

Global Change (1999) 5, 807-837


Elevated CO2 and : a review

SETH G. PRITCHARD,* HUGa H. RaGERS,* STEPHEN A. PRIaR* and CURT M. PETERSaN1 *USDA-ARS National Soil Dynamics Laboratory, 411 South Donahue Drive, Auburn, AL 36832, USA, 1Department of Biological Sciences, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO 80639, USA.


Consequences of increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration on plant structure, an im­ portant determinant of physiological and competitive success, have not received suff­ cient attention in the literature. Understanding how increasing carbon input will infuence plant developmental processes, and resultant form, will help bridge the gap between physiological response and level phenomena. Growth in elevated

CO2 alters plant structure through its effects on both primary and secondary meri­ stems of shoots and roots. Although not well established, a review of the literature suggests that division, cell expansion, and cell patterning may be affected, driven mainly by increased substrate (sucrose) availability and perhaps also by differential expression of genes involved in cell cycling (e.g. cyclins) or cell expansion (e.g. xylo­ glucan endotransglycosylase). Few studies, however, have attempted to elucidate the mechanistic basis for increased growth at the cellular level. Regardless of specifc mechanisms involved, plant leaf size and are often

altered by growth in elevated CO2, but the magnitude of these changes, which often decreases as leaves mature, hinges upon plant genetic plasticity, nutrient availability, temperature, and phenology. Increased leaf growth results more often from increased cell expansion rather than increased division. Leaves of crop species exhibit greater in­ creases in leaf thickness than do leaves of wild species. Increased mesophyll and vas­ cular tissue cross­sectional areas, important determinates of photosynthetic rates and assimilate transport capacity, are often reported. Few studies, however, have quantifed characteristics more refective of leaf function such as spatial relationships among chlorenchyma cells (size, orientation, and surface area), intercellular spaces, and con­ ductive tissue. Greater leaf size andlor more leaves per plant are often noted;

grown in elevated CO2 exhibited increased leaf area per plant in 66% of studies, com­ pared to 28% of observations reporting no change, and 6% reported a decrease in whole plant leaf area. This resulted in an average net increase in leaf area per plant of 24%. Crop species showed the greatest average increase in whole plant leaf area (+ 37%) compared to tree species (+ 14%) and wild, nonwoody species (+ 15%). Conver­ sely, tree species and wild, nontrees showed the greatest reduction in specifc leaf area (- 14% and - 20%) compared to crop plants (- 6%). Alterations in developmental processes at the shoot apex and within the vascular cambium contributed to increased plant height, altered branching characteristics, and increased stem diameters. The ratio of internode length to node number often in­ creased, but the length and sometimes the number of branches per node was greater,

suggesting reduced apical dominance. Data concerning effects of elevated CO2 on stemlbranch anatomy, vital for understanding potential shifts in functional relation­ ships of leaves with stems, roots with stems, and leaves with roots, are too few to

Correspondence: Dr Seth G. Pritchard, tel +1/334-844-4741 ext. 142, fax +1/334-887-8597, e-mail [email protected]

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make generalizations. Growth in elevated CO2 typically leads to increased root length, diameter, and altered branching patterns. Altered branching characteristics in both shoots and roots may impact competitive relationships above and below the ground. Understanding how increased carbon assimilation affects growth processes (cell di­ vision, cell expansion, and cell patterning) will facilitate a better understanding of

how plant form will change as atmospheric CO2 increases. Knowing how basic growth processes respond to increased carbon inputs may also provide a mechanistic basis for the differential phenotypic plasticity exhibited by different plant specieslfunctional

types to elevated CO2. Keywords: anatomy, development, elevated carbon dioxide, , morphology, ultrastructure Received 9 October 1998; resubmitted and accepted 21 December 1998

Introduction fate of individual plant species as the global environment continues to change. Carbon dioxide, released by anthropogenic combustion Plants exposed to elevated atmospheric Ca are almost processes, has increased from 280 /mol mol-1 before the 2 always larger than those grown in ambient Ca2; the onset of the Industrial Revolution to around 365 /mol - magnitude of growth stimulation is typically dependent -1 -1 mol today, and continues to rise at about 1.8 /mol mol upon photosynthetic pathway, sink strength, phenotypic -1 y (Mendelsohn & Rosenberg 1994). Plants exposed to plasticity, and plant history strategies (Hunt et al. elevated Ca2 often show increased growth and water- 1991). Poorter (1993) surveyed the literature (156 plant use effciency (Rogers & Dahlman 1993; Allen & Amthor species) and found the average stimulation of vegetative 1995; Wittwer 1995), and increased rates of photosynth- whole plant growth to be 37%. In addition to increased esis (Long & Drake 1992; Amthor 1995). Although recent whole plant biomass, altered root:shoot ratios are often reviews have summarised the effects of elevated Ca2 on noted, suggesting a shift in the functional relationship (Bazzaz 1990; Koorner et al. 1996), plant between these organs. Rogers et al. (1997a) recently herbivore interactions (Bezemer & Jones 1998), crop reviewed the available literature for crop species and species (Rogers & Dahlman 1993; Goudriaan & Zadoks found that root:shoot ratios usually increased (59.5%), 1995), plant biomass accumulation (Poorter 1993), root:- sometimes decreased (37.5%), but rarely remained un- shoot ratios (Rogers et al. 1997a), and (Bowes changed (3.0%). Although examining plant growth and 1991; Farrar & Williams 1991; Long 1991; Stitt 1991; allocation patterns by assessing total biomass and root:- Gunderson & Wullschleger 1994; Amthor 1995), effects of shoot ratios may be a valuable starting point in determining plant response to elevated Ca2, it may be elevated atmospheric Ca2 on plant structure including ultrastructure, anatomy, morphology, and architecture a rather insensitive indicator of what is actually happen-

are far less studied. Changes in plant metabolism ing to plant growth in terms of structure and function (Stulen & den Hertog 1993; Taylor et al. 1994; Sattler & resulting from increased C availability will inevitably Rutishauser 1997). For example, differences in root drive changes in plant structure at multiple hierarchical architecture including root depth, branching, and mor- levels contributing to altered plant, community, and phology may impact patterns of water and nutrient ecosystem level function. uptake independent of total biomass (Tremmel & Bazzaz Plant morphogenesis is governed by the effects of 1993). environmental conditions superimposed upon genetic The ability of plants to respond to future elevated Ca2 constraints. Thus, genetically identical plants can exhibit levels will undoubtably hinge upon physiological char-

very different structural features when subjected to acteristics such as sink strength, effciency of N and different environmental conditions. Although genetically water use, and photosynthetic pathway and capacity, but determined design constraints defne borders of plasti- will, with at least equal importance, depend upon plant city, most plant species do mediate the effects of structural (Di az 1995). Koorner (1991) has aptly environmental conditions impinging upon them by pointed out that the exclusive use of gas exchange data to adjusting developmental processes and resultant struc- predict plant success has been over-valued and over- tural characteristics to some extent. Ability to adjust both represented in literature addressing plant response to

metabolically and structurally to resist stressful environ- elevated Ca2. Plant structural responses to elevated Ca2 ments and to exploit abundant resources will dictate the may prove to be more important than physiological

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ELEVATED Ca 2 AND PLANT STRUCTURE: A REVIEW 809 characteristics in natural environments where plants ing of how dynamics of plant C and N pools control must compete for scarce resources (Diaz 1995; Teugels growth, via differential allocation of resources to shoots et al. 1995). For example, Reekie & Bazzaz (1989) reported and roots, is central to understanding the signifcance of that although growth in elevated Ca2 did not affect rising atmospheric Ca2 for plant structure (Fig. 1). It has or total biomass accumulation in fve long been understood by plant that root-to- trees grown individually, when grown in competition shoot ratios of plants as well as whole-plant growth rates, with one another, elevated Ca2 induced changes in both important determinates of plant success, are species composition resulting from changes in canopy determined by the relative availabilities of C and N. In structure. Similarly, Kuo ppers (1985) found that success of general, plants are able to alleviate disequilibrium species in competition was not related to photosynthetic between growth processes and resource availability by capacity but instead was related to structural character- differentially allocating resources to that plant structure istics including branching angles, activity, leaf through which the most limiting resource is acquired. positioning, and internode lengths. Plants must compete For example, plants grown in nutrient-limiting soils for common, usually fnite, resources in both natural and allocate resources preferentially below-ground in order managed ecosystems, and these resources are acquired to pre-empt critical defciencies. an the other hand, through roots (water and nutrients) and shoots (light, plants growing in fertile soil are functionally C limited

Ca2). Thus, it follows that in competition, the ability of and thus allocate energy into leaf growth to acquire C, plants to increase number, size, and effciency of the most limiting resource for growth. This concept is modules through which resources are acquired, relative reinforced by an extensive literature base (Chapin et al. to adjacent plants, will defne their competitive ability, 1987; Aiken & Smucker 1996). and resultant success (Teugels et al. 1995). abtaining a meaningful and satisfying understanding

In addition to effects of elevated Ca2 on structurally of mechanisms underlying plant structural responses mediated competitive relationships, alterations in plant to elevated Ca2 requires a conceptual knowledge of form will feed back on physiological processes at the the mechanisms that link recognition (increased whole plant level which in turn will dictate further photosynthesis - increased carbon - diluted , development, and survival of the plant. So, as is N) with transduction (assimilate partitioning, root- often expressed by biologists, form and function are to-shoot signalling, differential gene expression, hor- inextricably interwoven; function gives form and form mones) with reaction (greater rates of /cell results in function. Consideration of physiological expansion) with adaptation (morphological, anatom- alterations, structural modifcations, and their interac- ical, and ultrastructural). Figure 1 represents a con- tions resulting from growth in elevated Ca2 will provide ceptual model illustrating the channels through which a more holistic concept of how plants will change in increased C input may effect structural change. In response to increasing Ca2, and will help bridge data some cases, growth responses may be direct (based collected at the physiological level to whole plant and simply on substrate availability) and signifcantly more canopy level processes (Murthy & Dougherty 1997). simple than indirect growth responses (based on Plant anatomical, morphological, and architectural chemical messengers). Although the complexity of to rising global Ca2 levels may prove to be such a holistic view of the interaction of environment critical due to the importance of plant form in the with plant growth processes can not be overstated, acquisition of resources, as a determinate of plant and perhaps will not be practical for several years, competitive interactions, and as a modifer of metabolic such an approach is vital if form and function are to processes. Therefore, the purpose of this manuscript is to be linked. In this review, we attempt to understand review extant data on effects of elevated Ca2 on how plant structure is altered by Ca2-enriched vegetative plant structure and development. Alterations environments by integrating what is known at scales in plant structural development including ultrastructur- ranging from molecular to canopy. Closing the gap al, anatomical, morphological, architectural, and canopy between individual developmental processes (e.g. cell levels resulting from exposure to elevated Ca2 will be division, cell expansion, and cell differentiation) and reviewed and suggestions for further research offered. whole plant growth patterns is necessary before we can hope to understand the ways in which plants (both in isolation and within competitive arrays) will Control of whole plant growth: root shoot respond to future elevated Ca levels. As stated signalling 2 recently by Koorner et al. (1996) concerning the state of

It has long been recognized that plant carbon and N knowledge about the implications of rising global Ca2 availability are crucial to, and perhaps largely control, for plants and ecosystems: '.the feld is at the portal whole plant growth patterns. A conceptual understand- of an era where further progress in understanding

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Fig. 1 Conceptual model indicating the channels through which increased atmospheric carbon dioxide availability may effect plant structure. Note the central role of root/shoot function.

Ca2 responses is critically dependent on an effective of these processes. There has been some disagreement in integration across felds and approaches.'. the literature about which is impacted by elevated levels

of Ca2, thus a brief discussion about factors affecting these processes, in the context of Ca -induced changes, is Shoot development 2 necessary. First of all, what stimulates cells to divide?As Cell division, expansion, and meristem function recently discussed by Jacobs (1997), there are thought Primary stem growth is ultimately the consequence of to be two nonmutually exclusive answers to this apical meristem function. Plant development, initiated at question. First, cell size dictates that as cells , consists of processes that include cell division, expand, a size threshold will be reached beyond which controlled cell expansion, and differentiation (Taylor cell volumes and surface areas will exceed the capacity of 1997). These interdependent processes are regulated by the nucleus to govern cell function. At this threshold, specifc, genetically programmed, timed ontogenetic cells would duplicate their and partition the events (Koorner 1991) integrated with environmental cues growing space with new cell walls. Thus, expansion of to affect the rate, shape and number of organs formed by cells may drive . plants (Kerstetter & Hake 1997). It follows that altered Cells, however, may also divide independently of

plant structure induced by exposure to elevated Ca2 may cell expansion cues. It has long been known that plant be the result of greater rates of cell division, increased cell hormones including , , and gibberel- expansion, altered patterns of primordium initiation, lins are involved in controlling developmental events altered morphogenesis and histogenesis, or a combination within apical meristems such as cell division, cell

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ELEVATED Ca 2 AND PLANT STRUCTURE: A REVIEW 811 elongation and synthesis. For example, both were 45 and 41% higher than in plants grown in -1 auxins and cytokinins have been shown to increase atmospheres containing 300 /mol mol Ca2 implying expression of cyclin genes (Renaudin et al. 1994; that cell division alone was enhanced. Kouchi et al. 1995; Kende & Zeevaart 1997). It has Kinsman et al. (1997) recently provided evidence recently been established in plants that cyclins, a class indicating that exposure to elevated Ca2 stimulates of regulatory subunits of a family of protein , primary growth of shoots by increasing the proportion facilitate the transition of cells from G0 to G1 of the of rapidly dividing cells and shortening cell cycle, thus stimulating division (Soni et al. 1995; durations in shoot apices. Populations of Dactylus Jacobs 1997). It has been reported that sucrose may glomerata from Portugal exhibited a 1.5-3.0 fold increase also be a chemical control point in the cell division in the proportion of rapidly cycling cells in the apical cycle (Francis 1992; Ranasinghe & Taylor 1996), dome while a population from Sweden showed only a perhaps acting by mediating cyclin activity (Kinsman 1.2 fold increase when exposed to elevated Ca2. et al. 1997). So, cell division may be stimulated by Furthermore, they noted that the cell cycle shortened expansion of cells beyond a threshold point, or by ' 26% in both populations. In the Portuguese population, increased cyclin activity alone (Jacobs 1997; Kinsman decreases in the length of the cell cycle resulted almost et al. 1997). Based on this information, it is possible exclusively from a shortening of the G1 phase, whereas that growth stimulation of plants grown in elevated in the Swedish population, both the G1 and G2 phases

Ca2 may be direct (based on substrate supply) or were shortened. Although the authors did not assay for indirect (based on chemical signals) or both. Consider- altered cyclin activity or levels or measure ing the large impact that growth in elevated Ca2 has tissue levels, they speculated that increased on plant root systems (Rogers et al. 1997b), it is photosynthate availability (i.e. sucrose) in meristems possible that root cytokinin production, and fux to may have increased the proportion of rapidly dividing shoots, may be altered thereby modifying above- cells by stimulating cyclin activity. Interestingly, differ- ground growth (Fig. 1). ential increases in total biomass due to exposure to

Although it is thought by many researchers that cell elevated Ca2 paralleled the differential increases in the production rate largely dictates growth (Koorner 1991; proportion of dividing cells for the two populations (33 Jacobs 1997; Kinsman et al. 1997), to a lesser extent and 21% increases in total biomass for the Portuguese increases in cell expansion resulting in larger cell size and Swedish populations, respectively). These results may also contribute to increased plant and organ size suggest that events at the cellular level may provide a without a concomitant increase in cell production key to understanding how growth is controlled at the (Ranasinghe & Taylor 1996). Cell expansion is controlled whole plant level and thereby contribute to a mechanistic by loosening, wall extensibility, and the rate at understanding of differential phenotypic plasticity ex- which cells can take up water and solutes (Cosgrove hibited by different species grown at elevated Ca2 1993, 1997; Ferris & Taylor 1994; Taylor et al. 1994). Cell concentrations (Koorner 1991; Taylor et al. 1994). Unfortu- size and rate of cell expansion are infuenced by nately, these results also underscore the problems environmental factors including light, water, and nutri- associated with extending fndings observed for one ent availability and also by endogenous factors such as species or population to other related species or hormones. It is diffcult to disentangle responses of cell populations (Kinsman et al. 1996). production and cell expansion to elevated Ca2 because these processes are so interdependent (Fig. 1). Depending Branching upon context, cell extension may be driven by mitosis, or mitosis may be driven by cell extension (Jacobs 1997) Although it is clear that exposure of plants to elevated

(Fig. 1). This diffculty has been identifed and discussed Ca2 stimulates cell division at the shoot apical meristem (Ranasinghe & Taylor 1996). Although many studies either directly or indirectly, it is not clear how these cells have reported stimulated growth of stems and branches are partitioned at the shoot axis. Undifferentiated cells in plants grown in elevated Ca2 (Downton, Grant & produced at the shoot apex must undergo transition to a Chacko 1990; Pushnik et al. 1995; Slafer & Rawson 1997), more specialized state in which they either become few studies have discerned relative contributions of more components of organ primordia or contribute to inter- cell division from larger cell size. St. amer & Horvath nodes between organs (Clark 1997). Examining the

(1984)) examined cell size of primary stem tissue for Layia effects of Ca2 enrichment on internode length relative platyglosa grown in elevated Ca2. No increase in to lateral branch or leaf initiation may provide clues for diameter of either xylem or sieve elements was evident. understanding cell partitioning at the shoot apices. Although cell size was unchanged, cortex width and Numerous studies have shown increased stem or -1 stele diameter of plants grown in 700 /mol mol Ca2 branch elongation in plants grown in elevated Ca2

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812 S.G. PRITCHARD et al. (1994) (1984) . (1987) Seiler al (1990) Jarvis (1995) . al. et (1986) (1990a) Dougherty . al . . Higginbotham Higginbotham (1985) et and Strain al al al . and et et al and et et and and and et Donaldson Conroy Reference Murthy (1997) Conroy Downton Samuelson (1986) Larigauderie Tolley Sionet (1986) (1990) (1993) Pushnik Brown Brown Radoglou +44% NS NS + + NS NS NS NS thickness density density density diameter wall length length density density Anatomical trach. alterations wood bark bark trach. wood trach. wood ------more - + trach. with (-) order patterns 2nd new 2 node taller dom. growth yielded longer and node NA st

Branching and 1 plants fush NS fush NS branches/whorl apical whorl (-) - - - - lateral +40% greater fxed branches - - 1 - - - - height Plant +15% - - (-) - NS NS + +17% NS + +33% +23% +20% NS + NS +45% +66% 1100% +56% : : : :

Branch number - - + 2 1 - - - NS 2 1 - NS + +33% - NS + NS species length woody of +15% -16%* - Branch +47% - - - - +53% - - +56% - - - +56% - +27% +12% characteristics + - - LN: - - + HN: NS + +26% +33% NS - - - branch diameter 2 and 710 535 710 640 660 660 650 675 500 800 711 525 750 700 750 1000 NS stem on 2 Ca 2 Ca Ambient Elevated Branch/stem Ca 360 375 320 340 330 350 350 395 362 350 350 350 350 elevated in d) d) d) d) d) d) m) wks) season) y) m) y) (92 (172 (1 (113 (21 (2 (5 (120 (22 (1 (100 (100 BC Location/ � g Duration Phy GC GC GH Phy Phy GC GH GC GC (6 m) aTC GC growth of Effects mangostana 1 trichocarpa tremuloides radiata taeda ponderosa rubens glauca Table Species �inus �inus Garcinia �icea �icea �inus �opulus �opulus

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ELEVATED Ca 2 AND PLANT STRUCTURE: A REVIEW 813 (1996) (1984) . (1985) al McDonald Enoch . (1992) (1997) Taylor . . al et al al (1985) Strain et and and . et and et al chamber; and et top Kohen aberbauer Reference Atkinson (1996) Pettersson Mousseau Atkinson Farnesworth (1989) (1992) Sionit El Tolley open aTC, NS house; NS + + NS x-sect. x-sect. stem glass rate lumen lumen GH, Anatomical alterations - vessel aea/vessel area/stem vessel area/vessel area/stem +140% growth vessels/stem - - - - vessels/stem - - - increased - - - chamber; NS growth NS +100% altered NS patterns GC, growth shape shape cessation volume shoot : years; stem y, Branching - - canopy of angles/symmetry stem URL+ - - side NS - crown NS - early branching NS - months; m, height days; d, Plant NS - NS - NS NS +20% + + +296% - NS NS +29% treatments. water ground). or the in Branch number - - - - NS - - +122% NS - - +60% - - fertility grown more or length (plants two g a of Branch - - - - - NS - - - +137% -21% NS NS - with mean *, indicated fertility; NS those diameter - - - + - HF: +18% + + +175% - - LF: +16% high HF, except

2 fertility; 675 700 675 700 700 650 500 700 700 700 700 675 Ca 1000 +12% containers low in LF,

2 grown Ca Ambient Elevated Branch/stem 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 nitrogen; were high table HN, this in d) m) m) m) d) season) m) season) m) cited (1 (113 (2 (10 (19 (1 (13 nitrogen; (79 (7 chamber. Location/ Duration � GC (60 d) GC (123 d) GH GH Phy GC GH GC GH GH Phy low branch LN, BC, experiments all styraci�ua macroloba mangle lagopus sativa robur signifcant; from avium tracheid pendula phytotron; not Plants Species � �entaclethra Ochroma phy, Trach, NS, Li�uidambar �runus Rhi�ophora Betula �uercus Castanea

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814 S.G. PRITCHARD et al. low (1995) (1991) (1991) LN, Wolfenden (1995) Horvath (1985) . (1995) . (1992) . al . Rawson al and Strain Strain al et (1988) and al et et . et al and and and et signifcant; amer not St. (1984) (1996) Nijs Slafer Sasek Newberry Kendall Rogers Sasek Teughels Teugels Reference NS, NS NS chamber; NS NS 111% 41% 41% 73% - 44% NS + + diam. diam. + + branch diam. diam. width width BC, cell cell width width element element diameter diameter xylem sieve phloem stele stele xylem sieve phloem cortex - - cortex ------alterations Anatomical NS phytotron; phy, NS NS (-) + + chamber; + + + top + nodes nodes nodes branch branch length density density open initiation NS NS + per + per + stem stem stem

branch branch + aTC, branch rate main - internode tiller - node main canopy total total length length canopy length length main - leaf /tiller node patterns Branching NS NS house; +

glass 15% 17% + + + + tiller - - - NS NS - NS height Plant NS - GH, species chamber; 200% 200% 300% 300% + + + + ------number Branch - - - growth nonwoody treatments. GC, of 300% 500% + + + + + - - - - - length Branch - - - water years.; or y, fertility months; characteristics more m, 22% 66% 18% + + + + - - - - Branch/stem - - diameter - - - or days; two d, branch of

