PAGE SIX. THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1910. 1 ALL THE LATEST SPORTING NEWS JEFF IS PLANNING FOR Canton Drops Out Race Circuit COMMITTEES NAMED FOR A LONG HUNTING TRIP of INDOOR ATHLETIC MEET will bo a long drawn out affair, duo to tho negro's defensive tactics and that Robbed Their Dates Being Made By He Wants Find strong of Preparations to power When Out What he knows his lung must bo enough to enable, him to go a route. Have His Lung Power Really Is. In order to test his wind Jeff will adopt Men Who Will Chdrge various methods Road runs are often Events. SPECIAL TO THE (NEWS. convlnclngbut hill climbing Is even bet- of tbe Now York, Jan. 26. Several friends ot ter. The big fellow says he Intends to West Virginia Circuit Broken J. J. Jeffries received word from him to- go Into tho mountains tramping on foot Preparations for the Indoor athletla day that ho would arrlvo Irt Los Angeles all tho way and will climb many hun- Up at Meeting Yesterday. meet to bo held at tho Auditorium March 16 on February and would then begin a dreds of feet every day for nearly a "' , 26. President John 11 aro being mado this early date. An Ions hunting trip. section of the coun- Jlass., 'Jan. at The boilermaker'B month. Ho will also take sharp runs at Horse racing in this I '' I. Taylor, of tnajled Sox team, said a meeting of tho Y. M. C. A. physical presont tour with an athletic combination varying speed on ctho roads ami over tho try grcnt shake-u- p yesterday leaving1 'for his will by that, pugi- received a f San Francisco, where committee the chairmen of the various end timo and the big rough country, with a fast horse setting meeting of tho Ohl Penn-s- j st' family la spendldg the winter, that ho list will then have more than four pace, will attempt to at tho annual will tho and hot box Virginia-Marylan- 'feiS u new, on his boys committees who have the affair In Ivanla-We- st d circuit will spring wrinkle months to spend before tho day rolls or wrestle until ho has his breathing ap- when they got together for tho spring charge. around for his battle with Johnson. paratus in perfect order. held at Wheeling training ad Hot springs this spring. "I A, T. Entow was mado chairman of Jeffries has made nearly 60.000 clear Once able to staanl tho work without Canton dropped out ot that circuit. A ' don't consider yself an exemplary chap, tho executive committee and will direct out ot his present engagement, which will begin meet exhaustion, Jeff declares he by somo ot tho mem-hor- s for I hato to think of talking to the boys, the affairs of tho as he did last was planned last November by a Chicago to sk'p the ncpe and will tho num- fight was started 'do rehears- year. man, t.a ta'kp tho dates but I'm going to It, and I'm whllo his profits last year from his ber of skips up to COO and S0O a day. Ho rt tin. Irniilt ing my speeeH now," said Mr. Taylor, Tho committeo ordered the purchase of vaudeville exhibitions were nearly as will cer- from Canton for tho fall meeting. That di- ue sjmnasium apparatus to a Yost, after enumerating the subject he proposes somo new apparatus and decided to much. Having cleaned up close to tain degree and will jlay manv games was not lo the liking of L. P. D. to talk about vide the trask at tho Auditorium into two $ino wo by means of publlo exhibitions of hand ball which Improves the foot- who represented the Canton association, "First on the )st of subjects will be lanes to prevent crowding for tho polo which have been liberally patronized on work and quickens the believes and rather ithan bo robbed of the dates an last year. the strength negro eje. Jeff Canton would clgarets. If the, players" will promise to of tho match with the in wrestling and roughing a lot and he .told the horsemen that . . a man to cut out tho paper smokers until Director Wallace reported that already pugilist. Jeffries Is telling his closest thinks that fnst boxing should como last pass up tho circuit. Knight Cv ..V...'''V'v.';;-:- tho end of the-- baseball season I will Inquiries wero coming in regards to the friends thai he will never have to worry In the list of training stunts. That started things Ilockport, Canal ngreo team meet. Ho was directed to get out en- over tollowcd suit to Mr to furnish Jthe cigars for tho the financial matters again. Jeff's weight will be an Important point Dover and Akron from April J, to October 4. And these ht try blanks and stationery at once. 3lg Jim's grealesi concern, though. Is to be considered. In spite of reports to Yost's hand nnd they dropped out to WON poker sessions that often times The meet will bo run Under the au- the problem which now actually con- contrary, 2M Akron was thero with an application to DEAL AND P0IZEL tho he weighs more than dropped tako place on the longitilps from Boston thority of the A. A. U., again. fronts him. As soon as ho reaches his pounds at tho present time. By the time Join the circuit but when Camon to tho western cities musti be cut down. Following aro tho heads of the fcom- - Los Angeles home he Intends to find out Is to out they did not apply for membership. ho ready fight hi friends say he lacing MAN TEAM MATCH Tloo much of tho midnight oil hurts tho mlttees: definitely Just what nature has left him Intends lo scalo at not more than 223 But Canton will bo In anvther TWO eyesight, and, st of all. Is abstinence Games, II. F. Hazlett; ticket selling, In tho way of physique, so that ho can and may reduce to 220. But he Intends to circuit, as no sooner did somo officials ot HILLTOP- S- light heavy drinks. Too Lester Doweeso; press and program, W. were two-mn- n 161 from tho and determine, as nearly as possible, how keep from being too fine because he must the Krlc, Vs., circuit hear that thero Deal and Polzel wort tho team E. Stein 171 137 much of even the light drinks will make Ernst; officials, L. E, Souers; ushers, long and how strenuously he must train have a surplus ot weight off dissentlons In the old circuit than they bowling match from Goodman and A- - Stein 141 159 181, police, to work two-ma- a player logy and heavy and unfit to play William Romy; Dr. W. A. White; o (It himself for tho light during were right on the spot with a plea that Stough nnd are now tho champion n Terrott 1.13 120 143 tho battle. what, ' ball, I want) all my men in good shape dressing rooms, Allerdlce; reception, II. Jeffries, It is conceded, is more anxious Jeff does not bellevo that ho can tako Canton Join their circuit. That Is team of tho city. Schrantz 112 161 134 this season and I think we will show D. Rankin; music, W. E. Strassner; obout his wind than his physical off more than 23 pounds at tho most no will bo done. and S ough won tho five Cox 127 144 150 them some good ball, as all the men prizes, K. E. Wallace; field surgeon, Dr. strength. That his bellows have not yet matter how ho may I am any Judge ht racing and race games last night bowled on tho Acme hard work during "If half-mi- le want to be .welt up In first division L. A. Buchman; finance. William R. signs will be in tho best they could not oercomo tho C9I 771 "745 the shown of their former capacity Is a the next five months and Is confident circuits. Canton year, alleys buti Totals this season." Myers. well known fact Jeffries' friends say he will be as strong as ever when tho circuit In tho country next lead of 193 pins that Deal and Polzel had SHULL STEELS that ho realizes tho fight with Johnson finishing touches havo been put on. said Mr Yost. "It my experltnco counts for tho first flvo games of tho series Wlttcnauer ...1 13S 196 154 anything tho circuit will be on tho Grand alleys Monday 151 129 150 for that g bowled Cernlc formed soon will have It all over anj-thln- night. The winners wion by !I5 pins for Myers 12.1 128 148 NAPS HAVE BOUGHT STONY McGLYNN NOW In tho race tratk line thero ever the ten games. ,i Gussett His 128 188 was " Following aro tho scores nrado last Bowers 172 ICO 124 WESTON GOES WEST WILL y COOPER PLAY A meeting will be held early In Febru-ai- night: WALTER EAST HAS MANY DIAMONDS at Cambridge Springs, Pa., when the Deal 203 157 171 167 187 S81 Totals 743 739 7C4 new circuit will bo formed. 