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Preserving a Multi-Cultural Past in A

Preserving a Multi-Cultural Past in A

CEU eTD Collection PRESERVING AMULTI PRESERVING Brandi Hall Second Reader: Karl Hall Supervisor: Ostap Sereda Budapest, Department Central European 2014 In partial fulfillmen In partial POST



t of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Arts of Masters of degree the for the requirements of t HERITAGE SITEHERITAGE


CEU eTD Collection madebenot writtenthepermiss without may instructions such with accordance in made copies Further made. copies such any of part a form must page This librarian. the from obtained be may Details Library. European Centralthe b given instructions the with accordance in only made be may part, in“Copyright Copies withof thesisbyinAuthor. thistext the eitherfullrests anythe process, or

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CEU eTD Collection publichelpthe educate their about responsibilityin preserving restoringcity.and the legislationcreatinghelp and futuresafetyto repercussionsguaranteethe siteofandandthe to that Citylegislationwouldthe aremoreUNESCO wisheshelpwith Assistance in education. and was actuallystateUNESCO thecapital, at bigThe Kiev. directed two problemssite the with meetings.Fromduringtheir Thecity documents.would allow didor noteseither anynot not to publicor minutes access methodsforThe usedthisinterviews oralthesis,wereto UNESCO thatofUkraine Ukrainesituation isborderland.athat Thebeing demandsis main from constant the problem Approachingnominated.being betweendifferences‘East’and the and ‘West’ experiencebyL’vivwell subsasas the PartymoreUkraine,specifically but TheL’viv.thesis approachesnomination the process isThislook thesis into relationship closertheproject a takingbetween State the and UNESCO

comparedlocations be other extreme.to seem to the interviewscriticismfoundthe would I that at thought be I directed

equent visits haveequent andthat continueddocuments since Abstract

counter balancecounter UNESCO the

the uniquethe ii

CEU eTD Collection Bibliography Conclusion Chapter 3 Chapter 2 Chapter 1 Introduction Contents Table of 37 35 34 33 32ndSessionof the 2008 WHC 31 29 28 Conclusion EvaluationICOMOS Resultstheof Nomination ConservationHistory Zoning AUTHENTICITY ManagementandProtection HistoryandDescription Categorizationof Property Justificationby the Party State L’viv ICOMOS UNESCO th th th rd st th th

Sessionof 2 WHCthe Sessiontheof 2013 WHC Sessiontheof 2011 WHC Sessiontheof 2010 WHC Sessiontheof 2005 WHC Sessiontheof 2004 WHC Sessionof 2009 the WHC










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70 65 59 58 56 55 54 51 49 48 47 45 44 43 42 42 38 34 31 31 30 28 12 10 iii

8 8 1

CEU eTD Collection fabledL’viv.city of economic,socialhaveleftandthat in countryitthisaspects is as shape well the now, the as intellect,and architecture, justreligionsmentionfe to a legacylefttheybehind thename the ofoccupierschanges, haveleftinstitutions, behind L’vov,Austrianand Germanthe and newevery occupier, Polish the itcall culturalisthe L’vivconsidered state. itselfcapitalthe has changedof names several with times modernof entities,kindlymarksleftthese theirentitiesand haveso heartswithin of parts their borders the another. majoritySince point one or lands at have these beenaccessed occupied byand other Commonwealth,Ottomans,the andhomeas beingwell t as ‘empires,’EuropeanwithUnionthe America) (together and battle thisRussia, over territory. beenborderlandaseveralfor considered andcenturies now onceagain arwe factUkraineIn intoword literally ‘onthe‘borderland’ Ukraineedge/crust.’translates the has or is stcountryno that itsto livingnameup betweenThis‘borderland’.as a time border West a a the and East, the severalare there “whycare?”andwe UkraineaskingpeopleUkraine, why isdo onceagain Introduction This spatialhaspart Austriaareabeenaof , worldAsthe Ukrainewatches waitand - . This Ukraine. r ranger Ukrainethis to hasbetweenbeensituation. multiple border a empires.

esearchjusttopicfocuscityone will on L’viv,whichwithin Ukraine,

- Lwów Hungarian’s referto Hungarian’scityNot the asonlyLemberg. have , in , isinLatinit calledLeopolis, Russi s inhappenis s next, ofgoing anticipationwhat to

w. Theyhavehelped w. shapepolitical, the - Hungary,, o a largeaethnic o Jewish Tatar and e watching as two watchingtwo e as an it isitnamed an -


CEU eTD Collection inandtwobetween the embrace past the wordsIndifferences. thethe of Anna Reid; moretheseatfinesseToobstaclesdo look hasmust what this with ease. andoccurred we contribute all.wantis Thisto I to fawhere the globalizationis spreadswallaslowly crumblethis that to startingequalityfor allowing andfor is ‘West’giveexamplesfact the the that seems to off best. However, airthey asthethat know will andUNESCO ICOMOSthat bemost reoccurringthroughout the ba In thethesis. decision extremelysimpli dointernationalwhat I meanSecond, committees.communitiesand by Again democratic? EuropeanUnion,whomall veryare involvedstrongly United the Nationsother with and dowhat I meanFirst by ‘We self can comelosinghow two without the together the In ‘East.’ exactlyindelve this to eachalsowant whatisthesis but to I sidethinking why,and physically,mentallysocially, educationally, between speakingdifferent are and ‘West’ the the inyears,inonehaseye Germanybeen onedifand Hungary,biggest opener the the to manyhashadUkrainehurdles,physicallylivingformentallyNow speaking.two andabroad yetaken - critically with the stereotypes that exists stereotypescriticallythein that with both local international and discourse Thehas ‘West’civil, they perpetualthat morethe areeducated, thought democratic.and fromhasTheresearch has beenproject this accumulationofanactuallyknowledge that - ars to build. Beingin focusingAmerica,American to but anarsstudying and L’viv, on makinginbethat internationalwhether processes, government like or the committees from Byzantium rather than Rome he the ratherRome bound from Byzantium than futureRussians, ever inChristianityratherAsia,andfor Europeambitionstaking than by ChoosingChristianity “By rather fying this to mean fyingto thiswith free andequalparticipationinvolved byin everyone the st,’ in veryincludesst,’ simplistictermsAmerica thisNorth and the ll of that wall sidesll of both that help andovercome to than Islam, Volodymyr Islam, than castRus’s mselves. Inthis willthesisbe I addressing

. ference that ferencethat

sicof 2

CEU eTD Collection Cambridge,Massachusetts, 2011, pg.104. 2 1 Architecture isHelevel. ideasJohnreferringthe spellsin to his Ruskin that works, out – articlethein byWinterJarzombekMark 2011 titled The Log: whichdiscontentultimatelybywould to lead Similar ascitizens. incity thediscontent their and hypothesisof for Cityanother.or the BeforeCouncil timemyone or at interviewmy started process interviewsseveralmemberswithCitywith theoral have CouncilthatL’vivothers worked of or inL’vivonceand Junetwice, 2011 th conferencesmeetings,UNESCO haveas wellsuggestions.and I traveledas ICOMOS’s to also andParty,bysubmitted documents Ukraine State thefrom minutesresponses the and and the it“Lvivput had ‘citybecomeamuseum.’” literatureandinteractionslittle UNESCO ontheir allwith asWilliamhow Ukraine at and Risch multi politics,butsociety and occur, movements general that thenot they such tacklehow really ado Ukraineby written andReid, Subtelny,Magocsi, Snyder Risch alltopicsof theapproach issue,especially corresponding withwhen UNESCO correspondinginternationaliswithdirectly the verycommunity,but little there that this attack

WilliamJayRisch, Anna Reid,

CuratingCriticalImpossibilities, - cultural city, likecity,cultural L’viv, Due to the lackto Duem the on of thisscholarly subject work Therehavehavebeen around severalsubject that authors ofthe L’viv danced Borderland:A Journey Through theHistory Ukraineof , were he argues that hecontextwere the arguesthat ofstruct, a

the situation was that L’viv would be under immenseL’vivfromsituationunderthebethat was wouldpressure UNESCO, from theirCa from dividingBelarussiansUkrainians, themand Orthodoxy, together in fatally The UkrainianWest: Cultureandthe Fate of Empire Sovietin

tholic neighboursPoles.” tholic the

contends ininternationalInfact theis contends atmosphere. there very

wherelikensJohnhe UNESCO to globala Ruskinon applied e second inWhileAprillastsecond egathered trip2014. thisI on 2

and ICOMOS. The ‘go to’ booksaboutThe and ‘go to’ ICOMOS. urelandscape into beor needs taken to ,Westview Press,Boulder, C 1 ymaterialshavebeen mainnotes the

The MetaphysicsThe of , Press, The PoetryThe of olorado,2000 Permanence , pg.9. 3

CEU eTD Collection 6 5 4 Permanence 3 reconstructionisthe efforts it havehistoricalistheynecessarily that atmospheres,not but the widein FulbrightAccordingthegapshistory. to Fellow, their AshleyBigham, problemthe with independentfightingthey independence or weretheirfor and the disregard patriotism.” n highmomentspast;ofandcivilizationalpositivethe a though toward image oriented of createshistoryset atradition. and It identifications ofandpublic embodiments elite theusing enhancedistinctivenessthe nationalism.Which ‘cultural Jarzombeknationalism’categorizespreserve “to way a and as property.”the building?Ceasing evolutionproperty ceasesusagetheof the in changeEurope can’t “YouL’vivnatural Howstopit UNESCO. is said evolution the to ofa Fulbright incurrent workingFellow Urban for architecture Center theCentral Historyat ofEast “TheEnsemblebetween L’viv” ICOMOSand Partyof State UNESCO, the ofUkraine. wins ‘thepicture’that out.” “betmakedecisiona industrialization opposed inauthenticityto buildings, ofreconstructed ifthe and but had he to asa account wholethe which‘picture, relatesnationalto states the identity.

Jarzombek,“The Metaphysics of Permanence Bigham,Ashley, L’viv, field notes, interviewedby Brandi Jarzombek,“The Metaphysics of Permanence MarkJarzombek, itenhances forstructure supportationhood, traumaswounds anda old of tropesas the Not only does Ruskin’s UNESCO play a role, so doesNot Ukraine’sRuskin’s playonly UNESCO so role,does a ofarchitecture cultural – 6

CuratingCritical Impossibilities,”Winter 2011, 21,vol. pg

5 SimplyUkrainehighlightthemeaning to chooses in timeframes historythe that

The Long: Observations Architectureon andtheContemporary

weencreatingtemporality preservingor itideology is prettya picture, the of

4 of a nationalofa consciousnessselectivethrough the constructions of

Whichagree haveinplays I to resultsinteraction andout the of

– –

CuratingCritical Impossibilities,” pg CuratingCritical Impossibilities,” pg

Hall,12April 2014.

128. and leads eventualthe andto decay of


125. 128 , “The Metaphysicsof - rest, which rest, leaves 3



A 4

CEU eTD Collection 8 7 re PartyforthState to Committeeputs ofthe Ukraine includinghistorythe property,or the nominationpropertyofinthe 1997 leadhave politics latethe twentieththat to it when up officiallybecamecentury site.a historywhencity,ofscratch but issuesthepreservation do discussing the surface I the ofthe buildings,propertyandis territorybeing that prese propertyisisthe andreflecting,seventeenthmedieval that Most ofto thecenturies. thirteenth population throughout changestheiroccur main time. that is The in hefocus time which period Ithem.impacted thenhistorythe of Theaddress L’viv. names empirical changes, chan internationalmajorhitjustandon thepolitical,have committees financial that socialand events inregulations the Howbe insighttheyICOMOS.and into cameto why andrulesthey enforce andreact myeducationalmaterialsforaddresses chapterpublic, the history first the andof UNESCO andUNESCO education preservationabout the sites. dealbroughtup were issues that withbetweenlackpoliticsL’viv the Kiev andpublic the and of intervieweesth center.” change,”it “unresponsiveis buildto “nearlythat modern and impossibleto in buildings city the historicalascorrect justlon atmosphere,

Ibid Bigham,Ashley, L’viv, field notes, interviewedby BrandiHall, 12April 2014. storations and committees or governmentsstorations preservedcommitteesandmadeor the that I to properties. changes

It is It inch second the address I Before politthe 8

These allproblems wouldarethe I examples thought from of thearise that at have forstill at or withworked L’vivthework Council. However, Cityonly the

manner inmanner Iaddress which do. theysomebehind politicsof the the

apter emergesthat apter exactpoliticalthe the issues at time ofthe

icalissuesbetweenand theirlackthecapitalL’viv city of or - 98. In this chapter IIndiscussin nominationchapter thethis the98. that depth g as it looksitold.as g rved focusesrved narrow thistimeframe inon the


Bighammuseums stated that also are

gesand 5

CEU eTD Collection go current havepeople amnames,givenstick I that isthose but with choosing sinceto L’viv this the what havingL’vivseveralnames, with bringsmeanings whichdifferent for severalthemthe different interchangeablewell asas Ha Galiciaand documentationscreated. Forcontinuitywere understandingand RuthenianUkrainianand are reflect simplicity independenceUkraine’ssaketheto and at status the the time of responsesinternationalthe oftheof UNE committee stickplacenamesinthenomination givenwith Partyby the of State Ukraine,the themselves and other’sdifferences c ‘West’understandingthe andandeach other, and‘East,’ working howtogether respecting each communitythe city.theimpacted Finally willeducationalforneed the I for materialsdiscuss knowledgeand indifficultiesareand preservationinvolved organizationsinthat how andhasprocessthis the into politicalfurtherthe betgrievances andPartyUNESCO State the frompresent.ofUkrainewill time the nominationof I the to look backingare Ukraine. fromSeveralmembersnationDelegates state havealso beenmentioned ho and discuss also ofviewandpolitics the whenofpoints UNESCO they nomination. confirmthe Throughout theThroughout youthesiswillnotice touchy the myInintowilllooking conclusion how in I inup process help thiswrap closer can IthirdInwillthehave correspondences betweenchapter the address that occurred vernmentalfaragainbody Asborders, geographicalas city.callsamthe the takingI on the preservationthe on sitesofthesurrounding and areas. an beblessing.a an

ween L’viv andweencapitalKiev,theand L’viv current the lychyna.Ashave am I already I addressed, ofaware SCO. TheSCO. names namesUkrainianforare - issue of place names. I have I ofplace issuenames. chosen to

w andw why they 6

CEU eTD Collection Bernardine MonasteryComplex in Lviv/Ukraine_documentation 9 havewho culturalforconcernlisteda heritage andhistorical UNESCO theLviv.” city of futurepotential city. ofand… our thisam interestI documentationwill,all begreat to sure, of muchfor not food “us thought only ismostlysite medieval the theto seventeenthdating ofthe period thirteenth to centuries. isiswhat In not. ‘authentic’ what andonce this I againcase withwillcertainUNESCO what stick to that site. So what ‘authenticity’manymeanthat seems even thingsIt so can within that different UNESCO. ‘authenticity’Ukrainedetailedmeans knowledgeexampleofandwhat note have to and taken independenceupon1991 fromtheir Soviets. the fromthisstand point the nominationof the byset inrefer bordersUkraine borders the allandto

PavloHrytsak and Hanna Mischchenkotranslated, ever the State Party,State thein everinstance asissets meaning ‘authenticity’ thisUkraine, their isto So withMayor So current ofwords the the Cityof theAndriy ofL’viv, Sadovyy,gives this controversiaThe other

l word that is l isthat haveused‘authenticity.’ word withinI text this a given about alsotheseabout about particularbut publicthe spaces Intern

ationalDesign Competition forthe Open Spaces theof ,CityThe of Lviv,November 2013, pg.4. Ukraine take note ‘authenticity’ that take thisfor

is the one to setisto oneperimeters the of



CEU eTD Collection 12 11 http://www.unesco.org/archives/ne 10 withNazi theirduringandWorld Thecameallies,Germany Warcountries II. that together T which (CAME), eighteen beganrepresented governments 1942. inthat 16, LondonNovember statutes. Infact 1968. th Internationalthe whichin Bureauof wasEducationalsofrom created (IBE) to Geneva 1925 International ofIntellectualcreatedin1946Institute from andCooperation(IIIC) Paristo 1925 inIntellectualfroCooperation Geneva languagereligion,distinction ofCharter race, the Unitedof or but the Nations.” fundamentalandrights freedoms a which infurther culture to universaljustice,for order for rulefortherespect lawhuman the ofand peacebyand securitynationsamong education,promoting collaboration science through and 1946November onafter being4, Theirratified times. stated twenty constitutionin1945NovemberLondonwasintoby countriesonandsigned force 16, 37 came UNESCO History The Chapte

hisconferencewasandattendedby Allied war thecommenced Forces while still they at were UNESCOArchives, “UNESCO past and Present UNESCOArchives, “UNESCO past and Present UNESCOArchives, “UNESCO past and Present,” accessed May 20, 2014, Meetings bybrought together wereAllied Conference Ministersofthe of Education before However, itwasUNESCO wasthere precededby InternationaloftheCommittee isWhoUNESCO and UNESCO was whycreatedwhen important? they are their


e IBE, sinceIBE,is e Secretariat part aUNESCO of and1969, nowthe hasown r 1 r

w2010/en/history_of_unesco.html muntil1922 Thethe wereexecutingagencies 1946. . . ” ” re affirmed foraffirmed peoples re without theworld,of the


purpose ispurpose contribute“to to 10



CEU eTD Collection 19 18 and Men Women. 17 16 15 14 http://www.unesco.org/new/en/une 13 FederalbecomemembersRepublic ofGermany untilin to and was1951 accepted 1953. documentsthebefore being enfor NationsEducational, TwentyScientificCultural and (UNESCO). Organization countriesratified “prev mankind”to fororganization establishcountriesthese 44 an wasmoral“intellectualto andsolidarity of in1946 Lights,Paris,citywherethe of thirtycountries vote. ‘entitled’to were place ConferenceUNESCO to of the signaturedatebeingthe andon establishedof16,first1945 session November Generaltheof the came Constitutionthe to andbeingof UNESCO Preparatory Com.)signed a Commission (Prep. inOrganizationwhichfrom (UNCIO) wasFrancisco held San compliancerecommendationtheNations Unitedwith so the International Conferenceon by wasrepresented governments. 44 in(ECO/CONF)”wasassembled cityfrom the of LondonNovember forUnited formationConferenceNationalthe of“an culturaleducationand organization restored. waysfor looking“werereconstructmeansand their systemsofto educatio

UNESCO:About Us, “UNESCO:Building Peacethe in Minds Menand of Women.” UNESCO:About Us, “UNESCO:Building P UNESCOArc Ibid Ibid UNESCOArchives, “UNESCO past and Present.” UNESCO:About Us, “UNESCO:Building Peacethe in Minds Menand of Women,” accessed May20, 2014,

ThedidWorldsevereSecond War allowcreated that politicalnot divisions or the Byconference,ofendthe thethirty 13

The meetingsTheDecember1945. culminated 5, hives,“UNESCO past and Present,

ent the outbreak of another worldof war.” anotheroutbreak the ent

sco/about ced the followingyear.theced eacethe in Minds Menand of 15 following year fromfollowingyear Novemberuntil 19 10, December

Theconferencewasproposala andin by was CAME - us/who ”

and - seven countries came together to found countriescameUnited seven the to together UNESCO:About Us,“UNESCO: Building Peace - we - are/history/ 14

19 18

Right afterRight endathe war ofthe


Women. April to JuneApril of1945. to ” 1 through the 16, 1945 1 and 16, through the

noncepeacewas 17


inthe Minds of 16

Thisall 9

CEU eTD Collection 20 fourththewas completedat Assembly Internationalthe inof ArchitectureModerncongresses on restorationthe historicTheAthens buildings. of Ch UnitedNationsUNESCO. established creati the landmarks.TheendingWorld led War First of startthe the internationalism ofto cultural with theirarchitecturallayingprotectedandlaws pasts started that down theirbuildings historic and world. closelyworksagency findingonthat historicalUNESCO preserving andwith sitesthe around International and ICOMOSisMonuments (ICOMOS). CouncilonSites non a ICOMOS thisinternationalspecific community. frombecomeindependence respective empiricalmoldof their theto by colonizers,part ajoining yearallowduring the 1960, continuedjustmembership their with Thewhich UNESCO. decolonizationprocess occurred Kyrgyzstan,,,Lithuania,and UkraineUzbekistan.Turkmenistan, and formerArmenia,republics; Soviet Aze injoininwhichranksbyRussianFederation 1954 their was withreplaced 1992 twelve the whichmarks UNESCOleftUNESCO. theirUkraineallallowedon USSR, the Belarus andto politicalAnother deWar,wasColdthedivision the


TheInternationalMuseums organizedin AthensOffice theConference concerning 1931 untilwas not It nineofendthe the strongAnother figureininternational the on of the Leagueoftheon of Nationsreally and took WorldSecond offWarthe thewhen after

ed for seventeen African states that foughtforseventeen for andAfricanthat states ed achieved their


rbaijan, , ,Georgia,rbaijan, ,Croatia,

teenth century that nations centuryteenthbecame that concernedwith

community, besidesis UNESCO, community,the arter, which by wasproduced arter, Le Corbusier, colonizationfallUSSRand theprocess of - governmental 10

CEU eTD Collection 24 23 22 http://www.icomos.org/en/about 21 historical culturaland Thestate heritage. specificcontrol ICOMOSpromotes Ukrainian over the members,professionals infieldcorporate ten andof the protection,restorati inleadingUNESCO forbody advisory Today Ukraine. has committeemore thethan 170 te Monumentson andwhich (ICOMOS) Sitescollects and examinesprinciples protection and Charter conference,during1964 they firstbeingthirteenadopted one resolutions with theVenice the Restorationo joinedofstatesUNESCO InternationalStudythefor PreservationofCentre the and inpracticesforhistoric protectionestablishtheirbuilding to an such authority. Buildings cou the that suggested in DuringCharter. Congress1957 Paris First oftheArchitects and ofspecialistHistoric independentfrom wasmuseologists association,the which in wasbirthoftheICOM the ofallspecialist world.the over andbordersinternational nationalanpresentedon level,growingandthe showed consciousness firstthe inhistory time Thepublishedwasdocument1933. later ininanonymously Paris 1941. ICOMOS:International Council o chnologies,andrestorationmonuments, efforts useensemblesof They andare thesites. also Ibid Ibid ICOMOS: InternationalCouncil on Monumentsand Sites, “History,” accessed May 26, 2014,

In 1994 ICOMOScreatedIn1994 Ukrainian the InternationalofCommitteeNationalthe Council TheCongressArchitectsSecondand in ofmetSpecialist of Historic VeniceBuilding createanTheneedcame to association ofspeciali and second one that wassuggestedand whichsecondbythat one createdICOMOS. UNESCO, all together finfulfillCultural (ICCROM)Property Rometo recommendation.this

that the concept concept ofthearchitectural that heritagerespectiveof thewas out taken - nMonuments and Sites, “History. icomos/mission

ntrieslackedincentralstillwhich good organization and - and - vision/history st of conservationrestorationand that st ”



Thiswasconsidered on and useandof on 22

The memberThe 23

24 11

CEU eTD Collection 29 28 http:/ 27 Crosscurrents Culture,of 26 25 Crimeanthe inrange south. the lackisterritoryexceptfornatural the borders, the of and inCarpathianMountainrange west the Mediterranean,the Asiaandinlocation. one byand13 the inmiddle5 ofthe the Itstarted as smapast. out historical ofcenter westernUkraine say Ukraine. someallwouldand of L’viv, ICOMOS. isUkraine SanctuaryhassincebeenWorldand1998 Site Heritage by andconsidered a UNESCO L’viv (ICOMOS).” UkrainianofNational Committee recommendationbodycentraloftheofin executive power heritagesphereofthecultural and the UNESCOmonuments Worldmaking to Government Heritage shall, oftheUkraine on theirinfieldnational of the pam’yatkoohorrnni monumentsculturaland theiris Inresearchrestoration factand efforts. hasbeenin enshrined

OrestSubtelny, Ibid “L’viv Ihor Lylio,interviewed by BrandiHall, L’viv, Uk ICOMOSUkraine, “AboutUs,” accessedJune 9,2014, /whc.unesco.org/pg_friendly_print.cfm?cid=31&id_site=865&

– To grasp andgrasp understandTo globalofthe L’vivaspect shouldunderstandoneits citythe and L’vivSince has1975, beenrecognized Historicpart of theas State

The Ensembleof the Historic Centre 25 th

Ukraine:HistoryA century, an organized and fortifiedcentury,anby andincludingorganized town, cenBaltic, the

Harvard UniversityPress, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2005. th

century. llon settlementsPoltava the c.e.Zamovka below450 Riverhill around

locatedin(providence) Oblast isL’vivandthe consideredthe

,Fourth edition,University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 2009, pg.3. 29 27

the InternationaltheCouncil andMonuments onSites Located settlementcentralitaroutes on developed into trade –

UNESCOWorld Heritage Centre,” accessed April 24, 2012, raine,April 4, 2014 and JohnCzaplicka, 28

http://icomos y,idea“thestates particular49 thearticle of Anotherfundamentalofthe feature geographical .

- ua.blogspot.hu/p/blog


- Lviv: ALviv: city in the Architectural - page_5851.html tral Europe, Europe, tral



CEU eTD Collection 32 31 naturalborders which havebeen stated above. up/5372694 March9,2014, accessed 28,May 2014, 30 itwas but badly wars, hitbyOttomaninand whenthe 1672recoveredsiege never it wassacked masterpieces. partmostcreated For citythe the did were andgoverned groups intensebyHungarianan and started rivalryarchbishop the which ArmenianJewishand self communitieswere ofRomanmadeain seat the Catholicarchbishopat However 1412. this fromkingdomitwhenPolandwas untilannexed to 1340, 1272 and Greatby the CasimirIII Halychynasingleaand into () state. Volyn Kingdomthe Kiev,Kingwhen of RomanMstyslavych (1173 Slavs,landsSian,Easternof locatedthe Bug, until the and on becamevassal Dnister it state ofa 30

“L’viv Subtelny, GilbertMercier, “Ukraine: The New Cold War Heats Up,” – In the 13 Inthe

The Ensembleof the Historic Centre Ukraine:A History . This map. is justto show the geo th


nturywouldmain becameastown L’viv,the that ofthe the known was town ,pg.60

- 61. http://www.globalresearch.ca/ukraine

graphyof the andregion the vast amount of plains and lackof –

UNESCOWorld Heritage Centre” - governing. 31 GlobalResearch CentreforR

not go not frequent epidemics,fire through or The town becameThetown jointcapitalthe ofthe 32

TheCatholic German,Polish, Italian, - 1205) unitedwas whatcalle1205) - the

- new timeUkrainian,the - esearch on Globalization cold - war - heats - d , 13

CEU eTD Collection 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 someto degree. herandsonJoseph conditionsnon oftheall of centralizedbureaucracy. noble culturalsphere.” individualitseachofitsinsular and own occupying groups distinct ethnic economic, social, and Germansmadethewholeas a“society” a multie both that” was invigorate ruralthe economy.” German inwasoldextremelyso trading importedroutes east, Germ the Hapsburgthe poor moreGaliciaheldpeople of Polish decent. withtwo becamecapitalthe Austriancallednewofthe and province, Galicia, until continued 1918. monasteribuildingsand byinand captured Swede’sthe 1704. “L’viv Subtelny, Subtelny, Ibid Subtelny, Subtelny, Subtelny, Subtelny, Ibid

- dominated government an dominated – Galicia held the majorityGaliciaheldthe Ukrainian’sthe of under andHapsburgrule, as Galiciagrew

- TheEnsemble of Czech speaking colonists inspeaking“hopethatcolonistsCzech farmingmodels they provide would ofgood and morepartitions becameeastern morepart the ofUkrainian Galicia Western while Ukraine:A History Ukraine:A Hi Ukraine:A History Ukraine:A History Ukraine:A History Ukraine:A History 40 37

This“loyalty dynasty”created wasthedeeply to that rooted. The Hapsburgs has two goalsThe Hapsburgs hasdisassembleintwo first Galicia: The to oldthe II in improvedII church,laweducationtheand peasant’s whichthe conditions


theHistoric Centre es were built and ininbuilteswerepartitionL’vivand of the 1772 German) (Lemberg 38 ,pg.219. ,pg.216 ,pg.216. ,pg.215. ,pg.215. ,pg.213.

- Theimprovesecond goalsocio wasthe simply to nobility.


d replaceitwasdisciplined awithd they what and thought -

218. AlongwithCatholics,JewishGreek the and population, , 39


Severalbyreforms started were MariaTheresaEmpress

UNESCOWorld Heritage Centre” During18 the 35

Theeconomy population, beingand off cut of their th

century some major important majorcenturyreligious some thnic and rigidlywithand thnic stratified,

- economic 41

ansand 34


CEU eTD Collection 49 48 lands,their inthe return forthe use of their personal plots. 47 46 45 44 Toronto,2010, 433. pg PaulRobert Magocsi, 43 42 theirfiveEmpiremonthsmarker.this after Hapsburgwhenthe crown, theyin abolishedandcorvéeApril 1848 rest Galiciaon the of23, across corvéeboard. the heard Governor oncethe ofhethismake quicklyVienna first mov theurged to example; For urgentlyPoleswere the abolish nobilitypressing Polishthe to corvée, against anoone Empirethekeepused andHe intact. together Hapsburgs thePoles the andcontrol sameThenationality.FranzareasCount governor, Stadion, intentions hishad and own plansto branches. CouncilRuskaasnewspaperwell(Holovna Rada), and as theirlocal theirsystemown own of findshocked were to they that theirstarted hadown representativeSupremebody, theRuthenian includingnot mistakeswasUkrainianandthe population when Po the politicalliberation and forevengreater inthemselvesrights Galicia. sovereign a ThePolesinimmediatelystatehood. moreViennafor Ukraine petitioned to was‘springcalledthe nations,’ nationalizationofwas desi awakeningwhich anofthe and buildings. buildingsu were

Ibid Subtelny, liberalA form of serfdom where the peasants owned the noble landownerstotwo three days perweek working Paul Robert Magocsi, Subtelny, Subtelny, In1846 the Polish peasantry, withthe help of the Austrian government, massacredthe gentry’s estate owners. Subtelny,

TheAustriansclosed manyanddown foundations dismantled religiousof thethe and 45 42 Ukraine:A History Ukraine:A History Ukraine:A History Ukraine:A History

ThePoles shockedwere becaus Therevolution of1848 ther. This ther. wasby a sed for secularfor andsed purposes began ofsurgereconstructionamedieval of AHistory Ukraineof

A HistoryA of Ukraine:The Land andIts Peoples, 48 ,pg.2 ,pg.244. ,pg. ,pg.219.

Thisinfuriatedmade loyalPolesandtheUkrainians more the even to 244.


- :The Land andIts Peoples, product of the earlier 1846 the Polish theearlierof the1846 inproduct revolution Galicia. 43

in Austrianthroughout theGaliciaand 49 e to themto eUkrainian’s theand andonethey were the

Due t

o manyreformsandthis the that other

SecondEdition, University of Toronto Press,



les asked them to joinles askedthem theyto The biggest Thebiggest oftheir - HungarianEmpire e and to abolish ande to 47

however re for re 46 15

CEU eTD Collection 55 54 1848 53 52 51 50 Galiciaforhad be cornerstoneplannedrestoringthetheir planto to Polish at the statehood. i Councilestablished evercalledUkrainianformed1848 political Maywas 2, organizationon Supreme the Ruthenian fullyandGreek equalitythegenuine RomanCatholic clergy. of administrationsGalicia,ofacceEastern with inpetition Ukrainianaskedthe languageeducationalthat be the offered system and millionwhosemembers,15 liveof whom in 2.5 sameallthelanguage.” Galicia, speak urged Thethat Bishop populationthe “belongedto g the principalityHalychglories subjugationof theirtheand past and exploitation and bypoles. the people. petitionincathedral L’vivnationalthe to Viennaabout Uk thedistinctiveness of benotgenuine a nation. implyingthat Ukrainian the wer stating Poles.ThePoles Hapsburg the started that Ruthenians“inventedthe (Ukrainians),” supported governor openlyitUkrainians,caused favoringthehuge aby wave ofresentment the

Ibid Subtelny, JanKozik, Ibid Ibid Subtelny, - 1849

51 StadionGeorge’sCatholic urged Greekassociated withthewere St. clergymen that

,Warsaw, In this document, ledIn this Hryhoriiitdocument, by addressedBishop the medieval the Iakhymovych, Ukraine:A History Ukraine:A History Między

Reakcj PaństwoweWydawnictwo Naukowe

nL’viv. ą

50 aRewaolucj ,pg.2 ,pg

. 2 . 55

47. 47. Of course Ofespeciallyagitatedjustcourse this Polesfurther, the since they e justby a e

ą : Studia zDziej - product of Austrian machinationsAustrian couldof therefore and product ss to positionsUkrainiansforgovernment to ss aand ó w Ukrai

( PWN ), 1975,), pg.37. ń reat Ruthenianreat [Ukrainian]nation, skiegoRuchu Narodowego w Galicjiw latach 54

Fromfirst petitionthis the rainian 53


52 16

CEU eTD Collection 154 58 57 56 reclaimedinAscity Magocsithe atbyclaimed and 1944. P.R. Suprunenko this “If M. time willwein “ensemble” lookingbethat at L’viv. inhistoricalmemorypoliticalitand the is alignments today,related the not to oftimethe period and varyingstage differenthighlight the e isThisan simplifiedat extremelylook historicalthe he wrote letter to headthat the Heinrichfollowing:Naziof the Himmler he SS, the states Hemetropolitan was respected timea period. i CatholicGalicianofGreekthe and church remainedAndreiuntilthere particular 1944. sentimentsSheptyts’kyithe perfectlyofthat stated bytaken Sovie the elsewherewithinEmpire thetime this at aswell. citythe resultmilitaryasa ofaction.”