2 and mean 675 610 700 720 620 675 700 700 720 700 1000 1400 Elevated Ca 1000 *, containers. stem in on fertility; 2

2 grown high Ca 350 300 360 360 367 Ambient Ca 350 350 360 360 360 were HF, table fertility; elevated this in in low d) season) d) d) weeks) season) season) season) season) (1 LF, cited (18 (1 (1 (1 (23 (1 (54 (54 Location/ GC GC � Duration GC GH aTC GC (3 m) Phy GH GH GC growth of nitrogen; experiments high all Effects HN, aestivum Species �aponica sempervirens capilaris 2 max from arundinaceae perenne Species platyglossa Plants � Crop Lonicera nitrogen; �atural Agrostis Layia Lonicera Lolium Glycine �riticum �estuca Table

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ELEVATED Ca 2 AND PLANT STRUCTURE: A REVIEW 815 without concomitant increases in node number (Table 1). while plant height or branch length has decreased or For example, Downton et al. (1990) reported that Garcinia remained unchanged (Tables 1 and 2). Rhi�ophora mangle mangostana was 33% taller at elevated Ca2 but that the grown in elevated Ca2 had 60% more branches than number of primary nodes was not affected. Rogers et al. ambient grown plants, but plant height and branch (1992) reported a 15% increase in plant height for Glycine length were unaffected (Farnesworth et al. 1996). They max grown in elevated Ca2 although the number of also reported decreased branch plastochron. In Agrostis nodes was unchanged. Similarly, Slafer & Rawson (1997) capillaris, growth in elevated Ca2 increased tiller number reported that height of �riticum aestivum plants grown in by 20% while plant height remained unchanged elevated Ca2 increased by 17% resulting from increased (Newbery & Wolfenden 1996). Similarly, Conroy et al. internode length, not from greater numbers of nodes. (1990a) reported higher branch numbers, resulting from

Lonicera �aponica grown at high Ca2 levels had fewer more branches per whorl, in �inus radiata grown at high main stem nodes while plant height was unchanged Ca2 even though plant height decreased. Several studies

(Sasek & Strain 1989). Ackerly et al. (1992) concluded that have suggested that Ca2 enrichment may increase the increased branch number in Amaranthus retro�exus number ( �rifolium repens, Ryle & Powell 1992; �uercus grown in elevated Ca2 was due to effects on overall alba, Norby et al. 1986; �inus radiata, Conroy et al. 1990a; rate of development, not to changes in pattern of branch Rhi�ophora mangle, Farnesworth et al. 1996) or size initiation. Finally, Sionit et al. (1985) observed greater (�uercus alba, Norby et al. 1986) of buds/node. ather height in �inus taeda grown in elevated Ca2, but no studies have reported either no effects of elevated Ca2 on change in total number of branches. These results branch number and branch/stem length (Castanea sativa, suggest that the growth and development of cells and �ettersson & McDonald 1992; �icea glauca, �opulus tremu- tissues below the site of lateral organ formation are loides, Brown & Higginbotham 1986) or increases in both stimulated to a greater extent than is the formation of branch number and branch/stem length ( �opulus tricho- organ primordia at the shoot tip. carpa, Radoglou & Jarvis 1990a; �inus taeda, Larigauderie Differential stimulation of cell division in different et al. 1994). regions of apical meristems may account for altered Greater branch elongation and more branches per patterns of branch initiation relative to internode node resulting from growth in elevated Ca2 may imply elongation (discussed above). Kinsman et al. (1996) reduced apical dominance (Tables 1 and 2). Conroy et al. observed that cell doubling times (cdt) for pith rib (1990a) reported that in �inus radiata grown in elevated meristem cells in Dactylis glomerata decreased 4.8 fold at Ca2, the apical portion of the main stem was shorter than 10 C, 6.1 fold at 20 C, and 2 fold at 30 C in plants grown the branches at the most terminal whorl which they -1 at 700 /mol mol Ca2 compared to those grown under attributed to reduced apical dominance. Anderson (1976) ambient Ca2 levels. Cell doubling times in the peripheral also observed reduced apical dominance of �isum meristem zone and central zone (most distal region of sativum grown in elevated Ca2. Reduced apical dom- apical dome) were not as sensitive to increases in inance in plants grown in Ca2 enriched atmospheres elevated Ca2. The authors suggested that the pith rib may result from altered hormonal production/transport meristem zone would be the frst to receive the extra due to effects on apical meristem function, or from photosynthates produced as a result of the increase in alterations in whole plant carbon allocation. Mousseau & atmopheric Ca2, but concluded that further investigation Enoch (1989) suggested that reduced branch length is warranted. The central zone is the most distal region of (' 21%) of Castanea sativa induced by Ca2 enrichment the apical dome and, ultimately, is the source of all cells was the result of early cessation of stem growth caused below it. The peripheral meristem is the location of organ by apical bud necrosis. Axillary bud status (domant or initiation and overall cell patterning, and the pith active) and lateral branch elongation are not, however, meristem is the site of cell division and expansion and completely controlled or dominated by produced contributes to axial and radial primary growth of by and transported from apical meristems; overall plant internodes (Esau 1977). Thus, a decrease in the ratio of vigor and cues transduced from root stimulation or an cdt in the pith rib meristem to cdt in the central zone and improvement in water status, can stimulate lateral the peripheral zone may partly explain why the ratio of growth activity (Stafstrom 1995). internode length to node (organ) number often increases The above discussion shows that exposure of plants to in plants grown in elevated Ca2. The extent of internodal elevated Ca2 may stimulate elongation of branches and elongation is perhaps of primary importance in establish- stems without accompanying increases in the number of ing the gross morphology of a species (Esau 1977). nodes produced. Figure 2 shows architectural diagrams Although node number appears rather insensitive to of morphological data obtained during the late pod fll elevated atmospheric Ca2, several studies have reported stage of soybean plants grown at Ca2 of 349, 645, and that branch initiation and number have been stimulated, 946 ppm under two water regimes, and effectively

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Fig. 2 Diagrams of well-watered (WW) and water-stressed (WS) soybean plants refecting average morphological data collected at

week 14 after planting, later pod fll, from plants grown at 349, 645 and 946 ppm Ca2. Diagonal lines = the sum of the lateral branch lengths at each node; perpendiculars = leaves; dots = 2 pods; scale = 10 cm; N = 6 (Prior 1986).

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ELEVATED Ca 2 AND PLANT STRUCTURE: A REVIEW 817 illustrates how branch length is stimulated relative to branch number (Prior 1986). It is important to note however, that although the ratio of height/length to node number appears to increase in plants grown in elevated

Ca2, branch number often increases, resulting mainly from greater absolute numbers of nodes per plant, or less frequently, from more buds per node. These alterations, indicating shifts in shoot allometry, have been reported to change canopy shape (Lonicera �aponica, Sasek & Strain 1991) perhaps contributing to altered competitive rela- tionships between different plant species (Li�uidambar styraci�ua vs. �inus taeda, Sionit et al. 1985; Reekie & Bazzaz 1989). Reekie & Bazzaz (1989) grew tropical tree species including Cecropia obtusifolia, Myriocarpa longipes, �iper auritum, Senna multi�uga, and �richospermum mexicanum in competition at 350, 525, or 700 ppm Ca2. They found that Senna decreased in importance resulting from a reduction in the height at which leaves were displayed (Fig. 3). In contrast, �richospermum, �iper and Cecropia all increased in importance since their leaves were displayed higher (Fig. 3). The authors concluded that shifts in community composition were brought about by alterations in canopy structure due to changes in height growth and branching patterns (Reekie 1996), caused ultimately by alterations in developmental processes within meristematic tissue. Changes in pri- mary stem growth need to be examined and compared for multiple species if we hope to be able to make useful generalizations (based on growth form or functional type) about how Ca2 enrichment affects branching, canopy characteristics, and competitive ability.

Secondary tissues and anatomy Fig. 3 Effects of atmospheric Ca2 concentration on leaf area profles of tropical trees. C = Cecropia,M=myriocarpa ,P=�iper , Below the shoot apex, at the shoot or branch site where S= Senna,T=�richospermum . Each tick on the horizontal elongation (primary growth) has ceased, secondary axis = 0.01 m2; leaf area was summed over 10 cm intervals. growth, resulting in the production of secondary xylem Numbers above each species represent mean canopy height (wood) and phloem (bark), occurs by activation of a (m). From Reekie & Bazzaz (1989), with permission from vascular cambium (Esau 1977). Although most studies Springer-Verlag. concerned with plant structural responses to their environment have focused on leaves, the importance of secondary stem tissue in mediating the fux of resources respond to differential atmospheric and edaphic condi- acquired above and below the ground can not be tions because they grow and are maintained using overstated. In the words of Kozlowski & Pallardy resources which are all acquired elsewhere; stems must (1997), 'Transport of adequate supplies of metabolites extract required substances through the conduits which to meristematic tissues where they are used as respira- pass through them (Cheeseman et al. 1996). As such, tory subunits and building materials is as important for understanding how stem, leaf and root growth are plant growth as the physiological processes that produce coordinated represents a complicated problem. them'. Stem characteristics including anatomical and Increases in diameter of stems and branches have ultrastructural characteristics of the individual cells been reported for many species growing under condi- which comprise functional domains, in addition to tions of elevated Ca2 (Tables 1 and 2) (Garcinia mangos- spatial arrangements of the cells and domains that tana, Downton et al. 1990; Li�uidambar styraci�ua, �inus together comprise functional phloem and xylem net- taeda, Sionit et al. 1985; Castanea sativa, Samuelson & Seiler works, are crucial. Stems are perhaps the least able to 1993; �uercus robur, Atkinson et al. 1997; �inus radiata,

© 1999 Blackwell Science Ltd., Global Change Biology, 5, 807-837 L

818 S.G. PRITCHARD et al. (1986) (1997) (1993) (1983) (1994) (1984) al. (1998) (1997) Seiler (1995) et (1990a) (1986) (1983) al. al. Higginbothem & Harvey al. Dougherty al. al. et et al. Strain et & & et et et and & Pushnik Conroy Pritchard Rogers Tolley Larigauderie Murthy Thomas Samuelson Brown Pritchard Reference Conroy NS NS NS 15% 8% NS NS 58% + NS + - 8% 10% NS + - 14% NS - 7% NS + NS NS + NS NS NS 8% 11% - 25% - 26% area 10% 17% 3% NS + + wt: NS NS area area 23% (x-sect) (x-sect) area - 8% NS NS + + - 17% + duration 4% 7% size (x-sect) NS area + - 10% ratio + volume volume ' + 38% 'NS cells dry length length mes. vt. t-tissue area area area leaf area area cell area area area area area area area P: P: P: + area area area P: P: P: thickness thickness thickness thickness thickness x-sect. length length wt. x-sect. thickness area area area sieve ather leaf leaf mes. + + + 110% Leaf leaf leaf leaf

leaf vt. + 71% - Phloem needle leaf e-tt-vt pid. e-tt-vt epid. leaf mes. mes. mes. e-tt-vt epid. vt. needle leaf - t- tis mes. vt. needle leaf fascicle t-tis mes. fascicle sieve low high low high changes leaf high low - 14% - NS - 14% - - 9% - 2% ------8% - 8% - 15%* - 22%* - SLA NS - 16%* 12% 31%* - Leaf - NS ------NS - - - + - - - /plant + 47% + 16% 50%* - 47% Leaf - LN: HN: + 66% NS - 33% - NS NS - - + - - - NS - area/plant NA - - + species tree of 15%* - - - - Area/leaf ------+ - - -