211 190 2U 193 1C7 975 TO START LONG WALK WITH BILL SCHWARTZ rac- Polzel Tho Erie circuit embraces tho best Total 1830. Stony McGlynn, the Trl-Sta- pitcher Pennsylvania now. To 172 "M 232 1S1 190-1- 021 Walter East, former Akron player, is ing towns In Goodman .... PRESIDENTLYNCHWILL property of the Cleveland club, but who later made good in tho big whirl these towns will be added the best of the Stough . ..213 170 202 107 183941 the at 1962. will not play with the Naps next season. St. Louis, following his spectacular New York, Jan. 2G. Edward Payson "I expect to play with Bill Schwartz's Ohio towns. Total by rush territory Included is of the best. East was purchased Somers and 1906, Weston, veteran pedestrian, left this Independent club next season," said Jim The GO AFTER ROWDIES Kllfovl from Nashville Baturday. Mana through the P. O. M. league In la tho Cooper, Akron outfielder last year, Mon- It will have drawing powers that tho old by for Angeles. Is could only dream of. It will draw ger Bernhard 'Could not paji East what wearing diamonds in number these days. week train Los It day. Cooper came over from Canton to circuit AND GOODMAN he wanted, the salaries In the Southern day from that city 'that ho Intends starting attend the funeral of Sam Wise. from Canada on the north, Pennsylvania STOUGH The other he arrived in Milwaukee New York en the cast, Indiana and Tho National leaguo umpires havo told league being decreased, and no Knew me to sign his annual contract with that club kn February 1 for another of his coast "You know Bill and I aro good friends and only way .to get hlra Out of tho league and I want to plav ball where he does. Illinois on tho west nnd as far south as President Tom Lynch in reply to his and the magnates wero dazzled by the to coast walks. Mr. Weston, who Is over are will bo compact, NOW WANT REVENGE questions, that it is tho coachers and the was to sell him to a big league club, splendor that he showed while In tho 70. says ho has had many letters slnco If he has a club here I'm going to be a there horses. It Naps bough him. part of It. I don't "know how the big which is a great advantage to a circuit, men sitting on the benches who cause henco tho city. he announced he was going to try It long railroad Jumps Sam Goodman, them tho most trouble, they East will bo sent to somo Class A McGlynn Is said to bo very partial to again, advising too old fellows will feel about it but my Inten- as horsemen hato the K, J. Stough and who and ithat ' him that ho was to ttown. two-ma- n bowling have but little trouble with men en- league. the gems and been Investing consid- for pranks like that. JIo says he doesn't tions now aro to Join Schwartz." from town lost the team match for the has Cooper didn't talk very much as if ho There will probably bo a dozen towns ten games to Deal and Polzel want re- gaged In tho game. erable of his loose change In tho product! ffo why a man who Is icnly 70 cannot In new circuit and that means that venge. Issued challenge to Lynoli deolares ho will find remedy. of the African mines. walk 40 miles day keep it up for cared what Secretary Farrell and tho tho They have a a The Louisville club of tho American a and rest would think obouH his action. theie will be anywhere from sixteen to tho winners In which they state that thoy He favors giving the umpires power to association, expects to secure Outfielders During the previous winters McGlyrih l'O days, specially when ho refals on But meetings during a season. any any fine players violate to swing policeman's In Sundays, Is he evidently has some means of redress twenty will bowl them for purse, at lime who rules. "Banish- Hinchman ana sumvan irom, tno naps. used a club York, which Weston's custom. In of pinch. The Trio circuit as It Is now made up convenient to tho winning team. ing players from tho field is no punish- Uln,hmfln