VOLUME 4 DECEMBER 2019 Fungal Systematics and Evolution PAGES 97–170 doi.org/10.3114/fuse.2019.04.08 A revision of the genus Psathyrella, with a focus on subsection Spadiceogriseae P. Voto1, F. Dovana2, M. Garbelotto3 1Via Garibaldi 173 45010 Villadose, Italy 2Department of Life Sciences and Systems Biology, University of Torino, Viale P.A. Mattioli 25, I-10125, Torino, Italy 3Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management; University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 *Corresponding author:
[email protected] Key words: Abstract: Specimens belonging to taxa traditionally assigned to the subsection Spadiceogriseae of the Genus key Psathyrella were analyzed both morphologically and molecularly. Samples included mainly European collections, molecular phylogenetics selected GenBank accessions, and specimens of various North American taxa described by Smith (1972) and new taxa deposited at the Herbarium of the University of Michigan (MICH). Three additional taxa from Africa and Central systematics America were also included. Bayesian and Maximum Likelihood analyses of two loci (ITS and Tef-1α) independently taxonomy and together supported the monophyletic nature of the subsectionSpadiceogriseae , and identified nine statistically supported clades within the subsection. North American and European species often fell within the same clade, suggesting a relatively recent origin of the subsection or human induced intercontinental movement. While this study determines for the first time that the presence of a white veil is diagnostic for the entire subsection, very few morphological traits were associated with individual clades, but clades were often distinctively different in terms of habitat association, suggesting that trophic interactions may have driven the evolution of this group of fungi.