ANNUAL REPORT Northern Territory Hockey Association



NT HOCKEY Major Sponsors

Australian Hockey League Major Sponsors

Minor Sponsors

Indigenous Sports Program Austec Irrigation

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NT Hockey Association 2009

Patron: Keith Kemp

Executive Committee

President: Richard Bryson Senior Vice President: Bill Van Dijk Vice-President: (Men) Tracey Parker Vice-President: (Women) Karen Markos Vice President: (Marrara) Vacant (Brad Hayward - January to June 2009) Media Coordinator: Vacant Treasurer: Andrew Hahn Umpiring Coordinator: Vacant Coaching Director: Vacant


Executive Officer: Michael Lloyd Operations Manager: Daniel Hayes Development Officer: Neil Gerrard (part-time) Project Officer Jenni Dexter Financial Officer: Ian Miller & Sandy Hayes

NT Institute of Sport Coach: Melissa Hall

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Aim: To develop high performance coaches.

Objectives: 1. To identify high performance coaches within the NT. 2. To monitor the performance of NTHA State coaches and assist to become better coaches. 3. To annually make recommendations to the NTHA for the appointment of coaches to various State sides. 4. To provide feedback and support to State Coaches through the NTC Coach. 5. To make recommendations for any changes required to the pathway and structure of the NTHA Elite program.

Committee Composition: The Committee will be chaired by the Coaching Director and consist of: Coaching Director Development Officer NTC Coach NTHA Admin & Facilities Manager (provide administrative support) Two highly qualified coaches - preferably not currently coaching State sides and including at least one female if possible. One highly respected Coach from another sporting code. (12 month appointments to be made by the NTHA Executive)


Establish a process for monitoring and reviewing the performance of State Coaches. Draw up a plan for allocation of Committee work load to ensure all Coaches are viewed. Meet as required (minimum three times per year) to 1. Pre season - establish the process and workloads. 2. Mid season - review process and feedback on coach performance 3. Post season - feedback on coach performance and make recommendations for the next year's appointments, changes to coach selection processes and the elite player development pathway. 4. Debrief of coaches following state team debrief. 5. Monitor the Coach selection processes and recommend to NTHA any areas for improvement.

2009 Committee Members:

Head Coach: Vacant HPC Chairperson: Kelly Skippings Members: Melissa Hall Eva Lawler Joe Kelly Karen Markos Ingvar Dyrting Daniel Hayes John Keirs

NT Hockey - 2009 Annual Report Page 4 NTHA Delegates and Membership 2009

Alice Springs Hockey Association

Bill Van Dijk

Darwin Hockey Association OCIATION OCKEY ASS DARWIN H Doreen Walton

Gove Hockey Association


Membership Profile

Darwin Alice Springs Senior Males 287 41 (18 Years & over Senior Females 326 67 (18 Years & over) Junior Males 281 35 (17 Years & under) Junior Females 317 30 (17 Years & under) Total Male 568 76 Total Female 643 97 Regional Totals 1211 173

NT Hockey - 2009 Annual Report Page 5 NTHA Honours

Life Members

Les Finnis * Geoff Gray Geoff Sharples

Ian Miller Arthur Chuck * Stewart Cox

Dot Durack * Helen O’Bryan Noel Condon

Gordon Clarke Beryl Conversi Barry Humphries *

Ted D’Ambrosio* Bev Sinclair Keith Kemp

Jack Hughes Garry Halvorson* David Moore

Phillipa March Robert Bulasch


Player Life Members

Jan McMahon John Keirs Chantrelle Carey

David Hennessy Michelle Caden

Merit Awards

Bev Sinclair Dulcie West Stan Rance

Eva Lawler Alan Marshall Jan McMahon

Geoff Gebhard Tony O’Bryan Janet Amadio

Roger Newman Debra Moore Lill Finniss

Vince Yuen Brad Ainslie Kath McMahon

John Price

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National Selections 2009

2009 Kookaburras Squad: • Desmond Abbott •

2009 Hockeyroos Squad: • Heather Langham

AIS Scholarship Holders: • Desmond Abbott • Joel Carroll • Leon Hayward • Heather Langham

Australian Youth Olympics: • Heather Langham • Leon Hayward

2009 National Junior Squads: • Heather Langham • Adrian Lockley • Leon Hayward • Robert Duguid

2009 Men’s Junior Team: • Adrian Lockley • Leon Hayward

2009 Women’s Junior World Cup Team: • Heather Langham

Australian Veterans Womens Assistant Coach over 40 Team: • Keisha Clarke

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International and National Tours 2009

Hockeyroos: Heather Langham Test Matches 28-31 May 2009 Durban, Spar Cup 2-6 June 2009 Durban, South Africa Samsung –Women 11-19 July 2009 , NSW

Jillaroos: Heather Langham Junior World Cup Qualifiers 11-13 December 2009 Brisbane, Queensland Silver Medallist - Australian Youth Olympic Festival 14-18 January 2009 Sydney, NSW Junior World Cup Boston, USA

Kookaburras: Des Abbott Kookaburra Summer Series 4 Test Series v 20-25 January 2009 Busselton, Bunbury & , Western 3 Test Series v Belgium 5-8 February 2009 , ACT BDO Hamburg Masters 2009 4-7 June 2009 Hamburg, 2009 European Tour 10-12 June 2009 2009 ABN AMRO Hockey Champions Trophy-Men 28 November-6 December 2009 Melbourne, Victoria

Joel Carroll 2009 European Tour 26 May-2 June 2009 & Germany BDO Hamburg Masters 2009 4-7 June 2009 Hamburg, Germany 2009 European Tour 10-12 June 2009 England Burras: Adrian Lockley Junior World Cup Qualifiers 11-14 December 2009 Brisbane, Queensland 9th Men’s Junior World Cup 7-21 June 2009 Johor, & SIS/SAS Tour November 2009

Leon Hayward Australian Youth Olympic Festival 14-18 January 2009 Sydney, NSW 9th Men’s Junior World Cup 7-21 June 2009 Johor, Malaysia & Singapore

Robert Duguid SIA/SAS Tour November 2009 China

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NT Hockey Association President’s Report

Another busy year in hockey has come and gone. I would like to extend a warm welcome to Baden Sharp who has recently taken over the role as Executive Officer. Suffice to say he has a challenging job ahead of him in the next few months as he tries to find his feet whilst addressing a number of time critical responsibilities as the new season approaches.

Hockey in the Northern Territory celebrated its’ 60th birthday last year. Well done to Doreen and her team at DHA for putting on a fitting celebration for our sport. As I looked back over the official testimonials from the 50 th anniversary of hockey in Darwin, I was reminded of all the inspirational individuals who made significant contributions to hockey in the formative years. It is appropriate from time to time to engage in mature reflection in regards to how our sport came into being in the Northern Territory, and its evolutionary processes in getting to where we are today. That said, it is also proper to reflect upon where the sport is currently positioned, and to hypothesise about where it will be placed for the next generation of players as we look to the future growth of hockey in the Northern Territory.

Any cursory perusal of the historical records indicates that those who forged the foundations of the sport in Darwin in order to get us to where we are today had positive visions that helped to put in place facilities that we now have which are on par with any in the country. These facilities have enhanced the skills and competitiveness of our players exponentially, providing a genuine pathway opportunity to the highest level for those that aspire to it.

Commensurate with the size of our player base, from a representative perspective we are punching well above our fighting weight. In the past 12 months we have had 2 players in the Australian Men’s team, one player in the Australian Women’s team, 2 players in the Australian Men’s Junior World Cup team and one player in the Australian Women’s Junior World Cup team.

These achievements are outstanding having regard for the size of our jurisdiction and are testament to our robust development pathway that we have been refining over many years. To think that we have had an Olympic medallist from the Northern Territory at every Olympics since 1996.

As proud as we all should be of these kinds of achievements we should be under no illusion where our sport is currently positioned. These are financially difficult times and the news as to the current state of play is not all beer and skittles. In recent years the Gove Hockey Association has in effect folded at in the context of proper is currently defunct. The Alice Springs competition continues only because of the untiring efforts of a few individuals who have dedicated their time and experience for many years on a continuous basis to ensure the competition remains viable. Their tenures can not

NT Hockey - 2009 Annual Report Page 9 continue forever, as even the most dedicated must finally take their leave. I worry if there are a new generation of individuals who are prepared to step up and ensure the sport continues in Alice Springs as it does today.

Whilst the competition here in Darwin is currently healthy and viable and has significant opportunity for growth and expansion as the Palmerston sporting precinct comes online, I proffer that the Darwin competition also only survives as it does thanks to the efforts of a few dedicated individuals who also continue to give their time freely to ensure this is the case. It appears those that are prepared to step up and contribute are largely the same year in and year out and their number are few as compared to those who only take from the sport and contribute little other than criticism and negativity. Unless more people are prepared to assist in the management and development of the sport the opportunities on offer will go begging.

