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E1 503 Vol. 5 Public Disclosure Authorized MEPCO 6'hSTG and ELR Project (2006-07) Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Volume 2 of 2 - Appendices Ref.: FRT06VO3MES Public Disclosure Authorized September 2006 Prepared Multan for Electric Power Company (MEPCO) Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Elan Partners (Pvt.) Ltd. Center, G-8 Markaz, Islamabad Suite 4, 1st Floor, 20-B Blair [email protected] Fax: +92 (51)225 3698 v Email: Tel.: +92 (51)225 3696-97 * of Report disclaimer: in accordance with the Instructions has prepared this document use. Any other persons, blan Partners (MEPCO) for its sole and specific Electric Power Company herein do so at their own risk, Multan use any information contained companies, or institutions who MEPCO 6mSTG and ELR Project (2006-07) ESA Report VUUE 2: &MUEIES Appendix A: ToR for the ESA Appendix B: Study Team Appendix C: Photographs of the Project Sites Appendix D: Field Data (Stakeholder Consultation Site-specific Details; information; cultivated land under the transmission lines; names of the landowners; and estimates of crop compensation) Appendix E: Health Effects of PCBs Appendix F Health Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation e iii August 2006 DRT0603MES-App MEPCO e STG and ELR Project (2006-07) ESA Report Appendixk Tems of Reference for this ESA. This appendix provides the terms of reference Citation in the Main Report: Section 1.4.3. 2006 A-1 July CeAN DRT06VO3MES-APA Terms ofReference for Environmental and SocialAssessment (ESA) for proposed Secondary Transmission and Grid (STG) Distribution Rehabilitation/Enerey and Loss Reduction (ELR) Project Comgonents. September-2005 A Back2round Pakistan's eight electricity distribution companies obtained (Discos) have requested and approvals of their respective Board of financing Directors to pursue World Bank of their investment programs. The DISCOs investment have prepared a number of projects and the respective PC-I's have been approved by CDWP and ECNEC. The components to be considered for Word Bank Financing will be selected from the STG and ELR projects of the Discos. For the Bank to consider their request, some additional preparatory work will be needed to strengthen environmental and social analysis, economic analysis and risk assessment, procurement plans and financial management. The proposed project consists of the following components: a) Strengthening electricity distribution networks to reduce improve supply; losses and b) Strengthening electricity transmission network improve to reduce bottlenecks and system's reliability and quality; and c) Technical assistance (TA) for project implementation, capacity building, investment planning and sector reform. The objective of the project is to help increase the efficiency, quality of electricity reliability and supply in terms of the overall technical losses, the availability and commercial and the voltage profile of electricity. to support electricity The project also aims sector reform and investment planning through technical assistance. and financing B Proiect Description MEPCO wants to increase its transformation capacity stations, by constructing new grid conversion of existing 66 KV to 132 existing KV, Extension/Augmentation of grid stations to meet with load demand electric and for reliable/un-interrupted supply to its consumers. For this purpose period 6th STG programme for the 2005-06 to 2009-10 is going to be commenced. year i.e.2005-06 Scope of work for the Ist is being financed by local commercial will banks while Word Bank provide finances w.e.f.July-2006 onward. Scope of work for the period 2006- 07 will be 05 No new grid stations, 02 No conversion and Extension/Augmentation alongwith 14 No 08 No 132 KV transmission lines. The environmental/social consultants will conduct Environmental & Social Assessment (ESA) studies as per Bank requirements (the Bank's Safeguard identified to review and analyze whether the policies are listed in Annexure-1) and of these Safeguard policies and address project components would trigger any respond to national regulatory requirements. C Scope of ESA studies (i) parts, each to be dealt with separately: The ESA studies will have three major of to be taken up during the first year an ESA for the project interventions (ESG) for and Social Assessment Guidelines investment (ii) Environmental which are not social impacts for project activities addressing environmental and (iii) if any taken up in subsequent years and known exactly now and are to be through the ESA, a Resettlement Policy social impacts safeguards are identified known for project activities which are not Framework (RPF) will be developed subsequent years. exactly now and are to be taken up in is to: The specific objective of ESA STG and and social impacts associated with a) Identify adverse environmental activities; ELR & Monitoring Plan (EMMP) for the b) Develop and Environmental Management adverse environmental impacts; and Policy Framework based on the Social c) Identify the need for a Resettlement out in accordance with the Social Screening Assessment, which would be carried results of the screening process, undertake checklist (Annexure 2). Based on the mitigation measures (as required). Social Assessment (SA) and recommend Major Components of ESA visit will review the available literature, Baseline Conditions: The consultants to DISCO and other line departments, the project area and consult the respective in terms of physical and biological environment establish the baseline conditions will prepare in the project area. The consultants and socio-economic conditions project the socio-environment resources of the maps of suitable scale to highlight with Project Affected Persons (PAPs) area. The baseline will also identify. the an income/asset survey; and identify anticipated impacts on them and include OP 4.12; OP 4.10 and OPN 11.03. application of social safeguards particularly analyze alternative siting of STG of Alternatives: The consultants will Analysis social impacts and benefits. The in terms of their environmental and components on the description of the selected should include the siting process, based analyses for the choice. Based on the altemative routes and the justification route; the prepare maps showing the the consultants will identify and selected route, will also avoid/minimize of impact (Col). The analysis of alternatives corridor acquisition of land and impact on resettlement (including involuntary involuntary will be compensated/income restored livelihood of PAPs). Furthermore, affectees consultants will also rationalize proposed irrespective of their legal status. The in energy supplies, ensuring human ELR activities in terms of improvement etc. in comparison with 'without project' safety; removal of system bottlenecks conditions. 2 Public/stakeholders' Consultations: The consultants will identify project stakeholders and hold consultations with them, to delineate the appropriate boundaries of the environmental! social assessments and to adverse environmental screen potential and social issues. The consultants will also feedback on the expected receive social issues related to the project impact and suggested mitigation measures. The stakeholders will include the primary stakeholder (those directly affected by the intervention) and secondary stakeholders (those indirectly affected and those who have an interest in the project). The consultants document the will proceedings of the consultations alongwith the and photographs. list of participants Identification of Environmental/Social Impacts of STG & ELR components: The consultants will evaluate which of the Bank's Safeguard policies are triggered due to the STG and ELR components, separately and collectively and what mitigation measures could be proposed to minimize and manage those impacts. They will also identify potential environmental and social issues of STG and ELR components in termns of their nature, magnitude, extent, location and timing and duration. These impacts may relate to the project design stage, construction stage and/or the project operation and decommissioning stage. It expected that major environmental is and social issues with regard to ELR activities will occur during the construction stage. Based on impact prediction methods as the result of public and consultations, the consultants will screen environmental impacts adverse for inclusion in mitigation measures and environmental management plan. The same process will be followed for identification of social impacts and public consultations will provide feedback of impacts from stakeholders' viewpoint. Identification of social impacts (with intensity of impact) by the ESA/SA will provide input into the RP/RPF (which ever is applicable). Mitigation measures: The consultants will propose appropriate mitigation measures for the adverse environmental impacts. These measures could be based on exploring the ways to achieve the project objectives by alternative ways, proposing changes in the project design (size of the right of way/way leave including height of size the power line towers, siting of facilities including stations), through improved grid monitoring and management practices (storage equipment & construction of materials, labor camps, waste disposal, disposal construction debris etc.) of and/or through monetary compensation (resettlement, income/livelihood restoration. Social mitigation measures will follow from alternative design implication the (i.e.size, RoW, siting of grid stations and towers,