2 700 520 710 535 525 910 675 910 718 710 718 520 720 660 720 660 750 711 Ca Elevated 1000 characteristics leaf on

2 2 Ambient

Ca 340 360 '' 375 350 350 340 360 340 360 330 350 362 Ca elevated d) d) d) d) d) m) m) m) in m) weeks) years) m) m) (3 (45 (12 (20 (21 m) (113 (172 (113 (2 (5 (6 m) (6 (22 (100 Location/ � Duration GC gBC aTC Phy Phy Phy aTC (20 aTC aTC GH GC GC GC GH growth of Effects 3 taeda palustris ponderosa radiata glauca rubens Table Species �inus �inus �inus �inus �icea �icea

© 1999 Blackwell Science Ltd., Global Change Biology, 5, 807-837 R

ELEVATED Ca 2 AND PLANT STRUCTURE: A REVIEW 819 of mean *, (1986) (1992) (1994) phosphorous (1983) (1990a) (1996) high (1989) (1985) signifcant; (1984) P, al. (1990) (1992) McDonald al. et Jarvis Mousseau (1983) al. al. Higginbothem (1995) et Harvey & & high et et & a'Neill al. Strain al. & et and & & et statistically Kohen Kohen not Reference Downton Thomas Norby Pettersson Rogers Tolley ' Farnesworth Radoglou El aberbauer Brown Curtis El availability; fertility; , 56% 22% 38% high + + + NS NS NS NS NS + + phosphophorus NS 17% 25% 21% 13% 24% 36% 33% + + HF, 21% 14% - 22% - 18% + NS + + + + + NS NS + + + NS NS (+) + + low (x-sect) (x-sect) (x-sect) (x-sect) (x-sect) NS �, size duration duration duration duration ratio ratio duration mes. mes. mes. mes. NS ratio mes. mes. mes. mes. growth growth leaf fertility; area area area area area cell low area of of area area thickness thickness thickness thickness wt. area area thickness thickness area area area thickness size low + + + 121%

changes spongy palisade epid. spongy palisade epid. spongy palisade epid. ather - leaf leaf leaf leaf leaf - - - spongy palisade epid. cell rate leaf leaf leaf - epid. epid. leaves/branch leaf leaf - mes. rate leaf leaf - leaf leaf - leaf tissue; LF, years. nitrogen; , y transfusion -) SLA - - 19% - - 16% - 28% ------12% - - 15%* - 16% - NS - 38% ( NS NS - 12% - - 20% high t-tis., months; HN, m, epidermis; days; nitrogen; d, 18% + 15% 11% /plant Leaf + - - + + - - - - - NS - - + + + + - - - NS NS - epid, low LN, tissue; ground). the in signifcant; NS not 28% 35% 30% 39% 39% grown area/plant Leaf + - - NS NS - NS - - NS - - NS + HF: + 24% + + + HF: + 24% LF: NS NS NS tissue-vascular NS, (plants g a chamber; with + NS NS 10% branch Area/leaf + - - NS NS ------LN: HN: LF: NS NS - - - BC, indicated endodermis-transfussion unless

e-tt-vt, 2 phytotron; 800 718 910 675 520 793 718 910 496 700 520 750 693 700 700 700 675 700 675 Ca Elevated 1000 tissue; phy, containers in weight) vascular

chamber; 2 dry grown vt., top Ambient Ca 395 350 340 389 350 340 350 345 350 360 350 350 350 350 leaf were tissue; open table area/total aTC, d) this d) d) d) d) d) (leaf mesophyll in d) d) m) m) weeks) (158 season) years) house; (45 (3 (92 (113 (13 (1season) (1 (24 (100 (70 (1 (60 (123 area cited mes., Location/ glass � Duration GC Phy aTC GC aTC GC gaTC GC GH GC aTC GH GC GC leaf GH, specifc treatments; experiments all chamber; SLA, mangle water lagopus mangostana alba spp. or from pendula growth Plants � Species Garcinia �uercus availability. GC, fertility Li�uidambar styraci�ua �opulus Betula Rhi�ophora sativa Castanea Ochroma �entaclethra macroloba

© 1999 Blackwell Science Ltd., Global Change Biology, 5, 807-837 L

820 S.G. PRITCHARD et al.

Conroy et al. 1990a). A few studies have reported that authors suggested these inconsistent results were

exposure to elevated Ca2 resulted in no effect on brought about by dissimilar source-sink relationships secondary growth (i.e. diameter) of stems ( �inus due to differences in plant age between the two studies. ponderosa, Pushnik et al. 1995; �inus taeda, Tolley & Strain This type of discrepancy is not unusual in the literature

1984); and, to our knowledge, no species has exhibited on effects of elevated Ca2 on plant processes, both

decreased secondary growth in elevated Ca2. Further metabolic and structural. aften effects of elevated Ca2

evidence suggesting an effect of elevated Ca2 on show subtle differences if growth conditions change: pot secondary growth of woody stems is provided from tree size (Arp 1991), nutrient and water availability (Prior

ring data (reviewed in Weber & Grulke 1995). et al. 1997), and different Ca2 exposure systems and There is a paucity of studies on stem anatomical concentrations (Ceulemans & Mousseau 1994). Further-

characteristics (Tables 1 and 2). abtaining an under- more, whole plant responses to elevated Ca2 may standing of the functional relationship of leaves and decrease over time due to biochemical (e.g. decreased stems, and roots and stems, will be impossible until more rubisco activity, Gunderson & Wullschleger 1994), ultra- information on anatomical alterations in stems is avail- structural (e.g. disruption, Pritchard et al. able. For example, stem cross-sectional area is thought to 1997), or canopy level (e.g. self-shading, Newbery & be related to whole plant reproductive capacity Wolfenden 1996) limitations. There are too few data

(Atkinson & Taylor 1996) and is directly proportional concerning the effects of Ca2 enrichment on secondary to the amount of leaf area which must be supplied with stem anatomy to make generalizations. water and solutes (Zimmermann 1983; Atkinson & In addition to increased stem diameter and altered

Taylor 1996). Anatomical characteristics of individual sizes, stem density may be altered by Ca2 cells within stems are also very important. The ability of enrichment (Tables 1 and 2). Wood density has been stems to transport water to maintain favourable whole reported to increase (Li�uidambar stryraci�ua, Rogers et al. plant water relations is governed not only by quantity, 1983; �inus radiata, Conroy et al. 1986) or remain

but also by the size of xylem conduits (Tyree & unchanged by growth in elevated Ca2 (�inus taeda, Alexander 1993; Atkinson & Taylor 1996). Murthy & Dougherty 1997). In the only known study to Tyree & Alexander (1993) hypothesized that increased examine density of bark, Murthy & Dougherty (1997) photosynthesis, increased carbohydrate availability, and reported no change in bark density of �inus taeda grown

resultant increases in the numbers and sizes of xylem in elevated Ca2. Density of wood may be an important elements (tracheids and vessel members) within plants component of wood quality for both timber and paper

grown in elevated Ca2 may enhance the risk of xylem production (Conroy et al. 1990a,b).

cavitation. Atkinson & Taylor (1996) examined stem In conclusion, existing data suggest that elevated Ca2 characteristics of �uercus robur and �runus arium grown drives increased stem growth primarily by stimulating

under Ca2 enrichment. For �uercus, there were greater cell division within shoot apices. However, cell prolifera- numbers of vessels in the mid-stem area contributing to a tion may be stimulated to different extents throughout 140% increase in total stem vessel lumen area. Addition- different meristematic regions which perhaps accounts ally, they found that xylem elements from �uercus plants for observed increases in nodal elongation relative to

grown in elevated Ca2 had signifcantly greater mean branch initiation, and other shifts in whole plant vessel lumen area than vessels from plants grown with architecture. Furthermore, in some cases, growth in

ambient air. These changes contributed to increased elevated Ca2 appears to stimulate lateral growth hydraulic conductance in plants grown in elevated suggesting reduced apical dominance. Although it can

compared to ambient Ca2. It may also be important to be inferred that vascular cambium activity is stimulated note that increases in total stem vessel area were not (increased secondary stem diameters are often observed), related to increases in leaf area. This suggests an there is a profound lack of data concerning the impact of

uncoupling of the functional relationship of leaves with elevated Ca2 on processes driving secondary growth stems which may imply altered predisposition to xylem and also on anatomical shifts which may result from cavitation due to drought or freezing stress (Atkinson & altered cambium function. Taylor 1996). In contrast, �runus stem total vessel lumen area, vessel number, and lumen area per vessel were not Leaf development affected by elevated Ca2. Similarly, Donaldson et al. (1987) found that Ca enrichment caused no differences 2 Why study effects of elevated CO on leaf structure? in tracheid length, tracheid lumen diameter, or tracheid 2 wall thickness in �inus radiata. Conversely, Conroy et al. af all plant organs, leaves are the most morphologically (1990a) reported tracheid wall thickness to increase by diverse (Poethig 1997) and exhibit the greatest structural

44% in �inus radiata grown under Ca2 enrichment. The plasticity in response to disparate environmental condi-

© 1999 Blackwell Science Ltd., Global Change Biology, 5, 807-837 R

ELEVATED Ca 2 AND PLANT STRUCTURE: A REVIEW 821 tions (Esau 1977). Leaf development is crucial to plant the shoot apex caused by an excess of tissue unable to function since leaves are vital to light interception, expand laterally. Such biophysical models, in which photosynthesis, water use, and therefore, total plant physical tension across the meristem triggers changes in productivity (Teskey et al. 1987; Murthy & Dougherty cell division patterns leading to the initiation of organ 1997). Leaf structural adaptations clearly play a central primordia, have recently received molecular support role in adaptation by plants to changing environments (Taylor 1997).

(Lewis 1972; Ticha 1982; Ashton & Berlyn 1994). Plants grown in elevated Ca2 typically have increased Functionally, developing leaves are thought to also rates of photosynthesis leading to greater carbohydrate produce a hormonal signal (i.e. auxin) which stimulates availability (Cave et al. 1981). Increases in assimilate differentiation of xylem. Thus, amount of leaf area transport and carbohydrate availability in shoot apical dictates stem area produced (Taylor et al. 1994; Atkinson meristems may increase rates of cell division as & Taylor 1996), assuring functional equilibrium between discussed above (Kinsman et al. 1997). Furthermore, leaves and stems. In a broader context, rates of leaf increased tissue water availability resulting from en- development, leaf area duration, and leaf effciency (a hanced water-use effciency (WUE) and increased root function of anatomy, ultrastructure, and biochemistry) proliferation could contribute to greater rates of cell throughout the growing season dictate the rate of canopy expansion due to increased cell (Sasek & closure and the yearly canopy productivity index (CPI, Strain 1989). These factors combined intuitively suggest annual production of wood per unit of leaf area). A increased growth, excess tissue, mechanical stress, thorough understanding of how increasing Ca2 will increased buckling within apical meristems, and there- impact the dynamics of leaf initiation, morphogenesis fore increased leaf initiation in plants exposed to elevated

