.. Bulletin19489Ns. 14 I 111 6 66 9 *OM 111 I A a= -.1M1111 1 - a r dr. NA LA A A JE =1, -- 111111==11monk I. BY DELIAGOETZ *b. l&t -.. *. _ M 42. = 7=. _ e Latin AmericanCenntries 6 -6 = = A- American Section, a- 7 = = ofm A e ffi, _ Relations : _ O rlrall lisearkyAstwor *SCAB asZWING, 1 Aihtrr si WAneagen TORN IV. STIMINIMAXIMI,cossaaasimeirir %A- '- = a- , ; t -. z. - , . * = - I4 _ `:.L '. : 'ki - *- k- " ---; ' 4- 1. ' '- - . ___Il :i..---"'-_,''!--4;71,-:-.4.- 42 = . = k-- 4 / X X t v = 1 . -- _ A-n,_,1,77.t.'__:,-,4w r_ok,-..,--../47'...os:74:4!, -. * #.-- .-3,_,,,- &l',4, S....\11-= ¡-.1 .4, ---v,z,-,,,y -...,...-1-Vr'l -s'-'1-4 f 1. g f :;'7.- :tt.V- --7.,,z,r,,e,v,.<4.;rjz,:,:,:z--4-7.-.7-,,,I.4 -, , : i "-::16 ' 4 , % 44- 4.41 '.--_. .4A- 1- -= t/ ., , v. - ...,- - 744.-" i' I 'I.' . k .. .:. -. ,ti, .% .- 4 ' ' i- ' Pr11' - 1 ** 11 :44'.'" -;- ' t 4 - ' '--.- ..t , -, ......,, 41..A ,,4,L- --.. 0 . ,...,:...... - 4 ... "... # 't .. ,-, riot .., ../ ' :t , . - 4 ' . ' -6 4. '. et- . 411. 7 "41 s CONTENTS 411.11111111111111111111 P 1.WWWer---4 V _4=km - == LTheLaudn-E.9 diePeople____ 1 i -A WU .. W 7=e-ri,erta17In '--- ':-. of __ 7 ..2-11 Et - 1ktnA = X-1` *** "La in thecolonial ell 4 .... IOW ..... -MP 7 Education sin(Yeindewndenw_ _ _ OM ......... 10 _ Chirpier== HE Oa matedstwatli .44 n tion am Ob.- 15 - - - == C-Z-1 Miiìistrvo _ ... 15 ,., . .1 Budget_ Am I 1_ _______ .. OD 44.4 - ..... ;...41. ... .. 4. amaw =, 15 - _ _ OM 4M. .0... Enrollment__ _ 14. 4.1, .. ...am 17 y tasiionofedueal--n_...... .. ........._ _ _ _ _ 17 cittuaGal f*R -_ _ _ _ _ ab 18 . ;I:=-4:-) __ 404 4411. 44.4 CAI cuuLation r . web 19 14 Examinations_____ _ OW _ PP, f... v 19 Supervision of _ _ _ 4.4 education... an. 4144. ........ 444 22 Buildi _ ___-- _ _ _ . 2.4 Materials anduipment 4-- ..... 25 Textv.-IX)r=;- 25 OhapKtei "== -==- Iv.Premb oé-a Elementarygediwasagilem_- - 27 4 _ Ai nklergarterm_ .0 co... MDMIria.11. _____ __.. - e e e4. 111- - 27 An1=. schools..... ... _ ow .... MP -4, 27 Rùralnegation__ __ _____ _ .4. Am. .............. am too 4. 32 7. 7A- & childweifar IND 11.0 ow. 34 VPnezuelan Intititutfor the Blind 35 I. bix)1 fax theDeaf -wad Dumb__ Ow w. 36 1 , V. i 41.4 arv Eet- . i 37 r.1 k A 4C* Pro: 37 velorin . ........... 37 rnvaksfx;ondaryschools___ .. 40 I .1;4 ,= M ofstudies_ . 4. ......... 41 - W A'S El t Chapter W-seali. = 4 di. 4 42 C74_, edupation . 42 Induistrialeducation am- -= Oat_-..-_ ...... 44 Arts alai trades... Inn 48 Nurse tmintn4 40 4 4. 4 __ ______ __ om, 51 1. ft, 4/4, WIP Social - MID 4. ow. Mo. service 7 ___ - do- Tla Prudes/agriculture nn .nVe)10_ __ .. P 14 57 .. E _L.IE-r=1 ii w4.41.iit r T -Agesagents..._ ... _-_. -... A' **- * ...... '4_ 4 I i 4.-WE --==-4-7 Y -; g- naval J. =a 4 4 4 oi1 44 4 an MI*4 59 Et m 4t.,,At_-=__-- -11 campaign.,...... ........ __ ww. OW. AIM so e, , . ,: - VI Trt. '4:4.. e- Jr Ii r ,.4 , - 1 111... 1 -4'. # . r '" . ,.. .:** .s.` l, In ;.. j,.; '"" . , - 3.' : . t. P '. 4.....i e 11. 4.?.. - . ,. '1 !gr.. , " -7- . Z * Iq1._:"! . m` '- - .1: n 1 . -,.-k4',... - .4_1 .4 % '. ,.. i /,'. ..