Paul Robert Magocsi,ed., Magocsi, “L’viv - 155. – During this time, the Nazi’sDuringhavocthethis created andtime, chao AustrianAt endthe L’vivrule,ofnewofthe the became part Republicandof Poland was “the states revolutionaryUNESCO that sawserious yeardamage in of1848 cent the

The Ensembleof the Historic Cen AHistory Ukraine:of The Land and Peoples,Its fewdays.” men, 130,000 women,and executedwerein children Kieva within … being committed. dayyeara thannothas most athe without horriblepassed crimes evenmoreevilFormorediabolic and Bolshevik the [regime]. than now that] everybody[so Germanistheagrees that regime perhaps a regimeinstituted oftrul citizens]feltcertaina relief.Gradually, [German] government the by “Liberated Germanfromyoke,the[the weBolshevik army the ts in 1939 through 1941 whenin1941 Nazi city through thets enteredGerman’s1939 the and

Morality and Reality:The Life and Times Andreiof Shepts’kyi 58

Jewsare …Almostprimary the victims. tre 56

– y unbelievable terror andy corruptionunbelievable terror …

Inseveralfactwerein there Viennaandclashes UNESCOWorld Heritage Centre.” motionsofthisit Even plays timeframe. rolethough a

pg.677. situation;

s,untilagainyet Soviets the

however this quote doessetthis however quote the

,Edmonton, 1989, pg. 57 na

er er of 17

CEU eTD Collection 65 64 63 (Paris:June 30, 1997): 111. 62 61 60 nimets’kykh zaharbnykiv naperedodniIv vitchyznianii viini proty nimets’kofashystskykh zaharbnykiv,” in 59 Sezessio Nouveau, Art the from influences the as temples, well as period sculpture, and architecture Rus Rococo and “Old Baroque ensembles, are buildings these of important most the of some Ger and Italian and Armenian, and oriental to Byzantine highest architecture Rus Old schoolof like Galicia the influenceslocal from value” the of masterpieces artistic and architectural of concentration “unique a holds L’viv inbyStated of1998: October ICOMOS along there, manyandwith fine20 Baroque completemission abletheir to ofnation. becoming sovereigna held over citypower the of L’viv until was…darka continent, UkraineEurope wereof darkness.”heart Belarus the and

Ibid UNESCO,World Heritage List, WHC Nomination Documentation, 108. UNESCO,World Heritage List, WHC Nomination Documentation, 111. UNESCO, Ibid AdrianDr. Mandzy,interviewed by Brandi Hall, Morehead, Kentucky,2011. Magocsi,

AHistory Ukraine:of WorldHeritage List, WHC Nomination Documentation, rdtos wo salse sprt yt interdependent yet separate inmoderntownscape. the established discernib still is which for evidence city, the within communities who traditions, religious cultural and different with groups ethnic number of it a to “Cri traditionswithof easternof Europe Germany.” those and artistic and architectural the of fusion the of example outstanding ii: “Criterion InL’vivlived canseeevidenceoneethnicdifferenttheof the communities who terion v: terion

(Ufa1942), pg. 33.


n Mdr Uriin schools.” Ukrainian Modern and

TheLand and Peoples,Its

The political and commercial role of L’viv attracted attracted L’viv of role commercial and political The

In its urban fabric and its architecture L’viv is an an is L’viv architecture its and fabric urban its In man (western European) cultures. European) (western man

the fallin thefinally whenU.S.S.R. of the 1991 was Ukraine

63 ”



pg.669and Cited inM.Suprunenko, “Ukra buildings. L’viv 65

the Ensembletheof Historic Centre 60 In many of these buildings they they buildings these of many In 61

Borot’baukra 64

According to UNESCO to According 62 ї

ns’koho naroduproty le le 59

TheSoviets ї na


CEU eTD Collection

68 67 66 1950 the during underway were projects major and Committee Executive Oblast the to department Architectural the and Architect Chief City the of Office the in Building Historic of concept the In to “leading monuments.” historic 1930 designating in started program inventory national A city. the within buildings historic of conservation and protection the with deal to Conservation of Department Gali Eastern of Conservators of Organization Grono the Austro calledthe analysisthat: states peoples.” Austrian and Italian the Polish, of Jewish, heritage national German, the Armenian, to also but culture Ukrainian the to only not “belongs L’viv of An artwork. other as missioninICOMOSexpert Januaryexpertlyof 1998 qualitiesstated town: well thethe of as paintings monumental and relics historic hold and preserve

UNESCO,World Heritage List, WHC Nomination Documentation, 110. UNESCO,World Heritage List, WHC Nomination Documentation, 108. UNESCO,World Heritage List, WHC Nomination Documentation, 110. L’viv’s conservation history started in the mid the in started history conservation L’viv’s town historic the that states it Site Heritage World a asincluded be to nominations the In churches and other plachurches and other of heritage its in particular in and structure, urban its is in reflected this and Krakow, of that from different significantly however, was, trajectory historical Its List. Heritage World the c on is which be may it which with region the in it town only that The II. fact War World the eastern from of unscathed almost and virtue emerged by central origin of medieval of group towns the European among exceptional is “L’viv high of buildings secular qualitymiddlethefrom Ages onwards.” and religious contains also its It retained has intact. which almost pattern street and topography medievalurban town, historic European eastern e an is “L’viv - HungarianShortlyofHistoric CommissionCentral following Monuments. this

xceptionally well preserved example of an an of example preserved well xceptionally ces ofworship.” ces the 1940’s in passes to the Division of Protection of of Protection of Division the to passes in 1940’s the mae i Cao (Poland), Cracow is ompared 68 - 66


th cia was set up and followed by the the by followed and up set was cia century under the Austrians and was was and Austrians the under century


ICOM S comparative OS

- 70’s. In In 70’s. 19

CEU eTD Collection 71 70 restorativeplans appearthat to be historical, but notmight historicallybe correctinnature. “authentic.”Which from what have I witnessedis anything looksthat historical innature, authenticityis perUNESCO, but most importantlythe citycouncil of L’viv theirand thoughts on what is 69 intact. haveremained fivelocations churches only ofallOut these chapter. this explainedisthroughout synagogue. a by isclusteringa and mosque, a cathedrals, Catholic two churches, Armenian thirteenth time, prime seventieth Pidzamche’s through the During site. the on survives still mound castle the only but century, twelfth the through century fifth the in starting Ages Middle the in developed protectedare withinWorldas a that SitethemHeritage by UNESCO. buildings several have areas three These George). (St. Fighter Dragon the Uri St. of Church aro area (the Castle)Pidzamche and restorationsinconservationsandstates L’viv’sUNESCO city.this the authenticity: about Nationa the 1975

UNESCO,World Heritage List, WHC Nomination Documentation, 109. UNESCO,World Heritage List, WHC Nomination Documentation, 110. UNESCO,World Heritage List, WHC Nomination Docum

h frt ra Pdace n Vysok and Pidzamche area, first The (High Zamok World Site;HeritageVysokyi ofthe part are areasthat core hasthreeL’viv eoe h cret tnad o cnevto ad etrto had restoration beenlaiddown.” and conservation of ethnic standards current the before their with c was work restoration complexes, some that account the into taking religious authenticity, of level acceptable the an is there materials of terms In to intact. survived has communities, the and since high, castle very is pattern layout street urban medieval the of authenticity “The - product of interesting and unique geopolitical location that L’viv locationinisgeopoliticaland interestingthat unique ofand product Hsoia ad rhtcua Rsre a cetd n crid u further out carried and created was Reserve Architectural and Historical l

etre, t a te ie f e Otoo cuce ad oatre, three monasteries, and churches Orthodox ten of site the was it centuries,


und it), Seredmistia (Middle Town), and the Ensemble of the the and of Ensemblethe Town), Seredmistia it), und(Middle arried out in the 19 inthe arriedout n te eainhp f h tw t the to town the of relationship the and yi Zamok is in the heart of the city. This area area This city. the of heart the in is Zamok yi entation,110 th

and early 20 early and . Authenticity. is a muchdebated topic.This


centuries centuries

theyseem acceptto any


hs unique This 69

what what


CEU eTD Collection Piatnytsia 73 http://www.franko.lviv.ua/personal/ld/architectual.htm 72 Lviv Best,Lvivaccessed May 29, 2014, IvanFranko National , Architectural“The Heritage of Lviv,” accessedMay 29, 2014,   

century. 16 the in expanded and 18 the in 16 The 1908. 18 important nave a of consists It 1640’s. the in reconstructed The stillits itscruciformthat structure 13 domed contains style unique the of example perfect the is It 1292. in The

77,Bogdana Khmel’nyts’kogo str., Lviv, Ukraine. th

Church of St. Onufrii:St. Churchof Church of St. Mykolai: St. of Church century was replaced by a new stone stone new a by replaced was century hrh f t Prsea Piatnytsia: Paraskeva St. of Church


and early 20 early and


etr iootss n te oe, rwe b a oe ws eul in rebuilt was dome, a by crowned tower, the and iconostasis century

http://www.lvivbest.com/en/node?page=1 th

th centuries. The The centuries. -


was first a wooden structure inwaswoodenfirst a structure 13 the was the family church of the Halychyna and first mentioned first and Halychyna the of church family the was th

etre wt is eesv wls aig rm h 17 the from dating walls defensive its with centuries 72

. . Basilian Monastery Basilian TheChurchof St. Mykolai

church which was extended and reconstructed reconstructed and extended was which church

lo ul i te 13 the in built also th

of the Halychyna architecture with architecture Halychyna the of and a small chancel; there is an an is there chancel; small a and century stone walls.century stone .

TheChurch of St. Paraskeva adjoins the church was built built was church the adjoins .


century and during the centuryduringthe and th

etr, u was but century,


21 th

CEU eTD Collection maria 77 http://www.pbase.com/georgh/image/116908048 76 http://www.pbase.com/georgh/image/116908050 75 http://www.pbase.com/georgh/image/116908049 74 Emporis, “Churchof Mariathe Snowy,” accessedMay 29, 2014, PBase,George Herder, “Churchesof L’vivand the famous Lycakivs’ke graveyard,”accessed May 29, 2014, PBase,George Herder, “Churchesof L’vivand the famous Lycakivs’ke graveyard,”accessed May 29, 2014, PBase,George Herder, “Churchesof L’vivand the famous Lycakivs’ke graveyard,”accessed   - the

colonists as a stone basilica with apse. Even though it underwent reconstruction in the the in reconstruction underwent it though Even apse. with basilica stone a as colonists The inNeo rebuilt was smallchurch thewhen 1887, inmany culminating reconstructions, underwent The - snowy Church of Maria Snizhna: Maria Churchof ahda o St. of Cathedral - - l Romanesquestyle. - viv - ukraine

. . TheChurch of MariaSnizhna

on h Baptist: the John

this church was established inthiswaschurchestablished14 the . . An. insidelook of the Church. . 76 TheCathedral of St. John the Baptist TheChurch of St. Onufrii

74 gi ws ul i te mid the in built was again .

http://www.emporis.com/building/church .



cent May29, 2014, - 13 ury by German uryby German th

century and and century - of - 77 22 75

CEU eTD Collection 79 78 mainlyaristocraticstyle. residences, inBaroque the and monasteries with and fortifications medieval demolished the of site the the on gardens is byarea central Encircled landscape. general the affecting adversely without inserted were 19 the in and structures earlier from elements incorporating building many predominate, buildings Renaissance area this In flourished. but quarters, own an religious, public, the by disturbed not was townscape the in harmony overall The time. that of layout original its intact preserves and Europe Eastern in planning town the of example prime a is It century.

Ibid UNESCO,World Heritage List, WHC Nomination Documentation, 109. 

center of the square.ofcenterthe the in 1793 from dating fountain mythological classical a is There square. the facing two a with layout, medieval Baroque, Renaissance, many are 19 the (Market)Square:Rynok or Seredmistia the is area second The carvingsininterior. the 19 late th th

century, and is considered the heart of the Middle Town area. Around the square square Aroundthe area. MiddleTown ofthe heart the considered is and century,

etr i sil ean mn oiia faue, nldn fn Brqe wood Baroque fine including features, original many retains still it century

d residential buildings of the different communities that settle there in their their in there settle that communities different the of buildings residential d


in the center it has a tower builtinitin has center tower 14 the a the - window living room and a side room with a single window window single a with room side a and room living window and Empire style houses retaining their original original their retaining houses style Empire and Middle Town which was created in the mid the in created was which Town Middle 79

T heresevenarehave areasthat survived:


and 20 and th

centuries n centuries th

century and rebuilt in centuryrebuiltand ew buildings ew - 14 23


CEU eTD Collection complex travelling.com/uploads/gallery/photos/img/lviv 81 travelling.com/uploads/gallery/photos/img/lviv 80

UA Traveling,UA “Assumption Church in Lviv.Lvov. Traveling,UA “ inLviv.Lvov.Ukraine,” access  

. 14 fine are interior the in Preserved techniques. and design Armenians the of that with area Benedictine (17 palace archbishops’ Armenian the century), (17 bank Armenian former the of building the (1726), Christopher St of column the The itwas but replaced roof, fireroofpresentaBaroque helmet the after with in 1695. hipped a had and once belltower high has65m a church The chancel. nave,and narthex, t with stone win building of styles Renaissance combines it that in unique considered is area This (1578 Prelates Three the of Chapel the 1629), The


and earlyand 15 Armeni Uspe sa Asmto) Church (Assumption) nska Church an

convent (17 convent he local tradition of tripartite wooden places of worship, consisting of of consisting worship, of places wooden tripartite of tradition local he th

century wall century

complex: includes the church itself (1363), the bell the (1363), itself church includesthe complex: th

etr) Tecuc cmie h rhtcueo h local the of architecture the combines church The century). - paintings. - - market assumption Ukraine,”accessed May 29, 2014, ope: ossig f h cuc isl (1591 itself church the of consisting complex: - square.jpg

- church.jpg ed Mayed 29, 2014, 80

- . Rynok(Market) Square. 50 ad onats oe (1572 tower Korniakt’s and 1590) th - . 18 TheUspenska (Assumption) Church th

etre) ad h Armenian the and centuries), http://ua http://ua -

- - tower (1571), (1571), tower

- 78). 24 81 th -

CEU eTD Collection ArmenianChurch. c1xQTYKNLwY/U1v3grJ57iI/AAAAAAAAAKI/Sg5h5AXIkG8/s240/Ukraine 83 0City.jpg http://marvaoguide.com/images/stories/telepulesfotok/ukraine/Ancie 82 Marv MyRaw Atkins, “EncouragingThoughts,” accessed May 29, 2014,  aoGuide, “Lviv, Ukraine Travel Guide,” accessed May29, 2014,

. . tutr, umutd y n cao spotn a easac dm wt bt the both with and interiorexterior the richlycarved. dome Renaissance a supporting octagon an by surmounted structure, (1609 Chapel 1760 in restored was side two nave, a The TheArmenian Church complex. Metropolitan Cathedral: Metropolitan Latin

- 5 ad Kampians’ and 15) - aisles, and long chancel. Some Baroque features were added when it it when added were features Baroque Some chancel. long and aisles, - 78. There are two chapels associated with the cathedral; Boims’ Boims’ cathedral; the with associated chapels two are There 78.

bui Chapel (1629). The Boims’ Chapel is a cubic cubic a is Chapel Boims’ The (1629). Chapel 82

lt in the 14 the in lt 84

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/ th - nt%20armenian%20church%20in%20Lviv%2 - 15 Lviv th -

Armenian_Church centuries in Gothic style. It has has It style. Gothic in centuries - - 12.jpg . Insidethe 83

85 25

CEU eTD Collection bernardine 86 touristic.at.ua/Foto_news/news/22_1_12/6.jpg 85 travel.com/image 84 Touristic,Lviv 10“Top most popular places,” acces OlegZharii, “Lviv, Bernardine Monastery, Russia   

- part part easternofdefenses.the formed all wall) defensive lower the of bastions the of (one Tower Gunpowder century inArsenal1574 built The City 14 the of Fragments tower. 16 its with inL’viv building 18 the and 1723, Church Jesuit the include: ensembles monastic other The withdetails. Mannerist elements Renaissance German and Italian combines it style the in and layout in basilican (1600 The UkraineTravel, “Ukrainian Historical Sites,” accessed May 29, 2014, - monastery enrie Monastery Bernardine -

0, h mnsey rpr te bell the proper, monastery the 30), - files/lviv - 735.html?l=en

- old th - town

century Dominican Church as one of the most grandiose Baroque Baroque grandiose most the of one as Church Dominican century th


- latin . The. Bernardine Monastery.

