PHIL ZUCKERMAN, PH.D. Department of Sociology, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon

Although Jews are generally critical or suspicious of the Christian Right, the two groups do have points of nonconflicting intersection: (l)Jews play a significant role in Christian Right theology, (2) they have common political ground in support for Zionism/Is­ rael, and (3) several individual Jews are leading or supporting figures within the Christian Right itself. Why these Jews are involved in this conservative religious movement is ex­ plored.

lthough many aspects of the Christian Lachman, 1993; Raab, 1996; Reichley, ARight have been examined, such as its 1985), Jews are not involved with the historical roots (Ammerman, 1991; Dia­ Christian Right in any substantial numbers mond, 1995), leaders (Fitzgerald, 1981), in­ in terms of grassroots activity, voting re­ novative methods of operation (Frankl, sponse, or financial support. However, they 1897), and social and political impact are nonetheless significant to the Christian (Bates, 1993; Boston, 1993; Bruce, 1992; Right: first, Jews figure centrally into the Capps, 1990; Convray & Siegelman, 1982; religious belief system of the Christian Diamond, 1989; Johnson, 1985; Jorstad, Right; second, mutual ground has been 1981; Liebman & Wuthnow, 1983; Lien- found between various Jews and the Chris­ esch, 1993; Moen, 1992, 1989; Reichley, tian Right concerning Zionism/Israel, and 1985; Shriver, 1981; Vaid, 1995; Wilcox, finally, a few Jews have surprisingly proven 1994, 1992; Zwier, 1982), no work has been to be some of the strongest allies and lead­ done specifically on how the Christian ers of the Christian Right. Right is related to Jews.

Earl Raab (1996, p. 44) notes that "Jews THE CHRISTIAN RIGHT have regularly rated Christian fiindamental- An amalgam of multimillion dollar media ists as the American group most inimical to empires, sympathetic politicians, grassroots them," and Norman Podhoretz (1995, p. 30) organizations, and millions of money- observes that "most *e pledging supporters, the Christian Right liberals...and have lined up behind policies mixes conservative political aspirations that are repugnant to the conservative with fimdamentalist, evangelical Christian Christian commuiuty." However, Jews and beliefs in an attempt to influence American the Christian Right do have relatively non- politics and society. conflicting points of relation. Bolstered by an ever-growing tie to the After describing the Christian Right, this Republican party (Kosmin & Lachman, article examines the areas of intersection 1993; Moen, 1992), the activities of the between the Christian Right and Jews. This Christian Right include everything fi-om examination will add to our understanding supporting military dictators in Central of the Christian Right's ability to attract al­ America to winning seats on local school lies from seemingly oppositional groups in boards (Bates, 1993; Diamond, 1989). carrying out its social and political agenda, as well as explore the role some Jews play Conservative Christian social and politi­ within this conservative movement. cal activism currently permeates the : The anti-gay movement is gaining As the most consistently democratic-lib­ momentum in state after state; one of the eral voting white ethno-religious group in largest grassroots movements in American the country (Johnson, 1985; Kosmin & politics today is the Christian Coalition;

21 Journal of Jewish Communal Service / 12 and the Christian Right dominates the Re- the Christian Right's significant influence pubHcan Party in more than eighteen states, throughout the 1980s (Diamond, 1995; with significant influence in thirteen others Johnson, 1985; Kosmin andLachman, (Stan, 1995). In the 1994 elections, a lib­ 1993; Lienesch, 1993). eral lobbying group monitored 600 state and Currently, the most formidable Christian local races and found that 60 percent of the Right organization is the Christian Coali­ candidates backed by the Christian Right tion. Led by and Ralph won election to office (Diamond, 1995). Reed, who has developed strong ties with Today's Christian Right is concemed Newt Gingrich and Jesse Helms, this orga­ with issues of anti-homosexuality, anti- nization has over one miUion members with women's equality, anti-reproductive rights, more than 870 chapters (Vaid, 1995) and