- ! !..., .7 .-' ..,", 1 . t ,t- , 4. ...Ill -..:,/ .-¡It.. L . 4 1 ( - I. .4 . V 4' I ., ,i, -r. -- ; -,.,t . ,. ,- . ,-4%#4,.- . -.47e , - ' e ' ' I. # # a h-i ' ..'. , . 4 . # - -"4. " 4 ": -, :44! . 7 , ,. .- ./4v;s4.. i ilia., .:' .ii, .; .'i,I,.' 1;i ..;:,, . ,7Zi4;ti.»_-. :4:...";::4../i:;.... ;;::,4: t 7- s - . - - . I . ; r e't zt4,1 " ! -'/ ,z,ev *43 17, .7. '..g .4 4;1 f:14 14; _ - r T I -.: i-.-:#"47%;' 44.5 I. 7117-40..24 *1 4 s ! `-*--- `II ir - 4 PitArf,4? k;_4' . t .:V*.--- Ç. e 0 .1" 4 ..% 4# 1, *-_40 v.. I qv- - 4w; ;="7- s .T9 - T. : Iv ,-, " CO N T 1."%i_#_ Mkupter E AA-7A.A Tre-1.1 -11. 64 Developmentof normal __ schools_ 11 me 64 Program k_ studies a, No 65 Improvemt of tdiv,2,_wers in service____ _ 6r) Ruralnorn trainini__ AO _ _ _ 66 -Retirement__ . .. 69 Ilimill'IM7111111111111111313111 National tk'"') college 70 A Teaciier seisocirt AO m . 72 s _ (barterVIII.gaiwnmr -2 _ __ 74 A f ;* 1 fAAV = Universities _ , 410 74 atral Universityof Caracas__ 4 rniveritof the eS _ 75 Univ'è aityof - . __ _ __ ..... 75 Institutesof tvextension___ 75 (i-enerai UniversityRegulation.. 111. 75 Entrance requirements CID _ a. ." / a . M. 75 Administration _ . G. _ 76 Staff , _ - - am. f . - - 77 Vqii( ationof studies_ __ _ _ _____. 78 udent welfareorganization_ gd. _ _ .1=1, 80 '174F ._ __ - ...I . .1 SO Philosophya _ Letters M. 4E1 80 Physical and asV a S Sciences 82 Law______ . .0. 85 Economicand SocialSciei 8ts Medicine ND .10 mi. .1, ow ________ WO .. Ns 88 A i _ *JO . 91 11111111111111111MEM18111111111111111111111N1131111111111111110111PM k ana Pharmacy emistry _ 92 4 ulture___________ ............_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 93 Veterinary1-64 eine__ _________ . I _ .. 95 tW' = Chapter Celt Serviees 97 Publications_ 11 a, 97 *- ticd nne mrts_ and - _ 97 chool of Plasticand AvuliedNritA 98 14 Nation al Am-tern:7--ciFineArts___ .. 100 1 1 --r-v-r-41(., , ;ni eat eoucavion_.._ 11, MID01.. 1 Literacy and wmular. culture___ 100 Symphonyorchmtra ala aa. 100 NationalLibrarv_____ . 100 ' Re_adingi-c-m-- . -SanCristobal. 1411. 101 L-4 1- Mu&curns '-... Ie1- AA ! IN ... .. 101 -;Cir 1 :,-.' -7 r - CulturalCenter___ _____ 102 r,:.' ibillography .. I=Ina .111. 0. 4, aig .. 103 .t;-,-7 at. 4`-.11 .1 ., :, ' LV -. %W. "-v ', 4 *' t: -......,:t . -,- a -,----,, e k i. 4 h. .,,' %2,- 'L al', ''''' 1N_-.=( I.i' re l''71- ,+ t...P.: ,* .,, Ii- _..t..r...f. : R. I It.. 4 4Wii.1, 4. - r ifl.. r 100 'rlai:# - ILV-4,..e .4 4 .' . O g lit ¡Me, . :. 4 . ' g . f 4 it 9. 4 -., . 1 ... ' . :*me ._ IV -' - 4' --; i 't '."''. ' 7*.* P': .);.:?-11Pi1. , id? tt_A ;442 , . .4,1 i, IT --P1:"i- ';.k" LW-= r. Ne I I j...:- - :11.i#.7.:;ii,li..,ti i '1.1'itiLra4. -a 1.1- a _. i'."9 ' ' 151; .,4.15 ::,....i+4re.1..44.# -*P ts4, . -.,.;-11...' ,... '--4", . .9-- `1"i''.- ' -:.- .e.4t-iit4r. _,..---.J...w ti;i1..Ai__.- _.- ,4,---W. .., . '---1.--t, - _ 21IiLafti" r 4 a I. .0 4FOREWORD . 