(development of shape), histogenesis (development of Ca2 concentrations. However, as discussed earlier, cell internal organization) and phenology will be necessary division may be stimulated to a greater extent in pith rib to: (i) determine the impact of elevated Ca2 on leaf and meristems than in the peripheral meristem region (the whole plant function (ii) determine the effects of these site of lateral organ initiation). functional shifts on ecosystem processes and physiog- Although it is diffcult to determine from the nomy, and (ii) more accurately link vegetation processes literature what effect elevated Ca2 has on leaf with global carbon models and budgets. initiation at apical meristems, it is generally thought

that exposure of plants to elevated Ca2 has only small, if any, effects on rates of leaf initiation per se Leaf initiation (Ackerly et al. 1992). Studies which provide clues about Leaves usually arise from the surface of meristems as initiation of leaf primordia relative to stem or branch primordial ridges or fattened bumps at predictable growth are rare, so it is diffcult to determine whether intervals (plastochrons) and locations (phyllotaxy) increases in whole plant leaf area result from altered around the axis of the plant (Poethig 1997). Though allometric relationships between total stem/branch generally associated with the shoot apical meristem, length and leaf number, or if leaf area simply leaves may arise elsewhere (Clark 1997; Poethig 1997). increases in proportion to greater total branch/stem As recently discussed by Poethig (1997), the relation- length. af 10 reports on leaf area ratio (LAR=total ship between the shoot apical meristem and initiation projected leaf area/total plant dry weight), 50% of leaves has never been established; 'the meristem reported decreases, 30% increases, and 20% no effect, may represent a region (or type of tissue) in which resulting in an average net reduction on LAR of 16% leaves can spontaneously self-organize rather than a (Tables 3, 4, and 5). Summarizing the fndings for 20 structural entity that makes leaf primordia.' Thus, leaf observations of leaf weight ratio (LWR=leaf weight/ morphogenesis is discussed separately from shoot total plant weight), decreases were observed for 45% morphogenesis in order to refect this functional of species, no change for 55% of species, and LWR discontinuity. never increased. Average net decrease in LWR was Two models, discussed by Poethig (1997), explain how 10%. Decreases in LAR and LWR suggest that plants leaf primordia may arise. In the frst, it is hypothesized allocate less carbon to production of new leaf area at that a feld of cells emerges in the meristem having elevated levels of Ca2. So, although faster rates of leaf circularly arranged cellulose microfbrils. Such a micro- initiation are sometimes reported, these increases are fbril arrangement would cause these cells to expand out probably not of the same magnitude as are increases of the plane of the shoot apical meristem forming the in stem and root growth. Norby (1996) reported the primordial leaf. The second model suggests that leaf average increase in the canopy productivity index to primordia may arise as a result of buckling in outer be 29% in seven tree species grown in elevated Ca2 layers of the meristem in response to mechanical stress in (650-700 ppm) further suggesting that less leaf area is

© 1999 Blackwell Science Ltd., Global Change Biology, 5, 807-837 L

822 S.G. PRITCHARD et al. (1996) (1984a,b) (1984a,b) (1984a,b) (1992) (1981) (1997) (1992) (1992) Taylor Jarvis (1995) (1995) Gifford Gifford Gifford Knecht (1996) . . and (1996) . Rawson al al . and al Powell Stanley and and and and al et et et et and and and Ranisinghe Reference Ferris Teugels Slafer Jongen Radoglou Morison Ryle a'Leary Teugels Morison Morison Ryle NS NS NS NS -14% NS NS NS NS NS NS + (-) (-) + + + NS + +44% + + + + ratio ratio ratio NS NS +39%* -14%* -29%* +46%* length density size mes. mes space space + + mes. growth mes. leaf NS NS area area cell cell cell area area air air activity of width distribution weight inclination development thickness distribution weight weight thickness inclination length

size size changes rate epid. epid. leaf epid. epid. leaf epid. ET ather mes. leaf mes. leaf leaf spikelets/spike - leaves/stolon leaf songy palisade cell cell mes. spongy palisade cell cell mes. leaf leaf leaf stolons/plant leaf leaf - leaf - SLA - -27% - - - + -10% - -18% -14% - - - - /plant - Leaf - - - - NS + +30% ------+19% +20% - area/plant Leaf - - - + - + + LF: +68% +39% + HF: +26% - species +14% -13% C: C: +80% crop

-15% of + NS aT - aT: - - + +5% - a+4 a+4 - - - -

2 640 700 680 700 700 720 700 680 700 680 680 710 680 Ca 1200 characteristics leaf

2 on 2 Ca Ambient Elevated Area/leaf 340 371 340 371 360 360 340 350 350 400 340 340 360 340 Ca elevated d) d) d) leaves d) d) season) season) season) leaves season) season) season) wks) in (35 (35 (30 (1 (1 (1 (1 (1 (1 (25 (90 (5 Location/ � Duration GC spring aTC summer Phy aTC GH GH aTC GC Phy Phy GC GH (2 m) GH GC growth of vulgaris repens Effects aestivum arundinacease perenne 4 Species �haseolus �estuca �riticum �rifolium Lolium Table

© 1999 Blackwell Science Ltd., Global Change Biology, 5, 807-837 R

ELEVATED Ca 2 AND PLANT STRUCTURE: A REVIEW 823 (1984a,b) (1984a,b) (1984a,b) (1984a,b) (1983) (1992) (1990) Gifford Gifford Gifford Gifford Harvey (1983) . . . al al al and and and and and (1968) et et et (1979) (1979) Thomas Madsen Reference Wong Wong Rogers Morison Ackerly Morison Morison Garbutt Morison NS NS NA NS -13% -17% -14% NS NS NS -15% NS NS NS -15% +180% -68% +19% NS +43% NS NS NS -9% NS + NS ratio area ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio area ratio ratio ratio ratio (x-sect) (x-sect) (x-sect) -11% -11% NS area area index index ratio + leaf leaf leaf NS area area area leaf leaf area area area thickness thickness weight thickness thickness thickness weight weight weight weight weight weight weight weight weight weight area weight

size changes leaf mes. epid. cell cell ather leaf mes. epid. leaf leaf leaf - - leaf mes. epid. stem branch leaf leaf leaf leaf leaf leaf leaf plastchr. plastchr. stem branch leaf leaf leaf leaf leaf - - - SLA - -18% - - - - - NS -18% -22% NS -14% NS -11% - - -30% -16% -11% (-) NS /plant - - - Leaf ------C:+93% C:-75%

+++ - ++ area/plant Leaf - +14% + +60% +10% - - +40% +14% +56% +39% NS +31% +15% @28 @38 +40% +57% +42% (-) +29% ------


910 520 718 718 680 520 640 640 910 680 680 680 700 700 680 Ca 1000

2 Ca Ambient Elevated Area/leaf

340 400 340 340 330 330 340 340 340 400 350 340 d)

m) d) d) d) d) season) season) season) season) (45 (3 (1 (1 (1 (29 (40 (40 (31 (1 Location/ � Duration aTC GH Phy aTC GH GH Phy Phy Phy Phy Phy Phy Phy GH GH Phy Phy Phy Phy purpureum esculentum spp. hirsuium annuus vulgare bicolor napus a�uatica sativa unguiculata faba mays Species Lycopersicon �ea Gossypium �elianthus �igna Macroptilium Ory�a �halaris Amaranthus Sorghum Brassica �ordium �icea

© 1999 Blackwell Science Ltd., Global Change Biology, 5, 807-837 L

824 S.G. PRITCHARD et al. (1983) (1987) Harvey (1983) (1992) . . . al al al (1989) and et . et et al et Reference Leadley Rogers Rogers Thomas Vu

(-) + + +32% +23% +53% (-) NS +25% NS +45% +39% + NS area NS NS -41% area +12% area area area area + + ++ +131% +35% +33% +31% + area area area area space leaf ratio ratio ratio area (x-sect) (x-sect) (x-sect) surface mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes. mes mes. leaf + area area area cell weight weight weight thickness thickness thickness thickness x-sect. thickness thickness thickness thickness

area:total ather changes leaf leaf leaf leaf mes. leaf vt palisade leaf palisde leaf spongy palisade leaf leaf epid. leaf spongy epid. leaf spongy palisade palisade epid. leaf cell intercellular treatments. chamber. SLA -10% -44% -14% ------37% water or branch BC, fertility of /plant Leaf ------phytotron; mean *, phy, signifcant; chamber; top Leaf area/plant +53% +75% ------open statistically years. not aTC, y, house; months, fertility; , ------+56% - - - - glass m, high GH, days, HF, d,

2 Ca chamber;

520 645 718 910 700 520 718 910 800 fertility; containers. low growth in LF,

GC, 2 grown Ca Ambient Elevated Area/leaf

340 348 350 340 330 nitrogen; were weight); high endotransglycosylase. dry table leaf HN, this d) d)

d) in m) d) (45 (3 (45 xyloglucan (18 (45 cited nitrogen; area/total Location/ Duration � Phy Phy Phy aTC aTC Phy aTC GC low (leaf LN, area experiments leaf all temperature; ET, Continued sativa sativa signifcant; max from 4. sativum specifc not ambient Plants Species � �isum Medicago Raphinus Glycine aT, NS, SLA, Table

© 1999 Blackwell Science Ltd., Global Change Biology, 5, 807-837 R

ELEVATED Ca 2 AND PLANT STRUCTURE: A REVIEW 825 required to produce a given amount of stem tissue in Ceulemans et al. 1995; �opulus, Gardner et al. 1995), and

Ca2 enriched atmospheres. cell size (Lycopersicum esculentum, Madson 1968; �opulus clones, Radoglou & Jarvis 1992; �. media, Taylor et al. 1994; 3 herbs, Ferris & Taylor 1994) or a combination of both Leaf expansion (�haseolus vulgaris, Ranasinghe & Taylor 1996). It appears that no single process has been identifed as being After the primordial leaf is initiated, it grows up into a responsible for greater leaf lamina size in plants grown in peg-like leaf axis. This growing leaf axis has an apical elevated Ca . Existing studies, however, do suggest that meristem at the tip which increases leaf height, and 2 greater cell expansion may play a larger role in effecting marginal meristems, plate and adaxial meristems which larger leaf size that does enhanced cell division (Murray increase leaf width and thickness (Esau 1977). Like all 1997). other developing plant organs, growth rates and patterns Although studies evaluating numbers and sizes of leaf of leaves are governed by cell division, cell wall loosen- cells in relation to total leaf size may provide insight into ing, cell wall extensibility, and cell turgor. As mentioned the specifc growth processes infuenced by Ca2 levels, earlier, there has been some discussion concerning which they do not provide a mechanistic basis for this response. of these processes is most affected by elevated Ca . This 2 Taylor et al. (1994) undertook an explanation of the question is perhaps most pertinent for growth of leaves cellular mechanisms driving increased cell expansion