anti-separation of church and state, and op­ an annual budget of $25 million (Stan, position to the teaching of sex education in 1995). The Christian Coalition is one of public schools—all embedded within a the best-organized grassroots political hyper-patriotic, fi-ee-market capitalist ideol­ movements in the country. For example, in ogy that is marked by social critiques of the 1990, it targeted San Diego for political in­ needy and unrelenting attacks against wel­ fluence. Its efforts were overwhelmingly fare legislation (Lahaye, 1980; Robertson, successful, as 60 candidates (of 88) affili­ 1990). ated with the religious right were elected to Combining a potentially intolerant mor- city and county positions. Three hundred alism based on a literal interpretation of the Christian Coalition delegates attended the with a nostalgic yearning for the 1992 Republican National Convention. In mythical "Leave it to Beaver" patriarchal 1995, the Christian Coalition's intention to family stmcture, the Christian Right is influence politics was revealed in its "Con­ working hand in hand with the Republican with the American Family," a loud call party to shape American society and politics for an evangelical Christian presence in all along lines that some would consider quite levels of American society, which was threatening. According to activist/author warmly embraced by the Republican major­ Urvashi Vaid (1995, p. 310), the Christian ity in Congress. One of the Christian Right is a "militantly antidemocratic move­ Coalition's projects is fighting for the re­ ment that is turning American constitu­ peal of the constitutional separation of tional democracy inside out... .Prejudice, in­ church and state, which Robertson has suc­ justice, inequality, intolerance, hatred, vio­ cinctly labeled "a lie of the left" (Vaid, lence are all evils being strengthened by the 1995). The Christian Coalition vowed to religious and supremacist right." spend over $1 million to help defeat Presi­ dent Clinton's health care plan (ADL, MAJOR ORGAISIZATIONS OF THE 1994). CHRISTIAN RIGHT The exact number of Christian Coalition delegates who attended the 1996 Repubh- The four primary organizations of the can National Convention is uncertain. Christian Right throughout the 1980s were However, a Times/CNN poll conducted in the National Christian Action Coalition, the August 1996 claimed that II percent of del­ Religious Roundtable, Christian Voice, and egates were members of the Christian Coa­ Moral Majority (Moen, 1992). The success- lition, with an additional 55 percent claim­ fill registration of millions of new conserva­ ing to "favor" the organization. Republican tive voters and the sound defeat of the candidate Bob Dole has openly embraced Equal Rights Amendment, the Nuclear the Christian Coalition. Bowing to Chris­ Freeze Initiative, pubhc fiinding for abor­ tian Right pressure, he ensured that the Re­ tions for poor women, and fiinding for publican platform remained strongly anti- AIDS research are but a few examples of abortion, and in mid-September he spoke at

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the Christian Coalition's annual meeting in merous religio-political books. Pat Washington. He appeared on stage with Pat Robertson, in the words of Walter Capps Robertson, clasping hands and joining him (1990, p. 181), "is the personification of the in calling on God's help in the upcoming Religious Right." election. Robertson's attitude toward Jews is one Other major conservative Christian orga­ of well-noted contradiction. On the one nizations include anti-gay movements, such hand, he is a staunch public supporter of Is­ as Colorado for Family Values and the Or­ rael and in recent times has made several egon Citizens Alliance. The American open gestures of good will toward the Freedom Coalition is a large, grassroots American Jewish commuiuty. On the other movement that fights fimding for public hand, he is notorious for his steatfy stream schools and enviroimiental protection of anti-Senutic sentiments. In his book 77ze (Moen, 1992). With an annual budget of New Millennium (1990), he charges that all $62 miUion, the Promise Keepers, led by religions that deny the deity of Christ are Colorado for Family Values board member Satanic at root (p. 77); liberal Jews are in­ Bill McCartney, spreads the message of tent on "diminishing Christian