One final point on the continued development of our talented athletes. This pathway is under serious threat from recent decisions taken by the NTIS and the NT Government. The operational budget for our athletes holding scholarships has been reduced in real terms by 80% in the latest sport agreement being offered by the Government. This appears to be in order to accommodate 5 new sports into the institute without any additional funding. The funding allocation from the institute should be based on results and meeting identified KPI’s. Hockey is the only sport truly meeting it’s KPI’s yet has been offered the same amount of funding as other sports who have not achieved anywhere near the same results.

As President, after serious soul searching and discussion with the Board I was unwilling to sign the current sports agreement in its current form. This decision has not been taken lightly. My strong view is that to sign the agreement in its current form would be to set us up to fail in that it would be the beginning of the end for our talented athletes, they would be unlikely to have the requisite support in the future to have the opportunity to play at the highest levels. A delegation from the Board is meeting with the Minister for Sport to discuss this and other important issues for Northern Territory hockey on Friday 5 th March and a short update should be available at the AGM on Saturday 6 th March of any outcomes or commitments given at that meeting. The signing of the sports agreement will be one of the most pressing issues for the new Board. I urge all with an active interest in our sport to properly inform themselves on the issue.

I said it last year in my report and I will say it again this year. Hockey in the Northern Territory is at a crossroads. We are getting very little support from Government relative to our athlete development and achievement. From a budgetary perspective we have been operating at a significant loss for a number of consecutive years and the status quo can not continue. Some hard decisions will need to be taken over coming months by the new Board as they deliberate over issues such as the setting of facility hire rates and levies going forward.

I can’t say it more bluntly than this. More people need to be prepared to ask themselves how they might make a small contribution to our sport. We all lead busy lives but if the

NT Hockey - 2009 Annual Report Page 10 majority of the player base continue to just play their game and go home the sport can not prosper.

Unfortunately my family situation has recently changed and I am not in a position to stand again as President. Thank you to the other Board members and office staff for their efforts and contributions during my tenure. I ask that you get behind the new President and Board and work collaboratively with Baden to advance our great sport. I wish the sport well and look forward to assisting the new Board in any way possible into the future.

Richard Bryson President NTHA

NT Hockey - 2009 Annual Report Page 11 EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S REPORT

A hectic 2008 continued at the end of the financial year with the hosting of the Men’s Veterans Competition. For a small organisation to run a tournament involving 49 teams was a great feat and a big thank you must go to all the staff, technical bench and volunteers who worked tirelessly to make sure everything went as smoothly as possible. It was great to see Joel Carroll join Des Abbott in the Kookaburra’s side. With Heather Langham selected for the Hockeyroos, and Leon Hayward making the Under 21 Australian side along with incumbent Adrian Lockley, NT Hockey’s pathways are continuing to breed success.

Sponsors The Northern Territory Government, through the Department of Sport and Recreation, and Northern Territory Institute of Sport, continue to be a major contributor to NT Hockey. Without their help we could not continue to have international class facilities and send away eight State Teams every year. We would also like to acknowledge the ongoing support of the following sponsors; Cazalys Palmerston Club, Parap Village Apartments, Kukri Sports, NAB, Express Signs and Austec Irrigation.

Development The addition of two staff members with hockey coaching skills was great news for NT Hockey in 08/09. While having no full-time development officer, the fact that our Operations Manager and Administration are both practicing coaches aided our part-time development officer to expand the current programs as well as focusing more on Hockey ED. Holiday camps and free come and try days have led to a big boost in Under 8s, with a focus now on keeping these kids through the pathway while improving their skills and increasing their enjoyment and knowledge of the game.

Events As previously mentioned, NT hosted the Men’s Veterans tournament in mid 2008. The first half of 2009 saw us organising AHL Home weekends, the Arafura Games, Under 18 Men’s Nationals and NT Under 15 Championships. This was a heavy workload for a small staff contingent, but I am proud to say we got through with flying colours. A big thank you to the interstate Under 18 players, officials, and supporters who showed great spirit on and off the field, and were always a pleasure to talk to.

Conclusion Hockey continues to be the only team sport in the Northern Territory to participate in the highest level of National competition. This is a battle financially for the players and NT Hockey, but a battle worth fighting when you achieve the results we have. Thank you to and all the other States and Territories who have to continued to help NT Hockey and myself, we believe that there are a lot of positives to hockey’s future in Australia.

Michael Lloyd Executive Officer NTHA

NT Hockey - 2009 Annual Report Page 12 NT Institute of Sport Awards 2009

Volunteer Recognition Award: • Steve Versteegh (Southern Region) • Nick Jones • Tracey Parker • Chantrelle King • Mark Davis

ACE Commitment to Excellence Award: • Robert Duguid (Male)

Carbine Club NTIS Junior Athlete of the Year: • Heather Langham (Female)

Carbine Club NTIS Athlete of the Year : • Desmond Abbott

NTIS Squad Athlete of the Year : • Dylan Hill (Male) • Aleesha Thompson (Female)

NT Hockey - 2009 Annual Report Page 13 NT Institute of Sport Hockey Program 2008/2009 Scholarship Holders

NTIS Coaching Support:- • Melissa Hall – Head Coach • Chantrelle Carey – Assistant Coach • Stephen Versteegh – Assistant Coach (Southern Region)

Individual Athlete Scholarship Holders:- Elite Scholarship : • Desmond Abbott

Carbine Club Elite Development Scholarship : • Heather Langham • Joel Carroll • Leon Hayward • Adrian Lockley • Robert Duguid

NTIS Squads Scholarship Holders:-

Dwayne Abbott Daniel Robinson Sarah Paul Stewart Bryson Ben Tilbrook Brooke Peris Apara Brewster Stephen Tonkiss Caitlin Porter Nathan Edwards Shyne Brenton Elle Richardson Tarrant Haami-Jones Jodie Brown Aleesha Thompson Elizabeth Duguid Dylan Hill Tori Lockley

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NTIS Annual Report 2009

The NTIS Hockey Program has experienced unprecedented success in 2009, with a record number of athletes representing Australia at all age levels. Further, as the new Olympic cycle begins we are already turning our attention to London 2012. Like Desmond Abbott has, many NTIS athletes are commencing along a road that will require long training hours, dedication, sacrifices, failures and success in order to emulate our past Olympians.

In 2009 Five NTIS athletes represented Australia in a range of International events. The year started with Heather Langham and Leon Hayward both winning medals at the Australian Youth Olympic Festival. This was followed by a series of International tours throughout the year in both Senior and Junior teams for Langham, Hayward, Abbott, Joel Carroll, Robert Duguid & Adrian Lockley. Carroll, Abbott & Langham were rewarded for their performances with AIS scholarships. Lockley & Hayward won Silver Medals at the Junior World Cup in July whilst Abbott won Gold and Langham came home with Silver at their respective Champions Trophy events which were held on home soil.

As part of an initiative to expand our athletes competition experiences NTIS players were involved in 3 SIS/SAS Interstate camps, 1 SIS/SAS tour to China, 2 NTID Camps and 1 Hockey Australia Futures Camp. This allowed our NTIS athletes to compete, train and experience elite competition against other SIS/SAS athletes and International opponents. 2 Camps were held during the Champions Trophy events and it allowed our potential male and female athletes to see first hand Elite International Teams vying for success against our very own players in Langham & Abbott. These tours are a first step in athletes realising their potential. Each tour provides a platform for each athlete to challenge themselves against the best in the country. They are also able to gauge their own developments and identify those areas for attention. A very sincere thank you must go to all you who supported these initiatives in time, effort and funds.

Many NTIS athletes represented the NT in State Teams in 2009. It was pleasing to see our NT sides winning games and demonstrating the skill level that is being developed locally. This ability to perform on a truly National Stage is a unique opportunity that Hockey has in the NT and we must continue to improve our performances on this big stage. It was extremely pleasing to see that all of our ‘Interstate based players’ continued to make themselves available for their respective teams. This provides strong role models and leadership to our local teams and the NTIS will continue to support this into the future

Over the past 12 months the NTIS has reshaped and streamlined the scholarships on offer. During the next 4 years the Hockey Program will have 3 Tiers of athletes – Individual Athlete Scholarships, Tier 1 & Tier 2 along with a Rookie program that will sit just outside of the NTIS. It is the aim of the NTIS Hockey program to provide an elite quality daily training environment for athletes who have the potential to become Australian representatives at either a Junior or Senior level.

The pressure will be on all of our athletes and coaches to continue to produce these outstanding results of 2009. I would like to thank all the athletes and all those involved with the NTIS Hockey program for their positive attitude, good humour and hard work throughout the year. Individual athlete success does not just happen. It is the result of many years of training and support from a wide range of people. Thank you to everyone who has been involved in the NTIS Hockey past present and future.

Melissa Hall

NTIS Head Coach

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Darwin Hockey Association President’s Report

Darwin Hockey Association celebrated their 60th years of hockey with a few events, with a “Back to Alawa” day and a “Formal 60 th Anniversary Celebrations Dinner”. It was in recognition of the contribution of many hockey people from the hockey community over 60 years.

Darwin Hockey Association can boast that they have three and four generations of hockey families still currently participating and playing. These families continue to be a strong part of the community. We have also produced a number of players and officials who have gone on to play or officiate at the elite level, representing Australia and doing the Northern Territory proud.

Within Australia the Northern Territory has produced per captor the most number of National players from such a small player base and we can acknowledge that we are up there with the best.

