
Background Papers and Notes Commissioned for IPPR 2014

Chander, Parkash. ‘A Note on Price Subsidies and Direct Cash Transfers’.

Dev, Mahendra S. ‘Food Security with Focus on Nutrition in – Performance and Polices’.

Goyal, Yugank. ‘India’s Public Distribution System: What has Gone Wrong?’

Iversen, Vegard. ‘Mending the (which ‘skill’?) Gaps – Training Options and Returns in Markets for Low and Unskilled Jobs’.

Kapoor, Rakesh, Kathpalia, G.N. and Kapoor, Aditi. ‘Natural Resources Management and Related Challenges for Eradication of Malnutrition and Poverty’.

Nakray, Keerty. ‘Child Poverty and Wellbeing: Ecological Contexts of Deprivation and Social Policy in India’.

Pratap, K.V. ‘A Note on Issues in Public-Private Partnerships: Road and Power Sector’.

Kumar, C. Raj. ‘A Note on Rule of Law and Democratic Governance in India’.

Raman, Bhuvaneshwari. ‘Influence of Urban Development and Land Policies on Poverty’.

Sen, Sarbani. ‘Public Interest Litigation in India’.

Sinha, Samrat. ‘Food, Nutrition and Livelihood Security in Conflict and Post-Conflict Situations – Some Lessons from 2012 ‘BTAD Humanitarian Crisis’’.

Viswanathan, Brinda. ‘Undernutrition in India – Evidence and Intervention’.

Tripathy, Damodar. ‘ – Growth, Malnutrition and Hunger’.

BIBLIOGRAPHY 241 Other Reference Works

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Alkire, S. and Foster, J. 2010. ‘Designing the Inequality – Adjusted Human Development Index’, OPHI Working paper No.37, Queen Elizabeth House, University of Oxford.

Banerjee, A. and Dufflo, E. 2011.Poor Economics: Rethinking Poverty and the Ways to End It, Random House, India.

Banerjee, K. and Saha, Partha. 2010. ‘The NREGA, the Maoists and the Developmental Woes of the Indian State’, Economic and Political Weekly, 10 July.

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Desai, B.M., D’Souza, E., Mellor, J.W., Tamboli, P. and Paul, V. 2011. ‘Agricultural Policy Strategy, Instruments and Implementation: A Review and the Road Ahead’, Economic and Political Weekly, 31 December.

Dev, Mahendra S. 2008. Inclusive Growth in India – Agriculture, Poverty and Human Development, Oxford Collected Essays, New Delhi: Oxford University Press.

Dev, Mahendra S. and Rao, Padmanabha. 2002. Poverty Alleviation Programmes in : An Assessment, Hyderabad: Centre for Economic and Social Studies.

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Eswaran, M., Kotwal, A., Ramaswami, B. and Wadhwa, W. 2009. ‘Sectoral Labour Flows and Agricultural Wages in India, 1983-2004: Has Growth Trickled Down?’, Economic and Political Weekly, 10 January.

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Gupta, V. and Pal, M. 2008. ‘Community Sanitation Campaign: A Study in Haryana’, Economic and Political Weekly, 16 August.

Harriss, B. 1991. ‘The Intrafamily Distribution of Hunger in South Asia,’ in J. Dréze and A.K. Sen (eds) The Political Economy of Hunger, Vol. 1, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

HUNGaMA Survey Report. 2011. Fighting Hunger and Malnutrition, Nandi Foundation, Hydrabad.

IDFC. 2013. India Rural Development Report, Orient Blackswan.

Institute of Applied Manpower Research 2011. India Human Development Report, 2011, New Delhi: Oxford University Press.

Institute for Human Development. 2014. India Labour and Employment Report 2014, New Delhi: Academic Foundation.

International Food Policy Research Institute. 2009. India State Hunger Index, IFPRI, Washington DC.

International Food Policy Research Institute. 2012. Global Hunger Index, IFPRI, Washington DC.

Jha, S. and Ramaswami, B. 2010. ‘How Can Food Subsidies Work Better: Answers from India and Philippines’, Economics Working Paper 221, Asian Development Bank, Manila.

Kannan, K.P. and Raveendran, G. 2009. ‘Growth Sans Employment: A Quarter Century of Jobless Growth in India’s Organised Manufacturing’, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 44, No. 10.

Khera, R. 2006. ‘Mid-Day Meals in Primary Schools’, Economic and Political Weekly, 18 November.

————. 2011. ‘Revival of Public Distribution System: Evidence and Explanations’, Economic and Political Weekly, 5 November.

Khond, D. 2012. ‘Improving Public Service Delivery: Building a New for a Billion Plus’, in Rajeev Malhotra (ed), A Critical Decade: Policies for India’s Development, New Delhi: Oxford University Press.