(as opposed to stems and roots) because they exhibit in leaves. They examined two species exhibiting different determinate growth. Any deviation in either cell division responses to elevated Ca2; �lantago media leaves increase or cell expansion could cause signifcant alterations in in size due to greater cell size while leaves of Anthyllis fnal size, anatomy, allometric relationships, and resul- vulneraria are unresponsive to elevated Ca2. They found tant leaf function. that for �lantago, both cell wall plasticity and elasticity Leaf growth is frequently altered by differences in were increased in leaves grown in elevated Ca2 implying plant water potential (Boyer 1968; Yegappan et al. 1982; that cell wall relaxation had occurred. They found no Taylor et al. 1994); water limitations lead to inhibition of effects of elevated Ca2 on Anthyllis cell walls which both cell expansion and cell division (Jones 1985). This, paralleled its overall lack of response to Ca2 enrichment. coupled with the observation that growth in elevated ather investigators have temporally separated the Ca2 enhances the effciency of water use, has led several processes of cell division and cell expansion in �haseolus authors to attribute increased leaf growth for plants vulgaris in an attempt to elucidate the mechanisms grown in elevated Ca2 to greater cell turgor pressure underlying increased cell expansion in leaves of plants (Madson 1968). For example, Sasek & Strain (1989) grown in elevated Ca2 (Taylor et al. 1994; Ranasinghe & reported that turgor pressure in developing leaves of Taylor 1996). These studies offer three pieces of evidence �ueraria lobata was twofold greater in plants grown in suggesting that growth in elevated Ca2 caused larger elevated Ca2 than for those grown in ambient Ca2 leaf cells by increasing cell wall loosening and extensi- which, they suggested, resulted in increased leaf expan- bility. First, they were able to directly measure increased sion rates and greater leaf expansivity. However, cell wall extensibility; second, they observed that cell increased turgor pressure can result in increased cell wall yield turgor was reduced; and third, activity of expansion only when accompanied by cell wall relaxa- xyloglucan endotransglycosylase ( ET) was signifcantly tion. In fact, biochemical and molecular properties increased. ET is a putative cell wall loosening governing cell wall relaxation and expansivity are thought to function by cutting and rejoining xyloglucan thought to be of overriding importance in the control of molecules which connect adjacent microfbrils. cell growth (Cosgrove 1993, 1997; Taylor et al. 1994). Although data suggest that increases in cell expan- If greater turgor pressure alone is not suffcient to sion may contribute to larger leaf size more than account for the increases in leaf growth commonly increased cell division, this is certainly not the case in reported for plants grown in elevated Ca2, then either all species or in the same species at all times of the cell wall relaxation, cell division, or both must be year (Tables 3,4 and 5). Ferris et al. (1996) reported that affected. Examining leaf cell size and number may reveal in Lolium perenne, exposure to elevated Ca2 differen- which of these is most affected by elevated Ca2. tially impacted leaf growth in the spring compared to Increased leaf size associated with larger cells suggests summer. In the spring, leaf area increased due to that cell expansion has been stimulated, while increased increased cell expansion, more epidermal cells per leaf size associated with more cells may imply stimula- leaf, and increased mesophyll area. However, in the tion of cell division. Indeed, published studies attribute summer, there was a negative effect of elevated Ca2 greater leaf growth to increases in cell number (Tables 3, on leaf cell expansion, epidermal cell length, and 4 and 5) (L. corniculatus, Taylor et al. 1994; �opulus clones, mesophyll cell area. There is growing evidence for

© 1999 Blackwell Science Ltd., Global Change Biology, 5, 807-837 826 S.G. PRITCHARD

Table 5 Effects of growth in elevated Ca2 on leaf characteristics of native, non-woody species.

�Location/ Ambient Elevated Leaf Leaf ather leaf

Species Duration Ca 2 Ca 2 Area/leaf area/plant /plant SLA Changes Reference

Desmodium paniulatum Phy (33 d) 350 1000 - +22% - -19% leaf area ratio -36% Wulff and Strain (1981) et

leaf area duration +34% al. Lotus corniculatus GC (3 m) 350 700 - NS - -18% leaf area ratio -17% Carter et al, (1997) leaf weight ratio NS GC (45 d) 345 590 +37% - - - epid cell leaf + sd Ferris and Taylor (1994) epid cell / leaf area + Sanguisorba minor GC (45 d) 345 590 +31% - - - epid cell / leaf area + Anthyllis vulneraria GC (45 d) 345 590 NS - - - altered leaf shape epid cell / leaf area + Lonicera �aponica GC (54 d) 350 675 - +50% - (-) - Sasek and Strain (1991) 1000 - +50% - (-) - Lonicera sempervirensr GC (54 d) 350 675 - NS - + - 1000 - NS - + - �lantago media GC (45 d) 345 590 +27% - - - epid cell / leaf area + Feris and Taylor (1994) ©

1999 Layia platyglossa GC (1 season) 300 700 - - - - leaf thickness +16% St. amer and Horvath (1984) vt. area NS

Blackwell phloem area +67% xylem cell diam. NS xylem cell NS sieve element diam. +29%

Science �ichhornia cassipes GC (4 wks) 330 600 NS +40% +27% - leaf area index +46% Spencer and Bowes (1986) �araxicum of�cinale GH (4 m) 350 700 NS NS NS -64% altered area:perimeter Thomas and Bazzaz (1996) altered length:width leaves ''toothier'' Ltd., �ueraria lobata Phy (45 d) 350 675 + +22% - - 1f. expansion rt. +40% Sasek and Strain (1989) 1f. production rt. +12% Global 1000 + +54% - - (above values are averaged for the two Ca2 levels) Change Abutilon theophrasti GH (53 d) 360 700 - NS - NS vertical distribution of Hirose et al. (1996) leaf area NS Biology, 5, 807-837 R


Wolfenden (1992) (1990) (1990) (1996) . . . Barta . al and al al (1990) al . et et et et al and et Ackerly Hirose Garbutt Garbutt Reference Newberry Gloser Idso of NS +32% lifespan + + (-) rate

increased index + ratio ratio NS ratio girth distribution rate +36% leaf

decreased area area area length area number leaf plastochron vertical leaf Changes leaf leaf ather then tiller leaf relative growth leaf +116% treatments chamber. (-) - - - NS (-) (-) SLA - - water or branch BC, fertility

of ------/plant Leaf +39%* +75% phytotron; mean *, phy, signifcant; NS chamber; C:

top 18 (-) 28 C: +55% 38 C: NS NS (-) - area/plant Leaf NS - open statistically years. not aTC, y, house; months; fertility; , - - - - (-) - Area/leaf +18% glass m, high GH, days; HF, d,

2 Ca chamber; 700 700 700 700 610 700 650 fertility; containers. low growth in LF,

GC, 2 grown Ca Ambient Elevated 400 350 350 360 350 360 350 nitrogen; were weight); high dry table HN, leaf this in m) d) d) wks) season) season) m) (5 (31 (1 (1 (53 (23 (1 nitrogen; cited area/total Location/ Duration GH GH GH GH � GH GC aTC low (leaf LN, area experiments leaf epige�os all odorata artemissifolia signifcant; capillaris from specifc not Plants Species � Ambrosia NA, SLA, Agrostis Calamagrostis Nymphaea

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828 S.G. PRITCHARD et al.

some species that elevated Ca2 stimulates early Leaf ultrastructure expansion of leaves but that the effect then diminishes Along with biochemical and biophysical studies, ultra- with time ultimately resulting in leaves of similar size structural data may provide useful information about ( �inus taeda, Tolley & Strain 1984; �opulus, Radoglou & cellular processes that drive increased leaf growth at Jarvis 1990a; �opulus clones Taylor et al. 1994; �inus high levels of Ca . Robertson & Leech (1995) reported palustris, Pritchard et al. 1998; Glycine max, Sims et al. 2 increased leaf growth rate in 7-day-old �riticum aestivum 1998). Nevertheless, increased rates of leaf expansion seedlings which they attributed to increased cell and could signifcantly impact total plant productivity even chloroplast expansion. Although cell and chloroplast if leaves do eventually reach identical fully expanded profle (cross-sectional) areas were greater, the number, size (Sasek & Strain 1989). positioning, shape and internal organization (granal stacking) of were unaffected by elevated

Lamina si�e Ca2. However, chloroplasts from leaves developing in elevated Ca contained far less starch than those grown Regardless of the cellular mechanisms involved, expo- 2 in ambient conditions. An increase in mitochondrial sure to elevated Ca more often than not results in 2 biogenesis in basal leaf cells after only 12 h postmitosis increased area per leaf, greater leaf thickness, more (Robertson et al. 1995) suggested that this decrease in leaves per plant, and higher total leaf area per plant starch was probably due to increased rates of respiration. (Tables 3, 4 and 5). In 19 reports of surface area per leaf, The decrease in chloroplast starch at 7 days resulting 58% exhibited greater area per leaf, 37% were not from growth in elevated Ca was not observed in older affected, and 11% had decreased leaf area. In two other 2 (4 weeks) wheat plants. Studies of mature leaves exposed reports increased area per leaf was reported in fertile soil to elevated Ca often report more and larger starch but was not observed when plants were not fertilized. In 2 grains which in some cases may inhibit chloroplast 16 reports in which leaf thickness was measured, structure and function. For example, several studies thickness usually increased (81%), but sometimes was have attributed the phenomenon of photosynthetic unaffected (19%) by elevated Ca . For 63 observations of 2 acclimation to elevated Ca to disruptions in chloroplast total leaf area per plant, growth in elevated Ca resulted 2 2 integrity caused by excessive starch accumulation (Cave in increases more than half the time (57%), sometimes et al. 1981; Wulff & Strain 1981; Ehret & Jolliffe 1985; Yelle resulted in no change (25%), and 10% decreased; 5% et al. 1989). Reductions in granal stacking and/or exhibited increases when fertilized and no effect when mechanical disruption of chloroplast structure induced unfertilized, and 3% of species exhibited increased leaf by elevated Ca may, in some species, only occur when area at 28 C but decreased area at 38 C. Leaf area 2 soil N is limiting (Kutik et al. 1995), or when both soil N increased for one species during the spring, but and water are limiting (Pritchard et al. 1997). Investigat- decreased during the summer. The average net increase ing leaf cell ultrastructure over time, beginning with leaf in leaf area per plant was 24%. Crop species exhibited the initiation and ending with leaf sencescence, might prove greatest average increase in whole plant leaf area (+ 37%) useful in elucidating the cellular mechanisms involved in compared to trees (+ 14%) and wild, nonwoody plants leaf expansion, and further, could provide insight into (+ 15%). In addition to altered LAR, LWR, leaf area per photosynthetic acclimation and the general decrease in plant and leaf size, decreases in specifc leaf area response to elevated Ca reported to occur over time. (SLA=leaf area/total leaf dry weight) have often been 2 the result of altered anatomy or increased starch accumulation. af 49 observations, 78% reported a Leaf anatomy decrease in SLA, 18% showed no signifcant difference, and 4% increased. This resulted in an average net In addition to altered leaf expansion (resulting in changes decrease in SLA (- 16%). Tree species and wild, non- in leaf size, number, total leaf area per plant, and woody species exhibited the most appreciable reduction ultrastructure), changes in internal anatomy and leaf

in SLA (- 14% and - 20%; Tables 1, 2) compared to crop shape are often observed in plants grown in elevated Ca2 species (- 6%; Table 3). It is generally thought that (Tables 3, 4, and 5). For example, an extra layer of palisade decreases in specifc leaf area result from increased cells has been observed in Glycine max (Rogers, Thomas & accumulation of leaf total nonstructural Bingham 1983; Thomas & Harvey 1983; Vu et al. 1989) and (TNC), and accumulation of TNC occurs when C fxation Castanea sativa (Mousseau & Enoch 1989) grown in

exceeds C utilization. Therefore, crop species would be elevated Ca2. Studies typically report increased total expected to accumulate less TNC because of rapid mesophyll cross­sectional area in leaves from plants

growth rates and high sink activity than more slowly grown in elevated Ca2 (�inus radiata, Conroy et al. 1986; growing, nutrient limited natural species. �opulus trichocarpa, Radoglou & Jarvis 1990a; �opulus,

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Radoglou & Jarvis 1992) although reductions have also per unit of needle volume when N was limiting. No been reported ( �inus ponderosa, Pushnik et al. 1995). effects, however, were observed on the proportion of