It all started with the players in the junior competition with Darwin Hockey. With this in mind hockey can only continue to produce these players and officials well into in the future.

Keith Kemp was presented with life membership for his continued support to hockey. He received a standing ovation when presented with his life membership and a travel package to attend the ABN AMRO Hockey Champions Trophy - Men 2009 being held in Melbourne in November 2009 to watch one of our own Australian (Territory) representatives Desmond Abbott perform.

Darwin Hockey has coped well with the changes occurring in this day and age. With the increase of turf fees, rule changes and the financial economy have affected our hockey code in general and there are no easy answers to some of the issues and challenges we encounter.

DHA and clubs have to have the ability and willingness to accept and deal with change in a positive way. It is imperative that as an Association we all work together with a common goal of strengthening hockey, lifting the profile of the game while trying to attract more people to participate in hockey in Darwin and the Northern Territory.

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Recognition and Rewards for Keith Kemp is attached to this report.

The actions and failures of a few will affect the perception of hockey in the eyes of the community, media, players and clubs in general and sadly it is these few that gain the attention rather than the good news stories. It is reassuring the way our sport, its athletes and others respond to pressure and negativity and reinforce the strength and positive features incorporating management and good governance.

We all know the difficulties associated with getting volunteers and if participation is going to increase, it is because there is a commitment from volunteers in our sport .The community aspect of our sport is totally reliant on the quality and number of these people. There is undoubtedly strength in unity and we must work together more closely to improve hockey’s future position and image.

Thank you to those individuals who continue to give enormous amounts of time and dedication to the continued success of our sport. Athletes, coaches, officials and administrators together with volunteers, you are to be commended for the achievements seen as part of the overall success of the sport.

The support of the behind the scenes preparation is of equal importance. I am grateful for the support and commitment of the DHA committee who have ensured sound governance and effective operation of the organisation.

I appreciate their positive response to the additional demands on their time, and individually and collectively they bring considerable expertise and experience to the organisation. The commitment and professionalism of the committee is greatly appreciated. Sometimes the committee receives little recognition, but its contribution makes us an outstanding organisation.

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Recognition and Rewards for Keith Kemp

An Order of Australia medal was recently awarded to one of hockey’s quiet achievers, Keith Kemp. Keith has always encouraged sport in the NT and hockey is just one of the activities he has been involved with over a period of more than fifty years.

Although Keith operates in a gentle manner, his drive and persistence is legendary. He is one of the most personally and financially generous people while demonstrating a spirit of quiet assertiveness that achieves long-term results.

Keith continues to impress many people in our community; from his peers to the youngest people he continues to be involved with. However it is Keith's personal touch and professional leadership that has earned him so much affection over so many years.

Keith’s commitment to hockey in the NT has covered such an extensive range that this summary barely covers the surface: • as a player in the local competition • committee member of the local clubs and association • President of the NT Association • Patron of NT Hockey • promotion of the game and support for clubs to develop their player base • an instigator for combining the NT men’s and women’s associations • negotiating with authorities to initially establish playing fields then played an active role in lobbying at national and Territory level to gain two astroturf hockey pitches • special focus on youth • promoting media involvement for the sport • a strong advocate in national hockey forums for the admission of NT junior and senior teams to be admitted to full national competition • a significant financial contributor • has played a role in the hockey careers of individuals • organised a 50th anniversary of hockey reunion including a hockey hall of fame and an anniversary hockey carnival • continues to participate in veteran competitions • his family is now in its third generation of hockey involvement • Life Member of the NT Hockey Association • awarded an Australian Hockey Association Merit Award for his work in establishing NT hockey • member of the Sport and Entertainment committee established following Cyclone Tracey • committee member of the NT Government's Hall of Fame • member of the Olympic Torch Relay • awarded an Australian Government Sports Medal

Doreen Walton


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NT Hockey - 2009 Annual Report Page 21 Australian Schoolgirls Hockey Tour 2009

My Experiences

The tour of the United Kingdom with the Australian Schoolgirls was one of the, if not the best experience of my life. The team met for the first time in Singapore on the 3 rd of June, 2009. This was a very daunting experience as I knew no one. We were in Singapore for one night and while we were there we played a practise game for the first time as a team, against the Singapore under 18 girls team and we won 12- 0.

The next day we arrived in London after a 13 hour flight where we spent the day sightseeing. We went on the London eye, visited Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, Big Ben and saw much more. This was the most surreal day of my life.

The next day we got on the team bus and drove to Nottingham stopping via Oxford. In Nottingham we had two training sessions and played a few lead up matches preparing for our games against the English Under 18 girls National team and the Welsh under 18 girls team. Our first game was against Lincoln College and we won 7-0.

The next game was against Sutton cold fields (this is a district college team) and was played in . This was a team full of college players and experienced players including 4 time Olympian Jane Sixsmith. We won 4-3 in a very intense and challenging game.

The next game was against Combined British Colleges (this team was made up of players who were selected from over 500 colleges in Britain) in Nottingham and was the last lead up match. We won 5-0, it was the perfect preparation for the match against England and .

The day before our game the Spanish women’s hockey team played against the English hockey team. It was such a good motivating game to watch before our game against Under 18 English hockey team in Nottingham. We won 5-4 in a very tough, tiring game. It was a good, deserving win where the tables were continuously turning but at the end of the day we proved victorious.

After the game we travelled to Cardiff, Wales. Here we had a training session at the Sophia Gardens Sporting Complex which was at the Wales Institute of Sport. We saw the women’s Welsh team play a practise game which was such a good experience.

The next day we played another big game against the under 18’s Welsh hockey team where we won 4-0. Wales were a tough opposition however we remained in control throughout the game which a big task.

The next day we had our last game against Bristol University in Bristol. We won 6-0, a great way to finish the tour, undefeated. In between games we also visited towns such as Bath and went sightseeing in Cardiff, Nottingham and Oxford. I saw some amazing landmarks such as the Stonehenge, the Roman Baths, Oxford University and the remains of Sherwood Forest.

The tour was such a good experience as a developing hockey player. Coach Vicki Poyser played me in many positions such as fullback, left half, right half, and inside forward. This gave me both confidence and experience playing at a top level against tough opposition. I also met lots of knew people, made some good friends and travelled to three different countries. It was an honour to play for my country with 15 other girls from around the country and will remember the memories from the tour for life.

Sarah Paul

NT Hockey - 2009 Annual Report Page 22 Australian Women Veterans Report

I played for the Australian 50s in a three match test series against New Zealand. The event was staged at North Harbour Hockey Association in Auckland.

A squad of 16 players represented Australia from Queensland, Victoria, South Australia, NSW, Tasmania, West Australia and me from the NT.

We were very well coached and managed by Graeme Wakefield and Robyn Anderson both from Queensland. We also had a wonderful back up team of massage therapists, selectors and supporters. I can honestly say I have never experienced such a great team spirit in a representative group thrown together with just a few days to prepare for an event, it was just a real honour to be a part of the group.

The games were all hard fought, very competitive but also very enjoyable. Australia won the first game 2-1. The second was a 1-1 draw but as is the norm in these events penalty strokes were taken and Australia won. I scored the goal I have long dreamed of to bring the scores to 1-1, a lobbed penalty corner which sailed high into the top corner! It was a very special moment! The third game was equally hard fought but unfortunately New Zealand came out on top 2-1. We were presented with really impressive gold medals at the end of the event.

All in all a wonderful experience and one I would recommend to all Vets in the NT. I felt very proud to be wearing the green and gold but also to be carrying the ochre and black with me!

Jane Slater

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Northern Territory Pearls

Coach: Melissa Hall Manager: Doreen Walton Asst Coach : Chantrelle King Physio: Nick Jones

Athletes: Heather Langham NT Stephanie Purdy NSW Amy Dienhoff NT Ashleigh Morrison NT Samantha PangQuee NT Olivia Chiu WA Tammy Eiser QLD Samantha Eiser QLD Angie Marriner NT Lauren Powley USA Barbara Weinberg USA Emily Peris NT Jessica Maclean NT Shona O’Neill NT Samantha Morris NT Tessa Haslam SA Kate O’Connell Ireland Jodie Searle WA

Results Western Australia 2 defeated Northern Territory 0 Western Australia 3 defeated Northern Territory 0 South Australia 2 defeated Northern Territory 1 South Australia 2 defeated Northern Territory 0 New South Wales 6 defeated Northern Territory 1 New South Wales 3 defeated Northern Territory 0 Queensland 1 defeated Northern Territory 0 Queensland 3 defeated Northern Territory 0 Victoria 3 defeated Northern Territory 0 ACT 2 defeated Northern Territory 0 Northern Territory 4 defeated Tasmania 3 Victoria 6 defeated Northern Territory 1 Northern Territory 3 defeated Tasmania 2

Territory Pearls final standing - 7th place

NT Hockey - 2009 Annual Report Page 24 NORTHPHARM Territory Stingers

Head Coach: David Hennessy Manager: Ellie Hayward Asst Coach: Robert Bulasch Physio: Darwin Private Physiotherapy