Kotwal, A., Murukar, M. and Ramaswamy, B. 2011. ‘PDS Forever?’, Economic and Political Weekly, 21 May.

Kundu, A. and Sarangi, N. 2007. ‘Migration, Employment Status and Poverty’, Economic and Political Weekly, 27 January.

Mahal, A., Debroy, B. and Bhandari, L. 2010. India Health Report 2010, New Delhi: BS Books.

244 INDIA PUBLIC POLICY REPORT 2014 Malhotra, Rajeev. 1997. ‘Incidence of Poverty in India – Towards a Consensus on Estimating the Poor’, The Indian Journal of Labour Economics, Vol. 40, No. 1, pages 67-102.

————. 2006. ‘Towards Implementing the Right to Development: A Framework for Indicators and Monitoring Methods’, in Bard A. Andreassen and Stephen P. Mark. (ed), Development as a Human Right, Harvard University Press, Boston, Massachusetts.

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————. 2013. ‘India @ 100: Giving Wings to the Lumbering Elephant’, Futures: Journal of Policy, Planning and Futures Studies, Elsevier.

Mehrotra, S., Gandhi, A., Saha, P. and Sahoo, B. K. 2012. ‘Joblessness and Informalization: Challenges to Inclusive Growth in India’, IAMR Occasional Paper No. 9/2012.

————. 2013. ‘Turnaround in India’s Employment Story’, Economic and Political Weekly, 31 August.

Mehrotra, S. and Mander, H. 2009. ‘How to identify the poor? A Proposal’, Economic and Political Weekly, 9 May.

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246 INDIA PUBLIC POLICY REPORT 2014 Sen, A.K. 1983. Poor, Relatively Speaking, Oxford Economic Papers, p.153-169.

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Yanes, P. 2011. ‘Mexico’s Targeted and Conditional Transfers: Between Oportunidades and Rights’, Economic and Political Weekly, 21 May.

248 INDIA PUBLIC POLICY REPORT 2014 About the Author and JSGP

Rajeev Malhotra, born in Kalpa (), is a Professor at the Jindal School of Government and Public Policy (JSGP) and Executive Director, Centre for Development and Finance at the O.P. Jindal Global University, Haryana. He is a development economist and a civil servant with over two decades of experience of working on development policy issues. He was Economic Adviser to the former Union Finance Minister of India (Mr. ) and has earlier worked at the Planning Commission of India and the United Nation’s office in Geneva. He has published widely on issues relating to poverty estimation, human development, human rights indicators and the Indian economy. He was the lead author of the first National Human Development Report, Planning Commission (OUP 2002) and has edited and contributed to A Critical Decade: Policies for India’s Development (OUP 2012).

Jindal School of Government and Public Policy (JSGP) offers India’s first postgraduate programme in public policy, an interdisciplinary course of two years’ duration, designed to equip students with skills and knowledge to grasp contemporary economic, social and political challenges and to find solutions to persistent development problems. JSGP promotes research aimed at improving the understanding of public policy issues and support an informed policymaking process. It promotes international collaborations befitting a global programme of high quality. JSGP is a member of a select group of international public policy schools (including Harvard University, Sciences Po, University of Oxford, Tsinghua University, Central European University, and some others), participating in the Open Society Foundation’s Rights and Governance Internship Programme. JSGP has an outstanding faculty to equip its students to pursue successful and adventurous careers in different spheres of public life.


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Malhotra India Public Policy Report 2014 4

452040 745 choices ` 780199 ISBN 0-19-945204-0 9 particularly use in for . The report reflects on policy advocacy needs advocacy on policy reflects The report 2014. IPPR

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India Public Policy bringing together Report for an independent platform create (IPPR) is aimed at helping The report: India. for of policy relevance on topical issues research • • assessment of policy effectiveness, objective for a framework presents India Public Policy Report 2014 Policy Public India political economic, is changing its that structural transformation a tremendous through ‘India is going by replaced getting … [are] and entrepreneurship on initiative … controls The dynamics. and social is mobilisation There and business. youth energyof India’s the rising expectations and the restless … society at large. the that affect of people on issues to swim even presents, population huge opportunity to miss this that its youthful India cannot afford not-too-distant future.’ nations in the join the ranks of developed against the tide and • of public policy options, a methodology periodic assessment and analysis for presents been serious concerns in the have issues that development the three – hunger and malnutrition Poverty, countryof the context theme for – constitute the in the country. process public policymaking and its implementation improving and contributes towards About the Author and Executive is Professor author and Chief Editor of India Public Policy Report, Malhotra, Rajeev and Public at the Jindal School of Government and Finance, Development for Centre Director,

Policy, O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat, Haryana, India. Haryana, Sonipat, Jindal Global University, O.P. Policy, 1 Cover photograph: Dreamstime Cover photograph: