Town Clerk 27 June 2017




4. PRESENTATION FROM FAL ENERGY PARTNERSHIP To receive a presentation from Fal Energy Partnership on current projects

5. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION An opportunity for members of the public to address the Town Council concerning matters on the agenda. Members of public who wish to speak should contact the Town Council by 5.00p.m. on Monday 3 July 2017 to register. For full details of procedures for public speaking at Council meetings, please visit the Town Council’s website,, click on the link below, or visit the Town Council offices and request a copy: Protocol for Public Speaking at Council Meetings

PLEASE NOTE: This meeting has been advertised as a public meeting and as such could be filmed or recorded by broadcasters, the media or members of the public. Please be aware that whilst every effort is taken to ensure that members of the public are not filmed, we cannot guarantee this, especially if you are speaking or taking an active role.

6. MINUTES To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 12 June 2017 [Pages 3 to 8]

To note the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 19 June 2017 [Pages 9 to 10]

To note the minutes of the Penryn Week Committee meeting held on 13 June 2017 [Pages 11 to 12]

7. CORRESPONDENCE To receive items of correspondence relevant to the Council

1 8. MAYOR’S ANNOUNCEMENTS AND ENGAGEMENTS To note the Mayor’s announcements and engagements between 6 June 2017 and 2 July 2017 [Page 13]


10. TOWN CLERK REPORT To receive an update report from the Town Clerk [Pages 14 to 15]

11. ACCOUNTS – 1 TO 31 MAY 2017 To approve a list of accounts paid and the monthly statement for the period 1 to 31 May 2017 [Pages 16 to 29]

12. COMMUNITY GRANTS To consider requests for Community Grants [Pages 30 to 42]

13. PENRYN FALMOUTH CONTROLLED LOCALITY STATUS (NHS) To formulate a Council response to the consultation [Pages 43 to 47]

14. TOWN HALL – EXTERIOR DECORATION To consider a request from the Kemeneth Group to delay the exterior painting of the Town Hall [Pages 48 to 49]

15. DOG FOULING To receive a verbal report from Councillor Wenmoth and to discuss ways to alleviate the issue [Verbal]

16. MISUSE OF DISABLED PARKING BAYS To discuss ways to address the misuse of disabled parking bays [Page 50]

17. UNIVERSITIES/TOWN & PARISH COUNCILS SHARING FORUM To consider a request to join an information sharing forum [Pages 51 to 53]

18. P A SYSTEM To consider a proposal to purchase a PA system suitable for outdoor use [To follow]

19. PENRYN MUSEUM MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING To consider a proposal to adopt the Memorandum of Understanding [Pages 54 -57]

20. FLAG POLE – MEMORIAL GARDEN To consider a proposal to replace the flag pole in the Memorial Garden [To Follow]


Councillor Mrs S K Peters (Town Mayor) Councillor Mrs H May Councillor C K Wenmoth (Deputy Mayor) Councillor Mrs M K May Councillor Mrs M V Bennett Councillor G C Rickard Councillor M Cant Councillor J E Thompson Councillor K S Green Councillor M Snowdon Councillor Ms R L Holden Councillor Mrs J Tucker Councillor J J Langan Councillor H G B Willoughby Councillor D J Mason Councillor Miss Claire Wilson 2 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE COUNCIL HELD ON MONDAY 12 JUNE 2017 AT 7.00PM IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER, TOWN HALL, PENRYN

Councillors Mrs S Peters (Town Mayor) K S Green, Ms R L Holden, J J Langan, D J Mason, Mrs M K May, M Snowdon, J E Thompson, Mrs J Tucker and C K Wenmoth

In Attendance Cas Leo (Town Clerk), Helen Perry (Finance Officer)


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors G Rickard (sick) and Mrs M V Bennett (sick).


Councillors Mrs S Peters, C K Wenmoth and M Snowdon declared a non-registerable interest in Agenda No. 15 (Community Grants). Councillors C K Wenmoth and M Snowdon are members of the Twinning Association and Councillor Mrs S Peters as the Town Mayor is the President.


There were no requests for dispensations.


No requests had been received from members of the public wishing to speak at the meeting.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 3 April 2017 be approved and signed as a correct record.

Proposed by Councillor J J Langan and seconded by Councillor Mrs M K May

RESOLVED that the minutes of the annual meeting of the Council held on 18 May 2017 be approved and signed as a correct record.

Proposed by Councillor J J Langan and seconded by Councillor Mrs M K May

The minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 28 March 2017 were noted.

The minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 25 April 2017 were noted.

The minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 25 May 2017 were noted.

3 RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Amenities Committee held on 13 March 2017 be approved and signed as a correct record.

Proposed by Councillor CK Wenmoth and seconded by Councillor Mrs M K May

The minutes of the Penryn Week Committee held on 3 April 2017 were noted.

The minutes of the Penryn Week Committee held on 2 May 2017 were noted.

RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Finance and General Purposes Committee held on 20 March 2017 be approved and signed as a correct record.

Proposed by Councillor Mrs M K May and seconded by Councillor Snowdon.


Cornwall Legal wrote to invite one Councillor to their event on Monday 10th July which covers Data Protection, Common Land Issues, TUPE (devolution programme) and Judicial Review.

Keith Hawksworth emailed that FXplus will be organising a Community Awareness visit scheduled for 19th October 2017. If Councillors wish to be involved they can contact Keith direct on 01326 255341.

Falmouth Town Council have agreed to maintain the highway roundabout at Ponsharden on the A39 as they recognise this as an important gateway site to their town.

Letter of notification of the changes to CIC Directors at Helping Hands (Penryn).

The Clerk has received one nomination for December 2017 for the Saracen Award.


The list of Mayor’s engagements for the period 24 March 2017 to the 5th June 2017 was noted.


The Cornwall Council members gave their reports; Councillor Mrs M K May welcomed newly elected Cornwall Councillor John Symons to the meeting and the mayor congratulated him. Councillor Symonds congratulated Councillor May on her appointment of Chairman to Cornwall Council.

Councillor Mrs M K May requested that Council write a letter of condolence following the death of Lady Mary Holborrow who had supported the town for many years.

The Maritime Line Forum had a meeting in May 17 (attended by the clerk) and had discussed the national changes to ticketing, more ticket machines at stations, the universities were displaying art work at disused platforms, and that work was progressing on a café in Penryn.


4 The report from the Town Clerk was noted.

20. ACCOUNTS – 1 TO 31 MARCH 2017

RESOLVED that the list of accounts paid and the monthly statement for the period 1 to 31 March 2017 be approved.

Proposed by Councillor Mrs M K May and seconded by Councillor M Snowdon


RESOLVED that the internal audit report for year ended 31 March 2017 be approved

Proposed by Councillor Mrs M K May and seconded by Councillor C K Wenmoth

22. ACCOUNTS - 1 TO 30 APRIL 2017

RESOLVED that the list of accounts paid and the monthly statement for the period 1 to 30 April 2017 be approved.

Proposed by Councillor Mrs M K May and seconded by Councillor C K Wenmoth


RESOLVED that the Annual Governance Statement for year ended 31 March 2017 be approved.

Proposed by Councillor J J Langan and seconded by Councillor K S Green


RESOLVED that the annual accounts 2016–17 and the Annual Statement of Accounts be approved.

Proposed by Councillor Mrs M K May and seconded by Councillor J.E Thompson


Having declared an interest earlier in the meeting, Councillors Mrs S Peters, M Snowdon and C K Wenmoth left the meeting for the duration of the following item, and did not take part in the debate nor the vote. In the absence of the Chairman and Vice Chairman, Councillor Mrs M K May was elected Chairman for the duration of the item.

RESOLVED that the Penryn and District Twinning Association be awarded a grant of £200.

Proposed by Councillor Mrs M K May seconded by Councillor J J Langan.


The Town Clerk informed the Council that he has arranged in house training with the Finance Officer in July to have an overview of the accounting process.

The Risk Management Update report was noted.



The RoSPA Inspection has taken place for the Memorial Garden and Glasney Playing Field.

RESOLVED that the Town Clerk draws up a work programme as per the recommendations in the reports.

Proposed by Councillor M Snowdon and seconded by Councillor Ms R L Holden.


The report was noted.

Councillor Mrs M K May conveyed her thanks to Councillors C K Wenmoth and M Snowdon for their work on this committee.

The Town Clerk will draw up a list of work to be completed by Councillors and contractors.


The Finance and General Purposes Committee was disbanded at the Annual Meeting of the Council on 18 May 2017, the committee had previously been responsible for staffing matters.

RESOLVED that a Staffing Committee of six councillors and a Staffing Appeals Committee of three councillors be created. Councillors Mrs S Peters (Town Mayor), C K Wenmoth (Deputy Town Mayor), J J Langan, Mrs M K May, M Snowdon and Mrs J Tucker be appointed to the staffing committee. Councillors Ms R L Holden, J E Thompson and D J Mason be appointed to the Staffing Appeals Committee. The committees will meet as required.

Proposed by Councillor Ms R L Holden and seconded by Councillor Mrs M K May


RESOLVED that the following Councillors be appointed to the Neighbourhood Plan Group Councillors C K Wenmoth (Deputy Town Mayor), Ms R L Holden, D J Mason, Mrs M K May, J E Thompson and Mrs J Tucker


That the following Councillors represent the associated outside body:

 Falmouth and Penryn Community Network Panel Councillor Mrs M K May  Falmouth and Penryn Conservation Areas Advisory Committee Councillor J J Langan  Falmouth and Penryn Foodbank Councillors Mrs M V Bennett and K S Green  Friends of Falmouth Hospital Councillors Mrs S Peters and M Snowdon  Maritime Line Forum 6 Councillors Mrs M K May and C K Wenmoth  Penryn and District Twinning Association Councillors Mrs S Peters and Ms R L Holden  Penryn Fair Day Committee Councillors Mrs M K May, Mrs J Tucker and C K Wenmoth  Penryn Museum Society Councillors K S Green and C K Wenmoth  Penryn Town Local Trust Councillors Mrs S Peters, Mrs M K May, M Snowdon and C K Wenmoth  Stuart Stephen Memorial Hall Trust Councillors Mrs M V Bennett, K S Green, J J Langan, M Snowdon, Mrs J Tucker and C K Wenmoth  West Cornwall CCTV Management Group Councillor J E Thompson


The update report on the devolution of Penryn Library was noted


RESOLVED that four storage racks be purchased (2 x 120mm x 60mm and 2 x 90mm x 40mm) to be placed in the Boiler Room, and that quotations be sought for the removal of the internal wall and to make good the area within the museum storage area.

Proposed by Councillor J J Langan seconded by Councillor K S Green


Councillor Mrs J Tucker gave an outline on the need to spend on kitchenware.

RESOLVED that Councillor Mrs J Tucker compile a list of the items required and give the list to the Finance Officer for ordering

Proposed by Councillor Mrs M K May seconded by Councillor Ms R L Holden


RESOLVED that the three draft policies listed below be adopted 1. ICT Security 2. Information Governance 3. Recruitment & Selection

Proposed by Councillor Mrs M K May seconded by Councillor J E Thompson


RESOLVED that in accordance with Section 1 of the Public Bodies Admission to Meetings Act 1960, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item by reasons of the confidential nature of the item. Proceedings, apart from any resolutions passed, shall remain confidential.

Proposed by Councillor J J Langan and seconded by Councillor CK Wenmoth


RESOLVED that a working party be set-up and that the Town Clerk is a member.

Proposed by Councillor Mrs M K May and seconded by Councillor K S Green


RESOLVED that Miss Claire Wilson, Mrs Hayley May and Michael Cant be co-opted as members of Penryn Town Council

Proposed by Councillor Ms R L Holden and seconded by Councillor Mrs J Tucker


RESOLVED that the salary payment date be amended from the 20th of the month to the last working day of the month, commencing in September 2017

Proposed by Councillor J J Langan and seconded by Councillor M Snowdon


For the consideration of the following item the Town Clerk and Finance Officer left the room

RESOLVED that the Town Clerk and Customer Support Office had successfully completed their three month probation periods.

Proposed by Councillor M Snowdon and seconded by Councillor Mrs S Peters

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.50pm




Councillors J Langan, D Mason, C Wenmoth, Mrs V Bennett, Mrs J Tucker, Mrs M May, Ms R Holden, J Thompson, M Cant, Ms H May, Mrs C Wilson

In Attendance Mrs L Body (Customer Support Officer)


Apologies were received from Councillors Mrs S Peters, M Snowdon, K Green and G Rickard


There were no declarations of interest. 205. DISPENSATIONS

There were no requests for dispensations.


There were no members of the public in attendance.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on the 25 May 2017 be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.

Proposed by Councillor Mrs M May and seconded by Councillor Mrs S Peters


PA16/06414 – Land at College Farm, College Hill, Penryn

Having attended a site visit, immediately prior to the meeting, with some members of the new Councillors JL gave an overview of the development to the meeting. It was ascertained that this is a more improved scheme and that the three fields closest to Penryn are now out of the equation at present. This will save on any impact of such responsibility for Penryn Town Council being in ownership of the land.

It was also discussed that Mr Larry Martin, of Woodland Avenue, Penryn, be approached with regard to access of the fields.

The meeting requested that it be noted that future discussions will be required in the future that there will be no plans for any china stone works.

RESOLVED that the Town Council have no objections (10 in favour and 1 against) provided:


i. That the flooding scheme is approved by SWW ii. That the concerns of the Council in regard to access of the site and large vehicular usage of Hill head be noted iii. That the Council request that a management plan be drawn up with R Walker in conjunction with Budock Parish Council and Penryn Town Council relating to managing the surrounding valley and site.

Proposed by Councillor Mrs R Holden and seconded by Councillor Mrs V Bennett

PA17/03218 – Heather and Lay, Swingbridge House, Quay Hill, Penryn

RESOLVED that the Town Council have no objections.

Proposed by Councillor Mrs M May and seconded by Councillor J Thompson.

PA17/04855 – Vinery Meadow, Penryn

RESOLVED that the Town Council objects to the application in accordance with the Tree Officer’s advice.

Proposed by Councillor Mrs J Tucker and seconded by Councillor C Wenmoth

PA17/03691 – Former Taste Kitchen Studio Ltd, The Praze, Penryn

RESOLVED that the Council has no objections.

Proposed by Mrs M May and seconded by Councillor C Wenmoth

PA17/05049 – Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd, Church Hill, Penryn

RESOLVED that the Town Council has no objections to the application. The Town Council would like it noted that they have concerns in regard to the loss of footpath and lack of safety alongside the roadway.

Proposed by Councillor Mrs M May and seconded by Councillor D Mason


The list of decision notices was NOTED.


The meeting NOTED the Planning Policy and Guidance and suggested that it be discussed further at another meeting.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.30pm.



Committee members present: Councillors: Mary May, Shelley Peters, Julie Tucker and Charlie Wenmoth Co-opted Members: John Kirby, Dave Lessles, Ada Renton and Paul Renton

1. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN RESOLVED that Councillor Mary May be elected Chairman for the civic year 2017–2018.

Proposed by John Kirby and seconded by Councillor Mrs Shelley Peters.

2. ELECTION OF VICE CHAIRMAN RESOLVED that Councillor Shelley Peters be elected Vice Chairman for the civic year 2017–2018.

Proposed by Councillor Mary May and seconded by Ada Renton.

3. APOLOGIES No apologies were received.

4. MINUTES RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Penryn Week Committee held on 2nd May 2017 be approved.

Proposed by Councillor Mary May and seconded by Councillor Shelley Peters. Referring to the Mock Mayor event, the Mace Bearers who took part last year need to be contacted to see if they would like to take part again this year.

Suki has offered to make the Mock Mayor’s costume but we will need to supply or cover the cost of the material. Mock Mayor needs to go onto the next Agenda.

With regards the Christmas Concert, Mabe Ladies will be participating but Nankersey are unable to take part this year but will be able to the following year.

5. GIG@GLASNEY The Committee agreed that the event was successful. Roughly £565.00 was raised through collections. It was also agreed that we thought it worked better

with just the two catering vans. The Committee would deliberate about running the event again next year.

6. PENRYN WEEK Service On The Quay Dave and Paul will help with the marshalling on this day. Amie is to contact Muddy Beach to ask if there is a possibility that we can borrow some of their chairs as per last year. If it happens to be raining, the Service will take place in the Methodist Chapel. Amie to ask the Finance Officer what budget was approved


to purchase a new portable PA System. Tea Dance Raffle prizes need to be obtained for this afternoon. Ada can help with the refreshments as can Amie. Sports Evening Megaphones will be needed. Amie to source some plastic medals to hand out. It was agreed to put thank you leaflets on the cars at College Ope thanking them

for their co-operation in moving for the Gig@Glasney, before we leaflet them again asking them to move their cars for the sports evening. Talks and Walks John Kirby will schedule his talk for around 45 minutes to then allow the second talk to start afterwards. Amie is to contact Kevin Thomas to ask if he will require

a projector for his talk on Tuesday evening. Amie is to let Shirley know that John’s walk on Tuesday will involve a visit into the Museum. Quiz, Euchre and Bingo Councillor Shelley Peters will represent the Committee at the bingo, Councillor Charlie Wenmoth will represent the Committee at the Quiz night, and Councillor Snowdon to be asked if he would like to represent the Committee at the Euchre drive. Councillor Mary May to chase Phil Julian to confirm that he is ok for the Quiz. Camera Club Councillor Charlie Wenmoth will officially open the Camera Club exhibition due to

the Mayor being unable to attend on that day. Concert An idea was raised about the Councillors singing the Busy Bee song by Arthur

Askey. Amie to source prices on bee wings and feelers. Carnival Amie to get the buckets and collection tins ready for the Carnival. Marshalls need to be advertised for to help with road closures. The Town Crier is to be asked if he is available for the carnival. Amie to ask Shirley if there are prize cups in the basement. Amie to contact Chris Smith to see if he may have a car for the Town Mayor to ride in for the Carnival. Amie to ask Helen to leave the cash prize for the Carnival winners. Amie to contact Asda to try and get a small donation for sweets for the Carnival.

7. A.O.B. No other business was reported.

8. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The Committee agreed to set a date for the next meeting after Penryn Week.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.20pm


6 June 2017 to 1 July 2017

11 June 2017 Opening of Folk Music Hall – Penryn Quay

18 June Golowan Festival, (Deputy Mayor attended)

24 June Mazey Day Procession, Penzance (plus Deputy Mayor)

25 June Mayor of Truro Civic Service

1 July Vice Chancellors Garden Party

2 July Helston Civic Service (Deputy Mayor attended)


COUNCIL 3 July 2017

Town Clerk Report

Author: Cas Leo, Town Clerk

The Town Clerk’s report is a regular update on progress with Council decisions and projects and the work of the Council staff.

Councillor Induction Training

The Cornwall Association of Local Council (CALC) has confirmed it can run an Induction Training session on Thursday 3 August 2017 (6.30-9.30) for all Penryn councillors, here in Penryn. I have suggested given that the Code of Conduct is mandatory and that all councillors are involved on Planning Committee, that she covers these two particular areas. The training should help all councillors. We don’t have much scope for other days, so suggested this opportunity is taken. Cost is likely to be between £175 -£200.

Bus Stops upgrades

As part of the Deal for Cornwall, Cornwall Council is undertaking an ambitious project to improve and enhance its public transport. The One Public Transport System for Cornwall project will see a twice hourly rail service between Plymouth and Penzance with enhanced bus service provision, roadside infrastructure, information facilities and ticketing. The goal is to encourage more travel by public transport to combat traffic congestion and reduce carbon emissions to make public transport more attractive and inviting.

Dave Edwards from Cornwall Council has asked to present to the council, because they are looking at upgrading the bus shelters along the Falmouth and Redruth corridors, through ultimately to Truro, and as some of these shelters lie within the Council’s area.

After discussion with the mayor, I have invited him to a future Council meeting in September to present speak at the start of a meeting, for 10-15 minutes.

ROSPA Reports

At the last meeting I was asked to look at the reports findings and then report back with a programme on how best to tackle them. The two reports cover Memorial Gardens and Glasney Playing Field.


Memorial Gardens

The low and very low risks identify can be addressed over the next 12 months. In one case this will mean four metal bolts are used to secure the bench to the ground. Internal paths trip points are smoothed out where possible. The entrapment risk on the new gate is assessed to be low; however the fitment of a new rubber buffer may reduce this still further. The replacement of caps on bolts/nuts is a very low risk but can again be done in the next 12 months.

The Fitness Air Walker is assessed to be of medium risk and I will need to refer to manufacturer/supplier for advice on how to reduce the possible risk of trapping fingers.

Glasney Playing Field

Cornwall Council have a major project currently taking place at Glasney Playing Field with major improvements to the drainage system etc. The one risk identified to be medium are the holes that appear in the ground, this is constantly being address by the council caretaker filling them. It would not be sensible do any of the low or very low risks tasks identified at this stage, given the major work taking place because it would make some minor work unnecessary. The replacement of caps on bolts, filing down sharp edges etc., is low or very low risk and could be done in the next 12 months.

The only recommendation to action now would be to obtain a warning sign to place at the basketball board warning “do not climb on the framework etc.” Do not wear rings or other jewellery as these get caught and cause injury”.


The Harbour Master has asked for a key to the toilets on the quayside so that they may be able to lock the toilets after an event. Currently only the contractor cleaners and the youth worker have keys, besides the master key being held in the office.

The Permarin toilets urinals appeared to be slow draining and a plumber was called out after residents had complained about the smells. The blockage was cleared which turned out to be cement in the pipes. The general fabric of the building is damp and paint work is flaking and gives a poor impression of the toilets. A resident had also reported suspected drug dealing taking place at the toilets, which was passed on to the police.

Letter of condolence

At the last meeting Councillor Mrs M K May requested that Council write a letter of condolence following the death of Lady Mary Holborrow who had supported the town for many years, this was done following the meeting.

Library Training at Hayle, Penryn, and Dolcoath

Cornwall Council Library Service has put in place a training package in July and August for staff. We will need to release staff for the training at Dolcoath in August which will involve the closing of office for the day (TBC). We need to get staff trained up in preparation for the hand over however, any staff unable to attend will be trained on the job once handover is complete.

Maintenance Schedule

An updated maintenance schedule will be produced at the September council meeting.



Accounts – 1 to 31 May 2017

Author: Helen Perry, Finance Officer

1. Background

The accounts of the Town Council are presented for approval at each meeting of full Council. A budget monitoring report and bank reconciliation are also attached as appendices to the report.

2. Discussion

The accounts show the total assets of the Council are £351,217.91 as at 31 May 2017. Items of expenditure over £500 (excluding salaries) are as follows:

1 May to 31 May 2017  Cornwall Council 622.00 Non domestic rates – Town Hall  Barclaycard Commercial 560.69 Procurement Card Settlement  Make-Room 663.42 Neighbourhood Plan – Consultancy Fees  Cornwall Council 2371.14 Pension Contributions – May  British Gas 1280.32 Gas – 31/1 to 30/4 – Temperance Hall  British Gas 622.82 Gas – 25/1 to 4/5 – Town Hall  RBS Software 708.00 Annual Licence/Support – Accounts Pack  RTP Surveyors 726.84 Library – Professional Fees  RTp Surveyors 656.24 Clock Tower Refurb – Professional Fees

The following are items of note on the budget monitor report not previously reported:

 Consultancy & Audit (4090 100) – the year end accounts have been closed by the accountant and the internal audit was completed on 22 May 2017  Staff Clothing (4035 100) – the new work blouses have been purchased  Professional Fees Library (4091 240) – a further £2,770.30 (net) has been paid for professional fees for the devolution/alterations to the library

3. Recommendations

That the list of accounts paid from 1 May to 31 May 2017 be approved.


