

24. C. E. Forest, P. H. Stone, A. P. Sokolov, M. R. Allen, M. damage function indicated above that produces a ways for non-CO2 gases and for other anthropogenic D. Webster, Science 295, 113 (2001). ϳ45% reduction in the probability of DAI[50‰] with a radiative forcing agents such as aerosols would also 25. Transient temperature change in 2100 is not, in 0% PRTP produces a reduction of only ϳ10% and an affect the potential for DAI. general, equilibrium change. The inertia of the cli- order of magnitude lower “optimal” carbon tax when 29. R. J. Lempert, M. E. Schlesinger, Clim. Change 45, 387 mate system is such that climate change will contin- we used a 3% PRTP, the value employed by the original (2000). ue long after greenhouse gas concentrations are sta- DICE model. We chose to use a 0% PRTP for Fig. 3 30. T. Wigley, Clim. Change, in press. bilized or emissions eliminated. Some outcomes that exactly for this reason—that using a high discount rate 31. C. Azar, H. Rodhe, Science 276, 1818 (1997). avoid exceeding a DAI threshold until 2100 will ex- masks the variation in model results because of changes 32. B. C. O’Neill, M. Oppenheimer, Science 296, 1971 ceed that threshold in the next century. Therefore, in parameters other than the discount rate, and observ- (2002). the time horizon of analysis will affect the potential ing variation in model results due to other parameters is 33. We thank T. Wigley, K. Kuntz-Duriseti, J. Bushinsky, for DAI. However, what is “dangerous” is itself a central to our analysis. and M. Hayes for constructive comments on previous function of adaptive capacity, not a static quantity, 28. We consider three of these sources of uncertainty in the drafts. Supported by the Global Change Education dependent on social and economic development. So, three parameters we varied, but there are other impor- Program of the Department of Energy and the Inter- the very threshold for any percentile X, DAI[X‰], can tant sources of uncertainty. The DICE model does not disciplinary Graduate Program in Environment and itself change with time and social conditions. consider adaptation, as opposed to mitigation, which Resources at Stanford University (M.D.M.) and by the 26. In the DICE model, carbon taxes serve as a proxy for theoretically would shift the probability distribution for Winslow Foundation (S.H.S.). general climate policy controls. Thus, we do not DAI to higher temperature levels. A highly adaptive present carbon tax data as a preferred method for society would be less likely to experience dangerous Supporting Online Material mitigation or a required method to produce our impacts, although this would not be as likely to apply to www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/304/5670/571/ results. Instead, these results should be seen as a the first reason for concern, damages to natural sys- DC1 method to provide insights into coupled model be- tems. The DICE model also only considers mitigation Materials and Methods havior, using the carbon tax in DICE as a measure of policies for CO2. It does not account for “knock-on” Fig. S1 the magnitude of climate policy controls. impacts of CO2 reductions on emissions of other atmo- References and Notes 27. Results such as this are extremely sensitive to the spheric substances, and it specifies a fixed path for discount rate. For example, the increase in the climate non-CO2 greenhouse gases. Alternative emissions path- 1 December 2003; accepted 19 March 2004

