechnicalitriiiiii-t,iui fc'r i±itûI ;f the tiiiiAt:i and VrT:0 yc=tifl 44---Hiiiit!:theia vo!-flu1 COI1I'! tw eit4mtf41 t- 4 :ear-;. iar cf tHe sUli1eiiL;- it tilt? ThJ!vï -t t?4i-to;-LIdb:ckgroui- :hathe lengthenedcourse wasJ:-iL t?Nft This weL!kaaow more tìeforthe-

, I ::T r-í- c t= t-i.ia practical =T LI' T 4__ k t t i UiLI--- -t industries, and craft ,

i_ ., _1 iâi TheI(eLrj:4ICqmmi&sion also a1ULLIILiofUkJJt=

--' i i -- -- - ?combined. instance,!ii ii administration t[V T(::ttt?ti : iTj1Vworld history,-;= moralt:i ::vcoducstion

veregroïjpedLtLJ1t=!:Wi 4KILt1 1t?I1C J't t= same'II11t 11UI1t

elementaryJifl andL[!tletislitionwerel-TP1 1ttr)on- teflSofthecourseCìfagriculturaleoro-rnic'v-readded!4)thtiçjt-

;n=thE:: Eu1ti andtu:i raising.

_ - EJ

- - --ma -_-_, ------°-- =------= .------_ ------"------_ _ _ _ . -'7---- -'--- ___ - - _ --a-- _. -,- --_-_------,.------"-.. -,--.

a-7EINNE - -


_ -=a-10.

-- -

_=m, _





,=,MINEre=air -

_ _= - . -me,= _.%L \-x- , ' . U 1 Af%*it M - _ 4. :41 4' .f' 11,


: Ì i ' -S _ - _i:L - - . . . , .. F- _j=.#_- - -# - '- ; .- s -' .n--.*'i' s . L _ _ ft 44. --A. AI -4:1 1.4 0 zv" '4 #4/-* 4.: , . t. ...f;A,,.. ;' " i . . :.; -," :. to teach V a and o :66=4=464 over I, . by J ' anti urodi t country. is excerient cans been .-.%.4.1 -''''-7k14-il. u _;aziwork e a. 4 4r. C O i $ 0 tyr'im purpose, 68 4 . ro, Regulation t ....#: i ' aln-Ai ,,. -4 t located rfu ooms, wdlIcati In ihe th 4 14 64 The e,-ulations.Teachers Prn-r=1-s-c" professors V%* '-M-fl1-11 Idet .. :. Áïtarn , Elements Manual 81Sehil ret-Lra & Hygiene 5' yeicaland (A, .6.kJ-1Lp . 1"2/'ft e t,.7 - t ,j0.1..0 1" 14 40 -I _ 14 fruit and penb18 111CPLAAU ;Aiuse rit(APre - r! 40. ir _ .% ir& d- - c... a -..i - 4 : , .. Total Total ' Ministry . ' = - ' ; %. .., Iv,- . '10' ;40 i . C* pi 1 ,, in r buildings ! " I , :4_4- -Iii-_,1. ,_ 4:1 eMatkg,...... %.,&e, &.3N.,it.... k +et. V methods .f0 / are IA. A '..4:..:: ; . IA-,,,,...-, ' é scarce. glee club A #, 1 of -:kit)WO e arn , e "'At and wr-tistlo an or , p 11 re,n are L. 1946 WOrg incrafts Bad ,3 3.3aisso r'al . bilfirt official schools. tflJ3 ofatub . are eS--4.-, of tocharAi y WA1INtoryof - Plan r 'rg - -=- t p.- 4, i i - The . . fiit .:-.4,, . ' ,t, b.) well "4 :': 4 itli i _Kuhl() ' rr, ....-...-.,..4,, .1, ,' elements of .'.-..2 . a/WISIIrLIS;#-C4.1& natural .. '7`1, M 1 . . 01 -4 .)4;1 authorized old and which 1 .1A--ra' 0 -4; .f t. 4 4 . - e .. 6 .f , Am. --443. . week 8.; .,y... .1 i i vegetables ( 0 recAr.-. industries VA ,.,__r A, somecarpent 0 4= r ,,L,...).1-. I V % , .. À . .,1 : _.---.1"' ' work -7-r,. Sub:mt t _ &-7-, . -4 equiprol , . A 41-40 ..... There , ...!:!_-_, t ' . .. p education_ 3 al, .... __.-- %, .,..01 ;! ku..a.i., e or the t e - ._ 11-1 two which sciest-- a the " -- -.7-7-_----". . t .., :". maamammaa.....a... . studies JA4aucation in 4 .- ..,. residence - rim.ture and - f .. . d..,...r t = V1 ... has made nutql,rff , ! - anu rpm._ .... 1 I---=1 . I 43 il , Ea? U Venezuela_ V:i - - , . e or theschoolhassuliered maul Both the 64.11 t t - universay. .. --` '=- more ruralnormal ct , ,., - in i - . 3 14 ,I .. it V' IetArk ..... are e ee..eu. - 1. 111. 44".. -i.'r, tTT.f7F:-717-----'--'---t.----U-74.7.-i-T'f- ....:',..i -. f . ...a have by 3 I,3. i _features scÌ,cd, which :I V in .. _ very at the-school, '',,s . and ee . AAr . , ow . z e_r r 1 .% are 4.,,," it; -, ,.. MIS 0_ t . . few . . .4 stock- . A' -: ie and 4udents. tdition 1-,-)e ' , awl or 1 , s 2 th approval must it . 4 rural _ .-i -..., . 4.4 makes bad condition 3 I ` 4. s . Ministry - . k4 of . ) . ,, , textbooks and a es . necessary - ...,. tv -". 4 ,ea.d= 3 4 as folk ______-. 434... :' .1=110110, N 26 Tachira, A -= 1 work, . lib* -___ N ...... _ - ay.. fie reglon. .1 the g 4 , 4 3 3 . ., ; 4 Nttupef 4 4 I . VVNErPU \ 4--7-.V7-i-tf.------",_., e V Ali .. preserves. sonp schools ' LT .6% è at least svmall 34.33/83,3ms were neVerintended ".. .."..,- responsible case m 0 \ ot . '. _ - . 1..-- trot __..., which , 4 , , ..._ : schools - e .- . = E II 3 3 2 3 3 .i.% g ,,,. 4 4 . 4 Li for each . of class -.....,, ..i-- _ . of the (1 ceramics, graduates the .14 ,,, Materials \ and .,: .44 , . ' ! semester hygienically T. A ' or in t I kint, al' m implements,for 18 _ 8 3 a 3 v 1 5 4 & other hours 2 . 5 V3 too, consisted a t ," elide music 41I , 6 4 fie C, were Technical years aorilaia:4;i-Mis . ; on are for various Manual ete sencyaihas one toteachfrom N%6. . per week,by a 346, _ r- - _ I.. work 26 - _ c----3cause 13 '5 IV L 8" . 3 2 3 5 is in% 0,1 and ji . opened. typical 41 L re VI ,r- 4. s 414.11 6 old. 133 : cuit,ure 7.4 E 4 ...... dm - Agri- in ao 'n permitted , a, equipment 5 M .: F.7gAt 1. .1-. 3 I V 2 a. and 5 I 3 - .. tettCliers x,xx pro 4 Macurs, . Council of s. . cocking q", for Those 1 E-AJ of the e = duties ... a prac- ped ; , 1 ., One \-47 - had Lack red r 11 an r; in \ . if is v-* .- t : ' -2 zr.:.;.. 4 ' 4, - a r' e .1" -% ' R--1 ; ; fll III glIT II 1110- 'I 111 imudomprnifirrimmillnllionomohil li A.Aoki - Li f' .-1, , Jk-i I ` ! rf": !I.--; . -.1 ;1,-3 s; t,4:t k". 4,4 e it. té s- - -,. P.- . :1? - C'M ; , . = . ;4 . , ;". , .- ! , % . . ;. e , b!


1 A diploma isrec.:wired toLe,..e -I anvf the elementary, secondary,4-7 normal,orspecial schools.However, should there not beeno: z11 k graduateteacherstrnniltheix)sit,ions, tnevacancieswillKrafilleduv personswhonaveproved their competence through examinations

given byaboard appointed for thepurpose. 4, A In filling vaeanciA in elementaryschools, teachers who havea,least 5yearsofsuccessmi experience are not required 1,0take examinations.

The Ministryo..kiticaLion isauthorizedtioruanize anarezueateC s specialcourses sethat teachers whoarenot normal-school ltduates but who have the Certificate of }Tighe' EimentaryEducittion awl who when the LawfEducationof_ 1940 went intoeffect,had five ,--.----.L- . P E 1i ,- -'- -_.-. 1-. -1...". a = ..- v_15,3bionalsei vice, ..,,,at-7.To, i e or more .;yearsofpi. .- tY e3eligio efor certificate ofA rum1 1 cifoacher:pturoan or .elementaryeducation Tap et-V.42 -1_, ,/ ,/ teachers,"1orprofessors1_ of official schools who 1---ave their

_k V-11. TYIA'-` e,mv eaIN' .howpeliaissionor Efore, their resignationhas been L, 1 accept&in wlioleave theirpositionkvoiOre melt- succeso-r..c arrived,

t ' 4-= =4 IIon willoeforbiddentonoldateachingt7.) nosaillnin an ma:A . . 3 z . the for(gopee untI ,c- k.edenffing onthe seriousness eastin in-ment, ofthe Ministry of Educauon. -6 '

e _

1)1 After 20yearsofservicoor. before, if theyarecompletely and

pprmanently incapacitatedforeirwomteachers arld professorsL of -ial GovernmentQebonlomayINtlpensioned.At the end of 20 choose between st,!- elinthe servicepro- years' service theymay 4 vided they 'Awnthe- Lovalof.theechni uouncii ofwiri peel r ion 0+ 4 orthe UniversitYCouncilasthecase mayheyor retiring withpen- sion. Pensionpreference will be(riven tf,)teachers and. professors who fulfill the requisites of serviceare79veArs 01.agé,orwhoavebecome

inctipacitated in service. . .Married teachersaregiven maternity leave, with full salary, for 3 months before thebirthofachild and until2months after,or-tor a longertimeinthecaseofillness which is proved b- medical certificate A 4% "In" the resultot ancy orchildbirth. Various-regulations of the Law ofkfaucation proviaeforexura leles 1/0be paidto teachersin seriiice in official preschools and in official eierneEaryschools, accord- ing to %Jaunt-3 1117 coAs and thenumberor.children.Incase i'VU . /0 I of jilness -1-Tralicia!meclic0.cerancat, Iers qnprofessors

t aregivenek''Vewith1%11payjor3monthe,--rafter 3inoALE_L_ I 1 mr-eive

te -0.'4 .1.;!yf as LmihnirDri ior 1 IIan knilln, : except relates 3se_ half A. ' 1,-* =-1 I. Teachersare 4-1 oy aclassification "dwiosetrictifigeare '-a-1 ?WATT Ki-ti deteripinedtfi the.71,w pr-- tio. The.11.,_Alw fixesthesalariesand 3 feels which shall im paid,acebrdinito atype andeit.==s1sto whieh I 1 t 10. . 4. qf t, I , '4 ; 4' . ' :4 14 -!"?.. ,f r. -;1 . SO' ft t ; '4'. 4-'!'5 !kti .,''' 1f...''':,;1".1.i -.1...74 i: b % -,1 t al . ` 1 . ; . i .41i 4/ ',NI ,, AL . . s .-- 4" .4 ='7- 40, I. Mk t' ',' -' . ; 41: . t. 1,01'., t, i p'14.:11i.141::-.'''';1 ;7.11..= .). .? '.1i.i. L4 . rt. 4;4! is-Vile ';42.j.,41,01_141±...t;I:ri 24 r," t ;1,--'11..1.-4tfedt A4:::ikit' tl ' t 91011101011,010.4. Viss '! 44,441=. :', : 1(x;:: !. - .. ., '- : t .(:*:---r .- . , ' p * 4 E¿ . e, . - ' . . . t -. , ,t% p i r-'T A (L 1X V1_i iIJ UJ4t

andteachersofthe officialfl3IC1andelementaryschool i neiong rarapommïn iïxn ine . salarieszna tees,telocation a90theSCIìOO,cost0 livirgiritIìcInUiLitN,meansof COiflfliUfl1C*UiOfl,andany oto-er ntorsaîtectingCOflUitiO-fl2areULI8fl intoaccount


Ent1ranee reauireinentsforadmissionto the teachersco1h arethe certificateof competency forcompletionof 4years, orthe first

. cycle o: secondary e1uc=L-1on,or a normaiscìiooi thp!oma. ïrie byear course ,the degree leads oiprofessorofsecondaryorofioiIeduca- tion. 1 additionto the tFer: course,studentsmayspecializein Spanish;literatureand Latiniiric;gy íid ; chemistry;geographyaïd nstory jJS« ; }ftflQL 1TìaftneJIpatIcs ;anaid1L3iIS11. .y - -f i Ini9oO,whenToreigneducatorswere O mpl!. askediocomeIiiandWO1K wtJ: VenezuelanstrOffliM.'0VEtheeducationalsysteni eyfoundthe - mosturgentneeci was w proviucmoretrainedICIliZSloF theseconQ- aryschoo1s Agroupof Chileanprossrs of prinmryand second- airy(IuÇation cametoVenezuelait theinvitationoftheGovernment to necoursesror tile inprovnnt oiprofessors'andteacriersin -í servicein theelementaryands5xnidaijrschools. Followingthese special the c?urs, Government1;e(I tìop-enan tj0n 0f niinere(ucatlonwt:Cfl wouiustu1s&onau-y cjs \JtJflt r-oies-

. ì0T&I educators who hadspecialscientificand[JU1ilYULflCa1preptra- : Lion. Until theteacherscollegewas foundedbyim executivedecreeof 1936,1-ecndary schoolshadbeenstaffedmostlyby iirtiverthtystudents ana t()îj0flajmen amiwomen. The .. stuaeits tatuiitin orce;rto their st:jIies; continue theprofessionals,tosu==ierratheir income or tokeepIfl OUCUWItn panIcular . . fields01 iflte-reS. eite.r iI a.real interest in TjTflhCflJ Of thestudentortheschool, fortheydidnotplan fìfl:9I _ __ _ - ,,_Jduer-cn-_=, !Ji I4-i-ipiri_ 4 U- career. Thetkacbercollege asopened in October1tWJ6=,' Âmajorityof the were At the Chileans. sametime tne¡i,eo ae AvIw-acu,, r t:raining schoolwas openedto provideai;htce herestudents could drJ1:ILCti teaching which and would alsobean XjfMi1*CfltflJ:center . forsecondary in the instruction. cxt fewyearsthete= acliers 1 s 4 , college ana 1n1ngcriooi underwent , :tnf many charsifl tneprogram 01

