13 bus time schedule & line map

13 Alton View In Website Mode

The 13 bus line (Alton) has 8 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Alton: 7:25 AM - 5:55 PM (2) Alton: 7:10 AM - 5:40 PM (3) : 6:30 AM - 6:55 PM (4) : 10:12 AM - 6:03 PM (5) : 8:54 AM - 12:51 PM (6) : 6:37 AM - 4:25 PM (7) Odiham: 7:40 AM (8) Whitehill: 4:40 PM - 7:20 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 13 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 13 bus arriving.

Direction: Alton 13 bus Time Schedule 48 stops Alton Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:25 AM - 5:55 PM Haslemere Railway Station, Haslemere Station Approach, Haslemere Tuesday 7:25 AM - 5:55 PM

Bridge, Camelsdale Wednesday 7:25 AM - 5:55 PM

School Road, Camelsdale Thursday Not Operational Friday 7:25 AM - 5:55 PM Heath Road, Hammer Saturday 7:25 AM - 6:17 PM The Maltings, Liphook

Malthouse Meadows, Liphook

Midhurst Road, Liphook 13 bus Info Shipley Court, Liphook Direction: Alton Stops: 48 Midhurst Road, Liphook Trip Duration: 56 min Midhurst Road, Liphook Line Summary: Haslemere Railway Station, Haslemere, Bridge, Camelsdale, School Road, Midhurst Road, Liphook Camelsdale, Heath Road, Hammer, The Maltings, Midhurst Road, Liphook Liphook, Malthouse Meadows, Liphook, Midhurst Road, Liphook, Midhurst Road, Liphook, Midhurst Midhurst Road, Liphook Road, Liphook, Midhurst Road, Liphook, The Square, Shipley Court, Liphook Liphook, Village Hall, Liphook, The Co-Op, Liphook, Hunters Chase, , Park, Conford, The Square, Liphook Conford Moor Turn, Conford, The Green, Passeld, The Square, Liphook Passeld Mill Ind Est, Passeld, Hill Bus Shelter, Standford, Crossroads, Village Hall, Liphook Hollywater, Forest Road, Whitehill, Mayower Road, Headley Road, Liphook Whitehill, Bus Turning Circle, Whitehill, Chase Hospital, Whitehill, Forest Road, Whitehill, Garnet The Co-Op, Liphook Road, Whitehill, Nightingale Road, , Norman 47 Headley Road, Liphook Close, Bordon, Branson Road, Bordon, Saville Crescent, Bordon, Chalet Hill Shops, Bordon, Catholic Hunters Chase, Bramshott Church, Bordon, Canada Way, Bordon, Post Oce, Bordon, Eco Station, Bordon Camp, Lion Court, Conford Park, Conford Sleaford, New Inn Barns, Sleaford, Malthouse Farm, Sleaford, Churchelds, Kingsley, The Cricketers Inn, Conford Moor Turn, Conford Kingsley, Bakers Farm, Kingsley, Tilling Cottages, , Three Horseshoes, East Worldham, The Green, Passeld Windmill Lane, Alton, Omega Park, Alton, Wilsom Road, Alton, Sainsburys, Alton, High Street, Alton Passeld Mill Ind Est, Passeld

