Polarforschung 67 (1/2),87 - 90, 1997 (erschienen 2000)

A new Topographie Map 1 : 7500 of Cierva Point (Daneo Coast, Antaretie Peninsula)

BYFrank Rau J, Tobias Betgen J, Dirk Beppler' and Jose Luis Agraz/

Summary: Due to its great seientific value Cierva Point was declared as Site System (GIS) should be used, whieh offers the advantage ofeasy of Special Scientifie Interest No. 15. Since the foundation of the Argentine re­ integration of additional data layers and provides the neeessary search station Primavera Base in 1977, the area has been the focus of numerous scientific research projects. Despite the attention the area received, ace urate tools for a subsequent processing of the data. large-scale topographie mapping was not available prior to this study. Therefore, a topographie survey using simple field methods was carried out during the 1996/ Despite its declaration as a Site of Special Seientifie Interest 97 summer campaign. A digital elevation model with an approximate vertieal (SSSI; SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE ON ANTARCTIC RESEARCH 1998) and accuracy of 10 to 20 m was derived from the survey data. Using a GIS, land cover typcs mapped during the field campaign were superimposed over the to­ numerous scientifie activities in the vicinity of the Argentine pographie data. The result was Oll: 7500 seale topographie map of Cierva Point research station Primavera Base before and sinee its foundation with a contour interval of 10m. The digital data can potentially be used as a in 1977 (e.g. LLORENTE et al. 1974 DOMACK et al., 1990, AGRAZ spatial base layer for a loeal environmental information system. et al. 1994, QUINTANA et al. 1994, BENITEZ & AGRAZ 1997, Go­

Zusammenfassung: Die Halbinsel Cierva Point ist aufgrund ihrer natur­ DAGONE 1997, BETGEN 1998, MATALONI et al, 1998), an ace urate räumlichen Ausstattung als antarktisches Schutzgebiet ausgewiesen (Site of topographie database is not available for Cierva Point (Daneo Special Scientific Interest No. 15). Darüber hinaus wurden hier seit Gründung Coast, Antaretie Peninsula), Therefore, during the 1996/97 sum­ der argentinischen Farschungsstation Primavera im Jahre 1977 zahlreiche For­ mer a topographie survey was eondueted using simple field schungsarbeiten durchgeführt. Dennoch fehlte bislang eine großmaßstäbige topographische Datengrundlage. Aus diesem Grund wurde während der Som­ methods. Also, major vegetation types, areas free of vegetation, merkampagne 1996/97 mit einfachen Feldmethoden eine topographische Erhe­ and the eurrent distribution of snow and iee fields were bung durchgeführt. Das daraus abgeleitete digitale Geländemodell weist eine mapped. A digital elevation model (DEM) with an approxi­ Höhengenauigkeit von 10 bis 20 m auf. Die GIS-gestÜtzte Überlagerung der mate vertieal aeeuraey between 10 and 20 metres was computed Höheninformation mit zusätzlich erhobenen Oberflächendeckungsklassen er­ möglicht die Präsentation der topographischen Karte Cierva Point (Maßstab I from the topographie information. By eombining all inforrna­ : 7500, Äquidistanz 10m). Die in digitaler Form vorliegende Information kann tion layers a 1 : 7500 scale topographie map with 10 metre con­ als räumliche Datengrundlage zum Beispiel zur Erstellung eines lokalen Land­ tours of the Cierva Point peninsula was ereated. The digital data schaftsiufonnationssystems dienen. could potentially be used as a spatial base layer for a local en­ vironmental information system. INTRODUCTION

In the Antaretie, research and administration still suffer from a STUDY AREA lack of detailed topographie information. Basic eartographie data of the entire Antaretie eontinent are provided by the Ant­ Cierva Point (64 0 10' S, 60° 57' W) is loeated at the northern aretie Digital Database (ADD, 1998). end of Hughes Bay on the Daneo Co ast in the north-west of the For the northern Antaretie Peninsula, the ADD digital maps are Antaretie Peninsula. The Cierva Point peninsula is eonfined by based on eartographie data sets at seales ranging from 1 : 100 in the north and the Gerlaehe Strait in the west 000 to 1 : 250 000. However, Antarctic research in the fields of (Figs. 1, 2). The slopes of the peninsula rise up to Pico Escorn­ , climatology, geography, environmental impact studies, brera (323 m asl) and, separated by a broad ice-covered saddle, management plans for protected areas, and monitoring of hu­ to a flat hill of 540 m asl (Cerro Chato). The south-facing slopes man aetivities require topographie information on a larger seale are preeipitous and predominantly ice-covered, Only the north­ than available through the ADD. Therefore, new maps have to west-facing slopes are ice-free and are eharaeterized by steep be compiled to meet the needs of scientifie and operational pro­ gullies, seree slopes, and rock terraces. The ice-free areas are grams. Generally. these eartographie produets should show in extensively eovered by lichens, mosses, and grass-dominated detail the eurrent topography, eoast lines, and the aetual distri­ eommunities. Plant communities, such as the liehen-dominared bution of ice and ice-free areas as exaetly as possible. To faci­ fjellfield, the Polytrichum-Chorisodoraium moss turf, and the litate regular updating, and to provide easy aeeess and handling Deschampsia-Colobanthus subformation are abundant. Some of the maps, they should be available in digital format (after moss turf eovered areas re ach sizes larger than a several hun­ BRAUN et a1. submittcal.), Preferably, a Geographie Information dred square metres. The peat aeeumulation in these areas reaches

I Department of Physical Geography, University ofFreiburg, Werderring 4, D-79085 up to approximately 80 em in thickness. This type of habitat Freiburg. Germany; [email protected]> found on Cierva Point is essential for the establishment of Instituto Antartico Argentino (IAA), Gestion Ambiental, Cerrito 1248, 1010 Buenos Aires, ; various bird colonies, including gentoo penguins, chinstrap

Manuscript received 05 May 2000, acccpted 30 May 2000 penguins, blue-eyed shags, brown skuas, snow petrels, Wilson's

87 B AY

Sea 64'15'S

xüomerers o 5Km Contour Interval: 500 m '--__~_--'l ......

2000 2500

Fig. 1: Location 01' Cierva Point on the . Fig. 2: Location 01' Cierva Point and adjacent islands in relation to . The dotted line outlines the limits 01' SSSI No. 15 (SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE ON Abb. 1: Lage von Cierva Point auf der Antarktischen Halbinsel. AN'IÄRCTIC RESEARCH 1998).