119°10ЈE; elevation 100 m; cave tempera- Timing, Duration, and ture 15.7°C; mean annual precipitation ␦18 ϭ OVSMOW –8.4 per mil (‰) (VSMOW, Transitions of the Last Vienna standard mean ocean water); and mean annual precipitation 1036 mm] (table Asian Monsoon S1), covering the last [75 ka to 10 thousand (ky) before the Daoxian Yuan,1 Hai Cheng,2 R. Lawrence Edwards,2* present]. We now report similar data from Carolyn A. Dykoski,2 Megan J. Kelly,2 Meiliang Zhang,1 Dongge Cave, China, 1200 km WSW of Jiaming Qing,1 Yushi Lin,1 Yongjin Wang,3 Jiangyin Wu,3 Hulu Cave, a site affected by the Asian 4 5 5 Monsoon. The Dongge record more than Jeffery A. Dorale, Zhisheng An, Yanjun Cai doubles the time range covered in the Hulu record and overlaps the Hulu record for Thorium-230 ages and oxygen isotope ratios of stalagmites from Dongge Cave, ϳ35 ky, allowing comparison between China, characterize the Asian Monsoon and low-latitude precipitation over the sites. Highlights include the timing and past 160,000 years. Numerous abrupt changes in 18O/16O values result from rapidity of the onset (4) and end of the Last changes in tropical and subtropical precipitation driven by insolation and mil- Interglacial Asian Monsoon and the degree lennial-scale circulation shifts. The Last Interglacial Monsoon lasted 9.7 Ϯ 1.1 of Last Interglacial Monsoon variability. thousand years, beginning with an abrupt (less than 200 years) drop in 18O/16O Dongge Cave is 18 km SE of Libo, values 129.3 Ϯ 0.9 thousand years ago and ending with an abrupt (less than Guizhou Province (25°17ЈN, 108°5ЈE), at an 300 years) rise in 18O/16O values 119.6 Ϯ 0.6 thousand years ago. The start elevation of 680 m. The cave temperature coincides with insolation rise and measures of full interglacial conditions, (15.6°C), mean annual ␦18O of precipitation indicating that insolation triggered the final rise to full interglacial conditions. (–8.3‰), and seasonal changes in precipita- tion and ␦18O of precipitation are similar to The characterization of past climate is often Although many such records are bench- those at Hulu, with mean annual precipitation limited by the temporal resolution, geo- marks, they are limited to high-latitude or being higher (1753 mm) (table S1). Stalag- graphic coverage, age precision and accu- high-elevation sites, which record the oxy- mites D3 and D4 were collected ϳ100 m racy, and length and continuity of available gen isotopic composition of the last frac- below the surface, 300 and 500 m from the records. Among the most robust are ice tion of atmospheric moisture remaining af- entrance, in the 1100-m-long main passage- core records (1, 2), which characterize, ter transit from moisture source regions. way. D3 is 210 cm and D4 is 304 cm long, among other measures of climate, the oxy- Cave calcite also contains information with the diameters of each varying between gen isotopic composition of precipitation. about the isotopic composition of meteoric 12 and 20 cm. Stalagmites were halved ver- precipitation, is widespread, and can be tically and drilled along growth axes to pro- dated with 230Th methods. Thus, caves may duce subsamples for oxygen isotope analysis 1Karst Dynamics Laboratory, Ministry of Land and yield well-dated, low-latitude, low-eleva- (5) and 230Th dating by thermal ionization (6, Resources, 40 Qixing Road, Guilin 541004, China. 2Department of and Geophysics, University tion records that characterize atmospheric 7) and inductively coupled plasma mass spec- 230 of Minnesota, Twin Cities, MN 55455, USA. 3College moisture earlier in its transit from source troscopy (8). Sixty-six Th dates from D3 of Geography Science, Nanjing Normal University, regions. We report here on such a record of and D4 (table S2) and 10 dates from Hulu Nanjing 210097, China. 4Department of Geoscience, Asian Monsoon precipitation, which covers Cave stalagmite H82 (table S3), all in strati- 5 University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242, USA. State most times since the penultimate glacial graphic order, have 2␴ analytical errors of Key Lab of Loess and Geology, Institute of Ϯ Ϯ Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, period, about 160 thousand years ago (ka). 80 years at 10 ky and 1 ky at 120 ky. Six Xi’an 710075, China. We have previously reported a cave oxy- hundred and forty ␦18O measurements have *To whom correspondence should be addressed. E- gen isotope record of the East Asian Mon- spatial resolution corresponding to 20 years mail: [email protected] soon (3) from Hulu Cave, China [32°30ЈN, to 2 ky for different portions of D3 and D4