- : is a fortified complex that consists of the main church church main the of consists that complex fortified a is : th cathedral2.jpg ” accessed ” May 29, 2014, - 17 - defensive walls defensive 75, the Baroque Royal Arsenal of 1639, and the mid the and RoyalArsenal of 1639, Baroque the 75,

. Boims. Chapel that partis of the LatinMetropolitan Cathedral. th

century monastery complex and mid and monasterycomplex century sed Maysed 29,2014, . The. Latin Metropolitan Cathedral. - oe, n a ommrtv clm. t is It column. commemorative a and tower, : s :

urvive on the eastern and western sides. sides. western and eastern the on urvive 86 http://www.zharii.kiev.ua/img

http://lviv http://www.russia

(1610 - - 30) and its college of of college its and 30)


19 - ukraine th

- century bell century lviv, - - - 216

2 th 6 -

CEU eTD Collection 88 87 andisdifferestill asevokes such,known manyto withL’viv,Leopolis, people. L’vov,itnameLemberg,Lwow, has everyetc. by gone simplyL’vivnot bilateralmultilateralare adynamic, but awhere one many L’viv remains places inisin mindimportant extremelyreadsonekeeping consecuti as the monasticfeatures. other (1722 Metropolitanthe of Place the are church the with Associated Yaroslav church. Ukrainian the kingof dignitaries and Osmomysi Halychyna the of tomb the contains and carvings and sculpture monumental p is that layout spatial Ukrainian traditional 1744 in brick and 13 late the in monastery and church wooden a as started Fighter Dragon the Yuri UNESCO,World Heritage WHCList, Nomination UNESCO,World Heritage List, WHC Nomination Documentation, 109 

The history of the site as well as the internationalThehistory siteofasthethewell andas communities(UNESCO ICOMOS) the is Site Heritage World the in included area third The facingandceramics. offeaturesthe particular The company. Levynskyi, the of Ivan founder the of Institute, Polytechnic workshop L’viv of the by developed was that style modern Ukrainian The House o House -

70 combining Italian Baroque with what the city council considered a a considered council city the what with Baroque Italian combining 70 f {Dnister} Insurance Company Insurance {Dnister} f

style are Ukrainian folk ornaments and patterns used in architectural décor indécor architectural used and folkpatterns ornaments Ukrainian are style - 88 74), the bell the 74),

which is on the outside of the medieval town medieval the of outside the on is which 87

- tower (1828), in which is hung a bell cast in 1341 as well as as well inas 1341 cast bell a hungis inwhich(1828), tower nt emotions nt world.the responses around and Documentation,109 resent today. The church is richly decorated with decorated richly is church The today. resent : built in 1905 it is the first construction in construction first the is it 1905 in built : th

. -

century and was later build of stone stone of build later was and century 110.

Ensemble of the Church of St. of Church the of Ensemble ve chapters. UNESCO andve UNESCO chapters.

on a hillside terrace. It terrace. hillside a on


CEU eTD Collection 90 89 Kishchukvisited L’viv. Cities,Heritage ProblemsofcityProtectionRestoration,” theand itself wasasexample.angiven years later citythe hos carryinitiative to necessarycommitteethe out ofdealing Exactly UNESCO. with works two evenMayto includedlist1994 bethe on ofof Worldestablish Sites, Heritage L’viv hasto the ofconsiderationforL’viv the wassubmitted to In1989 process. government the hadofUkrainehistorical the monumentsand historical the city affectThisnot changeand betweendidrelationshipUNESCO itthe L’viv, did but theextend seemedreconcileThis also whichdramatic fallUSSRto the the brought with of document;several city the through went yearsin ofpreparation,starting of1989. September stillideologies cultural that themselves discussingpresent L’viv.when internationalintentionsmemberoftheand community and (UNESCO the multi states) the th Ukraineestablishaspectsthat is becomingandtryingto as theyindependent state making are an Nomination The 2 Chapter

UNESCO,World Heritage List, WHC Nomination Documentation, UNESCO,World Heritage List, WHC Nomination Documentation, eir firstmarkseir ininternational starts Alsothis the note takecommunity. chapter to ofthe In November that sameInyear, 1996,NovemberTheSecretary that General OrganizationofWorldthe of Be nominationyoutheThroughout willbesee process to able ‘cultural nationalism’the foregetting delegates point the thethat from to Ukraine submitcould nomination a Marcel Junius, and a Professor at MarcelandJunius, Professor athe Borys University Saskatchewan, of

ted Internationalthe ted Symposium“Historical titledUkraine: Cities of


Whiletheythere citywerestudiedthe they provided and technical

CommitteeWorldThen in of Sites. Heritage 12. 12.

political change. 89

- 28

CEU eTD Collection 95 http://www.cufoundation.ca/Borys%20Kishchuk/ 94 93 92 http://www.prixduquebec.gouv.qc.ca/recherche/desclaureat.php?noLaureat=252 91 World of HeritageListCities. resolutiontheCouncil adopted of affairsofCommitteeUNESCO Vicethe p influentialUkrainian internationalinternationalscenehadtheywhenheadof the the very another and community lookslike Thisitt turnedout andeducationalareaswith ofas EuropeanCanada wellUkraine countries. Eastern asother Inc.whichUkraine buildhelps Centre industrial,bridgeascientific,to between the commercial Ukraine nineforconductstudents years to research. to UniversityheofwereSaskatchewanU the establishedof S withat MBA,heCentre anthe servedprofessor asofaInternational Studies Business the at movedCanadaBelgium inand to 1961. involved withthis ICOMto prior position. behappenedfirstto Secretarythe position held andGeneral that until1998. mostlyassistance, dealingwhennecessarydocumentsthe nomination. for with Marcel Junius reservationitself.cityand

Ibid Canada UkraineFoundation, “Borys Kishchuk:National Executive,”accessed June 2,2014, Ibid Ibid Quebec: Les DuPrixQuebec: Cultur

Finallybyincitiesinitiativethe January of1997 supported HeadNationalof the was

- Canadian to helpBoth it beCanadianall men to passionate smooth seem about over. to

o beo primea inaugurate itselfopportunityUkrainefor to the onto

In cameAprilMinistryof1997 thesupport the of of Foreign e – The Incl The

Science, “Laureates laureatset Junius, Marcel,” accessed June 2,2014, 93 - Minister of Foreign Affairs. InofFebruaryForeign Affairs. Minister CityL’vivthe

. usion of the Historical Site of the intoof HistoricalusionofCity thethe Site L’viv

92 WhileBorysis Mr. Kishchuk Prof a

He isHe and inurbanarchitect scholaranborn 94

He i He –

s currently the Chair of the CanadaofChairscurrentlythe the UkraineprogramMBA and .


He wasHealso essor ofEnglishessor 95

29 -

CEU eTD Collection 97 96 thr mid the during area this in started projects Preservations points;Ukraine,cameinbullet isL’viv three a: th by justification The ICOMOS. and UNESCO between collaboration Party State the by Justification CityCounc AffairsnominationforofItaly. The document was signed by behalfW.onShvets L’vivthe of

UNESCO,World Heritage List, WHC Nomination Documentation, 108. UNESCO,World Heritage List, WHC Nomination Documentation, 12 ough to present.the   

developmentoflargea city. harmonized the and environment historic a of conservation effective the of example An marksthison specificarea. and settled origins different of people several that fact the noting is this Again urbandeliberatethe activities; and origins different with traditions architectural of influences common the of result The asareadiscussedthe in chapter. previous the settle that people and empires the of all from coming elements unique the to dueis This Europe; eastern for and region the for both environment, building urban an of example Unique with 1997 30, June on Cite Heritage World possible a as justified first was L’viv il Executive Committee. Atil thiswaschiefhetheCommittee. Executivetime ofarchitect L’viv.


- nineteenth century and have continued continued have and century nineteenth

e State Party, which was was which Party, State e 96

left their their left 30 d

CEU eTD Collection 100 99 98 Pro the for parties different Directorate Ukraine, of Architecture and five Building Urban on Committee National The including: of combination a is conservation and preservation for administration pro nominated entire The restored. buildings the keeping are they how and owners became they how buildings, the owns who of records have they that Meaning management. their as well as properties the of status buildings. individual the as well as city thehistory of MunicipalityGovernment the andof Ukraine. Protection the the for by Directorate 1997 May submitted that proposal the into look first us let ICOMOS, and UNESCO Description and History internationalthefor andcommunity (UNESCO ICO case compelling more stronger a gives turn in which uphold, and preserve to more is there that means This buildings. of couple a just not city, the of section whole a included proposal Their group a being byConvention WorldHeritage in1972 the out set cultural property of categories the fitsof terms the also L’viv place. a such restrictionsof set their working within wh that means simply This Convention Heritage World the of Implementation Property of Categorization UNESCO, UNESCO,World Heritage WHCList, Nomination Documentation,108.

The historyThe of the cityand the buildings is foundinthe previous chapter. In the Justification they set out how L’viv would qualify (as stated above), described the the described above), stated (as qualify would L’viv how out set they Justification the In of requirements and mold the fits site the why and how about more into get we Before the within found definition the fits L’viv of city The

WorldHeritage WHCList, Nomination Docume eto ad etrto o Acietrl ouet a h Ntoa Cmite on Committee National the at Monuments Architectural of Restoration and tection

ile the quarter is historic in nature the population is still living and and living still is population the nature in historic is quarter the ile et i state is perty

of the Historical Environment in the city of L’viv, L’viv City City L’viv L’viv, of city the in Environment Historical the of - owned, obtained in 1975, and the responsible responsible the and 1975, in obtained owned, 99

ntation,cover page. , by being a historic quarter of a living city. city. living a of quarter historic a being by , MOS) reason to get involved.get reason MOS) to 100

The justification also discusses the legal the discussesjustification Thealso

Operational Guidelines for the the for Guidelines Operational

of buildings.of 31 98

CEU eTD Collection 102 101 the of location the by demonstrated scheme, geographical linear a holds Pidamche the of (Kniaz) layout Kings to homes were that towns other to Similar Church. Snizhna’s Maria and Paraskeva St. Church, Mykolai’s Joh monastery,BasilianSt. Onufrii’s andChurchSt. Piatnytsia’s Church, St. include; which area) castle (surrounding Pidzamche the and Castle) (Hight Zamok Vysokyi involved; areas the list to begins then document The for hasset theirWorld S Heritage UNESCO that internationalregulations the fitwith sites the that suremake to individuals of that than governments, over power and sway more has UNESCO investors. private dea to easier is it them For UNESCO. state completely is nominated being site the that fact The has:Ukrainian city that only the being as L’viv of city the identify together organizations The reign. their under longer much Sovi took process the The why is this and 60’s. restoration and the protection than during rather industrialization rule Soviets the under headway make to started Austrian the during 1900’s late the since accumulating Committee. Executi Council City L’viv the and Deputies, Executive People’s of Administration, Council City L’viv State of Committee Oblast L’viv Ukraine, of Architecture an Building Urban

UNESCO,World Heritage List, WHC Nomination UNESCO,World Heritage List, WH 101

ae no en a te einn o te 13 the former settlement 5 of the of beginning the at th being of into ensemble came architectural and natural unique a create they 13 the from building urban of trends and styles all practically represent They … greening. and building urban i preserved “completely hs apnd n h 7’ de ote eoilzto poes ht ae been have that process memorialization the to due 70’s the in happened This

C NominationC Documentation, 18. & ites.

ts medieval planning scheme, peculiarities of of peculiarities scheme, planning medieval ts th l with one party at the state level than to have have to than level state the at party one with l - 6 Docume th

centuries.” ntation,1. th

to the 20 the to 102 - -

ugra eprs eg, u really but reign, empires Hungarian

owned seems to be a relief to to relief a be to seems owned th

century on the site of the the of site the on century th

centuries. As a whole whole a As centuries. n the Baptist Cathedral, nBaptist the e city that that city e ets treasured treasured ets ve ve 32

CEU eTD Collection 104 103 point one at tourism of head importantly most but L’viv in professor a Lylio, ceramics. facing the and building the on used patterns and ornaments it but exact, be to 1905 repr century, twentieth the in dated building only the is list this on one 14 the of fortification Cathe Jesuites of Ensemble the Monastery, Bernardine of Ensemble the Cathedral, Metropolitan Latin of Ensemble the Church, Armenian the of Ensemble the Church, (Assumption) Uspenska of Ensemble the Ensemble, incorporate relics earlierthat from environment architectural Baroque and Renaissance the by dominated is area this of Most consideration. into take to had authorities city’s the that something therefor and city one in diversity of amount L’ to unique also is this but guilds, to due organized were cities medieval way the of artifact an was This one. asflowseamlessly just they how and L’viv,in have resided that living different the represents public area quarters, specific this that is thing intriguing most The region.” Europe[an] East the in building urban regular of example preserved entirely an “is area this that mid theemerged during verifieslocationthat Market) the squareancient originalofofcity.thethe trade whic routes trade ancient the and worship of houses

UNESCO,World Heritage List, WHC Nomination Docume UNESCO,World Heritage List, WHC Nomination Docume esents the first Ukrainian Modern style of construction that enfold the Ukrainian folk folk Ukrainian the enfold that construction of style Modern Ukrainian first the esents The second area is Seredmistia (Middletown) which is adjacent to Pidzamche and and Pidzamche to adjacent is which (Middletown) Seredmistia is area second The and religious spaces that have been owned by the various national communities communities national various the by owned been have that spaces religious and

th - 17 - fourteenth century on the si fourteenthcenturythe on th

centuries, and the House of ‘Dnister’ Insurance Company. The last last The Company. Insurance ‘Dnister’ of House the and centuries,

dral and collegium, the Ensemble of Dominican Church, city city Church, Dominican of Ensemble the collegium, and dral constructions. The main sites are; Rynok Square RynokSquare mainare; sites The constructions. ntation,2 ntation,1 te of the Kings (Kniaz) town. Ukraine states Ukraine states town. Kings(Kniaz) ofthe te h is preserved by the Staryi Rynok (Old (Old Rynok Staryi the by preserved is h - - 4. 2.


poes ht Ihor that process A 103

viv due to the to due viv o te City the for 33

CEU eTD Collection chapter. 108 107 106 105 in subject the facing 1978 13, Julyon set UkrSSR the being first the are listed items four The matters. such of care take to place in are that resolutions and the list Protection and Management eithermatter,thiswith financially k or in help needs State the that think to committee UNESCO and ICOMOS leads This work. some need buildings proposed the of state the that knows party the that proves statement last This … buildi the of conditions of Technical importance. local and are] national [and … structure. planning the of perpetuation and control archeological proper remainsGalicianofKingtheandUkrainian Yaroslav Osmomyslprominent chur the contain church the of cellar inthe grounds The Pinzel. John artist Baroque bystyle Baroque structure wooden a as started that church is This bazaar. the from and city the enter that gates two with Yuri’sbellhouses,the capitular Metropolitan’sPalace, includes; church, St. l city medieval the of outside little a located is aspects. old and modern combine to German’s the by introduced process a was this that stated Council,

A delegateA fromHungary makesremarks to this through supporting tourism mentionedfurther intothis UNESCO,World Heritage List, WHC Nomination Docume UNESCO,World Heritage List, Ihor Lylio,interviewed author,by tapeL’viv, recording,14 April 2014.