Abb. 2: Lage von Cierva Point im Bereich der Danco Coast. Die gepunktete Linie stellt die Begrenzung des SSSI No. 15 dar (SCIENTIPIC COMMI'ITEE ON AN­ storm petrels, sheathbills, and kelp gulls (QUINTANA et al. 1997, TARCTIC RESEARCH 1998). SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE ON ANTARCTIC RESEARCH 1998). previously published geologieal map (LLORENTE et al. 1974) had Due to the existence 01' abundant vegetation cover, a diverse to be used as referenee for the field surveys as large-seale to­ flora that incJudes the two Antaretie flowering plant speeies pographie mapping was not available. Elevation data were ac­ (Deschampsia and Colobanthus quietensisi, mosses, quired using barometrie preeision altimeters. Measurements and liverworts, an assoeiated invertebrate fauna, and important were repeatedly taken along transeets and subsequently eompil­ bird colonies, the area has an immense seientifie value. As a ed into a eontour map. After digitizing the eontour lines, a DEM consequence, the Cierva Point Peninsula was designated as SSSI was generated using the ARC/INFO TOPOGRID module (Fig. No. 15. It eomprises Cierva Point and eneompasses the land 3). The vertieal aeeuraey 01' the DEM varies between 10 m in west 01' an imaginary line drawn from the north-east 01' the Cier­ the direetly surveyed areas 01' the peninsula and 15 to 20 rn on va Point, aeross the summit 01' Cerro Chato, to the south-east the steep southern slopes on whieh the elevation data had to be 01' Cierva Point. Also incJuded are the nearby islands. The Pri­ extrapolated using the ARC/INFO software. mavera Base (Argentina) and all its assoeiated installations and areas 01' disturbanee are excJuded from the area 01' the SSSI No. In addition to the elevation data the surfaee cover was mapped 15 (Fig. 2, SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE ON ANTARCTIC RESEARCH 1998). during the 1996/97 field eampaign. Hereby, a simple c1assifi­ eation seheme was applied. Bare surfaees were subdivided into detritus (predominantly periglaeial and glaeial deposits) and bare THE TOPOGRAPHIC MAP "CIERVA POINT" rock (with dominating granodiorites and granophyre, LLOREN­ TE et al. 1974). Snow fields and iee margins were mapped in their During the research expedition to Primavera Base in the 1996/ eurrent spatial extension on March 1, 1997. Plant-eovered are­ 1997 austral sumrner, a topographie survey was eondueted in as larger than 100 rrr' with a eoverage of more than 60 % were addition to the climatological and snow-hydrologieal studies. A mapped as vegetation. Subsequently, the vegetation cover was

88 ,..------_._-----_._--_.._------,

Fig. 3: DEM-derived contour map 01' Cierva Point unclerlain by a hillshacling illustration.

Abb, 3: Aus dem DEM abgeleitete HÖhenlinienkarte von Cierva Point mit unterlagerter Schummerungsdarstellung. classified into three major mapping units: generated to facilitate a better visual impression of the topogra­ phy. In agreement with the extraordinary large scale ofthe map, 1) Moss blankets represent the abundant Polytrichum-Chori­ a plane metric grid was chosen. The DEM and the mapped sur­ sodontium moss communities (named after Polytrichum al­ face cover types both serve as base layers for a local inforrna­ pestre and Chorisodontium aciphyllum, AGRAZ et a1. 1994). tion system of Cierva Point. Additional terrain parameters, such These peat-forming communities predominate on weil drain­ as slope, aspect, or watershed boundaries can be easily derived. ed, stable rocky surfaces. Typical moss blankets show a By integrating additional data layers an excellent database could hummocky surface, which is frequently inhabited by various be established that can be used for monitoring purposes and for lichens and Deschampsia antarctica. environmental management plans. 2) Communities characterized by the mosses Colliergon aus­ tro-sarmentosum and Drepanocladus uncinatus are c1assi­ OUTLOOl} fied as moss. These communities prevail on humid to wet locations. The presented 1 : 7500 scale map of Cierva Point provides a new 3) Dry habitats show a dense vegetation cover with predomi­ topographic database of the area and will therefore suit present­ nant Deschampsia antarctica and Colobanthus quietensis, day and future scientific and administrative purposes in the vici­ which form closed grass swards. These stands are c1assified nity of Primavera Base. Furtherrnore, it will be a fundamental as grassland. prerequisite for the administration of the SSSI No. 15 area.

Due to the widespread distribution of gentoo penguin rooker­ Due to its consistent GIS-based design, the mapping meets the ies, they were c1assified as an individual mapping unit. In the requirements of easy access and user-friendly handling. Addi­ rookeries, the vegetative cover often is disturbed because of a tionally, it facilitates a regular updating and therefore a future surplus of nutrients and frequent trampling. monitoring of the natural and anthropogenic processes in the Cierva Point area based on the current land cover identified By superimposing all of these data layers in the ARC/INFO GIS, during the 1996/97 field survey. Hence, the data are well-suit­ a 1 : 7500 scale topographic map of Cierva Point was created ed for the subsequent development of an environmental infor­ (see supplement map). A 10 m contour interval was chosen for mation system. The map and the digital data sets with accom­ presentation. Where necessary, auxiliary 5 m contours were panying metadata are available to the user community.