Standford Hill Bus Shelter, Standford

Hollywater Crossroads, Hollywater

Forest Road, Whitehill

Mayower Road, Whitehill MAYFLOWER ROAD, Whitehill

Bus Turning Circle, Whitehill

Chase Hospital, Whitehill

Forest Road, Whitehill Ashbury Road, Whitehill Civil Parish

Garnet Road, Whitehill Garnet Road, Whitehill Civil Parish

Nightingale Road, Bordon

Norman Close, Bordon NORMAN CLOSE, Whitehill Civil Parish

Branson Road, Bordon Varna Road, Whitehill Civil Parish

Saville Crescent, Bordon Chalet Hill, Whitehill Civil Parish

Chalet Hill Shops, Bordon Tilbury's Close, Whitehill Civil Parish

Catholic Church, Bordon

Canada Way, Bordon Essex Road, Whitehill Civil Parish

Post Oce, Bordon

Eco Station, Bordon Camp Road, Whitehill Civil Parish

Lion Court, Sleaford

New Inn Barns, Sleaford

Malthouse Farm, Sleaford

Churchelds, Kingsley

The Cricketers Inn, Kingsley

Bakers Farm, Kingsley Tilling Cottages, East Worldham

Three Horseshoes, East Worldham

Windmill Lane, Alton

Omega Park, Alton

Wilsom Road, Alton Ashdell Road, Alton Civil Parish

Sainsburys, Alton Draymans Way, Alton Civil Parish

High Street, Alton 68-68A High Street, Alton Civil Parish Direction: Alton 13 bus Time Schedule 37 stops Alton Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:10 AM - 5:40 PM Bus Station, Basingstoke Barclays Churchill Plaza, Basingstoke Tuesday 7:10 AM - 5:40 PM

Magistrates Court, Eastrop Wednesday 7:10 AM - 5:40 PM New Road, Basingstoke Thursday Not Operational Park Gates, Eastrop Friday 7:10 AM - 5:40 PM Hackwood Road cyclepath, Basingstoke Saturday 8:20 AM - 6:30 PM Applegarth Close, Eastrop Hackwood Road, Basingstoke

Dickens Lane, Old Basing Dickens Lane, Old Basing And Lychpit Civil Parish 13 bus Info Direction: Alton Byeet Avenue, Hatch Stops: 37 London Road, Old Basing And Lychpit Civil Parish Trip Duration: 47 min Line Summary: Bus Station, Basingstoke, The Hatch, Old Basing Magistrates Court, Eastrop, Park Gates, Eastrop, Applegarth Close, Eastrop, Dickens Lane, Old Basing, Water End Park, Water End Byeet Avenue, Hatch, The Hatch, Old Basing, Water Water End Park, Newnham Civil Parish End Park, Water End, Blackstocks Lane, Nately Scures, The Baredown, Nately Scures, Basingstoke Blackstocks Lane, Nately Scures Country Hotel, Heather Row, The Hogget, Hook Common, War Memorial, Hook, Old White Hart, Hook, The Baredown, Nately Scures Rail Station, Hook, Berry Court, Hook, Lord Derby Roundabout, Warnborough Green, Castle Bridge Basingstoke Country Hotel, Heather Row Cottages, Warnborough Green, Priors Corner, North Warnborough, Crownelds, Odiham, Raf Odiham The Hogget, Hook Common Turning, Odiham, Raf Odiham, Odiham, Raf Odiham, Odiham, Raf Odiham Turning, Odiham, Down Farm, War Memorial, Hook South Warnborough, Lees Hill, South Warnborough, London Road, Hook Civil Parish Pickaxe Lane, South Warnborough, Goodhope Farm, South Warnborough, Powntley Copse, The Golden Old White Hart, Hook Pot, , Brandon Close, Alton, Wentworth Foundry Close, Hook Gardens, Alton, Greenelds Avenue, Alton, Lime Avenue, Alton, Old Odiham Road, Alton, Alton Rail Station, Hook College, Holybourne, High Street, Alton 7 Fairholmne Parade, Station Road

Berry Court, Hook

Lord Derby Roundabout, Warnborough Green Mill Lane, Odiham Civil Parish

Castle Bridge Cottages, Warnborough Green

Priors Corner, North Warnborough Dunleys Hill, Odiham Civil Parish

Crownelds, Odiham Alton Road, Odiham Raf Odiham Turning, Odiham

Raf Odiham, Odiham Wessex Way, Odiham

Raf Odiham, Odiham Fulbrook Way, Odiham

Raf Odiham Turning, Odiham Wessex Way, Odiham

Down Farm, South Warnborough

Lees Hill, South Warnborough

Pickaxe Lane, South Warnborough

Goodhope Farm, South Warnborough

Powntley Copse

The Golden Pot, Golden Pot New Odiham Road, Civil Parish

Brandon Close, Alton

Wentworth Gardens, Alton

Greenelds Avenue, Alton

Lime Avenue, Alton

Old Odiham Road, Alton

Alton College, Holybourne

High Street, Alton 49 High Street, Alton Civil Parish Direction: Basingstoke 13 bus Time Schedule 65 stops Basingstoke Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 6:30 AM - 6:55 PM Bus Turning Circle, Whitehill Tuesday 6:30 AM - 6:55 PM Chase Hospital, Whitehill Wednesday 6:30 AM - 6:55 PM Forest Road, Whitehill Thursday Not Operational Ashbury Road, Whitehill Civil Parish Friday 6:30 AM - 6:55 PM Garnet Road, Whitehill Garnet Road, Whitehill Civil Parish Saturday 7:09 AM - 7:05 PM