4. Appendices

1. Balance Sheet – May 2017 2. Accounts Paid – May 2017 3. Bank Reconciliation – All Accounts May 2017 4. Budget Monitor Report as at 31 May 2017

17 Date :- 26/06/2017 Penryn Town Council Page No: 1 Time :- 15:12 Detailed Balance Sheet (Excluding Stock Movement) Appendix 1 Month No: 2 31 May 2017

A/c Account Description Actual

Current Assets 100 Debtors 1,781 105 VAT Control Account 4,133 200 Lloyds - Treasurer Account 319,193 210 Lloyds - Instant Access 31,773 250 Petty Cash 250 260 Procurement Card -380

Total Current Assets 356,749

Current Liabilities 500 Creditors 15,278 560 Receipts in Advance 13,321

Total Current Liabilities 28,599

Net Current Assets 328,150

Total Assets less Current Liablities 328,150

Represented By :- 300 Current Year Fund 117,674 310 General Reserves 124,005 320 EMR - Elections 4,000 321 EMR - Commercial Rd C/Park 6,000 322 EMR - Glasney Field 2,000 323 EMR - College Field 2,000 324 EMR - Library 27,186 326 EMR - Broad St Pavement Fund 25,000 329 EMR - Emergency Plan 600 335 EMR - Rent - Permarin 1,604 340 EMR - Ext. Decor. Town Hall 17,081 356 EMR - Litter Bins 1,000

Total Equity 328,150

18 Printed on : 26/06/2017 Penryn Town Council Page No 1

At : 14:53 Lloyds - Treasurer Account Appendix 2 List of Payments made between 01/05/2017 and 31/05/2017

Date Paid Payee Name Cheque Ref Amount Paid Authorized Ref Transaction Detail

02/05/2017 Cornwall Council Std Ord 622.00 Non-Domestic Rates 02/05/2017 Cornwall Council Std Ord 259.00 Non Domestic Rates 02/05/2017 Cornwall Council Std Ord 249.00 Non Domestic Rates 02/05/2017 Cornwall Council Std Ord 236.00 Non Domestic Rates 02/05/2017 Cornwall Council Std Ord 67.00 Non Domestic Rates 02/05/2017 Cornwall Council Std Ord 63.00 Non Domestic Rates 04/05/2017 KCOM (Eclipse Internet) DD 04/05 43.08 Internet 12/05/2017 Pitney Bowes DD 12/5 15.54 Franking Mach Rental 10/4-9/5 12/05/2017 British Gas DD-12/05 11.21 Electric - 23/3 - 20/4/17 16/05/2017 Procurement Card CARD 16/5 560.69 Card Settlement - 16/5 17/05/2017 Pitney Bowes DD 17/5 100.00 Reset Postage Meter 18/05/2017 Zurich Town Parish & Community 000623 114.00 LCAS Membership 2017/18 19/05/2017 Biffa Waste Services Ltd DD00111 34.85 Bin Emptying - 22/4 to 19/5/17 19/05/2017 South West Water DD00112 490.90 Permarin - 22/2 to 5/5/17 19/05/2017 The Printing Chambers DD00114 27.00 Printing - N/Hood Plan Leaflet 19/05/2017 Make-Room DD00115 663.42 Upgrade to Business webhosting 19/05/2017 RTP Chartered Building Surveyo DD00116 1,383.08 Liaising builders/sub contract 19/05/2017 David Morris Window Cleaning DD00117 108.00 Bus Shelter Cleaning 19/05/2017 Complete Office Solutions UK L DD00119 127.28 Various Stationery 19/05/2017 B & Q (Trade UK) DD00120 30.00 Various Plants 19/05/2017 Martin Northern DD00113 89.10 N Hood Plan Expenses 19/05/2017 T/A Lumalite DD00109 20.06 Sample Unbreakable Bulbs 19/05/2017 Salary - June 2017 DD00110 10,392.24 Salary - June 2017 19/05/2017 Alexandra (MWUK) DD00118 330.60 Blouses for staff 19/05/2017 Worldpay DD 19/05 25.11 Card Payment Charges 22/05/2017 IRIS Business Software Ltd DD 22/05 5.04 Payslips Monthly Fee 22/05/2017 British Gas DD-22/05 198.28 Electric - 3/02/17 to 02/05/17 22/05/2017 British Gas DD-22/5 329.21 Electric - 3/2/17 to 2/5/17 22/05/2017 IRIS Business Software Ltd DD22/5 11.26 Auto-enrolment Monthly Fee 23/05/2017 British Gas DD 23/05 1,280.32 Gas - 31/01 to 30/04/17 24/05/2017 Simoney Ltd DD00121 23.40 2x Exec Name Badge c/w magnet 24/05/2017 British Telecommunications DD00122 124.08 Internet 24/05/2017 British Gas DD 24/05 202.42 Goodwill Payment 3@£30 26/05/2017 The Printing Chambers DD00123 147.00 A1 Colour Laminated Print 26/05/2017 JHA Consulting DD00124 297.00 Fees - mezzanine office 26/05/2017 B & Q (Trade UK) DD00125 66.00 Various Plants 26/05/2017 Skyguard Limited DD00126 414.72 Mandown Subscription - 12month 26/05/2017 RBS Software Solutions DD00127 708.00 Annual Licence - Accounts Pack 30/05/2017 British Gas DD 30/05 622.82 Gas - 25/1/17 to 4/5/17 31/05/2017 Petty Cash 000624 48.85 Replenish Petty Cash

Total Payments 20,540.56

19 Printed on : 26/06/2017 Penryn Town Council Page No 1

At : 14:53 Petty Cash List of Payments made between 01/05/2017 and 31/05/2017

Date Paid Payee Name Cheque Ref Amount Paid Authorized Ref Transaction Detail

05/05/2017 Asda 332 4.00 Picture Frame 11/05/2017 Asda 333 5.00 Napkins 18/05/2017 Herron Shoe Repairs 334 29.85 Engraving (x3) 18/05/2017 Sign Shop 335 10.00 Alter Dates on Signs

Total Payments 48.85

20 Printed on : 26/06/2017 Penryn Town Council Page No 1

At : 14:54 Procurement Card List of Payments made between 01/05/2017 and 31/05/2017

Date Paid Payee Name Cheque Ref Amount Paid Authorized Ref Transaction Detail

11/05/2017 Import 4u Ltd CARD 11/05 11.98 Import 4u Ltd 11/05/2017 Society of Local Council Clerk REFUND11/5 -41.40 Refund VAT Course 12/05/2017 Cadet Direct CARD 12/05 14.49 Cadet Forces sash - Red 13/05/2017 Lidl CARD13/05 143.51 Refreshments - Mayor Making 13/05/2017 Asda CARD 13/5 25.50 Refreshments - mayor making 16/05/2017 Asda CARD 16/05 28.87 Mayor making - food/flowers 18/05/2017 Asda CARD 18/05 26.36 Refreshments - mayor making 18/05/2017 Asda CARD 18/05 -1.20 Discount on receipt not taken 19/05/2017 Ltd Card 19/05 15.90 Serrated Edge Seals - 50mm 22/05/2017 Pippins Sandwiches (S&P Ltd) CARD 22/5 156.00 Cocktail Pasties

Total Payments 380.01

21 Penryn Town Council Appendix 3 Bank - Cash and Investment Reconciliation as at 31 May 2017

Account Description Balance Bank Statement Balances 1 Lloyds - Treasurer Accounts 319,823.61 2 Lloyds - 30 Day Account 31,772.54 3 Investment Holding Account 0.00 4 Petty Cash 1.77 5 Procurement Card -380.01 351,217.91

Unpresented Payments

1 30/04/2017 000621 199.38 1 30/04/2017 000622 15.00 1 18/05/2017 000623 114.00 1 31/05/2017 000624 48.85 1 31/01/2017 000630 209.57 1 31/03/2017 000620 43.54 630.34

350,587.57 Receipts not on Bank Statement 4 30/04/2017 199.38 4 31/05/2017 48.85 248.23

Closing Balance 350,835.80 All Cash & Bank Accounts Lloyds - Treasurer Account 319,193.27 Lloyds - Instant Access 31,772.54 Investment Holding Account 0.00 Petty Cash 250.00 Procurement Card -380.01 Other Bank & Cash Balances 0.00 Total Bank & Cash Balances 350,835.80

22 26/06/2017 Penryn Town Council 15:31 Detailed Income & Expenditure by Budget Heading 31/05/2017 Page No 1 Appendix 4 Month No : 2 Budget up to 31 May 2017

Actual Actual Year Current Variance Committed Funds % of Current Mth To Date Annual Bud Annual Total Expenditure Available Budget

Full Council

100 Administration 4000 Salaries - Administration 4,444 8,758 95,359 86,601 86,601 9.2 % 4001 Salaries - Caretakers 1,841 3,665 28,370 24,705 24,705 12.9 % 4010 Tax/NI - Administration 1,541 3,031 23,167 20,136 20,136 13.1 % 4011 Tax/NI - Caretakers 196 379 2,030 1,651 1,651 18.7 % 4020 Pensions - Employees 1,006 2,011 8,278 6,267 6,267 24.3 % 4021 Pensions - Employers 1,166 2,331 27,055 24,724 24,724 8.6 % 4022 Pensions - ADC 200 400 3,300 2,900 2,900 12.1 % 4030 Mileage 0 16 900 884 884 1.7 % 4031 Travel 0 6 75 69 69 7.6 % 4035 Staff Clothing 276 276 500 225 225 55.1 % 4050 Training 259 416 2,500 2,084 2,084 16.6 % 4055 Bank Charges 23 39 100 61 61 38.5 % 4060 Postage 113 126 1,100 974 974 11.4 % 4065 Photocopier Lease 0 177 1,070 893 893 16.6 % 4070 Printing 0 0 700 700 700 0.0 % 4075 Advertising 0 0 300 300 300 0.0 % 4080 Stationery 53 159 600 441 3 438 27.0 % 4085 Telephone/Fax/Internet 139 175 1,670 1,495 1,495 10.5 % 4090 Consultancy & Audit 675 -725 1,550 2,275 2,275 -46.8 % 4095 Election Expenses 0 0 4,000 4,000 4,000 0.0 % 4100 Office - Other 3 12 1,260 1,248 -7 1,255 0.4 % 4105 Computer Related 604 631 1,100 469 469 57.4 % 4110 Subscriptions 0 1,859 1,820 -39 -39 102.1 % 4115 Insurance 0 3,870 8,220 4,350 4,350 47.1 % 4120 Canteen 0 419 1,200 781 781 35.0 % 4900 Miscellaneous Expenditure 0 54 0 -54 -54 0.0 %

Administration :- Expenditure 12,537 28,085 216,224 188,139 -4 188,143 13.0 %

Net Expenditure over Income 12,537 28,085 216,224 188,139

110 Amenities 4180 Bus Shelter - Repairs & Maint. 90 90 450 360 360 20.0 % 4185 Footpath Maint 0 0 1,240 1,240 1,240 0.0 % 4190 Seats Maint. 0 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.0 % 4195 Treluswell Verge 0 0 860 860 860 0.0 % 4200 Packsaddle Verge 0 0 620 620 620 0.0 % 4205 Other General Maint. 0 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.0 % 4210 Quay Hill Shelter 0 0 1,800 1,800 1,800 0.0 %

Continued on Page No 2 23 26/06/2017 Penryn Town Council 15:31 Detailed Income & Expenditure by Budget Heading 31/05/2017 Page No 2

Month No : 2 Budget up to 31 May 2017

Actual Actual Year Current Variance Committed Funds % of Current Mth To Date Annual Bud Annual Total Expenditure Available Budget

4215 Doorstep Green/Glasney 0 0 2,920 2,920 2,920 0.0 % 4225 Memorial Gardens Maint. 132 132 0 -132 -132 0.0 % 4230 Floral Displays/Penryn Pride 0 -777 2,630 3,407 857 2,550 3.0 % 4235 Litter Bin Maintenance 0 0 500 500 500 0.0 % 4240 Weed Clearing 0 0 1,580 1,580 1,580 0.0 % 4900 Miscellaneous Expenditure 0 0 200 200 200 0.0 %

Amenities :- Expenditure 222 -555 14,800 15,355 857 14,498 2.0 % 1000 Footpath Maintenance Income -187 -187 225 -412 -83.0 %

Amenities :- Income -187 -187 225 -412 -83.0 %

Net Expenditure over Income 409 -368 14,575 14,943

120 Cemetery 4250 Non-Domestic Rates 67 138 660 522 522 20.9 % 4255 Burial Ground Maint. 36 65 5,000 4,935 4,935 1.3 %

Cemetery :- Expenditure 103 203 5,660 5,457 0 5,457 3.6 % 1050 Burial Income 150 200 2,400 -2,200 8.3 % 1055 Exclusive Right Burial Income 100 250 1,900 -1,650 13.2 % 1060 Memorials Income 0 200 900 -700 22.2 % 1070 Plot Reservations 0 100 170 -70 58.8 %

Cemetery :- Income 250 750 5,370 -4,620 14.0 %

Net Expenditure over Income -147 -547 290 837

130 Capital Expenditure 4300 Office Equipment 0 0 500 500 500 0.0 % 4305 Furniture & Fittings 0 0 2,000 2,000 2,000 0.0 % 4306 PA System 0 0 2,000 2,000 2,000 0.0 % 4310 Bus Shelters 0 0 3,000 3,000 3,000 0.0 % 4327 Flag Pole 0 0 300 300 300 0.0 % 4330 Noticeboards 0 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.0 % 4335 Litter Bins 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 % 4340 Christmas Light Displays 0 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.0 % 4341 Bunting 0 0 1,500 1,500 1,123 378 74.8 %

Capital Expenditure :- Expenditure 0 0 11,300 11,300 1,123 10,178 9.9 %

Net Expenditure over Income 0 0 11,300 11,300

Continued on Page No 3 24 26/06/2017 Penryn Town Council 15:31 Detailed Income & Expenditure by Budget Heading 31/05/2017 Page No 3

Month No : 2 Budget up to 31 May 2017

Actual Actual Year Current Variance Committed Funds % of Current Mth To Date Annual Bud Annual Total Expenditure Available Budget

140 Car Parks 4250 Non-Domestic Rates 259 520 2,470 1,950 1,950 21.0 % 4380 Permarin - Lease/Rent 0 1,623 6,820 5,197 5,197 23.8 % 4390 Permarin - Maint. 0 0 2,500 2,500 2,500 0.0 % 4395 Shute Meadow Maint. 0 0 185 185 185 0.0 %

Car Parks :- Expenditure 259 2,143 11,975 9,832 0 9,832 17.9 %

Net Expenditure over Income 259 2,143 11,975 9,832

150 Civic 4430 Civic - General 25 25 1,000 975 975 2.5 % 4435 Mayor's Allowance 368 368 2,750 2,382 2,382 13.4 % 4440 Civic Insignia/Regalia 12 23 2,500 2,477 2,477 0.9 %

Civic :- Expenditure 405 415 6,250 5,835 0 5,835 6.6 %

Net Expenditure over Income 405 415 6,250 5,835

160 Grants 4480 Grants - Community 0 0 7,000 7,000 7,000 0.0 % 4485 Minor Enhancement Grant 0 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.0 % 4490 Minor Repairs Grants 0 0 300 300 300 0.0 %

Grants :- Expenditure 0 0 8,300 8,300 0 8,300 0.0 %

Net Expenditure over Income 0 0 8,300 8,300

165 S137 Expenditure 4496 S137 Other Expenditure 72 72 0 -72 -72 0.0 %

S137 Expenditure :- Expenditure 72 72 0 -72 0 -72

Net Expenditure over Income 72 72 0 -72

170 Income 1076 Precept Received 0 163,210 326,419 -163,210 50.0 % 1090 Interest Received 1 3 350 -347 0.8 % 1100 Grants Received 0 0 3,000 -3,000 0.0 % 1110 Council Tax Support 0 10,343 18,740 -8,397 55.2 %