influence" male dominance within an evangelical in America (p. 289) and are out "to destroy Christian context (Diamond, 1995). Anti- the Christian position" (p. 290); and "Jew­ feminist organizations, such as Phyllis ish intellectuals and media activists" have Schlafly's Eagle Forum and Concerned waged an assault on (p. 292). Women for America (with a budget of $10 Although repeatedly noting the special rela­ million), have been quite active, with mem­ tionship between God and the Jews, bership possibly reaching close to 500,000 Robertson also repeatedly makes it clear (Moen, 1992; Vaid, 1995). Pat Robertson's that there will be no room for Jews in his American Center for Law and Justice new millennium, for "the destiny of this na­ wields its $6 miUion budget to fight against tion is in the hands of the Christians" the separation of church and state; Dr. (p.3II). Furthermore, Robertson continu­ 's , with ally equates abortion with Nazi genocide a budget of $90 million, fights against the and has asserted that "what Nazi Germany separation of church and state, secular pub­ did to the Jews, so liberal America is now lic education, and the civil rights of homo­ doing to the evangeUcal Christian. It's the sexual Americans; Robert L. Simonds' Citi­ same thing" (ADL, 1994). zens for Excellence in Education utilizes its In his more recent work. The New World 1,700 chapters to secure Christian influence Order (1991), which made the New York in public schools (ADL, 1994). Times bestseller list, Robertson sets forth a conspiracy theory in which Jews are the cul­ Pat Robertson prits. Jewish bankers and Jewish revolu­ tionaries are portrayed by Robertson as cen­ Pat Robertson has maintained his stature tral players of a sinister/demonic plot to above all the televangelists who fell amidst take over the world (Lind, 1995). public scandal during the 1980s, such as Pat Bakker, , and Oral The Foot Soldiers Roberts. He has even outshone Jerry Falwell as the most well-known, active, and Studies reveal that those most likely to be­ successfiil Christian Rightist. He is the host come activists, money-pledgers, and voters of the "700 Club" (the most-watched evan­ for the Christian Ri^t are white fimdamen­ gelical show in history), founder talist evangelical Protestant Christians and head of the Christian Net­ (Hunter, 1985; Johnson, et al., 1989, 1984; work (the second largest cable TV network Stacey & Shupe, 1983; Wilcox, 1989, 1992; in the United States), and the author of nu­ Zwier, 1982). According to Liebman and

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Wuthnow (1983, p. 231), 'The New number one nonfiction best-seller (aside Christian Right represented a new turn in fi-om the Bible) in the histoiy of the United politics. For the first time in many decades, States (ADL 1994; Bates, 1993). Lindsey's evangelicals found a political voice which book is grounded in a popular Christian be­ they could claim as their own." Although lief system that has always been present in most fiindamentalist and evangelical Chris- Christian theology (Barr, 1977), but ap­ dans are not involved with the Christian peared most vigorously on the American Right, within the Christian Right itself, the scene some 100 years ago in the teachings majority of members are fiindamentalist and of John Nelson Darby; this belief system is evangelical Christians. Moreover, it is the known as "premillenial " religious beliefs of these fiindamentalist (Boyer, 1992; Weber, 1979). The premise evangelical Christian supporters that pro­ of this core doctrine is as follows. vides the first coimection between Jews and The history of the world is viewed as the the Christian Right. unfolding of dispensations, or eras, the last of which is to be the millennium—a thou­ JEWS: CENTRAL TO CHRISTUN RIGHT sand years of peace and harmony on earth. RELIGIOUS DOCTRINE A special reading of the Bible (most impor­ tantly, the Jewish prophets Isaiah, Daniel, It is quite likely that most Jews in America Ezekiel, and Jeremiah and the Book of Rev­ today cannot tell the difference between a elation in the Christian Testament) con­ Presbyterian and a Pentecostal Protestant. cludes that certain predictions for the return However, the same cannot be said about the of Christ are coming true, most notably reverse. Quite the contrary: over and above those ushering in the return of Christ. the