Integrating Environmental Issues Into a Strategy Public Disclosure Authorized for Sustainable Agricultural Development
_ _ _ WTP- 146 Integrating Environmental Issues into a Strategy Public Disclosure Authorized for Sustainable Agricultural Development The Case of Mozambique L Alemneh Dejene and Jos' Olivares L* I EEDS*C IMMQDITIE' :)UNTRYSTII UDEVELI EVELOMN N AND TI Public Disclosure Authorized ICOE ERNVRONMI EVALU PRICEJ 2 TASOE~~~~~a )EVEL~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~V PlLDPL Public Disclosure Authorized IVOME~~~~~~ IONsK^fffyw FORESTESOUR(G; iEeS-_ - =S~~~PL ANDMAUATUIGISTU Ft EUELN TEU..N Public Disclosure Authorized RECENT WORLD BANK TECHNICAL PAPERS No. 82 Vogel, CostRecovery in the HealthCare Sector: Selected Country Studies in West Africa No. 83 Ewing and Chalk, The ForestIndustries Sector: An OperationalStrategy for DevelopingCountries No. 84 Vergara and Brown, The New Faceof the World PetrochemicalSector: Implications for Developing Countries No. 85 Ernst & Whinney, ProposalsforMonitoring the Performanceof ElectricUtilities No. 86 Munasinghe, IntegratedNational Energy Planning and Management:Methodology and Applicationto Sri Lanka No. 87 Baxter, Slade, and Howell, Aid and AgriculturalExtension: Evidence from the WorldBank and Other Donors No. 88 Vuylsteke, Techniquesof Privatizationof State-OwnedEnterprises, vol. I:Methods and Implementation No. 89 Nankani, Techniquesof Privatizationof State-OwnedEnterprises, vol. II: SelectedCountry CaseStudies No. 90 Candoy-Sekse, Techniquesof Privatizationof State-OwnedEnterprises, vol. III: Inventory of Country Experienceand ReferenceMaterials No. 91 Reij, Mulder, and Begemann, WaterHarvesting for Plant Production:A ComprehensiveReview of the Literature No. 92 The Petroleum Finance Company, Ltd., WorldPetroleum Markets: A Frameworkfor ReliableProjection No. 93 Batstone, Smith, and Wilson, The SafeDisposal of HazardousWastes: The SpecialNeeds and Problems of DevelopingCountries No. 94 Le Moigne, Barghouti, and Plusquellec, Technologicaland InstitutionalInnovation in Irrigation No. 95 Swanson and Wolde-Semait,Africa's Public Enterprise Sector and Evidenceof Reforms No.
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