Page 1 EBM Assignment Three: Nine Elements of Business Models
Page 1 EBM Assignment Three: Nine Elements of Business Models EA Sports FIFA Fernando Ortenblad Sigaud Full Sail University Entertainment Business Models 02/18/2018 Page 2 Why I choose this company: I decided to select EA Sports FIFA due to two factors, first because video game have always been important to me, since my ten years old, when my parents gave me my first video game and I started to play FIFA. It is a realistic soccer simulator that immerses you inside the day by day of a professional soccer team. With the advance of technology, FIFA has become a fantastic game, where nowadays you can control your favorite player or team, or even create a brand new team and compete against people from over the world. Second, because of the video game industry, that has drastically increased over the years, where companies are always searching for new talents, especially in Brazil, that is lacking in good professionals. Even that my career goal is to work in the live music events industry, as an entertainment business student is essential to understand all entertainment areas, especially video games. By analyzing EA Sports FIFA this month, I am going to learn about a successful business model and understand how a powerful conglomerate like Electronic Arts operates and maximize his profits every year. EA Sports FIFA Background Information: EA Sports FIFA is a video game franchise that simulates soccer, created in 1993 by the name of FIFA International Soccer. Making an incredible success because it was the first soccer video game to have a license from FIFA (Federation of International Football Association), the entity responsible to regulates soccer and for several tournaments and soccer events around the world (, 2017).
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