Nightingale Road, Bordon

Norman Close, Bordon NORMAN CLOSE, Whitehill Civil Parish 13 bus Info Direction: Basingstoke Branson Road, Bordon Stops: 65 Varna Road, Whitehill Civil Parish Trip Duration: 54 min Line Summary: Bus Turning Circle, Whitehill, Chase Saville Crescent, Bordon Hospital, Whitehill, Forest Road, Whitehill, Garnet Chalet Hill, Whitehill Civil Parish Road, Whitehill, Nightingale Road, Bordon, Norman Close, Bordon, Branson Road, Bordon, Saville Chalet Hill Shops, Bordon Crescent, Bordon, Chalet Hill Shops, Bordon, Catholic Tilbury's Close, Whitehill Civil Parish Church, Bordon, Canada Way, Bordon, Post Oce, Bordon, Eco Station, Bordon Camp, Lion Court, Catholic Church, Bordon Sleaford, New Inn Barns, Sleaford, Malthouse Farm, Sleaford, Churchelds, Kingsley, The Cricketers Inn, Canada Way, Bordon Kingsley, Bakers Farm, Kingsley, Tilling Cottages, Essex Road, Whitehill Civil Parish East Worldham, Three Horseshoes, East Worldham, Windmill Lane, Alton, Omega Park, Alton, Wilsom Post Oce, Bordon Road, Alton, Sainsburys, Alton, High Street, Alton, Drayman's Way, Alton, Normandy Street, Alton, Eco Station, Bordon Camp Amery Hill, Alton, Alton College, Holybourne, Old Farnham Road, Whitehill Civil Parish Odiham Road, Alton, Lime Avenue, Alton, Greenelds Avenue, Alton, Wentworth Gardens, Alton, Lion Court, Sleaford Northdown Way, Alton, The Golden Pot, Golden Pot, Powntley Copse, Goodhope Farm, South New Inn Barns, Sleaford Warnborough, Pickaxe Lane, South Warnborough, Lees Hill, South Warnborough, Down Farm, South Warnborough, Raf Odiham, Odiham, Raf Odiham, Malthouse Farm, Sleaford Odiham, Crownelds, Odiham, Priors Corner, North Warnborough, Castle Bridge Cottages, Warnborough Churchelds, Kingsley Green, Lord Derby Roundabout, Warnborough Green, Berry Court, Hook, Rail Station, Hook, Old White Hart, The Cricketers Inn, Kingsley Hook, War Memorial, Hook, The Hogget, Hook Common, Basingstoke Country Hotel, Heather Row, Bakers Farm, Kingsley The Baredown, Nately Scures, Blackstocks Lane, Nately Scures, Water End Park, Water End, The Tilling Cottages, East Worldham Hatch, Old Basing, Byeet Avenue, Hatch, Dickens Lane, Old Basing, Applegarth Close, Eastrop, Victoria Three Horseshoes, East Worldham Street, Eastrop, Flaxeld Court, Basingstoke, Victory Roundabout, Basingstoke, Railway Station, Windmill Lane, Alton Basingstoke, Bus Station, Basingstoke

Omega Park, Alton Wilsom Road, Alton Ashdell Road, Alton Civil Parish

Sainsburys, Alton Draymans Way, Alton Civil Parish

High Street, Alton 68-68A High Street, Alton Civil Parish

Drayman's Way, Alton 21c High Street, Alton Civil Parish

Normandy Street, Alton 12 Normandy Street, Alton Civil Parish

Amery Hill, Alton

Alton College, Holybourne

Old Odiham Road, Alton

Lime Avenue, Alton Alder Close, Alton Civil Parish

Greenelds Avenue, Alton

Wentworth Gardens, Alton

Northdown Way, Alton

The Golden Pot, Golden Pot New Odiham Road, Shalden Civil Parish

Powntley Copse

Goodhope Farm, South Warnborough

Pickaxe Lane, South Warnborough

Lees Hill, South Warnborough Lees Hill, South Warnborough Civil Parish

Down Farm, South Warnborough

Raf Odiham, Odiham Wessex Way, Odiham

Raf Odiham, Odiham Fulbrook Way, Odiham

Crownelds, Odiham

Priors Corner, North Warnborough B3349, Odiham Civil Parish

Castle Bridge Cottages, Warnborough Green

Lord Derby Roundabout, Warnborough Green Mill Lane, Odiham Civil Parish Berry Court, Hook