'Í studies -: agwella in tn gIjanddirectionoX theschóols. j:» Most of the Chileanmissionreturnedhomeafteralittlemorethan ayetu's stay in Venezuela.IAneducator fromthUnitedStitt and teadLørsfromPuertA:)Rico andSpain wp-akeJ10 takeoverinc;ist of i tri . t ' i : 41e-wurrn. :jj r-t. y theAaUiWflcollege. tuor uie.L ;t_4i;, * nmcaiiJe: JLflMifl01 r

I I . 4

J:i!: * r * to : , a ' t 'vy. f _;t. : 1 i : - -- - .- , O ' , .-'.'- !t;;ç::I -- ; _:- 4;;f-i,fj #1-41Pi ( ;ç :- P`. y.,e`-4Wk -71=7't ,....07;74i,Z141.-ilr -"Tali -VII 4-7-.4- . -"TN f w1,73 tet1 ',4= Ts,;).a:1;t44744'..! r*., 4 ,..14. -1;,1_,:i_i_NIA: '1..lit, 42,114:' ;'4.!kk%4:*o tl-Se " V' trt .FT, {14-.., - A. o4 -4f;t4Y: ... r:ti1._61. ,..4&:,,J/,.61'..0-1...4 * i s 5 11140. ,_:ès 'il- ' ¡, , ?" ;1. . 1r ' 1.1, - ,..- . 1 V , X . t .p; ' 'I. t .,'1, 6 A-A . =, .- 4 .1 .. ..1,, ,,,, 1 ) r = el .-/ .1", 4 -7.1_ . 4It' - _ 1 s ' - ' 4. ..! t ' , a. Nef . TEACHER nattgav-i., 71

theMinistry ofIthication. o 9ttraet pupilsn-e Awes r4s11 itwasproposeddogive aLLemoonli ormornings free tsometeachers - a . inservice inemcee. anduogive fellowsiaps tostude litany of these teachersdid not havenormal trainingorsecondarycourzts m and itwas necessaryto createspecial,moreelementarycoursesfor m their needsin theteacherscollege. Cn:7-rligesweremade in theprogramre7studiesanainthe policyO .. ----*-1_ À. E,,,L,-,-1-S--m theschool. Withthereform broughtbytile Lawof uo---,-.4-ifa CI g A. ..-I iof 1940,theLeaunerRconeffe wasfinall lished alongtilelines originallyintended in 1936The law of1949avethe school'spurpose

Plin of t.diesfor theteaellsero colleen 4

. Number of hours, by year - Subject . II I II I I I ,

I I.. 3 4

GENERALSuujscie: Psychology - a 2 2 History ofeducation 3 - Principles of ir=lation and school legislation.__ 2 2 General meths_. 2 2 Elements of:r1Dioj-- 1educational sociology 3 Philosophy andfies' OP le ...... 3 a Schooladministrat .hygiene______. .. _ 3 .,_ 2 . Psyez-technieeducation SPANISH,LITERAThRE, ANDLIMN: Latin andreek root_ .. or -o- - 3 8 3 General Andoomparative literature 3 3 3 4, spanigh nhonetits ...... ad 2 4. 2 2 a . 1 ,- . Spanigh andAmerican literature...... 1 Rzp Spanish grammar_ a 2 2 _ . I Grammar wminu _ ...... Generaljingukitiff= r 2 ______2 2 StyW andeommsition - -_ ------_ _ _ Seminar ofliterat:im _ It ...... AID , 1 .1.OD Biot.o-av AND()MINISTRY: Systematicmplygy . 3 3 Botany. ..- 3 a General andsystematicchemistry_. . . 6 5 4 General biology ...... am O aie 3 _ 8 a General anatomyand physiology _ .... _ _ 2 _ - 2 Hygiene . .. f./ .. ...ow ir 8, Biwiwrnistry___ . . -sob- GZOORAFHT ANDHMTOWV: . ofAmirk-a_ 3 a illatory _...... ___. Documentaryand criticalhistory of Venezuela_ 8 a . Workl history_ ...... 3 3 3 Physical 4 a 2 Descriptivegeography.. ______2 _ ...... Geography ofVenezuela ,. a 3 MD Mk .. lat - , 0 Lit 4. 4. , v. ow V. inD 4 . Geragv-----nhyof Anierict_ Pwrers ANDMATIMMATEC3: -., - _ 2 Arithmetic _ _ _ Elementary algebraandintroduction to analysis_ 2 Elementary algebrapractice . _ 2 _ _ ..... e Experimente andtheoretic&physic. 6 6 . 6 _ 'Ai at INV*. 4 . 11 =.4 glen:unitarygeometry . Is ad ID tt 3 Analytical geo ry . . V to P 2 *4 4 4 ao_ Vane awl *ph* =lgOnoMt"* e tit*dot...... go fa- NI a 4 2 Higher algebra._ 4 l. . Dfferential andintwriii wkiulueJ to. 'a do 4. Mt do, a .. : i "ENour--Tit: ,.11).. 444 do or ro or ! ,r a. or... o 14 lb 2 Englishonztke pap ....44 . -4.4:--t 0.. ; 46 do ow AO ...WI 4. En . 14 2 ...4 ay.,* 'f! t EnI1Ii 1aflgureprsetke-- 3 ...... ----...... -...... -...-....--..-..-..--...... -...... -...... -...-aib--.--.....-...... I.1111lMr

I/ t - i 4" f' t ==: 4 . ':*-1 . 1, t I I- I. . _ . 4. - 1. '1 I . . 4 i -'I i,..44 ';...1...4. 4 .., i.; t - a ' . ; : .." AS I,t),I ...._,..4,,....,i(, Lf...., _-....(4. ..4, . . .1 4 II - R 1 :,! 1. i'..7,.`41.i.Peò: =, ' I ; i'6".iff .6,1. .7,1 'I: t6;;;e,Y; r S - =. ., , 1 11.; ;R i ti .1,*./ '4, k. io ko i A 3 a-. -Y4 i * -..... ,,ao -.'t, I ,1" 141 -ifrt T r .1 ;4 '111 .117 1 3' ,,t'/14 7 at ?NY, 1-'1)1 ¡VI.:-7;1.4 -.., 4.1- 7..,,.;.L'' A '^'-r--')44'- P t 0= a.I- al-) 'it 0) ; 144.(4 r '1?-1U-VhbolOAI744kfli.4 .;-, i 1-P114-4"444-J-1 5.` 4..N WO - rt.-4 )1.k ____..-2f -.,..,..:4,,Irj . -Vitfl!St4.....azakg &°&,,i'_-.44 _44t.4_vid.,V5 =1/411. 41 ft7' ./ - IX.' -.7 '.41241t i*Oir 5"--4 40(.7:t7r1 -, - _ N-il ,.k.., g.iii4 1 4f ,,' -1... -:, ielP, 1 t. r..4., f4,,-).,r; ., 4e. . r ; r T. t.- 1. k .. . *, ; , P:411 '-f.,._, ! = 4 =- L L: ! 41. te7'''. 1 rf,;- ...../. . ,it. 1 .. .1 . ,..-i-:-=,4.i;frot"%f - ,., . ' eb..-, - . ::: j --,- j°- ,M...41.1,-1'e,', I...., . \*- :: : :_v* : i . "r :: . ,,.,,. . . ' . --"e , I. -Til --,--i. . s. p . ) ti...'1","-.. r f.' 411:t kt;1. ---, r. '4 ...... , -4,-;t4:;..- 4 ...... 1 ., . , 4. ; '.." . .. I ,. , ' , I 1948; fled £1 iflf3 tion r. ',-",- the flelu during the atìrival coTpoSdof t1i'ibUt-d American - , introduce .in necessary other . Echo covering the f1d volley student e - including 1, .1vm8 well equipped, Bre 1oc&o' :ioo ''. (." College &;:i1e;çt; .. The college education." 72 as . ' :t. i t %S Ve11 4 .' 11iIU1I i h-t5. 74'1-, The National 4. r Thesieadiiy oration. p '11, t'IIT Tu çf4y To the The ) ... both annual are , "the t. Ji b ...... ; ...4i r:tidy probknì -;1 study 4 - " ' 4 . 14-, re- 1 e e:-,- ... mura activities. ¶ a 5 Ft deçree January economic, j - '; are -rill, training . ',' N. tLIerS CJj: throughout the dato t was as 41p ik government '..' , .. ..) i. * . ,iL of wno hati1tisieireu more eieciveq t . neparation ,,..,,,-, cuitrira11M*oçyTUPrr1s tf)fl]flr[iO1 r- educational to 4 , economic problems ,. Ioo1 , !beefing metmg. ' .1- ball, iEìt, . the I. tne coIIeg O] J±UUcaton 5 ' '_us.4'") ,tit' T}li eLH-fltary teachers `'.1. , ; graduated irwst ,-,r periodicals, .:.... In' 4,9,1 convert of Uß Prof The first 1?ederation Pli "b_N4,',.. , .`,' ... ".. t:C;Iffl4CR1 anddrninistratvt. . increasing vacitions newz.aijpr. andcreated r _,, * ....., and one founded school 1edJLLion of ;' . - goveminLP i . Soj:ial, Wi!Veflfl:ted 4 '. o.. -I , .. important of .... i Manwjje, I . - '. _ 4 and , " A 1., 4,,"; I held the .coiintry. .*¡ k * A : or , 'tT:D the ØtjpJ7=;:t4(;j1 J : ao. ., ,.. .., jj4 'Vue . .te 1.í1 :AtL(IHRS -;:,.. . t wiuc-n EDUCATION of LAaCherS A - iin % t 15 -1D46 II1LLeS the ...-' chiii, t1e and i pats . -=' :' in tne i(J the usually and , t StU(iefltITU1ÄITIit3T, (- .;- rut& PPt= of V 01 if! 1IL ior Jïoiv ? :' diecto, enro)Iiuen of 1940. Of practice courjJ, most f'--t1;Qh culthrtd " the nut mauerlals J_ -ÄALJ Teachers teachers. C, I oramze provision room 'treey to the i pro,ranj I the t Teachers l tit t 01 has , on ..t Ass;1oNs eho-oI, , :ná: -t practice 102 in and r 111 morn order 1:eates , - IN for . rflzere SChoi of 15ne}ej . by studente. .-*. Mi:titry V'feek; -' 1IUj : kst?J:evjoij into a . ; -_ :aw , these, ccues. , of clubs. and in the itrrae;ye&i was VE tiiU & ; ot secondiry was routjpr : . . a centrJbooy, lnPìiV " ot tberS J for interclass a which a the are the senti are a , ot::iali:gs tarsi ;flack t review studies. . 40 classroom, ' '.The. .Ì' extracurricular i hGUSC t6r ej from ." 9 School, teacher. gormtv,r1., The school first 60 of Education f3SttD11She{Z already i: ien:ent We;II1fliVeritv 7Ir , each Wednesday of 4'^ aùtdion officia:y ilst., . is Ir)VÛr it. different amis oìthekej:era v/ in from tAhé tiçe » /- study coure ,111414.4 I m1 se iairat-res football, iyeara connection T!fÇ(1 1 i()Vf%Ter, In m !Si : 'on June2;=, too t.4 r. te normal aidt 2R0.. . Caracas. rroups Jjjcji 'f meetings at s se1ectJ 1986, ti has eve: 4 for 7'fl Iai-re o-z groups a I. use ¿ 0.- Ití; decree 41 4 to curtail t'. tt .:f-A` activities, with secondary plans 0,4 an s'jens baseball, I ow . made it Student' of tue teachers A attend , schools, mti .1 for wi; 1 A rati- active rt jrns' r-4b -5-1- dis- I 'The are the ti of the are in to . is . , jt .^-144-11:P'3:4 P.:4M1 te"' glit 1. . 41;7;;;,r-. . 1' '1111111r1"11211131111111111111" 111111111:111111 Ill IMIZIII 1ln:1111111 AM, r.I2111111111171111111111 1E711111111 1? ITEM MINIM , lerlillt oftgarg 4 ... 'A . 1 4 rgINT-t-rsICTais4 ized in Teachers College,theCollegeofProfessors p`ri flarQrortri the vrr 4k1C111-Tsji. rn:.1 vt--1 AWL AL(X. '71 au- a = 1 4 E 6-1crri 41' - .F.1.-=i 42 4 to,_ 4 tj 1rA- .?..-tt part ofits C7 , In .; MI L--, u rt v%, I fIt)Ulj1171:::=t1 t--1---2 %_.:.1 ? , A w _a_ To study To To To To coltAki t .5- ass , 4 t _ ErV; Li-.A t v'ff-1 k 1.- . et -y 'ffl shore, 'theCollegeof - thai . ities the°inclusions a _S__O Wiz of -"1 4 -- "4% i tAti t., 1.1 laiff4IAA sta-S 1 i ta.wfs 4.7è r" 2.- * %.-1 5, N-&. ff - Wer --I .E L Lif .. .1.. kff i7.,"-g-ke--s'. 2 r017 s _ td * T 1%. m -a --A aWat_5 ti asEEN .a=a *4 ; 1*./ A_Vi27,2717.71-7 g 87 , - of 32 the -;.;7%diene rAlr''' -4 :i -51.1" ff ny--1,-1------%=--.g.=,c9 --2 1 n- vpirktz A afr N..3 4.%_-) A4m hz t- 4 8- , over 1.9.t7r,l- a t 9f = _ . ,..) ci e _.e*. IIn,-i- a . 44 the if .1 A ki 41.. of a 1,1 t = -a, ..r. 4 I LI 01111111 .1),%%.:: i-.4t4ff-FIE--= ,...,__, Ta., I LA.A A &A 101 the :4 t=Leg AA, 6Z.A7., e a4atn - I g m 1 with th,, = e 2,1'. ---.. -'s upg I 1. rt + %_A_LI IAI..) of a sd We a g r 4. ..-- and n ... ..-a 2---- A n. %fa. .. a_j__.:11, A * A ft a- --- e r.' Vs*--V`a, wag-a * ra-a y f FN1.-Tr the r viol v.-- I a At--='t-,.a. '.--- ivE-4-1 .4-4._-,x-AAIQUA. education 4 Urn 1 .4 a t.--4 i ,*1 a i ---7. orks ofitsmembers. " i& L.; aaam-=-4T-La 1 V-Tmn ..,.." rrinthfrnfifirU fr a- .4-. .4 = . t I. _ . - a E.- i E 11 /In = Pa/A I-a-% 5,2.4 * ThAe_cribLy- I ("Re". aafa s_aL-*K-3 - US VA.='7.. et the It-publishes ff i 1L'gF.4 WI = e t_4 gl 2-0/1%,..&& of Venom-. w s.---a"...- t Ila-t_E ,.. %.',1%-.' -,k -.'-l. g-e..-arr:r -I A 1 uff=ark& &E.&a,at_aauff_a_aq A -00 . a ;: 7.," 411.4, .5 IIij 416.4 g * a I a iY t _,,-. 2 =a zr 4_1 a 3 Me JEL...,-...a."."..er.....-,...-.i.t.&-.3,-=..--. v----. ----s---2--"_.-=------=---=-- s viiiiiik=w-_,,t :-La ikAA 4' j ta 4 Aka---=a-Ja-a*,-- e gas T-'4 TY=ArtrtY1 _;: E K 1::x..p'1,w'-' 7 a-= 4 n,uff.f.-11-- t, a.._a a_a - e:,.- _-,_.,1 I the 2-1 "slit ---..t.v wa ta- by theawe:a-Lion. . _.; E-===--.71 . 77" 04 &_a -1-- arc L4. A. 0 rri..-n'---z---fi 4-- 3 ." L---1=4,DL..-- i rt4-1ILF LIT-,-_-__v---i i 5 -e 4 4 v I ale :11'.tt Ii.fr;;4-; '&1' 1 ! a A,ri rff 1-1 6 a fi-i=i1Q1 . .=11 J. s pr4f-; ti VS-41, 11744'--Fq the 1 ==a TRAINING ent or . ''' -= kf . E . --0 a ; . /-1 Vs a_ w-,___i v 4 F'A-= A authorities . 1aff ... I'll DLLV an IN .=.. 7-k, e I.%-- ,,- sr/ 'Y' 1'- 1 - km4-1 *. nrt and e_a E -- ',Sac . LI 5-1 a country, w a - a w------4 p a 1. *-4-4,4%At.t A wu a 1.-F - to t A ; ..;¡-',/e.'Irv tr. s.4-=r-----1r--71.7-get .. A. 1 (-I a"-s-aaa _ and . E rra 1 C =-aL..e714EE--&.% a-A --1-1444 I wr .1-SAL-4 .-i,.. 1 =--- a==y.-- = a 4- = = U-X g ..-.= -., -a,-2,-..... IVI IYS ''''----' aa ..--- , Y aw====a-a --.-.. .--_--..-a. d-.-- 1..* I TT1,,..- ta1a-DINI. 1 -ff CA' ..... Ilea Lion ff ffg-4Weff kf g 1 its -C.&. g_4.r,A1%-.3 _-,. -. tA .1 ar g "'eraa-e propose - i -filing personnel. LI-t7-4-0A-rtf aa I it'--,teF .. -,A.=..- t 4--4 i ag1 ,... , A * a-a 4 4 5 g --. I ÇijJ members. 1-2 e A .0. -Y-tes and the I.JC4., V: t? .1 1-=-- Ltt-- V .--_-__,..-.1. 41' F=7 1 iLlDIAfL L.-- of W-,AA g g""a 141.`"/4-`a -.... 4 kwa5& -:__-- a`-=' et"s--* eres' g *---= a ET 3 ---ir-nirr a. t--1 es- s.-Iej-. la 1 'a /Akkiakw ALL 4. are CI E ---=t1_,F= y *g A. a- ,-- .- - -.._,v Wit, 1:4 1 W. tlw a-11 Ll ,' ; Y'"7-337-7-3 54-;.7771Wr7ir'itai - ,...-- .-. -t-,. A- g "' t It 4 g--, US. aff.A.1 tit--; ra 4 b " fa' % .4_3 L-=. -, 4 a'N'TV observed A .&-&-A. t to a-1 7.= al 1 _--,..--, " i In n + . A Qi-1.---6rtnil SA-rax7 a be 0,..4A-,------Iiiig 2 CI E g I e=1 8,043-g-iff 1.- _ a g-g (-4 sr. tt " V Spanish proper %--"iLLIJ.I. inaftn Taa - ..-4 2. 7U-11r1 I .... s- ..-- had special- - r. A E _ai a ljaeZi) a /16... j *.= 1946 A a-t re . r 0 rk "i7 ; _kinNtip . Ea N-a-a.4- e a-s-a d-..- ,-%.1 -ag L w u 1 awls i e 1 the secolid- an '11P' -.ai A.2.72 . 44-1 a ev- y 1 1 author- .-- to t. .4.1 'wv . E .. gal .ad a :" 41 . 4". r-." fol- fang >;/r14411'1 as ra 0 con- cat- fi ',4,-P,.....:7;14;$P.L ,ts- ,s. are gage a I gE1 F =-_,A 73 1 I A W- .7 0 ....-a. I i% s;... TT Vi 1C re . 10'61 O 4:44t . a*. ..** - r ''^4 . ri 'L Oz. ' 1' - ,41",- VIF 1k t "t:4;Te?. ?., . t.j19'' ... ; 1, t , '7 4( 50 I 1 1,4 , o: I I= 'V 't; IP 4 . ! 1111116111111M11111111 i.' '.'`W;11 . - ._ 1A I .+1 .; ri./' 4,1% ,! .11, 4.. -$* 444- . 1 & .."1. 'I, ;;

