Lecture Outline Chapter 7
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LECTURE OUTLINE CHAPTER 8 The Skeletal System: Appendicular Skeleton I. Upper limb A. Pectoral girdle 1. clavicle a sternal end b. acromial end 2. scapula a. body with i. borders a). superior b) medial (vertebral) c) lateral ii. angles a) superior b) inferior c) lateral b. glenoid cavity - articulation point with the humerus d. coracoid process - hooked process, deep in shoulder e. acromion - tip of the shoulder f. supraglenoid tubercle - muscle attachment h. scapular spine - long ridge on superficial face A. Arm 1. humerus a. greater tubercle - near head b. lesser tubercle - near head c. intertubercular groove - groove between the tubercles for the biceps tendon d. anatomical neck - just distal to the head e. shaft - body of the bone f. deltoid tuberosity - roughened area where muscle inserts g. condyle - medial portion of distal end i. trochlea - means pulley, articulation for ulna ii. capitulum - "head" on distal lateral face of bone i. coronoid fossa - anterior distal depression j. olecranon fossa - posterior distal depression l. radial fossa - anterior lateral depression on distal end 2. radius a. radial head - proximal flat "cookie" b. radial tuberosity - near proximal end, insertion of biceps brachii muscle c. styloid process - point on distal end d. interosseous membrane or ligament 3. ulna a. olecranon process - bulky proximal end b. trochlear notch - articulates with the trochlea of the humerus c. coronoid process - high point just distal to the trochlear notch f. styloid process - distal point near head 4. carpals - 2 rows of 4 bones each Mnemonic : Some Lovers Try Positions That They Can't Handle From thumb side: Scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform Trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate 5. metacarpals - hand bones, 5, numbered from thumb side 6. phalanges - finger bones, 2 in thumb, 3 in all others, numbered from thumb side, named proximal, (middle), distal. II. Lower limb A. Pelvic girdle 1. ischium a. ischial spine b. lesser sciatic notch - just inferior to the spine c. ischial tuberosity - "sitting bump" d. ramus - meets pubic ramus e. Acetabulum and fovea f. Symphysis pubis 2. ilium -large "wing" of pelvis a gluteal lines - muscle markings anterior inferior posterior b. arcuate line c. anterior superior iliac spine - top point on the front d. anterior inferior iliac spine - lower point on the front e. iliac crest - top of the "hip bone" f. posterior superior iliac spine - top point on the back g. posterior inferior iliac spine - bottom point on the back h. greater sciatic notch - passageway for the sciatic nerve 3. pubis (pubic bone) a. inferior ramus b. pubic tubercle c. superior ramus d. pubic crest - top edge of the pubis e. obturator foramen in conjunction with the ischium f. symphysis pubis B. Pelvis - entire os coxa and sacrum 1. false pelvis - between iliac ala (wings) 2. true pelvis - completely surrounded by bone 3. pelvic brim - top of true pelvis 4. pelvic inlet - space enclosed by pelvic brim 5. pelvic outlet - space bounded by ischial tuberosities, coccyx, and inferior border of pubis C .Comparison of male and female pelvises, differences related to childbearing 1. female – oval, larger inlet :/ male – heart shaped, smaller 2. female – ischial spines more vertical/ Male – tip inward 3. female -`pelvis broader, shallow/ male - narrower, deeper 4. female – pubic angle >95o/ male- < 90o 5. female- thin pubic ramus/ male – everted inf. pubic ramus D. Bones of lower extremity 1. femur a. head b. fovea capitis - pit made by ligamentum capitis c. neck d. shaft with e. linea aspera - rough line f. greater trochanter - greatest width of hips g. lesser trochanter - posterior to the greater trochanter h. intertrochanteric crest - line connecting them i. pectineal line - muscle marking j. gluteal tuberosity - muscle marking for gluteal muscles k. medial and lateral supracondylar ridges - part of the linea aspera l. popliteal surface - behind the knee m. medial condyle - distal end of femur n. lateral condyle - distal end of femur o. epicondyles - associated with both condyles p. patellar surface - where patella rides q. intercondylar fossa - deep depression between condyles 2.. patella a. base - anterior superior edges b. apex - inferior point c. facets - ride against the femur condyles 3. tibia - heavy medial bone of leg a. medial and lateral condyles - proximal expansion of tibia b. intercondylar eminence - elevated ridge between the condyles c. tibial tuberosity - proximal anterior roughness, muscle attachment d. anterior crest - sharp anterior border running the length of the tibia e. medial malleolus - "hammer", inside ankle bone, most distal projection 4. fibula - thin lateral bone of leg a. fibular head - proximal end b. interosseus border - sharp edge along length of bone c. lateral malleolus - outside ankle bone, most distal point 5. tarsals - "ankle bones", form back part of foot. Mnemonic : Cute Tillie Never Could Cooperate From the back forward: Calcaneus _ heel bone Talus - weight bearing bone Navicular - boat shaped Cuboidal 3 Cuneiforms - medial, intermediate, lateral 6. metatarsals - 5 numbered from big toe side 7. phalanges - toes, numbered like fingers, big toe has only 2, rest have 3; proximal, (middle), distal .