obvious feet that the Bible that they However, before Christ returns to earth, cherish was written by and about Jews, there will be seven years of Tribulation (in Christian evangelical fiindamentalists con­ short, hell on earth), during which time the sider contemporary Jews to be very signifi­ Anti-Christ will arise. This period of cant components of their religious world Tribulation will be so bad that, according to view. Jews are central to their religious ac­ Lindsey, it "will make the regimes of Hitier, tivism, and as Conway and Siegelman Mao, and Stalin look like Girl Scouts weav­ (1982, p. 167) observe, there is an "almost ing a daisy chain by comparison" (Lindsey, obsessive preoccupation with Jews, Juda­ 1977, p. 99). Then, as a culmination, the ism, and the state of Israel displayed by battle of Armageddon will take place. many spokesmen for the fiindamentalist Christ will defeat Satan and reign over the right." earth in peacefiil harmony for 1,000 years The key to understanding this obsession (the millennium). is found in the Christian Right's theological Within this scenario, the "Rapture" is a perspective, which is grounded in a popular, central component. During the horror of widely held outlook based on biblical the seven years of Tribulation and the prophecy, sometimes referred to as Arma­ apocalyptic battle between Christ and Satan, geddon theology. Jews are essential compo­ truly believing Christians will be spared; nents in this theology. that is, called up to heaven in the Wink of Hal Lindsey, long-time member of vari­ an eye (the Rapture) and saved from all the ous Christian Right organizations such as earthly calamity that nonbelievers will have the Religious Roundtable, promulgated a to endure. As it is written in Matthew clear picture of Armageddon theology and 24:37-41, 'There will be two men in a field; its popular "End Times" eschatology in his one will be taken, the other left; two women 1970 book. The Late Great Planet Earth. It grinding at the mill; one will be taken, the has sold over 35 million copies and is the other left." Or in the words of Jerry Falwell:

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You'll be driving along in an automobile... ment fi-om the premilletmialist rhetoric es­ You're a Christian. There'll be several poused by Armageddon theologian/ people in the automobile with you, maybe Gerald Winrod, who back in the 1930s, pre­ someone who is not a Christian. When the dicted that the Anti-Christ himself would be trumpet sounds you...will be instantly caught a Jew (Ammerman, I99I). away—you will dis^ear (Diamond, 1989, Finally, with the defeat of the anti-Christ p. 133). (and his Jewish ally), "one third of the Jews alive during this period will be converted to In short, the Rapture and Christ's eventual Christ and miraculously preserved." Pat triumph could come at any moment. How Robertson (1990, p. 294) declares: 'Then, does one know? Because Jews are fulfilling according to the Bible, the Jews will cry out the prophecies. As Michael Lienesch to the one they have so long rejected, and (1993, p. 229) contends, "In the eschatology He will come in heavenly power to give of the New Christian Right, Israel is the them deliverance... then we will have a key." reign of peace on earth known as 'The Mil- According to Hal Lindsey, and other lenruum." televangelists, evangelical fimdamentalist Armageddon theology, thus, reveals a , and Christian Rightists, the cre­ contradictory impulse toward Jews. On the ation of Israel was a key fiilfillment of bibli­ one hand, the retum of Jews to Israel is to cal prophecy signaling the begimung of the be encouraged, and Jews are to be positively gruesome last days before Christ's trium­ supported in their endeavors to strengthen phant retum. In Lindsey's (1970, preface) Israel as a sign of the hastening of the End words: of Times. On the other hand, it is antici­ pated that most Jews will suffer terribly dur­ Hebrew prophets...predicted that as man ing the period of Tribulation and that only neared die end of history as we know those Jews who converted to Christ in the it.. .there would be a precise pattern of end will be redeemed. In other words, events...and all this would be around the Jews, though supported as important players most important sign of all—^that is the Jew in biblical prophesy, are eventually to be returning to the