_) :1-:. ; :

I 4LIzLJ. 1

. - , - --- - , J- 1_J_ b-,, . , ¿ t-

t : TIOHEi. - EDUCATIONisofferedii theimiversities, in u. schools . cst/aolishedseparately,in (T1!7 , p(ciaI offeredOUtSì:ikthemi versities,and the National aier . College.Venezuelaiuiithree uiutn1ues:The b Centralnive}:in Caracas;theUniversityof tJM ;tndes, Jocatdit J1r1(1a.: 1Tì(jUiP. IJ111VPì:ittrçJr :iitji (reopened =f4 !1==:'. The i1i(r = tL(1administrittioftgivenforthe , in University Ca: t :tpI)-Ivtothet:rTìreé :LtjQfl itj1 OoIie;ge . (int1ttoPectagógicoSiï=i; Oiati t:1;racas, iii f II The pSchoolof !rieu1turafsunder thefj=oi Agricul I ; idAni 1 r.: imi1 Husbandry. 1 . , ( ± ,b ! flLL«MWJ # The fl1-jeTi we,= ,n , institutions seive . peopleani:to 1iEq the theoreticaland:ractk instructionproper tO7,h VLflcfl12 iac(1tze-s 8uld sthoolsor %'flCItJi-eyare compcxE&1, â:e-e11, w competentLOfrcj(1g=;ç =hr-wi ...), workersneededforthea 1+)grfs3of thefla:ionic,serve aeenrofcultureand CiÍke,ìnd to rpa;eî[I!S & nror» !;renera!=-v aviitatiie. mngfuncrIO th UflWS1tSrealizethrou- : . HìStìtUtCS,EtC;!S Ii anc establishmentsof !fi In kstigationan; highertkiwation. IIIÌSLiflandimvest, preferenceisgiventonational a problems. - :

4 =: t f; NATIONALUNIVESITES ì, 9- CentredUniversity Caraxa 1 The ÇentralUniversityrsi tyof Ç was ari-iea fcunddat tflebeginningofthe eighteenth century. lt1 ishoused in tl:e building1w1liCIiVTLSOflC tI Franciscanoìiìtlocatedne BolivarPlaza,:!:ut sTiJ:ibe movedtoijniveritvCityatthe dgp.cf T=; Caracas.T manyfopiímçaiìjj the buildingyj-eit. -: Im dimming %__,J* tî --, ( libraryand . 4well-equipped laboratories.Theunjversity"doesnothave'dormitoriel. : ==,- [-:L,iijjLf, !=4niversityis(LC rLLJ.l ILL; Library¿IAI%4 zi, ,: aretIiz Iah o-f he 1 ;r4,' Learned_Societies,the io Ìhi=:m. iuJ - thBolivar Mutieum., aie\ _r . TheemtralLJfllTersItyci e Camasbagt!M?It;qwi7irw-¡mli? J; ehoois, j y :ît' institutes:Philosophyítz3letters, ! law,economicand _; social icìices.physicii andmathematical eìces. .4 ;- i medialsdccs Ic; parmac:amcber;:t tjct agronpmy, aìjvetrp rrcgjj.. " cule. s 1 '4\ . 4k . ' 74 t i (I : b 4 1 . ' f 4 . I ,14 , it ; 10 IA 1 4 if -= ; '-74;7731-.¡.fitif ., -':771 , 'NIA $ . 4. . .'' 4,-. I- 1..- 1. , ' ' t 4, 1 1,1y1- -,- -1- o .4 . ''' vs,41 I . 4 ." I.. r .4 e f = - & RIGEZR.3=3-= -4=e' 75

.E=3 & e, A .6 .u. A .1 a- 4 i _ _,Lff 7 _S _3. E z". i L. iT th E.--1 1 5 vof tire Anzte- s ' . .. V 3_ of des, located in

- E T 1:wax orifzinanoid buiIdinwhich Fi beingremocr- a 3 3 3 3 3 3 3. s_-_ =t i g . toincludemorelaoorathryspace.The w k-a = aof the AAdes e . 5 _ g 3... plays,an:m E It part oTe..a.munity.(i--of ities of the uni is thp series-ofpopular1tuiwhich v SE. weekly in the lat:eafterLooii forthepeople 'of thecomin, These

= 3 s Ti s browyhtinIA wellatlead- weil at==rndedancioutside are 4 TCV V95 edualsof dui A V9 The aniversityha'sawell-organized A stlicamtwelfare organitatzon whichinaddition t_n_y DIet- L---U- the

ra V% CN. students' h alsoprovidesfoi recreation,and1.1-*= t__Ja. L16;73á A roomand livingquarters. . # altrk ff't E---t= --g _-, it;i it, le I :E -- V q he University. v of thedknd,has the r medicine,hÇSjCOIRagraht,heinat science,dentist dpnarraacv and chemistry

_ eUniversityolziuita has threeE=. ,eE Medicine, !law, 3aaa

I 1 I _3 "3., X and mathematicalsciences . . . A g 2-matutmi V he .4itute8off Yen? etw, V of'fis. IV _if n9nat iionalHoiy dela _ietoria);Venezuelan . a Tav -4- A aa3 ill 00 aelP V Academy TV the 3-.` 11-1= Sh A - (AcademiaV enh-

7 f-3-k a zoktna coi--resvit t-la ii-tkitOla NatibnalAcademy g Medi-


% -,,o2 de-,,ateina); Academy ofPhysics,Matti.- cine (Academia -7 . ,s1 f g _ flot a NaturalSciences(Acadeniia uveltiet48 t-w'

wJÛ E yNaturako,.Bolivar MuseumaftteRn nano); - Museumri'FineArtsMt1860 "--4 Hellas Arte8;Museum.ofNatural

I 1 Sciences(MimeodetenelasNaturrah.i7 Museum ofColonialArt I 1-1 (MimeodeLLrteColonial) and NationalLibrary nyyrca Tr afTzoinak_ . \

- = =---= WA W-7 I 3 _ = = M ) ZA ==_ = _ -iuiv _ /

Ak 3 3 E e 7S=""r. --a The ff__ILEj g regulations of theentrai universit,v Riso govern A. I- I1 / w I e--.r11 CA TS tj wj LILL) g liverkitioun ja Entrancerequirement2for the 4 joreabirtht

g &s._39 3,3 Nff J--3 CUE blieiCa,Sof health vopcinuti,==-" Ns =j Li VII I irony-view:photographs, the identification:card ofthestudent.Thiel Tareorganization,and e rle_ j eVininj. et, I caw,/ 6,, ssir the'gecond ucle of bac sdegree 0111.grantedupon of t...!lIdary &duration in the specia intendsT-0study --% A 1 w 170-1 pri &AM! w- a A N a=")3AZAZ.-- V JEB-Eg== y * The enrollmentfeeis ayear,the only. 3-vs. 3 3 1. Vira -.L71-1 g355.23=-2- Yl --47 , (4 V ,0 33 3 fee tiA the 1EVstudent ,v . , 1 A trl rvw-t, - The (bachelor pf sciencesfroma E E_L 0.4:11isft.- . , " _. 0. .. 1, -,'.:t1: 7 I -:^- . 11 1 6 - fT I .93.9sffI 1--ff 3- 3.33 JEA FAffi _ _ o. pwrtfiteulties: eteiinary medicine, " h the . . 4 . ;!, .. 1 a ff ? eine, - chemistry,4tistiry,agronomv,department a., ...a. -_ aiiicenges., Those .who, the ofMA.= 41,=%*Hi - .E s.31,= is secondary 24tion(granted oncompletionof,first cycle 4 yearir)MaV wirouin thedepartme t of nAtural wienw.

