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EASTER TERM 2013 07469 Peterhouse Easter Term 2013:07469 Peterhouse Easter Term 2013 19/4/13 09:27 Page 2


SUNDAY Holy Communion 9.00am Followed by breakfast

Choral Evensong 6.00pm Followed by drinks in the Combination Room

MONDAY Morning Prayer 8.15am Evening Prayer 7.00pm

TUESDAY Morning Prayer 8.15am Evening Prayer 7.00pm

WEDNESDAY Morning Prayer 8.15am Evening Prayer 7.00pm

THURSDAY Morning Prayer 8.15am Evening Prayer 7.00pm

FRIDAY Morning Prayer 8.15am Choral Evensong 6:30pm

The Corporate Communion for the Easter Term will take place on Friday 10 May at 6.00pm. The preacher will be the Dean. All members of College are warmly invited to this service and afterwards to supper in the Combination Room.

The Feast of the Ascension will be celebrated on Thursday 9 May with a service of Holy Communion at 8.00am and Choral Evensong at 6.30pm.

The Evening Office for St Peter will take place on Friday 21 June at 7.00pm. The preacher will be the Very Rev’d John Hall, Dean of Westminster.

The Commencement Service will take place on Wednesday 26 June at 6.00pm. The preacher will be the Dean.

On Sunday 9 June, Holy Communion will take place at 10.30am, and a member of the College will be confirmed by the Rt Rev’d Graeme Knowles, Registrar of the Corporation of the Sons of the Clergy. 07469 Peterhouse Easter Term 2013:07469 Peterhouse Easter Term 2013 19/4/13 09:27 Page 3


28 April The Rev’d Dr Stephen Hampton Dean

5 May The Rev’d Gemma Burnett of St Mary’s Church, Bromley

12 May The Rt Rev’d James Langstaff Lord Bishop of Rochester

19 May The Rev’d Vernon White Whit Sunday Canon Theologian of Westminster Abbey

26 May The Rev’d Canon Gavin Kirk Trinity Sunday Precentor of

2 June The Rt Rev’d Lord

9 June The Rev’d Dr Stephen Hampton Dean


The chapel bible study will take place in the Dean’s rooms at 5pm on Wednesdays from 1 May until the end of Term. We shall be continuing to read the Gospel of Mark. All are welcome.


During the Easter Term, the Chapel will be supporting the work of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution. 07469 Peterhouse Easter Term 2013:07469 Peterhouse Easter Term 2013 19/4/13 09:27 Page 4


Dean The Rev’d Dr Stephen Hampton

Assistant Chaplain The Rev’d Mark Smith

The Dean and Assistant Chaplain are available to see members of the college community on any matter of concern, whether personal, practical or spiritual. The Dean is also glad to offer hospitality at most reasonable hours.

The Dean can be contacted at his rooms, by telephone (3)38217 or by email ([email protected]). The Assistant Chaplain is available to see members of College in the Small Parlour on Wednesdays during Full Term from 3pm to 4pm. He can also be contacted by email ([email protected]).

Sacristans Nick Franklin & Charles Kabelik Please contact the Sacristans if you would like to read, serve or lead the prayers in Chapel services.

Bible Clerks Jack Atkinson, Oliver Bond, Dylan Dartnell-Steinberg, Adam Donald, Thomas Imber, Dmitry Kirpichenko, Alex Laar, Simon Neville, Tom Ooi, Olivia Waddell, David Walsh & Oliver Wettern Undergraduate Bible Clerks

David Bishop, Philipp-Maximilian Jacob, Simon Kirk, Cornelius Riethdorf & Angharad Thain Postgraduate Bible Clerks

Organ Scholars Andrei Lebed Senior Organ Scholar Caspian Mitchard Junior Organ Scholar

Dean’s Vicar Samantha Stayte


For information about the College Chapel, see the website (www.pet.cam.ac.uk/chapel/about-chapel).

For information about the College Christian Union, see Imogen Phillips or Rachel Hotchin.

For information about the Roman Catholic Chaplaincy to the University, see David Kay.