www.sciencemag.org SCIENCE VOL 304 23 APRIL 2004 575 R EPORTS (Dongge Cave, table S4), and 830 ␦18O mea- that the ␦18O values are not strongly affected raneous deposition of D4 and the Hulu Cave surements on H82 have average spatial by water/rock interactions or kinetic fraction- stalagmites (ϳ35 ky), the caves’ records rep- resolution corresponding to 7 years (Hulu ation (9, 10). Although we have not yet iden- licate remarkably well (Figs. 1 and 2), indi- Cave, table S5). tified young calcite from Hulu, D4’s young- cating not only that the calcite ␦18O can A key issue is whether stalagmite ␦18O est calcite (Fig. 2) was deposited in isotopic largely be interpreted in terms of the ␦18Oof values (Figs. 1 and 2) can be interpreted equilibrium, because its ␦18O value, the mean meteoric precipitation and cave temperature, solely in terms of the ␦18O of precipitation annual ␦18O of modern meteoric precipita- but also that the two sites have a similar and cave temperature. The general replication tion, and mean annual temperature (table S1) history of meteoric ␦18O and cave tempera- (3)of␦18O values for 35 ky of contempora- satisfy the equilibrium calcite/water fraction- ture. Because Dongge is 1200 km from Hulu, neous growth, for D3 and D4 (Fig. 2), argues ation equation (11). For times of contempo- this generalizes the Hulu results to areas well to the southwest. Indeed, the broad trends in the Dongge/Hulu data have similarities with Fig. 1. Comparison be- -10 Northern Hemisphere tropical and subtropi- ␦18 tween the O time se- cal records at least as far west as the Middle ries of Dongge and Hulu Caves during the last de- -9 Bolling- East (12, 13) and probably as far away as glaciation and early Ho- Younger Allerod northern South America (14). locene, with error bars Dryas An important characteristic of the Hulu/ indicating 230Th ages -8 Dongge record (Fig. 2) is the large amplitude and errors. Because the VPDB) of the oxygen isotope ratio: 4.7‰. Because sites are separated by -7 the change in the calcite/water fractionation 1200 km, the records need not replicate. The of oxygen isotopes with temperature is small 18

δ [–0.23‰ per °C (11)], the amplitude must striking similarity indi- -6 cates not only that ki- result largely from changes in the ␦18Oof Dongge Cave (D4), 108o5'E-25o2'N netic factors and water/ meteoric precipitation. A second important Hulu Cave (H82), 118o5'E-32o0'N rock interactions are not -5 observation is the general anticorrelation be- likely to have affected tween ␦18O values at Hulu Cave and in the cave ␦18O values, but also that the history -4 Greenland ice during the of the oxygen isotopic 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 and the last deglaciation (Figs. 1 and 2) (3), a composition of precipi- Age (Ka BP) relation that has now been observed at a tation and temperature number of northern low-latitude sites [Israel at the two sites is (12) and Venezuela (14), in addition to Hulu similar. B.P., before the present. (3) and Dongge Caves]. Interpretations of changes in precipitation ␦18 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 O have focused on (i) the correlation be- tween mean annual temperature and ␦18Oof -10 modern meteoric precipitation [for tempera- 119.6 ±0.6 ka 129.3 480 tures Ͻ10°C (15)] and (ii) the anticorrelation ±0.9 ka )

-8 2 between rainfall amount and precipitation VPDB) ␦18O [the “amount effect” (15)]. However, 18 450 modern precipitation ␦ O trends basically N (W/m

-6 o

18 result from the progressive removal of water δ vapor from air masses as they move from Summer insolation at 25 -4 420 moisture source regions, resulting in decreas- 18 Dongge D4 Dongge D3 ing water vapor and precipitation ␦ O, Hulu which explains the first-order observation of -32 lower precipitation ␦18O values at higher lat- itudes. Precipitation ␦18O at Hulu/Dongge is GISP2 SMOW) -36 therefore largely a measure of the fraction of water vapor removed from air masses be-