4 471._, ". I A Alegi t .L r.:11Wtr 4 tt T! " 1 = '-* .=- .- - Agetf- ' 3__ -t.-- :-:I = J- =3: : _, -- . __*-..I '7'1" - .,. ¡ - $ - I . .1 - =:: ; "-:-'- . -.. . 76 *, wuthTicNINVENEZUELA .7

4 0, Thosewhopossesthebaheor inphilosophyandletters,th:cr *%-(-L-?if; c:-'i" fl==flÌ d1 , secondary-- (TT1ì 'are, ---J FL Eion3:ITecher Collegemayenrollin Jeuuic:fEL111iO4Jß1:&V a1iC; letters,of lrwanc EOflOtfl1CantiEOCi1I1sciences.£tiStfl0843V'IK) have beenrriuhnitedfromthe)istit1titofBusiresAdministration - -- E , - - ::uu w1 -=.=-- - =- h Financemay!LiuiI1illUlbur;}JL L11IVLLi Ç&ILIUIVLUIiU_ '-= - Lic'n1ofthisiìt2u!ty. t

ÁJnd?th;ratirThV?enthinjedis ndefficiencymakeitcie= 51rabIeregstrat3His1;init=aLi1 Si-\tI(1 O! C1ìOJLI4TZ1L- TlIFtcteDy r anexaminationof eirnreviiu hooI rd;elimination I tests, aim p similarmeans.ANationalCouncil01Universities!i-A1tII1S educational,ciiJtura1and s!ientiüc;W=tv ofthe i:tieAitIuniersiti: Thiscouncil is madeupofadelegatereìreeritIrztilepriifrssttrsa delegate ; from thestudents ofeachuniveritchosenbydirecteci 'vol_eintfif respective d&-;therectorsofij!ìImiveisities;fldthe MinisterofEducation,s rit fleflRtìOIULiUfliVeSEtft:e!(flt'4ìc,nTh:. sawof 1 to 2percent Ay g o-f thepuIcincomeof timitiOijE- . - - :' iIXUVLd nth.e _A nationalbudgetbrtneuniversities. ' 41¿Jversity=Council is ighe;t T' aiithorit;ofeac:zì uiersity, aMisinaueup o the f rectoroitneUflivtrsity,wuop=resnis,thevice I, rector, the secretary, thedeans of ihefacuhles, delegateso1then 4Qent body, andtivodelegatesot tflalumniot aiiy tile natiomU A ' e universities. The UniversityCouncildirectsandcoordinatestheinstruction, research, and, ingeneraLaliactivitiesof theuniversitvAmong its many cuties it regulatestheadministration: approvesoirevises-the budget:jjQ administerstheproreityandincomeof theunhersity; fixes the.degrees,grades, and eifhtofcompetencyw1iic;Ithe uni- i, rersitygrants,as :ui ftthrequisitesnecessary for obtixinthem; cieterimnesni accorl with therespective - q requirernenththercòogmtion nd validationof studies,grades,atidlegrecsÑnthd1yforeign ufliverstiescoresponwntothØ grant&1bytrie = univ1-rsrIes01 %'eneZuela;decideson tneawarus made - , annuavtor researchstudies oriltel-aryi i owictions;grantsle&yesoiabsence;aez asadiseiplinary fj+zz*rfjin casesinvo1vhthe teachini 1fandsittherequest =, of the. - - resi&otive nicuu:1y fljrr510F prQiess!3rseitfleror LfleCOI1flttyOr

abroad. V 7

40 * j:a4 a -4t1 ') n:ivcrsity 'iasrector (president)avieerector, a - - 4 andsxire .4,'4._ btry.-Ailare aipointedby the jujj;Oftt40Rpubhc. 'iiBcn=iist sel 0 be Venezziei-ujy jjì t ' : llaireaUIflVritydegreeor'ofessionaior : éâiitific 4: . crcentiais,and hacI PUCSSfUII=V ,.. served aft teaJjir..[1ie . ector'Presidesover the i=tiii101tP:L)mversityUcunciland !:i r . 1

- . -.--.. 4 -t : r- f J -... i . I i -_-.jJ--- 4 4

:& 4 j - : 177,c V.47. Ir744: 211.r. 31' , 'V ti (7'7:1; _ 1.-o ,_ ,; ' -V , ,1! . , i-1 k ;-1'. , ). S f 2:924 :MGR=EDUCATION

eanies outthe decisionsof thiq V. We isthelegal representative ofthe universityand the liai officerbetwma itanuthe authorities , corporations.Oncea yearhe,. ofe dublicand national .1 foreign61111, tsareport(mewiiria)óg th setitivz,nroaress,and status'of the aniyersi.Mentherectoris almenthis dal&re: 113, .r _ h _ e t 9 9

-7.9_.E= qí :0- PpitVLQQ0Yrint 9 of y ,thecounc=i Each _ is vein) the ,A.T1 tAl faculty,nd th The assemblyis the highestauthority anti' is 1 composed of fnprofessors, honoraryprofessors, 1_-* 5.-=_T. tatives of the student y,andbf the .a111-41s of tls.faculty.Thecouncilof -a 9- the tu- nef u _a ofrepresentatives of theprofesso=A

_y41 .4,11 g dents,and e 5 E a5 Ifmakesuptb A. a %A- A L4 the regulatións 4 ot material, thet:_taibinwrtieveachnub] must for the t a BEE 11 t-TT, =' .examinations, duate betaken,regulations-7

V't __,(0 courses, C-4 dspecializationii the faculty.It also ytA tke dunandn onerary pa. 3 g I U1 __Aition re.15-1.1oT1 ecouncil etthe 4.0 U.. a in totile hat ofthecolmcIaaofne univ,,, tothe -a faculLy corta ading to MEM a 11-_----111W - = , L4--oy a ad" I_ V- Staff. .---The staff ofthe.t41 11 ismadeupof types "-wpm ra rA 4-ntyi t Ia. 'of TJrOI f-71 ET1t&A 97 5 aa special,free, 0-=., 0.) LAI.;a _nu non-

V0 , e e*/ -1 Regularprofessonigsappoin.yther"-I I of the 9 *r.-17 for 5yearsatthe -1-J,re.143,1 ofthresPective g Attheend of that period tirectormayA -11 0nomination_withoutoidingfurther f A f.-8 2' L_F * A./i.E3 WA.- V nominationsfull-time 1 competitiori, consecutive . 1 # E 1- u u t E = frcconìe .J0 a ete 4., ---

-'14 V'. a t R- 1. oie ky k3LIV E---6 A k,r L. orsLee teachersre nay. authorized , 4. I. 0 .ffa a E V =- -=a g lie0Q 11 1.1r r.- therectorof e ---) 5 -0Atj ,Eeiapprovao- e niversiy 4 I 1A 0 V0 r- 1 5 councifat einitiatiofEI ras- =e- ti rre) beet for thesepoststheindividualmust: 4 .4 9 Pou., Weal& degroand rnora ruder whichmakeshimacreditto . such on.: Beeauthoroi(vanedstudiesL the specialtywhich he *Wiles toteach,

f-- - 2 -94 -- E 2 Fulfill;in I indicatedin theregulationsof the respectivefaculty.' '_- yiiet Thebontractproi-miore. are tin--)'named tofill,positionby"92 -0 2 =ff E E a ta=0Aa five of ff.) madewiththe=vet-Buy anuformpart 4 facw,:v.

%. IT/ DO chairs undereach : Stikedthore enomr,roffteors to fill tThe ag-L- 'in'ththea itib-eet, the ,¡occident of the urliiversity,in , 4 A tshall appoint provisionalprofearf, .4 A lionorarypro".Irs aretheft whoareretirediro af,e,tiV the rector a 1---; g_ ¡Ossérviced who meritthe die invto = the -at4 faculty becauseaihevaluabie.wrv.ieffi they live&pen

4 .;

n .'t -f .7 ' ..rq ; j, - " . .4 -1.0, - L-, C A.- 4. 111% =04..4,P .44 I ''il.A.',!4tr . r- ---N141.....- , ... _-....;.,,i.,,,,,...... a ,w a A.1' vor.; ...... ,,f--,-:.., f__. x. r- ___,f-,' 4 41: 4,1 tTSa i-7-4..-fi-.- u'"-----;3-T '; ,.,. .;-; *. ;:; .. :: 74:;-1,,..--. ,.71.1nistioy '-: . ,,,2 4 7 ,--.Tri=?-4:7- 4q, g-t% i -4k! tA ,.;., .4'4'., ...747, 00,, -.- A. a , we 4.1,k,., :4' ' e ,..---,i .._ 4. ,-.:.. -4.-1- .1,.. v,_ ,,, A.., :::.! :tr... 4 I'4- tl.i?" . , " s'"F , :" . :,,,, ..; r. ." l; ,,... ., 4., ' 4.. ,-' o , '''-' 1-'''..-.1.' , -f ' .- 4, l 1 -ii';-! , I --, 1. . s , . k'' z . Z ' ¡ .s L ", ,Z ..--.--. 1.371..-ht, ':. !I a. '. ! 1 ..:. 7,:e.i 441 - l ;';-;, . c. A, : i 1.E56:.:" A ! -U f /: , ,,,,24.4- . s - . , Venezuela. i'l ,., .. a to theie -, ; of tutfons .., -...r4 ..-.:', N.Ig. pi-ep.oratial ' ol-rf and other include 'T .1_ -,,, ., . .1i.4-1.' At , ,-- , devote-less hey-seen = week '" I A1 /- -..- - a_zyk,;" y_71. the retire with . eqinical Of r y taken same rales_a It ..4. ,...ti: legal , _ ucation or doctrines incr tolaw for , Jut: %.4-,14."-4 p-eated tend .... ,A.I.,-.',...-1,.._r_ .. -;l Vaildation the _sl-,-.. ." a compete:1U l':.4 g- reckoning "ff ., . -- A . e ..1,-, taken o 7. ,t 0 filk '11:-157 Ise guiar _AAA - a rger university The . - Ole uIitirne %lieu ai-sence teath ! rltrh r- i - 4 . .,!" public (-4-udies .4:". . ' ,4, ...' irequirixi .. RepU , " 4:40:.-% t- following w 44411 A I- ...aye 1- to their . zer , determining in ;. .1=. : effevt -- :' more ths ..71Litiiji are ifltOCCìJh , :N67 .;_,.., hours -- professors 21 scionti1ic 4114 ! . us . ,"-. . Any u .. failure c--,drses ofthe --4...fre 4- .14:1: 3-0.11. : obligations dons Council V T.7 to Tear t f _., ' 11 of , than 011.P valid in 3'4 1 eneZ11.34',L---1 ..s4A courses and education. . Lk he 01 a i 1(6S3 Authorities , ,, for reti ..A.1f:1.:.4. ....) zie l professon . -4 Id years 'as they -, . 1. of -1.- pension equal , ' in connection uca ;-twyvice the person dedicated , , la authority 3 to 'stud it:- university of r 1.' wi ... , n-AW the , 24 hours v 7 1 20 hours ".. reasons the a . ' & - I i r sf 1 classes, 1:41! 8tudies.---Studies i hose ofthe te nn fron -- I .., service ...s.';;; - incompet 1 a have 1._) ion Tor - iversity of At of -4f1.0ft -113.1..iii. 0 with *'' .....-.,1.., hours ": ula the Venezuela .1'.--1'7 el'.7 equivalent mum tr---&-Ai perform :. subjects P for *establishment L ne 1'. .. 1 service. established -rcent Itir'-ap Education tne * 1 the . '' vuenmers y VT CI *the --",._ .-; - v . - N- f , e '.' Regular are t-" complete , full only have 1.9 competent revi -.... .-,, . weekly sr., ! ' =. y ,i'4,:--brliN 7=-= Ai week' .v e .1, by : , - of na I ...ot e . o tiriversi ' ot.i!P , . activities; ¡wishes e! required e I .s...-ii 4i4 ,!.,.._,,. t, Aal _ Couticil .1,1,- those NSSOrs' tkaching tO university means of t.. ' with 1 V . ion offered mom .ous alarv of hi the .he dub *4_ A cm if , I 0 of the 110 aS . 4 .. ; of the iind St. to the 1 .. pro come - the and t , of ,_ *r bai by the for 1I';,1 many twentieth of physical . who . the independence _ , I s ., ,(3 344-' an4 u. taken Slitilrleft to judoe at the e for approved IN work, .,.. tll, ." : 1 far . cL COrt person ethilt4X,'IN . a. contract enroll professors I VCAL correspondi tr ..t.k mil conduct or toscientific half-time , t, ta a a , . ..! mArng . teacn Jo university. V ..i-,42]. - J dev . . work a. of more than not : 4'...L-.-1-A.; V dul. t university i rt,uiv----Iti l .1 . / higher in .,,-.* hiii.... ti4 which time of . N .4.:4, in periodic e 1 . consultation , I cil. incapacity; . ' 11, , I i t, , -Itnnot ,. . A 4-4.= . ii .c,or:1::::-_, :- P. -4 ' equivalent .,,... % during ea . .. proves tothe , r&ogrnized . in .41 a it is =C7 1TA11 legalized , -, pretr f aictaes. . a e profe.sso not lessthan by the _fitionPd .tv-= A' ; * rs ..i.... ,... which 4.p...,!- 473, 1 , higher L'a v-17;..1-74:i2-: Z.: ___ are thosewho , and 4184 1 WI , u , public educations 47, understood ifs t n . 517.-j:7 44: T.=:-.7.., :), -, _? vs," f"-.. - 2 L=. . --g be r . enezuelan 1. IVA& he CV"' te_oliations. , air e t . , sap :A. .::E., increases on the disabled, ..çat.foil;; :iiment. --,_---.--' make b. ';4 e ', ---'; "Ihi..11:th-':.4-'-**** , . n '. , 1 rr:.4-4 4 , . ,_ i are tudiee investiga t.r... -a_ .24 dean, 01" ir 4.; , 4 g . has they 4 4 :1i ,. 7 .4 ...., . proved ;' eertifivate a.-- .--= studies ,t van ,.;-.0 11 : ....1,i.., ing ,. , 4 :-, , , --.-==-_-=--= 2.±- *-J witn studen s- _ -- - -: , wheel 42.,... '4,,t of .W foreign After uI Y1 ta :41,,.,rii .}40,-, - V, or _

odis 1111t1111" 17111117111111117111M111111111111111111111111M1 11 N 7e. .";;.; . ,e1 4 4F- ===:g 1_ ¡ I, " t.T. tt . -f 'aa 114=ár I ;

4-41- IICATION 79 1

credits,they A.-reappiliedin thevariousteawizsti here.t taken he applicanthas the yireli examination a6- enrollment Is cont,:iiona.. Venezuelanswho have obtainedties-Treesfrom -_F universities equivalent to those giuen_inthe univer3itis of Venezuelamayr

the equivalent.: Venezuelan dearet_iymen;of 17. A-npre ve ex s amino:ion, -mid they have omit S FA inthe Vene- fra li zuelancourse,theymust aminaI k L.71inthese. k_l theap- II a plicanthaveadegreein w,henm:ake V54 IS illadruiro- _ - 1 flL! V law, special laIII,civil procedure, andcriminallaw.for_ a ASofirilioinemust take L:exatpinationin -Die_al medicine. r or:A orn er-.2who wishto (lateofficial degreesin IleZi equiva- lent *thoseirrJnteubyhe universitiesofthe Republic, musttaLe examin.onsintheL'aSlt--"S__C* materialchtx-vi by thtt_;intof therespec-

Liveschool, amountingtt half ofthatIlk=illitedin w programof -aim takieacomprehén-'ve examinationcorrespond- studies, I mustalso 1-1EM ing toe c_ M. flnf(-1 are eq *114 are w 7.ER A grant)...only to thoseforeigners who o c7:7 nation of Allintrieswhere-Venezuelans havelesameprerogatives, . and whomustfulfillaile_11therecalls-I requiped TVenezuelansinthim;e countritli.However, nationals ofcouhtries inhich Venezuelansdo nothaveliesameprerogative$may exerc riorvalidationin

_ I f theyhave servedasprofessorinoneof the .7 V % 1, 1 up 1 T_T Ar g. t' 11 E have 4ervelhumanity throughscientific work

_ zt t hasbeenhat-rntiLional recognized,cording to tnejudgment 41.0 4 ; chief executive. 1 a TT 1- .1._ CrT1 tZt=1PTI C-4 ' PersonsVT 11 tiwishtsVa-LA a degree(7.1 should send theirv4=estto tnecorrespondingITA:yeuityCouncil ether-1-th the t ,-;cLimerits:The originalfJ Aipioma:abirthcertificateor proof ofidentity: proofthat theyarein' Tulluseof their civilrights; a nrotrraTilofs Thé documents yr,..1be notarized bya coin- (V 'h = AlIC- origin o 7.re it q.4 petentVenezuelan_11.11/4.44 Iithecowl re tnev 1 foreiilanguage, mustC.accompiniedby.aSpanish, -versimi m-* 1 a V A I7-7 ff translator.Incasethennlicant...--1 fai .7 ma a'public A etW- - -lie r-F-L RIK lorvalidation, hemayrepeit in 3 months,But

W-s ff o v...d fails it tiarasin Rvice-ast-41onh I entirely.

