Review Article amr A Systematic Overview of the Medicinal Importance of Sanguivorous Leeches S.M. Abbas Zaidi, MD; S.S. Jameel, MD; F. Zaman, MD; Shazia Jilani, MD; A. Sultana, MD; Shariq A. Khan, MD S.M. Abbas Zaidi, MD – Lecturer, Department of Abstract leech ingests several times its own weight of Moalijat (Medicine), H.S.Z.H. Leeches are a class of segmented invertebrates, known for blood that may suffice for several months.1,2 Govt. Unani Medical College, their blood-feeding habits and used in phlebotomy to Recent scientific research on salivary compo- Bhopal (M.P.), India Correspondence address: treat various ailments since antiquity. In Europe, medicinal nents has restored its lost reputation. H.S.Z.H. Govt. Unani Medical leeches have recently been rediscovered and are used by Hirudo medicinalis is the most frequently used College, Behind MANIT, maxillofacial and other microsurgeons to aid salvage of species of leech (Figure 1) that is not native to Nehru Nagar-Kolar Bypass Road, Bhopal (M.P.), India compromised venous engorged tissue and amputations, the Indian subcontinent. In India the species Email:
[email protected] such as digits, ears, and nasal tips. Because of their used traditionally for therapeutic purposes is important salivary components, blood-sucking (sanguivo- Hirudinaria granulosa. Besides these, Macrobdella S.S. Jameel MD (Unani) – Director General, Central rous) leeches, such as Hirudo medicinalis and related decora (American medicinal leech), Hirudo Council for Research in Unani species, have engendered great interest from pharmaceu- michaelseni, Hirudo nipponia, Hirudo verbena, and Medicine, New Delhi & tical companies searching for anticoagulants to prevent Hirudo orientalis5-9 are also being used for Professor and Head, Depart- ment of Moalijat (Medicine); blood clotting during microsurgeries.