This leads into the means of Ukraine for preservation and conservation needs. They first They needs. conservation and preservation for Ukraine means of the into leads This Ukraines Yuri(George) St. of Ensemble the is site third The 105 n h titet cnuy n te xsig rc ad otr tutr ws ul in built was structure mortar and brick existing the and century thirteenth the in

being the Law on Law the being

diagnosis of the given areas is that it “is guaranteed and provided with the the with provided and guaranteed “is it that is areas given the of diagnosis

WHCNomination Docume

Monuments of History and Culture and History of Monuments

nowledge of specialists. nowledgeof imits on the side of a mountain chain. The site site The chain. mountain a of side the on imits ntation,8. ntation,4 -

5. –

the Dragonfighter Church. The site site The Church. Dragonfighter the 108

The Preservation and Usage of of Usage Preservationand The ngs are mostly satisfactory.” mostly are ngs

set forth in 1970, the second the 1970, in forth set - tower, and the fence and the tower, ch members.ch 106 107 34

CEU eTD Collection 111 110 109 RestorationOfficeas 2. well Construction CompanyandRepairas the No. and Scientific byRegionalL’vivSpecialized bethe carried out to is Therestoration ofSciences. Studies ofUkrainian Institute the of archeologicalexpeditionL’viv and Institute Regional the are which them, to available institutes design Paintings of faculty the and University Politechnic L’viv the at Architecture of faculty the at Complexes Architectural of Reconstruction and Restoration of Chair the as preservation and restoration inarea.the to adjusting of question bigger tourism from capitalharness to a how on lackingis knowledge it the andblame to is isthat capitalism Or responsibility. this up keep to income the have financial having State the is or State the for interest of lack a is this if answered be begsto This itself. State thefrom coming are protect and restore repair, to funds the is here addressed space. rentingforthe buildingshistoric tenants bypaidthe L’viv. concerning 1990 in Council L’viv of City the in Reserve Architectural the regarding 1975 12, June on created 297 No. Ministers Culture, and History of Monuments

UNESCO,World Heritage List, WHC Nomination Documentation, 9. UNESCO,World Heritage List, WHC Nomination Docume UNESCO,World Heritage List, WHC Nomination 109 h Sae at, kan, t Ukraine, Party, State The

The State lists the financial resources available are from the state budget and from feesfrom and budget state the from are available resources financial liststhe State The Restoration of the of Arts. The State includes as well scientific includeswell as State The Arts. Academyof the Restorationof

fact that these sites are only listed as ‘satisfactory’ by the State and that the that and State the by ‘satisfactory’as listed only are sitesthese that fact

h Hsoia ad Cultural and Historical The hen lists the specialists that are trained in the area of of area the in trained are that specialists the lists hen h tid s h Rslto o te kSR Counc UkrSSR the of Resolution the is third the , the fourth and final is the decision of the L’viv Oblast Oblast L’viv the of decision theis final andfourth the ,

Docume ntation,9. ntation,8 - 110

Creation of a National Historical and and Historical National a of Creation 9.

Reserved Territory of the City of of City the of Territory Reserved The interesting question that isnot that interesting Thequestion

issues and simply does not does simply and issues ZakhidProektRestavratsia

at the National Academy Nationalthe at 111

- research and and research il of of il 35

CEU eTD Collection 118 117 116 115 http://whc.unesco.org/en/decisions/2784 114 113 112 Modern Ukrainian and Secession, Nouveau, Art in trends art as well as sculptures,” and architectures Rococo and Baroque ensembles, Renaissance “magnificent temples, Russ Old are Western Armenian, and Old of School Galician the of masterpieces artistic several Project). ( station railway their includes which network transportation international their update to need the with process. restoration the for funding create to Utilities Public the infrastructure. and buildings historic the of restoration and rehabilitation the in help to hopes in investment foreign in bring hopefully to manageme proposed their of process. approval and decision during site” this at tourism of management the to attention increasedgive to need“would Ukraine that state Hungary from Delegate the and region with dealing Council City the of Resolution and culture tourism, for centre a into city education.” industrial “… an from converted be will city

Ibid UNESCO,World Heritage List, WHC Nomination Documentation, 9. UNESCO,World Heritage List, WHC Nomination Documen UNESCO,World Heritage List, WHC Nomination Documentation, 9. UNESCO,Committee Decisions, “CONF 203VIII.B.1,” accessed June 3,2014, UNESCO,World Heritage List, WHC Nomina UNESCO,World Heritage List, WHC Nomination Documentation, 110.

Ukraine also included in their justification for inclusion onto the World Heritage List List Heritage World the onto inclusion for justification their in included also Ukraine by areas the of management the to back us brings all This 117 Terminal


hs a i acrac wt the with accordance in was This

Project), the international airport airport international the Project),

European (mostly German and Italian) cultures. Italian) and German (mostly European nt protocols, the second one is the “creation of conservation zones” zones” conservation of “creation the is one second the protocols, nt


tionDocumentation, 9. 115

The third protocol Ukraine suggests, is to to is suggests, Ukraine protocol third The tation,110. Tourism development. n ter iha sse ( system highway their and

- Russ architecture, Eastern Byzantine Byzantine Eastern architecture, Russ

rga ta ws dpe b the by adopted was that program 113 116

Ukraine, who stated that the that stated who Ukraine,

UNESCO encourages this, this, encourages UNESCO The fourth protocol deals deals protocol fourth The 118 114

Included on this list this on Included

This was the first the was This Lisbon privatize - 36

CEU eTD Collection 1998,Juneaccessed 3,2014, 123 122 121 120 119 (temples), dominants architectural of preservation and location planning, square and street the i.e. of structure, spatial its of elements ensemblesurvived the by proved is L’viv of urbancity the of centre historic the of authenticity “The Ukraine to According ‘authenticity.’ sites organizationsbilateralcanserve politics. nations.” two our of culture the importanceto particular hasa and Ukraine, and Poland ofhistory the link uniting important very of City “Old the of “the Lwow/Lviv” request. Theysupports the city stronglystated andthat of Lwow/Lvi also application the filing for Ukraine welcomed and commended Poland historicthe pa that demands the meet and history human the in stages subsequent of is typical that organization structural and spatial its surroundings, natural special in preserved, has and development the of th UNESCO by forth set demands the to correspond [and] Austrians.” Italians, Poles, Jews, Germans, Armenians, of heritage national the to also but culture o not belongs L’viv city the of property “Historical is nominated being is that relics. historic any and paintings monumental equipment, pieces. UNESCO,World Heritage WHCList, Nomination Documentation,9. UNESCO,World Heritage Commit Ibid UNESCO,World Heritage List, WHC Nomination Documentation, 9. Ibid

119 The next section for t for section next The

121 f ore hy nld wa i wti te neir f h sts ht nov the involve that sites the of interior the within is what include they course Of

rt should dominate over the contemporary surrounding.”contemporary the over should dominate rt By making this statement, Ukraine makingpointBy sites wasnominatedtrying statement, out thethis that to

http://whc.unesco.org/archive/repcom98a7.htm#2 he Nomination Document discusses how Ukraine came up with the the with up cameUkraine how discusses Document Nominationhe

tee,“Annex VII.2,” 22 123

rm hs ttmn oe a se o transnational how see can one statement this From nd

session,,Japan, 30 November at “a city should represent various character character various represent should city“a at


Then they state that the property the that state they Then .


In fact the Observer of Observerof the fact In nly to Ukrainian to nly –

5December v is a a isv 37

CEU eTD Collection 124 present, was synagogue their where quarter Jewish the complex, Church (Assumption) Uspenska the to home nationaldifferent ofthe This heldwhichUkrainianmain the quarters. three quarters; quarter was whichnetwork it specificstreet gave characteri general and streets adjacent its with shape took square (Market) Rynok that timeframe is This ramparts. and walls defensiveof rows two byfortified was that medievalcenter new a into grew change not hasKing planning(Kniaz) theofwas city structure that Ukrainestates crown.” a by replaced and off taken been had hat its like looks hill the built been has castle the ab stands It wonder. world’s a also but hill a just not is castle the erected Lev King where Hill Castle “The as L’viv Martin traveler, a quotes Document Nomination The protected. be to add increaseand to (temples)dominants architectural would construction the considered time this at residents landscape ifThe scenery.or monument any of view theirobstruct them, to adjacent site any at construction the stop could resident mean simply which apopcia,” of rule followedthe “but random not was allocationthe However survive. not did hence and wood of constructed were buildings original The squares. do the of location exact the of proof provided and character linear the preserved had that functions defense the of note taking by first buildings; mentioned the of character the by century, thirteen the during AUTHENTICITY very the with association its architecture.” and landscape unchanged buildings, residential of character

UNESCO,World Heritage List, Design:

and the Armenian quarter which held the Armenian temple complex. Apparently complex. temple Armenian the held which quarter Armenian the and 124

Ukraine justifies the design authent design the justifies Ukraine minants (temples) that have survived as well as the streets and ancient cities cities ancient and streets the as well as survived have that (temples) minants

out the vacuous space and could be observed from any remote place. After place. remote any from observed be could and space vacuous the out

WHCNomination Documentation, 10.

stics not only in location but with but locationonlyconstruction not inthe stics icity of the King (Kniaz) city that was built built was that city (Kniaz) King the of icity value to the natural view, therefore needed needed therefore view, natural the to value

Gruneverg that Gruneverg d and instead it it instead and d s that each each that s

described 38

CEU eTD Collection 126 125 Aurelio architect, and engineer Italian the by reproduced was that same the is center historic the of panorama current the that claim even They preserved. remained has centuries nineteenth certainasandinteriorwell buildings, décorauthentic haveexterior as beenpreserved.” of design original “the that and harmed or compromised been not have constructions their the since into interwoven bui of were reconstructions and restoration that the that suggests dates State The later ensemble. established from Modern and Secession Ukrainian the of King city (Kniaz) the in included architecture The other. each with harmony in and melded have together seamlessly that cultures different many to home is site nominated the that is across get to ot with each go that buildingstimes different and styles different of harmony of example an is L’viv of city the of centre historical “bufferasproposedaState the zone which development,” its of directions main the “determined and city medieval the by forth set scheme” “spatial the to loyal stayed walls defense the of outside the on time the countryat construction the to way gave also they where city the into leading roads main the along defenses, cities the of outside form to the started city in the citycentury, 1772, eighteenth After the survived. though place in even set was and that system city the fires” “numerous the experienced within location their for allocation proper given for there and determined” strictly “were construction housing for quarters the of borders the UNESCO,World Heritage List, Ibid

Landscape: Constructions: and Materials Architecture,

is Renaissance, Gothic, Baroque, Rococo and Empire constructions with insertions with constructions Empire and Rococo Baroque, Gothic, Renaissance, is

Ukraine claims that the cityscape that was formed b formed was that cityscape the that claims Ukraine


” to ‘Ensemble’the to ”site nominated. her and complement one another.” The point they are trying trying are they point The another.” one complement andher ion ion Documentation,10.

Ukraine states that “The ensemble of the the of ensemble “The that states Ukraine

mansions that existed. The The existed. that mansions 125 etween the thirteenth to to thirteenth the etween


ldings ldings has has 39

CEU eTD Collection 129 128 127 JapanConferencein the Kyoto, this They on that; subject. stated Greeceduring bymade agreestatement with the helpto but Partiescannot I State other meansto stone and wood carvings”havebeen well preserved. paintings, wall iconostasis, works, artistic “unique all that claims Ukraine listUkraine a beofwhat L’viv:‘authentic’ considersto to pub residential, of interior and exterior both buildings, Terrarum”in in“brought volumeandout VI 1618. Cologne” a as preserved still is which Passarotti

Ibid UNESCO,World Heritage List, WHC Nomination Documentation, 11. UNESCO,World Heritage List,

After seeing what Uk what seeing After Workmanship:    

Wt rgr t te recomm the to regard “With and Forged Metal works Pottery Carpentry works Stone alterations or restorations of various kinds. Only a more analytical analytical more a Only the between relationship the of magnitude the kinds. assess to used variousis approach of restorations or alterations the in “authentic” is absolu monument ancient No valid. meaning of empty is specification, appropriate an by accompanied not and“authenticity”, word the concept complex a is authenticity that stress would we authenticity,

te and complete sense. All underwent during their long existence, existence, long their during underwent All sense. complete and te

roof and facingandrooftiles kan cam t hv ee peevd h clr o te historical the of colors the preserved even have to claims Ukraine –

wooden cavediconostasiswoodenbeams, benches,wall constructions

WHCNomination Documentation, 10. –

raine considers to be ‘authentic’ and knowing what ‘authenticity’ what knowing and ‘authentic’ be to considers raine elaboratedportals,frames, minorwindowattics, plastics,décor


graphic picture that was published in the “Civitates Orbis Orbis “Civitates the in published was that picture graphic –


endation of the Advisory Body on on Body Advisory the of endation lic and sacred buildings. The following is following The buildings. sacred and lic - shutters, lattice,shutters,crosses, décor




CEU eTD Collection 2003 ComposingUrban History the and Constituti 132 1998,Juneaccessed 3,2014, http://whc.unesco.org/archive/repcom98a8.htm 131 same issuesas‘authenticity’ does. sidesand to everystory. This is the onlypart that the delegate should have thought longer about. Truth hasthe 130 Lviviansinnate certainhavethis tenden themselves. than less felt they etc. politics, culture, language, of was that part whether giveup, themselves to had they imperialism of scenario every In Germanization. and Polanization destructive. so Sovietizati with been modernization equate have foremost modernization and first of Lvivians attempts past the when them blame can who modernity.” with deals failure important but … periods some of representation in gaps evident are “there that agree Susak and Hrytsak atrocities. century twentieth the especially time period, historythat since unwanted they when time a at look and past the in them upon forced been have that identities imperial of differences past the about forget to attempt isan It nation. the together bring andbuildhelp to effort consciousa building are they what is timeframethis about, romanticize simply is to seem area the includes in Ukrainians and L’vivians it which period A property period. medieval the to restricted the and lists Ukraine that ‘authenticity’ The lifespan. its in an someinkeep at shape to ofsomerestorative without work sort art ‘original’ pieceof whole as time withstand to able been has nothing that and others for ‘authentic’ necessarily not the that point the Basically

JohnJ. Czaplicka UNESCO,, “Annex VI Truth: This anotheris subject that is vastly debated. What whoand issay to trutis , pg. 159. ,pg.

cultures will soon clarify a concept used today, but marked by an an by marked but today, used concept a ambiguitycangooda bebackup only detrimentalthat policy.” to clarify soon will histori cultures and of nuances and formal difference the account into the taking theme the on and reflection art ancient of work ,

BlairA Ruble, were united or at least fought for their unification and looking past their their past looking and unification their for fought least at or united were

Delegate is making here is that what is ‘authentic’ to one person is person one to ‘authentic’ is what that is here making is Delegate


LaurenCrabtree on Civicof Identities cies to revert earlier ciesto to ‘golden’eras. 132 I I,”22

The city of L’viv seems afraid to modernize, and modernize, to afraid seems L’viv of city The .