=. s 1C7CI' E =74= t "litrn8made-up - EA I 1 1.4 approved =no-1 -t M v,fu,L. OA) 0theschool an the-nolatisrial_TorLk* ani must r conformto.anestablishednumber of classes,as_ollows:.Fore as--se3 ,

s-a-= Wit a.w =-R" eig3ons ILuh,,,,cademicyeamr-- intivere:Effiven times s . r divided into 80Tor eile" montns,!-- -orclassesintneoryliver'twick, Imemv460 lemonsinth ar,dividedifltO20 for each 3months:an t I-% A for practical clam% given onceaweek, Tanonsin theyear,¡vine. .*

, . s _ . . into 10 for each 8month& 1 e. f s . . ; ...m2225.24 , : V ---- 14q _ . :4&44. 4.*; - ,- :w ' I . .- ' Vt18 asunied e--- letters !riay take ...!!1' riculum. SiOfl to professoPfrom school, the 4 divided ti'e philosophy _f (rF(- . C:aracas. of * FßIat ui-iiversit-ies Various- the trfi'rma:. (LXt4kflF41Ofl 3cnferences, o! :ti- to c1L:e ptfns;ry enrov=ent. iti1 food LI1tT by University gr Iu:itÌO!1S r1he 1 philo&pirq ?oncn1h Vìrith Following - -k--' philosophy cr)fçtic:itv rhe- Student faculty gr.Mr-17- 1.- f-nte student pert private - in --- free. -- degree the baChelor atk:!:wn bOOKS 4 into the . different one rnoder lot' tfle we1iare some ofthe However, i ierns : uI-i::T e=ti11 tacutty. In . (IT soft viiniuz ehe organizes ('I Uì . 40.* -TE'; d functioned. beginning d we1f:re of s-ernester. 4-Y-% that Tfh hi chosen. person. whocoI1:Ixraie w'eiare oivarzatiun.'A living of the of and and are drinks. philosophy trie Ntion1 fl and r;:- to bachelor t._ degree of first rer anton0m()u a orgAnization or titIe9. organization periods tt letters other ì sttcIents - regular tU1iitS b 01 reguIir }rF oriiniiation !etur low language Andes. -= * -ru RTUI flF4t2Ia1Sof tilBe created ) s1=b!:et w the a maintains additionthe Eflf gatherings, The year similar rost. In thi the , will of phi!osiIìy t)i?ti( students; th ÍIÚTU student c pTerretl --sz : a iimversty :: and wI:: ani students Jeachers school course - . FACULTIES take all It is CuV 1946-47, lolly of the 4 aso :a ir Frenh : e4 naiiitiris fall r:nz letters, a activities. The university J is -= i ìO d!t-t,TLe enroed - r reuruieiit being ill tflC year an Institute 10 bolivares. supportd I)N leads and ; ui:ritv horu-. apjMicait 122 f U1d iLfl WflCfl of curriculum the Di :2: College with tfl1 included VENEZUELA stuuy at Italian. rìowever, a which a an in the " in any othtuniv:rs-ity -- student makes 46 to the Pft(ifl subiecth 6_ sect: Eist tfl;t a in 4j4Fflr tile t1e : :. letters nv speciacty 1 1t1flThi. such c Letters medical . any 4thedepartments must ; bv the 2-fl,jV fall of is '-ni lacuity offers sports equipment :iì: English, degree t Central o? natural orgìtiøn eo-st: flC!11S i :4 fee for n required oniv tile of welfare acteiee,3 StUt'flt for of the prove thathe from : tij. rthilosnhv ca'th yea:r's of i94 a that te ad and raJ of çett:L udeli: in yene!iieJan University 4-year i:ivrnrüent. University . study or enrollment , ar±ca: 1. a secondary Iicentit as development s for admis- or te faculty dìev organization loans; scenee, ,frit Cierni), dent:al tO etraI school Lfltt.f1U- 'yìranì tzt1e adequate 1 raISe the- for riv It medical course choo1 ccm cur and SVaL flu . can heii gives 4 t. of dis buy of in 01 and n in uiu - * e . . i. e statiiiiiii233121EN1111115114111ZEMMEMOMMISECIM Ven=e , , 4. 'I .0 t t

, _zaanin EDUCATION 81 IP

4-I coursesineT titt the examinationsrequired for A- all the er: %4, a_Wgg th 46pkinordegree. e The 4-:trizar courseis dividedinto- ftansters.The _ are t ascompulsory ndelective.:The requiredcourses arethose indi- . cated in the curriculum andcontinue for the entireschool period. The electivesrestablished byCueteaching staffasmonographcourses or seminars. Thelanguagecourses,inceptthk in the department of philology,aredesigned primarily to give thestudent the ability to translateaticia7:4)-e'cla'ssicti. language andIvomotáem languages. Inthe departmentofphilology corresponding tothe section ofletters of the faculty,the studyof languages is givenabroader and funda- mentally '1441Chì&t4D and grammatical treatment.Toret7 C t ieg- Of =PT in thespecialty, the applicant för the titleordegreeIl have ,--seALai tie iredstudiesohis specialty.:n 1 h thay LA-P. e various 0102 course 1 h. etaw, she(lc' the ityTooitainthe at4_, 1 thespecialty it isnecessaryAihave thlicentiate and - S-4 t -La A 7 1 Ian nal

L in La= er Universityor aforeignuniversityofrewNlized N s%. % i-k7 1T 22121 a - fr .M - nesis ly Iv standing. The A mustalso,presenta originalinvestigation.Ina tothe regularcourses o e s I :,poumi;and saort.courses,whose validity g_g faculty, special cul 401.! established byrisan-a-:_ resolutionor gf regulation,maybe offered. 771-- - gmr.forthe departmentof philosophyare:Introduc- e,theory of ;Iontophilosophy, generallogic, t-mesry oi: s--

% sciences, philosophy,contemporary Vpsychology, sciotog,-p_agogy,metaphysics, ethics,history and yot ineory oT torv,historyof clait ia t French, English,orGerman. ,-*q--t The Et_ E =on o=letters oftfaculty ofphilosophy is integratedwith thP foilowi at-inlents: WSSI languages,Spanish and)rnancs lanka sh and GrplameIan,lap.e--history, thropolmow.

as journalism. For the4 s .0 therricuiLof the department_4 Span*- e v41-I s'" -14kAI ish and langu includes thefollowing a subjects: Latin e -Greek, his-ioryof grammarI (phonies tndmorphology), . history ofirrammar)3`(philo;dgic explanitionof texts),Spanish .

0--1EY grammar iphVg_e t__, 5Spanishgran-II-P=1r "(analog?",Spani6_g-am- = theory, style ,marIII-*(syn , eon *to (literarytsf E_ v.fg _4_l anAL= and composition),.Span' liteature,FrenchorI a a L-enCil or. .11,9-Alanliterature,Vener-ueianandffispano-Amerietinliterature,

2 g. c?art, hadof Romanticlanguzesother NAture,,atre7 history 7:1 than -1:61: (71137: eiItalian, 1-3.), of culure,anesthaica, r .1-4.4-

_ 4 s. .. : . 7 s - -,...,_ `;_-_,: -r. . .._. I' .;.' 49141 Ltl-:14.,::-Yi Itti. i,v,i_411:).' .-% .! .,,01 1.- 7 '-,j'ell.:4*-rit.: '-P,.. # .. I ar-?'W ---- !_-_:-.;_


Acoursewhichountsasfour toits requires 12 hoursaweek in class study and periods. In teachingnâi scientific investigation, the faculty isdivided into the following schools: Science, engineering,and architecture.The school of science is divided into three departments:Mathematics, physio-chellistry, and biology. The school of engineerizg isdivided into four -departments,: General instruction,-civil engineering, hydrau- lic, sanitary, mechanicalÏiindustrial engineering, and zoology, mining and petroleum engineering. 0 The councils of the departmentsareformed by twopiofessorof the subjects taught in the respective departmentand halfas many ila Asasprofessors.A director of the department chosen by theMemberspresides. All the schools o.f the faculty have thesamesystemof examinations. The grade is computed by taking thesumof 25 percent of theaverage of the practical work, 36 percent of the.averageof the monthlytens, and40percent'of the final examination. These reentagesmay vary ==. L2,1 according to the subject,except-thepercentageof the finaj ia L L II El tion, whichmay never&i)morethan140ittrcen.,.It isnecessarytohave Lg Im V' fl 171 et agrade of 10or morain thecoursein order to take va.) oursofe andexaminationsarefixed kby the(1.1----totOrSof th

. 4-141 p Jsua1 1 schools inaccorawiththe *,_t k ClassesiniheorITar iEx, (riven 4 1 g I 1-4 ." and12, g nee e ssa r a 4 a t V alsobe e morint 3

I (riven rs., -0..." A s 7 8. rta_i L._ a and Practicalexércises, laboratory A and a ff arc inLt eriloollbetween 2 ind 6 andmaybepro- longedwhennecessary.

a -1-4 0study

É-0 Number Numitw CIVIL I aa A of units of units Mathematics 14HYDL417LIC ANDSANITARY BMA-.

Chemistry.___ 6 E (same A H except Physics_ 10 asfollows):

Mechanics 23 Chemistry______15

Drawing__ 110 GNP' IM MI II t8 Structural engineering 6 Geoiogy 3 Emiitatio _ _ _ _ _ 16

Topography 6 Hydraulic werk9_ IM _ 8

-tAguages(English) 6 Electroteckal s:1-= 4 Hygiene___ 3 1:4 12 sie 3 10 Manual work (wood) 1 Tortkl 144

Economics__ _ _ IOW Os. VI. am- dur . 111 MEP 11=1 6

CARLAtuntioso II. OP IMO 6 INDUSTRIAL caroralwr te6 AS

Structural 411 114_ me- mlo 21) civil, engineering, exceptasht-

Ectrotechnios MED IIP 3 lows) Electives 18 Chemistry la 19 3 Drawipg- 9

Total M. mg VW So 011 MD OD =noIND 144 *Plitv6Pk. owl as. .110 a 3 11111== Manualwork (wood and _ 2

A V% ts T r , d- : = te LI- MINING INDUiTRIAL 6.66 iLt ZPr At.A.Va5 %6 3=-_61 Emit I logows industrial Principles Principles Topography Gcology Physics Chemistry g r-v-1 e= Electives ! a El Law ( I 217.:1 Me Economics_ Mineralogy -Z-74 manual _ Language Chemistry_ M a neering...! 6.6 el Electro A Machines Métallurgy Economic& Total , A IA. # ,44 ec hani fig zw. -a .4 66_, a..----- . i rta Total -_- (mining tr-cep a. F A ff-V 1 . Al.'. Electives A. a-1 Y .L:1111 Organic Circuits and p (;entra3 g Projects : . "M" rsff (vane TO 4-44 W chinas._ r. _ , engineering, _ v. 7akaAAA,A,__.= 06 _ e =41- ; =f ,, _ (f glish)._ and .41 A as _ and _ 0"E-.674 art. anti 5-S e_ ..... C , _____ 6 and and t LA -370 _ Mn. _ as forcivil wilows): or machin g -a A wuod 77- = ...... _ processes 1, _-7-t, 6 , ______zni - 1. ______rt petroleumL ______a--=== (mine t petroleum) _ electricl 4. f .1. . N _ -= £-Nr e .4- -74 n and a . 4 _ ____ L-4 ... except 4 f (same ___ E 1). 3 E _ A 7 ==% -# if - _ 05. 7 _ = A-J.1A OF= II_ ow . en- alb r"- i y .4. MEP _ sup- dn. fo to - .1 /OP as 00. fT _ I Ole ri _ _ _ ift8 am. as ; _ _ N1 _ 6 Li 11111111=1111.1 _ ex _ ---.11 144 iEt nl # aa- 144 Io 2 1 0 12 9 3-6 Mr-L-FT 144 r 16 , 16 6 8 10 8 nits T 10 676=. 4 2 .M. 9 9 14 4 5 4 3 2 8 5 9 IN XWET

A Ail In el.MIIPUM.11,1111/I idl10.11.11111111/11 /1111111111111111.111111111111111i111.11..111i iii111111111111%11.1111.11111111111i111111111147,111/11111IIIIIIIIM111111M0111111111111,111.10