Rail Station, Hook

Old White Hart, Hook 5 Grand Parade, Hook

War Memorial, Hook London Road, Hook Civil Parish

The Hogget, Hook Common

Basingstoke Country Hotel, Heather Row

The Baredown, Nately Scures The Baredown, Newnham Civil Parish

Blackstocks Lane, Nately Scures

Water End Park, Water End Water End Park, Newnham Civil Parish

The Hatch, Old Basing

Byeet Avenue, Hatch

Dickens Lane, Old Basing Dickens Lane, Old Basing And Lychpit Civil Parish

Applegarth Close, Eastrop Hackwood Road, Basingstoke

Victoria Street, Eastrop

Flaxeld Court, Basingstoke Mortimer Lane, Basingstoke

Victory Roundabout, Basingstoke

Railway Station, Basingstoke Braine L'Alleud Road, Basingstoke

Bus Station, Basingstoke Barclays Churchill Plaza, Basingstoke Direction: Haslemere 13 bus Time Schedule 49 stops Haslemere Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 10:12 AM - 6:03 PM Alton College, Holybourne Tuesday 10:12 AM - 6:03 PM Alton College, Holybourne Wednesday 10:12 AM - 6:03 PM High Street, Alton Thursday Not Operational 49 High Street, Alton Civil Parish Friday 10:12 AM - 6:03 PM Windmill Hill, Alton Lower Turk Street, Alton Civil Parish Saturday 9:12 AM - 4:12 PM

Wilsom Road, Alton Ashdell Road, Alton Civil Parish

Omega Park, Alton 13 bus Info Direction: Haslemere Windmill Lane, Alton Stops: 49 Trip Duration: 54 min Three Horseshoes, East Worldham Line Summary: Alton College, Holybourne, Alton Caker's Lane, Worldham Civil Parish College, Holybourne, High Street, Alton, Windmill Hill, Alton, Wilsom Road, Alton, Omega Park, Alton, Tilling Cottages, East Worldham Windmill Lane, Alton, Three Horseshoes, East Worldham, Tilling Cottages, East Worldham, Bakers Bakers Farm, Kingsley Farm, Kingsley, The Cricketers Inn, Kingsley, Churchelds, Kingsley, Malthouse Farm, Sleaford, The Cricketers Inn, Kingsley New Inn Barns, Sleaford, Lion Court, Sleaford, Eco Station, Bordon Camp, Community Centre, Bordon, Canada Way, Bordon, Catholic Church, Bordon, Churchelds, Kingsley Saville Crescent, Bordon, Branson Road, Bordon, Norman Close, Bordon, Nightingale Road, Bordon, Malthouse Farm, Sleaford Garnet Road, Whitehill, Forest Road, Whitehill, Bus Turning Circle, Whitehill, Mayower Road, Whitehill, New Inn Barns, Sleaford Forest Road, Whitehill, Hollywater Crossroads, Hollywater, Standford Hill Bus Shelter, Standford, Lion Court, Sleaford Passeld Mill Ind Est, Passeld, The Green, Passeld, Conford Moor Turn, Conford, Conford Park, Conford, Eco Station, Bordon Camp Hunters Chase, Bramshott, The Co-Op, Liphook, St Lucia Park, Whitehill Civil Parish Village Hall, Liphook, Midhurst Road, Liphook, Midhurst Road, Liphook, Midhurst Road, Liphook, Community Centre, Bordon Midhurst Road, Liphook, Malthouse Meadows, Liphook, The Maltings, Liphook, Heath Road, Canada Way, Bordon Hammer, Shottermill Pond, Hammer, School Road, Camelsdale, Bridge, Camelsdale, Shepherd's Hill, Catholic Church, Bordon Haslemere, Town Hall, Haslemere