am a trlft Irtltf htf thft fMnHn- - Pa., but this year Is taking things cosy. stop any- case a Akron Times. Tltus-vill- e, On this trip Weston will not includes the following cities: Erie, ment," .says Lynch. "Players are often not much of an It 13 said. to give to ht nati club, but did moke where llttlo talks as he used Corey, Bradford, OH City and glad of an excuse to ea to the club house impression. do Ho is out for a real gocd record Lake. Tho cltie3 In Ohio that T'O and dress) ihls time. The first stages cf his Journey NEW CASTLE OWNERS will be applicants for membership are. KETCHEL SAYS NO "Touch their pocketbooks and they will will be ulong tho line of tho Atchison, nockport, Akron, Youngstown, Now Cas- obey quickly enough. There'll be no Doo White, southpaw of the Chicago McGUlRE TO TEACH Topeka and Santa Fe railroad A hand- tle, Orecnsburg, Dawson, Canal Dover rowdyism on, the field while I am presi- White Sox, wants rto play first, base this car will accompany him bearing supplies ASKING FOR AID and Canton. From these towns the cir- $40,000 OFFER dent," year, ana win osk oianaser raugn uuuy, This Is done bv orders cf President cuit will be formed. of tho Sox, to givo him a chance on tho MEN BASE STEALING Illplev himself Mr Weston expects It's the old story In New Castle. Tho The places ot the cities that withdrew Grand Kaplds, MMi., Jan. 20 Hugh initial bag during tho training season. his 71st birthday at Trinidad, Col , fans must dig It the tin town I3 to havo from the Mcintosh, the Australian promoter, today McGraw Is strong for Indian The lanky, southpaw was a firs sacker where he will bo on March 15 If he holds Virginia circuit will be taken by cabled Stanley Ketchcl and offered tho ball players, and if he signs many more before he discovered that he could pitch, Cleveland, O., 26. Manager Jin his schedule. baseball. Mlchlgander bouts would net Jan. lo The club owners say that unless 3.D00 somo small towns in Virginia. Tho old three that rodsklns his club will be called the Abo- and believes that with a little practice he McGuiro of the Naps, says there Is raised within ten dajs uhey will with- leaguo will not last long, according to him $40,000. Ono would be with Tommy rigines Instead of the Giants. His latest can return to his old-tim- e form and de- that opinion ac- Burns, another with BUI Lan? and tho Indian Is John satisfactory manner. will be one Important change In the play- draw from the O & P. league. When the the of horsemen who aro Bull Williams, outfielder liver the goods In a ing MANAGER IS present owners took hold last summer the quainted with tho circumstances. third with au unknown. Ketcliel's reply with Marion in the Ohio State, last sea- Smce the Sox passed up Jlggs Donohue of the Naps next season at least, D00IN It people tho was tho single word "Nick" Ketchel son. Williams was This change is coming In base running. financial storms were over. was Tho Erlo conceded Canton middleweight drafted because he and Frank Isbell the llrstbase Job has The wk owners started bravely dates they want, namely, the week of wants to meed Thomas, can Jilt. He made 140 bingles in 130 games caused Comlskey and Duffy a lot of "The Naps didn't do any base running CONFIDENT WILL WiN and broke even on the season. Their ap- July 4, and Labor day week, September champion of England, first, then he would last year, stolo 23 sacks and was one of worry. A number of youngsters have whatever lasD summer," says McGuiro. peal to the fans is a surprise. 