Income :- Income 1 173,555 348,509 -174,954 49.8 %

Net Expenditure over Income -1 -173,555 -348,509 -174,954

Continued on Page No 4 25 26/06/2017 Penryn Town Council 15:31 Detailed Income & Expenditure by Budget Heading 31/05/2017 Page No 4

Month No : 2 Budget up to 31 May 2017

Actual Actual Year Current Variance Committed Funds % of Current Mth To Date Annual Bud Annual Total Expenditure Available Budget

180 Other Services 4520 C.C.T.V. 0 2,235 5,139 2,904 2,904 43.5 % 4521 Youth Service 0 6,750 6,750 0 0 100.0 %

Other Services :- Expenditure 0 8,985 11,889 2,904 0 2,904 75.6 %

Net Expenditure over Income 0 8,985 11,889 2,904

190 Projects & Events 4560 Penryn Week Expenditure 0 109 2,500 2,391 2,391 4.4 % 4561 Penryn Town Fair 10 65 1,500 1,435 1,435 4.3 % 4562 Penryn Arts Festival 0 0 1,500 1,500 1,500 0.0 % 4563 Penryn Christmas Lights 0 17 1,500 1,483 1,483 1.1 % 4564 Remembrance Sunday 0 0 300 300 300 0.0 % 4566 Neighbourhood Plan 753 780 7,000 6,220 6,220 11.1 % 4568 Greenfield Event 445 1,649 2,400 751 751 68.7 % 4569 Mock Mayor Event 0 0 500 500 500 0.0 % 4571 Bee Friendly Planting & Projec 17 55 500 445 445 11.0 % 4572 Painting Restoration 0 1,247 3,000 1,753 1,753 41.6 % 4573 Temp Hall Storage 0 0 2,000 2,000 2,000 0.0 % 4575 Penryn Commemorates Project 0 0 758 758 758 0.0 % 4581 Clock Tower Refurbishment 0 8,478 0 -8,478 7,545 -16,023 0.0 % 4582 Permarin Pocket Park 0 0 13,321 13,321 13,321 0.0 %

Projects & Events :- Expenditure 1,225 12,400 36,779 24,379 7,545 16,834 54.2 % 1200 Events Income 0 200 700 -500 28.6 %

Projects & Events :- Income 0 200 700 -500 28.6 %

Net Expenditure over Income 1,225 12,200 36,079 23,879

200 Public Conveniences 4250 Non-Domestic Rates 63 125 700 575 575 17.9 % 4600 Water 321 211 1,280 1,070 1,070 16.4 % 4610 Electricity 8 18 130 112 112 13.6 % 4615 Repairs & Maintenance 0 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.0 % 4620 Annual Contracts 683 1,367 8,270 6,903 6,903 16.5 % 4650 Consumables 0 -500 330 830 830 -151.5

Public Conveniences :- Expenditure 1,075 1,220 11,710 10,490 0 10,490 10.4 % 1250 Recharge for Quay Toilets 0 0 0 0 0.0 %

Public Conveniences :- Income 0 0 0 0 0.0 %

Net Expenditure over Income 1,075 1,220 11,710 10,490

Continued on Page No 5 26 26/06/2017 Penryn Town Council 15:31 Detailed Income & Expenditure by Budget Heading 31/05/2017 Page No 5

Month No : 2 Budget up to 31 May 2017

Actual Actual Year Current Variance Committed Funds % of Current Mth To Date Annual Bud Annual Total Expenditure Available Budget

210 Saracen House 4250 Non-Domestic Rates 236 471 0 -471 -471 0.0 % 4600 Water 91 61 0 -61 -61 0.0 % 4610 Electricity 189 4 0 -4 -4 0.0 % 4670 Rent 0 1,163 0 -1,163 -1,163 0.0 %

Saracen House :- Expenditure 515 1,698 0 -1,698 0 -1,698

Net Expenditure over Income 515 1,698 0 -1,698

220 Temperance Hall 4250 Non-Domestic Rates 249 496 2,390 1,894 1,894 20.8 % 4600 Water 230 200 320 120 120 62.4 % 4605 Gas 1,067 357 3,430 3,073 3,073 10.4 % 4610 Electricity 314 104 1,350 1,246 1,246 7.7 % 4615 Repairs & Maintenance 0 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.0 % 4616 Exterior Decoration 0 0 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.0 % 4617 Interior Decoration 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 % 4620 Annual Contracts 102 102 300 198 198 33.9 % 4900 Miscellaneous Expenditure 0 0 200 200 200 0.0 %

Temperance Hall :- Expenditure 1,961 1,258 13,990 12,732 0 12,732 9.0 % 1300 Temperance Hall Hire Income 960 1,423 6,020 -4,598 23.6 %

Temperance Hall :- Income 960 1,423 6,020 -4,598 23.6 %

Net Expenditure over Income 1,001 -164 7,970 8,134

230 Town Hall 4250 Non-Domestic Rates 622 1,244 5,960 4,716 4,716 20.9 % 4600 Water 58 33 190 157 157 17.6 % 4605 Gas 593 218 1,320 1,102 1,102 16.5 % 4610 Electricity 189 64 1,560 1,496 1,496 4.1 % 4615 Repairs & Maintenance 0 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.0 % 4616 Exterior Decoration 0 0 0 0 7,428 -7,428 742800 4617 Interior Decoration 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 % 4620 Annual Contracts 0 0 760 760 760 0.0 % 4700 Museum Expenditure 0 50 1,000 950 950 5.0 % 4900 Miscellaneous Expenditure 0 0 200 200 200 0.0 %

Town Hall :- Expenditure 1,462 1,610 11,990 10,380 7,428 2,952 75.4 % 1350 Town Hall Hire Income 94 2,869 4,710 -1,841 60.9 % 1360 Museum Donations 0 0 100 -100 0.0 %

Town Hall :- Income 94 2,869 4,810 -1,941 59.6 %

Net Expenditure over Income 1,369 -1,259 7,180 8,439

Continued on Page No 6 27 26/06/2017 Penryn Town Council 15:31 Detailed Income & Expenditure by Budget Heading 31/05/2017 Page No 6

Month No : 2 Budget up to 31 May 2017

Actual Actual Year Current Variance Committed Funds % of Current Mth To Date Annual Bud Annual Total Expenditure Available Budget

240 Penryn Library 4091 Professional Fees 2,770 3,376 0 -3,376 -3,376 0.0 % 4250 Non-Domestic Rates 0 0 11,270 11,270 11,270 0.0 % 4600 Water 0 0 800 800 800 0.0 % 4605 Gas 0 0 1,910 1,910 1,910 0.0 % 4610 Electricity 0 0 3,260 3,260 3,260 0.0 % 4615 Repairs & Maintenance 0 0 8,190 8,190 8,190 0.0 % 4620 Annual Contracts 0 0 2,510 2,510 2,510 0.0 % 4900 Miscellaneous Expenditure 0 0 200 200 200 0.0 %

Penryn Library :- Expenditure 2,770 3,376 28,140 24,764 0 24,764 12.0 %

Net Expenditure over Income 2,770 3,376 28,140 24,764

250 Health & Safety 4620 Annual Contracts 346 346 2,083 1,737 1,737 16.6 % 4625 Annual Inspections 0 0 160 160 160 0.0 % 4900 Miscellaneous Expenditure 0 0 100 100 100 0.0 %

Health & Safety :- Expenditure 346 346 2,343 1,997 0 1,997 14.8 %

Net Expenditure over Income 346 346 2,343 1,997

260 Memorial Garden 4610 Electricity 0 -444 100 544 544 -444.0 4615 Repairs & Maintenance 125 125 1,000 875 875 12.5 %

Memorial Garden :- Expenditure 125 -319 1,100 1,419 0 1,419 -29.0 %

Net Expenditure over Income 125 -319 1,100 1,419

Full Council :- Expenditure 23,076 60,936 392,450 331,514 19.8 % Income 1,118 178,610 365,634 -187,024 48.8 % Net Expenditure over Income 21,958 -117,674 26,816 144,490