However, effects of elevated Ca2 on leaf anatomy may needle volume allocated to a given tissue type at any vary depending on stage of leaf development, soil needle age. In other studies in which anatomical fertility, and season of the year. For instance, Pritchard allometry was examined, Radoglou & Jarvis (1990a) et al. (1998) found that in the early stages of needle observed no effect of increased Ca2 level on the ratios of development in �inus palustris, elevated Ca2 increased palisade to spongy parenchyma, spongy parenchyma to needle fascicle volume by 8% and cross-sectional area by total leaf thickness, or palisade parenchyma to total leaf 15% due to increased transfusion tissue area (3%), thickness in �opulus. mesophyll area (17%), and vascular tissue area (7%). But in later stages, fascicle volume was reduced 8% resulting Stomates from 7% shorter needles and reduced mesophyll (19%), vascular tissue (10%), and epidermal (19%) cross- Many studies have reported that growth in elevated Ca2 sectional areas. Conroy et al. (1986) reported that for �inus alters stomatal characteristics. Stomatal density has been radiata, mesophyll area was increased by elevated Ca2 observed to increase (Thomas & Harvey 1983; Gaudillere when P was nonlimiting, but was not affected when P was & Mousseau 1989), decrease (Woodward & Bazzaz 1988), limiting. Ferris et al. (1996) studied Lolium perenne; or stay the same (Mousseau & Enoch 1989; Radoglou & mesophyll area was increased by high Ca2 concentration Jarvis 1990b, 1992; Estiarte et al. 1994; Pritchard et al. 1998) in spring, but was decreased in summer. in plants grown in elevated atmospheric Ca2. Beerling & Vascular tissue area has also been reported to increase Woodward (1995) looked at results from historical in leaves ( �inus taeda, Thomas & Harvey 1983; �inus studies (preindustrial herbarium specimens were com- radiata, Conroy et al. 1986; �inus ponderosa, Pushnik et al. pared to contemporary leaves) and experimental studies, 1995; Glycine max, Leadley et al. 1987; Layia platyglosa, St. and reported that 60% of species show a decline in amer & Horvath 1984) and leaf petioles (Lypersicon stomatal density due to elevated Ca2; this number esculentum, Ho 1977). However, Pritchard et al. (1997) increased to 85% when only experimental data were observed a trend for reduced phloem area in needles of considered. In addition to altered stomatal frequencies, �inus palustris due to fewer, not smaller, cells. They stomatal patterning may be modifed. Boetsch et al. (1996) explained these atypical results by suggesting that the reported that extra subsidiary cells were associated with production of secondary phloem in the two-year-old nearly half of stomatal complexes in �radescantia leaves needles sampled was negatively impacted by growth in grown in elevated Ca2 which suggests that recruitment elevated Ca2. The other studies on pine were conducted of epidermal cells into stomatal complexes was stimu- for shorter durations. Clearly, the lack of data prohibits lated. However, Murray (1995) hypothesized that generalizations about these patterns in either crops or changes in stomatal conductance and WUE resulting other species. from Ca2 enrichment are probably the result of adjust- Increased mesophyll and vascular tissue area com- ments in stomatal apertures, not consistent morphogenic monly reported may be important determinates of both effects on stomatal abundance. Examination of guard/ photosynthetic and assimilate transport capacity. How- subsidiary cell ultrastructure, anatomy, and ontogeny ever, examining allometric relationships between tissue with simultaneous observations of gas exchange may types may be of more use in evaluating the effects of provide a more complete understanding of Ca2 effects elevated Ca2 on leaf function than studies which simply on biophysical and biochemical aspects of stomatal measure leaf thickness. In one study of these relation- functioning. Modelling future responses of vegetation ships, Leadley et al. (1987) reported that although Glycine will require a sound understanding of how stomatal max leaves were thicker when grown in elevated Ca2, anatomy and function are affected by higher Ca2 levels they had less palisade cell surface area per unit of leaf (Wagner et al. 1996). area. Internal cell surface area exposed to intercellular spaces is highly correlated with photosynthesis and Leaf shape water use. Additionally, they found that there was a greater ratio of vascular tissue to total leaf cross-sectional Few studies have examined the effects of elevated Ca2 area in leaves from plants growing in elevated Ca2. on leaf shape even though morphological changes in leaf Pushnik et al. (1995) also observed an increase in the ratio shape may be of greater functional signifcance than of vascular tissue cross-sectional area to total needle changes in leaf level photosynthesis (Niklas & awens cross-sectional area in �inus ponderosa. Pritchard et al. 1989; Niklas 1989; Thomas & Bazzaz 1996). There is some

(1998) reported that for �inus palustris,Ca2 enhancement evidence that carbohydrate availability may be critical in resulted in a 17% reduction in mesophyll cell surface area determining leaf form, at least in species exhibiting

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830 S.G. PRITCHARD et al.

heteroblastic leaf development (Thomas & Bazzaz 1996). sive tabular summary of Ca2 effects on roots please refer Moreover, Ranasinghe & Taylor (1996) found that spatial to Rogers et al. 1994. patterns of cell wall extensibility were altered in leaves The root apical meristem is structurally and function-

from plants grown in elevated Ca2 which they suggested ally different from the shoot apical meristem. In shoots, could lead to alterations in leaf shape. Thomas & Bazzaz branching patterns are determined by events at the shoot (1996) observed shifts in allometric relationships between apical meristem, whereas in roots, lateral organs are leaf area and perimeter, and between leaf length and initiated in the pericycle, some distance distal to the root width in �araxicum of�cinale; and between leaf width and tip (Taylor 1997). Functionally, the root axis exhibits area, leaf length and area, and leaf length and width in negative gravitropism while the shoot axis is positively

�lantago ma�or exposed to elevated Ca2 which caused gravitropic. Finally, roots are thought to play a major role leaves to be more dissected. In contrast, Leadley & in regulating the growth of above-ground plant organs. Reynolds (1989) found no differences in allometric Roots sense the availability of soil water and nutrients, relationships among length, width, and area of Glycine and accordingly alter production and transport of max leaves. It is clear that more attention should be paid hormones such as cytokinins and ABA to shoots, thereby

to leaf shape in studies examining effects of elevated Ca2 modulating the activity of meristematic tissues above the on plant structure and function. ground, as well as expression of genes coding for

In conclusion, although growth in Ca2-enriched photosynthetic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy- atmospheres results in more leaves per plant, leaf lase, carbonic anhydrase, and the small Rubisco subunit initiation is usually reduced relative to whole plant (Aiken & Smucker 1996). growth. Although highly variable, rates and magnitude Because of structural and functional differences of leaf expansion are enhanced (at least temporarily); this between the shoot apical meristem and the root apical results more often from increased cell expansion than meristem, one might expect that the effects of elevated

increased cell division. Increased expansion appears to Ca2 on components of development leading to result from greater cell wall relaxation and/or greater increased shoot growth and altered patterns of cell turgor. Stomatal densities usually decrease, and branching above-ground may not be analogous to mesophyll and vascular tissue cross-sectional areas below-ground processes. Ferris & Taylor (1994) sug- increase contributing to greater total leaf thickness. gested that cell expansion may be stimulated to a Although thicker, leaf organization may suggest struc- greater extent than cell division in roots. They tural shifts that may limit plant capacity to assimilate observed increased root extension rates in Sanguisorba carbon (acclimation). Very little is known concerning the minor, Lotus corniculatus, Anthyllis vulneraria, and

impact of elevated Ca2 on leaf shape, or if growth in �lantago media grown in elevated Ca2. They found

elevated Ca2 will differentially infuence different leaf that cell length was unaffected by Ca2 treatment from types (for example, compound vs. simple, opposite vs. ' 15-25 /mupto' 1 mm behind the growing tip. alternate). Beyond 1 mm, cell length increased at a greater rate in all four species grown in elevated compared to ambient Ca . Also, they observed increased turgor Root development 2 pressure in plants grown in elevated compared to ambient Ca . They concluded that stimulation of root �rimary growth of roots 2 growth was the result of increased cell expansion Plant roots play a crucial role as the interface between caused by cell wall loosening, in concert with higher lithosphere and biosphere. Spatial and temporal root cell turgor pressure, rather than by increased cell structural characteristics govern both plant and soil division. Crookshanks et al. (1998) reported a 40% processes including: (i) root weathering of soil; (ii) input greater mean root cortical cell length in elevated

of carbon to soil; (iii) mining soil for resources; and (iv) compared to ambient Ca2 at a distance of 375 /m erosion (Rogers et al. 1992). And although roots often from the root tip which they attributed to increased exhibit the greatest relative increase in biomass of all cell wall extensibility but fnal cortical cell length,

plant organs when grown in elevated Ca2, there are few however, was unaltered by exposure to elevated Ca2. studies on root structural responses, and thus these Kinsman et al. (1997) reported that increased root responses are poorly characterized (Rogers et al. 1994; growth in Dactylis glomerata was mainly the result of 1997b; Rogers et al. 1997a). Reviews have evaluated the a greater proportion of dividing cells in the apical

effects of elevated Ca2 on roots, and each echoes the meristem. Although they also observed greater mitotic need to further investigate below-ground processes, indices indicative of shortened cell cycles, these effects including root structure (Stulen & den Hertog 1993; were not of suffcient magnitude to cause signifcant Rogers et al. 1994; Rogers et al. 1997b). For a comprehen- changes in root growth. As shown by the contra-

© 1999 Blackwell Science Ltd., Global Change Biology, 5, 807-837 R

ELEVATED Ca 2 AND PLANT STRUCTURE: A REVIEW 831 dictory results of these three studies, further work is effciently explore and mine the same volume of soil needed to elucidate the cellular mechanisms under- instead of stimulating exploration into soil deeper or lying effects of elevated atmospheric Ca2 on stimula- further away. tion of root elongation behind the apical meristem and It is important that more studies focus on effects of also on the events controlling stimulation of lateral elevated Ca2 on root system architecture. The extent of root formation in the pericycle. Use of Arabidopsis root branching has major implications for the effciency thaliana mutants to elucidate the specifc cellular of water and mineral extraction from soil. Additionally, events leading to shifts in root growth as described altered rooting patterns may contribute to root overlap by Crookshanks et al. (1998) currently holds great between adjacent plants, possibly intensifying below- promise see also Schiefelbein et al. (1997) concerning ground competition (Bernston & Woodward 1992). use of Arabidopsis mutants to study mechanistic Perhaps the 31% reduction in root length in the top controls on root development . 10 cm of soil in the assemblage of prairie species resulting

Regardless of the cellular mechanisms involved, from elevated Ca2 (Mo et al. 1992) portends altered root exposure of the plant canopy to elevated Ca2 usually competition. stimulates growth of roots. Rogers et al. (1992) reported a 27% increase in root diameter in the root hair zone, Limitations on carbon assimilation a 23% increase in stele diameter, and a 28% increase in cortex width in Glycine max grown in elevated Ca . 2 Limitations imposed by or structure Increased root diameters have also been reported for �inus taeda (Larigauderie et al. 1994). These results This review has focused primarily on the ways in notwithstanding, St. amer & Horvath (1984) found no which increased plant carbon assimilation may alter difference in stele diameter, diameter of tracheary developmental processes and ultimately plant struc- elements, or wall thickness of tracheary elements of ture. Different plant species, however, are not able to Layia platyglossa roots grown at higher than ambient assimilate carbon to the same extent. Limitations may

Ca2 levels. result from differing physiological strategies employed Besides greater root diameters, increased total root to fx carbon (e.g. C3 vs. C4 vs. CAM photosynthesis) lengths are often observed in plants grown in (Poorter 1993), or from differential capacity to meta- elevated Ca2 (Glycine max, Rogers et al. 1992; Senecio bolize carbohydrates by actively growing plant parts. vulgaris, Bernston & Woodward 1992; �rifolium repens, For example, plants which have rapid growth rates or Jongen, Fay & Jones 1996). This may not be true for very large storage organs are not as prone to all species or for roots at all depths within the same photosynthetic acclimation to elevated Ca2 as slow- species. For example, in �inus taeda grown in elevated growing species with weaker sinks. Photosynthesis, as