PETROLEUM onettprrtur.t..11/1,11.111.M111111M11111 3 C ' - Othei civil engineer, net_ T 040,1 Drarn I H I / _wow a fIctives. Loolow Botany Geology_ ------Physics Chemistry_ Mathematics Electives 7AT., Petroleum__ = Mineralogy Language - Manual GEM )10gV_- A Total Chemistry_ v= vmzeutl... Rectiv Principles A E.-- Total o -4 -= iuge Total k.f.s_st4 VIE. -1-7- LitA A iron_ ectu-zi non:doe:L.__ Total r:14 pet t-t_f a: komatioe. _iiig t n German) _ t 6- A warms. A Va.,arta,=== tJ ÀL -=1--- _ = -roleuin - _ _ . _ IN Aark..4 y V _ ...... _ ENOINEFR _ E "- _ y work in '4.6.Th and Ono ...... rl V vi -Ft 6.- A A: _ _ ...... (English)__ _ ...... f _ - and e -A of _ except _ ma MO : _ ff4 e _ ...... = A-6,---1-7-# ...... _ L Urkr. _ _ ; .... _ _ ale . 4a 6.6 vt. a a.a."4-4 6 a . do MIS i as.. technology ed .1= Egm A .1. , O 011. De ...... _ ss .. _ 'PO de , trology...... 4. A AtA _ - _ _ . as ... IV , 4111. .. , so lb ...... ,.: Am. '- IMP French, 61 WM s= ami es ea .6. _ I. e glp . IMP . op 0 1O 4 -v, , imb ' .. MD _ . . . '' E 411. A= 77111 .006.1.00 E - d;14,t: ::";4,40-1,41.:s'57';4.'...... MP - ' sto fft. go, as . v _ PO ys .. _ fn.- 406 = == 16.6 Aid Viii -- ''' c AP effa ON. AIM ... . 6161, for 4.11, 41. . t INC= 4....0000001/0. 01 Number ON, e of units . k 167 61 15 144 76 1 -1 12 21 1. a 11 144 6 5- 8 a 8 6 Th 17 8 _1" _- 7 11 6 15 10 5 9 4 4 2 ".r-- is 9 2 1P _ ,- -. a 1,- 04. a 7 NI -- -i- . - --' i - -i 3 6 V 1 1 11111111111111r '1IT2011$11111111E11 ii1E111111100IIIIIF dill d rtniffimprinip 1 degree ofbachelprin courses vrìi are is required tical bibliographies, juridical study. students intheshonen-'sof work is had trom A diattIbution oisintedal, fiscal pubt plenxint theprofessional direct, and()wain ft 'V Unsaid In111.1411ands WI= In Studies For - e The facultyalso the first ULU CI . conn paiai this supplementary law . . V en CI Sociology Genus" ConagrAnflto,_ 80011611 Adv - Roman 121t6-itvi.7.14.- Prplfttv... '411-iclm' Penal Crlueltat 16f orriel%F. withsimi- Mi* W.% 10' nt the Republic ze-T-7 =ar _ !Wog, Imitisa._. edlorl ilqiv remui= f - _ the in th = wag nec, 111W Mote end t. harnedomil nit km law year tor and Imam la v, priinelples jq judicial on minimum ,T-_-.-IPP. ttt---an -_r established notonly arb and WV and bpi other W- public by :_uire legislation ami.%ion. to investigation andcultural W10. MO, with -eu -A in r &IWO =7-7 i A...,'Fri -etore 114-Stiw w ellibtly modified - priu---_,7------:=4 orient A... for the tb-t# of I uto plans 4 .7= end to iftki---: do Op . g ."- _ km scientific =vest km ovilicittm. I 1 n . 7'--- philosophy andietter many . it. spocial obtain this branch of law. ri i-- ,. . of textstin4 AMY oT ustd .,. HIGn192 *11110. takir .. vir Dr{tiCL1 preparation ix saelk , ...... h 1. Metitem- tis other aetwiti ,...... , FaiGety ELori Certification ..3' ._ practical worktk)bedoneby interests. investigation, the history ot ____W81044 .... cou, A establish , . = to a- , m.. a . M . .. the F-W WW-i of a off develop thestudents. Pare ' EDUCATION degree .. . work, - I 1 The schoolcouncilin fo - e of . 4 .7 a MkMI .. -. - _ up II. ZUZ MI O spa 00 a _ .- MD . _ _ course bJJ documents, theory issupplementedby r. 3 3 11 3 ._ . a 411M a OW a given .0 AN, MI law, a 1MD i wm to HMS e or to be thin a -""."km=a1. w ie as a pretn yailruco a e _ _ ... 0 a a log, a AD a ad, .... I» Ine ...... $ 3 11 3 students lb 0. . students of ,is a to ical r is be rm dodo ifer . ut nisi) in the preparation a - adopted of completion ofpractical 4 0p. .9-en_ walks ...... * dB ...lift _ ...... 8 111 di years ID a, om e ANA a. of by e =maul( . . bY of 1." E in the 't public in _ _ . IN for - _-_-iu 0, -mik .. _ _ 11 3 3 3 ... .. MI Se a, --ftel in IPP 40 ii tirM. - , political of layisoff dies ti 1 ..,V7.41, _Ly, e° prepare-Anon also 4 0 ___ ip 0, ___ wpm. ,.. _ V I Ea' 11 3 a 3 111 11 The leek k. tI ot cases .0, . - 4. faculty whnique of kw to to seminar if Tr-5-- .. a tiatiw , plan ofitadis, #_4 A y , promote, ##- ap VI ___ .... - D. .... - ... AA z a 7 a 11 3 A and the - ... - 7 it="1 gm , .. - in Apart fie= prac- i - , who and and de- VP= the 85 of in in. 2 Wir

11110111111111111111111114119P1101111011 11111111111111 IIIPMIlmilP91111111111VIMPIRIIIIIIININNIIIIII 111111111111111111WEBEIMilltdEffiliglm , L- . yntizt it 4 It grade than grade of social studies head oftitle hours, ing a the has same lengthof qini which the philosophy tificate enoes, doctorin ministra 41 elevated in November sis before Likewise, of plete 84 4.-- The prorray] *f-- fivi i The 'Tale. .c7- -.- The The To 7 t7i e-. #- one oilers previous oe must have specialists 7 different of studies, ree u-ve Inst sciences appliean- the licentiate In the studies-required 0 faculty4of economiC for till- 11 faculty faculty # of the nd a rator and of highe a 15 e- a 4 special the candidate. coure ìding the doctorate -A-3. c-#1 certificate of the In addition, a r to examining plan or r au seminar a and department rv.-=g,nt itforapproval section. a first t- I. Lie e at 1938, titles ne may Faculty time. of economic in faculty ot A en A. a nor _ for '4, ff etono6aic.and jury. a_ tdo his general of studies, accountant, e fffi. is a- a a * I accountant in g semester least oxtorate commercia! any be A-A presented are a A rNui the or form of of I tO c_71 Although EDUCATION of the not de of Eat-YE the private law L11 students particular of secondary a - of public .-. doctorate i*-!entiate. The the a3-- a -se 2 g subjects 11, part ofthe t to thelicentiate #- 3 the If. 4 in thefactilty, avera le&-s applicant and Or courses, and social in and social ' licentiate E 4 studies, for political courses fl -m- ano CDMic- End which To social own program,and social studies. enroll not td cienee and the law, approval in must have commercial case A n & adviser I with grade, required Should eY.-ept 1 to thedean iess tnu % aar "--; ntit must law of sciences, sciences the e t©examinations sciences the years; ifl tttl;4 -a tw- sciences within a in foreign plan , nd jence the trom similr £ t Social The chin nreseil!- other electives, student of faculty present busintm then cpi to I in ecoñomic by the he hav, education 7ff to finish 10 indaily of had an than contribute A a does the limits education plans beclane diploma the title years L=t klevelopment subjects ends is kaff of the a a the offers, inte reorganized cpmpetent authority. 0,1eneem a 4#- service, and takes the onda 4 applicant thesis, not have minimum with administration thesis exist, nor a nor Ca ove of the t f of July it1e bf lower of of sche1or separate school exiv.-Ono-rr_ faculty. work; the and socialsci; and must designated is sufficient.. to courses more more the the each and an school business the number in obtain- a of the isarnove- [nisi ave atutnt average ed plan unVorrn defend prepare defend _ust and dian in 15, 19-A, than the t v in the liii- is -afre The -less coin- ce to E the- for of ad' r43-- t s. of in I 6 in 1 A 4#' - it -

""'''''"11111111117"111'"'1111111011111E111111111111N1111f1111111111111311ttim2iiiiirrnl' "411g111911111;111NEIR31;441E111iI111411411g;;IIIIIIIIU 11111111111111111111,111111111111111111111111111111minffi110111111111111111111M111M1111111111111111111111 1111111,11I511111111111IIIIIVIIIIIIITII mmunillinuminmennommomilmommammlimmtmommrinOmm A. ^ aka minimum ofi_g-z=_Iri-.ARwork examination, present economy, anams school. each ofwhich have attended15percentoftheclasses 18flftVerfYQf12. sors 41-ywsr evitnemics ments, among priations. and the candidatemusttake fort thediplomaticandconsular 8-ktur weekly'subjects: further tk)'--- Mary atstudiesfor 3 The I Inelect1V.6,11,sontaw Upon Students Teaching A In 1947-48thefollowing g 7 ! 1 o E the le to the ------z ,o----r,trate g = of thedepartment.calls coutp;atIcat ogthe obtain ce: and - --trriw the economicinstituteisdedicatedexclusivelytoinvestigation administration; generalstudies course which isforeignservice,designedtocoordinatethe Social Sasie Constitutional lawandgeneralprinciplesof H Venezuelan Minute rer.isigtte Eix Ad Political Public Finance - Bankin_g year's take be lechilratto -tflory of00=xotos 44-atec ineconomic -IW- public finance.Uponcompletionoftheworkapplicantfor nl intstratfl Aff_ 4_ are T takes in 5 of licentiateinmttic#7441,::::::4andsoak"uoi*.ms. The head'ofthedepartmentwhoischoseipby t this subjeeti k and scientificinvestigation etAr-Jor j Li!UIii toe degreeof w ic economy, /Crummy 0_ a under 1_ has of studies. nd eti,udiVThd " ___ 3 Coals Kamm, _ a h rphy hat a program law rt and and social 3 LC i amounting . Suble.cts *_ this e ez of studentsforthis a and specialIA _ _ thq schoolofpolitical warm aim-04 inIR6-187. d -r w _ and ofeconomicdic*- --pallet (c) _ HIGHER- EDUCATION of sitaiLortt5Insubjects inst itfit departments willbecreatedinthefuture, skri (a) a - I of 4 a*talo33 requiresanother inwney it departments iicenéia r atuktra, thestudent comprehensive examination -bektfte ajr school and of workinaccordwiththeyear's *_ z-a e 1 xamsaing 114 eta e. reguiar neolinsis IR capuT. :m6r. J. social sciencesis and economies trid tettlut tqa _ cn - in :economic Idt of the bar. which a and extensionwork,bu.sinss were 1 3 3 3 3 m awd in Tn addition board. ust takea year's divided intodepartments, require suchwork. tw3-,:e theexamination any one s per week to function 3 MINIM I4. V. ehntqat and and and (4) 3 3 4? study 3 ---- and social , ihivi I and social by school during and the 10 obtained after of thefollowing, The seminarsin to doctorate 3 3 3 3 public fenance, Passing - arranges these depart- : whio& the covering rim 1-7 Economics, the profes- AAA's = 1V arx exam inatim 3 3 3 der t Icc must tate training ton wiences, uler Ifras appro- gr by for T71:I the 87 s - the inff an a to £ _ . J - ',44714 z.-ht, 4

7 7, 11P1119111P11111111141111ÍFIN111911111111114111111111111111111111111111111111M1g1r1 trirîi 1111 1111 1111 1111 Ill ItIIIìIHuUI 11111111111 111111$111111111111MON1111111111111111.11.1111t of the appoinui chiefs designated ant., ing categories sity zuelans, of the appointed the council sity; take branches meiat manta: -bachelor a=s institu it comprehensive row, degree minimum The E 4 -6- _si_mission. medicine, r - The scht41 " cum E n The facility tb,- The ..ume onals. e V examining V ell la' y 4 any T lend their of the ntraiVl., honorary, w-w -1-s of _ifactical and candidate faculty °v a rs- of doctor surgery conduct but qualifications. g s._ of of Era professor il hocil such dVALIL n ati === .0 of microbiology, VM-F I for with the A D of _& The of .the may which wort medicine experimental ti dok, at the examining t biological When of of _ e L 5 practical in ..of of o service of of board. -- years mstituteti examination, =1 . services professors medicine §hall contiati 1:- of the an ofthe medicine, in medicine 3 medicine faculty -work, functions e approval normal of the in the approval medica (2prvf:(1,: s. A by irtgestion anEI 3 present _4 m AP e. of work sciences The 1 graduates board. studies tae and to publicand v.- V Woraly technical a and free of investigations school surgery, is divided medicine, a2nd of o. experimental : scientific cal Kiel offers is divided and e ri?ctor who*1 school 6 oi aitt nd plit-lhologicsti; required medicine. hygiene; .dgular, c-c_6 v--ws -4_44 present (-1+ an in of ti the v the of and chijfs of through igners . original ce *if tA6 = e of the and the as (Ni4-1---- IN V assessors, medicine council of it council -e-" in completed, the natufe - inti the well secondary a extraordinary, assoCiate, =- subjeCts of students iii of dill_ IM.N,EZUELA granted teachin: into the eoUnCi! a private as n toward Each university, of 61-ytkiEzr the E previous as original C 1 teaching thesis of the ein in each o which =Wm biological B.t, still inciud medicine interns, institute instructors, of the r--=. =le applicant following ition..d t'A'bk, . 8714 institute necessary of the qualified school, I insti _ °mime. The-tievAe the ia physiology; school v aVenmue:_r group; and tn faculty, in thosi may competition thesis k case determines scientific with candidate chiefs uttis; and faculty. -.- a. ) of suppo't itbefore of of department are rind f" 'w is required has departments: of theuni'ver- foreign up medicine, experimental, the io V and an -acgi the the th assigned subjects mug- of tioii of a .of obtain approval s improve- surgical tropical director follow-, univer- clinic; mho-. To defends twig, experi- takes under- in the in the have V =f uni- pro- f. 7- to w be that or the by for the the 0-1 a , . !MI ;I 3 11111 1111111111111111111mm011111111111T1111111111111111111111111,111111121111$11TMIIIIIIIINNIIIIINININIMENtiousesoutonstomeaut, f

.3 1 aElt EDUCATION 89 the provisions of thehotrilital regulation regarding chiefs and first assistants ofhospitalse;vices. Unjustifia'ore absences from elapses itheoryordaily practiceon thepartof the teaching staff ofthe school of medicine and those which, according to the universityswillationareconsidereds ra, peatzd absences,arereported-to the Ministry o-? Education through the Governor of the Federal District.,togetherwiththerim' lye proof, in order that the Ministrymaydischarge suchpersons. The cliniccourses areentirely practical in character.Thepre- fessor and clinic chief give daily pra.ctiçe to thegroupof infernos and dey students assigned to them by thehospital administration. The professor gives.onelesson of practical charActereachw and the clinic chief gives daily pg.cticeinclinical symtomatolou. During the first fortnight of October of eachyear,the rector's office . of the university sendstotilehospital alist of 1 for the second and third bignniums of study together with theclass schedule. The hospital administration divides the students?amongthe differ- entservices, taking the following facts into account:

((Z) That the student's hospitalduimust not a L Ws class schedule.

