Under the wise leadership of the Esteemed Arkadag, our beautiful capital is at its peak of development. Dozens of important multipurpose facilities are currently under construction in our white city. In the Year of “ - Homeland of Peace and Trust”, which is based on great successes and historical events that attract the attention of the world community, the tremendous work carried out for the further development and improvement of our white city of Ashgabat is celebrated with deep respect. This year our dear people are celebrating the 30th anniversary of sacred Independence and the 140th anniversary of the founding of our capital with great works and big achievements. Amazing modern residential buildings and multi-purpose facilities built in accordance with world standards within the 13, 14, 15, 16 stages in order to develop our capital, beautiful roads, grown trees, colorful flowers, all this informs about the great achievements of the Turkmen state. At the same time, technical equipment, a new world achievement of new buildings - 12-floor residential buildings, the Gul Zemin shopping and entertainment center, a beautiful road built within the 16th stage of the capital’s development along , in a wide area between Taslama and Tehran streets , once again vividly reflected the great development of the Turkmen capital, keeping up with the times. When looking at the luxurious streets, palaces, beautiful buildings, compatriots living, working and receiving educati on in them, at the prosperous life of kids brought up in modern kindergartens, pride grows in the great deeds of the Esteemed Arkadag, the development of our Motherland at the speed of a horse. We wish good health and long life to our Esteemed Arkadag, who is leading our capital along a clear road of development!

Sahra Mengliyeva, Student of the Specialized Banking School named after Hero of Turkmenistan A. Niyazov of the Central Bank of Turkmenistan.