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Hamilton Jewish News Hamilton Jewish News SERVING HAMILTON WENTWORTH AND AREA FEBRUARY 2009 VOL 23:3/ SHVAT 5769 AGreeMENT #40007180 Financial Hamilton rallies for Israel concerns hit home ll of the wishful think- that most people would pay ing we can muster will them on time. The reality is A not prevent the Hamil- that payments are somewhat ton Jewish Community from behind. Although we still the effects of the current finan- expect to be able to meet our cial downturn. The same issues commitments, we may need facing other communities, both to draw down on our reserves large and small are now on our to do it.” doorstep. Levin continued by saying Coming off its most success- “The anticipated shortfall in ful campaign in history, the the UJA 2009 campaign may UJA 2009 Campaign Cabinet result in reduced allocations set the goal for this campaign to our beneficiary agencies in at 18% over last year’s totals. the next fiscal year. The Feder- But that was before the current ation Allocations Committee economic meltdown. At this will be meeting this month to late date, the campaign result review the latest data and to is significantly below the goal– initiate its consultations with Hundreds of community members assembled at the Adas Israel on January 8 as an expression of solidarity with Israel during the war both in card for card totals local and national agencies. At with Hamas in Gaza. See story, page 11. Photo by Lawrence Yanover – about even with last year – a minimum, we will be asking and in the percentage of the ourselves, as well as those who campaign completed – 30% of count on our support to review Another casualty of war the donors have yet to make each expenditure and to take their commitments. every possible step to reduce Federation withdraws from dialogue Of greatest concern to Gerry costs wherever they can.” Fisher, executive director, UJA In terms of actually closing the fter three years of work- Federation President Dr. David important initiative. Federation, is a lack of a sense current campaign, UJA Women’s ing to improve relation- Somer wrote to the committee These resignation decisions of urgency in successfully Chair Lisa Morris informs us A ships between Arab, with the following message: were taken on the day the arti- closing the campaign. “We that the Women’s Campaign is Muslim and Jewish commun- “I write to advise that the UJA cle appeared and were taken have a critical problem.... Our close to completion. “The UJA ities, UJA Federation has with- Federation of Hamilton Execu- by those individuals at their campaign team and philan- Women’s Campaign is one of drawn its support for the local tive Committee has accepted the own initiative. As expressed to thropic leaders really need to the best organized components dialogue initiative. Dialogue resignations of Lorne Finkelstein us, these decisions were taken pull together right now to get us of the Federation. I am grate- Committee founder Dr. Lorne and Leslie Lasky as its represent- because Mr. Cheaib’s article, past this difficult moment.” ful for all of the hard work of Finkelstein and Federation atives to the Dialogue Commit- in both tone and content, was representative Les Lasky have tee and has voted to withdraw inimical to the very purpose for According to a recent article in the resigned. its support and participation in which the dialogue committee Hamilton Spectator United Way campaign The actions were taken further activity. These unani- was created. To suggest, as Mr. volunteers worked feverishly, right to the immediately following a Janu- mous decisions have been taken Cheaib has done, that last moment, to bring the campaign to its ary 14th Spectator “Op-Ed” as a direct result of the publica- UJA Federation’s decision goal. Fisher is hoping that UJA volunteers article written by Dialogue tion of Mr. Ali Cheaib’s recent to withdraw its support is “Op-Ed” piece in the Hamilton because we are “propagand- and donors will devote the same passion member Ali Cheaib. Cheaib is the President of the Hamil- Spectator. ists and apologists for Israel” is for a successful campaign conclusion. ton Chapter of the Council of Regardless of his intent, Mr. simply false and only serves to Canadian Arabs. The article Cheaib’s article was interpreted deflect attention away from the He pointed out that the my captains, canvassers and was widely interpreted across by the entire Federation Exec- true issue; namely the inexcus- United Way of Burlington and especially Women’s Division the Jewish community as an utive Committee as inflam- able demonization of Israel in Greater Hamilton managed to Director Chris Nusca. We were expression of real hostility and matory and demonizing. We the first few paragraphs of his surpass its campaign goal in the organized on time. We started demonization of Israel. have