land of Israel...The Jew is punished for their heretical refiisal to em­ the most important sign to this generation. brace Jesus as the Messiah. [Lindsey, preface] Although seeming almost implausible as just so much phantasmagoria, Duke Uiuver­ For Lindsey and nullions of like-minded sity religious historian Grant Wacker con­ premillenialists, Jews have several impor­ cludes that "premillenialism proves to be tant fiinctions. First, with the establishment one of the most resilient and widely held be­ of Israel in 1948, certain biblical signs asso­ lief systems that has ever gripped the ciated with Christ's earthly retum are seen American imagination" (ADL, 1994). as "coming tme." Thus, making aliyah, as Dwight Wilson (1977), in his study of did emigres from Russia, is of utmost im­ prophecy belief in the United States, gave a port. Second, as Lindsey fiirther explains, a conservative estimate of 8 million commit­ "False I*rophef' will come to power preced­ ted premillennialists. Paul Boyer's (1992) ing the horrific times of the Tribulation. He extensive survey of Armageddon theology will be the ally of Satan and "is going to be supports his conclusion that "prophetic be­ a Jew." This False Prophet Jew will be a lief remains deeply rooted in the United "master of sataitic magic" who will have States." Even former President Ronald "control over the economics of the world Reagan (quoted in Boyer, 1992) publicly es­ system." This "ally of Satan" stams for the poused prenullennial convictions. Citing False Prophet Jew is only a minor improve­ similar biblical passages as those quoted by

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Hal Lindsey, in the 1970s Reagan asserted cism aimed at Israel after the post-1967 oc­ that "the day of Armageddon isn't fer cupation of the West Bank and the 1975 off... .Everything is falling into place. It United Nations resolution condemning Zi­ can't be long now. Ezekiel says that fire onism as racism, many Jewish organiza­ and brimstone will be rained upon the en­ tions and leaders "were willing to put their emies of God's people. That must mean misgivings aside and develop ties with that they'll be destroyed by nuclear weap­ evangelical and fundamentalist Christians" ons." (Levitas, 1995). While a presidential candidate in 1980, Thus, it is on issues surrounding Israel Reagan declared, "We may be the genera­ that Jews and the Christian Right come the tion that sees Armageddon" (quoted in Dia­ closest to seeing eye to eye. The Christian mond, 1989) and while in the White House, Right takes a hard-line stance in support of his premillenialism grew, as he explained to the Jewish state, and for the most part, Jews a lobbyist for Israel: "I turn back to your and Israelis happily welcome and encourage ancient prophets in the Old Testament and that support (Halsell, 1986:145-16). Ac­ the signs foretelling Armageddon, and I cording to Michael Lind (1995), "many find myself wondering if we're the genera­ Jewish neo-conservatives value fiindamen­ tion that's going to see that come about" talist support for American military and (Boyer, 1992). economic subsidies to Israel." Having considered the important posi­ In 1980, then Israeli Prime tion Jews hold within Christian Right reli­ Menachem Begin gave Moral Majority gious doctrine, we then ask. How has belief leader Jerry Falwell a medal of honor, the in this religious doctrine been manifested Jabotinsky Prize, in recognition of all his ef­ politically? According to Sara Diamond forts on behalf of Israel. A year later. (1995, p. 94), premillennial dispensational­ Abraham Hecht, president of the Orthodox ism is "a doctrine with deep implications Rabbinical Alliance of America, compli­ for the later politics of the Christian Right." mented Christian Right leaders such as This leads us to the second area of investi­ Jerry Falwell for their "integrity" and "val­ gation regarding Jews and the Christian ues" (Shriver, 1981). Right—Israel. In 1988, Israeli government and military leaders, including Colonel Yehuda Levy of Zionism and Israel: Common Ground Entebbe fame, met with Christian broad­ casting executives in order to furnish their The Christian Right advocates absolute sup­ televangelists with appropriate propaganda port of Israel. Pat Robertson (1990, p. 286) to counter the criticisms of Israel's repres­ has warned, "So long as this nation