Earmarked Reserves

900 Earmarked Reserves 9000 EMR - Elections 0 0 4,000 4,000 4,000 0.0 % 9020 EMR - Rent Permarin 0 0 1,604 1,604 1,604 0.0 % 9025 EMR - Ext. Decor. Town Hall 0 0 17,081 17,081 17,081 0.0 % 9041 EMR - Litter Bins 0 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.0 % 9043 EMR - Commercial Road Car Park 0 0 6,000 6,000 6,000 0.0 % 9044 EMR - Glasney Playing Field 0 0 2,000 2,000 2,000 0.0 %

Continued on Page No 7 28 26/06/2017 Penryn Town Council 15:31 Detailed Income & Expenditure by Budget Heading 31/05/2017 Page No 7

Month No : 2 Budget up to 31 May 2017

Actual Actual Year Current Variance Committed Funds % of Current Mth To Date Annual Bud Annual Total Expenditure Available Budget

9045 EMR - Penryn Library 0 0 27,186 27,186 27,186 0.0 % 9046 EMR - Broad Street Pavements 0 0 25,000 25,000 25,000 0.0 % 9048 EMR - College Field 0 0 2,000 2,000 2,000 0.0 % 9049 EMR - Emergency Plan 0 0 600 600 600 0.0 %

Earmarked Reserves :- Expenditure 0 0 86,471 86,471 0 86,471 0.0 %

Net Expenditure over Income 0 0 86,471 86,471

Earmarked Reserves :- Expenditure 0 0 86,471 86,471 0.0 % Income 0 0 0 0 0.0 % Net Expenditure over Income 0 0 86,471 86,471



Community Grants

Author: Helen Perry, Finance Officer

1. Background

For the year ended 31 March 2018, Council has allocated a total fund for community grants of £7000, of which £6800 currently remains unallocated. All community grants are considered in accordance with the Town Council’s Community Grants Policy.

2. Discussion

Community Grant requests has been received from:-

 Kemeneth  Penryn Primary Academy

Copies of the application forms are attached as an Appendix to the report.

3. Recommendation

That the Committee considers the request for a Community Grant

4. Appendices

1. Grant Form – Kemeneth 2. Penryn Primary Academy



Name of Organisation Kemeneth Festival 2017

Registered Charity No. Kernow Live CIC & Penryn Partnership (if applicable)

Purpose of Organisation The Kemeneth Festival is in every sense a community project. Gathering together a wide variety of groups, charities, organisations and local people under the umbrella organisations of the Penryn Partnership and Kernow Live CIC. This year we are supported by Heritage Lottery and FEAST Funding, endorsements to be proud of.

This year the focus will be on 7-strands celebrating our unique cultural heritage:

The Ordinalia Documentation Women Storytelling Textiles Cornish Music, Song & Dance Procession (Puppets, Masks & Costumes)

Total No. of Members Committee Team: 9 Total No. of Members in Everyone lives or works in (if applicable) Strand Teams include the Parish of Penryn Penryn. schools, families, general (if applicable) public.

Contact Name Karen White

Contact Address c/o SWAMP Circus, 10 Lower Market Street, Penryn, Cornwall TR10 8BG

Telephone 01326 377008 (Mobile: 079-2323-1088)

Email Address [email protected]

Amount Applied For £500+

Purpose of Grant So we can book the Town Hall room (dates/times as indicated on the previous booking form submitted) for our group meetings with the Kemeneth team and various members of the public/community groups/councillors to gather and plan together. We’d also like to be able to book additional space in another venue for regular maker and rehearsal sessions, so we can create procession costumes, masks, puppets and for performance rehearsals.

We are a collection of local non-profit community groups and don’t have the budget 31

to enable us to do this without your grant funding. It’s much appreciated!

Details of Other Bodies Awarded Approached Organisation Amount Applied For (Yes/No/Pending)

Heritage Lottery Fund Yes – payment pending.

FEAST Yes – payment pending

Payment Details BACS/Cheque (please circle)

Bank Account Name Kernow Live CIC

Bank Account No. 31512366

Sort Code 40-21-02

Cheques payable to: Kernow Live CIC


Date Received

Amount of Grant £ Approved Yes/No

Date of Meeting Minute No.

Date Sent Chq. No./BACS Payment


33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42


Penryn Falmouth Controlled Locality Status NHS

Author: Helen Perry, Finance Officer

1. Background

The NHS are looking at how areas are designated ‘urban’ and ‘rural’ for the purposes of dispensing prescriptions

2. Discussion

The NHS is carrying out a consultation of the Penryn/Falmouth areas which include Budock Water and Mabe Burnthouse and whether these areas should be designated as either urban or rural.

3. Recommendation

That Council formulates a response to the consultation by the deadline of Friday 14 July 2017

4. Appendices

1. NHS Letter with Maps


South West Peninsula House

Kingsmill Road Tamar View Industrial Estate Saltash PL12 6LE [email protected]

12 June 2017 Dear Colleague

Area around Falmouth and Penryn, Cornwall – Notice of proposed controlled locality determination and opportunity to make representations

NHS England has decided to make a determination of the controlled locality status of the area around Falmouth and Penryn under Regulations 36 to 39 of the NHS (Pharmaceutical and Local Pharmaceutical Services) Regulations 2013.

The review will encompass the whole of area shown on the enclosed maps 1 and 2. Enclosed are some notes explaining more about this review.

We believe that the status of this area was last determined in 1989/1990 and therefore Regulation 36(3) (the five year bar) is not applicable. The records from that time state that both Falmouth and Penryn were determined to be non-controlled, while Mabe Burnthouse and Budock Water were controlled. However there is no map to precisely define the boundaries of the non-controlled localities.

A map of a defined boundary will need to be included in the 2018 Cornwall Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment. Therefore, while the review covers the whole of the areas shown on the enclosed maps, the primary purpose of this review is to formally define the boundary line between the controlled and non-controlled areas – it is not expected that there will be any major changes to the status of the majority of the area.

You have an opportunity to make representations on this matter by writing to us by 14 July 2017 at the postal or email address above. Please note that any comments will be shared with other parties, and may be disclosed under the Freedom of Information Act if requested. We anticipate making the determination by 30 September 2017.

Should you have any questions please contact us using the email address above.

Yours sincerely

Michele Toy Primary Care Support Pharmacy Team

High quality care for all, NHS England is the operational name of the NHS Commissioning Board which was established as an executive non-departmental public body on 1 October 2012. 44 now and for future generations

South West

Falmouth & Penryn controlled locality review – notes for consultees

What is a controlled locality? Under the NHS (Pharmaceutical and Local Pharmaceutical Services) Regulations 2013, controlled localities are those areas that have been determined to be ‘rural in character’ by NHS England or by a predecessor Primary Care Trust.

Dispensing surgeries may only dispense medicines to patients who live within a controlled locality and more than 1.6 km (1 mile) from a pharmacy, unless an individual patient has made a successful ‘serious difficulty’ application. Patients who live in non-controlled localities cannot obtain their medication from a dispensing surgery and must go to a community pharmacy instead.

How is ‘rural in character’ defined? No definition is given in the Regulations of what is ‘rural in character’. However a rural area is normally characterised by certain types of land use and a limited range of local services. A range of factors (as they pertain at the time of the determination) will therefore be considered when determining whether or not an area is ‘rural in character’. These may include, but are not limited to: • environmental factors such as the balance between different types of land use • employment patterns (bearing in mind that those who live in rural areas may not work there) • the size of the community and distance between settlements • the overall population density • transportation – the availability or otherwise of public transport and the frequency of such provision including access to services such as shopping facilities • the provision of other facilities, such as recreational and entertainment facilities.

What should I comment upon? Consultees are invited to indicate, in their representations, which parts of the area under consideration could be considered to be ‘rural in character’ and which not, and to give reasons for those views. You are encouraged to refer to maps of the area in your representations, and you may wish to highlight particular features or draw a proposed boundary on a map.

NHS England will also have to consider whether the provision of medical services by doctors’ surgeries or pharmaceutical services by pharmacies is likely to be adversely affected by the consequences of the determination. If you believe that there would be any such adverse effects, you should state this in your representations and provide reasons and evidence.

What is Regulation 36(3)? This regulations states that a controlled locality determination cannot be made within 5 years of a previous determination, unless there has been a substantial change of circumstances.