18 tween the tropical Indo-Pacific and southeast- δ -40 ern China. To first order, this process can be modeled assuming Rayleigh fractionation -44 (15). Although more sophisticated models 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 may ultimately be useful, any model for Age (ka BP) which meteoric ␦18O decreases with the re- moval of water vapor will lead us, at least Fig. 2. (Top) ␦18O values of Dongge Cave stalagmites D3 (blue) and D4 (green) and Hulu Cave stalagmites {purple, including H82 [this study and (3)], MSD (3), and MSL (3)}. Dongge and Hulu qualitatively, to the conclusions below. Using Cave 230Th ages and 2␴ errors are color-coded by stalagmite (errors for dates Ͻ20 ka are equal to the standard Rayleigh equation (16), the per- or less than the error bars). Summer insolation (integrated over June, July, and August) at 25°N is centage of water vapor lost before reaching shown in gray (24). (Bottom) ␦18O values of Greenland ice (2). The ␦18O scale in the top section Hulu/Dongge is 63% (16) during the mid- increases downward, whereas that of the bottom section increases upward. The Asian Monsoon is and Last Interglacial Period, 59% characterized throughout this interval by large abrupt (several years to a few centuries) shifts in (16) today, and 52% (16) during glacial ␦18O, which anticorrelate with millennial-scale events as observed in Greenland and with insola- tion. The changes in stalagmite ␦18O likely reflect changes in the amount of precipitation between periods [about 16 ka (Heinrich Event I) and atmospheric moisture sources and cave localities, with decreases in ␦18O (up in top section) immediately before and after the Last In- corresponding to increases in precipitation integrated from source to cave site. terglacial Period], indicating that rainfall

576 23 APRIL 2004 VOL 304 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org R EPORTS integrated between tropical sources and most of the transition at the end of the Last the ␦18O range of the Last Interglacial Period southeast China was lower during glacial Interglacial in Ͻ300 years. Monsoon Termi- (ϳ1‰) is still significant, amounting to than interglacial times, perhaps related to nation II is similar in rapidity, magnitude, and about half the amplitude of typical last glacial lower relative humidity. relation to insolation to the transition into the period monsoon interstadial events (Fig. 2) To estimate absolute amounts of rainfall Bølling-Allerød during Termination I (Fig. 1) (3). This supports indications of Last Inter- integrated from sources to southeast China, (3). Thus, the rapidity of changes that char- glacial Monsoon variability from loess de- we must make assumptions about absolute acterizes the last glacial period also pertains posits (26) and the idea that, in addition to humidity in tropical source regions. Even to the glacial/interglacial transitions. well-documented examples of glacial climate assuming a glacial relative humidity as high The Last Interglacial “square wave” is instability, interglacial climate is also charac- as today’s and only a modest tropical temper- centered under the 25°N summer insolation terized by substantial variability. ature depression (2.5°C), we calculate an ab- peak (24). Monsoon Termination II takes Monsoon Termination I (the transition into solute tropical glacial vapor pressure that is place after a significant insolation rise, and the Bølling-Allerød) and Monsoon Termination 85% of today’s and 79% of mid-Holocene/ the transition at the end of the Last Intergla- II are each characterized by an abrupt lowering Last Interglacial values (at a mid-Holocene cial takes place after a significant insolation of ␦18O in less than 200 years (Fig. 2). Both temperature 1°C greater than today and con- decrease, indicating that the low Last Inter- shifts occur after significant rises in summer stant relative humidity). Coupled with the glacial Monsoon ␦18O values result from insolation but before insolation peaks. The Rayleigh calculations, the amount of precip- Northern Hemisphere insolation changes clearest difference is Termination I’s prominent itation integrated between tropical sources (25). Indeed, the low-frequency component high ␦18O excursion during the Younger Dryas, and southeast China is today ϳ87% of mid- of the whole Hulu/Dongge record (Fig. 3) a feature not observed in Monsoon Termination Holocene/Last Interglacial values and was correlates with insolation, indicating that in- II, indicating that Younger Dryas–type events ϳ65% of mid-Holocene/Last Interglacial val- solation is important in controlling monsoon are not a general feature of terminations. An- ues at glacial times corresponding to the intensity as predicted (25). At higher frequen- other difference is the fact that ␦18O trends heaviest Hulu/Dongge calcite ␦18O values, cy, the correlation between millennial-scale toward lower values for several millennia after indicating that this region was significantly events in Greenland and southeast China in- Termination I, whereas ␦18O values in the mil- drier during glacial times. This phenomenon dicates that Asian Monsoon changes are an lennia immediately after Termination II do not may be applicable to broad areas of the north- integral part of millennial-scale reorganiza- follow a clear trend. Both differences could be ern tropics and subtropics, because precipita- tion of ocean/atmosphere circulation patterns related to ice volume, because sea level during tion ␦18O records from Israel (12) and Ven- (3). Although the timing of the Last Intergla- and after Monsoon Termination II (27–29) ezuela (14) have the same general character cial Monsoon is consistent with insolation may have been higher than during Termina- as the Hulu/Dongge record (high ␦18O during forcing, the abruptness of the transitions in- tion I (30). If so, the cause of the Younger glacial times), and Amazon discharge has dicates that the detailed mechanism likely Dryas is likely to be ice sheet–related, and the been estimated to have been diminished by includes threshold effects. Although smaller intensity of the monsoon is affected by ice 40% or more during the Younger Dryas (17). in range than that of the last glacial period, sheet volume. Thus, the Hulu/Dongge record indicates ma- jor and abrupt changes in tropical and sub- Fig. 3. (Bottom)An 100 110120 130 140 150 tropical precipitation, which correlate with enlargement of the temperature in the North region as portion of the Dongge ␦18 Full recorded in Greenland ice. O record around 0 Interglacial the Last Interglacial Whatever the ultimate causes of the ob- Period versus time. served changes, the inferred moisture differ- The gray curve is the -60 full Crevice 1/2 ences may play an important role in amplify- summer (June, July, O 1/2 O 1/2 Sea level (m) 18 and August) insolation 18 δ ing climatic change through feedbacks tied to -120 δ Glacial water vapor’s greenhouse properties. Be- curve at 25°N (24). SW cause atmospheric general circulation model- (Top) Portions of the direct sea level record 480

