SEATTLE RECORDER SOC IETY April 2012 Vol. XLIII, No. 7 Recorder Notes

...from the Music Director Peter Seibert

Inside this issue: rogram: The ever-popular Kris her leadership this season. Kwapis returns to the SRS for our “April” (March 30) program, this time with her new historical Members’ Night: At our May 4 meeting this 2 Concerts, Events, wind ensemble. One of the year, any member or ensemble that includes SRS Workshops Community Collegia of the Early Music members is welcome to perform for up to five Guild, the C’nardally Waytes is an ensemble minutes (including introductory comments). Meeting Notes 4 for Seattle-area cornetto, and dulcian Performances should be on historical instruments Membership/Board 3 players that explores repertoire from the 17th or involve early music. Members’ Night forms century in original notation using faithful re- will also be available at the March 30 meeting on Music Trivia 3 productions of facsimile partbooks. Historical which to sign up for a slot on the program. In- quiries about Members Night can be sent to: Refreshments 3 temperament, articulation and phrasing tech- niques are typical discussion items, as well as [email protected] understanding vocal concepts of text reproduc- tion that apply to historical brass playing. C'nardally Waytes recently gave their debut The American Recorder Society Festival (July performance in collaboration with Ave, the 5-8 at Reed College in Portland) is a major event Early Music Guild Collegium Women's Ren- that includes a broader - and less restricted – SRS MEETING aissance Choir, playing music by Weelkes, range of opportunities than is available at work- Schütz, Andrea Gabrieli and Giovanni Gab- shops. There are numerous one-time offerings “APRIL” MEETING rieli. Ensemble members for this performance for you to choose from, as well as concerts, are Kris Kwapis and Chuck Colburn, cornetto, classes on teaching, chapter sessions and round Fri., Mar. 30, 2012 Ray Horton, sackbut, and Gary Berkenstock, table discussions, commercial displays and sales, (7:30pm) dulcian. coached consorts, jam session, and much more. For more information, see the web-site: and click on the link Program: Playing session: we will divide into two parts. to “Festival”. Then scroll down to the link C’nardally Waytes At the beginning, I will conduct my Festival “Presenters”. Click on a photo of most present- Historical Wind Ensemble Music for Recorders that I have written for the ers, and you are linked to their bio and their of- ferings at the Festival. There is a rich menu of American Recorder Society Festival at Reed offerings. Taking part should be exhilarating for Playing*: College. A part of the composition, this work includes musical quotations from three works any recorder player. Peter Seibert, conducting that will be familiar to recorder players. Come Music by Seibert, Prae- At the Festival, I will receive the ARS Presiden- see if you can identify these quotes that are tial Special Honors Award on July 7 at 5:00 p.m. torius, Bach & Tallis buried in the texture of my composition! I’ve written a piece of music for this occasion,

which we will preview at our own “April” (March 30) meeting. Recorder Coach/ The Beginning Ensemble will join the larger group part way through the evening to play Ensemble*: some Bransle de Villages of Michael Praeto- Sally Mitchell rius, a chorale by J.S. Bach, and the anthem If ye love me by Thomas Tallis. The Beginners REMINDER!!! have been practicing the music during the Our next SRS meeting, the “April” *(Music Provided) season with Sally Mitchell, we look forward to them joining the Grand Consort for the rest of Meeting, will be held on March 30 the play session. Special thanks to Sally for (last Friday in March).

Page 2 Recorder Notes Vol. XLIII, No. 7 Concerts & Events Calendar

MARCH 2012

(FRI) 3/30/12 (7:30pm): “APRIL MEETING” Seattle Recorder Society Meeting @ Maple Leaf Lutheran Church, 10005 32nd NE, Seat- tle. (FRI) 3/30/12 (8:00pm): Pacific Music Works: Handel's Il Trionfo Del Tempo e del Disinganno; @ Daniels Hall (5th Ave @ Marion St.), Seattle; (SAT) 3/31/12 (8:00pm): Pacific Music Works: Handel's oratorio Il Trionfo Del Tempo e del Disinganno (see 3/30/12 for details) APRIL 2012