Saville Crescent, Bordon

Branson Road, Bordon

Norman Close, Bordon

Nightingale Road, Bordon

Garnet Road, Whitehill Conde Way, Whitehill Civil Parish

Forest Road, Whitehill Argyle Close, Whitehill Civil Parish

Bus Turning Circle, Whitehill Princes Close, Whitehill Civil Parish

Mayower Road, Whitehill MAYFLOWER ROAD, Whitehill Civil Parish

Forest Road, Whitehill

Hollywater Crossroads, Hollywater

Standford Hill Bus Shelter, Standford

Passeld Mill Ind Est, Passeld

The Green, Passeld

Conford Moor Turn, Conford

Conford Park, Conford

Hunters Chase, Bramshott

The Co-Op, Liphook 47 Headley Road, Liphook

Village Hall, Liphook Headley Road, Liphook

Midhurst Road, Liphook Shipley Court, Liphook

Midhurst Road, Liphook Midhurst Road, Liphook

Midhurst Road, Liphook Midhurst Road, Liphook

Midhurst Road, Liphook Shipley Court, Liphook

Malthouse Meadows, Liphook

The Maltings, Liphook

Heath Road, Hammer

Shottermill Pond, Hammer

School Road, Camelsdale Camelsdale Road, Linchmere Civil Parish

Bridge, Camelsdale

Shepherd's Hill, Haslemere Shepherd's Hill, Haslemere Town Hall, Haslemere 12 Lower Street, Haslemere Direction: Holybourne 13 bus Time Schedule 45 stops Holybourne Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 8:54 AM - 12:51 PM Midhurst Road, Liphook Midhurst Road, Liphook Tuesday 8:54 AM - 12:51 PM

Midhurst Road, Liphook Wednesday 8:54 AM - 12:51 PM Shipley Court, Liphook Thursday Not Operational The Square, Liphook Friday 8:54 AM - 12:51 PM The Square, Liphook Saturday Not Operational Village Hall, Liphook Headley Road, Liphook

The Co-Op, Liphook 47 Headley Road, Liphook 13 bus Info Direction: Holybourne Hunters Chase, Bramshott Stops: 45 Trip Duration: 34 min Conford Park, Conford Line Summary: Midhurst Road, Liphook, Midhurst Road, Liphook, The Square, Liphook, Village Hall, Conford Moor Turn, Conford Liphook, The Co-Op, Liphook, Hunters Chase, Bramshott, Conford Park, Conford, Conford Moor The Green, Passeld Turn, Conford, The Green, Passeld, Passeld Mill Ind Est, Passeld, Standford Hill Bus Shelter, Standford, Passeld Mill Ind Est, Passeld Hollywater Crossroads, Hollywater, Forest Road, Whitehill, Mayower Road, Whitehill, Bus Turning Standford Hill Bus Shelter, Standford Circle, Whitehill, Chase Hospital, Whitehill, Forest Road, Whitehill, Garnet Road, Whitehill, Nightingale Hollywater Crossroads, Hollywater Road, Bordon, Norman Close, Bordon, Branson Road, Bordon, Saville Crescent, Bordon, Chalet Hill Shops, Bordon, Catholic Church, Bordon, Canada Forest Road, Whitehill Way, Bordon, Post Oce, Bordon, Eco Station, Bordon Camp, Lion Court, Sleaford, New Inn Barns, Mayower Road, Whitehill Sleaford, Malthouse Farm, Sleaford, Churchelds, MAYFLOWER ROAD, Whitehill Civil Parish Kingsley, The Cricketers Inn, Kingsley, Bakers Farm, Kingsley, Tilling Cottages, East Worldham, Three Bus Turning Circle, Whitehill Horseshoes, East Worldham, Windmill Lane, Alton, Omega Park, Alton, Wilsom Road, Alton, Sainsburys, Chase Hospital, Whitehill Alton, High Street, Alton, Drayman's Way, Alton, Normandy Street, Alton, Amery Hill, Alton, Alton Forest Road, Whitehill College, Holybourne, Alton College, Holybourne Ashbury Road, Whitehill Civil Parish