has any sion of the Palestinian inti&da (Diamond, concern for God's favor, we caimot turn our 1989). Rabbi Marc Tannenbaum of the backs on Israel. Throughout Scripture, the American Jewish Committee, whom Levitas prophets warned that God will judge the na­ (1995) notes as pioneering Jewish-evangeli­ tions that stand against Israel." cal relations in the 1960s, remarked that "When it comes to formulating foreign Jews should form closer ties with right wing pohcy," notes Lienesch (1993, p. 230), evangelical Christians because of their pro- "those in the New Christian Right consider Israel stance. In recent years, Israeli ofB- American support for Israel to be an abso­ cials have been regular guests on Pat lute requirement." Commenting on various Robertson's "700 Club," and Robertson has stadies, Boyer (1992, p. 193) concludes that donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to "white evangelical Protestants are Israel's help Russian immigrants settle in Israel. firmest backers in America, except for Christian Zionists—^that is, American Jews." evangelicals who manifest their religious In the aftermath of much liberal criti­

FALL 1996 Jews and the Christian Right / 27 zeal through working on behalf of Israel— Jews and the Christian Right have formed several pro-Israel organiza­ More than any other ethno-religious group, tions, including the International Christian Jews are supporters of liberal politicians Embassy, (ICEJ), which engages and leftist causes, whereas the opposite can in activities that range from selling Israeli be said for the Christian Right, which is bonds, promoting tours of Israel, and help­ characterized by support of arch-conserva­ ing Soviet immigrants donate blood for the tive politicians and right-wing causes Israeli military (Levitas, 1995). ICEJ, in its (Kosmin & Lachman, 1993). Furthermore, desire to hasten the End of Times, has the vast differences between these two maintained strong ties with the most ex­ groups go beyond politics; many Jews har­ treme fringes of Jewish nationalism in Is­ bor a warranted suspicion of the Christian rael, those who wish to blow up the Dome Right, which, at least in the earlier half of of the Rock Mosque, the Muslim holy site, the century, espoused a rather blatant brand in order to rebuild the Temple (Diamond, of anti-Semitism typified by the vicious 1995). American Christian Zionists see the words of Reverend L.K. Smith and Rever­ rebuilding of the Temple by Jews as yet an­ end Gerald Winrod, the publication of the other sign of the coming of Christ, and thus Protocols of the Elders of Zion by Henry have donated money to defend two Jewish Ford, and the pontificating of Father fanatics in Israel arrested for attempting to . Many Jews who may not blow up the Mosque (Levitas, 1995). In ad­ be famihar with the recent problematic dition to this support of the most fanatical writings of Pat Robertson perhaps recall the fringes within the anti-Arab Israeli camp, infamous words delivered by the Reverend ICEJ has also been active in Honduras, sup­ Bailey Smith in 1980 to 15,000 members of porting the military activities of the pro-fas­ the Southem Baptist Convention: cist Contras (Pieterse, 1992). Other major Christian Zionist organiza­ It's interesting at great pohtical ralhes how tions include Bridges for Peace, Christians' you have a Protestant to pray, a Cathohc to Israel Public Action Campaign (which has pray, and then you have a Jew to pray. With strong ties with the hard-line group, Ameri­ all due respect to fliose dear people, my cans for a Safe Israel), and Friends of Israel j&iends, God Almighty does not hear the Ministry. According to a Gallup prayer of a Jew (ADL, 1994). poll, they are approximately 40 million Christian Zionists among the 60 to 70 mil­ Despite the persistent political and religious lion evangelical Christians in the United differences between the two, many Jews are States (Silow-Carroll, 1995). active members or supportive allies of the Another Jew who has capitalized on Christian Right. Christian Right support for Israel is Ortho­ Recently, when I mentioned that several dox Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, who has raised Jews are active in the Christian Right to a some $2 million as a central member of the Jewish fiiend of mine, she repUed, "Well, International Fellowship of Christians and sure, you'll always get a few Jewish meshu- Jews, also led by evangelical Christian genahs [crazies] in any movement." Al­ Rightist Pat Boone (Silow-Carroll, 1995). though it may be possible to write off the Noting such Jewish leaders as Rabbi few Jews involved with the Christian Right Eckstein, who have formed alliances with as nothing more than a handfiil of meshu- various elements of the Christian Right, genahs, their presence and activism are leads us to a third and final area of scrutiny: nonetheless worthy of attention. the few Jews who work for and with the Several have actively embraced Christian Right. the Christian Right in their staunch support