ing of glacial precipitation does not recover )

-8 Devils Hole [after (34)] and other 2 low-latitude ␦18O values as high (18, 19)as directly dated mea- those observed here and elsewhere (12), it is sures of climate VPBD) -6 450 N (W/m plausible that this feedback is not fully cap- change. Error bars de- o tured in these models. pict the ages of the half-height (1/2) of Summer Insolation at 25


The timing of the Last Interglacial Peri- 18 -4 Devils Hole Termina- 420 od’s onset [Termination II; see (4) and refer- tion II (20), the half- 100 110120 130 140 150 ences therein], duration (6, 20–23), and end- height of the marine ing have been the source of extensive oxygen isotope Termi- Age (ka BP) research and controversy. The low ␦18O ex- nation II (29), and the first full interglacial ␦18O values at Crevice Cave, MO (36). The three black horizontal bars centered cursion associated with the Last Interglacial ϳ Asian Monsoon (Figs. 2 and 3) is character- at 125 ky indicate the duration of the Last Interglacial sea level high stand from Bahamian corals [upper bar (21)], Australian corals [middle bar (22)], and direct dating of the marine oxygen isotope ␦18 ized by (i) a large abrupt decrease in Oof record [lower bar (35)]. The timing of Monsoon Termination II coincides within error with insolation about 3‰ (Monsoon Termination II), which rise, the final rise of sea level (34), the final rise of Crevice Cave ␦18O(35), and the final rise of took place 129.3 Ϯ 0.9 ka; (ii) ␦18O values Soreq Cave ␦18O [not depicted (12)] to full interglacial values. Thus, Monsoon Termination II varying within a range of ϳ1‰ for the ensu- appears to mark the final insolation-forced rise to full Last Interglacial conditions. However, a ing 9.7 Ϯ 1.1 ky; and (iii) a large and abrupt number of events not directly caused by insolation change preceded Monsoon Termination II by increase in ␦18O of about 3‰ 119.6 Ϯ 0.6 ka. thousands of years [Devils Hole Termination II (20), marine oxygen isotope Termination II (29), a significant fraction of the sea level rise toward interglacial values (27, 28), Antarctic temperature Based on constant growth rates, the transi- rise (not depicted) (4, 32, 33), and atmospheric CO2 rise (not depicted) (4, 32, 33)]. Thus, Monsoon tions took place extremely rapidly: most of Termination II appears to be an event forced by Northern Hemisphere insolation, which follows a Monsoon Termination II in Ͻ200 years and number of events not directly forced by Northern Hemisphere insolation.