5, If they would come into their circuit. bo willing to meet Tommy Burns. the best fielders in the league. been signed and will be thoroughly tried. "Tho team was noted for Its deadness on the chalk paths. Birmingham Is one of the fastest runners In the American "There Isn't a team in tho league, man league, but he did not begin to steal the man, anything Phil- bases that ho should have. for that has on tho "The boys will bo taught base running! lies, and If our pitchers hold up tho way JR: down south, and when they stars the I expect them to, there isn't anything G Diamond, ing season off they will bo told to taka pennant and chances on the bases. The fellows who to it the for the City ot Gridiron but of take chances will never got called by mo. Brotherly Love." Vice President Charles Soiners, of the Pitcher LaFHte has been turned loose With all the enthusiasm and sincerity play- That kills base running." Cleveland club, sas Pacific coast JEFF DESCENDS BENCH again by Detroit- - l)a is having a hard of his nature, Charlie Dooln, ers aro hard to sign. They aro accus- time trying to f)t,ln majoi league circles. tho popular and new captain-manag- tomed to getting paid for eight months' FROM LORDS. TO HAVE PHONES. of the Philadelphia National on the coast, and hate to sign for close to league club, delivered himself these work has his ear the of only six months in tho Ameiican or Na- - ground. Whenever there is a club frarv optimistic views w'hen ho came to Pltts-bui- g New York; Jan. 26. One President Fogel of the Phil- particu- fling tional. go .going chlse for sale Jones writes for for a week's at vaudeville in sometimes has to away from JletJv to. make thlnas- - lars. He Is getting ljke Other financiers, l jJwGijind . Continuing, he said: news. A Lon- managers Bransfleld, Pitcher Scanlon and Pitcher home to learn the easier for the reporters. Ar-- wants a baseball plant as a plaything or "i'he of tho Phillies up to a. Investment. bbbbbbbtbbbbbbbIbbH this time haven't had anything to do Kuchllm havo signed their contracts with don newspaper which has Just rangements have been made as "mere bbbbSbbbH the Phillies for tho coming season. Mc- side some to with the team-- he owners and directors reached this throws Install a telephone system Bob Ganley may be a Dovo before IHbbH' '"''fUHBtBH sea-Eo- n Quillan hod signed his contract last De- have run it Will thoy run it this light on the ancestry of Jim at Philadelphia park next sea- - many weeks glide by. Fred Lake, man- ' If they do thej'll have a new ma- cember. It .says. ager Nationals, believes nagerbut I don't think they will attempt Jeffries. son, which will be far more of the Boston ' Jeffries, former heavyweight O elaborate at Bob has a couple of years before him li There is a different ownership this John I. Taylor has agreed to furnish than that Shlbe as a major league player, and will try Fonson and it seems to be a wise, liberal the Boston Americans with cigars from champion boxer,' is a direct de- park, the home of the Athletics. to secure him from tho Kansas City and progressive one. Heretofore the the opening of the season until the close scendant of Lord Jeffries, the A switchboard will be in the Blues. taover Va dg-1- 1 players had any Incentive play If every man will agree 1o cut out famous hanging Judge of olden box tfood ball. They were never paid the sal-- ai rots. scorer's and phones will j Ics that other fellows were getting times. Lord Jeffries had seven lie Installed in various parts of Marvin Hart, heavy- HI iSJl and. as I have said, there was so much sons, six of whom were Jacob- play- - weight pugilist of tho world, is at present "Kitty" Bransfleld, Phillies' first base- the grounds, including the re- conflict in the management that no per- rebellion they a private detective in Louisville at a son was really responsible" man, recently eubmitted to a painful ites. After the ers' bench and the club house. V ported salary ot J1.000 a year. In 1905. : he hopes will Improve his escaped to Virginia and the when Jeffries retired from the ring, ho throwing. He had tho third finger of his boxer his In a his, ihamplonshlp over to Hart. SB i41M right In to straighten traces descent handed hand broken, order line from one of them. Hart, however didn't hold the .title long, lo out so that he might get the full use direct as he vas 'defeated In December of that of It. The finger,, was injured several "Judge Jeffries conducted the It Is understood that If a deal could be year by Tommy Burns, who later lost it years ago when Bransfleld speared a hot famous court held after the bat- made, Muggsyi McGraw would like to get to Jack Johnson, the present champion. line drive and sincc-ths- it has bothered tle of Sedgemoor In 1685, when from tho Highlanders for him, especially, in grasping the ball to his Giant club. It Is doubtful if Manager throw. 