
Time and a Word: The Yes Story

For his landmark 50th book, top rock writer Martin Popoff abandons his metal musings to celebrate the long and legendary life of Yes, a band he has loved since the 1970s.

Using a timeline format, Popoff disentangles the long and convoluted tale of the band’s hirings and firings, their inspired creations, live triumphs and studio victories (as well as the occasional controversial failure.)

With original interviews from Anderson, Bruford, Howe, Squire, Wakeman, Downes, White and many others, the tale unfolds via an exhaustive chronology designed to satisfy the most knowledgeable of Yes fans. You just might learn what “ to the Edge” actually means, or why and might be seen prowling the junkyard for car parts!

Not content with charting the band’s history, Popoff covers the major projects outside of the Yes umbrella, such as Asia, GTR and ’s extravaganzas, to paint the whole picture.

If you’ve been moved by classic such as Fragile , , or Going for the One , or more recent offerings like and Heaven and Earth , you’ll love this book, which perfectly captures the spirit of ’s first and biggest and best act of crack musicians bent on bending your perceptions of what rock can be.

Here’s a link to my Goldmine article on why Yes should be in the Rock Hall: http://www.goldminemag.com/article/yes-belong-rock-roll-hall-fame

Price including shipping: US orders: 33.00 US funds Int’l orders (all books go air): $38.00 US funds Canadian orders: $36.00 Cdn. funds

PayPal happily accepted. Ask me if you’d like a PayPal invoice (please indicate what country you are in), or just do yer usual and direct funds to [email protected]

Sweet postage savings to be had for multiple orders (or two of pretty much anything—long story, ask me!), especially for US orders.

Or mail payment (personal check in US funds, cash, or INTERNATIONAL money order), to: Martin Popoff P.O. Box 65208, 358 Danforth Ave. Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4K 2Z2 Email me at [email protected] with any further questions, and see www.martinpopoff.com for descriptions, cover art and ordering info for my other available 30 or so books (and no, Time and a Word: The Yes Story won’t be up at the site for another 10 days or so but we are indeed taking orders!

See www.martinpopoff.com for info on my 52 books. Latest are: Swords and Tequila: Riot's Classic First Decade Kickstart My Heart: A Motley Crue Day-by-Day Who Invented Heavy Metal?

Martin Popoff, PO Box 65208, 358 Danforth Ave., Toronto, Ontario M4K 2Z2