Athletes: Jamie Hullick NT Travis Carroll NT Robert Duguid NT Dylan Hill NT Dash Hewett NT Jarrod Lockley NT Ross Fraser NT Aaron Goninon NSW Liam Brown QLD Cameron Abbott NT Nathan Edwards NT Gary Robertson NT Samuel Stoner NT Joel Carroll NT Jiwa Moham Malaysia Desmond Abbott NT Adam Spry NT WA Matthew Curran QLD Leon Hayward NT Adrian Lockley NT Jamie White NT

Results South Australia 4 defeated Northern Territory 1 South Australia 5 defeated Northern Territory 2 New South Wales 5 defeated Northern Territory 1 New South Wales 5 defeated Northern Territory 0 Queensland 5 defeated Northern Territory 1 Queensland 5 defeated Northern Territory 1 Western Australia 3 defeated Northern Territory 2 Western Australia 3 defeated Northern Territory 0 ACT 5 defeated Northern Territory 3 Tasmania 4 defeated Northern Territory 0 Victoria 7 defeated Northern Territory 3 Northern Territory 3 defeated ACT 2 Tasmania 6 defeated Northern Territory 2

Territory Stingers final standing - 6th place

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Territory Open Women

Coach: Kelly Skippings Manager: Doreen Walton

Athletes: Sam Syder Darwin Tara Barriball Darwin Kate Fahy Darwin Tenille Cahill Darwin Sarah Bulasch Darwin Jane Slater Darwin Bianca Hayward Darwin Bree Johnston Darwin Karen Markos (C) Darwin Kathryn Brown Darwin Julie Hoare Darwin Linda Kennaugh Darwin Sue Bulasch Darwin Tina McCourt Darwin Bryanna Lockley Darwin Alisha Barriball Darwin Nicole Newman Darwin

Results: NT Open 14 defeated -West Papua 0 NT Open 2 drew NT U18 2 NT Open 4 defeated PNG- Port Moresby 0 NT Open 10 defeated Indonesia-West Papua 1 NT U18 2 defeated NT Open 1

NT Open Women finished in 2 nd place

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Territory Open Men

Coach : Brett Rollings Manager: Damien Clarke

Athletes: Clayton Archer Darwin Anthony Herbert Darwin Clinton Baylis Darwin Brett Rollings Darwin Andrew Hahn Darwin Russell Willing Darwin Gary Robertson Darwin Steve Rowe Darwin Gareth Watson Darwin Kenny Timms Darwin Sam Sommerville Darwin Errol Raiser Darwin Sam Stoner Darwin Evan Dixon Darwin Jim Rowe Darwin Mark Barlow Darwin Craig Curby Darwin Michael Cardile Darwin

Results: Singapore 2 defeated NT Open 0 NT U/18 2 defeated NT Open 1 NT Open 3 drew PNG-Port Moresby 3 NT U/18 8 defeated NT Open 0 PNG-Port Moresby 3 defeated NT Open 0

NT Open Men finished in 4 th place

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Territory U/18 Women

Coach: Gordon Clarke Manager: Jennie Thompson

Athletes: Emily Dienhoff Darwin Krista Bridgman Darwin Brooke Peris Darwin Alanna Smith Alice Springs Jodie Brown Darwin Stephanie O’Connor Darwin Elle Richardson Darwin Jaimi-Lee Tinning Darwin Tilka Hassing Darwin Caitlin Porter Darwin Katrina Trimble Darwin Gabriella Parker Darwin Shyne Brenton Darwin Sarah Paul Darwin Amy Porter Darwin Gemma Markos Darwin Elizabeth Duguid Darwin Aleesha Thompson Darwin

Results: NT U18 4 defeated PNG-Port Moresby 0 NT U18 2 drew NT Open 2 NT U18 8 defeated Indonesia - West Papua 0 NT U18 1 drew PNG-Port Moresby 1 NT U18 2 defeated NT Open 1

NT U18 Women finished in 1 st place

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Territory U/18 Men

Coach: Andrew Hullick Manager: Phillip Luck

Athletes: Tarrant Haami Darwin Jason Lowe Darwin Dwayne Abbott Darwin Adam Luck Darwin Jeremy Hayward Darwin Stephen Tonkiss Alice Springs Stewart Bryson Darwin Daniel Robinson Darwin Craig Bridgman Darwin Reece Harris Darwin Liam Stuart Darwin Luke Collister Darwin Chris Roe Darwin Sam Smith Alice Springs Wayne Chalmers Alice Springs Hayden Clark Darwin Mitchell Lockley Darwin Todd Jenkins Darwin Jamie Hullick Darwin

Results: NT U18 3 defeated PNG-Port Moresby 0 NT U18 2 defeated NT Open 1 Singapore 1 defeated NT U18 0 NT U18 8 defeated NT Open 0 Singapore 2 defeated NT U18 1

NT U18 Men finished in 2 nd place

NT Hockey - 2009 Annual Report Page 29 UNDER 15 STATE TEAM RESULTS

Men - Coach: Pennie Weedon Manager: Tina Sacca Asst Coach: Damien Clarke Jnr Fitness Coach: Ronnie Mareko

Athletes: Joshua Bailey Darwin Mathew Johnson Darwin Nathan Galvin Darwin Brad Dienhoff Darwin Oliver Hill Darwin Liam Osborne Darwin Peter Hassing Darwin Matthew Paul Darwin Hayden Ingerson Alice Springs Liam Stuart Darwin Jesse Jones Darwin Callan Summers Darwin Jeremy Kay Darwin Jason Hullick Darwin Brodie Gleeson Darwin Jesse Lockley Darwin

Results ACT 2 defeated Northern Territory 1 Tasmania 3 defeated Northern Territory 0 Western Australia 8 defeated Northern Territory 0 Queensland 8 defeated Northern Territory 0 New South Wales 15 defeated Northern Territory 1 South Australia 6 defeated Northern Territory 1 Victoria 9 defeated Northern Territory 0 Queensland 7 defeated Northern Territory 0 South Australia 3 defeated Northern Territory 1

Northern Territory finished in 8th place

NT Hockey - 2009 Annual Report Page 30 UNDER 15 STATE TEAM RESULTS Women - Brisbane Coach: Mark Davis Manager : Doreen Walton Asst Coach: Samantha Pang Quee

Athletes: Josie Short Darwin Rhiannon Van Zyl Darwin Jamie Abbott Darwin Lisa Van Munster Darwin Teagan Short Darwin Jeharnie Wosomo Darwin Bronte Bryson Darwin Lena Meya Darwin Hayley Heath Darwin Clair Kiely Darwin Tilka Hassing Darwin Kirralee Pavey Darwin Sarah-Mae Bates Darwin Georgia Dempsey Alice Springs Jemma Markos Darwin Krista Bridgman Darwin Breanna Gabbert Darwin

Results Queensland 6 defeated Northern Territory 0 New South Wales 8 defeated Northern Territory 0 Northern Territory 2 drew ACT 2 Western Australia 2 defeated Northern Territory 1 Victoria 6 defeated Northern Territory 0 Tasmania 0 drew Northern Territory 0 South Australia 4 defeated Northern Territory 1 ACT 1 defeated Northern Territory 0

Northern Territory finished in 8th place

NT Hockey - 2009 Annual Report Page 31 UNDER 18 STATE TEAM RESULTS Men - Darwin Coach: Andrew Hullick Manager: Philip Luck Asst Coach: Gary Robertson

Athletes: Tarrant Haami Darwin Jamie Hullick Darwin Dwayne Abbott Darwin Adam Luck Darwin Jeremy Hayward Darwin Stephen Tonkiss Alice Springs Stewart Bryson Darwin Daniel Robinson Darwin Craig Bridgman Darwin Reece Harris Darwin Liam Stuart Darwin Luke Collister Darwin Chris Roe Darwin Sam Smith Alice Springs Wayne Chalmers Alice Springs Hayden Clark Darwin Mitchell Lockley Darwin Todd Jenkins Darwin

Results Queensland 6 defeated Northern Territory 2 ACT 3 defeated Northern Territory 2 South Australia 2 defeated Northern Territory 1 Victoria 6 defeated Northern Territory 0 New South Wales 4 defeated Northern Territory 0 Western Australia 2 defeated Northern Territory 0 Tasmania 3 drew Northern Territory 0 Northern Territory 2 defeated ACT 1

Northern Territory finished in 7th place

NT Hockey - 2009 Annual Report Page 32 UNDER 18 STATE TEAM RESULTS Women - Canberra Coach: Gordon Clarke Manager: Karen Markos Asst Coach: Mark Davis Physio : Lucy Greenwood

Athletes: Krista Bridgman Darwin Katrina Trimble Darwin Jaimi-Lee Tinning Darwin Alanna Smith Alice Springs Brooke Peris Darwin Jodie Brown Darwin Elle Richardson Darwin Stephanie O’Connor Darwin Tilka Hassing Darwin Sarah Paul Darwin Aleesha Thompson Darwin Elizabeth Duguid Darwin Gabriella Parker Darwin Caitlin Porter Darwin Jemma Markos Darwin Susan Dalzell ACT Kayla Orrock NSW