“ConstructingNationala City: The Caseof L’viv nd

session,Kyoto,Japa .


their cultural nationalism on. This is This nationalismon. cultural their a truth. cal . n,30 November

on and then next would be be would next then and on :Woodrow Wilson Center Press; hful. There are manytruths 130

131 – broad A


a much more more much a .” In

point point 41

CEU eTD Collection 133 “[s]ince And monuments. the of catalogue republican a compiled they and Culture and History P for Society the 60’s the In Architecture. of Department Oblast the under was supervision the 70’s to 50’s the During it. surrounding politics the and memory historical on impact deep a had has process this course Of as 1. Soviets chapter in the detail more mentioned to back and German to Soviet from city the for change regime of time a was this Again alone. purpose this for created were that commissions other as well as Committee, Ci Office theof passedto the was torch had the 40’s Municipality the in then L’viv and buildings historical of the protect and Control restore to Building responsibility for Directorate the point this At state.” histori the and Property Historical of Inventory Grono the to torch the passed launchedof ProgramNational the theyGalicia. ofIn Eastern1930 OrganizationConservators of then and Monuments, Historical on Commission Central in started Conservation city.was thefor stipulations of‘authenticity’ History Conservation cultural,asa develop attract center.and educational tourist and hel to attractions tourist and spaces pedestrian networks, transportation but buildings, the just not or maintenance and restoration provides or helps city the zones conservation the re special a have that buildings regulated of zones the and zone landscapeprotective are: exist that Zones The spaces. Zoning

UNESCO,World Heritage List, WHC Nomination Docume The justification also discusses the Conservation history and L’viv City Councils Councils City L’viv and history Conservation the discusses also justification The the protect legal help to zones special into separated been has L’viv in territory The

gime of conservation and how they can use the historical environment. In environment. historical the use can they how and conservation of gime

ty Chief Architect and the architectural department of Oblast Executive ofOblast architectural anddepartment Architect the Chief ty

ntation,12. cal monuments “became the property of the the of property the “became monuments cal


reservation Monuments of of Monuments reservation the mid the - 19 th

century by the bythe century p maintain, maintain, p 42

CEU eTD Collection 135 134 walls defensive fragmented the clearly more out spelled UNESCO note another On Ukraine. t buildings few a name just to Hotel George and House Opera the of aware been have should they investigations their did ICOMOS and UNESCO when however included, Ukraine that date later a from originating woul they why wonder mid one make the it century to dating only buildings is there UNESCO of heart the , Paris, in withagree itsignificance notthe building.was builtofConsideringtime or the period of the that InsuranceCompa ‘Dnister’ of House the was which exclusion, onlyone multi groups. Hungarian and Italian Polish,German, multi cities the acknowledges buil of group a being by property cultural of terms their fit property the of category The them. before set was that everything almost to agreed UNESCO marriage. perfect a be to consider would L’vivians Nomination the ofResults city’scomparativethea qualitiesand do analysiswell briefasas a description. Council City L’viv isExecutivepre Committeethefor responsible of environment historical the of protection the for Directorate the 1992 UNESCO,World Heritage WHCList, Nomination Docume UNESCO,World Heritage List, WHC Nominati - ethnic and multi andethnic The finalized approved list of buildings involved was pretty much kept kept much pretty was involved buildings of list approved finalized The justi to decision UNESCO’s discuss they where ICOMOS by Evaluation and includes also document nomination The dings that was established during the 1972 World Heritage Convention. UNESCO Convention. Heritage World 1972 the during established was that dings

- religious aspects, whichbeL’vivforaspects, hugereligious seemsa plusto UNESCO. for hat would meet their requirements if they had been in Paris versus versus Paris in been had they if requirements their meet would hat

- ethnic population including Ukrainian, Armenian, Jewish, Jewish, Armenian, Ukrainian, including population ethnic fy the nomination in June was the beginning of what what of beginning the was June in nomination the fy onDocumentation, d not accept this building. It is the only building building only the is It building. this accept not d servationhistoricarchitecture.” of 135

ntation,8. This history seems to be tailored around th around tailoredbe to seems history This 10

8 .

ny. Either UNESCO did did UNESCO Eitherny.

intact, 134

- nineteenth there was there ese 43

CEU eTD Collection 140 139 138 137 136 forthcomparativeputtinga analysis states: which in further step a went they but Ukraine, by forth put already was what restated just ICOMOS onwards.” Ages Middle the from quality high of buildings secular and contains religious also It intact. almost pattern street and topography urban medieval its retained has exceptional an is “L’viv Evaluation ICOMOS upwas not work their standardsto ofreconstructing original.the restoration and conservation 19 the in out carried work somerestoration “that is thrilledwith not was UNESCO that thing only The authenticity.” th materials the of terms in that and intact survived has mid th betweenbuilt1574 Arsenal City the list; includedbethe on wasto hadwhat andsurvived that e Baroque Royal Arsenal built in 1639, and the Gunpowder Tower that was constructed in the the inconstructed was that Tower Gunpowder the and 1639, inbuilt Arsenal Royal Baroque e

UNESCO,World Heritage List, WHC Nomination Docume UNESCO,World Heritage List, WHC Nomina UNESCO,World Heritage List, WHC Nomination Docume Exceptfor Greecethat wasstated earlier the in chapter. UNESCO,World Heritage List, WHC Nomination Docume - sixteenthcentury. ICOMOS’s evaluation of the stated property occurred in January of 1998, stating that that stating 1998, of January in occurred property stated the of evaluation ICOMOS’s agreeable. very is UNESCO, by set as Authenticity, on o mdea oii b vru o te f the of virtue by origin medieval European eastern of and towns central of group the among exceptional is “L’viv inheritageits placesofchurches other ofand worship.” from different of significantlyKrakow that however, was, trajectory historical Heritage World Its the on List. is which (Poland), Krakow is compared be may it which with region the in town only The II. War World from unscathed

136 th

ly well preserved example of an eastern European historic town, which town, historic European eastern an of example preserved well ly

n ery 20 early and

, and this is reflected in its urban structure, and ininand its structure, particular urbanis and reflected this, a be li down.” laid been had th tionDocumentation, 110.

centuries” occurred “before the current standards of of standards current the “before occurred centuries”

ntation,110. ntation,110. ntation,108. 138

hrfr maig ht h restorative the that meaning Therefore at they are at an “acceptable level of of level “acceptable an at are they at 137

act that it emerged almost almost emerged it that act

They consider the urban layout urban the consider They 140


Basically - 44 5, 5,

CEU eTD Collection 143 142 141 national a of distinctiveness the enhance and preserve to “seeks Nationalism Cultural a to attempt their in Nationalism Ukrainian promote permanently to UNESCO of community international well.” as memory historical a just not promoting ofidea the on stuck where mayor, the as wellas committee the timeframethis here.” encounter would they thing the be exactly not wouldit … city[,] the of tourists the likely, center.” tourist European major a into L’viv transform to program ambitious an launch to tried person, minded 1 from mayor Conclusion foundJunetheyof1998 be recommendations the satisfactory. to in and on work would they agreed Ukraine that areas nominated the to recommendations als They purpose. no has currently and skyline the dominated it since removed be to antenna and mast a that suggested They space. the improve to well as suggestions historyatmosphereandbeby seencan which the make similar a holds it Simply Czaplickaand Ruble Czaplicakand Ruble, “Constructinga National TheCity: Case ofL’viv,” pg. Ibid

According to and Victor Susak “Vasyl’ Kuibida, the city’s city’s the Kuibida, “Vasyl’ Susak Victor and Hrytsak Yaroslav to According some made they observation, for there just not was however ICOMOS, “Ukrainian image of the city but to promote a national version of Ukrainian Ukrainian of version national a promote to but city the of image “Ukrainian

9 utl al 20 ad i ta, opsd f one ad reform and younger of composed team, his and 2002 early until 994 nchor themselves in the world using a form of cultural nationalism. nationalism. cultural of form a using world the in themselves nchor , from abroad would be most interested to see the multicultural legacy multicultural the see to interested most be would abroad from

“ConstructingNationala City: The Case of L’viv,” pg.159.



oee ter fot, rta ad ua fe ta “most that feel Susak and Hrytsak efforts, their However

- p f ht f rkw bt ih mr multi more a with but Krakow, of that of up kan i tyn t mk ter ak y sn the using by mark their make to trying is Ukraine



142 -

cultural cultural o made o During - 45

CEU eTD Collection 146 145 Architecture and theContemporary City 144 abov Austrian the under prior years hundred a over started was that process a is but century, twentieth late the during Ukraine on mark its made nation the at both politics and city their onhave not may or may this that impact the realizing fully not nationalism, of form a as this using as well as community international the in claim historicalpolitics sharedmonumentsare that places, such byand humanity. all of associated the this with and ‘heritage’ of ideals the together linking and promoting by 1972 hierarchies.” historical and lineages ethnic champions nationalism cultural urbanization, and modernization of Jarzombek, Mark tradition.” and history of constructions selective the through consciousness

Ibid Ibid MarkJarzombek, “TheMetaphysics of Permanence e. Conventi

So for bett for So al and international level. Cultural nationalism is not something that has just just has that something not is nationalism Cultural level. international and al on Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage Heritage Natural and Cultural World the of Protection the Concerning on

states that “[u]nlike state nationalism, which often embraces a platform a embraces oftennationalism, which “[u]nlikestate that states er or worse, the Ukraine has used UNESCO as a way to stake their their stake to way a as UNESCO used has Ukraine the worse, or er


This was a process that has been emphasized by UNESCO’s by emphasized been has that process a was This

,vol. 21, Winter2011, pg.125. –

CuratingCritical Impossibilities,” - Hungarian Empire, as mentioned as Empire, Hungarian

Log:Observations on 144

146 Author


CEU eTD Collection 148 (Paris:May 12, 1998): Cover page. 147 isusecarryand to restoration) thewho out to management andplans. PolytechnicAcademy Arts,University scientifictheor of financial(lawsspecialistavailable,beresolutions, and resources to t city’sthe history ofmeansand preservationpreservation/conservationfor their conservation, propertthe Thewhomdocumentation dictates is also preservation/conservationheldthefor responsible of andCommitteemaintain to pledgedthe valuespromote pluralnominated.andofcultural sites nominatingfor commendings Ukrainethe atas statedtourismsite, inthe management 2,asChapterwellthe fromObserverthe Polandas fromThe giveDelegate factHungaryUkraine the more that needsattention to to reiterated the Worldincludethe siteon the List the Heritageon basi DecisionWorldofduringCommitteetheHeritage 22 the Talks the Continuing 3 Chapter

UNESCO,World Heritage List, WHC Nomination Documentation, Cover Page. UNESCO,World Heritage List, WHC Nomination Documentati TheWorldCiteNominationHeritage Documentation discussesMay1998 on the 12, yfor protection(L’vivthe Directorate in ofhistorical Cityenvironment the of L’viv), evidence for which evidencediscerniblestillisfor i whowithinseparatecommunitiesestablished interdependent yet city, the ethnicwith groupsandculturalnumber of religious different traditions, “ withEasternEuropeItaly traditionsof and Germany.” thoseof thethe exampleof of architecturalfusionoutstandingartistic and “ Criterion Criterion(ii):


The politicalandThe attracted commercialL’viv it a roleof to Inurbananditsan isarchitecture, its fabric L’viv iteinfirstplace. The Mayorof L’viv the the thanked

n the moderntownscape.”the n s of meetingcriteriathesof (v):ofand(ii) on, nd L’viv - research and design institutes andinstitutes they research designare

Session. UNESCO decidedUNESCO Session. to –

the Ensembletheof Historic Centre

rained L’vivthe at


148 47

CEU eTD Collection 151 Juneaccessed 5,2014, 150 149 planningprocess. monitoringmissionininimprovemanagementJanuarystructureto a 2001 particular the suchdown foundationsphilanthropictheywhenbenefit directlytheircause. helpingpreservein themmaintaining theirto promisesites the andnever could UNESCO limitedcertainlyfinances.mostwithUkraine atlooked has foundationthis possibilityasfora balanceWorldthe L Heritage financeto interest main everynew Thethe year. foundation projects isfor help to the goal Insteadofone a helpfoundationthe to changeshapewa and the townsactually included betheirsubmitted Worldto application Theyasformed Site. aHeritage foundationStralsundinWismarandThe before injust Germany. wasestablishedthe 2000 mission.carryingfor the out expressed Germanthe theirWorldto Foundationappreciation Heritage providing for assistance discuss order to wa havingforUkraine congratulatedinternationalinstigatedan in monitoringmission, reactive internationalofthe monitoringmission property.meetingDuringthe reactiveto the they also 28

Decision HistoricC UNESCO, th

Session of the WHC 2004 SessionWHC the of Ukraine was to take intoaccount Ukraine take recommendationsbywasthemadeinternational to the reactive TheWorldGermaninitiative isFoundationHeritage an of Worldm the In2004 CommitteeHeritage – entresof Stralsund and Wismar: Two Cities WorldHeritage List, L’viv, Ukraine

28COM15B.100 - time lumpsum,time theyandsave capitalinvestments would theonly usethe 151 ys ofThestate enhancingofCommittee the conservation property. of the http://www.wismar

EconomicallyheelthewasUkraineon hugea during thisrecessionof

149 ist and assist sitesandistendangered. on isarefocus assist that There countries

- stralsund.de/en/world_heritage_foundation ,No. 865, Decision yfinanced.preservationswere theof sites –

One Heritage, “GermanWorld Heritage Foundation”, et again. Thefindingsdiscussedet Committee the –

28COM15B.100, 2004.

the Hanseatic towns ofHanseaticthe towns .


nd turn turn 48

CEU eTD Collection 153 152 madeL’vivconcerning 29 itscould state examineofthe29 conservation property ofat the issuesprojectsand by other missionWorldin discussedthe that theComm Heritage order 2005report a 1, on situation,the particularlyto development regardsthe as constructionof the alone.Ukraineforundertake hard task to Revolution.Improvedandmanagementstructure planning was aextremelyprocess but needed, was endcomingthe ‘Kuchmaofto the madeYears,’ hewere forsome changes improvingtimeframenot entirelybut yet.werethings and Politically corrected wasUkraine

W Decision th

authoritarian and when he leavesand authoritarian hewhenleadsworld Ukraine’s shakes Orange the andto

hich ais document s 3. 2. 1. Session of the WHC 2005 SessionWHC the of

During the 29 Duringthe FinallyUNESCO efforts. andmanagementstructure planningand process encourage ThecommendsCommittee measures improvetakingfor againto Ukraine the 2004). Theproperfor(Suzhou, needmanagement andstructure planning process. TheyitsDecisionC recalled 28 inadequateinfrastructureplandocumentation,i.e. sewage mainTherevealeddocument lack three newthreats; construction, of‘valid’detailed TheWHCexaminedCommittee Document the –


th entto eachmember of the committee to prepare forthe session

sessionWorldofinthe five Committee Heritage2005, were decisions –

the Ensemblethe Histo ofthe provide Ukraine to Worldrequested bythe to Centre Heritage February

OM 15B.100 that was adopted at that OM their15B.100 was28 adopted

ric(Ukraine). Centre - 05/29.COM/7B.Rev. th

sessionin 2005.

scontinue themto their

the better, but mostlybetter, the


152 th




CEU eTD Collection 154 even not ‘West’bethe helpdoes doingmatter seemnow? anything to The to simplelogicthe politician,economist,in person or itwhyprepared? general, ‘West’was theso wasthat Whynot futureforgenerations? preserveit savednotarehumanitiesfor Isbecoming point sake.Worldthat the ofSite, a Heritage to i the Worldisbe other financial,inSite, Heritage whether economically, trouble that physically, etc., inforcelegalcapitalhelpKiev, the to level?city, fromthe state with the any this If woes or site, Plan, Master a rules,regulations reinforand Why committeenot?isa not stationedthere helping createthere guidingand Ukraineto how on physicallyinternational forcebutcannot in over inarea, the like cometake this, and cases why formerasStates, allsomelevel, Soviet on of the R fallafter USSR. the the of preservationwill inbe vain.thingissuesefforts is Thisexact haswith,theas had Ukrainewell economicallyand isThereurgency extremelyUkrainefromancollect to strong UNESCO themselves, to

Decision nternationalhas makecommunityUNESCO) responsibility (incase thisthe sitesto thesure 5. 4.

Thestrugglesand ofdifferencesthe (2007). by report examinationforFebruary 2007 its by atcommittee 1, the31 Theyt request PeriodicofEuropeforthe Report aWorld property Heritagereport isnotes that and on propertySectionthe under II due ThecompleteencouragesCommittee revision UkrainePlanthe Master to offorthe the –

29COM7B.87 154

politically because without proper becausepoliticallystructure,lawswithout consequencesand their

hat Ukrainehat isprovide WorldwithCentretheHeritageto updated an –

L’viv –

the Ensembleof the Historic Centre (Ukraine),2005.

cements? Why does UNESCO not have a lobbyingWhyhave cements?not UNESCO a does Post - Sovietcountries any surpriseofno are to

ealizing that anealizing that st

session 50

CEU eTD Collection 155 comprehensivepreservationprogramthefor historical inof buildings historicalBetweenareaszones. protections1998 and protectionwasAzones.”formed coordinate2006 group September to onin 25, work the the carry that “athey to ablenumberweredefine of out projects to boundariesoftheterritories and regulationofconstructionand historical Ukrainelandscape.protection makes of notethe urban boundarieshistoricalofthe area Decemberbeing2005 onL’viv thethat 9, approved changeExecutive inCitya Committee the longlistaofissues concerns,is possibilitiesstate andthe first that The planningundertaking. on 31 how applylaws.on to appropriate apply capitalurgingthe laws to regulations,andingoverning appropriate and educatingthebody assist shouldbeinhelpingeducate to able matter, publi theall to Department ofHumanitarianthe Policy OfficeHeadof andof Culture. betweenL’vivcapital,forworks the and Kiev City Iryna Podolyakthe per that Council, helpis UNESCO inqualifiedTheto lack laws areas. all of these frothree stems of lawslackoflacklaborers,and and of regulation, skilledthe ofeducationpublic.of the sincUNESCO crossandboarders able inwork together to goal. common awork? Whyit bond not or does havingbehindIn

Iryna Podolyak,interviewed author,by tapeL’viv, recorded,April 16, 2014. st

Session of the WHC 2007 SessionWHC the of Inthisby submittedstate session ofthe conservation report U Whendifficultmosthaswhatbeen asked fromdemand theaccomplishment task, or e becoming a site ininbecomingOnlysiteanswersa forms; 1998?lacke came updiffering three ternational Organizations both governmentalboth ternationalOrganizationsnon and

in L’viv. Different zones were introduced asinwellzonesDifferentintroduced L’viv. were thefor

- 2007, Ukraine 2007, createahas beentrying to c on preservation measures,inpreservation on c

kraine on March 12, 2007 isMarch2007 on kraine 12,

L’viv that entails L’viv that work the - 155 governmental isbe governmental to

Eitherway UNESCO m conflict


CEU eTD Collection 157 156 formeraby on PostUNESCO why itL’vivSo issites. that muchhasthissubmitted document neithersubmittedyet of havethese suchsites information beenrequested or detailed their on example‘ensemble’list madein coupleof aanother thejust that yearsbefore 1993, L’viv, and Weimar,Germany exactsame the timebecamesite at aisas L’viv Spain Merida, an and isis UNESCO, bysomethingthat this required all on issites? UNESCO The answer no. techniques. protection,onCentre preservation promotionofandrestorationforcultural and heritage school a protectionzones,definingterritories createafinally protectionsandandTraining zones, to noteslandscape L’viv,oftaking stock and archi pedestrian inhistoricalcenter, andinthe pavements regeneration central ofproject the part listThenofaccomplishtheywhat a give they tryingto are fiverestorationthemselves;blocks of work out to tramdeter flowandtrafficto the routes automobile outsidepre of the cityandhasinstalledalreadyvibrationplates absorberSquare in Rynok(Market) theytryingare buildingshistoricalex implementingtheyare researchis whichdetermining reasons at the aimedof deterioration of the number161,000withtheof tourists, Ukraine foreigners. bringsbeing41,800 of them up that implementand conclude triedanto on basis annualto plan attempts byandthe 2007. managementfor plansmaintenance.and Apparently is have theyon somethingthat thisworked

Ibid UNESCO,SOC Report2007,

Aft Ukrainetheirinf breaksdownbudgetthen 2006 er lookingjustitwassoshocking over forther information this much that was put to 157

tensively. The resultsvehicle proved tensively.the that Thevibrationcause.as a

accessed6,June2014, http://whc.unesco.org/en/soc/1054.