(FRI) 4/6/11 (7:30pm): Our Lady of Fatima Choirs and Orchestra; Passion Oratorio; by Reinhard Keiser, arr. J.S. BACH @ Our Lady of Fatima Church, 3218 West Barrett Street, Seattle; ($20 advance); (206-283-1456); (SAT) 4/14/12 (2:00pm): Moss Bay Recorder Society—Meet; music sessions led by: Charles Coldwell, Sally Mitchell, Larry Stark @ Kirkland Congregational Church, 106 5th Ave, Kirkland; contact: Sally Mitchell @ 206-328-3381 or email: [email protected]; (SAT) 4/14/12 (7:30pm) & (SUN) 4/15/12 (3:00pm): Gallery Concerts: The Gallery Baroque Players: “Trio Paradies: Schubert contra Beethoven ”: music by Beethoven & Schubert; Cecilia Archuleta, violins; Page Smith, cello; Tamara Friedman, fortepiano @ Queen Anne Christian Church, 1316 3rd Ave. W., Seattle; $28/$24/$12/Ages 14 & under free w/ paying adult; (206 -726-6088); (SAT) 4/21/12 (8:00pm): Early Music Guild International Series: Boston Camerata & Dünya: “Alexander the Great: Hero, Warrior and Lover ” @ Town Hall, 1119—8th Ave, Seattle; $40/$35/$25/$15; (206-325-7066); (SAT) 4/28/12 (8:00pm): Early Music Guild: “Vivaldi: Gloria”: Seattle Baroque Orchestra & Tudor Choir; Debra Nagy, oboist, Linda Tsatsanis & Catherine Webster, sopranos, Matthew White, countertenor@ Town Hall, 1119—8th Ave, Seattle; $40/$35/$25/$15; (206-325-7066); MAY 2012

(TUE) 5/1/12 (7:30pm): First Tuesdays: Seattle Early Dance; Renaissance dance and music, directed by Anna Mansbridge @ Trinity Parish Church, 609 8th Ave., Seattle; $25/$20/$10; (206-325-7066); [email protected] (FRI) 5/4/12 (7:30pm): Seattle Recorder Society Meeting “Members’ Night” @ Maple Leaf Lutheran Church, 10005 32nd NE, Seattle. (FRI) 5/4/12 (7:30pm): Baroque Northwest: “Battle of the Bands: Le Roi Soleil & Sanssouci take on the Dresden Hofkappelle”; music by Couperin, Hotteterre, Quantz, C.P.E. Bach & others: Kim Pineda, baroque flute, Max Fuller, viola da gamba, August Denhard, theorbo & baroque guitar, Julia Brown, harpsichord @ Trinity Parish Church, 609 8th Ave, Seattle; $25/$20/$10; (SUN) 5/6/12 (7:00pm): New Baroque Orchestra: music by Purcell, Charpentier & others: Linda Melsted, director, @ Trinity Parish Church, 609 8th Ave, Seattle; (206-325-7066) (SUN) 5/12/12 (8:00pm): Medieval Women’s Choir: “Loss & Longing”; Margriet Tindemans, artistic director with Laurie Monahan @ Blessed Sacrament Church, 5050—8th Ave. N.E., Seattle; $22/$17/$13/(206-264-4822) [email protected] (FRI) 5/18/12 (7:30pm): Ave Renaissance Women's Choir @ Trinity Parish Church, 609 8th Ave., Seattle; (206-325-7066); [email protected] (SAT) 5/19/12 (time TBD): Early Music Guild: “Early Music Guild Annual Gala Dinner and Auction” @ Women's University Club, 1105 Sixth Avenue, Seattle; (206-325-7066);


March 16-19, 2012: Columbia Gorge Early Music Retreat; Corbett, Oregon;

April 20-21, 2012: Percussion Workshop with Peter Maund; Seattle, WA; Jo Baim (206-932-4623) [email protected]

April 28-30, 2012: Winds & Waves Recorder Workshop; Oregon Coast;

June 3-10, 2012: Berkeley Festival & Exhibition; Berkeley, CA;

June 17-Aug. 3, 2012: San Francisco Early Music Society (SFEMS) Summer Workshops:

July 5-8, 2012: American Recorder Society Festival; Reed College; Portland, Oregon;