FALL 1996 Journal of Jewish Communal Service / 28 of Israel. Yet, the peculiar alliance tran­ the truth that makes men free" (Vaid, 1995, scends the confines of Israel and Christian p. 307). Like his partners in the Christian Zionism. Right, Phillips couches his political activ­ Perh^s the most influential, upper-ech­ ism within a strict religious world view. "I elon Jew involved within the Christian believe that God does judge a society, and Right is Howard Phillips. Along with Paul that a society that shows so little regard for Weyrich, whose stated goal has been the God's creation in terms of human life and "Christianizing [of| America" (Reichley, in other ways, is one from which He with­ 1985), and Richard Viguerie, Howard draws His hand of protection" (Stan, 1995). Phillips (a former Nixon Administration of­ In addition to Howard Phillips, there are ficial and aide to Jesse Helms) is one of the other Jews within the upper echelons of the leaders of what political analysts have Christian Right. In 1993, the Christian dubbed the New Right. According to Rich­ Coalition hired Marshall Wittman as its ard Viguerie, it was Howard Phillips, along first fiill-time lobbyist in Washington, D.C; with Paul Weyrich, who first made a con­ Wittman thus became the highest-ranking certed effort to persuade the top televange­ Jewish member within that organization lists, such as Jerry Falwell, James Robison, (ADL, 1994). In addition to Wittman, and Pat Robertson, to become involved in Rabbi Daniel Lapin is active in the Chris­ conservative politics (Conway & Seigelman, tian Coalition, addressing members at their 1982). Robert Boston (1993) credits annual Road to Victory conferences. Rabbi Howard Phillips as being almost single- Lapin, who now heads the conservative or­ handedly responsible for conceiving and es­ ganization Toward Tradition, took out a tablishing the Moral Majority; in short, ac­ fiiU-page ad last year in cording to a report in Mother Jones (Dec, defending the Christian Right. Seventy-five 1995), Howard Phillips was decisive in Jewish conservatives signed the ad, includ­ helping to turn the religious right into the ing Irving Kristol and Elliott Abrams political force it is today. Influential in sev­ (Levitas, 1995). Kristol, in a 1984 Com­ eral Christian Right organizations, Phillips mentary article, strongly urged Jews to em­ has commented "I have considerable re­ brace Christian fundamentalist support. spect for Reverend Falwell, who helped Other Jews who have strong ties to the wake people up to what was going on in the Christian Coalition include syndicated col­ country" (Moen, 1992, p. 22). In addition umnist Don Feder, a partner of Lon Mabon to his work with Falwell and the Moral Ma­ in his crusade against homosexual Ameri­ jority, Phillips also founded and led the cans; Marshall Berger, President Reagan's right-wing, evangelical-allied Conservative former liaison to the Jewish Community; Caucus in the 1980s. An outspoken oppo­ and Hollywood film critic nent of women's reproductive rights, (ADL, 1994). Phillips has labeled Plaimed Parenthood In addition to the various Jewish figures "Murder Incorporated." He gained public listed above, a most disturbing coimection notoriety during a run at the presidency in between a Jew and the Christian Right 1992, in vMch the television campaign ads comes to light in the co-authorship of a he ran in Iowa were replete with footage of little-known but potentially dangerous book bloody discarded fetuses. Currently, pubhshed in 1995, The Pink Swastika. A Phillips heads the US Taxpayers Party, vicious pseudo-historical account that which supports Pat Buchanan for president, places blame for the Holocaust in the lap of the same Pat Buchanan who, when address­ homosexuals, this book was co-authored by ing a Christian Coalition conference in Scott Lively (second-in-command of the Or­ 1993 declared, "Our culture is superior be­ egon Citizen's Alliance) and Kevin cause our religion is Christianity and that is Abrams, an Orthodox Jew living in Jerusa-