- Sovietsite?would considering not I think so Weimar wasPost tectural complexes to define complexes to territoriesand tectural rom the state and localand levelsrom state asthe well as ation?Isbullying case athis of

served area. 156

- 52

CEU eTD Collection 159 158 areas;Training,Information, Research, Cooperation Advocacy.and CulturalcloselyassistandProperty to memberthey the states with work UNESCO Internationalfor ICCROMforstands StudythePreservationofCentre the Restoration andof WorldThedecisionby entails CommitteetheHeritage s andsaid2000 not sincethen has UNESCO word. a inrelated like‘borderland’theand inposition complex included Ukraine, theList the wason Looking Mirthe at Castle Comple aswell, Soviet thenis but forget itGermanypart seemagainmosta ofunitedand anow to this.

ICCROM, “What is ICCROM?,”accessed June 6,2014, Committee Decisions,31COM 7B.120, accessed 6,June 2014, 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.

February 1, 2009 to be Februaryexamined2009 to itsby1, atCommittee the 33 FinallyUkraineprovide to request WorldtheyandCentre theHeritage repor updated itspropertythe bufferand zone. Ukrainesubmit They mapsindicatingtopographicto boundariesrequest the exact the of inICCROMrega this andheritagepromotionofcultural andauthorities thecooperatewith encourages to createaTheythat protection,proposalfornote CentreTrainingthe also to preservation TheyUkrain urge planningprocess infactTakesnote ofUkraine’sin management the improving efforts and structurethe wasadopted Recalled COMdecisionatthat 29 7B.87, 29 the TheWHCexamineddocument

e to complete to revisionePlanthe Master offorthe property the rd taking into account into Globaltakingthe rd Strategy Training

x in Belarus, a neighboring state andcloselyinmostneighboring a xBelarus,state the one - 07/31.COM/7B


http://whc.unesco.org/en/decisions/4915 even points; even rd 159


session insession 2009.

session2005). (Durban, Consideringitthis, - is

- iccrom/ infivemain 158



t by t


CEU eTD Collection andmixed cultural properties to the World Heritage List, 2008. 163 andmixed cultural properties 162 L’viv and minor modificationstheto boundaries of naturel, mi 161 160 city.ofthe appease border thisto UNESCO’s buildiconcernsthe about hotelsincludingbelieve accommodations,andI and restaurants such. specifically they changed liesinit?Theinandanswer up thecoming Eurocup build 2012 L’viv necessity the and new to receivefiscally,help,anyphysically it necessarybepreservation why or so inwould so c adjustmentisthe thansmallerdoesoriginal, the what this buffernot signify? The zonedoes adjustmentand approv indicatingboundariesmaps exact its the UNESCO bufferpropertyofand receivedthe zone. the session31stinfollowtheup which to sixthsubmit 2007, the topographicto therequirement was aspossible, assoon details overallthe of of areat – committeeminormodificationthe Next approved the boundary the to zoneofbufferofL’vivthe examined first WHC documents mixedboundariesnatural, to andWorldofList,the Heritage cultural committee the properties o Session 32nd years took 10 helpthem to withalmost site. this even meamazesthat hasICCROMbeensince though UNESCO its with 9

the EnsembleUkraine.the Historicofthe Centre,

Decision Decision UNESCO, ICCROM, “History,”accessed 6,June 2014, –

the Ensembleofthe Historic Centre (Ukraine), 2008. In 2008 duringIn2008 minorexaminationmodifications nominationsthe ofand the to – – WorldHeritage List, L’viv, Ukraine

32COM8B.69 32COM8B.69 f the WHC 2008 fWHC the

ed it. However, whynecessaryed adjustment an was consideringthat and – –

Examinationof nominations and minor modificationsto the boundaries of natural, Examinationof nominations and minor modificationsto the boundaries of natural, tothe World Heritage List, 2008.

- 08/32.COM/8B.Add and08/32.COM/8B.Add WHC

http://www.iccrom.org/about/history/ ,No. 865, Decision 162 160 xedand cultural properties theto World Heritage List he adjustedhebuffer zone.

AndUkrainefinally that itprovides, requests

32COM8B.69 ng projects occurring in projects occurringng parts certain - 08/32.COM/INF. –

Examination of nominations .

163 th

session initsession 1956, Thisajust was 8B1.Add. hanging 161 -


CEU eTD Collection 165 HistoricCentre (Ukraine), 2009. 164 2008 NovemberCentral the Yanukovych24, Election Commission declaredthat wasofficially forerunner recognizewith refusalelectionthe to result formleadershipanother of changeinL’vivOrangewhich the itself Revolution. resulted a was in hasyetUkraineturn Plan.to their Master During time,Ukraineinthis yet was wakeof the alsodetailedproperty.wantsUNESCO another intentionsforof descriptionpr their the isUNESCO donow missionand anotherL’vivharderassess downon cracking to to the examinationforWorld byitsat Committeethe Heritage 34 new or construction maytheprojectswhich affect Outstanding Universalproperty,Valueof the a existing projects detailedof conservationofWorld state includingthisPropertyHeritage report detailed the Ukrainesubmittheythat is Worldbyrequested the to to a Centre Heritage February 2010, 1, inidentifiedadopt DecisionCOM 317B.120, assessmonitoringmissionreactive state to oftheissues conservation propertyofand the the inviteWorld propertyHeritageUkraine joint requests to andWorld a Centre/ICOMOS Heritage property.ofTheUkrainetheurgescomplete committee to revision the o WorlditspropertyHeritagecould buffer andaffect Outstanding the zonewhich UniversalValue (Ch WHC 33

Subtelny,“Ukraine: History,”A pg.636. UNESCO, rd ristchurch, 2007), expressed its2007), concern ristchurch, construction numerousabout projectswithin the

Session of the WHC 2009 SessionWHC the of - 09/33.COM/7B.Add and recalling decision 31 COM 7B.120, adopted09/33.COM/7B.Add COMitsat31 7B.120, recalling and 31 decision As DuringWorld2009, the havingCommittee’sdecisionHeritage after examined document WorldHeritage List, L’viv, Ukraine one canonework bufferinchangingthenotsee, zonedid way inhadthe mindthey that nd description of any intention to undertake or to authorizend intentionundertakedescriptionanymajor or of to to restoration


865,Decision edat its 31 s that sparked controversy.the sthat –

st 33COM7B.126

session (Christchurch, 2007). Also 2007). session (Christchurch, th

session insession 2010. – L’viv f the Master Plan forf Plan theMaster the –

the Ensembleof the 164

st 165


operty. operty. In 55

CEU eTD Collection author. 168 HistoricCentre (Ukraine) 865),(C 2010. 167 166 backdatedbaths Jewish homesthe andthat to thirteenthandcentury ofseveral pottery.pieces fo petitionpreventionrequested the that ofsiteofsevenconstruction thebuilding a storyon of the account. into them jointWorldCentre/ICOHeritage its33 WHCexamined document 34 changeswithincountry. the for up votetheirright democraticbemadeand (the heard) ofrights to severalnote needed falsificationresults.ofthe recognizedelection,ofinterestingtheis whichvictor asimplicated the in since were they the rmer Franciscan monastery’s’ rmerFranciscan On gardenofsite, everything park. thefound top and theyat

The siteThe ofthe possible story7 building (hotel) and the archeological dig before the buildtaken in2011June by UNESCO, Subtelny,“Ukraine: History,”A pg.637. th

Session of the WHC 2010 SessionWHC the of rd

session (Seville, 2009) that note theyresultssession2009) and(Seville,that the recommendations Marchof2010 the During the 34 Duringthe WorldHeritage List, L’viv, Ukraine 167

th Representativesofsociety WorldL’vivssent a civilthe Centre Heritage

session insession W 2010, the 166 - 10/34.COM/7B and recalling decision 33 COM 7B.126, adopted atadoptedrecalling10/34.COM/7Band COMdecision 33 7B.126,

BasicallyinfactleadershipUkrainiansshake a and the that stood

MOS reactive monitoringmissionreactiveUkraineMOS request take and to


,No. 865, Decision

orld Heritage Committee decidedCommitteeHeritage orld after they –

34COM7B.10 4 – L’viv –

the Ensembleof the

169 56

CEU eTD Collection 170 169 intentionundertakeany authorize Theor committeeto projects. to alsocalls such the upon inWorld the Centre, accHeritage integrityaffect Outstandingthe UniversalValue, inform property, authenticitythe and and of to in Citadeltheformer at constructionFranciscan andparticular may which the at Monastery, Ukrainemunicipal urged immediatelythe andto authorities ha forincluding restorationguidelinesthe and fabric.conservationTheurbanalsoofcommittee the safeguardingintegrityOutstandingofUniversal the Value, property, authenticitytheand of immediatelyandall ensureUkraineurges necessarymeasures to adopt to aiming t considerableOutstandingthethreat integrity to Universal andValue, property authenticitythe of conservation version.Theelectroniccommittee expressesconcern deep ofregardingoverallthe state requestsubmit also itthemto Worldinto Centrethe copies paper Heritage three an and UEFA(Union2012Associations)of European finals. Football Euro mentionsdeveloptourismaddedtheto additional infrastructures,because pressure, the tourist of summerfor force dwellingrehabilitationPlan Ukrainebe standards.” thatis states in their Master expected to methodsinappropriateusedregardingconversion thehistoric buildingofand of absencethe ICCOMOSmentioned pollution. loss theof conditionsintensivesoil,oftheanddeterioration atmospheric of to due decorativeelements losspressures,visualof integritythe buildingscity,ofdeformationto the geologicalof due the UNESCO, “Stateof Conservation (SOC),”accessed June 7,2014, http://whc.unesco.org/en/soc/526. Ibid

They also note Theythe note also findingsmainaffectingincludedICCOMOS theprop factors the

of the property,changesthein and serious urbanof the fabricto particular, and

of 2010 that encompasses managementthat 2009 forofaplan2010

work carried work by strategicmanagementtheplan on out Ukraine and ordance withordance OperationalofParagraphthe 172 on Guidelines,

“integrity propertyauthenticitytheand to of due

ltprojects,any and development 170

ertydevelopmentare - 2015. Ukraine also



CEU eTD Collection 171 and Ukraineefforts urgesfully W recommendationsto 2010 the the address of ininternationalcoordinationwithcontinue the community,and Ukraine in encourages to such Operation bemust to submitted WorldinCentretheHeritage conformity ofParagraphthe 172 with andall establishedreiterates procedures, that futureplansrestorationfor development new and Theycompletehalt. ac also formermonasterythe Franciscanand historica buffer havecenter sitewithinzone, the to come Universalandproperty,Valueof thespecifically constructionofhotelathe constructionon and majoracknowledges projects that development which could itbe immediately requests sentto that World the Centre HeritageIt completion. upon notes 2010) progressmadethe withPlandevelopment ofstrategicManagement thea and 11/35.COM/7BandCOMi decision atadoptedrecalling34 7B.104, 35 its Danger35 at possiblesubstantialthe inscription progress, byexaminationWorldviewaconsidering, with in Committee, theHeritage to ofabsence the planaswell as approved, report on as usethehistoric ofthemonuments, buildingsfor the and monitoringfabric,urbanstrategicsurveyandthe of managementplan detaileda 2011, state the report on ofincludingconservation property,of the resultsofthe fabric considerinternational conservation communitysupporting to rehabilitation andthe urbanof the

Decision th

Session of the WHC 2011 SessionWHC the of . And finallyAnd Ukrainesubmit. to to request World byCentretheythe Heritage February 1, TheWorldCommittee’sHeritage in after examining decision WHCdocument 2011 al Guidelines. Therecognizescommitteevalue Guidelines. theal implementedofrestoration projects –

34COM7B.104 th

session insession 2011.

– L’viv knowledgeinprogressofthe restoration works accordance with

the Ensembleof the Historic Centre (Ukraine) 865),(C 2010 171

of the propertyintheList the ofof onWorld Heritage

adversely Outstandingthe affect ts 34 ts th

and the urban masterand urbanthe

session (Brasilia, orldHeritage

- 58

CEU eTD Collection 173 HistoricCentre (Ukraine) 865),(C 2011. 172 halt[]“acknowledge[d]the developmentofthe ofmonastery,the BernadineCitadeland the 13/37.COM/7Band theirrecalledinCOMThedecision Committee35 7B.113 2011. 37 beencompleted. repairedhousebalconies and on Armenianrestored thework andcathedral hasChurch Jesuit and forhistorical programsfinancialprovision the of to aidbuildingownerswhere apartment they MinistryandoftechnicalCulture GermanThe thealso introd (GTZ). cooperation international out intwo andprojectsrestoration cooperation conservation with Polish the amendment mentionedishasTheybeenUkraineceased. also that currently draftingan discussing statedSOC 2011 of theythe that receivedPlan Master the construction the and buildingofthe examinationfor above,byitsWorldatCommittee Heritage 37 the stateprogress reports the on ofconservationpropertyofimplementation the the on andthe of byWorld Centre, Heritage20 February1, sessionWorldinthe furtherof Ukraine CommitteeAndsubmitHeritage 2013. requests the to to implementationinitsnecessarymeasuresofall decisions, to 37 prior compliance with the WorldCentre/ICOMOSHeritagemonitoringmissionreactive removingthreatsproperty.Theythethe Ukraine requestedto is also invitejoiningthat to a reactiveachieve Centre/ICOMOS monitoringmissionin to towards substantial order progress

UNESCO,“State ofConservation (SOC),” accessed June 7,2014, http://whc.unesco.org/en/soc/428. UNESCO, th

Session of the WHC 2013 SessionWHC the of At th Ukraine theirsubmitted s WorldHeritage List, L’viv, Ukraine to Culturalthe ProtectionTheHeritageAct state is of Ukraine. currently carrying e 37 e 173 th

Session the WorldSessionWHCexaminedCommitteetheHeritage document

tate andof Januarytate conservation2011 resultsreport on the 19,

,No. 865, Decision 12 (prior12 mission)the byto and February 2013, 1, –


to assess in to progress the th

sessionin 2013. – L’viv –

the Ensembleof the uced inuced 2010, 172 -



CEU eTD Collection http 174 (Dovboucha Tellingallowmust15). they Ukraine developmentofImpact theHeritage at 15), Residencethe Minister ofoftheInteri management.andtraffic specificforprovisionszoningfor ensembles, ‘important’ archaeologicalfor also conservation includeto bufferthe StrategiczoneasInwell.Planthe Management it shouldinclud preparefinallyorganizationsStrategic a andPlan,not Management only property but to thefor establish inmake procedures placehappen.to this surenot ThirdlistUkrainefordoes the on was to not changetheysure overalldo cityofthethe make look and should have theysure proper the newforStudiesVisual deve Impact contributing Outstandingthe introduceandto system aUniversalproperty,Valueof the of restorationforregulations underpinned redevelopment, and byattributesthe studiesdetailed of first.area Thethe second from demand Committeethe t adequatemakessupport andisthat sure byto investigating archaeologicallygivenand recording formalize“statutorythe measure”for basis preservationincludingbufferthe propertyzone the UkraineareasspellsfourCommittee follow with;firstthat b out should through the recommendations,issues.especiallypressing theconservationmanagement and Then the deeply necessaryUkrainethetake in urged to steps implementing mission’s the noteTheymapping fact reactiveproperty.”ofthe 2012 of the took monitorymissioof the placingforRegulations inof L’viv,announcementscityand thedigitized completionthe the of adoptionInteg ofthe