(b) That students of Jaoth the Liandthird bienniums must pisssuccessively and proportionately, in their 2yearsof hospital practice, through service insurgery,medicine,obstetrics,pediat-

rics, mild whatever specializedrvicsare L =-='- (a) That all students registered in the fifthyearof medical sciences must attend during thatyearanobstetricalcaanda pediatriccase,to beauthorized for thur in ordertatt theymay obtain the certificate o! practical wori.,necessaryfor theeainiaa- tion in obstetrics .and pediatrics, respectively.

The 7 o:!each school determines,in eachindividualcase,the LÁA ofpractical 77-...17 delaniÌ of the ,students in Lsie suo5.85ca thatrequireit..j Ga-tileaticinforthis imulebythe vp but those for hospital serviceareissued by the hospi administration. The clinics 1 not l':veexaminations; cgshaAureplaced y,

the v certificatesof huipt 1-1;ra Ce 1.4l&inad during akaAv. fomr_Ace of su,6 a luat:L.6ud st-;:denofthe enniummayrgi jspraw citlcoursesin variousspecialized dia.Upon _ of the f 1! eg Vra ut_-a.i csm II ,take iinft__Ioncome* ofwrit- tall,oral and practical-.ail. in order-.,c * inthe speciilcertificsie.

The examining_ kn.iscomposedof the professor ofttu3 subject, kke r e f 4 - ri . Introductory t!u i:=hhu -- ; 1 ! I ,f I/I i YLrs&-y! In i i ! i-.=------exempted "it the the this 1__' 1itI Fk sists Ttin-apaci.L. admission Legal the Z1k-JcItnk is the Hygiene , FiurgkJciç 90 Obsteltrins. P Tropical Medical Su 81 A-=1 General History A nattunical I Yesniptgve Me:- - odimil elt4 'rui*i:. h3-:-: --- '= 1ti _-y ClinhInwuìkgy F-t: Truinti:.Icçy =-= wreater technical Clinic L Tuberculosis Cardiological teal clinic: T=:- . GhthJr-r!=oIri (-=U 'iffle -- :; 1mc!ufti4} in& medicine case ------c;Ty ' I U11tt have- _I , , L1ì()(Ï In nose, ,-.x.vizzgiqa,1 _- ': (ill sy-.- clinic: cutm- ¡OW pathology physics pathology 10. ì45-4& 5u!!Igb: - tt J e:i:' _pahokwy :- medicine - ti tIurj fl the -U!)et$ ano anatomy ---- titichni is social human dermatology - &I)u -fr()n written 'Why- been _ tt;±i ;- -'-5 also [øI;r- íXH!1111i1It1:)Tì :i:;t council. anatomy - I (()i-1 tW i the clinic.. thmat clinic atW -- I-#.- plan dk-JI1(Y - . clinic :it_'1 tÏ . and the moil icicle _ .----- number 1_Ljt1tS _ &I _ . . anatomy icIuk - I chemistry (1tnIe the approved w j )=)__:t:(I tI . . ,yw are i to . clinic.. _ ortho- _ . . =- who- :e!I4i- - obstetrical . . I - __)__ . , rind are _ examination -- iT --- f -- and number . bJMoLogyL, . - 1 1(JZI a- - - 'rile - gigo,dk- _ o . collective - . _ i_-u lfl . ... . ;\tFtìki I EDUCATION _ ' t , t )f i i I - i 1fL-i ---- H- .4 - = t( I . two -- - * Ìì&It1 . . L ' 3 - V 3 candidates . I ' three tX:t 11 i el I : -- *n ; ¡ i i I II Ittst : = : ' tj\.ijj . clinic, } 6 -- :acyeft: ç I for it least I . iii H. i I _t I ------i----- ¡ )V t i i ---W . '1 ; i I iiT ' J i ! t j - - yore T'i-i - . . 21 the 4 3 3 fuir- . g th- : I to (f--- legally by the i -=: I j tt Il I - 'x y 0 _r__ and - aa 4 6 4 9 f1fJ ¡ t flj ' LJ-LJt- board __i_ ffnemit., 3i -i 1iìi:itiì. r --- I j I VENEUEL : woo are ! i i ------=- 3 i ¡ 3 W. iff i admIssion another - . a -=----- school, t U( ' . r) u ' -= test, , --i I t_ w- I of ' 41 P j_ '4 j1% ,c.k-ondary rti'ei v- -4,--,,,_ f 1 .r . - '7 I ! - he t the i&i1 :: I I IP ' J L t t t f =--=-- in - - - diploma - 2 3 a 2 = 3 L 1( t) 8 *ií f=:g t:-=-: fi 4 - ! ! , '' (tfr character. 1 -j - -%- I------i cLI -.- - Ç' t,At L as 4 dtrf 4 ±_ - - 'MP - . ¡i -=-r it )( G,6,4 in - --W- ' : f f - t ' IMP i- yew. - tìi - _ 2 . _'-' u subjwcts: fw. i h .. previous -=L= &(:ì1Ì14:1(i(1 i i -FP : J_ i - to i '- - 1 l1 I - = ele .;L__ st i 8 - q - - - I b2 x*gliatite4-1- i t iiì:t&it a ) hjevts, I i --V- ! ! LLL,.. I i This ri- c::::- j 24 , question- - board ------I- students t ; '' acting years, i M. P T- =1. OD A t;v 411. le !i == with - ) :; i }- in !i J i :ill I. - - e 4?. L fliZEIllaiiii0111111111111111411111111111111111311112Minale:111111111113111111121 111711inillin11111111111111111211TKIIIIVIIril 1,111,7 A H: . - - M-- -_- n -___,=, , -_-_, - _ , -. -- _ Om. .6 1 IP v subject direction Applicants made in the average Thit a graduatP ; rifiti (-titiiitttn _-1 --AtIII-"N k :1 sCit'lltifk and of the Sepfember tion Wtts bilv-41 bythat I =1 I ti Irt).. ficlet The The The legreeof i (ij k- 44-14-4 *the WE- -7 . _=_!== 1 I Unlit L I i 1 wu $ : i g of I el, 4 1; 1: - i 344 V7_ks_`_k ; i = 1 11 111T11_ _ e G-; social 1 during T herapeuties :711-firle---Alillik-Tig=1 CIIIIIC Miltal ill 1--=.77---I_it--'.-z-_-L-1_HI__:---g7-=__t_1 Dca PhW_Dtberap tt-el Operating Dental 1-4-----_ = 41 _ a11 174.1 ! 4_11;.--ti-lrii(--ft= will takethe p -AiTT_.,1-1-44r-qi ;Ai dents.: tikervx,-utita.. aN) 41.1------I -= 1 of =4. ta grade = - t-Itt-mil: Pbys, ,4 yost). _ t &aka) =v7-- )i-t-kstitir =2---- 1 1 - 1940. i grade t vttt r lif thei-esults in 7=7- 1 a of Via ormagats. 4j a----a-.1,-,-_-_.---i,_ . school: ".71-X 4..4.-_- t-aa a I-7-=_-_- t_i--..:.------=----=--t= 4= T---tt--, F i = The school I. kl=1-1-= mer---' and V _ f , _ V a I - it!!! = and proM the 1 I it .= flu= the faculty a of ¡ii--'"4111117-7 human anatomy. I 4* 7==;% - T1V on _g g anithyltieno I = ===;=;==== = _ II) _ . surgery i---011---tiluir_=. in i. Lana of dental _# n_---aLitit,f.., a == -4-s 7:7- 111:11,1e year, 1.1 _a a = scientific 44.1-:---._;_tt ----_, ,-_--47,-__=_- Sub)octs _ the each subjectisobtainedbvadding20 a=n:ti 74 7A-_ a--a ar, ==-7--.7== and '-1141 ,. __._...,.__. 111111; A =I best rad lology the degree t 1 a 4 ,---f le ;= t uciie _ 1 1 1 1' 4 4_41 :pa- v leads 4 . .. I_ a as -17; IT1 plithological anatomy blobagkAl chemistry;physiology it- -7=tea.,-==7-= . a # council 1.11 = and 50percent and of the _ . iiiihir if--ik--.1 411J,k-1_:_-__' a , and 1.1------1-. technique_ 1 . the 1 .7 ti-À k ba _ ..._.___ k_174e. 1=-T all .... least threeexaminations 4 1 , for 11111 -nreay i - .--a-4 III it in March la 'v. the ...... I ¡tit Of scholarships.seminar)...andinterchange the still - rtri-11 ) a_ 1;a 371--73 a a -_7 1=1 dentistry k= 1. 1 to .._-__ - À "4--t- in aaii .,-4_,-,1.. the in t 414111-, _. _...,. __ _... -I . gkffffikl=7, ff vs- r k -=1"1111,7 1_4 1 == facuhy. _ to the 1 and pock. ilt,-11 _ ¡lig -4 a o 41 1;1 1 -- ., (if t 11.4 _ 4 t - 3s the A 4'10 1 4= y Et-FR 1 .. .. 4) I4 further the . A _ ....p.a. I.\ I_ EDUCATION 1L. 1-4441- k it and a.* :1_141 k= ===..-=-=== examination 1 1_1 _ .. to 1 I DoEitiZa- I r)tit-tii . 1-a:- T ,. t 'lit ) ======I' a ; . ti I 1 1 , - try , 1 , , 1 of 30 -=4 P, }i =1 --1st&La tit _ it :11_1w' for tti _ of I of viì . medicine !ur .._. : f 2 in the 3 3 41. =11=1! aff . the 1 't-1 i-tIrk'gTh g \ t lit _ E I the r` must 17=7 in .-. 4.4 111 L ! - per - the last and 1;111)!).--;()!I:t the final ...... , teaching -______1 47,*41 with =Lk 'entle! 3 11 vl-i-744 1 3,4 3 a doctor 37f sa, . t 'T'ar 4.-= ,k_11 will of for V later = 1 v s the 1- = 1 E VI I. t 141 are by tile t 14-1%.- . 411 __... ry _ t :it- . 4 the 3 3 4_1 3 3 4-1 of 4-a t-. 44 s= a II year , \ vas in I 044 the examinations aH al 11110.11 ,4p,1 :=4 fika www I average given , science, 14. lit4. - Ht = st 1 4 sti fa , I =ig of 7) T it. _41 Ng'q_T ttltli tt a-. moral. and E the - )1 percent IV == 4=1-1T-É-441ii 3 = i -- = 3 3 3 3 3 , 3 . 44ee I examina- t medicine f w-#: =-= 'II at!, - tit fiti I , and the a # tTi time in t ;- and parse ri 4_ 741=4 iIi"=¡114-1 ; t try' t'l a t ===----,IY= post- I i_i all, - t'Itt.._-11 Still- .= 447ka I and, I t'tsg ti(IV ' t_l the t 1 3 . 91 It 11 of ill I j-1- 1 ,. t I t k 1 _ -a . 11111111,11111111MIIPPIRmA1110111411111111 4. t ,Ø S

-. S 1 a . 92 - - r EDUCATIONi] - VENEZUELA I a

= w= =------w, -__ = = -_ -- -= S. aad Coursesj MedicineaLt,flar1EV weriven ¿i soon i s. verIt=7 t1t! EUfl or }a-racPswas 1IEI3 opened. C()fl3SSV 1i1Ci1iti11,1 tfl facultyof ' fora iA;eandlfl 1840 -ehstregulationfor ::i 1F:itCEof was pharmacy c=tated I: i84tLe-councilof znedi wi E cine createdw-;"--i - hadpower .-%i ir5- confer4 5L- - pharmacist anu was :1::ertre1: ,f::± ZJT Ministry rar a:j; Ikj=. Aiz,tLL L i[ TP1)T m . j. iL= I' LnJt of Caracas(L.1L.tJL y -= - I-S createdIPI 1O7 I)1JLFO=Ut1) theC1L1UOflofaLCUIL\701 - w-'-;4-W y ti pharmacy,S' ' setI' Ç!P . the __S J In- S_-S_ - 1 theregula- Li(?1i --" ,- -.* of iu-Uit,y :-- Ê - the ---- -i_ UL L . andthe UIUAÄ! (ii. UUti --? -'- -_-4 - - i__ ----- j luiS1;1CU1L'f()IJLiflUeU until1900. . In i9,i;aPresidential decreee4ab!ishedirLCaracasa sFibJ-of pAx_rmacy. ccon:g& th law ofspecialhighereducatioof June 1924,:-i: studiesre;uiru hrth -i:e= ofpI1ar!ntuIt hou!diw completedn ;vears Theitat;o: w f 1940.aothfií;I onìe w:ìa ìby teNationalCongressin 34i,reestablishedthefacultyof ptìfliUwith 4yearsdthetin-tein whichthedegree ofi-har- rA iacstr be- obtained,am::) yearsfOi thedoctorateinpurmacy. Tht(rYafl1e law f he aionaI UniversityofSeptemberll:4i3, utif!* 2t(Teatedti faculty of iharmayandhemin witht) iç wheels: e-Ftoo1ofpharmacy;Ith schoolofchemistry.The- rree ofbachelorinbio1ogicil sciencefroma secondaryschoo':is for r&pared admissiont:= eitherschool.J visj of thecurriculumisbeing studiedwith;g viewto ctir $, cste-in ofFiterssc thit both cours WOthinie crnpieuIfl Si semestersandthusiW %-iLB nee(1 for prois-ionai great pharmacistsand- chernist withiutdecreasing thethehnicalarid scientificpreparation. && PIaN of -i studiesforschool f-rae7

Subjects1 t1Iurp&wk11bchoo1yw , -0,r------=------

11. I H U! : IV ,..1404 j______Il 3 .-.------4 - - . - a ... ------S---- _ i -.__r 414._S_SS__S__.__S___S_,i Pharnmutkbotany_ _ _ Z ¡ ...... _____ Pharmaceuticalphysics _ 3 0 I Analyticalqualitative I. AI fa _ __ ; 3 Perititem ¡ 0L ___7-. ::::i::::::::::: __!_.. Liydrokigy -ï.- -à" ::::: -.-- -_ -- 3 i AriIytIcaauntativachemistry --- ....._ - ...... __ 3 h1orEExdÛ deal 4 _____ chemistry lw _ _ ___ 3 Zo;1òy añd =dealprItoy ...... _ . FAMIWX11- 3 . eiltan _ 4, _ ..._ .... _ "0 de, , 3 a --.-- := a - F-----'Itri)107A-LintLt tf.S- 444=00 "--"------4 40 w ...... 4 ------I TOIVAWW-1-skint-j .. ::" :::: 8 :::: ::::: --- ::::: 3 I-e"...... 8 - .1 - i I Eiatfra h ÑIthin 'eV -.-- wk t1atkÑanti'41=1.N4 a 0,4" oft!) .-Uan.maTfek L; M motion'i-

