May 20, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E775 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

CONGRATULATING SHRI Modi assumes his mantle as India’s next Smith, Jr., as he celebrates ten years in pas- ON HIS Prime Minister, I have every confidence he will toral leadership at Greater Travelers Rest Mis- RECORD-BREAKING VICTORY AS cut across caste, creed and religion and bring sionary Baptist Church; now therefore, I, INDIA’S NEW PRIME MINISTER alive the dreams of over a billion Indians, and HENRY C. ‘‘HANK’’ JOHNSON, Jr. do hereby pro- a world that needs his leadership. claim March 23, 2014 as Dr. E. Dewey Smith, HON. ENI F.H. FALEOMAVAEGA As he promised, ‘‘Good days are coming.’’ Jr. Day in the 4th Congressional District. OF AMERICAN SAMOA And so, they are. I have personally met with Proclaimed, this 23rd day of March, 2014. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Shri Modi as far back as 2010 and I know him f to be a sincere man who stands against cor- HONORING MS. MARY ANN TYLER Tuesday, May 20, 2014 ruption and for inclusive growth and develop- Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. Mr. Speaker, I rise ment. Shri Modi is a man of vision and he, to- today to congratulate India’s next Prime Min- gether with each and every citizen of India, HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON ister Narendra Modi on his resounding and will create something special—an India that OF GEORGIA historic victory. The ’s will assume its destined role. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (BJP) victory on May 16, 2014 is the first time Without a doubt, Prime Minister Modi will Tuesday, May 20, 2014 after Independence that a non-Congress party usher in India’s new era. He will make the Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- has got absolute majority on its own, and 21st century India’s century. This is his des- er, I rise today to honor an outstanding young Narendra Modi is the reason why. tiny. And so, once more, I congratulate Shri lady making a difference in her school and her His victory is India’s victory and, while his- Narendra Modi on his path-breaking cam- life. She is a student at West Tallahatchie tory will remember India’s 2014 elections as paign, and I praise BJP Party President High School in Tallahatchie County, MS, Ms. unprecedented, I will remember the 2014 elec- Rajnath Singh for working shoulder-to-shoul- Mary Ann Tyler. tions as a triumph. The people of India have der with Shri Modi to ensure that the spirit of Ninth grade is a time when most fourteen triumphed, and I join with them in this momen- democracy has triumphed. I also commend year olds are just entering their first year of tous celebration of new development for all. Mr. Sanjay Puri, Founder and President of high school and getting acclimated to it. Ms. As a token of friendship and in commemora- USINPAC, for championing the cause and Tyler’s life changed in the ninth grade. She tion of the fulfillment of his destiny to lift up the work of Shri Narendra Modi early on in the became a teenage mother. But she did not let masses, assure social justice, and bring new U.S. Congress when India’s next Prime Min- that change define her future. hope for any and all who, like him, step for- ister was Chief Minister of . Ms. Tyler said she started believing in her- ward and transform challenges into opportuni- Above all, I praise Prime Minister Modi’s self and taking steps to define and construct ties by sheer strength of character and cour- parents who gave rise to him, especially his her future. She started by attending class age, a flag was flown over the United States mother whose blessings he sought. From his more often, turning those absentees into pre- Capitol at my request in honor of him on April beginnings as a son of a tea seller to a land- sents; she began joining school organizations 7, 2014, to mark victory’s dawn. slide and ground-breaking victor, I wish Shri and clubs. Those among other changes have I pay tribute to Shri Modi for his clarion call Modi godspeed on his poetic journey forward been the turning point of life. for change, to save a nation from ruin. I ap- as India’s next Prime Minister. There is a saying that ‘‘attitude can help de- plaud his leadership and recognize his vic- f termine your altitude.’’ Well, Ms. Tyler has em- tory—the people’s victory—in the CONGRES- braced that philosophy which has yielded her SIONAL RECORD. A statement in the CONGRES- TRIBUTE TO DR. E. DEWEY SMITH, some positive returns. During her tenth grade SIONAL RECORD becomes part of U.S. history JR. year, she joined the Future Business Leaders and I firmly believe Shri Narendra Modi should of America (FBLA), and the Student Govern- be included not only in the annals of India’s HON. HENRY C. ‘‘HANK’’ JOHNSON, JR. ment Association (SGA) where she did more history but U.S. history, too, because he was OF GEORGIA than just join, she was elected by her peers as elected with a resounding victory despite the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the secretary. Organization and reliability is a United States using every recourse it could to Tuesday, May 20, 2014 great attribute. disrupt his destiny. As a member of the Future Business Lead- The U.S.-India partnership should be, could Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I ers of America she progressed to the state be, one of the most defining of the 21st cen- submit the following Proclamation. competition to represent her school and there tury. But, I am disappointed that the United Whereas, Dr. E. Dewey Smith, Jr., is cele- she placed third in the Community Service States failed to develop a strong friendship brating ten years (10) in pastoral leadership Project division of the FBLA competition. and comprehensive partnership with Shri this year and has provided stellar leadership The years just kept getting better and the Narendra Modi when it mattered most. U.S.