received many letters of article. same economic climate as the on time and we are proud of the According to Finkelstein “I complaint. We have an obli- This letter is being written one UJA works in. result, especially in this diffi- was as devastated by this column gation to our constituency to with regret. Our involvement According to a recent arti- cult period.” At this point, the as everyone in the Jewish consider and act on them. with the committee has been cle in the Hamilton Spectator Women’s Division is showing a community. As the founder Ironically, several people a valuable experience. Our United Way campaign volun- card for card increase of +9%. In of the Dialogue Committee, I have demanded that the commitment to seek meth- teers worked feverishly, right addition, four new “Lions” have have attempted over the past 3 ½ Dialogue Committee issue a ods to improve understand- to the last moment, to bring been inducted into the Lion of years to ensure that our commit- letter condemning the article as ing between all of Hamilton’s the campaign to its goal. Fisher Judah Division. tee members’ role was solely damaging to local community diverse communities, including is hoping that by the end, Men’s UJA Chair David to promote respectful behav- relations. Had this article been the Arab and Muslim commun- UJA’s volunteers and donors Horwood is in a somewhat iour between our communities written by someone else, we ities remains strong. It is unfortu- will devote the same passion different position. Most of in Hamilton regardless of our would likely pursue that course. nate that the existing dialogue for a successful campaign the donors who have not yet political differences regarding That Mr. Cheaib is himself a committee can no longer fulfill conclusion. committed are in the Men’s Middle East events. member of the committee has that function. The economic slowdown – Campaign. “The key issue is Ali Cheaib’s column violated only served to fundamentally Respectfully, or fear of it – has affected our that many of our most gener- the fundamental precepts of undermine the credibility that Dr. David Somer, President community in two important ous supporters are waiting for the Dialogue Committee by we have all invested in this Please see DIALOGUE page 2 ways. According to UJA Feder- a better indication of how the publicly writing about his ation Treasurer Jacki Levin, “Of economic situation is going to personal views regarding the immediate concern is the will- affect their businesses over the Middle East, and especially ingness and ability of donors next 12 – 18 months before they by the nature of the language to last year’s campaign to fulfill make their decision on UJA. I’m used in that article. I take these their commitments and pay counting on a better result by transgressions seriously, and their pledges. UJA has assumed not pressuring those I know are personally.” significant financial obligations, committed to UJA and will do Immediately following the based on last year’s campaign the best they can.” Federation Executive Commit- pledges and the expectation tee meeting of January 20th, UJA FEDERATION Larry Levin is new Federation VP Day schools apply for Avi Chai grant UJA Federation President Dr. David Foundation encourages creative approaches Somer is pleased to announce the election of Dr. Larry Levin as Vice-President of the ehila Jewish Community Day Corporate / Administrative and Educa- Board of Directors. Levin, who currently School and Hamilton Hebrew tional areas. The plan is intended to serves as President of the Ontario Dental K Academy have come together not only strengthen the current level Association, is also a member of the to jointly apply for a substantial grant of education in the Jewish commun- UJA Federation Executive and the UJA from the Avi-Chai Foundation in New ity but to establish a path that provides Campaign Cabinet. Levin has previously Yo r k . students with more concrete options to served as Chair for the 2006 and 2007 UJA Avi Chai Foundation is one of the lengthen their Jewish education as they most generous supporters of Jewish Day grow up in the community.” Campaigns, and has been a Federation School education in North America. The letter further states that “It is our Board member for 5 years. Their granting projects often challenge belief that this foundation will not only Dr. Levin is putting his name forth for the day schools and Jewish communities to yield cost savings in the long term, but presidency of the Federation at the Annual consider new and creative approaches also provide students with the oppor- General Meeting on May 26, 2009. Larry Levin will oversee new Public Affairs Committee. toward the delivery of Day School educa- tunity to become leaders and import- “It is important to have an open, trans- tion.
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