Results Western Australia 6 defeated Northern Territory 0 Northern Territory 2 defeated Tasmania 0 Victoria 4 defeated Northern Territory 1 New South Wales 2 defeated Northern Territory 0 Northern Territory 3 defeated South Australia 2 Northern Territory 4 defeated ACT 0 Queensland 6 defeated Northern Territory 1 Northern Territory 1 defeated South Australia 0 ACT 1 defeated Northern Territory 0

Northern Territory finished in 6th place

NT Hockey - 2009 Annual Report Page 33 UNDER 21 STATE TEAM RESULTS Under 21 Men - Perth Coach: Melissa Hall Manager: Tracey Parker Physio: Nick Jones Asst Coach: Joe Kelly, Moritz Fuhrmann, Wayne King

Athletes: Leon Hayward Darwin Nathan Edwards Darwin Dylan Hill Darwin Sam Edwards Darwin Jamie Hullick Darwin Cameron Abbott Darwin Adrian Lockley Darwin Tarrant Haami Darwin Jeremy Hayward Darwin Daniel Hendon WA Ben Tilbrook Darwin Dwayne Abbott Darwin Steve Tonkiss Alice Springs Apara Brewster Darwin Ben Rennie WA Stewart Bryson Darwin Robert Duguid Darwin Tim Bunny WA

Results: New South Wales 4 defeated Northern Territory 1 South Australia 1 defeated Northern Territory 0 Northern Territory 3 defeated ACT 2 Victoria 5 defeated Northern Territory 0 Western Australia 1 defeated Northern Territory 0 Tasmania 3 defeated Northern Territory 2 Queensland 6 defeated Northern Territory 0 South Australia 2 defeated Northern Territory 1

Northern Territory finished in 7th place

NT Hockey - 2009 Annual Report Page 34 UNDER 21 STATE TEAM RESULTS Under 21 Women – Sydney Coach: Dan Hayes Manager: Helen Montgomery

Athetes: Jodie Brown Darwin Jessica Maclean Darwin Elizabeth Duguid Darwin Amy Dienhoff Darwin Sheldon Garlett WA Ashlea Pointer NSW Ashleigh Morrison Darwin Hannah Raftery QLD Shona O’Neill Darwin Alanna Smith Alice Springs Samantha PangQuee Darwin Elle Richardson Darwin Brooke Peris Darwin Emily Dienhoff Darwin Kirby Lawler Darwin Michelle Miller NSW Hannah Cook WA Rhiannon Kentish NSW

Results ACT 3 defeated Northern Territory 0 Victoria 1 defeated Northern Territory 0 Tasmania 2 defeated Northern Territory 1 New South Wales 2 defeated Northern Territory 0 South Australia 3 defeated Northern Territory 0 Queensland 4 defeated Northern Territory 2 Western Australia 2 defeated Northern Territory 0 Queensland 4 defeated Northern Territory 0

Northern Territory finished in 8th place

NT Hockey - 2009 Annual Report Page 35 VETERANS STATE TEAM RESULTS 0ver 45 Veterans Women - Hobart Coach : Keshia Clarke Manager: Shana Miller Asst Coach: Tracey Anderson

Athletes: Karen Markos Darwin Suzanne Campbell Darwin Jane Slater Darwin Christine Mandall Darwin Yvonne Wood Darwin Jeanette Carroll Darwin Annabell Clarke Darwin Sandra Beirne QLD Sue Bulasch Darwin Tammie Coyne Darwin Terry Dunbar Darwin Deborah Schapel Darwin Julie Hoare Darwin Storm Schouw QLD Viki Miller Darwin Jennifer Rasmussen QLD

Results New South Wales 5 defeated Northern Territory 0 ACT 2 drew Northern Territory 2 Tasmania 5 defeated Northern Territory 0 Queensland 1 defeated Northern Territory 0 Western Australia 3 defeated Northern Territory 0 Victoria 5 defeated Northern Territory 1 South Australia 0 drew Northern Territory 0

Northern Territory finished in 8th place

NT Hockey - 2009 Annual Report Page 36 VETERANS STATE TEAM RESULTS 0ver 50 Veterans Women - Hobart Coach: Sarah Bulasch Manager: Yvonne Osborne

Athletes: Lesley Duncan Darwin Gail Fleay Darwin Margaret Visentin Darwin Roslyn Hancock Darwin Diane Trimble Darwin Gaye Swaffield QLD Elizabeth Schiavio QLD Roslyn Costello QLD Ann McLachlan QLD Lesley Bennett QLD Colleen Hopper QLD Julie Williams NSW Michelle Westerman QLD Carol White NSW Elizabeth Moffatti QLD

Results New South Wales 5 defeated Northern Territory 0 Northern Territory 1 drew Tasmania 1 Queensland 3 defeated Northern Territory 0 Western Australia 3 defeated Northern Territory 0 Victoria 5 defeated Northern Territory 0 South Australia 3 defeated Northern Territory 1

Northern Territory finished in 7th place

NT Hockey - 2009 Annual Report Page 37 VETERANS STATE TEAM RESULTS 0ver 45 Veterans Men Division 2 - Melbourne Coach: Kevin Burton Manager: Maria Duchateau

Athletes: Clayton Archer (C) Darwin Michael Jackson Darwin Damien Clarke Darwin Peter Jackson Darwin Steve Rowe Darwin Anthony Herbert Darwin Frank White NSW Peter Henderson NSW Kevin Burton Darwin Grahame Boon NSW Scott Duncan Darwin Neil Clayton NSW Mark Barlow Darwin Phil Hardman NSW Mick Hughes Darwin

Results: ACT 1 drew Northern Territory 1 New South Wales 5 defeated Northern Territory 0 Queensland (1) 3 defeated Northern Territory 0 Queensland (2) 5 defeated Northern Territory 1 Victoria 2 defeated Northern Territory 0 Victoria Country 2 defeated Northern Territory 1

Northern Territory finished in 7th position

NT Hockey - 2009 Annual Report Page 38 Women who have played for a NT Senior Team A = Arafura, DB = Darwin Blazez, TT = Trans Tasman, AHL = ,HK = , B-Burras, J- Jillaroos, K- Kookaburras, H-Hockeyroos

Lucy Chipchase 1988 HK Rachael Abbott 1991/93 A, DB Ingrid Chudleigh 1997 A Kim Ainslie 1994,95/97DB, 96,97TT, Olivia Chiu 2006-09 AHL 98 Sing, 95/97/99/01 A, Ailsa Clark 2007 A 00 -04AHL Corinn Clark 1980 -81, 84 -85 Nicole Allsop 2001 AHL Aimee Clarke 2008 AHL Stephanie Andrews 2007-08 AHL Emmanuelle Clarke 1997 A, 2004 AHL Marie Anderson 1989 Lee Clarke 1980 Deborah Anstess 2002,04 AHL Phynea Clarke 1985, 90-91 Cathy Anstess 2007 A Richie Ceonders 1991 Tarryn Aldridge 2007 A , 2008 AHL Jennifer Cobb 2001 A Michelle Arnold 1983-84/86 Jo Collett 1984 Vicki Bailey 1990, 96 TT Kellie Colgin 2000 AHL Shannon Bain 2003-04 AHL Amanda Conrad 1986-91, 88 HK Michele Ball 1985, 89-91, 88 HK, 93 A Bernie Corcoran 1997 TT Lyn Bampton 1980-81, 85-86 Tracy Craig 1980-82 Alisha Barriball 2009 A Penny Critch 1999 A Tara Barriball 2009 A Angela Croad 07-08 AHL Elke Baty 1988, 91, 93 DB, 93 A, Margaret Cross 1988-89, 88 HK 96 TT Andrea Damaso 1982 Ausra Baudaskaite 2007 AHL Claire Dedman 1996 TT, 97/01 A, Alex Bell 2007 A 02 AHL Casey Bell 2001 AHL Amy Dienhoff 2009 AHL Jamie Bell 2002,03 AHL Corinna Dickinson 2005 AHL Robyn Bell 1981, 86 Stacey Dwyer 2000 AHL Symone Bell 2003 AHL Toni Eden 1980 Melissa Bennell 1994 -95 DB, 95 A Samantha Eiser 2009 AHL Jane Bennett 2003 AHL Tammy Eiser 2009 AHL Terri Bergin 2005 –07 AHL, 2007 A Terry Elms 1980-85 Louise Bilato 1982 -84 Karly Evans 2008 AHL Lisa Blake 2003-04 AHL Dianne Facy 1985 Megan Boyd 1993 A, 98 Sing Kate Fahy 1989-91, 93/95 A, 93-94 Kathryn Brown 2009 A DB 2009 A Cindy Bryant 1995 A Emmy Farlow 1995 A Sarah Bulasch 2009 A Alex Ford 2002 AHL Sue Bulasch 2009 A Jasmine Ford 1997 TT Viki Bunce 2003 AHL Monique Fox 2002 AHL Eleanor Burns 1982, 87, 89 Joanne Fry 1990 Katie Burns 2002 AHL Samantha Gale 2008 AHL Hayley Bushell 1988 HK, 90 Lisa Godfrey 2000 AHL Emily Butcher 1997/99 A Hannah Goodchild 2001 AHL Marie Byrnes 1984 Jackie Griffin 1983 Roxene Cahill 1998 Sing, 99 A Tonya Griffiths 1989 Tenille Cahill 2009 A Bianca Hayward 2009 A Jemima Cameron 2004 AHL Jan Halliday 1986-87 Sandra Cardow 2001 A Genny Halvorson 1990 Michelle Caden 1997/99 A, 97 TT, 98 Tessa Haslam 2009 AHL Sing, 00-07 AHL Elisa Hammond 2007-08 AHL Chantrelle Carey 1999/01 A, 00 -08 AHL Natalie Hanna 1998 Sing, 99/01 A, 00 Jeanette Carroll 1993/95 A Vets TT AHL Christine Carter 1988 Maxine Harrison 1997 A Jenny Cate 1988 Lisa Herbertson 2005- 08 AHL Michelle Chaplin 1984 Sue Hickey 1980 Libby Charlesworth 2004-05 AHL

