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Download Edition SATMAGAZINE CONTENTS MASTHEAD JULY/AUGUST 2009 EDITORIAL + PRODUCTION Silvano Payne BEAM: Teleports, Ground Stations + MSS Publisher 04 by Hartley Lesser Hartley Lesser Editorial Director BEAM: SATELLITE INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION: 2009 Pattie Lesser 07 State of the Satellite Industry Editor Associate Editor BEAM: EUROCONSULT: Satellites to be Built & Jill Durfee 14 Launched by 2018, World Survey Assistant Editor Chris Forrester BEAM: Near Earth LLC: 2nd Annual Space Business Contributing Editor—Europe Forum by Hoyt Davidson 16 Michael Fleck BEAM: World Teleport Association: 14th Annual Tele- Contributing Editor—Asia port Awards For Excellence Susan Sheppard 22 Contributing Editor EUROCONSULT EXECUTIVE BRIEFING: Emerging Richard Dutchik Apps Driving MSS Growth by Richard Roithner Contributing Editor 24 Dan Makinster NEAR EARTH EXECUTIVE BRIEFING: Geography On Contributing Writer The Map—And Markets! by Ian Fichtenbaum 28 SALES & MARKETING THE FORRESTER FOCUS: Smart Card Encryption Un- Jill Durfee, Advertising Director 32 der Pressure by Chris Forrester FUTRON EXECUTIVE BRIEFING: Switching I Up — DEVELOPMENT Moving Content To The Edge? 36 Simon Payne, Creative Manager CORE TALK: Satellite Deployment—Newtec Vol. 7 No. 3 THIS ISSUE’S AUTHORS July/August by Koen Williams 38 2009 EXECUTIVE SPOTLIGHT ON: David Ball, Regional Patrick Boyle 46 Vice President, Asia-Pacific, Intelsat Hoyt Davidson John Graham CASE WORK: GlobeCast Australia: Reaching The 48 World by John Graham Josh Heyman Ian Fichtenbaum RADFORD RULES: CHRONICLES OF SATCOM: TRIBAL 54 HISTORY by Tony Radford Chris Forrester Hartley Lesser FOCUS: LONGBOTTOM COMMUNICATIONS: Increas- Tony Radford ing Brand Value by Patrick Boyle 56 Richard Roithner INSIGHT: JOSH HEYMAN: Australia’s Space Effort—A Claude Rousseau Stop/Star Affair by Josh Heyman 58 Roland Schaller NSR EXECUTIVE BRIEFING: MSS and Financing— Koen Williams 64 Weathering The Coming Storm by Claude Rousseau FOCUS: SATLINK COMMUNICATIONS: Linking The Published monthly by 72 World’s Communications Satnews Publishers 800 Siesta Way, Sonoma, CA 95476 USA FOCUS: OPTUS: Communicating With Australia Phone (707) 939-9306 76 Fax (707) 939-9235 FOCUS: UDcast: Riding The Rails With The Inter- Website: 78 net—At 200 MPH! by Roland Schaller © 2009 Satnews Publishers Authored content does not 82 INDEX OF ADVERTISERS necessarily reflect the views or opinions of SatNews Publishers. — BEAM — ith the teleport and MSS satellite service Company’s teleport came into critical play. Eutelsat’s provider markets doing well, we wish to Rambouillet teleport facility worked closely with all offer readers ofSatMagazine some ad- of the Eutelsat client via the Control Center to make ditionalW focus on this crucial SATCOM segment. certain the transfer was as seamless as possible. We are also going to take a look at the satellite Clients that were already operating in the Ku-band market in general, thanks to our highly regarded experienced full continuity for their services, and subject-matter experts. Eutelsat now also has additional headroom for new customer expansion and coverage extensions at Additionally, if you like your news fresh, tight, and to this key orbital location. The W1 satellite will offer 4 degrees the point, you can now receive “tweets” directly from operations from a repositioning to the East SatBoy... each time a news item is placed on the Sat- slot and a name change is also imminent — daily news site, a fresh Twitter message EUROBIRD 4A. is sent to those who are following “SatBoy”. For those on the go, at a desktop who only have a brief moment BT in Latin America now offers IP trunking services or two to ingest the news, Twitter is a time-saving for business based in Manaus and other rural areas of and immediate way to obtain timely, industry news. northern Brazil via its teleport and Internet access point Simply head over to and in São Paulo. This was made possible when the com- sign-in (or establish your FREE account). To obtain pany expanded from 92 to 104 MHz of C-band capacity the SatNews goodies, enter “FOLLOW username: [n]” aboard SES AMERICOM-NEW SKIES’ NSS-10 satellite. — this command allows you to start receiving notifi- BT also tapped a portion of the satellite bandwidth to cations for a specific person on your phone. Example: support customer single channel per carrier (SCPC) and follow SatBoy. That’s all there is to it! distance learning services throughout Brazil. Astrium Services’ Toulouse teleport, operated by the Company’s subsidiary London Satellite Exchange, will be handling commercial communication ser- vices to Africa via Eutelsat’s W2A satellite. This new teleport opened last year and their SATCOM services include telephony, notably Virtual Private Network VPN ( ) secure services. Eutelsat’s W2A satellite entered services in May of this year and provides Ku-band capacity across Europe, North Africa, the Middle East NSS-10 satellite and central Asia, as well as C-band capacity that ex- tends from South America across