Recorder Notes Vol. XLIII, No. 7 Page 3 Meeting Notes: Mar. 2, 2012 posers of his era. “Find each other,” said Peter during tuning. We needed a re- Cathy Lacefield minder that there is an F sharp except As is our usual practice, the March meeting where there is an F natural (ficta!). Also, opened with announcements, including a gen- we needed to play with a certain lilting tle reminder to check out the concert and quality: strong, light, light. “Just listen to events calendar in the current issue of Re- those jazzy bouncy rhythms in the bass corder Notes. Following announcements we part!” Then we took it a little faster with were treated to a mostly Renaissance era se- some notes shorter for contour. “Breathe lection from Trinity Consort’s “Chromatic a little air into it.” And so we did. Thanks Fantasy Island” Concert (March 6, 2012). to Peter for sharing with us another side Refreshments of this versatile of the well- Several long-time SRS members, Larry Stark, known Innsbruck Ich Muss Uns Lassen. March 30 Tomo Morita, Peggy Monroe and Ellen Seibert were joined by Molly Seibert, Marilyn Next Peter brought out his new work of McAdoo, Jo Baim, and Gus Denhard to de- “moderate difficulty” — Divertimento Cookies: Carolyn Wallace light and inspire us to attend the longer con- (2012) for Recorder Quartet. We thought cert at Trinity. Madonna by Gesualdo pro- to ourselves, we will just see about that Betty Swift vided ample evidence of this composer’s dra- moderate part. We proceeded to read through and then work on each of five matic use of chromaticism to illustrate the Veggies: Jill Shupe text. We heard lovely moments of serenity movements. Briskly in 4 brought out a along with the chromatic crunches. Cease cheerful, playful mood. Flowing in 2 offered a lyrical, tender interlude. In Sorrows Now by Weelkes offered an excellent Fruit: Marilu Saunders example of intense use of harmonic disso- Lightly, we faced a slight challenge get- nance in the ascending chromatic line. ting the soprano A flats to agree. What was that you said, Peter, “It’s just an A Fumeaux Fume by Solage is one of about Thank you! twelve or so works attributed to this obscure flat, not the secret of life”? About French composer of the late Medieval period. Darkly, Peter said, “Let’s play the B flat Overall, this was a very modern sounding in the alto part and see what happens. piece with the lovely soprano blend singing Ooh, dark….!” Peter mentioned the hard- lower and lower and with increasing chromati- est thing to play is a slow movement. For cism as the music continued on. Solage may this slow movement, he said we needed to have intended the work to satirize a group stretch it out and not arrive at beat 4 too known as “The Society of Smokers”! We early. We did so, and then it was better heard tones of eerie mystery and deepening and L said: “It sounds like an old movie!” Music Trivia intensity. A “smoky one” indeed! Variations Lilting in 1, a fugue, required players to be short and light on the staccato notes on Les Bouffons by Baines was a lively and Which Italian baroque composer who for the right effect and to help us go feisty interchange between recorders, lived 1639-1682 was from a Tuscan and lute. Trinity Consort promised to “return faster. Well, perhaps Peter was right aristocratic family, educated at us to solid harmonic ground” by the end of the about moderate difficulty technically program. They kept their promise with the speaking. Musically, it was more chal- , made a name for himself as a sweetness and peace of I’ll Lie Me Down to lenging! Thank you Peter for this charm- composer at age 20, moved to Sleep by Coprario. Thanks to Trinity Consort ing and lovely work, full of nuance and where he composed mostly sacred for a lovely, varied and interesting program. delicate emotional expression.€ music for Christina, Queen of Sweden, Following Trinity Consort’s beautiful offer- wrote , cantatas, and ings, we sorted ourselves out for ensemble instrumental works in the sonata da playing. Sally Mitchell’s group, for those who chiesa, originated the wish to play less technically challenging mu- style, and finally whose colorful life sic on a given evening, has grown to include and dramatic death later provided sixteen people! The group continued work on selected Bach Chorales and Praetorius material for three operas and a novel Branles. They also played Tallis’ If Ye Love entitled “” published in 1909? Me. The progress of the group is said to be amazing. Keep it up! (see below for answer) Peter Seibert led the larger ensemble in his four part arrangement of an interesting work by Flemish composer Heinrich Isaac, one of

the most influential of his day. En

1682) 1682) - l’ombre - Una musque – Sustinuimus pacem (1639

combines three well-known tunes of the time

and is an example from a composer more sty- Stradella Alessandro Answer: listically international than most other com- Alessandro Stradella

Page 4 Recorder Notes Vol. XLIII, No. 7

UNIVERSITY OF WASHIN GTON 2011-12 Meetings 1815 Federal Ave. E., Seattle, WA 98102 (206-329-2774) [email protected] Meetings are usually held on the first Friday of each month, October to May, at 7:30 Music Director, Peter Seibert (206-329-2774) [email protected] p.m., Maple Leaf Lutheran Church, 10005 Board Members (2011-12) 32nd N.E., Seattle. Meetings include a Officers: President, Tomo Morita (425-255-1983) [email protected] short performance or lecture of interest to Past President, Jill Shupe (206-364-7509) [email protected] recorder and players, ensemble play- Secretary, Molly Warner (206-523-5192) [email protected] ing for all levels of recorder players, and a Treasurer, Richard Ginnis (206-633-1969) [email protected] coached viol consort. A $5.00 donation is Mailing & Membership: requested for non-members. Cathy Lacefield (206-528-6121) [email protected] October 7, 2011 Jill Shupe (206-364-7509) [email protected] Newsletter, Nancy Gorbman (206-362-7326) [email protected] November 4, 2011 Refreshments, Evelyn Lester (206-726-9257) December 2, 2011 Viol Rep., Ellen Seibert, (206-329-2774), [email protected] January 6, 2012 Webmaster (Member-At-Large), Charles Coldwell (206-328-8238), [email protected] February 3, 2012 Editor, Nancy Gorbman March 2, 2012 March 30, 2012 (Last Friday in March) Recorder Notes is published monthly, October through May, for its members by the Seattle Recorder Soci- May 4, 2012 ety, 1815 Federal Ave. E., Seattle, WA 98102. $35 Annual Membership Dues. Visit our web-site at:

SEATTLE RECORDER SOC IETY 1815 Federal Ave. E. Seattle, WA 98102