- to his church on an international level; and growth and development in Ms. Tyler was India relations matter strategically, politically, Whereas, Dr. Smith, under the guidance of starting to take notice. She rejoined the FBLA and economically. And even if they didn’t mat- God has pioneered and sustained Greater and SGA school organizations in her junior ter, the United States should be a fair and Travelers Rest Missionary Baptist Church, as year of high school. This time she served as honest broker about human rights. Regret- an instrument in our community that uplifts the the Vice-President of both organizations, a po- tably, in the case of India, the United States spiritual, physical and mental welfare of our sition bestowed upon her through the voting missed the mark by responding one way to citizens; and process of peer election. She was also in- the , another way to the Whereas, this remarkable and tenacious ducted into the Beta Club and voted the ‘‘Most train burning which led up to the riots, man of God has given hope to the hopeless, Improved Student.’’ and still another way to the largest ethnic fed the hungry and is a beacon of light to By the time Ms. Tyler was a senior in high cleansing since the partition of India in which those in need; and school, leadership was natural and parenting between 300,000 to 500,000 Kashmiri Hindus Whereas, Dr. Smith is a spiritual warrior, a was a role that she did not take for granted. since 1990 have migrated due to persecution. man of compassion, a fearless leader and a She not only wanted to challenge herself to Nonetheless, despite the United States get- servant to all, but most of all a visionary who reach higher ground but, she also wanted to ting it wrong with India, Shri Narendra Modi is has shared not only with his Church, but with use her climb as an example for her child, looking ahead. He is dedicated. He is deter- our District and the world his passion to knowing that someday she would tell her story mined. He is dynamic. He is different. He is spread the gospel of Jesus Christ; and of being a teen mom but not letting that define the leader of the world’s largest democracy. Whereas, the U.S. Representative of the her future. During her senior year, Ms. Tyler And he is the key player for improved relations Fourth District of Georgia has set aside this became the president of SGA and the treas- between the U.S. and India. As Shri Narendra day to honor and recognize Dr. E. Dewey urer of the Beta Club.

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:31 May 21, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A20MY8.001 E20MYPT1 dlhill on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E776 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 20, 2014 Her grade point average has soared to 3.79, lications as the Boston Herald and the Wash- the team at LVBW pushes further, encour- which was commendable, given her respon- ington Post, Block Club has demonstrated to aging employee volunteerism and providing sibilities. the rest of the country some of the out- assistance to such notable local charities as Ms. Tyler’s plans beyond high school in- standing work accomplished right here at the WNY Foodbank, United Way Day of Car- clude college with her sights set on a degree home. I commend this year’s Trailblazer ing, and Journey’s End. I am pleased to rec- in Business Administration, then on to grad- Award recipient, Patrick Finan, Founder & ognize Lougen Valenti Bookbinder & uate school to pursue her MBA. You see all Principal of Block Club. Weintraub, LLP as the recipient of the Small those years in FBLA and SGA have paid off Another individual being honored today is Business of the Year Award. because they have motivated her to think Maureen Munzert from Key Bank. Maureen Sweet Jenny’s chocolates and ice cream about her future. She has a dream of owning has utilized her expertise in financing and the has been a great story of success here in her own business. I am proud to have Ms. banking industries to better serve her clients WNY and will soon reach its 30th year in busi- Tyler as a citizen of the Second Congressional and her strong record of accomplishments ness. In using a ‘‘charity based business District of Mississippi. have led her to being recognized here today. model’’ Sweet Jenny’s has utilized corporate Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Maureen’s ability to go beyond a banking role giving to promote their brand on a local level in recognizing Ms. Mary Ann Tyler, an amaz- and truly become a financial partner to her cli- and to provide ice cream and products to ing student for her dedication to succeed. ents is exemplary. Her dedication to guidance charity organizations and local food banks. I f and leadership is expressed not only in lead- had the pleasure of visiting Sweet Jenny’s and ing junior members of her team, but also her can attest the strength of their business and COMMEMORATING MT. VERNON’S being a champion of the Key4Women sub-or- outreach in the community. It is my honor to ZIP CODE DAY ganization. I am pleased to recognize this commend this year’s At Your Service Award year’s Small Business Advocate of the Year, recipient, Sweet Jenny’s. HON. BRUCE L. BRALEY Maureen Munzert. This impressive list of Small Businesses OF IOWA Dr. Lavigne is another individual who has being honored at this year’s Luncheon and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES had a great impact on the community. As a Showcase deserve the extra recognition and I leader of many business support programs in thank the Amherst Chamber of Commerce for Wednesday, May 20, 2014 the WNY region, not to mention her steward- bringing these distinguished business leaders Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise ship of the NYS Center of Excellence