[email protected] EDUCATION 1996 Ph.D. in History of Art, Yale University 1993 M.Phil. in History of Art, Yale University 1992 M.A. in History of Art, Yale University 1990 M.A. in Political Science, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey 1985-86 Graduate Program in Political Science, Peking University, Beijing, China 1982 Bachelor of Law, Peking University TEACHING EXPERIENCES 2004- Associate professor of Asian art history, Department of Art History, Boston University 2002 Visiting assistant professor, Department of History of Art and Architecture, Harvard University (Spring semester) 1997- Assistant professor of Asian art history, Department of Art History, Boston University 1996-97 Assistant professor of Asian art history, Department of Art, Western Michigan University 1995 Instructor of Asian art history, Department of Art, Western Michigan University 1994 Co-instructor for the graduate seminar “Methods and Resources for the Study of Premodern China,” Yale University 1994 Instructor for the Yale College Seminar “The History and Techniques of Chinese and Japanese Calligraphy,” Yale University 1992 Teaching assistant for “Introduction to the History of Art,” Yale University 1987-90 Visiting instructor of calligraphy, Department of East Asian Language and Literature, Rutgers University 1982-85 Instructor of the history of Chinese political institutions, Peking University AWARDS AND HONORS 2011-12 Fellowship offered by the National Endowment for the Humanities. 2011 Jeffery Henderson Senior Research Fellowship,