Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire, Vol. 2
^7<y,/ kSLct f>1>ï /933 To the binder: these 2 leaves, pp.vil-x are throw-outs in the final binding: GENEALOGICAL DICTIONARY of MAINE and NEW HAMPSHIRE PART II THE SOUTHWORTH PRESS PORTLAND, MAINE 1933 PREFACE TO PART II Although over four years have passed, the promise made in the Preface to Part I, that before Part II should go to press, all of my materials would have been thoroughly worked over for the whole book, is ixnkept. Not only have my minutes from so many years among the records not been fidly uti lized, but people who have studied certain families will often find that au thentic matter in print has escaped notice. Genealogists trained to library work will turn to many such omissions. Yet I do, to console myself, hold to the belief that James Savage himself, had he -in our day- thought of writing his Genealogical Dictionary, would have abandoned it almost before start ing. As it was, he exhausted every printed book from cover to cover (often led into errors thereby). Today such books have multiplied more than a hundred fold. In the interim between Parts I and II, books have gotten into print which fill me with dismay, and worse— books -flung- into print, reckless of errors; and some of these by a genealogist of high reputation. Is there not now enough of such material on the library shelves without increasing it 1 More to the point, shall I add to it? Personally I have reached a conviction that we have arrived at a stage where the desideratum is not the multiplication of genealogical books, nor even the extension of research, but the rescuing of genealogy itself from being brought into public contempt by reckless graspers after high ancestry and their exploiters.
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