-S t s. 0. J..' I 1r 1'1 t. --. .1 f, . .-- . . t : i: - . . , ,,. . " - . ; i.i. , Sk çi4 .....». , . S .. .,.. a . ., 'a A ,: '. S- ÎS f., , '"' S : -. I-. .,... .).. . S ;1 ?--- S;(. + I - . t ; .-; - ..,.It ' 1,. / t. '..: L j :tt ...... :, it; : .1' , I.,. r 2..1'1.'f... ./ .,,* ...h.4, - A., o L --:_ 040 I, .3 ;.:'_ -_SSS ,- I L.4 ;().k ,;.... ,4: ',... -. '744 rri ,,,f, 5;J 5 . .,,,,ii..A'f;'- -' 4ir7.¡:11.'4.- - - -... 3. Li...... ta .o f,.' l'i 'V, -. T-.1 ',1;- S-g- -- _ --o--,-litL.,t; -A-Slrwa-_,_44,.,.. I- ;t4w,;ktirtlyi:fili jiti. ,:k),,,,,:"L..;1:,iztiz.0-..;'il... ,- _ s_ vyv,''--1`=-_,':;.- . 1,4-,4,-...... Lw. =_; 481.. HIGHER EDUCATION $3 Faeallar 1 Agrieultare

This facultyprovides cal L practical instructionand art

a E - ne &=-..re.-__= _ stimulates andor.o.'niv,='s 6.7&/ & research in E The4 iheler inphysics and hematica:4-2,iences or inbiologicalsciences fromsecondary school is requiredfor entrance. Thelengthoz the T the courseis 6yearswith A divided into," a_ff mesters_a leadst. degree of agricultural engineer. Thecourseoffers technical, practical; and scientificinstructionin the fundamental pTobiem of thecountry.Duringthe first 2years It 4 the instructionis4_. 4 ... a, .4 .4. 4., 4 scientific A 41. anis to laythe founclae- tion forthehigher coun-I.4i,.LateraE a athe urseti- Audents !

a_ toparticipate in ---t.;_erc.i in the technicala a= aoff a§a a= farra. ofi v of Agricuituis. In theva- ?trickish of the first4years,6 wLs of practicean given either ij the departmentsof the Ministry of Agricultureorin privateconcerns.nuts practice periodsareunder the supervision of technicians and *tire controlled bythe faculty.-TheMinistry of 11_ culture offers scholarshipstostudents wlio have distinguished the selves in the A_7 semester'swork.ThesearereconsideredRtthea

= C74-71 E. E= azmesertodetermine if estudent has L-L-klWgoodr- of. -aff-a L if it should lilt givento,e_ra4a, maaa, deserving.

a_ The wasfoundetias E school of higher agriculturein 1937, and in1946it-was elevatedtothe faculty of ,z4;16icu1ture ofthe Central University of Venezuela. During all this timea6-3,64rpro. granof study has nrequired. The school is locatedatthe Hacienda gzaJ Valle, when the institutesofveterinary, agricultural, and

=.7-ww,rict -A= fuietionandwterestudentsdi),Ionctikial work.In thecentral buildinarethesei laboratories and the principal -owns. WIhk a--uto;---; begin regularlyinthefir2 of 11-11rust andA the firstsemester inthe second1,-fttof miter, afterthe finalc.xamma- a A ar.% (ion& 111:=Ayreopenfor the second a i z...20 January,sIdinga- -7 9ChE yearin June.Registrationis during thefirst10 ysofthe opening of thecourse.

, ; 4. -=

%ITO` . -L % 'I f , r, t- *" - 6 e

db a HIGHER ; A FryiNN. 95 wae,e, .M1 -io; 7,1_1-_i_cary

a 11 n tal r_ AT E g ; E f--4a n 7777' E E g The fa of medicine g_4_3 ort: gj g = hdone a a --_-= = -., -_-_-_-,---,,' a ..w T ,.--=.=--. -.,--4., ,27.1 -'1-'n i-4,_.-3 af,-,222-a_ala-fly; s mid&tO a in career youth of thNA" court 7 E E VFIE g-* 11±' .77777. g Z 177 ri=Ira a ta7.Inneral,the =7= 77, 7- triedbolintroducepra E. 1- 1 e . a ,_ _, a_ _ I a ,---a'.--- I ----17,---.--1 a^a ...- IF Ft ea t...I 1 Z-V. I's= MTh V- C'E wala 7 carefelty iv,Alts its s_ t 1E E I Z-.7 E Li= L_...1 .%_:, kft=.(_¡a. a CT= 1 -2 g ..--.------1---ii .=-. .I. E E o 11 yt - t 1 --1-1-1. --1 g E gthe give n on a-ai,_, E Earg.--,*.A.E._-_-.4,4IA yr;s the prob-Zs -a = M - irc....k-nr--L. lems of animal hus ndry ff_y = close witk.:Lie - (It - A s-* ==-=_ E 7-1 1 -g E g Veterinary InvestigationsoU1=j L1U N E 7=_ 1. A a =-= tt 1;, 3a,;VI t a 2 facilities;mazefieki. tripe = 7-. tLIe A =__. a Wif-a thena-

-s- ..=----tY1 I 11:171 1 rzi E E E - %,TE Ars aa A .4 A. PA_; EOrt a _ - OHi i -s_ - eAudent witkt. s 4 a-4 E Ems,"-; 7 s". - by the eeof Stock_ r- a aaAf". aga 3-E =' iuriAg of pidemic, and & L37 TrJ =E. * = mation, natiost foreig a = = E s t rt.k for - s._,E tAto itV IR d ALT7L-r- ofchdor of -s- -V: bio4 ca1 adell fx, a g of prefikaser

_ = 7-1 1 .."-"t. E g _A A a Br'Una-, _ = of bachelor sloky EAsEA-1--z, eat glace A=4_ - rt .M..4 E.S E A 1 Z.__ It

s 1-7- IT I The divi into the departs"'eats ofaau 9 v. a =

4 - E E -7:- -i:ii i fliEM11CI = iLPii rgsry, zu- = developmt, tar -s . A =1--a= ss. =_F LstrasticinconsiPtc-of in 1 theo ,co,zeness, exorcises, aa kr, ratory

.=77, a,- e - Eat-a_ .1 a1z$E1wa in T E_F 1z; !M- courat E A te 0 47-4 r 2 a E E ; := E 4 r.-f-=, t -7= D in _ _ 0




14w-a- - grz -a - _ - -.41 - ;=1_4. _ _ Therapeutic A Ç1bJ Parasitic DIwases "1-47'i14.ft medical a - Pathological am m s SemeIoIokV _ tit 1, = Comparativ Fi Methods LT! a 11. ; 26 1_-'714t1 auwacoIogy E = =--=-=2"SE E A4. a_ a mm-a E nersj ¡otology. utopay a - 4 a i* sjr., uitation. C-P =- - 6-1 r-7:-7:41 # m_K a 2 gEa=a,_- and Fa*L y a=a 4 M - a t".; proda-t*-T, 7-T ami ambulatory M- Yo-Iogtca1 t '4_ 3 * _pathology. E3.4 ts of gY. Pe:1i a- of aria tive = microbioloir. patnoiogy ArAolty:;=7. - 2 nic I, EF.2 wtet takr--.T aaa RW1g-1 ag.77, and gsul TIFI-V=-71 _ . anatomy ology lanstucts e intern _ - .. = E 1 A E anatomy s m a 4 aLln- entomology) = am a t.Lr.vt-, ; Lg 0...... , A., A-# . d - 'Ws cal m ra iPrl" aaiE2V i eau . k; = .*t-''..A!.'4,1;Prai '''.: . *. . zostocifdt,y 1* _f he . and and Iv VIA= milk, medic% H. . 7--ta a C1111-1(_%. k -L-71-7- of 4-. le. tf:211 surgery. 2 ft- tel=7.142_ - __-__47;-- - FA) ysLes. domestic tee food , horse rv LTCAPiØN fee* f work '1 'oil). , , g e ogr, i SI Indus- t 1 . N_ a" IF I. "%. I. Tama 01 1.-* 2:=2 ,-. on no s Fins r=ast, ant- of i ---''..± t-1' V5f: v _ -. _CI --" t. ° "jd,'.Atft f V° 71Di Zoontela IN SUMP subject, A.A. i Miff* - -mapevtion L.---!_ximr:-: sub Sane 1_ _22=-71,4 Sante I al5W 4, . N Ea= Surgiml - -== F? yolk) '-= 5. A.AC Same e=--=-1 reter E . L- A J!--.1al Elements Geneticz. dustries. vAent-4 Same it d-==.4-ti:IIf Ill YX-iL - =--- Tr..;L=7---1 . fiXt, E7 M 2 r e a.AW:=M E ff I VENEZUELA terinArY - L7=1- TO ). t ' .. .4_ , sai i 4 ami BA) %i: -'''': LI a _ a==_E a Q. - n § , cout-Em i . ' A_ M 4 -f-e.C _ P--- r-Zrt*---h.--. E.;_z gmtho., = 7,-- a : tholtor. _ E ... Kletl g --.=.-,2t, ,__ . 5=- .=_; *NE _ a g Ta== 1 nutrition. t'Thwingeftr4. _C-a-a r - 4-11 1.1- 0,-, .. 4 -4-F- s =-- -= ..-#. _ __&-fp--t-ra I -'._.L.:1:-'is,41:;1 a- a # a. phYsloWit3. # s f =7'42av rtn _,_____.' M courE--z IL .' ; ="2_-_a== a A course ii. - .--- t s - 5tazi I i AZ,.,----i4 A feenti .-:. '''' _ ff E hy a. at La 9-1.; ... ,t04.t u ophtha ----ti - 7;1,, = r- -.4 4 = -A. i u r Maa--ra a--aa ... = I I 4.. 0-4 4 -_iV' . 1.1.-1 aa- T MaY io-chemigtry , ---',.- X 5_,-- rgams. ..P.--- -2'V egts . ics 1 A. U. , kL. Witrekp- A_ A. T ,_ " ,''-14::-;:';...1. -t: . I t". 2-# J .ff-* E l'-- r. +.-e. AY. tor ; and Industria 1 1' 4''' . f ''''' ., cattle t ..;. = zi: 41Arki I 2 '4 - Trei _ nd bio- rcs- r _ Or

11 willitigErginommotorz Tmlopg 1111',1111111111111111V11111111111111111111111111,1111M IIIIIITI1111111111111:11111131171111117r111T0111771t Vir



= . A 1.- F%RVICT-wS

KINISTe OF EDUCATION to kar-A.ndthe e!;us

___- af its culturt_i work infaxleiectivewaytoincludeThe enti:--z count n4 ,,ga-r- g. = ;---,,, 'i= -1-1,a&-tintEH.:Revvista -._ The of culttre publishu thefollowing 1 Nactioi-A,1-: de'ta->Ara; 0_1 a Ai4114i 0,-k-tl, Tigrey Vg aiuvenile ma7-ixine witk ciontributiom frkai chikinn1 ar, the ricgs.Thi_wAl ,=, publiceionsareiibtributted toschuots. Is ;_,klition to theA:zman- _,-----' pi 1 1-: ry so si,t ,, zines, L:-Seittos of CuktIN. pubilep:i prim ,aid stou .-_ hmto4.3 andt±J&T-to ustditthe whoes. 1 iiL-14."Poptikr Library of Venev p. 1 ,. ,Tv .--, zlela," is elries of publications of tibia Ace and includesnove

.---. i biztjriae, biogrvkies;qu 1ms e foare,41.i, piretz7 by wal- , 1 -Anowt-lien4pa._ nauthors.The voluinca i4kfi .111 FT..i Iitv4,17 seriuare .1 i a wacD__:'!_ itz.-1-3. o_ of :themountr-j,"and 1-_ (1,4gnedto give ejitaratu 1

1 ,.,,,.,:.,=_.,.:.. P e 0,1 1 r 1tO : Aragold fora sum "-4-0 ..w- put tr,Within mcb, ofeveryol.e. Y.: . In1idirtioto1 publixtioil i-pripLi-:;,,lit, the Ofiso of Cultural Sirv- 'c pth: s of the followLm brawsitof44'-itleatiOn°and 1 . , 1-_-:-;stilleatior* ht 1 ttl :4 ii1,11C Fr 6- uesion, trls 7iationsil Iartry, : 11 E, 21 National,1/-fianun---. L of Universii Acadia of Hiry(46,demiesNacLavil(4f.:--5 k Hitt-on:a),Vsnsiu , -1.-Il1iatedvyLii the SEktish .2Letttany (I *--,*elniaff f

a, -7';'::27=i, --#,I."..,5;Qi414 8 ,0I'I--:eioneiAlo,..Iemyof i1,-; (41.=-444s. NJ rg01 1 'As), A.-I :_yof Physics,_,_ .thw_k , alai ratural ,-.:- -dstracee (I: .,.- vf1.4.., ,I,ie Cience='R4 lisioas M at=g4m4-4611*,y Nabeteo), atlivsr Mussum (Miteo Slplitiw&,-,:ai4.),lamaof Arts (Mitzbo à:. Bgq_x_.fAftee), Mumin of Natural Minces (Flaw le4 C!':,=:,T-E.5_IV , .)lingiinM of ezionid k,.-4z._( we6)AT4 042i7u7 tad), :_ 11,,-,- Natioul a.-=, ay(litibliot i II 4= larlifiattof , Litts7---az_Pal E i1!) ,,7T Ea_i -11, musical,-ktA,Aca.dips . . TAleOS"-1-toil tirsi 2x,,-Ilictis mt6oet-.1spass es..acult:LIMprot-

ka.wawa:Qv--A.-Iven inas*Adel szliftb. It aLl.-Itt-azr-trasfor eataibitim

.. of Cta wo3z f #10 A -1 of :IE-4,- ysItiu7,arts'ofti,ritifkiis of sand ,.rd and the Z;rfrEoe of Frotie aai t_grp ::-..ti.,., ASri* tofl'aims to _tievaloi-itd trz". the

231i!quemof vatious para-

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