NT Hockey - 2009 Annual Report Page 39 Women who have played for a NT Senior Team A = Arafura, DB = Darwin Blazez, TT = Trans Tasman, AHL = Australian Hockey League,HK = Hong Kong, B-Burras, J- Jillaroos, K- Kookaburras, H-Hockeyroos

Jan McMahon 1982-91, 1988 HK, Julie Hoare 1996-97 TT, 97/09 A 93 A, 93 DB Amanda Holt 1995DB,96-97 TT, 98 Michaela Mihailou 2002-3/05 AHL Sing, 95/97/99/07 A Tess Mihailou 2000AHL, 01 A Jenell Hopkins 1987 Pauline Minns 1982-87 Judy Howard 1983 -87 Elizabeth Monks 2002 AHL Chantelle Hughes 1999/01 A,00-02 AHL Samantha Morris 2009 AHL Donna Jackson 1988 Ashleigh Morrison 2009 AHL Bree Johnston 2001/07/09 A Jell Morrison 2008 AHL 04-06 AHL Kimberley Morrow 2001 AHL Anne Jones 2001 A Barbara Mountain 2006-08 AHL Tracy Jones 1991 Sheree Mulreany 1981 Caroline Jordon 1989-91, 93/95 A, Sally Naughton 1983 93-95 DB Tate Napier 2005-07 AHL Chris Kakakios 1983 Debbie Newman 1999 A Larissa Kazakoff 2004, 2006 AHL Nicole Newman 2009 A Linda Kennaugh 2009 A Revelyn Newton 1993 A Deanna Kennedy 2000 AHL, 01 A Jenny Noon 1987 Corinna Kozak 1995/97 A, 96 Karen O’Brien (Markos) 1981-88, 93/09 A TT,2004 AHL Kate O’Connell 2009 AHL Hanna Kozak 1997/99 A, 98 Sing, Lynette O’Donaghue 1986, 93 A 03 AHL Shona O’Neill 2009 AHL Debbie Lacey 1997 TT Mayumi Ono 2008 AHL Annette Lane 1985-89, 88 HK Debbie Osborne 1987, 95 A Heather Langham 2007 -09 AHL Doreen Pang Quee 1982-86, 89 Mary Lawler 1984 Samantha Pang Quee 2009 AHL Eva Lawler 1980-84,86-87,90, Tracey Parker 1987-90, 88 HK, 93 A 93 -94 DB Emma Paterson 2005 AHL Kirby Lawler 2007 A Donna Lee Patrick 1998 Sing, 00 AHL Carolyn Leathart 1982 Loyola Pearce 1985 Simone Liddy 2006, 07 AHL Caroline Pericles 2006 /08 AHL, 2007 A Candice Liddy 2007 AHL Emily Peris 2007/09 AHL Kim Lincoln 1990 Nova Peris 87-89,91,93 DB Amy Little 2001 AHL Vanessa Peris 2000 -01/05 AHL Bryanna Lockley 2009 A Yasmine Phillips 2005 AHL Vanda Lockley 1997 A Jill Philpott 1980 Erin Lovett 2001 AHL Margaret Pierce 1987 -88 Rachel Lynch 2006 AHL Dearne Plaister 1987-89, 88 HK Olivia MacDonald 1995 A Lauren Powley 2009 AHL Jessica Maclean 2009 AHL Kim Pradera 2002 AHL Leisa Maidment 1999/07 A Heather Price 1980 Naomi Maple 2001 A Stephanie Purdy 2009 AHL Deanna March 1996-97 TT, 98 Sing, Rachel Ramshaw 2004 AHL 99 A, 00-01 AHL Cathy Roberts 1980 Ali Markey 2003 AHL Megan Robb 2004 - 05 AHL Claudia Markey 2001 A Margie Robinson 1982-83 Gloria Markey 1980 -81 Norma Roe 1990 Angie Marriner 2003-09 AHL Tasha Roe 2007 A Angela McCann 2001AHL Wicki Schaumberg 1980-83 Tina McCourt 2009 A Gayleigh Schoenfisch 1993 A,93-94 DB Kirsty McKellar 2003-07 AHL, 2007 A Samarra Schwartz 2001A

Fiona Schwartzkoff 1996-97TT, 97/99 A, 98 Sing, 2003 AHL

Women who have played for a NT Senior Team A = Arafura, DB = Darwin Blazez, TT = Trans Tasman, AHL = Australian Hockey League,HK = Hong Kong, B-Burras, J- Jillaroos, K- Kookaburras, H-Hockeyroos

NT Hockey - 2009 Annual Report Page 40

Jodie Searle 2009 AHL Amy Shaw 2002 AHL Julie Sheppard 1986 Bernie Shields 1996 TT Sally Sievers 1988-89, 91 Bev Sinclair 1980-81 Rebecca Sinclair 1997 A, 98 Sing Kelly Skippings 1997 TT, 99/01 A Jane Slater 2008 TT 2009 A Emma Smith 2005 AHL Leah Smith 1997/99/01 A, 98 Sing, 2002- 03/05 AHL Josie Smith 1988 HK, 91/93/ 95/01 A 93 DB, 2001/04 AHL Fiona Smith 1988 HK, 95 A Helene Smith 1988/90 Lisa Smith 1995 DB, 95 A Samantha Spry 2007 AHL, 2007 A Jessica Stanley 2006-08 AHL Dora Stewart 1984-85 Tui Stoll 2007 A Fay Stow 1983 Ann Sturdy 1981 Tanya Swan 1993 A Samantha Syder 2005-06 AHL, 2007/09 A Michelle Theobold 2000 AHL Terese Tonkin 1997 TT Donna Trestrail 1990-91 Lani Usher 1997 TT Lisa Visentin 2007 A Linda Vowles Vets TT Sharon Wagner 2001 AHL Paige Walling 1988 HK, 90/93- 95 DB, 01AHL Vicki Walsh 1980-82, 85-86, 89 Tracey Walton 1994 DB, 96 TT Donna Wardle 2000 AHL Alex Watson 2007 AHL Teresa Watson 1995 A Barbara Weinberg 2009 AHL Tina Whap 1995 A Erin White 2001 A Fiona Young 2008 AHL Gina Zammit 1982

NT Hockey - 2009 Annual Report Page 41 Men who have played for a NT Senior Team A = Arafura, DB = Darwin Blazez, TT = Trans Tasman, AHL = Australian Hockey League, HK = Hong Kong, B-Burras, J- Jillaroos, K- Kookaburras, H-Hockeyroos

Cameron Abbott 2009 AHL Sean Cooke 1987/91/93/95 A David Abbott 1995/97 A,2003 AHL Peter Creaser 1986 -89 Desmond Abbott 2003-09 AHL 2008-09 K Craig Curby 2009 A

John Abbott 1993 A Matthew Curran 2009 AHL Matthew Abel 2000 AHL John Dallywater 1979 -80 Ross Dann 1993 A Leon Achilles 1987-89 Brad Ainslie 1982 -83, 87 -88, 95 A Miebaka Dede 2005 -07 AHL Mike Ainsworth 1979 Mark Dedman 2001 AHL Lachlan Anderson 2006, 07 AHL Warren De With 1981 Greg Anstess 2003-04 AHL Evan Dixon 2009 A John Anstess 2004 AHL Robert Duguid 2007/09 AHL, 2007 A Clayton Archer 2009 A Ingvar Dyrting 1986-88, 91, 1997 A Stephen Baldwin 1998 AHL, 99 A Nathan Edwards 2006/08-09 AHL, 2007 A Sandy Barblett 1989 Paul Edwards 1984 Mark Barlow 2009 A Darren England 1982 Wayne Barry 2007 AHL Steve Fahy 1987 -88, 93 A

Grantley Batterham 1996 TT Craig Ferguson 1997 TT, 00-01 AHL Clinton Baylis 2009 A Michael Fleming 1988 Peter Bell 1980-81, 85 Brendan Flemming 1993 A

Scott Bevis 1997/99 A, 99/05 AHL Ross Fraser 2009 AHL Jason Black 2001 AHL And rew Gadd 2002 AHL Daniel Borowitzka 1986 Geoff Gebhard 1979