Ca2, the upper lateral root fraction increased but the with most other biochemical processes in living proportion of remaining root components generally organisms, is subject to end-product inhibition. If declined (Larigauderie et al. 1994). Mo et al. (1992) plants are unable to utilize fxed carbon for growth, reported that, although there was no effect of elevated the result is typically an increase in total nonstructural

Ca2 on dry weight in the 0-40 cm depth range, root carbohydrates (and perhaps increased C-based second- length in the 0-10 cm range decreased 31% in an ary compounds) (Poorter et al. 1997). Leaf starch assemblage of tallgrass prairie species. accumulation, as discussed earlier, may inhibit photo-

Differential effects of Ca2 concentration on root synthesis by mechanically altering the integrity of branching may lead to altered root architecture and chloroplasts, and soluble sugars may inhibit photo- altered ability of roots to acquire water and nutrients synthesis by biochemical feedback processes acting at from the soil profle. For example, Bernston & the level of gene expression. Feedback inhibition of Woodward (1992) observed for Senecio vulgaris that photosynthesis may include adjustments in Rubisco exposure to elevated Ca2 caused more horizontal amount or activity, reductions in components of branching angles of roots contributing to greater photosystem II (Pennanen et al. 1993; Van aosten et al. horizontal root spread, and Rogers et al. (1992) 1994), reductions in thylakoid stacking within chloro- observed longer second-order laterals in Glycine max, plasts (Wulff & Strain 1981; Kutik et al. 1995; Pritchard which could lead to deeper root penetration and thus et al. 1997), or a shortage of cytosolic inorganic greater exploration of soil for nutrients and water. phosphates (Stitt 1991). Conversely, Del Castillo et al. (1989) reported that In addition to limitations on carbon assimilation

Glycine max grown in elevated Ca2 had more roots imposed by mechanical and biochemical processes due to increased branching rather than longer roots. within source leaves and from limitations resulting from Increased root numbers may enable plants to more weak sink activity, there may be other structurall

© 1999 Blackwell Science Ltd., Global Change Biology, 5, 807-837 832 S.G. PRITCHARD et al. functional attributes that may also limit plant capacity experimental methodology). These studies will fll to exploit the extra carbon available in a higher Ca2 important gaps in our understanding of plant response world. For example, Koorner et al. (1995) found that, to global change, and these new data will likely modify following exposure to elevated Ca2, species which load our existing understanding of plant physiological and phloem symplastically accumulated 41% total leaf non- structural responses to elevated Ca2 levels. structural carbohydrates compared to 25% in species which exhibit apoplastic phloem loading (see also Poorter et al. 1997). This implies that plant species may Research recommendations be 'predisposed' to respond to increasing atmospheric

Ca2 based not only on photosynthetic capacity and sink Review of the extant data on the infuence of elevated strength, but also on the effciency of assimilate transport atmospheric Ca2 levels on plants has revealed the need from sources to sinks. Pritchard et al. (1997) suggested for focused efforts on nearly every aspect of plant that differences in structure (e.g. vein confgurations, development and structure. We recommend that the plasmodesmatal connectivity, sieve cell organization and following be taken into consideration in future research form, absence or presence of P-protein), that refect on the effects of elevated Ca2 on plant structure. different strategies for short-distance assimilate trans- 1 How shifts in cellular (cell division and cell expansion) port, phloem loading, and long-distance phloem trans- and higher level (morphogenesis and histogenesis) port, may, in part, account for observed differences in growth processes contribute to alterations in leaf, branch, response patterns of woody broadleaf plants and conifers stem, and root structure. (Ceulemans & Mousseau 1994; Pushnik et al. 1995). 2 Whether increased cell division is driven by greater Clearly, future studies should attempt to understand rates of cell expansion or is transduced via molecular plant response to elevated Ca2 not only in the context of cues such as sucrose, cyclins, ET, expansins, cytokinins plant physiological strategy (photosynthetic pathway) or or other molecules important in controlling the cell cycle patterns of biomass accumulation, but also in the context and cell wall mechanical properties. of plant structural attributes. 3 How cell patterning is altered during morphogenesis and histogenesis resulting in plant organs with different shapes and anatomical organizations, and how cells are Limitations arising as experimental artifacts partitioned to branch and leaf primordia vs. internodes. In almost all of the studies reviewed here, plants were 4 Determine if whole plant growth responses to elevated grown individually in pots. This could cause concern for Ca2 may be predictable based on specifc developmental two reasons: (i) frst, container grown plants may exhibit events occurring within meristematic tissues. This may greater down-regulation in rates of photosynthesis due prove useful in the search for plant functional types. to a source-sink imbalance resulting from root constric- 5 Alterations in plant allometry including shifts in tion (Arp 1991), and/or from nutrient limitations that scaling relationships evident at subcellular (e.g. chlor- sometimes plague pot studies (McConnaughay et al. oplasts:mitochondria), anatomical, and morphological 1993), or (ii) individually grown plants may exhibit levels. Structural alterations in plant organs resulting greater plasticity than plants grown in competition. from growth in elevated Ca2 must be considered in the Furthermore, the tree species studied were typically context of whole plant responses instead of considering seedlings and therefore, may not accurately refect single or processes in isolation. structural responses of mature trees. Moreover, in many 6 Anatomical studies of primary and secondary stem cases, plant growth responses to elevated Ca2 may be and branch anatomy in conjunction with measures of mediated by nutrient availability (Conroy et al. 1990b; hydraulic conductivity will facilitate a more complete Prior et al. 1997; Sims et al. 1998) which many published understanding of plant resistance to drought and frost as studies have not adequately addressed. It is becoming well as revealing potential shifts in functional relation- evident that experimental approaches must go beyond ships of leaves and stems. simply evaluating the response of isolated container 7 It has been suggested that compound leaves have a grown plants to elevated Ca2 levels in favour of in- much greater capacity for indeterminate growth than ground studies in which plants are grown at densities simple leaves (Poethig 1997). Is there a differential Ca2 refective of either the natural or agricultural ecosystems response between plants with compound vs. simple where they typically occur. Recently, FACE (free air Ca2 leaves? enrichment) studies, and open top feld chambers are 8 The role of ultrastructural, anatomical, and morpho- beginning to be used more regularly to conduct multi- logical leaf adjustments in the downregulation of photo- factor in-ground experiments or to study entire ecosys- synthesis rates often observed after prolonged exposure tems (see Saxe et al. 1998 for a recent discussion on to elevated Ca2.

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9 Alterations in plant micromorphology including, but authors thank R.R. Dute, G.B. Runion, and M.L. Davis for not limited to, root hair and leaf trichome density and critical reviews of this manuscript. structure. Trichomes are vital in protecting plants against pathogens and herbivores and root hair characteristics References have a major infuence on water and mineral uptake. Ackerly DD, Coleman JS, Morse SR, Bazzaz FA (1992) Ca2 and temperature effects on leaf area production in two annual Conclusions plant species. �cology, 73, 1260-1269. Aiken RM, Smucker AJM (1996) Root system regulation of It is clear from this review that the effects of elevated Ca2 whole plant growth. Annual Review of �hytopathology, 34, 325- on plant development and structure are both many and 346. varied. The necessity of understanding the infuence of Allen LH Jr, Amthor JS (1995) Plant physiological responses to elevated Ca2, temperature, air pollution, and UV-B radiation. growth in elevated Ca2 on cellular developmental In: Biotic �eedbacks in the Global Climatic System: Will the processes, and bridging these basic growth mechanisms Warming �eed the Warming? (eds Woodwell GM,Mackenzie to higher level structure and function, is emerging. FT), pp. 51-84. axford University Press , New York. Ackerly et al. (1992) were correct in their assertion that Amthor JS (1995) Terrestrial higher-plant response to increasing

'elucidation of the relationship between individual atmospheric Ca2 in relation to the global carbon cycle. developmental processes and whole plant growth has Global Change Biology, 1, 243-274. proven much more diffcult than the comparable analysis Anderson AS (1976) Regulation of apical dominance by of the mechanistic basis of carbon assimilation and water ethephon, irradiance and Ca2. �hysiologia �lantarum, 37, relations.' However, in spite of these diffculties, several 303-308. Arp WJ (1991) Effects of source-sink relations on photosynthetic recent studies have provided inroads towards disentang- acclimation to elevated Ca2. �lant, Cell and �nvironment, 14, ling the effects of elevated Ca2 on the separate but 869-875. interdependent processes governing growth and devel- Ashton PMS, Berlyn GP (1994) A comparison of leaf physiology opment including cell division, cell expansion, primor- and anatomy of �uercus environments. American Journal of dium initiation, cell differentiation, and organogenesis. , 81, 589-597. Atkinson CJ, Taylor JM (1996) Effects of elevated Ca on stem The most signifcant direct effect of elevated Ca2 on 2 plant growth is certainly an increase in carbohydrate growth, vessel area and hydraulic conductivity of oak and cherry seedlings. New �hytologist, 133, 617-626. availability and increased water-use effciency. Ulti- Atkinson CJ, Taylor JM, Wilkins D, Besford RT (1997) Effects of mately, both increased carbon and more effcient water elevated Ca2 on chloroplast components, gas exchange and use combine to stimulate either by growth of oak and cherry. �ree �hysiology, 17, 319-325. promoting cell division, cell expansion, or both. Atmo- Bazzaz FA (1990) The response of natural ecosystems to the spheric Ca2 levels predicted for the next century there- rising global Ca2 levels. Annual Review of �cology and fore will likely result in faster seasonal, and successional Systematics, 21, 167-196. canopy development and closure. The ability of a given Beerling DJ, Woodward FI (1995) Stomatal responses of species within the canopy to exploit extra carbon, variegated leaves to Ca2 enrichment. Annals of Botany, 75, 507-511. however, will largely be a function of its inherent Bernston GM, Woodward FI (1992) The root system architecture physiological and structural attributes integrated with and development of Senecio vulgaris in elevated Ca2 and anatomical/morphological plasticity. Some species are drought. �unctional �cology, 6, 324-333. likely to overtop others. A more thorough mechanistic Bezemer TM, Jones TH (1998) Plant-insect herbivore interac- understanding of the ways elevated Ca2 will impact tions in elevated atmospheric Ca2: quantitative analysis and structure will emerge as plant biologists develop a better guild effects. Oikos, 82, 212-222. knowledge of how plant developmental processes are Boetsch J, Chin J, Ling M, Croxdale J (1996) Elevated carbon dioxide affects the patterning of subsidiary cells in �radescan- regulated. tia stomatal complexes. Journal of �xperimental Botany, 47, 935- 931.

Bowes G (1991) Growth at elevated Ca2: photosynthetic Acknowledgements responses mediated through Rubisco. �lant, Cell and �nviron-

This work is supported by Interagency Agreement No. DE- ment, 14, 795-806. AI05-95ER62088 from the U.S. Department of Energy, Boyer JS (1968) Relationship of water potential to growth of Environmental Sciences Division and by the Experimental leaves. �lant �hysiology, 43, 1056-1062. Program to Stimulate Competitive Research, U.S. Environ- Brown K, Higginbotham Ka (1986) Effects of carbon dioxide mental Protection Agency, Contract No. R826259-01. Any enrichment and nitrogen supply on growth of boreal tree opinions, fndings, and conclusions or recommendations seedlings. �ree �hysiology, 2, 223-232. expressed in this publication are those of the authors and Carter EB, Theodorou MK, Morris P (1997) Responses of Lotus do not necessarily refect the views of the U.S. Department of corniculatus to environmental change. New �hytologist, 136, Energy or the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The 245-253.

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