Garnet Road, Whitehill Garnet Road, Whitehill Civil Parish

Nightingale Road, Bordon

Norman Close, Bordon NORMAN CLOSE, Whitehill Civil Parish

Branson Road, Bordon Varna Road, Whitehill Civil Parish

Saville Crescent, Bordon Chalet Hill, Whitehill Civil Parish

Chalet Hill Shops, Bordon Tilbury's Close, Whitehill Civil Parish

Catholic Church, Bordon

Canada Way, Bordon Essex Road, Whitehill Civil Parish

Post Oce, Bordon

Eco Station, Bordon Camp Farnham Road, Whitehill Civil Parish

Lion Court, Sleaford

New Inn Barns, Sleaford

Malthouse Farm, Sleaford

Churchelds, Kingsley

The Cricketers Inn, Kingsley

Bakers Farm, Kingsley

Tilling Cottages, East Worldham

Three Horseshoes, East Worldham

Windmill Lane, Alton

Omega Park, Alton

Wilsom Road, Alton Ashdell Road, Alton Civil Parish

Sainsburys, Alton Draymans Way, Alton Civil Parish

High Street, Alton 68-68A High Street, Alton Civil Parish

Drayman's Way, Alton 21c High Street, Alton Civil Parish

Normandy Street, Alton 12 Normandy Street, Alton Civil Parish

Amery Hill, Alton

Alton College, Holybourne

Alton College, Holybourne Direction: Liphook 13 bus Time Schedule 40 stops Liphook Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 6:37 AM - 4:25 PM Alton College, Holybourne Tuesday 6:37 AM - 4:25 PM Alton College, Holybourne Wednesday 6:37 AM - 4:25 PM High Street, Alton Thursday Not Operational 49 High Street, Alton Civil Parish Friday 6:37 AM - 4:25 PM Windmill Hill, Alton Lower Turk Street, Alton Civil Parish Saturday 6:37 AM - 5:33 PM

Wilsom Road, Alton Ashdell Road, Alton Civil Parish

Omega Park, Alton 13 bus Info Direction: Liphook Windmill Lane, Alton Stops: 40 Trip Duration: 40 min Three Horseshoes, East Worldham Line Summary: Alton College, Holybourne, Alton Caker's Lane, Worldham Civil Parish College, Holybourne, High Street, Alton, Windmill Hill, Alton, Wilsom Road, Alton, Omega Park, Alton, Tilling Cottages, East Worldham Windmill Lane, Alton, Three Horseshoes, East Worldham, Tilling Cottages, East Worldham, Bakers Bakers Farm, Kingsley Farm, Kingsley, The Cricketers Inn, Kingsley, Churchelds, Kingsley, Malthouse Farm, Sleaford, The Cricketers Inn, Kingsley New Inn Barns, Sleaford, Lion Court, Sleaford, Eco Station, Bordon Camp, Community Centre, Bordon, Canada Way, Bordon, Catholic Church, Bordon, Churchelds, Kingsley Saville Crescent, Bordon, Branson Road, Bordon, Norman Close, Bordon, Nightingale Road, Bordon, Malthouse Farm, Sleaford Garnet Road, Whitehill, Forest Road, Whitehill, Bus Turning Circle, Whitehill, Mayower Road, Whitehill, New Inn Barns, Sleaford Forest Road, Whitehill, Hollywater Crossroads, Hollywater, Standford Hill Bus Shelter, Standford, Lion Court, Sleaford Passeld Mill Ind Est, Passeld, The Green, Passeld, Conford Moor Turn, Conford, Conford Park, Conford, Eco Station, Bordon Camp Hunters Chase, Bramshott, The Co-Op, Liphook, St Lucia Park, Whitehill Civil Parish Village Hall, Liphook, Midhurst Road, Liphook, Midhurst Road, Liphook, Midhurst Road, Liphook Community Centre, Bordon

