Artificial Channels, 162 Artillcry and Artillerymen, 191, 199. 202
Index Acupuncture , 262 Armillary spheres , 12 , 16 - 17 , 19 , 21 , Africa , in Korean maps , 282 . 283 , 284 33 , 35 , 38 , 41 , 61 - 62 , 73 Agriculture , 4, II , 157 of the Sejong era , 65 - 68 and meteorology , 107, 109, III , 120, in Song I - y ~ ng ' s clock , 70 122 - 123 All11orcd car , 188 , 198 Alchemical preparations , 264, 265. Arms and armor , 239 , 241 , 243 See also Elixirs of immortality Arro \ \ ' s , 187 Alchemy , 256, 258, 260, 261- 262, 263. naming , 186 264 - 265 tube - launched , 185 Alcohol , 261 , 278 Arsenic , 253 , 256 - 257 Aleni , Giulio , 301 , 305 Arsenic oxide , 256 Alexandria , 282 Arsenic powder , 254 Alloys , 182, 245, 247- 252 , 253 Arsenic stone , 254 , 256 American continent , 305 Artificial channels, 162 Amethyst , 138 Artillcry and artillerymen, 191, 199. An Ch 'o-in (armillary clockmaker , 202 1760). 72 Artisans, 179, 253. 254. Seealso An Chung -t 'ae (am1illary clockmaker , Craftslllcn maker , 1704), 71 Kory~. 3. 252 An Hyon (governor of Kyongsang of Silia. 2 Province . 1550). 215 Ash, and gunpowdermaking , 271, An Kuk -pin (astronomer , 1742), 29, 272 85 , 88 Ash-blowing refining methods, An M )'ong -Soi (translator , 1745), 85 216n.36 /In t 'ien (coslnographical theory ), 12 ,\ strolabe, 73 An t ' ien [ un , 12 Astrology, 11, 78, 96, 98, 100, 105, 108 Ancestor worship , 261 Astronomicalbooks , printing of, 181 Anemoscope (p 'unggijuk ). 123 Astronolllical calculations, 74-75, 95, Angle measurement instrllment . See !)G Ya11gdolii Astronomicalclocks . SeeClocks Antimony , 256 ,\ stronolnicalinstruments , 15, 37, 38, Antimony oxide , 256- 39-40, 46- 47, G6-67, 68, 72- 77 Aoyama Sadao . 282. 284 Astronomicalobservatiolls , 2, 11, 21 Arabia , 305 Illcthodsof , 95 Arabic astronomy .
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