Brendan Bourke 1983 Aaron Goninon 2009 AHL Doug Bransgrove 2008 AHL Aaron Gregg 2002 -08 AHL, 2007 A Michael Gregory 1983, 85 Michael Brennan 2006 AHL Daniel Bree 1998 AHL Paul Griffiths 1987-90, 93/95 A,2003 AHL Michael Bridgman 1980-85 Ta rrant Haami 2007 A Andrew Hahn 2009 A Ken Brodie 1982 Liam Brown 2008-09 AHL Mark Hallen 1983 Matthew Brown 2002 AHL Wayne Harris 1979, 83-85 Nicholas Budd 2008 AHL Chris Hart 1984 Jason Butcher 1997/99 A, 98-00,02,03 AHL Jason Hart 1989 -90, 99 AHL Maarten Burgers 1999 AHL Leon Hayward 2007-09 AHL, 2007 A Rob ert Bulasch 1983 -85, 97 A Colin Hennessy 2002-05 AHL Adam Butcher 2000-01,03AHL,01 A David Hennessy 1996-97 TT, 97/99 A, Andrew Caddy 1990 98-05 AHL Jamie Caldicott 2003 AHL Anthony Herbert 2009 A Michael Cardile 2009 A Dash Hewett 2004 -09 AHL

Joel Carroll 2003-09 AHL, 2007 A Michael Hewlett 1988-91 Travis Car roll 2005 -09 AHL, 2007 A Mark Hickman 1997 TT, 99 A, 19 99-04 AHL Cecil Chambers 1980-81 Dylan Hill 2007 A 2009 AHL

Andrew Charter 2009 AHL Chris Hochman 1980-81, 84-90 Mark Chin 1986 Michael Hogan 2000 AHL Dave Christison 1979 Jamie Holland 1987

Andrew Clarke 1988-91,97 A,98 AHL Stephen Holt 1990, 96-97 TT, 99 A, 98-01 AHL Gordon Clarke 1979, 81 Geoff Horsley 1985 -86 John Howson 2007 AHL Robbie Clarke 2003 AHL Ben Collier 2006, 07 AHL Joel Hughes 1991/99, 93 A, Bryce Collins 2007 AHL 98 -99,01AHL Andrew Hullick 1989-90 Paul Conversi 1989/91 A, 93,97 TT Tim Conversi 1996, 97 TT Jamie Hullick 2009 AHL

Men who have played for a NT Senior Team

NT Hockey - 2009 Annual Report Page 42

A = Arafura, DB = Darwin Blazez, TT = Trans Tasman, AHL = Australian Hockey League,HK = Hong Kong, B-Burras, J- Jillaroos, K- Kookaburras, H-Hockeyroos

Errol Irvine 1996 TT Jiwa Moham 2009 AHL David Jackson 1990 Stephen Moo 1985 Don Jackson 1979 Graham Moodie 2003 AHL Michael Jan 1984-85/89/91 Joshua Morris 2002/04 AHL Peter Jan 1980 -81 Duane Moscheni 1982, 84 Mark Johnson 2003 AHL Brenda Narkle 2006 AHL George Kakakios 1980 -82 Ashley Newman 1997 TT, 97 A Peter Keeble 1991 Eddie O’Brien 1995/97/99 A, 97 TT Daniel Keirs 1998-99/01-02 AHL 99-06 AHL John Keirs 1996 TT, 98-99, 99 Brendan O’Connor 2007 A A, 01-05, 07-08 AHL Garry Osborne 1985-87/89/93 A Graeme Kelly 1999 A Steve Osborne 1989 Joseph Kelly 1988, 91, 96-97 TT, Garry O'Shea 1980 97/99 A, 98 AHL Nigel Patmore 1991 Joe Kent 2000 AHL Roy Pattison 1991 Wayne King 1999-01 AHL Dale Payne 1998 AHL Stephen Kinslow 2003-04 AHL Andrew Pearce 1979 -87 Steve Larkin 1979 -81, 85, 87 -88 Jonathan Peris 2005,/07-08 AHL, Lindsay Lawler 2007 A 2007 A Mark Legutko 2005 AHL Marshall Petersen -White 1995 A Nick Lenoir 1995/97/01 A, Leon Phillips 1998 AHL 2001/02 AHL Anthony Quinn 1980 Peter Liversidge 1981 Errol Raiser 2009 A Adrian Lockley 2005-09 AHL, Mathew Regan 1990, 91/93/99 A, 96 2007 A TT, 99 -01 AHL Ian Lockley 1983-85, 89 Bob Reid 1981-83 Jarrod Lockley 2006/09 AHL, David Reid 2006 AHL 2007 A Leslie Reid 1983 -84 Leigh Lockley 1982, 84-85 Andrew Reynolds 1986 Bryce Luck 2007 A Shane Ride 1986, 90 Rhys Luck 2001-03 AHL Gary Robertson 2008-09 AHL 2009 A Jason Mallett 2001 -02 AHL Kiki Ross 2000 AHL William Markos 1983, 87 Ian Rowe 2006 -07 AHL Leon Martin 2007 AHL Jim Rowe 2009 A Darryl McCormick 1998-03/05, 07 Steve Rowe 2009 A AHL, 99/01 A Anthon y Ruehland 1998 AHL Luke McDonald 2003 AHL Mark Scott 1987 Shane McDonald 1995 A, 96 TT Tom Scott 2008 AHL Ian McGregor 2004-05/08 AHL Baden Sharp 1988-90, 93/95 A, Michael McGregor 1990, 96-97 TT, 96 TT, 99-01 AHL 97/99/01 A, 1998, Barry Shewring 1990-91 01/02 AHL Shane Shewring 1991/93 A Trevor McMahon 2004 AHL Andrew Simpson 1995 A Mark McMillan 1996-97 TT, David Skippings 1995/97/01/07 A, 98, 97/99/01 A, 99,04,06 AHL 1998-00 AHL Sam Sommerville 2009 A Matthew McPhee 2004 AHL Adam Spry 2006 -09 AHL, 20 07 A David Miller 1993/95 A, 96 TT Patrick Stehouwer 1996 TT, 97 A Jarrod Miller 1997 TT, 99 A, Matthew Stripling 1997 TT 1999 AHL Sam Stoner 2009 AHL

Thomas Mills 2002 AHL Ian Milne 1982-83

Men who have played for a NT Senior Team

NT Hockey - 2009 Annual Report Page 43 A = Arafura, DB = Darwin Blazez, TT = Trans Tasman, AHL = Australian Hockey League,HK = Hong Kong, B-Burras, J- Jillaroos, K- Kookaburras, H-Hockeyroos

Rohan Tennant 1991/95 A Andrew Thomas 2008 AHL Michael Thompson 1979, 83-86 David Tilbrook 1986–91, 97 TT Kenny Timms 2009 A Stephen Tonkiss 2007 A Dean Trinne 1980 -81 Daniel Versteegh 2006-07 AHL, 2007 A Ted Visentin 1979, 82, 84-85 2008 HK Gareth Watson 2009 A Stephen Walter 1998 AHL Barry West 1981 -83 Jamie White 2007-09 AHL Steve Whitten 1979-80, 84 Russell Willing 2009 A Russell Wills 1995/97 A, 97 TT Roy Winter 1982 -83, 86 Steve Winter 1979