UNESCO,“Committee Decisions37 COM 7B.87,” accessed 7,June2014, ://whc.unesco.org/en/decisions/5105. The Committee also ‘urges’ Ukraine to stop allstopThealso Committee ‘urges’ at Hotel to the Ukraine 23 work (fedorova complex

a widely represented managementwidelybodya evenincludes represented non that

rated Conceptforrated Redevelopment the ofCentre ofL’vivthe of andthe 174

lopment proposals.”lopment Insimple make needs Ukraineto terms

or (Krivonosa 1) and(Krivonosa 1) Residentialtheor complex o the Ukraine was to “[e]stablish Ukrainethe waso to - governmental eing to eingto e nand 60 -

CEU eTD Collection 175 Citadelthemonastery. Franciscanand The report confirmed digitthe potential moreOutstandingadverselythespecificallyimpacted Universalproperty,Valueof the re to city,”theand instructionhistorical methodsprovided concerningand the of architecture “Rules historicincenter, regarding placement of outsideadvertisements“Guide L’viv,” the and Concept Developmentofofthe listslargementionedof conservation projectsandreport 2012 adoptionthethe “Integrated of the mission placefromand took thethat May7 for implementation status 39 the mentionedConservationpropertyofthe onceagainprogressofabove thethe and Ukrainesubrequest that isto itcanfirst(in review accordancethe with includingImpactHeritageso UNESCOtheAssessment they andthat take must theirassociates detailsWorld Centre, Heritagemaj “all the new of favoritismIs this targeting? or onlisted Dan the rules?whyfollowfromthe much Andis is askingalso, so itUNESCO notUkraine this when why,notesyouwhenfromdoesthe it read seemUkraineUNESCO, listen not that does or itwasclearinterviewsa taken, AssessmentsandbyWorld reviewasCentrewelltheHeritageWith thetheir associates. theas construction Ukrainerepairand work. mentioned halted they couldwork that thethat have

UNESCO,“Committee Decision,”2013 ThedecisioncameSOCof Ukrainethe after submi TheknitUkrainepickingwith statingsixth submit mustthecontinues request that the to ger List and all other comparablenotand receive List allsites ger do thisother ofattention?amount

mit to them by February 1, 2015 andmit 2015 byreportupdatedthem February 1, to ofon State the

consensus of nothing but lovefromconsensusUNESCO forofnothing but So Lvivians. the Centrethe ofisL’viv”fordocument ina whichplanning the the th

session2015. ofUNESCO .

OperationalGuidelines - 12 in Ukraine 12 2012. had two submitted actually or developments or withinproperty” the tted the report January report on the 2013 tted 31, 175

, Paragraph Lastly, 172). they izationpropertyofthe 61

CEU eTD Collection 177 176 Thenregulation.” bash theyUkraine’slack[ing]“unsystematicin as beingprocedure and precise inzoningidentificationcity,ofthe the buildings ofheritage banningbutfrom traffichistoric Generalthe the lackscentre, precisionin historic Plan the “the Mayorhasstate that addressto theseattemptedproblems bydecentralizingoffices and potentialconcerning development traffichasandbecome Theycongestionwhich serious. isICCOMOSforconcernedaddressthat issues inadequateGeneralis theL’viv Plan to the inadequaciesthe about asofpoint. thisUkraine effectivethe managementproperty.”ofthe “withstatesSite no Managerinand legalis cleargapsframework, no theensurethere system to seemsbethere progresswithto creationno the Plan. of theAga Management MinisterraisesofCultureit huge should, as independentconcerns,andadvisory no with board gener ICCOMOSlegal“thestated repair. that inofWorldUkraine’spropertiesHeritagepretention generalizedthey (where or overexist) authorityhasactually weaken modificationUkraine’slawscomplicatedandof contradictory,too Minister arethe ofCulture’s any parkingprobleconcerns or other of the haveifneithernorplanestablishedAdvisoryIndependentathey an for board, traffic the and Howeversites. mention Ukrainenot did their development Strategic ofthePlan Management or

UNESCO,“State ofConservation (SOC),” 2013 UNESCO,“State ofConservation (SOC),” 2013, accessed June 8,2014, http://whc.unesco.org/en/soc/1912. al … isTheissecond inadequate.” subject management… systems; al weakening ofthe the Thet concernsfour ICCOMOSTheberaisedfirst beingbyto addressed Ukraine. legislation; hirdissueismechanisms.systems plans,approachedconcerning by ICCOMOS and

ed instead of strengthening. The lawsinsteadThe ofed strengthening. too areregulations and

- centralized,gearedhistoric subjectivenot justto and

177 ms brought up bymissionbroughtmsup SOCinthe 2010.

It is It ICCOMOSthatisclear very very concerned

and ensembles and inensemblesandand their inICCOMOS 176



CEU eTD Collection 179 178 ismorehadpower city controllinggovernmentthe the spaces thandidlack fromand comes this development.” is“itthat formalrather oftenpressure,than publicprevents inappropriateregulation,that stopped on Citadelthemonastery Franciscanandthe ICCOMOS remainsareanotes uncertain. inbringexcavation.forarchaeologistsThey the make even note that the though inaccuratedevelopmentresearch,fanciful or lack andreconstruction knowledgeof to thewhen withcons no in cooperated efforts.several Theythe notedin buildingsthat state ‘veryare a of repair’poor forfundsinsufficient theproperty eventhe are Germany,Polandhavethough and The‘West’ lightlychange. needsscare away to to intread fellow not members.their itwill people,help so timetake itpatiencechangeandto if thisonly them will to they want adjustment.mentality The Soviet forcedharshlywas onto internationalinlackinghelp proper communitiesareteachingtechniquesareas with to these the comprehendthey mentallyUNESCO, andcannot ICCOMOS,isthis andall where other it, but materialsabout the fromperspective. TheySoviet asimply were cann is itmentalitynewthem; to different Surea doing things. have oftheyway andbooks read isthisex cannot expectsomethingtrying.You has that doneof seensomeone neverout before or this and createlawslegislationguidance to betterworkshow onand they whatcurrentlythan that are whyissuesPe theseoccurring. are guidance.”seemcriteria Thesepoints,or not good but be are they root gettingthe do at to of

Ibid UNESCO,“State ofConservati

The lastissue Theaddressesi ICCOMOS actly what isin what actlyon all going Postofthe ervation practices to speak of. Againspeak of. ervation practices Ukraineto they that lackingisreiterate pre 179

This isThiscamesomething in across that th

on(SOC),” 2013

rsonally,isbelieveitbecause moreI need simply they

s the state ofconservationitself.note state sthe thatThey take - Soviet areas. CapitalismSoviet areas. democracyand are

e interviews publicasthewell, e that generationsgenerations after of ot do somethingdo ot that

projectswere 178

- 63

CEU eTD Collection 180 longthe run. doing HoweverandUNESCO seemsbeICOMOS. that the international isonlyto thing the committee indelegates,layout’handswere made thesuggestions its but Cityof werethe byCounciland expand CityhaveCounciland upon startinga to establishing“Ensemble.”andtheUNESCO ICOMOS providedtools the ‘directions’ andthefor inprogress fewhasbeenno areas… reported productiothe conservationitspropertythe buffer “whilehasof and and zone,” progress beenrecognizedin a legalmanagementwiththeprotective systems protections, mechanisms, andand state ofthe theirheritage sites. mentalityAgainthe comesto thisdown suit population better theit changingL’vivand to of and legislationsregulationsinbeingand Theofeducationpopulation.citizens the beof and to needhow educated on why good

UNESCO,“State ofConservation (SOC),” 2013 – In conclusion UNESCO, ICOMOSandInconclusion City UNESCO, the Councilin handinhand L’viv of worked missionitICCOMOSstating“raise[d] concludetheir report that significan


tions. Physically itself betterusually resultslendsin tions. teachingalways to

place will work better better placewill thanwork constantly UNESCO. petitioning

stone. Thetermsstone. of‘authenticity’‘spatial and nplans.”areaof Management, or t concerns t 180 64

CEU eTD Collection slowlymindsetsand changingto educatingpeople be ofawaretheir responsibility in the wellcity’sthe forThe asrelations direction betwegovernment. for advertisementtourismvasthasincomeamount a forjobs of whichcity,created as the and cityBeingprestige,pride,andhas privileges World guarantee. Site aaHeritage brought them asculturalconstitutes understanding Thesealwhat heritage. UNESCO hasofgivenapproval the promotehasof UNESCO Culturalcity the whileto European asa inCenter city theassisting examplelocalhow nati of and inlocalfact notablymost Lylioand L’viv,it experts Irynais Podolyak, Ihor would attest anthat andevery respect understanding locationhistoricalthat other and In receives. areapreservation completely but makes overalloftheEuropeand fabricpart that up minds isseparatefabledathe world ‘laynot claimssome farawayto’ This L’viv.city or land, of And peace. isinL’vivcitykey thealliance. this operating is ‘East’and It ‘West.’ internationalkeepingthe very the cornerstoneof collaborationsand isUkraine?” ‘keystone’peaceIt theand in of balance holdingunderstanding between the especiallynew after theirelections,peopleasking “why still are abou shouldcarethey Conclusion As Inseeclosinginwhilehow world thewatches will things waits andto out Ukraine, turn

chapter one can attest, severalcan onechapter formerattest, inempiresand countrieshavetieswith or their spherespheres)and (or history when the city’s population has been ablewhenhasbeen history topublicpopulation city’s a the form “[T]he post “[T]he

onal identity adopts to the international to identitythe onaladopts beingandcooperation part - Soviet periodtheisSoviet in time Lviv’s first post

openly and officially relate to its memoryofficiallyitsrelate and openlyto

Tarik CyrilTarik Amar as a subject”asa

en UNESCO and the city iscityenthe and UNESCO deservessameoftheamount - war t 65

CEU eTD Collection 182 181 communication memberandofbetweenUkraine UNESCO. states other the existin stereotypeslocalthat internationalis both the v and discourse mentalitiessimplydifferentdownthe ideals to andpopulationof the lovedUNES come wasandforwardwilling to discussthey accusations, wouldsimplysuch only say they wholeleastasaat not maybe but some step forward. Inwilling L’vivareto however,no one interestingTheIthat scenario doit, do and‘East’what but tohas how there to physical no beenlittle in helpmatter. to this shouldandintently. Themoredirection‘West’be part mostthat has forpursued the‘told’ the learneachhasthat had timesidethe T to directly another. from one ‘East’anddividethe ‘West,’ howeverthe crumble that hasto started more andsince 1991 the help measuresfuturisto whatUkraine for L’vivnecessaryinandhistory preserving do our Theinternational preservations. andseriouscommunity,UNESCO needto ICCOMOS, take agendas, inplace. inLylio,even realitybut not iflaws viablybe neededshould this proper wereregulationsthe and helpbarrier” “shield or to protect from themdestruct preservationrenovationand process.

Ihor Lylio,interviewed author,by L’vivtape recording, April 14,2014. Per interview withIryna Podolyak, interviewedby author, L’viv,tape recording,April 16, 2014. As youcanAsfrom mental researchsee isthe project, there this deep aon between divide Thepast occupiersstilloffor L’viv shapingalso theareUkraine’s responsible of political 182

economicsocialincludesituationandwhich L’viv’sheritageaspects cultural

CO and everything ithasCOand foreverything accomplished theirThecity.reason behind comesthis

uncovered isuncovered‘West’ that acknowledgesthat discrepancies, the 181

Currentlycitizens the asofa L’vivUNESCO use iveindividuals or corporations saidIhor

hisis biggest obstaclethe . That is That why. the addressing italin




CEU eTD Collection include moreUNESCO varied to historicala betterment world.ofthe this fundamentalplaysinhuman,rolesocialbya ineconomic development,” and helping Ukraine inhelp“stated UNESCOand restorationeducation havethemselvesefforts. preservation stated internationalwhat organizatio generaleducationthefor in helpseminarslectures, population brochures, to understandpeople beimpressionnot andgivenis the better oneTherethan alsobethat needsother. the to in andSovietviewpoint politics.Thinot comparisonto levelcollegelevel through fromand how democracyitand whyon works ‘western’ the future. First,thefor education the systemandupdated shouldbe from enlightened primarythe iscouldUNESCO L’viv.vast enterprise that shouldaand usetheir resources repercussionnecessary.when a international community to Hopefully more.much newwork thecloser with Ukraine presidency,be withwillto able the ajust withasare tooldealingUNESCO could Kiev, onso UNESCO be,with they but should do comeviablecitya L’viv sitand the to to to solution Kiev. citydidfindtheir andcitizens,I but Inot didUNESCO, towards finddirected it towardsdirected immensefrombewould under which discontent ultimately b pressure UNESCO, lead to

they can foreverfutureforchange theytheirbetter. the Andcan change in futureforthe so, the doing

Inmisguided,someis isthinkitUNESCO ishelpingwaysthis thatwhy I capitalnot the There issolutionTherenot direct one is situationofthis insolvingpreserving ensemble the myBefore interviewmystartedprocess hypothesis L’vivsituationofthe wasthat would ‘Culturalneedsnationalism’ issuebeisanthat into addressedbyalso urged and Ukraine

ccomplishlegislation, asproper tasks andregulationssuch

ns do andns how help do theythey andhow can as secondlycitizens can

picture. Iam parts that sure are theretheypicture. to want uation.From relations L’viv’s standpoint, s isshouldsomethingthats standalone inhelping Ukraine ythe 67

CEU eTD Collection isinternationally,dealingUkrainemake national also withturmoil upheavalsthingsand that internationbetweenUkraine the and since2013.timethe you nominationof In the up can to chapterthis see tensionsthe rising sitelookingand infor theywhat are site. a potential.pointisthe inThis you also likescan UNESCO nominawhat whichthe see about makesmembertelling by(other concerning whom states) nomination itsthe andremarks inUkra telling what propertyin 1997 circumstancesthe level state internationaleventuallyandThelevel. manyideology changethe facetshasthat with layerinheritance locally,comesdifferent starta issues of and perspectives that the expandto lovingandfor admirationHapsburgwith the Empir Lviviansthe themselves.Wheregrow one else does situationsandhashistories is empiricalbeautiful inbuiltthat such character well citythe asas historyinterestingfilledsomeall with ofkinds characters, some ‘bad’ ‘go and state. shoes. not knowyouforgotten. If historyinevitablydo youevents, fall past into back and those will hatred,hide, either ofbut becauseshame these or arebe exactreasons the why should not they

Ukraine needs to acceptmoveandUkraine forwardneeds build to from to theirhappypast a unified and The third chapter is Thethirdchapter from continuedICCOMOSaand UNESCO, discussion Ukraine inDebutingis politicalsecondthethe the chapter issuesat time nominationofthe of the youinfirstreadchaptermy As of the Ukraine hasasasL’vivhadthesis, well an - 8. Thenomination making it8. decision verytheare andsurrounding process and inandL’vivalwayscircumstancesare the changing. ine finds important to preserveineimportant findsboth isto politically It very socially. and also al bodies they are dealingarebodies Amidincreasealwith. they thetensions

e? With this interestinge?Withmix thiscultural of - up learningup Ukrainian,andRussian, Polish

od.’ od.’ These ted ted 68

CEU eTD Collection Bernardine MonasteryComplex in Lviv/Ukraine_documentation 183 havewho culturalforconcernlisteda heritage andhistorical UNESCO theLviv.” city of futurepotential city. ofand… our thisam interestI documentationwill,all begreat to sure, of muchfor not food “us thought onlythese about particularpublic spaces informationinvaluablethe fromhaslearned citythe experience. the fromvariedpositivethe mentality changeinofmorecity, adding the Worldbecomingwithwasresoundinga Site a Heritage It “YES” UNESCO?and reasonsthe manners. indoctrinatemetaphoricallyUkrainespeakingstabilize andwith tools the them to assistingandUkrainebe themneeds physicallyway.UNESCO guiding thethe teacherto eco interestingevenmorefrustrating certainlytheand CouncilThis to CityL’viv. political of and

PavloHryts nomicissuereasonisbeing needs exact unsettledmoreUNESCO the inserious steps take So withMayor So current ofwords the the Cityof theAndriy ofL’viv, Sadovyy,gives this ifback, Whenwouldmake youyousame go asked thecould decisionconcerning

ak andak Hanna Mischchenkotranslated,

InternationalDesign Competition forthe Open Spaces theof ,CityThe of Lviv,November 2013, pg.4.

sitesnomination,for and

but alsoabout but the selves inselves all



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