Literature Cited SC SWAP 2015

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Literature Cited SC SWAP 2015 Literature Cited SC SWAP 2015 LITERATURE CITED Abella, S.R. 2002. Landscape Classification of Forest Ecosystems of Jocassee Gorges, Southern Appalachian Mountains, South Carolina. M.S. Thesis, Clemson University. Clemson, South Carolina. Allen, J. and K.S. Lu. 2000. Modeling and predicting future urban growth in the Charleston area. Strom Thurmond Institute, Clemson University. Clemson, South Carolina. American Museum of Natural History. ©1995-2004. American Bird Conservancy (ABC). 2013. Anderson, W.D., W.J. Keith, W.R. Tuten and F. H. Mills. 1979. A survey of South Carolina's Washed Shell Resource. SC Marine Resources Center, Tech. Report 36. 81pp. Appalachian State University. 2008. Growth in coastal development challenges insurance industry and property owners. ASU News. Arendt, R. 2003. Conservation Subdivision Design: A Brief Overview. 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