Warren Wise 1986-87 Ken Wormington 1984, 86 Ivan Zwart 1998 AHL

NT Hockey - 2009 Annual Report Page 44 Men’s State Team Coaches

Year Senior Under 21 Under 17/18 Under 15

1977 - N Condon G Clarke -

1978 - D Cristison G Clarke -

1979 M Craig G Parsons - -

1980 L Giltrow B Claxton - S Whitten

1981 L Giltrow A Pearce - -

1982 I Milne G Clarke - -

1983 I Milne D Jackson S Whitten S Whitten

1984 B Claxton A Kelly R Newman T Visentin

1985 B Claxton A Kelly R Newman B Ainslie

1986 B Claxton B West R Newman S Cooke

1987 B Claxton W Markos R Newm an S Cooke

1988 B Claxton M Hewlett R Newman S Cooke

1989 B Claxton R Newman S Cooke M Pierce

1990 S Larkin R Newman N Patmore A Farr

1991 S Larkin R Newman P Griffiths D Tilbrook

1992 G Clarke R Newman S Fahey P Schwartzkoff

1993 - R Newman R Newman P Schwartzkoff

1994 - R Newman G Clarke P Schwartzkoff

1995 R Newman (A) R Newman G Clarke P Bell

1996 R Newman (A) S Cooke I Milne P Schwartzkoff

1997 R Newman (TT, A) S Cooke P Schwartzkoff G Worth

1998 R Newman G Worth (NHL) J Kelly S C ooke S Ranie

1999 R Newman G Worth (NHL) J Kelly S Cooke S Ranie

2000 G Worth (NHL) - S Cooke S MacDonald

2001 G Worth (NHL) I Dyrting (A) R Bulasch S Cooke S MacDonald

2002 S Holt (NHL) T Evans S MacDonald J Bozua

2003 I Dryting (AHL) J Butcher J Butcher M Walsh

2004 I Dryting (AHL) J Butcher M McGregor M Walsh

2005 I Dryting (AHL) J Butcher R Wills A Gregg

2006 J Butcher (AHL) J Butcher R Wills PJ Mabasa

2007 J Butcher (AHL) D Hayes J Keirs N Gerra rd

2008 D Hennessy (AHL) M Hall J Keirs N Gerrard

2009 D Hennessy (AHL) M Hall A Hullick P Weedon

NT Hockey - 2009 Annual Report Page 45 Women’s State Team Coaches

Year Senior Under 19/21 Under 18 Under 16 Div.2

1977 - - -

1978 - - -

1979 - - -

1980 G Parsons B Sinclair -

1981 G Parsons T Brown -

1982 D Hart T Brown -

1983 G Parson - -

1984 B Sinclair G McMahon -

1985 B Sinclair G Minns -

1986 B Sinclair G Minns -

1987 M Pierce G Minns -

1988 G Clarke G Minns -

1989 G Clarke T Bradley -

1990 G Clarke B Ainslie -

1991 G Clarke B Ainslie -

1992 G Parson T Parker -

1993 G Clarke (NHL) T Parker

1994 G Clarke (NHL) - C Jordon

1995 W Markos (A) - C Jordon G Clarke (NHL) 1996 A Farr (TT) B Ainslie G Clark e V Keirs

1997 A Farr (TT, A) - R Bulasch V Keirs

1998 G Worth (Sing) G Worth R Newman V Keirs

1999 G Worth (A) G Worth B Ainslie V Keirs

2000 G Worth (NHL) D Harding B Ainslie V Keirs

2001 S Ranie (NHL) J Butcher B Ainslie C Carey

2002 T Evans (AHL) J Butcher B Ainslie U15 Girls

2003 T Evans (AHL) D Skippings K Skippings C Carey

2004 J Butcher (AHL) J Cameron G Clarke C Carey

2005 R Newman (AHL) J Butcher S Ranie M Caden

2006 M Hall (AHL) C Carey G Clarke M Caden

2007 M Hall (AHL) C Carey K Ainslie M Caden

2008 M Hall (AHL) D Hayes K Ainslie M Davis

2009 M Hall (AHL) D Hayes G C larke M Davis

NT Hockey - 2009 Annual Report Page 46 Men’s State Team Managers

Year Senior U21 U17/18 U15

1977 - D Shean L Smith

1978 - D Shean - L Smith

1979 P Shapcott D Shean - -

1980 P Shapcott R Griffin - R Martin

1981 B Humphries W Van D ijk - -

1982 P Markey - - -

1983 D Shean - D Baldwin L Smith

1984 B Humphries L Smith L Smith P Harding

1985 K Picknoll G Brown B Hillman D McDonald

1986 T Visentin A White G Brown D McDonald

1987 W Harris A White - S Jury

1988 P Shapcott A White C Hart R McKirdy

1989 P Shapcott C Regan A White R McKirdy

1990 P Pang Quee D McDonald P Shapcott N Johns

1991 M White C Regan R Bulasch P Harrison

1992 M White C Regan C James P Harrison

1993 A Caddy (A) C Regan A Farr P Conversi

1994 - V Keirs S McDonald J McCormick

1995 J Gallacher (A) C Regan V Keirs S Ranie

1996 J Gallacher (TT) P Bailey M Featherston P Bailey

1997 J Gallacher (TT, A) T Tiley D Joseph G Jarick

1998 J Gallacher (NHL) B West D Joseph D Colman

1999 J Gallacher (NHL, A) A Clarke D McDonald D C olman

2000 B Ainslie (NHL) - A Proctor G Schultz

2001 J Gallacher (NHL, A) - A Proctor

2002 P Harrison (AHL) T Liddy B Reader A Marshall

2003 L Considine (AHL) B Waters M McGregor B Hunt

2004 L Considine (AHL) S Bevis M Barlow B Hunt

2005 L Co nsidine (AHL) S Bevis E Hayward E Hayward

2006 S Walter (AHL) N Lenoir E Hayward T Haami

2007 B Waters (AHL) D Hill E Hayward R Bryson

2008 E Hayward (AHL) T Parker D Hill J Davie

2009 E Hayward (AHL) D Hill P Luck T Sacca

NT Hockey - 2009 Annual Report Page 47 Women’s State Team Managers

Year Senior U19/21 U18 U16 Div2

1980 D Chin - - -

1981 D Chin K McMahon - -

1982 R Johnson N Bird - -

1983 K Biermann S Bond - -

1984 K Biermann K McMahon - -

1985 T Hudson V Baldwin - -

1986 K Biermann V Baldwin - -

1987 K Bierma nn R Bell - -

1988 I Lockley T Shepperd - -

1989 M Yuen V Lockley - -

1990 A McDonald V Braun - -

1991 P Archer V Braun - -

1992 N Roe D Pang Quee - -

1993 M White & V Walsh (NHL) K Baldissera - -

1994 R Smith (NHL) - E Baty -

1995 F Gay (NHL) - P March -

1996 K Markos (TT) T Kozak R Ingram L Delaney B Sinclair (A) 1997 K Markos (TT, A) - T Parker L Delaney

1998 B Sinclair (Sing) T Parker L Blyth L Delaney

1999 D Pang Quee (A) T Parker M Walton T Ranie

2000 B Sinclair (NHL) K Ainsl ie D Ford D Liddy

2001 D Pang Quee (NHL) T Parker M Walton T Ranie

2002 G Markey (AHL) T Parker M Walton U15

2003 G Markey (AHL) S Thomsen D Pang Quee D Liddy

2004 R Scroop (AHL) K Sack R Smith D Rowlands

2005 R Scroop (AHL) R Scroop K Smith D Rowlands

2006 M Caden (AHL) D Lilley A Hoeben E Hall

2007 M Caden (AHL) O Chui D Rowlands M Caden

2008 B Hall (AHL) H M ontgomery D Walton A Richardson

2009 D Walton (AHL) H Montgomery K Markos D Walton

NT Hockey - 2009 Annual Report Page 48 Previous Office Bearers

Year President Seni or VP VP Men's VP Women's Treasurer 1982 L Smith - P Bennett P March J Wolstencroft 1983 K Bennett - G Halvorson P March J Wolstencroft 1984 K Picknoll - G Halvorson P March I Miller 1985 S Cox - G Halvorson C Hart I Miller 1986 S Cox G Halvorson A Kelly C Hart I Miller 1987 S Cox B West A Kelly C Hart I Miller 1988 S Cox B West A Kelly C Hart I Miller 1989 S Cox D Byerley A Kelly P Archer I Miller 1990 S Cox - G Clarke P Archer I Miller 19 91 S Cox A Kelly G Clarke P Archer I Miller 1992 S Cox A Kelly G Clarke P Archer I Miller 1993 S Cox/ A Kelly A Kelly - P Archer C Peterson 1994 A Kelly P Archer - P Archer P Shapcott 1995 J Condon G Jarick C Regan L Clarke P Shapcott 1996 J Condon C Regan G Jarick L Clarke P Shapcott 1997 J Condon C Regan D Shean D Pang Quee P Shapcott 1998 J Condon C Regan D Moore J McMahon L Blyth 1999 C Regan D Moore J Gallagher D Pang Quee - 2000 D Pang Qu ee D Moore D Bree C Hughes J Condon 2001 D Pang Quee D Moore - C Hughes J Condon 2002 D Pang Quee D Moore M Dedman C Hughes J Condon 2003 D Pang Quee D Moore M Dedman C Hughes J Condon 2004 P Stoner B Van Dijk B Hunt E Ranie J Condon 2005 P Stoner B Van Dijk - - J Condon 2006 P Stoner B Van Dijk R Bryson - D Schapel 2007 P Stoner B Van Dijk R Bryson M Oakes D Schapel 2008 R Bryson B Van Dijk - - A Hahn 2009 R Bryson B Van Dijk T Parker K Markos A Ha hn

NT Hockey - 2009 Annual Report Page 49 Previous Office Bearers (cont’d) Year Secretary VP Marrara VP Touring fund VP Veterans

1982 - - - - 1983 D Chin - - - 1984 D Chin - - - 1985 V Baldwin - - - 1986 M Arnold - - - 1987 P Jenkins A Marshall A Pearce - 1988 - I Lockley B Claxton - 1989 - I Lockley C Sauvarin - 1990 - I Lockley - - 1991 A Lenoir I Lockley T Bradley - 1992 A Lenoir P Germain T Parker - 1993 - P Germain / A Lenoir - G Halvorson 1994 D Tait G Halvorson B Conversi - 1995 J Asendorf G Halvorson B Conversi - 1996 D Tait G Halvorson B Conversi - 1997 D Hinterholzl G Halvorson G Bevis G Jarick 1998 Harrison G Halvorson G Bevis J Gallagher 1999 - R Griffin G Jarick - 2000 B Conversi R Griffin G Jarick L Williams 2001 B Conversi - G Markey V Miller 2002 J Small G Schultz G Markey - 2003 - G Schultz / K Smoker G Markey P Stoner 2004 - M Oakes B Hunt B Van Dijk 2005 P Stoner M Oakes - - 2006 - M Oakes - - 2007 - M Oakes - - 2008 - - - - 2009 - B Hayward - -

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