Town of Philipstown Conservation Board 238 Main Street, Cold Spring, Ny 10516
TOWN OF PHILIPSTOWN CONSERVATION BOARD 238 MAIN STREET, COLD SPRING, NY 10516 MEETING AGENDA August 12, 2014 at 7:30 pm 1.) OBERT WOOD TM# 71.-2-39.1 WL-14-241 316 OLD WEST POINT RD INSTALL BURRIED ELECTRIC SERVICE TO A NEW RESIDENCE 2.) BRUCE AND DONNA KEHR TM# 16.20-18,20,&21 PBR TOWN OF PHILIPSTOWN 238 Main Street PUTNAM COUNTY, NEWYORK Cold Spring, NY, 10516 (845) 265-5202 APPLICATION FOR WETLANDS PERMIT· Note to Applicant: . Submit the completed application to the appropriate permitting authoirty. The application for Wetlands Permit should be sumbitte simultaneously with any related application (e.g. subdivision approval, site plan approval, special use permit, etc.) being made to the permitting authority. (Office Use Only) Application # D Permitting Authority Received by: D Z.B.A Date D Planning Board Fee D Wetlands Inspector Pursuant to Chapter 93 of the Code of the Town of Philipstown, entitled "Freshwater Wetlands and Watercourse Law of the Town of Philipstown" (Wetlands Law), the undersigned hereby applies for a Wetlands Permit to conduct a regulated activity in a controlled area. 1. Owner; Name: Obert R. Wood. III Address: 115 East 9th Street, Apt 2M New York, NY 10003 E212~ Telephone: 6298334 0117-6'10- 026g 2. Agent Name: (Applicant must be owner of the land The Application may be managed by an authorized agent of such person possessing a notarized letter of consent from the owner.) Name of Agent If Corporation, give names of officers: Mailing Address _ Telephone: 3. Location of Proposed Activity: 316 Old West Point Road West, Garrison Tax Map No.: 7_1_.-_2_-3_9_._1 _ Acreage of Controlled Area Affected: -------------------0.047 4.
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