
Subject: RE Topic: and Year Group: 11

Origins of the Origins of life Key Vocabulary

1 What is The idea created the world 1 What does God created in the perfect Abortion The deliberate ending of a pregnancy. ? and everything on it Christianity say form, the first humans were about the origins of and Beliefs about what happens to ‘us’ after our body has 2 Where in the Genesis chapter 1 which is the Old human life? died; in many this relates to life after death or is the Testament immortality in some form creation story? 2 What are humans The made in? The use of for medical research and product 3 Give two 1. God created the world in 7 days experimenta testing contrasting views 2. It happened by chance. 3 Give two different 1. It’s a story to teach about tion on the creation interpretations on obedience to God Awe and Sense of wonderment at ; often linked to the story the story of Adam 2. It’s the truth on how humanity and Eve originated wonder feeling that God is involved/revealed through it. 4 What is the Big The scientific theory of the Scientific theory about the origins of the universe; bang theory? creation of the world 4 What is the theory The idea humans evolved from apes of ? through natural selection Theory that the universe began almost 14 billion years 5 Give two 1. Big Bang happened by chance ago with a reaction of particles from a singularity reasons the Big and had no purpose 5 Give two reasons 1. Creationism says humans were followed by a process of inflation and expansion. Bang and 2. God designed and created evolution and created perfect Death The end of the physical, bodily life. Creationism are the world with a purpose for creationism object 2. Evolution says humans slowly on another evolved, it was not God. different humanity Dominion Belief that humans have been given control of the world. 6 What is awe and Sense of wonder at nature, feeling Medical ethics wonder? the power of God 1 What is the Life is sacred and a gift from God Environment The world around us; natural or artificial surroundings. sanctity of life? Animals and the environment Euthanasia Assisting with the ending of life for a person who is 2 What is the quality Life should be of a high standard and terminally ill or has degenerative illness 1 What is the value of The idea the world is special of life? include happiness the world? and must be admired Evolution Scientific theory of the development of species which 3 What is abortion? The purposeful ending of a pregnancy involves a process of natural selection and survival of 2 What does Duty and responsibility to take the fittest. stewardship mean? care of creation 4 What is euthanasia Ending the life of someone who is Natural Resources which are found in nature – fuels (eg terminally ill 3 How does They need to actively help the resources coal, oil, natural gas), et stewardship influence environment and stop its 5 Give two 1. Its is murder, only God can give Pollution Contamination of an environment with harmful religious followers? destruction, e.g.: recycling contrasting or take life. Its always wrong. substances religious views on 2. In extreme cases it’s the most 4 What is dominion? The idea humans have control abortion loving action over other living things Quality of The standard of health, comfort and life happiness/fulfillment experienced by a person or group 5 Give two ways the Pollution, fossil fuel, litter, 6 Give two 1. Its always wrong because of the Responsibilit Having a duty or obligation to act in a certain way world is being abused wastefulness contrasting sanctity of life y religious views on 2. If someone has lost quality of life 6 Give two religious 1. Its wrong as animals are euthanasia then euthanasia is the most Sanctity of Belief that life is sacred/special because it was created teachings on animal special creations of God loving action life by God, or because we are each unique individuals experimentation 2. Acceptable if it helps humans= illness 7 How do the beliefs Humans want to be good and fulfil Scientific Knowledge based on what can be seen and on the afterlife their such as being stewards so experimentation. 7 Give two religious 1. Animals are sacred impact the beliefs they are rewarded by going to . teachings on using 2. God gave humans about the value of They reject bad actions to avoid hell. Stewardship Duty given by God to humankind to look after the animals for food dominion to use animals human life? created world, and all life within it. Students should study religious teachings, and religious, philosophical and ethical arguments, relating to the issues that follow, and their impact and influence in the modern world. They should be aware of contrasting perspectives in contemporary British society on all of these issues. Subject: RE Retrieval Quiz: Religion and Life Year Group: 11

Origins of the Universe Origins of human life Key Vocabulary

1 What is 1 What does Abortion creationism? Christianity say about the origins of Afterlife 2 Where in the human life? Bible is the creation story? 2 What are humans Animal made in? experimenta 3 Give two tion contrasting views 3 Give two different on the creation interpretations on Awe and story the story of Adam wonder and Eve 4 What is the Big Big Bang bang theory? 4 What is the theory Theory of evolution? 5 Give two reasons the Big 5 Give two reasons Bang and evolution and Death Creationism are creationism object Dominion different on another

6 What is awe and Medical ethics Environment wonder? 1 What is the sanctity of Euthanasia life? Animals and the environment

1 What is the value of 2 What is the quality of Evolution the world? life?

2 What does 3 What is abortion? stewardship mean? Natural resources 3 How does 4 What is euthanasia stewardship influence Pollution religious followers? 5 Give two contrasting 4 What is dominion? Quality of religious views on life abortion Responsibilit 5 Give two ways the y world is being abused 6 Give two contrasting religious views on Sanctity of 6 Give two religious euthanasia life teachings on animal experimentation Scientific

7 Give two religious 7 How do the beliefs on teachings on using the afterlife impact the animals for food beliefs about the value Stewardship of human life?

Students should study religious teachings, and religious, philosophical and ethical arguments, relating to the issues that follow, and their impact and influence in the modern world. They should be aware of contrasting perspectives in contemporary British society on all of these issues.