• 1104 RI<~F TRADE~. ( HAMPFEIRE •

REFRESHMENT RooMs-continued. Eccleshall J. & Sons, Pier street, San- Lodge A. 2()6 Commercial rd. Landpi1 Alesso Emilio, 23 King's rd. Sthsea down, Isle of Wight Lowe Mrs. S. Blackgang,Chale,Ventnr Andrews Mrs. M. 53Normandy st . .A..ltn Edwards Miss Mary, Medina rd.Cowes ¥adden Mrs. Eliza, 6t Forton l'Oad, Applin Mrs. Louisa., I3 Stour road, Emery John, 43 High street, Alton Forton, Christchurch English Mrs. Emily L. The Home" ~adden John, Handyman Avery Mrs. F. 19 Ordnance rd.Portsea stead, Highcliff, Christchurch Unicorn road; 7, g, II & I3 Spring Baker Fredk. 53 Osborne rd. Evans J. & Co. Lee-on-the-Solent, street & Station street, I.a.ndport Balfry Cecil, Toll Gate house, Slea- Gosport Marshall Mrs. L. Redhill, .Moordown, ford, Bordon Evans & Co.13 Above Bar st.Sthmptn Bournemouth Barton Frederick A. 6 Pier st. Ryde Fall Mrs. Alice, Victoria road, Wool- Martin Mrs. S. C. 86 Wimborne rd. Barton Tea House (Mrs. Zoe Fur- ston, Winton, Bournemouth neau:x, proprietress), Barton-on-Sea, Ferrari & Jacomelli, IBo High street, Mattocks J. 26 Triangle, Bournemth : SouthamlJtOn Mitchell Henry, I Parkwood l'O!id, Basselt R.2 to 6Commercial pl.Landpt Ferris Chas. I.B .A..lbert rd.Southmptn Pokesdown, Bournemouth Beacham Francis, Branksome chine, Ferris Silvanus John, 59 Victoria rd. Moretti & Lambert, 139, I40 & 141 BranksQme park, Bournemouth W uolston, Southampton High street, Southampton Beer Mrs. G. IBChurch st.Christchrch Field .A..lbt. Church st. Whitchurch Morgan Goorg~. 332 Shirley road, Bell Mrs. E. Lee-on-the-Solent,Gosprt Fisher Hy. St. Mary Bourne, Andover Freemantle, &nthampron Bellinger Richd. 104 Lake rd.Landport Foppoli L. & A. II3 & II{ High st. Morri8 Charle-s, I3 & IS Bennett Wm. E. The Docks, Sthmptn buuthampton street, Andover Berkeley Mrs. E. M. 35 High street, Frarnpton Mrs. Sarah, Station road, Moseley F. Lee-on-the-&Ient, Gospri Christchurch Netley Abbey, Southampton Moss Charles R. Prudential building•, Bertram & Co. Railway stn. Frodsham Bros. West beach, Brnemth Commercial road, Landport Bignell James William, Ferncliff, Fry Mrs. Elizabeth Hannah, Castle st_ Munton John, 171 Wimborne rO&d, Esplanade, Shanklin Carisbrooke, Newport, Isle of W Winton, Bournemouth Bonomo & Vanzino, 78 Palmerston rd. Gallagher Henry, High street,Cosham Murray Richard, Southampton road, Southsea Gervis Hall Restaurant (W. Brice, Chandler's Ford, &uthampton Bridge Mrs_Kate.3 ,Leigh rd. manager), Gervis place & The Ar- New Forest Refreshment Rooms (Geo. Bridger Harry, York house. Cosham cade, Bournemouth Bull, propr.), High st. Lyndhurst Bright A. 41 ·Market st. Eastleigh Gibbs Frederick T. 7 Royal Crescent Newman Mrs. Isabella, Old Netley, Brown A. 46 Commercial rd.Brnemth road, Southampton Hound, Southampton Brown Mrs. Elizabeth, 212 Wimborne Gilbert Mrs. Ann Mary, 30 Oxford st. Nutter-Scott William,Tuckton creelu, road, Winton, Bournemouth Southampton Southbourne, Christchurch Budden Mrs. Elizabeth M. Giles Jesse, 2 New Cromwell road, Owen Mrs. Emily, 39 Above :Bar d. Buick Albert, I2 Arcade-, Landpurt Pokesdown, Bournemouth Southampton . Bullen Wm. Station rd. East Liss Godenzi & Son, 105 High st. Gosport OxHe~bhury Mr;;. AllCe. Charlotte, SI JO' street, Shir-ley, Southamptou Burden Mrs. S. St. Helen's, Ryde Godsell eh ar1 es W a 1ter, B roa d way. p "' G E hill Aid h_. 