FALL 1996 Jews and the Christian Right / 29 lem. That an Orthodox Jew residing in Is­ an obsessive preoccupation with Jews can rael would contribute to the blatant be found, and this obsession has spurred disfiguration of the history of the Holocaust various social and political outreach toward at the expense of a singled-out, persecuted Jews, primarily in support of the state of Is­ minority is quite alarming. Taking their ar­ rael. gument to its disturbingly obvious conclu­ However, explaining active Jewish in­ sion. Lively and Abrams conclude that the volvement with the Christian Right is a bit gay rights movement in America today is a more difficult. There are two areas de­ neo-Nazi movement with direct links to the manding explanatory scrutiny: (I) the Jew­ Third Reich and that the only way to stop ish embrace of Christian Right support of an impending American Holocaust is Israel and (2) the noteworthy involvement through the defeat of the gay rights move­ of various Jews in non-Israel-related Chris­ ment. tian Right activity. The former involvement However, despite the fact that it was co- can be expediently explained in terms of po­ authored by an Orthodox Jew, the book it­ litical pragmatism: as a persecuted minor­ self comes as no surprise. Homosexuals ity rebounding from near extermination, constitute the new evil for conservative Jews and Israelis will understandably take Christian America, and the Christian Right support for Israel wherever they can get it, (of which Scott Lively's Oregon Citizen's be it from American Jewish charity fimds, Alliance is a vanguard organization) has despotic regimes, or Christian evangelicals. been the central force in constructing and Whether based in reality or not, many Jews persecuting this new scapegoat. still perceive Israel as a fledgling, vulner­ Homosexuals are to the Christian Right able outpost of Jewish life, and ethical con­ what Jews were to post-World War I Ger­ siderations are often compromised in the in­ man society. The Christian Right blames terest of what is viewed as geo-political sur­ homosexuals for virtually every problem in vival. As Boyer (1992) notes, the pre- American society and is currently fighting millennialist-Israeli bond can be attributed for the removal of basic, constitutionally to the prophecy beliefs of the former and to provided civil rights for homosexual Ameri­ the Realpolitik of the latter. cans. In the onunous words of Pat Robert­ Yet, the second area of concern—why son (1990, p. 185), to allow homosexuals certain Jews have gotten involved with the any place in our society "is nothing short of Christian Right outside of Israel-related is­ lunacy." Robertson's sentiments and the ac­ sues—presents more of an explanatoiy chal­ tive political movement of the Christian lenge to the social theorist. This question is Right to remove constitutional protections beyond the scope of this article, but one for homosexual Americans are both the definitely deserving of fiirther scholarly at­ product and source of heightened homo­ tention. Is it simply a case of deviance? Of phobia within the Uiuted States. Diamond identification with the oppressor? Of per­ (1989, p. lOI) warns, 'The enmity of the sonal idiosyncrasy on the part of those par­ Christian Right toward gay people is poten­ ticular Jews involved? tially the most dangerous element of its ide­ Perhaps one hypothetical possibility is ology and political game plan." that it is a unique form of Jewish assimila­ tion into the perceived American main­ CONCLUSION stream. In this instance, I do not mean by "assimilation" the type in which a group's To understand why the Christian Right has identity is abandoned and diluted—after all, been interested in Jews and Jewish endeav­ most of the Jews involved with the Chris­ ors, one need look no fiirther than the realm tian Right are Orthodox. Rather, I mean a of religious behefs. It is within the reli­ type of assimilation in which a minority gious doctrine of evangelical Christians that

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