in together. It is through your actions that other today to honor Mt. Vernon, Iowa, as they com- Bioinformatics and Life Sciences, Dr. Lavigne business leaders have a guidepost for exem- memorate May 23, 2014 (5–23-14) as zip has driven economic returns of over 60:1. This plary action. I wish you all continued success code day. incredible stewardship of governmental fund- in the years to come. Historic Mount Vernon, Iowa, is home to ing has seen hundreds of new jobs created f 4500 residents, including 1200 college stu- and demonstrated Dr. Lavigne’s excellence in dents enrolled at Cornell College. Located in utilizing public funds for the public good. It is RECOGNIZING HONORABLE JAMES Eastern Iowa, the city boasts a vibrant uptown my honor to recognize Dr. Marnie Lavigne as D. GREGG FOR 27 YEARS OF business community with numerous antique this year’s Community Stewardship Award re- SERVICE AS A BANKRUPTCY and specialty stores, restaurants, coffee cipient. JUDGE houses, commercial art galleries, and three EnergyMark is a company which is leading National Historic Districts. the way in being an active business commu- HON. BILL HUIZENGA Mt. Vernon also has a proud history of firsts nity member. Through model leadership, OF MICHIGAN in our nation’s history including having one of EnergyMark has helped countless aspiring IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the country’s first curbside recycling programs community leaders through internships at both Tuesday, May 20, 2014 and first community-designed and built play- the undergraduate and master’s level pro- grounds. grams. Furthermore, in creating their space in Mr. HUIZENGA of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I I am proud to have the opportunity to rep- the market, EnergyMark is allowing its cus- rise today to recognize the Honorable James resent 52314 in Congress and applaud Mt. tomer to grow faster through innovative sav- D. Gregg and his commendable service to Vernon for achieving so much in the proud ings that have kept over 5 million dollars in the Michigan’s Western District as a bankruptcy 177 years since the first settlers arrived in hands of local business for their own growth judge. 1837. and development. I commend this year’s Judge Gregg served Michigan’s Western f Award of Excellence recipient, Energy Mark, District as a United States bankruptcy judge LLC. for 27 years. Further, his service to the state HONORING THE 2014 AMHERST One of the newest additions to our city will has been a long time commitment, as he has CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SMALL be the HARBORCENTER facility opening later worked for Michigan communities for over 30 BUSINESS AWARD RECIPIENTS this year. The culmination of many proud ac- years. complishments, the HARBORCENTER will After graduating from Wayne State Univer- HON. BRIAN HIGGINS provide 2 NHL sized hockey rinks and numer- sity with his Juris Doctor, Judge Gregg chose OF NEW YORK ous support facilities around the venue includ- to remain in Michigan to practice. He served IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing a hotel, restaurants, and training facilities as a partner of Varnum, Riddering, and which will compliment the development occur- Schmidt & Howlett in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Tuesday, May 20, 2014 ring on our waterfront. This project will be an In 1987, Judge Gregg was designated in The Mr. HIGGINS. Mr. Speaker, it is my honor to attraction for families in our region and beyond Best Lawyers in America. From 1995 to 2003, recognize the honorees of the Amherst Cham- and will boost the economic conditions of Judge Gregg worked with the National Con- ber of Commerce’s Small Business Awards Downtown Buffalo. Under the leadership of ference of Bankruptcy Judges, ultimately serv- Luncheon and Showcase here today. Each John Koelmel, the HARBORCENTER is likely ing as the organizations president from 2002– business/business leader has done their part to generate nearly 2,000 jobs and a projected 2003. to lead by example, demonstrating leadership $48 million dollars in state and local taxes. I Throughout his career, Judge Gregg has in the business community and a shared dedi- applaud the work of all those involved with the been committed to educating students and cation to improving the economic conditions of HARBORCENTER project and congratulate practitioners about bankruptcy law. From our region. As small businesses, they are in a you on your Sponsor’s Award from the Am- 1994–1997, Judge Gregg served as an ad- unique position to not only push the commu- herst Chamber of Commerce. junct professor and taught bankruptcy law nity forward through job growth, but also to Lougen Valenti Bookbinder & Weintraub courses at The Thomas Cooley Law School. test drive new products and ways of doing LLP are actively working to redefine how a He has also been an education chair, a business that will no doubt have a lasting im- CPA firm can be a part of the community. Bal- speaker, or a panelist at more than one hun- pact in the world around us. ancing an approach of personal attention and dred and fifty educational seminars for bar as- With a motto of ‘‘We Want Better’’, Block national firm level resources, LVBW has sociations and professional organizations Club has been working on improving not only pooled over 100 collective years of experience throughout the United States. In 2013, the their customers’ brands, but also strength- to serve clients from single employee busi- Bankruptcy Section of the Federal Bar Asso- ening the brand of the entire Western New nesses to multi-national corporations. While ciation for the Western District of Michigan in- York (WNY) area. Being featured in such pub- this alone is a tremendous accomplishment, augurated the ‘‘James D. Gregg Bankruptcy

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