0 =JP, Click:of Educationhas und&rtakei the ( Iofa t vl F series of sic Ijetsoneducationina A. atiL a i t of Cent and SouthAmericancountriesunder ihesponsor- shipofthe mudCommitteeon itural and ScientificCo( Thisseries of studi ispartofa pro =Tram "t to promote * ofAucationaiconditions/ in thtiAmericancountriesandtoencourage cooperation ; tbe ridof ter-_:vmeric_an education,Thepi--1)jectapa o ofaGovernment-wideprogramof culturalcooperationunt:er the auspie-oiiheDepartmentof State,wa.sbegun in the fallof 1143.It involvestravel byOffice ofEducation 1-_--1.1isu. lnthevarious countriesforthepurpo:of gatber- ing_(tam i landoitheireducational T-tems.andthe preparation ofre =Irisfromn -%-_--. data for nublii ation. 1 LÌ 17; P en. Education is Q4-11 ondatagathreigythe authorin jenezuelain fl«and ,,u)plementetsince then 4tri-m-_ by documentation. A TotLe iT m_)ns ana organizations inVenezuelaand _ theUnited_itat.pg whohaveaidedin orii t studyto completion, the Officeof Educationexprcvsses Gratituae. A a, N.In ' AK., HA ILI A.) Director.Divisionof InternationalEducational Re latïon8. co 4 I. 4. , .1* 5; 4 tf., _ , . A .=-- .r.- *. _4' % . = -1 1 t aa!2. I ;10 _-, = . --141g-,tiji ,---re 4,-- 4 - 4f_ t 14.--''--- s-La e'l,Te,....J 4 7, a, - -,,::: ---',.., ,-,, Li&.. -47-=-7-t -1.---4- L7' !ft is___,-...--. 1-'-'.- 4':V1'..tt - A2F vs* 5 - - 4110 s. b. CHA:PTERk THE LAND ANDli THE PL -Liww,....._!1--- %elv a 4 E «LIm11.4FV BLOCKSromhistoric 1 )(---I urPark, =r0a of I= 1 1 'A -4 111(1- Caracas, the A r buildingwhichr1OU'' the ') MinistryofEducation.Parkedbeforeitis th t jeep '11:Vg "Educación__'_ural" It nearby Wandsthesounhltruck115-Alt the eanI7 literati: z Avan trom tneprinter draws1- h a- = A *I a 2, tions 4 I I,. the Ministryviii dn4tram aII t4-4 to schools s loutthe Republic,ai 1- a car isWaltI 11 el to carry w 4.11 insrwtoronhis ind of i iT.A --4_= , thebuildingarepi)rtrait,t ejt_lt orAandmen E 7 1 1P-1 .ta - oletters. - 777 7 ) Among themareAM. t- %a ---N T 1 Don¡nit) V .44L I ot k_A Nat':al C6clio --IL CA educatora..writer. t Pastthese edu A ofvester hurrythe 11-tr men anuwomen whoare tacklingthe =_ert1 oTtoday.- --Ateacherfroma one-room school, IPCommissiontorRevision0the ProgramtiTStudies,stu- dentswhomtne rt' Fliinent.ssending abroad-orpeci studies,a a t 1 Pubiic wit sfonnew p schoolbuildingsin his iNoris theMinistryof___Auca the onlyTotreflevtincr such activity.Across the city inEi Par -1.destantioneof the capital's H tt harming sections,the Minitryorit'-7rriel 1-* 1.1 and Ntock Rais- Yì - ranimin a oldresidencesurroundedr vwallscovt-re t with scarlet 1 gainVitia. young mnaildwomenare preparing 4-4 to !ri1/4 in rur g 11--L homedemonstration nts,leaders ofagri- culturalclubs, andueacnerstagriqiituralvcx-ationalcoursesin ele- L V ien 3 schools. 2 I rE In 12_4- yellow horieonthe tort,_ nuewhere thehighwayleads .0 2 oilt v an tnerticyoungdoctoroIheMinistryofaVi sticka)ms intoa map to showhe-t[anotherchildren'scamphas been O - 1Tha a, rAta andplans rnosew, 4 m. .4 mins. At*nightin Ca ra uIdreds of*Wets bend(wettheir'ftdizig, writing,£ andarithmeticinschoolsmaintai_ recirortheworkersby the 0 LJA i-- reI Ministryof blic.Works.
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