Canada Way, Bordon

Catholic Church, Bordon

Saville Crescent, Bordon

Branson Road, Bordon

Norman Close, Bordon

Nightingale Road, Bordon

Garnet Road, Whitehill Conde Way, Whitehill Civil Parish

Forest Road, Whitehill Argyle Close, Whitehill Civil Parish

Bus Turning Circle, Whitehill Princes Close, Whitehill Civil Parish

Mayower Road, Whitehill MAYFLOWER ROAD, Whitehill Civil Parish

Forest Road, Whitehill

Hollywater Crossroads, Hollywater

Standford Hill Bus Shelter, Standford

Passeld Mill Ind Est, Passeld

The Green, Passeld

Conford Moor Turn, Conford

Conford Park, Conford

Hunters Chase, Bramshott

The Co-Op, Liphook 47 Headley Road, Liphook

Village Hall, Liphook Headley Road, Liphook

Midhurst Road, Liphook Shipley Court, Liphook

Midhurst Road, Liphook Midhurst Road, Liphook

Midhurst Road, Liphook Midhurst Road, Liphook Direction: Odiham 13 bus Time Schedule 23 stops Odiham Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:40 AM Bus Station, Basingstoke Barclays Churchill Plaza, Basingstoke Tuesday 7:40 AM

Magistrates Court, Eastrop Wednesday 7:40 AM New Road, Basingstoke Thursday Not Operational Park Gates, Eastrop Friday 7:40 AM Hackwood Road cyclepath, Basingstoke Saturday Not Operational Applegarth Close, Eastrop Hackwood Road, Basingstoke

Dickens Lane, Old Basing Dickens Lane, Old Basing And Lychpit Civil Parish 13 bus Info Direction: Odiham Byeet Avenue, Hatch Stops: 23 London Road, Old Basing And Lychpit Civil Parish Trip Duration: 28 min Line Summary: Bus Station, Basingstoke, The Hatch, Old Basing Magistrates Court, Eastrop, Park Gates, Eastrop, Applegarth Close, Eastrop, Dickens Lane, Old Basing, Water End Park, Water End Byeet Avenue, Hatch, The Hatch, Old Basing, Water Water End Park, Newnham Civil Parish End Park, Water End, Blackstocks Lane, Nately Scures, The Baredown, Nately Scures, Basingstoke Blackstocks Lane, Nately Scures Country Hotel, Heather Row, The Hogget, Hook Common, War Memorial, Hook, Old White Hart, Hook, The Baredown, Nately Scures Rail Station, Hook, Berry Court, Hook, Lord Derby Roundabout, Warnborough Green, Castle Bridge Basingstoke Country Hotel, Heather Row Cottages, Warnborough Green, Priors Corner, North Warnborough, Crownelds, Odiham, Raf Odiham The Hogget, Hook Common Turning, Odiham, Raf Odiham, Odiham, Raf Odiham, Odiham War Memorial, Hook London Road, Hook Civil Parish

Old White Hart, Hook Foundry Close, Hook

Rail Station, Hook 7 Fairholmne Parade, Station Road

Berry Court, Hook

Lord Derby Roundabout, Warnborough Green Mill Lane, Odiham Civil Parish

Castle Bridge Cottages, Warnborough Green

Priors Corner, North Warnborough Dunleys Hill, Odiham Civil Parish

Crownelds, Odiham Alton Road, Odiham Raf Odiham Turning, Odiham

Raf Odiham, Odiham Wessex Way, Odiham

Raf Odiham, Odiham Fulbrook Way, Odiham Direction: Whitehill 13 bus Time Schedule 60 stops Whitehill Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 4:40 PM - 7:20 PM Bus Station, Basingstoke Barclays Churchill Plaza, Basingstoke Tuesday 4:40 PM - 7:20 PM

Magistrates Court, Eastrop Wednesday 4:40 PM - 7:20 PM New Road, Basingstoke Thursday Not Operational Park Gates, Eastrop Friday 4:40 PM - 7:20 PM Hackwood Road cyclepath, Basingstoke Saturday Not Operational Applegarth Close, Eastrop Hackwood Road, Basingstoke