Africa and Europe. Bandwidth... constant pressure for companies to ac- quire and offer more... Expand Networks is moving swiftly ahead to ensure such pressure can be alleviated by working with Level 421. In fact, Expand’s new part- W2A satellite In mid-May, Eutelsat’s W2A satellite entered full commercial service of its Ku- and C-band services at 10 degrees East the orbital slot. This required service transfers from the W1 satellite to W2A, and the 4 SatMagazine — July | August 2009 — BEAM — nership with Level 421, a global satellite broadband communication teleport operator, will find the Com- pany’s WAN Optimization technology bringing relief into play. Level 421 uses more than 38 geostationary satellites across the globe, which receive content from four teleports, including Level 421’s own teleport in Ulm, Germany. With the Expand intelligent compres- sion algorithms technology, Level 421 will be able to optimize bandwidth. Intelsat is refreshing its satellite fleet that serves the Asia-Pacific region as well as also investing ad- ditional resources to their ground network infra- structure for this area of the world. An upgrade at their Paumalu Teleport in Hawai’i will result in im- proved fiber density. Upgraded antennas facilities will expand accessibility and redundancy for Pacific Ocean satellites, with media customers receiving enhanced services. Additionally, Intelsat’s Global- Connex Network Broadband Managed services will KT Cor- be expanded, with hubs being added at MEASAT-3a satellite poration’s teleport facilities in South Korea. Also signing on with Intelsat is ABS-CBNi, who has now lites. This contract is the fifth international ground signed a multi-year contract expansion with the station order to-date that MDA has received from Company. ABS-CBNi will use capacity on Intelsat’s Galaxy 19 satellite, located at 97 degrees West, to DigitalGlobe and MDA will provide a solution capable offer its clients increased regional programming of programming, receiving, and processing imagery in North America via its fully-owned and operated and data from those satellites. As prime contrac- San Francisco International Gateway teleport. In- tor, MDA is responsible for developing, integrating telsat’s Galaxy 19 satellite, which hosts the largest and installing their solution at the customer’s site by ethnic video platform in North America distribut- early 2010. ing to nearly 180 international channels, is located MTN Satellite Services and ERZIA are going to be within Intelsat’s premier Galaxy neighborhood. building a new teleport in Santander, North Spain. MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates Ltd. has This new facility will initiate operations by the end of been awarded a multi-million dollar contract from 2009 and will offer commercial X-band teleport ser- XTAR-EUR and DigitalGlobe Inc. to provide a remote ground station vices through two antennas pointing to XTAR-LANT satellites, operating at geosynchronous solution to an international customer to enable sup- 60 degrees West 65 degrees East slots to , covering a port for the WorldView-1 and WorldView-2 satel- region ranging from Western Australia to North Amer- ica, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Indian and Atlan- tic Oceans. Uplinks and downlinks from both of these satellites will be supported. C- and Ku-band teleport ops will be added to the current MTN global and terres- trial network, along with point-of-presence and a 24x7 WorldView-2 satellite XTAR-EUR satellite SatMagazine — July | August 2009 5 — BEAM — NOC in Santander. ERZIA will be able to improve mobile The division’s MSS and FSS services provide complete and fixed VSAT services in Spain and southern Europe. coverage of North America. CyberJaya, Malaysia, is the location of the MEASAT Teleport and Broadcast Center, and this operation will handle the needs of the just-launched MEASAT- 91.5 degrees 3a satellite. Located at the orbital slot at East , the new satellite offers a 15 year life expectancy and will support DTH, broadcasting, and telecom- munication services. Full commercial operations are expected by the close of July. Teleports require a variety of hardware and software solutions to ensure viable, effective operations. To that end, last month Newtec made the announcement that Asia Broadcast Satellite (ABS) is going to be working with them to optimize their point-to-point AMOS-3 satellite satellite services transmissions via Newtec’s DVB-S2 technology. ABS customers will be able to transport The National Geographic Wild programming will now live video content directly from their studios to ABS be reaching Romania, thanks to the INTV Teleport in gateway teleports, efficiently and reliably. These con- Prague. Spacecom, the operator of the AMOS satellite tribution feeds will then be multiplexed, encrypted, fleet, was the recipient of this contract, which will find and uplinked to full transponder MCPC platforms on the programming heading into the teleport via the the ABS-1 satellite for payTV distribution and for AMOS-3 satellite.
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