89 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Braun, M., Simoes. i.c, Vogl, S., Bremer; U.F, Blindow, N., Pfender. M., Sau­ rer, H., Aquino, FE. & Ferron. FA. (submitted): An improved topographic e1atabase for King George Island - compilation, application anel outlook.­ This research was supported by the German Ministry of Science Antarctic Science. and Research (BMBF) within the programme "Dynamic Pro­ British Antarctic Survey (1998): Antarctic Digital Database, Version 2.0. Ma­ cesses in Antarctic Geosystems" (DYPAG; contract # nual and bibliography.- Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, Carn­ 03PLO16A). The authors would like to thank the Instituto Ant­ bridge. artico Argentino (Buenos Aires), the Alfred-Wegener-Institut Domack, E.W & Williams, CiR. (1990): Fine Structure and suspeneled Sediment Transport in three Antarctic Fjords.- Contr. Antarctic Res. I, Ant. Res. Ser. für Polar- und Meeresforschung (Bremerhaven) and the crew 50: 70 - 89. AGU, Washington. from 1996/97 for support with respect to logis­ Codagone. R.E. (1997): Los suelos de Punta Cierva (Costa e1e Danco), Penin­ tics, field equipment and assistance. Special thanks to M. Braun sula Antarctica, y su relaci6n con el cambio climatico globa!.- Cuartas Jor­ and F. Heusei (Frei burg) for useful discussions and assistance. nadas sobre Investigaciones Antarticas. September, 1-5, 1997, 476-479. Comments on the manuscript and proofreading by F. Weber and Buenos Aires. A. Morgan (Vancouver) are kindly acknowledged. Llorente, RA, Mendia, JE & Spikermann. .I.P (1974): Geologia deI extreme occidental del Cabo Spring - Costa e1e Daneo Antartida Argentina.- Publ. Instituto Antarctico Argentino, 173. IAA, Buenos Aires. Mataloni, G., Tesolin, G. & Tell, G. (1998): Charaeterization of a small eutro­ References phie Antarctic lake (ütero Lake, Cierva Point) on the basis of algal assern­ blages and Weller chemistry.- Polar Biology 19: 107-114. Agra»: .I.L.; Quintana, R.D. & Aeero. .I.M. (1994): Ecologia de los ambientes Quintana, R.D., Agraz, .IL & Borgo, L. (1994): Refugios e1e alta biodiversidad terrestres en Punta Cierva (Costa de Danco, Peninsula Antarctica).- Pub!. en eeosistemas terrestres antarticos y los efectos deI desarrollo de activi­ Instituto Antarctico Argentino, 439. IAA, Buenos Aires. dades humanas.- Grupo de Estudios sobre Ecologia Regional (GESER). Benitez, 0. & Agra», .I.L. (1997): Efectos dei transito a pie sobre dos comuni­ Departemento de Biologia. Universidad de Buenos Aires. daeles muscfcolas de Punta Cierva (64° 09',60° 57' W), Antartiela.- Cuar­ Quintana, R.D., Cirelli, V & Orgeira, JL (1997): Abunelanee anel spatial dis­ tas Jornadas sobre Invest. Antarticas. September, 1-5, 1997, 163-169. position of birel populations at Cierva Point, Antarctie Peninsula.- Cuartas Buenos Aires. Jornaelas sobre Investigaciones Antarticas, September, 1-5, 1997, 111-121. Beigen, 1'. (1998): Wetter und Witterung in Cierva Point (Antarktische Halbin­ Buenos Aires. sel) im SÜdsommer 1996/97.- Unpub!. Thesis, Institut für Physische Geo­ Scientific Comtnittee on Antarctic Research (1998): Management Plan for Site graphie (lPG), Universität Freiburg. of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) No. 15, Cierva Point, Danco Coast, Antarctic Peninsula.- SCAR BULLETIN 128, Annex D.