See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Genius Unbound Presentation · December 2020 CITATIONS READS 0 72 1 author: Carl Anthony Mosk University of Victoria 97 PUBLICATIONS 475 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Relationship between diffusion of capitalism and religion in the post-Cold War era; state controlled capitalism versus liberal capitalism during the Cold War era; the political economy of warfare View project Economic History and Political Economy View project All content following this page was uploaded by Carl Anthony Mosk on 07 December 2020. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. Genius Unbound: Capitalism, Culture, and the Dialectic Carl Mosk * December, 2020 Professor Emeritus, University of Victoria, Department of Economics
[email protected] All rights reserved. Copyright held by Carl Mosk, 2020. This is a draft for a book. If you have comments or criticisms of this manuscript please send them to me at the e-mail address given above. Please do not quote or cite without the consent of the author. 1 Abstract Why have the cultural wars become so divisive? Why are science, religion, and even the fine arts becoming so politicized? Why are dialectic swings in approaches to political economy becoming so dramatic - exemplified by dramatic swings between internationalism and xenophobic nationalism - occurring? Why is national consensus, civil unity, so hard to achieve? This book argues that the answer lies in the growing complexity of societies globally. On the one hand this growing complexity has husbanded a golden era in which the standard of living is improving throughout most of the world; on the other hand it has laid the groundwork for the total destruction of the human race.