Dickens Lane, Old Basing Dickens Lane, Old Basing And Lychpit Civil Parish 13 bus Info Direction: Whitehill Byeet Avenue, Hatch Stops: 60 London Road, Old Basing And Lychpit Civil Parish Trip Duration: 73 min Line Summary: Bus Station, Basingstoke, The Hatch, Old Basing Magistrates Court, Eastrop, Park Gates, Eastrop, Applegarth Close, Eastrop, Dickens Lane, Old Basing, Water End Park, Water End Byeet Avenue, Hatch, The Hatch, Old Basing, Water Water End Park, Newnham Civil Parish End Park, Water End, Blackstocks Lane, Nately Scures, The Baredown, Nately Scures, Basingstoke Blackstocks Lane, Nately Scures Country Hotel, Heather Row, The Hogget, Hook Common, War Memorial, Hook, Old White Hart, Hook, The Baredown, Nately Scures Rail Station, Hook, Berry Court, Hook, Lord Derby Roundabout, Warnborough Green, Castle Bridge Basingstoke Country Hotel, Heather Row Cottages, Warnborough Green, Priors Corner, North Warnborough, Crownelds, Odiham, Raf Odiham The Hogget, Hook Common Turning, Odiham, Raf Odiham, Odiham, Raf Odiham, Odiham, Raf Odiham Turning, Odiham, Down Farm, War Memorial, Hook South Warnborough, Lees Hill, South Warnborough, London Road, Hook Civil Parish Pickaxe Lane, South Warnborough, Goodhope Farm, South Warnborough, Powntley Copse, The Golden Old White Hart, Hook Pot, Golden Pot, Brandon Close, Alton, Wentworth Foundry Close, Hook Gardens, Alton, Greenelds Avenue, Alton, Lime Avenue, Alton, Old Odiham Road, Alton, Alton Rail Station, Hook College, Holybourne, High Street, Alton, Windmill Hill, 7 Fairholmne Parade, Station Road Alton, Wilsom Road, Alton, Omega Park, Alton, Windmill Lane, Alton, Three Horseshoes, East Berry Court, Hook Worldham, Tilling Cottages, East Worldham, Bakers Farm, Kingsley, The Cricketers Inn, Kingsley, Lord Derby Roundabout, Warnborough Green Churchelds, Kingsley, Malthouse Farm, Sleaford, New Inn Barns, Sleaford, Lion Court, Sleaford, Eco Mill Lane, Odiham Civil Parish Station, Bordon Camp, Community Centre, Bordon, Castle Bridge Cottages, Warnborough Green Canada Way, Bordon, Catholic Church, Bordon, Saville Crescent, Bordon, Branson Road, Bordon, Norman Close, Bordon, Nightingale Road, Bordon, Priors Corner, North Warnborough Garnet Road, Whitehill, Forest Road, Whitehill, Bus Dunleys Hill, Odiham Civil Parish Turning Circle, Whitehill Crownelds, Odiham Alton Road, Odiham Raf Odiham Turning, Odiham

Raf Odiham, Odiham Wessex Way, Odiham

Raf Odiham, Odiham Fulbrook Way, Odiham

Raf Odiham Turning, Odiham Wessex Way, Odiham

Down Farm, South Warnborough

Lees Hill, South Warnborough

Pickaxe Lane, South Warnborough

Goodhope Farm, South Warnborough

Powntley Copse

The Golden Pot, Golden Pot New Odiham Road, Shalden Civil Parish

Brandon Close, Alton

Wentworth Gardens, Alton

Greenelds Avenue, Alton

Lime Avenue, Alton

Old Odiham Road, Alton

Alton College, Holybourne

High Street, Alton 49 High Street, Alton Civil Parish

Windmill Hill, Alton Lower Turk Street, Alton Civil Parish

Wilsom Road, Alton Ashdell Road, Alton Civil Parish

Omega Park, Alton

Windmill Lane, Alton

Three Horseshoes, East Worldham Caker's Lane, Worldham Civil Parish

Tilling Cottages, East Worldham

Bakers Farm, Kingsley

The Cricketers Inn, Kingsley

Churchelds, Kingsley Malthouse Farm, Sleaford

New Inn Barns, Sleaford

Lion Court, Sleaford

Eco Station, Bordon Camp St Lucia Park, Whitehill Civil Parish

Community Centre, Bordon

Canada Way, Bordon

Catholic Church, Bordon

Saville Crescent, Bordon

Branson Road, Bordon

Norman Close, Bordon

Nightingale Road, Bordon

Garnet Road, Whitehill Conde Way, Whitehill Civil Parish

Forest Road, Whitehill Argyle Close, Whitehill Civil Parish

Bus Turning Circle, Whitehill 13 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in South West. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved