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• 1104 RI<~F TRADE~. ( HAMPFEIRE • REFRESHMENT RooMs-continued. Eccleshall J. & Sons, Pier street, San- Lodge A. 2()6 Commercial rd. Landpi1 Alesso Emilio, 23 King's rd. Sthsea down, Isle of Wight Lowe Mrs. S. Blackgang,Chale,Ventnr Andrews Mrs. M. 53Normandy st . .A..ltn Edwards Miss Mary, Medina rd.Cowes ¥adden Mrs. Eliza, 6t Forton l'Oad, Applin Mrs. Louisa., I3 Stour road, Emery John, 43 High street, Alton Forton, Gosport Christchurch English Mrs. Emily L. The Home" ~adden John, Handyman Avery Mrs. F. 19 Ordnance rd.Portsea stead, Highcliff, Christchurch Unicorn road; 7, g, II & I3 Spring Baker Fredk. 53 Osborne rd. Southsea Evans J. & Co. Lee-on-the-Solent, street & Station street, I.a.ndport Balfry Cecil, Toll Gate house, Slea- Gosport Marshall Mrs. L. Redhill, .Moordown, ford, Bordon Evans & Co.13 Above Bar st.Sthmptn Bournemouth Barton Frederick A. 6 Pier st. Ryde Fall Mrs. Alice, Victoria road, Wool- Martin Mrs. S. C. 86 Wimborne rd. Barton Tea House (Mrs. Zoe Fur- ston, Southampton Winton, Bournemouth neau:x, proprietress), Barton-on-Sea, Ferrari & Jacomelli, IBo High street, Mattocks J. 26 Triangle, Bournemth :New Milton SouthamlJtOn Mitchell Henry, I Parkwood l'O!id, Basselt R.2 to 6Commercial pl.Landpt Ferris Chas. I.B .A..lbert rd.Southmptn Pokesdown, Bournemouth Beacham Francis, Branksome chine, Ferris Silvanus John, 59 Victoria rd. Moretti & Lambert, 139, I40 & 141 BranksQme park, Bournemouth W uolston, Southampton High street, Southampton Beer Mrs. G. IBChurch st.Christchrch Field .A..lbt. Church st. Whitchurch Morgan Goorg~. 332 Shirley road, Bell Mrs. E. Lee-on-the-Solent,Gosprt Fisher Hy. St. Mary Bourne, Andover Freemantle, &nthampron Bellinger Richd. 104 Lake rd.Landport Foppoli L. & A. II3 & II{ High st. Morri8 Charle-s, I3 & IS Winchester Bennett Wm. E. The Docks, Sthmptn buuthampton street, Andover Berkeley Mrs. E. M. 35 High street, Frarnpton Mrs. Sarah, Station road, Moseley F. Lee-on-the-&Ient, Gospri Christchurch Netley Abbey, Southampton Moss Charles R. Prudential building•, Bertram & Co. Railway stn. Havant Frodsham Bros. West beach, Brnemth Commercial road, Landport Bignell James William, Ferncliff, Fry Mrs. Elizabeth Hannah, Castle st_ Munton John, 171 Wimborne rO&d, Esplanade, Shanklin Carisbrooke, Newport, Isle of W Winton, Bournemouth Bonomo & Vanzino, 78 Palmerston rd. Gallagher Henry, High street,Cosham Murray Richard, Southampton road, Southsea Gervis Hall Restaurant (W. Brice, Chandler's Ford, &uthampton Bridge Mrs_Kate.3 ,Leigh rd.Eastleigh manager), Gervis place & The Ar- New Forest Refreshment Rooms (Geo. Bridger Harry, York house. Cosham cade, Bournemouth Bull, propr.), High st. Lyndhurst Bright A. 41 ·Market st. Eastleigh Gibbs Frederick T. 7 Royal Crescent Newman Mrs. Isabella, Old Netley, Brown A. 46 Commercial rd.Brnemth road, Southampton Hound, Southampton Brown Mrs. Elizabeth, 212 Wimborne Gilbert Mrs. Ann Mary, 30 Oxford st. Nutter-Scott William,Tuckton creelu, road, Winton, Bournemouth Southampton Southbourne, Christchurch Budden Mrs. Elizabeth M. Horndean Giles Jesse, 2 New Cromwell road, Owen Mrs. Emily, 39 Above :Bar d. Buick Albert, I2 Arcade-, Landpurt Pokesdown, Bournemouth Southampton . Bullen Wm. Station rd. East Liss Godenzi & Son, 105 High st. Gosport OxHe~bhury Mr;;. AllCe. Charlotte, SI JO' street, Shir-ley, Southamptou Burden Mrs. S. St. Helen's, Ryde Godsell eh ar1 es W a 1ter, B roa d way. p "' G E hill Aid h_. 1 u• B l S 0 b d T tl d I I f W . ht ' a mer eo. ggars , ers ut er L. & on, ro & I2 s orne r . o an , se o 1g p 1. M' Ell L H' h i Sorlthsea Go hi er Mrs. Elmere, I St. Michael's awm;p mh t lSS en . IOI lg I . me es er Butler Mrs. M.E. Yarmouth, I. of W square, Southampton p C 2 Ch eh t Chriatchurch Cadena Cafes Ltd. I & 3 & 35 Old Goald Richard, Horseshoe bay, Bon- parry H. b0 t uEr s ·d R · h d B h .._ h h V t ayne er er , sp 1ana e, ye Chrlstchurc roa • ournemout "" c urc • en nor . Peake Mrs. Maria, Carisbrooke, New- 20 ~ 2 2 qsborne road, SontbsP.a Gray Mr~- Kate & Sons, H1gh street. port, Isle of Wight Campwn M1ss A very Ann, Bungalow Shankhn Pierce B Carisbrooke Newport I of W cafe, 15,7 Above B~r st. Southa~ptn Gre;.d W. A. 172 Wimborne road, Pink Mr~. C. Fair 0~, Eastl~igh Carley M1ss P. Bradmg, Isle of W1ght "mton, Bournemouth Pope Ha.rrv SS ,Park road Free- Carp.enter Mrs. Eliza, The Square, Gurd Miss Janet, 103 St. Mary's st. mantle. ~uthampton ' W1ckham, Fareham Southampton Purter Mrs Emily Sunnyside Sea· Ch~verton C. H. 24 King's ter. SthsPa Halson William Thomas, Royal pier. view, Ryde ' ' Ch1verton Horace, 86 George st. Ryde Town quay, Southampton Portsmouth United Breweries Ltd. Clark Charles, Victoria road, Netley Ham Wm. Si_-lchester, Reading(~erks) Fratton & Southsea station, Portl· Abbey, Southampton Hames T. :r.hlford-on-.Sea, Lymmgton mouth; Harbour Railway station, Clark ~am~el B. Shaftsbury street, Hanney Mrs. Fredenca, 22 Church The Hard, Portsea & Town station, Fordmgbndge street, Basmgstoke Commercial road Landport Clubb Harold William, 345 Christ- Hart Frederick Herbe-rt, 7 Palrnerston Portsmouth W. 37 'Bridge st. Andovr church rd Pokesdown,Bournemouth road, Boscombe, Bournemouth Pryer Mrs. Emily Adelaide, 21 High· College Res~aurant (Alfr~ Dean, Hatch.er Daniel, 49.a, Castle .rd. Sthsea land road, Eastney, Portsmouth mgr. ), 1 Kmg-sgate st. Wm~hester Hawkms _Chas. Railway sta.twn,C~wes Quarrier Gcorge, 22 & 23 St. James' Comont Rt_ II Church st.Chnstchrch Hayes M1ss Rata, 12 Floatmg Br1dge square, Newport, Isle of Wight Compton Richard Spencer, 44- Above road, Southampton Queen's Avenue Tea Rooirui (Hon. Bar street, Southampton Heath Ernest Kidd, Broadway, Tot- Mrs. Harbord, proprietre86), Camp Cosh L. G. Ravine road, Canford land, I~le of W.ight road, Farnborough cliffs. Bournemouth Hendy M1ss S. D1bde~, Southa!Dpton Read P. A.. Cold Ash hill, Liphook Cottin L.g & ro Oxford st.Southmptn He:xt Jas. G. L. Statwn rd. Rmgwd Richardson Mrs. W. 1 Corn mark~ Cox Thomas, 14 Palmerston rd. Bos- Hingley Cuthbert Richard,170 Christ- Rom;;;ey combe, 'Bournemouth church rd. Boscombe, Bournemouth Rickman Miss Emily, 56 PalmerstoD Cozins Cbas. The Docks, Southamptn Holland Arthur, Railway station. road, Boscombe, Bournemouth Crooks Mrs. Jane E. We~t street, Sa~down, Isle of Wight . Royal Sailors' Rest & People's Caf6, New Alresford Hopkms W. C. I5 New st. Basmg-st?ke 172 & I74 CommBrcial rd.; Chandot Crossfield A. 36 On slow rd. Southmptn Hughes A. 9 & 10 Church st. Chr1st- st. & I to 9 Buckingham st. Landprl Crumbie James, High street, Cosham church I Sampson Fdk. W. High st. Shanklin Cutler :Mrs. Fannv. The Beach, Mude- Humby Mn. Mary, Glen rd. Saris- Saundcrs Misses Ettie & Mary. 17 ford, Christchurch bury. Southampton Church street, Christchurch David Mr~.A. 200 Somers rd. Southsea In!!S Mrs. E. High st. Lyndhurst Saunders Mrs. M. F. Vine cottage. Davidson G.164 'Northam rd.Sthmptn Jackson & Starling, Fisherman's av. High street, Shanklin Davies Caleb, 16 Oxford st. Sthmptn Stourwood, Bournemout'h Soott Harry & George, I Marsh ]•ne, DP.ar Mrs. Edith, Ye Olde Tea Shoppe, .Tackson Mrs. Ada, 7 Lake rd.Landprt Southampton Brockenhurst . Jacbon GeorQ'e _A.. 7 St. Mary's st. Scovell Miss E.Uen, 12 Bedford place. Denham James, Glen Holme, Car1s- & n2 East st. Southampton Southampton brooke, Newport, Isle of Wight Jack~nn lfp~rv John, 8 Winchester Seidenstuch.er Ernest John, High d. Denham Samuel. The Square. YaT- street. Basmgstoke Wickham Fareham • month. Isle (If WiQ"ht James Albert, MarkPt street. Ventnor Sibley Christ-opher, High cliff, SOCP' Dibden P. T. G. 'ii High st Aldershot .Tohn~on J.High ~t.Wootton,Isle of W combe road, Sh'<lnklin DickPnson Jn. Maydon, 25 Seabourne Tones Mrs. A. Regent street, Shanklin Simister B. 68 Fawcett rd. Southst!l road, Pokesdown, Bournemouth Jones Miss G. 'M. Portsdown. Cosham Skelton Mrs. L. 73' Lake rd.I.endporl Driver George H. 7 Edinburgh road, Kent Mrs. Anna Cretia, Pnrbrook Slack William, 37 North st. Portsea Landport & 4 & 5 TheHard,Portsea hpath. Widley. Co~ham Smith MI"s. Jane. 83 Union st. Ryde Dumpers' Ltd. Market house. High Kime A. Shipton-Bellinger. Andover Smith L. P. 6g Castle Td. Southsea !ltreet & City rPstaurant, Jewry st. Knight H-4 & sChnrch st.Christobrch Smith Sydney, 63 Tower road, Boi- Winche~ter Limb Miss Cath. Esplanade, Ventnor combe, Bournemouth Ebborn Geo. Albert. IOI &; 102 High Lof'kley Mrs. Susan, Liphook road. Snudden Ba:ney, Esplanade,Sandown. street • Southampton Greatham • East Liss Lsle of W1ght .