45 NHS England South West – Controlled Locality review of Falmouth and Penryn – June 2017

Map 1 – Penryn and Mabe Burnthouse Area of overlap with Map 2

46 NHS England South West Controlled Locality review of Falmouth and Penryn June 2017

Map 2 – Falmouth and Budock Water

Area of overlap with Map 1



Town Hall – Exterior Decoration

Author: Helen Perry, Finance Officer

1. Background

Penryn Town Hall is a grade II* listed building the exterior of the building was last decorated in 2006 by the THI project. Council resolved that the exterior decoration of the Town Hall would commence in October 2017. The current date for the scaffold to be erected is Thursday 5 October, after the completion of our last hall hire on the 4 October and prior to the wedding scheduled for Saturday 21 October.

2. Discussion

The contract for the painting of the exterior of the Town Hall was awarded to Alan Symons Painter & Decorator. Due to the location of the building in the centre of the Town, a road closure and temporary traffic lights will be required.

The scaffolding company appointed by the decorator is Early Rise, the scaffolding will be erected on one side of the building then moved to the other side once the decoration is completed.

The Kemeneth parade is scheduled to take place on Saturday 14 October and the group would like the Town Council to move the exterior decoration to week commencing 23 October.

Please note – the road steward has requested that the traffic lights are not up for longer than two weeks

3. Recommendation

That Council considers the request from the Kemeneth Group to postpone the road closure until after 21 October 2017.

4. Appendices

1. Email from Kemeneth


I'm writing to introduce myself as the organiser of the Kemeneth Festival 2017 and to engage with you regarding our plans going forward. After last year’s vibrant 800th town celebration, this year Kemeneth is transforming into a 3-day community event celebrating Penryn and Cornish history, heritage and people.

It will be held over the weekend of 13-15 October 2017 allowing plenty of time for all the activities to happen. Saturday will remain the main procession day with colourful puppets, masks and costumes accompanying the public on a mysterious journey through The Ordinalia play along the length of the Penryn High Street. Great fun for all ages! The audience will be invited to participate and join the drama of this theatrical experience.

This year the focus will be on 7-strands celebrating our unique cultural heritage:

The Ordinalia Documentation Women Storytelling Textiles Cornish Music, Song & Dance Procession (Puppets, Masks & Costumes)

The Kemeneth Festival is in every sense a community project. Gathering together a wide variety of groups, charities, organisations and local people under the umbrella organisations of the Penryn Partnership and Kernow Live CIC. This year we are supported by Heritage Lottery and FEAST Funding, endorsements to be proud of.

With this in mind we hope that as a collection of Penryn charities and community groups (giving our time freely) you will be able to support our planning and production of the festival with free use of the meeting facilities. We only need 2 hours per week and having a central place to gather in Penryn would be invaluable. I have emailed over the Town Hall room booking application and look forward to hearing news.

Also after discussions today on the phone with Linda Boddy and Mary May I understand that you have booked Town Hall building painters with scaffolding in October and along with this a road closure and one-way traffic redirection. As Kemeneth falls in the midst of this work the festival will be seriously affected. I'm in the process of writing an event application to Cornwall Council that will include the closure of the Penryn High Street again all day Saturday 14th October.

As you have a wedding on the 21 October, I have a suggestion which will hopefully work for everyone. Can the painting work be moved forward to after Kemeneth and the wedding: the week commencing 23 October? This will mean we can close the road for Kemeneth, avoid any health and safety issues scaffolding on a procession route could present (especially to small children) and your wedding guests will be able to photograph their experience without building work featuring in their photos.

I look forward to hearing your throughts.

Regards Karen White 079-2323-1088 -- This email address is used as a hub for information exchange between organisers of the Kemeneth Festival on Friday October 13th, Saturday October 14th & Sunday October 15th 2017 & other associated individuals & organisations.

The Kemeneth Festival 2017 Co-ordinator is Karen White. Email: [email protected] Telephone: 079-2323-1088.



Misuse of Disabled Parking Bays

Author: Chaz Wenmoth, Councillor

1. Background

Throughout Penryn are various ‘blue badge’ holder disabled parking bays.

2. Discussion

Disabled blue badge holders are finding it difficult to park in the allocated spaces as they are occupied by vehicles that are not displaying an official blue badge.

The road markings of the bays are quite worn and the blue badge parking notification sign is not always in a prominent place.

3. Recommendation

That Council instructs the Town Clerk on how to progress the situation

4. Appendices





Author: Helen Perry, Finance Officer

1. Background

The universities of Falmouth and Exeter are hoping to build stronger links with the local communities by commencing a ‘information sharing forum’

2. Discussion

To discuss the benefits of joining the information forum

Attached as appendix 1 to the report is the invitation letter to join the forum, the forum would meet quarterly and two ‘elected’ are requested from the Town Council.

3. Recommendation

That the Town Council appoints two elected members to the Universities and Town/Parish Council sharing forum

4. Appendices

1. Invitation Letter to join the forum 2. Information on areas


Appendix 1

Universities and Town/Parish Council Information Sharing Forum

Both and the are committed to building strong links with our local communities. We hold drop-in sessions and attend meetings with both groups and individuals, along with continued presence at council surgeries. We would like to cement these relationships with the opportunity for key community representatives to join us in an information sharing forum.

We feel that this would allow parties present to collectively share information, identify opportunities to work together and pick up issues and concerns. It will mean we can capture discussions and note action points including initiatives and areas where we can work together and take things forward collectively.

We are keen to arrange a first meeting to work through the details of how this could best operate, but we would welcome feedback in the meantime to agree on the best way of this group working together successfully.

If you are in broad agreement we would value you letting us know your representatives and we can then commence arranging the first meeting.


On behalf of Falmouth University on behalf of University of Exeter Peter Cox Ruth Grimmer Chief Operating Officer Head of Professional Services, Cornwall


Appendix 2

Universities and Town/Parish Council Information Sharing Forum

Purpose: The purpose of the forum is to invite representatives from:  Cornwall Council  Falmouth and Exeter Students Union (FXU)  Falmouth Town Council  Falmouth University  Mabe Parish Council  Penryn Town Council  University of Exeter  local Chamber of Commerce or equivalent  Falmouth BID to meet jointly to:  Share information of common interest;  Seek input on upcoming activities/initiatives/proposals;  Discuss issues of common interest and;  Seek shared visions on priorities;  Where possible, to agree shared projects and initiatives to take forward;

Frequency of meetings: It is proposed to hold these meetings quarterly in the first instance, with the frequency being kept under review;

Membership: Each party as listed above to nominate up to 2 representatives to attend each meeting. These shall be elected officers in the case of Parish/Town Councils, and senior officers in the case of the Universities.  Cornwall Council Community Network Manager: Mark James  FXU:  Falmouth BID:  Falmouth/Penryn/Mabe Chambers of Commerce or equivalent:  Falmouth Town Council:  Falmouth University:  Mabe Parish Council:  Penryn Town Council:  University of Exeter:

Alternates are permitted however consistency in representatives would be beneficial in order to help build relationships and help move things forward collectively;

Timing of Meetings: An initial meeting will be set up, hosted by the Universities at the Penryn campus. At the first meeting an agenda item will be agreeing the location, hosting, chairing and timing of future meetings.

Format of meetings: The meetings shall last a maximum of 1.5 hours and work to a timed agenda to ensure all items are addressed. Agendas and papers shall be circulated 2 weeks prior to each meeting to enable all parties to share the information, receive feedback from colleagues and attend the meeting prepared.



Penryn Museum Memorandum of Understanding

Author: Helen Perry, Finance Officer

1. Background

The Town Council has operated an Exhibition Hall within Penryn known as ‘Penryn Museum’ for numerous years.

2. Discussion

The day to day running of the exhibition hall is carried out by volunteers and members of the Penryn Museum Society, with overall control remaining with the Town Council.

The museum society has requested a more formal arrangement.

3. Recommendation

That the Town Council considers the proposal to adopt the ‘Penryn Museum Memorandum of Understanding

4. Appendices

1. Covering Letter 2. Memorandum of Understanding/Terms of Reference

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