www.sciencemag.org SCIENCE VOL 304 23 APRIL 2004 577 R EPORTS

Although the timing of Monsoon Termi- stalagmites. The highest R2 value for any of the three 25. J. E. Kutzbach, Science 214, 59 (1981). nation II is consistent with Northern Hemi- stalagmites is 0.27 (table S6). Because the top of D4 26. Z.-S. An, S. Porter, Geology 25, 603 (1995). was deposited in isotopic equilibrium and because a 27. M. Stein et al., Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 57, 2541 sphere insolation forcing, not all evidence of portion of D4 replicates the Hulu record, D4 is less (1993). climate change at about this time is consistent likely to have been affected by kinetic effects or 28. C. D. Gallup, H. Cheng, F. W. Taylor, R. L. Edwards, with such a mechanism (Fig. 3). Sea level water/rock interactions than D3. Science 295, 310 (2002). apparently rose to levels as high as –21 m as 11. I. Friedman, J. R. O’Neil, U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap. 29. G. Henderson, N. Slowey, 404, 61 (2000). 440-KK (1977). 30. R. G. Fairbanks, Nature 342, 637 (1989). early as 135 ky before the present (27, 28), 12. M. Bar-Matthews et al., Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 31. C. Spotl, A. Mangini, N. Frank, R. Eichstadter, S. J. preceding most of the insolation rise. The 67, 3181 (2003). Burns, Geology 30, 815 (2002). half-height of marine oxygen isotope Termi- 13. D. Fleitmann et al., Science 300, 1737 (2003). 32. J. R. Petit, Nature 399, 429 (1999). 14. R. Gomez, L. Gonzalez, H. Cheng, R. L. Edwards, F. Urbani, nation II has been dated at 135 Ϯ 2.5 ky (29). 33. M. Bender, T. Sowers, L. Labeyrie, Global Biogeochem. Geol. Soc. Am. Abstr. Programs 35, 587 (2003). Cyc. 8, 363 (1994). Speleothem evidence from the Alps indicates 15. W. Dansgaard, Tellus 16, 436 (1964). 34. R. L. Edwards, C. D. Gallup, K. B. Cutler, H. Cheng, in temperatures near present values at 135 Ϯ 1.2 16. We used the following form of the Rayleigh equation, Treatise on Geochemistry, Volume 6: The Oceans and ϩ␦ ϩ␦ ϭ ␦18 modified from (37): (1000 p)/(1000 sw) Marine Geochemistry, H. Elderfield, Ed. (Elsevier, Ox- ky (31). The half-height of the O rise at (␣ –1) ␦ ␦18 f , where p is the O of meteoric precipita- ford, 2004), pp. 343–364. Devils Hole (142 Ϯ 3 ky) also precedes most ␦ ␦18 tion, sw is the O of seawater, f is the fraction of 35. N. C. Slowey, G. M. Henderson, V. B. Curry, Nature ␣ of the insolation rise (20). Increases in Ant- the original water vapor remaining, and is the 383, 242 (1996). arctic temperature and atmospheric CO (32) water/vapor fractionation factor. We assumed a con- 36. J. A. Dorale, thesis, University of Minnesota, Twin 2 stant ␣ of 1.0094. We used the following values in at about the time of Termination II appear to Cities, MN (2000). our calculations: (i) Mid-Holocene/Last Interglacial 37. R. E. Criss, Principles of Stable Isotope Distribution ␦18 ϭ have started at times ranging from a few to values: calcite OVPDB –9.2‰, temperature (Oxford Univ. Press, New York, 1999), p. 108. 1°C Ͼ today, and seawater ␦18O ϭ 0.0‰. (ii) several millennia before most of the insola- SMOW 38. We especially thank G. Comer and W. S. Broecker for ␦18 ϭ Today: calcite OVPDB –8.1‰ and seawater their tremendous and generous support of our work. tion rise (4, 32, 33). On the other hand, ␦18 ϭ OSMOW 0.0‰. (iii) Glacial times: calcite We thank H. Wang, Y. Fong, and L. Tu for stable ␦18 ϭ Monsoon Termination II coincides within er- OVPDB –4.5‰ and temperature 4°C. (VPDB, isotope analyses and Y. Xie, S. He, J. Cao, Z. Wang, J. ror with the final rise in sea level to full Last Vienna Pee Dee belemnite standard.) Zhan, and D. Yu for assistance with fieldwork. Sup- Interglacial values (6, 21–23, 28, 34, 35) and 17. M. A. Maslin, S. J. 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References and Notes 1. W. Dansgaard et al., Nature 364, 218 (1993). 