320 executions were ordered Stallirgs would let go of Keeler, especial- Although'ithe governing board of the and carried out. He died in Y. M. C. A,, was divided on the proposi- ly to a rival club. , Brooklyn tion to bar prjze lighters from its build- W no-h- manager, Cleanliness and Merit 1 a Not a single it game was recorded the tower of London." would also like to have Keeler. ing, a ruling has been announced that In the major leagues last season. In 1908 O Iti Is believed that If the Highlanders bars aro up from, now on. "Fighting three no-h- it games Were pitched, all In askedi for waivers ot the little outfielder, Dick Hyland wanted to train thero, but the American, by Addle Joss, Frank some club in tho American would take was refused. Battling Nelson and Abe This Week Smith and Dusty Rhoadcs. Last season President Barney Dreyfuss of the Pi- him. Attcll, who trained ithere, took precau- Leon Ames came near hanging up a no-h- it rates, will not, under any condition, at- tions 'to Join the association and as V. M. game when ho gave a wonderful per- tend the banquet to bo given in Philadel- Coach Hcrnsteln, In charge of football C. A. boys they alone wilt bo allowed to formance against the Brooklyn Dodgers. phia by the newspaper writers to Presi- at Ohio State lost season, has made ap- use tho gymnasium should they return For nine innings he held tho Dodgers dent Horace Fogel, ot tho Philadelphia plication for the Job of coaching tho for local byuts. hltless. In the thirteenth the Brooklyn Nationals. squad of tho University of Kansas next ACROBATS AND GYMNASTS. club beat out the Giants. season, lb is generally believed, how- New Orleans has asked for waivers on ever, that Coach Kennedy will not bo Matthews and Schrlver and Clarke Griffith offered Miller Hugglns The New Tork Giants have asked for displaced, unless his terms of. salary aro Pitcher Cefalu. The latter pitched for to Brooklyn, waivers on "Tornado Jake" Wcimer. too high. FIELDING & CO., in exchange for cither John East Liverpool last year and did such PAULINE Hummel or Eddie Lennox, but the 60od work that 10 was thought sure that owner said, "Nothing doing." Eb-be- ts af- with tho Pelicans this sea- Dramatic Musical Playlet. Sam Leever won five extra inning la said one reason why Pitcher he would be would like to have Hugglns, but he fairs last year, while Hunter of Brook- It son. has made a cash offer of JAOOO him, Coveleskle did not make good with the MASTER WILBUR SMITH for lyn lost four such contests, all being in season was his team- and says that is as far as he will go. inning. Phillleo last that Manager Stalllngs and Duke of FRED AND MAY WADDELL, the tenth mates didn't like him and poked fun at Farrell Canton's Boy Wonder, him while he was pitching. It's a cinch the New Tork Americans, pick two for- Comedy Club Jugglers. The St. Louis Nationals sent a protest that he'll not be treated in that manner mer O. & P, players as good men for The Cornetist, to the schedule committee meeting pitchers who did not by the Cincinnati players. The Reds are fast company. These men aro Shortstop against the large number of conflicting lose an extra Inning game last year were; all hard workers and pleasant fellows to Roach and "Pitcher Carroll. Roach was Mckinley concert Sunday dates in tho Mound Cltw. The Leever, Camnltz, Mathewson, Harmon, get along with. drafted from Lancaster. He was with H. B. BURTON, Cardinal owners declare that, now that Rowan, I'felster. Overall, Richie, Corri-do- n. Sharon and 'Youpgstown before ho went Detroit Is playing Sunday ball, there is Sparks and Hlgglns. to ithe Trlsthte. Carroll Is none other By THAYER BAND AND LIV- Singing