$1 Fort Borst Early Week Edition Light Show Tuesday, Goes On / Main 3 Dec. 23, 2014 Reaching 110,000 Readers in Print and Online — www.chronline.com 2014 All-Area Hard Work Volleyball Team on Holiday Calli Hensch Highlights the Lewis Christmas Isn’t a Day County Area’s Top Talent / Sports 1 Off for Everyone / Life 1 Winlock’s Cardinal Glass Subject to Carbon Plan ‘MAJOR POLLUTERS’: Two Lewis County busi- released by the Washington “(Gov. Jay Inslee) is trying to operation. nesses are included on the state’s Department of Ecology to to be generate revenue for the bud- “It’s in our best interest to op- PacificCorp, Puget list of enterprises to be impacted tracked under the Carbon Pollu- get. It doesn’t seem like he has erate efficiently. Energy is a huge Sound Energy Would by Gov. Jay Inslee’s proposed ef- tion Accountability Act. any initiative to improve global cost,” he said. forts to regulate greenhouse gas- Steve Smith, plant manager warming,” he said. Smith said the glass manu- Also Fall Under Inslee’s ses. for Cardinal Glass, said the Smith said it’s in his com- facturer emits half a ton of car- Cap-and-Trade Plan PacifiCorp Energy in Che- proposed legislation is a tax on pany’s best interest to be as ef- bon dioxide for every ton of glass halis and Cardinal Glass in industry rather than an earnest ficient as possible, but the very produced. The plant makes 600 By Dameon Pesanti Winlock join Puget Sound En- attempt to protect the environ- nature of glass manufacturing
[email protected] ergy on a list of organizations ment.