2. The Greenland Summit Ice Cores CD-ROM (1997). Early Recorded in Available from the National Snow and Ice Data Cen- ter, University of Colorado at Boulder, and the World Data Center-A for , National Pillow Lavas Geophysical Data Center, Boulder, CO. Also avail- able online at www.ngdc.noaa.gov/paleo/icecore/ Harald Furnes,1*† Neil R. Banerjee,1,2† Karlis Muehlenbachs,2 greenland/summit/document/gispisot.htm. 3 4 3. Y. J. Wang et al., Science 294, 2345 (2001). Hubert Staudigel, Maarten de Wit 4. W. S. Broecker, G. M. Henderson, Palaeoceanography 13, 352 (1998). Pillow lava rims from the Barberton Greenstone Belt in South 5. Oxygen isotope analyses were performed at the Iso- tope Laboratory, Institute of Karst Geology, Guilin, Africa contain micrometer-scale mineralized tubes that provide evidence of China, using a VG MM-903 gas mass spectrometer submarine microbial activity during the early . The tubes formed (for Dongge Cave D3 and D4 analyses, except for D4 during microbial etching of glass along fractures, as seen in pillow lavas from between 15.81 ky and 9.98 ky); at the State Key Laboratory of Loess and Quaternary Geology, Insti- recent oceanic crust. The margins of the tubes contain organic carbon, and many tute of Earth Environment, Xi’an, China, using a Finni- of the pillow rims exhibit isotopically light bulk-rock carbonate ␦13C values, gan MAT 252 Kiel Device III (Dongge Cave D4 be- supporting their biogenic origin. Overlapping metamorphic and magmatic dates tween 15.81 and 9.98 ky); and on a Finnigan MAT 251 at the Nanjing Institute of Geology and , from the pillow lavas suggest that microbial life colonized these subaqueous Chinese Academy of Sciences (Hulu Cave H82 be- volcanic rocks soon after their eruption almost 3.5 billion years ago. tween 15.34 and 16.30 ky before the present). Other H82 analyses were reported earlier in (3). Biologically mediated corrosion of synthetic structures have textural characteristics (such 6. R. L. Edwards, J. H. Chen, G. J. Wasserburg, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 81, 175 (1987). glass is a well-known phenomenon (1). Early as size range, morphology, and organization) 7. H. Cheng et al., Chem. Geol. 169, 17 (2000). studies of natural volcanic glass suggested that are consistent with a biogenic origin. The 8. C.-C. Shen et al., Chem. Geol. 185, 165 (2002). that colonizing microbes can actively dis- presence of carbon and (10, 12, 13) 9. C. H. Hendy, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 35, 801 (1971). solve glass substrates to extract nutrients, as well as nucleic acids associated with the 10. In detail, D3 and D4 do not replicate perfectly, with some times characterized by differences in ␦18O that thereby producing channel-like tubular struc- corrosion textures (10, 13) and characteristi- are large as compared to analytical error but small tures (2, 3). This mechanism has been veri- cally depleted ␦13C values of disseminated compared to the amplitude of the record (Fig. 2). fied experimentally (4–7). Over the past de- carbonate within microbially altered basaltic These discrepancies are likely due to kinetic effects, water/rock interactions, and/or differential evapora- cade, numerous studies have documented mi- glass (10, 13, 14) further support the biogenic tion of water at the land surface. There is little crometer-sized corrosion structures produced origin of these structures. In this paper, we evidence for kinetic fractionation on the basis of C by microbial activity in natural basaltic glass- document evidence of ancient microbial ac- and O isotope correlations. C and O isotope ratios do not correlate strongly for any of the three stalag- es throughout the upper few hundreds of tivity within exceptionally well-preserved mites in this study or even for portions of these meters of the oceanic crust (8–13). These pillow lavas of the ϳ3.5 billion--old Bar-

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