1 u• B l S 0 b d T tl d I I f W . ht ' a mer eo. ggars , ers ut er L. & on, ro & I2 s orne r . o an , se o 1g p 1. M' Ell L H' h i Sorlthsea Go hi er Mrs. Elmere, I St. Michael's awm;p mh t lSS en . IOI lg I . me es er Butler Mrs. M.E. Yarmouth, I. of W square, Southampton p C 2 Ch eh t Chriatchurch Cadena Cafes Ltd. I & 3 & 35 Old Goald Richard, Horseshoe bay, Bon- parry H. b0 t uEr s ·d R · h d B h .._ h h V t ayne er er , sp 1ana e, ye Chrlstchurc roa • ournemout "" c urc • en nor . Peake Mrs. Maria, Carisbrooke, New- 20 ~ 2 2 qsborne road, SontbsP.a Gray Mr~- Kate & Sons, H1gh street. port, Isle of Wight Campwn M1ss A very Ann, Bungalow Shankhn Pierce B Carisbrooke Newport I of W cafe, 15,7 Above B~r st. Southa~ptn Gre;.d W. A. 172 Wimborne road, Pink Mr~. C. Fair 0~, Eastl~igh Carley M1ss P. Bradmg, Isle of W1ght "mton, Bournemouth Pope Ha.rrv SS ,Park road Free- Carp.enter Mrs. Eliza, The Square, Gurd Miss Janet, 103 St. Mary's st. mantle. ~uthampton ' W1ckham, Southampton Purter Mrs Emily Sunnyside Sea· Ch~verton C. H. 24 King's ter. SthsPa Halson William Thomas, Royal pier. view, Ryde ' ' Ch1verton Horace, 86 George st. Ryde Town quay, Southampton United Breweries Ltd. Clark Charles, Victoria road, Netley Ham Wm. Si_-lchester, Reading(~erks) Fratton & Southsea station, Portl· Abbey, Southampton Hames T. :r.hlford-on-.Sea, Lymmgton mouth; Harbour Railway station, Clark ~am~el B. Shaftsbury street, Hanney Mrs. Fredenca, 22 Church The Hard, Portsea & Town station, Fordmgbndge street, Basmgstoke Commercial road Landport Clubb Harold William, 345 Christ- Hart Frederick Herbe-rt, 7 Palrnerston Portsmouth W. 37 'Bridge st. Andovr church rd Pokesdown,Bournemouth road, Boscombe, Bournemouth Pryer Mrs. Emily Adelaide, 21 High· College Res~aurant (Alfr~ Dean, Hatch.er Daniel, 49.a, Castle .rd. Sthsea land road, Eastney, Portsmouth mgr. ), 1 Kmg-sgate st. Wm~hester Hawkms _Chas. Railway sta.twn,C~wes Quarrier Gcorge, 22 & 23 St. James' Comont Rt_ II Church st.Chnstchrch Hayes M1ss Rata, 12 Floatmg Br1dge square, Newport, Isle of Wight Compton Richard Spencer, 44- Above road, Southampton Queen's Avenue Tea Rooirui (Hon. Bar street, Southampton Heath Ernest Kidd, Broadway, Tot- Mrs. Harbord, proprietre86), Camp Cosh L. G. Ravine road, Canford land, I~le of W.ight road, Farnborough cliffs. Bournemouth Hendy M1ss S. D1bde~, Southa!Dpton Read P. A.. , Cottin L.g & ro Oxford st.Southmptn He:xt Jas. G. L. Statwn rd. Rmgwd Richardson Mrs. W. 1 Corn mark~ Cox Thomas, 14 Palmerston rd. Bos- Hingley Cuthbert Richard,170 Christ- Rom;;;ey combe, 'Bournemouth church rd. Boscombe, Bournemouth Rickman Miss Emily, 56 PalmerstoD Cozins Cbas. The Docks, Southamptn Holland Arthur, Railway station. road, Boscombe, Bournemouth Crooks Mrs. Jane E. We~t street, Sa~down, Isle of Wight . Royal Sailors' Rest & People's Caf6, New Alresford Hopkms W. C. I5 New st. Basmg-st?ke 172 & I74 CommBrcial rd.; Chandot Crossfield A. 36 On slow rd. Southmptn Hughes A. 9 & 10 Church st. Chr1st- st. & I to 9 Buckingham st. Landprl Crumbie James, High street, Cosham church I Sampson Fdk. W. High st. Shanklin Cutler :Mrs. Fannv. The Beach, Mude- Humby Mn. Mary, Glen rd. Saris- Saundcrs Misses Ettie & Mary. 17 ford, Christchurch bury. Southampton Church street, Christchurch David Mr~.A. 200 Somers rd. Southsea In!!S Mrs. E. High st. Lyndhurst Saunders Mrs. M. F. Vine cottage. Davidson G.164 'Northam rd.Sthmptn Jackson & Starling, Fisherman's av. High street, Shanklin Davies Caleb, 16 Oxford st. Sthmptn Stourwood, Bournemout'h Soott Harry & George, I Marsh ]•ne, DP.ar Mrs. Edith, Ye Olde Tea Shoppe, .Tackson Mrs. Ada, 7 Lake rd.Landprt Southampton Brockenhurst . Jacbon GeorQ'e _A.. 7 St. Mary's st. Scovell Miss E.Uen, 12 Bedford place. Denham James, Glen Holme, Car1s- & n2 East st. Southampton Southampton brooke, Newport, Isle of Wight Jack~nn lfp~rv John, 8 Winchester Seidenstuch.er Ernest John, High d. Denham Samuel. The Square. YaT- street. Basmgstoke Wickham Fareham • month. Isle (If WiQ"ht James Albert, MarkPt street. Ventnor Sibley Christ-opher, High cliff, SOCP' Dibden P. T. G. 'ii High st .Tohn~on J.High ~t.Wootton,Isle of W combe road, Sh'