Monologist. " absolutely no excuse in so many con-lllc- ts than Dick Carroll, who made such a in the Missouri capital. great showing with Akron last season. ING FLAG Somebody asked Manager McGraw If he would find place Sam Leever in AT THE AUDITORIUM, GEORGE & CO., An ambitious councilman in Louisville, a for For a Good Laugh John Ganaol, tho' Rochester manager, FRINT, who perhaps wishes to make himself solid case the Pirates care to sell him, and replied. guess we use says he vyM play Whltoy Alperman In FEBRUARY 1st, 1910 Comedy Sketch. In his ward, has Introduced a resolution John J. "I could his right garden. a good switch, as asking that the bleachers In Eclipse nark. the veteran. He Is good for another sea- GO TO THE It's Afternoon 10c. Evening 20c son sure. Leever Is ono slow Whltey can certainly hit, and It's doubt- at Louisville, be covered. He thinks the of those Freddy Welch, the eat little ful just bow he can field. nt ball pitchers and there is not much wear patron has as much right to cover lightweight champion of I Inland, wno 2:30, 10c as has the men who is under on his arm," Matinee Daily shelter. Is scarcely possible, has been matched to fi Battling It however, Nelson, chaml'5 that bis bill will go through. Is as good as signed with the world's 1 In the Boston Americans. great out- class, 25 rounds In Lond .0 in F( Three-fingere- d Tho MAJESTIC Brown was in seven ary. Evenings 7:30 and 9:00 inning games year, fielder returned his contract, sent to hhn Welch fought ten iiunds with TOUR. extra last winning some time ago, wun a pleasant note stat- Nelson In Los - three, losing three and tlelng ono. All ing terms, Anodes Tid was cre- 10c, 15c, 20c. of long his and President John I. died with outpointing thllDane. FRI. three his route defeats were with Taylor mailed to the clever Texan a new Net 0DE0N THEATRE Pittsburg. contract at tne term9 named. son thinks over the Ion route he THEATER SAT. can defeat Welch. 'PROGRESS UNABATED SUPERIORITY UNDENIEDl. OPERA ANIMATOR GRAm00HpoEv GR&MB HOUSE rjlHE pPERA PICTURES GRAM HOUSE 3,000 FEET OF NEW n Dorothy "DAINTY AND SWEET. OUR VAUDEVILLE Stone & Windsor MONDAY I, Qf "BOB.BLAKE" Tuesday EveWeb EVENING JCMli. $1 THE TWO LAFAYETTES, Refined Comedy Sketch and Farcical Absurdity Entitled The Play that has jnade aD King and Queen of Laugh Producers. Naiicy America up THE, sit and "e notice. Prof. HardMck's Troubles THE FAMOUS - CLEVELAND READ WHAT- THE ' t BYRNE SAYS: BROTHERS LEADER INTRODUCING SINGING, TALKING AND MUSICAL NUMBERS, Lafayettes do an act full of JN THE PANTOMIMIC COMEDY Boycr Tkavtlim. The surprises and keep tbe audience THE NEW In an uproar of laughter. r AND HER EXCEPTIONAL THE GREAT JORDAN, MARTIN AND KING, SALESMAN fMAWk Comedy Chapgo Act and Female Comedy Sketch Artists and Sin- - COMPANY. EXTRA ATTRACTION .'7 Impersonator. gers and Dancers. A CoAoyBrliAtssJ!'ar?aes N OF TSlk I BELLS MATINEE TODAY "POLLY "TliECflORUlDr MISS MABLE KMGHT 8 8ELIG-- UNDER WAR flQTURZ THE STARS AND STRIPES. PRIMROSE." In THIS COMEDY WLLMAKE, That Pretty Little German Girl, story. She Is a A, &. PRIM-ROSE- sonoi, dances and S. A. DRAMA HIS ONLY CHILD, EFFECT8 TONIfcHT "POJ-L- ." THE WHOLE LAND LAUGH star. ''a ' FEATURE8 tATURWr tVtWW roil ntUDUIXafRl M: ' '. I GRAND OPERA HOUSE Our nletures thebest that money "S7 TRICKS Tne .best tfmj i nav o ever seen. can buy shown on a silver curtain, New Col. Roosevelt. MATINEE; lit the picture PRICES 10c and 20c. Kefle SAT, JAN. 29 the latest Innovation iMatlneestf every afternoon from 1 to 5 p. m. Bring the chit- - 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00. world, and the talk of Canton. PRICES EVENING? 10c, 20c, 30c and 50c. PRICES. o'f ,'rflorrf ' Mat, 2Jc, 50c, 75c, JLCO. PRICES 25c, 50c, 76c $1.00, $1,50 Mi d?en.' Plenty for baby carriages. 5c NOW-O- Evening, 1.00, FUN TODAY. DONT MISS IT. IttATS BEADYTHURSDAY. SEATS, 8ALE. 25c, 60, 75c, J1&0. SEATS READY ALL V BEATS NOW ON HALE. wFhlbJCV. i'A fo ADMISSION. .. ..

a - ' "W'-'Mr- 9W-- v" r mtttf'i'i jgtggj